GSD - general speech underdevelopment: levels, causes, symptoms, treatment and correction. With general speech underdevelopment of level III Why does speech fade?

Main symptoms:

  • Babbling instead of words
  • Violation in the construction of words
  • Violation of conduct mental activity
  • Impaired concentration
  • Incorrect pronunciation of sounds
  • Irrational use of prepositions and cases
  • Inability to recognize similar sounds
  • Limited vocabulary
  • Lack of interest in learning new things
  • Lack of understanding of the difference between numbers
  • Logical presentation disorder
  • Difficulty putting words together into phrases
  • Difficulty constructing sentences

General speech underdevelopment is a whole complex of symptoms in which all aspects and aspects of the speech system are disrupted, without any exception. This means that disorders will be observed both from the lexical, phonetic and grammatical sides.

This pathology is polyetiological, the formation of which is influenced by a large number of predisposing factors associated with the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Symptoms of the disease will vary depending on the severity. There are four levels of speech underdevelopment in total. In order to determine the severity of the disease, the patient must undergo speech therapy examination.

Treatment is based on conservative methods and involves the work of a speech therapist with the child and parents at home.

The International Classification of Diseases divides this disorder into several ailments, which is why they have several meanings. OHP has a code according to ICD-10 – F80-F89.


General speech underdevelopment in children preschool age is a fairly common disease, occurring in 40% of all representatives of this age category.

Several factors can lead to such a disorder:

  • intrauterine, which leads to damage to the central nervous system;
  • conflict of Rh factors in the blood of mother and fetus;
  • fetal asphyxia during birth - this condition is characterized by a lack of oxygen and can lead to suffocation or apparent death;
  • the child receiving injuries directly during labor;
  • Pregnant woman's addiction to bad habits;
  • unfavorable working or living conditions for female representatives during pregnancy.

Such circumstances lead to the fact that the child, even during intrauterine development, experiences disturbances in the formation of organs and systems, in particular the central nervous system. Such processes can lead to the emergence of a wide range of functional pathologies, including speech disorders.

In addition, such a disorder can develop after the baby is born. This can be facilitated by:

  • frequent acute diseases of various etiologies;
  • the presence of any chronic illnesses;
  • suffered traumatic brain injuries.

It is worth noting that OHP can occur with the following ailments:

  • rhinolalia;

In addition, the formation of speech abilities is affected by insufficient attention or lack of emotional contact between the baby and his parents.


There are four degrees of speech underdevelopment:

  • OHP level 1 – characterized by a complete absence of coherent speech. In the medical field, this condition is called “speechless children.” Babies communicate using simplified speech or babble, and also actively gesture;
  • OHP level 2 – observed initial development general speech, but the vocabulary remains poor, and the child makes a large number of mistakes while pronouncing words. In such cases, the maximum that the child can do is utter a simple sentence, which will consist of no more than three words;
  • underdevelopment of speech at level 3 – differs in that children can form sentences, but the semantic and sound load is not sufficiently developed;
  • OHP level 4 is the mildest stage of the disease. This is explained by the fact that the child speaks quite well, his speech is practically no different from his peers. However, disturbances are observed during pronunciation and construction of long phrases.

In addition, clinicians distinguish several groups of this disease:

  • uncomplicated ONR - diagnosed in patients with minor pathology of brain activity;
  • complicated OHP – observed in the presence of any neurological or psychiatric disorder;
  • general underdevelopment of speech and delayed speech development - diagnosed in children by pathologies of those parts of the brain that are responsible for speech.


Characteristics of children with general underdevelopment speech will differ depending on the severity of the disorder inherent in the patient.

However, despite this, such children begin to utter their first words relatively late - at three or four years old. The speech is practically incomprehensible to others and is incorrectly formatted. This becomes the reason that the child’s verbal activity begins to be impaired, and sometimes the following may be observed:

  • memory impairment;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • lack of interest in learning new things;
  • loss of attention.

In patients with the first level of OHP, the following manifestations are observed:

  • instead of words there is babbling, which is complemented by a large number of gestures and rich facial expressions;
  • communication is carried out in sentences consisting of one word, the meaning of which is quite difficult to understand;
  • limited vocabulary;
  • violation in the construction of words;
  • disorder in the pronunciation of sounds;
  • the child cannot distinguish sounds.

Speech underdevelopment of the 2nd degree is characterized by the following disorders:

  • reproduction of phrases consisting of no more than three words is observed;
  • vocabulary very poor compared to the number of words used by the child’s peers;
  • children are unable to understand the meaning of a large number of words;
  • lack of understanding of the difference between numbers;
  • irrational use of prepositions and cases;
  • sounds are pronounced with multiple distortions;
  • phonemic perception is insufficiently formed;
  • the child’s unpreparedness for sound analysis of speech addressed to him.

Third level OHP parameters:

  • the presence of conscious phrasal speech, but it is based on simple sentences;
  • difficulty constructing complex phrases;
  • an increased stock of words used compared to children with second-degree SLD;
  • making mistakes using prepositions and agreement various parts speeches;
  • minor deviations in pronunciation and phonemic awareness.

Description clinical picture general underdevelopment of speech of the fourth level:

  • the presence of specific difficulties with sound pronunciation and repetition of words with a large number of syllables;
  • the level of phonetic understanding is reduced;
  • making mistakes during word formation;
  • wide vocabulary;
  • disorder of logical presentation - minor details come to the fore.


This disorder is identified through communication between a speech therapist and the child.

The definition of pathology and its severity consists of:

  • identifying opportunities oral speech– to clarify the level of formation different aspects language system. Such a diagnostic event begins with the study of coherent speech. The doctor assesses the patient’s ability to compose a story from a drawing, retell what he heard or read, as well as to compose an independent a short story. In addition, the level of grammar and vocabulary is taken into account;
  • assessing the sound aspect of speech - based on how the child pronounces certain sounds, on the syllable structure and sound content of the words that the patient pronounces. Phonetic perception and sound analysis are not left without attention.

In addition, it may be necessary to conduct diagnostic methods for assessing auditory-verbal memory and other mental processes.

During diagnosis, not only does the severity of ODD become clear, but such a disease is also differentiated from RRD.


Since each degree of general underdevelopment of speech formation is divided into several stages, then, accordingly, the therapy will also differ.

Directions for correcting general speech underdevelopment in preschool children:

  • Level 1 illness – activation of independent speech and development of processes of understanding what is said to the child. In addition, attention is paid to thinking and memory. The training of such patients does not aim to achieve normal phonetic speech, but takes into account grammatical part;
  • OHP of the second level - work is carried out not only on the development of speech, but also on the understanding of what is spoken. Therapy is aimed at improving sound pronunciation, forming meaningful phrases and clarifying grammatical and lexical subtleties;
  • Stage 3 disease – conscious coherent speech is corrected, aspects related to grammar and vocabulary are improved, the pronunciation of sounds and phonetic understanding are mastered;
  • OHP level 4 – therapy is aimed at correcting age-related speech for subsequent problem-free learning in educational institutions.

Therapy for children with to varying degrees the severity of such a violation is carried out in various conditions:

  • ONR levels 1 and 2 – in specially designated schools;
  • ONR level 3 – in general education institutions with the condition of correctional education;
  • mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech - in secondary schools.


Ignoring the signs of such an illness can lead to the following consequences:

  • complete lack of speech;
  • emotional isolation of a child who notices that he is different from his peers;
  • further difficulties in education, work and other social areas that will be observed in adults with untreated ODD.

Prevention and prognosis

To avoid the development of such a disease, it is necessary:

  • women during pregnancy should avoid bad habits and pay special attention to your health;
  • parents of children to promptly treat infectious diseases;
  • devote as much time as possible to children, do not ignore them, and also engage in their development and upbringing.

Since correctional work, aimed at overcoming OHP, takes quite a lot of time and is a labor-intensive process, it is best if it starts as early as possible - when the child turns three years old. Only in this case can a favorable prognosis be achieved.

More and more often you hear from parents that their child suffers from a speech development disorder. Children have a limited vocabulary, incorrect pronunciation of sounds, and sometimes a complete lack of speech. In this case, adults need to worry whether the baby’s speech corresponds to the level of his age. If necessary, corrective work should be carried out with a specialist.

Why does speech fade?

It sometimes happens to children that they begin to speak in early childhood, make sounds, say one thing difficult words, but then their speech fades. The opinion about speech development disorders is often erroneous, since the development of a child’s speech occurs in waves. During periods of calm, a passive vocabulary accumulates and thought processes are formed.

At this time, parents should not stop, but continue to read poems and fairy tales to the child, talk with him, talk about the phenomena of the world around him. At a certain point, the baby’s speech will be restored and will continue to develop at a new level.

Parents should be concerned about violations that relate not only to the lexical side of speech, but also to its comprehensive development. In this case, thinking and sound pronunciation suffer. Such violations are noticeable by the age of three.

The delayed development is visible in the fact that the baby pronounces his first short words only at the age of three. Inconsistency of grammatical forms, inability to coherently express one’s thoughts, and incomprehensible speech are revealed.

Corrective work should be carried out by a speech therapist. For these disorders, a diagnosis of level 3 OHP is made.

Communication skills

Children with grade 3 ODD are less sociable and have less contact than their peers. If they engage in conversation, the violations are clearly visible:

  • sound pronunciations;
  • incorrect arrangement of syllables in a word (as a rule, truncation of their number);
  • underdevelopment of phrasal speech.

Communication is complicated by the fact that those around them do not understand the speech of these children. Such kids can communicate freely only with the closest people who can explain what they said.

Unfortunately, the number of children with ODD is growing. The cause is neurological disorders resulting from pregnancy, childbirth or injury, as well as psychological changes and stress.

The specialist’s correctional work will be aimed at making speech more understandable to others.

Specifics of violations

Doctors and speech therapists do not recommend that parents make a diagnosis themselves, as it may be erroneous. The characterization of the OR should be carried out by specialists. Even if violations are present, the baby may try to use sentences with different structures (simple, complex) in speech, but he can rearrange the individual components of these sentences.

Children enjoy learning to pronounce difficult words. Sometimes agrammatism occurs in speech, but errors are irregular.

The vocabulary is gradually replenished, but the child does not consider it necessary to struggle and pronounce complex words. It will be easier for him to express the same thought in simpler words. For example, instead of “cyclist” he can say “uncle”, instead of “rides” - “rides”. Sometimes, instead of the name of the entire object, the child voices the name of only its part; instead of an individual representative, the designation of the species (“titmouse” - “bird”)

Such children follow the path of least resistance, as it is difficult for them to pronounce difficult and polysyllabic words. This may be due to the underdevelopment of the muscles of the speech apparatus, which need to be developed. In this regard, corrective work is carried out by a specialist.

This phenomenon is called dysarthria. The child finds it difficult to pronounce words because speech apparatus does not move at the required speed and does not have mobility. Dysarthria develops as a result of psychological and neurological disorders. A diagnosis of dysarthria can only be made by a doctor.

How does speech develop with OHP?

Characterization of level 3 OHP is carried out by neurologists and speech therapists. IN school age These violations may manifest themselves in the child’s inability to construct a clear, logical answer and formulate his or her thoughts.

Quite often, parents bring their children to a speech therapist to correct sound pronunciation, but they lose sight of the structure of speech. Violations in the construction of phrases are quite easy to identify: it is difficult for a child to construct large sentences, he begins to get confused in the construction. His story may be interrupted, essential semantic elements may be lost from it. It is difficult for a child with ODD to translate words from passive to active, or to find words to describe objects.

Children with OHP also have impaired phonemic hearing. This is expressed in the fact that they cannot find a word with a given sound in the name. For example, correctional work to improve phonemic hearing will consist of the child learning to distinguish specific sounds in each word by ear.

With children you can play games “Catch a syllable” or “Catch a word”. The child must hear a given sound or syllable in words and name the word that contains them. A lot of effort will have to be made to consolidate the skills of distinguishing vowels and consonants.

Correction work

Correctional work for children with special needs development should be carried out at many levels:

  • phonemic;
  • grammatical;
  • lexical;
  • syntactic.

A neurologist must be involved in the treatment of children, who will monitor the progress of the disease. The sooner violations are identified, the faster speech can be corrected.

What will the work of a speech therapist consist of?

  • in the correction of sound pronunciation;
  • in games for matching grammatical forms;
  • in retelling exercises, compiling a story from pictures, descriptions with a pre-planned plan;
  • in training to use words in a sentence and understand their meaning.

The work must be carried out together with parents, who reinforce the skills learned from the specialist at home with the child.

Work to normalize speech in children is integral to development fine motor skills. For this purpose, copybooks for preschoolers and finger games, which can be carried out by a speech therapist or parents at home, are suitable. Lacing, fastening buttons, sorting out small objects, mosaics, and massage balls are perfect.

All these elements of work are aimed at the comprehensive development of children. Sports activities or therapeutic exercises will not interfere. Developing gross motor skills forces the brain to work faster and be more mobile.

Quite often, children with ODD feel psychological discomfort. They communicate with a narrow circle of people who understand them and perceive them as they are. In adulthood, this can lead to the development of psychological complexes, problems with employment and personal life.

OHP is a serious problem for children and parents. The sooner it is noticed, the better for the child. You should not avoid a preventive visit to a neurologist or speech therapist. They will tell parents whether to worry and how to carry out correction work in the future.

The state of general speech underdevelopment (GSD) is characterized by a violation of all aspects of the formation of speech skills. Its main distinguishing feature is the presence of problems both with the sound side (pronunciation), and with lexical and grammatical aspects.
At the same time, children with general speech underdevelopment do not have hearing or intellectual impairments.

Distinctive features of OHP:

  1. The presence of problems both with the pronunciation of sounds and with the skills of coherent expressive speech, mastering the rules of grammatical structure and a poor active vocabulary.
  2. Hearing is not impaired. A specialist check is required.
  3. Primary intelligence is normal. That is, a child at birth does not have a diagnosis of “mental retardation,” etc. However, it is worth keeping in mind that long-term uncorrected mental retardation can also lead to mental retardation.

It is possible to talk about the presence of general speech underdevelopment in a child only after 3-4 years. Until this time, children develop differently and “have the right” to some deviations from average norms. Everyone has their own pace of speech formation. But after 3, it’s worth paying attention to how the child speaks. It is quite possible that he needs the help of a speech therapist.

The manifestation of OHP in children is expressed differently based on their depth of impairment.

General speech underdevelopment level 1

A violation of this degree means an almost complete absence of speech in the child. Problems are visible to what is called the “naked eye.”

What does it show:

  1. A child's active vocabulary is very poor. To communicate, he mainly uses babbling words, the first syllables of words, and onomatopoeia. At the same time, he is not at all averse to communicating, but in “his” language. A cat means “meow”, “beep” can mean a car, a train, or the process of driving itself.
  2. Gestures and facial expressions are widely used. They are always appropriate, carry a specific meaning and, in general, help the child communicate.
  3. Simple sentences either simply do not exist in the child’s speech, or may consist of two amorphous words combined in meaning. “Meow bee bee” during the game will mean that the cat drove the car. “Woof di” means both the dog is walking and the dog is running.
  4. At the same time, the passive vocabulary significantly exceeds the active one. The child understands spoken speech to a much greater extent than he can say himself.
  5. Compound words (consisting of several syllables) are abbreviated. For example, bus sounds like "abas" or "atobu". This indicates that phonemic hearing is unformed, that is, the child does not distinguish individual sounds well.

General speech underdevelopment level 2

The main striking difference from level 1 is the constant presence in the child’s speech of a certain number of commonly used words, although not yet pronounced very correctly. At the same time, the beginnings of the formation of a grammatical connection between words are noticeable, although not yet permanent.

What to pay attention to:

  1. The child always uses the same word, denoting a specific object or action in a distorted form. For example, apple will always sound like “lyabako” in any context.
  2. The active dictionary is quite poor. The child does not know words denoting the characteristics of an object (shape, its individual parts).
  3. There is no skill in combining objects into groups (a spoon, plate, pan are utensils). Objects that are similar in some way can be called in one word.
  4. Sound pronunciation is also far behind. The child pronounces many sounds poorly.
  5. A characteristic feature of level 2 OHP is the appearance in speech of the rudiments of a grammatical change in spoken words depending on the number. However, the child can only cope with simple words even if the ending is stressed (go - goUt). Moreover, this process is unstable and does not always manifest itself.
  6. Simple sentences are actively used in speech, but the words in them are not consistent with each other. For example, “papa pitya” - dad came, “guyai gokam” - walked on the hill, etc.
  7. Prepositions in speech may be completely missed or used incorrectly.
  8. A coherent story - based on a picture or with the help of an adult's questions - is already obtained, in contrast to the state at level 1 OHP, but it is very limited. Basically, the child uses two-syllable, inconsistent sentences consisting of a subject and a predicate. “Guyai gokam. Videy seg. Ipiy segika." (Walked on a hill, saw snow, made a snowman).
  9. The syllabic structure of polysyllabic words is disrupted. As a rule, syllables are not only distorted due to incorrect pronunciation, but also rearranged and simply thrown out. (Boots are “bokiti”, people are “tevek”).

General speech underdevelopment level 3

This stage is characterized mainly by a lag in terms of grammatical and phonemic development of speech. Expressive speech is quite active, the child constructs detailed phrases and uses a large vocabulary.

Problem points:

  1. Communication with others is mainly in the presence of parents, who act as assistant translators.
  2. Unstable pronunciation of sounds that the child has learned to pronounce separately. In independent speech they still sound unclear.
  3. Sounds that are difficult to pronounce are replaced by others. Whistling, hissing, sonorant and affricates are more difficult to master. One sound can replace several at once. For example, the soft “s” often plays different roles (“syanki” - sledge, “syuba” - “fur coat”, “syapina” - “scratch”).
  4. The active vocabulary is noticeably expanding. However, the child does not yet know the little-used vocabulary. It is noticeable that in his speech he uses mainly words of everyday meaning, which he often hears around.
  5. The grammatical connection of words in sentences, as they say, leaves much to be desired, but at the same time the child confidently approaches the construction of complex and complex constructions. (“Papa wrote and pyinesya Mise padaik, how Misya haase behave yourself” - Dad came and brought Misha a gift, BECAUSE Misha behaved well. As we see, a complex construction is already “asking for the tongue”, but the grammatical agreement of words is not yet given ).
  6. From such incorrectly formed sentences, the child can already compose a story. Sentences will still only describe a specific sequence of actions, but there will no longer be a problem with constructing phrases.
  7. A characteristic feature is the inconsistency of grammatical errors. That is, in one case, a child can correctly agree words with each other, but in another, use the wrong form.
  8. There are difficulties in correctly agreeing nouns with numerals. For example, “three cats” - three cats, “many sparrows” - many sparrows.
  9. The lag in the formation of phonemic abilities is manifested in errors when pronouncing “difficult” words (“gynasts” - gymnasts), in the presence of problems in analysis and synthesis (the child finds it difficult to find words starting with a specific letter). This, among other things, delays the child’s readiness to succeed in school.

General speech underdevelopment level 4

This level of OHP is characterized only by isolated difficulties and errors. However, when taken together, these disorders prevent the child from mastering reading and writing skills. Therefore, it is important not to miss this condition and contact a speech therapist to correct errors.

Characteristic features:

  1. There is no problem of incorrect sound pronunciation, the sounds are “delivered”, but the speech is somewhat slurred, inexpressive and has unclear articulation.
  2. Periodically, there are violations of the syllabic structure of a word, elision (omission of syllables - for example, “skein” instead of “hammer”), replacement of one sound with another, rearrangement of their places.
  3. Another typical mistake is the incorrect use of words denoting a feature of an object. The child does not very clearly understand the meaning of such words. For example, “the house is long” instead of “tall”, “the boy is short” instead of “short”, etc.).
  4. Formation of new words using suffixes also causes difficulties. (“hare” instead of “hare”, “platenko” instead of “dress”).
  5. Agrammatisms occur, but not very often. Mainly, difficulties can arise when agreeing nouns with adjectives (“I write with a blue pen”) or when using plural nouns in the nominative or genitive case (“We saw bears and birds at the zoo”).

It is important to note that all the disorders that distinguish level 4 OHP are not common in children. Moreover, if a child is offered two answer options, he will choose the correct one, that is, there is criticality towards speech, and the formation of a grammatical structure approaches the necessary norms.

The modern world is oversaturated with information and means of communication, books are widely accessible, and many educational and entertainment channels for children have been created. It would seem that in such an environment, children’s speech should develop without any difficulties, and speech therapists’ offices will become a thing of the past. However, this is not true. Poor ecology, largely cultural degradation, reduced degree psychological protection- all this affects the development of the baby’s speech. For some children, a speech therapist diagnoses “general speech underdevelopment (GSD) level 3,” the characteristics of which indicate that the child requires additional classes. The full development of each child primarily depends on the efforts of his parents. They are obliged to seek help from specialists in a timely manner if they notice any deviations in the formation of their child’s personality.

Characteristics of OHP

OHP is observed in children with a normal level of intelligence development corresponding to their age, without any physiological problems with the hearing aid. Speech therapists say about this group of patients that they do not speak phonemic awareness, do not distinguish individual sounds, therefore they understand the meaning in a distorted form. The baby hears words differently from how they are actually pronounced.

Children with level 3 ODD (characteristics are presented below) have distorted speech skills such as word formation, sound formation, the semantic load of a word, as well as grammatical structure. When speaking, older children may make mistakes inherent in older children. early age. In such children, the rates of development of speech and psyche do not correspond to each other. At the same time, children with ODD are no different from their peers in terms of development: they are emotional, active, play with pleasure, and understand the speech of others.

Typical manifestations of OHP

The following indicators are considered typical manifestations of general speech underdevelopment:

  • the conversation is unclear and unintelligible;
  • phrases are constructed grammatically incorrectly;
  • speech interaction has low activity, words are perceived with a lag when used independently;
  • first pronunciation of the first words and simple phrases at a late age (instead of 1.5-2 years at 3-5 years).

At general development psyche:

  • new words are poorly remembered and pronounced, memory is undeveloped;
  • the sequence of actions is broken, simple instructions are carried out with great difficulty;
  • attention is scattered, no skills to concentrate;
  • logical verbal generalization is difficult; there are no skills in analysis, comparison of objects, or separation of them by characteristics and properties.

Development of fine and gross motor skills:

  • small movements are performed with inaccuracies and errors;
  • the child’s movements are slow and there is a tendency to freeze in one position;
  • coordination of movements is impaired;
  • rhythm is undeveloped;
  • when performing motor tasks, disorientation in time and space is visible.

The characteristics of level 3 OHP, as well as other levels, contain the listed manifestations to varying degrees.

Reasons for OHP

Experts do not find the functioning nervous system and the brain of children with OHP gross pathologies. Most often, the sources of speech delay are considered to be social or physiological reasons. These could be:

  • suffered during pregnancy or hereditary diseases of the mother;
  • during the period of bearing the baby, the mother had nervous overload;
  • bad habits during pregnancy (alcohol, smoking);
  • receiving any injuries during childbirth;
  • very early or too late pregnancy;
  • infections, complex diseases in infants;
  • Possible head injuries to the child;
  • trouble in the family where the baby experiences early stress;
  • there is no emotional contact between the baby and parents;
  • there is an unfavorable moral situation in the house;
  • scandalous, conflict situations;
  • lack of communication and attention;
  • neglect of the baby, rude speech in adults.

Classification. OHP level 1

General speech underdevelopment is classified into four levels, each of which has its own characteristics. Level 1 OHP differs in many ways from Level 3 OHP. Characteristics of speech in level 1 pathology: babbling, onomatopoeia, pieces of small phrases, parts of words. Babies pronounce sounds unclearly, actively help with facial expressions and gestures - all this can be called infant skills.

Children actively show interest in the world around them and communication, but at the same time the gap between active and passive vocabulary is much greater than the norm. The characteristics of speech also include the following:

  • the pronunciation of sounds is blurred;
  • monosyllabic, sometimes two-syllable words predominate;
  • long words are reduced to syllables;
  • action words are replaced by object words;
  • different actions and various items can be denoted by one word;
  • words that have different meanings, but are consonant, can be confused;
  • V in rare cases there is no speech at all.

Level 2

OHP levels 2 and 3 have somewhat similar characteristics, but there are also significant differences. At level 2 there is an increase in speech development. A larger number of common words are learned, the simplest phrases are used, and the vocabulary is constantly replenished with new, often distorted, words. Children are already mastering in simple words grammatical forms, often with stressed endings, distinguish plural, singular. Level 2 features include the following:

  • sounds are pronounced with great difficulty, often replaced by simpler ones (voiced - dull, hissing - whistling, hard - soft);
  • grammatical forms are mastered spontaneously and are not associated with meaning;
  • verbal self-expression is poor, vocabulary is scanty;
  • different objects and actions are denoted by one word if they are somehow similar (similarity in purpose or appearance);
  • ignorance of the properties of objects, their names (size, shape, color);
  • adjectives and nouns do not agree; replacement or absence of prepositions in speech;
  • inability to answer coherently without leading questions;
  • endings are used randomly, replaced by one another.

Level 3

The characteristics of children with level 3 ODD look like this: general speech skills are lagging behind, but the construction of phrases and expanded speech are already present. Children already have access to the basics of grammatical structure, simple forms are used correctly, many parts of speech and more complex sentences are used. At this age there are already enough life impressions, the vocabulary increases, objects, their properties and actions are named correctly. Toddlers are able to compose simple stories, but still experience freedom of communication. OHP level 3 speech characteristics have the following:

  • in general, there is no active vocabulary, the vocabulary is poor, adjectives and adverbs are insufficiently used;
  • verbs are used ineptly, adjectives with nouns are coordinated with errors, therefore the grammatical structure is unstable;
  • when constructing complex phrases, conjunctions are used incorrectly;
  • no knowledge of subspecies of birds, animals, objects;
  • actions are called instead of professions;
  • instead of a separate part of an object, the entire object is called.

Approximate characteristics for a preschooler

The characteristics of a preschooler with level 3 OHP are as follows:

Articulation: anatomy of organs without anomalies. Salivation is increased. The accuracy of movements and volume suffer, the child is not able to hold the organs of articulation in a certain position for a long time, and the switchability of movement is impaired. Articulation exercises increase the tone of the tongue.

Speech: the overall sound is unimpressive, a weakly modulated quiet voice, breathing is free, the rhythm and tempo of speech is normal.

Sound pronunciation: There are violations of the pronunciation of sonorous sounds. The sizzling ones are set. Automation of sounds occurs at the word level. Control over the pronunciation of sounds, free speech is controlled.

Phonemic perception, synthesis and sound analysis: phonemic representations are formed late, the level is insufficient. By ear, the child identifies a given sound from a syllabic, sound series, as well as a series of words. The place of the sound in the word is not determined. The skills of sound and letter analysis, as well as synthesis, have not been developed.

Syllable structure: Words with complex syllable structures are difficult to pronounce.

If a diagnosis of “general speech underdevelopment (GSD) level 3” is made, the characteristics (5 years - the age when many parents are already preparing their children for school and visiting specialists) should include all of the above points. Children at this age should be given utmost attention. A speech therapist will help resolve speech problems.

Speech with OHP level 3

Characteristics of speech of children with ODD level 3:

Passive, active dictionary: poverty, inaccuracy of stock. The child does not know the names of words that go beyond the scope of daily communication: he cannot name parts of the body, the names of animals, professions, or actions with which they are associated. There are difficulties in selecting words with the same root, antonyms, and synonyms. Passive vocabulary is much higher than active.

Grammatical structure: speech therapy characteristics of a child with level 3 OHP indicate that agrammatisms are observed in the formation of words and their coordination with other parts of speech. The child makes a mistake when choosing the plural of a noun. There are disturbances in the formation of words that go beyond the framework of everyday speech. Word-formation skills are difficult to transfer to new speech. Mostly simple sentences are used in the presentation.

Connected speech: difficulties can be traced in detailed statements and linguistic design. The sequence in the story is broken, there are semantic gaps in storyline. Temporal and cause-and-effect relationships are violated in the text.

Preschool children with level 3 ODD receive characterization at the age of 7 from a speech therapist who conducts classes with them. If the results of classes with a speech therapist do not bring the desired result, you should consult a neurologist.

Level 4

Above was an approximate description of level 3 OHP, level 4 is slightly different. Basic parameters: the child’s vocabulary is noticeably increased, although there are gaps in vocabulary and grammar. New material difficult to learn, inhibited learning to write and read. Children use correctly simple prepositions, long words are not abbreviated, but still, some sounds are often lost from the word.

Speech difficulties:

  • sluggish articulation, unclear speech;
  • the narration is dull, not imaginative, children express themselves in simple sentences;
  • in an independent story, logic is violated;
  • expressions are difficult to choose;
  • possessive and diminutive words are distorted;
  • properties of objects are replaced by approximate meanings;
  • the names of objects are replaced with words with similar properties.

Help from a psychologist

The characteristics of children with level 3 ODD indicate the need for classes not only with a speech therapist, but also with a psychologist. Comprehensive measures will help correct the shortcomings. Due to speech impairment, such children have problems concentrating and find it difficult to concentrate on a task. At the same time, performance decreases.

During speech therapy correction, it is necessary to involve a psychologist. Its task is to increase motivation for learning and activities. The specialist must conduct a psychological intervention that will be aimed at developing concentration. It is recommended to conduct classes not with one, but with a small group of kids. It is important to take into account the child’s self-esteem; low self-esteem inhibits development. Therefore, a specialist must help children with ODD to believe in their strength and success.

Complex corrective effect

The pedagogical approach to correcting OPD is not an easy process; it requires a structural, special implementation of the assigned tasks. The most effective work is carried out in specialized institutions where qualified teachers work. If, in addition to OHP, a diagnosis of “dysarthria” is established, therapy is based on all pathologies. Drug treatment may be added to the corrective effect. A neurologist should take part here. Special institutions and centers aim to correct deficiencies in the development of intellectual functions and correct deficiencies in communication skills.

The first thing I want to tell parents is: do not despair if a child suffers from ODD. There is no need to conflict with teachers and specialists if they diagnose “level 3 ODD.” This will only help you take action in time. Classes with your child will help you quickly correct his speech and deal with pathologies. The sooner you get to the bottom of the problem and begin to act together with specialists, the faster the recovery process will turn in the right direction.

Treatment can be lengthy, and its outcome largely depends on the parents. Be patient and help your baby enter the world with confident, well-developed speech.

Speech therapy characteristics of a preschool child with OHP-III level of speech development.

Description of the state of the child’s speech functions

Articulatory apparatus. Anatomical structure without anomalies. Increased salivation is noted. The volume and accuracy of movements performed suffers; cannot maintain the position of the organs of articulation for a long time; switchability of movements is impaired. When performing articulation exercises, the tone of the tongue muscles increases.
General sound of speech. Speech is inexpressive; the voice is weakly modulated, quiet; breathing freely; rate and rhythm of speech are within normal limits.
Sound pronunciation. Sound pronunciation is impaired in the group of sonorant sounds, affricates; hissing sounds have been delivered, and at the moment these sounds are being automated at the word level. Also, control over the pronunciation of the sound [l] in free speech is still maintained.
Phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis. Phonemic representations are formed at an insufficient level. Isolates a given sound by ear from a series of sounds, from a syllabic series, from a number of words. The place of a sound in a word does not determine. The skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis have not been developed.
The syllabic structure of the word. There are difficulties in reproducing words with a complex syllabic structure.
Passive and active dictionaries characterized by poverty and inaccuracy. There is a lack of knowledge of the names of words that go beyond the scope of everyday everyday communication: parts of the human and animal body, names of professions and actions related to them. Experiences difficulties in choosing antonyms, synonyms, and cognates. The use of generalizing concepts suffers. Has difficulty using some simple and most complex prepositions. Passive vocabulary significantly exceeds active one.
The grammatical structure of speech. Agrammatisms are observed in the formation of adjectives from nouns, in the agreement of nouns with numerals. There are errors when converting nouns into plural. Persistent and severe violations are observed when trying to form words that go beyond the scope of everyday speech practice. Difficulties in transferring word-formation skills to a new one are noted speech material. In speech he mainly uses simple common sentences.
Coherent speech. Difficulties in programming the content of extended statements and their linguistic design are noted. There is a violation of the coherence and sequence of the story, semantic omissions of essential elements of the storyline, noticeable fragmentation of the presentation, and a violation of temporal and cause-and-effect relationships in the text.
Speech therapy conclusion: General speech underdevelopment (III level), dysarthria (?)
Recommended: Consultation with a neurologist.
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