Ditties an apple and a platter. "Yablochko" - Russian folk song, ditty, as well as a sailor dance performed to its melody


The roots of Yablochka are associated with Moldovan and Urainian song traditions. In Moldova there was a similar dance song "Kalach". And in Ukraine - dance chorus:

Oh, apple, where is the kitten?
Let go, mats on the street,
I want to walk!

Once on Black Sea Fleet, where Ukrainians mainly served, it became a chorus to sailor dances, and then - a revolutionary ditty.

1. Apple
2. Chastooshkas for other motives
3. Chastushki from Sat. "Russian Soviet folklore", 1967.
4. Partisan ditties of Eastern Siberia



Eh, apple,
Yes, it's green on the side
Yes to Kolchak for the Urals
It was ordered to run away.

Eh you, young ensign,
Gold shoulder straps
Run away home soon
While there are cars.

General Krasnov,
Where are you stomping?
Yes, you will come to Tsaritsyn,
You will eat the bullet.

The steamer will come
Yes, past the pier.
We are going to the front


We are not afraid of shells
We don't even need tanks,
We will break all the barriers
We will smash all enemies!

We glorify the victory of October, T. 1, M., Music, 1967.


We are not afraid of shells
We don't even care about tanks.
We will smash all the obstacles
We will crush all enemies.

Eh, Mamontov, Skin,
Where are you kitting?
And you will get to the Goon,
You won't come back.

Already you, young ensign,
Gold shoulder straps
Run away home soon
While there are cars.

Eh, apple,
Yes rolled,
And Denikin's power

Already you, young ensign,
You stomp threateningly
And you will get to the Goon -
You will eat the bullet.

Eh, play my accordion,
Twelve keys.
I will rest a little now,
I fed the lice at the front.

I.F.Varavva. Songs of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar, 1966, No. 316. Recorded in the summer of 1959 in Art. Starominskaya from the Cossack Buta Konstantin Vasilyevich, head of the warehouse, born in 1910.

Green cucumber,
Young radish ...
Be deserters
By the fifteenth of May!
The steamer goes, and the waves are rings.
We will feed the fish
All bourgeois in the Caucasus
We will cancel
And morocco boots
Wow! yes we requisition! ..

I'm sitting on a barrel -
And under the barrel is the mouse
Soon the old ones will come -
Communists cap!
Lenin is riding a horse,
Trotsky on the dog
The commissars got scared
We thought they were Cossacks.
I'm sitting on a barrel
And under the barrel is a bottle.
My husband is a commissioner,
And I am a speculator!

We used to paint
And now we live
Where, apple, in a hurry,
Where are you kitting
Never you go home
You won't come back.
Camp here, camp there
We are all Russians
Well done guard
We are French!

Chastooshkas are quoted in the novel From the Double-Headed Eagle to the Red Banner by General Pyotr Krasnov (1921). The first series is sung by Red Army songbooks to two accordions and a clarinet at a party of red commanders in Petrograd in July 1920. The second is being sung by one of the participants in the same party, military expert Polezhaev, a former White Guard. The third is sung in November 1920 in Finland by the deserted commander of the Red Army.

P.N. Krasnov. From the two-headed eagle to the red banner. Part 8. // The last days Russian Empire... T. 3.M., "Technomark", 1996. S. 393-394, 491-492.

I'm sitting on a barrel, and rolling under the barrel,
My husband is a Bolshevik and I am a Haidamachka
Oh, bull's-eye, where are you kitty!
If you get to Bogun, you won't return!

Couplets sung in Ukraine in 1919 and mentioned by Paustovsky in his "Tale of Life" ("The Beginning of an Unknown Age"). It was sung by the Red Army men of the Bogunsky regiment.

Oh, apple,
Into four parts
Oh, men don't want
Bolshevik power!

Submitted by Clegane 6.10.2008


Eh, apple,
Will not finish.
Bourgeois power
Will not come back!

Eh, apple,
Green on the side.
Walk with the Komsomol
I was not ordered.

Eh, apple,
Green on the side.
Kolchak for the Urals
They were not ordered to walk.

Eh, apple,
Ripe juice.
I fell in love
A brave guy.

Eh, apple,
Scarlet colors.
I fell in love
One small one.

Eh, apple,
The colors are ripe.
Loved red
Loved white.
Eh, apple,
Poppy colors.
I loved them
The same.

Eh, apple,
Colors of red.
I will follow the falcon
I will go for the clear!
Not for Lenin,
Not for Trotsky,
And for the sailor

Eh, apple,
The colors are clear.
You are for white
I am for red.

Yes, on the rubble!
Sold by an officer
Old boots!

Speculator, speculator
And Soviet power

Eh, young cadet,
Where are you kitting?
You will get to the First Horse -
You won't come back!

Eh, Kolchak, Kolchak,
The spurs are clear.
Get away soon -
The Reds are coming!

Eh, my spurs
Bent iron ..
How we beat Kolchak,
They beat Dutov.

Eh, my spurs,
Bent spurs!
We broke Kolchak
As well as Dutova.

Eh, bullseye
Do not follow me, bourgeois,
I'm all red!

Eh, bullseye
And not ripe!
And the bourgeois case
Burned out!

Eh, bullseye
Clench your fists -
All folk!

Eh, bullseye
Green on the side!
To hell with the Duma, gentlemen -
Give Lenin!

Eh, bullseye
Green on the side!
Kolchak for the Urals
You are not ordered to walk!

Eh, bullseye
Rolled into the water!
Tired of fighting
To our people!

Eh, apple,
Everything is spoiled.
And with the bourgeoisie
It's all over.

Eh, apple,
Roll along the shore.
Bought a product -
Give me some money.

Eh, apple,
Where are you kitting?
You will get into my mouth -
You won't come back!

Ah, bullseye
And the Soviet government

Ah, bull's-eye
Rotated from the side.
I live with a Komsomol member
And not married.

Ah, bull's-eye
Green on the side.
We don't need a king
We need Lenin.

White to us
Kittens from the sea.
And they will reach us
Will not come back.

Oops bullseye
From the mountain it sank!
The bourgeois shouts -
The belly burst!

The officer is young,
The spurs are clear
Get out quickly -
The Reds are coming!

The steamer goes
Past the pier.
We will feed the fish

The steamer goes
Past the pier.
We are going to the front

The steamer is coming
Waves rings.
We will feed the fish
Komsomol members.

The steamer is coming
Waves rings.
Our fleet is replenished
Komsomol members

Eh, apple,
On the windowsill
Appeared in Petrograd
Dead people.


The partisan walks in the taiga,
Brave little head.
Awaits him at home
Late at night little wife.

Stop crying mother
It's not time to grieve:
Pick up son, I'll go
Serve in the Red Guard!

The Japanese came to visit us,
Czechs are wonderful.
We gave them what they needed
The partisans are red.

Don't you cry, my dear
The war will end soon:
All the bourgeoisie retreat -
I'll be home soon.

Don't you cry, my sister
Don't be sad, dear mother:
I will break up the White Guards
And I'll come home again.

A birch grows by the river
Curls turn green.
The Entente has debts of teeth,
Only the legs are short.

Enrolled in the partisans
My dear darling.
He said goodbye to me
I went with the whites to the battle.

You think, girlfriends,
My darling at war:
Wide across the field
Rides a horse.

You guys don't be shy
We will beat Denikin,
We will drive Kolchak into the sea,
Let's roll the Mammoth's neck.

The communist was shot
Drolechka by the pebble.
Think about it, friend,
Left without a friend.

Red Borzu occupied,
Chakali machine guns,
The officers ran away -
Only the spurs dangled.

We're walking down the street
We keep our order:
Don't look out the window, bourgeois
Then we'll kick it in the face.

Lenin is sitting on a birch,
He smokes boots.
And his comrade Trotsky
Runs from the front without trousers.

There is a bench on the mountain
There is a bench under the mountain.
My dear is a Red Army soldier,
And I am a Red Army girl.

Oh, matanya, you are matanya,
You were rich.
And now here you are, matanya,
You walk abruptly.

Oh, matanya, you, matanya,
You were a potbelly stove.
And now, my mother,
Chew the crust.

How did the Soviet power come -
So there is nothing to put in a dough.


Russian Soviet folklore. Anthology / Comp. and note. L. V. Domanovsky, N. V. Novikova, G. G. Shapovalova. Ed. N.V. Novikov and B.N.Putilova. L., 1967.

There is no God, no king

Eh soldier you soldier
Straighten your back!
Isn't it time to raise, soldier,
A club for the king?
Take to crack in the head
The whole family is royal.
Turn around in all the amicable
Proletarian strength!
We drove around with flags
Throwing papers
And in the papers the manifesto:
"The tsar is under arrest."
You chase the bourgeois in the neck,
I drank our blood.
We lived through it
No land, no volyushka.
There is no God, there is no need for a king,
And we will live without them.
We have comrade Lenin,
Let's go defend him.
Eh, apple,
Green on the side.
To hell with the Duma, gentlemen -
Give Lenin!

Defend freedom

There are waves on the river
White lambs.
Overcrowded Petrograd
Sailor shirts.
Overthrew the police
They set up the police.
Everywhere in the volosts - Councils,
And in the villages there are committees.
They brought a package to the village -
This is Lenin's decree
So that the landlord's land
All peasant was.
I don't want to listen
The Cadet Party.
I will go into battle with anyone
For the Soviet country
Not for the faith and the king
We want to fight -
For factories, for fields,
For the peasants and workers.
How did our guys go?
Serve in the Red Guard,
To serve in the Red Guard
Yes, lay down the riot.
Goodbye, dear mother,
Goodbye brother, father,
I decide to white gang
Take lead under the hot.
Oh bull's eye
Don't roll into the water.
Take, comrade, a machine gun,
Defend freedom!


Eh, apple,
Yes, you are crystal.
The revolution
Eh, apple,
Proletarians of all countries
Eh, apple,
Hole on the side.
Do not wait for you, priests,
Eh, apple,
Sweet and sour.
Bourgeois eyes -
Eh you bullseye
Driving away.
Cadet power

We go to the front for the Council

In the soldiers, guys,
Let's go willingly.
For Soviet power, guys,
Let us shed hot blood.
By the steep bank
The steamer is rocking.
We go to the front for the Council,
There is nothing to be sad about.
Play, comrade, a song
"From the midday sky."
Let's go to the army,
Into Budyonny's cavalry.
Don't cry, my fun
Don't be sad, dear mother!
We will break up the White Guards
I'll pump it home again.
Where did the geese fly?
Drink lake water.
Where did the darling go?
To beat the bandits at war.
When Kolya was taken away
I took a vow from him:
Before the last drop blood
Defend in Battle Council.
In the executive committee, the banner is red
The wind blows.
My darling at the front
He fights with whites.
My dear communard,
And I'm a communal girl.
The position will be sent -
Desperate couple.
A birch grows by the river
Curls turn green.
The Entente has debts of teeth,
Only the legs are short.

Eh, bullseye

Eh, apple,
Yes with a wormhole
We approached the enemy
On a dark night.
We approached the enemy
Yes hit
We are until dawn
Whites floated.
I'm on the Volga business
I will do:
Will not forget the sailor
White bastard.
Eh, apple,
You're rosy.
I will become white.

Our drolichki are at war

Heartfelt companion,
Where are the drolichki with us?
Our drolichki are at war
For Soviet power.
If only there were gray wings,
Silver flight
I would fly, girl,
To my dear to the front.
I will go, I will go out on the footbridge,
I'll look east
Isn't my dear
From under Denikin home.
On the Amur road
The train ran fast.
In a green carriage
A lovely wounded man was lying.
I was told at the train station
That my darling is killed.
Not coming to him more
Serve in the Red Army.
The officers killed the drolu
Didn't put up the cross:
One common grave -
About four hundred people.
Darling writes me a letter
Who fights with the whites
Home with the red order
Going on vacation.
You serve, do not grieve,
Red soldiers.
You are no strangers to us now,
And siblings.
We are all mountains, slopes
Passed, measured.
We all experienced the power -
They believed in the Soviets.
I sew a cute overcoat.
Take care if you love.
There will be a blizzard and a blizzard
You will remember Milka.
Don't you cry, my dear
The war will end soon
All the bourgeoisie retreat
I'll be home soon.
Soon, soon the snow will melt
Streams will flow.
Soon the whites will be driven away,
The reds are coming soon!


Hey young cadet
Where are you kitting?
The first Horse will get you -
You won't come back!
The officer is young,
Little white pens,
You roll for the Caucasus,
So far intact.
Ah, bull's-eye
On the threshold, on the threshold
And the cadets retreated
To Taganrog, to Taganrog.
Eh, apple,
Green on the side.
Kolchak for the Urals
You are not ordered to walk!
Eh, street, street
Gad Denikin squints his eyes,
What is the Siberian Cheka
I exchanged Kolchak.
Eh, apple,
You, Entente, are not forcible
Not hammered yet!
The steamer goes
Between the shores.
Removes Skin
With white thieves.
The steamer is sailing
Past the pier.
We are going to the front
General Krasnov,
Where are you stomping?
You will come under Tsaritsyn -
You will eat the bullet!
Eh, apple,
Green on the side.
Belyaks to Moscow
They were not ordered to walk.
Eh, apple,
Rolling over.
Wrangel's gang
Eh, apple tree,
Tenacious roots
And Soviet power
Heavily strong!

Enrolled in the partisans

Enrolled in the partisans
My dear darling
He said goodbye to me
I went with the whites to the battle.
Partisans, partisans
What did you confuse horses with?
Kolchaks fled from you,
Only the heels banged.
Along the Amur along the river
The carp swims.
Beware, Kolchaks,
Partisans are coming.
It's raining at Poradi
The village is slimy.
Get away, kolchaks,
Lenin is already close!
The storm tore the tackle,
There is no more supreme power,
Admiral Kolchak whines,
He tells me to pack my suitcase.
Let Semenov try
Just move off the porch.
Will we spare patrons
For such a scoundrel?

Notes (original numbering retained)

6. There is no God, there is no need for a king. a, b, d - No. 32; c - No. 25; e, f - No. 12.
9. Defend freedom... a - No. 44; b, d - No. 37; c, e, g, h - No. 25; e - No. 12.
10. Apple.№ 40.
15. We go to the front for the Soviet. a, b, c, e, g - No. 25; d, and - No. 13; f, h - No. 14.
18. Eh, bull's-eye. Gas. "Gorky Worker", October 7, 1963 Zap. Sun. Vishnevsky in 1919 in Nizhny Novgorod. See: Vsevolod Vishnevsky, Collected works in five volumes, vol. 1, Goslitizdat, Moscow, 1954, p. 70.
38. Our drolichki are at war. a, d - No. 5; b, e, f, g, h - No. 14; c - No. 13; i, d, k, l - No. 25.
40. Apple. a, d, f, g, h, i, l - No. 40; b, c, d - No. 25; d - No. 47; k - No. 13.
46. \u200b\u200bEnrolled in partisans.a - No. 25; b - No. 27; c, d - No. 40; e, f - No. 45.

Index of sources of ditties

5. Artem Vesely. Chastooshkas of collective farm villages. GIHL, M., 1936.
12. I. Ieropolsky. Revolution in a ditty. New life, [Pskov], 1922, No. 4.
13.V. Knyazev. Modern ditties. 1917-1922. Gosizdat. M.-L., 1924.
14.V. Knyazev. Ditties of the Red Army and the Red Army. Military Publishing, M., 1925.
25. Russian ditties. Preface and selection of texts by N. I. Rozhdestvenskaya and S. S. Zhislina. Goslitizdat. M., 1956.
27. Manuscript Department of the Institute of Russian Literature, R. V. Call. 99. p. 1, No. 136 (collection of L. V. Domanovsky)
32. Manuscript Department of the Institute of Russian Literature, R. V. Call. 187 (Collection of P. Zavyalovsky, Ural)
37.D.Semenovsky. A modern ditty. Journal. "Red nov", 1921, No. 1.
40. Creativity of the peoples of the USSR. Ed. M. Gorky, L. Z. Mekhlis, A. I. Stetsky. Ed. edition of "Pravda", 1937.
44. Folklore of Soviet Karelia. Prepare Texts for printing and approx. A. Belovanova and A. Razumova. Entry. article by V. Bazanov. Petrozavodsk, 1947.
45. Front-line poetry during the Civil War. Entry. article and approx. V. M. Abramkina. Ed. " Soviet writer", M., 1938.
47. Chastushki. Comp. A. Tishchenko. Military Publishing, 1957.


Eliasov L.E. Folk revolutionary poetry of Eastern Siberia during the Civil War era. Ulan-Ude, 1957.

Smiling old woman
And it was gratifying to her:
Into guerrilla units
Gone are two sons.

Goodbye my garden
Currant bushes.
We will crush the Semenovites
Like a creep.

I own a rifle
I will learn to wield a blade
I will be able to become partisans
A wonderful shooter.

Recorded in 1939 at Art. Borzya from Vera Borodina and Zinaida Makushina (Eliasov, p. 63)

My darling Misha Chernykh,
All taiga knows him,
In the partisans for over a year
Semyonov beats the enemy.

She stayed in Darasun at the end of 1919. Mikhail Chernykh at the beginning of 1918 lived in the village. Darasun, worked as a stoker at the resort, then was the first of all the workers in the resort to join the partisan group that appeared in Darasun. Recorded from the former partisan Molchanov, Kharanor, November 1939 (Eliasov, pp. 63-64).

Mountains go far away
Into blue skies
Dreaming, dreaming of white packs
Our rivers and forests.

We are bourgeois and kings
They drove in an aspen stake,
For the forests, and for the seas,
They threw evil grief.

We will rub the noses of the bourgeoisie
Together with them to the fists, -
Now the sun is shining brightly
And in the shack for the poor.

Old shoots all died,
New ones are sown now,
Instead of bourgeois flags
The banner is flying red.

Recorded by Izosim Pavlovich Melnikov at the end of the civil war in Eastern Siberia (Eliasov, p. 32).

Our hill occupied,
Chakali rifles.
The officers ran away
Only the spurs dangled.

About the battles of the partisans with the Semenovites in the Alkhanai mountains in 1918. Materials of the partisan movement in the North-West region, Central State Archive of the BMASSR, f. 19 (Eliasov, p. 178).

To the Red Army, comrades,
We will go hunting
For the native power of the Soviets
Let us shed hot blood.
Goodbye, my garden,
Currant bush,
I'm leaving today
To defend the Motherland.
I don't want to go to the village,
And I'm not grieving for a sweetheart,
Volunteer for over a year
I serve in the Red Army.
I'm proud, I'm proud
I am my country
For Soviet Russia
Stand up as a wall.

Recorded in different regions of Eastern Siberia (Eliasov, pp. 218-219).

"Yablochko" - Russian folk song and ditty. Known for her numerous versions of the texts of the Civil War period.

After October revolution most widely in oral poetry was presented (namely) a ditty. The simplicity of this form leads to great ease of processing, in which, by replacing one or two words, a radical change in the entire political orientation of the work as a whole is achieved. Such are, for example, the well-known ditties with the inception "I'm sitting on a barrel", "Oh, apple", etc.


The State Academic Ensemble of Popular Dance by Igor Moiseyev - Russian Sailor Dance - Yablochko / Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble - Yablochko.

The roots of Yablochka are associated with Moldovan and Ukrainian song traditions. In Moldova, there was a similar dance song “Kalach”. And in Ukraine - dance chorus:

Oh, apple,
Kudi is a kitty?
Let go, mother on the street,
I want to walk!

Once in the Black Sea Fleet, she became a chorus to sailor dances, and then - a revolutionary ditty.


Finding the original lyrics for this song is a real challenge. It is known that its text has been changed.

Most famous verse:
Eh, apple,
Where are you kitting?
You will get into my mouth -
You won't come back!

Eh bullseye
Yes, on a platter!
I'm tired of my wife -
Go to the girls

The first two verses of one version of the song without political connotations:

Eh, apple,
Ripe juice!
I fell in love
A brave guy.

Eh, apple,
Yes, the color of red!
I will follow the falcon
I will go for the clear!

(The rest - already with a political connotation):

Not for Lenin,
Yes, not for Trotsky,
And for the sailor,

Eh, apple,
Yes the colors are ripe
Loved red
Loved white.

Eh, apple,
Poppy colors.
Eh loved them
The same.

Various verse options

During the Civil War, there was the greatest surge of folk poetry in relation to the text of this song. Soldiers of various warring parties composed their "Apple" couplets.

Common red couplets

Eh, apple,
Yes, it sank from the hill,
The speculator yells:
"The belly burst!"

Speculator, speculator
And the Soviet government

Eh, apple,
Yes, it's green on the side
Kolchak through the Urals
You are not ordered to walk!

Eh, apple,
Yes constant
And the bourgeois power

Eh, apple,
Yes, it rolled,
And bourgeois power

Sharikov's couplets from the film "Heart of a Dog" (by Julius Kim)

Eh, apple,
You are my ripe
And the young lady is coming,
The skin is white.

The skin is white,
Yes, a valuable fur coat,
If you give me something
You will be whole.

Eh, bullseye
Yes with blueberries,
Come on, bourgeois,
I'll gouge out the eye!

I'll gouge out the eye
The other will remain
So that you can see, shit,
To whom to bow!

Common verses of Red opponents

Eh, apple,
Where are you kitting?
You will fall into the sponge check,
You won't come back!

Lenin is riding a horse,
Trotsky on the dog
The communists got scared
They thought - the Cossacks!

Not for Trotsky,
Not for Lenin -
For the Don Cossack,
For Kaledin.

Eh, apple,
Roll in pairs
We will feed the fish

Makhnov's verse

Eh, apple,
Yes, ripe juice,
Bey on the left of the red
Right white!

Eh, apple,
Yes, you're soaked
Father Makhno is going -
The banner is black!

The steamer is coming
Circles by rings
We will feed the fish
Komsomol members!

The steamer goes
Past the pier
We will feed the fish

1940 text

Words, recorded of this 1940 song.

The "Yablochka" motif also sounds in the comic song "My son in Amerikay" by the Russian folk group Clann Lir.

R. M. Glier used this song in his ballet "Red Poppy".

After the October Revolution, the ditty was most widely represented in oral poetry. The simplicity of this form leads to a great ease of processing, in which, by replacing one or two words, a radical change in the entire political orientation of the work as a whole is achieved. Such are, for example, the well-known ditties with the inception "I'm sitting on a barrel", "Oh, apple" and others. The dance "Apple" is considered "sailor". It is danced in one place with hands folded behind the back. There is a version that the Yablochko dance appeared as a synthesis of the Celtic hornpipe and Russian folk dances. Russian sailors took over in port taverns from Irish sailors sailing on British ships. The roots of Yablochka are associated with Moldovan and Ukrainian song traditions. In Moldova, there was a similar dance song “Kalach”. And in Ukraine - a dance chorus: Oh, yabluchko, Kudi, kotishsya? Let go, mother on the street, I want to walk! Once in the Black Sea Fleet, she became a chorus to sailor dances, and then - a revolutionary ditty. Finding the original lyrics for this song is a real challenge. It is known that its text has been changed. The most famous verse: Eh, apple, ripe juice! I fell in love with the brave guy. Eh, apple, Yes, the color of red! I will go for the falcon, I will go for the clear! Not for Stalin, Yes, not for Trotsky, But for the sailor, Krasnoflotsky. Eh, apple, Yes, the color of the mature Loved red, Loved white. Eh, apple, Poppy flowers. Eh, I loved them equally. Common red couplets: Oh, bull's-eye, Yes, it snapped off the hill, The speculator shouts: "The belly burst!" A speculator, a speculator Speculates, And the Soviet government requisitions! Oh, bull's-eye, Yes, the side is green, Kolchak is not ordered to walk through the Urals! Oh, bull's-eye, Yes constant, And the bourgeois power Cursed! Oh, bull's-eye, Yes, it rolled, And the bourgeois power Failed! General Krasnov, Where are you stomping? Yes, you will come to Tsaritsyn, you will eat the bullet. Common verses of opponents of the red: Eh, apple, Where are you kitting? You will fall into the sponge check, You will not return! Lenin is riding a horse, Trotsky is riding a dog, The Communists were scared, They thought - the Cossacks! Not for Trotsky, Not for Lenin - For the Don Cossack, For Kaledin. Eh, bull's-eye, Scroll in pairs, We'll feed the fish with Commissars. Sharikov's couplets from the film "Heart of a Dog" (author - Julius Kim) Eh, apple, You are my ripe, And there is a young lady coming, White skin. White skin, Yes, a valuable fur coat, If you give something, You will be whole. Eh, apple Yes, with blueberries, Come, bourgeois, I'll put out a little eye! I will gouge out an eye, Another will remain, To see, shit, To whom to bow! According to the recollections of Vladimir Tolokonnikov (the role of Sharikov), another verse was cut from the film with the words: Eh, bull's-eye, Where are you going, Come on, bourgeois, What are you talking about? Eh, now we are all, Noble ones! Give me the watch - They are folk!

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