Arma 3 addons of the Russian army.


"Russian" soldiers equipped with AK-74M, AK-105, AK-107, RPK, Pecheneg, SVU, SVDS, KSVK, VAL and VSS.
Badguys with AKM, SVD, RPG-7.
Items: suppressors TGP-A, TGP-B, 1p29, Krechet and Cobra collimators, PSO1 and PSO4 Optics.
Vehicles: BTR100, Retextured KA-60, Mi-48, Kamaz trucks, T100, BTR-K

Extract into the ArmA 3 Directory, by default this is located in:
32-Bit - C: / Program Files / Steam / Steamapps / Common / ArmA 3 /
64-Bit - C: / Program Files (x86) / Steam / Steamapps / Common / ArmA 3 /
After extraction it should look like this: Steam / Steamapps / Common / ArmA 3 / @ your_mod_folder_name You can also use the "Arma 3 Alpha" folder in your "My Documents" folder.

You "ll also need add a Launch Parameter to Steam, in order to do so right-click on ArmA 3 Alpha and click Properties and then Set Launch Options. In the window that opens enter in [email protected] _mod_folder_name
For using multiple mods you would then do so like this: [email protected] _name; @ mod_name2; @ mod_name3; @ mod_name4; @ mod_name5
You can also use -nosplash to get rid of the splash art and intro videos.

And of course you can also enable and disable community made addons and mods through the in-game Options Expansions menu if you do not want to mess with startup parameters!

When the above information still does not provide you with enough to learn how to install custom addons and mods you can always ask in our.

Included files:

You "ll find the soldiers in the editor under Independent -> Russian
Classnames in the readme.txt

Credits & Thanks:
BIS, Arma3 is amazing even in Alpha version!
Thank you everyone for help and support!

- New bikey, all pbos repacked and resigned
- BTR-100 now can swim

- Problem with bisigns solved;
- Weapons sounds fix after Arma3 update;
- Now JRRS compatible;

- Russian radio protocol (still WIP, but works)
- New units (specnaz and paratroopers)
- New weapons VAL and VSS
- Retextured BTR-K
- Cool static plane for HALO missions (look readme.txt for ramp animations)
- Couple of US style soldiers in Multicam with M4A1
- A lot of small tweaks and fixes
- Zeus compatible

- Fixed issue with RPG-7
- New item: Goshawk thermal optics
- Added units in SURPAT camo
- Added Pecheneg-m and new optics in RU ammobox

- New Vehicle - BTR-100 (a fictional BTR-90 and BTR-82 hybrid) with random numbers
- New weapon - Pecheneg-M machine gun with new hand anim
- New item: Cobra collimator optics
- Badguys random t-shirts error fixed
- Krechet with monocular optics alternative view added

- New item: Krechet collimator optic with monocular
- New weapon: RPG-7 for "badguys" with adjustible sights (100-500m)
- New cool hand anims for AK74M, AK105, AK107
- Retextured T100 with 10 random numbers (other vehicles are WIP).
- Fixed sights on rifle grenade launchers (now adjustible from 100 to 400m with a 50m step)
- Random t-shirt textures for "badguys"
- Offroads for "badguys"
- AKMS now accepts optics

- Fixes some issues (now compatible with 1.02)
- Removed global CowSlot settings
- New 6b27 inspired helmets
- New Krechet collimator sights
- Classic "badguys" weapons added (AKM, SVD)
- Added some "terrorists" to the OPFOR side
- PSO-1 optics
- Optic reticles reworked. Now rangefinders on PSOs and 1P29 should work correctly.

- Now compatible with ARMA3 BETA
- Units models and textures changed
- MI-48 added to Russian side
- Kamaz trucks added to Russian side

- Weapon sounds issues after BIS update v0.5 fixed
- 5.45x39 ammo hit value reduced to match BIS 5.65 ammo.
- PBO name changed to SUD_Russians
- classnames changed, addon name changed to SUD_Russians, prefixes added (!)
- Magazines from AK can now be used in RPK and vice versa
- New weapons: AK-74M, AK-74M with GL, KSVK
- New items: 1p29 4x optics, hat, bandana
- New units: Recon Operators, Recon Marksman, Recon Sniper (KSVK)
- New groups: Recon Team, Sniper team
- AmmoBox added

- Marksman unit had AK magazines in his backpack: Fixed
- Muzzle flashes are now working
- BIS supressors replaced with proper ones (TGP-A for AK, RPK, TGP-B for SVU)
- Iron sights reworked (still failed to implement side-mounted rails, new anim sources not yet supported by BinMake)
- New PSO-4 optics with 12x maginfication for Marksman
- Minor changes to weapon models

- Fixed helmet issue with players who enabled Development build in Steam
- SVU-107 sniper rifle added
- Different squad configurations added
- Retextured verision of KA-60 added
- Assault boat added

- AK-107 reworked for use of the game optics. Added an AK with a grenade launcher.
- Added AK-105 and RPK.
- Added Automatic Rifleman, Grenadier, Marksman, Engineer, Sapper, Medic, AT Soldier, Team Leader, Helicopter Pilot, Diver, Diver-Sapper
- Created classes for uniform.
- Created new backpacks

Forum topic:
- BI forums

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In the Skyrim game, the developers provided for the ability to have several companions: a huscarl or a mercenary, a dog and a summoned magical creature. You cannot call such a modest company an army, but they are enough for most missions. If you play at a high level of difficulty, then such allies are of little use.

That is why there was a need for a modification that allows you to create your own army. You can download Skyrim mod for your army right now and after a simple installation, gain complete control over the satellites, increasing their maximum number to one hundred.

Installing a modification on Skyrim

Since the mod affects the basic elements of the gameplay, then installing it is a little more difficult than unpacking the archive into the root directory. After this standard step, you need to activate all "esm" and "esp" files in the special launcher menu. In addition to the main add-on, you need to add SKSE 1.5.11., Then delete the file “XFLMain.bsa” from the “Data” folder and disable the “XFLHorses” modification, if it was installed earlier.

Before adding the mod, you should start the game and, just in case, abandon all companions, not forgetting to take valuable items from their inventories. Modification to Skyrim for your army may slightly decrease the performance of the game when a large number of allies are running with the character. You should always consider the power of your device.

What else?

It is important to abandon all companions before removing this modification by typing stopquest FollowerExtension and stopquest FollowerMenu in the game console, and then wait about three in-game days.

Once saved, close the game, remove all modification components and restart Skyrim. During the first start of the save, it is better to do nothing in the world, but simply re-save the game again and restart the client again.

Military mod for Minecraft which adds to the game a huge amount of military equipment such as tanks, aircraft, armored personnel carriers, guns, cars, as well as many different weapons for the infantry such as a automatic machines, machine guns, rocket launchers, RPG and other rifle. What is militarizing the game and taking it to the next level is all good for getting around quickly, but it takes a lot of resources to make enough normal food and rail travel using them effectively. Horses are also good for high-speed movement, but they require a saddle to even ride as well as armor to keep them from getting finished off by mobs. Flan mod is a pretty cool mod that adds planes to the game in Minecraft. This new air route "dynamic" gets players where they want to go quickly without fear of backlash.

It flies over the world below much faster than traveling on foot, on a cart or horse, so it is not surprising that the Flan mod is so popular among minecraft players. Like boats, aircraft can be destroyed through mishandling; unlike those boats, though, the player usually has a long, fatal forward fall from them if they disturb their plane. Learn to craft and maneuver The added transport mode is important, so players should be sure to check the mod on the site before they install it. They could always improvise, of course, but that can be disastrous, especially in hardcore mode.

While the movement speed may be poor, there are still no enemies in the sky if the player is flying around in the lowlands or at the end. The biplane has an attack mechanism, so flying in these areas is not recommended. Players looking for a safe way to transport themselves and their cargo over long distances will need to check the Flan mod for minecraft. There may be other vehicles added in the future, so be sure to check back on the mod site regularly to see if there are any new updates.

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