Portfolio of professional achievements of a pedagogical worker. Portfolio of professional achievements Pedagogical essay on professional achievements of a bachelor student


The article deals with the organization and conduct of practices of bachelors studying in the direction of training "Pedagogical education", based on the project "Practice in the system vocational education and personal growth of the future specialist. The scientific and methodological content of the practice of bachelors in the conditions of modernization of pedagogical education is considered, which allows the student to implement an internship program, the results of which are reflected in the technological map of his personal growth. The purpose and objectives of the "Professional Achievements Portfolio" are described, which allows you to accumulate and save documentary evidence of the student's individual educational and professional achievements in the process of mastering the internship program for the entire period of study. The competition "Our new school”, which contributes to the formation of a positive attitude among students towards the teaching profession, the use of their creative and intellectual potential to solve actual pedagogical problems.

bachelor's practice

competence approach

scientific and methodological convention

portfolio of professional achievements


individual educational route

1. State program of the Russian Federation "Development of education" for 2013-2020". – URL: http://xn--80abucjiibhv9a.xn--p1ai/%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82% D1%8B/3071 (date of access: 07/11/2016).

2. The state program of the Russian Federation " Economic development and innovative economy”. – URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_162191/ (date of access: 07/11/2016).

3. The concept of supporting the development of teacher education. – URL: http://minobrnauki.rf/press center/3875 (date of access: 07/11/2016).

4. Levkina E.V., Mironycheva V.F., Kuzina I.V. Practice-oriented training of future teachers // International Journal of Applied and fundamental research. - 2015. - No. 11-3. - S. 457-459.

5. Levkina E.V. Our new school. Young people's ideas. – URL: http://poisknn.ru/articles/nasha_novaya_shkola.

6. Practice in the system of professional education and personal growth of a bachelor student. Issue 4: teaching aid / E.V. Levkina, E.S. Ivantsova, I.V. Kuzina, V.F. Mironycheva, N.V. Fedoseev; Arzamas branch of UNN. - Arzamas: AF UNN, 2015. - 106 p.

7. Strategy for the development of education in Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. – URL: http://council.gov.ru/media/files/41d536d68ee9fec15756.pdf (date of access: 07/11/2016).

The issues of improving the professional level of pedagogical workers of educational organizations are currently in the mainstream of the most acute discussion. This is connected, first of all, with the discussion of the Concept for Supporting the Development of Pedagogical Education. Leading universities of the Russian Federation are discussing their own ways to solve one of the most important problems, realizing that the modernization of teacher education consists, first of all, in ensuring the training of teaching staff in accordance with the Professional Standard of the Teacher and the Federal State Educational Standards general education.

Purpose of the study. In the Arzamas branch of UNN on the basis of the adopted federal program-targeted documents (State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020, State Program of the Russian Federation "Economic Development and Innovative Economy", "Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020" , "Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025", etc.) one of the priority areas for the training of a future teacher is the creation of conditions for improving the professional competencies necessary to carry out activities as a teacher. We are talking about organizing and conducting internships for bachelors studying in the direction of training "Pedagogical education".

Material and research methods. We have developed the project "Practice in the system of vocational education and personal growth of a future specialist", the purpose of which is to create conditions for the effective training of teaching staff that meet the needs of the regional labor market. It should be noted that graduates of the branch work in educational space Nizhny Novgorod region and meet the needs of its economic sphere in qualified personnel. Constant monitoring of employers allows us to state that they are generally satisfied with the quality of training of young specialists (the existence of problems discussed in society related to the need for qualitative changes in the teacher training system itself is not denied). Currently, the branch has concluded more than 1,000 contracts for student internships, a system of targeted contracts is in place, and individual educational routes for student interns are developed based on a competency-based approach, supported by legal support for internships. Monitoring the state of teacher education in the Nizhny Novgorod region made it possible to build a vector for the development of a system of practical training of teaching staff based on traditional and innovative forms of interaction between all participants educational process. Experienced teachers of practice bases, university teachers are involved in the management of students' practices.

We have created the scientific and methodological content of the internship, which allows the student to implement the internship program, the results of which are reflected in the technological map of the bachelor's personal growth. The work programs of the practice spell out the requirements for the input knowledge, skills and readiness of bachelors acquired as a result of mastering the previous parts of the BEP. Attention is focused on the knowledge, skills and abilities that are indicated in the "Professional standard of the teacher". In the process of passing practices, the authors of the programs choose modern educational technologies that allow them to form competencies. The results of training in practice are thought out, characterizing the specific stages of the formation of competencies in cooperation with teachers and leaders of practice bases. Of great importance is the choice of forms and methods for the implementation of educational technologies in the development of content blocks. Planned learning outcomes in practice are proposed for each topic. Considering that independent work is the most important component of the student's activity during the internship, teachers determine the vector of independent practical work in educational organization, which can be carried out in the following forms: maintaining a "Portfolio of professional achievements of a trainee student", studying legal documents, scientific and methodological literature, Internet resources for teachers, websites of teachers and leading teachers, developing technological maps of lessons and educational activities, preparing presentations , analysis of the work of a teacher-mentor, introspection of the formation of a student's professional position, introduction of new technologies and forms of education into their own educational process. Taking into account the fact that the educational organization implements the Federal State Educational Standard, bachelors create an algorithm for the formation in their own lessons and in extracurricular activities of universal educational activities and subject, meta-subject and personal results of students. The funds of assessment tools include a list of practice competencies indicating the stages of their formation in the process of mastering the educational program, indicating the learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, possessions) characterizing the stages of their formation, a description of indicators and criteria for assessing competencies at various stages of their formation. Modern products of professional pedagogical activity (mind map, book trailer, infogram, etc.) serve as forms of evaluation tools. After the end of the practice, the student must submit to the department "Portfolio of professional achievements of the bachelor".

Portfolio of professional achievements - systematization of experience and knowledge accumulated by the trainee through the processing of professional information and teaching materials, reflecting his pedagogical activity as a teacher, class teacher, allowing to structure the directions personal development and professional growth and think over the interaction with qualified specialists and the administration of the educational organization, give an objective assessment of the formation of competencies. The main goal of forming the "Professional Achievements Portfolio" is to accumulate and preserve documentary evidence of the student's individual educational and professional achievements in the process of mastering the internship program for the entire period of study. Tasks of the student's portfolio: development of motivation for educational and professional achievements; development of skills to objectively assess the level of development of competencies; development of the competitiveness of the future specialist in the labor market. The student's "Professional Achievement Portfolio" serves as an informative addition to the exam and interview with the employer, illustrating his educational activity and personal potential.

The content of the "Portfolio of student interns" (educational pedagogical practice, 3rd year, 6th semester, 3 credits, 108 hours) includes: a prescription for practice (stored in a personal file), a title page, information about the class (lesson schedule , class list with public assignments), internship diary, technological map of the educational event, presentation of the educational event, booklet for parents on topical issues of education and training of schoolchildren, pedagogical essay, technological map of the bachelor's personal growth, thanks received during the practice, photo - and video materials. To control the formation of competence, a differentiated test with an assessment is used, which is carried out on the basis of the results of the “Bachelor's Portfolio” check based on the technological map of the bachelor's personal growth. Assessment is carried out on the basis of a technological chart of the bachelor's personal growth, which presents the level of competence formation. This is a tool for independent professional certification of the activity of a student-trainee by specialists from the bases of practice, methodologists of the university, including mandatory self-assessment. Criteria and procedures for evaluating the results of practice, characterizing the stages of the formation of competencies, help the student to correct the results of pedagogical activity, to increase the grade. Typical control tasks or other materials necessary for evaluating the results of practice, characterizing the stages of the formation of competencies and for monitoring the formation of competence, are methodological recommendations for working with a specific product of pedagogical activity. The proposed resource support for practice guides the student in the choice of scientific and methodological material necessary for modeling pedagogical activity.

Let us analyze the specifics of the formation of bachelor's competencies in educational pedagogical practice (3rd year, 6th semester), the purpose of which is the formation of practical skills and abilities necessary to carry out activities as a class teacher in the context of the implementation of a competency-based approach. A trainee mastering a bachelor's program in educational pedagogical practice must have the ability to solve the problems of education and spiritual and moral development of students in educational and extracurricular activities (PC-3), readiness to interact with participants in the educational process (PC-6), the ability to organize students' cooperation , to maintain activity and initiative, the independence of students, to develop their creative abilities (PC-7). In the course of educational pedagogical practice, the following types of professional pedagogical activities are implemented: studying the opportunities, needs, achievements of students in the field of education; training and education in the field of education in accordance with the requirements of educational standards; use of technologies appropriate age characteristics students and reflecting the specifics of subject areas; organization of interaction with public and educational organizations, children's groups and parents (legal representatives), participation in self-government and management of the school team to solve the problems of professional activity; formation of an educational environment to ensure the quality of education, including with the use information technologies; ensuring the protection of life and health of students during the educational process. Since the trainee performs the functions of a class teacher, the types of professional activities are focused on the educational aspect.

When determining the performance indicators of the work of a student-trainee, we adhere to the concept that determines the qualitative characteristics of a particular area of ​​activity. An indicator is something that allows you to display the progress of a process, its results, the state of the object of observation in a simple and understandable form for a person. For us, when determining indicators that characterize the performance of a student-trainee, it is important that this is a characteristic that is available not only for observation, but also for measurement. Under the indicator, we understand the criterion or sign, on the basis of which the measurement and evaluation of a particular process is carried out. Under the indicator, we mean a characteristic that is measured and which quantitatively characterizes any qualitative state, expressed through an indicator. Under the descriptor we will understand the description of the results of the activities of student interns at a certain level, expressed in specific actions (Table 1).

Table 1

Technological map for assessing the formation of students' competencies in the course of educational practice


(generalized learning outcomes)


(dynamics of learning outcomes expressed in specific actions)

Formed competencies

Practice diary

Requirements for registration of business documents.

Reflection of all activities as a class teacher.

Fixing all types of activities as a class teacher.

Cluster "Pedagogical interaction"

Reliance on basic cultural values, modern principles of tolerance, dialogue and cooperation in considering the issue of pedagogical interaction.

Informativeness, reasoning, the presence of cause-and-effect relationships between the components of the cluster.

Cluster development.


educational event

The relevance of the topic of educational activities, its focus on solving key tasks in the field of education, identified in state documents.

Correspondence of the theme of the VM with the age and individual characteristics students.

Correspondence of the purpose and objectives of the VM to the selected methods.


Compliance of the plan of the conversation with its goal (the focus of the conversation is to develop in students a tolerant attitude towards social and cultural differences, a respectful and careful attitude to the historical heritage and cultural traditions).

The relevance of the problem of the dispute, its compliance with the age characteristics of students.

Completeness and correctness of the design of the list of references (availability of printed and electronic resources).

Development and implementation of educational activities.

Presentation of educational event

Requirements for the design and content of the presentation.

Development of a presentation for the VM.

Parent booklet

Booklet design requirements.

Relevance and informativeness of the booklet.

Development of a booklet for parents on topical issues of raising and educating children.

Pedagogical essay

Requirements for writing a pedagogical essay.

Compilation of a written speech statement in the genre of a pedagogical essay.

Assessment of the formation of competencies is carried out on the basis of a technological map (table 2).

table 2

Technological map of personal growth of a bachelor

Student name

Type of practice

Educational (pedagogical)

Faculty, course

Terms of practice


training profile

Practice base

Formed competencies

Classroom teacher


Practice diary

Cluster "Pedagogical interaction"

Technological map of VM

VM presentation

Parent booklet

Pedagogical essay

Total points

Each competency is evaluated in points from 3 to 5.

The grade "satisfactory" for the bachelor is given with a score of 189 or less.

The “good” mark for a bachelor is given with a score of 180 to 204.

The mark "excellent" for the bachelor is given with the number of points from 205 to 225.

Thus, the individual educational route of trainee students demonstrates the degree of readiness to work as a class teacher.

Results of the study and their discussion. Accompanying future teachers in the process of entering the profession is carried out different ways. For example, the Regional Competition of Research Projects “Our New School” for young scientists, organized as part of the activities of the Scientific and Methodological Center named after V.P. Vakhterov, functioning at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Pedagogical Education.

The organization of the competition "Our New School", first of all, allows to involve students in scientific and practical research activities, to prepare qualified teaching staff, to identify the most gifted and talented students. At the same time, participation in the competition not only develops students' interest in professional creativity, creative thinking and independence in solving scientific and pedagogical problems, but also contributes to the formation of a positive attitude towards the teaching profession, the use of their creative and intellectual potential to solve urgent pedagogical problems.

The research pedagogical project of the contestants, as a rule, is based on their own knowledge, is an independently conducted research, tested in practice in a real pedagogical space and confirmed in publications and speeches at conferences and seminars of various levels. The jury is the leading teachers of educational organizations of the city, scientists and teachers of the branch, employers. When evaluating a project, special attention is paid to practical significance work. The competition is held annually in several areas related to current pedagogical problems. For example: "Educational technologies in the educational process modern school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”; "Civil-Patriotic Education of Youth"; "Technological methods of media education as a means of forming students' media literacy"; "Inclusive Education"; "System of support for gifted children"; “Preservation and strengthening of the health of young students”; "Pedagogy of Reading", etc. Students offer innovative pedagogical ideas, develop author's models and scientific and methodological support for teaching and educating schoolchildren, describe effective teaching and upbringing practices, test new programs, innovative methodological approaches and upbringing technologies. It is important to note that most of the projects submitted for the competition are of interest in the professional community, and are in demand by student interns and young teachers.

Participation in the competition "Our New School" allows us to solve the issue of preparing a new generation of teachers who are able to solve professional problems in a qualified, competent way, ready for innovation, for cooperation with all participants in the educational process, for the implementation of the social order of society.

Conclusions. Thus, new approaches to the organization and preparation of student internships enable future teachers to freely enter an individual educational route, where the connections of all components of the training content (subject, psychological-pedagogical, information-technical) with practical professional tasks a teacher with the support of specialists from the practice bases.

Bibliographic link

URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=24959 (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"




Khramova Natalya Petrovna


Direction of training

Teacher Education

Profile Elementary education

Qualification (degree) of the graduate


Arzamas, 2017

Title page

Practice diary

the date Activities Manager's signature
Week 1
December 1, 2017 1 Kick-off conference: 2. Acquaintance with the program and the content of the practice safety briefing. 3.Individual consultation on organizational and substantive issues of practice. 4. The sphere of education as a set of interacting subjects. 5. Normative legal documents of the federal level used in the work of educational institutions of the Russian Federation
December 2, 2017 1. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", 2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. 3.Basic standards educational programs.
December 4, 2017 1. Requirements for the results of the development of basic educational programs (BEP). 2. Requirements for the OOP structure. 3. Various types of educational institutions and features of their functioning
December 5, 2017 1. Local acts regulating the activities of the Institution (Organization). 2. Charter of the educational institution (Organization
December 6, 2017 1. Standard provision on educational institution 2. The program of activities of an educational institution 3. The concept of school development. 4. Organizational documents of the OU (OO).
December 7, 2017 1. Administrative documents. 2. Job descriptions of a teacher primary school.
2 weeks
December 11, 2017. 1. Educational and pedagogical documentation. 2. Approaches to the professional legal and regulatory training of primary school teachers
December 12, 2017. 1. Educational space as a set of socialization institutions that determine the socio-economic development of states. 2. Scheme of subordination in OS
December 13, 2017. 1. Cluster "Regulatory support of an educational organization". 2. Self-analysis of professional activity.
December 14, 2017. 1. Portfolio of professional achievements of a bachelor student. 2. Presentation of the results of professional activity at the final conference on educational practice.


« Job Responsibilities elementary school teachers"

Technological map of the lesson

  1. Class.3

2. Subject. Spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants at the root.

3. Form of holding.

5. Tasks:

- educational (personal results);

- developing (meta-subject results);

– educational (substantive results).

6. Equipment.

7. Literature and sources.


"Social significance of the primary school teacher"

Creative essay on professional achievements of a bachelor student

Presentation for the Creative Essay on the Professional Achievements of a Bachelor Student

Technological map of personal growth of a bachelor

Tasks Formed competencies Grade
Student Methodist
1. Practice diary З2(OPK-1) Great
U2(OPK-1) Great
B1 (OK-7) Great
2. Analysis-reference "Job responsibilities of a primary school teacher" U2(PK-6) Great
U2(OK-7) Great
B1 (OK-7) Great
3. Technological map of the lesson (TCM at the choice of the student) Z1 (PK-1) Great
Z2 (PK-1) Great
U2 (PK-1) Great
B1 (PC-1) Great
4. Cluster "Regulatory support of an educational organization" Z2(OPK-4) Great
U1(OPK-4) Great
U2(OPK-4) V1 ( Great
5. Essay Z2(OPK-4) Great
U2(OPK-4) Great
B1 (OPK-4) Great
6. creative essay Z2 (PK-6) Great
U2(PK-6) Great
B1(PC-6) Great
Presentation of a creative essay U2(OK-7) Great
Z2(OK-7) Great
B1 (OPK-4) Great
Total points
Final grade for study practice

Note. Each competency is evaluated in points from 3 to 5.

Grade "satisfactory" to the bachelor is put: with the number of points up to 132 ("satisfactory" more than 50%) and less than 90 (all "satisfactory").

A bachelor is given a “good” grade: with a score of 134 to 194 (more than half of “good”).

The mark "excellent" for the bachelor is given: with the number of points from 196 to 220 (all "excellent").

People are realized in different spheres of life: family, friends, education, and also work. The professional field of activity is no less important than others. Realizing himself as a specialist in his field, receiving recognition of his skills, experience, knowledge, a person grows and improves himself. Another indisputable plus in the presence of professional achievements is the increase in wages, the settlement of the work schedule, and the improvement in the quality of life. This article discusses how to set goals in professional areas and achieve them, why it is necessary, how to describe your results in a resume. Also, the issue of the professional achievements of the teacher will be considered separately, their types and descriptions will be presented.

Concept definition

What does "professional achievement" mean? In every work there are moments that can be called achievements. This list is individual for each specialist, each employer pays attention to the moments that are important in his company. A professional achievement is a successfully resolved situation, the fulfillment of certain tasks, useful experience in resolving complex conflicts and circumstances. In some areas, this is obtaining a certain title, degree, level of education, category of specialist. In others - the unification of people, leadership among certain groups of people, the exhaustion of social conflicts. Thirdly - high levels sales, completed transactions, won tenders. Professional achievement is a very broad concept that depends on the field of activity, the specifics of the work, the attitude of employers and the relevance of the skill in the modern workflow.

The meaning of work for a person

The job must be profitable. This is its main meaning, which many workers are content with. But in addition to the monetary result, work should bring pleasure, moral satisfaction, the realization of human qualities. So professional achievements are also one of the meanings of labor activity. They allow a person not only to arrange his life and career more safely, but also to realize himself psychologically and emotionally, to evoke a number of positive emotions, to stabilize nervous tension, increase self-confidence.

Goal setting and achievement

High professional achievements and results are rarely the product of luck and coincidence. Such situations happen, but in practice, the employee receives these points of the characteristic if he makes certain efforts. In order to achieve something, you must act. At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine what achievement is really important in a particular area and profession, how it can improve the position of an employee in society and in career growth. At the second stage, you need to set a goal for yourself, break it down into steps and systematically move in a given direction. It is important to determine the time intervals, available resources and ways to accelerate the achievement of the goal. A well-designed plan will help you achieve your goals much faster and more likely.

Do I need to indicate all my merits

Professional achievements in the resume is one of the key characteristics of the candidate. If a person seeks to take the best vacancy with decent pay and good conditions, it is simply necessary to indicate their achievements. Achievements that correspond to the profile of the company will allow you to weed out most of the competitors for the workplace, agree on the desired amount of wages and gain the respect of colleagues and superiors.

Naturally, not all vacancies require certain corporate successes from candidates. So, it is difficult to present a resume of a loader, cleaner, plumber and other working specialties with a list of professional achievements. This item in the summary is necessary for workers in the social or intellectual fields.

How candidates are selected

Before choosing an employee for a particular job, organizations consider several options. Depending on the characteristics of the vacancy and the employer itself, the number of applicants who responded can range from a few to hundreds. AT big companies reviewing resumes is the responsibility of a whole department of professionals whose job is to identify the best people among the huge flow of incoming candidates. These people are very well versed in professions, requirements for applicants, they can perfectly distinguish lies from the truth, identify a psychological portrait, conduct various kinds of tests, and, based on the results, compose a holistic image of the applicant. From an experienced HR manager, it is difficult to hide negative stories from the professional past, absolute ignorance of the subject of the vacancy, and other criteria for inappropriate position. In addition, the personnel department has various services at its disposal, in which previous employers leave comments and reviews on their employees. Often, if the professional achievements of a person in the resume interested a personnel worker, then by the time of the live meeting at the interview, he had already collected a lot of information about him.

How to describe yourself correctly

Based on the information in the previous block of the article, we can conclude that you should follow certain rules for compiling a resume, describing examples of professional achievements, listing your qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities. Following these instructions greatly increases your chances of being liked by the employer and getting the job you want.

So, the resume should have a structure. This is necessary for ease of reading, highlighting critical aspects for the employer, increasing the chance that the hiring manager will notice something significant in your response. With a huge amount of incoming correspondence, it is very difficult to focus on a monolithic text, to read and look for certain information in an array of completely useless text.

The resume should answer specific questions. The employer must see from it that this particular person has a sufficient understanding of the professional field for which he is applying.

Some companies require a separate resume. So, for many large holdings, it is important that a person study the history of development, the specifics of work, and the features of the corporate ethics of their organization. Your resume should show your knowledge of the company. An integral part of a well-written resume is a cover letter. Some employers do not consider candidates at all who have not written at least a couple of words in addition to the resume.

Exaggeration and outright lies

You should not ascribe to yourself the highest professional achievements, if in fact you have nothing to do with them. Firstly, not all people can professionally lie and embellish reality so that it is not noticeable to others. An experienced personnel officer will definitely feel that something is wrong in the information you have provided. Secondly, if there were really negative moments in your professional history, most likely, the HR specialist is already aware of them from the black lists of employers. Thirdly, deception regarding skills and professional achievements will be revealed in the very first week of work. Starting a "new life page", and this is often what a new job is, is not worth doing with dishonorable actions.

Downplaying your accomplishments

Many people are notorious, they experience uncertainty in themselves and their abilities, they themselves do not represent their capabilities and talents. Yes, even the usual constraint is inherent in every second person. And if a person is haunted by a series of failures, a long and painful job search, he may completely despair and lose faith in his abilities. In fact, such a position does not bring anything good. Even in the most difficult situations, be confident in yourself, talk in detail about significant achievements in your professional activities, do not hide your merits. If you don't talk about them, your position will be taken by someone else who can overcome fear and embarrassment. After all, how will an employer know about your advantages as a candidate if you yourself chose to hide them from the public?

Blur and specific

A resume is a document. Even though it does not have an established form, it is not presented to state authorities and is not checked for falsification. A resume is a document that is a pass to a new job. This means that it must be filled in with high quality, accurately and according to the rules, albeit unspoken ones. Many professionals who have not yet acquired a rich portfolio and experience try to squeeze as many words as possible into the resume, using vague wording, complex sentences and long lists of meaningless enumerations and explanations. As in the thesis, and in the resume: the less "water", the better. Write specific phrases, formulate sentences in which brevity and informativeness are consistent.

Achievements in Pedagogy

Lecturer, teacher, educator, professor, lecturer - all these professions are combined general concept"teacher". This in itself is very important work, requiring full dedication, long years of study, a certain set of personal qualities and even maintaining a special lifestyle. Moreover, the higher the status educational institution where the vacancy is advertised, the higher the requirements for candidates. In the selection of professional achievement, teachers can play a key role. In addition, in itself, the low wages of teachers in the field public education can significantly increase upon obtaining certain degrees, ranks, titles, victories in competitions and passing certifications.

Examples of teachers' achievements

What to write in a resume, what achievements of professional goals can a teacher have? Taking into account all the above description rules, the following examples can be given:

  • Obtaining the title of "Teacher of the Year", winning competitions related to professionalism, obtaining attestation, advanced training.
  • Successfully written and defended doctoral thesis or any other scientific work in the field of teaching.
  • Organization of events for students with high turnout.
  • Involvement of third parties in the learning process who have had an important impact on the mentees (scientists, celebrities, well-known people).
  • Successfully attracting and motivating students to volunteer, help the needy segments of the population, improve social life and environment.
  • Fruitful participation in the lives of children with poor living and social conditions, assistance in adaptation.
  • Creation and maintenance of circles, sections, interest groups.

A teacher is a person who participates in shaping not only the level of education of his students, knowledge about a particular subject, but also in drawing a picture of the world, establishing mental health and balance. All these points can increase the value of the frame for the educational institution.

UDC 378+37.0

Kravchenko Elena Vladimirovna

Head of training and production practice of the Kuibyshev branch of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, [email protected], Kuibyshev.


Annotation. The article discusses the portfolio technology that is being actively introduced into the practice of educational institutions. The author proposes a student portfolio model at a university as one of the alternative methods of assessment technologies based on the use of a competency-based approach.

Keywords: specialized training; student portfolio; teaching practice; professional competence; competence assessment.

Kravchenko Elena Vladimirovna

Chief internship supervisor of Kuibyshev branch of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, [email protected], Kuibyshev.


abstract. The article deals with the problem of portfolio technology that has been actively put into practice of educational establishments. The author presents the model of student’s portfolio at the university as one of the alternative methods of rating technologies based on the usage of competence approach.

Keywords: profile education; student's portfolio school internship; professional competence;

competence rate.

In the context of the transition to specialized education, new requirements are imposed on the teacher of a specialized school, and, accordingly, on the preparation of students of pedagogical universities, filling the content of education with additional characteristics. L.V. Koroleva, M.Yu. Korolev, N.I. Odintsova, N.S. Puryshev and I.M.

Smirnova distinguishes two conditional blocks in the preparation of students: pre-profile and profile [see, for example, 2]. In accordance with the fact that the first stage of profile education at the senior level of general education is preceded by pre-profile training.

The first, pre-profile, block contains the following areas of student training:

1) conducting elective courses: a) subject (aimed at expanding students' knowledge of a particular subject);

b) orientational (should contribute

self-determination of students in relation to the profile of education in high school);

2) building collections of individual achievements of students ("portfolio"):

a) "portfolio of documents" (olympiads, various competitions, tests, etc.);

b) "portfolio of works" (creative, design, research work students);

c) "portfolio of reviews" ( various characteristics students' attitudes towards the respective activities).

In the second, profile, block, the direction of student training is determined by the differentiation of the content of academic subjects: 1) basic (they are of a general educational nature, they reflect a mandatory, invariant part of education for all students); 2) profile (provide in-depth study a certain subject, focused on preparing a school graduate for the subsequent

* The work was carried out as part of the implementation of the Strategic Development Program of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "NSPU" for 2012-2016, project 2.3.1.

professional training in the chosen direction, variational part of training);

3) elective (elective courses). Unlike elective courses, elective courses are required for all high school students. They must ensure that the individual needs, inclinations, and interests of students are met.

The preparation of a future teacher of a specialized school consists not only in the formation of new professional skills, but also in the constant accumulation of experience in creatively solving pedagogical problems, in the constant increase in the level of cognitive and organizational independence in educational activities, as well as in the process of self-education. Taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of specialized education, independent work provides a reflexive nature of educational activity, a manageable nature cognitive activity and creative nature of pedagogical activity.

In our opinion, the second step in the preparation of students should be considered work on their own portfolio, where such components of educational activity as the processing and structuring of information become more pronounced, the skills of selection, content, self-assessment and self-presentation are formed.

Portfolio is a collection of work for a certain period of time (semester or academic year), which is evaluated either in terms of the progress of the student, or in terms of compliance curriculum. "Using Portfolio in educational process contributes to the development of students' skills methodical work with various types of educational and professional information, systematization of professional knowledge, formation of professional reflection ". The meaning of reflection as a special cognitive action is to clarify a person's knowledge, the ability to adequately assess their own achievements and capabilities, to draw the necessary conclusions regarding their own self-improvement.

The main purpose of creating a portfolio is to analyze and present significant results of the processes of professional and personal development of the future

specialist, ensuring monitoring

cultural and educational growth of the student. The portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by the student in various types activities: educational, educational, creative, self-educational.

K. E. Bezukladnikov and M. M. Shalashova propose to introduce the work of students on a personal portfolio in a pedagogical university from the very beginning of education. This makes it possible to get a foreseeable program of one's professional development, to see the stages of formation of the competencies necessary for a future teacher and set one up for serious work to achieve success in educational activities and the desire for continuous self-improvement. According to K. E. Bezukladnikov, the use of a portfolio contributes to dynamism (willingness to turn on active forms of work, reorganize on the go and act independently), self-development, integrity (the result of educational activities at a university becomes the formation of professional competencies of a foreign language teacher) and criteria-based assessment of results. M. M. Shalashova considers the analysis of a student's portfolio an effective tool for assessing competence, the structure of which includes: short description research; results of defense of scientific research works; results of other activities: participation in exhibitions, competitions, technical creativity, etc.; results and duration of training in elective courses; results of pedagogical practice; information about participation in olympiads, competitions, conferences, training seminars and the result achieved; sports and other achievements.

Portfolio maintenance is carried out by the student himself in printed (drive folder with files) or electronic form. Each individual material included in the portfolio during the study at an educational institution is dated. Recording of educational results is carried out systematically. At the end of the academic semester school year) content changes are made electronically

Siberian Pedagogical Journal ♦ No. 7 / 2012

in the form of a duplicate copy of the portfolio at the teaching department.

The portfolio of students in the future serves as the basis for compiling a graduate resume when looking for a job, continuing education, etc. The portfolio is formed by the student on a voluntary basis. However, the advisory nature of portfolio compilation does not exclude the importance of this procedure. The portfolio allows the student to professionally approach the assessment of his own achievements, build a personal and creative trajectory of success, which is an important component of the rating of a future specialist in the labor market.

In modern conditions, the need for professional initiative is increasing, the creative, rather than reproductive, nature of the attitude of the future teacher to his professional activity is valued. According to G. V. Sorokovs, I. V. Shumova, “the main problem of pedagogical practice is both insufficiently clear understanding by students of their goals and objectives, and the inability to adequately reflect on their activities” . Pedagogical practice in universities serves as a link between the theoretical training of students and their future independent work at school, and is also designed to prepare students for pedagogical activity, equip them with a set of skills and abilities, and creatively carry out all types of educational work.

The systematic use of the portfolio, as an analytical and evaluation technology, provides a high-quality accumulation of information necessary for the timely recording of real changes and the growth of the professional skills of the future teacher. Portfolio management is creative work which allows the student to really imagine his educational level, see the reserves, determine the direction of professional self-improvement. In addition, this technology can be used as a tool to stimulate the student (the ability to choose a base institution for teaching practice, participation in student scientific and practical conferences, publication of the results of scientific

research, employment, etc.). Consequently, an organized systemic diagnostics of the professional and personal development of a future specialist makes it possible to implement in practice an individually oriented approach to the qualitative assessment of the results of the educational and upbringing activities of an educational institution.

Thus, the formation of a portfolio is a creative work that allows, on the basis of a comprehensive systemic understanding, to analyze and summarize the results of one's professional activity, which, of course, is a way to determine directions and an incentive for further professional development.

Bibliographic list

1. Bezukladnikov K. E. Professional portfolio as a means of forming the professional competence of a future foreign language teacher // Foreign languages at school. - 2008. - No. 8. - P.66-70.

2. Koroleva L. V. On the preparation of the teacher for teaching in the conditions of profile education // Science and School. - 2006. - No. 6. - P.32-35.

3. Lizunova L. R. Educational materials. Student portfolio (approximate position). [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.logopunkt.ru/umm1.htm. (date of access: 04/04/2012).

4. Modern educational technologies: tutorial for students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students, school. teachers and university teachers: recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation / under the general. ed. N. V. Bordovskoy. - Moscow: KnoRus, 2011. - 432 p.

5. Sorokovykh G. V. Methodological portfolio of a student-trainee as a way to form the professional competence of a future teacher of a foreign language // Foreign languages ​​at school. - 2007. - No. 1. - P.54-58.

6. Shalashova M. M. Comprehensive assessment of the competence of future teachers // Pedagogy. -2008. - No. 7. - P.54-59.

Siberian Pedagogical Journal ♦ No. 7 / 2012

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