School portal active schools. The school portal is a step towards automating the educational process in Russia

“School Portal” is compiled into RPM/DEB packages for the Linux distributions presented below. In a few minutes after a simple installation, you will already be able to work with the Portal.

It is assumed that you have already installed Linux on the server, it can access the Internet and it has a static IP address. If this is not the case, then you need to do it right now. If necessary, refer to the relevant documentation: AltLinux, Ubuntu, Mandriva.

Installation procedure:

1. Installing the School Portal on a Linux server:

Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS x86


root the following commands:

# Add the School Portal repository echo "deb http://repo..04/ " >> /etc/apt/sources.list # Get lists of packages from the above configured repositories apt-get update # Install Firebird apt-get -y install firebird2. 1-super # Run the Firebird configuration dpkg-reconfigure firebird2.1-super # A dialog box will appear asking you about Firebird autostart. # Select . # Then enter the password for SYSDBA: masterkey# (This is the password that is needed for successful installation of the Portal; # after installation, the password can and should be changed.) # Install the School Portal apt-get -y --force-yes install schoolportal

Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS x86

only to a distribution compiled for the Intel x86 architecture.

Enter in the server console as a user root the following commands:

# Add the School Portal repository echo "deb http://repo..04/ " >> /etc/apt/sources.list # Get lists of new packages apt-get update # Install Firebird apt-get install firebird2.1-super # Configure Firebird dpkg-reconfigure firebird2.1-super # A dialog box will appear asking you about Firebird autostart. # Select . # Then enter the password for SYSDBA: masterkey # Install School Portal apt-get -y --force-yes install schoolportal

Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS x64 (test package)

Attention! Currently supported installation only to a distribution compiled for x64 architecture.

Enter in the server console as a user root the following commands:

# Add the School Portal repository wget -q -O - http://repo..04/ | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb http://repo..04/ " >> /etc/apt/sources.list apt update # Install Firebird apt -y install libstdc++5 firebirdss # set default password OLDPW= `grep ISC_PASSWD= /opt/firebird/SYSDBA.password | perl -npe "s/.+=(.+)/$1/"` (echo $OLDPW; echo "masterkey") | /opt/firebird/bin/ # Install School Portal apt -y install schoolportal

ALT Linux School server v5.0.1 x86

Currently supported installation only to a distribution compiled for the Intel x86 architecture.

Enter in the server console as a user root the following commands:

# Add the School Portal repository: echo "# SP Repository (site) rpm noarch sp " > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sp.list # Add the ALT Linux repository , for example, on Yandex: # (Do not do this if you already have the ALT Linux repository configured. # It is NOT configured by default) echo "rpm i586 classic rpm http :// noarch classic " >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yandex.list # We get lists of packages from the above repositories: apt-get update # Install the "School Portal » apt-get -y install sp

ALT Linux 6.0 Centaurus

Currently supported installation only to a distribution compiled for the Intel x86 architecture. Attention! The repository has an outdated version 4.2!

4. Enter the commands:

# Get a list of packages from the repositories apt-get update # Install the School Portal apt-get install sp

5. When the installation is complete, you will see a message:

6. Finishing touches:

# For the portal to work right now service httpd2 start; service squid start; service xinetd restart # Enable autostart of services needed by the portal: chkconfig httpd2 on; chkconfig squid on

Informatics 6.0 School Server

Currently supported installation only for the distribution kit for the i586 architecture. Attention! The repository has an outdated version 4.2!

1. Enter the commands:

# Get a list of packages from the repository apt-get update # Install the School Portal apt-get install sp

2. When the installation is complete, you will see a message:

3. Finishing touches:

# Start the necessary services (for the portal to work right now) service xinetd restart; service squid start # Enable autostart of necessary services (so that the portal works after a server reboot)) chkconfig httpd2 on; chkconfig squid on

Mandriva/Edumandriva 2010.1, 2010.2, 2011

Currently supported installation only to a distribution compiled for the Intel x86 architecture. Attention: the repository contains an outdated version 4.2!

  1. On the website, add sources for your version (2010.1 or 2010.2) " Official" And " Edumandriva».
  2. Install the School Portal by selecting a package sp in the “Add or Remove Programs” of the Mandriva Control Center or enter in the server console as a user root the following commands: # Get lists of packages urpmi.update -a # Install the School portal urpmi sp
  3. How to fix the situation if Firebird is not running: .

Other Linux distribution

The school portal can be installed on any other Linux. For example, on Debian, Fedora, etc. A description of such an installation is given in.

2. Getting started with the Portal

After installing the portal in the browser address bar (for example, Mozilla Firefox) of any computer on the school’s local network, enter the address of your server (for example, and enter the portal. By default there is a user with administrator rights:

Login: admin
Password: changemenya

Change your password immediately!

3. Alphabet book

Work with the complex begins with adding students, teachers to the database, and forming classes. And for this you will need to install the “Alphabet Book” module. The module works as a Win32 GUI application, communicating with the portal database over the network. On Linux, Alphabet Book works fine under Wine.

If you already have lists of students or teachers in a spreadsheet, you can use this data to get started quickly. The portal allows you to import lists from files with tables. A detailed guide is located in the adding interface: menu item Users, Students (or Teachers), Import from CSV file…

Download the installation file, run it, install it, following the instructions of the installation wizard.

Installation file:

  • For Windows: .

Attention! The Alphabet Book is installed after the School Portal is installed, not vice versa!

The installation will begin, during which the “ Setting up a database connection" In this window you need to enter the IP address or DNS name of the server on which the School Portal was installed and click the “ Next».

When the installation completion message appears, click the " Ready" to close the installer window.

Please contact us via the feedback form.

By going to the school portal of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region, in which almost everyone is registered educational institutions Moscow region you can go back in time and remember your school years. That's when you begin to understand how quickly time passes.

If, previously afraid to show the remark written by the teacher to mom and dad, we tore out the pages of the diary or tried to erase the deuce for what was not completed homework, now in the age of the Internet and technology, having become a parent, we, knowing about the tricks of the children, can not worry about their academic performance and simply view the grades from the phone, even while at work.

The school portal of the Ministry of Education is a system that allows parents to track the progress of students, fill out logs for teachers, and know the lesson schedule for schoolchildren.

  • Login to the school portal of the Moscow region on electronic diary It's simple enough that anyone can do it. In order to access your electronic diary or your child’s diary, you need to visit the website
  • A “Login” button will appear in one of the blocks.

  • If the school administrator or class teacher entered your child into the database, then you should have received a login (they should have told you this) and a temporary password (it can be changed after the first login).
  • After completing the steps, the Mosreg website will redirect you to the State Portal. MO services, and in the “Your school” block you will enter your data.

  • If you cannot register your child because you do not know the username and password.

The Moscow region became the first region in the territory Russian Federation, which partially computerized the learning process for schoolchildren and launched the school portal.

Watch this short video to the end, why these experiments are not carried out in educational institutions for children, it’s so interesting.

It represents information system, containing useful information and statistics for school students, their parents, school staff and education departments regarding the education and organization of children's leisure time.

Using the service makes it easier for children to study, and gives their parents the opportunity to control the learning process and receive reliable data on their child’s progress without leaving home. Teachers, using the portal, will receive statistical data on the performance of a particular student in a particular subject or the entire class as a whole.

Official school portal Mosreg

And this is only part of the capabilities that are implemented within the framework of this project. We will talk about other functions, the procedure for registering and using the portal below.

What is MosReg school portal? is a big step in the state’s desire to automate the educational process in the Moscow region. Despite the fact that it was created only two years ago, during this time an impressive number of users have used it. Surveys show that parents of schoolchildren are particularly interested in the innovation. The main objective of this project is the possibility of direct control over the educational process of children without visiting schools. It was created for a fairly narrow circle of people who are associated with general education:
  • School students and their relatives
  • Teaching staff schools
  • Employees of bodies exercising supervision and management in the field of education

In order to limit the circle of users and ensure access to the resource only to persons associated with schools, unique data is provided to be entered on the site. This is done using your login and password.

The purpose of creating the portal and its functions

The main purpose of the portal is to improve the quality of education in the region, and with it some simplification educational process. In addition, thanks to the availability of statistical data on the portal, each person can realistically assess the quality of education in a particular school in the region.

Educational portal MosReg has many functions useful for all participants in the educational process such as:

  1. Maintaining electronic school journals and diaries
  2. Homework posting
  3. Creating a plan for each lesson.
  4. Possibility of testing knowledge
  5. Online communication between students, parents and teachers.
  6. Maintaining personal records for each student
  7. Posting information related to the educational process
  8. Electronic library
  9. Maintaining statistics for generating reports

Also on the portal you can get such services as registering a child in an educational institution, kindergarten.

Information about educational institutions

Anyone who wants to, without registering, can familiarize themselves with the page of interest educational organization. In order to get acquainted with the information of interest, you just need to select the desired educational institution from the list of schools or find it on the map.

Provides the opportunity to find out the following information

  • Basic information about the school, such as its location with zip code and address, contact phone numbers
  • Information about the school administration - full name of the director and his deputies and their telephone numbers.
  • Information about the teaching staff indicating the name, age, experience, category and specialization of each teacher.
  • Information on the number of students, in general, and by class.
  • Average score certification
  • The material and technical base of the school, indicating the resources it possesses, as well as the exact number of classes and general area

State electronic diary

For a student using the school portal, an electronic diary is an analogue of its paper predecessor. It records the same data, from the schedule to grades in subjects and comments and remarks from teachers.

In addition to the schedule for the specified period, the child can independently familiarize himself with information about which room the lesson will be held in, the time it will take place, and the name of the teacher. If necessary, any information from the “Electronic Diary” section can be printed.

In addition to academic progress, parents can also check attendance on the pages of the diary. In addition to the usual “was” or “wasn’t”, absences with or without valid reasons and being late for lessons are also recorded. To do this, a corresponding letter is placed opposite each item where the child was absent.

Also on the pages of the diary will be recorded news about events in the classroom.

Opportunities for schoolchildren

The student’s main assistant on the portal will be his electronic diary. In it you can get detailed answers about the time and place of lessons, homework, and schedule.

In order to make studying more comfortable, developers are constantly adding useful applications, such as dictionaries, etc., which make it easier for students to find additional resources.

The portal allows the child to keep his own blog on the portal, in which he can share with classmates and other students useful information and send photos and documents. To do this, you need to fill out your profile and you can get down to business.

The resource can also be used for communication, just like in social networks, everyone can join and create communities of interest, invite friends to them, and participate in discussions.

What useful things does the school portal offer for parents?

Every parent of a schoolchild studying in schools in the Moscow region now has the opportunity to monitor the progress and attendance of their child without leaving home. Thanks to keeping an electronic diary for each student, his family can realistically assess his progress, and, if necessary, promptly influence the child and change the situation. Information is provided both for a certain time period for all disciplines, and in the form of statistics for a particular subject. Also, using an electronic diary, parents can familiarize themselves with homework in any subject and monitor its completion.

Another convenient opportunity provided by school portal for the region, there will be online communication with your child’s teachers, that is, now there is no need to go to school for this. You can ask a question at any convenient time.

Parent’s personal account on the education website

A convenient feature for parents will be the ability to receive news and updates in their account by email. Thus, notifications about the child’s grades and other news related to his education can be tracked almost immediately after they are published on the resource.

If there are two or more children in a family studying at school, parents will have one account, the personal account of which will contain information about each of the children, their academic performance and attendance at classes. The developers took this step so that parents would not get confused by a large number of logins and passwords. Therefore, even if children attend different educational institutions, personal account the parent will only have one.

What is the convenience of the resource for school teachers?

Teachers, using the school portal, have the opportunity to obtain statistical data on the performance of both the class as a whole and for each individual student.

Automatic reporting will also make the life of a teacher much easier, because now there is no need to summarize manually.

On the vast resources of the resource, the teacher can familiarize himself with and select required material to conduct lessons and add the necessary sources to your own online library. When handing out homework, the teacher has the right to indicate both the entire class and an individual student, and if desired, he can also leave his own comments.

Also, teachers, like other registered participants, are given access to in various ways communication with other users, such as personal correspondence, creating thematic blocks on the forum.

Registration for kindergarten online

The MosReg portal will help with. To do this, parents only need to decide which kindergarten they want to enroll their child in. On the website you can get complete information about the addresses and contacts of the institution, the name of the manager, the number of places for the current period and the specialization (if any) of the garden.

When submitting an online application, you must provide the following information:

  • Last name, first name, patronymic of the child
  • Mom and Dad details
  • Birth certificate details
  • Address of actual residence
  • Status that provides benefits, if any
  • Wish arrival time

A completed application is the basis for placing your child on the waiting list. But it is worth considering that within a month parents must appear at the chosen institution preschool education with everyone necessary documents, which were used when filling out the application.

How to become a user of the unified educational system

Significantly different from the usual. In order to limit the circle of users and give the opportunity to fully work on it only to people directly related to school education You can only log in to the site using the login and password issued by the administrator. It is noteworthy that the password is temporary and after the procedure of going to the portal and checking the correctness of the data, it will need to be changed.

It is very easy for school students and their parents to access their own account. It is necessary to contact the class teacher at your place of study or the person responsible for filling out the data on the Moscow region school portal resource.

Teachers can obtain data for working on the portal by contacting the school director, who will provide the administrator’s contact information. The second way to gain access is to contact technical support.

Completing registration

To start using the service, first of all, you need to follow the link After logging into the school portal, the user will be redirected to the Moscow region services website, where he will need to complete the authentication process. To do this, select the desired educational institution in the Your school tab and enter the received information in educational institution data.

The next step is to check your personal data for errors. Errors made in personal data can only be corrected by the person responsible for working and filling out information on the portal at a particular school. Therefore, if there is an inaccuracy in personal data, you need to contact the child’s place of study to correct it.

Security measures on the site

To ensure that password recovery does not take time and effort, you should “link” your account to your e-mail and mobile phone number. This step will also help secure your personal account and will also help you easily restore your portal login information.

The password issued by the administrator can be changed to a more convenient one.

This advice should not be neglected, because its restoration in some cases can become a real problem, the solution of which takes time. You should use a combination of Latin letters and numbers that is easy to remember. In this case, you will have to come up with a password consisting of at least 6 characters; less is not allowed.

Also, after registration is completely completed, it is possible to change your own login, but this can only be done once.

The resource was created taking into account different levels of computer skills, so using it is absolutely not difficult even for novice users. The school portal opens up new opportunities for all participants educational process, expands his horizons and really saves time.

Receive electronic services it became much easier. Gradually, citizens are getting used to this service. For example, the school portal of the Moscow region is now integrated with

Using the school portal, you can not only log in or check the grades and progress of children, but also find out exam results, lesson schedules, school curricula and training programs.

Now you can get government services directly on the school portal. With it you can:

  • submit an application to enroll your child in school and other educational institutions in the Moscow region;
  • find out exam results, final certification, testing;
  • get acquainted with curriculum for the coming academic year.

School portal of the Moscow region electronic diary

One of the most popular services on the portal is access to the school portal of the Moscow region in an electronic diary.

It can be used by children, parents, teachers, and education officials.

Here are the main functions that the school portal provides:

  • curriculum planning;
  • drawing up and changing the school schedule;
  • access to homework assignments for each class;
  • lesson planning;
  • creating and maintaining a database of personal files for each child;
  • results of testing, exams, tests;
  • user access to reference and methodological literature and manuals;
  • compiling reports for each training period;
  • placement of normative and legislative acts and provisions that are relevant at a given time;
  • submitting an application for enrollment of a child in educational institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Try applying for enrollment right here:

School portal of the Moscow region entrance for parents

Registration of parents on the school portal of the Moscow region is quite simple. In order to register and then log in to the school portal you need to:

  • go to the official website

There are only two ways to log in to the School Portal:

  • using . Please note that this login option is only available to those over 14 years of age;
  • using your username and password to log into the School Portal. This option is suitable for students under 14 years of age.

To successfully log into the school portal of the Moscow region, you need to:

  1. Have a verified ESIA account;
  2. Create an account on the School Portal;
  3. Check if your data matches - full name, SNILS. One must be identical both in the ESIA and in the School portal.

Find out how to register on the government services portal and create an ESIA account.

Authorization on the School portal through the Unified identification and authentication system. Detailed instructions

  • go to the State Services portal;
  • click on the Login button;

  • after the login window opens, click on the “Log in via Unified Identification of Authorities” button
  • In the window that opens, enter your account information - mobile number or email address. And also enter your password:

Login can be easier. From the main page of the portal Here on home page There is a window of the School portal. Enter your details here and click the “Login” button

On the school portal, logging into the electronic journal for parents will allow you not only to view data on the student’s progress, but also to maintain contact with other parents, teachers, and your own child. To do this, you can connect the necessary contacts to your account.

Important! In the near future, it will be possible to enter the School Portal only through the ESIA. Therefore, if you do not yet have authorization in this system, then go through it.

Look short video instructions on how to enter the school portal of the Moscow region.

Login to the School Portal for students

Students can register and log into the electronic diary on the school portal of the Moscow region via the Internet using their own login and password. They also need to be obtained from the person in charge or the class teacher.

Here you can find out your homework, add friends, chat, share news and school issues.

For students, the School portal will display:

  • the name of the school where he studies;
  • number of lessons for the next day;
  • weekly schedule;
  • upcoming educational and extracurricular activities.

Students under 14 years old can log into the school portal using a login and password. All others enter through the ESIA.

Diary of the Moscow Region school portal entrance for teachers

Login for teachers to the School Portal of the Moscow Region is also possible using a personal login and password. You can obtain this data from the administrator who has been assigned these powers. If you do not know who is responsible for this process in your school, you can approach the principal or his deputy.

The video describes the main functions of the school portal:

Here are the functions that can be performed in the diary of the Moscow region on the school portal

  • you can add materials, comment on your assignments, track and comment on the quality of their completion;
  • create lesson plans;
  • count lesson hours per week, month, academic quarter, year;
  • give grades for the lesson, for tests and assignments;
  • mark attendance and absences for valid or unexcused reasons;
  • Give the task to the whole class or to individual students.

Additionally you can:

  • attach files, text materials, images, manuals, instructions or examples of completing tasks;
  • use filters to customize the educational process according to individual subjects or for specific periods of time;
  • analyze the work done, track and compare changes in current and final assessments.

Possibilities of the electronic diary of the Moscow region

The school portal of the Moscow region allows you to open an electronic diary in which parents and students can view:

  • schedule, class and school-wide activities;
  • monitor the learning process;
  • find out about the child’s absence from classes, about truancy (the green square opposite the subject indicates presence in class, the letter N– absence without good reason, letter B– absence due to illness, letter ABOUT- lateness).

  • read comments and advice from teachers on various subjects;
  • ensure homework is completed on time;
  • the Progress section will help parents and students themselves to always be aware of their grades, final grades for the quarter, half-year and year;
  • view summary data for different periods, look at grades for the past period of study;
  • Subscribe to receive information via email.

Watch a video about how an electronic diary is hacked:

Electronic diary

It is very convenient that in the electronic diary of the School Portal at you can view the schedule for the week, scrolling through the days using the arrows.

  1. You can customize the view so that any period is shown to you, and also print out the lesson schedule for the desired period of time.
  2. Here you can keep track of the start and end time of each lesson, keep track of which teacher teaches a given subject, and in which classroom the lessons are held.
  3. One personal account on the School portal will allow parents to monitor all their children at once school age. Information about each of the children is collected here, even if they attend different schools.
  4. Go to the menu located on the top line and find the “Children” tab. There will be a list of all children associated with your profile. You can view information about each of them by switching between accounts.
  5. You will have access to e-books, manuals for the current educational process. You can open reference books, methodological manuals, sorted by subject.

Here is another video that talks about working with lesson planning:

Additional features on the school portal for students and parents

  1. On the school portal you can communicate with parents or students from your class or stream, find like-minded people, friends, and create interest groups.
  2. You will have the opportunity to exchange files, images, and conduct conferences online.
  3. Add members of the school portal as friends, comment and discuss important points and events, forward digital applications and documents.

Watch webinar No. 1 for the beginning of a new one academic year 2018-2019:

School portal of the Moscow region electronic diary: entrance to the site A free system has been developed especially for students, their parents and teachers: School portal of the Moscow region, which includes many useful functions and features that will definitely be appreciated by all users of this online system. On the portal you can:

  1. Register your child for school online for free. There is no longer any need to organize trips to school to enroll your child. Everything can be done through the website – online.
  2. Find out grades online in the electronic diary of the school portalMoscow region. This is a quick and convenient way to track student progress. You just need to go to your page (personal account) and all the data will be in front of you.
  3. Find out what homework was assigned. A convenient way to find out the remote control, without having to call any of your classmates.
  4. View e-magazine. Information about your child’s academic performance and attendance will always be at hand.
  5. Ask the teacher a question. You can find out any information about the educational process.
  6. Purchase electronic educational content.
  7. And much more.

Skulmosreg ru official website of the school portal

Link to the official website of the school portal of the Moscow region: The school portal of the Moscow region is connected with the regional State Services service, so you can also get other electronic government services on it.

School portal of the Moscow region - entrance to the electronic diary, magazine, log in to

Instructions: entering the electronic diary: To enter the electronic diary (magazine) on the school portal of the Moscow region, you should:

  1. Get a login and temporary password. This can be done with the administrator or class teacher.
  2. Then go to the link: And enter your username and password in the appropriate field.

How to view academic performance on the school portal Moscow region

You can learn how to view academic performance on the school portal of the Moscow region from this video:

Independent testing on the school portal

A system of independent knowledge testing has been created on the school portal of the Moscow region You can learn about its capabilities by watching the following video:

Services: school portal of the Moscow region (electronic diary, magazine, etc.)

SMS and Email subscriptions

On the school portal of the Moscow region it is possible to subscribe to important events at school via SMS or E-mail. Through subscription you can receive the following information:

  1. Student grades;
  2. Information about absenteeism;
  3. Information about homework;
  4. Schedule;
  5. Current news at school.

School portal of the Moscow region for teachers: video instructions

I advise teachers to visit the YouTube channel, where the author posts useful detailed video instructions for working with the school portal in the Moscow region:

I hope the article " School portal of the Moscow region electronic journal (diary): entrance to Mosreg"was useful to you.

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