Is hostel available for part-time students? What documents are needed to live in a hostel

The functioning and procedure for settling in hostels in Ukraine is regulated by the Housing Code of Ukraine (HCS, article 127), the Regulations on student hostels, developed by the educational institution in accordance with the Model Regulations and Rules and conditions for living in a hostel.

Housing and communal services establishes general requirements for hostels. For student hostels, 5 provisions are important:

  • Accommodation in the hostel is allowed only after approval by the sanitary and epidemiological service. This means that the hostel is subject to an annual sanitation inspection.
  • Accommodation in a hostel is paid. One of the obligations of the student (s) is to pay for this housing in a timely manner and in full, otherwise the student (s) may be deprived of the right to reside.
  • The hostel must be equipped with furniture and necessary equipment, students must be provided with personal services (ironing, washing) and allocated a room for these purposes. The student does not have to spend his own money on the purchase of furniture or equipment for the hostel.
  • Maintenance of the hostel, including cleaning, duty, administration, is carried out by special full-time staff, that is, students cannot be involved in this work.
  • The internal order in the dormitories is established by the rules approved by the administration of the university. It defines the rules for living in hostels in the summer.

Who has the right to settle in a hostel

According to the License Terms of Implementation educational activities educational institutions, the educational institution must provide students with a hostel at least 70% of the need. Today, this norm is often not fulfilled, and it is impossible to force universities to recruit students taking into account the number of places in hostels.

The hostel can accommodate non-resident students, graduate students, students preparatory courses, cadets. Foreign citizens who are students are accommodated in dormitories on a common basis, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

At the same time, the legislation establishes a number of preferential categories that have a guaranteed or priority right to provide a hostel.

According to part 12 of Art. 7 of the Law “On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens and the Legal Regime in the Temporarily Occupied Territory of Ukraine”, citizens of Ukraine who live in the temporarily occupied territory have the right to receive or extend the receipt of a certain educational level on the territory of other regions of Ukraine at the expense of the state budget from providing places in hostels for the duration of training.

In addition, the following have the right of priority settlement:

  • disabled students of I-III groups;
  • students from large families (three or more children);
  • students whose one of the parents died (died);
  • persons whose parents are miners and who have at least 15 years of underground work experience or who died as a result of an accident at work or became disabled of group I or II in accordance with the Law “On increasing the prestige of mining work”.
This list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented by other groups of beneficiaries.

As for university employees, they can be placed in a student dormitory only by decision of the head of the university and in agreement with student self-government bodies. Accommodation in student dormitories of any other unauthorized persons is prohibited.

Preferential categories of students who receive appropriate state assistance and study under the state order, in agreement with the trade union committee, can also be provided to pay for living in university dormitories. In some cases, this is directly provided for by law, while in this way orphans and children of combatants are exempted from paying for living in dormitories.

The procedure for settling in a hostel

Places in student hostels are usually not enough. In order to prevent manifestations of corruption in the distribution of these places, universities have a complex scheme of settlement, in which the administration and student government are involved.

The decision on the distribution of places among the students of the corresponding faculty is made by the leadership of the faculty and approved by the head of the university in agreement with the student government.

On the basis of the decision to provide places in a hostel, an agreement is concluded with the student to live in a hostel and a referral (order) is issued, which is the only basis for settlement and residence. The direction indicates the address of the hostel and usually the room number. The condition for settling in a hostel is an advance payment, which cannot be less than a month, but in practice it is often necessary to pay a year in advance. The maximum amount of payment for accommodation in student dormitories is 40% of the minimum regular academic scholarship higher education institutions of the corresponding level of accreditation. Also, the student is obliged to familiarize himself with the internal rules of the hostel and the safety rules.

Today, students are also often forced to purchase a so-called insurance policy, that is, a property insurance contract. Such a requirement is legal, but a description and valuation of the insured property must be carried out. In practice, the insurance policy often shows signs of a corrupt connection between the insurance company and the university administration, and sometimes the money is even paid directly to the dormitory commandant. Non-payment of the policy cannot be grounds for refusing to settle in a hostel if the assessment and description of the property is not carried out. If there are suspicions of the existence of a corruption component when concluding an insurance contract, you should contact law enforcement agencies.

Rights of students living in a hostel

The rights of students are established by the Internal Regulations and the Regulations on living in a hostel.

Students living in dormitories have the following rights:

  • use the premises, devices and inventory of the hostel;
  • demand timely repair or replacement of equipment, furniture, elimination of shortcomings in the provision of living conditions. The student must repair the property at his own expense only when he himself damaged it. The administration of the university is also obliged to ensure the cleaning and repair of common areas in the hostel, and students are obliged to maintain cleanliness in these common areas;
  • to elect bodies of student self-government of the hostel and to be elected to their composition;
  • file complaints about the work of dormitory employees and living conditions, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals";
  • invite strangers to the hostel, if they can prove their identity with the appropriate document. Responsibility for the timely exit of visitors from the hostel and their compliance with the rules of the internal regulations rests with the students who invited them. Usually visitors have the right to be in the hostel from 8-00 to 23-00;
  • unhindered access to the hostel at any time of the day. The temporary mode of access to hostels is established by the Internal Regulations. Today, students are usually given access to the hostel at night (from 24-00 to 06-00) - with an entry in a special journal of the reasons for being late;
  • to the privacy of the home. Representatives of the administration can enter the room without the knowledge of the student only when there is a risk of damage to property (for example, someone floods the room).

Student responsibility for violation of internal regulations and discipline in the hostel

The student may be subject to the following types of penalties:
  • remarks;
  • rebuke;
  • eviction from the hostel;
  • refusal to provide a place-bed to stay for the next year;
  • deduction from educational institution.

Students, as one of the most socially and financially vulnerable categories of citizens, receive assistance from the state in the form of various benefits. At the same time, full-time students are provided with more of them. Evening students and correspondence students are somewhat limited in state assistance, but they can count on some privileges.

general information

There are no concessions for part-time students for travel in public transport. Moreover, such students do not have student ID cards, because they simply do not need them in Everyday life. It is assumed that the majority of correspondence students are working citizens who receive higher education in parallel with work. That is why the bulk of the benefits fall on labor aspects.

Party benefits usually involve concessions on the part of employers, who are required by law to provide student employees with benefits in the prescribed manner.


The provision of student leave is regulated Labor Code RF. First of all, employees receiving higher education are entitled to leave with pay for the period of the session. This period can be from 40 days to 4 months, depending on the curriculum.

That is, the employer is not only obliged to release the employee from work for this time, but also to keep all payments. If the employee cannot exercise his right due to the prohibition of the head, then this is a reason to contact the labor inspectorate.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation implies that the student has the right to go to the session, and the employer is obliged to keep him workplace, wages. Otherwise, it is contrary to the law, and entails punishment for the legal entity.

In addition, the employee may be granted leave for the period of preparation for entrance examinations and for passing final certification preparatory departments of educational organizations of higher professional education. In such cases, the future student's salary is not saved, and leave is granted in the amount of 15 calendar days.


If the place of work and the place of study are located in different settlements, then once a year the employee has the right to travel to the university at the expense of the employer. This is prescribed at the legislative level, so the organization is obliged to allocate funds from its own budget for these purposes.

A student cannot claim travel expenses more than once a year. In this case, the priority right remains the choice of the period. For example, in the summer session, when tickets are much more expensive than in winter.

Fares include travel back and forth to educational institution. If the employer does not fulfill his obligations, then he will face the punishment provided for by labor legislation.

In addition, the law states that payment is made only in case of successful development of the relevant curriculum.


In addition to the fact that the employer is obliged to release the employee for the session, retaining his place and salary, during the preparation period, he must reduce the employee's work week or provide him with an additional day off. For the period of release from work, the employee retains 50 percent of the average earnings at the main place of work, but not less than the minimum wage. Such relief is established solely by agreement of the parties and only for those who study at state-accredited educational institutions.


  1. In the first and second years of study, an employee can receive a vacation of at least 40 calendar days, with the salary saved during the final session (summer).
  2. In the third and subsequent courses, it increases by another 10 calendar days and reaches 50 calendar days. The average wage per worker is also maintained.
  3. Upon delivery state exams and writing with subsequent defense of the thesis is given 4 calendar months, in accordance with curriculum, with pay.
  4. The employee takes all other additional vacations necessary for training at his own expense, or they may be provided for by a collective agreement.

Conditions for receiving benefits

In order to receive the benefits due, the employee is obliged to provide the employer with a document confirming his studies at a higher educational institution. Without this, the right of an employee to receive labor privileges cannot arise. In addition, the student is required to write an application, which must be signed by the supervisor or an authorized person.

A summons certificate, a form established by the state and a schedule for studying and passing the main exams and tests, drawn up and signed at an educational institution, are the basis documents for receiving the benefits due. The employer does not have the right to ignore this document, since it confirms the need for the employee to temporarily leave the position.

The law on education implies that a working student studying by correspondence or evening form cannot miss a session or pass the necessary tests and exams without a good reason. However, work is not the cause.

Which students receive benefits

Legislation does not give benefits to all students. So, only those persons who receive higher education for the first time, as well as those who were sent to study by the employer themselves, regardless of the presence of a different diploma, can exercise their right to privileges.

In addition, only those citizens who study at Russian universities with state accreditation can receive benefits.

If the training takes place in a branch of a foreign educational institution, then the right to privileges remains at the discretion of the employer.

General rights

Regardless of the form in which the training takes place, students have the right to early passage of the session if they are from other cities.

In addition, all students without exception can use the available university educational materials free of charge and at any time specified in the charter of the institution.

The 13% tax deduction is also refundable, regardless of the form of study, directly to the tuition payer.

A collective agreement may provide for other guarantees and compensations in respect of an employee who is receiving education. The collective agreement may also provide for benefits when training an employee in educational organization without state accreditation.

Important! If an employee receives education in several educational institutions by correspondence or evening education, guarantees and compensations are provided only in connection with education in only one of these organizations.

Dear readers!

March 18, 2017, 07:40 June 14, 2019 14:55

Applicants are increasingly suffering from problems with a lack of housing. And since the majority of students are still visitors (more than 70%) from other cities and even countries, we are talking about a huge number of people in need of housing. And the hostel is a tidbit that is not enough for everyone, but for everyone it is so desired! So how do you get this "paradise place" if you have no connections and money?

Prime Lucky

  • disabled people of 1, 2 and 3 groups;
  • orphans;
  • "Chernobyl";
  • "directors" or "targets";
  • foreigners and contractors;
  • children from large families;
  • children of disabled parents;
  • athletes of certain categories.

All that is left is distributed among all the others that are not included in the specified categories. And a student can get a place in a hostel only in descending order of the passing score.

The hostel is not just "your own corner", it is a school of life

And, despite the very sad living conditions in this paradise, hundreds, thousands, millions of students come here every year. Still: few students can afford to live in rented apartments, especially if they will be studying in multi-million cities.

According to the law, the conditions for providing a hostel to students require 6 square meters. m. in a room per person. And practice shows that for this number of square meters the hostel administration can accommodate from 2 to 6 people.

How to get a hostel for a student who does not have benefits?

Get nice room only those who have the patience to delve into the legislation and regulations will be able to enter the hostel. And if you take into account impolite refusals, in order to get a hostel for students (paid or free), sometimes you have to threaten or at least be ready to apply to the prosecutor's office. But usually issues can be resolved peacefully.

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Well, first of all, it is necessary to study the rights of students living in a hostel, as well as those who intend to move in there.

Before you start taking action, find out if the university is obliged to provide a hostel for non-resident students or other categories of people in need.

Here are some tips for those who want to get a place in a hostel:

  1. Many people think that they can apply for housing only during the summer period or at the beginning of school year. In fact, the law does not provide for a time limit for applying for a hostel. So a student can apply for a hostel at any time - at least at the beginning, at least in the middle, at least at the end of the academic year.
  2. Preferential categories and non-resident students are provided with a hostel in accordance with article 16 of the law "On higher and postgraduate vocational education”, Approximate regulations on student hostel. Therefore, first carefully study these documents in order to understand whether you can qualify for something.
  3. If the selected university has its own housing stock, then it must provide dormitories for ALL students who need housing, and not just full-time students from other cities. The latter, of course, have priority benefits. But this is not a reason to refuse the rest, as this, from the point of view of the law, will violate the rights of other students. And already this violation becomes an excellent reason for contacting law enforcement agencies.
  4. Well, in order to immediately pay attention to you and in order to avoid communication with law enforcement agencies, when writing an application to the administration for granting you a place in a hostel, immediately mention Article 16 of the above law in the document. Also ask in the application to explain to you in writing (in case of refusal) on what basis the administration made a decision in refusing the legal right to receive housing. Often one correctly drafted such statement is enough to resolve the situation in favor of the student.
  5. We are used to the fact that Russian students in a hostel are students on a free basis. Meanwhile, the law does not mention anywhere that only a state employee can get a place. So if you could only enter a paid department, do not hesitate to ask for a room. You have all the rights on the same basis as other categories.

And the last. If you still managed to get the long-awaited room - great! You will be able to save a lot of money. But do not forget that students still pay for a hostel, albeit a penny compared to renting an apartment. So you still have to shell out. True, this does not apply to a special category of students who will not have to pay at all (disabled people of the 1st and 2nd degrees, orphans or those left without parental care).

As for payment, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Law 16, which we mentioned above, the administration of the university and the hostel management do not have the right to set you a fee that exceeds 5% of the amount of the scholarship you receive (if you receive one).

In general, all this is not difficult - you just need to know your basic rights and the bills that confirm this. Studying at a university will be much more difficult, believe me. Well, in order to somehow lighten your burden, the student service is ready to take care of writing control, term papers, laboratory, diploma and other types of educational work.

The dormitories are inhabited not only by students who go to study after graduation, but also by employees of many manufacturing enterprises in need of housing, as well as military and research institute workers. Dormitories are divided by type into those that are provided to single citizens, i.e., bed-type and hostels for families.

Persons entitled to receive a room in a hostel

If you come to work from another locality or from another country and settle in a working hostel, then you must be registered in it, indicating the place of temporary residence in the documents. Such registration is most often carried out by a passport officer or hostel commandant, who is responsible for the correct and timely execution of documents.

It happens that the hostel does not deal with the registration of citizens, then you need to resolve this issue on your own. You will need to apply for a registration document to the police to the district police officer.

Documents for registration

  • Statement;
  • Civil passport or other identity document;
  • For children under 14 years of age, a birth certificate;
  • Address sheet of departure and arrival, it is filled in by representatives of state bodies;
  • Contract for rent or sublease of residential premises in a dormitory or other document confirming the place of stay;
  • You must also undergo a medical examination and submit a certificate of form 086 / y;
  • Medical insurance policy;
  • 3 photos sized 3×4;
  • Young men present a Military ID or a certificate of deregistration.

If we talk about what documents are needed for a hostel at a university and at an enterprise, then there are no significant differences between them. In each case, you need to prove the fact that you need this kind of housing, and the decision on its provision will already be made by the commission.

Is hostel available for part-time students?

Students of the correspondence department can be provided with a hostel if there are free places in it. The student applies for a place in the dormitory to the dean's office, and after considering such an application, a decision is made to provide living space or to refuse.

Is there a hostel for applicants?

The hostel can be provided to the applicant for the period of the introductory company, which includes preparatory entrance courses and entrance examinations. After the end of the introductory company, the applicant must hand over the number, and if he is enrolled for training, then the issue of providing him with a hostel for the duration of the training will be considered by the commission separately.

Terms of providing a hostel for students

If, by decision of the commission, a student is entitled to a bed in a dormitory, then he must conclude an agreement for living in a student dormitory, but not earlier than the educational institution concludes an agreement for training with him.

The right of priority to move into the hostel

All citizens belonging to the category of persons who are entitled to extraordinary municipal housing, also receive living space in a hostel out of turn. This category includes the disabled, orphans, single mothers, children from large families, low-income citizens and other equivalent categories.

Area per settler in the hostel

If you settle in a bachelor's hostel, then you must be provided with a bed in a room where the living area per one settler is not less than 6 square meters. For families, isolated apartments or rooms are provided.

Who makes the decision to provide a hostel?

The decision to provide housing in the dormitory is made by the dormitory administration together with the trade union committee.

Would you like more information? Ask questions in the comments

Many part-time students very often ask questions about whether they will be provided with a hostel for the duration of the session. Actually it is very actual question, and as a consequence, a problem emerges from it. In fact, the hostel for part-time students is not provided by law. That is, if initially, upon admission to a higher educational institution, a student who plans to study at the full-time department writes a statement that he needs a place in a hostel, then part-time students are immediately deprived of such an opportunity.

In general, there are several privileges that full-time students have that are not available to part-time students. First, it is military service. If a student plans to dedicate approximately 5 years of his life to studying, then he can be exempted for this time from military service. Many students find this privilege the most convenient. But when entering a university for part-time education, one should initially keep in mind that at any time a student can be drafted into the army. To do this, you can take an academic leave, but still, then few people return to the institute. Thus, the student does not continue his education.

Also, in addition to a place in a hostel, students "diaries" are given the opportunity to receive a scholarship. Moreover, there are different types scholarships, which are issued depending on the status of the student. For example, a student's scholarship may increase if he showed himself on the positive side during his studies, and moreover, he did some scientific discoveries that are now considered beneficial to society. The scholarship is also increased for full-time students if they are deprived of parental care or live in families where there are disabled people, or the student himself is disabled.

Thirdly, the student life of full-time students is much more diverse and interesting in terms of conducting any entertainment and educational activities. As part of their education, "diaries" students visit various institutions in their city, where they are provided with important and useful information. For example, students can visit a television studio, where they will see with their own eyes how films and various programs are being made, and students can also regularly go to theaters, museums, exhibitions and other events.

The next privilege is a real gift for full-time students. The fact is that many universities have programs for the exchange of experience between students. It includes trips to foreign countries with employment opportunities there. This is rare, but still exists. This is a huge opportunity for many students. If until recently they could not even dream that they would someday visit England or America, now these countries are open to them. Correspondence students are deprived of such an opportunity and this is a huge omission.

As for the provision of a hostel for part-time students, this is a separate nuance that requires detailed consideration. We have already found out that full-time students have the right to a hostel, regardless of the specifics and qualifications of the university. But part-time students have to think for themselves where they will live during the session. Consider situations where a student may need a hostel.

First, it is unwillingness to depend on parents. The fact is that the majority of part-time students, namely 90% of them, prefer to work and study. At the same time, they have the opportunity to support themselves, regardless of parental assistance. But not everyone succeeds in earning their own apartment. Thus, they have to rely on the help of their educational institution. In fact, there is a practice when universities build their own dormitories where their students or employees live. There is also such that students after graduation decide to stay to work at the institute. They continue to live in the hostel and even start families there and lead a full-fledged life. This is very convenient and beneficial for students and for the management of the university, as it, in turn, receives a conscientious employee.

The second reason why a part-time student needs a place in a hostel is living in another city. According to statistics, the largest percentage of students belongs to this category. Imagine the situation that you are studying at the correspondence department of the institute, while you live in another city. The session lasts on average from a month to two months. If a student is not provided with a hostel, then he will have to rent an apartment for the duration of his studies. Apartments, as a rule, are rented for a long time, and it is not profitable to rent apartments for 1-2 months. There are agencies that provide such services, but given the current situation, they charge an overpriced amount for housing. Therefore, when coming to another city to unlearn at the session, the student has to pay quite a lot of money. This is extremely disadvantageous. Thus, in our time, correspondence students have a very difficult time due to the lack of such a privilege for them as a room in a hostel.

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