Saransk Medical University is official. National Research Mordovian State University, Moscow State University

Medical Institute is one of the leading structural divisions of the National Research Mordovian State University. N. P. Ogareva. Currently, the institute is a single team with great personnel, educational, scientific, innovative and medical potential.

The Faculty of Medicine was opened on July 1, 1967 by order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the RSFSR No. 42 of January 17, 1967. The annual intake amounted to 175 students in the specialty “General Medicine”. The oldest departments - normal anatomy, normal physiology, histology, cytology and embryology - trace their history back to the first days of the faculty's work. Since 1969, teaching of clinical disciplines began - propaedeutics of internal diseases, general surgery, etc. The largest hospitals of the city and the republic became the bases for teaching clinical disciplines and creating clinical departments and courses.

The first dean was Professor G.N. Saraikin. In subsequent years, the faculty was headed by: associate professors A. A. Belyakov (1968 - 1971) and V. M. Zaitsev (1974 - 1976), professor V. I. Kireev (1976 - 1977). From 1977 to 1987 the faculty was headed by the head of the department of normal anatomy, doctor medical sciences Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Moldova N. M. Ivanov; from 1987 to 2002, the dean of the faculty was an honored doctor Russian Federation and the Republic of Mordovia, head of the department of faculty therapy, professor L.K. Fedotkina; from 2002 to 2008 - Professor of the Department of Hospital Surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences M. D. Romanov; from 2008 to 2013 – Head of the Department of Faculty Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A. A. Usanova. By the decision of the Academic Council of the university in 2008, the medical faculty was renamed into a medical institute.

Since 2013, the institute has been headed by the head of the Department of Pediatrics, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor L. A. Balykova.

Educational infrastructure is represented by 20 departments, a practice department, an educational vivarium, a dental clinic, an accreditation and simulation center, and a regional educational and research medical complex. Postgraduate education is represented by the residency department, graduate school, and the center for continuous vocational education specialists. The training of medical personnel is carried out by 2 academicians and 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 10 academicians of public and foreign academies; 38 doctors of science, professors and 176 candidates of science, associate professors; 13 – Honored Scientists of Russia and Mordovia; 7 – honored workers of higher education; 18 – Honored Doctors of Russia and Mordovia. Members of the Boards of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Councils and scientific societies There are 46 scientists from Russia; 42 – chairmen of scientific medical societies and public organizations Mordovia.

The Medical Institute has sufficient space, material, technical and clinical facilities to train highly qualified specialists. There are four educational buildings, Internet classes, eight computer and video classes, a library of medical literature, reading room, accreditation and simulation center, dental clinic, assembly and sports halls, ski lodge, canteen, dormitory. Clinical departments and courses are located in the largest clinics in Saransk and the Republic of Mordovia.

Doctor training conducted in four specialties - "Medicine" And "Pediatrics" , specialty opened in 2011 "Pharmacy" , in 2012 - specialty "Dentistry" . Currently, students from various regions of the Russian Federation, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Yemen, Germany, Pakistan, Egypt, India, Sri Lanka, Syria, Cameroon, Sudan, etc. are studying at the institute. The institute is recognized by the World Directory of Medical schools (Geneva), The World of Learning (Forty second Edition) (United Kingdom & Ireland), accredited by the Medical Council of Sri Lanka. In terms of the quality and level of special training of medical students, the university department is one of the best medical faculties/ institutes of Russia. Our graduates work with dignity in many regions of Russia, as well as in the USA, England, Germany, Israel, Guinea, Yemen, Australia, Tunisia, CIS countries, etc. In 2014-2015 academic year The medical institute begins training foreign students in the specialty 060101.65 “General Medicine” in English.

The institute implements system of continuous medical education (residency, postgraduate studies, advanced training and retraining of doctors). Residency training is carried out in 35 specialties, postgraduate training - in 21 specialties, advanced training and retraining of personnel - in the profile of all major educational programs higher education. The number of students is about 2,500, residents - 430, graduate students - 90 people, students of the center for advanced training of doctors and retraining of specialists - over 1,500 specialists per year. Every year, over 50 foreign specialists are trained under residency programs (in the specialties: cardiology, obstetrics and gynecology, dermatovenerology, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, functional diagnostics, surgery, neurology, therapy, traumatology and orthopedics, urology, etc.).

Scientific and innovative activities carried out on the basis of educational and scientific laboratories, a center advanced research drugs and compounds, a vivarium, an anatomical museum, a museum of organopathology and the history of medicine, joint scientific and practical centers and clinics. Institute staff and students participate in the development and implementation of scientific programs and projects. The pride of the institute is scientific schools, leading developments in the field of efferent and quantum hemotherapy in surgery (Prof. I. N. Piksin); operative combustiology and resuscitation (Prof. A. N. Belyaev); pharmacology (Prof. V. I. Inchina); neuromorphology (Prof. N. M. Ivanov).

Postgraduate training of scientific personnel is carried out in 21 scientific specialties.

L educational, diagnostic and clinical work employees is carried out on the basis of a diagnostic and treatment advisory center, 27 republican and city clinical treatment and preventive institutions. According to the license of Roszdravnadzor to carry out medical activities at 13 addresses in the field of outpatient medical care, inpatient care at the clinical base of the departments. Since 2011, the Medical Institute has been accredited by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to conduct clinical trials of drugs for medical use.

Student Science is one of the priority areas of the institute’s work. Its forms are varied: participation in the work of scientific circles at theoretical and clinical departments; publication scientific articles; making presentations at international and Russian scientific forums, university-wide conferences “Ogarev Readings” and young scientists; preparation and defense of theses. Traditionally, medical students actively participate in All-Russian scientific competitions. Young medical scientists publish a scientific almanac " Medical Basics vital activity in normal conditions, pathology and experiment”, which is a supplement to the journal “Bulletin of Mordovian University”.

Ogarev Moscow State University is a higher educational institution located in the Republic of Mordovia, in the European part of our country, and therefore attracts many students from other regions of the Russian Federation. Students and graduates of the university proudly call themselves “Ogarevo residents”, and carry this title even after graduation. Being a graduate of Moscow State University Ogarev is prestigious, and being a student is interesting. Student years at Mordovian University will be remembered for a lifetime.


The university was organized in 1957 on the basis of the pedagogical institute of the republic. In 1970, the university was named after the recognized poet and publicist Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev. Every year Ogarevsky readings are held at Moscow State University. This is a scientific conference that attracts a large number of participants.

The symbol of the university is the monument to N.P. Ogarev, erected in 1984. In 2016 there was grand opening new building of the main building of the educational institution. The building turned out to be spectacular, the tallest in the city, complementing the views of the Millennium Square. It is beautiful both during the day and at night.

The monument to Ogarev was preserved, moved somewhat, but still occupies an important place.

Since 2010, the University has acquired honorary title National research university.


The University has 29 buildings located in different areas of the city. MSU Ogarev also has two branches: one each in Ruzaevka and Kovylkino. The following study options are offered: full-time, part-time or evening.

There are more than 20 thousand students at Ogarev Moscow State University. Preparation is carried out according to state standards third generation. At the university it is possible to obtain a bachelor's, specialist or master's degree. And there are also several specialties in secondary education. Upon completion of studies at Moscow State University Ogarev, the graduate becomes the proud owner of a state diploma.


The structure of Ogarev Moscow State University in Saransk includes institutes and faculties. The following institutions operate:

  • Medical. A structural unit that annually graduates specialists in four major specialties: pediatrics, general medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry. This institute traditionally attracts students from abroad: young people from Africa love to come here.
  • Agrarian. At the institute, more than 800 students are studying in areas of the agricultural sector. The institute is provided with the necessary material base for full-fledged training.
  • The Institute of Mechanics and Energy has educational buildings in the village of Yalga, there is also a dormitory for students, a canteen, and a physical education building. It boasts rich technical equipment and trains professionals in relevant areas.
  • The Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering trains unique specialists. For example, lighting engineers trained here are valued in Mordovia and beyond. They are happily employed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and abroad. At the same time, employers note high level knowledge of graduates. The following areas of training deserve attention: information security, electronics and nanoelectronics.
  • The Institute of Physics and Chemistry has a long history. More than 500 people study here. This year, the training programs implemented here have successfully passed certification, confirming their quality.
  • Another humanitarian institute within the structure of Moscow State University, this is the Historical and Sociological Department. Future social workers, sociologists, and political scientists are trained here.
  • The Institute of National Culture opens its doors to creative people. INK graduates easily find work in the field of culture and media. In addition to quality education, during their studies students have the opportunity to realize themselves in a dance studio or in numerous national ensembles and fashion theater.

Since 2006, the Interregional Festival of Social Advertising “Nail” has been held every year. Initially it was intra-university, but thanks to the support of the leadership of the Republic of Mordovia, it became international. Annually brings together students and professionals from the largest Russian cities. The event is always carried out impeccably, collecting rave reviews from participants. Since 2010, students of the institute have moved to a new beautiful building in the city center, which has everything for effective learning: recording studios, workshops, premises, etc.


Studying at a state university is a guarantee of quality education. Let's look at the faculties where students are trained:

Such a variety of options can be chosen for studying at Ogarev Moscow State University. There are different faculties, there are a lot of areas of training: every applicant will find something to their liking.


The teaching staff is strong. There are 280 doctors of science on staff, as well as over a thousand people who are candidates of science. A significant part of the scientific and pedagogical staff of institutes and faculties are experienced specialists with academic degrees and titles.

Since the university has been classified as a Research Universities for more than five years, special attention is paid to personnel. Teachers are increasingly engaged in scientific work, receive and implement grants, publish articles in international publications, lead scientific clubs and schools, attracting students to scientific work.

Admissions Committee

Interested applicants may have many questions about how to become a student at Ogarev Moscow State University. Admission campaign is carried out very actively every year. Admissions Committee located in the INK building, open on weekdays from 09.00 to 17.00. You can come here and get detailed answers to all your questions.

If you submit documents to Ogarev Moscow State University, lists of accepted applicants are posted on the official website of the university promptly, you can always control the situation with admission. In addition, institutes and faculties regularly hold days open doors. The schedule is presented on the official website, the schedule is drawn up from October to May next year.

Student life

If a student is active and wants to realize himself in extracurricular activities, then MSU also has a lot of opportunities for this. First of all, you need to contact the Student Council. This organization holds a lot of events of various types; there will never be a dull moment here.

The Student Spring festival is held annually, and the interest in it is enormous. This is an excellent opportunity to show dancing or vocal talent, take part in acting productions, etc. A Volunteer Center was created in 2015, and there are also over ten teaching teams at the University. In the summer, students go to children's camps in Mordovia, the Moscow region, as well as to camps on the Black Sea coast.

The sports sector is also at its best. MSU students become winners of prestigious Russian and international tournaments. The university has a strong volleyball team, weightlifting and basketball are well developed.


MSU Ogarev has 15 dormitories in Saransk, plus one each in Ruzaevka and Kovylkino. Most of them provide accommodation good quality. In 2015, a hostel was put into operation on Proletarskaya Street, which became a temporary “home” for almost 500 “Ogarevo residents.”

Comfortable hostel conditions are provided to every nonresident student; for this purpose, they gather and introduce necessary documents. More than 4,500 students live in the university dormitories. In 2016, Moscow State University took an honorable second place in All-Russian competition on best hostel, where over 450 educational institutions competed.

Corporate identity

Moscow State University named after N. Ogarev has a bright original style. A laconic logo was developed. The university's trademark is the stylized letter “M” (the first letter of the name), made in blue.

Any Ogarevo resident is proud of his place of study. Over the years of study, the university becomes a real family for its students, so young people with Moscow State University symbols on their clothes are often seen on the streets of Saransk.

Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev - Ogarev Mordovia State University- the largest university in Mordovia with 7 research institutes and 16 research laboratories. Students study at the university foreign students from 20 countries of the world.

Faculties of Moscow State University named after N. P. Ogarev

Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogarev consists of 11 faculties, some of which have no analogues throughout Russia.
  • The Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the university trains in several specialties, including the rare and promising profile “Cost Engineering”. In the “Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures” specialization, students are taught how to construct skyscrapers, highways, and even airfields.
  • Students of the Faculty of Geography have the opportunity to practice at the Institute of Ecology. The university has its own meteorological post and museum, specialized laboratories, and a center summer internships. At the Faculty of Geography, distance learning is possible.
  • The Lighting Engineering Faculty is the only one in all of Russia. He appeared in 1971. Today the faculty has connections with several large companies in the development and production of lighting technology, students can practice in them.
  • The Faculty of Biology has five departments: biotechnology, botany and plant physiology, zoology, genetics and biochemistry. The specialties taught at the faculty are in demand all over the world; its graduates have the opportunity to work in different countries ah, study scientific activity. The faculty has its own botanical garden, biological station and museum.
  • At the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​you can become a bachelor of linguistics in English, German or French. In addition, there are free electives in Spanish, Italian and Swedish.
  • The Faculty of Electronic Engineering is one of the most popular among applicants. It trains specialists in several fields, including nanoelectronics.
  • The Faculty of Law is one of the oldest in Russia; since its establishment, the university has trained more than 10 thousand legal specialists.
  • Among the graduates of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogarev are politicians, presenters, managers, writers and poets. Training is carried out in two directions: “philology” and “journalism”.
  • The economics department of the university has connections with European universities: cooperation is underway with the Dutch Higher School Economics (Erasmus School of Economics), Stockholm University (Stockholm University), Manchester Business School (Manchester Business School) and other leading educational institutions.
  • The Research Institute of Mathematics operates on the basis of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies. Here they teach in several profiles. One of the most popular areas is “Fundamental computer science and information technology”.
  • Faculty pre-university training- one of the youngest. Here they prepare for entering a university and provide basic knowledge in various specialties.

Scientific achievements of Moscow State University named after N. P. Ogarev

The university is famous for its achievements in energy saving and the creation of new materials. For example, university students created a boat on solar powered with a silicon carbide inverter; supercapacitors were used in the construction of the boat.
At the Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev, research is conducted in 22 branches of science. The university has 150 constantly maintained patents. Over 5 years (2009-2013), the university won more than two hundred grants for scientific activities.

Why should you choose N.P. Ogarev Moscow State University?

  • Mordovian State University houses the Center for Supercomputing Technologies with a distributed and parallel computing laboratory and an Ansys Technologies laboratory.
  • The university is a resident of the Technopark of Mordovia. An innovation and technological complex is open for students, where a business incubator for small innovative enterprises is located.
  • There are a dozen museums at Ogarev Moscow State University.
  • The Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Ogarev Moscow State University operates the first laboratory in Russia to conduct research on thin-film coatings applied using atomic layer deposition (ALD) nanotechnology.
  • A joint Russian-French automotive training center has been opened at the Institute of Mechanics and Energy of Mordovia University, which trains specialists in car repair and maintenance.
  • Ogarev Moscow State University has a rare specialty in Russia: “Design and Technological Informatics. CAD".

Requirements for admission to Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev

In order to enter MSU named after N.P. Ogarev, an applicant must pass several Unified State Examinations (single state exams) depending on the chosen specialty. Most faculties require successfully passing the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, mathematics, and also in a core subject. As for foreign applicants, at the first stage they need to provide copies of their foreign passport and a certificate of completion of high school by fax or e-mail. At the second stage, you must personally provide the original and translation of the completion certificate high school with a performance scale (or university diplomas), a certificate of document equivalence and an HIV test report. Foreign applicants are interviewed in three disciplines. Interviews are conducted in Russian.

International exchange and internship programs

MSU named after N.P. Ogarev has more than three dozen cooperation agreements with universities and research centers of universities in Europe and the USA. The Center for Finno-Ugric Studies and the Hungarian Center have been opened within the walls of the university.
Students from two dozen countries around the world study at Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogarev. The Erasmus Mundus, Work and Travel, and Fulbright exchange programs are available for university students. Some faculties have connections with universities in different countries: for example, the Faculty of Economics cooperates with several educational institutions in Stockholm, Manchester, and Rotterdam.

Interesting facts about MSU named after N. P. Ogarev

  • Students of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogarev created a mobile application “Guide to Saransk and Mordovia”, which is used by tourists.
  • Some students of the Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev are fast walkers. Denis Nizhegorodov, a student at the Faculty of Law of Mordovian State University, became the bronze medalist of the Beijing Games in 50 km race walking. Faculty of Mathematics student Olga Kaniskina took gold at the Olympics in race walking.
  • There is an unusual Internet cafe for older people on the basis of the university. In it, students teach visitors how to use the Internet and computers.

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 16.10.2008

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 211

Operator location address: 430005, Mordovia Republic, Saransk, st. Bolshevistskaya, 68

Start date of personal data processing: 01.11.1994

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Republic of Mordovia

Purpose of processing personal data: for the purpose of maintaining personnel documentation for the operator’s employees, recording information about students, and carrying out statutory activities.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: To ensure the safety and security of data, measures are taken to ensure authorization and authentication of users when working on a computer and in the environment of specialized workstations, encrypting individual data elements using DBMS, and carrying out data backup measures. Admission of users to work in the systems is carried out according to certain regulations. Manual processing of personal data is carried out only by persons who have clearance related to the performance of official duties. Card files, personal files, work books and other documents are stored in specialized locked cabinets and metal safes.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, education, profession, income,

Categories of subjects whose personal data is processed: Employees who are in an employment relationship with a legal entity, students who are in contractual and other civil relations with a legal entity.

List of actions with personal data: Automated using the BG Billing billing system, automated systems ( internal systems storage "1C: Accounting government agencies", "1C: University", "1C: Fireplace. Salary"). Data includes collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, extraction, use, deletion, destruction of personal data and is available only to a number of responsible employees. Manual processing includes work with contracts, work books, paper files of employees and students.

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, without transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for processing personal data: Guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, Chapter 14 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 2014 No. 08-1316 “On entering information into the Register of Personal Data Operators.”

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location information: Russia

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has launched an account on the Yandex.Q platform. Link: Experts from the Situation Center answer questions related to preventing the spread of coronavirus. Ask questions, distribute the link. It is important for us to convey information to every student/teacher/parent!

Based on the recommendations given by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, from March 16 to March 31, Mordovian State University canceled all public events and also switched to distance and online learning. “This format involves conducting webinars and online lectures, as well as working in the electronic information and educational environment of the university. The EIOS houses all necessary materials, the opportunity for interaction between teacher and students has been created, feedback. A similar form has already been tested and proved to be quite effective during the preparation and holding of the 2018 FIFA World Cup,” said the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva Alina Yurievna Maslova.

In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the next visit of students to the university sanatorium, which was planned for March 20-April 9, is postponed to a later date. The transfer procedure and check-in dates will be communicated additionally.

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