The earth's electromagnetic field is the oscillation frequency. The Schumann frequency is the biorhythms of the Earth and the rhythms of the human brain.

Man is a tremendous Divine Creation. One of the components in it is energy, subtle, light structures that vibrate, vibrate from the state of a Human in a dense body (low or high, light or dark). These vibrations are like antennas: as soon as a Man began to destroy high, vital energies in himself, subtle structures immediately react, then the body, a lack of energy becomes noticeable in organs, cells and in the whole body, in everything in which Man exists.

The tables below clearly show how their development went from low to higher over the past 10 years. Today more than ever it is necessary to decide where you are going. If you have made a decision to go to the Light, then you must stop broadcasting everything that diminishes high energies in you, Joy, Gratitude, Wisdom, Purity, etc. And if to the circle of Samsara, then we were already there, there is little harmony, very scary and painful, in the circle of eternal questions and dissatisfaction with oneself, life, deception, illusions, with a desire to die faster, in complete depletion - and this is one of the our unique experiences in the past life.

The Creator loves us equally and light, and dark, and green, and speckled. (Note by the Author: if only we could learn to love and accept everything in ourselves).

Table 1. The vibration frequency of Man and the Earth from 2000 to 2015.

Until 2010, there were indicators of ≈ 0 - 8 Hertz in Man.

The ratio of vibration frequency of man and earth

Symptomatology in Man

The vibrational gap between Man and the Earth is very large today and this is an obvious fact from the numbers given above. The vibrational gap is expressed by increased anxiety, emotion, loss of energy, and the manifestation of negativity. The evolutionary cycle is inhibited in Man, such a development. Vibrational mismatch today leads to certain symptoms. One of the most important messages, that the vibrations of the Earth will increase, is not from our desire, choice, will, this is a Divine evolutionary movement not only on planet Earth.

Table 2. Vibration frequency of Man and Earth of past civilizations
to the beginning, middle and end of their existence on planet Earth.

Magnification vibration frequencies of Human and Earth happens simultaneously. The Earth moves to higher energetic vibrational levels, and the Man still has the habit of negatively thinking, talking, doing, living, low energy potential. Naturally, the point of Love is closed. The discrepancy between the vibrations of the light, dark energies inside the Man does not give him complete harmonization, since the light, dark part in the Man is not harmonized. Either that or that. Today the third is not given. A person gets what he chooses. A Person striving for light cannot be in low energies and generate them.

Basic understanding:

Man is primarily an energetic Creation with a dense body, which limited his capabilities as a Divine Creation. Today everything has changed and for the development of Man all restrictions have been removed, only one thing remains - to act. Today the laying of the future is taking place: what you choose and what you do - the choice is yours.

The epoch-making period began in 2012 and will end in 196 years. This is an interesting, grandiose time for the development of Man as a Divine hypostasis on planet Earth, but how it will be today depends on you. During the entire existence of Evolutionary Human civilizations, wars occur before the transition.

"You can always think about something, just not about how to realize what you are thinking"

"It doesn't matter who you were yesterday - it matters who you create
yourself now. "
- excerpts from the book Wisdom of the New Time. Part 2.

Why do people need to increase the frequency of their vibrations?
In 1987, the earth's magnetic grid changed. It did not happen in one day, and therefore, for most people, this process went unnoticed.
Literally, we are currently witnessing the planned ascension of the Earth. And no one has ever observed this before us. It is about the vibration frequency of the Earth. About the Schumann resonance, which in last years as if out of my mind.

After all, from time immemorial, the vibration frequency of the Earth was constant: 7.6-7.8 Hertz.
And at the turn of the millennium it began:
- in January 2000, the Schumann frequency jumped up sharply: it became already 9.3 Hz. But it turned out that these are just flowers.

2000 - 9.30 Hz,
2007 - 9.80 Hz,
2012 - 11.10 Hz,
2013 - 13.74 Hz,
2014 - 16.5 Hz.

Those. over 14 years, the Schumann frequency has increased more than 2 times! And this is against the background of the fact that it has stood still for thousands of years.
And now this take-off has taken on even greater acceleration. In just 2 years - 2015-2016, the Schumann frequency reached a value as close as possible to 30 Hz.

And this is the data for 2017: on January 31, 2017, for the first time in the entire history of observations, the Schumann resonance reached a frequency of 36 Hz!

And here's what science has to say about it:
- a person who does not raise his vibrations in one way or another dooms himself to soon leave the earthly plane.

... And this, of course, is about spontaneous failures and diseases. They simply and cannot but arise if the cellular vibration in frequency is lower than that of the planet.

And, alas, we already see confirmation of this gloomy statement of scientists:
- more and more people die in scenarios of heart attack and stroke.
Because the most crushing blow as a result of the frequency difference is taken, of course, by the vessels.

... And it remains to understand how to protect yourself from this ...
The answer to this question is given by biophysics and quantum biology.
The answer is: you need to seriously learn to manage your emotional state.

In other words, we must already begin to pay close attention to what we think about all day and what we feel at the same time.
This is the first step: to establish your dominant thoughts and feelings.

The second step is to realize what exactly happens with the frequency of cellular vibration when you experience certain feelings. The Human Vibration Classification helps to make this step very well.

Looking at the following classification, it is clearly seen: at the present moment, when the Earth's vibration frequency is 36 Hz, we need to keep ourselves on the vibrations of the feeling of conformity to ourselves (this is when you unconditionally accept yourself: you understand that your personality is what you like, evokes respect and complete self-satisfaction).

It is necessary to accept people and the whole world without judgment. Look at the World through the eyes of Love!

And note: it is only now that you need to keep yourself on such vibrations. But, judging by the rapid dynamics of the Schumann resonance, very soon this will not be enough either.

And although no one knows for sure at what speed the vibration frequency of the Earth will grow, but this is quite obvious: it tends to frequencies of the highest order ... And this is the range of 115-205 Hz (and higher).

On the other hand, and this is also clear: it is possible for us, humans, to correspond to the frequencies of the Earth. No matter how high they go. And for this we don't need to do anything exotic.

Any thought we think repeatedly is an affirmation. And we need our affirmations to be positive.

All that we think about in our hearts is prayer.

Every thought, every word, every emotion has its own vibration frequency of feelings. Naturally, what quality of thoughts, words and emotions a person carries, such an energetic frequency of vibration ... he represents.

The lowest vibrations are present in the range from 0 to 2.7 hertz;
- the lowest - over 2.7 and up to 9.7 hertz;
- low - over 9.7 and up to 26 hertz;
- high - over 26 and up to 56 hertz;
- higher - over 56 and up to 115 hertz;
- the highest - over 115 and up to 205 hertz;
- over 205 hertz - crystal vibrations, or vibrations of a new, 6th race on planet Earth.

When do destructive vibrations arise? They appear in a person as a result of the action of his negative personal qualities or emotions.

Human senses vibration classification:

Grief vibrates from 0.1 to 2 Hz;
- fear - 0.2-2.2 Hz;
- resentment - 0.6-3.3 Hz;
- rage - about 0.5 Hz;
- indignation - 0.6-1.9 Hz;
- snobbery, pride - 0.8 Hz;
- irritation - 0.9-3.8 Hz;
- anger - 1.4 Hz;
- neglect - 1.5 Hz;
- a sense of superiority - 1.9 Hz;
- pity - 3 Hz;
- pride in what you have done - 3.1 Hz;
- gratitude (desire to say thank you) - 45 Hz;
- a feeling of affection, rational love, as they say, with the head: that is, when a person realizes that love is a good, bright feeling and great strength, but the heart still cannot be loved, then the vibrations are 50 Hz;
- generosity - 95 Hz;
- feeling of unity with those who are near - from 140 Hz;
- mercy - from 150 Hz;
- sincere, heartfelt love that a person generates with his heart for all people without exception and for all living things (like, for example, a mother's love for a child) - from 150 hertz and above;
- unconditional love, accepted in the Universe - from 205 hertz and above.

The minimum vibration in which we find ourselves favorably today is 36 Hz. Gratitude - 45 Hz. From here we start. Oh, you have nothing to be grateful for? Did you think well?

We have much to thank the One GOD, the Almighty!

For children who make noise at home: this means that you have a family.
For the dishes that need to be washed: it means you have food.
For carpets that need to be vacuumed, windows that need to be washed, pipes that are clogged:
then you have a home.
For shoes soaked in the rain: it means that you are still able to walk and you have something to put on.
For traffic jams: it means you have a car.
For lessons and exams that you need to prepare for: this means you have the opportunity
to get education.
For the boss who shouts: it means that you are still able to hear.
For a mountain of washing: it means that you have clothes.
For tears and smiles: it means that you can still feel.
For those who hurt you: it means that you can understand how not to act,
and give in return forgiveness and love.
For tiredness at the end of the day: it means that you can still work wonderfully well.
For an alarm clock that wakes you up at dawn: it means that you are still alive ...

Appreciate what you have!!!

THANK YOU MUCH - after all, many dream of such a life as yours !!!

Give thanks for what came true and what did NOT come true. You don't know what the consequences would be. We always have exactly what we need at a given moment in life.


Forgiveness is the only liberating force in the universe.


In the middle of the last century, Professor of Munich technical university Winfried Otto Schumann established that the Earth and its ionosphere form a giant resonator, where ultra-low-frequency waves propagate, which can easily bend around the Earth many times. Over the course of 60 years, after numerous studies and rechecking, the Earth's frequency of 7.83 Hz was accurately determined. Since then, in science, this frequency is called the Schumann resonance frequency.

The formation of standing waves in such a resonator was later called the Schumann resonance. We must pay tribute that the Schumann resonance really became known under this name according to the Munich scientist Schumann, but for the first time the effect of standing waves was discovered and analyzed by Nikola Tesla, and only after more than five decades this effect was studied in detail and later became known as the Schumann resonance ".

Science for many years could not explain, thanks to what energy psychics move objects with the power of thought, healers - heal people.
An explanation for the mysterious source of powerful energy was found after the atomic physicist Robert Becker, measuring the brain waves of psychics during remote exposure sessions, found that these waves coincide with Schumann's waves.

In addition, the waves of the right and left hemispheres of the brain at such moments are equal in frequency and opposite in amplitude, which leads to the formation of standing waves, a characteristic feature of which is that in a standing wave, one type of energy is converted into another.
Standing brain waves are capable of interacting with Schumann waves.

Dr. Robert Becker measured the brain waves of many healers around the world during their healing sessions. He found that they all have the same frequencies - 7-8 Hz, regardless of their religious and spiritual traditions, and synchronize with the Schumann waves both in frequency and in phase.
Schumann's wavelength is approximately 38000 km, which corresponds to the circumference of the Earth. Also, each lightning produces vibrations with a frequency of 7.83 Hz.
The Schumann wave, propagating at the speed of light, bends around the planet 8 times per second.

Thus, cyclones and frontal sections generate electromagnetic waves exactly in this range. They, spreading inside the global resonator Earth-ionosphere, serve as storm harbingers for many representatives of the biosphere.

Forebrain - a part of the brain, consisting of the subcortex and cortex large hemispheres... The subcortex of the forebrain includes the diencephalon with the thalamus and hypothalamus, and the basal ganglia. Dr. Ulrich Warnke describes thalamic frequencies vary around 7.8 Hz.
The thalamus houses the so-called Hippokampus training center.
It functions best at 7.83 Hz.

It also became known that this rhythm always dominates in children, but in adults only during deep relaxation, in sleep and during professional meditation. Perhaps this explains why children learn better than adults. The so-called phenomenon of indigo children lies precisely in this phenomenon, and not at all in the color of their aura.

Back in the 50s of the 20th century, it was proved that the intensity of the Schumann resonance directly affects the higher nervous activity of a person, as well as his intellectual abilities.
Thanks to the resonance of Schumann waves, which are of natural origin, and standing brain waves, psychics gain access to colossal natural energy, with the help of which they influence, including on material objects.
An ordinary person who is not distinguished by supernatural abilities can also gain access to this colossal energy. For this it is necessary that the cerebral hemispheres work in a synchronous rhythm.
Our words and thoughts materialize - in the case of the formation of a resonance of standing waves of the brain and standing waves of the surrounding space.
The result of such a resonance is the transformation of energy from one type to another: the energy of words and thoughts is transformed into concrete events.

At the same time, an ordinary person has the ability to:
purposefully build the future development of events in your life;
correct the possible negative consequences of events that have not yet occurred, but, with a high degree of probability, may occur;
harmonize various areas of your life.

Science has repeatedly confirmed experimentally that thought and word are material.
At the end of the last century scientific world was thrilled by the results of the experiments of the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, who clearly proved that water under the influence of our thoughts, emotions, words changes its structure. In other words, water has a “memory”.
According to the scientist, the universe is based on a single vibrational frequency that can transfer our emotions to all surrounding objects, including water.

A vivid example of the influence of the Word is an experiment by a group of Russian scientists, a description of which is contained in an interview with Academician P. russian word"). The essence of the experiment is as follows:
The researchers irradiated plant grains with 10 thousand X-rays. Even the chromosomes in the seeds are destroyed with such a huge dose of radiation.
Then, the grains were divided into two groups.
The first group was treated with a specific spectrum electromagnetic radiation on which an acoustic signal in the form of a human voice was "superimposed" with a request to the seeds to restore their original natural properties.
The second group was exposed to the same spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, but a set of random words that were not related to each other was used as an acoustic signal.
As a result, the seeds of the first group fully restored their properties, and the seeds of the second - irrevocably died. The experiments were carried out several times, and their result confirmed the significance of the directed power of the Word.

The experiments of Masaru Emoto and P. Garyaev convincingly prove that the "Word" is not just a sound expression of a certain object of thought, it is a certain amount of energy, thanks to which the effect is observed.
And now let's take a closer look at what frequencies are habitual and “working” for our brain. And all LI people can “see” feel beyond the usual, ie. receive information from those layers that are around the Earth in particular. And if so, what is needed for this, and how realistic it is for a normal person who is completely usually related to "reality".

At the moment, in official medicine, it is customary to distinguish five main frequency ranges of the brain:
- delta range (0.5Hz-4Hz) - deep sleep phase;
- theta range (4Hz-8Hz) - REM sleep, half-nap;
- alpha range (8Hz-13Hz) - relaxation;
- beta range (13Hz-45Hz) - active wakefulness;
- gamma range (45Hz-60Hz) - an altered state of consciousness (considered difficult to achieve, poorly studied).

Delta waves are the slowest oscillations in the brain. They usually predominate when we are either drowsy or unconscious, but some can be in the delta range and in a conscious state. Stimulation of the brain in the delta range allows you to get rid of insomnia, increase the professional ability of psychologists and psychotherapists to adjust to patients, provide deep rest and completely neutralize the "burnout" effect.

Theta waves - usually predominate when a person is in a state between sleep and wakefulness, i.e. in a pre-sleep or "twilight" state. It is often accompanied by the vision of unexpected, dream-like images and opens access to the unconscious part of the mind. Training the brain in the theta range significantly increases a person's creativity and learning ability. The need for alcohol and drugs is also significantly reduced.

It is no secret that today on Earth many more people are born who are able to catch, see and do what our grandparents could not yet.
Theta-wave is a single two-phase oscillation of the potential difference with a duration of 130-250 ms, which has a shape approaching sinusoidal.
Theta rhythm - rhythmic fluctuations of potential:
- with a frequency within 4-8 Hz;
- with an amplitude of 10-200 μV;
- sometimes - modulated in the spindle (in the frontal regions of the brain).
With an amplitude of 25-35 μV, theta rhythm is included as a component in the normal EEG.

Alpha waves are characteristic of a state of shallow relaxation. People who have a decreased level of alpha rhythm activity usually have impaired ability to rest, which is usually caused by severe stress... Therefore, alpha stimulation is recommended to help overcome stressful conditions.

Beta waves - prevail in the normal waking state, when we observe the world around us with open eyes, or are focused on solving some current problems. Beta waves are usually associated with wakefulness, wakefulness, concentration, cognition, and in the case of their excess, with anxiety, fear and panic. Lack of beta waves is associated with depression, poor selective attention, and problems remembering information. Stimulating the brain in the beta range allows you to get rid of depressive conditions, increase the level of awareness, attention and short-term memory.
The beta rhythm corresponds to the activity of the left hemisphere, that is, critical assessment and abstract thinking.
Beta rhythm - rhythmic fluctuations of potential:
- with a frequency within 13-35 Hz;
- with an amplitude of 10-15 μV and above.
Beta rhythm:
- better expressed in the frontal-central regions of the brain;
- increases (in these areas) in amplitude and frequency during physical and mental work and emotional stress;
- is blocked by contralateral limb movements or tactile irritation.
In clinical practice, there are:
- beta-low-frequency rhythm (beta-1-rhythm) from 13 to 25 Hz; and
- beta high-frequency rhythm (beta-2-rhythm) from 25 to 35 Hz.
Gamma rhythm - rhythmic fluctuations of potential:
- with a frequency of 25-35 Hz;
- with an amplitude of up to 25 μV.
Usually, the gamma rhythm is masked by slower waves.
And the fact that the brain generates coarse high-frequency waves, for example, beta or gamma waves, means that the essence of our consciousness - our deep consciousness - is distorted when projected. This can be compared to a crooked mirror reflecting objects in an extremely distorted form. Therefore, we will be able to achieve our goal and experience true joy when we learn to project the essence of our consciousness onto this world without distortion, in other words, when we can generate delta waves or bring the frequencies of our brain waves closer to the state of cessation of habitually active brain activity.
If you express this thought in a very primitive and simple way, then when a person is in a calm state, (the state of the mental Moon (see the articles on the mental and astral levels of the Moon), i.e. the frequencies of his brain waves are in a certain mode, in which his brain enters with certain frequencies of the Infofield - the person receives the most correct decisions for him, the most correct and necessary ideas are found.
I had to read once:
"My EEG shows that the frequency of my brain waves is below 0.05 Hz. Doctors find it incomprehensible that I am alive and can talk to you. In their opinion, I should have died. However, I am in a state where the primary the projection of the deepest consciousness is manifested in this world in the most accurate way. In other words, I have the purest mirror. " (I don’t presume to judge the author of these lines .. perhaps this is so) but one thing he wrote is correct - about mirroring.
In Buddhist texts, this state is described as "the state of a Buddha who has achieved mirror wisdom."
Among the texts of Tibetan Buddhism, there is a sutra called Bardo Thodol. It tells about death, intermediate state and rebirth. In short, the Bardo Todol describes the state of mind necessary to stay in an intermediate state and the way to avoid being born in the three lower worlds and to be reborn in a higher world. The intermediate state includes the state of sleep, Samadi (deep meditation), existence in the mother's womb, and the period between death and life before entering the mother's womb.
This book says that in the intermediate state, our feelings sharpen seven times, that is, they become stronger and more real. And our consciousness becomes seven times clearer than our ordinary consciousness. This is the highest state of consciousness characterized by delta waves.
Let me tell you briefly about brain waves. Brain waves or EEG (electroencephalography) are very weak electrical currents generated by the cerebral cortex. They can be recorded using an electroencephalograph connected to electrodes attached to the person's head. This device reads fluctuations in the electrical potential of the brain.
If you manage to interrupt the work of your consciousness with the help of "meditation of relativity, that is, with the help of an antidote (ideas directly opposite to those ideas that are in your consciousness), and completely stop the habitual active activity of the brain, (I am not talking about becoming" vegetable "- and I'm only talking about the fact that the usual active state of the brain in the usual tension of the mind, in concentration on the logical component of our being is not the most correct and even beneficial state for us) - you will ultimately gain the ability to fulfill all your desires.
In Buddhist and yogic texts, this process is called "repetition of Pondering and Weighing". When the process of Thinking and Weighing is completed, the human brain begins to generate delta waves instead of theta waves.
In your dreams, your most unrealizable desires have probably been fulfilled more than once. Theta waves are characteristic of the dream state. For a state of deep sound sleep, awakening from which you do not remember anything, delta waves are characteristic. Saints generate theta and delta waves and even lower frequency waves while awake, in a state of lucid consciousness.
With the awakening of the Kundalini, your brain begins to generate alpha waves instead of medium frequency waves. After the Kundalini awakens, as information is put into your brain that serves as a kind of antidote to your temporary desires, the alpha waves move into theta waves, and then into delta waves. (I consider it necessary to warn you that the widespread opinion that "raising the kundalini" is carried out only with the help of tantric practices is the greatest misconception. The second remark, which has the same relation: yes, Kundalini can be raised with the help of tantric practices, but REALLY tantric Practically no one knows a practitioner today. Alas .. Just having sex, and even in a group, but under the guidance of a person who does not have real, and, above all, spiritual long-term practice, will not raise the Kundalini, but only lower the person into such low astral layers , which can lead to very disastrous consequences.
But there is another way or way, namely: "to live, thinking about that which transcends life itself." The reason for the birth of beings in this world is their superficial desires. If you take the indicated path, you will cultivate compassion for those living beings who suffer because of their superficial desires. In this case, you will develop your consciousness not on the basis of your desires, but on the basis of compassion for all living beings. Both the first and second methods have the same goal - destruction of desires. In this case, the destruction of desires does not at all mean the destruction of ALL desires (this is what a person begins to reject before having read the information that comes to him quite often and in different ways. Only when he hears that he should give up his desires - he begins to cling to them , as if it was they, and EVERYTHING, who brought him happiness, freedom and development.) The ancient Teachings do not urge to give up desires AT ALL - NO!
It's about destroying temporary, fleeting desires. (Those that are not characteristic of your deep consciousness, your true Self)
In terms of wave function, gamma waves are the roughest type of brain waves. For example, they are generated when we are at the mercy of harmful desires. Medium frequency waves are generated during not very intense mental activity. Alpha waves appear when we are awake, but our consciousness is calm. During normal sleep, theta waves are recorded, and during deep sleep, delta waves.
To achieve a truly calm state of consciousness, it is necessary to convert gamma waves to delta waves.
Telepathy and its rationale
There are people whose brain wave frequency is below 0.05 Hz. However, their EEG is different from the EEG of people whose brain activity has ceased. The first difference is that their EEG also records an EKG (electrocardiogram), waves generated by their heart. The second and most significant difference concerns the ability called in Buddhist texts "Divine Reading of Alien Thoughts" (ie telepathy). It is the ability to read other people's minds. The EEGs of such people are ABLE to reflect the EEG of any person near them. In a shielded room, the frequency of their brain waves can be about 0.05 Hz. But as soon as someone approaches this person, and he himself synchronizes his consciousness and his consciousness, the frequencies of this person's brain waves will be reflected on the EEG of this person. This fact scientifically confirms the ability described in Buddhist texts, and not only, - namely, the ability of spiritually developed people to read other people's thoughts.
To put it quite simply - in any Teaching (be it Buddhism, Hinduism, Hermeticism, Christianity) there are practices of self-identification. At first, while the students are still inexperienced, and do not know how to own either consciousness, or the frequency of waves, or correctly tune in and self-identify with someone, they are given “lessons” of self-identification with a palm tree, for example, with a stone, etc. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance - it is not easy already because it requires the main thing - the ability to control thoughts, and most importantly - the ability to STOP them (stopping thoughts also stops thoughts of new desires) Stopping thoughts is getting rid of many troubles produced by the wrong the direction of human consciousness. (Which, in essence, is a slowing down of the frequencies of the brain. I remember what shock I experienced) when, on one of my voluntary practices on the Druid Stone in front of me, OUTSIDE OF MY consciousness, the moments of millennia passed like a whirlwind - and what kind of people they were, what suits ( which I have never seen and will hardly see) in history textbooks. What were the winds, and how volcanoes erupted - right here, in the territory in which I now live.
Here in this phrase -
"To synchronize your own consciousness and his consciousness, the frequencies of this person's brain waves will be reflected on the EEG of this person"
- here, in principle, EVERYTHING that happens at the moment of healing, for example, is already described. One - who heals - synchronizes his vibrations with the patient's vibrations - THIS is "tuning in" to his "wave", THIS and feeling what that person feels, but only in a slightly different form (because distortion is present if the healer is not very calm, or not entirely "clean" - he is not free from his desires, from his own involvement in the process (for example, when they performed a complicated operation on my husband, and I wanted to "participate" in it, that is, to observe from a slightly different level, and help the doctor (about which he was informed, we discussed this during the one and a half months of preparation for the operation. It was an operation to replace the vertebral tissue, cavity, and very difficult - it was necessary to move some important organs when entering through the peritoneum (which itself itself for the body is a huge stress), remove part of two vertebrae, then cut out a part from the hip joint, and put this bone untouched by the disease instead of the removed one, making a kind of "conglomerate" for two vertebrae). In this case, one must remember about the bone marrow !! And the nerve trunks located there - and so, even the smallest part of the excitement or "clues to the result" gives NON-correspondence with the necessary rhythms, the desired wavelength and its frequency - and .. that's it! the healer at this time is NOT a “mirror” - because he has emotions, desires (the desire to help is ALSO YOUR desire). You cease to be a "mirror" - i.e. simply and emotionlessly reflecting what is happening in the patient, or what can come to his aid from that same Infofield. ANY, even the smallest, the best emotion at this moment is NOT acceptable. Any YOUR thoughts at this moment are NOT acceptable! (Remember Edgar Cayce and the fact that the level of his clairvoyance was very high - just because, as if in a state of half-sleep, he simply was not involved in what was going on in front of him - neither in the past nor in the future whatever it seemed to him. He did not feel emotions just about what he saw - he was simply a MIRROR. He simply reflected what the Infofield contained in relation to some person to whom he tuned in, ie whom he ALSO The fact that everything is instantly reflected on his ECG is also true - because the healer, as if, i.e. in a figurative sense, takes into the heart (or, more correctly, into the area of \u200b\u200benergy centers that "They control the heart as well) the suffering of the patient - and then with ITSELF brings him to a different level of vibrations. The state of the healer CHANGES from the degree of his influence on the patient - i.e. not being able, for example, to assimilate what has been filmed, the healer will very quickly feel the incomprehensible manifestations of the disease, previously unknown to him. (Okay, if it's just an illness, and often their life begins to undergo "strange" changes, not in a positive sense, but such, if I may say so, a "healer" begins to rush in search of the reason that his children are starting to get sick, or it is not known why he changed husband.If the state of the healer himself at this moment leaves much to be desired in terms of emotional, or he is hooked on the result, then he cannot bring anything except harm. People who are excessively emotional, affectionate, have clues for the effectiveness of their actions are subject to mood more than the action of Reason - healing is NOT allowed.

Earth frequency and human brain

Since 1986, scientists have observed an increase in the vibrations of the frequency of the world around us, which peaks in 2012. It is assumed that by this time the frequency will increase from 7 Hz to 40 Hz. To survive in the new environment and remain adequate, scientists argue that humans will need to train their brains to operate at these higher frequencies.
Today, most children are born with a high frequency of the pineal gland, these are the children of a new civilization. They consciously act in subtle worlds that are simply not available to an ordinary person. Although, from a medical point of view, such a high brain frequency is a sign of schizophrenia.

Since the 80s, the birth of indigo children on Earth has increased and today, among those born, almost 100% are indigo. At the same time, various sources indicate that the majority are born with small cerebral dysfunction. They have practically no alpha rhythm, it is a low-frequency brain rhythm that functions from birth at higher frequencies.

There is such a thing as "Schumann frequency", this is the electromagnetic frequency of the Earth. One of the main frequencies is 7.8 Hz and, interestingly, it exactly coincides with the frequency of the alpha rhythm of the human brain (man and nature are one)

The alpha rhythm (from 8 to 13 Hz) is, in short, the frequency of the brain lying with closed eyes in a relaxed state (not sleeping, dozing).

NASA was interested in this research and developed a device that emits vibrations at a frequency of 7.8 Hz, harmonizing and calming the brain. The device is used primarily in the field of astronautics, for astronauts who are for a long time far from the Earth. Due to the fact that the astronaut's brain does not feel the resonant frequency of the Earth, he begins to experience headaches, distracted attention, dizziness, etc. (space sickness)

The fact is that the Schumann frequency began to grow and today it is 14-15 Hz, which corresponds to the beta rhythm of the brain and conscious activity. Because of this, most people experience dizziness and the brain is forced to work at constantly increasing frequencies. With a further increase in frequency, the brain will reach 30 Hz or more, a little-studied gamma rhythm, which is responsible for inspiration and creativity. The frequency of vibration of the brain is 50 Hz, Zen - Buddhists call enlightenment.

It is impossible for an untrained human brain to reach, let alone maintain, this high frequency. If alpha and beta rhythms are tuned to the familiar world, then the gamma rhythm, the perception of already subtle worlds.

By increasing its frequency, the Earth thereby forces our brain to come out of hibernation and work more consciously. Being in a state of lucid dreaming, our brain works on vibrations of higher frequencies. If a person knows how to control his dreams, then this "end of the world" from the yellow press is not afraid of him.

And yet, an increase in the frequency of the pulsation of the earth leads to an acceleration of the processes taking place inside it, which can cause global natural disasters.

It remains to develop the structure of your body and mind. After all, a structural person has the opportunity to navigate in any world and accept any energy (here's a transition to another level for you). The best option is not to panic, but to use the time that has come for your own evolution.

Each of us, the transition will experience in its own way. Each of us lives in his own small world, what we see is not always seen by others ...

Energy exchange of the body with the external environment

The vitality of the human body, its health and, accordingly, the normal functioning of the biofield and its aura are associated with the accumulation of prana in the body. The more prana accumulates, the more viable the organism and the more powerful a person becomes energetically.

Yoga prana is understood as the form of energy in the body, which it needs for all life processes. Yogis claim that prana exists in the external environment: in solar radiation, in air, in water and food. The main source of prana, according to yoga, is the sun. A person absorbs this energy by nerve endings located in the respiratory tract, lungs, in the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, as well as through biologically active points located on the skin. In the body, there is a continuous circulation of prana along the nerves and through the Kenrak channels, topographically representing the Chinese meridians (body channels).

It should be said that the concept of prana has a cosmic character: yoga prana is understood as the most subtle substance of world energy. Therefore, prana used by living beings is sometimes denoted by another name - "life force" or "life energy". This "life force" is present in all organisms - from single-celled creatures to humans. Prana is in everything that lives. And since, according to the yogic concept, “life is present in all things, including every atom, and the apparent absence of life is only a weak manifestation of it,” therefore, prana is everywhere and in everything.

Any creature lives as long as there is prana in that being. If prana disappears for any reason, the being becomes dead. Conversely, prana leaves a non-living being. When the "I" leaves the physical body at its death, prana is freed from the action of the "I", leaves it and returns to the general world ocean of energy. Prana remains only in the non-decaying parts of the body - atoms, and each atom holds in itself as much prana as it needs to enter into new combinations.

The fact that the organism is inseparably connected with the external environment and that its energy exchange with the environment is continuously carried out and is the basis of all life processes is beyond doubt and has been proven by science. Of the energy substances that take part in this metabolism, science knows proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Salts and vitamins are also of great importance for the body: although they are contained in very small quantities, they strongly affect the course of energy processes. But, from the point of view of yogis, energy exchange is not limited to this. They believe that the accumulation of prana in the body and its transfer to the external environment is an essential component of energy exchange with the external environment. This is confirmed by the experiment of Paul Bragg (repeated in 1989 by the well-known promoter of a healthy lifestyle G.S. Shatalova): having a daily diet of less than 1000 kcal, Paul Bregg (and then G. S. Shatalova with his associates) spent a day during the transition much more kcal through the hot desert. In addition, we can mention the so-called raw foodists (who do not eat meat, fish, eggs and eat cooked food in very limited quantities), who, with a daily diet of about 1000 kcal, lead an active lifestyle, spending 5-6 thousand kcal per day. Obviously, the difference between the amount of consumed energy and consumed energy from food is compensated by the consumption of prana from environment.

How, from the standpoint scientific research, is the energy received by the body transferred in the body itself? In 1961, the scientists - the Kirlian spouses managed to observe and photograph the skin of the human body in high-frequency currents. Moreover, it turned out that the currents "creep out" from one point to enter another, and have the form of corona discharges, prominences, painted in different colors. However, these colors, each of which is inherent in a certain part of the body, can change dramatically with unexpected emotions (fear, anger, pain, etc.).

From this we can draw conclusions:

the energy used by the body is converted into high frequency currents;
each organ, tissue, cell radiates energy (in natural conditions) in its own, only for them, a characteristic range;
in the case of rapid, unexpected changes, the frequency range changes sharply, a shift is observed towards the blue or red side of the spectrum (depending on whether the activity of the emitting organ is activated or suppressed). It should be emphasized here that if such radiations and qualitative changes in their composition were due only to chemical reactions, there could be no talk of an almost instantaneous reaction to external stimuli.

In 1962, scientists took the next step in deepening knowledge of the human energy field. Korean researchers have discovered the Kenrak system, which is qualitatively different from the nervous and circulatory-lymphatic systems. This system is a tubular structure with very thin walls. In the skin and subcutaneous tissue, the tubes end in small, loose oval structures that are sharply different from the nearby tissues - these are the so-called bioactive points (used in acupuncture, as well as in acupressure).

In technology, high-frequency currents are transmitted through special tubes-waveguides, since when transmitted through ordinary wires, the latter turn into antennas and a large percentage of the power is lost to radiation. The Kenrack system is (in its structure) the same waveguides and, therefore, is designed to transmit high frequency currents.

In the early sixties, American scientists discovered the magnetic field of a nerve cell - a neuron. It turned out that the passage of the action current in the nerve fibers is ensured by the emergence of this field and the drawing of an electron into it. Since the action current is physical electrons of low frequency, for further transmission they must be converted into a current of high frequency. This function (the function of the magnetron) is performed by the neuron. Subsequently, "at the output", the high-frequency current is again converted into an action current and is again subject to transformation into a high-frequency current by the next neuron. Such transformations, naturally, take a certain amount of time, as a result of which the nervous excitement transmitted by the current of action spreads along the nerve fiber more slowly than the electric current along the conductor, but almost instantly - much faster than it can spread. chemical reactions in the event that the end of the previous one puts the beginning of the next one. It can be assumed that a neuron, performing the function of a magnetron in the body, also plays another equally important role: if the body needs to quickly release some amount of energy into the environment or transfer it to another body for specific purposes, the neuron transmits high-frequency currents to the Kenrack system. whose waveguides emit it into the medium. Such transmission from neurons to Kenrack waveguides can be carried out spontaneously (in the case of strong emotional arousal) or consciously (in this case great importance has a common magnetic field of the Earth, in which a common orientation of all magnetic fields of neurons is achieved, their synchronous transmission of high-frequency currents in the Kenrack system or synchronous reception of high-frequency currents from Kenrack waveguides).

Evaluating the above, we can say that the organism of a living creature is intimately connected with the external environment due to the exchange of high-frequency currents. Its boundaries are by no means the skin, over which the discovered Kirlian discharges "walk", and not even the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of these charges. The organism of a living being, from the point of view of energy metabolism, is part of the environment, because the ability of higher animals and humans to emit high frequency currents (power transmission over long distances in high frequency currents without wires), as it were, expands the boundaries of the organism.

From the point of view of human interaction with the external environment, the human biofield is a means of influencing objects external environment and a means of protection from the effects of environmental objects. Submitting the biofield to consciousness, strengthening it, you can direct it to a specific goal: to influence objects with mechanical mass, moving them from place to place; read the thoughts of other people, uniting with their consciousness; covered with an energy shell, protect yourself from the harmful effects of certain energy factors ...

At present, every human being is ascending in its development at its own vibrational rate. Some rise very quickly, some slowly. Some still need to adhere to the experience of the third dimension, while others would like to test their reality and move on into a light that they are not fully aware of. They want to look there, which they previously dared only dream of. But are they ready to open up to a new way of seeing their own reality?
The earth and the surrounding air layer (ionosphere) form a giant spherical resonator. From the point of view of radio engineering, these are two spheres, placed one inside the other, the cavity between which is limited by conducting surfaces. In such a resonator, waves of a certain length propagate well (“resonate”). Every time the Earth pulsates, every second of our life on Earth is filled with these electromagnetic pulsations, measured in a second, or cycles per second, or Hertz.

The first to discover the special low and ultra-low frequencies of the Earth's atmosphere was the American physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla, and then the physicist Winfried Otto Schumann and the physician Herbert Koenig. They established that there are so-called "standing electromagnetic waves" in the Earth's atmosphere, later called "Schumann waves". Resonance, or Schumann's frequency - standing electromagnetic waves of low and ultra-low frequencies between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. In short, these are the natural electromagnetic frequencies of the planet Earth. One of them, the main one, is equal to 7.8 Hz on average. This is the fundamental vibrational frequency of the Earth - a kind of heartbeat.

Waves are excited by discharges in the clouds (lightning) and magnetic processes on the Sun, they are necessary to synchronize biological rhythms and the normal existence of all life on Earth, while these waves are muffled by many building materials... People experiencing heavy loads and stress, the elderly and vegetatively sensitive peopleand also chronic patients need these waves and feel their absence acutely. This can lead to headaches, disorientation, nausea, dizziness, etc.

The exact resonance frequency is 7.33 Hz. There are also peaks at frequencies of about 8, 14, 20, 26, 32 Hz. At higher frequencies, resonances become almost imperceptible. The frequency of the waves changes during the day, since on the sunny side the reflective layer (Heaviside layer) is located lower than the night reflective layer. The main frequency of the Schumann resonance corresponds to the frequency of the alpha rhythm of the human brain - 7, 83 Hz, and the frequency of the second harmonic of the Schumann resonance (14 Hz) corresponds to the accelerated alpha rhythm of the brain.

At night, the Schumann resonance is brighter at the second harmonic (14Hz). This is due to the fact that the reflecting layer of the ionosphere at night (on the unlit side of the Earth) rises higher - to a height of 300 - 400 km, against 60 - 70 km during the day. Moreover: the Schumann frequency varies depending not only on the time of day, but also on the season. And so it can easily grow up to 10-11 hertz. It is believed that Schumann waves propagate at the speed of light, bend around the Earth 8 times per second and have a length of 38 thousand km.

It is noteworthy that the frequencies of the Schumann resonance coincide with the frequencies of the brain, which indicates the primary connection of living beings with the Earth. Which is not surprising - our bodies were born and formed on this planet, therefore its frequencies are native to us. That is, having returned from modern frantic rhythms to the electromagnetic sources of our existence, a person receives a powerful connection with Mother Earth, and can, thus, heal himself, receiving the energy of the Earth.

NASA is already using Schumann wave generators to keep its staff alive. By the way, Dr. Robert Becker measured the brain waves of many healers around the world during their healing sessions. He found that they all have the same frequencies - 7-8 Hz, regardless of their religious and spiritual traditions, and synchronize with the Schumann waves both in frequency and in phase.

It is also known that with the absolute coincidence of the frequency of the brain with the frequency of the Schumann resonance, due to the connection with Mother Earth, a person, in addition to self-healing, receives a number of other abilities. The most striking of these are telekinesis and clairvoyance. It is at the frequency of Schumann's resonance that the border between the individual and collective unconscious (according to Freud) passes. This is, in fact, the border of the transition from the world of things to the world of ideas, the transition to the "other world". But, of course, the transition is carried out not only and not so much due to the frequency, but due to the correct state of the brain.

Frequency is only help, help from the Earth itself. Infra-low frequency (LF) waves propagate much more easily from midnight to four in the morning, and they are easier to transmit from west to east. As a rule, telepathy and clairvoyance are most effective between twelve o'clock in the morning and four in the morning, and during telepathic contacts, the inductors (transmitters) are in most cases located to the west rather than east of the perceptors (receivers). Wherein, magnetic storms seriously interfere with the propagation of HF waves.

And an approximate setting (say, to the same 7.83 Hz) does not give the desired result. And besides, the brain has protective mechanisms that prevent its frequency from changing (from headaches to insanity). And this protection cannot be broken, you can only bypass it very carefully. Thus, this task from a simple "tuning the radio" turns ... into a hacking of some Swiss bank.

On the other hand, if the brain voluntarily goes to the frequency of the Schumann resonance, then it itself maintains this resonance, that is, it automatically tunes in to it regardless of place and time. Actually, this is exactly what many healers and clairvoyants do. But not all, because this is just one of the methods that has its drawbacks. For example, someone who is accustomed to using the Earth's help will not be able to manifest abilities outside of it. It is still not so relevant, but still - if such a master is put in spaceship and take it out of the ionosphere (where there are no Schumann waves), it seems to cease being a master THERE.

For a long time, this frequency was equal to 7.8 Hz and was so stable that the military tuned their devices to it. This figure was measured for the first time in 1899-1900 and remained approximately constant until 1980 at 7.8 times per second. This is indeed a constant vibration frequency and therefore it was adopted in 1958 by the developed countries as a fundamental value for electronic communication.

And after the 58th year, they decided not to publish more information about the main resonant frequency of the Earth, because it became a key quantity in new system weapons.
However, the Schumann frequency gradually began to increase. This is an absolutely unique event, this has never happened before in the memory of mankind, and in the mid-80s the following is observed - 7.8 Hz in the period of the 70s-80s, 8 - 8.2 Hz from the beginning of the 90s.

At the end of 1995, the value of the Earth's vibration frequency was determined 8.6 times per second, and this is literally in just a couple of years. At the beginning of 1996, researchers recorded the figure as early as 8.7 times per second:

1995 - 8.6 Hz
1999 - 11.2 Hz
2000 - 12 Hz
2001 - 12.2 Hz
2002 - 12.4 Hz
early 2003 - 12.6 Hz
july 2003 - 12.89 Hz
and on November 13, 2003, it reached 13.0 Hz.

In connection with these, you need to remember the rhythms of the brain and their ranges:

Less than 4 Hz is Delta waves - deep sleep.
4-7 Hz is theta waves - normal sleep.
7-13 Hz are Alpha waves - relaxation, trance state.
13-40 Hz is Beta waves - activity, normal daily brain activity.
more than 40 Hz are Gamma waves, strong activity (aggression or rapid logical thinking, solving problems in difficult conditions or in time trouble).

Today, an increase in the resonance frequency is clearly noticeable, and the average daily Schumann frequency has reached the frequency of the beta rhythm of the brain. Frequencies of 8 (sleep), 14.1 (wakefulness), 20.3 and 24.6 Hz are the rhythms of the brain. The main carrier is now about 11-14 Hz! At higher frequencies, resonances become almost imperceptible. For the main - the lowest, most intense spectral line, variations in the resonance frequency are possible within 7-11 Hz, but for the most part during the day the spread of the resonance frequencies usually lies within ± (0.1-0.2) Hz. The 8Hz scale just disappeared. Before that, the charts had a straight line with one sharp jump. As if the heart stopped at the Earth, and it really slowed down for 6 minutes recently? There is also the physics of unmanifest plans, and it is the primary cause, and the physics of 3-dimensionality is only a consequence: for example, the slowing down of the rotation of Venus was the beginning of its transition.

And what happens - if the Schumann resonance reaches from 8 to 13 Hz, then he will already "knock on the door" to the beta frequencies, and this is the rhythm of our ordinary life (not the modern crazy, but just normal life). At this frequency, the brain is already functioning almost without fog, that is, sensibly. In other words, people no longer have to meditate to gain access to various fields, channels, and abilities. All this will be natural, just like breathing or speaking. Already now 11-12 Hz is recorded, and at a frequency of 13 Hz. it is quite probable that the polarity of the Earth will also be reversed (!).

Why might this happen? Here it is necessary to make an excursion into the existing relationships between the Schumann resonance with a number of Fibonacci numbers, as well as directly - the connection with the golden ratio, and in the most explicit and obvious way!

If you have heard of sacred geometry, then you will be familiar with this series of numbers - they are called Fibonacci numbers. This is a series of numbers that begins as follows - 1 ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 5 ... 8 ... 13 ... 21 ... 34 ... 55 ... 89 ... 144 ... 233 ... 377. Each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two - 1 + 1 \u003d 2, 2 + 1 \u003d 3, 2 + 3 \u003d 5, 3 + 5 \u003d 8, etc. This turns out to be a fundamental digital code - the key to how life or our consciousness expresses itself at the material level in our universe, as we see it with our eyes.

The effect of this frequency on a person has a direct manifestation: take, for example, the human body and measure the ratio, say, between the sizes of the phalanges of the fingers, then take readings from another person. Even with a difference in size in humans, the proportion between the sizes of the same body parts - dividing the larger part into the smaller one - will be the same. You get the same proportion by dividing the numbers of the Fibonacci series - 8 by 5, or 3 by 2 - the proportion between these numbers will be 1.618 - the so-called "phi" number, or the golden Fibonacci ratio. The golden ratio is an irrational quantity that reflects irrationality in the proportions of nature itself. Fibonacci numbers symbolize the wholeness and rationality of the organization of the world.

It turns out a very clear pattern of the ratio of numbers, which is manifested not only in the ratio of the proportions of the human body. This series of numbers is involved in the formation of branches on trees, and the formation of plant root systems, etc. Absolutely everything in nature - the movement of water streams, the distribution sunlight, lightning during a thunderstorm - you can find this golden universal proportion everywhere.

The same pattern in the ratio of numbers describes the fundamental heart rate of our planet. Researchers now assume (there is every reason for this) that the vibration of the Earth is now moving to the next digit in the Fibonacci series - 13 (13 cycles per second). If you look at the dynamics, then the Schumann frequency really increases with time and approaches the figure equal to 13 cycles per second - 13 Hertz.

The Earth goes through a phase transformation - it changes, lowering magnetism and increasing vibrations, and we must accordingly not interfere with its changes and our internal chemical structure of bodies, which goes in unison of these processes. Our body is nothing more than the elements of the periodic table, connected in a certain way. All these elements also exist on Earth in a certain sequence. This is our body - variously organized compounds of chemical elements.

We live in this field of transformation. Each cell of our body seeks to enter into harmony with these changes in order to ensure that we enter this higher state of our existence, which is precisely expressed as changes from 7.8 to 11 cycles per second, that is, Hertz. And Schumann's waves are a kind of "carrier", being guided by which the organism synchronizes its energy processes with the earthly ones.

In fact, Schumann resonance is a resonance between the Sun and the Earth, although it is also excited by atmospheric activity. The person is an involuntary participant and witness of this process. The lower the frequency, the stronger it is felt; at night, Schumann waves are weaker, during the day they are more active. So, with a calm field it is easier to concentrate, but it is more difficult to achieve success, and with strong disturbances it is difficult to "portray" something magical, but the effect is much stronger.
The human body receives the sharpest and brightest response at frequencies of 40 Hz, which coincides with the frequencies of the tertiary structure of the DNA helix, it is also believed that Schumann waves affect the alpha waves of the human brain, we can say that we owe the development of intelligence to Schumann resonance. Every brain has an electromagnetic field, so when the Schumann wave passes, the brain interacts with it with a magnetic field. There is a mutually beneficial exchange of energies. Most likely, there is self-excitation and an increase in the energy of both systems, the planetary body and the person, of course, with the coincidence of frequencies, that is, fine tuning into resonance.

Indeed, the rhythm of 13-15 Hz is observed with increased mental work, with creative ecstasy. For those who are accustomed to creative, intellectual and other mental loads, this state can be a status one, if it is also filled with pure and joyful feelings. But that wonderful meditative state, which spiritual practices mention, is already 30 Hz and higher. Therefore, those who dream of “breaking through” are regular LONG MEDITATIONS. Just train your brains to function at these highest frequencies.

Each person, by his rational activity, affects the change in his basic frequency, the type of thinking influences the frequency. In addition, a negative attitude gives a decrease in the rhythm, a positive type - increases the frequency of the basic rhythm of the brain. People in general create a whole range of vibrations. A gravitational attraction is formed, which is determined by the energy of the average frequency and therefore an acceptable spectrum appears, from the minimum to the maximum frequency.

But since people have freedom of thought, they can change their base frequencies, and then a skew appears in the spectrum of the normal distribution, the energies are averaged, and the wave can slide in any direction. Unlike humans, who can change the frequency, the planet cannot react so quickly, because the frequency is related to the size of the Earth. Therefore, the tuning may get lost and the "Human-Planet" system will not coincide in frequency. And then the energies of both systems apparently begin to fade, since self-excitation disappears, or loses its strength. The "Human-Planet" system must always be in exact resonance, then the energies will constantly grow and accumulate. Then the amplitude of the planet's oscillations will constantly increase, however, as in humans.

Obviously, in addition to the amplitude, it is necessary to increase the frequency. A higher frequency always has more energy, with the same amplitude, while the dependence should be square. That is, doubling the frequency should give a fourfold increase in energy. This is verified simply by experience, the body (mass) to swing with a higher frequency is always more difficult, moreover, noticeably (because the law is quadratic).

Given the tendency of people to negative emotionsit is not difficult to guess that the base vibration can be reduced. Since the wave begins to slide to the left, due to gravitational attraction it pulls down and energy. Low-frequency players begin to draw energy towards themselves and slow down the process of energy gain. It turns out push-push. Some pull in one direction, others in the other, but the system as a whole stands and the energy does not grow, or even slides down through vibrations and energies.

Apparently for this purpose, space cycles were invented. When the time comes, help comes from the Cosmos. Additional energy that helps to deform the distribution law towards higher frequencies. And there will be a moment when a canopy appears. When the canopy begins to fall, the canopy accelerates under the pressure of gravity and gains additional energy. The canopy itself goes to the right, that is, it sharply increases the vibration, but at the same time, with its (additional) energies, it draws in the rest of the mass, therefore, it deforms the main wave to high frequencies. And therefore, even if the energy was initially not enough, then due to the avalanche process there is enough energy to jump to the next level of vibrations and take a position there.

As a result of evolution, the planet should switch to vibration of the second harmonic, this vibration should become basic, since there will be enough energy to maintain these vibrations. When the first canopy falls, if a strong avalanche effect does not work out, then the energy will not be enough to make the transition to a new level. And then there will be another rollback. Apparently it was this recoil that "demolished" the civilizations of antiquity. A complete detuning of the Human-Planet system occurs and the system loses its stability.

In this regard, for some reason, I remembered HARP - this system is aimed at underestimating Schumann's vibrations, knocking down or influencing them, in order to control, prevent the planet from making the transition to the second harmonic, since in this case people will begin to develop rapidly Creative skills. In this state of the beta rhythm (from 14 to 30 Hz), a person has increased intuition, etc. Now this rhythm manifests itself mainly in sleep, but usually the brain works on the alpha rhythm (from 8 to 13 Hz), that is, it corresponds to the modern the basic vibration of the planet.

It is possible that when the energy jumps to the second harmonic, then this can affect the magnetic field and appear, like the Sun has four poles during a pole change (with the same name opposite each other). And then there will be a reversal of the magnetic field, exactly like the Sun, the analogy is complete. Second harmonic energy is needed to reverse the magnetic field. And after the reverse, the usual magnetic field appears, but of a different polarity, and a big difference may be observed.

As for the prediction of changes, then you need to focus on the graphs of the Amplitude of Schumann frequencies, and not the Frequency, as is usually accepted. Because in order for a "jump" to occur to the second harmonic, one needs to gain energy, and this is the amplitude; the frequency cannot change much, it is tied to the size of the Earth. When the required potential, or amplitude, is gained, then there is a jump of energy from the first to the second Schumann harmonic. Rather, it will be an avalanche process of increasing energy at the first harmonic, caused by cosmic impulses, so that the energy jerkily goes to the second harmonic,

Tesla wrote about the principle of excess energy. So, during the discharge, it is precisely the formation or transformation of the energy stored in the coil into a short but high impulse that occurs, the same principle as waves on the sea with an overlap. This overlap arises from the fact that the wave tends to stretch in height. That is why tsunamis are so powerful - they are simply a redistribution of energy.

The Schumann frequency is the pulse of the Earth. At the same time, our frequencies rise. The physical world is being pumped with energy. For everyone who is not aware and does not think, everything is expressed in a headache (especially in people with low development). Mass headaches are of an energetic nature and in this case it is required not to drink painkillers, which reduce the effect. For people who are aware of this - a way out in conscious work to increase their own vibrations, because conscious work is less painful and much more effective. The convergence of worlds and a further increase in vibrations will lead to a quantum transition. The physical world will disappear, and the person will pass into the energetic form of existence

That is why now it is so important to free the energy space of the Earth from unworthy thoughts, values, base ideas, etc. as soon as possible. as a result, the Universe will be forced to intervene and, finally, "remove the garbage".

Or an increase in Schumann's resonant frequencies will lead to a massive “awakening” of the townsfolk, as in the movie “The Matrix”. The rhythms of space cannot be stopped, and the Sun is for us! - it is it that makes up 99.9% of the mass of the solar system and it is because of its flares that the Earth reacts in this way, and people react to the Earth. In addition, whoever is not clean in his thoughts, the increase in frequency will burst like a hamster's microwave. After all, the increase in frequency will grow exponentially (!), Which means faster and higher.

Untrained brain an ordinary person cannot reach, let alone keep, such frequencies. Therefore, we have few creative individuals, and most of those who periodically swim at this frequency also periodically experience creative crises.

If alpha or beta rhythms allow you to tune in to the familiar world, then gamma rhythm is already the perception of subtle worlds. The earth, increasing its frequency, as it were, wakes people up, makes their brain come out of hibernation and work more consciously. An increase in frequency pushes us to the perception of subtle worlds. This opens up wide opportunities for self-realization through creativity: if the basic frequency of the Earth matches the creative impulse, this will be an excellent support for the creative brain. By the way, according to some reports, in a state of lucid dreaming, the brain works precisely at such high frequencies.

If the frequency grows further, then we will gradually reach the little-studied gamma rhythm (40 Hz or more), which, according to some sources, is responsible for creativity and inspiration. This is the state about which they say “The muse has descended ...!”. It is interesting that 50 Hz, according to Zen Buddhism, is already a state close to Enlightenment ...

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