How many programs does the school have? Primary school educational programs

Above. It made it possible to teach and raise a child who approached secondary school fully armed.

In the early 90s, the relevant services began to pay special attention to programs. As a result, many options for teaching first-graders were born. Currently, about ten basic programs are offered to help children develop their inclinations. At least that's what it looks like on paper.

According to the Education Law, each school has the right to independently choose one or another program. Parents have the opportunity to choose a training option based on the abilities and level of learning of the child, since there are complex programs, and there are simpler ones.

"School of Russia"

The most traditional school program is the “School of Russia”. It was taught in Soviet times. It is designed for almost all students. Naturally, it was modernized and new knowledge was added to develop logic. At the same time, it is easily digestible. Probably, it is the “School of Russia” that acts as the most universal and best program for the majority of children.

Zankov development program

This program is designed to give the child maximum theory, then at a certain moment he will have a boost in development. The material is given as quickly as possible, in almost all areas of life.

There are no major or minor subjects here. Each lesson is built in the form of a dialogue, there are search and creative tasks. The program is more difficult than the “School of Russia”. Students must be developed and prepared. If the child did not attend kindergarten, it will be difficult for him to master this version of the program.

Elkonin-Davydov development program

A very complex program aimed at developing theoretical thinking in children. The student is taught to change independently, putting forward simple hypotheses, while looking for evidence and arguments. This is good for memory. Suitable for children who are slightly ahead of their peers in development.


Teachers believe that this program is designed to teach learning. Many tasks are given that develop logic and intelligence. Many problems are presented in ready-made printed form so that the student can complete them by entering the necessary icons or numbers into the cells.

System interesting topic, which is multi-level, that is, tasks are given separately for strong and lagging children. This approach allows us to take into account the development of each student individually.

"Primary school of the 21st century"

It is a gentle program with a long adaptive period. The authors believe that children adapt to school life only by the end of first grade. Curricula develop thinking and imagination. However, some items can be combined into one. For example, “Gramota” includes Russian language and literature. The program can be suitable for any child.

This program is one of the most painless for children to adapt to school.


Very similar to Zankov’s program, but a little simpler. The program is designed to develop the child in many ways - logic, intelligence, artistic creativity, emotional abilities. The role of the teacher is to create comfortable relationships among students in all respects.

"Promising Primary School"

The program focuses on supra-subject competencies, but not on skills, knowledge and logic. For example, mathematics develops logic and intelligence.

The student will not cram theorems and all kinds of axioms. But children will be encouraged to engage in extracurricular activities. For example, first-graders will also be involved in drawing 10 hours a year, just like music and sports. The program is designed for ordinary children and is suitable for most first-graders.

It is impossible to definitely single out the best program, since everything depends on the child’s developmental characteristics and predispositions. To make the right choice, it is better to talk with teachers who will give recommendations. You should not think that by studying according to Zankov’s program, a child will be smarter than the one who chose School 2100. Everything depends on himself and his innate talents and predispositions.

All public schools in our country teach children educational and methodological programs, which must comply with Federal State Educational Standards - Federal State Educational Standards. However, their very content, as well as teaching methods, may differ significantly. "Littlevan" tried to figure out how the formation of certain educational programs for primary classes, which of them are officially approved for use, and how they differ from each other.

Curricula: general provisions

Many parents of future first-graders are concerned about the question of what program their children will study in, and whether they can somehow influence its choice. According to current legislation and educational standards, each school has the right to create its own. However, it can only be based on educational literature approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 253 (with subsequent amendments, the latest dated April 21, 2016) “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of existing state accreditation educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education" The so-called “federal list” is not a disparate set of textbooks, but several completed subject lines, which, in turn, are an integral part of certain programs - educational and methodological complexes (UMK). Each of them has its own principles and characteristics. The educational complex is created by one team of authors with a specific scientific supervisor.

Thus, a parent can choose a specific curriculum only indirectly - by finding out in advance which school teaches using the textbooks of the educational institution they like, and, if possible, by enrolling their child there (we wrote about the rules for admission to 1st grade here and here). Some schools, in which parallel classes teach different teaching materials, test children to determine the program that is more suitable for them.

What teaching methods are allowed today?

Today the federal list lists textbooks that include the following: educational and methodological complexes:

  • "School of Russia"
  • "RHYTHM",
  • "Perspective"
  • "Initial school XXI century",
  • "Promising Primary School"
  • « Planet of Knowledge»,
  • System of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov,
  • "Elementary innovative school."

The list must be updated once every three years or more often. Thus, since 2014, including on the basis of negative expert opinions, textbooks previously distributed in many countries were removed from it. UMC schools: “School 2000”, “School 2100”, “Dialogue”, “Harmony”. And in the developmental education system of L.V. Zankov, only manuals on fine arts are now recommended!

However, it is worth keeping in mind that all books and notebooks that are no longer included in the federal list can be used for training for another 5 years after the relevant acts enter into force. In addition, over time, some completed subject lines of textbooks within the framework of one educational textbook may be excluded and replaced in the list of recommended ones with new ones (a corresponding order is issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

One more nuance. The teachers themselves primary school have the legal right to choose which textbooks to build on educational process(and follow this choice for all 4 years of study). However, they do not necessarily relate to one specific teaching method. The main thing, we repeat, is that all textbooks are listed on the federal list.


This project of the publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" is currently perhaps the most widespread in Russian schools textbook system. The teaching and learning center has existed since 2001 and has been updated and supplemented more than once since then. Its peculiarity is its focus on the formation of universal educational activities in a child. As advantages of the “Russian School”, parents on note the simplicity, consistency and “understandability” of the presentation of the material (the presence of rules, algorithms for solving problems), as well as the fact that it is most similar to how they were taught in “Soviet childhood” . At the same time, the simplicity of the program, when compared with other educational systems, is also considered one of its disadvantages. Some also note with a minus sign that during training little imagination and their own logical thinking are involved. About authors and textbooks.

Reviews from forum members about the educational complex. , , , , , , , , , .

“RHYTHM” stands for “Development. Individuality. Creation. Thinking”, which very clearly defines the peculiarity of this educational complex. The program integrates all primary school subjects and is based on the principles of revealing the individuality of each student, instilling in him the ability to think creatively and independently. Its basis is a revised, supplemented and brought into conformity with the Federal State Educational Standard of Educational Instructions “Classical Primary School” (previously very common, now its textbooks are excluded from the list of recommended ones). This teaching aid is quite rare in elementary schools now; there are few reviews on it. The textbooks are published by the Drofa publishing house. About authors and textbooks.

Reviews from forum members about the educational complex. , , , , .

Another set of textbooks published by Prosveshchenie. Since 2010, the scientific director of this teaching and learning center has been Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson, laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of education. In contrast to “School 2000”, which was excluded from the federal list, this educational educational complex, with some similar principles, evokes greater sympathy from parents. It is based on the idea that the teacher only pushes towards knowledge; the child must “discover” it himself. At the same time, some say that the program is difficult for average children and is largely designed for intuitive understanding and independent extracurricular work. Other parents, on the contrary, consider its complexity and focus on cognitive activity to be among the advantages of educational training, and recommend it for children with a mathematical mind. About authors and textbooks.

Reviews from forum members about the educational complex. , , , , , , .

According to the methodology of this educational complex, each child acts as a researcher and is an equal subject of the learning process (and not “listened-remembered-repeat”). The program includes many tasks for imagination and ingenuity. The textbook system is published by the VENTANA-GRAF publishing center. It is part of the educational system “Algorithm of Success”. Parents of children enrolled in the program note its confusion and inconsistent presentation of material as disadvantages. Others consider the long period of adaptation of the child to school, the difference from the “Soviet school”, the strong philological component as advantages and call the educational complex “quite adequate and interesting.” Most people agree that it will be easier for those children who entered the 1st grade to learn how to read, but who do not know how to write. About authors and textbooks.

Reviews from forum members about the educational complex. ,

Program "School of Russia" for primary schools - one of the most famous projects in the country by the Prosveshcheniye publishing house. This is the elementary school kit we all learned from in Soviet era, with some changes. The School of Russia educational complex has been operating as a single whole since 2001. The authors of the “School of Russia” program are scientists whose names are known to everyone who works in the primary education system: V.G. Goretsky, M.I. Moreau, A.A. Pleshakov, V.P. Kanakina, L.M. Zelenina, L.F. Klimanova and others.

The main purpose of elementary school, according to the authors, is educational. Hence the tasks: developing in a child human qualities that meet the ideas of true humanity: kindness, tolerance, responsibility, the ability to empathize, willingness to help others; teaching the child conscious reading, writing and arithmetic, correct speech; instilling certain work and health-saving skills; teaching the basics of safe life activity formation of natural motivation for learning.

The primary school program “School of Russia” is considered traditional; most children master it without any problems.

Expert opinion

“I have been working at school with children for many years according to the traditional School of Russia program,” says the primary school teacher secondary school No. 549 Moscow Tatyana Mikhailovna Bobko. “Our parents, I, and my children studied under this program. Everyone's grown up enough educated people. I believe that this program is necessary, it was, is and will always be. The traditional program allows you to thoroughly practice skills educational activities(reading, writing, arithmetic), which are necessary for success in secondary school. IN recent years interesting educational kits have been published that meet modern requirements training (mathematics - author M.I. Moro, Russian language - author T.K. Ramzaeva), which are aimed at developing cognitive abilities student."

Primary school of the 21st century

Educational and methodological kit"Primary school of the 21st century"(edited by N. Vinogradova) is aimed at ensuring “soft” adaptation of children to the new conditions of school life. The program was developed by a team of scientists from the Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow State pedagogical university, Russian Academy advanced training and retraining of education workers, Moscow state university. Project leader - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of RAO, Doctor pedagogical sciences, Professor Natalya Fedorovna Vinogradova. The educational system "Primary school" XXI century” is published by the publishing center “VENTANA-GRAF”.

The main objectives of the program are: the formation of the main components of educational activity (if we discuss the student’s position, then this is the answer to the questions “why am I studying”, “what should I do to solve this problem?” learning task", "in what way do I complete the learning task and how do I do it", "what are my successes and what am I failing at").

The organization of the educational process is structured in such a way as to ensure a situation of success for each student and the opportunity to study at an individual pace.

The basic principle of education is that primary school should be nature-appropriate, that is, meet the needs of children of this age (in cognition, communication, diverse productive activity), take into account the typological and individual characteristics of their cognitive activity and level of socialization. The student is not just a “spectator”, “listener”, but a “researcher”. Based on the principles, we can assume that this program will be comfortable for children who need a gentle adaptation to everything new to them, be it a group or a type of activity. All courses have a long preparatory period.

Expert opinion

“I’ve been working on this program for three years now, I really like it,” says Irina Vladimirovna Tyabirdina, a primary school teacher at secondary school No. 549 in Moscow. – I’ll be honest, the material is designed for strong, erudite children. What knowledge a student will have when moving on to secondary school depends on the primary school teacher. That's why main goal is to teach a child to learn. It is important that Vinogradova’s set realizes the child’s right to their individuality: children are placed in conditions where they can independently acquire knowledge, apply it, think, fantasize, play (special notebooks are provided “Learning to think and fantasize”, “Learning to understand the world around us”).” .

Parents' opinions about the program

“We finished studying according to Vinogradova’s program. At first we waited a long time for the children to actually start learning. By the second grade we realized that she was not that easy. It also has some disadvantages: a large number of notebooks, which they do not have time to complete. Well, we, who studied under Soviet programs, don’t like everything about our current education, so we find fault with little things.”

"Promising Primary School"

“Promising Primary School” is the result of many years of work by a team of employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the AIC and PPRO, Moscow State University, and Moscow State Pedagogical University. The educational complex “Prospective Primary School” is published by the publishing house “Akademkniga/Textbook”.

The main idea of ​​the educational complex “Prospective Primary School” is the optimal development of each child based on pedagogical support of his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the conditions of specially organized educational activities, where the student acts either as a student or as a teacher, then in the role of organizer of a learning situation.

"Planet of Knowledge"

The first set of textbooks and programs for primary schools, which fully implement state standard- “Planet of Knowledge”. Among the authors are 4 honored teachers of Russia.

The program is designed taking into account psychological and age characteristics for younger schoolchildren, based on the principle of variability, this creates the possibility of teaching children with different levels of development.

The set’s assignment system provides students with the right to choose, to make mistakes, to help, to succeed, thereby contributing to the creation psychological comfort during training.

Expert opinion

“The program is interesting,” comments a primary school teacher at secondary school No. 353 named after. A.S. Pushkin, Moscow Natalya Vladimirovna Chernosvitova. – A variety of texts on the Russian language and reading were excellently selected. In addition to good reading texts, interesting questions, developmental tasks. The child must come up with a fairy tale, think up the text, and make a drawing. Mathematics is interesting because each task leads the student independently to the answer. Not like in the standard program: the teacher explained - the student completed it. Here's a different approach. Let me draw your attention to the fact that there is a soft transition from the “Planet of Knowledge” to the traditional program. For fourth grade students, we introduce tasks from the fifth grade, so, in my opinion, this program has some advantages. As for reading, everyone says in unison: “Children read great.”

I would like to note that, being ahead of the standard program, “Planet of Knowledge” does not overload students. If we take everyone’s favorite mathematics according to L.G. Peterson, it requires a physical and intellectual approach. To study under the “2100 Program” or “Harmony”, the child must already be prepared. “Planet of Knowledge” can be taught to any children with kindergarten training, including toddlers. Children studying according to this program are noticeably different from those studying according to the classical one. These kids are creative. There is only one downside to this program - it is a change for a teacher who has worked in a traditional program for many years. Although special courses are held for such teachers in the Central District.


A set of textbooks “Development. Individuality. Creation. Thinking" ("RHYTHM") is intended for grades 1-4 educational institutions. The authors of the textbooks are famous scientists and methodologists who have a serious influence on the development of modern primary education. The educational and methodological set (UMK) “RITHM” is published by the publishing house “Drofa”.

The basic principles of the program are that every child: should be successful; is included in active educational and cognitive activities; gets the opportunity to reveal his individuality; learns to think creatively and independently, communicate meaningfully with peers and adults.


Author of the program - scientific supervisor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the Center for System-Active Pedagogy “School 2000” of AIC and PPRO, laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of education - L.G. Peterson. By the way, her personal textbooks are not included in the list of state textbooks.

The educational program "Perspective" was created on a conceptual basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining close connection with the best traditions of the classical school education Russia.

The advantage of training using the Perspective educational complex is that the construction system educational material allows each student to maintain and develop interest in discovering and learning new things.

In textbooks, assignments are presented in such a form that cognitive activity, the child’s cognitive interest and curiosity have grown into the need to learn new things and learn independently. At each lesson, the student, as it were, reveals for himself the content of future topics.

Reviews from parents

“The program is too simple, the math is weak, and little time is devoted to writing. At the school the future first-grader was taught according to Peterson, the child learned more than in the entire first grade using “Perspective”. But it’s perfect for kids who didn’t have much to do before school. All topics are “chewed” for a long time by the teacher. Homework is easily completed without parental input except from the outside world. They systematically assign reports or presentations on it, which the child is not able to complete on his own, so I have to do everything.”

Developmental system L.V. Zankova

L.V. program Zankova is aimed at developing the mind, will, feelings, and spiritual needs of younger schoolchildren, awakening their interest in learning about the wider picture of the world, passion for learning, and the development of curiosity. The task of teaching is to give a general picture of the world based on science, literature, and art.

This program is aimed at providing conditions for self-realization, to reveal the child’s individuality, his inner world. One of the most important tasks is to educate junior school student treating yourself as a value. Training should be focused not so much on the entire class as a whole, but on each individual student. In this case, the goal is not to “bring up” weak students to the level of strong ones, but to reveal the individuality and optimally develop each student, regardless of whether he is considered “strong” or “weak” in the class.

Distinctive feature Zankov’s system is training at a high level of difficulty, passing educational material “in a spiral.” When completing tasks, children learn to draw theoretical conclusions and creatively comprehend the material.

Expert opinion

“I really love the L.V. system. Zankova,” says Nadezhda Vladimirovna Kazakova, deputy director for educational work of secondary school No. 148 in Moscow. “The children I taught in this program are now in seventh grade. As a specialist, I see excellent results in my studies. Schoolchildren are excellent at reasoning and arguing, the development of their horizons compares favorably with their peers, and their performance is higher.”

“The program is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, it teaches children to obtain information themselves, and not receive ready-made information,” L.V. adds about the system. Zankova head methodological unification teachers of primary school No. 148 in Moscow Tatyana Vladimirovna Korsakova. “After finishing primary school under this system, children become more liberated; they have approximately three times more knowledge than their peers.”

System D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova

Educational system D. B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydov has a history of existence of more than 40 years: first in the form of developments and experiments, and in 1996 by the Decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation educational system Elkonina-Davydova was recognized as one of government systems. A special place in this system is given to theoretical knowledge and the logical side of learning. The level of subjects taught is extremely difficult.

The Elkonin-Davydov education system involves the development of a large set of skills in primary school graduates. The child must learn to look for missing information when faced with a new task and test his own hypotheses. Moreover, the system assumes that the younger student will independently organize interaction with the teacher and other students, analyze and critically evaluate his own actions and the points of view of his partners.

The main principle of this system is to teach children to obtain knowledge, to seek it on their own, and not to memorize school truths. The system of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov is suitable for those who want to develop in a child not so much the ability to analyze, but the ability to think unusually, deeply.

In the Elkonin-Davydov system, however, the lack of marks can be daunting. But experts assure that everything is under control: teachers communicate all the necessary recommendations and wishes to parents and collect a kind of portfolio creative works students. It serves as an indicator of progress instead of the usual diary.

Parents of a future first-grader need to understand modern educational programs for primary grades. Unlike Soviet times, when everyone studied from the same textbooks, now teachers and parents have a choice in exactly how the child will receive all the necessary knowledge. And this will depend on the educational system that the student will use in primary school.

What to choose when there are sure to be several schools near your home that teach children according to different systems? Even within the same school, primary school teachers themselves choose which program to work on, and children from parallel classes can study using different educational and methodological complexes.

Currently, there are simultaneously several educational systems that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards). Each of them has its own characteristics, but in general the systems are divided into traditional and developmental. Most schools choose traditional education programs, such as “Russian School”, “Primary School of the XXI Century”, “School 2010”, “Harmony”, “Prospective Primary School”, “Classical Primary School”, “Planet of Knowledge”, “Perspective” . But be prepared for the fact that your child may be offered to study under the developmental programs of Zankov or Elkonin-Davydov. Of course, one should not think that traditional programs do not deal with the development of students; the name is rather conditional. IN general outline, we can say that these types of systems differ in approach: traditional programs offer an explanatory and illustrative approach to teaching a child, developmental ones offer an active one.

All the programs mentioned above are focused on a single educational standard, however, each system has its own way of presenting information and priorities. They differ in the curriculum itself, the degree of workload of the child, the involvement of the parent in the learning process, as well as the overall complexity. Each system offers its own educational and methodological complex, in other words, sets of textbooks, workbooks and didactic materials in all subjects.

The most popular among schools are such educational and methodological complexes as “School of Russia”, “Perspective”, “School 2100”, “Planet of Knowledge” and “Harmony”.

It is a pity that there are few words about the primary school system of the 21st century. My child is currently undergoing training in it. I will say that I am very pleased with the results. I see how the child’s erudition and love for acquiring knowledge grow. I like this system because, first of all, it creates an approach to the child as an individual.

05/03/2018 16:32:40, Nika099

Hello! Thanks for the article. It was very interesting to get acquainted with opinions about various educational systems in Russia.
I want to say that the simplest and most understandable educational program in Russia junior classes- this is Perspective, much more complex than “School of Russia”. The rest are generally very difficult for a small child.
Due to the nature of my work, I am actively looking for answers to the world around me and other subjects, and I am simply amazed at how difficult it is to study now, even in 1st grade. And parents are loaded with various crafts and other creativity...

07.11.2017 21:06:55,

Total 6 messages .

More on the topic "Elementary School Education Program":

The child is in 1st grade, the teacher is very young and not experienced, in her words she is “looking for herself.” I am against my child being used to learning and finding themselves, besides, the teacher, unfortunately, has not become an authority among the children and the picture is deplorable. I decided to transfer my child to another teacher, there is a School 2100 program, according to reviews the teacher is very good and I liked it in personal communication. Tell us, is a very bad program awaiting us?

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The elementary school in No. 57 has the same programs as everyone else. Peterson or Heidman. 05/21/2013 14:14:04, Krasno Solnyshko. But in general, this answer was not about the program, but about the fact that the education system in the USSR was not the worst.

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The elementary school in No. 57 has the same programs as everyone else. Now we carefully read the topic topic: “A unified program in _ primary Educational systems in primary school: how to decide. Even within the same school, primary teachers themselves...

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Please share your feedback on the 21st Century program (Vinogradova). We will go to 1st grade using it. If the child is already well prepared for school, won’t it be boring? What are its pros and cons, what you need to pay attention to and why it would be good to prepare before school in order to successfully study this program. Thank you.

initial, high school and math classes are completely different systems... Among the two (or 3?) math classes in parallel, there was only 1 student from What textbooks are used to teach Russian, mathematics, and English? Educational systems in primary school: how to decide.

Educational systems in primary school: how to decide. School curriculum for first-graders: how they differ and how to choose. Share your impressions of elementary school programs: - Russian school - school 2100 - harmony.

Check out other discussions: Educational systems in primary school: how to decide. Primary school: Russian school, 21st century school, Zankov system - school programs, Federal State Educational Standards standard, Ministry of Education. Externship: Fast school.

My aunt, a primary school teacher, is using Vinogradova for the second time and considers this system to be the best, but only on condition that the teacher has enough experience to connect everything. Educational systems in primary school: how to decide.

Primary school - education program. Education, development. A child from 7 to 10. This is the situation: I was tormented for a long time by choosing a school (the child was 6.6 years old on September 1 - a girl). I came to the conclusion that I want to get from the school: 1. A good, loving and respectful child...

What is the fundamental difference between Russian primary schools for grades 1-3 and grades 1-4? Thanks in advance.

Dedicated to the parents of future first-graders...

You often hear: “We study according to Vinogradova...”, “But in our class they teach according to Zankov.” Unfortunately, most parents can only name the author curriculum, others will say “we were praised for it,” others, perhaps, will talk about specific pros and cons. But in general, the average parent has difficulty understanding how all these programs differ. And no wonder. Really hard to get through scientific style and terminology of pedagogical texts.

So let's figure it out together and try to understand.

Firstly, there is pedagogical system and pedagogical program.

There are only three systems: Zankov system(developmental), Elkonin-Davydov system(developmental) and traditional(see Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2004 N 93).

There are much more programs. In addition to the officially recognized ones, there are many experimental systems, as well as proprietary, in-school ones, which we will not consider in this article.

Schematically it will look something like this:

All systems and programs approved by the Ministry of Education meet the main requirement: they allow the student to acquire the required minimum knowledge. Authorship is manifested in the way the material is presented, additional information, organization of educational activities.

Each system and program has its own author, so to speak, an ideological inspirer. But this does not mean that all textbooks in all subjects were written by him alone. Of course, a whole team worked on compiling the educational and methodological kit! Therefore, the names on your children’s textbooks will naturally be different. But, despite the “collective creativity”, all textbooks within one program have the same:

  • Goal (i.e. the result that should be obtained, the qualities that graduates who have studied in a particular program should ultimately have)
  • Objectives (i.e. those steps by which the goal is achieved)
  • Principles (i.e., features of the organization of training, presentation of material, choice of methods that distinguish one program from another).
  • Content (essentially the same educational material that the child will learn during the learning process. For example, the content of education in philology, mathematics, social studies and natural science. In this part of the program, they differ in that some are limited to the state standard minimum, others include various additional knowledge, concepts, literature, as well as the order of presentation of educational material, which is inextricably linked with the principles.)

There are no bad or good programs. All programs discussed in the article are approved by the Ministry of Education. And the developmental system is no better or worse than the traditional one. In fact, each system is designed for a certain mindset, or, in other words, a way of perceiving and mentally processing information. And these processes are individual for each child. Like metabolism, or say, hair color. Therefore, in the description of each program, we have introduced a section “Features that will allow a child to study successfully in this program,” where we will describe those qualities that it is desirable for a child to have in order to show good results without overexerting himself.

Below we will sometimes give examples of schools that teach one program or another, but in fact, different classes of the same school can study according to different programs, especially where the choice of program is made by the teachers themselves. And that's even good. Different programs and systems require different things from children basic knowledge and skills, and also on the personal qualities of the teacher, it largely depends on whether he will be able to implement the program in full. Therefore, the teacher chooses a program that will allow him to work in the current situation with this particular team.

Zankov's education system

In 1995 - 1996 L.V. Zankov’s system is recognized as a parallel state system of primary education.

Target: the general development of students, which is understood as the development of mind, will, schoolchildren and as a reliable basis for their acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Tasks: One of the most important tasks is to instill in a primary school student an attitude towards himself as a value. Training should be focused not so much on the entire class as a whole, but on each individual student. In this case, the goal is not to “bring up” weak students to the level of strong ones, but to reveal the individuality and optimally develop each student, regardless of whether he is considered “strong” or “weak” in the class.

Principles: student independence, creative comprehension of the material. The teacher does not give schoolchildren the truth, but forces them to “get to the bottom” themselves. The scheme is the opposite of the traditional one: first examples are given, and students themselves must draw theoretical conclusions. The learned material is also reinforced with practical assignments. New didactic principles this system means rapid mastery of the material, high level difficulties, the leading role of theoretical knowledge. Comprehension of concepts must occur in the understanding of systemic relationships.

Systematic work is underway on general development all students, including both strong and weak. It is important for schoolchildren to become aware of their learning process.

Features that will allow a child to successfully study in this program: willingness to work at a high pace, the ability to reflect, independently search for and assimilate information, and the willingness to show a creative approach when solving a given task.

  • - the system is clearly and fully described, you couldn’t say it better

Elkonin-Davydov education system

If Zankov teaches at high speed, then Davydov follows the saying “the slower you go, the further you will go.”

Educational system D. B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydov has a history of existence of more than 40 years: first in the form of developments and experiments, and in 1996, by the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Elkonin-Davydov educational system was recognized as one of three state systems, along with the traditional system and the L. V. Zankova.

Target: system formation scientific concepts, educational independence and initiative. Development in a child of the ability to think unusually and deeply


  1. to form in primary school graduates the ability to reflect, which in junior school age reveals itself through:
  • knowledge of one's ignorance, the ability to distinguish the known from the unknown;
  • the ability, in an underdetermined situation, to indicate what knowledge and skills are missing for successful action;
  • the ability to consider and evaluate one’s own thoughts and actions “from the outside,” without considering one’s point of view to be the only possible one;
  • the ability to critically, but not categorically, evaluate the thoughts and actions of other people, turning to their reasons.
  • develop abilities for meaningful analysis and meaningful planning.
  • The maturity of these abilities is revealed if:

    • students can identify a system of problems of the same class that have a single principle of their construction, but differ in the external features of the conditions (content analysis);
    • Students can mentally construct a chain of actions, and then carry them out smoothly and without error.
    • develop creativity, student's imagination.


    1. The main principle of this system is to teach children to obtain knowledge, to seek it on their own, and not to memorize school truths.
    2. The subject of assimilation is general methods of action - ways of solving a class of problems. Development begins with them academic subject. In the future, the general method of action is specified in relation to particular cases. The program is designed in such a way that in each subsequent section the already mastered method of action is concretized and developed.
    3. Mastering the general method begins with objective-practical action.
    4. Student work is structured as a search and testing of means to solve a problem. Therefore, a student’s judgment, which differs from the generally accepted one, is considered not as an error, but as a test of thought.

    The features that will allow a child to successfully study in this program are the same as those described for the Zankov program. Exception: it is unlikely that you will have to work at a fast pace. Rather, thoroughness, attention to detail, and the ability to generalize will come in handy.

    School 2100 (School 2000, Peterson program)

    The program is aimed primarily at developing and improving the traditional content of education.

    Target: ensure natural and effective integration of the child into society.


    • develop readiness for productive work
    • to form readiness for further education and, more broadly, for lifelong education in general.
    • to develop a natural-scientific and general humanitarian worldview.
    • ensure a certain level of general cultural development. An example would be the formation (cultivation) of a student’s skills of adequate artistic perception of at least literature
    • to form certain personal properties that ensure his successful socio-psychological adaptation in society, successful social activity and successful social and personal development
    • provide maximum opportunities for developing in the student an attitude towards creative activity and creative activity skills
    • to form knowledge, attitudes and basic skills of pedagogical activity.


    The principle of adaptability. The school strives, on the one hand, to adapt as much as possible to students with their individual characteristics, on the other hand, to respond as flexibly as possible to sociocultural changes in the environment.

    Development principle. The main task of the school is the development of the student, and first of all, the holistic development of his personality and the readiness of the individual for further development.

    The principle of psychological comfort. This includes, firstly, the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process. Secondly, this principle involves the creation in educational process relaxed, stimulating the creative activity of the student.

    The principle of the image of the world. The student’s idea of ​​the subject and social world must be unified and complete. As a result of the teaching, he should develop a kind of scheme of the world order, the universe, in which specific, subject knowledge takes its specific place.

    The principle of integrity of educational content. In other words, all “objects” are interconnected.

    The principle of systematicity. Education must be systematic, correspond to the patterns of personal and intellectual development of a child and adolescent, and be part of common system continuing education.

    The principle of a semantic relationship to the world. The image of the world for a child is not abstract, cold knowledge about it. This is not knowledge for me, but this is my knowledge. This is not the world around me: this is the world of which I am a part and which I somehow experience and comprehend for myself.

    The principle of the orienting function of knowledge. The task of general education is to help the student develop an indicative framework that he can and should use in various types of his cognitive and productive activities.

    Features that will allow a child to successfully study in this program: Since the program, as conceived by the authors, has something in common with the Elkonin-Davydov system, all the qualities that were described above will be useful. But since this is still a traditional program designed for the “average student,” almost any child can study successfully using it.

    “School of Russia” (Pleshakov)

    This is the elementary school kit we all learned from, with a few modifications.

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