Connected anonymous with thumb. Mudras and their meanings

In the daily pursuit of achieving their goals, unfortunately, many do not devote enough time to their recovery. The accelerated pace of modern life results in complete emotional and physical exhaustion, illness, and prolonged depression. Yoga will teach you to realize the philosophy of life, to become stronger in spirit and to strengthen the health of your body. Mudras for fingers help to find harmony with the outside world and your inner “I”. Next, we will talk about the intricacies of this practice, the meaning of the exercises and the technique for their implementation.

What is wise

Moments of a negative emotional upsurge of a person always give out his hands. With chagrin, impatience, irritation, excitement, they are never at rest. We either cross them on the chest, or grab our shoulders, rub, rub our palms, fold them in a boat. Thus, with the help of gestures of non-verbal communication at the subconscious level, the expression of true emotions and mood occurs, which contributes to inner calm.
   In the orthodox schools of Hinduism, whose philosophy has been built for centuries on the basis of the traditions and customs of various historical eras, there is a whole system of symbolic arrangement of hands. This ritual sign language, which is interpreted by the followers of Indian culture as magical healing practices, is commonly called wisdom.

Did you know? Two years ago UNESCO World Organizationincluded yoga in a representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of mankind.

In fairness, we note that symbolic finger combinations were known a long time ago in different cultures of the world, however, only Indian sages managed to systematize them and uncover the esoteric meaning of each sign. Over time, they learned about effective yoga practices around the world, as evidenced by the existence of official yoga centers in the cities of each country.

Finger values

Few people know that the electromagnetic field surrounding the body depends on the position of the hands. Yoga mudras help use tin brushes for physical and psycho-emotional self-healing. But in order to master Indian practices, you should understand the meanings of each finger:

Did you know? Each nation names its thumbs in its own way. For example, among the Malays they are called “elder brother”, among the Indians - “mother”, and among Somalis - “grandfather”.

The systematic implementation of the simplest yoga exercises of the hands helps to get rid of chronic fatigue, insomnia, anxiety and anxiety. People who correctly perform these practices learn the philosophy of knowing themselves in this world, harmony and peace of mind.

  However, it is important to take into account a number of rules that will ensure efficiency wise:

  1. Getting to healing, be patient and work humbly, because there will be no lightning-fast result. Keep in mind that a lot depends on how you set yourself up. In this matter, it is important to experience inner self-healing. Then, in acute forms of the disease, the expected relief can be felt after 1-3 days, and in chronic forms after 2-3 weeks.
  2. Before a tangible result appears, yoga classes should be daily. After improvement, it is important to consolidate the achieved result at the same frequency of practice.
  3. In one lesson, do not use more than 3-4 mudras. If you are just starting to discover yoga, it is better to limit yourself to 2 combinations of brushes, but with a daily three-time repetition.
  4. When doing wise, do not rush. Each gesture should be worked out for 2–5 minutes.
  5. Do yoga in the morning in a quiet secluded place in front of a burning candle.

   In addition, there are certain requirements for the position of the body of a yoga practitioner, his breathing and attention. Let's consider them in more detail.

Body position

When starting classes, always face the sun. Mudras can be practiced in any position that is convenient for you, while sitting lying down or even while walking. The main thing is to feel inner harmony and comfort. To achieve maximum performance, you need to close your eyes and relax. At the same time, experienced practitioners are advised to present their favorite color. Hands should be in an arbitrary position. Remember that mudras must be performed simultaneously with two hands.

At the same time, unused fingers can be in any position, and those involved should not strain. They are placed in such a way that when touching the phalanges, pressure or discomfort is not felt. Keep in mind that the structure of the hands of each person is individual, so when performing exercises, focus solely on your comfort.

When performing yoga exercises, it is recommended to have even calm breathing, which helps to find inner balance. However, in cases of diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, difficulties may arise.
   In such situations, try not to take deep breaths and breathe in your usual way. The main thing is not to be distracted by the control of the respiratory process.


The basic rule of yoga is based on the correct psycho-emotional mood and complete solitude with oneself. No one should distract a practicing mudra person, violating his inner harmony. It is important that he completely dissolves in the positive thoughts associated with his speedy recovery. To do this, absolute silence was recommended at first, and later on, when you learn to abstract from everything that happens around you, it will be possible to practice wisdom with musical accompaniment.

Important! If you straighten all your fingers, radiation of energy is generated from you. If you close them, you get a shield that protects against energy loss.

If some urgent tasks distract your attention, it is better to postpone yoga. After all, this process requires a deep focus on the implementation of exercises.

Mudras for the fingers

Mudras are considered the best healing relaxant. Having mastered the technique of their implementation, you will learn how to maximize your benefit to cleanse your internal energy flows. Here are the most common exercises for all occasions.

Mudra sink

This practice is recommended when you need to restore the vocal cords, as well as in the treatment of diseases associated with the throat and larynx. It will not be superfluous for artists, speakers, singers and teachers. For greater effect, mudra is recommended to be combined with the mantra OM. The technique of its implementation involves girth with 4 fingers of the right hand of the thumb of the left.

You should be able to connect both hands, depicting a shell, so that the thumb on the right hand touches the top of the left middle finger. The resulting combination is placed in front of the breast. It is advisable to hold it for 15 minutes. The maximum duration of the exercise is 45 minutes.

Video: mudra sea shell


This mudra is used to treat joints for any inflammatory diseases, including rheumatism and radiculitis.

Important! If your yoga class consists of several mudras, be sure to take a break after each of them.

  For proper finger positioning:

  1. With the left little finger, touch the right ring finger.
  2. Connect the right little finger and the left middle finger.
  3. With the right middle finger, touch the left index finger.
  4. Connect the left middle finger with the right forefinger.
  5. Spread the thumbs on both hands.
  It is advisable to repeat the cow’s mudra at least 3 times daily with a 15-minute duration.

Video: Cow Mudra

Mudra of knowledge

In Hinduism, this gesture is considered very important and symbolizes the person’s openness to the knowledge of universal wisdom. With the help of a certain configuration of brushes, a yoga practitioner improves the energy capabilities of his body, stimulates blood circulation and metabolism. To perform mudra, it is necessary to close the bundles of the index and thumb on both hands, straightening and connecting all the others.

Did you know? The flexibility of human fingers indicates the intellectual abilities of their owner. If they are poorly developed and inactive, their owner is not too smart.

Another method, which is considered to be stronger in terms of energy, involves touching the tip of the first finger of the first phalanx of the thumb. At the same time, relaxed hands should be located on the hips. With this combination of brushes, many are advised to represent white, as well as use purple candles and lavender to fumigate the room.

Video: mudra of knowledge

Of heaven

This combination of fingers is one of the ways to restore the relationship with the higher powers of the Cosmos. At the same time, the body has a concentration of youth energy, as a result of which potency is stimulated, the appearance of the skin and blood quality are improved. In addition, the mudra of heaven is used to treat all ear diseases.

  For the correct statement of the gesture on both hands it is necessary:

  1. Touch the bent middle fingers of the bases of the large (on the same arm);
  2. With the pads of the thumbs press the tip of the middle.
  3. Unused fingers to relax and straighten.
  To achieve maximum efficiency from classes, experts advise to perform this exercise three times a day for at least 5 minutes. In this case, thoughts should concentrate on your desire. For preventive purposes, as well as for severe pain, the practice time can be increased to 15 minutes.

The wind

This exercise is effective for nervous disorders, psycho-emotional overexcitation, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and musculoskeletal system. Wind mudra is also recommended for rheumatism, radiculitis, tremors (hands, neck, head) and depression.

Did you know? It has been observed that people with mobile little fingers are congenital speakers. In addition, they are characterized by a strong-willed and independent character.

  Her technique involves the following actions:

  1. Using your index finger, touch the base of the thumb.
  2. With your thumb, fix the touching phalanx.
  3. Relax and straighten the rest of the brush.

Video: mudra wind


It has a parallel name - the mudra of integrity, as it promotes the concentration of a person on his willpower and inner unity. It is recommended for stimulating the immune system, as well as for improving the functioning of the respiratory, digestive, nervous and excretory systems. With the regular implementation of this exercise, you can cure colds and viral diseases, achieve a rejuvenating effect and normalize blood pressure.

Important! When doing hand yoga, it is advisable to rid your body of all jewelry, including earrings and chains.

  The technique of rising mudra provides the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Put your hands in front of you and close your palms in the lock at chest level.
  2. After that, the thumb on one of the hands (which one does not matter) lift up.
  3. Ring the raised thumb, closing the index and thumb on the second hand.
  Keep in mind that this practice can provoke an increase in body temperature and a very pronounced sensation of heat, so watch your health. To maximize the effectiveness of yoga, it is recommended that guru combine this combination with the HUM mantra, and during its implementation, imagine a blazing flame in front of you, burning out everything superfluous from your essence on the material and non-material levels.

For a day, the mudra is repeated in 3 doses for at least 15 minutes. If you increase the time allotted for the exercise and the number of its repetitions, the opposite effect may occur, which is fraught with apathetic mood.

Video: mudra "raising"

Life saving

Every person must know this exercise, because its regular implementation can prevent the fatality of heart attacks and other life-threatening ailments. Daily yoga is also indicated as a prophylaxis for hypertensive crisis, heart attack, stroke and chest pain.

Performing a life-saving mudra consists in touching the thumb with the index finger to the lower phalanx (all actions are performed on both hands). At the same time, the relaxed little finger should rush upwards, and the bundles of the ring, middle and thumb to join together.

Note that the effectiveness of this gesture is palpable after a short period of time. This practice in its effect may well be compared with a small dose of nitroglycerin. However, do not ignore medical prescriptions. Essential medicines should always be carried with you.

Video: Mudra Saves Life

Mudra of life

This is a complex ritual sign, in Hinduism, denoting the restoration of flows of vital energy. Using this setting of brushes, you can not only clean your biofield, but at a subconscious level, block destructive programs and also have a powerful effect on your psyche. This mudra is highly effective, which is why it requires special care when performing.

Did you know? The human arm consists of 29 bones of various sizes, 29 large joints, 123 ligaments, 34 muscles that control the mobility of the fingers, 48 \u200b\u200bnerves and 30 arteries.

  For correct gestures you need:

  1. Every day, immediately after waking up, put your relaxed hands on your knees, palms up (the lotus position is recommended for this exercise).
  2. After fully exhaling, concentrate on your inner world, take a deep breath.
  3. To close the pads of the little finger, thumb and ring finger.
  4. Loosen and straighten unused fingers.
   It is very good to practice the mudra of life to the accompaniment of the OM WAM JUM SAH mantra. During yoga, it is advisable to imagine yourself in the image of a tree, to the roots of which with each breath flows of vital energy arrive.

Video: The Mudra of "Life"

Of the earth

Recommended for people who have low self-esteem and life is filled with stressful situations. It helps to find harmony of the inner world with the environment, and also determines the personality of a person and his tendency to disease. With regular practices, you can get rid of chronic ailments associated with dysfunction of the liver, digestive tract and vestibular apparatus.

To be sure of the correct setting of the hands, you need to close the bundles of the ring and thumb on both hands, and straighten the remaining fingers without straining. Try to keep this combination for a quarter of an hour. At least 3 repetitions are desirable per day.

Video: mudra of the earth


The main task of this exercise is to cleanse the body of accumulated fluid and mucous toxins, therefore it is recommended for the treatment of the common cold, colds, SARS, cardiovascular, excretory systems, as well as inflammatory processes in the digestive tract and respiration.

Did you know? The mobility of the muscles of the human hands controls about a quarter of the cerebral cortex.

The technique of adding this ritual symbol is based on the following actions:

  1. Bend the little finger of the right hand and fix it with the thumb at the base.
  2. Relax the remaining fingers and straighten.
  3. With the palm of your left hand, grip the right palm so that the left thumb overlays the right thumb.

Video: mudra of water


The action of this mudra is aimed at attracting positive, harmony and good luck in all endeavors. In Hinduism, it is believed that the activation of Qi energy flows contributes not only to favorable changes in a person’s life, but also improves his well-being.

Indeed, as a result of systematic rituals of brushes on the material and spiritual levels, the biofield is cleared, which inevitably leads to internal harmonization and physical health. Mudra is performed by connecting the pads of the thumb, ring and middle fingers with the other two straightened.

Video: Mudra Energy

Window of wisdom

This ritual gesture is interpreted by adherents of Hinduism as a relaxant that stimulates the Manipura Chakra, which is located in the solar plexus. It is believed that the discovery of vital energy centers on the spiritual level and the stimulation of blood circulation on the physical depends on its activity.

This finger combination is allowed to be performed with one or two brushes. To do this, fix the thumb pad touching the base of the ring finger.

Video: mudra "window of wisdom"

Dragon temple

It personifies all existing elements, because of which it acts as a symbol of the Higher Mind, power, holiness and obedience. In this gesture, each part of the brush carries its own semantic load. For example, the thumb denotes the dragon's head, the middle - his body, and the little finger - the tail. Regular repetitions of this exercise stimulate the intellectual activity of a person and activate the work of all his internal organs.

Important! If you take your thumbs up, there will be a powerful flow of energy directed towards the sky and into the area of \u200b\u200bthe front of the body. Such a gesture is strictly contraindicated for hypertensive patients, and is recommended for hypotensive patients.

  To create the Dragon Temple you need:

  1. Touch the upper phalanges of the 2 middle fingers of their base.
  2. Clasp the little fingers and thumbs of both hands, moving them in opposite directions.
  3. Clasp index and ring fingers.

  Be prepared that this technique requires high mobility of the hands, so difficulties may arise in the first stages of training.

Three columns of Cosmos

Denotes the unity of the three worlds on which the Cosmos is based. According to Indian philosophy, the basic platform and core for all life is the eternal interweaving of the energies of Yin and Yang. For man, this unity of worlds is expressed in the relationship of three successively changing states. For example, birth - life - death. Such practices help in the realization of one's “I” in the Universe, and also contribute to spiritual purification.

To do this, you need:

  1. Place your elbows bent in front of you.
  2. Cover with the middle and ring fingers of the right hand the corresponding parts of the brush on the left hand.
  3. Place the left little finger on the palm of the hand from the back at the base between the middle and ring fingers.
  4. With your right little finger, lock the left little finger.
  5. The top of the right index finger should be bounded by the connected thumb and forefinger of the left hand.

  Video: mudra three columns of space

Staircase of the heavenly temple

This mudra is considered the best antidepressant. Followers of Hinduism, this gesture is interpreted as a path of spiritual ascent, development, self-purification. It allows you to feel your personality inside the Universe and find a part of the Cosmos within you. At the physical level, exercise will be reflected in improved mood, positive thinking, and good healthy sleep. To do this, you must:

  1. Place your palms in front of you.
  2. Place the pads of the left hand between the corresponding fingers of the right hand, but in such a way that they remain on top.
  3. The little fingers on both hands are not involved in the process, they need to be relaxed and directed upward.

Video: mudra staircase of the heavenly temple


In Hinduism, it is interpreted as the basis of everything created by higher forces. In practice, it is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, psychoemotional exhaustion, and also helps to reveal the thoughts of other individuals.

Did you know? Despite the fact that human fingers are the most sensitive parts of the body, an adult can hold about 55 kilograms in outstretched hands.

The technique of this gesture is to intertwine the fingers of both hands located at the level of the Manipur chakra, so that they resemble a rounded tortoise shell. It is important to close the sides of the upper phalanges of both thumbs together.

Video: mudra turtle

Dragon's tooth

The gesture is interpreted as the Higher Power and Reason. Promotes spiritual development and self-awareness in the universe. Used to improve emotional mood and relieve stress. To add this combination of hands you must:

  1. At chest level, turn the brushes toward you with the inside, without closing them at the same time.
  2. After that, relaxed thumbs are pressed to the palms.
  3. All other fingers, with the exception of the index fingers, are bent, fixing their upper phalanges at the base.
  4. Index fingers, not straining, rush up.

Video: Dragon Mudra Mudra

Chandman's Bowl

The basis of any person is his soul. Therefore, the canons of Hinduism, in order to achieve harmony with the universe, need to constantly develop their intelligence and body. It is these streams of energy that the Chandman Chalice symbol activates. To add it, you need to cover the right hand with the left hand, grabbing it slightly. In this process, a special mission is given to the thumbs, which must be taken aside as powerful energy conductors.

Video: Mud Chandman's Bowl

Sakya-Muni hat

The sign folded by brushes symbolizes the headdress of the Buddha. Therefore, it is effective for migraines, excessive intellectual stress, dizziness, constant anxiety, fears and headaches. For this:

  1. The palms are placed at the bridge of the nose with the inside facing each other.
  2. After that, the ring and middle fingers on both hands are bent, connecting them in pairs.
  3. The little fingers and middle fingers relax and close, and the big fingers, with a slight contact of the sides of the upper phalanges, are led outside.

Video: Sakya-Muni Mudra Hat

Dragon head

This complex combination of hands has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory tract, brain, and also provides an immunomodulating effect.

Did you know? In ancient centuries, people believed in the existence of an artery connecting the heart and the ring finger of the left hand. That is why the Egyptians and Romans preferred to wear wedding rings on it.

  During yoga classes you need:

  1. On both palms, cross the index and middle fingers so that the latter remain on top.
  2. After that, the brushes are closed together, while pairwise connecting the pads of both index and middle fingers.
  3. At the same time, the nameless and little fingers need to be twisted into the castle, and the thumbs should be connected with the sides of the phalanges.

Video: Dragon Head Mudra


It embodies the semantic richness of life, its emotional richness and fullness of perception. The gesture is recommended for a decrease in appetite, dysfunction of the digestive organs and physical exhaustion. The technique of this combination involves the contact of the palms when crossing the fingers (they should be enclosed inside), and the lateral ones touch only partially by the upper phalanges.

  Video: scallop mudra

Vajra Arrow

It symbolizes the extraordinary energy directed, like an arrow of the thunderer Indra, to the epicenter of the disease. This exercise is used to treat heart and vascular ailments. To do this, a yoga practitioner must close both palms in the castle, while straightening and pointing upward the connected upper phalanges of the index and sides of the thumbs.

Shambhala Shield

The deep philosophical meaning of this ritual sign is in virtue, wisdom, high spirituality and victory over evil entities. At the physical level, the impact of this mudra will be felt by people prone to anxiety, with low self-esteem and uncertainty in all their undertakings. To complete the exercise you need:

  1. Position the hands at the level of the Manipur Chakra (opposite the solar plexus).
  2. One palm is squeezed into a fist, and the other of the straightened one is covered with it, pressing the thumb to the base of the index finger.
  3. Characteristically, men are recommended to bend the fist with the left hand, and women - with the right.

Video: mudra shield of Shambhala

Soaring lotus

Exercise is recommended for healing the female body, since for centuries the lotus flower in Hinduism has symbolized the throne of the gods and the Great Mother. To achieve this goal, you need to repeat the following brush combination at least 3 times daily:

  1. The palms are placed at the level of the solar plexus chakra with the inner side to each other.
  2. Thumb, index and middle fingers touch the pads (they must be straight).
  3. All other fingers are intertwined and are located at the bases of their twin counterparts.

Video: mudra soaring lotus

Flute Maitreya

It personifies light, spiritual purity and goodness. It symbolizes the unsurpassed immaterial over the material, light over the dark. The health of a yoga practitioner is affected by beneficial effects on the respiratory organs, nervous system and hormonal background.

It also helps to find vitality in yourself and come to harmony with your inner world:

  1. This combination requires the connection of the thumb pads of both hands so that their back is located to the face.
  2. At the same time, the left forefinger touches the base of the pair of fingers on the right hand, and the right middle one lies on the opposite cousin, capturing the ring finger.
  3. The right little finger is placed on the upper phalanx of the left middle finger, that is, from the fingers of both hands you need to make a “braid”.

Video: mudra flute Maitreya   The action of the wise is aimed at subtle matters, which is why the effectiveness of such practices is difficult to scientifically explain. However, in skilled hands, this is a powerful tool that will help to cope with physical and mental pathologies.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 7:02 PM + in the quote box

Mudras for all occasions with photos, descriptions and testimonies

The word Mudra, translated from Sanskrit, means "giving joy." “Mood” means joy, and at the same time it is also a sign to the gods, therefore more often the word mudra is translated as a sign, seal, sign. “Ra” is interpreted as a gift. Mudra is the position of the fingers, a way to create a specific energy configuration, a tool for a person to work with his body and the space around it. By connecting fingers in certain combinations, you can activate the meridians and direct energy throughout the body, restore the flow of energy and eliminate “breakdowns” in diseased organs.

Doing the wise is best done while sitting. To achieve the most likely result, perform a specific mudra twice a day. At least three minutes. And then gradually increase the duration of the lesson to eleven minutes. Most wise people give an immediate effect: a surge of strength, clarity of mind, peace, joy. When doing mudras, focus on breathing. Take a slow breath in and out through your nose, relax. Enter in a state of meditation.
1. MUDRA “SINK” Mudra “Sink” - “shankha” - an attribute of the god Shiva, the name of the naga-serpent living in the underworld.

Indications: all diseases of the throat, larynx, hoarseness. When performing this mudra, the voice is amplified, therefore we especially recommend singers, artists, teachers, speakers.

Technique: two joined hands depict a sink. Four fingers of the right hand hug the thumb of the left hand. The thumb of the right hand touches the small pillow of the middle finger of the left hand.

In India, a cow is considered a sacred animal.

Indications: rheumatic pains, radiculitis pains, joint diseases.

Technique: the little finger of the left hand touches the heart (ring) finger of the right hand; the little finger of the right hand touches the heart finger of the left hand. At the same time, the middle finger of the right hand connects with the index finger of the left hand, and the middle finger of the left hand with the index finger of the right hand. The thumbs are apart.

This mudra is one of the most important. Relieves emotional stress, anxiety, anxiety, melancholy, sadness, melancholy and depression. Improves thinking, activates memory, concentrates potential opportunities.

Indications: insomnia or excessive drowsiness, high blood pressure. This mudra revives us anew. Many thinkers, philosophers, scientists have used and use this wise.

Technique: the index finger easily connects to the thumb pad. The remaining three fingers are straightened (not tense).

The sky is connected with higher forces - with the "upper man" - the head.

Indications: for people with ear diseases, hearing loss. The fulfillment of this mudra in some cases leads to a very rapid improvement in hearing. A long lesson leads to almost complete cure of many diseases of the ear.

Technique: the middle finger of the fold so that with a small pad it touches the base of the thumb, and with the thumb we press the bent middle. The remaining fingers are straightened and not tense.

In Chinese medicine, the Wind refers to one of the five elements. Its violation causes Wind disease.

Indications: rheumatism, sciatica, trembling hands, neck, head. When performing this mudra, after a few hours, you can notice a significant improvement in condition. In chronic diseases, the mudra should be carried out alternately with the Wise of Life. Exercises can be stopped after improvement and the beginning of the disappearance of signs of the disease (improvement of objective indicators).

Technique: we put the index finger so that it reaches the base of the thumb with a small pillow. With your thumb, gently hold this finger, and the remaining fingers are straightened and relaxed.

Indications: for colds, sore throat, pneumonia, cough, runny nose, sinusitis. Performing this mudra mobilizes the body's defenses, boosts immunity, and promotes rapid recovery.

Simultaneously with the implementation of this mudra, the following diet should be observed: drink at least 8 glasses of boiled water during the day. The daily diet should consist of fruits, rice, yogurt.

Too long and frequent use of this mudra can cause apathy and even lethargy - do not overdo it!

Technique: both palms are joined together, fingers crossed. The thumb (of one of the hands) is set aside and surrounded by the index and thumb of the other hand.
   (first aid for heart attack)

Everyone should learn how to do this mudra, since its timely application can save your own life, as well as the life of your loved ones, relatives and friends.

   "Indications: heart pain, heart attacks, palpitations, discomfort in the heart with anxiety and longing, myocardial infarction.

Under these conditions, you must immediately begin to perform this mudra with both hands at the same time. Relief occurs immediately, the action is similar to the use of nitroglycerin.

Technique: bend the index finger so that it touches the small end of the phalanx of the base of the thumb with a small pad. At the same time, we fold the middle, ring and thumb fingers with the pads, the little finger remains straightened.

The fulfillment of this mudra evens out the energy potential of the whole organism, contributes to the strengthening of its vitality. Increases efficiency, gives a cheerful! stamina improves overall well-being.

Indications: state of rapid fatigability, 6essilia, visual impairment, improves visual acuity, treatment of eye disease.

Technique: the pads of the ring finger, little finger and thumb are connected together, and the rest are freely straightened. It is performed by both hands at the same time.

According to Chinese natural philosophy, the Earth is one of the primary elements from which our body is built, one of the elements that determines the personality type and tendency to certain diseases.

Indications: worsening of the psychophysical state of the body, state of mental weakness, stress. The fulfillment of this mudra improves an objective assessment of one's own personality, self-confidence, and also protects against negative external energy influences.

Technique: ring and thumb are connected with small pads with small pressure. The remaining fingers are straightened. It is performed with both hands.

In Indian mythology, the God of water is called Varuna Mudra of Water - the mudra of God Varuna.

Water is one of the five primary elements that make up our body and planet. In a general sense, Water is the basis of life, without which all life on the planet is unthinkable.

Indications: with excess moisture in the body, water or mucus in the lungs, stomach (increased production of mucus during inflammation), etc. Excessive accumulation of mucus in the body can, according to Eastern concepts, cause an energy blockade of the whole organism. Performing this mudra is also recommended for liver disease, colic, bloating.

Technique: bend the little finger of the right hand so that it touches the base of the thumb, which slightly press the little finger. With your left hand, grab the right one from the bottom, while the thumb of the left hand is located on the thumb of the right hand.

The ancient Indians called the flow of energy prana, the Chinese - Qi, the Japanese - Ki. Concentrated and directed energy is capable of performing both miracles of creation and healing, and destruction.

Indications: to provide an analgesic effect, as well as removing various poisons and toxins from the body that poison our body. This mudra treats diseases of the genitourinary system and spine, leads to the cleansing of the body.

Technique: connect the pads of the middle "ring and thumb together, the remaining fingers are freely straightened.

It opens vital centers for life that promote the development of thinking and stimulate mental activity.

Indications: cerebrovascular accident, cerebral sclerosis.

Technique: the heart (ring) finger of the right hand is pressed by the first phalanx of the thumb of the same hand. Fingers of the left hand are similarly folded. The remaining fingers are freely apart.

In eastern mythology, the Dragon is an image that connects the five elements - Earth, Fire, Metal, Wood, Water. It symbolizes strength, flexibility, power, longevity, wisdom. The temple is a collective way of thinking, strength, mind, holiness and discipline. Combining all this into one whole, we create a unity of thought, mind, nature and space.

Indications: arrhythmic heart disease, discomfort in the heart, arrhythmia; promotes peace and concentration of energy and thoughts.

Technique: the middle fingers of both hands are bent and pressed to the inner surfaces of the palms. The remaining fingers of the same name of the left and right hands are connected in a straightened position. In this case, the index and ring fingers are interconnected above the bent middle fingers. This is how the Dragon Temple mudra is performed. The index and ring fingers symbolically symbolize the roof of the “temple,” the thumbs symbolize the head of the Dragon, and the little fingers represent the tail of the Dragon.

The world consists of three foundations, or layers - lower, middle and higher, which symbolizes the past, present and future. The unity of these three foundations gives birth, life, and death. All this rests on two opposites - Yang and Yin, which, when combined, give movement, rebirth, a stream of life moving in a circle. This image (a miniature reflection of life) gives an understanding of one's place in the World and Cosmos, one's destiny, encourages purification and reverence for the Higher Mind and the wisdom of Nature.

Indications: metabolic disorders, decreased immunity, renewal of strength.

Technique: the middle and ring fingers of the right hand are placed on similar fingers of the left hand. The little finger of the left hand is placed near the base of the back surface of the middle and ring fingers of the right hand, then everything is fixed with the little finger of the right hand. The terminal phalanx of the index finger of the right hand is clamped between the thumb and index fingers of the left hand.

The intersection of paths and destinies is the basis of the relationship between the World and Man, the relationship of society and man, his views, and contacts among themselves.

Indications: mental disorder, depression. Performing this mudra improves mood, removes a state of hopelessness and longing.

Technique: the tips of the fingers of the left hand are pressed between the tips of the fingers of the right hand (the fingers of the right hand are always at the bottom). The little fingers of both hands are free, straightened, turned up.

The tortoise is a sacred animal. According to Indian mythology, the turtle helped the gods get amrita (the sacred drink of immortality) from the ocean.

Closing all fingers, we overlap the foundations of all hand meridians. By forming a vicious circle, we thus prevent the leakage of energy. The dome of the “Turtle” forms an energy clot that is utilized by the body for its needs.

Indications: astenisation, overwork, impaired function of the cardiovascular system.

Technique: fingers of the right hand close with the fingers of the left hand. The thumbs of both hands are connected by together, forming the "head of a turtle."

In eastern myths, the Dragon's tooth symbolizes strength and power.

Indications: with confused consciousness, impaired coordination of movements, with stress and emotional instability.

Technique: the thumbs of both hands are pressed to the inner surface of the palms. The third, fourth and fifth fingers are bent and pressed to the palm of your hand. The index fingers of both hands are straightened and face up.
   ("Nine jewels")

In eastern mythology, the “nine jewels” symbolize the spiritual wealth of life. Of the nine jewels is the body, mind and consciousness of a person, as well as the world around him. Collecting all nine jewels in one bowl, we affirm the unity of the soul and body, the unity of Man and the Cosmos. A filled bowl symbolizes well-being and prosperity.

Indications: promotes digestion, eliminates congestion in the body.

Technique: four fingers of the right hand support the bottom and wrap around the similar fingers of the left hand. The thumbs of both hands are freely set somewhat outward, forming the handle of the bowl.

The most common is the image of the Buddha Sakya-Muni. Most often, he is depicted sitting on a diamond throne and having attained higher enlightenment. His main wise are: assurance, the wheel of life. The symbol is a beggarly cup, the color is golden, the throne is a red lotus.

The brain is the most perfect form of perception of thought and reason, the basis of all life processes, the regulator of all functions, the most important control panel for the whole organism.

Indications: depression, vascular pathology of the brain.

Technique: the little finger, ring finger and index finger of the right hand in a bent position are connected with similar fingers of the left hand. The middle fingers of both hands are connected and straightened. Thumbs are closed together by lateral surfaces.

The head represents the center of perception and thinking. In Tibet, the head is associated with the sign of the Dragon, the Upper Light. The Upper Light identifies the foundation of spirituality.

Indications: diseases of the lungs, upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx.

Technique: the middle finger of the right hand grasps and presses the end phalanx of the index finger of the same hand. A similar combination is performed with the fingers of the left hand. We connect both hands. The thumbs of both hands are connected together by side surfaces. The remaining fingers are crossed among themselves.

Use the “Dragon Head” mudra both for the prevention of colds and in case of illness. Teach your children to do this mudra.

This mudra is a symbol of life, wealth. A comb is a power, strength, saturation with energy. All together means wealth, strength, fullness (perceptions, sensations of energy).

Technique: the thumbs of both hands touch their side surfaces. The rest are crossed in such a way that they are prisoners inside both palms.

The regular implementation of this mudra will increase appetite and will help normalize digestion and improve appearance.

Vajra - “thunder arrow” - Indra’s weapon. Mystically, it is a special force that promotes liberation; lightning is a symbol of the peace and power of the Spirit. The Vajra Arrow is concentrated energy in the form of a lightning discharge, a bunch of energy.

Indications: mudra is very effective for people suffering from cardiovascular disease, hypertension, circulatory failure and blood supply.

Technique: the thumbs of both hands are connected by their side surfaces. The index fingers are straightened and also connected together. The remaining fingers are crossed among themselves.

Performing this mudra concentrates the healing energy of the channels and mentally directs it to normalize vascular disorders.

The wisdom of invisibility and unrecognizability for alien energy. Shambhala personifies longevity, kindness, eternity and achievement of high spirituality. Shield - the protection of life, health, wealth, prosperity.

Indications: mudra “Shambhala Shield” protects you from the negative effects of other people's energy.

Technique: the fingers of the right hand o are bent and clenched into a fist (hand). The left hand is straightened, the thumb is pressed to the brush. The straightened hand of the left hand covers and is pressed to the back surface of the fist of the right hand.

Lotus is an aquatic plant that serves as a religious symbol, especially in India and Egypt. The lotus has its roots in the earth, its stem passes through the water, and the flower unfolds in the air, under the rays of the Sun (element of Fire). So, successively passing through all the elements, he personifies the whole world and the five elements. Its flower is not wetted by water, does not touch the Earth. The lotus is a symbol of the Spirit. The lotus flower serves as the throne of the gods. It symbolizes involvement in the Buddha and divine origin. The life principle embodies purity, wisdom, fertility. Fruiting flower, thanks to viviparous moisture, brings happiness, prosperity, eternal youth and freshness.

Indications: for diseases of the female genital area (inflammatory processes), as well as for diseases of the hollow organs (uterus, stomach, intestines, gall bladder).

Technique: the thumbs of both hands are connected, the index fingers are straightened and connected by the terminal phalanges. Middle fingers are interconnected. Unnamed fingers and little fingers of both hands are crossed with each other and lie at the base of the middle fingers.

Regular use of the soaring Lotus Soaring helps you to get rid of genital diseases and normalize their functions.

Earth Buddhas are: Dipankara, Kasyana, Sakya-Muni, the coming Buddha Maitreya and the Buddha of healing Bhai-sajat-turu, or Manla. The flute of Maitreya should herald the advance of all that is light, pious, spiritual.

Indications: Wind disease - diseases of the respiratory tract, lungs; a state of longing and sadness.

Technique: the thumbs of both hands are connected together. The index finger of the left hand lies on the base of the index finger of the right hand. The middle finger of the right hand is located on the middle and little finger of the left hand. The ring finger of the left hand under the middle and ring fingers of the right hand. The little finger of the right hand is placed on the terminal phalanx of the middle finger of the left hand. The little finger of the right hand is located on the middle and ring finger of the right hand and is fixed by the middle finger of the right hand, which is located on it.

Perform this mudra early in the morning for all diseases of the lungs and acute respiratory diseases, as well as for states of sadness, longing and sadness.

This mudra is used as a prophylactic and an additional therapeutic agent for various diseases.

Technique: connect the tips of the thumbs. Connect the tips of the little fingers. Bend the ring fingers of both hands and point them inward. Place the index finger of the left hand between the middle and ring fingers of the right hand. Straighten the index finger of the right hand.

This mudra is performed for preventive purposes.

Technique: connect the ring finger of the left hand with the thumb of the left hand. Put the middle finger of the left hand on the ring finger of the left hand. Press the little finger of the left hand to the ring finger of the left hand. Straighten index finger. Bend the ring and middle fingers of the right hand and press it to the palm of your hand. The little finger, forefinger and thumb of the right hand will straighten. Place your right hand on your left hand at the base of the brush

As a remedy, this mudra is used in case of a general weakening of the nervous system.

Technique: put the right hand on the left hand at the level of the base of the hands so that the hands touch the back of the hand. Connect the ends of the middle and thumb of each hand separately. Grip the tips of the index fingers and the right hand. Grip the tips of the little fingers of the right and left hands. Unnamed fingers of the right and left hands remain in a free state.

As a remedy, this mudra is used for inflammatory bowel diseases.

Technique: connect the ends of the ring finger and thumb of the left hand. Connect the tips of the middle and thumb of the right hand. Place the little finger of the right hand on the little finger of the left hand. Place the middle finger of the left hand on the tip of the ring finger of the right hand. Straighten the index fingers of the right and left hands.

As a remedy, this mudra is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory throat (trachea).

Technique: connect the thumb of the left hand with the tip of the index finger of the left hand. Press the middle finger of the right hand to the base of the thumb of the right hand. Connect the thumb of the right hand with the tip of the middle finger of the left hand. Place the ring finger of the left hand on the index finger of the right hand and the bent middle finger of the right hand. Put the ring finger of the right hand on the ring finger of the left hand. Place the little finger of the left hand between the ring finger and the little finger of the right hand. The little finger of the right hand grab the little finger of the left hand on top.

As a remedy, this mudra is used for hypertension, a chronic disease that is characterized by a constant or periodic increase in blood pressure associated with an upset of nervous regulation.

Technique: cross the middle and ring fingers, as well as the little fingers of the right and left hands. The little finger of the right hand should be outside. Straighten the index finger of the left hand. Straighten the thumb of your left hand. Bend the index finger of the left hand, and press it to the base of the index finger of the right hand. Bend the thumb of the right hand and place it under the bent index finger of the left hand

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Surely you noticed that in particularly emotional moments we intuitively clench fists, cross our fingers or fold our palms with a boat in the hope of a better outcome. So reflexively we express our emotional state and help the body overcome difficulties or express joy.

A few centuries ago, an interesting technique was born in India - healing mudras, or yoga for the fingers. As you know, on the palms there are many points associated with certain parts of the body. Performing simple gymnastics with your hands, we will get a surge of strength, and with regular exercises you can perfectly maintain the body in good shape and even improve the health of some organs a little.

1. The Mudra “Knowledge”

Connect the index fingers to the pads of the large, and straighten the rest, but do not strain. This mudra helps to calm, improves brain function and helps to throw extra thoughts out of the head.

2. The Mudra “Wind”

Bend the index fingers so that they are pressed to the base of the big fingers, straighten the remaining fingers. This mudra is useful for those who have respiratory and digestive diseases, and helps with depression.

3. Mudra “Earth”

Press the ring and thumb of both hands tightly against each other with pads, straighten the remaining fingers. Mudra is recommended for stress and overload, physical fatigue.

4. The Mudra “Fire”

Press the ring finger of the thumb, the rest are straightened. When systematically performed, it helps to improve metabolism and reduce weight, and tone the body.

The human is a storehouse of secrets. And sometimes we ourselves do not know about its true capabilities. Since ancient times, they attached special importance to hands. It is believed that they have not only spiritual but also: after all, channels pass through them that connect internal and external organs. But in order to be able to influence their own, special gestures are needed - they are wise for all occasions - they are performed to gain material wealth or if a person has the most cherished desire.

What it is

These are special gestures that are also called for the fingers, they tend to change the mental state. Thanks to them, you can find concentration or relaxation, cure or get what you need.

Did you know? As a rule, only gestures for fingers are referred to mudras, but eye movements, facial expressions, and even breathing are also related to them.

They say that already at the initial stage of applying these practices, the result is visible:

  • health improves;
  • increased mental
  • the aura normalizes;

Finger value

Each finger contains the energy of a specific organ. When crossed, they intertwine.


Refers to the elements of the Wind, the sexual chakra, the brain, the planet Mars, blue.

The top of the finger is connected with the gall bladder, the lower part - with the liver. Finger massage helps improve brain function, lymphatic system.


Corresponds to the elements of Fire, the throat chakra, Jupiter, blue.

The apex is the intestine (thin), the middle is the region of the heart. Massaging is good for the stomach, spine, helps normalize nerves.


Refers to the elements of the Earth, Manipur (navel chakra), Saturn and Earth, purple color.

The apex refers to the stomach, spleen. Massage has a good effect on the intestines, overcomes allergic reactions.


It is interconnected with metal, Ajna (frontal chakra), the Sun, fiery red.

The top is the intestines (thick), the middle is the lungs. Thanks to massage, the liver and the endocrine system work better, and the depressive state is removed.

Little finger

Corresponds to the elements of Water, Anahata (heart chakra), Mercury, green.

The top is the urea, the middle is the kidneys. Massaging the finger reflects well on the heart muscle and intestines (thin), removes phobias.

Important! Mudras for health should be chosen, taking into account a specific disease.

Key Mudras: Their Meaning and the Right Technique

Depending on the desired result, various combinations should be performed, always with two hands.

Has a good effect on diseases strengthens the vocal cords. It is especially good to combine it with the mantra "Ohm."

Fold your hands in the shape of a shell. With the four fingers of the right hand, grab the thumb of the left, and with the thumb of the right hand, touch the middle finger of the left (you do not need to chain them together).

Promotes the treatment of rheumatism, joint inflammation.

The little finger on the left hand touches the nameless on the right, and the little finger on the right hand touches the nameless left. The middle finger of the right hand is adjacent to the index left, and the middle finger of the left hand is adjacent to the index right. Large - do not spread.

A universal method against restlessness in the soul, organizes thoughts, sharpens and bestows optimism. Buddha is often painted with a palm depicting this gesture.

The index finger should lightly touch the tip of the thumb, the rest - straighten, do not close them.

Intends against ear diseases and for people with hearing loss. It happens that after some ten minutes from the beginning, the hearing improves, and after constant use, ear diseases almost completely disappear.

Bend the middle finger - it should adjoin the base of the big one, and press the middle one with the big one, keep the rest straight, release tension.

The "wind" weakens (it happens, for example, due to rheumatism, trembling hands, neck or head) in the body. Improvement is observed after ten hours. In the presence of chronic diseases, do it in turn with prana, and stop only when the disease ceases to manifest.

Bend your index finger, let it touch the base of the thumb, which is pressing the index finger at that moment. Others are direct, not tense.

Important! Such exercises should be done with a pure soul and faith (for example, believing that certain gestures will help you gain knowledge or be cured). Otherwise, they will not bring the necessary result, except for the warm-up.

Good for pneumonia, activates all forces for. In addition, it contributes to the fight, but only if a person is sure to do mudra, combining it with: drink 24 hours a lot of clean water - at least eight cups, eat a lot of rice, yogurt, citrus fruits, bananas. It is not recommended to do it for a very long time because of the possible development of indifference to everything.

Close your palms, twist your fingers together - one of the thumbs should cover the index and big second hands.

This mudra is considered a saving life. It is used for heart attacks (and other heart problems), and it immediately becomes easier for a person.

Bend the index finger - with the tip it will touch the base of the large one. And the middle one, the nameless one and the big one are each other, but the little finger does not bend.

Levels energy, increasing human. It is used for body depletion or for severe. She is also favorable for. It is also recommended for people with a shaky psyche.

Connect the ring finger, thumb, little finger, others - leave straight.

Prithvi Mudra (Earth)

Suitable against mental disorders, prevents and in combination - together with mantras and other practices. If you are just starting to get acquainted with all this, first of all, be sure to find out what wise people are and why they are needed.

Have you noticed that when a person is happy, upset, worried, expecting something, etc., his hands are never at rest (they are either crossed or folded into a boat, etc.)? Thus, he expresses his emotions and mood on an intuitive level, and even helps himself calm down. In such combinations of fingers it is customary to call "Mudras" - yoga for the fingers.

The benefits are wise

As you know, a large number of biologically active points are located on the palms, affecting which a person has a beneficial effect on his body. Each point is responsible for a specific organ. If you regularly perform simple exercises for the fingers, then a person will begin to feel a surge of strength and an improvement in his health.

It is important to know that this or that mudra is able to alleviate the condition with various ailments, but they do not eliminate the causes of their occurrence. For example, the cause of a headache can be not only overwork, but also clamps in the spine and cervical region.

“Yoga for the fingers” helps to calm down and come into harmony with your inner “I”. Regular performance of this technique can improve sleep, relieve insomnia and chronic fatigue. In addition, wise people suppress feelings of fear, anxiety and anxiety, which will be especially true with.

Execution technique

You can do it at any time of the day. For this, it is recommended to retire so that no one bothers you. Sit in a comfortable position for you, relax and close your eyes. The back should be straight!

Put your fingers in the selected Mudra. Think good, draw positive images and pictures.

Perform each Mudra for 5-10 minutes, but one must strive for 45 minutes. Repeat exercises 2 times a day.

Mudras - healing exercises for the fingers

We bring to your attention the Mudras that are most important and popular.


Recommended for: emotional stress, bad mood, depression, hypertension, insomnia. It improves the functioning of the brain, memory, activates the thought process, eliminates bad thoughts. Many sages use this Wisdom.

Wise Technique “Knowledge”:   connect the pads of the index fingers with the pads of the large. Do it gently, you should not push. The remaining fingers should be straightened and relaxed.


Wise Technique "Wind":   the index finger should touch the base of the thumb, which in turn holds it. Other fingers are in a straight position (not strained).


Wise Technique "Earth":   connect the pads of the ring fingers to the pads of the thumb. Press lightly. Other fingers should be straightened.

"The fire"

Technique wise "Fire":   the ring finger should touch the base of the thumb, which in turn holds it. Other fingers should be straightened (not strained).


Wise Technique “Sky”:   the middle finger should touch the base of the thumb, which in turn presses it. The rest of the fingers should be straight and relaxed.

"A life"

Wise Technique “Life”:   the little finger, ring and thumb pads should be connected together. Middle and index fingers are straight.

Only with regular exercises for the fingers, you can achieve results. So don’t be lazy! ;)

What mudras help you? Share your wellness and relaxation experiences in the comments.

Healing Mudra - finger yoga

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