Bibliotherapy treatment by reading psychological correction. Bibliotherapy as a Method of Psychocorrection in Preschool Children

Psychologist, art therapist, member of the Russian Art Therapeutic Association.

Translated from Latin and Greek, bibliotherapy means treatment with a book. Psychologists and psychotherapists offer the client specially selected literature for reading with a therapeutic purpose.

The first mention of treatment with a book can be found even before our era. For example, one of the pharaohs called the library "Pharmacy for the soul" and had a corresponding inscription. Later, books, primarily religious books such as the Bible and the Koran, and later fiction, were used in psychiatric and other clinics to alleviate the suffering of patients.

Today there is a lot of literature devoted to bibliotherapy as a method of psychotherapeutic work. There are also special collections of books that are recommended for reading and have a different therapeutic effect.

For example:

  • The book "Polyanna" by E. Porter is aimed at forming a positive attitude towards life;
  • The Hall of Rare Books by M. Burno is recommended for reading by single people;
  • "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by L. Tolstoy is focused on the acceptance of illness and death;
There is also a wealth of children's literature aimed at helping to overcome age crises to enhance self-confidence and self-esteem. There is famous works, such as the stories of G. H. Anderson "The Ugly Duckling", the story of G. Uspensky "Straightened", "Redhead" by I. Khurgina and others.

Also now there are modern children's books, where the story is purposefully written for living one or another emotion, state, gaining internal resources.

For example, books with the title "When I believe in myself", "When I worry." Several books have been published on emotions.

As materials for bibliotherapy, there are books for any age and different periods of life. Therefore, it is great to use bibliotherapy for children from the age of 2, for adults and for the elderly.

When a person reads a book, they identify with one of the characters, often the main character. When the story in the book is similar to the situation in which the reader is at the moment, then he, as it were, lives it together with the character. Together with the hero, he learns to cope with difficulties, finds resources, options for solving problems. After reading the book, the state of the reader is evened out, there is hope and strength to cope with the situation or accept it.

After reading the book, the client and the psychologist can discuss it, supplement it with other art-therapeutic methods of work. You can use isotherapy, sand, game therapy and drama therapy.

Most often, bibliotherapy is used as an additional method to the main classical or creative directions in psychotherapy. Although there are entire associations of bibliotherapy in Europe and the USA. There are no such associations in Russia yet.

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation
Tula State University
Department of "Psychology"

Discipline "Counseling Psychology"
Control course work

Topic: "Library therapy in consultative practice"

Completed: Art. gr. 820571 Bugrimov A.N.

Checked by: Professor Sapogova E.E.
Tula 2009

The cover depicts a painting by F. Heilbut "The Reader" ( The young man finishes reading the book. His face is peaceful. Books have the same effect on us. They relax us. Allows you to escape from the hustle and bustle of the day. We can live different lives and try different roles in your imagination through the book. If a young man. The person depicted in the picture lived in our time, we could well assume that he is participating in the process of bibliotherapy and the next book from his biblio-receptive list lies behind the work that he finishes reading.

    The concept of bibliotherapy
    History of the development of bibliotherapy
    The Psychotherapeutic Impact of Literature
    Bibliotherapy Methodology
    Forms of therapeutic impact of bibliotherapy
    The main participants in the bibliotherapeutic process
    Non-specific and specific bibliotherapy


Nowadays, in connection with the development of mass media, books are given undeservedly little attention. At the same time, reading not only broadens one's horizons, but also stimulates the development of the imagination. Good book is able not only to convey its direct content to the reader, but also to relieve tension, feel new emotions, and possibly even affect the motivational-volitional sphere of the human psyche. Reading literature enriches the inner world of a person. It was this beneficial effect of the book that was the reason for the creation of bibliotherapy - one of the effective methods of influencing a person in the consulting and psychotherapeutic process.
In this paper, we will consider the structure and methodology of the bibliotherapeutic method. Being one of the forms of art therapy, at the same time it has its own specific features, the knowledge of which is necessary for a professional to carry out corrective work during the consultation. Bibliotherapy is often viewed through the lens of psychiatry. The use of this method requires from a specialist not only deep professional competence, but also the broadest outlook in the field of literature.
At this stage, the relevance of bibliotherapy is due to its effectiveness. A psychologist-consultant, along with the possession of "classical" correction techniques, should also have art therapy techniques in his arsenal to carry out the softest possible psychological work.

      The concept of bibliotherapy
Bibliotherapy in literal translation means "treatment with a book" (from the Greek biblion - book and therareia - treatment).
According to the definition adopted by the US Hospital Libraries Association, bibliotherapy means "the use of specially selected reading material as a therapeutic tool in general medicine and psychiatry to solve personal problems through directed reading."
Bibliotherapy is based on the use of systematic reading to improve the psychological state of the client. Psychotherapist (psychologist, specially trained librarian) selects literature for the client, focused on his circle life problems. After reading, a joint analysis of the content takes place.
The main goal of bibliotherapy is to rethink the client's own problems. Expansion of opportunities for their verbalization.
In the process of bibliotherapy, the client rethinks his situation, joins social experience, and can acquire new, rational models of behavior.
The problems of biblotherapy can be divided into three areas:
1. Bibliological direction. From the point of view of its supporters, the library for the sick should only be a distraction from thoughts of the disease, helping to endure physical suffering, but not set itself the goal of guiding the reading of a particular reader or homogeneous reading groups. About 80% of the works of foreign scientists belong to this direction.
2. Supporters of the second point of view - mainly in Germany - believe that bibliotherapy is a component of the psychotherapy of patients with neuroses and some of the mentally ill. It is produced only by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist without the participation of a librarian.
3. Representatives of the third direction, the most promising, believe that B. is an auxiliary, and in some cases an equal part of the treatment process for neuroses and somatic diseases. It requires the participation of a psychotherapist and a specially trained librarian. Doctors and librarians in our country adhere to this direction.
Bibliotherapy refers to the methods of aesthetic therapy. When selecting a bibliography, a specialist relies on the relevance of a given work to a specific situation, its therapeutic effect.

*(Karvasarsky. Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia)

      History of the development of bibliotherapy
Despite the fact that bibliotherapy as a scientific method was formed not so long ago, people have been aware of the beneficial effects of literature since ancient times.
At the entrance to the library of Pharaoh Ramses II, a sign hung: "Medicine for the soul." The meaning of the book was already understood at that time.
Healing with the help of books was used in the first libraries of Greece. Pythagoras, a prominent mathematician and well-known healer, along with herbs and music, successfully used literature and poetry to treat a number of diseases.
In Europe, the beginning of healing with a book was laid by the first church libraries, which kept books of religious content, bringing peace and hope to believers. Bibliotherapy was under the wing of the church until the Renaissance.
During the Renaissance, doctors began to actively use bibliotherapy for medicinal purposes. Thus, the English physician of the 12th century T. Sageidem advised his patients to read Cervantes' Don Quixote.
However, bibliotherapy received scientific justification only at the beginning of the 20th century. The first mention of the term itself dates back to 1916, since then hundreds of publications of both theoretical and practical nature have appeared. Conferences and symposiums on bibliotherapy have been held in several countries, associations of bibliotherapists have been established. At many medical conferences bibliotherapy is consecrated as an important part of traditional medicine.
In Russia, bibliotherapy did not immediately become widespread. The works of N. Rubakin and his bibliopsychological theory played a leading role in substantiating the methods of bibliotherapy. In his work "Among the books" he wrote: "Three great powers are contained in the book - knowledge, understanding, mood".
The first steps towards the practical application of bibliotherapy were made in 1927 by I.Z. Velvovsky, who worked at the Psychoneurological Institute in Kharkov. Soviet physicians, using the method of bibliotherapy, rely on the ideas of the remarkable Russian doctors of the past. The famous therapist of the beginning of the 19th century V.Ya. Mudrov wrote: “The most important thing ... is to remove the patient from domestic worries and worldly sorrows, which in themselves are the essence of illness.”
In the Soviet Union, studies on the therapeutic effect of books on human health have been carried out since the 1920s on the basis of the libraries of rest houses and medical boarding houses. In the articles of the magazine "Kurortnoe delo" for 1928, the positive impact of humorous books and memoir literature on vacationers was noted. Bibliotherapy was actively used in medical libraries. Doctors saw their specific task of "treatment with a book" in selecting literature in accordance with the diagnosis, and the therapeutic effect was based on the patient's recognition of his problem reflected in a work of art, in advice to follow these examples, examples of how to get out of a similar "situation", and the more similar the situation described in the book, or the hero, to the character of the client, the stronger the therapeutic effect of the book.
During the Great Patriotic War, patriotic books were of great importance for the rehabilitation of seriously wounded soldiers and their speedy recovery.
Thus, it should be noted that clinical bibliotherapy has been widely developed both in Russia and abroad.
Currently, bibliotherapy is going through a period of comprehension of its subject, method, goals. The currently existing methodological approaches, paradigms of bibliotherapy are not yet fully understood by practitioners and theorists, often coexisting and intricately intertwined in the works of the same author. During the period under study, there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of publications containing scientific generalizations and theoretical developments in the field of bibliotherapy.
*("Medicine for the soul": the use of bibliotherapy in the library "Methodological recommendations Tambov 2004)
      Bibliotherapy Methodology
As we noted. The practice of bibliotherapy opens up new therapeutic possibilities for the specialist. At the same time, like any other type of psychological influence, bibliotherapy should be understood both at the level of theory and at the level of methodology.
The methodology of bibliotherapy as a whole is reduced to the following series of steps:
1. Self-preparation of a psychocorrector.
It includes the compilation of your own bibliotherapeutic recipe, i.e. lists of literature and special acquaintance with books from a correctional point of view. To begin with, several genres of 2-3 names are taken. Over time, it is recommended to expand the recipe by genre and number of books. It is necessary to draw up brief annotations for yourself with extracts both for individual sections, chapters, and for individual books, in which the most important, vivid topics, thoughts, problems of chapters, works, and personal characteristics of the authors are recorded.
At the beginning of the work, this will help the novice bibliotherapist to draw the client's attention to the relevant texts. It is desirable to have most of the books in a separate library so that customers can easily find this book if they do not own it. In addition, in such books, you can allow the client to make notes in the margins, which makes it easier to diagnose the client.
2. Orientation in the possibilities of bibliotherapy and its genres.
During the next conversation with the client, he is asked a series of questions. For example, "Name your five favorite books"; "What books have made the greatest impression on you in your life? Why?"; "What influenced you the most?"; "Which authors, in your opinion, are most similar to you?"; "Which book characters are most similar to you?".
3. Making a list.
Next comes the compilation of a list of references, large and small. Even if bibliotherapy is used as an auxiliary method, the presence of such lists allows you to correct other methods of influence.
4. Development of a reading system.
Genres, priority areas and the number of books are determined. Recommending books to a client for bibliotherapeutic purposes, A.M. Miller points out the need to take into account the following three principles:
the degree of accessibility of the presentation (the degree of complexity of the proposed book);
· the hero of the book should be "on the shoulder" for the client;
The maximum similarity of the situation in the book with the situation in which the client is located.
Accounting for the latter principle is especially important in a psychological conflict of a personal or interpersonal nature.
During bibliotherapy, the client leads reader's diary. The analysis of diary entries often reveals the process of subjective interpretation of works of art based on perception as an active biased activity and can be used for diagnostic purposes to objectively assess the process and effectiveness of correction.
When using bibliotherapy as mainmethod a reading system is supposed with a certain sequence, topics, working out what has been read. More attention is paid to biographical, ideological, special literature.
Librarianship can also be used auxiliarymethod for solving particular problems during corrective measures that have a narrow focus: correction of child-parent relationships, with emotionally stressful disorders, etc.
The advantages of bibliotherapy are: the variety and richness of the means of influence, the strength of the impression, duration, repetition, intimacy, etc.
Bibliotherapy is recommended for children and adults with personal and emotional problems, applied both individually and in groups.
In the group form of bibliotherapy, in addition to the requirements that are taken into account when creating any psycho-correctional group, it is also necessary to select group members according to the degree of erudition and reading interests .
A group of 5-8 clients is made up, works of small volume are selected, which are read during a group lesson. Then a discussion is held, as a result of which the structure of the interpersonal relations of the group is revealed, the attitude of the group members to reading fiction is determined, and the interest in reading awakens among those who do not read well. People, expressing their attitude to the characters, project their attitude to a number of problems. And this allows them to talk about their problems in an indirect way. One of the functions of bibliotherapy may be to provide additional material for discussion. Bibliotherapy can also serve as an indirect diagnostic method. Specific forms of therapeutic effect of bibliotherapy
Bibliotherapy allows the client, being directly alone with himself, to analyze his own experiences, actions, reactions. Compare them with what you read. The therapeutic impact of bibliotherapy has its own specific forms:
    Emotional processing. The main value - helps a person to show personal emotions, compare them with the emotions of other people with support and correction from a psychologist. This allows the client to learn more optimal reactions and actions, helps to avoid too violent, weak or altered emotional reactions.
    Workout. Playing dialogues in the imagination, alternative (compared to the characters of the work) behavior, taking into account their own characteristics (lack of experience, shyness, etc.), the client gains knowledge about alternative ways of experiencing, about other possible forms of behavior. At the same time, no one condemns him; he avoids an evaluative approach.
    Conflict Resolution . This is a kind of synthesis of emotional elaboration and skills obtained as a result of training in application to a specific life situation. Reading books, the plot of which coincides with the plots of the client's life, allows him to see possible ways out of the situation and react emotionally to them, which sometimes leads to the resolution of emotional conflict. This type of bibliotherapy is characterized by greater intensity, more active guidance from the psychologist. In practice, it looks like this: the psychologist makes a list of literature that is most relevant for the client, in accordance with his problems, difficulties, goals, personal characteristics; literature that stimulates awareness of the nature of the difficulties, the causes of the difficulties that caused disharmony, etc. Before reading, the client receives the instruction: what from the proposed list requires his special attention, what can be omitted, what from what he read will need to be compared with his own experience, what should be immediately checked in practice. After the client reads the book, a conversation is held: "What was especially interesting to know?"; "What good did he get out of it?"; "What caused doubt, fear?"; "What remains unclear?"; "How does he feel about individual characters?"
    Control over mental processes is carried out by strengthening them by repetition, reproduction of details or weakening through analysis, pushing aside other memories, emotions, can change the impact on the personality both during ordinary and strong experiences.
      Control can be divided into several levels:
      understanding of one's situation, the impact of hetero- and autopsychogenic factors on it;
      Understanding the role of one's own personality in the development of one's condition;
      awareness of one's true attitudes towards the most important problems of life.
      Reading books whose heroes are bright extraordinary personalities in tragic non-standard situations, the client can identify the experiences of the characters with his own, understand many personal characteristics, realize his mistakes and look at his life through the eyes of a person from the outside. Literature gives the client an opportunity that no one, even the most experienced psychologist, can give - thoroughly, slowly, in an intimate setting to learn, understand, learn to analyze and, therefore, control their emotional attitude and their reactions.
    *Osipova A.A. General psychocorrection. Tutorial. M.: Sfera, 2002 510 C.
      The Psychotherapeutic Impact of Literature
Perceptions, feelings, interests, possibilities of a healthy and a sick person are very different. Practice shows that for therapeutic literature, the following are especially important: the relationship of the work with the current state and problems of the patient, the availability of specific knowledge, facts that allow one to find the essence, cause of phenomena, and be independent of authorities. It is necessary to have brief precise formulations for various life situations that create a real idea of ​​​​how the world should be, with the identification of contradictions between ideals and reality. Literature should teach the reader to set a goal and find ways to achieve it.
We consider it possible to offer an approximate list of literary genres, arranged according to their importance for bibliotherapy, and give them brief characteristics.
Special medical literature is of paramount importance in bibliotherapy, as it is able to give the patient knowledge that is especially important for him to stimulate the psychotherapeutic processes of calming, controlling, etc. In addition, the authority inspired by this literature most often puts it at the head of other genres. Therefore, it is desirable that in the bibliotherapeutic receptarium this literature be represented by sufficiently numerous works.
Special scientific literature has features and tasks similar to medical literature. The only difference is that, communicating with her, clients tend to classify themselves as people who need more psychological, scientific help than medical. This helps patients to better understand their normal psychology, to stimulate normal psychological processes.
Popular science literature can perform the same functions as the first two genres, but for less prepared readers, giving the most general idea of ​​​​very complex areas of knowledge.
Philosophical literature helps the client to get a more integral, versatile idea of ​​himself, other people, the world as a whole, to understand the inevitability of a difference and a certain conflict between the external, the real world and internal subjective, between what can be, should be and what is. This understanding brings calm, satisfaction, directs the activity of patients. In addition to a part of philosophical literature, a part of literary criticism, journalism, the history of literature, and the history of philosophy should also be attributed to such literature.
Biographical and autobiographical literature, describing bright personalities, their outstanding achievements and life difficulties, helps the patient to understand himself, his difficulties faster and better, to find a lot in common with the thoughts and destinies of outstanding people. Often it acts more strongly than fiction because it is described real facts and events. Experience proves that short, vivid biographies (50–70 pages) are more effective, with the exception of the biography of the most prominent people, with complex life positions such as, for example, L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky, M. Gandhi. Non-fiction, due to its factual nature and reduced mitigating factor of artistic creation, affects many readers very strongly.
Classical Russian literature has enormous potential for a wide variety of influences and therefore is notable for its complexity. practical application. Often one has to limit oneself to small, little-known works, avoiding the most popular ones, given that they have already been read before, studied at school and certain associations are associated with them that have to be overcome.
In contrast to the traditional, school approach to the author and his themes in the works of I. Goncharov, for example, patients are more attracted by the charm of a quiet, lazy contemplation of life, so contrasting with the bustling, intense life of the patient himself. Patients like the simplicity of life forms, their completeness, stability, balance. It is these tendencies of the patient that can be used in bibliotherapy. Modern foreign fiction is necessary for those patients who are alien to classical literature. Particularly useful literature is problematic, critical, pointing out to the patient his mistakes, delusions and helping to overcome them.
Critical literature and journalism give general ideas about writers, works, help to better understand them, discover new content, connect literature with current events in personal and social life. Journalism, for example, often compares ideals with reality. Critical literature is characterized by clarity, visibility of attitudes towards phenomena, thanks to which it helps to choose not only the appropriate, but also the best literature; helps to perceive phenomena more correctly, eliminating the dependence of other people's authorities.
It is appropriate to use modern literary criticism of such authors as Ch. Aitmatov, Yu. Nagibin, L. Ozerov, V. Rozov, V. Soloukhin, etc. .
Humorous and satirical literature is especially successful in teaching patients a broader, objective view of themselves and other people, as well as a kind of psychological defense. The essence of humor is the discovery of funny sides in any phenomena, even unpleasant ones, and their transformation. Humor allows patients to express themselves more freely in difficult situations of the most varied nature. Can teach techniques for better communication, for example, half-jokingly expressing requests, thereby avoiding the feeling of embarrassment in case of refusal, giving the opportunity to play a trick on oneself and thereby strengthen the confidence of others in oneself, etc.
Aphoristic literature contains the clearest images, refined ideas, often paradoxical, contradictory, dialectical, but always perfect in their completeness, categoricalness. Such literature is often easily assimilated and used by patients even with noticeable mental disorders, it helps to bring order to mental activity, dynamics, if there is a lack of it. Reading this literature, the patient gets used to being more calm about extremes, contradictions, and various life cataclysms.
Folklore, fairy tale literature introduces people to the worldview of the people. During the centuries of oral existence, folklore works have undergone a special selection. Only those that were accepted by the majority and that satisfied the basic mental needs of people were passed on to the new generation. By asserting ideals, kindness, truth, justice, simplicity, folklore can stimulate non-specific psychotherapeutic processes of patients. In more specific therapy, it can be used when working with children to understand their main difficulties, problems, to improve contact with parents, etc.
Science-fiction literature is different from any other in going beyond the boundaries of the familiar, characteristic of the disease, which is frightening and at the same time necessary for many patients. Bringing to extremes some of the properties of a person, situations, relationships, fantastic literature allows you to better understand and accept the extremes of your sensations, feelings, drives; stimulates the productive activity of the patient.

It has become fashionable to discuss people's lack of interest in the process of reading, about the unwillingness to "open a book" in children, and even more so in adolescents. “We stopped reading altogether, and this is a disaster!” we hear everywhere. Let me disagree.

The fact that today's teenager is really much more interesting to sit all 24 hours with a prefix or post new photos from a party on social networks is an indisputable fact. But it is not necessary to say that everyone has forgotten how to read without exception.

In fact, we read in some cases much more than our parents read. It's just that our reading has been reformatted from fiction to Her Majesty's Information.

We "shovel" the mountains of the necessary and unnecessary information, we are forced to read the accompanying texts to the found document. The information field is growing so rapidly that not every brain apparatus is able to “process” it. And it is worth saying that in the conditions of rapid technological development, continuous widespread stress and constantly strained nerves of all mankind, professional help is really necessary for each of us.

It's about Librarianship. A relatively new term that has found its place of honor as an independent doctor at the intersection of psychiatry, psychology and library science. As for its effectiveness, let us give an elementary example from everyday life.

Remember the classic stressful situations when it was completely unbearable, when you didn’t want to see anyone, and even more so, to leave your own shelter house? And now restore in your memory how, quite intuitively, you held out your hand to your favorite book on the shelf. Is not it?

More examples? Please:

  • Go down the subway and take a look at the people engaged in such a "forgotten" process of reading! Another question is what kind of books, but humanity reads! And it does this subconsciously, realizing that in reading it is its salvation and non-drug treatment.
  • And our children are the fairest indicator of the effectiveness of bibliotherapy. From a very young age, kids are interested in listening to a fairy tale read by their mother or told by their grandmother. These little people just adore fairy tales, because they calm them down, transfer them to the world of fantasies and dreams ... In a word, bibliotherapy for children is an inexhaustible spring of a carefree life.

So what is bibliotherapy?

Goals of bibliotherapy:

  • describing the problem as such;
  • penetration into the very essence of the issue;
  • a dispute on the topic of the novelty of values ​​and attitudes towards them;
  • identification of a personal problem with the notion that the patient is not alone and that such questions arise daily in many people;
  • selection of possible ways out of the current situation.

A bit about history

For medicinal purposes, the book began to be used by sages and rulers who have the key to the “Pharmacy for the Soul” for a very long time! It is with this “slogan” that the book depository of Ramses II is adorned. For the first time the term "Library therapy" was used in 1300 BC. And since those very distant times, a book has been a man's best friend, adviser and healer.

A lot of research proves not only the need to read certain literature to adjust your own mood and psycho-emotional state. The most "recent" studies of Japanese scientists also confirm the process of structuring the fluid inside the body of a person who reads spiritual literature, and water in a glass that "hears" the reading of a prayer or psalms (no matter what denomination or faith) is endowed with the power of "living, healing water".

Bibliotherapy in the library

This section will focus on bibliotherapeutic practice, which has two of the most common forms (see Figure 1)

Scheme 1 Librarianship practice
Individual bibliotherapy Group bibliotherapy
The task of individual bibliotherapy is to correct and develop the personality of the reader in the process of reading. Individually select reading material that gives the patient the opportunity to reformat his own personality or problems, questions, experiences, etc. that disturb her.

Forms of individual bibliotherapy:

  • reading plan (development),
  • literary menu (selection),
  • conversations (exceptionally personal, allowing you to delve into the depth of the issue and take into account all the nuances of the patient's problem, determine his cultural level and area of ​​interest, hobbies, etc.)
The task of group bibliotherapy is not only to read the proposed literature and draw conclusions, correct one’s attitude to issues that concern the patient, but also prepare for discussion, debate, and expressing one’s own opinion on a particular issue in a circle of friends or like-minded people. This is communication in a group, and therefore group therapy.

Forms of group bibliotherapy:

  • meetings of a literary nature (a literary salon, meetings of a club of literary interests, it is possible to use elements of gaming technology, organizing briefings and round tables with the involvement of professional experts, etc.),
  • classic library lessons,
  • quizzes, competitions,
  • expressive reading contests,
  • thematic events,
  • literary gatherings over a cup of tea,
  • literary theater, etc.

Both forms of bibliotherapy involve the most serious approach of specialists to the planning stage. The leading criterion for the qualitative result of treatment is a clear work plan (cooperation between the patient, the treating specialists and, in fact, the medicine itself - the book), consisting of four parts, the most important of which is the compilation of the "Reading Menu". We are talking about a volume of at least seven books and a time period of at least four weeks.

The next step on the path to recovery is to determine the psychological state of the patient. It is important to follow certain rules here. Books about warfare or fantasy-adventure literature should not be offered to agitated people, and a depressed patient should not read about traveling heroes. Books that do not describe the conflict, but rather have a relaxing plot, and so on, will help in the issue of motivation for work.

The choice of three books is also considered correct. The purpose of this stage is to show the patient the possibility of overcoming any situation. And the final stage is inspiration and support for a person in need of help, training and exercises that strengthen the therapeutic effect.

Classes with casting are considered very effective. concrete examples performing tasks that help solve a specific problem of the patient.

In some cases, therapy also involves keeping a "Literary Diary", a description of the so-called librarian, introducing one's feelings at the time of reading the book, attitude towards the author or hero, his behavior ...

The use of fiction in bibliotherapy

In the conditions of rapid technological development, it is much easier for us to find material or a business style book or professional literature. With literary texts, the issue is much more acute. Here, an important role is also played by the inability of modern society to fully relax and rest (opinion of E. Isaeva).

Yu.N.Dresher is one of the brightest representatives of the supporters of reading fiction both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. She, as a practitioner of bibliotherapy, uses her own definition:
“Library therapy is a science projected on the formation of personal skills and abilities to withstand difficult situations (stressful or painful, depressive, etc. states), strengthen protective functions and willpower, increase the level of education and intelligence based on synthesizing the reading situation. Bibliotherapy is a specific method of reading guidance for a librarian and a psychotherapeutic technique for a doctor. What is the therapeutic effect of various genres and types of literature (especially fiction) containing the main content of a truly specific discipline - bibliotherapy. In the dictionary of bibliology, this science is called the method of book therapy. Its impact through specially selected, mainly fiction, literature and psychological, as well as preventive impact on a person with an increased degree of conflict potential. Bibliotherapy when working with any age, with healthy or sick people,..»

Three most important main tasks of bibliotherapy are considered natural

  • psychotherapeutic - the task facing the bibliotherapist and / or neuropsychiatrists, psychiatrists (depending on the severity of the disease) in resolving problems in patients with neuroses. Help is also possible for a certain category of mental patients (without the participation of a librarian);
  • bibliological - a task that distracts the patient from thoughts about the incurability of the disease or the hopelessness of the patient's situation;
  • auxiliary - the task of a therapy companion that enhances the effect of treatment (a specially trained librarian in tandem with a specialist doctor).

Psychotherapeutic processes for bibliotherapy play a major role in the patient's recovery process. Professionals working in this field demonstrate impressive results.

The book, like a medicine, offers its effect on the patient through such psychotherapeutic processes as:

- sedative or vice versa inciting to action, motivating;

- giving positive emotions (faith, joy, happiness, pleasure, self-satisfaction as a person, etc.);

- stimulating to constant growth and the desire to realize one's potential, spiritual development, striving for the ideal;

- enhancing protective functions and developing skills to resist troubles;

- improving the quality and level of education of the patient, willpower and much more.

Bibliotherapy is represented by two types.

  • Purposeful bibliotherapy (works on motivation, raising self-esteem, fosters optimism and willpower, etc.);
  • Non-purposeful (helps in creating mood, desire to live and develop as a person, distracts from pressing daily difficulties, etc.)

The most exciting and effective sections of bibliotherapy include working with children. We are talking about the so-called "Fairytale Therapy".

It is very difficult to meet a child who does not like fairy tales, or does not fall asleep in magical forest in company with the Firebird or the good fairy.

This section of science has recently been actively studied by practitioners such as: L.I. Belenkaya, I.I. Tikhomirova, A.V. Tumuruk, A.I. Trofimova, A.E. Alekseichik.

Their research results are amazing.

They also divide the literature in terms of bibliotherapy into categories such as:

– special medical;

- philosophical;

- spiritual;

- biographical (autobiographical);

- classical Russian;

— critical and journalism;

- humorous and stylistic;

- folklore, fairy tale;

- sci-fi;

— detective, adventure;

- dramaturgy;

— pedagogical literature;

- legal;

- specialized literature.

Each of the above genres affects the reader in its own way. There are different ways to relate to the concept of bibliotherapy and research within it. But it is extremely important that humanity has known since prehistoric times to the present day that books are the best “Medicine for the soul”, which has no side effects and is recommended by the wisdom of generations! And it is allowed to take it without a regimen or a strict prescription from doctors!

Shchepina Yu. S. group No. 08/02 "Practical psychology in education"

Bibliotherapy. Essence, methods, features of the impact.

Bibliotherapy is a special corrective impact on the client by reading specially selected literature in order to normalize or optimize his mental state.

Corrective reading directed at certain mental processes, states, personality traits: altered - for their normalization, normal - for their balancing.

The corrective effect of reading is manifested in the fact that certain images and related feelings, inclinations, desires, thoughts, learned with the help of a book, make up for the lack of their own images and ideas, replace disturbing thoughts and feelings, or direct them along a new channel, to new ones. goals. Thus, it is possible to weaken or strengthen the impact on the client's feelings to restore his peace of mind.

The bibliotherapy technique consists of several stages:

1. Self-training of a psychotherapist / psychologist.

It includes the compilation of one's own bibliotherapeutic recipe (lists of references and special acquaintance with books from a correctional point of view). First you need to take several genres of 2-3 names. It is necessary to draw up brief annotations for yourself with extracts both for individual sections, chapters, and for individual books, in which the most important, vivid topics, thoughts, problems of chapters, works, and personal characteristics of the authors are recorded. At the beginning of the work, this will help the novice bibliotherapist to draw the client's attention to the relevant texts.

2. Orientation in the possibilities of bibliotherapy and its genres.

During the next conversation with the client, he is asked a series of questions. For example, "Name your five favorite books"; What books have made the biggest impression on you in your life? Why?"; “Which ones influenced you the most?”; “Which authors, in your opinion, are most similar to you?”; What book characters are most like you?

3. Compilation of the list.

Next comes the compilation of a list of references, large and small. Even if bibliotherapy is used as an auxiliary method, the presence of such lists allows you to correct other methods of influence.

4. Development of a reading system.

Genres, priority areas and the number of books are determined. This takes into account the following principles: the degree of accessibility of the presentation (the degree of complexity of the proposed book); the hero of the book should be “on the shoulder” for the client; the maximum similarity of the situation in the book with the situation in which the client is.

Accounting for the latter principle is especially important in a psychological conflict of a personal or interpersonal nature.

During bibliotherapy, the client keeps a reading diary. The analysis of diary entries often reveals the process of subjective interpretation of works of art based on perception as an active biased activity and can be used for diagnostic purposes to objectively assess the process and effectiveness of correction.

In the case of using bibliotherapy as the main method, a reading system is assumed with a certain sequence, topics, and development of what has been read. More attention is paid to biographical, ideological, special literature.

The advantages of bibliotherapy are: the variety and richness of the means of influence, the strength of the impression, duration, repetition, intimacy, etc.

In the group form of bibliotherapy, groups are selected according to the degree of erudition and reading interests.

Psychocorrective processes in bibliotherapy can be conditionally divided into non-specific and specific. Nonspecific processes are characterized by latitude. the universality of its impact on the whole personality and on specific changes in general, mainly through the whole personality. This is a comfort; pleasure, joy; a sense of self-confidence, belief in one's abilities, self-satisfaction; enough general mental activity.

1. Calm. The client can be calmed down by specially selected journalistic and fiction literature. Reading such literature brings the client to a state of peace, peace.

2. Pleasure. People with problems feel separated from the world by their problem and limited in enjoying the world. Reading a good book, especially if the book is fairly complex or fast-paced, gives the client the extra pleasure they need.

3. A feeling of self-confidence, faith in one's own abilities in a client arises when reading a biography, autobiography, memoirs, letters of prominent people and reading books, where characters with a difficult fate, nevertheless, with dignity get out of a rather difficult life situation.

4.Most literary genres can cause high mental activity, which stimulates normal and protective mental reactions, suppressing negative ones, which contributes to the disappearance of traumatic experiences.

This type of bibliotherapy is used as an adjunct to other methods used in working with this client. Usually non-specific bibliotherapy includes a specific, well famous list small books, simple enough to guarantee a clear and easy understanding of the problem.

From the works of fiction and journalism, books are selected that are imbued with feelings of humanism, gentleness, kindness, and intelligence.

For greater effectiveness of the impact, clients are advised to summarize the books, chapters they have read, write summaries “for improved” versions of books or chapters. Depending on the client's problem, the psychologist either recommends a strictly defined set of books to the client, or only limits and draws the client's attention to a certain area of ​​literature.

Specific corrective processes are characterized by a narrower special focus on a person or on some mental process: specific feelings, activities, thinking. They are simpler, more specific and easier to regulate. This is control, emotional study, training, conflict resolution.

Control over mental processes is carried out by strengthening them by repetition, reproduction of details or weakening through analysis, pushing aside other memories, emotions, it can change the impact on the personality both during ordinary and strong experiences.

Control can be divided into several levels:

    understanding of one's position, the impact of hetero and autopsychogenic factors on it;

    understanding the role of one's own personality in the development of one's condition;

    awareness of one's true attitudes to life's most important problems.

Reading books whose heroes are bright extraordinary personalities in tragic non-standard situations, the client can identify the experiences of the characters with his own, understand many personal characteristics, realize his mistakes and look at his life through the eyes of a person from the outside. Literature gives the client an opportunity that no one, even the most experienced psychologist, can give - thoroughly, slowly, in an intimate setting to learn, understand, learn to analyze and, therefore, control their emotional attitude and their reactions.

Emotional processing. The main value - helps a person to show personal emotions, compare them with the emotions of other people with support and correction from a psychologist. This allows the client to learn more optimal reactions and actions, helps to avoid too violent, weak or altered emotional reactions.

Workout. Playing dialogues in the imagination, alternative (compared to the characters of the work) behavior, taking into account their own characteristics (lack of experience, shyness, etc.), the client gains knowledge about alternative ways of experiencing, about other possible forms of behavior. At the same time, no one condemns him; he avoids an evaluative approach.

Conflict resolution. This is a kind of synthesis of control, emotional elaboration and skills obtained as a result of training in application to a specific life situation. Reading books, the plot of which coincides with the plots of the client's life, allows him to see possible ways out of the situation and react emotionally to them, which sometimes leads to the resolution of emotional conflict.

Analysis of genres of literature in terms of their potential in bibliotherapy:

Special literature on medicine, psychology, psychotherapy, pedagogy, etc. is of paramount importance, as it is able to give the client the knowledge that is especially important for him to stimulate the processes of calming, controlling, etc. The authority of this literature most often places it at the head of other genres. Therefore, it is desirable that in the biblio-therapeutic receptarium this literature be represented by sufficiently numerous works.

The main tasks of this literature are to provide knowledge sufficient for a correct optimistic orientation, to eliminate misconceptions about oneself, to orient in the process of overcoming existing violations, to stimulate the client's overall activity, etc.

Popular science literature. It performs the same functions as the special one, but is intended for less prepared readers, for people with a not very high cultural and educational level. Its mission is to give the most general idea about complex areas of knowledge on the problems that the client is experiencing.

Philosophical Literature. Its purpose is to help the client get a more integral, versatile idea of ​​himself, of others, of the world as a whole. To understand the inevitability of the difference of a certain conflict between the external real world and the internal subjective; meanwhile. what can be, what should be, and what is. This understanding brings peace and satisfaction to many clients. Literary criticism, journalism, history of literature, history of philosophy, etc. can be classified as part of philosophical literature.

Biographical and autobiographical literature. The bright personalities described in it, their outstanding achievements and life difficulties help the client to understand himself faster and better using the identification method. Often they are stronger than fiction, because they describe real facts and real events. The most effective are short vivid biographies, 50-70 pages long.

Non-fiction, due to its factual nature and reduced mitigating factor of artistic creation, has a very strong effect on many people.

Classic literature. It has enormous potential for a wide variety of effects and, therefore, is characterized by the complexity of practical application. It is recommended to use small works, avoiding the most popular ones, since they are associated with certain associations, difficulties (such as: studied at school) that have to be overcome.

Humorous and satirical literature. Teaches the client a broader and more objective view of life. The essence of humor is the discovery of funny sides in any phenomena and their transformation. Humor allows clients to express themselves more freely in difficult situations of the most diverse nature, teaches communication techniques, provides an opportunity to strengthen self-confidence, stimulates positive emotions, the lack of which is very relevant, etc.

aphoristic literature. The clearest images in it, refined ideas, paradoxical, contradictory, but always perfect in their completeness, categorical images push the boundaries of the client's horizons. Such literature is easy to digest, helps to bring order to mental activity, dynamics. The client, reading such literature, gets used to be more calm about extremes, contradictions, gets acquainted with the pearls of human thought.

Folklore, fairy tale literature. Folklore accumulates the experience and worldview of entire nations, peoples, generations. During the centuries of oral existence, folklore works have undergone a special selection. Only those fairy tales and myths were transmitted that were accepted by the majority of people and that satisfied the basic mental needs of people. The presence of ideals of goodness, truth, justice, simplicity carries a huge psychotherapeutic charge. It is used in specific work with children to understand their difficulties, to improve contact with parents, in women's therapy, etc.

Science fiction literature. This literature differs from any other in going beyond the usual, characteristic, ordinary. Bringing to extremes some of the properties of a person, situations, relationships, fantastic literature allows you to better understand and accept the extremes of your feelings, feelings, stimulates the activity and imagination of the client.

Detectives and adventure literature. Detectives and adventure literature occupies a special place in bibliotherapy due to a number of its features, such as popularity, ease, intelligibility; generalization of many everyday life phenomena. The client is the same victim; for him, many everyday phenomena also condense.

The detective focuses on negative feelings, training intuition. Great importance has mystique as a way of maintaining interest. The detective encourages the reader to risk, analytical thinking, resourcefulness, allows you to turn it off from the real situation and turn it into a fantasy one, where the client experiences a special sense of security.

Dramaturgy. When reading a play, the client often has to identify more with actor than reading a book. The play can teach the client dialogue, the rules of communication, especially those who experience a problem in personal communication. The play leaves the client more freedom for creativity, independence, development of imagination.

Pedagogical literature. Widely used along with special scientific literature to correct the formation of various qualities in parents, teachers, people experiencing problems in relation to people younger than them in a generation.

Legal Literature. It gives the client the opportunity to understand the causes of many types of incorrect behavior, both his own and those around him, to assess the degree of deviance of behavior.

Narrow professional literature. Such literature can provide very valuable material due to the ability to transfer the experience of high professionalism into practical psychology, everyday situations.

random literature. In the process of diagnostics, books are identified that made a special impression on the client for one reason or another. Such books are especially diagnostic. The client, analyzing with the psychologist the reasons for their high impact, can come to the realization of their own problems.

Bibliotherapy is an expressive therapy that involves telling or reading specific texts for healing purposes.

It uses the attitude of a person to the content of the book.

Bibliotherapy is often combined with written treatment (scribotherapy) and has been proven to be effective in the treatment of .

Bibliotherapy as a method of psychological correction

Bibliotherapy is a method of psychotherapy that uses the healing and supportive effects of reading. It also serves the development of the human personality. The therapeutic method is often confused with ordinary reading, which develops information literacy rather than providing healing.

The goal of therapy through reading a book is to reflect on what the person is facing. Reading can help to remove the accumulated. Bibliotherapy can lead to the restoration of pleasure from life, increasing personal satisfaction.

The process is focused primarily on the emotional perception of the selected work. The rational component is also important. Method Direction - Rendering positive impact on the psychosomatic state human, strengthening mental stability, balance. Reading itself also helps to develop fantasy, creativity, critical thinking, communication skills, creating a new endocept in the human brain.

Methodology, authors, development history in numbers

Bibliotherapy has its roots in ancient egypt and Greece. Already in these times, people believed in the healing power of the written text. For example, Socrates argued that word therapy restores spiritual harmony. Aristotle discovered that rhymed speech can have a beneficial effect on mental condition man (he is considered the founder of poetic therapy). His successor was Friedrich Nietzsche.

Other famous names associated with the development of bibliotherapy: Gerhard Danzer, Nossrat Peseschkian, Benjamin Rush, John Minson Galt, and others.

Chronology of the development of bibliotherapy in Russia:

  • 1836 - reading, as one of the methods of psychotherapy, is mentioned in the publication "General Therapy" (I. E. Dyakovsky).
  • 1916 - foundation of the Department of Bibliopsychology in pedagogical institute Geneva (N. A. Rubakin).
  • 1927 - the introduction of the term "bibliotherapy" to the general public (M.P. Kutanin), the use of this method for therapeutic purposes (I.Z. Velvovsky).
  • 1967 - opening of the 1st bibliotherapy room (I.Z. Velvovsky), the technique becomes an independent discipline.

How and with whom it works

The librarianship process is focused on the rational and emotional perception of the work.

The practical significance of bibliopsychology is stress management, relief of mental stress, catharsis, understanding the situation, reconciliation with it. Primarily, the psychosomatic state of a person is influenced, psychological resistance is intensified. Secondary reading helps develop communication skills, which positively affects the development of the individual as such.

The effect of bibliotherapy falls under the category of expressive therapy, which also includes (treatment fine arts), drama therapy (theater treatment), etc. To enhance the effect, support creativity, self-awareness these therapeutic approaches can be combined.

Bibliotherapy is used to treat various addictions, injuries,. It is recommended for people who have left their natural environment and are forced to adapt to changed living conditions (sanatoriums, prisons), seriously ill, disabled people, etc.

Situations in which treatment with a book word helps:

  • difficult situations, in children it is, for example, moving, new school, new classmates, in adults - family problems;
  • crisis periods- divorce, death in the family, serious illness;
  • mental problems- , depression, addiction, ;
  • for preventive purposes bibliotherapy is carried out in orphanages, nursing homes, support groups, etc.;
  • physical defects at the patient.

Expected Results

An important indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of bibliotherapy is the patient's interest in reading. In the case of its decrease, one can judge the deterioration of the state of health.

There are different typologies of effects and functions of a therapeutic method:

  1. Information functions. Reading provides information, increases the level of knowledge while reducing fear of the unknown. This function is inherent in the scientific literature.
  2. educational function. Reading brings views and opinions that enhance education.
  3. "Mirror" function. The reader compares the author's views with his own, changing his own opinion based on this comparison.
  4. Identification functions. The reader finds an example or identifies with the character.
  5. Purifying function. When reading a book, psychological purification (catharsis) can occur. To achieve this effect, it is necessary that the work can perform such purification, and the reader is ready to experience catharsis while reading.
  6. aesthetic function. The book has an aesthetic effect on the reader.
  7. Relaxation function. Ensuring relaxation, relaxation.

How to choose a book

The tool of bibliotherapy is a book, but not every book. This is not about reading a random book, it is necessary to take into account the uniqueness of each reader (gender, age, education, life experience ...), his current situation.

Before using bibliotherapy, it is necessary to establish the goals for which it will be directed. Poor book selection can have a negative impact. Treatment should help a person adequately cope with a difficult life situation, compensate for negative changes in the psyche, overcome the crisis, and therefore achieve full rehabilitation.

List of books for preschool children

Library literature for children readers:

Sample Books for Teens

Library literature for teen readers:

  • "I was 12 years old..." (Natalie Schweigeffer). Real story about a girl who was sexually assaulted. From the age of 12, her own father mocked her, intimidated her. For 5 whole years, Natalie lived through hell before plucking up the courage to run away with the rest of the family. Topic: sexual abuse over the children.
  • "Confession of a Model" (Martina Koprzhivova). An open confession of a young successful female model describing her career path from almost childhood, through a difficult puberty period to the present day. Topic: addiction, eating disorders, psychosomatic problems.
  • "Diary of a Classy Outsider or How I Defeated Bullying" (Eric Kahn Gale). Eric was a normal boy until 6th grade, but for some inexplicable reason, a group of classmates made him an outsider. Even his best friend spoke out against him. Topic: bullying, friendship, school.

Sample Books for Adults

Library literature for adults and older readers:

  • "The Man Who Planted Trees" (Jean Giono). The story is told from the point of view young man who went on a journey through the deserted French Alpine corners. Theme: inner determination, the meaning of life, clear, unshakable happiness.
  • "365 short stories for the soul" (Bruno Ferrero). Row good stories popular author Bruno Ferrero. Theme: relationships, friendship, sacrifice for others.
  • "Dancing as fast as I can" (Barbara Gordon). An autobiographical confession of a successful emancipated woman, New York television writer and director, who mobilized all the powers of her personality to live without drug addiction. Subject: , depression, abuse sedatives, relations.

Summing up

Bibliotherapy is a supportive psychotherapeutic method that uses the healing effects of reading. The goal is to determine the internal problem of man.

The mechanism of bibliotherapy is the use of appropriate works that simplify the consideration of the patient's situation from different angles, to assist in finding the right solution, the way. The work must correspond to the life situation of a person, the character in the story must solve the same problems as he does.

It is especially important for children that the hero of the book matches their age. It goes without saying that stories should end positively, give the patient hope, chance, motivation.

Through the text, the patient must gain self-understanding, realize that he is not alone, that the same fate befell many others. For example, autobiographical stories are suitable, the authors of which themselves suffered a life-threatening ordeal, returning to life again. Properly selected text can increase the patient's self-confidence, affect emotional condition, develop personality.

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