General medical psychology includes sections. The basis of a close connection between medical psychology and psychiatry is the community of the object of study, the overall understanding of mental illness, manifested by disorders in the reflection of the real world and

medical psychology science

Medical psychology, includes the following sections:

1.) Pathopsychology, the industry of psychology that studies the patterns of violations of mental activity and personality properties based on comparison with the laws of their formation and the flow rate.

The formation of pathopsychology is closely intertwined with the development of psychiatry. The first experimental psychological laboratories in psychoneurological institutions were created at the end of the 19th century. German psychologist V. Wundt, Russian psychoneurologists V.M. Bekhterev and S.S. Korsakov.

At the beginning of the 20th century The first benefits began to be published on the use of experimental psychological methods of research of mentally ill. In the development of pathopsychology in Russia, the ideas of LS played a major role. Vygotsky.

Pathopsychological studies are of great importance for a number of general methodological problems of psychology, for example, to solve the issue of the relationship between biological and social development. psyche. The data of these studies show that the identity violation does not mean "release" of its biological instincts and needs, but is characterized, primarily a change in the human motives themselves and needs. It is also established that the patterns of disintegration of the psyche do not repeat the steps of its development in reverse order.

These pathopsychological studies are used in psychiatry: as diagnostic criteria; when establishing a degree of intelligent reduction; when conducting examination (judicial, labor, military); when taking into account the effectiveness of treatment, especially when using psychopharmacological agents; when analyzing violations of mental activity in the case of harmful working conditions; When solving the issue of restoring lost performance.

Pathopsychology uses experimental research methods, the basic principle of which is a qualitative analysis of psyche violations as indirect and motivated activity. The pathopsychological experiment provides the ability to actualize not only mental operations, but also the motives of the patient person. Special development was obtained by the Pathopsychology of the Children's age, in which, on the basis of the situation of Vygotsky on the "zone of the nearest development", special methods have been developed, in particular the method of the training experiment.

Methods of medical psychology, not differing in principle from methods of general psychology, concretize depending on the nature of the disease. Special attention of medical psychology pays anamnesis - Analysis of past patient experiences from infancy until the disease.

2). Anamnesis (Greek. Anamnesis - memories), information about the living conditions of the patient preceding this disease, as well as the whole history of the development of the disease.

Anamnesis is an integral part of each medical research, often gives the necessary instructions for the diagnosis of the disease. There are general history and anamnesis of this disease. The general history includes answers to the following groups of issues: diseases of parents and the nearest relatives (hereditary diseases, malignant tumors, mental illness, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.); preceding this disease and operation, lifestyle (marital status, power conditions), habits (alcohol, smoking), sexual life, working conditions, all household conditions.

Anamnesis of this disease concerns the beginning of the disease, the flow and treatment of it until the day of the study. Anamnesis is assembled from the story of the most patient or others around him.

In veterinary practice, history is assembled by poliving by animals, studying documentary data (illness history, etc.). The origin of the animal and the health status of its parents, the presence of diseases in the farm to which the animal belongs, the conditions of departure and content (characteristics of feeding, hydrogen, indoors for the animal, operating conditions). The preceding diseases, the time of the occurrence of this disease, its signs, cases of such a disease in the farm, information about the applied treatment.

3). The painful nature of the experience, insoluability of the pathogenic situation, the duration of the psychotrauming stress - All these factors can be understood and explained only with the details of the individual characteristics of the patient.

Stress (from English Stress - Pressure, Press, Voltage),

  • 1) In the technique - the external force attached to the object and causing it deformation.
  • 2) In psychology, physiology and medicine, the state of mental stress arising from a person with activities under difficult conditions (both in everyday life and in specific circumstances, for example during space flight). The concept of stress was introduced by Canadian physiologist. Selleg (1936) when describing adaptation syndrome.

Stress can have both positive and negative impact on the activity, up to its complete disorganization, which puts the task of studying the adaptation of a person to a complex (t. N. Extreme) conditions, as well as predicting his behavior, especially in such conditions ..

Further development of medical psychology leads to the allocation of such branches in it, as clinical psychophysiology (clinical psychosomatology) and clinical neuropsychology, Psychological problems of defectology and path-dugs. Medical psychology is the basis psychotherapy and psychohygin.

4) neuropsychology, the industry of psychology that studies the brain basis of mental processes and their connection with individual systems brain; Developed as section neurology.

During the centuries, idealistic psychology proceeded from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe parallelism of cerebral (physiological) and conscious (mental) processes or from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe interaction between these two regions considered independent.

Only in the 2nd half of the 19th century. In connection with the successes of the study of the brain and the development of clinical neurology, the question of the role of individual parts was raised big Big Hemispheres in mental activity. Indicating that with the damage to certain zones of the left (leading) hemisphere in humans, individual mental processes (vision, hearing, speech, letter, reading, account) are disturbed, neurologists suggested that these cortex zones of large hemispheres are centers of relevant mental processes And that "mental functions" are localized in certain limited areas of the brain. So the doctrine of the localization of mental functions in the crust was created. However, this doctrine that was a "psychomorphological" character was simplified.

Modern neuropsychology proceeds from the situation that complex forms of mental activities that have formed in the process of social development and representing the highest forms of conscious reflection of reality are not localized in narrowly limited areas ("centers") of the bark, but represent complex functional systems, in the existence of which the complex takes part jointly working brain areas. Each section of the brain introduces a specific contribution to the construction of this functional system. So, brain stem departments and reticular formation Provide the energy tone of the crust and participate in the preservation of wakefulness. The temporal, dark and occipital bark area of \u200b\u200blarge semi-guns - a device that provides, processing and storing modally-specific (hearing, tactile, visual) information, which enters the primary departments of each bark zone, is processed in more complex "secondary" departments of these zones And unites, synthesized in "tertiary" zones (or "overlap zones"), especially developed in humans. The frontal, prime and motorized area of \u200b\u200bthe cortex is a device that provides the formation of complex intends, plans and programs of activity that implements them in the system of relevant movements and the possibility of constant control over their flow.

Thus, the entire brain participates in the performance of complex forms of mental activity.

Neuropsychology is essential for understanding the mechanisms of mental processes. At the same time, analyzing the violation of mental activities arising from local brain lesions, neuropsychology helps to clarify the diagnosis of local brain lesions (tumors, hemorrhages, injuries), and also serves as the basis for the psychological qualifications of the arising defect and for recovery learning, which is used in neuropathology and neurosurgery.

In Russia, neuropsychology problems are engaged in the Department of Neuropsychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, in a number of laboratories and neurological clinics. Scientists of other countries have made a great contribution to the development of neuropsychology: H.L. Toyube and K. Pribram (USA), B. Milner (Canada), O. Zangville (United Kingdom), A. Ekaen (France), E. Vaigl (GDR). NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA special magazines are devoted to the problems of neuropsychology (OXF., From 1963). "Cortex" (MIL., Since 1964), etc. There is an international society of neuropsychology.

5) psychotherapy (from psycho... and Greek. Therapia - treatment), a system of mental influences aimed at treating the patient. The purpose of psychotherapy is to eliminate painful deviations, change the attitude of the patient to themselves, its condition and the environment. The opportunity to influence the human psyche was noticed in antiquity. The formation of scientific began in the 40s. 19th century (works of the English doctor J. Brad, who explained the effectiveness of the mental influence with the functional features of the human nervous system). Theoretical substantiation and practical development of special methods of psychotherapy are associated with the activities of J.M. Sharot, V.M. Bekhtereva and many others. A certain influence on the development of psychotherapy has provided psychoanalysis, intensifying attention to the world of internal human experiences, to the role they play in the origin and development of diseases; but freudism (And earlier - in the 1st half of the 19th century. - School of "Psychics" considered mental illness as a result of the "Move of Sin") inherent in an irrational approach to understanding the nature of mental illness. Psychotherapy in the USSR is based on data of medical psychology and physiology higher nervous activity, Clinical and experimental research method.

Distinguish between general and private, or special, psychotherapy. Under general psychotherapy, a complex of psychological impacts, strengthening the forces of the patient in the fight against the disease (the relationship between the doctor and the patient, the optimal psychological climate in the institution, excluding mental traumatization and yatrogenic diseases, WARNING and timely elimination of secondary neurotic layers, which can be caused by the main disease). General psychotherapy is the necessary component of therapeutic process with all forms of diseases. Private psychotherapy - method of treatment of patients with so-called border forms of neuropsychiatric disorders ( neurosis, psychopathy et al.), using special methods of psychotherapeutic impact: rational (clarifying) psychotherapy, suggestion in a state of wakefulness and in hypnosisdistracting psychotherapy, autogenous training, collective psychotherapy, etc. (in combination with medication and other methods of treatment). Psychotherapy is impracticable without positive emotional contact with the patient.

6) Psychohygien, section of hygiene that studies measures and means of formation, conservation and strengthening the mental health of people and prevent mental diseases. Theoretical basis of psychohygien - social and general psychology, psychotherapy, social psychiatry and physiology higher nervous activity. The first special work "Passion hygiene, or moral hygiene" belongs Galenu. The initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe dependence of the mental health of people from the conditions of their public life was put forward by the J.Zh.zh. Kabanis. The founder of psychohygien in Russia I. P. Mergevsky saw the most important means of preserving mental health and increase productivity in high aspirations and interests of the person. For psychodigines in Russia, preferential attention to such social measures, as an improvement in working conditions and life, consistent formation in adolescents of active social and valuable plants, professional orientation, promoting the implementation of these installations, as well as to psycho-generic education and training in special mental management methods and well-being. An important method of psychohygery-- dispensarization Persons with neuropsychiatric violations. The relevant tasks of P. include the prevention of mental injuries in children and the development of ways to rationalize the learning process in Central and higher School (in order to prevent neuropsychic overloads). In connection with the consequences of the scientific and technical revolution, the importance of the psychological climate management in large and small social groups is increasing, as well as methods of increasing the mental persistence of employees of professions of increased complexity. Sections of psychohygientes: production (psychohygienic labor), mental labor, sexual life and family relationships, children and adolescents, elderly people.

Subject to study medical psychology are pathological mental states and processes, psychological factors affecting the emergence and course of diseases, the patient's personality due to its illness or health and social microcrust, the identity of the medical worker and the relationship system in the medical institution, the role of the psyche in improving health and prevent diseases.

Consequently, the main task of medical psychology is the study of the patient's psyche in various conditions.

General Medical Psychology Exercises:
1. The main patterns of the psychology of the patient person (the criteria of a normal, temporarily changed and painful psyche); Psychology of the health worker, psychology of communication of the health worker and the patient, the psychological climate of relations.
2. Psychosomatic and somatopsychological relationships, i.e. Psychological factors affecting the disease, changes in mental processes and psychological warehouse of the individual under the influence of the disease, the influence of mental processes and the characteristics of the personality on the emergence and course of the disease.
3. Individual features of a person (temperament, character, personality) and their changes in the process of life and illness.
4. Medical deontology (medical duty, medical ethics, medical mystery).
5. Psychohygin and psychoprophylaxis, i.e. The role of the psyche in improving the health and prevention of the disease.

Private medical psychology studies:
1. Features of the psychology of specific patients with certain forms of disease.
2. Psychology of patients in the preparation, conducting diagnostic and surgical interventions.
3. Medical and psychological aspects of labor, pedagogical, military and forensic examination.

Specific clinics can be distinguished, which find the practical application of the knowledge of the relevant sections of medical psychology: in a psychiatric clinic - pathopsychology; in neurological - neuropsychology; In somatic - psychosomatics.

Pathopsychology studies, by definition of B. V. Zeigarnik, the structure of violations of mental activity, the patterns of the decay of the psyche in their comparison with the norm. At the same time, pathopsychology uses psychological methods, operates with the concepts of modern psychology. Pathopsychology can consider the tasks of both general medical psychology (when the patterns of the decay of the psyche, the change in the identity of psychic patients are studied) and private (when violations of the psyche of a particular patient are investigated to clarify the diagnosis, a labor, judicial or military examination).

Neuropsychology, an object of studying the CNS (central nervous system), mainly locally focal brain lesions are close to Pathopsychology.

Psychosomatics studies the effect of the psyche on the emergence of somatic manifestations.

Of all the amount of medical psychology in this manual, pathopsychology will be on the focus. Pathopsychology should be distinguished from psychopathology. The latter is part of psychiatry and studies the symptoms of a mental illness by clinical methods using medical concepts: diagnosis, etiology, pathogenesis, symptom, syndrome, etc. The main method of psychopathology is clinical and descriptive.

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1. The influence of medical psychology




Medical psychology is relevant and one of the leading branches of modern psychology. Medical psychology is characterized by a close relationship of its theoretical foundations with their practical use of them in solving a wide range of problems of protection and promotion of public health.

In modern conditions, exacerbation of social problems in our country, the deterioration of the health indicators of the population increases the objective need to solve interrelated problems of medical and social nature at a qualitatively new level. Objectively matured the need for active introduction into the practice of health authorities of new forms and methods of social work.

In the 90s XX century It began to form and actively introduced into the practice of healthcare a new direction of social work and a type of professional activity - medical and social work. A feature of the medical and social work is that it, as a type of professional activity, is formed on the joints of two independent industries.

Social protection of the population and health care. This nature of the medical and social work requires special approaches to the training of specialists in social work aimed at the formation of the basics of knowledge in the field of medicine and medical psychology.

The basis of a close connection between medical psychology and psychiatry is the community of the object of study, the overall understanding of mental diseases, manifested by disorders in the reflection of the real world and as a result of the disorganization of behavior or its changes.

In solving theoretical and practical problems, a medical psychologist relies on the subject knowledge consisting of two interrelated parts. On the one hand, it is accumulated by the presentation of the nature, structure, brain mechanisms, the basic laws of individual development and manifestations of the human psyche, i.e. What is called general psychology, on the other, the knowledge of its own subject, reflecting the psychological patterns of disorders and deviations in cognitive (cognitive) processes and the personality of a person, due to a specific disease. In this case, we are talking about medical psychology and, above all, about pathopsychology as one of its branches formed in clinical psychology. But at the basis of the approach to understanding the pathology (anomalies, abnormalities in the psyche) there is a system of views on the nature of mental reflection in a healthy normal person.

The problem of the structure and dynamic characteristics of the psyche in a different way to be solved by different psychological schools and is interpreted in different ways by representatives of various directions within their own conceptual ideas about a person as a subject of reflection of the surrounding world. This is directly related to the solution of practical tasks, since the psychological concept determines the methodology of the human study methodology, followed by a system of specific methods to identify the desired peculiarities of the psyche in the norm and during pathology. In this sense, psychological techniques are not neutral, they are created and implemented to identify and evaluate those components of psyche, which are adequate to the received psychological concept (or scientific paradigm). The choice of technique is, first of all, a meaningful choice of a certain system of views on the essential components of human psyche.

1. The concept of medical psychology

Medical psychology - section of psychology dedicated to the study of the influence of mental factors on the occurrence of diseases, diagnosis of pathological conditions, psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection of diseases. It is customary to allocate two main areas of medical psychology applications: neuropsychic and somatic diseases. Based on the data obtained in medical psychology, productive hypotheses on the process of normal development of the psyche can be built.

Medical psychology (from Lat Medicus - medical, medical) - the industry of psychology, which studies the psychological aspects of hygiene, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, examination and rehabilitation of patients. The area of \u200b\u200bstudy of medical psychology includes a wide range of psychological patterns related to the occurrence and course of disease, the influence of certain diseases on the human psyche, ensuring the optimal system of health effects, the nature of the relationship of a patient person with a macrosocial environment. The structure of medical psychology includes a number of research-oriented sections in specific areas of medical science and practical health care. The most common of them is a clinical psychology that includes pathopsychology of neuropsychology and somatopsychology intensively developing industries of medical psychology associated with psycho-correction work of psychohygin, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, mental rehabilitation.

Among the most important problems of medical psychology are the interaction of mental and somatic (physiological, physiological) processes in case of and developing diseases, the patterns of forming the idea of \u200b\u200btheir disease in a patient, studying the dynamics of the awareness of the disease, the formation of adequate personalities related to the treatment of compensatory and protective mechanisms Personalities for therapeutic purposes, study of the psychological impact of therapeutic methods and means (medicines, procedures, clinical and hardware research, surgical interventions, etc.) in order to ensure their positive maximum impact on the physical and mental state of the patient. The psychological aspects of the organization of the medical policy (hospital sanatorium polyclinic, etc.) occupy a significant place among the studied medical psychology (Sanatorium hospital), studying the relations of patients with relatives of personnel and with each other. The complex of the problems of organizing therapeutic measures is of particular importance to the study of the patterns of the psychological impact of the doctor in the course of their diagnostic, medical, preventive work, the rational construction of the relationship of participants in therapeutic process, the warning of iatrogenies

2. Sections of medical psychology

medical psychology science

Medical psychology, includes the following sections:

1.) Pathopsychology, the industry of psychology that studies the patterns of violations of mental activity and personality properties based on comparison with the laws of their formation and the flow rate.

The formation of pathopsychology is closely intertwined with the development of psychiatry. The first experimental psychological laboratories in psychoneurological institutions were created at the end of the 19th century. German psychologist V. Wundt, Russian psychoneurologists V.M. Bekhterev and S.S. Korsakov.

At the beginning of the 20th century The first benefits began to be published on the use of experimental psychological methods of research of mentally ill. In the development of pathopsychology in Russia, the ideas of LS played a major role. Vygotsky.

Pathopsychological studies are of great importance for a number of general methodological problems of psychology, for example, to solve the issue of the relationship between biological and social development. psyche. The data of these studies show that the identity violation does not mean "release" of its biological instincts and needs, but is characterized, primarily a change in the human motives themselves and needs. It is also established that the patterns of disintegration of the psyche do not repeat the steps of its development in reverse order.

These pathopsychological studies are used in psychiatry: as diagnostic criteria; when establishing a degree of intelligent reduction; when conducting examination (judicial, labor, military); when taking into account the effectiveness of treatment, especially when using psychopharmacological agents; when analyzing violations of mental activity in the case of harmful working conditions; When solving the issue of restoring lost performance.

Pathopsychology uses experimental research methods, the basic principle of which is a qualitative analysis of psyche violations as indirect and motivated activity. The pathopsychological experiment provides the ability to actualize not only mental operations, but also the motives of the patient person. Special development was obtained by the Pathopsychology of the Children's age, in which, on the basis of the situation of Vygotsky on the "zone of the nearest development", special methods have been developed, in particular the method of the training experiment.

Methods of medical psychology, not differing in principle from methods of general psychology, concretize depending on the nature of the disease. Special attention of medical psychology pays anamnesis - Analysis of past patient experiences from infancy until the disease.

2). Anamnesis (Greek. Anamnesis - memories), information about the living conditions of the patient preceding this disease, as well as the whole history of the development of the disease.

Anamnesis is an integral part of each medical research, often gives the necessary instructions for the diagnosis of the disease. There are general history and anamnesis of this disease. The general history includes answers to the following groups of issues: diseases of parents and the nearest relatives (hereditary diseases, malignant tumors, mental illness, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.); preceding this disease and operation, lifestyle (marital status, power conditions), habits (alcohol, smoking), sexual life, working conditions, all household conditions.

Anamnesis of this disease concerns the beginning of the disease, the flow and treatment of it until the day of the study. Anamnesis is assembled from the story of the most patient or others around him.

In veterinary practice, history is assembled by poliving by animals, studying documentary data (illness history, etc.). The origin of the animal and the health status of its parents, the presence of diseases in the farm to which the animal belongs, the conditions of departure and content (characteristics of feeding, hydrogen, indoors for the animal, operating conditions). The preceding diseases, the time of the occurrence of this disease, its signs, cases of such a disease in the farm, information about the applied treatment.

3). The painful nature of the experience, insoluability of the pathogenic situation, the duration of the psychotrauming stress - All these factors can be understood and explained only with the details of the individual characteristics of the patient.

Stress (from English Stress - Pressure, Press, Voltage),

1) In the technique - the external force attached to the object and causing it deformation.

2) In psychology, physiology and medicine, the state of mental stress arising from a person with activities under difficult conditions (both in everyday life and in specific circumstances, for example during space flight). The concept of stress was introduced by Canadian physiologist. Selleg (1936) when describing adaptation syndrome.

Stress can have both positive and negative impact on the activity, up to its complete disorganization, which puts the task of studying the adaptation of a person to a complex (t. N. Extreme) conditions, as well as predicting his behavior, especially in such conditions ..

Further development of medical psychology leads to the allocation of such branches in it, as clinical psychophysiology (clinical psychosomatology) and clinical neuropsychology, Psychological problems of defectology and path-dugs. Medical psychology is the basis psychotherapy and psychohygin.

4) neuropsychology, the industry of psychology that studies the brain basis of mental processes and their connection with individual systems brain; Developed as section neurology.

During the centuries, idealistic psychology proceeded from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe parallelism of cerebral (physiological) and conscious (mental) processes or from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe interaction between these two regions considered independent.

Only in the 2nd half of the 19th century. In connection with the successes of the study of the brain and the development of clinical neurology, the question of the role of individual parts was raised big Big Hemispheres in mental activity. Indicating that with the damage to certain zones of the left (leading) hemisphere in humans, individual mental processes (vision, hearing, speech, letter, reading, account) are disturbed, neurologists suggested that these cortex zones of large hemispheres are centers of relevant mental processes And that "mental functions" are localized in certain limited areas of the brain. So the doctrine of the localization of mental functions in the crust was created. However, this doctrine that was a "psychomorphological" character was simplified.

Modern neuropsychology proceeds from the situation that complex forms of mental activities that have formed in the process of social development and representing the highest forms of conscious reflection of reality are not localized in narrowly limited areas ("centers") of the bark, but represent complex functional systems, in the existence of which the complex takes part jointly working brain areas. Each section of the brain introduces a specific contribution to the construction of this functional system. So, brain stem departments and reticular formation Provide the energy tone of the crust and participate in the preservation of wakefulness. The temporal, dark and occipital bark area of \u200b\u200blarge semi-guns - a device that provides, processing and storing modally-specific (hearing, tactile, visual) information, which enters the primary departments of each bark zone, is processed in more complex "secondary" departments of these zones And unites, synthesized in "tertiary" zones (or "overlap zones"), especially developed in humans. The frontal, prime and motorized area of \u200b\u200bthe cortex is a device that provides the formation of complex intends, plans and programs of activity that implements them in the system of relevant movements and the possibility of constant control over their flow.

Thus, the entire brain participates in the performance of complex forms of mental activity.

Neuropsychology is essential for understanding the mechanisms of mental processes. At the same time, analyzing the violation of mental activities arising from local brain lesions, neuropsychology helps to clarify the diagnosis of local brain lesions (tumors, hemorrhages, injuries), and also serves as the basis for the psychological qualifications of the arising defect and for recovery learning, which is used in neuropathology and neurosurgery.

In Russia, neuropsychology problems are engaged in the Department of Neuropsychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, in a number of laboratories and neurological clinics. Scientists of other countries have made a great contribution to the development of neuropsychology: H.L. Toyube and K. Pribram (USA), B. Milner (Canada), O. Zangville (United Kingdom), A. Ekaen (France), E. Vaigl (GDR). NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA special magazines are devoted to the problems of neuropsychology (OXF., From 1963). "Cortex" (MIL., Since 1964), etc. There is an international society of neuropsychology.

5) psychotherapy (from psycho... and Greek. Therapia - treatment), a system of mental influences aimed at treating the patient. The purpose of psychotherapy is to eliminate painful deviations, change the attitude of the patient to themselves, its condition and the environment. The opportunity to influence the human psyche was noticed in antiquity. The formation of scientific began in the 40s. 19th century (works of the English doctor J. Brad, who explained the effectiveness of the mental influence with the functional features of the human nervous system). Theoretical substantiation and practical development of special methods of psychotherapy are associated with the activities of J.M. Sharot, V.M. Bekhtereva and many others. A certain influence on the development of psychotherapy has provided psychoanalysis, intensifying attention to the world of internal human experiences, to the role they play in the origin and development of diseases; but freudism (And earlier - in the 1st half of the 19th century. - School of "Psychics" considered mental illness as a result of the "Move of Sin") inherent in an irrational approach to understanding the nature of mental illness. Psychotherapy in the USSR is based on data of medical psychology and physiology higher nervous activity, Clinical and experimental research method.

Distinguish between general and private, or special, psychotherapy. Under general psychotherapy, a complex of psychological impacts, strengthening the forces of the patient in the fight against the disease (the relationship between the doctor and the patient, the optimal psychological climate in the institution, excluding mental traumatization and yatrogenic diseases, WARNING and timely elimination of secondary neurotic layers, which can be caused by the main disease). General psychotherapy is the necessary component of therapeutic process with all forms of diseases. Private psychotherapy - method of treatment of patients with so-called border forms of neuropsychiatric disorders ( neurosis, psychopathy et al.), using special methods of psychotherapeutic impact: rational (clarifying) psychotherapy, suggestion in a state of wakefulness and in hypnosisdistracting psychotherapy, autogenous training, collective psychotherapy, etc. (in combination with medication and other methods of treatment). Psychotherapy is impracticable without positive emotional contact with the patient.

6) Psychohygien, section of hygiene that studies measures and means of formation, conservation and strengthening the mental health of people and prevent mental diseases. Theoretical basis of psychohygien - social and general psychology, psychotherapy, social psychiatry and physiology higher nervous activity. The first special work "Passion hygiene, or moral hygiene" belongs Galenu. The initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe dependence of the mental health of people from the conditions of their public life was put forward by the J.Zh.zh. Kabanis. The founder of psychohygien in Russia I. P. Mergevsky saw the most important means of preserving mental health and increase productivity in high aspirations and interests of the person. For psychodigines in Russia, preferential attention to such social measures, as an improvement in working conditions and life, consistent formation in adolescents of active social and valuable plants, professional orientation, promoting the implementation of these installations, as well as to psycho-generic education and training in special mental management methods and well-being. An important method of psychohygery-- dispensarization Persons with neuropsychiatric violations. The relevant tasks of P. include the prevention of mental injuries in children and the development of ways to rationalize the learning process in Central and higher School (in order to prevent neuropsychic overloads). In connection with the consequences of the scientific and technical revolution, the importance of the psychological climate management in large and small social groups is increasing, as well as methods of increasing the mental persistence of employees of professions of increased complexity. Sections of psychohygientes: production (psychohygienic labor), mental labor, sexual life and family relationships, children and adolescents, elderly people.


Thus, the psychological science industry is involved in solving practical tasks of psychiatry, which is indicated as medical psychology (currently determined the trend of renaming medical psychology into clinical ones. This is caused by the need for terminological unity at the level of international professional cooperation. In Western countries, medical psychology is called the whole The context of the general healthy knowledge necessary for the doctor and constituting a significant part in the content of training programs for training specialists in the field of medicine. In contrast to this, the scope of scientific and practical activities of the psychologist in the health care system is denoted abroad as clinical psychology. This situation of the transition period of the change of names is characterized by the use of domestic Literature and regulatory documents of the concepts of "medical" and "clinical" psychology as synonyms). Having your own subject and logic of development, it participates in solving the tasks of diagnosis, examination, in the implementation of psychocorrection, psychotherapeutic and rehabilitation measures aimed at adapting a patient for life in society. At the same time, psychological studies contribute to the solution and theoretical problems of modern psychiatry.


1. Luria A.R. Basics of neuropsychology, M., 1973;

2. Skill VS Diagnosis of internal diseases. K., 1960.

3. Introduction to clinical neuropsychology, L., 1973;

4. Kerbikov O.V., FAQ. Proceedings, M., 1971, p. 300--11: about psycho-generic work at school.

5. Platonov K.I., Word as physiological and therapeutic factor, 3 ed., M., 1962;

6. Psychology dictionary. / Under general ed. A.V. Petrovsky, MG Yaroshevsky. - 2nd ed. M., 1990.

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Medical psychology as a science. Its content and main sections.

Medical (clinical) psychology - The industry of psychology that has formed at the junction with medicine, it uses the knowledge of psychological patterns in medical practice: in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. In addition to the study of the psyche of a sick person, to the main sections subject Clinical psychology includes the study of the patterns of communication and interaction of patients and medical workers, as well as the study of psychological means of exposure to patients in order to prevent the disease of the disease. Honey. Psychology can be divided into: Common clinical psychology which develops the problems of the basic patterns of the psychology of the patient of a patient, the problems of the psychology of the doctor and the psychology of the medical process, and in addition, the doctrine of the relationship between the mental and somatopsychic in person, issues of psychohygin, psychoprophylaxis and medical deontology are considered; Private clinical psychology , revealing the leading aspects of the psychology of patients under certain diseases, as well as features of medical ethics; Neuropsychology - serving to solve problems of establishing the localization of focal brain lesions; Neuropharmacology - investigating the effect of medicinal substances for human mental activity; Psychotherapy - studying and using mental effects for the treatment of the patient. Pathopsychology - Also be attributed to clinical psychology. Finally Special psychology - Learning people with deviations from normal mental development, which is associated with congenital or acquired defects for the formation of the nervous system (Typhlopsihology - blind, Surdopsychology - Deaf, Oligophrenopsychology - mentally retarded)

Place of medical psychology in the structure of psychology.

Expand the structure of psychodiagnostics methods

Psychodiagnostic As a field of psychology is focused on the measurement of individual psychological characteristics of the individual. It focuses the researcher not to research, but for a survey, i.e. Psychological diagnosis, which can be installed on three levels: a symptomatic diagnosis (limited to the statement of features or symptoms); etiological (takes into account, in addition to the characteristics, the causes of their occurrence); typological diagnosis (determination of the place and value of the identified characteristics in the overall picture of the human mental life). Main methods: observations - Systematic, purposeful tracking of manifestations of the psyche (happens: slice, longitudinal, solid, selective, included); experiment - The active intervention of the researcher in the situation. (Natural, laboratory) . Additional methods: Tests - sets of tasks and questions that allow you to quickly assess the mental phenomenon and the degree of its development; simulation - the creation of an artificial model of the studied phenomenon; Analysis of activity - Created things, books, letters, inventions, drawings (here - content analysis); conversation (history - information about the past, interview, psychological questionnaires)

Principles of building and conducting a psychological examination


Name the rates of psychological diagnosis

The diagnosis can be installed on three levels: the symptomatic (empirical) diagnosis (limited to the statement of features or symptoms); etiological (takes into account, in addition to the characteristics, the causes of their occurrence); typological diagnosis (determination of the place and value of the identified characteristics in the overall picture of the human mental life).

The most important element is to find out in each case that the data of manifestations are found in the behavior of the surveyed, what are their causes and consequences. The second step is the etiological diagnosis of the presence of symptoms, as well as their causes of occurrence. .

Factors defining the reliability of the diagnosis.

Features of effective interaction patient - doctor, client - psychologist.

Almost any meeting and conversation of a doctor with patients is important for establishing and maintaining optimal psychological contact. Especially important professionally and competently hold the first meeting, because It has not only diagnostic value, but also important as a psychotherapeutic factor. It is important to be able to listen to the patient and note that for him is the most important. In the formulation of issues should be avoided by the impact of the inspiring nature. In each case, the most convenient way is elected by a doctor, depending on the state of the patient and the experience of the doctor. The doctor must perfectly own the techniques of the active hearing (the excrelable hearing, an estimated hearing, a wordless communication, etc.), the technique of conviction (the method of choice, Socratic dialogue, authority, call, deficit, expectation projection), be able to dispute and even join conflict. Consider the nature of the disease and from here to choose the type of contact. Do not forget about the existence of the image of the "ideal patient" and "ideal physician" (an empathic and unimproving, empathous and directive, emotional-neutral and directorous).

The main forms of interaction after establishing contact are either a guide or cooperation

Name the basic ethical values \u200b\u200bof the clinical psychologist

The activities of the Clinical Psychologist refers to difficult support. A person who dedicated himself to this certainly should and melt a calling to psychology. Psychologist first of all should be gumanene . The patient is primarily entitled to expect from a psychologist a desire to help and convince that another psychologist cannot be. Humanism, debt consciousness, excerpt and composure, conscience, always considered the main characteristics of the psychologist. The clinical psychologist must have data necessary as a psychologist and a doctor. One of the main ethical principles should be the principle of compliance It usually includes three types of information: about diseases, intimate and family life of the patient. Pischologist is not an accidental owner of this information, they are entrusted to him as a person who is expected to help. In addition, the necessary feature of the psychologist is general and professional culture, Including the organization and love for order, accuracy, cleanliness. All this was formed in the doctrine - medical deontology. .

Profession of practical psychologist

Professiography - Description of the profession from the point of view of the requirements for them to a person. Encompasses various sides of specific professional activities: socio-economic, technical, legal, medical and hygienic, psychological, etc. Psychogram - A brief summary of the requirements for the human psyche as a list of necessary professional abilities.

Features of the provision of psychological assistance to the client

Psychological help - The field of practical application of psychology, focused on the increase in the socio-psychological competence of people. It can be addressed to both a separate subject and a group, organization. In clinical psychology, psychological assistance includes the provision of information about his mental state, the reasons and mechanisms of the emergence of psychological or psychopathological phenomena, as well as an active targeted psychological impact, and an individual with the aim of harmonizing his mental life, adapting to a social environment. The main methods are psychological counseling, psychological correction and psychotherapy. All of them can be used both individually and in combination. P. Consulting - The main goal is to scientifically organized informing the client about his psychological problems, taking into account his personal values \u200b\u200band individual features in order to form an active personal position, etc. P. Correction - It is understood as an activity of a specialist in the correction of those personality features, the mental development of the client, who are not optimal for him. The goal is to develop adequate and efficient to preserve health and mental activities that contribute to personal growth and adaptation in society. Psychotherapy - A system of complex medical verbal and non-verbal impact on emotions, judgments, self-consciousness of a person with various diseases (mental, nervous, psycho-octic). Types of mental impact: impact, manipulation, control, formation.

What is dortogenic? What are the ways to prevent their occurrence?

Natrogenation - The general name denoting psychogenic disorders in a patient due to careless, invading patients with the words of the doctor (actually rational) or its actions (yatropathy), a medical sister (sorrhoids), other medical workers. Independent self-effectiveness associated with prejudice towards a doctor, fears before a medical examination may also lead to similar disorders (egloy). The deterioration in a state of patient under the influence of the unwanted effects of other patients (doubts about the correctness of the diagnosis, etc.) is denoted by the term egrothege. Warning - an increase in the overall and professional culture of medical workers and ...

Characteristics of the main categories of medical ethics

One of the main ethical principles should be the principle of compliance medical Security (Privacy) It usually includes three types of information: about diseases, intimate and family life of the patient. Pischologist is not an accidental owner of this information, they are entrusted to him as a person who is expected to help.

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1. The influence of medical psychology

2. Sections of medical psychology




Medical psychology is relevant and one of the leading branches of modern psychology. Medical psychology is characterized by a close relationship of its theoretical foundations with their practical use of them in solving a wide range of problems of protection and promotion of public health.

In modern conditions, exacerbation of social problems in our country, the deterioration of the health indicators of the population increases the objective need to solve interrelated problems of medical and social nature at a qualitatively new level. Objectively matured the need for active introduction into the practice of health authorities of new forms and methods of social work.

In the 90s XX century It began to form and actively introduced into the practice of healthcare a new direction of social work and a type of professional activity - medical and social work. A feature of the medical and social work is that it, as a type of professional activity, is formed on the joints of two independent industries.

- Social protection of the population and health care. This nature of the medical and social work requires special approaches to the training of specialists in social work aimed at the formation of the basics of knowledge in the field of medicine and medical psychology.

The basis of a close connection between medical psychology and psychiatry is the community of the object of study, the overall understanding of mental diseases, manifested by disorders in the reflection of the real world and as a result of the disorganization of behavior or its changes.

In solving theoretical and practical problems, a medical psychologist relies on the subject knowledge consisting of two interrelated parts. On the one hand, it is accumulated by the presentation of the nature, structure, brain mechanisms, the basic laws of individual development and manifestations of the human psyche, i.e. What is called general psychology, on the other, the knowledge of its own subject, reflecting the psychological patterns of disorders and deviations in cognitive (cognitive) processes and the personality of a person, due to a specific disease. In this case, we are talking about medical psychology and, above all, about pathopsychology as one of its branches formed in clinical psychology. But at the basis of the approach to understanding the pathology (anomalies, abnormalities in the psyche) there is a system of views on the nature of mental reflection in a healthy normal person.

The problem of the structure and dynamic characteristics of the psyche in a different way to be solved by different psychological schools and is interpreted in different ways by representatives of various directions within their own conceptual ideas about a person as a subject of reflection of the surrounding world. This is directly related to the solution of practical tasks, since the psychological concept determines the methodology of the human study methodology, followed by a system of specific methods to identify the desired peculiarities of the psyche in the norm and during pathology. In this sense, psychological techniques are not neutral, they are created and implemented to identify and evaluate those components of psyche, which are adequate to the received psychological concept (or scientific paradigm). The choice of technique is, first of all, a meaningful choice of a certain system of views on the essential components of human psyche.

1. The concept of medical psychology

Medical psychology - section of psychology dedicated to the study of the influence of mental factors on the occurrence of diseases, diagnosis of pathological conditions, psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection of diseases. It is customary to allocate two main areas of medical psychology applications: neuropsychic and somatic diseases. Based on the data obtained in medical psychology, productive hypotheses on the process of normal development of the psyche can be built.

Medical psychology (from Lat Medicus - medical, medical) - the industry of psychology, which studies the psychological aspects of hygiene, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, examination and rehabilitation of patients. The area of \u200b\u200bstudy of medical psychology includes a wide range of psychological patterns related to the occurrence and course of disease, the influence of certain diseases on the human psyche, ensuring the optimal system of health effects, the nature of the relationship of a patient person with a macrosocial environment. The structure of medical psychology includes a number of research-oriented sections in specific areas of medical science and practical health care. The most common of them is a clinical psychology that includes pathopsychology of neuropsychology and somatopsychology intensively developing industries of medical psychology associated with psycho-correction work of psychohygin, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, mental rehabilitation. Kercikikov O. V., Emit. Proceedings, M., 1971, p. 300--11: about psycho-generic work at school.

Among the most important problems of medical psychology are the interaction of mental and somatic (physiological, physiological) processes in case of and developing diseases, the patterns of forming the idea of \u200b\u200btheir disease in a patient, studying the dynamics of the awareness of the disease, the formation of adequate personalities related to the treatment of compensatory and protective mechanisms Personalities for therapeutic purposes, study of the psychological impact of therapeutic methods and means (medicines, procedures, clinical and hardware research, surgical interventions, etc.) in order to ensure their positive maximum impact on the physical and mental state of the patient. The psychological aspects of the organization of the medical policy (hospital sanatorium polyclinic, etc.) occupy a significant place among the studied medical psychology (Sanatorium hospital), studying the relations of patients with relatives of personnel and with each other. In the complex of the problems of organizing therapeutic measures, it is of particular importance to the study of the patterns of psychological impact of the doctor during the conduct of diagnostic, medical, preventive work, the rational construction of the relations of participants in therapeutic process, the warning of iatrogenies is a vocabulary. / Under general ed. A.V. Petrovsky, MG Yaroshevsky. - 2nd ed. M., 1990.

2. Sections of medical psychology

medical Psychology Disease Psychocorrection

Medical psychology, includes the following sections:

1.) Pathopsychology, the industry of psychology that studies the patterns of violations of mental activity and personality properties based on comparison with the laws of their formation and the flow rate.

The formation of pathopsychology is closely intertwined with the development of psychiatry. The first experimental psychological laboratories in psychoneurological institutions were created at the end of the 19th century. German psychologist V. Wundt, Russian psychoneurologists V. M. Bekhterev and S. S. Korsakov.

At the beginning of the 20th century The first benefits began to be published on the use of experimental psychological methods of research of mentally ill. In the development of pathopsychology in Russia, the ideas of L. S. Vygotsky played a major role.

Pathopsychological studies are of great importance for a number of general methodological problems of psychology, for example, to solve the issue of the relationship between biological and social in the development of the psyche. The data of these studies show that the identity violation does not mean "release" of its biological instincts and needs, but is characterized, primarily a change in the human motives themselves and needs. It is also established that the patterns of disintegration of the psyche do not repeat the steps of its development in reverse order.

These pathopsychological studies are used in psychiatry: as diagnostic criteria; when establishing a degree of intelligent reduction; when conducting examination (judicial, labor, military); when taking into account the effectiveness of treatment, especially when using psychopharmacological agents; when analyzing violations of mental activity in the case of harmful working conditions; When solving the issue of restoring lost performance.

Pathopsychology uses experimental research methods, the basic principle of which is a qualitative analysis of psyche violations as indirect and motivated activity. The pathopsychological experiment provides the ability to actualize not only mental operations, but also the motives of the patient person. Special development was obtained by the Pathopsychology of the Children's age, in which, on the basis of the situation of Vygotsky on the "zone of the nearest development", special methods have been developed, in particular the method of the training experiment.

Methods of medical psychology, not differing in principle from methods of general psychology, concretize depending on the nature of the disease. Special attention of medical psychology pays an anamnesis - the analysis of past experiences of the patient from infancy until the moment of the disease.

2). Anamnesis (Greek. Anamnesis - memories), information about the living conditions of the patient preceding this disease, as well as the whole history of the development of the disease.

Anamnesis is an integral part of each medical research, often gives the necessary instructions for the diagnosis of the disease. There are general history and anamnesis of this disease. The general history includes answers to the following groups of issues: diseases of parents and the nearest relatives (hereditary diseases, malignant tumors, mental illness, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.); preceding this disease and operation, lifestyle (marital status, power conditions), habits (alcohol, smoking), sexual life, working conditions, all household conditions.

Anamnesis of this disease concerns the beginning of the disease, the flow and treatment of it until the day of the study. Anamnesis is assembled from the story of the most patient or others around him.

In veterinary practice, history is assembled by poliving by animals, studying documentary data (illness history, etc.). The origin of the animal and the health status of its parents, the presence of diseases in the farm to which the animal belongs, the conditions of departure and content (characteristics of feeding, hydrogen, indoors for the animal, operating conditions). The preceding diseases, the time of the occurrence of this disease, its signs, cases of such a disease in the farm, information about the applied treatment. Skill VS, diagnosis of internal diseases. K., 1960.

3). The painful nature of the experience, the insoluability of the pathogenic environment, the duration of the psychotrambulating stress - all these factors can be understood and explained only taking into account the individual characteristics of the person and the nature of the patient.

Stress (from English Stress - Pressure, Press, Voltage),

1) In the technique - the external force attached to the object and causing it deformation.

2) In psychology, physiology and medicine, the state of mental stress arising from a person with activities under difficult conditions (both in everyday life and in specific circumstances, for example during space flight). The concept of stress was introduced by the Canadian physiologist of the city of Selre (1936) when describing the adaptation syndrome.

Stress can have both positive and negative impact on the activity, up to its complete disorganization, which puts the task of studying the adaptation of a person to a complex (t. N. Extreme) conditions, as well as forecasting his behavior, especially in such conditions .. Levites n . D., On the mental states of man, M., 1964: Emotional stress, per. from English, L., 1970.

The further development of medical psychology leads to the allocation of such branches in it, as clinical psychophysiology (clinical psychosomatology) and clinical neuropsychology, psychological problems of defectology and path-producing. Medical psychology is the basis of psychotherapy and psychohygiennes.

4) neuropsychology, the industry of psychology, which studies the cerebral basis of mental processes and their connection with individual brain systems; Developed as a section of neurology.

During the centuries, idealistic psychology proceeded from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe parallelism of cerebral (physiological) and conscious (mental) processes or from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe interaction between these two regions considered independent.

Only in the 2nd half of the 19th century. In connection with the success of the study of the brain and the development of clinical neurology, the question was raised about the role of individual parts of the cortex of large hemispheres of the brain in mental activity. Indicating that with the damage to certain zones of the left (leading) hemisphere in humans, individual mental processes (vision, hearing, speech, letter, reading, account) are disturbed, neurologists suggested that these cortex zones of large hemispheres are centers of relevant mental processes And that "mental functions" are localized in certain limited areas of the brain. So the doctrine of the localization of mental functions in the crust was created. However, this doctrine that was a "psychomorphological" character was simplified.

Modern neuropsychology proceeds from the situation that complex forms of mental activities that have formed in the process of social development and representing the highest forms of conscious reflection of reality are not localized in narrowly limited areas ("centers") of the bark, but represent complex functional systems, in the existence of which the complex takes part jointly working brain areas. Each section of the brain introduces a specific contribution to the construction of this functional system. Thus, the stem departments of the brain and the reticular formation provide the energy tone of the bark and participate in the preservation of wakefulness. The temporal, dark and occipital bark area of \u200b\u200blarge semi-guns - a device that provides, processing and storing modally-specific (hearing, tactile, visual) information, which enters the primary departments of each bark zone, is processed in more complex "secondary" departments of these zones And unites, synthesized in "tertiary" zones (or "overlap zones"), especially developed in humans. The frontal, prime and motorized area of \u200b\u200bthe cortex is a device that provides the formation of complex intends, plans and programs of activity that implements them in the system of relevant movements and the possibility of constant control over their flow.

Thus, the entire brain participates in the performance of complex forms of mental activity.

Neuropsychology is essential for understanding the mechanisms of mental processes. At the same time, analyzing the violation of mental activities arising from local brain lesions, neuropsychology helps to clarify the diagnosis of local brain lesions (tumors, hemorrhages, injuries), and also serves as the basis for the psychological qualifications of the arising defect and for restorative learning, which is used in neuropathology and neurosurgery. .

In Russia, neuropsychology problems are engaged in the Department of Neuropsychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, in a number of laboratories and neurological clinics. Scientists of other countries have made a great contribution to the development of neuropsychology: H. L. Toyber and K. Pribram (USA), B. Milner (Canada), O. Zangville (United Kingdom), A. Ekan (France), E. Vaigl (GDR ). NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA special magazines are devoted to the problems of neuropsychology (OXF., From 1963). "Cortex" (MIL., Since 1964), etc. There is an international society of neuropsychology. Introduction to clinical neuropsychology, L., 1973; A. R. Luria.

5) Psychotherapy (from psycho ... and Greek. Therapeia - treatment), a system of mental influences aimed at treating the patient. The purpose of psychotherapy is to eliminate painful deviations, change the attitude of the patient to themselves, its condition and the environment. The opportunity to influence the human psyche was noticed in antiquity. The formation of scientific began in the 40s. 19th century (works of the English doctor J. Brad, who explained the effectiveness of the mental influence with the functional features of the human nervous system). Theoretical substantiation and practical development of special methods of psychotherapy are associated with the activities of J. M. Sharot, V. M. Bekhtereva and many others. A certain impact on the development of psychotherapy was provided by the method of psychoanalysis, which increased attention to the world of internal human experiences, to the role that they play in the origin and development of diseases; However, Freudismu (and earlier - in the 1st half of the 199th century. - the school of "Psychics" considered mental illness as the result of the "Move of Sin") inherent in the irrational approach to understanding the nature of mental illness. Psychotherapy in the USSR is based on these medical psychology and physiology of higher nervous activity, a clinical experimental research method.

Distinguish between general and private, or special, psychotherapy. Under common psychotherapy, a complex of psychological impacts, strengthening the forces of the patient in the fight against the disease (the relationship between the doctor and the patient, the optimal psychological climate in the institution, excluding mental traumatization and non-neurogenic disease, prevention and timely elimination of secondary neurotic layers, which may be called the main disease). General psychotherapy is the necessary component of therapeutic process with all forms of diseases. Private psychotherapy - method of treatment of patients with so-called border forms of neuropsychiatric disorders (neurosis, psychopathy, etc.), using special methods of psychotherapeutic effects: rational (clarifying) psychotherapy, suggestion in a state of wakefulness and in hypnosis, distracting psychotherapy, autogenic training , collective psychotherapy, etc. (in combination with medication and other methods of treatment). Psychotherapy is impracticable without positive emotional contact with the patient. Platonov K.I., Word as a physiological and therapeutic factor, 3 ed., M., 1962;

6) Psychohygien, section of hygiene that studies measures and means of formation, conservation and strengthening the mental health of people and prevent mental diseases. Theoretical basis of psychohygien - social and general psychology, psychotherapy, social psychiatry and physiology of higher nervous activity. The first special work "Passion hygiene, or moral hygiene" belongs to Galen. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe dependence of the mental health of people from the conditions of their public life for psycho-libegen, the idea of \u200b\u200btheir public life was put forward by J. Zabanis. The founder of psychohygien in Russia I. P. Mergevsky saw the most important means of preserving mental health and increase productivity in high aspirations and interests of the person. For psychodigines in Russia, preferential attention to such social measures, as an improvement in working conditions and life, consistent formation in adolescents of active social and valuable plants, professional orientation, promoting the implementation of these installations, as well as to psycho-generic education and training in special mental management methods and well-being. An important method of psychohygery-- dispensarization of persons with neuropsychiatric disorders. The relevant tasks of P. include the prevention of mental injuries in children and the development of ways to rationalize the learning process in Central and higher School (in order to prevent neuropsychic overloads). In connection with the consequences of the scientific and technical revolution, the importance of the psychological climate management in large and small social groups is increasing, as well as methods of increasing the mental persistence of employees of professions of increased complexity. Sections of psychohygientes: production (psychohygienic labor), mental labor, sexual life and family relationships, children and adolescents, elderly people.


Thus, the psychological science industry is involved in solving practical tasks of psychiatry, which is indicated as medical psychology (currently determined the trend of renaming medical psychology into clinical ones. This is caused by the need for terminological unity at the level of international professional cooperation. In Western countries, medical psychology is called the whole The context of the general healthy knowledge necessary for the doctor and constituting a significant part in the content of training programs for training specialists in the field of medicine. In contrast to this, the scope of scientific and practical activities of the psychologist in the health care system is denoted abroad as clinical psychology. This situation of the transition period of the change of names is characterized by the use of domestic Literature and regulatory documents of the concepts of "medical" and "clinical" psychology as synonyms). Having your own subject and logic of development, it participates in solving the tasks of diagnosis, examination, in the implementation of psychocorrection, psychotherapeutic and rehabilitation measures aimed at adapting a patient for life in society. At the same time, psychological studies contribute to the solution and theoretical problems of modern psychiatry.


Luria A. R. Basics of Neuropsychology, M., 1973;

Skill VS Diagnosis of internal diseases. K., 1960.

Introduction to clinical neuropsychology, L., 1973;

Kercikikov O. V., Emit. Proceedings, M., 1971, p. 300--11: about psycho-generic work at school.

Platonov K.I., Word as a physiological and therapeutic factor, 3 ed., M., 1962;

Psychology dictionary. / Under general ed. A.V. Petrovsky, MG Yaroshevsky. - 2nd ed. M., 1990.

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