Psychological attitudes. See what "experience" is in other dictionaries

By life experience of an individual, we mean formed skills, abilities, knowledge and positive emotional responsiveness. In a word, everything that a person needs for life. KD Ushinsky considered life experience to be the main component of the personality, since the lack of necessary knowledge in a person often cost him dearly in life. We refer to life experience the ability to take care of one’s health, the ability in adult life to work mentally and physically, to set goals and achieve them with the means provided by modern society.

Therefore, one of the tasks of adults is the formation in a child, from the first days of his birth and the entire subsequent period of childhood, of a life experience in which his interaction with the environment is manifested in knowledge, skills, as well as familiar forms of behavior.

A special role in this belongs to parents. Adult life in society is an example for a baby. Parents demonstrate to their children the knowledge, skills and habits that have been formed in the process of life. No wonder they say that children like monkeys repeat everything after adults. Formed mental, moral and behavioral manifestations from childhood in adulthood will help your children solve the problems they face.

Formed life experience will be considered such an experience of the person that will become the property of the individual, and in various situations will be manifested in an adequate perception or adequate reaction to the surrounding reality. Life experience is the value representations of behavior, mind and feelings that were lived by a person, and which are stored in his long-term memory. That is, that information about life to which the soul responded. By emotional response, we mean emotional reactions, emotionally experienced actions, situations that your child remembered. Life experience is formed throughout the growing up, therefore, in all periods of childhood, it is necessary to develop in the child value ideas about himself, about people, about the world around him, to cultivate positive emotional perception and form adequate behavior, according to the surrounding reality. The process of forming a child’s life experience is a parent-child interaction. During this process, the parent shares with his child their successes, failures, i.e. acts as an experienced person who transfers his life experience to a child. The transfer of experience is a process that helps a child understand: who he is, what he is, and why he appeared on this earth. Since the parent is an authority for a child, and until a certain age he, trusting the parent, remembers everything with desire and this knowledge remains with him for life.

In the future, this will help self-survival of your child. All your life your child will rely on life experience and life principles that were laid down in him in the family, already in adulthood, a person decides what to do and how to act. It is not possible to track the child’s life experience, he cannot understand what is happening inside him, it is believed that the child born is a clean sheet, and what kind of life experience the child will receive when he enters adulthood will depend on adults.

Approaching the period of adulthood, a young man should be aware of his life experience and be prepared for adulthood. Of course, the experience of a person at the beginning of adulthood differs from the experience of an adult, since life experience accumulates throughout a person’s life, each person has a different and unique experience. From what experience parents pass on to their child and his future life will depend.

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A person’s life experience shows that any type of activity created should be useful for its existence, but at the same time, activity can be a source of negative impacts or harm, leading to injuries, diseases, and sometimes it ends with a complete disability or death. Any activity can cause harm to a person: work in production (labor activity), various types of recreation, entertainment, and even activities related to obtaining knowledge. Human practice, thus, gives reason to argue that any activity is potentially dangerous.

A person’s life experience shows that any type of activity created should be useful for its existence, but at the same time, activity can be a source of negative influences or harm, leading to injuries, diseases, and sometimes to a complete loss of working capacity or death. Any activity can cause harm to a person: work in production (technological process), various types of recreation, entertainment, and even activities related to obtaining knowledge. Human practice, thus, gives reason to argue that any activity is potentially dangerous.

Developed in the process of a person’s life experience, through exercise, analysis of shortcomings made during observation.

Equally important for work in the public personnel department is the person’s social and life experience. Of course, it does not follow from this that the department should be staffed only by people of advanced age.

Attitude usually arises on the basis of previous work and life experience.

The process of processing information by a person is extremely complicated - it also depends on a person’s life experience, on his education, on erudition, on profession, on interest in this or that information, and even on temperament and moral attitudes of a person.

This process is accompanied by the expansion of human rights and obligations that determine the measure of its possible effects on the state of its environment. The possibilities of such a change lie in the systemically formed life experience of a person. The basis of the social in a person is his natural inclinations, which, as a result of their cultivation, reach the level of abilities, giftedness, and talent. Of course, inclinations as potential abilities vary from one child to another. However, for children in the norm, this initial spread can be easily compensated during the upbringing and education. The result of socialization decisively depends on how this process proceeds, how much the principle of continuity and conjugation is observed, at what moments a person fixes the level of development he has achieved and reflects on.

An image of this type minimizes the influence of a person’s life experience and the resulting influence of all kinds of associations. The three experiments previously described in the psychology literature were repeated.

This creates areas of close to each other questions and answers. It is this ability to generalize experience that makes up the main value of education, erudition, human life experience. The experiment of the first type is depicted in the form of two fixed scales. Each point on the scale of questions corresponds to a point on the scale of answers.

A man is a personality formed by hereditary factors and life experience. A person’s personality is influenced by his innate features, but, however, as the person’s life experience increases, he gradually becomes who he is at the moment.

Science as a combination of true and systematized knowledge of the world arose at a rather late stage in the history of the development of human society, although from its very appearance man has sought to know the world that surrounded him. However, at the initial stages of the development of society and man, there were no conditions for a scientific explanation of the world, and the scientific view of the world was preceded by a religious and common sense explanation that exists today, despite the full development of scientific knowledge of the world. The roots of religious beliefs go back to human practice and experience, although their creators and adherents deny this fact, claiming that they are divine revelations, truths that are communicated by a deity (Buddha, Christ, Muhammad) and as such are eternal, unchanging and not can be subjected to objective verification, but require only that they be believed. Ordinary knowledge (knowledge of common sense) is based on the life experience of a person, acquired by him primarily in the process of his production activity.

Now look at the concept and the sensual image: does the concept concentrate in itself what is called universality, and is it not the sensory - direct reality. Is there any way out to that interconnection between the sensory and the conceptual that is contained in the eidetic and conceptual intuition. Is not the basis for the triggering of these forms of intuition the billionth repetition in individual human activity of this linking of universality and immediate reality. It seems to us that such a connection exists here. Important in this case is the person’s life experience.

In our opinion, value expresses the human dimension of culture, embodies the attitude to the forms of human existence, human existence. It, as it were, pulls together all spiritual diversity to the human mind, feelings and will. Thus, value is not only conscious, but also a vital, existentially felt being. It characterizes the human dimension of social consciousness, as it is passed through the personality, through its inner world. If an idea is a breakthrough to the comprehension of certain aspects of life, individual and social life, then value is rather a personality-related attitude to the world, arising not only on the basis of knowledge and information, but also on one’s own life experience.

In people's perceptions, this behavior exists as a system of roles — ordered and coordinated actions that are relevant in a definition. The latter are structured in positions, statuses or offip. A position is a set of rights and obligations indicated in one word, e.g. In the event that a person does not perform or poorly fulfills the role projections presented to him, social sanctions are applied to him (ridicule, boycott, threats, physical. This is the way social control is carried out. In social interaction, the roles are determined by positions, and not by people, temporarily these Most of the roles, however, are not very strictly prescribed and leave room for individual variations. Like the role and position, I am a kind of symbol, the content of which a person learns from communicating with others. I, like what can be an object for itself, is essentially a social structure and arises in the process of social experience (Mead G. The founders of the role theory believed that I was a mirror of others: a person refers to himself as an object, the meaning of which is determined by the corresponding opinions and actions of others However, the attitude of others towards the subject is largely determined by his role. Since the whole life experience of a person can be presented as a follow-up. I am considered as a trace of many roles, with which people identified themselves, or, in short, I am a sum ma roles. I, as a product of the opinions of others, were retained by the ego, while the basic I was treated as the product of pre-social experience. So, Sarbin believes that the I integrates from a number of empirical I - substructures that develop at various stages of human development (see A preface to a psychological analysis of the self, in the journal.

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Experience is the name that everyone gives  to your mistakes. O. Wilde

For each problem that we have created, there is a solution, and any test ends only when it gives us the opportunity for spiritual growth. Remember that there is always a solution to problems that you will find the answer to the question of how to do the right thing in a particular life situation exclusively at home, at your inner “I”.   Know that no matter what happens, any problem always has its own reasons and solutions.

Remember that you cannot teach the truth, because everyone comes to the truth himself! What you perceive as truth becomes your truth.

The wisdom of man, apparently, lies in the fact that he can calmly accept what is objective
But what depends on the person, refers to the relation to the objective, it can and should be a controlled process.

Any life situation makes it possible to get the experience necessary for our development Life is an amazing process of learning, understanding, compassion, patience and love.The best opportunity for spiritual growth often appears in the most difficult moments of life, when a person is tested for strength.

Life is a garden, flowers in it are an amazing experience . The life of every person is an amazing garden, and the flowers that sprout in it are an amazing experience for everyone living on earth. Every day, individual bouquets of people are replenished with new flowers of amazing beauty.

Own experience is an effective way of learning . Through our own experience, we learn that you can do something differently.

Each person has his own experience. No experience meant for another . This is true, as well as the fact that everyone has their own life and no one can live someone else's life.

Each experienced experience has its own meaning. . It is thanks to our experiences that we acquire the life wisdom that has accumulated over the years. Wisdom is not transmitted, knowledge can be transmitted, not wisdom. Wisdom is not conveyed by words, it is transmitted exclusively by life experience. Know firmly that every problem has its own solutions.

Spiritual development should be, like everything in life, with a sense of proportion . If people who with a "head" go into spiritual self-improvement and development exclusively of their inner world. By this they violate the fundamental law of the Universe - the Law of the unity of the inner with the outside world.

Faced with the truth, give way to it . Do not turn away from the truth, which at the right time in the right place comes out, thus declaring itself.

Learn to take every challenge from a creative perspective. . Use your circumstances as an opportunity. Free yourself from the misconception that “little good does no good,” and “little evil does not cause damage.” Know that, on the one hand, if you do not accumulate good in a small way, you won’t get big good. On the other hand, if you do not refrain from evil in the small, a big crime will be committed.

Unpleasant is an amazing experience that you must go through . Having received “unpleasant” from your actions, look at this state as a signal from your own subconscious mind that somewhere in your thoughts, intentions or actions you have come into conflict with the Law of Love.

The most important human need is the need for truth . When a person hears a lie, his subconscious mind reacts to it as an act of violence against the inner "I". Moreover, it does not matter from whom this lie emanates: from other people or from oneself.

Learn to see the big in the small . Learn to find freedom in the midst of prohibitions, to find abundance in the empty, to always see life behind any death.

Everything is possible in your life . Having believed that everything is possible in your life, you will allow all answers and decisions, all changes to enter your life.

Before you evaluate something, get at least an elementary idea about it . Before challenging the practicality of the techniques presented in this manual, try, live in a new model of behavior, and only then judge and evaluate them. Do not be like a person who is arguing about the contents of a book without even having an elementary idea of \u200b\u200bit (do not be like the hero M. Zhvanetsky, who is arguing hoarsely about the taste of oysters without tasting them). Also be especially careful about the opinion of someone who already knows the answer before understanding the question.

Follow the essential principle of wisdom — do not deny anything . Be aware that there are various teachers and spiritual mentors: some will definitely forbid something, while others, without denying or forbidding anything, will tell you the direction of development and improvement.

The wise denies nothing, the wise learns from everyone . When we deny (do not accept) something, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to learn something useful and wise.

Any life situation presents an opportunity for growth and personal development. . A wise person understands well that each new rebirth becomes a lesson, the possibility of change is the possibility of personal growth.

Earth reality is a great learning experience . Man is in earthly reality in order to experience different states of being, and not in order to evaluate how others do it.

Life teaches even those who do not want to learn from it . Remember that to avoid exposure to human laws of life is not in the power of man.

Life situation will be repeated until the lesson of learning is learned. . The situation of learning will be repeated (the so-called “deja vu”) until you learn how to react correctly to the situation that teaches you.

The situation we are in is the lessons we must go through . If learning does not occur in a learning situation, it means that it will be repeated again, but with much greater energy costs and consequences for a person. When all the teachings take place and the lesson is successfully completed, the situation is resolved and will not be repeated again.

The absence of any creative element in your life usually negatively affects your health . Know that monotonous work, unloved work, and work that is motivated by some kind of fear (fear of being left without a livelihood, fear of being alone, rejected, fear of losing the love of a loved one, etc.) usually undermine health.

Remember that life error is a natural part of our spiritual growth and development. . When a person pities himself in something, expresses doubts about what has happened, he creates a discord in the energy system of his own body, which can negatively affect his health potential.

No one knows what he is capable of until he makes an attempt . There are many people who fail. This happens most often because they never make any attempts. If something goes wrong, just try not to follow.

Learn the basic ways to gain life knowledge. . Remember that we were born to seek the truth and only, but not at all to possess it. At least three paths lead to knowledge: the first path is the most noble - this is the path of reflection; the second way is the easiest - this is the path of imitation; the third path is the most bitter - the path of experience.

Once a known thought cannot be lost . If something is not clear to you, know that the time has not yet come for you to know any truth. However, be sure that the seed of knowledge is already sown and the plant with time will appear and, like a lotus flower, will unfold naturally  and gradually.

The problem is an excellent opportunity to change for the better. . Most of the problems are caused by the vibrations that emanate from us, and all problems are nothing short of amazingly given us the opportunity to change for the better.

Every difficult situation has a very great educational role. . Absolutely in every difficult situation, there is a very significant personal reason that we must somehow eliminate. For your own sake, learn to express your own feelings as a child: rejoice and be upset sincerely. Get rid of the fear of other people's reactions to your manifestations. sincere emotions, especially if at the same time you do not insult them  feelings.

“Growing obstacles” . Life obstacles and hardships are an amazing opportunity for growth and development in a new direction. Learn to perceive your life as an amazing school, where every situation gives us a useful life lesson.

Let's look at some very specific reasons.

1. Our overvalued the ideasor idealization

What it is? In the head of each there are several overvalued ideas that constantly encourage proving the truth. So significant idea  about how the surrounding world should be called "idealization". To imagine how the surrounding world should be arranged is normal. The problem arises when, on the basis of this idea, you are irritated, immersed in long-term experiences and other negative  emotions. This is what has such a devastating effect on a life.

Say you have a solid idea of \u200b\u200bhow family life should be Perfect model". By this models, the husband must bring coffee to bed every morning, and the child vigorously get up and get ready for school completely independently. But in reality, it is difficult to lift both a grumbling husband and a dissatisfied child from bed, trying to have breakfast at the same time, put everything in order, and get ready for work.

Comparing this perfect model  with real life, you see significant discrepancies and start to worry about what is really happening. They began to worry - they began to accumulate negative energy blocks, or energy charges, in the body. And emotional blocks inevitably affect behavior and destiny. The accumulated blocks against offenders do not immediately stop being offended, they force them to engage in an endless struggle with an unjust world. As a result, we continue to be angry, offended and in conflict.

The balance in the body is disturbed, often various diseases appear. The more negative emotional blocks are formed - the more a person is sick, the more difficult it is for him to achieve any goal, and the more inaccessible for him feeling of lightness  and harmony, forces on these positive emotions simply do not remain.

2. Negative attitudes

These are the settings downloaded to subconscious  as a result of your negative life experiences, most often - parent-child communication. They are in the subconscious and wait when needed. For example, parents based on life experience concluded: Money is dirt, and they intensively inspired the child with this postulate using various striking examples.

And so, a man grew up, has long been living separately from his parents. But when there is a need to make a decision related to making money - for example: to open a business, or find a well-paid job, the Subconscious mind remembers all the attitudes on this issue, and as a rule a person does not go anywhere and does nothing, finding the most good reasons. In addition to parents and other significant environments for you, we ourselves inspire a huge number of negative attitudes based on life experience, such as: I am ugly. I can’t achieve anything in life. I am a loser. I can not attract a decent man. Nobody pays attention to me, etc.

This list is individual. Negative attitudes  don't miss in subconscious  positive information about yourself and your achievements, because negative experience from the past proves the opposite, not allowing us to believe that we can be beautiful, healthy, successful. Inevitably there are feelings of anxiety and negative feelings ...

3. Low power engineering

On amid so many experiences  can't stay high. Constant anxiety inevitably undermines energy levels and undermines health. There is apathy, gloom. It is difficult to perform even the most common actions for a healthy person, such as morning exercises and regular sports, characteristic of a successful and harmonious person.

You probably noticed that happy people are peppy, active, they get up early and do exercises or run in the mornings, take a contrast shower. It costs them nothing to spend an hour breathing practice or yoga before going to work. What is this talking about? That u harmonious  people - a high level of good, bright energy. They have enough strength for their favorite work, and for raising children, and for their favorite activities and creative projects.

How do they do it? Is such a feeling possible lightnesswhen you want to sing and dance for some reason? Such that you wake up and want to circle around the apartment, forgetting about the cooling cup of coffee? Is there such a state that you want to quickly get dressed and run towards life, adventure, peace? Of course, yes!

And some videos:

This is a unity of skills and knowledge that is acquired by all people in the process of their life activity, from childhood, from the very moment that a future member of society begins to receive impressions, experience, observe and carry out practical actions. In addition, experience is one of the basic concepts of the theory of knowledge. However, it is worth considering it in the traditional sense.

Life experience

It is necessary to tell about it first of all. What is life experience? So it is customary to call the set of events occurring within the biography of the same person. It can be said, his individual story or even a social biography.

It is believed that the number of situations experienced and their depth are the determining factors in the life intensity of each individual, as well as his spiritual world. After all, experience grows out of experiences, suffering, the victory of will over desires and achievements. All this leads to wisdom.

It is generally accepted that life is given to man just in order for him to gain this experience. This is the purpose of earthly existence. In order to gain experience, a person is completely immersed in life, passing through obstacles, experiencing storms that cause a lot of trouble. But it is precisely in their solution that he often manages to find answers to many exciting questions.

Social existence

It contributes to the accumulation of social experience, which is a combination of skills necessary for participation in society.

What is experience in this context? This is practical knowledge about the joint life of people, which was recorded in the norms and principles of behavior, as well as in traditions, moral precepts, rituals and customs. It also includes feelings, reflexes, emotions, landmarks, views, points of view, languages \u200b\u200band worldview systems.

Knowledge of all of the above is transferred from one generation to another. Without this, society is impossible. If at one moment the entire population, except for children under 3-4 years old, disappeared, civilization would die out. After all, the kids would not be able to master all the skills of humanity. This is impossible without the transfer of social experience from adults who own it.

About personality

It is important to touch upon the topic of what is the experience of independence. Most often it is experienced by children and adolescents. Less commonly, adults. It manifests itself in those moments when a person begins to do something on his own, without guidance, advice or guardianship from the outside.

This experience is especially important for children to acquire. If they do not get such an opportunity, then they will have nothing to comprehend. At the same time, it is necessary that the child has a person with whom he could consult (parent, teacher, guardian, one of relatives). Otherwise, his own experience of independence will be empty or imperfect. It is not right. Experience must be "processed." Here is an example - a child can pick up the simplest melody on a piano by ear. But to play it correctly, with “right” fingers, taking into account all the signs and pauses, he will succeed only after working together on a work with an adult. And there are thousands of similar examples.

Professional aspect

In addition to all of the above, children in the process of their education at school are told about what relevant work experience is. This is important for their future career guidance.

Relevant is the work experience that a person has acquired in a particular profile. If a candidate comes for an interview in a private clinic where he wants to work as a surgeon, then the owner of the institution is primarily interested in how many years a potential employee has worked in this specialty.

Why is knowledge on this subject important? Because children must learn from an early age that professional self-determination is important. Of course, tens of thousands of people who graduated from a university in one specialty work as a result in other fields of activity. But this is exactly what they are trying to convey to children at school - they should not lose 4 years in vain. It is important for them to responsibly approach the issue of choosing a profession in order to receive a relevant education.


In Russia, service is mandatory — such is the law. Awareness of this should also be instilled in boys during their school years. And besides this, teachers must explain to future defenders of the Fatherland what combat experience is.

The army is a real school of life. All the guys, being in military service, undergo physical and combat training, go to shooting ranges, and also receive a certain specialty (which one depends on the type of troops). The army teaches to endure adverse conditions and hunger, to be responsible for what has been said and done, to choose people, to respect elders. Service tempers in all plans. After the army, the guys become able to endure and do something, even if you want to quit. The service helps to feel the true value of freedom, life, health, and, of course, loved ones.

Many believe that without an army all this can be obtained. But only people who have not been there think so. A whole year spent in harsh, constantly hardening conditions - this is a combat experience that is never forgotten.


Talking about what experience is, one cannot fail to note another nuance with attention. It relates to practice - human purposeful activity that accompanies each of us from birth.

If you observe the baby, you will notice something interesting, but at the same time simple. This refers to the process of acquiring skills. One day he barely holds a toy in his hands. And a week later, he consciously takes a spoon by the handle. Subsequently, he learns to walk. First it falls, it hits. But after a while he manages to firmly stand on his feet.

That is what practical experience is. We get it all our lives, right up to a very old age. And there is! Indeed, many people, upon reaching retirement, decide to learn something. Some get on a bicycle, others go to a driving school, some enroll in foreign language courses. And during the lessons they gain new experience. By the way, some may wonder - why do so many people so want to do something, to accumulate knowledge? Everything is simple. This is an inborn instinct of curiosity, which often develops into curiosity.

Other types of knowledge

So, above it was available about what experience is. The definition is understandable, but in the end I would like to note some more existing types of knowledge.

In addition to the above, there is physical experience, the elements of which are sensations. Emotional experience involves feelings and experiences. But this is a rather complex holistic entity that integrates the most diverse types of mental structures.

There is also a mental experience that includes aspects of consciousness and intelligence. And there is also religious, otherwise called spiritual and mystical. Its specificity lies in the maximum subjectivity of the experience. The same feature makes it impossible to transfer this experience unchanged to another person. Because everyone experiences their own experiences.

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