Characteristic Juliet Capulti from the tragedy of William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet". W.

The protagonist of the tragedy, the romantic, in love-friendly young man, a representative of a native family in Verona. Monttecia family breaks with another respected family - Cappulets. Romeo and Juliet become victims of this many years of hostility. The hero appears in front of the reader at the very beginning of the work of the naive young men, who walks all the time with friends and in love with a kind of bothering beauty named Rosalind.

The main character of the tragedy, a young girl with the naivety child, which has changed in the name of love. Juliet belongs to the cabinet family, which has long been emanating with the family of montext. It appears at the beginning of the work and appears with a carefree girl, surrounded by the care of the parents, protected by a cousin Tibalt and his favorite feeder.

One of the main characters of the tragedy, Nanny Juliet with infancy. She plays a very important role in the life of the girl. Early having lost his child, she treated Juliet as his native daughter and was strongly tied to her. The main heroine trusted all his secrets to the cormilice and always for help first appealed to her.

One of the heroes of the tragedy, a monk that occupies one of the key positions. Without afraid of long-standing enmity, Lorenzo brother got two beloved Romeo and Juliet. The monk is represented by a wise and insightful person who understands that only love can destroy a long-standing opposition.

The hero of the tragedy, cousin and good friend Romeo. A distinctive feature of the character is his attitude to a centuries-old enmity. Perhaps this is the only hero that appreciates everything cold head and comes to this question very skeptical.

One of the heroes of the tragedy, the best friend Romeo from the young years, a hot and hot-tempered young man. In the plot, he is a relative of Prince Veronsky. This young horse spends all his time with friends. For them, he is ready for everything, and for the sake of Romeo even went to the right death. He was killed by the audacious cousin Juliet - Tibalt.

One of the heroes of the tragedy, the cousin Juliet Cappulents on the maternal line. He is strongly tied to Juliet and is extremely taking it. The poor attitude of Tibalt to the Montext family is explained by his difficult childhood and poor education. In the course of the development of events, he was killed Romeo to retaliation for the pursuit of Mercutio.

Romeo and Juliet is one of the most interesting works of William Shakespeare. The tragic love of the main characters of Romeo and Juliet, described by the English playwright, still causes unprecedented popularity among readers. The dislike of two wealthy families who are initiated for several centuries, finally stops. It ended due to the big and clean love of two young hearts, in the ridiculous accidents who left this light. The real feelings that heroes carried through a lot of hardships and deprivation, ultimately brought the long-awaited peace to the family.

Characteristics of heroes "Romeo and Juliet"

main characters


Romeo Montecca Young and passionate Lovelace, frivolous, but friendly. Initially carries for the impregnable Rosalina. Wants to achieve her location, thinking that this is love. However, his friends against these relationships. After meeting with Juliet, Romeo forgets about Rosalina. He understands what real feelings, looking at Juliet. Their love is full of difficulties, misunderstanding from the warring parents. Romeo will go to everything to be with his beloved.


Juliet Cappulents, in fact, another child. In the nature of good and calm. Parents for her are considered indisputable authority. The girl completely obeys their will and does not oppose parental solutions. But so it was before the meeting with Romeo. When a young man appeared in her life, she went to loved ones, and refused marriage with a famous graph. For the sake of Romeo, Juliet is ready even to the most desperate step. Literally in one moment, a cute baby turns into a wise and causative woman.

Minor characters


The cousin Romeo and a friend. Bennvolio performs Yarym enemy hostility of families. It supports Romeo in everything, which he completely trusts. Constantly is in close proximity to Romeo and Mercutio.


Romeo's best friend, horse and merry, relative of Veronsky Graph. Mercutio is one of the most notable characters play. By character, stinging and narcissist. The young man dies from Tibalt's sword, on Romeo's hands.


Prince's nephew Verona, Graf. Groom Juliet, also against hostility families, kind of character. Die from the hands of Romeo at the grave of Juliet, accusing the young man in the death of his bride. Relative Mercutio.

Monk Lorenzo

Occupies hostile two eminent families. Lorenzo takes an active part in the development of Romeo and Juliet's love relations. Helps them, crowned lovers. Believes that this love will bring reconciliation to the families of cabbage and montext. Lorenzo offers Juliet to play the play of her death to gain reunion with Romeo.


Cousin Juliet. Supports hostility of families, strives to regret the centuries-old conflict even more. Mercutio kills, and himself dies from Romeo's hand who revenge on a friend. Negative character throughout the platform.

Family Cappulets and Montelli

Two families leading long-term hostility among themselves. Do not even remember, for what reason the conflict began. After the death of your favorite children lay.

Romeo and Juliet Heroes who showed the world what real love is. All stories of Shakespeare are impregnated with human experiences and tragedy. Piece "Romeo and Juliet", also entered this list. The characteristic of these characters, makes it clear that, despite age, people have different views and thinking. The description of the plot and the images of heroes is outlined.

Uh, well, you still do not believe if I say that they are magic? ..

For some reason, it was knocking for some reason to go on the accumulating track and to do pseudoligvistism, namely, to understand where the names of the heroes of the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" originating the names of the heroes of the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" (then the reduction of Ridge will be applied), which means why and what I wanted to say to all this Shakespeare, if he, of course, was and heard on this sinful land.
I warn you immediately - then my reasoning goes and my "dances" around the words. These thoughts reflect only my modest opinion, and they are not the truth in the last instance.

I, perhaps, with a small reservation - as everyone knows, the plot of the tragedy Shakespeare borrowed from the poem of some Arthur Bruk (which I could not find), who took it from the Italian novelist Matteo Bandelle, and also, at about the same time, " Veronian lovers "wrote some Luigi da Porto (which one of them wrote, alas, I am unknown). Therefore, it is worth delimiting what characters and what the names of Shakespeare introduced himself, and which - borrowed from the Italians.
Heroes that unchanged in the name "wander" in every return to the motive, actually, Romeo and Juliet themselves. As initially, they were and remained. Not changed the name of Franciscan Brother Lorenzo. The Bandello appears Count Paris di Lodrić, de Porto named after the groom (only genus) does not mention, Shakespeare has no name of the name. There were significant transformations from the British the names of the Duke, Mercutio (which goes to the forefront only in the tragedy), Tibalt, Romeo servants. And, in the end, Shakespeare introduces new characters - Benvolio, servants of both houses, gives the name to the branch of Brother Lorenzo, who was entrusted to deliver a letter to Romeo (at the same time so Shakespeare made him a monk ...). The names of two warring births suffered minimal changes, but this later. In the calculation of the essay, I do not take numerous irregular and insular characters, the birth of both homes that are not really mentioned anywhere.
The list of actors opens by the Duke Verona, whose name is escal. Actually, in the tragedy, the name, "Signor", "Duke", but not escal, is no longer mentioned.
What does de Porto and Bandello written?
"... The Bartolomeo delulpled the rocks in Verona took the rock at the time of Signora ..." (de Porto)
"In those days, Verona Verona was Bartolomeo delulpled the rock ..." (Bandello)
Who did Della Rock? We quote the old Good Wikipedia: "Scaliger (ITAL. DELLA SCALA) - a notable death in Verona, who ruled Verona from 1262 to 1387". (By the way, while the author quoted, he inadvertently found out that "Scala" with Ital. Means "Staircase". Search Here, I'm not going to look here for now) Bartolomeo rules are not so many - three years (from 1301 to 1304), even though And he entered the story already known to us.
So, now we have an idea, as the Dukes called. Shakespeare transformed the name of Della Rock for some kind of reasons. Perhaps I wanted to make a tragedy more or less timeless, not wanting to tie the events to a cruelly defined period, did not want a particular concrete, did not consider it important (what, by the way, was not so right - he could simply write "Duke - the ruler of Verona").
Let us turn to the next list. "Paris, a young nobleman, a relative of the Duke." In the novels, this character is deeply passing - de Porto, he is generally mentioned as some fiance from the Rodrone graphs. Boldello is a little better - it says that his name is Paris, he even appears on several lines, however, he also swayed in an unknown direction. Shakespeare, the image is revealed more, but it's not about it in the sketch. The last name in Englishman is not mentioned, except that he is Rasp Duke (maybe di Lodmy and relatives of the Duke, but in the novels there is no word about it).
What could mean the name of Paris? Actually, the only well-known hero, who carried this name - the sadly famous Paris, the son of Priama, because of which the ten-year-old Trojan war flared out. Why choose exactly the name, I can't explain. Maybe just like Bandello.
But the surname came out an interesting story. According to the note to the Novella Bundle, the generic name of the "Lodrone" graph, consonant with the "LaDrone", that in Italian means "Robber", "Bandit". I doubt that this is a special reference, because there really exists the place of the Lodmy, although the Dent is unclear on this damn card. Maybe he is a joke, maybe he was actually a gangster for them - such a fucking, he wants to marry married, and lovers suffer ... Shakespeare, as already mentioned, did not mention the surname - and did not know the Italian fully.
Families families have another source, even earlier than novels:
"Come, careless, throw only a look:
Montaldi, Philippests, Cappelletti,
Montecs - those in tears, and those tremble! "
(A. Dante, "Divine Comedy", Purgatory, Six Six, Stanza 106). In this appeal to Italy, as they say, there are in mind two parties that existed at the time in Italy: Gutelas - supported the papal power and death - the power of the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire. According to the folk tradition, montextures and cappelletti are bred on different sides of the barricades, but "And although I read in some old chronicles, met with these two families, allegedly standing together for the same game, I nevertheless give you this story as I heard it, without changing it." (De Porto). The name of the montext was not changed from the source to the source, the evolution of the second - Kappeletti (Dante), also at de Porto, then the Bandello fell out the second "P", and finally - old and good cabins. The etymology of the names is not known to me.
About the names of the parents of capital heroes. What is the name of the father and mother Romeo none in one Novella is not said, as not added from Shakespeare. According to De Porto and Bandello, Father and Mother Juliet called Antonio and Giovanna. In Shakespeare, this is not a word.
Go ahead. Romeo. Wikipedia, although it says that "Romeo - from the Latin" pilgrim "", I call me deep doubts - at extreme measures, my Latin dictionary does not imply this meaning. Most likely a banal "Roma". Rome, Roman - maybe a claim for some antiquity. Yes, and just the name is what to do.
Next to the queue - Mercutio. Cherknu a few words about the role of this jester in themelles. Say the truth - no role. None in any novel is mentioned about his friendship with Romeo, he is not killed in any of the novel. De Porto he has the same passing character as Paris. The Bandello only gives a small characteristic, a very similar to the image of Shakespeare:
"Juliet was between Romeo and Markchcho, nicknamed" stability. " He was courtier and famous for his courtesy; He loved him for a sharp tongue and all sorts of booms, for he had always ready for any fun invention, so that you need to make a company, and he was able to enjoy, not offending anyone "
DE Porto, the same person is named Mercuccho Huerto, no prerequisites for Mercutio, except for some similar names, not detected. Therefore, I immediately go to Mercutio, to this jeta.
One of the versions offers Wikipedia "Mercutio - from the English. Mercury. Mercury - mercury, metal, mobile, fluid, usually remaining in a liquid state. (I use Wiki, and it uses some "GPSU lectures on Shakespeare," I only cite). Interesting theory, even little reinforced. Let's go to dance from this further - the mercury received his English name from Mercury, and in alchemy the sign of metal is the same as the Symbol of Mercury's rod with snakes. Who is Mercury? God-patron of merchants, patron of arts, but - Plut, cunning, dodgy, prone to trains and jokes. This is not fully, but correlated with the image of Mercutio - ironic, cheerful, a few vulgar and cynical man, Romeo friend. Also (here the author will have to dig into the zodiacal values, so asks not to judge strictly, as was wrong) People born under the dominance of Mercury - eloquent, prone to arts, smart and merry (* Bow the great Internet *). Immediately I say - it is not reinforced by anything, the author of the essay in astrology is not strong at all.
After Romeo with Mercutio, it's just a sin not to mention Benvolio, the cousin of the first and a friend of both. He unlike others is lucky - he is invented entirely by the Englishman. The name of Benvolio is also quite well suited for a character. With Latin "Benvolus" denotes "benevolent, favorable, devotee." Actually, we see the first meaning at the very beginning (the desire to settle the conflict of the world, an attempt to form Tibalt), the second and third in relation to friends.
After cousin, the moncecement came it time to turn to the nephew Signora Capulti, to Tibalt. In the novels his name is Tebaldo, which is quite normal Italian name: "TEOBALDO (Tobaldo), Tibaldo (Tibaldo), Tebaldo (Tebaldo) from the ancient Germann name Theudebald: þeud (people) + Bald (bold)". (Taken from the site, the link was required - the link was delivered). Name as a name. Now let's go to Shakespeare.
Thoughtful Tibalt, if you believe notes, go back to the medieval "novel about the fox", where there is such a character, Cat Tibert, "King of Cats", which "smart and multi-liddle" (but still easily fooled by Reynard), which subsequently appears in the stories Lyan Lisa is a conspirator, then just a scoundrel, but most importantly - one of the main opponents of Lisa. And here Tibalt, I do not know - the nature of Tibalt is outlined, in my opinion, even worse than the character of Benvolio. But this, if you can say so, the allusion takes place on the play with the red thread - Mercutio constantly calls his earfish "Rat-Catcher" (in the translation of "rats") and King of Cats ("King of cats").
So, by the neighbral paths, we reached the second main character of history - to Juliet. Here everything is quite simple - Julia, Julia, Italian her name is "Giulietta". In the tradition of French and the British "Juliette" and "Juliet", respectively. Visible similarity with the name of the month "July". (Shakespeare) Juliet was born on Petrov Day, celebrated on June 29 (according to the old style - July 12). She was born for the day of Holy Efimi, the memory of this saint is committed in Orthodoxy on July 11 and September 16 (according to Julian calendar), Catholics on September 16. So either Shakespeare diagnosed the date of birth of his heroine, or the Italians were in secret Orthodox ... Although at that time there were no Gregory XIII with his calendar transformations, so everything is fine, sorry, the very confused. Or were there?!
(With the birth of Juliet, something strange is going on - in my edition of the tragedy in the notes in general it is said that "Juliet was born for a feast of the harvest, i.e. August 1". And meanwhile, Vikiya says, Catholics the harvest holiday is celebrated on Archangel's Day Mikhail, it's all on September 29 ... what I smoke, what?!)
Perhaps this is all I can report on this topic. After disappointing the names of the main (and not very) heroes, I was not too closer to the awareness of the meaning of life, but it was somewhat figured out that they could have in mind the Lord writers when they gave the characters.

The symbol of loyal and pure love, according to most people, is the eternal work of William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet". The writer wrote a lot of plays and sonnet on this subject, but the story itself still remains the story of two heroes, which, despite his young age, were able to know this true feeling and save him to the "sobility stone".

Eternal work about love

The main characters of this story are Romeo Montecca and Juliet Kapulenti. Members of two families who have long come to host each other. The actions of the tragedy are unfolded in Verona - the town, which coins two young heroes of the play on one of the balls.

Young Romeo immediately notices a pretty and truly beautiful Juliet, the feelings for which they walked in it like a fiery flame. And this flame was no longer possible to glue neither hostile families or time or death. The same feelings flas out in the young person in the first minutes of meeting with their Romeo. But what is really Juliet Capulti, what true feelings were she capable of?

Brief description of Juliet

Cute, clean and carefree creature - this is the way you can describe the young lady who occupies a major role in the work. From the very birth, the girl was surrounded by love and concern both by the parents and from his cormalitsa. Juliet was only fourteen years old, and everything that she could spend her free time, so it's for holidays and balls that have constantly satisfied her noble family. Everything else, she spent at home accompanied by their servants. This characterizes Juliet as a modest and immaculate girl.

To his loved ones and native girl treated with love and deep respect. Juliet performed all the wishes and instructions of mother and father. She also recognized the fact that in a short time she will need to marry, although she did not want to think about it. The thought of marriage for love did not leave her, despite the fact that the feeling was not attended by her.

The external characteristic of the Juliet is practically not described in the play, but from the context of the work one can assume that the girl was very fragile, charming and beautiful. And it is fully combined with its inner world and feelings.

Nortification of love

Juliet has taken the fact that her family has long been emanating from the montext. At least hate to them and was given himself by his own family since childhood, the girl did not want to join the conflicts of the warring parties and remained neutral to this topic. According to the young lady, it was stupid to be in his heart offense to them only because they are monteches.

Feel all the benefits of this hostility, Juliet had to be just after the first meeting with Romeo. It was then that she first reflects about it. The author endowed this young creation not only with a big heart, but also with the mind that suggests her that love should be above parental decrees and someone's hostility.

Love characteristic of Juliet

Having confessed in his feelings, the lovers are solved on a secret wedding, which, according to the priest, should have to get up above all offenses and reconcile the warring families. It was able to prove the true feelings of young, their entirety their purity and impurity.

Love for young Romeo soles the mind of the young person that all other troubles and adversity for her go to the background. She easily takes the death of his brother, who died from the hands of the montext. As he herself, he would have experienced another thousand such deaths, but not only the news of exile from the city of his beloved. Juliet is ready to sacrifice by his feelings anyone, if only her Romeo was next to her.

Tragic End of Love Story

The turning point in the fate of the young person becomes the desire of parents to marry her noble column. The heart of Juliet breaks away from the presentation of the coming marriage and betrayal of his eternal and only love. Then the girl goes for help to a local priest, which offers to drink a special drug, capable of putting it up.

The courage shown in this scene can turn out all the thoughts about the softness and carelessness of Juliet. The characteristic of the hero shows all its courage and determination, in the name of the salvation of love. She knows that he can die if the priest will give her instead of a sleeping pill poison, but still goes to this act for the sake of rapprochement with his chosen one.

All fears and doubts dispel the death of Romeo. Ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of reunion with your beloved, she sacrifices themselves. Juliet Kapuletsi dies in his family crypt, piercing himself by Romeo's dagger. True love, living in the hearts of young heroes, does not make thoughts of later life without his second half. The courage, devotion and endless loyalty personify the Juliet in the final stage of the work.

The tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet" shows the meaning of the truth of love in the fate of people. Such a feeling is capable of any feat and sacrifice. Even if this sacrifice is in their own death. Shakespeare emphasizes Juliet Cappulets with all the qualities of a real woman: loyalty, devotion, care and eternal love.

The story of tragic love - writers and poets of all times and peoples appealed to such a plot. It was not an exception and tragedy of Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet". Far from the classic became a source of such a plot. But the ability to show the all-consuming happiness of loving people, which can even overcome the sad end - such an idea of \u200b\u200bShakespeare's work.

History of creation

He loves her. She loves him. Relatives against their union. Lovers solve this problem in their own way: imaginary death beloved, which led to the true death of the young man. This plot is known since the time of Ovid, so by the history of the love of the love of Pram and Fesba in his "Metamorphosis". The difference with the Shakespeare Plot was only that the poison was not the cause of the death of a young man in love, and the sword.

Of course, Shakespeare was familiar with the work of Ovid. But he also studied the novel of the Italian Luigzho yes, who in 1524 described the love of Romeo and Juliet from Verona in the "Stories of two noble lovers." This novel has been subjected to change many times (Juliet first was 18 years old, before his death she had time to talk to Romeo, but then dies from longing for the beloved).

The main source served as the basis for the Immortal Work of Shakespeare was the poem Arthur Brik "Romeo and Juliet", created by him in 1562. Shakespeare several reworked the plot: Events occur in summer within 5 days (Brick - 9 months in winter). He graduated from work on the work in 1596 (the exact date of creation is unknown, but it was printed precisely then).

Plot works

Two noble families from Verona, Montextures and Cappulets, Many centuries. Even the servants of the Lord are tightened to the conflict. After another traveling, the Duke Veronsky Escal warns that the culprit will be punished with the price of his own life.

Romeo, a representative of the family of moncecement, is in love with Rosalind, which is a girlfriend Juliet. Mercutionian friend and brother Benvolio are trying to drive sad thoughts from Romeo with all possible ways.

At this time, the kapulent family is preparing for the holiday. Invitations are sent to all noble people Verona. At the celebration of the 13-year-old daughter Senor Kapuletsi, Juliet, must introduce a bridegroom - a count of Paris.

Romeo with friends comes to the cab in Kapulenti. After all, he hopes to meet Rosalinda, which is the master's nephew. To nobody recognize them, young men decide to take advantage of masks. Their plan was exposed by cousin Juliet - Tibalt. To prevent a possible conflict, the owner of the house is trying to stop Tibalt.

At this time, Romeo meets Juliet. Sympathy is born between young people. But on the way, fortunately there is a huge barrier: a century-old female montext and cabbage.

Romeo and Juliet swear to each other in loyalty and decide to marry, believing that it would put an end to the bad relationship between their relatives. Romeo through the Kormilitsa is negotiating with the monk Lorenzo on holding a rite.

A few hours after the wedding, the young man becomes a witness, as Tibalt kills his friend Mercutio. Romeo in rage causes a deadly blow and Tibalt himself.

Tragic events led to the Duke decide on the expulsion of the young man from Verona. Monk Lorenzo offers Romeo to wait a certain time in Mantua.

At this time, the parents of Juliet reported to her that they were preparing to issue her marry Paris. In desperation, the girl addresses Lorenzo. He gives her a special scenery drug, to imitate death with it. It does not know Romeo.

When the young man saw the sleeping Juliet, he decided that she had died. Romeo kills Paris and takes poison himself.

Juliet wakes up and sees the lifeless body of Romeo. In desperation, she chalves himself. The death of lovers reconciles the family of montextures and cabins.

main characters

The daughter of Senior Capulti, surrounded by childhood with love and care of loved ones: parents, cousin, cousin, cormalts. In his incomplete 14 years she has not yet met love. The girl sincere, kindly and does not delve into the conflict of families. Poorently follows the will of parents. Communicating Romeo, she was completely given to the first feeling, because of which as a result and dies.

Romantic young man from the family of moncecement. At the beginning of the novel in love with Rosalinda - Kuzina Juliet. Love for Juliet turns him out of a frivolous walk in a serious young man. Romeo is sensitive and passionate soul.


Monttec nephew, a friend Romeo. The only one of all characters that does not support the hostility of families and is trying to avoid conflict. Romeo is entirely trusted by Benvolio.

Niece of Prince Verona. Groom Juliet. Shakespeare describes his handsome and with a good soul: it also does not support the conflict of families. Dies from Romeo's hand.

Monk Lorenzo

The confessor who takes an active part in Romeo and Juliet's life. Secretly crowned lovers. He is ready to pray for everyone, and dusty wants to stop the war between montects and cabbage.

Tybalt- Cousin Juliet, supporting blood hostility between families. Mercutio kills, and himself dies from Romeo's hand.

Mercutio- Romeo friend, young horse, narcissistic and sarcastic. Was killed by Tibalt.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows true human values \u200b\u200bthat are able to destroy traditions. Love has no barriers: no prejudice is scared. Young people are ready to go against society for their own happiness. Their love is not afraid of any life or death.

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