Self-education reports for kindergarten teachers. Report on self-education of a kindergarten teacher

Below is an approximate form of a report on the topic of self-education for a kindergarten teacher “Formation of the fundamentals pedagogical excellence"

The topic of self-education “Formation of the foundations of pedagogical skills” was not chosen by me by chance. Since I became a teacher not so long ago (specify deadline), then self-education on this topic is very important to me.

In order to achieve mastery in pedagogical activity, you need to study a lot, get to know the child’s psyche, the age-related characteristics of children’s development. I believe that in a year or two you cannot reach the pinnacle of pedagogical excellence, but you can try to understand the soul of a child, unravel the motives of his actions, and learn to direct his activities in the right direction.

You can’t do without a theoretical basis when studying this issue. The following literature helped in the study of this topic:

...list the literature studied

The information on the following sites was useful:

...list helper sites

In addition, during the year I visited methodological associations at the municipal level, open classes, held in our kindergarten, from which I learned a lot of new and interesting things for myself. Particularly valuable in terms of studying the topic “Formation of the foundations of pedagogical skills” was the review of the forms of work of educational activities by teachers with extensive teaching experience working in our kindergarten (indicate full name of teachers).

In February of this year, I prepared a consultation for the teachers of our kindergarten “Formation of the foundations of pedagogical skills.” During it, it was noted that the teachercan become a professional if he has a set of abilities, knowledge, abilities and skills necessary to effectively apply in practice the means and methods of pedagogical cooperation he has chosen, and takes responsibility for the results of his work.

In the same month, an open screening was organized for teachers of our preschool institution (indicate the topic of the open lesson). As a result of viewing, the kindergarten teachers agreed that I do not have enough teaching experience, but I have teaching abilities.

In March, I took part in the “Professional Skills Competition for Preschool Education Teachers”, in which I took... a place in the “Pedagogical Debut” category. Participation in the competition gave me self-confidence and confirmed that I am on the right path, but at the same time it showed that I have something to strive for and someone to look up to.

In April-May, for the first time I participated in the preparation and implementation of a project on the theme: “This Victory Day!” (indicate the topic of your project). Preparation of the project became a significant event in my teaching career, because... in a short time she had to find out for herself and tell the children about the heroes of her fellow countrymen, arouse the children’s interest in the history of Russia, and make them proud of their people.

One of the most important indicators of mastery is the ability to activate students, develop their abilities, independence, and inquisitiveness. To do this, in the group throughout academic year I carried out experimental, individual work taking into account the children’s hobbies, read educational literature, tried to alternate working methods, and stimulate the activity of the pupils. It became a rule for me: “You can’t repeat yourself, you need to constantly find new, original ways to communicate with students.”

Thanks to observations of the work of kindergarten teachers, their advice and instructions, as well as the study of specialized literature, I formed an idea of ​​​​the skill of a kindergarten teacher. I concluded that teaching is an art of education that requires constant improvement.

Making a plan

self-education of a teacher.

The system of work of teachers for self-education:

At the beginning of the school year, each teacher develops individual plan work for the academic year in accordance with the chosen topic of self-education and the annual plan preschool work. Together with the senior teacher, report forms on this topic are selected. During the year, teachers record their work on self-education in a self-education notebook (or printed sheets recording the activities carried out...).

During the academic year, preschool teachers, following their self-education plan, work on the chosen topic:

  • Study the necessary literature.
  • They attend RMOs to gain work experience.
  • They speak at teacher councils, seminars, conduct consultations for colleagues, and master classes.
  • They conduct additional work with children: diagnostics of children’s knowledge, skills and abilities on their topic at the beginning and end of the school year, classes, conversations, holidays and entertainment, exhibitions of children’s work, and clubs.

At the end of the school year, all teachers draw up a report on the work done on the topic of self-education and present it at the final teacher council.

1 page – Title page:

“Teacher self-education plan”

(Full name of teacher)

___________ _______________

Topic: "_______________________________"

(topic name)


(academic year)


(age group)

Artistic design of the self-education plan is allowed, taking into account these requirements.

Page 2 –

Topic: "..."

Target: "…"


  1. Increase your own level of knowledge by...(studying the necessary literature, visiting GMOs, self-education...)
  2. Develop a long-term plan for working with children
  3. Prepare diagnostics for the beginning and end of the school year
  4. Organize the work of the circle, create a curriculum.
  5. Create a corner in the group.....
  6. Prepare (conduct) a consultation for teachers on the topic “...”, a speech at pedagogical council No.... on the topic "...",
  7. Prepare (take part) in the seminar…..
  8. Prepare material (conduct) a master class for teachers on the topic: “”


Forms of work

With children





Diagnosis of children's neurodevelopmental disorders

Organize the work of the circle, create a curriculum,

Literature Study


classes, conversations in accordance with the work plan of the circle



Create a corner in the group.....

Design of the transfer folder. Topic: "..."



Prepare (conduct) a master class for teachers on the topic: “...”



Entertainment "..."



Writing a report on the work done during the academic year and presenting it at the teachers' meeting.

Speech at parent meeting with a report on the work done for the academic year


exhibition of children's works

Organize the work of the circle for the next academic year, create a curriculum

Consultation for parents: "..."



Theme output:

ü Conducting an open lesson. (collective viewing...) Topic: "..." (month)

ü Prepare (participate, conduct) a seminar. Topic: "..." (month)

ü Conduct a master class for teachers on the topic: “...”

ü Design of the transfer folder. Topic: "..." (month)

ü Collection of consultations for parents. Topic "..."

ü Report on the work done for the academic year.



"Notebook for self-education"


(Full name of teacher)

___________ _______________


(started with...)

1 page –

Self-education topic: “…” ( academic year ), (age group)

You can write it in table form:

Forms of work

With children

With teachers


With parents


You can fill out the notebook in free form, taking into account the proposed forms of work.

Requirements for self-education teachers in preparation for certification:

ü Work on the topic of self-education for at least 1 year;

ü Studying scientific and methodological literature;

ü Development of long-term plans, lesson notes on the topic;

ü Creation of a modern subject-development environment in the group;

ü Carrying out diagnostics on mastering the program for this section;

ü Acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience in the region, city;

ü Conducting open screenings at preschool educational institutions or at the district level;

ü Training in advanced training courses;

ü Giving a report on work experience at the teachers' council, participating in seminars and consultations;

ü Active participation in the work of the methodological association of the district;

ü Participation in teaching skills competitions in preschool educational institutions and the region;

ü Generalization of work experience on the topic of self-education.

Memo for analyzing the self-education process:

  1. Did the plan pay off? How it was combined with the tasks of the preschool educational institution and the individual topic of self-education. Was the research work planned?
  2. Whose teaching experience and on what issues was studied in accordance with the individual topic of self-education. Stages of material development. What literature was studied: psychological, pedagogical, scientific, etc.
  3. Practical conclusions after studying a specific topic (thesis, reports, etc.)
  4. Creative collaboration (with a teacher, methodologist...)
  5. A list of questions that turned out to be difficult in the process of studying literature and work experience. Setting new tasks.

Long-term plan for teacher self-education.

Full name _____________________________________

Group______________________________ Work experience______________

Academic year

Self-education topic

Report form and deadline

Date of completion "____" ___________________ 200 ____ year

The teacher’s report on self-education is an important element of the work, and therefore deserves detailed study and consideration. Here are a few important points to show the main elements and the structure of their composition. Let us note that all school teachers and teachers of preschool educational institutions should engage in self-education.

Theoretical background

How to write a teacher report on self-education? Let's look for the answer to this question together. If the topic chosen is a question related to the application didactic games When working with younger preschoolers, the following points can be included in the report.

In the process of working with children, conducting a study of the characteristics of their psychology and physiology, it was found that the activity of preschoolers in ordinary life, in the classroom, has a reproducing nature.

Kids practically don’t ask questions; after completing a lesson, they don’t always continue the conversation on the topic discussed; they don’t try to apply the skills acquired during the lessons in practical activities.

In the teacher’s report on self-education, it was decided to include the experience that was gained after the introduction of didactic games into the activities of preschoolers.

Unfortunately, at present there is a tendency towards a decrease in cognitive interest and the need to acquire new skills and knowledge, as a result logical thinking preschoolers are poorly developed; they do not want and do not know how to think.

According to the new Federal educational standards developed for preschool institutions, the prerequisites for the emergence of universal educational activities. To ensure that classes bring joy and satisfaction to children, it was decided to use didactic games in mathematics and fine arts classes.

This kind of activity allows you to do educational material interesting, helps create a joyful working mood in the classroom.

While being carried away by the game, the child does not notice that he is faced with complex tasks that involve a serious thought process.

That is why the report on self-education of a preschool teacher concerns the analysis of the effectiveness of using didactic games for the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers.

The purpose of self-education

For the work, the opportunity was chosen to stimulate cognitive interest in preschoolers by involving them in play activities.

The report on the teacher’s self-education plan was written taking into account the identified tasks:

  • study the literature on pedagogy and psychology regarding didactic games;
  • identify the essence of the concepts " cognitive activity", "didactic game", "activation of cognition";
  • get acquainted with the existing experience in the field of using didactic games in preschool educational institutions;
  • test the formulated hypothesis in practice;
  • develop a card index of didactic games.

Before compiling a report on the self-education of a preschool teacher, methodological literature on the analyzed problem was studied:

  • book "Educational games for younger children" preschool age» edited by Boguslavskaya Z. M.;
  • collection “Games and game exercises for speech development” edited by Shvaiko G. S.

It was decided to include the results of the primary and final monitoring related to the issue under consideration in the creative report on the educator’s self-education.

Observations of children have shown that they have the following difficulties:

  • inability to systematize and generalize phenomena and objects;
  • lack of skills to logically substantiate your thoughts;
  • problems with identifying the main facts in the preparation of proposals.

What did the self-education teacher’s report show? The use of didactic games helps to activate cognitive processes. This occurs by selectively directing the child’s attention to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality. Children of senior preschool age have developed a need to acquire new knowledge and practical skills; they have ceased to be passive listeners in the classroom.

The teacher’s report can also include information that speech has improved and the aesthetic and moral feelings of preschoolers have been enriched after using didactic games.

The work was carried out in three main areas:

  • creation of a subject-development environment in the group;
  • working with children;
  • conversations with parents.

First direction

During the analyzed period, several play aids were prepared for children of senior preschool age:

  • to activate the thought process: “Guess the shapes”, “The odd one out”, “Assemble the Christmas tree”;
  • for the development of thinking: “Find identical mittens”, “Invite guests to a tea party”;
  • for memory and perception: “Collect the picture”, “Find the difference”, “Guess the hero”;
  • for creative imagination: “Wonderful transformations”, “Unusual portrait”.

Second direction

Work with preschoolers was carried out to develop the following cognitive abilities:

  • thinking;
  • attention;
  • memory and perception;
  • speeches;
  • creative imagination.

Activities were built step by step, taking into account individual and age characteristics pupils. When choosing didactic games, the mental capabilities of preschoolers, as well as their interest in various games, were taken into account. To attract the attention of children, unusual moments were used, for example, children had to help the hero cope with the task.

Extended day group

Recently, educational institutions have organized not only educational activities for the guys primary school, but also offers extracurricular work expressed in the group extended day. Like all the other employees educational institution, the teacher draws up a work plan and engages in self-education. The report of the GPA teacher on self-education includes a description of the extracurricular activities which he carries out in his daily work.

For example, you can indicate those activities that were invented for junior schoolchildren, note their purpose, main tasks, implementation.


The specificity of educational and educational work is that, in addition to lesson plans, teachers and educators must engage in self-education.

Such activities contribute to the formation of professional competencies in teaching staff, gives them the opportunity to use innovative educational technologies in their work.

The professional standard created for teachers and educators also involves systematic self-education of teaching staff.

The role of the microenvironment in the formation of social and moral qualities of preschool children. Development of communication skills through role-playing games

Efimenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher of the speech therapy group of MBDOU d/s No. 18 “Alenka”, Safonovo

Description of material: Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a report on self-education on the topic: “The role of the microenvironment in the formation of social and moral qualities of preschool children. Development of communication skills with the help of role-playing games.”
This material will be useful for teachers of preschool institutions.

Target:increasing your theoretical level, professional skills and competence on this topic.

The topic of self-education is “The role of the microenvironment in the formation of social and moral qualities of preschool children. Development of communication skills with the help of role-playing games” was not chosen by me by chance. Since recently teachers and parents have increasingly noted with alarm that many preschoolers experience serious difficulties in communicating with peers, self-education on this topic is very important to me.
In order to achieve mastery in teaching, you need to study a lot, get to know the child’s psyche, and the age-related characteristics of children’s development.
Various aspects of the game were constantly the subject of careful and detailed study. Games in the moral education of children are considered in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, J. Levy, R. Kaitz, J. Piaget, K.D. Ushinsky, J. Huizinga. Psychological analysis The role of play in moral education and personality development was given by L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin. Game as a means of forming a personality and developing its potentials is explored in the works of N.P. Anikeeva, O.S. Gazman, T.E. Konnikova, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, I.I. Frishman, S.A. Shmakov and many others .
Working with preschool children, I came to the conclusion that many children need correction of relationships with peers. And since play is the leading activity of preschool children, the easiest way to do this is in the process of role-playing play. Plot-role-playing play plays a leading role in the formation of positive relationships among children and the formation of positive moral qualities in the personality of preschool children.

In order to get started, I studied the methodological literature:
I took the Basic General Education Program as a basis for my work. preschool education“From birth to school” (N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.
“Moral education of preschool children in kindergarten” edited by V. G. Nechaeva and T. A. Markova (I identified and set goals and objectives for myself in play activity aimed at developing the moral qualities of preschoolers).
“If you sow a habit, you will reap a character” L.I. Kaplan (I learned and applied in my work the experience of a teacher in developing useful habits in children).
“Raising Children in Play” by A.K. Bondarenko, A.I. Matusik (this manual helped me master the technique of involving children in play, helping them understand moral norms and ideas).
“A Child in Kindergarten” by T.I. Babaev (the book helped me in choosing games and game situations for the formation of moral qualities).
“The Role of Play in Raising Children” by A.P. Usov (the book helped me understand the importance of play in the moral development of preschool children).
“Organization of story-based play in kindergarten” N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova (organization of independent play activities)
“Plot-role-playing games for preschool children” by N.V. Krasnoshchekova. (organization of independent gaming activities)

Based on the literature studied above, I chose the path that seemed to me the most correct - to cultivate the following moral qualities in preschoolers: culture of behavior, humane relationships (kindness, responsiveness, caring attitude), the desire to provide help through play.
In accordance with modern requirements for preschool education and upbringing, I formulated The goal of my work is to develop positive interpersonal relationships in the process of role-playing games.

To achieve this goal, I set the following tasks:
studying psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue;
creation of a subject-game environment that meets modern requirements and promoting the development of independent play activities;
mastering modern technologies and methods of organizing the game;
development of long-term planning and conducting role-playing games in speech therapy group;
classification of games for the education of moral qualities and preparation of their support;
conducting diagnostics for the education of moral qualities;
increasing the competence of parents in the matter of moral education of children;
increasing personal competence in this matter.

A game can contribute to the development of moral qualities only if a number of conditions are met:
proper organization and management of the game;
correctly formulated motivation;
a variety of children's games aimed at developing positive qualities preschoolers, their aesthetics and attractiveness;
accounting individual characteristics child and his interests.

When solving the assigned problems, the following methods and techniques were used:
organization of life and play development situations that provide children with the opportunity to gain experience in moral behavior and friendly attitude towards peers and close adults;
performances with toys, showing children examples of correct behavior and relationships in kindergarten and in the family;
communication and joint activities with the teacher - as a means of establishing trust, enriching social ideas and experience of interaction;
observation of the actions and relationships of adults in kindergarten (cook, nanny, doctor, janitor, teacher);
figurative games - imitations, round dances, theatrical, active, didactic, construction - for the development of emotional responsiveness and the joy of communicating with peers;
reading poetry, fairy tales on the themes of kindness, love for parents, caring for animals (educational methodology " Good fairy tales»);
examination of plot pictures, illustrations in order to enrich social ideas about people (adults and children), orientation in the immediate environment (in a group, preschool educational institution and in the family);
plot-role-playing games that unite children with a common plot, game actions, and the joy of reflecting the roles of adults.

Working on the topic, I developed planning for role-playing games, taking into account the capabilities of the kindergarten and taking into account the characteristics of preschool children in the speech therapy group.
I also made a card index of role-playing games. In the process of work, centers for the games “Doctor Aibolit”, “Shop”, “Hairdressing Salon”, “Library” were designed, which are replenished and expanded taking into account age characteristics, development and formation stages of the game.
In preschool age, role-playing play is the leading activity, and communication becomes its part and condition. Children, of course, do not always find the right ways to establish relationships. Conflicts often arise between them, when each defends his own desire, regardless of the desires and rights of his peers. But it is at this age that the child discovers the truth that without empathy for another, without concession to another, he himself remains a loser. In play, the child finds himself in a relationship of dependence on other children.

In my work, I used the following principles for organizing play in a children’s group:
development of independence and self-organization in children;
developing the ability to agree on the theme of the game;
independent distribution of roles;
discussion of the main plot development;
preparing the gaming environment.

In February of this year, I developed a synopsis of a plot-based role-playing game in preparatory group“Defenders of the maritime borders of our Motherland are military sailors!” the purpose of which was to develop in children the ability to combine various thematic plots into a single game plot.

During the organization and conduct of the role-playing game, the following tasks were solved:
- cultivate friendly relationships and a sense of collectivism in children;
- to cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards soldiers, which is expressed in imitation of them in agility, speed, courage, and the desire to be like them;
- to form patriotic feelings in children based on familiarization with the military actions of our people;
- expand the range of children's games;
- learn to play together (discuss the plot, come up with new roles and game actions);
- help create a game environment taking into account the theme of the game and an imaginary situation;
- learn to name your role, verbally define the events depicted;
- activate in children vocabulary: captain, ship, navigator, boatswain, radio operator, radiogram, route, fleet, anchor, porthole, cook;
- develop in children creative thinking, imagination, fantasy;
- develop speech and role interaction, coherent monologue and dialogic speech;
- develop strength, agility, endurance, motor and communication abilities.

Thus, role-playing games can become the basis for developing positive communication skills between a child and his peers. In conclusion, I would like to note that systematic work on developing communication skills through role-playing games helps improve social status child. The nature of future relationships of preschool children in society largely depends on how communication skills are developed and the ability to manage one’s emotions.

Assessment of children's awareness of moral standards in a speech therapy group, 2014 – 2015 academic year.
1.High level:
*beginning of the school year - 20%
*end of the academic year - 60%
2. Intermediate level:
*beginning of the school year - 30%
*end of the academic year - 30%
3. Low level:
*beginning of the school year - 50%
*end of the academic year - 10%

I consider the most important indicator of the effectiveness of my work: when words of gratitude are heard from children, without my prompting, positive and negative actions are evaluated, when a child is sincerely happy when achieving a positive result in a game, all this lets me know that little “sprouts” “Morals are sown in the souls of children, forming conscious moral actions. I believe that the direction of work I have chosen will help children in the future adapt painlessly to the new conditions of school life.

A modern teacher of a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution), living in a world of rapidly spreading innovative technologies, simply has to be aware of current development trends. Self-education, working on yourself, learning new things pedagogical technologies and knowledge, honing one’s skills is a necessity for every worker in the teaching field.

The concept of self-education: goals and forms

The very specifics of a teacher’s work, aimed at the upbringing and development of children, obliges him to constantly engage in a creative search for non-standard solutions, self-education, improvement of professional skills, as well as personal qualities. A good specialist cannot be passive: competence and initiative are required of him every day.

In addition, the level of proficiency in topics and plans in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) educational standards) directly affects the competence, qualifications and even monetary remuneration of a specialist. We should not forget that parents, when choosing an educational institution that can provide optimal conditions for the development of their child, are primarily interested in the level of creative activity and professionalism of the teachers working there.

The need for self-education is a characteristic quality of a developed personality, a necessary element of its spiritual life. Considering highest form To satisfy the cognitive needs of an individual, self-education is associated with the manifestation of significant volitional efforts, a high degree of consciousness and organization of a person, and the assumption of internal responsibility for one’s self-improvement.

G. M. Kodzhaspirova, A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov

"Pedagogical Dictionary"

Goals and directions of work

A necessary condition for improving the work of a preschool institution is the organization of advisory assistance to educators who have encountered any problem in their work with children or are striving to master more effective pedagogical methods. A senior educator or methodologist will give wise advice, suggest practical methods for solving the issue that has arisen, but the success of the work done will decisive degree will depend on the initiative and interest of the teacher himself, his personal efforts and desire to develop.

The work of a teacher requires constant expansion of knowledge and skillset

Self-education is a conscious, active cognitive and creative activity of a teacher, aimed at enriching his professional knowledge and improving methodological techniques for working with children that correspond to the modern level of development of pedagogy and psychology. Outdated working methods can hinder the harmonious development of the modern generation of children. The teacher purposefully plans for him to master during the school year a thematic area that causes him professional difficulties or represents an issue of deep interest.

The main areas of work to improve professional competence:

    awareness of innovations in the base of regulatory documentation related to the preschool educational level;

    familiarization with educational literature and methodological recommendations;

    awareness of the latest scientific achievements in the field of pedagogical thought, developmental psychology and child physiology;

    studying modern comprehensive and partial programs, the latest pedagogical technologies, proprietary methods, as well as the best practices of other preschool institutions;

    qualitative expansion of personal educational horizons, improvement of general cultural level.

Forms of self-education

Forms of self-education include the following types of activities:

    working with the library collection, reading special periodicals, monographs, creating your own thematic card index;

    fruitful work with other teachers in the framework of methodological seminars, scientific conferences, psychological trainings;

    seeking professional advice at educational centers for retraining and advanced training, at specialized departments of higher educational institutions;

    cooperation with the regional information center for psychological, diagnostic and developmental techniques.

The head of a preschool organization is faced with the task of creating a creative atmosphere that would encourage each teacher to self-education, awaken the desire to create, search, experiment, learn and help others. In the methodological corner, the senior teacher completes the fund specialized literature to help teachers:

    periodicals are systematized by year of publication and thematic collections;

    Each book from the library catalog is accompanied by an additional annotation with a list of issues that are considered by the author.

A senior educator, due to his experience and competence, can provide his less experienced colleague with the following methodological and advisory assistance:

    determine the topic, specify goals and objectives;

    plan your self-education work;

    competently present current information on the progress of planned events (games, classes, excursions, holidays, etc.) and actions (studying literature, consulting work with parents, preparing presentations and participating in practical seminars);

    summarize, analyze the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the work done.

Planned professional development of teachers takes place every five years in special courses, and in the period between courses it becomes relevant independent work each teacher, carried out under the patronage of a senior teacher or preschool methodologist educational organization. Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution must necessarily include the exchange of experience with other colleagues on issues of education and training, and the organization of the pedagogical process.

Key aspects of self-education

Teacher self-education activities can be divided into certain periods to simplify planning and subsequent analysis.

Table: structural content of self-education for kindergarten teachers

Periods of activity

Teacher's actionsArea of ​​competence of the senior educator/methodologist
Awareness of internal motivation for self-education, the need to expand professional horizons and areas of competence, defining goals and objectives.Diagnostic research and multifaceted analysis of the teacher’s activities. Conducting an individual conversation and questionnaire in order to identify the range of professional interests, creative abilities and inclinations.
PlanningTopic selection, definition important aspects, indicating the main stages, forms and methods of work, design long-term plan work.Consulting and methodological support on issues that arise, depending on the experience and qualifications of the teacher.
Educational activitiesAcquaintance with theoretical aspects and study of methodological literature on the selected problem.Selection of educational and methodological literature, video recordings of master classes and classes, design of a thematic stand and exhibition with visual material.
Practical activitiesPreparing and conducting classes, games, projects with children, producing additional teaching aids.Attendance, diagnosis and assessment practical experience teacher
Summing upFilling workbook about the theoretical preparation done and the experience of practical implementation, a report folder with data on the dynamics of children’s results, the organization of an exhibition of children’s works, a creative report or presentation. Final report at the pedagogical council, methodological seminar, conference for the exchange of experience.Advisory assistance in documenting the results of the work done, replenishing the information bank methodological manuals.

Tips for organizing self-education:

    it is advisable to have a special workbook and write down in it the most important innovative proposals of various educational methods, including copyright;

    it is advisable to choose topics that will have practical implementation and will help in solving a real educational or educational problem;

    self-education involves forming your own judgments on a particular topic, so it is important to learn how to comprehensively analyze the issue being studied;

    In order to timely identify gaps in your own knowledge and adjust your actions, you need to seek advice and help from your colleagues.

Photo gallery: design of a self-education workbook (example)

Cover The topic must be indicated Justification of the relevance of the topic, goal setting Work plan for September Work plan for October Work plan for November Work plan for December Work plan for January Work plan for February Work plan for March Work plan for April Work plan for May References

Features of planning work on self-education

In self-education, a specialist may encounter typical problems that arise during independent individual work. There are certain recommendations for solving them.

Table: possible problems in self-education and their solutions

Questions that may arise

Recommendations for solution
It is difficult to define and formulate a topicIdentify the key problem that is significant to you in the near future. Observations of students, analysis of the work done, and research into the level of development of practical skills in children will help diagnose the most important issues. At the topic formulation stage, take into account regulatory documents (state standards, training programs).
Difficulties in choosing the necessary methodological literatureViewing the table of contents and annotations will help you quickly navigate the contents of the book, and therefore will help you evaluate the degree of usefulness of this source for you personally. Clearly define for yourself the range of questions to which you are looking for an answer. Start your search with more traditional methods, gradually move on to reviewing and discussing modern technologies, in the choice of which take into account the positive experience of your colleagues.
Difficulties in comprehending the teaching material readUse note-taking practice in the form of writing down key points. As you work, try to systematize the information: highlight the main facts, concepts and thoughts that may be useful in practical activities, record your questions and comments. Use explanatory dictionaries, reference sources for understanding the meaning of unknown terms.

The problem of choosing a topic according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

For beginning teachers (experience up to 5 years):

    mastering practical skills for carrying out constructive work;

    formation of a basic level of professional skill;

    awareness of the importance and significance of the implementation of the developmental concept and individual model of education and upbringing.

For teachers with more than 5 years of experience:

    mastering design methods educational process in order to improve quality indicators within the framework of variable education;

    disclosure of creative abilities, practical application educational and methodological knowledge.

For experienced teachers, creatively active and seeking:

    development of professional flexibility, the ability to adapt one’s activities to the requirements of modern society;

    practice of mentoring and assistance to young professionals;

    research work based on many years of teaching experience;

    full disclosure of creative powers and capabilities.

For teachers without specialized education:

The topic for work on self-education is developed and formalized in collaboration between the teacher and the senior educator. The teacher can choose a topic independently if he prepares a clear, reasoned justification for its practical value and prospects. Topics can be divided into two types:

    short-term - the project is implemented within a year;

    long-term - the topic is being finalized and undergoes changes over a period of three to five years.

Examples of designating topics for self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Social-communicative area:

    Advisory support for family educational activities in a preschool educational organization.

    Formation younger preschoolers skills of conscious and responsible behavior based on knowledge about life safety.

    Socialization of children of middle preschool age in the process of labor activity.

    The formation of moral personality traits in children of senior preschool age in the process of patriotic education.

Artistic and aesthetic sphere:

    The formation of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world by preschool children.

    Unlocking the creative potential of middle preschool children through mastering modeling and design techniques.

    Development of skills of independence and creative freedom of self-expression in children of senior preschool age in the process of visual arts.

Area of ​​speech development:

    Activation of speech activity of younger preschool children in the process of acquiring basic knowledge about natural world.

    Development of dialogue speech skills in children of middle preschool age in the process of theatrical performances.

    Speech development of older preschoolers through visual modeling.

Cognitive area:

    Formation of primary ideas about the surrounding natural world in younger preschoolers during play activities.

    Activation cognitive activity in children of middle preschool age in the process of research activities.

    Familiarization of older preschoolers with the traditions of ethnic culture in the process of cognitive and speech activity.

Area of ​​physical development:

    Experience of children's health improvement through breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova.

    Practical application of the “origami” technique for developing finger flexibility in children of primary preschool age.

    Forms and methods of health-saving activities with children of middle preschool age.

    Formation and consolidation of skills healthy image life through modern gaming technologies for older preschoolers.

For senior educators and methodologists:

    Formation preschool teachers vocational training in the field of patriotic education of children.

    Methodological support for the artistic and aesthetic development of children in a preschool educational organization.

    Methodological justification for the implementation of effective educational technologies in a preschool institution under existing educational standards.

    Modeling the developmental environment of a preschool educational organization in the context of modernizing the content of preschool education and upbringing.

Table: “Formation of patriotic feelings in preschool children” (example of an annual program plan)

ChapterDeadlinesContents of the workPractical solutions
Studying methodological literatureSeptember - May1. Zatsepina M.B. "Days military glory. Patriotic education of preschool children."
2. Kozlova S.A. “Theory and methodology for introducing preschoolers to social reality.”
3. Sukhomlinsky V. A. “How to raise a real person.”
At the discretion of the teacher.
Working with childrenSeptemberDecorating a corner in the group of the kindergarten “My Motherland - Russia”.
Excursions around your hometown.
A selection of didactic games for patriotic education.
Stand “My Motherland - Russia”.
Card index of games.
OctoberConversation on the topic “The street where I live”Exhibition of drawings “Streets of our city”.
NovemberFamiliarization with the symbols of Russia, hometown, region.
Excursion to the city's local history museum.
Exhibition of works children's creativity.
JanuaryFamiliarization with the customs and traditions of the Russian people.Collective design of the book “Russian Folk Art”.
FebruaryDirectly educational activities"The main holidays of Russia."
Preparation and holding of the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day”.
Sports festival dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.
MarchConversations “My mother is the best in the world”, “What can my grandmother do?”Exhibition of children's works "Mom's Portrait".
AprilShort-term project "Cosmos"Quiz "What do you know about space."
Exhibition of works of children's creativity "Space through the eyes of children."
MayExcursion to the military glory memorial dedicated to Victory Day.Matinee dedicated to Victory Day.
September - MayReading fiction children about the nature of Russia, their native land, about the war, and other historical events.At the discretion of the teacher.
Working with familySeptemberConsultation “Where to go on weekends with a child?”Photo exhibition “My favorite place in the city.”
OctoberConsultation “Raising a Little Citizen.”At the discretion of the teacher.
NovemberAlbum design “History of our city”.Album "History of our city."
FebruaryAt the discretion of the teacher.Collage “My dad (grandfather) served in the army.”
MarchAt the discretion of the teacher.Exhibition of works made by grandmothers and mothers of pupils.
AprilWork on landscaping the territory of the kindergarten.Campaign “Plant a tree”.
MayConsultation “Cultivating patriotic feelings in preschoolers.”At the discretion of the teacher.
Self-realizationJanuaryOpen event screening.Entertainment "Games of our grandmothers."
MayReport on the topic of self-education.Speech at the teachers' meeting.

Progress report and topic release

At the end of the school year, each teacher fills out reporting documents on the theoretical part and practical testing of the topic and makes a presentation at the teachers' council. The teacher must indicate the chosen topic and purpose of the work.

The report should also cover the following issues:

    improvement of professional skills;

    literature study pedagogical profile and methodological manuals on the topic;

    practice of introducing innovative methods of pedagogical work;

    preparation of notes and theses;

    conducting a master class or thematic seminar;

    analysis of the work done, generalization and systematization of conclusions.

Master classes, open classes, methodological developments- all this can also serve as a basis for reporting.

Video: “The Magic Droplet” (open screening: lesson on experimental activities in the middle group)

This shows an integrated approach to organizing a children's educational event in younger group kindergarten.

Video: educational games by V.V. Voskobovich, master class by educational psychologist

The teacher's stock of gaming methods and techniques must be constantly replenished with new developments. Proven tools also work better if they are revisited from time to time and combined with new elements.

Master class on making a sliding folder

  1. We prepare the following materials: box cardboard, wallpaper (size 25cm*32cm), 4 pcs., fabric for gluing the edges, PVA glue, files 4 pcs., double-sided tape for attaching files.

    Cover the table with film or newspapers before starting work.

  2. From cardboard we cut out 4 pieces measuring 28cm*36cm, from wallpaper we cut out 4 pieces (8 if the folder is double-sided) measuring 25cm*32cm. We cut the fabric into strips of 7 pieces. 36cm*5cm and 2 pcs. 115cm*5cm.

    All parts must be made carefully

  3. First, we will connect our sheets of cardboard; to do this, we glue the joints with fabric, leaving a gap of about 1 cm between the sheets of cardboard.

    You can make sliding folders of other sizes in the same way.

Video: development of constructive and creative abilities using artistic design methods using the Origami technique (creative report on self-education)

The development of creative and cognitive activity in children through various exercises and manipulations with paper is widely used by modern teachers.

Self-diagnosis test: personal interest in self-development

Check the statements that are true for you:

  1. I try to explore my interests and needs.
  2. I strive to work on myself, despite my busy schedule.
  3. I read a lot.
  4. I pay attention to the opinions of others about me; feedback is important to me.
  5. I reflect on my life experiences and feelings.
  6. I reflect on my activities, devoting special time to this.
  7. Obstacles that arise stimulate me to look for a way out of the situation.
  8. I openly discuss topics that interest me and listen to authoritative opinions.
  9. I try to maintain faith in my strengths and capabilities.
  10. I analyze the influence of the people around me on my personality.
  11. I try to achieve positive results in my activities.
  12. I like to study and learn new things.
  13. Increasing responsibility does not depress me.
  14. I have a positive attitude towards career growth.

Result: most of the positive answers give reason to conclude that you are ready for conscious work on self-improvement.

Professional self-improvement is not limited to formally filling out reports, preparing reports, designing exhibitions and demonstration stands. The point of multifaceted work on self-education is to reveal creativity teacher, to give an incentive to increase his level of skill and develop personal qualities. An expert in his field, with a strong personality, will always arouse interest among students and serve as an authority for parents.

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