Can I live in one mind. Should a reasonable person live feelings? Live soul - it lives with God

If Aristotle identified a man like Homo Sapiens, this he defined not so much a fact as a reference point of life: "Man is the one who lives." In all centuries, in all the world's religions, people were taught to pacify their passions, clean their mind from the heated emotions and more often to live with the Spirit. For Christians "Passion" - an obstacle on the path of admiration for the soul to God.

According to SVT. Faofan of the rejection, "God created the nature of our pure of passion. But when we disappeared from God and, focusing on ourselves, instead of God, they began to love themselves and to help themselves, then in this self, we were perceived and all the passions that are rooted in it and from it are born. "

In Islam, the concept of "Nafs", that is, this is the bodily sensual essence of a person, compared with the horse: if the horse is unbridled, you need to fight it if it is curly, they need to be managed. For secular people of the Epoch of Enlightenment, the rule of mind proclaimed and the need to submiss the mind of all the others began in man and society.

"The timeless, non-historically understood, always identical" rationality "as opposed to" delusions "," passions "," sacraments "was considered by the enlighteners as a universal means of improving society." - Pavel Gurevich. Philosophy of man. Part 2. Chapter 3. Epoch of Enlightenment: Opening a Subject.

However, times are changed, and starting somewhere from the 60s of the twentieth century there is a massive propaganda of views of the "feeling above". Previously, it was written about this only in women's novels, but soon it moved into quasi-literature (Osho about the priority of intuition and feelings), was fashionable in Paulo Coelho's books ("Live with feelings!") And soon it became common place In Gestalt therapy.

"Feeling closer to intuition. I do not expect the impossible, I do not say:" Be intuitive "- you can't do it. Right now you can do only one thing - go from the head to the feeling, it will be enough. Then go from the feeling for intuition. It will be very easy. But it's very difficult to move from thinking to intuition. They are not found, they are polar to each other. " - Osho.

The only place where the respect for reason is still preserved and it is proposed to remove the feelings in solving serious issues - this is a business. If you, when solving a question about the placement of shares, you will bring the chief not an analysis of the exchange reports, but you will refer to your inner feelings, from the post of financial advisor you will soon have to go.

The slogan "live feelings" became fashionable when women came to the public scene. Women are perfectly able to live their heads, women are smart and practical, but women like living in feelings, and where they can afford it, they do it. At work, the woman thinks perfectly, is responsible and prudent. But only a SMS from the lover was displayed on the phone, the woman turns off his head and is no longer as smart, but as accepted in women's culture - impulsively, on sails of feelings and emotions. Forming solutions in your business plan, a woman calmly considers risks, but if she has a child sick, her reaction is more often emotional: the head turns off, the alarms and anxiety.

Live feelings or live, including head - two essentially different lifestyles. If a person lives feelings, he lives his good luck through his feelings - through a sense of joy, ease and enthusiasm. If a person lives feelings, then the mistakes performed, he lives through his feelings - through the feeling of guilt, experience, repentance and redemption. So lives a person organism. If a person lives a mind, his life schemon is different: "I thought - I did." Read more: I compreheged, I appreciated, rethought and made the conclusions, set the task, adjusted the behavior, assessed the results, put the following tasks. So there is a reasonable man.

Why do some people live feelings, and others are head? First of all, this is the result of upbringing. As people taught, so they live.

Who lived among those who always included their heads - he was used to live as well. Who lived among those who always lived feelings, for him it became his norm of life. Children and some girls are so accustomed to live feelings that they never come to mind that once you can guide and head.

A certain role is played by age and gender features. Children more often live feelings, adult life involves big role Mind, however, where people can choose their own way of life independently, men are more often guided by a mind, women - feelings.

Against the background of the hormonal storms, turn on the head is really difficult, and if a gentle character is waiting for a girl, rather than a sharp mind, the habit of "turning on the head" can not work out. And turn on the head will be difficult.

Is it difficult to live, turning on your head? Initially, often turn on the head can be difficult, but over time it is becoming easier and easier. On the one hand, the head tends to think always and it becomes natural as well as using a spoon and fork while eating (this is no longer annoying, moreover, without it, it's not even somehow, yes?), On the other hand, In the process of life, many similar situations will gradually be solved by the accumulated templates, automatically. You all do it, but the head is free. See Templates: Harm or Use.

Fragment from the series "Sex in big city": Samantha decided to spin an affair with a rich man. He made her very expensive gifts, but when she saw him naked, Samantha changed his mind and ran away (well, with gifts). In fact, Kidalovo, but because she did not think it did not think, but in Feelings, then ethical claims to her, as it were, no. Well, what do you want from a woman in feelings? - Yes, it is convenient to live feelings, because you can throw out the minds of responsibility and ethics from my head.

Those who do not include head and live feelings are more likely to be in conflicts and other troubles, and if there is at least some reason with age, an understanding comes: "Think useful." However, modern life is designed so that his life is quite possible to live and not including heads, in difficult situations you can just cry, and good relatives and salas will always help in completely difficult situations. The only question is you yourself want to live next to such a person? Will you teach your children to this?

Respect and appreciate the mind, live with your head. Learn to think, more often contact your mind - and to your own mind, and to the mind of the people around you. Does this mean that you need to live without emotion? Of course not! Only distinguish the left and right emotionality. Indeed, there is an impressionability and impulsive response, and there is the power of temperament and emotional expressiveness. The tendency to spill feelings, impressionability and impulsive response - rather a problematic feature and a bad habit that makes people wor on to worry, make stupid purchases and make decisions about whom the person himself, and those who are next to him. This is left emotionality. On the other hand, high emotion energy, expressive gestures and the power of temperament - a useful tool and a successful personality line, because it is easily combined with the rationality of solutions and behavior. This is the right emotionality, it is joyful, useful and excellent.

Smart people with emotions paint life, but in the decision-making situation, emotions can move and turn to the mind.

If your emotions coincide with what you came to your head - excellent, turn on emotions. If the emotions of the head contradict - remove them. It is not obvious that you will always come to the best solutions, but it will not mean that you need to live feelings, but what you need to become more educated person and learn to think better.

Is there any reason? I think no, and even feelings are not able to force to anything reasonable and strong person. I think that a person who is not deprived by the mind, a priori cannot have any debt before feelings, because the sense of debt in itself is imposed more sociable, but a reasonable person, as it seems to me, does not depend on society. So, talking about "debt" in this situation is not quite appropriate. However, if you do not repel from the word "debt", you can try to go deep into the question of whether the feelings need someone who has reasonable, and can the feelings and minds at the same time exist in the life of one person?

Feelings are at the same time joy and grief, euphoria and depression, disappointment and admiration - and together it all makes the happiness of a person if happiness is in principle may somehow interpret. Should a reasonable person be happy, or happiness becomes Rudiment when the mind appears? It seems to me that it should, because to deprive himself with a rare joy and turning life into routine and empty existence can only man can reasonable. However, a lot of examples are known when a person, reaching a certain level of mental development, simply ceased to see the meaning in feelings, was afraid of them or simply did not have the opportunity to enjoy them. This is the power of the mind and paradox of our existence: a person may force himself to do not feel feelings, fear of negative consequences, and maybe even losing the ability to feel the ability to enjoy life and experience satisfaction from it, not wanting.

So it came out with the hero of the novel Jack London "Martin Eden." Martin began his own mental activity Thanks to the feelings: the love of brought up and educated Ruth pushed him to stubborn mental Development: For a year, he completely changed his worldview and turned from a sailor, a representative of the working class, in the educated writer whose works became bestsellers and gained world popularity. However, simultaneously with the development of thinking, the feelings of admiration for the "highest" class, to the bourgeoisie, began to gradually go out and feelings towards Ruth, she no longer seemed inaccessible to the celestial body, and her mental abilities and horizons began to have a completely different color. In other words, Martin was disappointed and disappointed in everything. Having achieved money and glory, having achieved high level mental and creative development, the hero no longer experienced former feelings and emotions and even ceased to experience a zeal for life - it seemed to him that he understood and experienced everything, and, it means, his life will lose all meaning, and, in the future, his own helplessness in this Situations, found a way out only in suicide.

However, a true fool is the one who misses the opportunity to feel, voluntarily eligible for loneliness and misfortune. The main character Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" possessed the so-called "Handrea" - the lack of zeal for life, to communicate, to feelings, to emotions, but he had the opportunity to make more paints in his existence. If the hero responded with the reciprocity of Tatiana, if he decided to accept her feelings and enjoy them, maybe his life would have to have at least some meaning, and maybe he would not do those fatal mistakes from which he later escaped . Should Evgeny have taken advantage of Tatiana, accept her love and, who knows, perhaps to give her a response feeling over time? I think I should have had, however, he understood it too late, which was the tragedy of his life.

Thus, it can be concluded that a sensible person should live feelings if he has such an opportunity, because the feelings are what makes the happiness of a person, but is there any sense to be consciously unhappy? However, the paradox is that together with a mind, "apathy", rejection of the need for feelings, atrophing of emotions, is often coming, and this is the tragedy of some thinking people.

Can a person live without feelings? This question is sooner or later every person arises. Should I replace emotions to mind? In the world you can find thousands of people who believe that it is worth living, including common sense, because so calmer and more stable. Others, on the contrary, do not imagine their lives without constant bright bursts of emotions. As always, truth is somewhere in the middle. Let's find out how to try to balance these two antipodes: rationality and emotionality?


Each person is characteristic of something to fear and doubt something. Cold reason often "helps": protects from tragedies, helps to comprehend complex situations and come to a certain conclusion. Life without feelings will save us from disappointments, but does not allow sincerely rejoice. Can a person live without feelings? Definitely - can not. That we are people to show emotions.

Another thing is that inside us there is constantly struggle between the mind and feelings. A person is not perfect, he is almost every day to think how to do it. Very often we react to a particular situation, guided by generally accepted rules.

For example, if it undoubtedly criticizes the boss, we, as a rule, do not react very violently, and agree or calmly try to justify. With this version of events, the mind wins, which awakens in us unconditionally, the feelings in play an important role, but to be able to control them if necessary - good quality.


Can a person live without feelings? We are not robots, each of us is constantly experiencing a variety of emotions. Mind on this and give people to be able to show emotions. Anger, joy, love, fear, sadness - who are not familiar with all these feelings? The characteristic is very wide and multifaceted. Just people show them differently. Someone immediately splashes all his joy or anger on others, and someone hides their emotions very deeply.

Nowadays, the manifestation of feelings is not considered "fashionable". If the guy sings the song under the balcony of the beloved, then it will rather be called cuisy, not the manifestation of the most sincere feelings. We have become afraid to show our feelings even to the most close people. Very often in pursuit of prosperous life We forget about your emotional state. Many are really trying to hide their feelings as far as possible. In modern society it is believed that the ability to show emotions is a sign of weakness. A person who experiences feelings will always be more vulnerable than a person who has everything is built on the calculation. But at the same time, an emotional person may be happier than rationalist.

Various emotions can bring both great happiness and painful pain. Can a person live without feelings? Can not and should not! If you know how to feel, then you live interesting life. He will be able to rejoice in simple things, do not disappear on trifles and look at the world with optimism. If you can "be friends" with your emotional and rational "I", then definitely achieve harmony and happiness.

For modern man Important, above all, mind. It is on him that we focus, taking important decisions. But how to deal with feelings? After all, they play a certain role in our lives. Should a reasonable person live feelings?

At one of the stages of evolution, people separated from the animal world. This happened, undoubtedly, thanks to the mind. The years have passed, century, millennium. The epochs replaced each other. Civilization did not stand in place. The discovery in science was made, technical innovations appeared, new lands were mastered - the mind moved mankind forward.

However, it is unlikely that our existence would be full, if we were not given away from time to time to the power of a variety of feelings: love and hatred, friendship and hostility, joy and grief, pride and disappointment.

We have an unequal temperament, different characters, unlike fate. And because I. life values Our different. Some people live exclusively by reason, always accepting conscious, weighted solutions. Others got used to listen only to the voice of the heart and intuition.

Many examples of unequal, and sometimes straight opposing relationship For life, we find in the literature.

The mind and mind is the same thing as you think? But on the Vedas - this difference is, and it lies in the area of \u200b\u200bcontrol. Let's figure out, since I think that this post can make you think and rethink a lot.

Physical body

If you take a person and "decompose it on the shelves", then the most coarse component is the material part, namely the physical body.


Over the body (higher in level) there is already a more "advanced part" of a person - these are feelings (vision, rumor, touch ... - Do not confuse with emotions), which controls the body. The senses, depending on the situation, make the body produce certain hormones, accelerate the rhythm of the heart, increase the "combat capacity" of the body, etc. Feelings are directly related to emotions.


Feelings controls the mind, which sends the senses to different objects and events. The mind is a feature of not only a person, but also animals. In addition to controlling the feelings, the mind is inherent in the activities of the adoption or rejection than it is constantly engaged. By the way, the mind itself is not so "smart," since regardless of the consequences, he just does that she is looking for comfort and pleasure, and with all the ways it is trying to avoid pain and unpleasant paths.

Conclusion - the mind through the authorities is looking for only pleasures, without thinking about the consequences.


If the mind had been for a modern man's "Higher Institution", then all of our activities would only come down to eat tasty, to have sex and sleep sweetly, but fortunately for us, there is a "chief inexperience" for us - this is a mind.

The mind controls the mind, which means it controls the whole organism, only with one reservation - if the mind is really developed and strong.

The work of the mind is very similar to the work of the mind - to take or reject, but the difference is that in contrast to the mind, the mind is intended to analyze and evaluate something like this: "Yes, it can be pleasant, but this is not the best solution, since the consequences of this action May be deplorable. Better I will suffer now, but the damage to herself later. "

As you can see, the mind where the faithful mind, he does not go to the feelings, he is a more reasonable boss.

Mind is what we differ from animals.


And a few words about the finest substance of our body - about the soul. The soul is above the mind, actually this is true you.

To live soul - it means to fully rely on "Mind (will) of God," always and everyone (not as emotion), to have a connection with God ...

The soul live enlightened, holy people, the soul lives small children. The soul is not peculiar to egoism, anger and other negative emotions, the soul almost knows everything and looks at the world "without glasses and fog in the head."

To live a soul is the best option of life, but unfortunately, for us, it is very difficult for us, because for this you need to be cleaned from all the negative and abandon a lot of "earth".

As you can see, we all arrange quite difficult (in fact, much more difficult) and in us there is everything to live correctly and happily. But why then do we all live in different ways?

And the thing is that each of us lives according to the scenario of who at the moment "King in the head".

The presence of mind is not a guarantee that he is stronger than the mind. If the mind is strongly developed, then yes, but if not, then the person becomes a "slave of passions."

Let's consider some scenarios for the development of life, depending on whether "Who is in power"

Mind - in power

If the mind is stronger than the mind, then from "sin not to run away." Such a person lives with emotions and is looking for such pleasures as: it is delicious to eat, fuck, more money, etc.

The mind lives by the motto: "Let me now be fine, and there be what will be." This is the path of alcoholism, drug addiction, AIDS and violence. Fortunately, the total power of the mind is a very rare phenomenon, since the mind, although in varying degreesStill also has its own strength and interferes with each situation.

Mind or "Right King in the head"

As I have already written above, "live soul" is the best of the options of life, but for most of us today, it is still very difficult, and the closest, the highest step of spiritual development - will be the life of mind.

Strong mind is much better than a strong mind. Thanks to the mind you can avoid many mistakes, they say about such: "He has a king in his head." If the mind is developed, a person does not go to feelings, does not give a mind to go on the destructive way to find pleasures, and takes all this under control, trying to take the right decision.

Live soul - it lives with God

The mind is cool, but without a soul, it's just a computer for making logical solutions. And even though most of us before enlightenment are far behind, it does not mean that the soul does not interfere in the choice of each act. No matter how the identity was developed, but the voice of the conscience (soul) is peculiar to every person, although in varying degrees.

Live with soul enlightened people, to such a lifetime we must strive for us. To live a soul is to live with God, in God, according to His commandments. This is life without suffering, and if I'm more accurate, then I will say this: this is a life where physical suffering is almost nothing to mean, because you feel in such a state that you feel yourself with a rapid part of the world's ocean of life.

You lost in thoughts?

After reading my little, simplified excursion about the mind hierarchy, reason, feelings and souls, you already probably thought about such simple, but very important for each of us questions: "So who is now from the kings in your head? Which of them have real power in your today's life? " .

But the answer to the question: "What to do to jump higher on" one step ", for example, with the power of the mind for the power of mind?" - That is already the topic of the following posts.

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