Types and forms of parent meetings. School-wide parent meeting: goals, procedure, topics


I conduct educational work in the classroom under the motto “Union of Three Hearts”: teacher - student - parents. It is in this union that the main educational task can be achieved - the formation of a creative personality.

“Happy is the one who is happy at home,” said the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, meaning the atmosphere that adults create in the family, first of all, helping children become enthusiastic, active, harmoniously developed people.Therefore, it was very important for me to turn the school’s interest into a family interest.and fill it with common affairs.

Of course, the main purpose parent meeting- enrich parents with new knowledge and experience, help in organizing family education. But at the same time, I really wanted to turn the parent meeting into the joy of worrying about the successes and achievements of my child.

What are the functions? should a parent meeting be performed? These functions include:

1) familiarization of parentswith content and teaching methods educational process at school (characteristics of used curricula, teaching methods, a story about extracurricular activities, electives, clubs, etc.);

2) psychological and pedagogical educationfathers and mothers, which can be expressed in informing parents about the characteristics of a particular age, the conditions for successful interaction with children, etc.;

3) involving parents in joint activities with children(extracurricular activities - competitions, excursions, hikes, etc.);

4) joint resolution of organizational issues(food, duty, discipline and other problems).

The choice of the type and form of the parent meeting depends on its topic and goals.

Among the types are:

  1. organizational(dedicated, for example, to an upcoming excursion for children or preparations for a hike),
  2. meetings on the plan of psychological and pedagogical education(for example, a lecture with the participation of a psychologist about the conditions for successfulcommunication with teenagers)
  3. thematic,
  4. debate meetings on current issueseducational process,
  5. final (quarter), etc.

The topics of parent meetings are usually determined by me and discussed at the parent committee.

I often use it to work with parents.thematic lecture- the most common form of oral presentation of knowledge. I involve parents and a psychologist in its organization and implementation.

The topics of the lectures are varied, for example: “Labor education of children” - 3rd grade, “The authority of parents” - 2nd grade, “Father - educator” - 4th grade.

Conversation – an equally common form of working with parents. In the course of a joint search for answers to questions, teachers and parents, often together with their children, find a solution life situations. The ethical conversation with parents and children of 3rd grade on the topic: “I am in the world of people” was interesting.

I use it in practicescientific and practical conferenceparents. One of the general parent meetings on the topic “Raising children in the family” was held in this form. During the conference the following issues were resolved:

1. What is difficult for parents in raising children?

2. What methods of influence do parents use in raising children?

3. Pedagogical tact of parents.

4. Ways of self-education of parents.

5. What is the influence of the father on the child?

6. How do you organize your child’s free time?

7. Your suggestions for improving extracurricular work with children in elementary school.

The school director, deputy directors for teaching and educational work and educational work, and a school psychologist took part in this conference.

During the preparation of the conference, teachers primary classes published a newspaper dedicated to families where education is best. After the conference, a concert prepared by the children was a pleasant surprise for parents.

There has been a tradition of using such an active form of work asparent trainings.

Both parents participate in them, which increases the effectiveness of the training. Parents are given the opportunity to temporarily feel like a child and emotionally relive childhood impressions.

With great interest, parents perform such training tasks as “children’s grimaces”, “favorite toy”, “my fairy-tale image”, “children’s games”, “childhood memories”.

I often use the following form when working with parents:parent readings. It gives parents the opportunity not only to listen to the teacher’s lectures, but also to study literature on the problem and participate in its discussion.

A huge opportunity for cooperation between the school and the parents of children is provided by holding joint class holidays. There are many options for such cooperation. Thissports competitions: “Dad, mom, I’m a sports family,” matinees “Dad, Mom, I am a reading family” and “Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family”quiz for children and parents"Let's play together"games for the whole family“Happy Occasion”, “Tic Tac Toe”, holidays dedicated to March 8th and Defender of the Fatherland Day and many others. Such holidays are interesting and fun.

An interesting form of holding a parent meeting is a consultation for parents.

Approximate topicsconsultations for parents.

1. The child does not want to study. How can I help him?

2. The only child in the family. Ways to overcome difficulties in education.

3. Rudeness and misunderstanding in the family.

4. Talented child in the family.

5. Bad habits. How to deal with them.


One of the wonderful forms of parent meetings is a written form, when the class teacher sends parents some documents, developments, parents evaluate them and make their suggestions.

Parent meeting with students.

A parent meeting in the form of a presentation of families, their traditions, skills, relationships, and views on education.

Parent meeting in the form of a cafe.

Parents' meeting on a campfire.

Parent meeting in the form of a game.

A parent meeting in the form of a press conference, when either specialists of interest to parents are invited, or they find themselves among the parents.

A parent meeting in the form of pre-created research groups that report the results of their research and surveys at the meeting.

Parents' meeting for men.

A parent meeting in the form of a discussion of pre-written proposals and ideas for improving the organization of class life.

Parent meeting in the form of a press conference of subject teachers and subsequent individual consultations.

Parent meeting - a performance in which their children perform

Parallel parent meeting to discuss important projects and programs proposed by the school administration.

My work has borne fruit: not only a friendly team of students has formed in the class, but also a friendly team of parents. This greatly facilitates educational work and makes us all allies.

The most precious thing for us is our children! And our task is to be more patient with them, to educate them with minimal psychological trauma.

Non-traditional forms of holding

parent meetings

The parole teacher communicates daily with children and parents, sees their problems, difficulties, as well as the positive experiences of each family. One of the tasks of communication between a teacher and parents is to reveal important aspects to parents mental development child, help them build the right pedagogical strategy. In resolving these issues, parent meetings are indispensable, as they are an effective form of communication between educators and parents.

However, parents are busy people; sometimes they don’t have time to talk to the teacher, come to a meeting, or they think that they already know everything about their child. In this case, the teacher must know how to interest parents in the necessary pedagogical information, and then how to effectively build a parent meeting.

Parents meeting

It is at meetings that the teacher has the opportunity to familiarize parents with the tasks, content, and methods of raising children preschool age in conditions kindergarten and families. During the meeting, the main burden falls on the report. This material can be used for conducting oral and written consultations with parents, as well as other forms of work. The teacher is required to have a creative approach to the material: searching for new examples; using their own methods of activating parents, aimed at making listeners interested in the problem being studied, at creating associations with their own experience of raising children, and at rethinking their parental position. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the parents’ need for knowledge.

The following forms of parent meetings are used:

psychological training;

master class;

joint activities between children and parents;

open day;

showing theatrical productions.

Preparing the parent meeting

1. A week before the meeting, you can conduct a survey of parents on the topic of the meeting. Questionnaires are filled out at home before the meeting and their results are used during the meeting.

2. To activate parents and ensure their attendance at the meeting, it is advisable to make invitations to each family in the form of applications, designs, taking into account the theme of the meeting. It is important that children take part in making secret invitations for parents. Invitations are distributed a week before the meeting.

3. In accordance with the theme of the meeting, create original leaflets with tips. The content of the memos should be brief, the text should be printed in large font.

4. Our kindergarten uses such forms of attracting parents to parent-teacher meetings as: preparing competitions, exhibitions, and crafts on the theme of the meeting. At the same time, both children and their parents participate in competitions. All prepared works are exhibited before the meeting, and the teacher introduces parents to samples of work. At the meeting itself, parents choose better job, and the winner is awarded a prize.

5. As one of the forms of activating parental attention, a tape recording of children’s answers to questions on the topic of the meeting can be used.

6. We invite fairy tale hero to the meeting.

7. We attract the attention of parents to the meeting by creating homemade posters on the topic of the meeting.

8. It is advisable to hold parent committee meetings a month before the meeting.

Immediately before the meeting you must:

prepare furniture on which it would be comfortable for parents to sit. You can arrange tables and chairs in a circle, put cards on them with the names and patronymics of parents, prepare pens and sheets of paper so that they can write down the information they are interested in, as well as pencils, children’s work on modeling, drawing, and appliqué. Consider who will provide child care during the meeting and how.

Conducting a parent meeting

The parent meeting traditionally consists of 3 parts: introductory, main and “miscellaneous”. The meeting time is 1 hour. (40 minutes with parents and 20 minutes with children).

1. The introductory part is designed to organize parents, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, concentrate their attention, and motivate them to solve problems together. This can be done by communicating the topic, the form of the meeting, or through short games and activities. You can create a certain musical background: the sounds of a guitar, piano, tape recording, which will accompany the words of the presenter.

2. The main part of the meeting can be divided into two or three stages. As a rule, this part begins with a speech by the group teacher, senior teacher or other parole specialists, covering the theoretical aspects of the problem under consideration. The message should be short, since by the end of the working day the stability of attention decreases.

The main thing is that parents are not just passive listeners. It is necessary to ask questions to the listeners, give examples from the practice of raising children in families and kindergartens, analyze pedagogical situations, invite parents to watch video clips of classes with children, games, walks, etc.

You should not reproach or lecture your parents. More often you need to use moments from the lives of children in the group as examples. When talking about unwanted actions of children, there is no need to mention their last names. During their communication, teachers should avoid making claims against parents and children, discussing the personality of a particular child; One should not state the failures of children, the main thing is to jointly develop ways to solve the problems under discussion.

It is better to have a conversation in soft lighting. Transitions from one situation to another can be separated by a short musical pause.

If possible, it is better to stage the situations being analyzed.

To illustrate your ideas and considerations, you can use tape and video recordings, photographs and interviews of children in the group, diagrams and graphs, visually presented theses and speeches. All this will contribute to a better understanding of the theme of the meeting.

When conducting this part of the meeting, you can also use the following methods: lecture, discussion, conference, which can also be separate forms of work with the families of pupils.

3. In the third part of the parent meeting - “miscellaneous” - issues of maintaining a child in kindergarten, leisure activities, and organizing joint events between the family and the preschool are discussed. It is recommended to think through in advance several options for solving the problem that will be offered to parents for discussion, agree with those of them who can help, take responsibility, etc. Some issues need to be resolved in advance with the parent committee.

At the end of the meeting, it is necessary to summarize the meeting by listing decisions made on each of the issues discussed, recorded in the minutes.

There are also unconventional methods holding parent meetings.

"Reader's Conference". 2 weeks in advance, parents are informed about the topic of the meeting and are offered material on this topic. Conducted preparatory stage before the meeting, where parents are given some task on the stated topic. The prepared task is discussed from various positions. The teacher asks to comment on this or that statement, highlights the essence of the topic and asks questions during the discussion. For example, at what age should you seek help from a speech therapist? Several statements are offered, and parents comment, discuss these statements, and share their opinions on this issue.

"Seminar - workshop." A teacher, parents, psychologist and other specialists can speak at the meeting. Together with parents, problem situations are played out or solved; elements of training may be present. The topic and presenter are determined; they can be either a teacher, parents, or invited specialists. For example, let’s take the topic “The role of play in children’s speech development.” A short theoretical message is prepared, then parents are invited to watch several games that children play in kindergarten. Think about which sides speech development are practiced in these games. Remember the games that they themselves played in childhood and which they can teach to their children, their value from the point of view of speech development.

"Heart conversation." The meeting is not intended for all parents, but only for those whose children have common problems (communication with peers, aggressiveness, etc.). For example, a child is left-handed. A survey is conducted with parents to better understand the characteristics of their children. And establish exactly what degree of left-handedness the child has: weak or severe. The problem is discussed from all sides, experts may be invited. Parents are given recommendations on the developmental characteristics of such a child. Parents are offered various tasks to left-handed children, in order to develop motor skills of both hands. Psychological problems associated with left-handedness are discussed.

"Talk show". A meeting of this form implies a discussion of one problem from different points of view, detailing the problem and possible ways to solve it. Parents, educators, and specialists perform at the talk show. For example, let's take the crisis of 3 years. Parents are offered various situations, they need to be considered from different points of view, always giving reasons for them. Determined key concepts crisis of 3 years, the reasons are jointly identified, then the opinions of psychologists are read out. All positions are discussed together. Parents themselves determine how to solve the problem.

"Evenings of questions and answers." Beforehand, parents are given the task to think through and formulate the questions that most concern them. By discussing them with specialists and other parents, choose the best ways to solve them.

At non-traditional parent meetings, you can use the following methods to activate parents.

"Brainstorm" Collective method mental activity, allowing us to achieve mutual understanding when common problem is personal to the whole group.

"Reverse Brain Attack, or Smash." This method differs from “brainstorming” in that instead of postponing evaluative actions, it is proposed to show maximum criticality, pointing out all the shortcomings and weaknesses of the process, system, and ideas. This ensures that a solution is prepared to overcome the shortcomings.

"List of adjectives and definitions." Such a list of adjectives identifies various qualities, properties and characteristics of an object, activity or person that need to be improved. First, qualities or characteristics (adjectives) are proposed, then they are considered individually and it is decided in what way the corresponding characteristic can be improved or strengthened. For example, “How would you like your child to speak at the threshold of school?” Parents list qualities, i.e. adjectives, and then jointly formulate ways to achieve the goal.

"Collective Recording" Each participant receives notebook or a piece of paper that states a problem and provides the information or recommendations needed to solve it. Parents, independently of each other, determine the most important recommendations for them and write them down in a notebook. The notes are then given to the teacher, he summarizes them, and the group has a discussion. After this technique, you can use brainstorming.

"Writing on sheets." When discussing a problem, each parent receives sheets of paper for notes. The teacher formulates the problem and asks everyone to suggest possible solutions. Each sentence is written on a separate sheet. The problem must be formulated clearly. For example, “How to involve a child in doing homework,” each parent writes his own version, then all opinions are discussed. A ban on criticism is introduced.

"Heuristic questions." These include 7 key questions: Who?, What?, Where?, How?, What?, When? (Why?). If you mix these questions together, you get 21 options. By consistently drawing out and answering such mixed questions, parents can gain a new, interesting perspective on the problem. For example, 1 and 5 in combination - who does what? By consistently drawing out such mixed and non-standard questions and answering them, parents see non-standard ways to solve them.

Solving problematic problems of family education encourages parents to search for the most appropriate form of behavior, exercises logic and evidence-based reasoning, and develops a sense of pedagogical tact. Similar problematic situations are offered for discussion. You punished the child, but later it turned out that he was not to blame. What will you do and why? Or: your three-year-old daughter is playing pranks in the cafeteria, where you went briefly - laughing, running between the tables, waving her arms. You, thinking about the rest of those present, stopped her, sat her down at the table and sternly reprimanded her. What kind of reaction to the actions of parents can be expected from a child who does not yet know how to understand the needs of other people? What experience can a child gain in this situation?

Role-playing family situations enriches the arsenal of ways of parental behavior and interaction with the child. For example, the following task is given: please play out how you will establish contact with a crying child, etc.

Training game exercises and tasks. Parents give feedback in different ways influence on the child and forms of addressing him, choose more successful ones, replace unwanted ones with constructive ones (instead of “Why didn’t you put away your toys again?” - “I have no doubt that these toys obey their owner”). Or parents must determine why such words addressed to a child are unconstructive: “It’s a shame!”, “I’m not satisfied with your “I want”, you never know what you want!”, “What would you do without me?”, "How can you do this to me!" etc. Tasks can be performed in the following form: the teacher begins the phrase: “Doing well at school means...” or “For me, dialogue with a child is...” The mother or father must complete the sentence.

Analysis by parents of a child’s behavior helps them understand the motives of his actions, mental and age-related needs.

Appeal to the experience of parents. The teacher suggests: “Name the method of influence that helps you more than others in establishing relationships with your son or daughter?” Or: “Has there been a similar case in your practice? Tell us about it, please,” or: “Remember what reaction the use of rewards and punishments causes in your child,” etc. Encouraging parents to share experiences activates their need to analyze their own successes and failures, and compare them with the techniques and methods of education used in similar situations by other parents.

Playful interaction between parents and children in various forms of activity (drawing, modeling, sports games, theatrical activities, etc.) contributes to the acquisition of experience in partnerships.

The proposed methods provide parents with the opportunity to model their behavior in a play environment. When a parent models his own behavior in a game, his view of the educational problem expands.

The effectiveness of work with parents is evidenced by:

Showing parents interest in the content educational process with children;

The emergence of discussions and debates on their initiative;

Answers to parents' questions themselves; giving examples from your own experience;

An increase in the number of questions to the teacher regarding the child’s personality and his inner world;

The desire of adults for individual contacts with the teacher;

Parents' reflection on the correctness of using certain methods of education;

Increasing their activity in analyzing pedagogical situations, solving problems and discussing controversial issues.

Conducting parent-teacher meetings in elementary schools

The parent meeting is the most important form the work of the class teacher with the student’s family, a means of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. In this regard, it is necessary to properly prepare and conduct it. Preparing and holding parent-teacher meetings is an extremely important part of the work of a primary school teacher.

The interaction of the teacher with the parents of students is aimed at creating a unified educational space. The activities of parents and teachers in the interests of the child are successful only if they become allies. Thanks to this interaction, the teacher gets to know the child better and comes closer to understanding him. individual characteristics, develops the right approach to the development of abilities, the formation of life guidelines, and the correction of negative manifestations in the student’s behavior.

It is important for the teacher to establish partnerships with the family of each student, to create an atmosphere of mutual support and community of interests. Successful work educational institution is possible only when all participants in the educational process - teachers, children, parents - become a single whole, a large and cohesive team.

Preparations for the parent meeting proceed in the following main areas. The topic of the parent meeting (which should be relevant for parents) and its content (in accordance with the age characteristics of students, the level of education and interest of parents, the goals and objectives of the educational process at a given time stage) are determined in advance. Then the form of holding the parent meeting is selected. Modern requirements significantly diversified this choice.

Conduct meeting-lecture hall It is advisable if a non-standard topic that attracts attention and arouses interest is chosen, for example: “What parents need to know if their child goes to school.” This can be called the very first meeting to which parents, as a rule, come, since the specifically designated topic certainly interests them. If certain expectations of parents about the meeting are met, then the problem of them attending subsequent meetings is immediately removed, but those who are interested in receiving further information will definitely come to the next meeting-lecture.

"Round table" is a meeting of parents of students in the same class. A topic that is significant for the whole class is proposed for discussion. To stimulate the activity of parents and direct the discussion in the right direction, a “frame” is proposed, i.e., pre-prepared tasks and questions. A round table meeting allows parents to receive useful information, realize your own position and compare it with the position of other parents. Someone needs to speak out (talk about their difficulties), someone needs to find out about the behavior of other students (this will give the opportunity to evaluate their child in comparison, to discover something not noticed before).

Main forms of parent meetings:

· lecture-meeting;

· "round table";

· thematic discussion with the invitation of specialists;

· consultation with specialists;

· parental discussion;

· school-wide and class-wide conference, etc.

The round table is no less important for the school psychologist, who gets the opportunity to better know and understand parents and gain their trust. It is essential that the class teacher be present, who also participates in the discussion. At the same time, he leaves the usual teaching role and meets parents in a new, more open situation. This balanced interaction promotes mutual understanding and makes communication more effective. The result of the round table is jointly formulated general conclusions on the topic under discussion.

Parent discussion- one of the forms of uniting parents into a team. Many of them, already in elementary school, show categorical judgments on many issues of raising children, without taking into account real opportunities and the abilities of your child, without assessing the level of his educational potential. Some parents consider their methods of education to be beyond question and correction by the teacher. Discussions are held so that parents can confirm the appropriateness of the educational methods used or conduct an audit of their pedagogical arsenal and think about what they are doing not quite correctly.

· the meeting should be held at a time convenient for the parents;

· the topic of the meeting should be chosen taking into account the age characteristics of the children;

· it is necessary for the parent meeting to be well prepared and pedagogically useful;

· the class teacher must communicate calmly and tactfully with parents;

· parents need to be educated at a meeting and discussed with them current problems, and not to state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies;

· the meeting should have both a theoretical and practical nature: include analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.

Parent conferences (school-wide, classroom) are of great importance in the system of educational work of the school. They discuss the problems of society, of which today's children will become active members in the near future. The main topics of parent conferences are the causes of conflicts and ways out of them, prevention bad habits and fighting them.

Such conferences must be prepared very carefully, with the obligatory participation of a school psychologist and social teacher. The task of the latter is to conduct sociological and psychological research on the problem of the conference, as well as familiarize the conference participants with their results. Parents themselves are also active participants in the conferences. They analyze the problem from the perspective of their own experience. Distinctive feature conference is that at it certain decisions are made or events are planned on the stated problem.

Parent meetings are divided into organizational and thematic.

Organizational meetings are standard parent meetings dedicated to current events in school life: organizing events, the beginning of academic year, learning results based on the results of quarters, half-years, years, etc.

Thematic meetings are dedicated to topical issues education. Usually parents attend them with interest and often initiate a discussion of a particular topic.

I will give some sample topics for parent meetings.

In first grade:

· "Features of intellectual and personal development children";

· "Left-handedness and right-handedness";

· “Mobile and slow children”;

· “What does my child want to tell me with his behavior.”

In second grade:

· “Features of the textbooks your children study from”;

· “Child fatigue: how to deal with it”;

· “Reward and punishment in the family”;

· “How to teach a child to tell the truth.”

In third grade:

· “Family holidays and their meaning for a child”;

· “If your child is often sick”;

· “How to develop a child’s memory”;

· "Homework and their purpose."

In fourth grade:

· “Your child is growing up: what parents need to know about sex education”;

· “What a school diary can tell you about”;

· “Ability and diligence are links in the same chain”;

· "Moral Lessons in Primary School";

· “How to teach your daughter or son to say “no””;

· “Choosing a further path: pros and cons.”

Appendix 1 presents a summary of the first parent-teacher meeting in elementary school; in Appendix 2 - on the topic “What does my child want to tell me with his behavior.” In the first case, the parent meeting is organizational, in the second – thematic. Appendix 3 introduces the class teacher to the memo “Conducting a parent-teacher meeting.”

Parent meeting summary "The first parents' meeting in elementary school"

Progress of the parent meeting

1. Introduction

Teacher: Good evening, dear parents! I'm glad to see you in our first class. I understand how exciting it is for you when your child enters school. I heartily congratulate you and your children on this stage of growing up.

I am very pleased to meet new students and their parents, but the moment of our meeting is also characterized by the fact that not only you and our children are worried, but, I honestly admit, so am I. Will we like each other? Will we find mutual understanding and friendship? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my demands and help our little first-graders? The success of our joint work with you depends on this.

Now everything will be new for your children: lessons, teacher, school friends. It is very important that you, loving parents, are close to your children. Now you and I are one big team. We have to rejoice and overcome difficulties together, grow up and learn.

To learn means to teach ourselves. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers study together with children. The teacher also studies with his students. I hope that our team will be friendly and united throughout the four years. In order for us to feel comfortable together, let's get to know each other.

2. Getting to know each other

The teacher introduces himself to the parents, saying his name and patronymic.

Teacher: We are meeting some parents for the first time, others we already know. I'm glad to see you all. It's nice to see parents who brought their younger children to me - it's a great honor for me. And now, to get to know you, I will announce the list of students, and you, please, tell me if their parents are here. (The class list is read out.)

3. Advice for parents

Teacher: Very soon the first bell will ring, and our children will become first-graders. It is you who will be their support and support. Parenting a first grader is not easy, so let me give you some tips.

If we want a child to live his school life joyfully, then for this we must:

· create comfortable conditions for him to study and support his desire to learn and communicate with classmates;

· turn your demands into his desires. The knowledge of first grade students is not assessed in points, so instead of asking: “What grade did you get?” ask: “What was interesting in class? Which guys did you meet? What did you eat in the cafeteria today?”;

· it is necessary to take into account that a kindergarten teacher and a teacher can perceive the same child differently. Sometimes this is stressful: changing attitudes can be painful. Support the child in this situation, while at the same time treating the teacher correctly;

· last and most importantly: when comparing your child with other students, praise him for his successes and achievements.

Dear mothers and fathers, grandparents! If you are interested in your child succeeding in school, first of all, help him acquire and develop the following skills:

· take everything you need to school;

· prepare correctly and quickly for the lesson (doing homework);

· say hello to teachers and children;

· answer the questions posed and ask them yourself;

· listen to the teacher’s explanations and assignments, complete assignments;

· ask for help if something doesn’t work out;

· do one thing for a long time;

· respond correctly to comments;

· establish friendly relationships with peers.

Successful education largely depends on effective cooperation between family and school, so be prepared at any time to leave your own affairs and take care of your child.

4. Features of school life

Teacher: Before submitting documents to our school, you probably made inquiries about it. Many people know that the pedagogy of success is at the heart of our school’s activities. Every child should see their achievements and enjoy the learning process with the teacher.

The school has its own requirements. For example, I will strictly monitor compliance with discipline and completion of tasks.

You need to provide your child with:

· school uniform: casual and formal (describe in detail the uniform and the requirements for it);

· careful appearance: hairstyle, presence of buttons and working zippers, handkerchiefs and combs;

· necessary school supplies.

I kindly ask you not to compare the work of teachers in different classes: both we and the children are very different.

5. Organization educational process

The teacher informs in a few words about the program the class will study. The teacher shows the textbooks to the parents and introduces them to their contents. You should also introduce parents (in person or in absentia) to the administration and other specialists working with the class, and issue a printout with their last names, first names and patronymics.

The teacher lists the features of organizing the educational process at the beginning of training, such as:

· five-day school week;

· minimum volume homework;

· grade-free learning in first grade, verbal assessment of work, “funny stamps” and stickers as positive marks;

· schedule of calls and lessons;

· adaptation period - three weeks or a month depending on the class (on these days children have three lessons);

· seating and re-seating children at desks for medical reasons;

· safe route to school diagram

· food order in the canteen;

· icons with names.

6. Organizational issues

The teacher answers parents' questions.

Possible topics for organizational issues:

· traditions: students’ birthdays, chronicles of class life, theater days, excursions;

· election of the parent committee.

Parent meeting summary “What does the child want to tell me with his behavior?”

Such a meeting can be held in the first grade to familiarize yourself with the behavior of children, or in the second to fourth grades if a certain group of children is characterized by bad behavior. The class teacher needs to involve a psychologist in the discussion and conduct research together with him, asking the children to complete a series of sentences:

· “Most often I behave badly when...”;

· “I laugh most often when...”;

· “Most often I am in a good mood when...”;

· “I cry most often when...”;

· “I get angry most often when...”;

· “Most often I get offended when...”;

· “I feel good when...”;

· “I feel bad when...”

· discuss with parents the reasons for children’s bad behavior;

· achieve parents' understanding of the problem of their children's misbehavior and outline appropriate ways of correction.

Form of conduct: conversation.

Progress of the parent meeting

1. Opening remarks class teacher

Teacher: Dear moms and dads! You and I need to discuss issues related to children's bad behavior. Let's think about why the guys behave badly and what we can do in this situation. I propose to discuss some issues.

2. Discussing issues with parents

1. Certain questions are proposed for discussion one by one. Parents express their assumptions, the teacher records all the options on the board.

2. Why do children behave badly? (Answer options: they want to attract attention, they are bored, they want to anger adults, etc.)

3. When, in what cases and under what circumstances does the bad behavior of children reach its greatest activity? (Answer options: in front of strangers, on the street, at a party, at school, when peers come to visit, etc.) Conclusion: bad behavior is demonstrated when there are spectators.

4. How does this make you feel? (Answer options: anger, resentment, anger, rage, etc.)

5. What actions do you take or want to take when you don’t like your child’s behavior? (Answer options: you want to run away, hit, scream, withdraw, leave, be offended, take revenge, punish, etc.)

6. What should we ideally do in this situation? (Answer options: calm down; analyze why this is happening, who is to blame for this, what to do next.)

3. Summarizing answers to questions

Teacher: Let's try to summarize everything that has been said. We usually behave badly when we want to get a certain reaction from others. Children behave badly because they doubt their own ability to take their rightful place through self-expression in some joint activity. They do not yet know how to live according to the life principles of adults, but they discover that self-expression is easy to achieve through bad behavior. It is not enough to simply love a child - you need to help him feel what he is worth and how his ability to prove himself in this or that matter can benefit you.

When a child's bad behavior becomes unbearable, we try to somehow influence him, for which we often use intimidation tactics (the power approach). When we consider bad behavior as food for thought, we ask ourselves the question: “What does the child want to tell me with his behavior?” This allows us to timely remove the threat looming in our relationship with him and at the same time contributes to the correction of such behavior on our part.

4. The result of the children's survey

Teacher: Let's look at the results of the children's survey. What do the guys themselves say, what are the most common answers?

The teacher shows parents the results of a study conducted jointly with a psychologist - the most popular options for ending sentences:

· “Most often I behave badly when I don’t understand something. It happens by accident. I don’t want to, but it happens anyway”;

· “Most often I laugh when I’m happy, when friends are nearby, when my mother comes home from work early”;

· “Most often I am in a good mood when they give me good grades at school or when they give me gifts”;

· “Most often I cry when I feel hurt, bad, sad, sometimes just because”;

· “Most often I get angry when they point out my shortcomings, talk badly about me, don’t want to listen to me, don’t like me”;

· “Most often I am offended when I am unfairly accused”;

· “I feel good when people love me, feel sorry for me, understand me, respect me, and don’t yell at me”;

· “I feel bad when they don’t understand me, when they offend me, when they scold me, when they laugh at me.”

5. Conclusions and suggestions

The teacher discusses the information received with parents and involves a psychologist in the discussion, who gives his recommendations. The main thing is to treat children with warmth and understanding, love and support them.

REMINDER for the teacher "Conducting parent meetings"

1. Leave your bad mood at the door.

2. Allow no more than 1.5 hours for the parent meeting, strictly control the time, listen to the parents, avoiding empty conversations, accusations and proceedings.

3. Thank everyone who took the time to come.

4. Do not judge present parents for the failure of absent parents to appear.

5. Do not choose a didactic tone for communication.

6. A person is very pleased when his name is heard. Put a list of your parents in front of you and often address them by their first and patronymic names.

7. At the beginning of the parent-teacher meeting, list the issues you are going to discuss.

8. Remember the "golden rule" pedagogical analysis: start with the positive, then talk about the negative, end the conversation with suggestions for the future.

9. Only in a personal conversation with parents evaluate the successes and potential capabilities of their children.

10. Warn parents that not all information should be known to children.

11. Let parents know that you understand how difficult it is for their children to learn.

12. Explain to parents that "bad student" does not mean " bad person".

13. Don't give negative feedback to the whole class.

14. Do not compare the performance of individual students in different classes.

15. Don't overestimate the value individual items.

16. Parents should leave the meeting feeling that they can help their children and with a desire to do so.

“Parents meeting Homework” - The child loves and respects you. 9 – 10 points. Recommendations for parents on preparing their child’s homework: Live in perfect harmony. The student must have other responsibilities. Situation 4. Academic performance - ... % Quality of knowledge - ... %. Creative tasks. Situation 2. Authority does not replace love. 13 -14 points.

“Parents meetings in elementary school” - If possible, please indicate exact time beginning and end. Always schedule meetings a week in advance. Organize interaction with the family in the interests of the development of the child’s personality. Rules for communication with parents. Consulting (individual interview). Parents have an exclusive role in raising children.

“Meeting for parents” - Do not attend the meeting: Forms of meetings. Communication between school and home educators is a step towards mutual understanding, the assimilation of pedagogical experience that the teacher and parents pass on to each other. Place a list of parents' names and patronymics in front of you or prepare business cards. Before the meeting begins, announce the agenda.

“Parent meetings in 4th grade” - Questions for discussion: 4. Meeting. 3. 1. 5. Forms of interaction between teachers and parents: Section 1. Objectives: The problem of interaction between school and family is not new. Plan: 2.

“Holding a parent meeting” - Parent meetings are an effective form of communication between educators and parents; Conducting a parent meeting. Preparing for a parent meeting. How to properly organize a parent meeting at a preschool educational institution? The parent meeting traditionally consists of 3 parts: introductory, main “miscellaneous”. If possible, it is better to stage the situations being analyzed.

“How to conduct a parent meeting” - What functions should a parent meeting perform? Children do not need teachings, but examples. Recommendations for holding parent meetings. Stages of parent meeting. How to prepare and conduct a parent meeting. Analytical-diagnostic planning-prognostic organizational-coordinating control-corrective.

There are 11 presentations in total

Election of the parent committee;

Distribution of public assignments;

Development of activities with the participation of parents

2. Meetings according to the plan for classroom comprehensive education of parents.

3. Thematic.

4. Discussion meetings (at least two points of view on the problem).

5.Workshop meetings.

1. The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.

2.The topic of the meeting should take into account age characteristics children.

3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical in nature: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.

4. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of students.


1.Selecting a topic for the meeting.

2. Determining the goals of the parent meeting.

3. Study by the class teacher and other organizers of a collection of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration.

4. Conducting a micro-study in the community of children and parents (questionnaires, conversations, testing).

5. Determination of the type, form and stages of parent meetings. Ways and techniques of joint work of its participants.

6. Invitation of parents and other meeting participants.

8.Equipment and design of the venue for the parent meeting.


Improving the pedagogical culture of parents, replenishing their arsenal of knowledge on the specific issue of raising a child in the family and school;

Promoting the unity of the parent team, involving them in the activities of the classroom community;

Development of collective decisions and uniform requirements for raising children, integration of the efforts of the family and teachers in activities to develop the child’s personality;

Promoting the experience of successful family education, preventing incorrect actions towards children on the part of parents;

Summing up the results of the joint activities of teachers, students and parents over a certain period of time


The parent meeting is a necessary attribute of school life. How to make it interesting and productive? They may be especially useful for a new classroom teacher.

1. To hold a parent-teacher meeting, choose the most favorable day and hour and try to ensure that neither you nor your students’ parents have any important activities, interesting TV shows, etc. planned for this time.

2. Identify the one most important issue affecting the students in your class and build a conversation with parents around it.

3. Pay special attention to the placement of parents in the classroom. For example, you can arrange tables and chairs in a circle so that all participants in the parent meeting can clearly see and hear each other.

4. Prepare business cards with the parents' names, especially if they don't know each other well enough yet.

5. Together with your parents, come up with rules for meeting participants. For example: it is necessary to remove outer clothing; Silence is not allowed when discussing a problem; when rejecting a proposal (opinion), it is necessary to make a counter proposal; call each other by first name and patronymic or only by first name, etc.

6. Protect the time of people invited to the meeting. To this end, establish regulations and strictly monitor their compliance.

7. During the meeting, use games and group forms of organizing parent interaction.

8. A cup of tea can help make communication at a meeting relaxed and frank.

9. When discussing problematic issues, rely on the life and pedagogical experience of the most authoritative parents, on the opinion of members of the parent committee and the school council.

10. Strive to ensure that concrete decisions are made at the meeting.


1. The teacher needs to relieve his own stress and anxiety before meeting with parents.

2. Using speech, intonation, gestures and other means, let your parents feel your respect and attention to them.

3. Try to understand your parents; correctly identify the problems that most concern them. Convince them that school and family have the same problems, the same tasks, the same children.

4. You should talk to your parents calmly and kindly. It is important that parents of all students - both prosperous and at-risk children - leave the meeting with faith in their child.

5. The result of your joint work at the parents’ meeting should be the confidence of parents that in raising their children they can always count on your support and the help of other teachers at the school.


1-4 grades.

1.Getting started schooling– an important stage in a child’s life.

2. Fostering respect and love for parents, native land and the history of one’s people (according to national education).

3.Junior school age and its features.

4. I want and must (on crime prevention).

5.How to identify and develop children’s abilities.

6.Creating an atmosphere of emotional security, warmth and love in the family.

7. Play and work in the life of children of primary school age.

8. Education of the child’s character in the family.

9.Mode for junior school student as a way to protect health.

10. Law, family, child (moral and legal education of children in the family).

11.Fathers and sons (the role of parents’ personal example in the legal education of primary schoolchildren).

12.New in the system of national education.

13.The use of various types of arts in the aesthetic education of children at school.

14.Family walks in nature, like important factor environmental and physical education of children.

15. Preservation of family traditions, family heirlooms.

5 – 6 grades.

1. New in the system of national education.

2. The role of the family in the formation of adolescents’ conscious need for the labor system.

4.Organization of summer work and recreation for children in the family.

5. Raising a healthy child in the family. Preservation of the genotype.

6. Family development opportunities cognitive independence students

7.Use of family traditions and holidays in patriotic education.

8. Harm of alcohol and smoking.

7 – 9 grades.

1. An example of parents in raising children.

2. Features of raising teenagers in the family.

3. Sexual development and methods of sex education.

4. A book in the family. Formation of reading interests in children.

5. Active forms of recreation in your family.

6.Methods vocational guidance schoolchildren in the family.

7.Features of adolescence and taking them into account in family education.

8. Educational activity of a senior school student and its management in the family.

9. The role of the family in the readiness of the younger generation to work.

10. Instilling a love of beauty native nature, creations of art, painting, literature and music in the family.

11. Studying the roots of the family line.

12.Approval of the principles of universal morality in the family.

10 – 11 grades.

1. The main directions of education in the family.

2.Psychological and pedagogical self-education of parents, as an important factor in increasing their pedagogical competence.

3. The role of family relationships and traditions in preparing high school students for family life.



-the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate

- the child is ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn

-the child is praised, he learns to be noble

- the child is supported, he learns to value himself

- the child grows up in reproaches, he learns to live with guilt

- the child grows in tolerance, he learns to understand others

- the child grows in honesty, he learns to be fair

- the child grows up in safety, he learns to believe in people

- the child lives in hostility, he learns to be aggressive

- the child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world


1. Accept your child for who he is.

2. Never order on a whim. There is no need for pointless orders. Not interfering in a child's life is just as dangerous as interfering constantly.

3. Never make decisions alone. The golden rule of family life is diarchy. When father and mother contradict each other, it is an entertaining sight for a child.

4. Maintain trust in those who contradict you.

5. As for gifts - no frills. We have forgotten how to refuse children. Refusal brings more benefits, because it teaches you to distinguish what is necessary from what is unnecessary.

6. Take action in everything. by example. You can only achieve from a child what you do yourself.

7. Talk about everything without fear. Speech is gold and silence is lead.

8. Connect with your loved ones. The family is a private republic. Everything should be done together: washing dishes, shopping, cleaning, choosing entertainment, travel routes.

9. Keep the door open. Sooner or later you will not keep children, teenagers, young people in the house. It's never too early to learn freedom.

10. Leave at the right time! This commandment invariably brings sadness. Sooner or later, parents will be left alone. There's nothing you can do, any parenting career involves this sacrifice.


Traditional forms of working with parents

Parent meetings

Whole-class and school-wide conferences

Individual teacher consultations

Home visits

Classroom parent meetings are held at least once every quarter and should become a school for educating parents, expanding their pedagogical horizons, and stimulating the desire to become good parents. A parent meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate the child’s achievements. The topic and methodology of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of students, the level of education and interest of parents, the goals and objectives of education facing the school.

School-wide parent meetings are held no more than twice a year and are in the nature of a report on the work of the school for a certain period of time. The director and his deputies speak at them, and the school’s parent committee reports on their work. Can be used to demonstrate positive parenting experiences in a family.

Parent conferences should discuss pressing problems of society, in which children will also become active participants. They prepare very carefully, with the participation of psychologists, social educators who work at the school.

A distinctive feature of the conference is that it makes certain decisions and outlines activities on the stated problem.

Individual consultations are especially necessary when a teacher is recruiting a class. When preparing for a consultation, it is necessary to identify a number of questions, the answers to which will help plan educational work with the class. The teacher should give parents the opportunity to tell him everything that will help in professional work with a child:

Features of the child’s health;

His hobbies, interests;

Preferences in communication in the family;

Behavioral reactions;

Character traits;

Motivation for learning;

Moral values ​​of the family.

During an individual consultation, you can use the “My Child” questionnaire, which is filled out by the teacher together with the parents.

Questionnaire “My child”

1.When he was born, then ___________________________________________________

2.The most interesting thing about him in the first years of his life was ______________________

3.The following can be said about health ___________________________________

4.When the question arose about preparing for school, we __________________________

5.His attitude towards school was _________________________________________________

6.Difficulties in parenting are associated with ________________________________________

7. I would like teachers to pay attention to ________________________

Visiting a student at home is possible after obtaining parental permission. The teacher must warn about the proposed visit, indicating the day and purpose of the visit.

Non-traditional forms of working with parents

Thematic consultations

Parent readings

Parents' evenings

Thematic consultations provide recommendations on a problem that worries parents. In every classroom there are students and families who are going through the same problem. Sometimes these problems are so confidential that they can only be solved among those people who are united by this problem.


Accept everything that is in the child (except for what threatens his life and health).

Seek the truth with your child

Try not to teach your child anything directly - learn it yourself.

Sincerely admire everything beautiful that is around.

Consider it your main pedagogical method conscious observation of the child.

Remember, the serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by the serious.

Remember that you exist for the sake of the child, and not for the sake of you.


by David Lewis

Take your child's questions and statements seriously.

Show your child that he is loved and accepted unconditionally, i.e. for who he is, and not for successes and achievements.

Help him make his own plans and decisions.

Do not humiliate your child, do not let him feel that he is somehow worse than you.

Teach your child to think independently.

Praise your child only for specific successes and actions and do it sincerely.

Give your child the opportunity to make their own decisions and take responsibility for them.

Teach your child to communicate with adults of any age.

Develop in your child a positive perception of his abilities.

Encourage your child to be as independent as possible from adults.

Have faith in your child's common sense and trust him.


1. The child does not want to study.

2.How to develop a child’s poor memory.

3.The only child in the family.

4.What can anxiety in children lead to?

5. A talented child in the family.

Parental readings give parents the opportunity not only to listen to teachers’ lectures, but also to study literature on the issue and participate in its discussion.

The stages of parent readings are as follows:

At the first meeting, parents determine issues of pedagogy and psychology;

The teacher collects and analyzes information;

A list of literature on this issue is determined;

Studying literature by parents;

Presentation of parents’ own understanding of the issue at readings.

Parents' evenings are aimed at uniting the parent team. They are held two to three times a year without the presence of children. The themes of parents' evenings can be varied. The main thing is that they must learn to listen and hear each other, themselves, their inner voice.

Approximate topics:

1. The first year of the child, what it was like.

2. How do I see the future of my child.

3. My child's friends.

4.Holidays for our family.

Rules for the class teacher’s work with student diaries

1. The diary must be checked by the class teacher once a week

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