Overview of the Dark Priest from Zetalot. Priest - History of World of Warcraft, Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm Dark Priest

If you have been reading articles on our site for a long time, you probably noticed that we are trying to select the most interesting assemblies that will be fun to play in the ladder. Most of our articles are devoted to Priests, Shamans and Mages, primarily because of the huge variety of combinations and specific class cards. We are very fond of such archetypes as Dragon Priest and Mech Mage, as well as Shaman, who gives the game a completely orthodox direction. That is why, we have chosen the next, but no less interesting Priest build proposed by the player Sengfal. He managed to successfully combine practically useless and long-forgotten cards in this deck with completely new ones, released together with the League of Explorers.

Starter card set

Always try to play defensively in the early to mid game. Try to deprive your opponent of as many removals and creatures as possible. With 5 powerful mass spells (Ring of Light, Light Bomb and Excavated Evil) at your disposal, table clearing is now independent of the standard Auchenai Priestess + Circle of Healing combo. Shadow Word: Pain, Tasty Zombie, Unstable Ghoul, Deathlord, and Sen'jin the Shieldbearer are also great at keeping control of the table so that you can effectively play massive table clearing in the future.

By the beginning of the late game you should have already drawn most of the strong cards from your opponent - removal and spells. Depending on the remaining health, assess the situation, and if you are sure that you can survive two or three more turns, it's time to turn on the Shadowform. In most cases, it is better to transform into the Form of Darkness after placing the Healer of the tournament on the table in order to neutralize the lack of permanent healing in the further game. If after the middle stage of the game you have too little health left, then it is better to play Sacred Fire or Ancient Healer in order to somehow increase your chances of winning. By turns 7-10, you need to end up only controlling the table and now try to increase the pace of the game with a whole series of powerful spells. Most often, the key to victory is a successful synergy between Inspire and your class ability. Imagine being able to deal 2-3 damage with a hero's power and at the same time heal with the Tournament Healer and summon additional kodos thanks to the Kodo Rider. Any opponent is unlikely to be able to resist such a combo.

Possible replacements

Dark priestess: We are not big fans of this card as we usually have to hold it for too long or the value from it is too low. A good replacement would be Doctor Boom, who can give you more damage. For just 1 unit of mana, you get a lot more value. And remember, Dr. Boom is always a great play on move 7.

Shield Bearer Sen'jin: this card broke our hearts. First, we understand why this card is needed in this deck. It adds extra defense in the mid game and is arguably the best card for this 4 mana build. The reason why Shield-bearer Sen'jin broke our hearts lies in the fact that this card has long been in the archives of many players and is forgotten as a relic of the past. However, we do not recommend replacing two Shield Bearers at once, you can replace one with Dark Madness or Manned Shredder. Dark Frenzy allows you to gain additional benefits by killing your opponent's creatures without your help. In addition, you can benefit from the Deathrattle of your opponent's creatures. A piloted shredder is also a good choice as you can get another creature on the table after it dies.


It's worth noting that this deck fits well into the current meta. At the same time, she is very fun to play and you can definitely surprise your opponent. Good luck to you! Play and Win!

Basically, look for your starting hand for the Cleric of Northshire, Furious Pyromancer, Power Word: Shield, and Acolyte of Pain. Against aggro decks, try to find the Furious Pyromancer and the Sin'dorei Intercessor, yielding the table to such archetypes, you practically get an autolose. Against control decks look for the Twilight Dragon and Stolen Thoughts.

Try pulling out the Rage Pyromancer and Acolyte of Pain removes to make the Twilight Dragon feel more at ease, as they are very important to this deck and, having lost them, the transition to the late game will be difficult for you.

Play style

Against aggro: This version of the Dark Priest suffers greatly from aggro decks, like Face Hunter. The lack of strong 1-2 drops forces you to catch up with the enemy from the very beginning of the game, using healing and removal. An ancient healer may save you from the Face Hunter, but still it is more useful in match-ups with midrange and deck control.

Basic combinations


Overall, this is a very situational deck. Such decks are created during a lull in Hearthstonewhile we wait for the new addition. Dark Priest has never been competitiveand I think this deck will not change this trend. However, if you have enough cards for this deck, try it out.

This deck not suitable for ladder promotion and don't waste dust to craft cards for her. It's easier to take the economical and efficient Face Hunter and smash heavy decks of snobs and move up the ladder!

Translated and designed mus1q,edited Vadim Parfiriev

Demons use many rules and methods to control, enslave and feed our civilization. Here are just a few of their general rules:

Always remain unknown to your victims; make them believe that you do not exist;

Keep all smart and decent people (who care about others and can build a happy, rich and stable life for everyone) out of leadership positions and social life; secretly don't let them get rich and famous; in their personal life and at work, periodically adjust the situations in which they would look like bad and unlucky, make the people around them dislike them. Instead, appoint people with low moral qualities (who easily commits crimes and loves to hurt people) for all leadership and control positions; artificially make them rich, successful and famous; advertise them constantly by all means mass media as decent and talented, make people love and admire them; It is the beastly men who are now assigned to all leading posts and called the elite of society. Dogheads, reptiles, monkeyheads and massive snakeheads now rule the state.

Keep people in constant fear... It can be any fear: fear of losing a job, fear of terrorists, fear of war, fear of the police, fear of aliens, etc. (For example, artificially support a certain number of criminals on the streets and criminal gangs... Street criminals exist only because the representatives of the authorities allow them to exist and secretly support them.) Firstly, fear palsifies the subtle-material bodies of people in another space and makes them weak and defenseless. Second, when people are afraid, they ask the authorities for protection and obey; The cannibals and cannibals, the dog-headed Sharikovs, have killed all prisons and zones, openly commit murders and robberies, but this is all encouraged by the priests. All these crimes make it possible to keep alive in fear for the lives of their families and relatives.

An important part of the previous rule is infecting people with fear from childhood. To do this, secretly support and protect bullies and bullies everywhere - in schools, universities, sports centers, bars and other public places for teens and young people. (In schools, this is done by the head teachers for the ideological part, who are representatives of local authorities and intelligence agents. They secretly do not allow teachers to punish school bullies and stop this crime; they recruit schoolchildren as informant agents. They are the sources of spiritual poison and infections that spread Satanic ideology and culture in our schools); They play on the primordial imperfection of men who are born with 4 open chakras, like animals. Unlike women, who have all 7 main chakras open. This does not apply to hybrids - chimeras and clones - synthetic robots. This applies to living men. Such an underdevelopment is inherent in men initially in the defective UX chromosome. This is what N. Tokareva is talking about. The underdevelopment of the energy centers of men leads to the fact that they have a granite consciousness and grow into matter like stones. Imagination is not developed, there is no sensitivity. They are not aware of the virtual nature of the game.

Change scientific facts often historical facts, laws, rules, create laws that contradict each other, and so on - i.e. erode people's life guidelines, make their life unreliable and unstable;

Divide people in any possible way, make them hate and fight against each other, especially since it is very easy to control and set men-materialists against each other, unconscious and flawed men are easily zombified and obey the will of the majority.

Hide the truth about everything;

Spread misinformation about everything;

Complicate all aspects of life;

Make unpopular the universal values \u200b\u200bthat make people smart and strong;

Make popular the demonic and material values \u200b\u200bthat make them stupid and weak;

Keep honest people unarmed! To do this, present all honest people who legally own weapons as potential criminals and spread false peace ideas.

The very first and the most important rule demons is always to remain unknown to the victims, in our case - to people. To better understand this, put yourself in their hooves (in their place): in front of you is a planet with a spiritually undeveloped civilization which you are going to feed on. You feed on them by creating problems for them, causing pain and making them suffer, which they will not like. If they do it openly, they will resist, study you, gain experience, and end up giving you a kick in the ass. This is not part of your plans. You want to be safe and eat them for a long time. But when are you most secure? When they do not know about your existence, they do not know that you are creating problems for them, of course. People cannot fight against you if they either do not know about your existence or do not believe in it! Moreover, through your agents, you make them blame each other for their problems. And while they are busy fighting and killing each other, you are safe. Secrecy is the first sign of evil. Thus, the first rule of demons is aimed at hiding the true root cause of all problems on earth and redirecting people to endless searches and struggle with false causes. But in every civilization there are special people. Some of them can be spiritually pure and directly see the truth, others can be smart enough to understand it logically, still others can have natural psychic abilities and see the subtle-material worlds, and some of them, being the most terrible nightmare of demons, can have everyone at once. the above qualities. There is no absolute control over people; information about you will always seep out slowly.

In this case, demons sabotage both this information and those who disseminate it. They do it both internally and externally. From the inside, they give people a subconscious feeling, the impression that they do not exist and are unreal, from fairy tales; that educated and serious people don't talk about it. Outside, the job of their human agents is to laugh and exclaim, “Come on! Are you serious? What demons are you talking about !? We are civilized people living in the 21st century! Don't be paranoid! " Secret service agents working as priests, historians, scientists, broadcasters, producers, and others provide incorrect and conflicting information about demons to confuse people. They also talk about them publicly, but they do it in a stupid, nasty and annoying way to get people to turn away from the topic themselves. Thus, agents sabotage and hide the truth about the existence of demons and prevent people from finding the truth and ultimately breaking the back of Satan. In the same way, they sabotage and hide the truth about our soul, true spirituality, natural psychic abilities, primordial religions, science, politics and other most important topics in our life. Especially black priests love to throw into the spiritual environment the Maso flocks of their bestial gods - schizoterics with their false teachings and distort the true Knowledge of the One Universe.

To be able to do more harm, Satanists strive to be our leaders at all levels: government, scientists, priests, corporate owners, managers, media owners, teachers, etc. In leadership positions, they create international, state and local problems and then pass laws that solve them from the outside, but from the inside limit our civil and personal rights, lower our standard of living and make us suffer even more. The beauty of this simple trick is that most people think that problems arise naturally, support tough new laws, and voluntarily suffer their entire lives. Ideal prisoners are those who guard themselves from liberation.

With a little effort, one person can control a large number of people if they don't know the truth about anything. When people do not know the truth, they have no choice but to listen and obey what their government and all kinds of "advisers", "specialists" and "consultants" tell them. When people themselves know and understand the truth, they don't need big government and secret services; such a society cannot be deceived or defeated. Only such a society can flourish and become happy, wealthy and stable. Therefore, demons have separated people from the truth, control all sources of information and complicate all aspects of life. For a long time, social forecasting institutions have developed and imperceptibly introduced such social systems that do not violate state laws from the outside, but from the inside completely control all areas of life, including sources of information. Today, all developed countries live under such an invisible but complete dictatorship. Here are some parts of these systems that show how they work:

Books are one of the most important sources of information on any topic. The Secret Services encourage and support their agents to write books on all important topics such as scientific discoveries, history, psychology, self-development, UFOs and others. Of course, all of these books contain only false theories and empty speculations, but they are very professional with promising titles, eye-catching designs and a story that keeps readers on their toes. They look like real books and the agents write millions of them. What is the purpose? The goal is to oversaturate all book markets and stores with them. Now, there are relatively few books written by real scientists and containing real discoveries and information vital for society. Even if such a book is published, it will be hidden among thousands of other books on the same topic and with similar titles, and soon no one will be able to find it. Of course, all other agents working in the book industry as publishers, distributors, and sellers play a role in this advanced criminal scheme. Book-writing agents themselves do not know the real purpose of their books, they are only told that they are smart writers who benefit their country. The secret services prefer this method of hiding the truth from the public because, in theory, they do not violate any government law and should not kill published real scientists like they did in the old days. Priests - demons hide the real Knowledge under a pile of outright shit, written by their bestiality, members of the Writers' Union and the Academy of Sciences, entirely composed of chimeras and phantoms.

A similar scheme works with the Internet. More than 90% of all people who have their own channels on the Internet, create videos, pretend to be "victims" and leave comments under the videos, are agents. They produce millions of professionally made videos on all the most important topics that are very interesting, but very misleading (for example, about free energy, which is everywhere, in unlimited quantities, easily obtained, and we still use fossil fuels as a cave civilization). They always ask to subscribe, register and leave comments. Why would they? First, their agencies need our names and comments in order to secretly “analyze” them and forcefully portray us as potential criminals (see 101). Also, they need us to tell them what we know and do not know about them and their methods, which of their methods affect us more and which less, which sides of our character are stronger and which are less. This information will help them improve their methods of influencing us and make them more effective. Then, when the agents creating videos reach one hundred subscribers, they are provided with a professional video studio for free; after three hundred subscribers, they get benefits, promotions, and pay increases.

Many host agents indirectly damage viewers through their unnatural and annoying behavior and speech. For example: through constant picking with the fingers of one hand at the fingertips of the other hand or the clasp of a wristwatch, constantly fiddling with a pen or felt-tip pen; through the connection of the fingertips of both hands with each other, forming an empty ball between the palms, or the connection of the tips of the index and thumbs both hands with each other forming an empty rhombus or triangle between them; through waving and flashing hands in front of the video camera, etc.

Most of the "truth spreaders" or "whistleblowers" are also intelligence agents. They organize and manage the "opposition" political parties, movements and revolutions; religious, scientific, ethnic, historical, "truth-bearers", "victims and victims", ufological, secret, criminal and all other societies and groups; organize and conduct research expeditions, conferences and so on. Their job is to always and everywhere be the first and on top of events to keep people under control and to guide them either in the planned direction or to nowhere. They can also help true truth-bearers to build societies and movements in order to become their proxy and then quietly manage events from this position. Those who know their methods of manipulation will easily recognize them. All true truth spreaders and other honest public figures, unknowingly, have intelligence agents as their proxies, business partners, co-hosts, operators, website developers, emails, friends, family members, and so on. ...

True truth spreaders also create videos, but when they ask to subscribe, they use it for commercial purposes: the more followers they have, the more ads will be placed in their videos and the more money they will make, which will allow them to continue producing videos that are useful to society. ...


Millions of low-ranking agents on the streets, "spy boys" with cell phones who collect "statistics" and report on their own family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers and clients, do not know who they are actually working for, against whom and how their information is used and what are the ultimate goals of their real owners. They are only told nonsense that they are serving the government; that they are the chosen "good guys" who fight against evil; that the whole country belongs to them and they must secretly control everything and everyone; that they are paid to do what they are told, and not think and ask questions; etc. The names and numbers of all existing secret services and organizations are classified; the names and numbers of all their departments are classified; the names and number of their composition is classified; all of their projects are classified. One department does not know what the other is doing, one agent does not know what the other is doing. A small group of high-ranking Satanists in our governments created this total secrecy within the secrecy mainly to control and manipulate millions of their own low-ranking agents; to make them commit crimes against their people and countries on a daily basis without realizing it.

In all countries, Satanists have managed to create official positions for themselves whose duties include secretly compiling psychological portraits of all citizens and giving "competent advice" and recommendations to all other state infrastructures, organizations and company owners. They also created a large number of small laws, rules and regulations to complicate all areas of life. When this poisonous web is ready, it's harvest time. They just wait for honest people to start making mistakes or refuse to follow satanic rules, and at this time they characterize them as aggressive, potential criminals and people with low mental abilities... Their secret recommendations are that these people should not be hired for leading positions and high-paying jobs. This whole system works legally, legally; however, the point is that these laws themselves are criminal. This secret system was specially designed to suppress only honest people; therefore, when their own agents and servants make the same mistakes, they are always hidden and not registered. In addition, agents have sold their conscience and have no moral problem following the rules, so they actively get promotions at work and these days they mostly become owners and managers of companies across the country. We must not admit and obey criminal laws; because if we are, we ourselves will become criminals. If, instead of catching, convicting and imprisoning high-ranking government Satanists, we are all actually working for them and helping them create life problems and rob us on a daily basis, then we should not expect that someday our life will be happy and rich.

Demons, through the elite of the richest Satanists, secret services and private secret organizations, quietly capture all areas of our life. Here are a few words about how they do it in business. As a general rule, they ruin the companies and businesses of honest people and open their own in their place.

At the government level. They have created many laws, sub-laws, rules, regulations and exceptions that are not used in everyday life and that people don't know exist. But, at any time, they can choose any businessman and, using these laws, officially close his business. Of course, they do it carefully, so that people do not realize that they are under attack by criminals. For example, in some countries all existing taxes exceed one hundred percent of profits. This is obvious insanity. Of course, no one pays all these taxes or even knows about their existence. But when the government needs to close someone's business, they just start counting one or two more taxes than before, just enough to slow down their business and eventually shut it down. If a businessman says that he has been in this business for ten or twenty years and has never heard of these taxes, then he will be told that these are official state taxes and, according to the law, he must pay them; moreover, they can calculate these taxes for the entire twenty years and make them pay them too. If he says that no one around pays these taxes, then he will be told that this is not his competence and he is responsible only for himself. If he refuses to pay them, he will be quickly convicted, declared a criminal, and sent to the police to confiscate all his property.

At the business level. To keep the firm to a minimum or to shut it down entirely, the agent-owned firms that cooperate with it will simply sabotage it. As a result, whatever the persecuted businessman does, nothing will work properly. As always, they will sabotage carefully to make everything look natural. For example, a firm providing raw materials will suddenly “go bankrupt,” or a firm purchasing a product, or whatever happens. Everything will work, because the persecuted businessman will not know that these are not real companies, but dummy ones, which were specially opened by secret agencies to sabotage and control all real companies in this way;

At the firm level. If a firm is large and important, then Satanists cannot simply bankrupt it, close it and steal its business. In this case, they take over the firm from the inside. The scheme is simple: agents of the secret services write en masse applications for all available positions. When hired, they perform well, behave politely, and never quit. They soon become bosses and managers. When they come to power, they immediately begin to sabotage real managers and employees and force them to leave their jobs. For clarity, here are just a few of their tricks:

First, they will cast spells and wage a psychological war against real workers so that they subconsciously feel bad in this company and leave it;

They are adept at handling situations in which real workers make professional mistakes. Their every mistake will then be exaggerated and loudly reported to the authorities. After several such "mistakes" every real employee will be forced to leave the firm;

Agents can set up a small accident to fire a good employee;

They will sabotage the company itself in order to lower its image in the eyes of partners and weaken it financially;

At the same time, other agents who are around the owner of the firm in his private life will quietly set up and push him to sell the firm at a low price. Of course, their agent will be the buyer.

When no one knows that a gang of agents are working in the company and their goal is to capture it, then they can quite easily carry out their plan after a while.

Little by little I am coming to the end of this project, and today we have the priests in turn.

Priest... in the generally accepted sense, this is the name of the servant of the Eternal Light, who has devoted his whole life to prayer and humility, heals the sick and withdraws from worldly pleasures. Few people know that among them there are those whose name has been cursed and forgotten for centuries, as well as those who use their skills not only in the monastery cell but also on the battlefield. Let's figure it out.

Light priest.
The "standard" priest turns to light magic in order to cure a sick person's illness, protect him from the curse of envious people, and so on.
Such priests are divided into Novices, who have just begun to realize the teachings of the Light, and Priests of Light, who have already fully felt its divine influence on themselves. But often, the priests leave their monasteries on wanderings in order to carry the Highest will to the people. And these wanderings are not always peaceful. Even the most righteous of them have to fight for their lives - sometimes by themselves, sometimes by hiring a warrior, a robber or, for example, a paladin, to protect them in battle. The priest, however, heals the wounds of his intercessor and continues his journey. The most powerful of them are capable of summoning columns of the purest light, when touched, the life force fills the one who touched, and the others - to postpone their death, for a while reviving in the form of healers of Souls and pouring all their power into allies. Even fledgling Acolytes can shield friends with powerful shields, keeping out the blades and spells of enemies. It would seem that everything is so simple ... But there is a dark side, which all the priests are used to keeping silent about ...

The priest of light wears white robes adorned with many gold ornaments. Gold and whiteness are considered properties of Light and purity. Most often they carry with them a sacred hammer and a book of the Great Light, or a blessed staff, on which they lean. From them comes soft warm light, bringing peace and lightness to a tormented soul.

Priest of Darkness
All priests by nature fight against evil. They hate darkness, and are trying with all their might to eradicate it. Sometimes you come across such ardent ones that they put their whole lives on the altar of the fight against evil and darkness. And that's when mistakes begin. First of all, they are guided by the principle of "know your enemy." They begin to study the dark arts, communicate with warlocks, and appear at dark rituals. And after all, all this is for a noble purpose - the better you know what to fight with, the more effectively you fight. He now knows the Darkness better than any of the petty cultists he hangs with. He allows the creature of Darkness to survive in order to extract knowledge from him. The final step is the brink where the Priest becomes Dark. He begins to realize that all means are good to fight evil, begins to use Darkness against Darkness. More often than not, he doesn't even realize what he has become. Sacrificing a thousand people in order to possibly save a million later (as he thinks) is not a problem for him. Most often, the path of all the most powerful priests leads to the abyss of darkness ...

If the light priest shines with a warm dim light, then the dark priest is permeated through and through with the purest Darkness. She surrounds him like a veil, preventing him from recognizing even his facial features. His very presence inspires fear and horror in people. Most often they are armed with a ritual dagger and a volume of dark prayers or terrible rune staves. At their feet the creatures of darkness wriggle from the Twisting Void, and their minds are poisoned by the whispers of demons. The once snow-white cassock is torn and stained with mud, jewelry and scrolls praising the Light have been torn off.

Perhaps the most instructive story is told to young novices, and it concerns the events of a thousand years ago. In the lands of Azeroth, a priest served, whose name has been erased over the centuries. Oh, perhaps this was the most powerful of the priests. His legendary staff, called Thanksgiving, was able to accumulate the holy Light in huge quantities, people were healed only by touching it. hundreds of people walked day and night, wanting to see a miracle, and the great priest did not refuse anyone. But one day it broke out greatest war... By chance, the priest fell on her, and saw how the people whom he healed with hatred and joy bite into each other's throats, cut and maim innocent people. The priest was filled with such rage that he flew into a heap of battle, summoned the magic of Light and began to mow down the fighting in the thousands. The eternal light, unable to withstand such an insult and sin, left the priest, but his place was instantly taken by Darkness, pouring into the staff with tripled power. the survivors fled in horror from the battlefield, but some saw the priest, laughing madly, rose into the air in streams of darkness and disappeared, and his staff, later called the cursed Anathema, fell to the ground. No one knows what happened to this weapon, but they say that it was not lost, but the demon who settled in it will drive anyone who touches it crazy, and only the most reckless will go in search of it ...

Notable personalities

Prophet Velen.
Approximately 25,000 years ago, the fallen titan Sargeras appeared to the powerful race of magicians - the eredar, who invited them to join his Burning Legion and become the rulers of many worlds. The Eredar homeworld, Argus, was at the time ruled by three wise and strong friends: Archimonde, Keel "the Jaeden and Velen. Archimonde and Keel" the Jaeden were ready to immediately agree, but Velen doubted the true intentions of the stranger. Then he received a vision in which he saw the future of the eredar who would agree to become part of the Legion - they would become demons, or in the language of the eredar, eredunu, - man "ari, which means" wrong monsters. "Velen tried to warn his friends about this, but they were already drunk with dreams of power, and Velen realized that from that moment he lost them. In desperation, he asked for help from heaven, and he was answered by a creature named K "er, a member of the race of energy beings - the Naaru. The Naaru are enemies of the Legion and supporters of the Light. They secretly gather all the races opposing Sargeras to one day create a single invincible Army of Light. Velen agreed to swear allegiance to the Light if K "er helps his people. At the appointed hour, Velen gathered a handful of like-minded people and barely managed to escape the forces of Keel" Jaeden, who had already turned into a demon and considered Velen a traitor not only of his race, but also of their friendship For millennia, the fugitives roamed the worlds aboard the interdimensional ship of the Naaru in search of a new home where the Legion would never find them. To distinguish themselves from their former man "ari brothers, the fugitives began to call themselves draenei, which means" exiles "in eredunu. Having visited many worlds, Velena and the draenei had to flee from the pursuing forces of the Legion. Along the way, K" er taught the draenei strength and magic of Light.

Tyrande Whisperwind
Tyrande Whisperwind is a night elf who became High Priestess of Elune following the death of her mentor Dejana. She took an active part in the War of the Ancients and during the second coming of the Burning Legion to Azeroth. Tyrande's husband, Malfurion Stormrage, spends most of the time immersed in the Emerald Dream, and she is the ruler of the night elves. Tyrande is an ardent and sometimes reckless leader of the Guardians and the night elves. She is also the High Priestess of the Moon, Tyrande admires Elune and serves her faithfully. She loves Malfurion Stormrage and will stop at nothing to help or protect him. Tyrande has a very kind heart and will gladly do everything in her power to protect those she loves or swore to protect. She is very decisive and sometimes makes decisions with which others may not agree, but for her the well-being of Kalimdor always comes first.

Akama is a formerly one of the draenei priests of Karabor, now broken, the ruler of the Ashtongue tribe and the leader of the Ashtongue Servants faction, located at the Guardian's Cage in the Ashtongue lair of Shadowmoon Valley. The Ashtongues have joined Illidan's forces to become his servants, but this is a hoax. Akama was once an elder of the draenei who lived in the wastes of Outland. In order not to perish at the hands of the orcs, the Ashtongues became part of Illidan's army and helped him to overthrow Magtheridon. Later, Akama realized that Illidan was no better lord than the deposed ruler of the underworld. Outwardly, Akama was still a servant of Illidan, but he secretly tried to end the reign of the Betrayer. Teaming up with Maiev Shadowsong, of which he was the jailor, Akama and a group of adventurers infiltrated the Black Temple and made their way to the top to fight Illidan and defeat him. Now Akama hopes that the Sacred Light will return to the dark halls of the desecrated temple of Karabor.

Archbishop Benedict
Archbishop Benedict is the leader of the Church of the Holy Light of Stormwind, based in the city's Cathedral of Light. Once the archbishop bore the name Jarl, but according to church tradition, he left him after communion with the church and took a new, sacred name. In his youth, he was the youngest son of a wealthy Lordaeron merchant, it was believed that he would continue the family business and become a merchant. Once, almost dying, Jarl was healed by an old traveler and found the Holy Light for himself. After his recovery, he wanted to join the church parish and was immediately accepted. The Jarl became a disciple of the religious leader of Lordaeron, Archbishop Alonsus Faol. For many years he studied religion under the guidance of an archbishop and quickly rose to the rank of senior priest. During the Scourge's assault on Lordaeron, Jarl fought the undead and helped evacuate civilians from the battlefield. Later, along with the church, he ended up in Stormwind, where he was promoted to the position of the religious leader of the city. He took an active part in the creation of one of the most striking monuments of the Holy Light - the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind. Now, when Alonsus Faol died, the council granted the Jarl a new position of Archbishop, and he himself took the name Benedict and vowed to continue all the pious deeds that his teacher was engaged in.

Tahu Wise Wind
Tahu Sagewind is a young tauren who began training as one of the druids, but took a different path and was introduced as mentor to the priests of Thunder Bluff after the Sundering. Tahu was a student of Hamuul Runetotem and learned the art of druidism from him, eagerly listening to all the words of the mentor, until the knowledge gained allowed him to think and turn to new theory... At first, he shared his reasoning only with Aponi Brightmane, but later became the founder of the Tauren belief in the Sun, thanks to which they were able to become paladins and priests.

An analysis of ancient legends about the ancient ancestral home of the Slavs, Germans, Lithuanians and some other peoples - the northern continent of Arktida-Hyperborea, reveals some nuances that speak in favor of the fact that the long-term policy of the Anglo-Saxon empire aimed at the destruction of Russia is a continuation of the ancient war of Hyperborea with Atlantis ...

Esoteric knowledge tells us that the Atlantean civilization once fell under the power of the essences of darkness, who instilled in it the cults of bloody sacrifices, requiring aggressive policies, wars of conquest and the slave trade.

According to one version, this happened after one reptilian alien race managed to introduce its genes among the Atlanteans, which gave the higher castes of this race such properties as greed, the desire for power, aggressiveness and cruelty. The rapidly degrading caste of priests and rulers established cults of bloody sacrifice throughout their empire.

Over time, Atlantis, striving for world domination and conquering many countries, came across opposition from the descendants of the "white gods" living on the northern continent. It was the only force capable of resisting the transformation of our entire planet into a stronghold of the forces of darkness.

The outbreak of war between these powers was fought not only with conventional weapons, but also with the help of magic, as well as some analogues of climatic and geophysical weapons. During this war, Atlantis was destroyed, but the northern continent began to slowly sink to the bottom of the ocean. In addition, due to displacement Earth Axis there were climatic changes that brought cold weather to the once blooming Hyperborea.

All this forced the inhabitants of this country to migrate to the territory of Eurasia, where they subsequently created, first, the "country of the Aryans", and eventually the Slavic and German states. But the caste of dark priests of Atlantis did not completely perish. Some of them managed to land on the British Isles, Egypt and the American continent. And then, they decided to apply the principle of "divide and rule" in order to take revenge against the descendants of Arctida-Hyperborea.

For this purpose, they did a tremendous job of processing the consciousness of the descendants of Arctida, who settled throughout Europe. People were imperceptibly instilled in the same values \u200b\u200bas earlier to the Atlanteans, as well as thoughts about their racial (nationalistic) superiority. In parallel, all authentic sources about ancient civilizations were destroyed, and the interpretation of history was diligently distorted.

One of the most successful weapons of the dark priests was the Roman Empire, which actively implemented the "divide and conquer" method to conquer world domination. According to this method, with the help of cunning provocations and active "information war", the two peoples were pitted against each other, and after they exhausted themselves in bloody wars, Roman legions appeared as "peacekeeping contingents" and annexed these territories to their state.

But over time, the Roman Empire also encountered resistance from the Slavic, Germanic and some other tribes, which stopped the victorious march of its legions. By that time, the ideals of the dark priests were able to corrupt the "elite" of the Roman Empire, mired in debauchery and luxury. And it is not surprising that she too fell under the blows of the descendants of Arctida.

Centuries later, the dark brotherhood managed to infiltrate the elite of the Anglo-Saxons and some other Western peoples and create three of their "centers of power" on the planet - religious (Vatican), financial (City of London) and military-political (Washington).

The religious center was engaged in concealing and discrediting secret knowledge, falsifying history, "editing" the teachings of the world and creating religions based on blind obedience to the hierarchs, worship of dogmas and rituals of disguised sacrifices.

A significant role was devoted to the inculcation of religious fanaticism and the pitting of various religious fundamentalists belonging to different confessions and trends among themselves, which entailed the creation of such a type of bloody sacrifice as religious wars. Over time, ideological (civil) wars began to be provoked as well, and then world wars, because the essences of darkness demanded constant "food" for helping the dark brotherhood of priests achieve world domination.

But the main success of the religious center was, undoubtedly, the division and play off the once united Aryan peoples. At first, it was possible to "deploy to the East" the Germans, and it was under their blows that Western Russia, which once existed in the present lands in the east of Germany, fell.

Then it was possible to divide the Slavs themselves, instilling in various tribes the idea of \u200b\u200btheir "exclusiveness" and "supremacy" among the Slavic tribes and clans. Not the last role in the destruction of the surviving Eastern Russia was answered by the Polish panties, raised on the idea of \u200b\u200buniting all Slavs under the rule of "Greater Poland from sea to sea". Later, as we now perfectly see, Ukraine was also drawn into the sphere of influence of the dark priests.

The financial center began to create a fraudulent banking system that, with the help of ingenious schemes, deceived people, extracting money from them, which was put on the pedestal of the ideology of the cult of universal material consumption. Gradually, an ingenious scheme of drawing people into credit traps was also worked out, followed by artificial financial and economic crises, which deprived people of all their property, but at the same time enriched finance center dark priests. War, especially world wars, also brought good profits, because both belligerent sides needed weapons, food, fuel, medicines, etc.

The military-political center (which was originally located in Britain) was engaged in colonial and conquest wars, as well as special operations to plant "loyal" regimes all over the world, to eliminate unwanted leaders of states and directly to political intrigues, mainly to draw various countries into mutually weakening wars.

The undoubted success of this "center of power" is the centuries-old collision of their heads in the wars of Russia and Germany, while first Britain, and then the new "police baton" of the dark brotherhood - the United States, from these wars only intensified, enriching, first of all, controlled by the forces the darkness of the elite of these countries. It was these forces that invented the ideology of Nazism, the concentration camps, and the massacres of civilians, which are the most real bloody sacrifices to their dark "gods".

And yet, despite the numerous efforts of the dark clique, one stronghold of the descendants of Arctida remained on our planet, the souls of the people of which could not be completely taken under the control of the dark brotherhood. And it was on its territory that individual carriers of ancient secret knowledge survived, which in previous centuries were actively "cleaned up" by agents of the influence of the Illuminati dark brotherhood.

But the Night of Svarog is over and this hidden knowledge is coming to the surface again, awakening the souls and hearts of this people and peoples living with them in friendship. And this is the main danger for the dark priests, which can finally bury their plans to create a "bastion of darkness" on our planet.

That is why the situation in the world has become so aggravated now. Dark priests try to avoid this fate even by provoking another world war. That is why the governments of the Anglo-Saxon Empire and its satellites controlled by them concentrate their military forces on the borders of Russia and the states allied with it.

That is why in fraternal Ukraine these forces, after many years of "handouts" and powerful ideological propaganda, were deceived by the elite sold to the dark brotherhood and dragged into civil war, main goal which was being drawn into it and Russia in order to expose it to the whole world as an "aggressor" and organize another destructive war in Europe, the main instigators of which again hoped to sit out from its negative consequences across the strait and the ocean.

Well, then again "peacekeeping legions" would come and crush the countries weakened by the war. Only this time "it did not grow together." And it is probably no coincidence that more and more ordinary Germans are beginning to realize that the well-being of Germany is based on an alliance, and not on confrontation with Russia for the amusement of dark forces. And at least half of the Ukrainian people understand this too.

Now the confrontation between the heirs and descendants of the "Atlantic" and "Hyperborean" civilizations again threatens the world with a global destructive war. The world is again divided into two camps. However, the decrepitude and degradation of the main striking force of the priests of darkness - the Anglo-Saxon empire, which includes the United States - becomes quite obvious.

The war between Atlantis and Hyperborea continues, but the coming of the Day of Svarog tells us that the dark forces will invariably be defeated. No wonder the predictions of many prophets who lived in different countries, argue that Russia will experience an extraordinary spiritual flourishing, and its enemies will face great disasters and cataclysms.


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