Severe stress during pregnancy what to do. How does stress affect pregnancy? Several ways to fight

Pregnancy and stress are closely related. The hormonal balance in the woman's body is changing, she is preparing to occupy a different social niche in society - this alone can cause stress during pregnancy. But many more small factors and life troubles can be added to them, as a result of which nervous stress during pregnancy for many expectant mothers becomes, if not the norm, then an everyday reality. It is advisable not to allow such a state, because severe stress during pregnancy is fraught not only with bad mood and spoiled nerves, but also with danger to the life and health of the baby.

How does stress affect pregnancy?

Severe stress during pregnancy is the cause of rapid fatigue, bad mood, the sense of humor disappears, it is difficult to fall asleep at night, during the day, there is increased sleepiness, there is absolutely no pleasure from the work performed. Changes in the functioning of the woman's body are also observed. Constant anxiety is aggravated by an increased heartbeat, tremors in the body, attacks of dizziness and headaches are frequent, a rash on the skin may appear, etc.

Why is stress during pregnancy dangerous?

The consequences of stress on pregnancy are serious and do not tolerate frivolity. Severe nervous stress during pregnancy can lead to major complications: toxicosis intensifies, a variety of diseases are manifested, the risk of newborn pathologies, miscarriages, as well as various birth anomalies increases, fetal development slows down. Violation of the blood supply and the resulting oxygen starvation, entails damage to the baby's brain. Sometimes a stressful state is a direct or indirect culprit in the development of a frozen pregnancy - fetal death in the early stages (up to 28 weeks). Negative experiences can affect even before the process of conception - pregnancy after stress is much more difficult and is accompanied by increased risks.

Stress in early pregnancy

Stress in the first weeks of pregnancy is primarily closely related to the awareness of the very fact of future motherhood. A woman needs to get used to the idea that a baby will soon appear in her house, that now her whole way of life will change. It is very important for the unborn child that stress at the beginning of pregnancy does not develop into some kind of chronic or neglected state, so that the mother learns to cope with the situation that has arisen, and understands everything. Considering that the emotional stability of a woman during this period is at risk, and with the accumulation of negative experiences, it is also possible rapid development depression, then one should not postpone the solution of problems on the back burner, but fight them right away. Ideally, it is necessary to create such an atmosphere and rhythm of life around so that nothing can overshadow the joy of waiting for the birth of a baby. Stress in the first trimester of pregnancy is different from the causes and characteristics that gave rise to stress in late pregnancy. In the second case, the dominant role is taken by the fear that something will go wrong directly during childbirth, especially if there are some complications, and the arguments and beliefs of the doctors look unlikely.

How to relieve stress during pregnancy?

First of all, it is necessary to take care of the health of the body and spirit, no matter how trite it may sound. Light gymnastics, walking in the fresh air, swimming, stress simply will not remain in your life, because there is still so much important and pleasant to be done. Enjoy the delights of preparing for motherhood, let happiness and joy enter your soul. Do not allow problems to accumulate if something bothers you - talk about it with loved ones, find the source of the problem, eliminate it together. Stress at work and pregnancy are another grain that can then give very unwanted shoots. Remember that your health and your baby's future are the most valuable, and the rest is less important.

Stress is the reaction of a person's psyche to an external event or their unfavorable physical condition. It can play different roles in human health. If stress is overcome by one's own efforts, life returns to normal, this state strengthens and hardens, gives confidence in their ability to cope with life's difficulties.

If a stressful situation is protracted, a person may not be able to cope with it and receive a severe blow to the psyche, which will lead to serious illness. In this case, it is necessary to seek help from a psychiatrist, overcoming their prejudices against treatment of this orientation. It must be understood that only a small part of people who have undergone stress acquire chronic depression, and even fewer people need treatment in a hospital.

Stress during pregnancy is a common occurrence that must be treated in a timely manner with gentle non-drug methods so as not to harm either the expectant mother or the child. Let's figure out why it occurs, as well as methods of dealing with it.


In the occurrence of stress in a pregnant woman, her character type plays a role. If, before pregnancy, the girl took life easily, found reasons for joy, did not focus on minor troubles, was not afraid of pain and difficulties - most likely, she does not face severe stress during pregnancy. If a lady is afraid of everything, always worries about the slightest adversity - the remarks of the boss, the taunts of her friend, the breakage of the zipper in the bag, the appearance of a pimple on her nose - she is more susceptible to stress while waiting for the baby.

In addition, every woman has her own threshold of normal life, the existence below which she considers a misfortune. Someone needs to feel good enough and expect a family dinner on Saturdays. Someone considers active recreation, fun parties, trips to resorts to be normal. In the second case, the onset of stress is more likely, since during pregnancy, the lifestyle will have to change and largely limit yourself.

Most common reasons stress in pregnant women:

  1. Fear of childbirth. This is the most common cause of stress. Here, grandmothers' stories about the times when many women and children died during childbirth play a negative role due to unsanitary conditions, lack of qualified specialists, and the inability to get sometimes necessary medicines. It would be nice to read the literature about modern methods of delivering childbirth in difficult cases while waiting for a child, to be like courses for pregnant women, to listen to the doctor who leads the pregnancy, and not to talkative neighbors.

  2. Fear of a difficult pregnancy. Naturally, in this position, a woman's taste preferences change, and toxicosis often occurs. During the second half of the term, the physical capabilities of the pregnant woman deteriorate. It is difficult for her to sit, walk, sometimes her legs swell, even tying laces on her shoes is a problem. It must be remembered that this condition is temporary, that as a reward you will receive the happiness of motherhood.
  3. Fear of losing the youthful figure after giving birth, getting fat, and no longer liking her husband. Yes, the figure will change, but it's fixable. Remember to wear a prenatal and postnatal brace. Do not overeat or exceed your doctor's approved fluid intake. After giving birth, after 2-3 months, you can start doing exercises to return to prenatal form.
  4. Fear of not coping with their role as mother and wife. Indeed, when the baby is very small, and you are not yet accustomed to new responsibilities, and even the baby cries at night, it can be difficult. So, relatives should help the young mother at this stage. In addition, many books and articles have been written about the first months of a baby's life. Modern doctors consider it possible to take a baby crying at night to the parents' bed so that the mother can give him breast on demand, almost without waking up. Try to choose a time to sleep and during the day when your baby sleeps. If you are easy to deal with temporary difficulties, the child will also be cheerful and calm. You will succeed.

  5. Problems in the service. The bosses, of course, are unhappy when they have to release for 3 years an employee who already knows the job and has proven himself well. Or, on the contrary, the leader is glad that he will temporarily attach someone by acquaintance to a higher place, and then, gradually, he will survive you from the position. Remember - giving birth to a child and knowing maternal happiness is your choice. No job can replace a child for a woman. In addition, after pregnancy and a three-year vacation, you will still be young enough to prove your need in the same place or find yourself new job... Moreover, when the baby grows up a little, there will be less worries, and you will still be on vacation, you can take advanced training courses online.
  6. The excitement that the baby is not developing properly in the womb. He stops pushing with his legs at some time. You may suddenly start losing weight. Any deviation from the norm is stressful. Therefore, if you have any doubts, you should visit a doctor, do an ultrasound scan and establish the cause of your excitement. Perhaps there is no pathology of fetal development, and you are worried in vain.

Any random event can be a cause for stress - a scandal at home, rudeness of a fellow traveler on public transport, and so on.

We must learn to avoid participating in unpleasant situations, not to succumb to provocations, remember that stress during pregnancy is harmful for you and your baby.


In the initial stage, psychological signs of stress appear, seemingly not affecting the physical condition of the pregnant woman:

  • Depressive, depressed state, when nothing pleases, indifference to everything in the world appears.
  • Constant feeling of tiredness, unwillingness to do something and go somewhere, even if the hike is associated with entertainment. In such a situation, a pregnant woman strives to lie alone in bed as much as possible, doing nothing.
  • Tearfulness. Any word, memory, episode of a TV movie inadvertently spoken by relatives or girlfriends brings tears.
  • Increased irritability. What the woman did not attach importance to before - a dirty cup on the table, conversations with her mother with elements of mutual misunderstanding, her husband's half-hour delay from work, and so on - now cause anger in the pregnant woman.
  • Most dangerous psychological sign depression - the emergence of thoughts of suicide in the expectant mother. Therefore, if relatives and friends notice signs of severe stress in a woman who is expecting a child, it is necessary to be with her, try to comfort her, believe in the successful outcome of the pregnancy, and, possibly, persuade her to go to a psychiatrist.

If stress during pregnancy continues for a long time, its physiological signs are noticeable:

  • A woman can lose weight by several pounds.
  • There is a reaction to a change in the weather in the form of headaches.
  • Nausea and vomiting may not be a sign of toxicosis, but stress. Unlike the state of toxicosis, in this case they appear less often and are not directly related to food intake.
  • Difficulty falling asleep in the evening, which is easier to identify early, when it is not explained by the presence of a large abdomen and the inability to get comfortable in bed.
  • Breathing is also common with early stress. In late pregnancy, it may be associated with pressure from the uterus on the internal organs.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Panic attacks and tachycardia.
  • Increased muscle tone, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth (depending on the gestational age).
  • Loss of appetite or the opposite situation - a constant desire to eat.
  • Frequent colds and SARS.
  • Changes in the behavior of the baby in the womb - he is very active or, on the contrary, almost stops pounding his legs.

The appearance of any of the listed signs of stress dictates the need for the expectant mother to visit the attending physician.

Perhaps she just needs to talk to a specialist so that he can convince her that there is no reason to worry. If there are reasons, only a doctor can decide how to help a woman without damaging the fetus.

Effects of stress in pregnant women

During pregnancy, experiences have their own characteristics. These include the physical condition of a woman. After all, when a baby grows in the uterus, his mother's hormonal background changes, metabolic processes in the body are disrupted. Also, a double burden is imposed on the pregnant woman - to ensure her vital activity and the development of the embryo. It follows from this that the very state of pregnancy is already a physiological stress. And experiences are explained by physical discomfort.

Fear of the upcoming birth and responsibility for caring for a defenseless creature after them are also inherent only in women "in position." Therefore, the expectant mother should understand that her condition is natural, felt by many millions of women. Doctors have accumulated vast experience in delivering childbirth and nursing infants. And there is nothing pathological in the condition of a pregnant woman.

How does stress affect pregnancy? In different periods of waiting for a child, he can bring various pathologies and troubles concerning both the mother and the child:

  1. Stress in early pregnancy, in the first 3 months, can lead to miscarriage. If it does not happen, the mother's immunity may decrease, she may have frequent recurrent colds and infectious diseases, which also affect the baby's health.

  2. At 2 months of pregnancy - 8-9 weeks - because of this condition of the mother, the baby may develop a "cleft lip" or "cleft palate." Under severe stress, the child is at risk of schizophrenia.
  3. With stresses that arise in a pregnant woman in the period from 4 to 6 months, the baby is at risk of autism in the future. He will not be able to adapt to the social environment of his peers. In addition, mother's stress increases sugar in her and the child, which can lead to diabetes. A woman in labor can get bleeding after giving birth, and the baby is sometimes very large.
  4. In the last 3 months of pregnancy, stress can cause both preterm birth and the birth of a post-term baby. This condition can provoke a difficult birth, which will have to be intervened by caesarean section. The baby's nervous state of the mother can be affected by anomalies in the formation of the nervous system, a slowdown in psychomotor development. The baby may also face a lack of oxygen and impaired uteroplacental blood flow.

From the above, it can be seen that stress in a pregnant woman is a very serious phenomenon that cannot be ignored. It is best not to let it happen.

Prevention of stress

The most important part of stress management and prevention is self-hypnosis. A woman should disconnect from her husband's financial problems at work, from her work problems, think only about the health of the child and her condition. If you cannot convince yourself that everything will be fine, sign up for a course of treatment with a psychologist who will talk to you and professionally convince you that you should not worry. Much has been devoted to the effects of stress on pregnancy scientific works... A specialist familiar with them will certainly help you.

For the prevention of nervous conditions, take a course of vitamins that the gynecologist will prescribe to you. Vitamin B will calm your nervous system, vitamin C will strengthen the immune system and protect against diseases. This vitamin also strengthens the nerves.

Helpful hints:

  1. Don't get involved in scandals.
  2. Don't listen to neighbors talking about various tragic stories.
  3. You shouldn't watch the news on TV or read it on the Internet. And in general, you don't need to watch a lot of TV. But if you have such a desire, watch a comedy.
  4. Play some nice romantic music.
  5. Come up with a business that you like. Knit hats for your baby, read romance novels.

It is very useful to go to exercise for pregnant women. You can do yoga - exercises designed for expectant mothers. Walk more and breathe fresh air.

Many people know that emotional condition a pregnant woman has a strong enough effect on the health of an unborn baby. At the same time, the impact can be short-term or long-term, bring both benefits and harm. Stress during pregnancy is normal. But you need to understand what stressors are affecting, and take into account how a woman tolerates it.


Stress is the body's response to intense excitement. This means that the person was very scared, surprised, upset, or outraged. Medical specialists see this concept a little differently. What was presented above, namely mental confusion or nervous tension refers to neuropsychological stress.

There are several main types:

  • emotional;
  • physiological;
  • light;
  • temperature;
  • hungry;
  • neuropsychic.

That is, a wide variety of factors can cause such a condition. Carrying a baby is a very important task, so every mother needs to know how stress affects pregnancy.


When a woman is in an interesting position, she has a huge number of changes in her body, disorders in metabolic processes, hormonal disruptions appear, so the organs function differently. Everything affects the expectant mother - not only environment, but also other personal factors:

  • the pregnant woman has rapid fatigue;
  • freedom of action is limited;
  • there is constant irritation;
  • appears constant fear for the child.


How stress during pregnancy affects a woman, all expectant mothers should know in order to avoid such a condition, since the fetus reacts very actively to all experiences. It should be noted that such problems can take place in several forms:

1. Sharp - it proceeds quickly enough and also ends.
2. Chronic is a sharp depression that lasts constantly.

Due to the fact that the girl is nervous, her body produces the following hormones:

  • adrenalin;
  • cortisol;
  • norepinephrine.

This increases the tone of the uterus, significantly narrows the blood vessels and raises blood pressure, as a result, the heartbeat of the pregnant woman accelerates.

It is almost impossible to get an unambiguous answer to the question of how stress affects pregnancy, since a short-term emotional outburst is also the best training for the body. But it is very important that such a condition does not develop into a chronic form. After all, if such shocks are constant, the woman may have breathing problems, the skin will begin to turn pale, then redden. Also from the symptoms can be noted wet palms, greatly dilated pupils and periodically arising pain in the chest area.

In the case, a woman cannot restrain her emotions, she becomes fussy, absent-minded, she has problems with memory, appetite, headaches and eating disorders.


It is already known whether stress affects pregnancy, so you need to know the factors contributing to the appearance of the problem:

  1. Lack of support from loved ones.
  2. Continuous sleep problems, because a woman gets tired so quickly during pregnancy.
  3. Feeling of constant dissatisfaction with everything.
  4. Nervous and difficult work or university studies.

You need to know that it is precisely severe stress that is dangerous, since it can threaten the life of the fetus. It occurs when a woman is worried about something for a long time and accumulates a huge amount of emotions. Because of such troubles, the body cannot produce the required protection, therefore, such factors negatively affect the process of bearing a fetus.

How to relieve stress during pregnancy?

It is extremely important to get rid of nervous feelings in a timely manner. Even if it is sometimes difficult to do, but you should close your eyes to the problems and think about the health of the unborn child. To overcome troubles, you need to strengthen your body:

  1. As prescribed by the doctor, vitamin complexes should be taken. Vitamins C and E are especially necessary. With their support, you can not only strengthen the immune system, but also rejuvenate the entire body as a whole, as well as protect the nervous system. It has been proven that with the help of vitamin C you can get rid of provocateurs that cause feelings of panic. Thanks to vitamin B nervous system will be thoroughly protected, it can be easily found in marine products.
  2. Having figured out how stress affects pregnancy, and realizing that this can leave a negative mark on the health of the baby and mother, you should perform specially designed yoga complexes, which include breathing exercises, relaxation and simple physical exercises.
  3. It is advisable to do your favorite thing, knit, read as often as possible, that is, calm your mind and be distracted from various problems.
  4. Those who know how nervous stress affects pregnancy and how difficult it is sometimes to get rid of it, recommend seeking help from a psychologist if it is not possible to get out of this state for a long time. The doctor will advise on effective techniques and the patient will feel better.
  5. Pregnant women are reassured by listening to romantic and calm music.

Danger in different trimesters

Every woman who intends to become a mother should know how stress affects early pregnancy, because negative experiences can result in a miscarriage. If problems find a girl in the second or third trimester, then there is a threat to the mother herself. The vital main organs begin to strain, further pressure rises, a large number of edema appears and it is possible to see protein in the urine. Blood flow decreases in the placenta and, as a result, the fetus will lack oxygen.

Possible consequences

Why is stress during pregnancy dangerous? Many girls ask their doctors a similar question. Having additional experiences often leads to health problems for the baby. He may be absolutely healthy at birth, and troubles will begin to manifest further. Most often, children experience the following disorders:

  • increased distraction of attention and activity, which further affects the study;
  • problems with speech apparatus, as well as difficulties in teaching writing;
  • phobias, fears, urinary incontinence, neuroses;
  • weakness of the immune system and cardiovascular ailments, which provoke an increased susceptibility of the child to various diseases;
  • the appearance of defects in appearance, for which surgical intervention is required to correct;
  • autism and developmental problems.

Pathology while carrying the fetus

As you can see, a woman needs to know how it affects during pregnancy, as well as how it affects the mother's condition:

  1. A common problem is hypoxia - a lack of oxygen. This makes it harder for a woman to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. In the most severe cases, suffocation and fetal death may occur.
  2. In the placenta, blood circulation is disturbed, problems with the exchange processes between the child and the mother are formed. Therefore, the baby is born prematurely and is late in development.
  3. Childbirth is difficult, and the woman in labor quickly loses strength.
  4. Due to the fact that a woman constantly has fears, her pregnancy is disrupted. Sometimes it even ends with a miscarriage. Girls are born much earlier, and boys walk around.

Another indicator of how severe stress affects pregnancy is the threat of early discharge of amniotic fluid as a result of it, and this is quite dangerous for the child's life.

Stress drugs

Special psychotropic components for the treatment of stress are used extremely rarely and only at the moment when the body's adaptive mechanisms are unable to cope with emotional stress. At the same time, the doctor will necessarily weigh all possible risks for both the baby and the mother and select the most harmless medicines.

Many drugs negatively affect the fetus and lead to the formation of malformations and circulatory disorders. So, expectant mothers should understand that drops such as "Barboval", "Corvalol", "Valocordin", which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, are categorically contraindicated for pregnant women. Experts also do not recommend self-medication and taking combined preparations based on herbs - "Nottu", "Novo-Passit", "Persen" - since their effect on the fetus has not yet been fully studied.

The safest remedy is valerian.


How stress affects pregnancy is already known, so this condition is best avoided. There are several types of stress: moderate, which is standard for all women in childbirth, and strong, arising from mental turmoil, leading to prolonged depression.

The factor for the appearance of the last stress can be intense excitement or loss loved one, work, property. Lack of attention, cynicism, rudeness, as well as harsh statements by doctors about any problems of a woman in labor lead to a similar state.

As a preventive measure, you can offer a pregnant woman to undergo special tests with a psychologist, showing a predisposition to nervous shocks. This procedure should only be carried out by a specialist. Based on the results of the survey, a conclusion is drawn for psychologists and doctors to provide assistance to the expectant mother.

All unanimously say that during pregnancy, women should not be nervous, worried, refuse their favorite food, experience various discomfort. But why? Why are nervous experiences, stress and depression so detrimental to the health and development of the fetus? Why is a pregnant woman literally carried in her arms and try not to bother over trifles? Do stressful situations really affect the baby or are they tricks of pregnant girls? In this article, we will try to understand how stress affects the body of a pregnant woman and a child, why the expectant mother cannot find a place for herself and what to do if the usual methods do not help calm down.

How stress manifests itself during pregnancy

Very often, a woman does not even realize that she is in constant stress. Especially if the reasons associated with stress drag on from the days when the expectant mother was not yet pregnant. A woman's depression can be diagnosed by her mood. Very often pregnancy (especially desired) brings inspiration, a feeling of flight, expectation of a miracle. If a woman constantly feels overwhelmed, depressed and apathetic, most likely, stress makes itself felt. Such a state is fueled by quite real physical manifestations - a headache, heart rate increases, blood pressure becomes unusually high, and appetite is lost. If a woman continues to work, stress affects her performance - the expectant mother stops doing her usual norm, breaks down on clients, loses the quality of her activities. In relationships with loved ones, nervousness is felt, hands can shake, nights go by without sleep, anxiety is felt, a woman often begins to hurt. If you notice these symptoms in yourself, you need to take action as soon as possible, because stress during pregnancy is very dangerous.

Causes of stress during pregnancy

Various films feature a huge number of scenes with rabid pregnant women who cannot contain their anger. Is everything really that complicated or was the director's production just exaggerating everything? Let's try to figure out why a woman experiences stress during pregnancy, what reasons can contribute to this.

  1. Hormones. Very often a woman is worried about hormonal changes. As a rule, hormones during pregnancy (especially at the initial stage) simply rage, a woman becomes whiny, often nervous, her mood changes several times a day.
  2. Job. Stressful situations the expectant mother may be associated with work. If the work is stressful, you should try to transfer to another department with less psychological stress before delivery. Often the expectant mother worries about work if it is unofficial, because in this case the woman has no social guarantees. She worries that her place may be taken and her career will go downhill due to a forced hiatus in the near future. If there is no work, worries do not decrease, especially if the child's father is not a guarantor of stability. We can say that work is one of the most serious concerns for a pregnant woman.
  3. Finance. The practical side of the issue also plays an important role when waiting for a child. Even if a woman has a stable income, after receiving maternity money (which is usually quickly spent on the needs of the baby), the woman, at best, receives a childcare allowance, which is rather small. The expectant mother is worried about how she will feed the child, whether her husband's salary is enough for the whole family, how to pay off the loan, mortgage, etc. Of course, a man should decide these issues, but not all women are lucky with the child's father and situations can be completely different.
  4. Housing. The housing issue is very often acute - if a family does not have its own apartment or it is small enough to increase the number of tenants. Lack of finance for renting an apartment, the forced need to live with relatives, a small area, unfavorable living conditions - all this can cause stress for a woman, because she, as a true hostess and mother, tries to do everything to make the baby convenient and comfortable.
  5. Men. Sometimes the relationship with the father of the unborn child may be the cause of concern. It's no secret that pregnancy is not always planned and desired. If a woman is not married or thinks that a man will leave her as soon as he finds out about pregnancy, this becomes a serious cause of stress.

In addition, there can be any number of reasons for worrying - a figure that is likely to deteriorate, the relationship of the unborn child with older brothers and sisters, the opinion of others, worries about the health of the future baby. The imaginary brain of a pregnant woman can experience stress even from watching an emotional movie. But why is it so important to maintain calmness and psychological balance?

It is difficult to find a woman who would go through the whole pregnancy in harmony, peace and good mood. All pregnant women experience in one way or another, this is normal. Any mother worries about her future baby. But what does excessive psychological stress lead to? How do nervous shocks affect the health and development of the fetus in the womb?

  1. In early pregnancy, when the ovum is not attached to the uterine wall tightly enough, severe stress can cause a miscarriage.
  2. In the first trimester, the mother's experiences are especially strongly reflected in the health of the baby in the future, since it is at this time that the vital organs of the crumbs are laid and formed. Due to the experiences of the mother, the baby may have various pathologies in the development of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, gene mutations, anomalies in the development of the maxillofacial system.
  3. With severe stress of the mother, children are born weak, often get sick, their immune system cannot withstand external negative factors.
  4. Very often, the depressive state of the mother during pregnancy is reflected in the baby in the distant future. If after birth the baby seems healthy, then after 5-10 years he will develop various psychological disorders, for example, schizophrenia. At the very least, such children grow up withdrawn, it is difficult for them to find new friends.
  5. The very course of pregnancy during stress is aggravated by various complications. The placenta may begin to exfoliate ahead of time, polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios may occur. All this leads to hypoxia and even intrauterine fetal death.
  6. Babies whose mothers are constantly worried about something during pregnancy often suffer from enuresis and hyperactivity. These children tend to be autistic.
  7. Due to the mother's worries, the baby in late pregnancy may be overly active, which leads to the entanglement of the umbilical cord.
  8. The stress of the mother in the late stages leads to premature birth, and, as a result, to a premature and low birth weight baby.
  9. Such children are more likely to suffer from various kinds of allergic reactions and asthma.

Stress is a serious challenge, especially for a pregnant woman. And it is important to understand this, not only for herself, but also for the people around her. But what if the anxiety persists?

How to relieve stress during pregnancy

First you need to try to get rid of the provoking factor. Sit down and try to talk to yourself heart to heart. What are you afraid of? What are you worried about? Trust me, you don't need a man who abandoned you after the pregnancy news. You earn enough money to be enough for the first time, because the baby, in fact, needs very little, especially if he is breastfed. An apartment is a profitable business, the main thing is that the baby is born healthy. All the worries about finances, work, figures will seem to you a simple mouse fuss, as soon as you see the native eyes of your crumbs. Believe me, no worries cost your baby's health.

Share your fears with loved ones, walk more, eat right, tune in to the positive, watch good and kind films. Chat with pregnant women - most of them are cute and carefree creatures. If you have an older child, devote all your free time to him so that later he does not feel left out. Sleep more, engage in acceptable physical activity, communicate with pleasant people. Take a shower with aromatic oils, eat delicious meals, cook, listen to music, re-read your favorite books. All this will give you a bunch of positive emotions that simply will not leave you time to worry. Believe me, the birth of life in your womb is already happiness.

Pregnancy is a time of excitement, worries and worries. However, anxieties are not always pleasant. Anything happens in life, and often a woman is forced to experience serious emotional distress during pregnancy. Whatever the environment, you need to remember that nothing is more important than the baby in the womb. Try to stay calm and not worry about the little things. Better to seem like a carefree fool than a hysterical shrew. Remember about the child - this is the main motivation for your peace of mind.

Video: stress during pregnancy

A storm of emotions is contained in a woman during pregnancy, to figure out what she finally wants is very, very difficult. She may get angry, cry after a few minutes, and then smile. How can a pregnant woman learn to stay calm again?

The reason for the storm of emotions in pregnant women.

The mood of pregnant women is changeable, while various little things can make them nervous. It should be noted that the woman did not even pay attention to these little things before. The reason for this behavior is the production of a large amount of female hormones necessary for the normal bearing of a child. The main hormones of pregnancy include gonadotropin: in the early stages of pregnancy, a large level of the hormone, the maximum concentration at 7-10 weeks of pregnancy, increased concentration causes nausea, and this becomes the cause of increased irritability; progesterone: a hormone affecting the process of carrying a child, the level of the hormone is high, it is the cause of a woman's rapid fatigue; estriol: a natural antioxidant that is produced throughout pregnancy.

Most of all, the changed hormonal background affects the emotional state of a pregnant woman in the first trimester. Particular attention should be paid to yourself when:

· you were predisposed to mood swings before pregnancy;

· during a previous pregnancy, you lost a baby. During a new pregnancy, a woman will listen to her body and look for signs of threat, and this increases irritability and serves as a reason to lose her temper. Please note that negative emotions can provoke the threat of termination of pregnancy, we get a vicious circle.

· pregnancy came under the persuasion of your husband or relatives, then you may not understand why you need pregnancy, as a result, the pregnant woman begins to take off her anger at her loved ones, who made her decide to have a baby.

· you are used to commanding, so that you are obeyed, you are used to keeping everything and everyone in subjection, but closer to childbirth, working capacity decreases, often people around you begin to help you with the best of intentions, but strong woman such concern seems to be a signal - I have become weak, and this is the basis of nervous stress.

How nervous breakdowns affect pregnancy.

Hormonal levels change throughout pregnancy, so mood swings will occur throughout pregnancy. However, it is worth remembering that severe stress can provoke the risk of a threat of termination of pregnancy (uterine hypertonicity), cause problems with sleep, appetite, exacerbation of chronic diseases, the appearance of skin problems, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can tell you are having a nervous breakdown if:

· rapid fatigue sets in, frequent errors in work appear;

· cannot concentrate;

· tormented by insomnia, nightmares to take off;

· tormented by overwhelming anxiety;

· there is an increased heartbeat, neck pain, headache, neck pain, back pain.

You have a nervous breakdown - what should you do?

It is difficult to cope with experiences on your own; you should seek help from a specialist. First, inform the gynecologist about your nerves and he will prescribe you: valerian, motherwort infusion, "Glycine", "Person", "Magne B6". Only a specialist will prescribe the dosage you need, tell you how long you should take them. If the measures taken are not enough, the doctor will refer you to a psychologist, psychotherapist.

How to deal with nervous stress during pregnancy.

1. Express your emotions - anger, anger overtook you at work, you can go to the toilet and wash yourself with cold water, open the tap to the full and beat the edge of your palm against the stream of water;

2. Train yourself to relax

3. Sleep is the best medicine. Sleep deprivation can lead to stress. You need to try to sleep 8 hours a day, and if possible, you can take a nap in the afternoon for a couple of hours. Arrange yourself a SIESTA !.

4. Speak problems. You got nasty at work, pushed in public transport, etc. It is worth talking about the situation, if there is a problem, then it will be easier for you to understand the cause and solve it.

5. Seek support from your husband. Do not take anger out on your husband, this will only aggravate the situation. It is worth explaining to him that you are having a difficult period and you need help. Ask him to help you, even to pull his mustache or beard (if that makes you feel better). Believe me, your husband wants you to be calm and cheerful as much as you do.

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