What to do with stress during pregnancy. The effect of stress during pregnancy on the fruit and the mother's body

The daily life in the twenty-first century presents the person of the situation at which it is experiencing not only joy and pleasure, but also irritation, despair and anger.

Simply put, for a modern person a stressful state is almost normal. - This is an attempt of nature to help a person put a barrier from emotional and physical stimuli with the help of certain organism reactions.

Main stressors

Which provoke stress development:

  1. Inner world of individual - All sorts of fears, experiences in different reasons, a sense of dissatisfaction with themselves.
  2. Circumstances of life - Family problems or conflict at work, lack of finance, departure from the life of an expensive person.
  3. Lifestyle - Habit a lot to work, lack of time for sleep, disregard for nutrition, drinking alcohol and smoking.
  4. External factors - Uncomfortable living conditions, tedious trips around the city, unsuitable ecology.

The woman in the position in addition to such stimuli can be attributed:

  • constant anxiety about her child;
  • insecurity in the satellite of life or the absence of such;
  • obsessive thoughts about childbirth and future life change;
  • fear before pregnancy negatively affect appearance;
  • strong toxicosis, and as a result of pain in the back, nausea, fatigue.

The future mammy is even more experiencing, which has not yet happened to gain experience in having a child. And all this against the background of enormous hormonal changes in the body of pregnant.

And benefit and harm

Stresses can be divided into two groups

  • useful (or positive) - Eustess;
  • harmful (or negative) - Distress.


Useful stress arises usually against the background of positive emotional experiences. It may be unexpected joy or, on the contrary, waiting for any events or problems that are not associated with the negative, but which need to be solved.

The person is in anticipation of a positive result, because it knows a solution to a decision, such as a graduate before passing final exams.

Eustress, mobilizing all the resources of the body, helps a person to overcome the routine problems arising during the day, plan them.

Such a state can be called an awakening reaction, since a small portion of adrenaline, which flies into the blood during eustess, contributes to the rapid awakening of the body. It helps to tune in to the coming day, plan it, without experiencing negative, get to work and, feeling a surge, with a sense of satisfaction to do official duties.

In essence, such stress serves as preservation and maintaining life in man. Therefore, it can be attributed to the category of useful.

But there is also harmful stress - Distress. His action on the body is destroying. A man, especially a woman in a position, can enter this condition absolutely unexpectedly, "catching" the negative from the outside world. Or, on the contrary, it can be the result of a long emotional stress, so to speak, accumulated stress.

At the same time, the body's resistance will gradually decrease, which can lead to its complete fading. If you don't pay attention in time and miss the time to take action, then the usual seemingly emotional discomfort can lead to a serious disease. This condition almost always becomes chronic.

There is another type of stress -. The prerequisite for it becomes not some specific action, but the value that the personality gives the very fact of this action. Therefore, you should try to change your attitude to what happened, look at the situation under a different angle and find something good in what happened.

What is dangerous stress during pregnancy

The consequences of stress developed by the future mother during pregnancy for her and the future child:

  1. Stress hormone (cortisone) affects the increase in the level of glucose in the blood of the mother, as a result, the flow of oxygen in the tissue is reduced. Increases the toxicity of accumulating watersthat can not but affect the state of the fetus.
  2. Mom's malnutritionWhen her because of the experiences disappears the desire to eat, also poorly affects the future child.
  3. Mamines stress can affect the health of the kid after birth. It can manifest itself in his passivity or, on the contrary, hyperactivityIn the darkness. Enuresum can develop, diabetes, allergic or asthma.
  4. In pregnant women living in constant emotional tension, risk to give birth to a premature child or with defective development Dwinkles.

As can be seen from the above, severe stress is a serious test not only for the future mother, but also for her future child.

Therefore, it is desirable to use all ways to avoid or prevent development. Understanding this should be not only in pregnant women, but also from the surrounding close people.

What will indicate the negative state of the nervous system?

Sometimes the future mother is not even thinking and does not understand that stress has already come to her life. It seems to her that all her fears and experiences are normal, because "everyone lives." Meanwhile, continuous stress in the period of tooling the child is already destroyed in its body all that can.

Therefore, each mom should learn to listen to their state and carefully refer to the revealed symptoms that are expressed in:

  • frequent insomnia;
  • groaning, perfect apathy and indifference to everything around;
  • reduce performance;
  • full or partial absence of appetite;
  • manifestation of nervousness, concern without reasons;
  • early cardiac rhythm;
  • increase blood pressure;
  • uncontrolled dizziness;
  • reducing immunity (because of this - frequent colds).

If at least something from this list is present in the life of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to undertake something to do something in order to change the situation for the better. Because the health is at risk not only the mother, but also her baby.

In children who, due to the strong stress, the Mom were born ahead of time, blindness, developmental delay, problems with breathing tracks, difficulties with sleep were often found. Therefore, pregnant needs to be followed by its psychological comfort and create all the conditions for healthy sleep.

Sleep is very important to maintain cardiovascular and immune systems, as the exchange of substances pregnant and its appetite depend on them. Well, the mood of the future milf depends on the appetite.

How not to stress yourself and the future child?

It may not only have a doctor who has a woman, but also surrounding close and friends. The doctor will tell something from a medical point of view, and the husband and relatives should relate to the psycho-emotional state of their dear pregnant with great attention.

But you can also keep yourself, familiarized with the ways of restoring mental equilibrium:

A woman who is wearing a child must have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe danger and the consequences of stress during pregnancy and how it affects the future child.

It should understand that it is better to try to avoid a stressful situation in the name of your health and health kid. And for this you need to learn how to concentrate yourself on the main thing - on your pregnancy and not pay attention to small failures and insignificant conflicts.

Stress pregnant mom is very threatening the health of the future baby.

Stress is harmful to everyone. At the moment, scientists study the impact of stress tested by the mother during pregnancy, on the health of the baby.

The pregnancy itself is already stressful for the body of the future mother. We will try to find out how dangerous by the mother's stress for the baby, as well as consider ways to combat excessive excitement and anxiety.

What is stress?

The very concept of "stress" means the reaction of the body to certain situations: hormonal restructuring, changes in external conditions, strong experiences, and so on. And pregnancy entails a lot of changes in the body of a woman. Perestroika concerns and psycho-emotional background, so future mothers are always brighter and painful react to the influence of environmental environment.

This is a completely natural process required to adapt to the new position and the right to wear the child.

But such a reaction can become pathological. If the first two stress stages are a manifestation of a normal protective reaction, then the third, the latter may cause protracted and other mental disorders.

Causes for stress during pregnancy

Reaches for experiences in pregnant women, unfortunately, really quite a lot: especially if the pregnancy is the first. Consider the most common fears among future mothers:

1 fear for baby health.Even under the ideal conditions of conception and constant surveys, there is a small percentage of the likelihood of pathologies from the fetus.

But modern medicine is not limited to the diagnosis of the health status of the baby in the womb. If you detect any deviations in the development of doctors will always be ready to provide the necessary assistance to eliminate them. Your experiences about the health of the child can only give the opposite result. Therefore, it is best to simply calm down and do not miss planned surveys, surrenders and ultrasound.

2 Fear of negative changes in appearance.The fear of losing the former form after childbirth is perhaps the most groundless of the "pregnant women" of fears. The appearance of many giving birth women not only did not deteriorate after the nipping, but also became more spectacular, bright and attractive. And such trifles like an emerging tummy and rounded hips can easily be eliminated by classes in the gym.

3 Fear before the upcoming births.How to pass, sometimes remains a mystery even for a specialist observing pregnancy throughout the term. Possible pain, insufficient competence of medical personnel - any pregnant woman repeatedly thinks about this.

It is quite simple to solve this problem. You need to communicate as much as possible with women who have already experienced childbirth, express their fears.

An experienced mother will definitely give you a delight advice and help dispel all fears. It will not be further visiting training courses. Here you will be taught by the methods of proper breathing, special gymnastics and other useful things.

Thanks to the knowledge gained, you will not be confused at the most responsible moment, and your baby will be on the light healthy and strong.

Consequences of stress during pregnancy

Not a single woman for all the time pregnancy could not protect himself from stress, and therefore in his head every future mommy lies a question - "How can the stress experienced by me can affect my child? Does he feel all my experiences? "

The group of food antidepressants, contrary to the established opinion, do not include chocolate candies, no ice cream or jam. The ability to improve the mood of inherent in products having in the vitamins of group B, manganese and vitamin C.

Interesting! Why does a child yelling in his stomach?

Such products are fish, nuts, low-fat meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit), cottage cheese, natural yogurt, red painting fruits (apples, grenades), berries and dried fruits. These products will help not only improve the mental state of the mother, but will also be very useful for the baby.

2 Love and be your beloved.Scientific experiments have shown that it is alone women most often exposed to stress. Moreover, feel a lonely woman can even be married.

It is important to understand that getting rid of stress is able to help not so much sex as a feeling of complete understanding in the family. Do not close in yourself: you need to share experiences and thoughts with your half.

A joint campaign on filmmakers, the theater or an exhibition is a good way to forget about domestic issues and anxieties. New impressions experienced together, be sure to give a good mood and you, and your satellite of life.

3 Interesting hobbies - the best cure for stress. Many women begin to discover new talents in the period of maternity leave or pregnancy. If we do not always have time for creativity in the usual pace, right now you can do something exciting and enjoyable.

Future mommy can attend master classes, during which the teacher will be in an affordable form to give you basic knowledge about a particular form of art. In addition, on such courses you can find new acquaintances: Communication with interesting creative people always leaves positive impressions.

Creating something with your own hands, you will be distracted from negative thoughts. The fruits of your creativity will also become an excellent decoration of the interior of your home.

4 Healthy sleep and correct day mode.Negative impact on the nervous system also has physical fatigue. Therefore, pregnant women are so important to comply with the normal day of the day. Go to bed no later than 22-23 hours. It is in this watch that the body maximizes its strength. The dream started at a later time is less effective.

As stress affects pregnancy - this is a timely question on changes occurring in the body and the life of the future mother.

Some women are afraid of their own experiences about this: a feeling of anxiety during the waiting for the desired and already beloved Chad is akin to betrayal that only aggravates the degree of concern.

Let's find out why such emotions appear as they influence the baby tooling, as well as how to cope withstress during pregnancy

How and why stress occurs during pregnancy

Pregnancy - time changes.

Your body, emotions, family life in this period undergo many changes.

IN you can welcome them, but still teststress.

And during pregnancy this is completely normal - while the anxiety does not cause discomfort, poor sleep, headaches, loss of appetite or, on the contrary, overeating.

A high level of concern for a long time can cause serious health problems, such as high pressure, gastritis or heart disease.

And, of course, stress affects the state of the fetus. And also increases the risk of early childbirth (up to 37th week) or insufficient weight of the child (less than 2.5 kg).

This is often the reason for the violation of well-being in children.

Causes of stress development during pregnancy

Anxiety can arise in the most different reasons.

But there is a list of the most common grounds for the emergence of alarming symptoms when entering the child.

Among them:

  1. Manifestations of toxicosis
  2. Changing the level of hormones and related mood jumps
  3. Fatigue and back pain in the last months of pregnancy
  4. Experiencers about childbirths, as well as care for the newborn

Of course, not everyonestress during pregnancy He has negative consequences.

Life sometimes turns into unexpected directions, and it can happen when you like - even when you are waiting for the baby.

Ordinary small problems, such as deadlines, traffic jams on the road or an unwriting seller, are unlikely to be the cause of serious disorders.

But listen to your own state, if you have ever experienced divorces, serious diseases or loss of loved ones, dismissal, natural disasters, military actions.

These events are the strongest stress factors for our psyche and can provoke a long disorder.

The danger of him also in the fact that the course of the disease can be hidden, but alreadyin the early period of pregnancy stress Let me know about yourself - and will only increase.

How stress affects pregnancy

The main factor that acts on the mother's body during the expectation of the kid is hormones.

When you are in stressful condition, your body produces more so-called "stress hormone", cortisol, and less - "Hormones of happiness", such as serotonin and dopamine.

This leads to a decrease in mood, a decrease in motivation or performance, quick fatigue.

Also noticeably decreases self-esteem, interfering with us to love yourself and deprive.

Cortisol is also produced in your body at the moments of danger.

It mobilizes all organism systems in order to run away or fight, sending a concentrated energy charge into the muscles and forcing the heart to work in a faster pace.

If you cope with stress, the body quickly returns to normal.

However, the constant state of anxiety can completely change the work of the body and even become a catalyst for inflammatory reactions.

And they are seriously dangerous for the health of mother and fetus.

Consequences of stress during pregnancy for mother and child

Some notes thatafter stress during pregnancy, the stomach hurts.

This is an alarming mark at any stage of the baby tooling.

Of course, phenomena may have psychosomatic reasons, but the abdominal pain often has another nature, especially if you carefully follow your power.

Stress during pregnancy in early time It can be the main cause of miscarriage, so the mother needs to pay special attention to such things.

Tip: If the pain sharp, or the voltage lasts a few days, not weakening, visit the doctor. Consultation will establish whether everything is in order with the child, and the specialist will help find the most successful ways to combat the negative.

Significant stress during pregnancy in the second trimester May lead to violations of the body formation of a child.

The vices of the heart and other congenital diseases often take the beginning of this period, when the fetal growth and the development of various organs occurs.

And stress during pregnancy in the later dates can provoke:

  1. Premature birth
  2. Development of postpartum depression
  3. Psychological problems in a child who can accompany him all his life

It is - the effect of stress for pregnancy Not limited to a child to wear a child.

It affects all his further life!

Different studies show that children susceptible to mothers subsequently experiencing difficulties with concentration and uncontrolled fear often have sleep disorders.

Particularly dangerous stress in early pregnancy, consequences which includes violations in the development of the brain or the immune system of the kid.

And if you do not take action on time, no vitamins for the restoration of immunity will not help.

Because of such failures, the child in the future can grow incorrectly (the slowdown development of bone tissue is often the consequence of the state of the mother during the extension of the fetus).

Disobedience, whims and severe transitional age are also related to the effects of severe stress during pregnancy.

Some people are struggling with stress, smoking cigarettes, using harmful food, alcohol or even drugs.

For the future mother, all this is under the strictest prohibition, since hazardous substances from her blood flow directly to the fetus and can become causes of defects in development.

What are the safe and effective ways to cope withstresses during pregnancy, in order to avoid the consequences for the child?


Relaxation is important for you and for the health of the fetus, so do not feel guilty for being removed from problems and focus on yourself and tea.

Listen to your body and go beast.

During pregnancy, you are exposed to double load, so healthy sleep is important than ever.

Be sure to follow your routine of the day: it should include several periods of sleep.

Talk with a child in the stomach, send him your favorite songs and lullaby.

From about the 23rd week, the fruit can already hear you and recognize the mother's voice.

And communication will help to establish close contact with the baby when it appears.

Psychologists also advise more often to include classical music that soothes the alarm.

If you already have children who also require attention and care, it is not easy to find time for recreation, but close people can help.

Ask a spouse, friends or parents to spend time with older children to give you a time to find inner peace.

Talking about what bothers you

If you worry about the health of the fetus or any personal problems, do not immerse yourself instress during pregnancy , because you already knowwhat is dangerous this condition.

Do not be afraid to admit yourself and others in your own feelings.Sincerity will help you get the necessary help.

Talking with my spouse, you may find that he worries no less than yours, and the discussion of your experiences will help reassure them.

You can also ask close to engage in simple yoga exercises.

This will greatly bring you closer and will have a positive effect on the health of the baby.

Tip: Communicate with other future mothers, attend thematic courses or fitness for pregnant women. Well, in the case of serious disturbing disorders without fear, contact a specialist.

Good nutrition

The correct, balanced diet will help your body get all the required vitamins and trace elements, which affects both the mood and health.

In particular, removestress in early pregnancy The following substances will help to ensure good health and positive attitude:

  • Fat Omega-3 acids
  • Amino acid tryptofan
  • Water (boiled or purified)

So boldly experiment in the kitchen, or ask close to take care of you.

Best of all, simple vegetarian dishes are suitable for nutrition: vegetable cutlets, various casseroles and stew.

Physical exercises

Specialists emphasize: physical activity improves the mood and is one of the best ways to combatstrong stress, including during pregnancy.

Even if you have always been far from sports, now it's time to start.

Tip: Choose Light Loads. Running or power simulators during the toddler waiting - not the best options.

For pregnant women, swimming is well suited, which tones the body, but does not give the burden on the joints.

Another wonderful way to keep yourself in the form is yoga, which at the same time teaches to breathe correctly and relax.

These knowledge will be very useful during childbirth, and relax and meditation skills will help minimizestress during pregnancy and its consequences.

Preparation for childbirth

The fear of painful fights and childbirth can be a strongest stress factor, especially for those who are waiting for the child for the first time.

Knowledge will help you here: Read various materials about childbirth, sign up for pricing courses.

Plan in advance where and how childbirth will be held, consult with the doctors of the chosen maternity hospital.

Think your menu in the post-time period.

Special attention should be paid to light vegetable and fruit smoothies that will help restore forces.

Tip: If you experience strong fear of childbirth, consider the option of cesarean sections.

Preparation for life with baby

Communicate with those who already have children, ask them to talk about what is usually not written in books for moms.

And if your friends have not yet acquired offspring, and you do not know who to turn - call mom.

She has been guaranteed to have a para-triple of useful tips, and you certainly can be sure that they are good. You have grown!

Decision of financial issues

Children's clothing, toys, cribs and strollers today are expensive, and if you are worried about, everything will not be able to buy, try to solve this problem gradually.

Make a list of necessary things, find out their cost, see what you have at home or your parents.

Follow the sale in children's stores and remember that children's things are not obliged to be a hit of seasonal fashion, but the quality is a question number one.

It is much more important to take care of your moral condition, then the child will be happy.

Get yourself a few anti-stress-color, which will help you relax in your free time.

Reducing fatigue from work and travel

If you work, even before maternity leave, you can agree with the employer about the reduction of the working day.

And on the way to work and home, you will definitely find a sedentary place in transport.

Tip: If public transport is crowded, it is better to take a taxi. Comfort, especially in the last months of pregnancy, is extremely important. More importantly save!

Additional therapy

To minimizestress during pregnancy and its consequences for the child Try to sign up for massage sessions or ask for a partner to massage your shoulders and lower back.

This will help to relax, and at the same time strengthen family bonds and deepen contact with the spouse.

Be sure to take baths with carnations oil, make yourself masks and rubbing.

You can try to master meditation that contribute to the decrease in cortisol production.

20 minutes of daily meditation reduce the level of anxiety and anxiety at least twice.

Poor yourself loved

Meet friends, laugh, watch your favorite movies at home or go to the cinema - do everything that delivers you joy.

You can finally pay the day to visit the beauty salon, which has never had enough time, or buy a deliciousness.

Indulge yourself. You deserve it!

Stress is the natural reaction of the body at risk, any negative factors or events. This mechanism allows you to mobilize reserves at the right time to avoid danger. But, while in a long time in a state of stress, we subjected the body by permanent additional load. This can adversely affect the physical and psychological state of a person in any situation, but during pregnancy is especially dangerous, as it may affect, including the development of the child.

Causes of stress during pregnancy

Despite the fact that every pregnant woman from the first days they say that it is impossible to be nervous in her position, just so take and stop experiencing stress is not always possible. The reasons for its occurrence can be a huge set, they are all individual. Therefore, we will dwell on those of them that are most often found:

  1. Hormonal changes.The restructuring of the body of a woman during pregnancy is related to the development of a whole range of new hormones, which in addition to their direct functions can also cause unpredictable reactions: mood drops, increased irritability, redundancy, etc. The instability of the hormonal background itself is stressing for the body, various psychological reactions only exacerbate the situation.
  2. Fears and uncertainty.It does not matter whether it is a child's first for a woman or not, during the period of pregnancy, a little manages to maintain absolute calmness and nothing to be afraid. Fears can be different, for example, fear of childbirth, fear of child health, insecurity in a partner (especially if his reaction to the coming replenishment is not unambiguous). You can also add a fear to spoil the figure and get stretch marks, an unstable financial position associated with the departure to the decree and any other negative thoughts, the constant presence of which leads to unrelenting psychological tension.
  3. Physical changes in the body.Pregnancy - a difficult period in the life of a woman. Increased load on the body can lead to exacerbation of various diseases, even if they were not previously diagnosed. It may be anemia, hypertension, diabetes, problems with cardiovascular system or gastrointestinal tract. But even if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, in the early deadlines, almost half of women suffers from toxicosis, and in later - from heartburn, pain in the lower back and shortness of breath. In addition, rapidly growing belly makes it difficult to move and significantly limits physical activity. All this can also lead to long-term stress, both on physical and psychological level.
  4. External factors. A pregnant woman, as a rule, does not live in isolation, she continues to go to work and communicate with other people. In such conditions there is always a chance of conflicts and stressful situations, besides, not all people are distinguished by a positive look at life. Even if before pregnancy, the woman playing coped with such situations, in a new position everything can change significantly.

In addition to the main reasons, stress can cause any negative life situations: parting with a partner, the death of a loved one, bad results of analyzes, etc.

How to understand that you have stress during pregnancy?

Our life rarely costs without stress, and one separate episode can pass unnoticed. But when the tension accumulates, sooner or later it will affect the physical and psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman. Here are the main signs:

  • insomnia at night and drowsiness during the daytime;
  • reducing the concentration of attention, memory and performance;
  • apathy and chronic fatigue;
  • mood swings, irritability;
  • depressive states, despair, hopelessness;
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • blood pressure drops;
  • obsessive thoughts, unfortunate anxiety;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • itching and rash on the skin.

In addition, long-term foundation in the state of stress can cause unless pain, exacerbation of chronic diseases and allergic reactions.

What is dangerous stress during pregnancy?

Stress leads not only to the deterioration of mood and reduce performance. If it does not fight with him, it can lead to much more serious consequences, cause a serious damage to the mother's organism and negatively affect the development of the child.

- Danger for the child

The kids whose mothers suffered serious stress in the early pregnancy, can be born with serious defects in development, since at this stage there is a bookmark of the basic systems of the body and any negative impacts can lead to irreparable changes. At the later deadlines, stress is no less dangerous. Long tension can lead to delays in development, problems with the nervous and cardiovascular system, diabetes and autism. Children can be born premature, with a weakened immune system.

In addition, severe stress can cause premature childbirth, miscarriage or frozen pregnancy, even if the rest of the mother's body is in perfect order.

- Danger for Mother

Long-term finding in a state of stress can lead to the formation of a full-fledged depression (including postpartum), to cure that it will be much more complicated. In addition, the voltage affects the work of the nervous system, disturbing the sleep, memory and work of the brain. Often there is a complication of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood pressure increases, immunity is reduced.

All of the above is exacerbated by an depressed or unstable psycho-emotional state.

How to cope with stress during pregnancy?

The Council "Do not be nervous" can be reflecting immediately, as absolutely useless, especially if you have already started nervous. But this does not mean that there is no exit from the stress situation. Here are some tips, it is not necessary to use them all, it may well help a combination of only a few:

In most cases, in time to realize the presence of stress, it is possible to avoid truly serious consequences and to cope with it independently, without resorting to professional assistance or serious medicines. The main thing is not to get closed in yourself, do not be afraid to ask for the help of relatives and loved ones, and to do everything possible to normalize your life and, if possible, exclude all negative factors from it.

Read 7 min. Views 3.5K. Published on 08/01/2019

Women in the situation occur in a hormonal and psycho-emotional background, because of which the future mother especially acutely perceives any effect from the outside. As a result, stress is often developing during pregnancy.

During this period, stress for a woman serves as a kind of protection for the body while it adapts to new circumstances. Therefore, stress and pregnancy are interrelated concepts. But if such a condition becomes constant, it is fraught with negative consequences for the future kid.

Reasons for stress in pregnant

Stress during pregnancy is a fairly familiar state, since the reasons for excitement during this period are enough.

Often, the reason for such a reaction lies in fears:

  1. Fear of the health of the future kid. Such unrest accompany each pregnant, which way of life it would not be led and how healthy it was. Even the passage of various surveys is not 100% guaranteed that the child will be born absolutely healthy.
  2. Changes in the appearance of the future mother. Many girls are scared to say goodbye to their slim figure. Although such an excitement is unreasonable, since from rounded forms you can get rid of time if.
  3. Waiting for birth - Another reason generating stress. Future mothers are often afraid of possible pain and insufficient qualifications of health workers who will take childbirth. For the information of fear to a minimum, it is necessary to talk more often with women who have already given birth, as well as attend special courses for pregnant women.
  4. Fear of future motherhood.

In such a situation, the main thing is not to be nervous and try to configure yourself to a positive result.

The reason for the occurrence of stress during a child tooling may be not only fears.

The development of such a state is possible on the background:

  • anniversary circumstances often manifested during this period (toxicosis, articular pain, problems from back, constipation, fatigue);
  • sharp drops in the mood caused by the changes in a hormonal background;
  • negative life situations (health problems with relatives, big quarrels, divorce, treason, etc.).

In some cases, during pregnancy, a woman is possible to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the cause of which is often a strong upheaval. Wrong events that had to survive a woman can provoke such a state.

In such a situation, miscarriages are possible due to stress, or the development of problems in the health of the future child or the woman itself.

Signs of stressful state

Sometimes pregnant does not even suspect that she is in a state of stress. She so bother with his own fears, which considers them the usual phenomenon.

But long-term finding in such a state can harm both the woman itself, and the baby. To prevent possible negative consequences, each woman in the position should closely monitor their own health.

To seek advice to the doctor you need if any of the listed features began to disturb:

  • insomnia;
  • apathy;
  • weakness and indifference to any activity;
  • deterioration of working capacity;
  • disruption of appetite;
  • parotid spontaneous concern;
  • irritability;
  • rapid heart rhythm;
  • nervous breakdown during pregnancy;
  • pressure drops;
  • dizziness;
  • trembling hands and legs;
  • weakening of the immune system, which is disturbed by frequent colds.

If several signs are revealed at once, it can be suspected that a woman develops stress in severe.

Experts found that in stress in the body are produced in a large number of glucocorticoid hormones affecting the state of genes and placenta.

With such a hormonal imbalance, the emergence of negative consequences. To reduce the negative effects of stressful state directly for pregnancy, as well as on the kid himself, it may be necessary to carry out appropriate treatment.

What is the danger of stress for pregnant

During pregnancy, the woman feels differently. During this period, experts advise control their own negative emotions.

Consider how nerves affect pregnancy in different times.

First trimester

Stresses in the early periods of pregnancy are fraught with consequences, since the nervous system of the baby begins to form in the first weeks. Strong negative emotions can cause miscarriage.

Such a state may cause a delay in the intrauterine development of the fetus, there is the possibility that in the future the child will have schizophrenia.

Second trimester

Strong stress in the period of the second trimester can lead to congenital autism at the kid.

A woman who is always negative emotions all the time, a child can be born with an overpressive body weight either with insufficient weight, grow, shattering communicating with others.

Third trimester

Stress at 9 months of pregnancy can lead to a repeated crucification of the child, as the fruit is actively moving due to psycho-emotional mothers overload.

Stressful state in late terms is able to cause protracted complicated or premature births.

Stress with multiple pregnancy

To carry out several kids at once and is a big stress for the body. With multiple pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that a large number of children contributes to an increase in the burden on the body of the future mother. So traditional pregnant consequences will proceed more hard.

Strong negative emotions when carrying several kids increase the possibility that one fruit will die. In the early deadline, the doctor will be able to preserve pregnancy and life to the second child. When the kid dies after 28 weeks, there is a danger that the second child will die.

Stress with difficult pregnancy

The future mother should avoid negative emotions during the entire period of pregnancy, especially when it proceeds hard. You need to learn to avoid factors that can provoke stress development.

It is important to know how stress affects pregnancy in such a situation. There is a big risk that the intrauterine formation of the baby will cease and spontaneous interruption of pregnancy will occur.

Stress with eco-pregnancy

Women who are not able to become pregnant with natural way, propose an extracorporeal fertilization (ECO).

Therefore, after the effective application of this technique, a woman is afraid of the loss of the baby (especially when there was a lot of attempts). In this case, the possibility of the fact that the fruit will die either be the delay of intrauterine development.

How to deal with stress pregnant

Anxiety, fears, excessive load on the body and nerves, hormonal failures and insufficient understanding of others provoke from the girl in the position of negative emotions. Thanks to physiological stress, the future mother becomes stronger and, probably, it will help in the future child at the genetic level to deal with life problems.

The main thing is that the stressful situation suggests itself, so that hormonal substances allocated to identify it have benefited, and did not harm the future kid.

It should be noted that the negative circumstances themselves are not very terrible, the danger lies in relation to them to them, in how he perceives and worries happened.

Prevent negative consequences will work if:

  • learn to minimize the negative impact, ignore it so that it does not acquire a constant and depleting character;
  • it is understood that excessive stress in which the body is not able to cope with the loads - a rather rare state, and get it quite difficult;
  • complete stress by starting any active actions that can help in overcoming the negative impact of irritants.

To this end, experts advise such actions:

  • proceed to physical work - washing floors or windows, take a walk in a rapid pace;
  • talk to someone, to express verbally own displeasure;
  • to be paid or split something to get rid of excessive emotionality;
  • some kind of delicacy (chocolate or something else from confectionery);
  • try to set up your thoughts on something good.

The stressful situation that exhausted itself in active actions will not be able to harm the developing baby.


It was not yet possible to run away from stresses yet - they are pursuing any, especially vulnerable to them are the future mothers. But the situation itself provoked stress is not as terrible as a negative human response to it.

Even during pregnancy, you should not worry and upset over trifles. It is impossible to screw himself, despite the hormones contribute to the exacerbation of sensitivity and emotionality in women.

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