Events October 12 in history. World Arthritis Day

October 12 - the day of the personnel worker.
On this day, in 1918, the decision of the People's Commissariat of Justice was adopted by "instructions on the organization of the Soviet Workers' and Peasant Militia" and the first personnel apparatus of the internal affairs bodies were created. For the first time, the tradition of celebrating a professional holiday - the day of the personnel worker - it appeared in personnel services of the internal affairs bodies. Gradually, she was introduced at other enterprises together with employees of the personnel services of the internal affairs bodies. Since the day of the personnel in Russia was not approved officially, in addition to October 12 he has several other dates, more or less popular in different cities of Russia. So, for example, a number of sources suggested celebrating the day of the personnel on May 24.

Renal events:

1492 - The expedition of Christopher Columbus reached the Islands of San Salvador in the Bahamas archipelago (the official opening date of America). Relying on the ancient doctrine of the shag-likeness of the Earth and the incorrect calculations of the 19th century scientists, Christopher Columbus drawn up the Western project, in his opinion, the shortest sea route from Europe to India. In 1485, after the Portuguese king rejected his project, Columbus moved to Castile, where, with the support of the main Andalus merchants and bankers, the organization was achieved under his leadership of the Government Ocean Expedition. This expedition (1492-1493) consisting of 90 people on Santa Maria courts, Pinta, Ninya left Palos on August 3, 1492, turned to the West from the Canary Islands, crossed Atlantic Ocean In the subtropical belt and reached the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas archipelago, where she landed on October 12, 1492 (the official date of opening of America). In October-December, Columbus visited a number of other Bahamas, and in December opened and examined the sector of the northeast coast of Cuba. December 6 reached the Island Haiti and moved along his northern coast. On the night of December 25, the flagship ship "Santa Maria" sat down on the reef, but people were saved. Columbus on the ship "Ninya" in January 1493 completed the survey of the North Coast of Haiti and returned to Castile on March 15. About the priority of Columbus in the opening of America in scientific literature There is a discussion. It has been established that the islands and the coastal regions of North and Northeast America were visited by Normans hundreds of years before Columbus. It is possible that Europeans and residents of Africa accidentally reached the shores of tropical America. However, only the discoveries of Columbus had world-historical significance, since only after his swimsions, American lands were included in the sphere of geographical representations. In honor of the opening of the Columbus of America, the Spaniard by Nationality, October 12, the National Day is celebrated in the Kingdom of Spain - the day of the Spanish nation, called the day of Spandad.

1810 - The first beer festival was held in Munich, currently an annual Oktoberfest holiday.

1931 - in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) on the hill Corcovad took place grand opening Statues of Christ the Savior. She stands on top of a hill Corcovad at an altitude of 704 meters above sea level. The height of the statue itself is 30 meters, not counting the seventener pedestal, and its weight is 1140 tons, the head of the statue weighs 35.6 tons; Hand brushes - 9.1 tons each, and scope of hands is 23 meters ... The idea of \u200b\u200bthis building originated in 1922, when the century of independence of Brazil was celebrated. The famous weekly announced the project competition for the best monument - the symbol of the nation. The winner, Ector and Silva Costa, put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sculptural image of Christ, spread his arms and hugging the whole city. This gesture expresses compassion and at the same time joyful pride. The idea of \u200b\u200bSilva was accepted by the public with the delight also because she crossed the previous plan of the construction of a grandiose monument Christopher Columbus on the mountain of Pan-Di-Ascucar. The church was immediately connected to the case, having organized donations throughout the country, in order to finance the implementation of the project. Before starting work, architects, engineers and sculptors met in Paris to discuss all the technical problems of installing a statue on the top of the hill, where it is open to all winds and is subject to other meteorological influences. Work on the design and creation of the statue went in Paris. Then she was delivered to Rio de Janeiro and installed on the hill Corcovad.

1957 - The then the legendary film Mikhail Kalazozova, "fly cranes, came out on the screens of Soviet cinemas. The film was shot on the play of Viktor Roshova "forever alive." The military drama tells tells about people, whose fate ruthlessly invaded the war. This is the tragic story of two lovers - Boris and Veroniki, who forever separated the war. Tatyana Samoilova, Alexey Batalov, Vasily Morkuryev, Alexander Schworine, Svetlana Kharitin Zubkov, Antonina Bogdanova, Boris Kokohin, Catherine, Boris Kokochin, Ekaterina Kuprisanova, Konstantin Nikitin. The triumph of the film began with obtaining the first prize at the Cannes Festival in 1958. There was also an exceptional game of actress Tatyana Samoilova. Then the picture welcomed the audience in many countries of the world.

Film awards: Great Prize "Golden Palm Branch", Special Diploma Jury, Prize for the best female role Tatiana Samoylova, Prize of the Higher Technical Commission of France Operator Sergey Urusvsky on the XI International Film Festival In Cannes, Silver Sombrero prize at the I International Film Festival in Guadalajara, a special prize I of the All-Union Film Festival in Moscow.

To this day, the cranes are flying - not only the milestone in the spiritual life of our society, but also the top of art - acting (first of all Tatyana Samoylova and Alexey Batalov), operator (Sergey Urusvsky) and the director's (Mikhail Kalatozov).

1971 - The first representation of the Rock Opera Andrew Lloyd Webber "Jesus Christ - Superstar" took place in New York.

October 12, 322 BC accepted poison and left the Athenian speaker and politician Demosphen, pursued by the enemies. A few years later, in Athens put it a copper statue with the inscription: "If the power, Demosphen, you had such a mind, - the government would not be able to take the Macedonian army in Ellad."

On this day, 1435, by order of the Mighty Duke of Ernsta Bavarian, the daughter of the Augsburg Verkhnika was killed, the beauty of Agnes Bernauer, who secretly married his only son Albrecht. Ernst accused Agnes in the fact that she "kept" his heir, and in punishment for witchcraft ordered his close to deprive her life, drowned in the Danube. After the death of Agnes became the heroine of German folk songs and dramatic works, including the plays of Christian Friedrich Hebbel, the largest German poet tragic in the middle of the XIX century. And after almost 400 years, another famous event was held in the same area. On the occasion of marriage of the son of King Bavarian Maximilian I, the Koronprint of Ludwig (in 1825-1848 - King) on \u200b\u200bthe princess of Teresa Saxen-Hildeburghausenskaya in the meadow at the entrance to Munich, there was a holiday, where all the forty thousand inhabitants of the city were free by free beer. Walked up to October 17, when there was a running. So it was the beginning of Oktoberfest, famous for the whole world with a beer holiday. In 1811, a holiday of farmers was added to the jumps with a show of beautiful horses and bulls, and in 1818, the first carousels and swings were installed at the next holiday, as well as the first beer stalls. Oktoberfest has grown. In 1881, the first and largest roar of chickens opened, in 1892, the beer was first sold in glass liter circles, and already in 1896, beer tents and "fortresses" were built. Oktoberfest annually (with interruptions for the years of war) is held on the spot, by the name of Teresa called Teresin meadow, now it is 42 hectares in the center of the scared Munich. The holiday gathers up to 7 million people who drink 5-6 million liters of beer (a third of the annual products of all Bavarian brewers), eat 700-750 thousand fried chickens, 350 thousand servings of sausages and so on. Main events of the festival - Oktoberfest costume and parade of shooters. Others important events - Parade of the owners of beer tents and brewers, the official opening of the first barrel mayor Munich is an invitation to the beginning of a fun, salute from hand guns in front of the Bavaria statue. In addition, the festival is a holiday offering a large selection of entertainment: traditional riding on the carousels, modern Russian slides, damn wheels, railway. Here you can also enjoy Bavarian branded sweets: sugar, gingerbread in the form of hearts or fried almonds, and also purchase souvenirs: balloons, plush toys and much more. In 2010, the 200th anniversary of the beer festival was noted.

October 12, 1552 150-thousand russian army He headed by the king Ivan Vasilyevich assaults aggravated Kazan (33 thousand defenders). Independent Kazan Khanate was liquidated, all men in Kazan were exterminated; Captured Khan Yadigar was baptized and received boyars. Taking Kazan is perpetuated in the literature and fine art. And even in Ivan Vasilyevich ... ", which changes profession.

On this day there was a whole scattering of musical events. The most important thing is exactly 400 years old. On October 12, 1609, a secular song was first printed in London in the world. The words are uncomplicated: "Three blind mouse, three blind mouse, we should not work, three blind mouse ..." Now it is a folklore. October 12, 1928 in Moscow could pick up this stained. But that day, the song and dance of the Red Army was released on the stage for the first time (now twice the red-known, academic, named Alexandrova, etc., etc.). And what will he be singing about the blind mice? Dudes. There's all armored and seriously. The ensemble was at the beginning of 12 people, and his leader was appointed Professor of the Moscow Conservatory Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov. And on October 12, 1940, again in Moscow, the concert hall of the Tchaikovsky opened - in the building, which was intended for the overclocuted Meyerhold Theater. Moreover, Meyerhold managed to admire this building: "There is such a scene that elephants will be able to walk, elephants!"

On October 12, 1786, the Future Third US President Thomas Jefferson wrote a love letter to Maria Roses. This election of a widow is a married woman remained in history entitled "Dialogue of Mind with a heart." Talented artist, Music performer Mary and politician never connected their lives.

On this day, 1793, the convention of the young French Republic unanimously approved the decree on the destruction of the city of Lyon, the second largest in the country, for the "counter-revolutionary uprising". "The city of Lyon," said the verdict in the best Roman traditions, "must be destroyed. Houses of wealthy people to destroy; Only housing of poor people, killed or convicted patriots and structures of industrial, charitable and educational, may be preserved. The name of Lyon is crossed out of the city list. From now on, the settlement with the remaining houses is called "Ville Affranchie" ["liberated city"]. On the ruins of Lyon, we build a column, hearing the upcoming generations about the crime and punishment of the royalist city, with the inscription: "Lyon struggled against freedom - Lyon is no longer". "

On October 12, 1808, the Secret Union Convention was concluded in Erfurt between Russia and France. Napoleon, fearing the threats from Austria and the charter from the war in Spain, which, besides, accepted the turnover who is unfavorable for him, was looking for rapprochement with Russia. Erfurt arrangements, in particular, confirmed Russia's rights to Finland, Moldova and Valachia. Alas, negotiations in Erfurt did not make relations between Russia and France warmer. The agreement was concluded for 10 years, but by Napoleon's war against Russia, in less than five years later, actually canceled all the allied arrangements and obligations.

On this day, 1823, English Chemist Charles Makintosh unexpectedly made the discovery, perpetuating his name. Making experiments with rubber, he accidentally shed a viscous composition on the fabric. And after a while noticed that the impregnated fabric does not floss. So Makintosh invented a water-blast fabric consisting of two layers of matter glued with a rubber solution. And a rubberized cloak appeared on the light, which became known as Makintosh. At first, such clothes that made his inventor with a millionaire, used incredible success, but after several years it became apparent that she had more minuses than the pros, and the manufacture of rubberized raincoats was stopped. Well, here is the name - Makintosh - there.

On October 12, 1871, US President Ulysses Grant banned Ku-Klux Clan and ordered to arrest the leaders of this organization. Hundreds of activists were arrested and thrown into prisons with decisions of the Military Tribunal, which was one of the important reasons for the cessation of the organization, but it should be noted, although many arrests were made, almost no one was injured from the leaders of the organization. The first Ku-Klux clan flourished in the 1860s in the south of the United States, but at the beginning of the 1870s, the movement ceased to exist. At the same time, famous white costumes appeared, consisting of a mantle, mask and a conical headdress created specifically for intimidation. The second ku-Klux clan was distributed throughout the country at the beginning and mid-1920s. He used the same costumes and passwords, but introduced a new symbol - a burning cross. The third ku-Klux Clan originated after World War II as a reaction to movement for civil rights minorities. The second and third Ku-Klux Clans advocated the giving special rights to the descendants of the first citizens of the United States who won the war for independence. A LINCH Court is associated with this organization.

On this day, 1884, the Spaniards founded the most southern city of Earth - Ushuaia.

On October 12, 1901, Theodore Roosevelt officially assigned the US President's residence name White House, which was immediately legalized by Congress. In this two-story mansion on Pennsylvania-Avenue, 1600, 54 rooms; The second and third floors are the residential premises of the president and his family, and the main working premises are located in the Western wing, in which the oval office and the office of the executive department of the president is located. The territory around the residence is almost seven and a half hectares, including several gardens and a lawn in front of a white house, which hosts many official ceremonies.

October 12, 1909, in Moscow, a monument to Ivan Fedorov was opened in Moscow at Nikolskaya Street (now he is near the metropol hotel). The next day, a mourning wreath was entrusted to the monument: "The first martyr of Russian press." Well, it is clear: Fedorova survived from Moscow, burned his printed courtyard, and he had to emigrate to Lviv ...

On this day, 1923 in Geneva, the Convention on the suppression of the conversion of porniizdays and trading them was signed. But the definitions of pornography was not given.

After exactly one year, in 1924, the Moldovan ASSR was created as part of the Ukrainian SSR.

On October 12, 1931, on the cliff Corcovad, which snaps over Rio de Janeiro, a 30-meter statue of the Savior was solemnly opened, a native sister of the Statue of Freedom. What gives us the right to say so? The community of homeland and similarity in the biographies of sculptures. And that and the other created in Paris and transported in parts over the ocean; And the one, the other - the symbols of the city and the country, where they are installed, both are amazed by majesticity and attract tourists. The statue of Christ the Savior stands on the top of the hill of Corcovad at an altitude of 704 meters above sea level. The height of the statue itself is 30 meters, not counting the seventener pedestal, and its weight is 1140 tons. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis building originated in 1922, when the century of independence of Brazil was celebrated. The famous weekly announced the project competition for the best monument - the symbol of the nation. The winner, Ector and Silva Costa, put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sculptural image of Christ, spread his arms and hugging the whole city. This gesture expresses compassion and at the same time joyful pride. Work on the design and creation of the statue went in Paris. Then she was delivered to Rio de Janeiro and installed on the hill Corcovad. On October 12, 1931, her first solemn discovery and sanctification took place, and the lighting unit was mounted for this day. Built in 1885 the tram line is now leading almost to the top of the hill: the final stop is just forty-meters under the statue. From it it is necessary to rise in 220 steps of the stairs to the pedestal on which is located viewpoint. In 2003, an escalator was opened, where you can reach the foot of the famous statue. From here it is clearly visible right hand Copacabana and Ipanema beaches, and on the left Giant Bowl of Maracans, the world's largest stadium, and the international airport. And on this day, 1971, the premiere of the Rock Opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar" was held at Broadway.

On October 12, 2004, on the day that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, two years earlier renamed the day of the native resistance, in the center of Caracas - the capital of the country, activists for the revival of national dignity of the indigenous population of America dumped from a decade meter pedestal the statue of Christopher Columbus. Graffiti and transparencies appeared on the pedestal: "Columbus \u003d Genocide", "Columbus \u003d Bush. Won! "," Resistance continues! " The Bronze Chief Chief of America was cut into the area of \u200b\u200bthe Opera and Ballet Theater of the Teresa Carreno and joined there in the Tree on the tree. At the site of the Great Marithener, it is planned to establish a statue of the leader Guaikaipuro, who in the XVI century heroically fought with the pale-core founders of Caracas and was killed by them. The fact is that on October 12, 1492, the opening of America occurred. Rather, the San Salvador island from the Bahamas archipelago opened. Christopher Columbus was watered on a new - Indian, as he believed - the land banner of Queen Isabella Castilskaya. The indigenous people of the new world were for Europeans only the object of study and conquest. The abolished result is the decision of the Indian Court of Honduras, which on October 12, 1998 laid the blame for the acts of conquistadors and sentenced him to a symbolic posthumous execution.

Not dealt with this day and without ideology. "History justifies me!" Fidel Castro exclaimed, completing his speech on October 12, 1953 on the trial about the capture of Moncada barracks. "Party plans - the plans of the people!" "As if the second Fallet, the Sovetsky Patriot newspaper formulated on October 12, 1958. And in 1960, at the 15th session of the UN General Assembly, Nikita Khrushchev first called the Philippine Rapporteur "Holling of American Imperialism", and then pounded the boot. This case is still remembered along with Kuzkina Mother and corn. Later in the memoirs of Khrushchev wrote that this gesture was supported by the liberation movement of the peoples of Asia and Africa. Contrary to the legend, according to the "Old-timers" of the UN, the Soviet leader knocked off the shoes not from the rostrum, but from his place in the hall. At first he was performed by a campaign, and then the shoe. By the way, no nuclear war At that moment, Khrushchev did not threaten. This entrance cost a Soviet delegation of 10 thousand dollars. But, of course, Nikita Sergeevich paid not from his pocket. However, the son of Nikita Sergeevich, honorary professor of the University of Brown in the United States, believes that this story is invented. "I can tell you what was. There is a routine meeting. At some point, the journalists surrounded the Father, and someone stepped on his leg. The shoe flew. And he was full of person And did not bend. The shoe put nearby on the table. And at some point wanted to intervene in the discussion. He began to wave this boot, attracting attention. That's all. But what is interesting: my London Publisher asked to find this historic shoe, I found a couple in which he left then to the United States, and gave. And then suddenly it turned out that this is not the boot. Another picture. It turns out that in New York then it was hot, and he bought some sandals, American, probably. Here he was in them. " Historians argue that it was still not. There are newsreel personnel on which Nikita Khrushchev is striking the boot in the UN meeting room. Apparently, Sergey Nikitovic talks about another episode. Until now, absolutely all tourists coming on an excursion to the UN are asked about this case.

October 12, 1964 started spaceship "Sunrise-1" with three cosmonauts on board - for the first time in space, a cosmonaut-loner was sent to space, and the crew. The heroes of the Soviets were the commander of Vladimir Komarov, the engineer Konstantin Feoktistov and the doctor Boris Egorov. On the victory of Soviet cosmonautics in those days spoke the whole world.

On this day, 1970, the Screens of the USSR came out by the film Gleb Panfilov "Start", in which Inna Churikova, Valentina Telichkina, Mikhail Knonov, Leonid Kuravlev.

On October 12, 1982, the London Victory Parade took place. He went to commemorate victory over Argentina in the Falkland War. About 300,000 people took part in the triumphal procession from the Armory to the Town Hall. Some differences arose when it turned out that the Great British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was to take the parade, and not the Queen (which, like other representatives of the royal family, was not present). Opposition Leader Michael Foot was noticed standing near Tatcher and Watching a variety of melodies in the tact orchestra of the parade.

On this day, 1983, MAYTAG released on this day the last in the country washing machine with a spin, resulting in hand movies.

On October 12, 1999, a 6 billionth resident of the Earth was born in Sarajevo. In one of the male houses of Sarajevo, a boy who became a 6-billionth resident of the Earth was born at 29-year-old Fatima Helach. This symbolic title of the child assigned Secretary General UN Kofi Annan, who was at this time in Bosnia and Herzegovina on an official visit.

On this day, 2003, Michael Schumacher became the first in the history of the Formula 1 races with a 6-fold world champion, breaking the record by the number of championship titles (5) H.-M. Funky, held since 1957. The record was not only unsurpassed, but also unauthorized - the second 5-fold champion was the Schumacher himself in the previous year, 2002.


World Egg Day

The second Friday of October in many countries of the world is the feast of the egg. Lovers of omelets, egg casseroles, glazing since 1996 have the opportunity to publicly admire with egg products. The decision to celebrate was accepted at the World "Egg" conference, in which many countries participated. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe celebration of Egg Day has many reasons, numerous scientific research Confirm the usefulness of their use. Antioxidants and nutrients required for the body make it possible to avoid some diseases. Studies show that public opinion The fact that they increase cholesterol is erroneous. The leader of the world consumption of eggs is Japan, where each resident eats one egg per day. In America, annual "Giant Omelet Days" are held.

October 12 - the holiday of the phenomenon of the Virgin in Brazil

This holiday is considered national in the country since 1717. It all started with the fact that several fishermen on the Parabey River removed the wonderful statuette of the Holy Virgin from their networks. 15 years she was kept in the house of one of the fishermen, many people came to worship for her. The statuette of the Holy Virgin Mary is placed in the temple, Pope X supplemented Face Crown and called her Queen Brazil Rainha Do Brasil. She was also proclaimed by the patroness of Brazil. It is stored in a huge temple, accommodating 75 thousand people at the same time.

Spandad Day - National Feast of Spain, and the Holiday Holy Virgin Pilar

Initially, this day was celebrated in Aragon, as a tribute to the worship of the Mother of God Pilar. According to the legend, this saint virgin on the banks of the Obero river communicated with the apostle Santiago, supporting it in a difficult missionary business. The spread of Christianity in Spain is associated with a large number of obstacles. The phenomenon of Our Lady, standing on the column, gave a sign of patronage for all Spaniards. Since then, this is a favorite holiday in Spain, which many residents love and honor more than their own birthdays and birthday. On the same day, Christopher Columbus, at the head of the Spanish expedition, opened the lands of new light. Believers are associated with the patronage of the Holy Pilar. The name of Columbus gold letters is inscribed in world history.

October 13 - Day of the fight against tobacco in Armenia

Since 2008, Armenia officially celebrates the day of the fight against tobacco smoking, maintaining priority world movements in this direction. Armenian Health Minister described tobacco smoking as a world epidemic and suggested that this day, because it was October 12, the Government of Armenia ratified the provisions of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on tobacco. " Year 2009 was declared a naked counter against tobacco, since 30% of Armenian citizens were smokers, and 60% of them were family breadwinners.

October 12 in the folk calendar

The church calendar on this day shows the holiday of Reverene Faofan gracious

Being a rich man, Feofan had a good nature. Over the years, living in the Palestinian city of Gaza, he gave a shelter to the needy and shelter. At the end of his life, he broke out at the end and died practically in poverty. Four days after his funeral, he appeared to one person and asked to remove the stone from his grave. From this place was fond of wonderful fragrance, his relics exuded the world, mysteriously healing patients. In memory of his good deeds, he was nusted by Feofan gracious. On the day of memory, he is briefly returned to the ground, and the position of the stars predicts dry or wet autumn. On this day, the hunt for a hare is successful, the day ended with the gatherings and stories of hunting baakeks.

October 12 in the world in history:

October 12, 1492. - The expedition of Christopher Columbus in the Bahamas occurred

On this day, in the Bahamas archipelago, the expedition of Christopher Columbus collided with new land, which was mistaken for Indian lands. This conclusion scientists were able to make on the basis of an erroneous opinion on the shag-likeness of the Earth and the incorrect settlements of the 15th century. Portuguese king rejected the Columbus project. Having traveled to Castile, the Columbus was organized by an expedition out of 90 people. With the support of Andalusian rich people in it, the courts "Santa - Maria", "Ninya", "Pint" participated in it. On October 12, the expedition landed on the Bahamas, and in December, the coast of Cuba was examined. Further, the expedition reached the island of Haiti and returned to Castile on March 15. The discussion about the priority of Columbus goes to today. In honor of this day, Spain's holiday became national.

Directed by Mark Kalatozov shot this film on the work of Viktor Roshova "forever alive." At the heart of a military drama - the tragic story of two lovers, brilliantly played by Tatiana Samoilova and Alexey Batalov. The triumph of the film was the receipt of the first prize at the Cannes festival1958. Tatiana Samoilova's game was marked by a special prize for the best female role. The picture was held on the screens of many countries of the world, and received many more prizes - "Silver Sombrero", a prize at the film festival in Guadalajara and others.

Currently, this festival is known as an annual Oktoberfest holiday, which has long won world recognition. This is the German National Tradition, and world folk guys dedicated to beer. Oktoberfest began the wedding on October 12, 1810, Prince Louis Bavarian and Princess Saxon. Some call this day the most ambitious and mass drunk in the world. Tribute to the noble drink is trying to give millions of connoisseurs. Brewery, as advertising their trademarks, install pavilions throughout the city, offering all the varieties of beer. which are produced in enterprises. The main events are held in Teresi Meadow (Theresienwiese).

October 12 were born:

Edward Crowley - English writer, magician, author of numerous articles and books on occultism, yoga, Buddhism.
("The equinox of the gods", "magic in theory and in practice", "magic without tears", "8 lectures on yoga" and others). Crowley first examines meditation as a means and a way to achieve the goal, for this, he even throws the University of Cambridge and is devoted to the study of Buddhism and yoga techniques. In 1907, he created the Order of the Silver Star and wrote the "Arch of Holy Books of Telem."

Being a Mosfilm director, Rolan Bykov is achieving universal recognition by the first of its own works "Seven Nycycles" and "Aibolit-66". He continues the topic of children's cinema for a long time, shooting such films as "Attention, turtle", "Adventures of Pinocchio", "Car, violin and a dog of a blossom." He himself played the famous roles of Cat Basilio and Barmaley. Other famous films: "Duck Village", "Scarecrow", "The Adventures of Ali Baba and Forty Robbers", "About the Red Hap".

The opera revolution of Luciano Pavarotti does not cause doubts even the most critical music researchers. His name forever became synonymous with the beauty of the human voice. His singing career began from 9 years, when he sang in church choir with his father. The usual hobby has grown into a matter of life. Hundreds of thousands of listeners came to the concerts of the famous tenor. One of the concerts became a record for raising the curtain - at the end of the speech it was done 165 times. This event was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. About 500 thousand people gathered at the New York Central Park in order to hear his live voice. Repeat this record was not yet possible to anyone.

Italian cultural figure, poet, journalist, critic, author of texts to songs by Composer Goffredo Petrasi. In 1967 he became a lifelong senator, Nobel laureate on literature.

Name Day October 12:

On this day, the names of the name of Ivan are celebrated. Ancient form - John, Hebrew Origin. In other languages, this name sounds like John, Jean, Yang, Giovanni, Yuhan, Hans, Juan, Yannis.

October 12, 782 BC. e. URRA TSW Argishti I was founded by the city of Yerevan.

For the founding of the city, the King of Argishti brought here 6,600 prisoners from the areas of Hati and Psopani (Western regions of Armenian Highlands). Persons consider ERI (ERIAHI) formed from the etiquette of ERI (ERIAHI).

October 12, 539 BC e. Persian troops occupied Babylon. The city was busy with the troops of Kira II and became part of the powers of the achemenides.

October 12, 322 BC e. Athenian speaker and politician Demosphen, pursued by the enemies, committed suicide with him, accepting poison.

The desire to convince gave birth to a passionate pathos of Demosthene speeches. According to legend, even Philip II recognized that if he had listened to the speech of Demosthene, he would definitely vote for war against himself. The recognition of the eloquence of Demosphen was so high that contemporaries and subsequent generations of the ancient Greeks called him just a speaker.

October 12, 1350 was born grand Duke Moscow and Vladimir Dmitry Donskoy.

As the historian Vasily Klyuchevsky noted, among the descendants of Alexander Nevsky, distinguished by remarkably sustainable mediocrity, Dmitry Donskoy was the only talented politician and commander.

He began to prince at 9 years old and for his short life (And he died in 39), he managed much. Twice reflected the attack on Moscow of the Lithuanian Prince Olgere, forced Tver to recognize the seniority of Moscow among the Russian principalities.

Heading the struggle of Russia against the Golden Horde, the prince defeated the Tatars on the river Vaja, and then defeated the Orda Khan Mamaama in the battle on the Kulikov field in the upper reaches of Don, for which it was nusted by the descendants from Don. In the 20th century, Dmitry Donskoy was ranked sainted.

October 12, 1492, the Opening of the Island of San Salvador was discovered by Christopher Columbusrepresented by the official date of the "Opening of America".

October 12.1654 The most talented student Rembrant artist Karel Fabrichius died at the explosion of the Delft Arsenal.

Karel Fabrichius died in an explosion of a powder warehouse, as a result of which almost the entire city was destroyed (this incident was reflected in painting of that time, in particular, in the paintings of the Snimar and Egbert van der Pula). Karel during the explosion was at home, along with his mother, disciples and deacon, whose portrait he painted from the wounds received during the explosion of injuries passed away in a few hours in the hospital. It is assumed that, as a result of the explosion, most paintings were killed by Karel Fabrichus.

On October 12, 1787, Kinburn Batali took place. When Russian troops under the command of General-Annef A. V. Suvorov broke the Turkish landing in the Kinburn Spit (modern Nikolaev region).

On October 12, 1810, the first octoberfest was held. Munich residents are invited to celebrate the wedding of the Kronprint Ludwig Bavarian and the princess of Teresa Saxen-Guildbiggowan.

At the wedding of Augustors, the river was raised by the river, all residents of Munich were invited. And at the end of the joyful event for residents of the city, various functions were harvested: racing and showing bulls from local farmers. Every year, Oktoberfest has grown, adding something new to the events of the holiday. For example, in 1881, the largest tincture of chickens opened at the festival, and in 1896, beer fortresses and stalls were erected. Today, the beginning of the festival does not have a clear date: it usually begins in mid-September and lasts about three weeks, having hospitably expecting beer lovers from around the world.

On October 12, 1813, the Supreme Junta was abolished in ParaguayInstead, the state was headed by two consuls who had to change every four months. They became José Gaspar Rodriguez de Flunce and Fulhensio Yegros.

On October 12, 1822, Pedro I was proclaimed by the emperor of the Brazilian Empire,Brazil has gained independence from Portugal.

On this day in 1823, English Chemist Charles Makintosh unexpectedly made the discovery, perpetuating his name.

Making experiments with rubber, he accidentally shed a viscous composition on the fabric. And after a while noticed that the impregnated fabric does not floss. So Makintosh invented a water-blast fabric consisting of two layers of matter glued with a rubber solution.

And a rubberized cloak appeared on the light, which became known as Makintosh. At first, such clothes that made his inventor with a millionaire, used incredible success, but after several years it became apparent that she had more minuses than the pros, and the manufacture of rubberized raincoats was stopped.

Well, here is the name - Makintosh - there.

October 12, 1868, august chorch was born, One of the pioneers of the German automotive industry, a designer engineer and an entrepreneur, the founder of the company Audi.

On October 12, 1871, US President Ulysses Grant banned Ku-Klux Clan and ordered to arrest the leaders of this organization. Ku-Kloux-clan was called a ultra-by-country organization in the States, known for its sophisticated killings and promoting the ideas of white Nazism. With an increase in the number of Ku-Kloux Clauses, the number of victims grew, the murders became increasingly cruel.

On October 12, 1884, the Spaniards founded the most southern city of Earth - Ushuaia. City and port in the south of Argentina. Administrative Center of the Province of Fire Earth and the Department of the same name.

October 12, 1901 Theodore Roosevelt officially assigned the US President's Residence White Housewhat was legalized by Congress.

In this two-story mansion on Pennsylvania-Avenue, 1600, 54 rooms; The second and third floors are the residential premises of the president and his family, and the main working premises are located in the Western wing, in which the oval office and the office of the executive department of the president is located.

The territory around the residence is almost seven and a half hectares, including several gardens and a lawn in front of a white house, which hosts many official ceremonies.

October 12, 1918but The joint decision of the People's Commissariat of the Interior and the People's Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR was adopted by the instruction "On the organization of the Soviet Workers' and Peasant Militia". This document has become a starting regulatory act in creating and establishing activities of personnel apparatus of the internal affairs of Russia. On May 11, 1930, the Personnel Management of the NKVD RSFSR was created.

The Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is an autonomous republic as part of the Ukrainian SSR, which has existed from October 12, 1924 to 2 August 1940. The initiator of the creation of Moldavian autonomy was the city of Kotovsky, he was supported by A. Bedandlescu, P. Tkachenko, S. Tinkelman, T. Choran, V. Popovich, and others. Their requirements were considered by the Soviet authorities, and on March 7, 1924 from the part of the Baltsky territory and The Odessa districts of the Odessa province and the Tulchinsky district of the Podolsk province as part of the Ukrainian SSR was formed by the Moldovan Autonomous Region. In the Soviet Union were opponents of creating Moldovan autonomy, in particular, the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs G.V. Chicherin. In his letter, Molotov wrote: "The creation of Massar is currently premature, as it will lead to expansionism from the Romanian chauvinism. The predominance of the Moldovan population will lead to the strengthening of Romanian's position in the Bessarabian issue. "

October 12, 1929, Rolan Bulls was born, Theater and cinema actor, theater director, film director, screenwriter, People's Artist of the USSR.

On October 12, 1931, the solemn discovery and consecration of the statue of the Savior on top of the hill of Corcovad in Rio de Janeiro took place.

In 1921, the approaching centenary anniversary of the National Independence of Brazil inspired the fathers of the city - Rio de Janeiro then was the capital of Brazil - to create the statue of Christ the Redeemer. The magazine "Cruzeir" announced the collection of funds on a subscription to the construction of the monument. As a result of the campaign, more than 2.5 million flights were collected. Church was connected to the collection of funds: the then Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro Don Sebastian Leme took great part in creating a monument.

The construction of the statue lasted about nine years - from 1922 to 1931.

The initial sketch of the monument was developed by the artist Carlos Oswald. It was he who suggested to portray Christ with his outstretched in a blessing gesture with his hands, why did the figure would look like a huge cross. In the initial version, the pedestal for the statue was supposed to have the shape of the globe. The final project of the monument was developed by the Brazilian engineer in Eiter and Silva Kat.

Since for a number of reasons, including technological, it was impossible to create such a huge sculpture in Brazil, all its details, including the frame, were manufactured in France. The statue is made of reinforced concrete and talco chlorite.

In 1924, French sculptor Paul Landovsky finished modeling the head and hands of the statue. After that, Romanian sculptor George Leonid worked on the creation of the Head of Christ from 1925 to 1931. In a disassembled form, all the details of the monument were delivered to Brazil and the railroad was transported by the mountain of Corcovad.

From the final point of the railway to the foot of the statue, a winding staircase of 220 steps was arranged, which received the "Karakol" nickname, and in the thicker of the marble basement - a small chapel.

On October 12, 1931, the solemn discovery and consecration of the monument, which became a symbol of Rio de Janeiro.

On this day in 1935, in the small north-Italian city of Modena, the famous singer Luciano Pavarotti was born in the family of Mallomanna, Melomanana's family.

My father knew Aria from many operas, possessed a great voice and adored to sing at home. One of the first public "speeches" Luciano took place with his father - both began to sing in church choir.

But the debut on the opera scene happened already in a rather mature for song art age - at 26 years. In 1966, Luciano debuted in "La Scala". And already in the 72nd he shone in the American "Metropolitan-Opera", performing the most complex party of Tonyo in the opera Donizetti "daughter shelf".

Since then, the glory of Luciano Pavarotti began as a opera singer.

On October 12, 1953, Fidel Castro finished his speech on the court on the case of the seizure of the barracks Moncada with the words "the story will justify me!".

In the process, which began on September 21, 1953, Fidel Castro, a lawyer for education, refused a lawyer and decided to defend himself. The line of protection, he chose the thesis on the innocence of the rebels, who have the right to overthrow the dictatorial regime of F. Batista and restore the democratic government. At the last meeting of the court, he pronounced a long speech, replacing the batter mode.

Fidel Castro was sentenced to 15 years in prison, but through incomplete 2 years was released by amnesty.

On October 12, 1960, an indifferent incident with N. S. Khrushchev and his boot took place on the 15th Assembly.

That day there was a discussion of the "Hungarian issue" and Krushchev, together with other members of the Soviet delegation, in every way tried to disrupt him. According to the testimony of the contemporaries of Khrushchev, Anastas Mikoyan and Viktor Sukhhodreva, it happened as follows: Khrushchev had no shoes, but open shoes. During the speech of the speaker, Khrushchev took off his shoes and began to pay it for a long time to view and shake it, raising her head at the level, and he also slightly knocked her on the table, as if trying to knock the pebbles, which, supposedly rolled there. With these actions, Khrushchev demonstrated that the report was not interesting for him.

Son Khrushcheva Sergey, who was present at that meeting of the UN, said that the shoe with Khrushchev starred in a crowd, and then he brought him to him. He, tapping on the table as a sign of disagreement with a performance, began to help the boot.

On this day in 1968, the XIX Olympic Games opened in Mexico City. The unusual conditions for holding games (highlands) have become the cause of outstanding records and mini tragedies, when athletes lost consciousness during competitions requiring endurance, and Equatorial Guinea received independence from Spain.

The heroes of the XIX Olympics became the Athletes of African countries. More recently, African sport was called "stronged in tomorrow." And this "tomorrow" came. It has come and made major changes in the Olympic geography, and in the ratio of forces on the world sports arena. Stormy growth was demonstrated by African athletes in athletics sports. Kenya's runners, Tunisia, Ethiopia won five gold medals, although in the beam types of athletics, they had only four medals in all previous Olympiad. For the first time in the history of the Olympic Movement, all prizes in running on 5,000 and 10,000 meters occupied African athletes.

On October 12, 1971, the premiere of the Rock Opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar" was held on Broadway.

Initially, the musical was released in the form of an album in 1970, where the main role was performed by Jan Gillan, the vocalist of the so-called "gold composition" of Deep Purple. Live concert in July 1971 passed with such a huge success that it was accepted to record and release a record, which subsequently separated by millions of circulation. The young composer Andrew Lloyd Webber is almost known to this point, almost overnight became a celebrity. On October 12, 1971, the premiere of an expanded stage version of the Rock Opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar" took place on Broadway. Young authors were shocked by the success of the performance. Already in August 1972, the show opened in London.

And in 1973, Rock opera was fascinated. The film was removed in Israel, in the very places where the events were demonstrated in the film. Over 40 years of the existence of the Rock Opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar", the show has passed on the scenes of 17 countries of the world. In Russia, for the first time in Russian, Rock Opera took place on the scene of the St. Petersburg State Theater "Rock Opera".

October 12, 19.84 years Militants IRA arranged an attempt at the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. They laid a bomb in the room charter in the Bayton Grand Hotel. But in a happy chance, before the blast, the "iron lady" was removed to the toilet and did not suffer. Meanwhile, the explosion hit the ceiling in the "Prime Minister" room, killed four people (including the famous politician, the former publisher of the Sandy Times newspaper Anthony Berry) and struck by three more dozens of people.

October 12, 1991 Arkady Strugatsky died, soviet writer, Writer, translator.

On this day in 2003, Michael Schumacher became the first six-time world champion in Formula 1 competitions. The racer broke the record by the number of titles, held since 1957 and belonging to H.-M. Funky. Moreover, the record of Schumacher was not only unsurpassed, but also the unique - the second five-time champion was Mikhal himself in 2002. Unfortunately, in the winter of 2013, a tragedy occurred in the Schumacher's family: on ski resort The racer stumbled on a snowy invisible stone and hit his head. The blow was such a force that the helmet on the head of a man split. Since then, about June 16 of the same year, the racer was in an artificial coma.

October 12, 2003, the Qinshan SCM was opened - The first Chinese high-speed railway.

On October 12, 1204, Pope Innokenti Innocent III of His Bulla in the Type of the Order of the Templars (Teamovnikov) officially established the spiritual and knightly Order of the Mareshitsev, created by the Bishop Riga Alberton Boxhevden and originally called the "Brothers of the War of Christ". Along with the Charter, the Order was assigned a distinctive sign - white cloak with a red cross and a sword, hence the traditional name.

After the complete defeat of the Order in 1236 by the combined forces of Lithuanians and Zemgov, his remnants merged with TEVTON ORDER, whose Baltic branch received the name of the Livonian Order.

On October 12, 1350, Dmitry Donskoy, Grand Duke Moscow and Vladimirsky was born. As the historian Vasily Klyuchevsky noted, among the descendants of Alexander Nevsky, distinguished by remarkably sustainable mediocrity, Dmitry Donskoy was the only talented politician and commander. He began to prince at 9 years old and for his short life (and he died in 39), a lot had time.

Twice reflected the attack on Moscow of the Lithuanian Prince Olgere, forced Tver to recognize the seniority of Moscow among the Russian principalities. Heading the struggle of Russia against the Golden Horde, the prince defeated the Tatars on the river Vaja, and then defeated the Orda Khan Mamaama in the battle on the Kulikov field in the upper reaches of Don, for which it was nusted by the descendants from Don. In the 20th century, Dmitry Donskoy was ranked sainted.

On October 12, 1808, the Secret Union Convention was concluded in Erfurt between Russia and France. Napoleon, fearing the threats from Austria and the charter from the war in Spain, which, besides, accepted the turnover who is unfavorable for him, was looking for rapprochement with Russia.

Erfurt arrangements, in particular, confirmed Russia's rights to Finland, Moldova and Valachia. Alas, negotiations in Erfurt did not make relations between Russia and France warmer. The agreement was concluded for 10 years, but by Napoleon's war against Russia, in less than five years later, actually canceled all the allied arrangements and obligations.

On October 12, 1823, English Chemist Charles Makintosh unexpectedly made the discovery, perpetuating his name. Making experiments with rubber, he accidentally shed a viscous composition on the fabric. And after a while noticed that the impregnated fabric does not floss. So Makintosh invented a water-blast fabric consisting of two layers of matter glued with a rubber solution. And a rubberized cloak appeared on the light, which became known as Makintosh.

At first, such clothes that made his inventor with a millionaire, used incredible success, but after several years it became apparent that she had more minuses than the pros, and the manufacture of rubberized raincoats was stopped. Well, here is the name - Makintosh - there.

On October 12, 1876, the Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich was born, the grandson of Emperor Alexander II, after the revolution, who announced his claims to the Russian throne. The cousin of Nicholas II rightly considered one of the most scandalous personalities in the house of Romanov. Having an education in the maritime cadet corpsHe served on the fleet and in 1904 only miraculously escaped during the explosion of the battleship "Petropavlovsk". In 1900, he had a novel with Kuzina Victoria, whose husband was his brother of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. Victoria divorced soon, and in 1905 the lovers secretly married. Cyril was excluded from the fleet service and sent from Russia. Two years later, Nicholas II forgave the prodigal cousin and admitted a dubious marriage.

The Fleet Service of Kirill - after it experienced on Petropavlovsk, he felt the "terrible uneven fear" before the sea. On the eve of the shocks of 1917, a land sailor in the rank of counter-admiral commanded the Guards Fleet crew. In the days of the February revolution, Kirill flashed before the public with a red bow, however, in May 1917, the Grand Prince with his family moved to Finland, and then lived in Switzerland, France and Germany. Perfectly confessing that his rights to the throne to the extreme is doubtful, he decided to declare himself in 1924 by the Emperor All-Russian in exile. Most of the surviving Romanov reacted to the Kirill step sharply negatively. After the death of the Grand Duke in 1938, the claims on the throne were inherited by his son Vladimir Kirillovich, and after the death of the latter in 1992 - to the greatness of George.

On October 12, 1901, Theodore Roosevelt officially assigned the US President's residence name White House, which was immediately legalized by Congress.

In this two-story mansion on Pennsylvania-Avenue, 1600, 54 rooms; The second and third floors are the residential premises of the president and his family, and the main working premises are located in the Western wing, in which the oval office and the office of the executive department of the president is located. The territory around the residence is almost seven and a half hectares, including several gardens and a lawn in front of a white house, which hosts many official ceremonies.

"Oh my cute, my gentle, beautiful garden! My life, my youth, my happiness, goodbye! .. "

Comedy in four actions "Cherry Garden" - the last play of Chekhov. He finished it at the date of our review - October 12, 1903.

Piece was put on January 17, 1904, on the birthday of Chekhov. That day MCAT celebrated the 25th anniversary of the creative activity of the writer. Less than six months after the premiere Anton Pavlovich died.

Life and sadness, and cheerful. She is tragic and unpredictable. About this and says Chekhov in his play.

October 12, 1931 on the cliff Corcovad, which snaps over Rio de Janeiro, a 30-meter statue of the Savior was solemnly opened - a native sister of the Statue of Freedom. What gives us the right to say so? The community of homeland and similarity in the biographies of sculptures. And that and the other created in Paris and transported in parts over the ocean; And the one, the other - the symbols of the city and the country, where they are installed, both are amazed by majesticity and attract tourists.

October 12 celebrates his birthday Richard Meyer. An outstanding architect of modernity. Legal heir Le Corbusier. Leading representative of New York avant-garde. The continuer of the tradition of romantic modernism. Priodmaker Prize laureate, analog Nobel Prize in architecture.

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