Sample WRC schedule. Approximate schedule for implementation of the project

Execution schedule

student's final qualifying work

Student name, group

1. Topic of final qualifying work:


2. Scientific supervisor ___________________________________________________________________

3. Schedule for the implementation of research and development work

Stages of the WRC implementation

Contents of the stage Due date

HP mark on completion (date, signature)

Pre-project stage

The first meeting of the student with the supervisor - receiving the assignment September - October
Development of a research and development plan and sending it to the supervisor for approval October
Coordination of the thesis plan by the scientific supervisor, resolution of other issues related to preparation for writing the thesis with him October-November

Project stage

Preparation by the student of the first edition of the theoretical part of the thesis and its transfer to the supervisor December
Review by the supervisor of the first edition of the theoretical part of the thesis and transmission of comments to the student January
Discussion with the supervisor of the practical part of the thesis February
Making changes to the work by the student in accordance with comments and recommendations March
Consultations on conducting the practical part of the examination. April – May
Processing the results of the practical part of the test. Preparation of the text of the thesis for review to the scientific supervisor. Final revision of the thesis and its transfer to the reviewer. Binding of the written work and delivery to the educational department. May-June

Final stage

Preparation of a report, presentation. June
VCR protection June

Scientific supervisor: _________________ / /

Student: _________________ / /


Front page final qualifying work

Tambov Regional State Autonomous educational institution average vocational education

"Tambov Pedagogical College"

Admitted to defense


Full name deputy director


Ivanov Vitaly Vitalievich

student of group ZChS-41

Organization of rescue operations in case of fire

In an educational institution

Final qualifying work


A sample of the content of a final qualifying thesis

INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………..… 3
1.1. The concept and essence of the collective way of learning…..
1.2. Technology for organizing collective training sessions.
2.1. Identification of levels of development of independence junior schoolchildren with a collective method of learning…………… 1
2.2. Development of independence of younger schoolchildren in the process of collective learning ………………………….. 1
CONCLUSION………………………………………………… 2
APPLICATION …………………………………………… 3



Relevance of the problem. Successful solution of educational problems requires close attention to the problems of children's play…………….

(Chapter 1 is printed from a new page)


1.1. Origin and essence of the game

The game has long attracted the attention of not only psychologists and teachers...

The surrounding environment, says K.D. Ushinsky, has a strong influence on the game, “it provides material for it that is much more varied and effective than that offered by the toy shop.”

1.2. Organization and content of conditions aimed at developing children’s role-playing games preschool age………………

Conclusion: The game is considered by psychologists, teachers…….

The play of a preschooler child develops under the influence of... This position formed the basis of our study.

(Chapter 2 is printed on a new page)


2.1. Diagnosis of play interests of older preschoolers

To determine the level of development of preschool children, we carried out…….


(The conclusion is printed from a new page)


For children, the game is ……….The data from our research showed…………. The practical value of the work is......


Samples of used sources

Book with one, two and three authors

Last name I.O. one author (or first). Book title: information related to the title (i.e. collection, manual, monograph, textbook, etc.) / I.O. Last name of one (or first), second, third author; information about the editor, compiler, translator. – Information about the reissue (for example: 4th ed., additional and revised). – Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. – number of pages.


1. Kasatkina E. I. Game of pedagogical process modern kindergarten: A guide for preschool teachers/ E.I. Kasatkina. – Vologda: VIRO Publishing Center, 2007. – 168 p.

2. Izmailova L.V. Russian language and speech culture for pedagogical colleges: textbook / L.V. Izmailova, N.N. Demyanova. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010. - 446 p.

Collective monographs

Book title: information related to the title / I.O. The surname of one author with the addition of the words [etc.]; information about the editor, compiler, translator. – information about the work (for example: 4th ed., additional and revised). - Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. – number of pages.


1. Hygiene of preschool children / A.V. Ivanov [and others]. – 4th ed., add. - Kyiv: Health, 2006. - 144 p.

Collection of articles, official materials


1. Continuous quality management teacher education: collection / Ch. ed. E.Yu. Bakhtenko. – Vologda: VSPU, 2009. – Part 1. – 449 p.

2. Evaluation of treatment methods mental disorders in children: WHO report on the treatment of mental disorders in children. - M.: Medicine, 2003. - 102 p.

Multi-volume edition. Volume from a multi-volume edition


1. Dictionary Russian language: in 4 volumes / ed. D.N. Ushakova. – M.: Astrel, 2000. – 4 volumes.

2. The world of childhood: in 2 volumes / rep. ed. V.I. Galitsin. – M.: Education, 2000. – T.1. – 87 p.

Students are given the right to choose the topic of the thesis. The choice is made based on interest in the problem, the possibility of obtaining factual data, as well as the availability of special scientific literature. When choosing a topic, a student can be guided by an approximate list of topics offered by teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of Journalism. The lists of topics for the thesis are annually updated and approved by the Department of Theory and Practice of Journalism. Current issues and problems for the formulation and development of topics for final qualifying works can be found in the educational and methodological instructions of specialized disciplines.

Work on the master's degree begins in the process of training students in professional discipline programs. The basis of a future final qualifying work can be a course work/project, a successful publication in a newspaper or a story on television and radio broadcast, completed during practical training. It is at an early stage of training that it is advisable to think about the topic and type of future research project.

The management of final qualifying works is entrusted to teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of Journalism who have academic degrees and/or titles. Managers of funds can act as managers of creative research projects mass media and qualified experienced journalists. If necessary, a co-director of this work is appointed from among the teachers of the department of theory and practice of journalism. Replacement of the scientific supervisor of the graduate work is allowed in exceptional cases by decision of the department of theory and practice of journalism, approved by its head.

When determining the basis for performing the creative part of the project, it is necessary to obtain official permission from the management of the media, organization, or institution at the request of the head of the department of theory and practice of journalism. The topic of the final qualifying work, its variety, scientific supervisor and the work schedule are approved at a meeting of the Department of Theory and Practice of Journalism. The topic can be clarified during the creative certification process at the end of the last semesters of study at the university. After choosing the topic of the thesis, the student must write an application with a request to approve the topic of the final qualifying work addressed to the head of the department of theory and practice of journalism (Appendix 1).

The schedule of work on the thesis is determined by the department of theory and practice of journalism and is controlled by scientific supervisors and the head of the department. If this schedule is not met (in the absence of valid reasons), the student may not be allowed to defend his final qualifying thesis.

The approval of the topics of the thesis takes place at a meeting of the department of theory and practice of journalism: at the beginning of the 7th academic semester for full-time bachelors, at the beginning of the 9th semester - correspondence form training; at the beginning of the 3rd academic semester for full-time undergraduates, at the beginning of the 4th semester for part-time students. After approval of the topics of the thesis and scientific supervisors, each student is given an assignment to complete the final qualifying work (Appendix 2). Changing the topic of the thesis is possible in agreement with the scientific supervisor no later than 3 months before the official date of the start of the work of the State Examination Committee on the defense of the thesis. The changed topic of the thesis must be approved at a meeting of the Department of Theory and Practice of Journalism.

Preliminary protection of VRC

Preliminary defense of the thesis is carried out for full-time students.

The purpose of the pre-defense is to assist the student in correcting identified errors, clarifying controversial issues, eliminating deficiencies in the design of the work, etc.

The day and time of preliminary defense of final qualifying works is determined by the department of theory and practice of journalism. For pre-defense, the student must provide a completed thesis no later than 5 days before the date of pre-defense. During the preliminary defense process, the student briefly outlines the essence of the thesis and answers questions from the committee members. After reviewing the final qualifying work and receiving the student’s responses, the commission decides on the possibility of defending it, appoints a date for the defense and a reviewer for the work.

To re-examine the preliminary review of the review, which has received a negative opinion from the commission members, an extraordinary meeting of the department of theory and practice of journalism may be convened.

The presence of elements of plagiarism in the student’s thesis (direct borrowing of text from printed and electronic sources without appropriate references in the amount of more than 1 page of the printed text of the WRC), is the basis for the commission to not allow such work to be protected.

Duration of pre-graduation internship
Approval of the theme of the WRC
Completing the assignment on the topic of the WRC
Providing a practice report to the manager
Practice certification
Preparation of the WRC ____ (weeks) from “___” _____ 20__ to “__” ___ 20__
Approval of the assignment for the technical work
Selection and analysis of initial information
Preparation and approval of the plan (table of contents) of the WRC
Work on sections and elimination of comments from the head of the research and development work
Coordination of the content of the WRC, elimination of comments
Preparation and presentation of the full text of the work to the manager. Receiving feedback from the head of the research and development work
Submission by the student of the finished thesis to the reviewer
Submission by the student of the completed research and development work to the normative inspector

Appendix No. 3

I approve

Head of department

Full name_________________


Speciality __________________________________________________________

Group _________________________________________________________________

Full name student __________________________________________________________

Theme of the WRC ______________________________________________________________

The date of issue of the task for completing the WRC “____” is ___________ 20___.

The deadline for the student to submit the completed thesis is “_____” ___________ 20 ____.

Initial data on VKR (type of activity, professional competencies)

Introduction ______________________________________________________________________________

Main sections of the topic and list of tasks/questions to be developed ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List of graphic/illustrative/practical material ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Conclusion __________________________________________________________________

List of recommended literature ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Applications __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Head of the Research and Development Committee __________________ (_____________________)

The task was accepted for execution by __________________ (_____________________)

(student signature) (signature transcript)


Chairman of the MPCC ____________________ (_______________________)

(signature) (signature decryption)

"___"___________ 20__

Appendix No. 4

Feedback from the manager

For final qualifying work


(last name, first name, patronymic)

Group ____________________________________


Select a topic in agreement with the employer (agreed - not agreed) indicate the employer ___________________________________________________________________ The work was completed (indicate the base of pre-graduate practice) ____________________ Assessment of the developed general competencies:

Name OK Level of formation of the OC in the final qualifying work
OK…… high
OK…… high
OK high
OK high
OK high

Distinctive positive aspects of work


Disadvantages and comments


Supervisor _____________________________________________________________

(last name, first name, patronymic)

____________________ ______________________________________


Appendix No. 5


For final qualifying work

(topic of final qualifying work)


student(s) ___________________________________________________________________

(last name, first name, patronymic)

Group __________________________


Relevance of the work:__________________________________________________________

Distinctive positive aspects of work


Practical meaning ______________________________________________________________

Disadvantages and comments


5. Assessment of the development of professional competencies:

Reviewer _____________________________________________________________________

(last name, first name, patronymic)

_________________ __________________________________________________________

(signature) ( academic degree, job title)


Appendix No. 9


1. Member of the State Examination Committee (full name)_________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Date_______________________

3. Group No. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Specialty_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student's name Theme of the WRC Relevance of the topic of the WRC Degree of achievement of set goals Presented visual material Student report Answers to questions Final grade Signature

Appendix No. 6

GOVERNMENT OF ST. PETERSBURG COMMITTEE FOR SCIENCE AND HIGHER SCHOOL St. Petersburg state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "PETROVSKY COLLEGE" (SPb GBOU SPO "Petrovsky College")
Department of International Programs, Tourism and Service
Leave the required option
Last name First name Patronymic
student Groups
group number
name of the specialty in capital letters without quotation marks
I.O.Last name
personal signature
Consultant: If you have a consultant(s)!
I.O.Last name
personal signature
Standard controller
I.O. Surname
St. Petersburg, 20__

Appendix No. 7 (Contents=Table of Contents)

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 3

1. Theoretical foundations economic analysis................................................... 5

1.1. Subject, goals and objectives of the analysis................................................................. .................................... 5

1.2. Methods of analysis................................................... ........................................................ .... 9

2. Characteristics of JSC “Polynom”.................................................. .................... 17

2.1. Organizational and legal form and history of creation.................................................... .......... 17

2.2. Characteristics of the enterprise's activities................................................................... ........................... 18

2.3. Characteristic current state enterprises........................................................ .. 20

3. Assessment of the efficiency of economic activities of CJSC Polinom.... 23

3.1. Analysis of capital use................................................................... ........................... 23

3.2. Analysis of the efficiency of use of labor resources.................................... 28

4. Analysis financial condition CJSC "Polynom"................................... 37

4.1.Assessment of the composition and structure of the balance sheet.................................................... ......... 37

4.2.Analysis of financial stability.................................................... ............ 42

4.3.Analysis of liquidity and solvency of the enterprise.................................. 47

5. Analysis of the financial results of the activities of CJSC “Polynom”.................................. 50

5.1.Analysis of enterprise profitability.................................................... ....... 50

5.2.Possible ways to increase profits.................................................... ..... 54

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ ..... 56

List of accepted abbreviations................................................................... ....................... 59

List of used literature................................................................... .................... 60

Applications: 1. Profit and loss indicators.

2. Balance sheet indicators.

3. Indicators of financial condition.


Chapter 1.

Appendix No. 8


Regulatory acts

1. Constitution Russian Federation[text]. – M.: Prior, – 32, p.

2. Civil Procedure Code of the RSFSR [text]: [adopted by the third session. Verkhov. Council of the RSFSR of the sixth convocation June 11, 1964]: official. text: as of 15 Nov. 2001 / Ministry of Justice of Russia. Federation. – M.: Marketing, 2001. – 159, p.

3. GOST 7.53-2001. Editions. International Standard Book Numbering [text]. – Instead of GOST 7.53-86; input 2002-07-01. – Minsk: Interstate. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification; M.: Publishing house of standards, 2002. – 3 p.

Scientific literature

4. Agafonova, N.N. Civil law[text]: textbook. manual for universities / N. N. Agafonova, T.V. Bogacheva, L.I. Glushkova; under. total ed. A. G. Kalpina; auto entry Art. N.N. Polivaev; M-in general and prof. Education of the Russian Federation, Moscow. state legal acad. – Ed. 2nd, revised and additional – M.: Lawyer, 2002. – 542 p.

5. Gilyarovsky, V. A. Moscow and Muscovites [text]; Friends and meetings; People of the theater / V. A. Gilyarovsky; entry Art. and note. A. Petrova; artist I. Lykov. – M.: EKSMO-press, 2001. – 638, p.

6. History of Russia [text]: textbook, manual for students of all specialties / V. N. Bykov [etc.]; rep. ed. V.N. Sukhov; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, St. Petersburg.

state forestry engineering academic - 2nd ed., revised. and additional \ with the participation of T.A. Sukhova.- St. Petersburg: SPbLTA, 2001.-221 p.

7. Artistic encyclopedia of foreign classical art [Electronic resource]. - Elekoron. text, graphics, sound Dan. and application program (546 MB).- M.: Bolshaya Ros. encycl. [etc.], 1996

8. Ten tips for those taking the exam [Electronic resource].- http://www.Iss.stthomas/edu/Russian/tsttakl/htm

Note.Examples of designing sources in accordance

with GOST 7.1 - 2003 This section lists not only those sources referred to by the author of the work, but also those that were studied during the research and preparation for writing.

The bibliography consists of 3 parts:

  1. Regulatory legal acts that are ranked in descending order of their legal force in the following order:

- Constitution of the Russian Federation;

- Codes - in alphabetical order;

- Laws of the Russian Federation - chronologically;

- Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation - chronologically;

- Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation - chronologically, regardless of the type of act;

- Acts of ministries and departments - chronologically, regardless of departmental affiliation;

- Decisions of others government agencies and local self-government bodies - alphabetically, and then - chronologically;

- Regulatory acts of foreign states that are not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The list indicates the full name of the act, date, number, and official source of publication.

After the listed acts, legal practice materials are indicated in chronological order.

2. Scientific literature - monographs, textbooks, articles, etc. are distributed in alphabetical order by the author's last name or by the title of the book.

Approval sheet

To Regulations onfinal qualifying work of students

No. Stages of work completion Completion deadlines
s/o d/o, v/o
1. Filling out an application for approval of the thesis topic and appointment of a scientific supervisor until October 25 until October 25
2. Receiving a task to perform technical work early November early November
3. Selection and study of literature and others necessary materials on the topic of WRC November-December November-December
4. Writing a theoretical chapter (I). Compiling a list of references used February February
5. Writing a practical chapter (II): a) characteristics of the research object; b) analysis of the state of the problem under study at the research object. Selection of materials for the application March (during pre-graduation practice)
6. Development of recommendations for optimizing the activity of the object under study, calculation of the effectiveness of innovations. Writing Chapter III, conclusions. Design of the work in general April-May April-May
7. Preliminary protection. Corrections and additions based on comments until May 1 until June 1
8. Submission of thesis to the department. Receiving feedback from a supervisor and a review 2 weeks before defense 2 weeks before defense
9. Protection thesis on IGA May 17-June 7 June 15-July 5

Development of assignments for completing a thesis. The assignment for completing the thesis is normative document, establishing the boundaries and depth of research on the topic, as well as the deadline for submitting the work to the department in its completed form (Appendix 3).

The “Assignment” indicates the topic of the thesis, the composition of the initial data, a list of main issues to be researched or developed, a list of visual materials, information about consultants, and the deadline for submitting the completed work to the department.

The “assignment” is signed by the graduate student, the supervisor and approved by the head. department. It is compiled in 3 copies: one copy is given to the graduate student (for the thesis), the second remains at the department, the third is transferred to the directorate of the institute.

Changes to the “Assignment” are made by the department upon the written recommendation of the scientific supervisor, and an extract from the protocol is submitted to the dean’s office.

Schedule for completing the thesis. The “schedule” contains information about the stages of work, the results and deadlines for completing the task, and the supervisor’s notes on the completion of the scope of work (date, signature). A sample “Schedule” is given in Appendix 4.

The most important steps should include:

∙ drawing up a research program (formulation and justification scientific problem, determination of goals and objectives, indication of the object and subject of research, selection of methods and development of methods for collecting and processing initial information);

∙ preparation of an analytical review of the topic (determining the number of chapters and paragraphs in the work, formulating their titles);

∙ collection of initial empirical data (determined by the program of a specific diploma research);

∙ processing and analysis of the information received (working with materials obtained during the research);

∙ carrying out design and calculation work (a mandatory stage of diploma design, which involves the development and justification of design solutions for the practical implementation of the assigned tasks, calculation of the effectiveness of the proposed solutions);

∙ preparation and design of the text part of the thesis (the design of the work must comply with the requirements of GOST);

∙ preparation and design of visual material (design must comply with GOST requirements).

The WRC implementation schedule includes the following stages (Table 3.1):

Table 3.1 – Stages of development of final qualifying work

No. Stages of development of WRC Deadlines for completing stages
choosing a topic, developing a work plan and indicative list, necessary for the analysis of regulatory, scientific, statistical and practical materials II semester 1st year
compiling a preliminary list of literature used on the topic of research and development work
collection of information and its processing 2nd year and practical training after the 2nd year
writing the first (theoretical) section of the work
writing the second (analytical) section of the work
writing the third (recommendation) section of the work 3rd year and practical training after the 3rd year
writing an introduction and conclusion
presentation of the first edition of the work to the head of the research and development work after pre-graduate practice in the 4th year
preliminary defense of the thesis at the graduating department 1 month before the SAC
preparation of the final version of the work, its design and submission for review to the head of the research and development work 2 weeks before defense at the State Attestation Committee
admission to the defense of thesis by the head of the graduating department 2 weeks before defense at the State Attestation Committee
reviewing the work and submitting it to the secretary of the State Attestation Committee 10 days before defense at the State Attestation Commission
preparation of preliminary defense of the thesis together with the scientific supervisor 3 days before defense at the State Attestation Committee

Students who do not complete the assignments on time are not allowed to defend their thesis.

The terms of work of the Final Attestation Commission are established by the dean of the faculty.

Students who have fully completed their curricula and programs, passed current exams and tests, as well as the final exam are allowed to defend their final qualifying work. state exam by specialty.

The final qualifying work completed by the student is signed by him after the list of references and presented to the supervisor. The latter reviews the work again and, if there are no comments, signs the final work and writes a review on it. It notes the relevance of the topic, gives brief description all sections of the VKR, reflected practical significance work, conclusions and proposals and the possibility of their implementation in the analyzed farm. Next, the final qualifying work is heard at the preliminary defense at the department, after which, in case of a positive recommendation, the student is allowed to defend at the State Attestation Commission by the head of the department. 10 days before the defense at the State Attestation Commission, the final qualifying work is sent by the dean of the faculty for review. The composition of reviewers is approved by order of the rector of the academy, who are appointed from among the most experienced teachers, researchers and specialists from agricultural enterprises. The review notes the relevance of the topic and makes detailed analysis content of the final qualifying work and express specific critical comments. In conclusion, the reviewer makes a general conclusion about the work, theoretical and practical significance its conclusions and proposals, recommendations for their implementation in production, and also provides an assessment of the research and development work and the possibility of assigning the corresponding qualification to the author.

After receiving the review, the graduate becomes familiar with its content and can make changes to the final qualifying work in accordance with the comments, but reporting this to the State Attestation Committee when responding to the reviewer’s comments. The completed academic work report, together with the assignment and direction to the chairman of the State Attestation Committee, the head’s feedback and review, is submitted to the dean’s office, where admission to the State Attestation Commission is finalized. After this, no later than five days before the defense, the final qualifying work is submitted to the secretary of the State Attestation Commission. At the same time, the graduate student prepares for his defense and undergoes a preliminary defense at the department, where an environment similar to the work of the State Attestation Commission is created. For this reason, already at the stage of preliminary defense, in addition to the final qualifying work and the review of the supervisor, the graduate student must have a completed report, tables, diagrams, and graphs. The most important thing is that this stage does not turn into a formal viewing and listening at the department. Here, an atmosphere of creative discussion should be ensured, ascertaining the depth of elaboration of the questions of the academic examination and the degree of general preparedness of the student. It is also important to pay attention to the design of the work and the presented visual material in terms of content and form. If the final qualifying work or the student is not ready at this stage, the department may decide not to admit him to defense at the State Attestation Commission in writing on the same day, notifying the dean of the faculty. The department can make a similar decision a month before the defense if the student has a complete lack of materials and developments, as well as failure to fully complete the plan and assignment for preparing the thesis. Without a review, feedback from the supervisor, a completed assignment and direction to the chairman of the State Attestation Committee, the final qualifying work is not accepted for defense by the secretary of the State Attestation Commission.

The procedure for defending final qualifying works is regulated by the regulations on State Certification Commissions. Along with submitting the final qualifying work to the secretary of the State Attestation Committee, the dean’s office must prepare a student card, which reflects the student’s performance curriculum and obtained grades in theoretical disciplines, term papers and projects, educational and industrial practices. The Secretary of the State Attestation Commission prepares everything in advance based on the materials of the dean’s office necessary documents for protection in the SAC.

Defense of final qualifying works is carried out at open meetings of the State Attestation Committee with the participation of at least half of the commission. Meetings of the SAC can be held both at the university and at the enterprise where the work was carried out. The beginning of the defense at the SAC begins with the introduction of the chairman, who then announces the order and procedure of the defense. The Chairman of the State Attestation Committee announces the last name, first name and patronymic of the graduate, the name of the topic, the last name and position of the scientific supervisor and, if the work is carried out according to an application, also reports this. Next, the student makes a report on the content of his final qualifying work, the duration of which should not exceed 15 minutes. The message should briefly disclose the relevance of the research topic, the purpose of the work, the object of the study and present in more detail and reasonably the main issues of the work, especially the economic justification of proposals and recommendations. You should not overload the report with digital material or quotes. The student must have a good command of the material of the thesis and use tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. to support his arguments. You can use slides, cartograms, photographs, etc.
Posted on ref.rf
visual materials. The number of tables, graphs, diagrams should be no more than 10-12. Illustrative material must be presented on slides, as well as typed on a computer on A4 pages and printed for each member of the SAC.

After reading the report, members of the State Attestation Committee ask the graduate questions to which he must give brief but comprehensive answers. There are questions not only on the topic of the final qualifying work. When answering questions, the student can use the final qualifying work. The number of questions a student must ask during a defense is not regulated, but the total duration of the defense should not exceed 45 minutes. Next, the manager’s review is read out, and if he wishes, he can make an assessment of the graduate and his work. After this, the review is announced and the student is given the floor to respond to comments. Further, individual members of the State Attestation Committee, the scientific supervisor and others may speak. At the end of the discussion, the graduate is given the final word.

The results of the defense of final qualifying works are discussed by members of the State Attestation Committee at closed meetings and announced on the day of defense after drawing up the minutes of work. The decision on the assessment is made by a simple majority of votes. The assessment of the final qualifying work (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory) depends on the content and quality of the final qualifying work, the report, the graduate’s answers to questions asked, the assessment of the final qualifying work by the reviewer, and the level of current performance. Moreover, the grade “unsatisfactory” should be given for work that basically meets the requirements, but when defending at the State Attestation Commission, the graduate did not give the correct answers to the overwhelming number of questions, made gross errors and errors in calculations, showed ignorance and serious gaps in professional training.

A student who receives an unsatisfactory grade while defending his final qualifying work is issued a diploma of incomplete higher education, and he is sent to work in accordance with the distribution or gets a job on his own. Repeated defense of the thesis is permitted within three years after graduation from a university upon provision of a positive reference from the place of work. If the final qualifying work is not defended by the student within the prescribed period for a valid reason, documented, the rector may extend the period of its defense until the next period of work of the State Attestation Commission, but not more than for a year. By decision of the State Attestation Committee, students who have successfully defended their final qualification work are awarded a qualification in accordance with the specialty received, and are issued a state diploma and an academic badge. In the event that a student passes course exams with an “excellent” grade in 75 percent or more of the curriculum disciplines, and in the rest with a “good” grade, and also proves himself in scientific and social work, he is awarded a diploma with honors.

Timetable for the implementation of work-in-progress work - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Schedule for the implementation of scientific and technical work" 2017, 2018.

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