Speech to the seminar “Professional development of an additional education teacher is the basis of his successful work.” educational and methodological material on the topic. Professional self-development of an additional education teacher Reflective-innovative education

Increasing the efficiency and quality of education is one of the basic directions for the implementation of state policy, the general framework of those systemic transformations that will ensure the solution of issues of socio-economic development of the country. Today, one of the key directions of state social policy is the development of teaching staff potential.

Kislyakov A.V., Shcherbakov A.V. note that modern conditions of the changing sociocultural and economic situation, the improvement of Russian legislation in the field of additional education, place high demands on the competence of teachers. One of the leading tasks outlined in the Concept for the Development of Additional Education for Children is the testing and implementation of a professional standard for a teacher of additional education for children and adults.

Increasing state attention to the level of professionalism of teachers must be considered in the context of improving the quality of additional education, and not only from the position of improving the regulatory and legal system of additional education, as directors and teachers of institutions sometimes refer to this process.

If we turn to the content of the labor functions of a teacher of additional education in the professional standard of additional education, then there is a tendency to expand labor actions, skills and knowledge that a modern teacher should possess.

The labor functions of a teacher of additional education are: organizing the activities of students aimed at mastering the additional program; development of software and methodological support for program implementation; pedagogical control and assessment of program development; organization of leisure activities for students; ensuring interaction with parents (legal representatives) of students.

The ongoing changes in the modern education system make it necessary to increase the professionalism of the teacher and his professional competence.

As researchers rightly note, only a teacher who himself possesses such qualities, professional competence, pedagogical skills and strives for constant professional growth.

“Professional growth” is: with the assimilation of professional roles, motivation, professional knowledge and skills, etc.; th (intuitive) self-improvement, direct/indirect influence on the personality of a professional in order to improve his activities.

The implementation of management of a teacher’s professional growth involves providing practical assistance to teachers in improving theoretical knowledge and increasing pedagogical skills, studying, generalizing and introducing advanced pedagogical experience into practice, mastering new forms, methods and techniques of teaching and raising children.

The main goal educational activities MBU DO "Center for Technical Creativity" of Yakutsk is to create conditions for the development and popularization of technical and scientific creativity of children.

In 2015-2016 academic year there were 17 types of clubs covering 1683 students studying in 148 study groups. For example, ship modeling, aircraft modeling, rocket modeling, bench modeling, technical club"Perpetuum mobile", initial technical modeling, technical design, architectural design and design, design planning and prototyping, artistic design and design, artistic design with elements of technical modeling, logic modeling, 3D modeling, robotics, computer graphics, technical modeling and design physical instruments, carpenter-designer. In total, 1,656 students studied in the center in 148 study groups in the 2015-2016 academic year.

Club classes are conducted by 29 teachers of additional education for children, including 4 part-time teachers. Of these, 25 teachers have higher education, 4 teachers have secondary vocational education.

We conducted a study of individual motivational motives for professional growth of the Center's employees. It was proposed to write a mini-essay consisting of ten sentences on the topic “Motives for professional growth.” During processing, the main groups of motives for professional growth, named by teachers, were identified. Only 18% of teachers identified ten motives for their professional growth, the majority of 71% were able to name five motives, and 7% of teachers stopped at listing only three main motives. It should be noted that 4% of respondents could not write about one motive for professional growth.

Analysis of the data obtained showed that, in quantitative terms, teachers identified more stimulating factors than hindering factors, with a predominance of external incentives for professional growth - advanced training courses; example and influence of colleagues, organization of methodological work.

In the hindering factors, there is a combination of internal motives and external incentives - one’s own inertia, lack of time, lack of support and assistance from the administration.

Based on the results obtained on motivation for professional growth, we divided the answers into two groups: 1. Motivation based on internal motives. 2.Motivation, including external incentives.

With all this, the leading position is occupied by external motivation, based on job promotion, material and professional development incentives. Among the motivational motives for modeling one's own competence, the most common answers were interest in creativity and self-education, the desire to meet the requirements of the time, and a pedagogical vocation.

Thus, motivation for professional growth is a complex set of motives of the subject’s personality, where value and meaning-forming orientations, professional orientation, content and hierarchy of motives, motives for achieving success and avoiding failure can be distinguished.

Motivation for professional growth includes internal motives, reflecting the personal values ​​of teachers, and external incentives created in the system continuing education conditions for the development of self-improvement of a teacher as a professional.



Research on the topic:

« Professional and personal development

additional education teachers

in the context of modern requirements »

Abstract prepared by:

Novokhatskaya Nina Viktorovna

Job title:

methodologist of the highest qualification category,

additional education teacher

highest qualification category

Place of work:

MBU DO TsVR "Leisure"



Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region

Russian Federation



1. Brief description modern trends

in additional education……………………………………………………………3

2. Professional and personal development

teachers of additional education in the modern context………6

2.1. Characteristics of aspects of activity

teacher of additional education………………………………………………………...6

2.2. Professional literature……………………………………………………7

2.3. Professional communication……………………………………………………8

2.4. Advanced training courses, seminars, webinars,

presentations, pedagogical communities on the Internet………….9

2.5. Additional qualification in management

in education………………………………………………………………………………...9

2.6. Reflection is the main mechanism

personal development………………………………………………………...10




In the totality of current socio-cultural problems associated with education reform in our country, much attention is paid to the development of additional education for children. Institutions of additional education for children need teachers who can educate creatively active people who are bearers of sociocultural values.

Structurally, additional education for children fits into the system of general and vocational education, as well as in the sphere of socio-cultural activities.

In modern conditions, additional education of children fulfills the difficult task of providing favorable conditions for the social adaptation of the younger generation to life in society. It increases significance professional activities The main subject of the named educational sphere is the teacher of additional education for children.


Society places high demands on teachers of additional education for children, which their professional activities do not always meet.

Until recently, teachers of additional education for children did not have the opportunity to receive basic higher education. The current graduate of a pedagogical university does not have special theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work in the system of additional education at a professional level. In practice, we everywhere encounter a situation where there is a discrepancy between the basic training of a teacher of additional education for children and the social tasks that a modern institution of additional education for children is designed to solve.

Due to the acute shortage of teaching staff, most institutions of additional education for children are forced to hire workers with varying levels of theoretical and practical training: often additional education teachers do not have basic teacher education. Former military, engineering, and club workers, starting to engage in teaching activities, experience certain difficulties in working with children.

Additional education for children is a harmonious unity of cognition, creativity, communication between children and adults, which is based on curiosity and passion for the free search for a path to mastery and comprehension of the meaning of life.

At the same time, the child independently and voluntarily chooses the content and emotional and value guidelines of the activity, an adult specialist (teacher, consultant, leader), or this or that association of enthusiastic like-minded people.

Children's enthusiasm clearly highlights the child's talent on the path to comprehending the main task of his life.

In amateur associations of children, the cultural habitat, the relationships of enthusiastic people are, as it were, designed, modeled, and taken into account psychological characteristics children and adolescents, it is focused on the humanistic values ​​of education. Scientific and methodological work, processes of programming and certification of teaching staff, and recreational and leisure activities are built on the same value positions. Municipal educational institutions of additional education for children are a type of educational institutions whose main purpose is to develop the individual’s motivation for knowledge and creativity, the implementation of additional educational programs and services in the interests of the individual, society, and the state.

Their main task is to provide the necessary conditions for personal development, health promotion and professional self-determination, creative work of children. In these institutions, the child is provided with the opportunity to receive basic creative education, self-determination and socialization in society. These institutions mainly took on the function of education in the education system.

This educational system is focused on the request of the child and his family, on the request of society; it does not have a strict state education standard. In additional education, the subjective position of the child is clearly expressed, who is given the right to choose a teacher, type of creative or social activities, team, training regime. The personal, creative development of a pupil of an additional education institution does not conflict with the need to give him a normative assessment for a creative result, personal achievement. The motivational component of educational activity is not destroyed by comparing the child with others, correlating his level of development with age standards and state standard education.

Thus, it is obvious that in educational institutions additional education for children, the educational (upbringing) process is focused on the child, on his age and personal characteristics, on his social order and subculture.

The success of the educational process in an additional education institution depends on its compliance with the child’s needs for the creative development of his human uniqueness. Only the creative, unique personality of the teacher can ensure this success.



Technological and information changes in the world and in the development of various fields human activity occur so rapidly that once received good education today can no longer become a guarantee of the effectiveness of further work without systematic and continuous personal improvement and development.

Without constant updating of previously acquired knowledge and developed skills, without skillful analysis of the situation, monitoring changes in legislation and regulatory documents, the results of a specialist’s activities may be considered unprofessional.

An additional education teacher is a figure who determines the resolution of all problems of the educational process in an institution.

Required condition This means high awareness, knowledge of the results of the latest research in psychological and pedagogical science dedicated to improving the technologies of teaching, education and development. All this requires the teacher to constantly improve his professionalism and raise the level of general culture.

The willingness to see how the needs and priorities of society have changed means the ability to identify the problem and accordingly begin to search for the keys to realizing new tasks. The initiator of the renewal process can be the administration of educational institutions. Often, teachers themselves put pressure on the administration, convincing it of the need for change.

Changes and transformations in any sphere of human activity must begin with its subject. The transformation of the consciousness of the younger generation largely depends on the teacher. The latest discoveries by scientists in the fields of physics, biology, medicine, and technology significantly change our understanding of the world. The role of communication skills is changing in the era of global informatization. Social needs and principles of education are changing. Roles in relationships with students are changing. All this requires constant professional development from the teacher throughout his career. Being in constant self-development, tracking new information, learning on your own without stopping - these features make the profession of a teacher extremely complex and exciting at the same time. It combines elements of creativity and business calculation, scientific research and practical implementation. The paradox of this profession is the need to be eternal student. The traditional system of retraining of teaching staff of additional education institutions is not able to provide continuous education, therefore each of them is obliged to support their own professional growth and personal development.

Both at the initial stages of entering the profession and during the period of professional maturity, a specialist is constantly faced with the problem

improving the quality of his activities, but he does not always know what needs to be done to solve it effectively.


Studying the works of domestic and foreign authors allows us to track new trends in teaching methods. Reading literature in related fields allows you to obtain information that is so necessary to expand your knowledge, for example in the field of new information technology, cultural studies and history, economics and political science.

In addition to gaining knowledge from other fields, such literature helps to understand complex aspects in one's specialty. An outside perspective, unencumbered by professional stereotypes, allows you to look at the problem from a different angle and find parallels when searching for a solution to a certain problem.

Very often, these books can answer specific questions, such as what teaching techniques to use to make the material easier to understand or how to increase student motivation.


It is very difficult for a communication specialist to be in a state of information hunger. Not everyone is lucky enough to work in a team of like-minded people, all of whose members are happy to exchange experiences, new information, ideas and opinions with each other and are always ready to support their colleagues. Professional associations come to the rescue, whose activities are aimed at maintaining contacts between specialists from different regions. Nowadays, our country hosts many local and international conferences organized by associations. The wide geography of conferences allows teachers to take part in them, which is extremely useful even as a listener - in a short time you can learn a lot of new things, get acquainted with a variety of ideas, and observe the progress of discussions. In addition, new professional contacts are being established.


Organizations are actively working in the country, one of the activities of which is conducting methodological events for teachers. In addition to state institutes for advanced training, many universities have faculties or departments of additional education. Trainings for teachers are actively conducted by non-state training centers.

Nowadays, many universities and academies conduct webinars. They have become very common throughout the country. Pedagogical communities in the Internet system play a significant role in the exchange of experience.


Career opportunities for teachers today are not limited solely to academic positions. Educational institutions have to attract additional sources of funding. To manage financial flows, recruit personnel, perform marketing research and conduct advertising research, administrators who are proficient in both management technologies and modern educational approaches are required.

The real range of opportunities that exist within the framework of continuous personal education is not limited to the actions listed above. They only roughly illustrate possible areas of activity for teachers.



The teaching profession, being one of the most necessary for society, has a lot of unresolved problems that reduce the effectiveness of this type of activity. Among such problems are the stereotyping of a teacher’s work, professional burnout, an insufficiently high level of creativity in all aspects of work, an objective approach to the process of teaching and upbringing, the predominance of authoritarian positions, pedagogical exhaustion, neurotic development of the teacher’s personality, unawareness of personal qualities and style of work, pedagogical orientation . These problems are personal problems of teachers, and reflection is one of the main mechanisms of personal development. As studies by O. S. Anisimov, I. I. Kazimirskaya, Yu. N. Kulyutkin and others show, reflection among teachers is a necessary component of the successful implementation of professional activities. For example, Yu. N. Kulyutkin considers the reflexivity of a teacher’s thinking to be one of the main criteria of professional excellence. The same point of view is shared by O. S. Anisimov. Undoubtedly, reflection in pedagogical thinking is of great importance and is one of the main mechanisms that make it possible to adequately solve pedagogical problems, taking into account the implementation of the ultimate and particular goals of pedagogical activity. The first and main condition, without which entry into teaching is impossible, is the teacher’s personal acceptance of self-development as a special type of activity. We know that a teacher deprived of any clear professional position is doomed to fruitless work. But in today’s changing world, it is not even so much a certain professional pedagogical position that is valuable; the experience of self-development itself, the very creative attitude to one’s work is valuable. This experience is not only the experience of success, but also the experience of difficulties, crises, and problems. The teacher is able to go beyond the continuous flow teaching practice and see your professional work as a whole. The decisive element is the ability to make an informed choice, which means to feel in unity your freedom and your responsibility for what is happening. The main direction of a teacher’s personal and professional development is expanding the sphere of pedagogical influence. This sphere can only be limited by the boundaries of one’s own personality. But the peculiarities of human nature are such that each of us can choose not only development, but also stagnation and degradation, not only overcome our own shortcomings, but also remain with them.


Thus, we examined the possibilities of professional and personal development of teachers.

The teacher’s awareness of his activities, the means and methods of its implementation forms the basis of professional pedagogical development. The teacher’s ability to find the most optimal ways to resolve pedagogical situations will indicate the level of his pedagogical skills. The main thing is the teacher’s ability to realize and reflect on the features of his individual style of activity and, in accordance with this, choose means of solving pedagogical problem situations.


1. ANISIMOV O. S. Methodological culture of pedagogical activity and thinking /INION USSR. All-Union Methodological Center. M.: Economics, 1991.

2. KULUTKIN Yu. N. Reflexive regulation of mental actions // Psychological research intellectual activity/ ed. O. K. Tikhomirova. M.: Publishing house Mosk. University, 1979.

K.D. Ushinsky’s statement that a teacher lives as long as he studies takes on special significance in modern conditions. Life itself has put the problem of continuous pedagogical education on the agenda.

The ability to “create oneself” in accordance with social and moral ideals in which professional competence, a rich spiritual life and responsibility would become natural conditions of human life is the most urgent need of the day.

Professional self-development, like any other activity, is based on quite complex system motives and sources of activity. Usually the driving force and source of self-education of a teacher is called need for self-improvement.

Distinguish external and internal sources of self-development activity.

External sources (requirements and expectations of society) act as the main ones and determine the direction and depth of the necessary self-development.

The teacher’s need for self-education, caused from outside, is further supported internal source activity (beliefs, sense of duty, responsibility, professional honor, healthy self-esteem, etc.). This need stimulates a system of actions for self-improvement, the nature of which is largely determined by the content of the professional ideal. In other words, when pedagogical activity acquires a personal, deeply conscious value in the eyes of the teacher, then the need for self-improvement manifests itself, then the process of self-development begins.

To develop the process of self-development great value has a level of formation self-esteem. Psychologists note two methods for forming correct self-esteem. The first is to correlate the level of your aspirations with the result achieved, and the second is to compare them with the opinions of others. If the aspirations are not high, then this can lead to the formation of inflated self-esteem. A study of the nature of difficulties in the activities of teachers showed that only those who set high goals for themselves have difficulties. These are, as a rule, creative teachers. Those who do not have high aspirations are usually satisfied with the results of their work and rate them highly, while reviews of their work are far from desired. That is why it is so important for every person who has chosen the teaching profession to form an ideal image of a teacher in their minds.

If self-development is treated as a purposeful activity, then its mandatory component should be introspection . Pedagogical activity places special demands on the development of cognitive mental processes: thinking, imagination, memory, etc. It is no coincidence that many psychologists and teachers name the ability to distribute attention, professional memory for faces, names, mental states, and pedagogical imagination among the professionally significant personality traits of a teacher. , observation, etc.

An integral part of a teacher’s professional self-development is his self-educational work. The most effective way of professional self-education of a teacher is his participation in the creative searches of the teaching staff, in the development of innovative projects for the development of an educational institution, proprietary courses and pedagogical technologies, etc.

The final part.

3.1. Summary of the presentation of the lecture material.

1. What are the social functions of a teacher?

2. Which of the professional functions of a teacher do you consider the most difficult and why?

3. Name the features of the teaching profession.

4. What legislative and regulatory act determines the structure of the education system in the Donetsk People's Republic?

5. Name the levels of vocational education in the DPR.

6. What are the activities of additional education teachers aimed at?

7. Determine the professionally significant qualities of a teacher of additional education.

8. What underlies the professional self-development of a teacher of additional education?

3.2. Assignment for independent work:

Make a background summary on the topic;

Get acquainted with the qualification characteristics of the teacher

additional education;

Execute creative work on the topic “Why did I choose (a) the profession of a teacher of additional education”;

Fill out the table “Professional responsibilities of an additional education teacher.”

AOC (feedback address): [email protected]

Today, the additional education teacher is a leading figure in improving the quality of education in the additional education system. The specifics of additional education - the lack of standards in the implementation of programs, voluntariness and variability - increase the role and importance of the teacher as a subject of the educational process, and, consequently, the level of his qualifications becomes a more important indicator of the quality of education. Therefore, today the issue of personal and professional growth is key for the establishment of additional education.

Government policy is also increasing emphasis on this issue. The Professional Standard “Teacher of Additional Education for Children and Adults” has been adopted; the development of human resources in the system of additional education for children is one of the key directions of the Concept for the Development of Additional Education.

Our institution, the House of Children's Creativity named after. V. Dubinina, has always paid the closest attention to the issue of professional development of teachers working with us. Since the beginning of the 90s, with the adoption of the first concept for the development of the institution, advanced training has been a priority. We believe that personal and professional development is natural state any creative working teacher, and we insist that only a developing teacher, constantly striving for self-improvement, can awaken individual creativity in children.

Over many years of cooperation with the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of NIPKiPRO, the institution has developed a system of continuous professional development of teachers, which helps to reveal the personal creative potential of teaching staff, and a professionally mature teaching staff has been formed. Developing the Concept of the institution of today, we put forward the assumption that further improvement of the system for developing the professionalism of teaching staff should not be limited only to traditional forms of professional pedagogical education: attending various advanced training courses, inviting lecturers, conducting problem-thematic seminars, etc. Really achieved level professional excellence of the teaching staff requires the introduction of new technologies.

For many years now, the institution has had a “Department of Pedagogical Excellence,” which is an organizational form of methodological support for the continuous professional development of our teachers. Since 2011, the Department has been operating in an innovative mode, by order of the Main Department of Education of the Novosibirsk City Hall on the basis of DDT named after. V. Dubinin approved the city innovation platform “Department of Pedagogical Excellence - an effective form of organizing the process of advanced training of teaching staff.” The goal of this project is to create a system of organizational, managerial, psychological, pedagogical, methodological and practical conditions that will activate the professional and personal development of teaching staff. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set:

– to provide organizational and managerial conditions for the implementation of an individually differentiated approach to the formation of a comprehensive program for advanced training of teaching staff within an educational institution;

– develop targeted individual programs for professional self-educational activities and thematic programs for group and collective classes;

– to develop a variable-modular system of advanced training at the Department of Pedagogical Excellence, facilitating the creation of individual educational routes for teachers;

– to test a practice-oriented scheme for taking into account various forms and methods of advanced training for teaching staff, facilitating a personalized assessment of individual achievements.

Of course, in order to begin implementing this project, the institution must have serious prerequisites, the main one of which, in our opinion, is the presence of a professionally mature teaching staff. In our opinion, professional maturity is the highest stage of evolutionary-dynamic development of a relatively autonomous pedagogical community as a unique group subject. At this stage, the vast majority of practical teaching staff, possessing the highest level of professionalism, are capable of clearly technologically verified achievement of pedagogically predicted results, ensuring high teaching, educational and developmental effects. At the same time, they can pass on their individual professional successes to their colleagues – both beginners and experienced ones. A professionally mature team has its own group subjectivity in relation to its members, and a decisive role in the decision common tasks The environmental factor begins to play.

Having analyzed the experience recent years in organizing the systematic improvement of professional skills of teachers, we came to the conclusion that the institution had created the necessary prerequisites for the active involvement of practicing teachers in systematically structured experimental research activities and began to implement an innovative project. This is an established system of individually differentiated methodological support for the professional and personal development of teaching staff in an educational institution; and a favorable socio-psychological climate in the institution, a positive attitude towards creative pedagogical initiatives, the creation of a situation where the process of methodological support of educational activities is considered as a person-centered model of self-realization of the methodological search of each teacher; and the organization of “post-qualification improvement” for teachers, the essence of which is that a teacher who has defended himself in the highest or first qualification categories confirms the category assigned to him within four years through his practical activities. As part of the project, it is expected to create an innovative communicative and educational environment in the institution, ensuring the active development of professionalism of teaching staff.

The preliminary results of the project have already been presented at pedagogical conferences and in printed teaching materials. The manual “Development of professionalism of a teacher of additional education in the workplace” was published (Novosibirsk: DDT named after V. Dubinin, 2013. – 148 p.), the research and methodological project “Creation of an internal corporate system of tutor support for the professional development of teaching staff” received a Grand Prize gold medal Educational exhibition "UchSib" in 2015.

Today, approaching the final stage of the project, I would like to dwell on some factors that are significant for us.

In our institution, the desire for professional growth is welcomed, stimulated morally and financially, within the framework of the established corporate culture - this is one of the most socially encouraged phenomena. There is an established organizational structure, the best specialists from both pedagogical science, practical teachers, and colleagues from other institutions are attracted. In addition, each student of the Department of Pedagogical Excellence can become its teachers, because each teacher has a unique experience that he possesses, which may be of interest to others. And the ability to present your experience is also an element of personal and professional development.

Team learning always covers different areas. This includes psychological and pedagogical education, analysis of the regulatory framework, and increased competence in specialized subject areas. In-house education at our institution always includes a general cultural focus: public lectures on topical issues science and culture, round tables, educational excursions to educational sites (museums, planetarium, botanical garden and others). Familiarity with the experience of colleagues from other institutions of further education in the city and region is of great educational importance.

An equally important element of an effectively working system of continuous professional development of teachers is information and methodological support. Since 2006, one of the tools for methodological support in the institution is the Notebook teaching worker, which contains excerpts from regulatory documents, information about all the key events of the institution, work planning, methodological recommendations and memos. The methodological service promptly informs the team about any, including alternative forms of advanced training: webinars, distance courses, professional competitions, conferences and seminars, opportunities for publications, master classes and much more.

The flexibility and variability of the advanced training system is also of great importance: the ability to build individual program self-education, implementation of educational modules of choice, development of a model of tutor support for the process of professional development, development of an adequate system for accounting for various forms and methods of advanced training: cumulative modular system, accounting for the development of teaching aids, participation in special subject communities, implementation of social and pedagogical projects, participation in professional competitions.

Today, teaching staff of educational institutions are faced with the problem of adapting the existing professional structure to the requirements of the Professional Standard. We, in our team, have already held the first pedagogical council on this topic, introduced teachers to the requirements of the new standard, conducted a survey to assess the readiness of teachers and methodologists to perform the necessary labor functions, planned training and professional retraining of specialists. For our professionally mature team, which always works proactively, this work does not pose any serious difficulties. All this speaks in favor of creating a developing communicative educational environment in the institution, not only for children, but also, no less important, for teachers. And then the personal and professional development of the teacher will become the key to success in organizing educational activities in the institution, and then children will come to us, focusing on the high level of quality of education, due to the high professionalism of the teaching staff.

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"European University "Business Triangle"


Byprofessional retraining program "Pedagogy of general and additional education of children"


“Professional and personal development of additional education teachers in the context of modern requirements”

Abstract prepared by:

Roslyakova Olga Valentinovna

G.Gatchina,Leningrad region

1. Introduction

2. The teacher as a subject of the educational process

3. Theoretical foundations for studying the influence of a teacher’s personality on the development of a child’s personality

4. The main functions of a teacher of additional education

5. Professionally significant personality traits of a teacher of additional education

6. Conclusion

7. Literature


In our country, much attention is paid to the development of additional education for children. Institutions of additional education for children need teachers who can educate creatively active people who are bearers of sociocultural values. In modern conditions, additional education of children fulfills the difficult task of providing favorable conditions for the social adaptation of the younger generation to life in society. This increases the importance of the professional activity of the main subject of the named educational sphere - a teacher of additional education for children.

Modern pedagogy characterizes with the term “additional education” the entire sphere of education that is outside the general educational state standard. The content of additional education for children is comprehensive. That is why it is able to satisfy a wide variety of individual interests. teacher child additional education

At the same time, the child independently and voluntarily chooses the content and emotional and value guidelines of the activity, an adult specialist (teacher, consultant, leader), or this or that association of enthusiastic like-minded people.

The methodological basis for additional education for children is the paradigm of developmental variable education, which promotes the transition of society from a culture of usefulness to a culture of dignity.

Additional education for children can be considered as the main condition, a kind of “launching pad”, a prologue in the development of the country’s creative and intellectual potential.

In amateur associations of children, the cultural environment and relationships of enthusiastic people are designed, modeled, the psychological characteristics of children and adolescents are taken into account, and it is focused on the humanistic values ​​of education. Scientific and methodological work, processes of programming and certification of teaching staff, and recreational and leisure activities are built on the same value positions. Municipal educational institutions of additional education for children are a type of educational institutions whose main purpose is to develop the individual’s motivation for knowledge and creativity, the implementation of additional educational programs and services in the interests of the individual, society, and the state.

Their main task is to provide the necessary conditions for personal development, health promotion and professional self-determination, and creative work of children. In these institutions, the child is provided with the opportunity to receive basic creative education, self-determination (including pre-professional) and socialization in society. These institutions mainly took on the function of education in the education system.

This educational system is focused on the request of the child and his family, on the request of society; it does not have a strict state education standard. In additional education, the subjective position of the child is clearly expressed, who is given the right to choose a teacher, type of creative or social activity, team, and class schedule. The personal, creative development of a pupil of an additional education institution does not conflict with the need to give him a normative assessment for a creative result, personal achievement. The motivational component of educational activity is not destroyed by comparing the child with others, correlating his level of development with age standards and state education standards.

Thus, it is obvious that in educational institutions of additional education for children, the educational (upbringing) process is focused on the child, on his age and personal characteristics, on his social order and subculture.

The success of the educational process in an additional education institution depends on its compliance with the child’s needs for the creative development of his human uniqueness. Only the creative, unique personality of the teacher can ensure this success.


In the new changed social and economic conditions, in the conditions of modernization of education, society and the state are placing new demands on teaching staff and the level of their professional competence. The strategic goal of state policy in the field of education is to increase the availability of quality education in accordance with the requirements innovative development economy and modern needs of society.

To achieve this goal, it is proposed as one of the priority tasks to “ensure the quality of educational services and management efficiency educational organizations, including the development of a system of additional education for schoolchildren, expansion of forms of service provision early development children and preschool education (providing two years of education before school for each child), development of services early education and counseling for families with children.”

Increasing the competence and professionalism of a teacher is one of the conditions for improving the quality of education. The modern educational paradigm is based on the principles of state policy in the field of education in terms of ensuring its humanistic nature, the priority of universal values, human life and health, free personal development, citizenship education, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment.

Specialists working in institutions of additional education for children are the bearers of the content of various types of extracurricular activities offered to children. This content is embodied in a wide variety of forms.

The difficulty lies in the fact that ECEC teachers, being specialists in any type of activity, sometimes do not have pedagogical training, therefore, in order to achieve the goals of training and education, it is necessary to increase their psychological and pedagogical competence. The development of professionalism of a teacher of additional education is associated with the process of improving his qualifications.

The decisive role in the formation of the psychological and pedagogical competence of a preschool teacher belongs to his personality: the essential characteristic of a teacher’s professional competence is the need for self-knowledge and self-change, flexible use of methods of teaching and educational activities, methods of influencing students, taking into account the patterns of personality development, focus on the student as the main the value of your work. Constantly developing and improving his teaching activities, he is formed as a person. And this, in turn, is one of the necessary conditions for the formation of the students’ personality.

The social situation in society is currently complex and contradictory, and this leaves an imprint on the formation of the moral position of the teacher.

A great difficulty in the work of a teacher is the ability to correctly evaluate their actions, adequately to the age and individual characteristics of children, and to resolve conflict situations without losing self-control and composure.


Personal communication is based on the child’s need for emotional support, his desire for mutual understanding and empathy. In childhood, the child develops as an individual, his social orientation is laid, and social behavior skills are formed. This is the importance and great significance of the Institution of Additional Education as an organizational and social form of child upbringing and development.

The problem of pedagogical communication was studied by: B.G. Ananyev, A.L. Bodalev, Ya.L. Kolominsky, M.I. Lisina, A.A. Leontyev, T.A. Repin and other outstanding Russian psychologists.

The foundations of personality are laid in childhood, therefore increased demands are placed on the skill, personality, and level of spiritual development of a teacher. The richness of the personality of the leader of a creative association is an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of influence on the child and the versatility of his worldview. A significant number of works are devoted to the study of the subject-subject aspect of this interaction (I.A. Zimnyaya, A.K. Markova, L.M. Mitina, V.I. Slobodchikov, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.).

The content of the above, as well as other studies, analyzes in detail the role of the teacher in the intellectual and moral development of a primary school student, in the development of his humanistic orientation of communication, the formation of prerequisites for high learning ability, the development of speech and other qualities, abilities and skills. However, the problem of the influence of a teacher’s personal characteristics on the development of a student’s personality deserves no less attention.

In pedagogical innovations of the late 20th century, in the activities of talented representatives of “pedagogy of cooperation” (S.A. Amonashvili, I.P. Volkov, T.I. Goncharova, I.P. Ivanov, E.N. Ilyin, V.A. Karakovsky, S.N. Lysenko, M.P. Shchetinin, E.Ya. Yamburg, etc.) the personal traits of the teacher’s humanistic position have already been expressed, the theoretical and practical foundation of the humanistic paradigm of Russian education has been laid, and the main characteristics of the humanistic personality have been identified. These include:

· creative thinking,

· dialogue communication,

"transformative abilities"

· pedagogical reflection,

· positive ethical qualities (virtues),

· high values ​​(patriotism, citizenship, love for children).

The formation of these qualities is associated, first of all, with a change in motivational and value orientations and a departure from authoritarianism. Overcoming the old style of relationships, conditioned, according to Yu.P. Azarov, such factors as low level culture, an attitude towards achieving results by any means, ignorance of the child’s psychology, etc. is associated, first of all, with the development of the affective-emotional sphere of the teacher. To the above, we can add that the trend towards verbalization and rationalization of education has affected not only the content of education, but also the personality of the teacher.

During pedagogical communication, it is possible for the teacher to carry out conscious and unconscious, direct and indirect pedagogical influence. Therefore, the form of communication is especially important.

The democratic form is characterized by broad contact with students, manifestation of trust and respect for children, clarification of the introduced rules of behavior, requirements, and assessments. The personal approach to children of such teachers prevails over the business one; it is typical for them to take into account the individual characteristics of those being educated, the lack of preference for some children over others, stereotyping in the assessment of children and their behavior. The authoritarian form has pronounced subjective attitudes, selectivity towards children, stereotyping and poor assessments. The management of children is characterized by strict regulation. Teachers use prohibitions and restrictions in relation to children much more often, a business approach prevails in their work, the requirements introduced, the rules of behavior are not explained at all or are rarely explained.

Each form of communication and influence has a special impact on the development of the child’s personality. Pupils of a “democratic” teacher are much more likely to show a desire for creativity, originality, independence, and communication skills than children brought up by an “autocrat”. The harmful effects of authoritarianism can also be expressed in deprivation (suppression through lack of stimulation) of children’s need for emotional contact with adults, which is so necessary for the child. When communicating with children, an authoritarian style is not just undesirable, but unacceptable.


In order to understand the motivation of teaching activities in institutions of additional education, it is necessary to find out the functions and features of the system of additional education for children, and then the features of the activities of this category of teachers.

Professional functions are those that are directly related to the teaching and educational activities of the teacher. There are as many of them as there are types of activities.

Let's dwell on brief description V different types pedagogical activities of professional functions of a teacher of additional education for children:

5. educational - teaching the child additional educational programs, obtaining new knowledge;

6. educational - enrichment and expansion of the cultural layer of a general education institution, the formation of a cultural environment at school, the definition on this basis of clear moral guidelines, the unobtrusive upbringing of children through their introduction to culture;

7. creative - creation of a flexible system for the realization of individual creative interests of the individual;

8. compensatory - the child’s mastery of new areas of activity that deepen and complement basic (basic) education and create an emotionally significant background for the child to master the content of general education, providing the child with certain guarantees of achieving success in his chosen areas of creative activity;

9. recreational - organization of meaningful leisure as an area for restoring the child’s psychophysical strength;

10. career guidance - the formation of sustainable interest in socially significant activities, assistance in determining the child’s life plans, including pre-professional guidance. At the same time, the school contributes not only to the awareness and differentiation of the child’s various interests, but also helps to choose an institution of additional education, where, through the help of specialists, the discovered abilities can be further developed;

11. integration - creation of a unified educational space for the school;

12. socialization function - the child’s mastery of social experience, his acquisition of skills for the reproduction of social connections and personal qualities necessary for life;

13. function of self-realization - the child’s self-determination in socially and culturally significant forms of life activity, his experience of situations of success, personal self-development.


The character traits and personality of the teacher play a decisive role in the formation of psychological and pedagogical competence. At the same time, character traits reflect a person’s actions, and personality traits reflect what he acts for. Methods of behavior and personality orientation are relatively independent: thus, using the same methods, you achieve personal goals and, conversely, achieve the same goal in various ways. It is important that in a teacher’s work the methods are adequate to the goals and are based on the highest values ​​of the individual.

Value orientations are an internal regulator of a teacher’s activities, which determines his attitude to the world around him, to himself, and to other people. It must be emphasized that “for a person there is an abyss between the factor of birth and the acquisition of his generic essence. Unlike an animal, a person is not equipped with a set of instincts and innate skills that would allow him to automatically realize his tribal nature.”

A person does not become who he essentially is outside of the cultural environment, outside of upbringing. Based on this, the teacher plays a huge role and responsibility in shaping the personality of his students. After all, one Personality can only be raised by another Personality. The conditions and criteria for personality development include: “the attitude towards another person as an intrinsic value, as a being who embodies the endless potential of the “human” kind; the ability for dedication and love as a way to realize this relationship; creative, healing, nature of life; need for positive freedom; internal responsibility to oneself and others, past and future generations; the desire to find a common, end-to-end meaning in one’s life.”

It is necessary that teachers are guided, first of all, by ethical, aesthetic and existential values, which include: love, the meaning of life, responsibility, justice, responsiveness, nobility, selflessness, citizenship, patriotism, etc.

One of the aspects of a teacher’s personality orientation is pedagogical orientation - a complex of professional interests, professionally oriented motives and psychological attitude to work with schoolchildren. The basis of professional orientation is interest in the teaching profession, which is expressed in a positive emotional attitude towards students, parents, teaching activities in general and towards certain types of them, in the desire to master pedagogical knowledge and skills. The basis of pedagogical recognition is love for other people. This basic quality is a prerequisite for self-improvement, targeted self-development of the main professionally significant qualities that characterize professional and pedagogical orientation.

Thus, we can identify the following components for self-assessment of the personality orientation of a teacher of additional education:

· openness to accepting the opinions of others (child and adult), love for children, faith in the strengths and capabilities of students;

· interest in inner world pupil;

· always correlate your actions, intentions, actions and interests with the interests of schoolchildren;

· aesthetic orientation (the value of harmony and beauty);

· sense of moral responsibility, morality, duty, citizenship;

· positive focus on educational activities - the unity of education and training;

· love for the teaching profession;

· creativity in the pedagogical process;

· desire for self-actualization, self-improvement, identification and development of one’s own abilities and capabilities;

· need for knowledge transfer.

The special role of P.P. Blonsky devotes himself to self-improvement and self-education of the teacher: “For me, the education of a teacher is less important than his upbringing, and in this I strongly disagree with those who have not yet stopped thinking that the main role of a teacher is to convey the “sum of knowledge.”

Personal orientation is the “vertical” of a person. The “height” of ideals and values ​​determines the “magnitude” of the teacher’s personality. In history, often great personalities have a complex, bad character and they can afford it, but the teacher must have the main components of character and personality equal to each other. If a teacher has a “golden” character, but a “petty” personality, his interests are not higher than the “usual” level and such a teacher is not given the opportunity to educate another Personality. Modes of behavior, largely determined by a person’s character, must correspond to the profession. Character traits reflect a person’s attitude towards other people, things, himself, and work. The character of a teacher should be the foundation, base, and instrument of personality.

Professionally significant qualities that contribute to successful teaching activities:

· pedagogical goal setting is the ability to determine the importance of pedagogical tasks depending on certain conditions;

· pedagogical orientation is the most important quality, representing the dominant system of motives that determines the behavior of the teacher and his attitude towards the profession;

· pedagogical reflection is the teacher’s ability for self-analysis;

· pedagogical thinking is mastery of a system of means for solving pedagogical problems;

· pedagogical tact is the teacher’s attitude towards the student as the main value.

The difference between a pedagogical vocation and a pedagogical interest (which can be contemplative) lies in the inclination that grows from specific abilities for teaching.

The following professionally significant abilities of a teacher are identified:

· developed imagination;

· clarity and criticality of mind;

· flexibility of thinking;

· empathy (the ability to empathize);

· ability to make educational material accessible;

· good diction;

· ability to present material simply and clearly;

· attention;

· observation;

· artistic abilities.

Thus, all these special abilities and qualities relate to three interrelated aspects of the activity of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities such as: training, teaching, teaching.


The development of the personality of each person is ensured through education, through the transfer of one’s own experience and the experience of previous generations

A teacher who owns modern pedagogical technologies and has a technological culture must be flexible when using teaching methods and means, be able to modify his professional actions, while developing his own pedagogical technology.

The teacher’s readiness to create an original technology, characterized by the consistency of methodological techniques, the originality of their combination in whole system, corresponding to the unified plan and personal experience of the teacher, the author’s style of his pedagogical activity is one of the most important indicators of a teacher’s personal development.

A modern teacher must be well versed in various branches of science, the fundamentals of which he teaches, and know its capabilities for solving socio-economic, industrial and cultural problems. But this is not enough - he must constantly be aware of new research, discoveries and hypotheses, see the near and distant prospects of pedagogical science.

Thus, the pedagogical abilities and personal qualities of a teacher play a vital role in the success of professional activities and are the key to his professional formation and development.

The essence of the activity of a teacher of additional education is to manage the capabilities of the children's and adolescent association of the institution of additional education and the environment to implement the program of additional education in relation to each student.

The TEACHER is an intermediary between the child and the spiritual values ​​of past and modern generations. These values, knowledge, moral and ethical standards do not reach children in a sterilized form, but carry the teacher’s personal traits and assessments.

To develop the personality of a teacher of additional education, it is necessary to have a specific area of ​​interest and direction of activity. For the favorable development of a child’s personality, special conditions are also absolutely necessary, on the basis of which the assimilation of knowledge and methods of activity in the proposed areas of education will take place, the development of psychological mechanisms for applying the learned methods; development general properties personality. In value priorities, the institution of additional education gives preference to a person-oriented approach to upbringing and education, the concept of humanism in relation to the individual. At the same time, each teacher’s personal awareness of the values ​​of the results of development and self-development is a necessary condition that ensures the process of development of the student’s personality.


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