The concept of psychology and medical psychology. Sections of clinical psychology

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1.The concept of medical psychology




Medical psychology is relevant and one of the leading branches of modern psychology. Medical psychology is characterized by a close connection between its theoretical foundations and practical use them in solving a wide range of problems of protecting and promoting public health.

IN modern conditions aggravation social problems In our country, the deterioration of public health indicators increases the objective need to solve interrelated problems of a medical and social nature at a qualitatively new level. Objectively, the need has become ripe for the active introduction of new forms and methods of social work into the practice of health care authorities.

In the 90s XX century a new direction of social work and type of professional activities- medical and social work. The peculiarity of medical and social work is that it, as a type of professional activity, is formed at the junctions of two independent branches

Social protection of the population and healthcare. This nature of medical and social work requires special approaches to the training of specialists in social work aimed at developing the foundations of knowledge in the field of medicine and medical psychology.

The close connection between medical psychology and psychiatry is based on the commonality of the object of study, a common understanding mental illness, manifested by disorders in reflection real world and, as a consequence, disorganization of behavior or changes in it.

In solving theoretical and practical problems, a medical psychologist relies on subject knowledge, consisting of two interconnected parts. On the one hand, these are the currently accumulated ideas about the nature, structure, brain mechanisms, basic patterns individual development and manifestations of the human psyche, i.e. what is called general psychology, on the other hand, knowledge of one’s own subject, reflecting the psychological patterns of disorders and deviations in cognitive processes and a person’s personality, caused by a specific disease. In this case we are talking about medical psychology and, above all, about pathopsychology as one of its branches, formed within the framework clinical psychology. But the basis of the approach to understanding pathology (anomalies, deviations in the psyche) is a system of views about the nature of mental reflection in a healthy normal person.

The problem of the structure and dynamic characteristics of the psyche is solved in different ways by different psychological schools and is interpreted differently by representatives of various directions within the framework of their own conceptual ideas about man as a subject of reflection of the surrounding world. This is directly related to the solution of practical problems, since the psychological concept determines the methodology for studying a person, followed by a system of specific techniques for identifying the desired characteristics of the psyche in normal conditions and in pathology. In this sense, psychological methods are not neutral; they are created and implemented to identify and evaluate those components of the psyche that are adequate to the accepted psychological concept (or scientific paradigm). The choice of methodology is, first of all, a meaningful choice of a certain system of views on the essential components of the human psyche.

1. The concept of medical psychology

Medical psychology is a branch of psychology devoted to the study of the influence of mental factors on the occurrence and course of diseases, the diagnosis of pathological conditions, psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection of diseases. It is customary to distinguish two main areas of application of medical psychology: neuropsychic and somatic diseases. Based on the data obtained in medical psychology, productive hypotheses can be built about the process of normal mental development.

Medical psychology (from the Latin medicus - medical, therapeutic) is a branch of psychology that studies the psychological aspects of hygiene, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, examination and rehabilitation of patients. The field of study of Medical Psychology includes a wide range of psychological patterns associated with the occurrence and course of diseases, the influence of certain diseases on the human psyche, the provision of an optimal system of health-improving effects, and the nature of the relationship of a sick person with the macrosocial environment. The structure of Medical Psychology includes a number of sections focused on research in specific areas medical science and practical healthcare. The most common of them is clinical psychology, including pathopsychology, neuropsychology and somatopsychology. Branches of Medical psychology related to psychocorrectional work - psychohygiene, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, mental rehabilitation - are intensively developing.

Among the most important problems of Medical Psychology are the interaction of mental and somatic (bodily, physiological) processes during the occurrence and development of diseases, the patterns of formation of the patient’s idea of ​​his illness, the study of the dynamics of awareness of the disease, the formation of adequate personal attitudes related to treatment, the use of compensatory and protective mechanisms individuals for therapeutic purposes, studying the psychological impact of therapeutic methods and means (medicines, procedures, clinical and instrumental studies, surgical interventions, etc.) in order to ensure their maximum positive impact on the physical and mental state of the patient. A significant place among the issues studied by Medical Psychology is occupied by the psychological aspects of the organization of the medical environment (hospital, sanatorium, polyclinics, etc.), the study of the relationships of patients with relatives, staff and with each other. In the complex of problems of organizing therapeutic measures, of particular importance is the study of the patterns of psychological influence of a doctor during his diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive work, the rational construction of relationships between participants in the treatment process, and the prevention of iatrogenics

2. Sections of medical psychology

medical psychology science

Medical psychology includes the following sections:

1.) Pathopsychology, a branch of psychology that studies patterns of disorders mental activity and personality traits based on comparison with the patterns of their formation and course in the norm.

The formation of pathopsychology is closely intertwined with the development of psychiatry. The first experimental psychological laboratories in psychoneurological institutions were created at the end of the 19th century. German psychologist W. Wundt, Russian psychoneurologists V.M. Bekhterev and S.S. Korsakov.

At the beginning of the 20th century. The first manuals on the use of experimental psychological methods for studying mentally ill patients began to be published. In the development of pathopsychology in Russia big role played by the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky.

Pathopsychological studies have great value for a number of general methodological problems in psychology, for example, to resolve the issue of the relationship between the biological and the social in development psyche. The data from these studies show that personality disorder does not mean the “release” of its biological instincts and needs, but is characterized, first of all, by a change in human motives and needs themselves. It is also established that the patterns of the disintegration of the psyche do not repeat in reverse order the stages of its development.

Data from pathopsychological studies are used in psychiatry: as diagnostic criteria; when establishing the degree of intellectual decline; during examination (judicial, labor, military); when taking into account the effectiveness of treatment, especially when using psychopharmacological agents; when analyzing mental disorders in the case of harmful working conditions; when deciding on the restoration of lost performance.

Pathopsychology uses experimental research methods, the main principle of which is the qualitative analysis of mental disorders as an indirect and motivated activity. A pathopsychological experiment provides an opportunity to update not only mental operations, but also the motives of a sick person. Pathopsychology has received special development childhood, in which, based on Vygotsky’s position on the “zone of proximal development,” special methods were developed, in particular the method of a teaching experiment.

The methods of medical psychology, while not differing in principle from the methods of general psychology, are specified depending on the nature of the disease. Medical psychology pays special attention to medical history- analysis of the patient’s past experiences from infancy to the moment of illness.

2). Anamnesis (Greek anamnesis - memory), information about the patient’s living conditions that preceded this disease, as well as the entire history of the development of the disease.

Anamnesis is an integral part of every medical examination, often providing the necessary instructions for the diagnosis of the disease. There is a general history and anamnesis of the disease. The general history includes answers to the following groups of questions: diseases of parents and immediate relatives (hereditary diseases, malignant tumors, mental illnesses, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.); previous diseases and operations, lifestyle (marital status, nutritional conditions), habits (drinking alcohol, smoking), sex life, working conditions, all living conditions.

The history of this disease concerns the onset of the disease, its course and treatment until the day of the study. The anamnesis is collected from the story of the patient himself or those around him.

In veterinary practice, anamnesis is collected by interviewing those caring for animals, studying documentary data (medical histories, etc.). The origin of the animal and the health status of its parents, the presence of diseases in the farm to which the animal belongs, conditions of care and maintenance (characteristics of feeding, watering place, premises for the animal, operating conditions) are established. They find out previous diseases, the time of occurrence of the disease, its symptoms, cases of a similar disease on the farm, information about the treatment used.

3). The painful nature of the experience, the intractability of the pathogenic situation, the duration of the psychotraumatic stress- all these factors can be understood and explained only by taking into account individual characteristics personality and character of the patient.

Stress (from the English stress - pressure, pressure, tension),

1) in technology - an external force applied to an object and causing its deformation.

2) in psychology, physiology and medicine - a state of mental stress that occurs in a person when operating in difficult conditions (as in everyday life, and in specific circumstances, for example during space flight). The concept of stress was introduced by the Canadian physiologist G. Selye(1936) when describing adaptation syndrome.

Stress can have both positive and negative influence on activity, up to its complete disorganization, which poses the task of studying human adaptation to difficult (so-called extreme) conditions, as well as predicting his behavior, especially in such conditions..

Further development of medical psychology leads to the identification of such branches as clinical psychophysiology (clinical psychosomatology) and clinical neuropsychology, psychological problems of defectology and pathopedagogy. Medical psychology is the basis psychotherapy And mental hygiene.

4) Neuropsychology, a branch of psychology that studies the brain basis of mental processes and their connection with separate systems brain; developed as a section neurology.

For centuries, idealistic psychology proceeded from the idea of ​​the parallelism of brain (physiological) and conscious (mental) processes or from the idea of ​​interaction between these two areas, which were considered independent.

Only in the 2nd half of the 19th century. In connection with the success of studying the brain and the development of clinical neurology, the question was raised about the role of individual parts bark cerebral hemispheres brain in mental activity. Pointing out that when certain zones of the cortex of the left (leading) hemisphere are damaged in a person, certain mental processes (vision, hearing, speech, writing, reading, counting) are disrupted, neurologists have suggested that these zones of the cerebral cortex are the centers of the corresponding mental processes and that “mental functions” are localized in certain limited areas of the brain. This is how the doctrine of the localization of mental functions in the cortex was created. However, this teaching, which was of a “psychomorphological” nature, was simplified.

Modern neuropsychology proceeds from the position that complex forms of mental activity, formed in the process social development and representing the highest forms of conscious reflection of reality, are not localized in narrowly limited areas (“centers”) of the cortex, but represent complex functional systems, in the existence of which a complex of jointly working areas of the brain takes part. Each region of the brain makes a specific contribution to the construction of this functional system. Thus, the brainstem and reticular formation provide energy tone to the cortex and are involved in maintaining wakefulness. The temporal, parietal and occipital areas of the cerebral cortex are an apparatus that ensures the receipt, processing and storage of modality-specific (auditory, tactile, visual) information that enters the primary sections of each cortical zone and is processed in more complex “secondary” sections of these zones and is combined and synthesized in “tertiary” zones (or “overlap zones”), especially developed in humans. The frontal, premotor and motor areas of the cortex are an apparatus that ensures the formation of complex intentions, plans and activity programs, implements them in a system of corresponding movements and makes it possible to exercise constant control over their course.

Thus, the entire brain is involved in the performance of complex forms of mental activity.

Neuropsychology is important for understanding the mechanisms of mental processes. At the same time, by analyzing disturbances in mental activity that arise from local brain lesions, neuropsychology helps to clarify the diagnosis of local brain lesions (tumors, hemorrhages, injuries), and also serves as the basis for the psychological qualification of the resulting defect and for rehabilitation training, which is used in neuropathology And neurosurgery.

In Russia, problems of neuropsychology are dealt with at the Department of Neuropsychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, in a number of laboratories and neurological clinics. Scientists from other countries made a great contribution to the development of neuropsychology: Kh.L. Teuber and K. Pribram (USA), B. Milner (Canada), O. Zangwill (Great Britain), A. Ekaen (France), E. Weigl (GDR). Special journals “Neuropsychologia” (Oxf., since 1963) are devoted to the problems of neuropsychology. “Cortex” (Mil., since 1964), etc. There is an international society of neuropsychology.

5) Psychotherapy (from psycho... and Greek therapy - treatment), a system of mental influences aimed at treating the patient. The goal of psychotherapy is to eliminate painful deviations, change the patient’s attitude towards himself, his condition and the environment. The ability to influence the human psyche was noticed in ancient times. The formation of scientific research began in the 40s. 19th century (works of the English doctor J. Brad, who explained the effectiveness psychic influence functional features nervous system person). The theoretical justification and practical development of special methods of psychotherapy are associated with the activities of Zh.M. Charcot, V.M. Bekhterev and many others. The method had a certain influence on the development of psychotherapy psychoanalysis, which increased attention to the world of internal human experiences, to the role they play in the origin and development of diseases; however Freudianism(and earlier - in the 1st half of the 19th century - the school of “psychics” considered mental illness as a result of the “oppression of sin”), an irrational approach to understanding the nature of mental illness is inherent. Psychotherapy in the USSR is based on data from medical psychology and physiology higher nervous activity, clinical-experimental research method.

There are general and private, or special, psychotherapy. General psychotherapy is understood as a complex of psychological influences that strengthen the patient’s strength in the fight against the disease (the relationship between the doctor and the patient, the optimal psychological climate in the institution, excluding mental trauma and iatrogenic diseases, prevention and timely elimination of secondary neurotic layers that can be caused by the underlying disease). General psychotherapy is a necessary component of the treatment process for all forms of disease. Private psychotherapy is a method of treating patients with so-called borderline forms of neuropsychiatric disorders ( neuroses, psychopathy etc.), using special methods of psychotherapeutic influence: rational (explanatory) psychotherapy, suggestion in a state of wakefulness and hypnosis, distractive psychotherapy, autogenic training, collective psychotherapy, etc. (in combination with medication and other treatment methods). Psychotherapy is impossible without positive emotional contact with the patient.

6) Psychohygiene, a branch of hygiene that studies measures and means of forming, maintaining and strengthening the mental health of people and preventing mental illness. Theoretical basis Psychohygiene - social and general psychology, psychotherapy, social psychiatry and physiology higher nervous activity. The first special work “Hygiene of Passions, or Moral Hygiene” belongs to Galen. The original idea for Psychohygiene of the dependence of people’s mental health on the conditions of their social life was put forward by J.Zh. Cabanis. The founder of Psychohygiene in Russia I. P. Merzheevsky saw the most important means maintaining mental health and increasing productivity in the highest aspirations and interests of the individual. Psychohygiene in Russia is characterized by primary attention to such social measures as improving working and living conditions, the consistent formation of active socially valuable attitudes among adolescents, vocational guidance, promoting the implementation of these guidelines, as well as psychohygienic education and training in special methods of managing one’s own mental state and well-being. Important method Mental hygiene-- clinical examination persons with neuropsychic disorders. TO current challenges P. include the prevention of mental trauma in children and the development of ways to rationalize the learning process in secondary and higher school(in order to prevent neuropsychic overload). Due to the consequences scientific and technological revolution the importance of managing the psychological climate in large and small areas is increasing social groups, as well as methods for increasing the mental resilience of workers in highly complex professions. Sections of Psychohygiene: industrial (Occupational Psychohygiene), mental work, sexual life and family relationships, children and adolescents, the elderly.


Thus, the industry takes part in solving practical problems of psychiatry psychological science, which is designated as medical psychology (Currently, there is a clearly defined tendency to rename medical psychology as clinical. This is caused by the need for terminological unity at the level of international professional cooperation. In Western countries medical psychology refers to the entire context in general psychological knowledge, necessary for the doctor and making up a significant part of the content curricula training of specialists in the field of medicine. In contrast, the sphere of scientific and practical activity of a psychologist in the healthcare system is designated abroad as clinical psychology. This situation of the transition period of changing names is characterized by the use of the concepts “medical” and “clinical” psychology as synonyms in domestic literature and regulatory documents). Having its own subject and logic of development, it participates in solving problems of diagnosis, examination, and in the implementation of psychocorrectional, psychotherapeutic and rehabilitation measures aimed at adapting the patient to life in society. At the same time, psychological research contributes to the solution of theoretical problems of modern psychiatry.


1. Luria A.R. Fundamentals of neuropsychology, M., 1973;

2. Shklyar V.S. Diagnosis of internal diseases. K., 1960

3. Introduction to clinical neuropsychology, L., 1973;

4. Kerbikov O.V., Izbr. works, M., 1971, p. 300--11: About psychohygienic work at school.

5. Platonov K.I., The word as a physiological and healing factor, 3rd ed., M., 1962;

6. Psychology Dictionary. / Under the general editorship. A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. - 2nd ed. M., 1990

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Medical psychology as a science. Its contents and main sections.

Medical (clinical) psychology is a branch of psychology that was formed at the intersection with medicine; it uses knowledge of psychological patterns in medical practice: in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. In addition to studying the psyche of a sick person, to the main sections subject Clinical psychology includes the study of patterns of communication and interaction between patients and medical workers, as well as the study of psychological means of influencing patients for the purpose of preventing and treating diseases. Medical psychology can be divided into: General clinical psychology, which develops problems of the basic laws of psychology of a sick person, problems of the psychology of a doctor and the psychology of the healing process, and in addition the doctrine of the relationship between the mental and somatopsychic in a person, issues of psychohygiene, psychoprophylaxis and medical deontology are considered; Private clinical psychology, revealing the leading aspects of the psychology of patients with certain diseases, as well as the features of medical ethics; Neuropsychology – serving to solve the problems of establishing the localization of focal brain lesions; Neuropharmacology – studying the influence of medicinal substances on human mental activity; Psychotherapy– studying and using means of mental influence to treat the patient. Pathopsychology – can also be classified as clinical psychology. And finally, special psychology – studying people with abnormalities mental development which is associated with congenital or acquired defects in the formation of the nervous system (typhlopsychology for the blind, sign language psychology for the deaf, oligophrenopsychology for the mentally retarded)

The place of medical psychology in the structure of psychology.

Expand the structure of psychodiagnostic methods

Psychodiagnostics As a branch of psychology, it is focused on measuring the individual psychological characteristics of a person. It orients the researcher not towards research, but towards examination, i.e. making a psychological diagnosis, which can be established at three levels: symptomatic diagnosis (limited to the statement of features or symptoms); etiological (takes into account, in addition to the characteristics, the causes of their occurrence); typological diagnosis (determining the place and significance of the identified characteristics in the overall picture of a person’s mental life). Basic methods: observations – systematic, purposeful tracking of mental manifestations (sometimes: cross-section, longitudinal, continuous, selective, included); experiment– active intervention of the researcher in the situation. (natural, laboratory) . Additional methods: Tests – sets of tasks and questions that allow you to quickly assess a mental phenomenon and the degree of its development; modeling – creation of an artificial model of the phenomenon being studied; analysis of activity products – created things, books, letters, inventions, drawings (here - content analysis); conversation(history - information about the past, interviews, psychological questionnaires)

Principles of constructing and conducting a psychological examination


What are the indicators for making a psychological diagnosis?

Diagnosis can be established at three levels: symptomatic (empirical) diagnosis (limited to the statement of features or symptoms); etiological (takes into account, in addition to the characteristics, the causes of their occurrence); typological diagnosis (determining the place and significance of the identified characteristics in the overall picture of a person’s mental life).

The most important element is to clarify in each individual case why these manifestations are found in the behavior of the subject, what are their causes and consequences. The second stage is an etiological diagnosis, which takes into account the presence of symptoms, as well as their causes. .

Factors determining the reliability of the diagnosis.

Features of effective interaction between patient - doctor, client - psychologist.

Almost any meeting and conversation between a doctor and a patient is important for establishing and maintaining optimal psychological contact. It is especially important to conduct the first meeting professionally and competently, because... it has not only diagnostic significance, but is also important as a psychotherapeutic factor. It is important to be able to listen to the patient and note what is most important to him. When asking questions, one should avoid influences of a suggestive nature. In each specific case, the most convenient method is chosen by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition and the doctor’s experience. The doctor must be fluent in active listening techniques (non-judgmental listening, evaluative listening, wordless communication, etc.), persuasion techniques (method of choice, Socratic dialogue, authority, challenge, deficit, projection of expectation), be able to argue and even enter into conflict. Take into account the nature of the disease and from here choose the type of contact. Do not forget about the existence of the image of the “ideal patient” and the “ideal doctor” (empathetic and non-directive, empathic and directive, emotionally neutral and directive).

The main forms of interaction after contact is established are either guidance or cooperation

What are the basic ethical values ​​of a clinical psychologist?

The work of a clinical psychologist is a difficult profession. A person who devotes himself to this, of course, must also have a vocation for psychology. A psychologist must first of all be humane. The patient, first of all, has the right to expect from the psychologist a desire to help and is convinced that there cannot be another psychologist. Humanism, consciousness of duty, endurance and self-control, conscientiousness have always been considered the main characteristics of a psychologist. A clinical psychologist must have the data necessary for both a psychologist and a doctor. One of the main ethical principles should be the principle of compliance As a rule, it includes three types of information: about diseases, about intimate and about family life sick. The psychologist is not an accidental owner of this information; it is entrusted to him as a person from whom they expect help. In addition, a necessary personality trait of a psychologist is general and professional culture, including organization in work and love of order, neatness, cleanliness. All this formed into a doctrine - medical deontology. .

Professional diploma of a practical psychologist

Professionography – a description of the profession in terms of the requirements they place on a person. Covers various aspects of specific professional activities: socio-economic, technical, legal, medical and hygienic, psychological, etc. Psychogram – a brief summary of the requirements for the human psyche as a list of necessary professional abilities.

Features of providing psychological assistance to a client

Psychological assistance – region practical application psychology, focused on increasing the socio-psychological competence of people. It can be addressed to both an individual subject and a group or organization. In clinical psychology psychological assistance includes providing a person with information about his mental state, the causes and mechanisms of the appearance of mental or psychopathological phenomena in him, as well as active, targeted psychological influence on the individual in order to harmonize his mental life and adapt to the social environment. The main methods are psychological counseling, psychological correction and psychotherapy. All of them can be used either individually or in combination. P. Consulting – the main goal is scientifically organized informing the client about his psychological problems, taking into account his personal values ​​and individual characteristics in order to form an active personal position, etc. P. Correction- is understood as the activity of a specialist in correcting those personality characteristics and mental development of the client that are not optimal for him. The goal is to develop adequate and effective health and mental activity that promotes personal growth and adaptation in society. Psychotherapy – a system of complex therapeutic verbal and non-verbal influence on emotions, judgments, and self-awareness of a person in various diseases (mental, nervous, psychomatic). Types of mental influence: influence, manipulation, control, formation.

What is iatrogenic? What are the ways to prevent their occurrence?

Iatrogenesis – a general name denoting psychogenic disorders in a patient as a result of careless, wounding words of a doctor (iatrogeny proper) or his actions (iatropathy), a nurse (sororogeny), or other medical workers. Detrimental self-influences associated with prejudice towards the doctor, fears of medical examination, can also lead to similar disorders (egogeny). Deterioration in the patient's condition under the influence of undesirable influences of other patients (doubts about the correctness of the diagnosis, etc.) is designated by the term egrotogenia. Warning – increased general and professional culture medical workers, etc...

Characteristics of the main categories of medical ethics

One of the main ethical principles should be the principle of compliance medical confidentiality (confidentiality) As a rule, it includes three types of information: about diseases, about the intimate and family life of the patient. The psychologist is not an accidental owner of this information; it is entrusted to him as a person from whom they expect help.

It is known that in Russia, the founder of domestic medical psychology V.M. Bekhterev, following Wundt, who opened the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig in 1879, organized in 1885 in Kazan the second experimental psychological laboratory in Europe. Later, similar laboratories were created in St. Petersburg. Following V. M. Bekhterev in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, V. F. Chizh, S. S. Korsakov and A. A. Tokarsky, N. N. Lange, G. I. Rossolimo, A. I. Sikorsky created psychological laboratories in other cities of Russia in which they developed and experimental approaches were tested to solve problems of clinical and psychological diagnostics, in particular in psychiatry.

It is impossible not to say about the role and significance of the problem commission “Medical Psychology” created by V.N. Myasishchev at the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences in 1962. This was the period of the “thaw”, and the situation required, among other things, the “legalization” of psychology, especially in medicine. The problem commission under the leadership of V.N. Myasishchev and M.S. Lebedinsky brought together like-minded people. Largely thanks to the recommendations of the commission, new directions in official research plans, dissertations, in improving organizational forms and content of teaching work became possible, in particular at Leningrad University, where V. N. Myasishchev taught in those years. Somewhat later, for the first time, he achieved the introduction of graduate school in this, then seemingly exotic, discipline.


MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY – a branch of psychology that studies the personality and individuality of a sick person; features of mental activity, its changes in diseases; the influence of the patient’s personality on the processes of disease occurrence and recovery, as well as the relationship between the patient and medical personnel during the treatment and rehabilitation process.

Subject of study of medical psychology

According to the focus of psychological research, we can distinguish general and specific medical psychology.

General medical psychology studies general issues and includes the following sections:

1. Basic principles of the psychology of a sick person, the psychology of a medical worker, the psychology of communication between a medical worker and a patient, the psychological climate of the department.

2. Psychosomatic and somatopsychic relationships, that is, psychological factors influencing the disease, changes in psychological processes and psychological make-up personality under the influence of the disease, the influence of mental processes and personality characteristics on the occurrence and course of the disease.

3. Individual characteristics of a person and their changes in the process of life.

4. Medical deontology and bioethics.

5. Mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis, that is, the role of the psyche in promoting health and preventing disease.

6. Family psychology, mental hygiene of individuals during crisis periods of their lives (puberty, menopause). Psychology of marriage and sexual life.

7. Psychohygienic training, psychotraining of the relationship between doctor and patient.

8. General psychotherapy.

Private medical psychology studies:

1. Features of the psychology of specific patients with certain forms of disease, in particular with borderline neuropsychiatric disorders, various somatic diseases, the presence of defects of organs and systems;

2. Psychology of patients during the preparation and conduct of surgical operations and in the postoperative period;

3. Medical and psychological aspects of labor, military and forensic examination;

4. The psyche of patients with defects of organs and systems (blindness, deafness, etc.);

5. The psyche of patients with alcoholism and drug addiction;

6. Private psychotherapy.

Tasks of medical psychology:

1. psychocorrectional work (psychotherapy)

2. mental hygiene

3. psychological examination related to social and labor rehabilitation of patients

· diagnostic and treatment and treatment and rehabilitation.

Treatment and diagnostic unit includes pathopsychological, neuropsychological, somatopsychological, psychophysiological, socio-psychological diagnostics.

Treatment and rehabilitation block includes psychotherapeutic, psychocorrective, psychoprophylactic and sociotherapeutic measures.

Basic research methods in medical psychology:

Observing the patient's behavior

· experiment: laboratory and in natural conditions,

· questionnaire - questionnaire survey

· conversation with the patient (collection of facts about mental phenomena in the process of personal communication),

· interview,

· study of the patient’s products (letters, drawings, diaries, crafts, etc.)

· clinical diagnostic tests.


External surveillance is a way of collecting data about a person’s psychology and behavior through direct observation of him from the outside.

Internal surveillance, or introspection, is used when a research psychologist sets himself the task of studying the phenomenon of interest to him in the form in which it is directly presented in his mind.

Free observation does not have a pre-established framework, program, or procedure for its implementation.

Standardized observation is predetermined and clearly limited in terms of what is observed, is carried out according to a pre-thought-out program and strictly follows it, regardless of what happens during the observation process with the object or the observer himself.

Participant observation characterized by the direct participation of the observer in the process under study.

Third party surveillance does not imply personal participation of the observer in the process he is studying.

Survey is a method in which a person answers a series of questions asked to him.

Oral survey used in cases where it is desirable to observe the behavior and reactions of the person answering the questions. This type of survey allows you to penetrate deeper into human psychology than a written survey, but requires special preparation, training and a large investment of time to conduct the research.

Written survey allows you to reach more people. Its most common form is a questionnaire. But its disadvantage is that when using a questionnaire, it is impossible to take into account in advance the reactions of the respondent to the content of its questions and, based on this, change them.

Free poll- a type of oral or written survey in which the list of questions and possible answers to them is not limited in advance to a certain framework. A survey of this type allows you to flexibly change research tactics, the content of the questions asked, and receive non-standard answers to them.

Standardized survey– with it, questions and the nature of the answers to them are usually limited within a narrow framework; it is more economical in time and material costs than a free survey.

Tests are specialized methods of psychodiagnostic examination, using which you can obtain an accurate quantitative or qualitative characteristic of the phenomenon being studied. Tests require a clear procedure for collecting and processing primary data, as well as the originality of their subsequent interpretation.

Test questionnaire is based on a system of pre-thought-out questions, carefully checked from the point of view of their validity and reliability, by the answers to which one can judge psychological qualities subjects.

Test task involves assessing a person's psychology and behavior based on what he does. The subject is offered a series of special tasks, based on the results of which the presence or absence and degree of development of the quality being studied are judged.

Projective test– it is based on the mechanism of projection, according to which a person tends to attribute his unconscious qualities, especially shortcomings, to other people.

The most common personality tests

Method for studying the level of aspirations. The technique is used to study the personal sphere of patients. The patient is offered a series of tasks, numbered according to degree of difficulty. The subject himself chooses a task that is feasible for himself. The experimenter artificially creates situations of success or failure for the patient, while analyzing his reaction in these situations. To explore levels of aspiration, you can use Koos cubes.

Dembo-Rubinstein method. Used to study self-esteem. The subject, on vertical segments symbolizing health, intelligence, character, happiness, notes how he evaluates himself according to these indicators. Then he answers questions that reveal his understanding of the content of the concepts “mind”, “health”, etc.

Rosenzweig's frustration method. Using this method, personality-specific reactions in stressful situations, which allows us to draw a conclusion about the degree of social adaptation.

The method of unfinished sentences. The test belongs to the group of verbal projective methods. One version of this test includes 60 unfinished sentences that the test taker must complete. These sentences can be divided into 15 groups; as a result, the subject’s relationships with parents, people of the opposite sex, superiors, subordinates, etc. are explored.

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) consists of 20 plot paintings. The subject must write a story about each picture. You can obtain data about perception, imagination, the ability to comprehend content, the emotional sphere, the ability to verbalize, psychological trauma, etc.

The book includes full course lectures on medical psychology, written in accessible language and will be an indispensable assistant for those who want to quickly prepare for the exam and pass it successfully. Designed for college students, medical universities.

Subject, structure and tasks of medical psychology

Subject of study of medical psychology

Psychology is the science of the psyche as a function of the brain, which consists in reflecting objective reality. In the process of studying, psychology was divided into general, which studies individual mental processes, and private (special), including such branches as pedagogical, legal, medical and many others. Medicine, like many other sciences, is developing rapidly; in the work of doctors and nurses, a large amount of the latest equipment and various monitoring tools appear that allow improving the quality of the diagnostic and treatment process. Patients are not always prepared for the effects of various devices and the peculiarities of new treatment methods. In connection with the progress of medical science, a new term has appeared - “psychology of treating patients.” The subject and goal of the psychology of treating patients is the ability to consider the fate of the patient in the medical environment around him. At the beginning of his illness, a person fights his illness on his own. After a certain period of time, when his own strength is exhausted, medical workers resort to the process of struggle. The focus of the psychology of treating patients is the issue of interaction between the patient and the environment of the medical institution, the formation of relationships between the patient and the doctor, the nurse and the patient, and the triple alliance: doctor-sister-patient. In matters of medical interaction, sometimes the following understanding of the process develops: the doctor treats the patient, and the nurse cares for him. However, this is not an entirely correct understanding of the issue: the distribution of work between the doctor and the nurse largely depends on local conditions and the nature of the medical institution. In addition, the nurse has a psychological impact on the patient no less than the doctor, since the duration of her communication with the patient is often longer.

Structure of medical psychology

Medical psychology can be divided into general and specific. General medical psychology deals with such issues as the study of changes in the human psyche caused by a particular disease with the development of criteria for a healthy psyche, a sick psyche and a temporarily altered one; psychology of behavior of medical workers in general and doctors in particular, psychological climate of medical institutions various types; the influence of the psyche on physical condition human and vice versa, i.e. psychosomatic and somato-psychic interactions; the main features that characterize a person’s individuality (temperament, character, personality) and their possible changes in the process of ontogenesis; ethics and deontology in the activities of medical workers, including issues of medical duty and medical confidentiality; issues of mental hygiene, including the psychology of family, marriage, sexual life, the psychology of interpersonal relationships of a person during crisis periods of his life (adolescence, menopause, senility); issues of psychotherapy, psychotraining, psychological consultations.

Private medical psychology studies the individual characteristics of certain patients. She studies the peculiarities of the course of mental processes in individuals with mental pathology; in persons suffering from diseases requiring surgical interventions, especially during periods such as preparation for surgery and the postoperative period; psychological characteristics persons suffering from birth defects, especially if it concerns sensory organ defects that lead to disability; psychological characteristics of citizens during various types of examinations, including military medical, judicial, medical and social, mental characteristics persons suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction, as well as mental characteristics of patients with any other somatic pathology. Pathopsychology finds maximum application in psychiatric practice, neuropsychology in neurological practice, and psychosomatics in somatic practice.

Medical psychology is a relatively young branch of knowledge, and therefore various interpretations of its content and functions arise. Not long ago, medical psychology was included in the compulsory curriculum for medical students, and until now it was an elective course. In most developed countries, the concept of clinical psychology is not widespread. In our country, clinical psychology is considered as part of medicine. In the United States of America, the term “clinical psychology” is used, the sections of which are psychotherapy, psychodiagnostics, psychohygiene, rehabilitation, psychosomatics, as well as some sections of defectology. In Poland, the term “medical psychology” is used, and its subsections include psychotherapy, psychocorrection, restorative medicine, and rehabilitation. In Russia, the following division of medical psychology into areas of knowledge is most popular: clinical psychology, mental hygiene, psychoprophylaxis. Clinical psychology includes neuropsychology, pathopsychology and psychosomatics.

Tasks of medical psychology

The main task of medical psychology is to study the psyche and behavioral characteristics of the patient and those around him, relatives and medical personnel at different stages of their communication. These stages may be awareness of the very fact of any problems in the body that require medical intervention, the moment of making the decision to see a doctor, the patient’s reaction to the fact of realizing that he is sick and needs outside help, attitude towards the scope of prescribed treatment and examination, and also a possible prognosis regarding life, health and ability to work, forecasting one’s future significance in the family, at work and in society as a whole, internal adaptation of the sick person’s psyche to the described problems. All related problems of interaction between the patient and medical personnel are considered and assessed in the light of the main task - providing the maximum possible and effective care to the patient. At the same time, she studies the problems of medicine in the psychological aspect and the methods of psychology in the medical aspect. The activities of medical psychology are reflected in the activities of various parts of the healthcare system: outpatient clinics, hospitals, sanatoriums, pharmacies, at different stages of medical personnel training, research work, in the field of healthcare organization and some other aspects. Medical psychology is developing in close cooperation with psychotherapy, psychiatry, neurology, neurosurgery, deaf psychology, oligophrenopedagogy, occupational therapy, etc.

Thus, medical psychology, like all psychology in general, can be divided into general and specific. The task of general medical psychology is to study the relationship between the personality of the patient and the doctor. The issue of private medical psychology is the development various methods treatment in specific application to certain areas of medicine. General and specific medical psychology are closely intertwined with philosophical, biological, sociological and many other disciplines.

Medical psychology

(from Latin medicus - medical, therapeutic) - a branch of psychology that studies the psychological aspects of hygiene, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, examination and rehabilitation of patients. The field of medical research includes a wide range of psychological patterns associated with the occurrence and course of diseases, the influence of certain diseases on the human psyche, the provision of an optimal system of health-improving effects, and the nature of the relationship of a sick person with the microsocial environment. The structure of medical sciences includes a number of sections focused on research in specific areas of medical science and practical healthcare. The most common of them is, including pathopsychology, neuropsychology And somatopsychology. The branches of medical education related to psychocorrectional work are intensively developing: , , , .

Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: “PHOENIX”. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .

Medical psychology Etymology.

Comes from the Greek. psyche - soul, logos - teaching.


Section of psychology.


Dedicated to the study of the influence of mental factors on the occurrence and course of diseases, diagnosis of pathological conditions, psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection of diseases. Based on the data obtained in medical psychology, productive hypotheses can be built about the process of normal mental development.


It is customary to distinguish two main areas of application of medical psychology: neuropsychic and somatic diseases.

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.


(English) medical psychology) - a branch of psychological science aimed at solving theoretical and practical problems related to psychoprevention of diseases, diagnosis of diseases and pathological conditions, psychocorrectional forms of influence on the recovery process, solving various expert issues, social and labor rehabilitation of patients. Medical science studies the influence of mental factors on the occurrence and course of diseases, and on the process of people’s recovery.

Modern medicine is divided into two main areas. One is associated with the use of psychology in the clinic of neuropsychiatric diseases, where the main problem is to study the influence on the patient’s psyche of changes in the structure and functioning of the brain, caused by lifetime acquired pathology, or determined by congenital, in particular genetic, anomalies. Dr. the field of M. p. is associated with its use in the clinic of somatic diseases, where the main problem is the influence mental states(factors) on somatic processes (see. ).

The deepest development in domestic psychology received the 1st region of M. p., which manifested itself in the emergence of 2 scientific disciplines: neuropsychology(Luria A.R.) and experimental pathopsychology(Zeigarnik B.IN.). Development within the framework of these scientific disciplines of fundamental theoretical problems - brain organization higher mental functions, the relationship between the development and decay of mental activity, etc. - made it possible to lay the scientific foundations for the active participation of mental health in solving diagnostic, experimental and rehabilitation problems.

The second area of ​​mental health is less developed, which is primarily due to insufficient scientific development of issues related to the nature and mechanisms of interaction between somatic (bodily) and mental processes. One of the most important is the problem of studying the relationship between doctor and patient. Currently, the efforts of psychologists, physiologists, doctors, biologists, and others are combined to develop problems in this area of ​​medical science.

M. p. plays a big role in the development of psychological science itself, since in pathology m. what is often hidden in the norm is often revealed. MP is the most important area of ​​practical application of psychological science, one of the sources of new psychological knowledge. Cm. . (Yu. F. Polyakov.)

Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .

See what “medical psychology” is in other dictionaries:

    Medical Psychology- a branch of psychology devoted to the study of the influence of mental factors on the occurrence and course of diseases, diagnosis of pathological conditions, psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection of diseases. It is customary to distinguish two main areas of application... ... Psychological Dictionary

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    Medical psychology- a branch of psychology that studies the role of the psyche in the occurrence, manifestations and course of human diseases and the restoration of his health. The first attempt to substantiate M. p. belongs to the German psychologist and philosopher of the 19th century R. G. Lotze. Most... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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    PSYCHOLOGY- PSYCHOLOGY, the science of the psyche, personality processes and their specifically human forms: perception and thinking, consciousness and character, speech and behavior. Soviet P. builds a coherent understanding of the subject of P. on the basis of the development of the ideological heritage of Marx... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

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    PSYCHOLOGY- (from psychology... and...logy), the science of the patterns, mechanisms and facts of the mental life of humans and animals. The main theme of the psychological thought of antiquity and the Middle Ages is the problem of the soul (On the soul of Aristotle, etc.). In the 17th and 18th centuries. based on... ... Modern encyclopedia

    Psychology- (from psychology... and...logy), the science of the patterns, mechanisms and facts of the mental life of humans and animals. The main theme of psychological thought in antiquity and the Middle Ages is the problem of the soul (“On the Soul” by Aristotle and others). In the 17th and 18th centuries. based on... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

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