How many people are in a platoon in the army? How many people were in the battalion during WWII?

The word platoon comes from the Russian word "cock", used in the command "to cock a weapon" and replaced foreign word plutong (derived from the French peloton), used as a designation for a small detachment of soldiers, introduced by Peter the Great.

Initially, the word platoon meant only a small infantry rifle detachment, indicating the type of unit and how many people there were in it, and not an army staffing and organizational unit as it is currently.

How many people are in a platoon of soldiers?

A platoon is a military unit, most often consisting of 2-4 sections, part of a company or battalion (in some cases it exists independently). Usually there are from 9-12 to 45-50 people in a platoon, depending on the type of troops, country or purpose of the platoon. Platoon commanders are sergeants, warrant officers, junior lieutenants, lieutenants or senior lieutenants, that is, they can be either an officer or a non-commissioned officer.

How many people were in a platoon in Tsarist Russia?

At the beginning of the 20th century, assault platoons began to appear in all infantry and grenadier regiments of the army Russian Empire. The platoon consisted of 48 privates, divided into four sections, and command was exercised by four sergeants and one officer, who was the platoon commander. The assault platoons were armed with carbines (officers had revolvers), bebut daggers and grenades. The equipment also included steel shields and “Hadrian’s helmets.” There were two bomb launchers per platoon.

Motorized rifles

Motorized rifle units were divided according to the type of equipment used. For example, in platoons on the BTR-50 there were three sections of 12 people, the total number was 37 (including the commander). The BMP-2 platoon consisted of 28 people. In addition to the riflemen, each squad usually had one machine gunner and a grenade launcher. The entire platoon was assigned one orderly and 1-2 snipers. The armament consisted of AKM assault rifles, PM pistols (for the officer), RPK machine guns, RPG-7 grenade launchers, SVD rifles and hand grenades.

Paratroopers and Marines

In a platoon of parachute troops on a BMD-1 and a platoon Marine Corps the BTR-70 had a staff of 28 people, but when carrying out reconnaissance missions, the number was reduced to 15-18 people. The weapons used were AKMS, RPG-7D, PM pistols, RPKS machine guns, SVD-S sniper rifles and hand grenades.

Tank troops

A tank platoon could be part of a tank battalion, which was part of a tank regiment, and then it had three tanks, or part of a tank battalion, which was part of moto rifle regiment and then there were 4 tanks in it. Since a section of a tank platoon is the tank crew, depending on the type of tank, it could have 3 people (T-72) or 4 people (T-54). The total number of personnel ranged from 9 to 16 people, depending on the type of troops and type of tanks.

Special Forces Units

In Special Forces units, a military unit equivalent to a platoon was called a group, which also included 3 squads, with a total number of 9 to 18 people. Due to the specific nature of reconnaissance and sabotage missions, requiring increased mobility and secrecy, squads of 3-4 people could act completely independently. There are often cases when special forces groups are staffed exclusively by officers and warrant officers, which once again emphasizes the elitism of these units. A wide range of infantry weapons were used various types, from AKS-U assault rifles and Stechkin pistols with a silencer, to ATGMs, MANPADS or long-range sniper rifles, depending on the nature of the mission.

Artillery units

The number of sections (crews) in an artillery platoon and its total strength fluctuated depending on the type of guns. Most often, mortar (2S4) platoons had 2 fire crews of 5 people each, and howitzer platoons (2A36) had 3 fire crews of 8 people each. The total number ranged from 10-12 to 25-27 people. The exception was the anti-tank platoon, whose total strength reached 42 people. The standard equipment was 6 9K11 ATGMs, 3 SPG-9M grenade launchers, 5 armored personnel carriers.

How many people are in a platoon in the army of modern Russia?

The organizational and staffing structure of platoons in the Russian Army has practically not undergone significant changes in relation to the Soviet period after the 60s. The weapons used have changed somewhat, generally corresponding to the late Soviet period. In modern platoons, a section near the board has begun to stand out in terms of size and composition.

The motorized rifle platoon on the BTR-80 now has 32 soldiers, and on the BMP-2 - 30 soldiers. More attention has been paid to sniper fire, with a sniper often present in every squad. Now soldiers are equipped with individual communications equipment, and the range of automatic grenade launchers has been expanded.

The organization of Special Forces platoons (groups) has undergone virtually no changes. Tank platoons have a strength of 9-12 people (depending on the type of troops), all tank crews now have 3 people each.

The equipment of soldiers of the Russian Army began to include the promising Ratnik equipment. It includes special frost- and heat-resistant clothing, armor protection covering up to 80-90% of the surface of the soldier’s body (including 6B47 body armor, which provides protection from bullets of modern assault and sniper rifles with a caliber of 5.56 and 7.62 mm), communications equipment and positioning sensors physical condition, sighting systems with optical and thermal imaging channels, night vision devices, eye monitors (allowing shooting from behind cover while transmitting a television image from the sight), friend-or-foe sensors, wearable field computers (field tablets) for exchanging tactical information and orders .

According to its characteristics, the Ratnik equipment meets the most modern requirements and is similar to the uniform of soldiers in the most advanced armies of NATO countries.

How many people are in a Marine platoon in the US Army?

A US Marine platoon consists of three rifle squads and a headquarters. The headquarters consists of 3 people, a platoon commander (usually a first lieutenant or second lieutenant), a platoon sergeant and a medic. Each rifle squad includes 3 fire groups of 4 people (a group commander with the rank of corporal, armed with M4/M16, one machine gunner with M249 and 2 machine gunners with M4\M16). Squads are commanded by sergeants or staff sergeants. The total strength of the platoon is 39-48 soldiers (with additional staffing of the platoon headquarters with snipers, machine gunners and machine gunners).

The main weapon is the M4\M16 assault rifle, the main machine gun used is the M249, various sniper rifles (including foreign ones), M72 LAW grenade launchers, and TOW ATGMs are used. HMMWV, MRAP armored vehicles and LAV-25 armored personnel carriers are used as transportation and support vehicles.

The regiment appears. The size of its composition depends on the type of troops, and its full complement of personnel is one of the factors in ensuring the combat effectiveness of the army. The regiment consists of smaller structural units. Let's find out what a company, regiment, battalion is, the number of these units by main branches of the military. We will pay special attention to the equipment of the artillery regiment.

What is a regiment?

First of all, let's find out. We'll find out the number of personnel in the various branches of the military in this unit later.

A regiment is a combat unit, often commanded by an officer with the rank of colonel, although there are exceptions. Russian Federation the regiment is the main tactical unit on the basis of which it is formed

The regiment includes smaller structural units - battalions. The regiment itself can either be part of a formation or be a separate combat force. It is the regimental command that in most cases makes tactical decisions during a large-scale battle. Although quite often shelves are used as completely separate and independent units.

Number of members

Now let's find out the number of military personnel in the regiment, taking as a basis the composition of the rifle regiment as the most typical. This military unit usually contains from 2000 to 3000 soldiers. Moreover, approximately this number is observed in almost all (except perhaps artillery and some other types of troops) and even in law enforcement agencies. A similar number of military personnel, for example, has an infantry regiment, the number of soldiers in which also ranges from two to three thousand people. Although there are exceptions, the minimum number of military personnel in a regiment in any case cannot be less than 500 people.

Typical rifle regiment consists of a headquarters where the main decisions are made, three motorized rifle battalions, a communications company, and a tank battalion. This unit should also include an anti-aircraft division, a reconnaissance company, an anti-tank battery, a communications company, an engineer company, a repair company, and a chemical, biological and radiation protection company. Recently, increasingly important functions have been performed by the company, although in Soviet era this unit was also very significant. The regiment's composition is supplemented by auxiliary units: a commandant platoon, a medical company and an orchestra. But they are additional only conditionally, since, for example, a medical company performs functions that are much more important, so to speak, than other units. After all, the lives of other soldiers depend on the soldiers of this structural unit.

A typical regiment has approximately this structure. You can see photos of the fighters of this formation above.

Battalion composition

Typically, two to four battalions form a regiment. We will now consider the number of servicemen in the battalion.

The battalion is considered the main tactical unit of ground forces. The range of personnel in this unit generally ranges from 400 to 800 people. It includes several platoons, as well as individual companies.

If we consider artillery, then the combat unit that corresponds to a battalion is called a division.

As a rule, a battalion is commanded by a soldier with the rank of major. Although, of course, there are exceptions. They can be found especially often during combat operations, when an acute shortage of personnel officers may arise in the armed forces of a country or a separate unit.

Let's look at the structure of a battalion using an example. As a rule, the backbone of this structural unit is three motorized rifle companies. In addition, the battalion includes a mortar battery, a grenade launcher platoon, an anti-tank platoon, and a control platoon. Additional, but no less important units are material and technical support platoons, as well as a medical center.

Company size

A company is a smaller structural unit that is part of a battalion. As a rule, it is commanded by a captain, and in some cases a major.

The size of a battalion company varies greatly depending on the specific type of troops. Most of the soldiers are in the companies of construction battalions. There their number reaches 250 people. In motorized rifle units it varies from 60 to 101 servicemen. There are slightly fewer personnel in the airborne forces. The number of army personnel here does not exceed 80 people. But the fewest soldiers are in tank companies. There are only 31 to 41 military personnel there. In general, depending on the type of troops and the specific state, the number of military personnel in a company can vary from 18 to 280 people.

In addition, in some branches of the military there is no such unit as a company, but at the same time there are analogues. For cavalry this is a squadron, which includes about a hundred people, for artillery - a battery, for border troops- an outpost, for aviation - a link.

The company consists of command personnel and several platoons. Also, a company may include special squads that are not part of platoons.

Smaller units

A platoon consists of several sections, and the number of its personnel varies from 9 to 50 people. As a rule, the platoon commander is a soldier with the rank of lieutenant.

The smallest permanent unit in the army is the squad. The number of military personnel in it ranges from three to sixteen people. In most cases, a soldier with the rank of sergeant or senior sergeant is appointed as the squad commander.

Number of artillery regiments

The time has come to take a closer look at what an artillery regiment is, the number of personnel in this unit and some other parameters.

An artillery regiment is a structural unit of such troops as artillery. As a rule, it is included as an integral part of an artillery division, consisting of three or four units.

The size of an artillery regiment is smaller than the corresponding unit in other branches of the military. This indicator depends on how many divisions are included in the regiment. With three divisions, its strength ranges from 1000 to 1200 people. If there are four divisions, then the number of military personnel reaches 1,500 soldiers.

Artillery regiment structure

Like any other military unit, an artillery regiment has its own structure. Let's study it.

The structural elements of an artillery regiment are divided into three main groups: control, logistics and combat support units, as well as the main striking force itself - line units.

It is these elements that make up an artillery regiment. A photo of the regiment structure is located above.

Regimental control composition

In turn, the regiment management is divided into the following elements: command, headquarters, technical part and rear.

The command includes the regiment commander (most often with the rank of colonel or lieutenant colonel), his deputy, chief of physical training and assistant commander for educational work. The last position in Soviet times corresponded to the post of political officer.

The headquarters unit includes the chief of staff, his deputy, as well as intelligence chiefs, topographic service, communications, secret part, computing department and combat assistant.

In the rear part of the regiment's control there are the deputy commander for logistics, the heads of food, clothing, fuel and lubricants and clothing services.

The technical part of the regiment's management includes the deputy for armament, the chiefs of the armored, automobile and missile and artillery services.

In addition, the heads of financial, chemical and medical services report directly to the regiment commander.

Composition of the logistics and combat support unit

The logistics and combat support unit is divided into the following structural elements: medical center, club, repair company, company material support, battery and control battery.

This unit is commanded by the deputy commander of the regiment for rear affairs, who himself is part of the administrative part of the regiment, as mentioned above.

Composition of linear units

It is the linear units that are entrusted with the main function of the existence of an artillery regiment, since they fire directly at the enemy from guns.

The regiment consists of four linear divisions: self-propelled, mixed, howitzer and jet. Sometimes there may be no mixed division. In this case, three units remain the backbone of the regiment.

Each division is divided, as a rule, into three batteries, which, in turn, consist of three to four platoons.

Number and structure of the division

As mentioned above, three or four regiments form an artillery division. The number of personnel in such a unit reaches six thousand people. As a rule, the command of a division is entrusted to a soldier with the rank of major general, but there have been cases when these units were commanded by colonels and even lieutenant colonels.

Two divisions form the largest unit in the artillery - the corps. The number of military personnel in artillery corps can reach 12,000 people. Such a unit is often commanded by a lieutenant general.

General principles for forming the number of units

We studied the size of a division, regiment, company, battalion, division and smaller structural units of various branches of the military, with an emphasis on artillery. As you can see, the number of military personnel in similar units in different troops can vary significantly. This is due to the direct purpose of the various branches of the armed forces. The basis is taken as the most optimal number of military personnel to carry out specific tasks. Each indicator is not only the product of strict scientific calculations, but also the experience of conducting combat operations in practice. That is, each figure is based on the shed blood of the fighters.

Thus, we see that in the army there are both very small units in terms of personnel, in which the number of military personnel can be equal to even three people, and the largest units, where the total number is tens of thousands of military personnel. It is also necessary to take into account that in foreign countries the number of similar units may differ significantly from domestic options.

Like everything in this world, the science of warfare is progressing, new technologies and even new types of troops are appearing. For example, in Russia not long ago the Aerospace Forces appeared, which are a product of the evolution and development of the Air Force. With the advent of new types of troops and changes in forms of warfare, it is certainly possible to adjust the number of personnel in units taking into account new conditions.

Division, regiment, company, brigade, battalion - all these designations of units are something unknown for people far from military service. It will take a lot of time to describe their main features. Let's talk about the difference between a division and a brigade, because these military formations have many common features.


Division- a tactical or operational-tactical formation in various branches of the military and branches of the armed forces of the world, consisting of units, subunits and headquarters.

Brigade- a tactical military formation in all branches of the armed forces and branches of the armed forces, which is an intermediate link between a division and a regiment.


In some countries, a brigade, along with a regiment, is classified as the main tactical formation. Serves as a kind of intermediate link between the regiment and the division. It has a structure similar to that of a regiment, but at the same time has larger number battalions and other units. It may well include two regiments, as well as auxiliary companies and battalions. The number of people in a brigade varies from two to eight thousand, and its commander, like a regiment, is a colonel.

A division is a larger military formation consisting of a headquarters, subunits and units. It includes a large number of regiments, divisions, battalions, companies and platoons. The division's strength averages from twelve to twenty-four thousand men, and its commander bears the rank of major general.

A simplified organizational structure and smaller staff make the brigade a much more flexible unit than a division. However, the structure of logistics and combat support, unlike a brigade, is duplicated in a division, which gives the latter an advantage in the reliability of the functioning of units in combat conditions. It is logical that the maintenance of divisions, characterized by a more complex staff, implies much larger investments than the maintenance of brigade structures. This is precisely what caused the Russian Armed Forces to abandon divisions and switch to a more mobile and flexible brigade structure. The only exception is the Missile Forces strategic purpose And Airborne troops. In NATO countries, divisions still remain one of the main types of military formations.

Conclusions website

  1. The brigade serves as an intermediate link between the regiment and the division.
  2. The division is a larger military formation, its strength on average ranges from twelve to twenty-four thousand people. The brigade's personnel range from two to eight thousand people.
  3. The division commander bears the rank of major general, the brigade commander - colonel.
  4. A brigade is considered a much more flexible and mobile unit than a division.
  5. The division has an advantage in the reliability of the functioning of units in combat conditions.
  6. The maintenance of divisions implies much larger investments than the maintenance of brigade structures.
  7. To date, the Russian Armed Forces (unlike NATO countries) have abandoned divisions, with the only exceptions being the Strategic Missile Forces and the Airborne Forces.

Each state has its own military organization- armed forces. The number and tasks performed are determined by government system. The armed forces of each state have their own hierarchy.

Let's take a company as an example. Company includes several platoons. In addition, it may also include separate sections that are not related to platoons. In addition to three platoons, a motorized rifle company includes two more sections: machine gun and anti-tank. When conducting combat operations, the company is obliged to carry out assigned tactical tasks. Moreover, it is the smallest formation that independently performs such tasks. The company is led by a captain. As a rule, a company includes 3-4 platoons, but if necessary, it can be more.

How many people are in the company?

How many people are in the regiment?

A regiment is the main tactical formation. The regiment commander is usually a colonel. The regiment includes a whole range of military branches. Depending on which troops there are more in it, the regiment itself receives this name. Example - tank regiment. Its composition: 2-3 tank battalions, 1 motorized rifle, 1 artillery. In addition to the first aid station and the anti-tank battery, it also has several companies - repair, logistics, reconnaissance, etc. The amount of how many people are in the regiment varies depending on need - from 900 to 2000.

How many people are in the division?

The division is the main tactical and operational formation. A division receives its name in the same way as a regiment, depending on which types of troops predominate in it, and this is not as significant as in a regiment. The division commander is a major general. Divisions are divided into airborne, motorized rifle, artillery, tank, aviation and missile divisions. The amount of how many people are in the division varies and ranges from 12 to 24 thousand.

Armed Forces of the state- defensive and military organizations supplied by the government and used in the interests of the state. In some countries, paramilitary organizations are included in the structure of the armed forces.

In a number of countries, especially in the West, the military is linked to the government through a civilian agency. It may be called the Ministry of Defense, the Department of Defense, the Military Department, or otherwise.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Video lesson on life safety, grade 10

    Grand Army Napoleon


Types of aircraft

Aircraft are usually divided into different types; these are usually the army (Ground Forces), aviation (Air Force) and navy (Navy/Navy). The Coast Guard may also be part of the Armed Forces (although in many countries it is part of the police or is civil institution). The French structure, copied by many countries, includes three traditional branches, and, as a fourth, the Gendarmerie.

The term consolidated forces is often used, meaning military units made up of two or more branches of the Armed Forces.

Organizational hierarchy of the Armed Forces

The minimum unit of the aircraft is a unit. The unit usually operates as a single unit, and is homogeneous in composition (for example, only infantry, only cavalry, etc.).

In the Soviet and Russian armies, the main unit is considered to be a platoon, company or battalion. These are the types of formations that are elements of the next level of the hierarchy - the military unit.

Larger units of the Russian Armed Forces are called, depending on their size, units, formations and associations (English formations). The most common (but not the only) type military units Soviet army there were shelves, and in Russian army- brigades. Examples of formations are separate brigades, divisions, wings, etc. Associations are represented in the Soviet and Russian armies by corps and armies.

Hierarchy of modern armies

Symbol Army unit name
(divisions, formations, associations)
Number of soldiers Number of subordinate units Command of an army unit
XXXXXXX theater of war or armed forces 300000+ 2+ fronts supreme commander
XXXXXX front, district 150000+ 2+ army groups army general, marshal
XXXXX army group 80000+ 2+ armies army general, marshal
XXXX army 40000+ 2+ cases lieutenant general, colonel general
XXX frame 20000-50000 2-6 divisions major general, lieutenant general
XX division 5000-20000 2-6 brigades colonel, major general
X brigade 1300-8000 2-6 regiments colonel, major general, brigadier general, brigadier
III regiment 700-3000 2-6 battalions, divisions major, lieutenant colonel, colonel
II battalion, division 150-1000 2-12 mouth senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel
I company, battery, squadron 30-250 2-8 platoons, 6-10 squads lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major
platoon, detachment 10-50 2-6 branches warrant officer, senior warrant officer, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain
Ø squad, crew, crew 2-10 2 groups, links junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, sergeant major, warrant officer
Ø unit, group, team 2-10 0 corporal, junior sergeant

Steps in this ladder can be skipped: for example, in NATO forces there is usually a battalion-brigade organization (in Russia such an organization is also used, it is an alternative to the battalion-regiment-division division). At the same time, in the Soviet army there were so-called separate brigades, the main difference of which was that, unlike modern brigades, they included separate military units (for example, two motorized rifle regiments).

An army, an army group, a region and a theater of military operations are the largest formations, which can differ greatly from each other in size and composition. At the division level, support forces are usually added (field artillery, medical service, logistics service, etc.), which may not be present at the regiment and battalion level. In the USA, a regiment with support units is called a regimental combat team, in the UK and other countries - a combat group.

In some countries, traditional names may be used, creating confusion. Thus, British and Canadian tank battalions are divided into squadrons (companies, English companies) and troops, English. troops (corresponding to platoons, English platoons), while in the American cavalry a squadron corresponds not to a company, but to a battalion, and is divided into troops ( troops, resp. companies) and platoons.

The fronts of the Red Army during World War II corresponded, according to this classification, to army groups.


  1. The names of the listed units may vary depending on the type of troops. For example:
    1. In the Soviet army (and, accordingly, in the Russian army), a squad may be called a crew. Functionally corresponds to the crew of one combat vehicle;
    2. IN missile forces and artillery, air defense troops, a squad can be called a crew. Functionally corresponds to a crew that serves one gun or combat vehicle;
    3. In missile and artillery and air defense forces, a company is called a battery, and a battalion is called a division;
    4. In cavalry, a company was called a squadron, and a battalion was called a division (but often in cavalry regiments this unit was excluded and the regiment consisted of only several squadrons). Currently, in the armies of Anglo-Saxon countries (Britain, USA) there are so-called. armored cavalry troops, in which this name is retained;
    5. In the Russian Cossack troops there are other names - regiments of six hundred or four hundred, hundreds, fifty, squads (tens), individual artillery units. The Cossack troops also have their own system of military ranks;
  2. The indicated number refers to infantry (motorized infantry, motorized rifle) troops. In other branches of the military, the number of units with the same names may be significantly smaller. For example, an infantry regiment consists of 3 - 4 thousand people, an artillery regiment - of 1 thousand.
  3. Any military unit in the army has not one, but two states - peacetime and wartime. The wartime workforce adds new positions in existing units, new units, and new units. Missing military personnel are called up for general mobilization in wartime. In the Soviet (and Russian) army there are:
    1. Deployed wartime staff;
    2. Reduced staff;
    3. Cadre units (in which the staff consists only of officers at the level of platoon commanders, company commanders or battalion commanders and above).

In the modern Russian army, about 85% of military units have a reduced staff, the remaining 15% are so-called. “units of constant readiness”, which are deployed according to full staff. IN peacetime Armed forces in Russia they are divided into military districts, each of which is headed by the commander of the district troops with the rank of army general. In wartime, fronts are deployed on the basis of military districts;

  1. All modern armies have adopted a “ternary” (sometimes “quaternary”) composition. This means that an infantry regiment consists of three infantry battalions (“three-battalion composition”). In addition to them, it includes other units - for example, a tank battalion, artillery and anti-aircraft divisions, repair, reconnaissance companies, commandant platoon, etc. In turn, each infantry battalion of the regiment consists of three infantry companies and other units - for example , mortar battery, communications platoon.
  2. The hierarchy, therefore, may not be direct; for example, a mortar battery in an infantry regiment is not part of any battalion (division). Accordingly, separate battalions can be allocated, each of which is independent military unit, or even individual companies. Also, each regiment can be part of a division, or (at a higher level) directly subordinate to the command of the corps (“corps subordination regiment”), or, at an even higher level, the regiment can subordinate directly to the command of a military district (“district subordination regiment”);
  3. In an infantry regiment, the main units - infantry battalions - report directly to the regimental commander. All auxiliary units are subordinate to his deputies. The same system is repeated at all levels. For example, for an artillery regiment of district subordination, the chief will not be the commander of the district troops, but the chief of the district artillery. The communications platoon of an infantry battalion is subordinate not to the battalion commander, but to his first deputy - the chief of staff.
  4. Brigades are a separate unit. In terms of their position, brigades stand between a regiment (the regiment commander is a colonel) and a division (the division commander is a major general). In most armies of the world there is an intermediate rank between the ranks of colonel and major general "Brigadier General", corresponding to the brigade commander (and during the Second World War the Waffen-SS had the rank of “Oberführer”). In Russia, traditionally there is no such title. In the modern Russian army, the Soviet division military district-corps-division-regiment-battalion, as a rule, is replaced by the abbreviated military district - brigade - battalion. operational-tactical [i.e. 2-7]. - M.: Military publishing house of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, 1976-1980.
  5. Battle Regulations Ground Forces USSR Armed Forces (Division - Brigade - Regiment). Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1985
  6. Regulations on passing military service officers of the Soviet Army and Navy. Order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 200-67.
  7. Soviet Army Officer's Handbook and Navy. Moscow. Military publishing house 1970
  8. A reference book for officers of the Soviet Army and Navy on legislation. Moscow. Military publishing house 1976
  9. Order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 105-77 “Regulations on the military economy of the Armed Forces of the USSR.”
  10. Charter of the internal service of the USSR Armed Forces. Moscow. Military publishing house 1965
  11. Textbook. Operational art. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1965
  12. I. M. Andrusenko, R. G. Dunov, Yu. R. Fomin. Motorized rifle (tank) platoon in battle. Moscow. Military publishing house 1989
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