Concentration camp during the Second World War. The most terrible concentration camps of Nazi Germany

One of the most famous biologists, evolutionist Charles Darwin, suggested that due to the action of such a law as “ natural selection" It lies in the fact that only those individuals who are most adapted to life survive, and those less adapted die, accordingly. But there are cases that are difficult to believe in, much less fit under the mentioned Darwinian theory. Thus, history includes , which are not associated either with the struggle for existence or with other Darwinian laws. Here are the most ridiculous deaths that have ever befallen people of different ages and genders.

Death without a reason is a sign of being among the top most unexpected deaths

As you know, death does not happen without a reason, because something always gets in the way of a person’s life and interrupts it in an instant - either illness, or age, or other reasons. But there are cases where a person lost his life due to an absurd coincidence of circumstances, which in itself can be considered an unfair outcome. And at the same time, people died not just due to an accident, this is something more than simple absurdity. Such stupid deaths are presented in our top. All the cases described deserve a Darwin Award for the story with the most ridiculous ending.

The technical breakthrough of the 19th century - the telephone - can play a cruel joke on a person

Who would have thought that one of the most common means of communication, invented by man, could harm him. And this is not about electromagnetic radiation from mobile devices, and from negative influence landline telephone on human fate. Thus, the life of a twenty-year-old girl, Julia, was cut short during telephone conversation with a girlfriend. And the fault was due to her brother’s weak nerves, who one fine day could not stand his sister’s empty chatter on the phone.

Without any embarrassment, he snatched the phone from his sister’s hands. Unfortunately, this was followed by completely inappropriate actions young man, who inflicted several blows on his own sister with this same telephone, and after that he also hit her with a telephone antenna. Naturally, from such injuries the girl died on the spot, without completing her next, seemingly ordinary, telephone conversation.

“I’ll die laughing” is not such a sarcastic phrase, as the wife of an ordinary American was convinced of.

This sad one happened a little less than 40 years ago in one of the American states. Alex Mitchell loved watching TV, enjoying every episode of his favorite TV shows. And it was while watching another show on the BBC that he died. But the reason for this was not some heart attack or other banal illness, but laughter. Yes, it was from laughter that this 50-year-old merry fellow died.

The man was so carried away by watching the program and so imbued with subtle humor that he could not stand the stress of prolonged uninterrupted laughter and died. For the wife of this poor man, the death of her husband was a real shock, because she could not get enough of his interest in life and programs. For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that in the last program Alex saw there was nothing bad, only selected American jokes. For this, Alex’s wife thanked the editors of the TV show and the BBC channel in a letter, because thanks to them, Alex died from the most pleasant activity - laughter.

Skydiving and excessive desire together do not always give the desired result

This incident, which happened not so long ago, can easily claim a Darwin Award as one of the most ridiculous ways to die. American Ivan McGuire died from his own absent-mindedness. Note that this case cannot be called suicide, because Ivan’s goal was not to say goodbye to life, but only to experience the pleasure of free fall. This pleasure was the last in the life of the American.

So, a brave skydiver, who had already dealt with jumps from great heights many times, decided to get new impressions and at the same time capture them on a video camera, and therefore added a mobile camera to his equipment. When the preparations were completed and the plane reached the required altitude, Ivan jumped out and began filming the free flight. However, this brave guy was not destined to land successfully, because he found nothing at the site of the parachute ring. And he didn’t find a parachute behind his back either. Therefore, a fatal mistake in collecting the supplies necessary for the flight cost him his life.

Plane crash in Belgian

Military aircraft are the love of all boys who adore miniature fighter models. One of these airplane lovers included an 18-year-old Belgian who died from his childhood hobby. So, the guy in one of the sunny days was in his own house on the farm, and, as is usually the case, there were no signs of trouble. And it would not have happened if it had not been for a breakdown in the Polish fighter, which became uncontrollable during one of the training flights.

The plane's pilot ejected in time, leaving the plane without any control. And the plane “miraculously” flew about another hundred kilometers and fell on the house of a Belgian farmer more than 100 kilometers from its takeoff site.

Conforming to your social status is not always useful

What could be better than having the status of respected person in the country? Probably nothing. But the Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha miscalculated his strength, recklessly taking on the burden of the country's leader. As often happens, the president becomes a person who has already achieved many heights in life and is of considerable age. So is Abacha - his youth has long passed, but the desire to feel young remains.

Therefore, the dictator abused the use of Viagra in large quantities in order to feel fresh and fresh during intimate games with young girls, even for an hour. full of energy. But one day the next dose of the stimulant became the last, because the heart could not withstand such a load.

Ridiculous deaths as a result of people's rash actions

There are also cases in which a person is the result of stupid actions that a person commits. The examples below teach us caution, because we must always remember that our actions and even thoughts can lead to unexpected and not always desired consequences.

Outburst of anger as a cause of death

Surely anger becomes the cause of many troubles, and deaths in particular. This is due to the fact that in a fit of anger a person cannot control himself and will stop. And exactly excess emotions makes, which can even turn a person’s life upside down, and in some cases, take it away. Jack Daniels, known as the founder of one of the most popular and best distilleries in the world, died precisely because he showed excessive aggression towards his own safe. One day, in his office, Jack tried to open the safe where his savings were located.

But the man could not remember the invented password for the combination lock. As a result, Jack kicked the safe quite hard, causing him to cut himself. Daniels later discovered that the leg had become infected, which was the cause of the death of the famous winemaker.

Passion for what you love is not always good for life

Not many people know about this, because those who faced a problem similar to the one that happened to Alan Pinkerton are long dead. Alan Pinkerton was one of the most famous detectives who founded his own agency. His love for mysterious stories and unraveling various crimes and ruined a person. So, one of the ordinary cases that the detective investigated became Alan’s last. His death was caused by him slipping on the sidewalk while spying on an alleged criminal. Having slipped, Alan bit his tongue, causing an infection there, which became the true cause of death.

A true story with more than a century of exposure

France is a country of romantics and true masters of winemaking. It is not surprising that at the beginning of the 20th century there was a certain shortage of inventors here. But some of those who worked in France at that time were able to become outstanding scientists, the pride of the country. Unfortunately, Franz Richel cannot be counted among them, who invented a new type of clothing - a parachute raincoat. Franz decided to try this invention on himself by jumping from Eiffel Tower. As a result, the cloak did not open.

Death on the job is a very common occurrence.

But not this time. The story that happened to Masaki Nakamura is certainly out of the ordinary. This man was a construction crane operator. Once, while performing a regular task, a specialist accidentally touched high-voltage lines. The current was instantly transmitted through the metal base of the tap to Masaki himself, which was the cause of death.

Would-be robber: death from one's own stupidity

The hero of this true story is very similar, in his “professionalism,” to the heroes of the well-known film “Home Alone.” Thus, the robber James Eliot was unable to cope with the excitement during a bank robbery in Great Britain, and was killed with his own revolver.

Moreover, he was killed by his own shot. So, the would-be robber was unable to fire a shot at the hostage, so he decided to test the weapon by pointing the muzzle of the revolver at himself. Pressing the trigger a second time, the shot took place.

Video about the most ridiculous deaths


This top contains the stupidest and most ridiculous deaths that have ever happened to people. and at the same time it’s terrible that this is not all fiction, but reality and people really suffered either from their own stupidity, or from fatal coincidence circumstances. Knowing about the most unusual deaths in the history of mankind, you can hope that you will not do such stupid things again!

All people are mortal, and for everyone death comes at the hour appointed by fate. No one can predict in advance the moment of his death. Sometimes it comes suddenly, and there are cases when a terminally ill person waits for years for his departure, praying to the Almighty to quickly take him to heaven.

However, the most offensive are the absurd, awkward deaths, when death occurs as a result of a combination of circumstances that can sometimes cause not regret, but an involuntary smile or bewilderment. We present to your attention the rating of the most ridiculous deaths. Moreover, their reasons are so banal that when we learn about them, we simply shrug our shoulders in bewilderment. For example, death can occur from excessive laughter, anxiety during online games, sewage, etc.

  1. John Kendrick was shot down during a fireworks display in his honor in 1794.
  2. In 1923, Martha Mansfield died when a match she lit unsuccessfully fell on her dress, it quickly ignited, and Martha was burned in her own dress.
  3. Despite the fact that there is an opinion that laughter prolongs life, merry fellow Mitchell laughed so loudly at a joke in a comedy series that he died from
  4. Perhaps Langley Collier didn't know that nothing good can come from trash. Over the years, he collected discarded items, old newspapers and magazines. In 1947, he stumbled in his apartment, grabbed something sticking out of a pile of rubbish, and years of garbage fell on his head. He was left lying crushed by stacks of newspapers and magazines, and was never able to free himself from under them.
  5. Many children are told by their parents that it is harmful computer games, but they don’t believe them, but young healthy guys Jeff Daly and Peter Bukowski died at the slot machines after achieving a record in the Berserk game.
  6. Tennessee Williams died after swallowing a bottle cap while trying to drink water straight from the bottle. Here is another example of an uncivil act.
  7. Hrand Arakelyan - The driver was crushed by 10 kg boxes of quarters when he slammed on the brakes and the boxes fell on him.
  8. Once upon a time in South America A tourist from the United States found himself in the midst of a swarm of bees, and to escape the stings he jumped into the river, where bloodthirsty piranhas were found, which caused his death.
  9. A young gymnast at a party on the occasion of her birthday began jumping on the sofa near the open window, and became so excited that she flew out the window and fell from a height of the sixth floor.
  10. However, the most ridiculous death - This is the case that happened to a resident of the German city of Bonn, Peter Gruber. One day he entered the Art Museum for the purpose of robbery. However, the guards came running in response to the noise, and he had to flee. Turning a corner, he came across a sword in the hands of one of the exhibits, which pierced him to death. By the way, this sword was called “Weapon of Justice”.

Another that can rightfully top the rating is called “The most ridiculous death” - the “unintentional” murder of three starving Sudanese during a charity event. The Belgian pilots, who were delivering cargo to Sudan, began to drop boxes with cargo at the intended location, but there were three aborigines who were not visible from the height of the plane, and they, unfortunately, were crushed humanitarian aid, which was supposed to save them from starvation.

The most ridiculous death of 2013

The case of a 23-year-old Chinese woman last year can be called the most ridiculous fatal accident. This time, the cause of the girl’s death was an ordinary iPhone. She died while answering the phone. The smartphone was charging at the time. According to experts, this is not only the most ridiculous death, but also the most relevant, so do not ignore the warnings that you should never use your phone while it is connected to the charger.


Of course, many of these cases would be just funny if they didn't end in death. Therefore, in order to avoid accidents, people simply need to be at least a little more careful and prudent.

As a rule, laws are written in order to regulate the lives of people in a particular country. But among thousands of routine laws, there are, to put it mildly, inadequate ones. This material contains 10 wonderful laws that operate in different countries In fact.

1. It is forbidden to play snowballs

In the state of Arizona and the city of Topeka, snowball fights are prohibited. Authorities believe the game is aggressive and dangerous. Therefore, on snowy days, police are on duty on the streets, ready to fine violators.

2. Share your Netflix password

In 2011, the governor of Tennessee signed a law that prohibits sharing the password for the Netflix entertainment resource with people who are not relatives. Violation of the ban is equivalent to theft.

3. It is forbidden to shoot Bigfoot

In Skymenia County, Washington, it is strictly prohibited to shoot or even point a weapon at a yeti. So if you meet Bigfoot In the US, it's better to run, but don't shoot.

4. Don't collect rainwater

In some US states, rainwater harvesting is illegal. Thus, in the states of Utah, Colorado and Washington it is prohibited to collect rainwater for your own needs. According to the authorities, the rain belongs to someone and its collection is a kind of theft.

5. It is forbidden to sell cucumbers that are not crunchy.

In Connecticut, it is illegal to sell pickled cucumbers that do not have a crunch. There is even a special commission that ensures that all cucumbers are firm and crispy.

6. It is forbidden to keep a goldfish

In 2004, the city of Monza in Italy passed a law prohibiting the keeping of goldfish in aquariums. According to authorities, fish living in aquariums have a distorted view of the world and suffer in captivity.

7. Children should not be given strange names.

Danish authorities are strict about how parents name their children. Unusual, funny and also religious names are prohibited. To make it easier for parents, a special commission created a list of 7,000 names that they are allowed to call their children.

8. It is forbidden to wear high heels

In the city of Carmel, California, women are prohibited from wearing high heels within the city limits. The permissible heel length is 5 centimeters and below.

9. It is forbidden to give change in small change.

In Canada, it is illegal to give change in large quantities of coins. In addition, melting down coins is strictly punishable by the state.

10. Businessmen are prohibited from being overweight

Japan takes the problem of overweight urban residents seriously. So, in 2008, a law came into force that obliges all companies and municipalities to annually measure the waist size of their employees. There is also a law prohibiting overweight people from doing business.

1. Bathing in liquid nitrogen

One of our young citizens, having decided to amaze his girlfriend with the phenomenal properties of his body, got hold of a canister of liquid nitrogen somewhere. He saw an experiment on the Internet or on TV: a person dips his hand in liquid nitrogen, and it remains unharmed. But unreasonableness or poor memory let our hero down - he missed one essential detail. The one who conducted such an experiment first wetted his hand with water, which served as a barrier between nitrogen and the skin.
The candidate for the award invited his beloved to visit, rolled up his sleeve and, counting to three, put his upper limb into a container of liquid nitrogen. He didn't last long.
When the pain became unbearable, the hero pulled his hand out, but was unsuccessful. The container tipped over onto his crotch and very quickly froze everything there.

2. Forty-seven-year-old Ken Charles Barger from Newton, North Carolina. At night he was awakened by a telephone call. Woke up, instead of the telephone receiver, Ken grabbed the thirty-eight caliber Smith & Wesson lying next to him, brought it to his ear and mechanically pulled the trigger.

3. An equally ridiculous and tragic story happened to a Los Angeles resident who was about to make repairs on the roof of his house. Being a prudent man, he prudently took care of insurance and tied himself with a rope, the second end of which he had previously tied to the bumper of a car parked in the yard. But I forgot to warn my wife about this. And just at that time she decided to go shopping, got behind the wheel and abruptly pulled away. The poor husband was torn off the roof and dragged on a rope behind the car to the first store where his wife stopped.

Surgeons managed to save the victim. But the story of his misfortunes did not end there. In honor of her husband's return from the hospital, the wife decided to throw a small party. Before the guests, who were smokers, arrived, she decided to fill the lighters with gasoline. She did this over the toilet, where a lot of gasoline spilled. Immediately after the hostess, the suffering husband came into the toilet with a cigarette, sat down comfortably, unfolded his favorite magazine and habitually threw the cigarette butt into the toilet. There was an explosion, as a result of which the poor man received extensive burns, which, as doctors say, turned out to be incompatible with life.

4. Botany from California led to the death of love for nature. Located in a nature reserve on a rocky coast Atlantic Ocean, a nature lover, in order not to pollute the soil with waste from his body, tried to urinate from a cliff into the sea. Unable to stand on the edge, he fell down a two-hundred-meter cliff and died.

5. The future nominee came to the doctor with a scrotum that had swollen to the size of a small watermelon. X-ray examination showed that the usual contents of the scrotum were absent, that is, the “contribution from the gene pool of humanity” had already been removed, but in its place there were 82 metal clips driven into the skin. It turned out that this elderly farmer from the American state of Arizona was engaged in self-satisfaction with the help of the drive belts of a switched-on band saw, whose teeth ripped open his scrotum. Everything that was in it fell out, after which the farmer, without losing his presence of mind, patched up the cut scrotum with paper clips.

6. The man drank well. He goes home, hears footsteps behind him, turns around and receives a strong blow... with a club to the head. With a broken skull, he still gets up and moves on. A block away, he is hit by a speeding motorcyclist and breaks his arm. The poor fellow somehow gets home, but there he falls from the porch and breaks both legs. The next morning his wife found him already dead. The medical expert’s conclusion was written: “Death occurred as a result of poisoning with low-quality alcohol.”

7. Deadly feather
In 2009, a middle-aged woman was taking a walk in the mountains when she saw a light feather on the ground in front of her. She bent down to pick it up, but a gust of wind picked up the feather and carried it towards the fence. Instead of continuing on her way, the woman rushed to catch a feather. As a result, she fell from a 300-meter height and died the next day from a traumatic brain injury.

All that remains is to ask: what about the feather, did she catch it?

8. The would-be parachutist

Back in 2000, after watching enough James Bond films, Augusto Lakandula boarded a plane in Davao City, Philippines, with a well-thought-out plan to rob the passengers on board.

After getting past security, he carried a homemade parachute, several grenades and a gun on board.

On the plane, he successfully robbed 300 passengers of $25,000 and then demanded the pilot lower the plane to 6,000 feet so he could make the jump.

They helped him jump out of the plane, but at the last moment he mistakenly threw a ring into the cockpit instead of a grenade. Moreover, his parachute did not open, it did not work at all.

The would-be robber was found buried in a heap with only his hands sticking out. By the way, there was no money on him.

9. Unbreakable glass

Canadian Harry Hoy was one of the best and brightest lawyers in a Toronto firm. He often amused himself by frightening his colleagues and visitors by demonstrating the strength of his office windows.
To do this, he ran at the window, proving its strength. On his 24th attempt, he still managed to break through the glass and make a fatal jump.

10. Death in the Sink

It is known that you can drown even in a puddle. Something similar happened to one of the residents of Austria.

Having taken a fair amount of alcohol, he wanted to leave the house, but for some reason he could not open the door. The only way to leave the house is through a small window in the kitchen.

The unfortunate man got stuck in it, and his head ended up in the sink. He was so drunk that he couldn't turn off the water and choked. The keys to the apartment were in his pocket.

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