Space trash: Where does it come from and why it does not fly anywhere. Elementary physics: Why are satellites not fall to the ground? Why from spacecraft land

Final Test for the World Environment

Grade 2.

1 option

    Why S. spacecraft The earth seems blue? .............................................. ......


    What form does earth have? ........................................................... .................................................. ......

    How many hours does earth make a full turn around your axis? ...................................

    We emphasize the words that call objects of wildlife?

Owlings, doll, ant, cloud, oak, river, snow, turtle, chamomile, car.

    Stress the properties of water.

Water dissolves river sand, clean water does not have taste, water has a pleasant smell, clean water is colorless, water dissolves salt.

    What gas during nutrition is a green leaf absorbs from the air? ........................................ ...............

    Choose and emphasize the names of the trees.

Poplar, pine, gooseberry, linden, tulip, lilac.

    Choose and emphasize the names of deciduous plants.

Cedar, rowan, larch, cherry, oak.

    Choose and emphasize the names of cultivated plants.

Cucumber, nettle, rye, potatoes, oak, garlic, valley, swallow.

    Choose and emphasize the names of inedible mushrooms.

Pale refraining, cheerful, butter, boletus, bile mushroom, false fees,.

    Emphasize the names of animals that belong to amphibian.

Crocodile, Duck, Triton, Dolphin, Frog, Mosquito, Toad.

    Stress the name of birds.

Ostrich, bat, Penguin, Soyuch, Bee, Tolstolobik, rapid.

    Emphasize the action of a person who harm health.

Run, jump, swim. To invent the means of movement.

Invent the tools of labor. Fall asleep for the winter.

Catch the midges on the fly. Write letters, compose poems.

    Who do you come with a grandfather? Stress.

Son, daughter, sister, grandson, brother, granddaughter.


The final test of the world around the world.

Option 2

"Perspective primary School»

    What is the star closest to Earth? ........................................... .......................

    What is the name of the natural satellite of the Earth? ............................................ ..........................

    For how many days the earth makes a full turn around the sun? .....................................

    We emphasize the words that call objects of inanimate nature.

Mountain, lifting faucet, bumblebee, clover, lake, plate, cloud, snow, glass, house.

    Underline the properties of air.

The air of white, does not smell, does not heat the heat, it uses the sun's rays well, transparent.

    What gas absorbs plant with breathing? ........................................... ..........................

    Stress the names of shrubs.

Rosehip, oak, chamomile, valley, gooseberry, linden, subbeller, lilac.

    Emphasize the names of coniferous plants.

Larch, juniper, poplar, cherry, cedar, apple tree.

    Emphasize the names of wild plants.

Wheat, cabbage, plantain, Vasileuk, Lipa, Sour, millet.

    Emphasize the names of edible mushrooms.

Satanic mushroom, false chanterelle, rhyger, fees, boletus, bile mushroom, cheerful.

    Emphasize the names of animals that belong to the reptiles.

Lizard, ladybug, grasshopper, turtle, toad, crocodile, boar, snake.

    Emphasize the names of mammals.

Great Triton, Ant, Nalim, Toad, Elephant, Mouse, Lizard, Cat, Wordel.

    Emphasize the action of a person who helps to keep health.

Smoking, charging, long-term game on a computer, proper nutrition, permanent listening of music, facilitation, sports, hardening.

    What is characteristic of only a person? Stress.

Crawl, swim, jump. To invent the means of movement.

Compose stories and poems. Fall asleep for the winter.

Catch on the fly of the midges. Make reserves for the winter.

    Who do you come with a grandmother? Stress.

Daughter, son, sister, brother, grandson, granddaughter.

The overall view of the space and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe study of outer space can cause many questions. Why is Pluto not planet? Is it possible to hear anything in space? How many space stations are currently in space? What happens when the cosmonaut eats gases in space?

Want to know the answers to these and many other questions? Before you - 25 cosmic facts that you always wanted to know!

25. How old is the sun?

Sun is about 4.6 billion years. Billion is a thousand million.

24. Are astronauts really go in diapers?

Yes: during the start of the spacecraft, return to Earth and everything they make outside the spacecraft or space station. Although they are called not "diapers", but the "maximum absorbing garment" (Maximum Absorbency Garment, or Mag).

23. Is it true that in space no one will hear your scream?

Well yes. What we hear are sound waves that actually represent vibrations in the air. There is no air in space, so there is nothing to vibrate there. Light and radio waves apply to space, but they do not need air to spread like sound waves.

22. When will the Gallea comet again fly past?

Comet Halley will be visible from the ground in 2061. Interesting fact: Mark Twain (Mark Twain) was born a year, when a comet of Gallei (1835) flew, and died when she flew past the earth next time (1910). A year before his death, Mark Twain said: "I came with Gallei's comet, and I must leave with her."

21. Why is Cosmos black?

Because in the overwhelming part of the universe there is nothing, including light. Or maybe in the black space to which we look, there is light - we simply cannot see it with a human eye, or light waves are in hundreds of light years from us.

20. When do we actually go to Mars?

Currently it seems that the Mission scheduled for 2030 is our most realistic schedule. One of the main problems associated with sending people to Mars is finance.
So far, more and more people require money for NASA from the government, looking at the success of private programs, such as SPASE X, it is possible that the private sector or cooperation can help deliver us to Mars.

19. Is there any spy satellites in space?

You may not doubt! In fact, Japan has just, in March, launched one such satellite - "Radar 5" ("Radar 5") - to follow North Korea. Thank you for your attention, Japan!

18. Full moon every month falls on different days, so how long does the moon cycle last?

27.3 days

17. What are the names of the planets in our solar system, and what do they mean their names?

With the exception of land, all planets in our Solar system Named in honor of the gods and goddesses of ancient Greek or ancient Roman mythology.
Pluto was the God of the underground kingdom; Mercury was the messenger of the gods; Venus was goddess love and beauty. Uranus was the god of the sky; Saturn was an ancient Roman god of agriculture; Mars was the god of war, Jupiter (the largest planet of our solar system) was named after God-Ruzhozhitsa; Neptune was the God of the Seas.

16. Then why did the land given exactly this name?

In fact, it is unknown. What we really know is that the word "earth" ("Earth") is derived from the English and German words meaning "soil, soil". Our planet is stunningly beautiful, mostly covered with water, and we called it ... Earth. Hi, humanity!

15. Is there really a mysterious "Planet X", which we cannot see in our solar system?

Probably. NASA found evidence of the existence of the planet size with Neptune at an even greater orbit of the Sun than Pluto, which, according to the calculations of astronomers, makes one full rotation around the Sun for 10,000 years.

14. Is it possible to get sick "cosmic madness"?

Not? But problems with mental health on Earth would also exist in space, and if stress from flight into space was a trigger, astronauts could have a failure or case of a disease in space, so ... yes?
In NASA, there were two separate studies in the field of mental health of astronauts (one - on the ISS, another - on the already no existing space station "Peace"), and the only interesting thing that appeared in the reports is "some tension", which in principle is what can happen to any person living at work with their colleagues. On the general mood or cohesion of the group, it did not mean anything negatively.
The test, imitating the year on Mars, was started on earth and ended in 2016. Participants of the study could not leave their habitat for a distance further than 366 meters, if there were no scafflers. There was some tension and stress, as well as some interpersonal problems.
Like the neighbors on the room in the hostel, one becomes friends the rest of your life, while others will not be friends even in Facebook. So there are no specific evidence that the time spent in space causes any specific "cosmic" mental health problems. However, if they have a person on Earth, he will have them after will leave the land (theoretically).

13. What happens if you bump into space?

Well, first, the released gas will not move, because there is no gravity so that heavily air moves somewhere, and there are no air flows so that it spreads.
Man just remains one on one in this gas "cloud". Fortunately, the spacecraft are made with modifications that are filtered by such ... hmm ... gases, and astronauts find their own ways to minimize their gases on other crew members, such as, for example, to do this in less used compartments of the ISS.

12. Why do stars seem flickering or flashing?

Because their light should overcome various layers of gases in our atmosphere. Think about it like about the light passing through the water that distorts the light and makes it "sparkle". In this case, the same basic principle is valid.

11. Can blood really boil in space if a person is without a skatera?

Yes. This is due to how pressure affects the boiling point of liquids. The lower the pressure, the lower the boiling point, because molecules are easier to move and begin to turn into gas from the liquid. That is why water on Elbrus, for example, boils faster than on the Caspian Sea coast. Thus, under the conditions of vacuum of outer space, the boiling point of blood can fall to normal body temperature.

10. What is the temperature in space?

Different. In some parts of the outer space, such as, near the stars, rather hot: there can be instantly evaporate, turning into a hot ash. Whereas in other parts, in deep darkness and on the surface of some planets, looking away from the suns or located far from them, quite cold.
In fact, it all depends on where you are. For reference, ISS (without a thermocontrol system!), Being on the sunny side, it would be raised to a temperature of 121 ° C, and would have a temperature of -157 ° C, while in the shadow of the sun.

9. How many garbage we left in space?

Hmm, well, we, people, little clog our own planet, so we began to litter and beyond it. Currently, there are more than 500,000 units of "cosmic garbage" in the Earth orbit, which are tracked because spacecraft may cause damage.
While some of them are small pieces of meteors, etc., who have fallen into orbit, most of the "cosmic garbage" represents the fact that we (humanity) raised into space and did not return back to Earth.

8. Were we really sent the Gold Plate of Aliens?

Yes. Or at least we sent it to where they could take it if they existed. The farthest artificial object in space is Voyager-1 (Voyager 1), and it was launched in 1977 together with Voyager 2 (Voyager 2).
Both automatic probe were to explore the distant planets of the Solar System, and Voyager-1 during the fulfillment of their mission went to the interstellar space.
Both "Voyager" on their board carry a gold record with greetings, music (for example, performed by Louis Armstrong, as well as some melodies performed on the Peruvian Swirls - a total of 27 different works of different styles and directions), the noise of the sea and the conversation of people, as well as images.

7. Is cosmos really look like "space pattern" that we see everywhere?

Not really. At least, not for the unarmed human eye, sorry. These superfantastics images are usually either processed in the wavelength range, which is usually not distinguished for the human eye, such as infrared or ultraviolet, or their color scheme is improving. But it does not mean at all that the cosmos is not fantastic and not beautiful - it just means that literally everything is exconed.

6. How many space stations are located in space?

Currently - two. International Space Station (ISS) and spacecraft Tiangong-1 (Tiangong-1), which belongs to China. While on board the ISS there is always a team, there are usually no people on Tianguna-1. The ISS is divided among themselves from Russia, USA, Japan, Canada and the European Space Agency (European Space Agency).

5. How far is the nearest star from us, except for our sun (which is the star)?

4.24 light year. It is called proxima Centaur. The best way Visualize this distance: if we reduce the size of the sun and proximize the price ventilation to the size of grapefruits, then they would still be from each other at a distance of about 4023 km (almost from Moscow to Krasnoyarsk). In reality, the sun is large enough so that more than 1 million lands could fit inside it.

4. Does any private companies exist such as Space X, plans to go to Mars?

Yes! In fact, Ilon Mask (Elon Musk) (Founder of Space X, Tesla and Paypal companies) in 2050-2100. Wants to establish a colony of people on Mars, consisting of a million people. While it sounds like a madness, Space X makes stunning things, and work schedules show that this is not a joke is a real goal.

3. Pluto was "reducing" from the planet to the dwarf planet, so what is the difference between them?

There is only one difference, and it is that the celestial body under consideration cleans the space around its orbit. The planet cleans the surrounding space, the dwarf planet - no.
Two other requirements applied to the planets and dwarf planets are as follows: 1) The planet under consideration is in orbit around the star, while herself is not a satellite; 2) has a sufficient mass to be round.

2. Since Pluto is now a dwarf planet, do other dwarf planets exist in our solar system?

Yes, in our solar system there are only 5 dwarf planets: Ceres (Ceres), Pluto (Pluto), Eris (Eris), Makemake (Makemake) and Haumea (Haumea).
Pluto is not even the biggest one. The largest dwarf planet of our solar system is Erida. It is almost 27% more pluto. Bonus fact: Erida - the goddess of contention in Greek mythology.

1. Is it possible to invade aliens to land?

Yes! Can it happen? Not really. And that is, there are several reasons: huge distances between stars and galaxies in space. (Most of us to realize it really can not.)
In addition, we have a lot of terrible problems of humanity. Why significantly advanced civilization spend years and resources to fly to us?

Today we can go beyond our home in early in the morning or in the evening and see a bright space station flying over your head. Although space travel has become an ordinary part modern MiraFor many people, space and questions associated with it remain a mystery. So, for example, many people are incomprehensible why satellites do not fall to the ground and do not fly into space?

Elementary physics

If we throw the ball into the air, it will soon return to Earth, like any other object, like, for example, an airplane, a bullet or even a balloon.

To understand why the spacecraft can rotate around the Earth, without falling, at least under normal circumstances, you need to spend a mental experiment. Imagine that you are on but there is no air and atmosphere on it. We need to get rid of the air so that we can make our model as simple as possible. Now, you will have to mentally climb to the top of a high mountain with an instrument to understand why satellites are not falling on the ground.

Put the experiment

We guide the trunk of the tools exactly horizontally and shoot to the Western horizon. The projectile will fly out of the blow with a huge speed and head to the West. As soon as the shell leaves the barrel, it will begin to approach the surface of the planet.

Since the gun ball is quickly moving to the West, it will fall on the ground at some distance from the top of the mountain. If we continue to increase the power of the gun, the projectile will fall to the ground much further from the shots. Since our planet has a ball shape, every time the bullet will fly out of the blur, it will fall on, because the planet also continues to rotate around its axis. That is why satellites are not falling to the ground under the action of gravity.

Since this is a mental experiment, we can make a shot of a gun more powerful. In the end, we can imagine the situation in which the projectile moves at the same speed as the planet.

At this speed, without resistance to the air, which slows it, the shell will continue to rotate around the earth forever, as it will continuously fall to the planet, but the Earth will also continue to fall at the same speed as if "slipping" from the projectile. This condition is called a free fall.

On practice

In the real life, everything is not as simple as in our mental experiment. Now we must deal with the resistance of the air, which causes the slowdown in the speed of the projectile, ultimately depriving his speed necessary to her in order to stay in orbit and not fall to the ground.

Even at a distance of several hundred kilometers from the surface of the Earth, there is still some resistance of the air, which acts on satellites and space stations and leads to their slowdown. This resistance ultimately leads to the fact that the spacecraft or satellite fall into the layers of the atmosphere, where they usually burn out due to friction with air.

If space stations and other satellites had no acceleration capable of push them higher in orbit, they all would unsuccessfully fell to the ground. Thus, the satellite speed is adjustable so that it falls on the planet at the same speed with which the planet on the curve is moving towards the satellite. That is why satellites are not falling to the ground.

The interaction of the planet

The same process applies to our moon, which moves to the orbit of the free fall around the Earth. Each second, the moon is approaching about 0.125 cm to the ground, but at the same time the surface of our spherical planet is shifted at the same distance, evading the moon, so they remain relative to each other in their orbits.

There is nothing magical in relation to orbits and such a phenomenon as a free fall - they only explain why satellites do not fall on the ground. It is just the power of gravity and speed. But it is incredibly interesting, however, as everything else, associated with space.

Scientists from the Harvard Center of Astrophysicians believe that Omumumua is the first in the history of the interstellar object, seen in our solar system - may be a giant aliens ship. Are the aliens decided to honor us with their presence?

In a study published last Thursday, astronomers published their observations of the interstellar object known as Omumuma. Giant asteroid penetrated our star system a year ago, presumably coming from some other galaxy. I must say what happened for the first time in the history of astronomy. Moreover, the "alien" accelerated noticeably, compared with the movement last year.

We decided to spend aliens?

Since the interstellar object, apparently, shows the qualities of both asteroid and comets, astronomers suggested: its unusual acceleration can be caused by "factors of artificial origin", reinforced solar radiation.

In his report, astronomers summed up: "If we take as a basis the artificial origin of this object, one of the explanations of Omumumua - it is a fragment of some spacecraft or other super technological equipment."

Asteroid or comet?

This object was first discovered by the Chalevacal Observatory located on the top of the volcano of the same name in Hawaii, October 19 last year. The strange form of Omumumua and his unusual "behavior" forced many to assume that he could well be an alien artifact.

Throughout the year, a discussion on whether this interstellar object is actually a comet or an asteroid - after all, he has already been mentioned, successfully combines signs and those and others. Judge for themselves: Omumumua clearly accelerated, leaving the solar system, and presumably on his structure affected the heat of the Sun, as befits comets.

However, since the object does not burn when it was closest to the Sun, astronomers argue that this is a "Space Sailboat" - the form of interplanetary transport, moving the power of radiation. "Omumamua may well be part of an alien technology that was created to study our solar system. Similarly, how we once hope to explore the Alpha Centaur and other systems. "

It was also the opinion that Omumumua serves as an intelligence mission, since the object should be at a random orbit. This, presumably, would require the creation of 10-15 such objects on the study of each star in our galaxy.

The further - the more interesting

No matter how many opinions and disputes were, in one astronomer agree unconditionally: "The more we study Omumumua, the more exciting it becomes."

Omumamu's interstellar object is estimated less than a kilometer long and is currently removed from the Sun at a speed of about 112,000 km per hour, heading towards the outskirts of the solar system. After another four years, according to the calculations of experts, it will reach Neptune orbit and follows further - in the unknown interstellar space. I wonder what awaits him there?

Since childhood, we memorize the Azbid Truths about the Universe Device: all the planets are round, there is nothing in space, the sun is burning. Meanwhile, it's all wrong. No wonder the new Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva recently stated that the lessons of astronomy should be returned to school. Editorial Medialeaks. Fully supports this initiative and offers readers to update their ideas about the planets and stars.

1. Earth is a flat ball

The real form of land is somewhat different from the globe from the store. The fact that our planet is a little flattened from the poles, many know. But besides this, different points of the earth's surface are removed from the center of the nucleus at different distances. The point is not only in the relief, just the earth is all uneven. For clarity use such a little exitted illustration.

Closer to the Equator, the planet generally has a kind of protrusion. Therefore, for example, the dot of the earth's surface remote from the center of the planet is not an Everest (8848 m), and the Volcano Chimborace (6268 m) - its vertex is 2.5 km further. It is not visible in the pictures from the space, since the deviation from the ideal ball is not more than 0.5% of the radius, in addition, the disadvantages of the appearance of our favorite planet smoothes the atmosphere. The correct name for the shape of the Earth is a geoid.

2. The sun is burning

We are accustomed to thinking that the sun is a huge fireball, so it seems to us that it burns, there is a flame on its surface. Actually burning - chemical reactionFor which you need an oxidizing agent and fuel, you need an atmosphere. (By the way, that is why the explosions in open space Practically impossible).

The sun is a huge piece of plasma in a state of thermonuclear reaction, it does not burn, but shines, radiating the flow of photons and charged particles. That is, the sun is not a fire, it is a big and very, very warm light.

3. The land makes the turn around its axis exactly in 24 hours

It often seems that some days are faster, others are slower. Oddly enough, it really is. Sunny day, that is, the time for which the sun returns to the same position in the sky, varies within plus-minus about 8 minutes at different times of the year at different points of the planet. This is due to the fact that the linear speed of movement and the angular speed of rotation of the Earth around the Sun, as they move along an elliptic orbit, constantly change. The day is slightly increasing, then slightly decrease.

In addition to sunny, there are also star days - the time for which the Earth makes one turn around its axis in relation to distant stars. They are more constant, their duration is 23 hours 56 minutes 04 seconds.

4. Full weightlessness in orbit

It is customary to think that the cosmonaut at the space station is in a state of complete weightlessness and its weight is zero. Yes, the effect of the attraction of the Earth at an altitude of 100-200 km from its surface is less noticeable, but remains as powerful: that is why the ISS and people in it remain in orbit, and they do not fly away in a straight line to open space.

If we talk simple language, and the station, and astronauts in it are in an infinite free fall (they are not falling down, but forward), but supports the power to rotate the station around the planet. It is more correct to call it microgravitation. A condition close to complete weightlessness can only be experienced outside the gravitational field of the Earth.

5. Instant death in space without a skate

Oddly enough, for a person who fell out without a skateman from the hatch of the spacecraft, death is not so inevitable. It will not turn into an icicle: Yes, the temperature in the open space -270 ° C, but the heat exchange in vacuum is impossible, so the body on the contrary will begin to heat up. Internal pressure is also not enough to blow up a person from the inside.

The main danger is an explosive decompression: gas bubbles in the blood will begin to expand, but theoretically it can be survived. In addition, in cosmic conditions there is not enough pressure to maintain the liquid state of the substance, therefore, water will begin to evaporate very quickly with the body's mucous membranes (language, eyes. On earth orbit, instantaneous burns of unprotected skin sections are inevitable on earth orbit (by the way, the temperature will be in the sauna, about 100 ° C). All this is very unpleasant, but not deadly. It is very important to be in space on exhalation (air delay will lead to Barotrauma).

As a result, as scientists consider NASA, under certain conditions there is a chance that 30-60 seconds of stay in open space will not cause damage to the human body incompatible with life. The death will eventually come precisely from suffocation.

6. Asteroid belt - a dangerous place for starships

Fantastic films have learned us to the fact that asteroid clusters are a pile of cosmic fragments that fly in close proximity to each other. On the map of the solar system, the asteroid belt also usually looks like a serious obstacle. Yes, there is a very big density of celestial bodies in this place, but only on cosmic standards: half-kilometer boulders fly at a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers from each other.

Humanity launched about a dozen probes, which came out for the orbit of Mars and flies to the orbit of Jupiter without the slightest problems. The impassable clusters of space rocks and stones like those showing in " Star Wars"May arise as a result of a collision of two massive celestial bodies. And that - not for long.

7. We see millions of stars

The expression "Miriad Stars" until recently was no more than a rhetorical exaggeration. With a unarmed look from the ground in the very clear weather, you can see at the same time no more than 2-3 thousand celestial bodies. In total, both hemispheres are about 6 thousand. But on photographs of modern telescopes, it is really possible to find hundreds of millions, if not billion stars (no one believed).

The newly obtained image of Hubble Ultra Deep Field has captured about 10 thousand galaxies, the most distant of which are at a distance of about 13.5 billion light years. According to the calculations of scientists, these ultra-lifted star clusters appeared "total" after 400-800 million years after a large explosion.

8. Stars are stationary

Do not stars move through the sky, and the earth is spinning - until the 18th century, scientists were confident that with the exception of the planets and comet Most of the celestial bodies remain stationary. However, over time, it was proved that all the stars and galaxies were in motion. If we returned for several tens of millennia ago, they would not know starry sky above your head (like moral law, by the way).

Of course, this happens slowly, but individual stars change their position in outer space so that it becomes noticeable after a few years of observations. The star Bernard's star "flies" is the fastest - its speed is 110 km / s. Galaxies also shift.

For example, the nebula of Andromeda is visible to the naked eye from the ground approaching the Milky Way at a speed of about 140 km / s. After about 5 billion years, we will come together.

9. The moon has a dark side

The moon is always facing the ground with one side, because its rotation around its own axis and around our planet is synchronized. However, this does not mean that the rays of the sun will never fall on the invisible half of the sun.

In the new moon, when the side facing the ground is completely in the shade, the opposite is completely lit. However, on natural satellite Earth day replaced at night slightly slower. Full lunar day lasts about two weeks.

10. Mercury - the hottest planet in the solar system

It is quite logical to assume that the planet closest to the Sun is also the hottest in our system. Either not true. The maximum temperature on the surface of Mercury is 427 ° C. It is less than Venus, where the indicator is registered in 477 ° C. The second planet is almost 50 million km further from the Sun than the first, but Venus has a dense atmosphere from carbon dioxide, which, at the expense of the greenhouse effect, retains and accumulates the temperature, and Mercury has almost no atmosphere.

There is another moment. Mercury full turn around his axis makes it possible for 58 terrestrial days. The two-month night winds the surface to -173 ° C, that is, the average temperature at the Equator of Mercury is about 300 ° C. And on the poles of the planet, which always remain in the shade, even have ice.

11. Solar system consists of nine planets

Since childhood, we used to think that the solar system has nine planets. Pluto was opened in 1930, and for more than 70 years he remained a full member of the Planetary Pantheon. However, after long discussions in 2006, Pluto lowered to the title of the largest dwarf planet in our system. The fact is that this celestial body does not correspond to one of the three definitions of the planet, according to which such an object should clear the neighborhood of its orbit. The mass of the pluto is only 7% of the total weight of all object belts objects. For example, another planetoid from this area, ERID, less than Pluto in diameter is only 40 km, but noticeably harder. For comparison, the mass of the Earth is 1.7 million times more than all other bodies in the vicinity of its orbits. That is, the full planets in the solar system is still eight.

12. Exoplates are similar to Earth

Almost every month of astronomers please us with reports that they discovered the next exoplanet, on which life can exist theoretically. Imagination immediately draws a green and blue ball somewhere at the proxy price, which can be dumped when our land will finally break. In fact, scientists have no idea what exoplanets look and what conditions are there. The fact is that they are so far that we can not yet calculate their real dimensions, the composition of the atmosphere and the temperature on the surface.

As a rule, only the estimated distance between such a planet and its star is known. From hundreds of exoplanets found, which are inside the inhabited zone, potentially suitable for maintaining land like life, only units can potentially look like our native planet.

13. Jupiter and Saturn - Gas Balls

We all know that the largest planets of the solar system are gas giants, but this does not mean that when it becomes in the gravity zone of these planets, the body will fall through them until it reaches the solid core.

Jupiter and Saturn consist mainly of hydrogen and helium. Under the clouds at a depth of several thousand km, the layer begins in which hydrogen under the influence of monstrous pressure is gradually moving from the gaseous to the state of liquid boiling metal. The temperature of this substance reaches 6 thousand ° C. Interestingly, Saturn radiates 2.5 times more energy, which the planet receives from the Sun, until it is clear, due to which.

14. In the solar system, life can only exist on Earth

If something similar to the earthly life existed somewhere else in the solar system, we would notice it ... exactly? For example, on Earth, the first organic emerged more than 4 billion years ago, but for more hundreds of millions of years, no external observer would see any obvious signs of life, and the first multicellular organisms appeared only in 3 billion years. In fact, in addition to Mars, there are at least two places in our system, where life may well exist: these are Saturn Satellites - Titan and Enceland.

On Titan there is a dense atmosphere, as well as the sea, lakes and rivers - truth, not from water, and from liquid methane. But in 2010, scientists from NASA stated that they found on this satellite Saturn signs of the possible existence of the simplest forms of life, instead of water and oxygen using methane and hydrogen.

Enceladted is covered with a thick layer of ice, it would seem what life is there? However, under the surface at a depth of 30-40 km, as planetologists are sure, there is an ocean of liquid water with a thickness of about 10 km. The core of Enzelda is hot and in this ocean can be hydrothermal sources like terrestrial "black smokers". According to one of the hypotheses, life on Earth appeared precisely because of this phenomenon, so why not happen on Encelade himself. By the way, water in some places breaks through the ice and erupts the outside fountains up to 250 km high. The latest data is confirmed that in this water contains organic compounds.

15. Cosmos - empty

There is nothing in the interplanetary and interstellar space, many since childhood are sure. In fact, the space vacuum is not absolute: in microscopic quantities there are atoms and molecules, relict radiation, which remained from Big bang, and cosmic rays containing ionized atomic nuclei and different subatomic particles.

Moreover, recently scientists suggested that the cosmic emptiness is in reality from the substance that we cannot fix yet. Physics called this hypothetical phenomenon of dark energy and dark matter. Presumably, our universe is 76% consisting of dark energy, by 22% from dark matter, by 3.6% from the interior gas. Our usual baryon matter: stars, planets and other are just 0.4% of the total mass of the union.

There is an assumption that it is an increase in the amount of dark energy forces the universe to expand. Sooner or later, this alternative essence, in theory, will ruin the atoms of our reality in the shreds of individual bosons and quarks. However, by the time, neither Olga Vasilyeva nor the lessons of astronomy, nor humanity, no land, no sun exist already several billion years.

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