Emission of gases for isotope separation. Isotopic separation

This nondescript gray cylinder is the key link in the Russian nuclear industry. It doesn’t look very presentable, of course, but once you understand its purpose and look at the technical characteristics, you begin to understand why the secret of its creation and design is protected by the state like the apple of its eye.

Here is a gas centrifuge for separating uranium isotopes VT-3F (nth generation). The principle of operation is elementary, like a milk separator; the heavy is separated from the light under the influence of centrifugal force. So what is its significance and uniqueness?

First, let's answer another question - in general, why separate uranium?
Natural uranium, which lies directly in the ground, is a cocktail of two isotopes: uranium-238 And uranium-235(and 0.0054% U-234).

Uran-238- it's just heavy, gray metal. You can use it to make an artillery shell, or... a keychain. But what can be made from uranium-235? Well, firstly, an atomic bomb, and secondly, fuel for nuclear power plants. And here we come to the key question - how to separate these two, almost identical atoms, from each other? No, really HOW?!

By the way: The radius of the nucleus of a uranium atom is -1.5 10-8 cm.
In order for uranium atoms to be driven into the technological chain, it (uranium) must be converted into a gaseous state. There is no point in boiling, it is enough to combine uranium with fluorine and get uranium hexafluoride HFC. The technology for its production is not very complicated and expensive, and therefore HFC they get it right where this uranium is mined. UF6 is the only highly volatile uranium compound (when heated to 53°C, the hexafluoride directly transforms from a solid to a gaseous state). Then it is pumped into special containers and sent for enrichment.

UF6 is the only highly volatile uranium compound (when heated to 53°C, the hexafluoride directly transforms from a solid to a gaseous state). Then it is pumped into special containers and sent for enrichment.

A little history

At the very beginning of the nuclear race, the greatest scientific minds of both the USSR and the USA mastered the idea of ​​diffusion separation - passing uranium through a sieve. Small 235th the isotope will slip through, and the “fat” 238th will get stuck. Moreover, making a sieve with nano-holes for Soviet industry in 1946 was not the most difficult task.

From the report of Isaac Konstantinovich Kikoin at the Scientific and Technical Council under the Council People's Commissars(given in a collection of declassified materials on the USSR atomic project (Ed. Ryabev)): Currently, we have learned to make meshes with holes of about 5/1,000 mm, i.e. 50 times greater than the free path of molecules at atmospheric pressure. Consequently, the gas pressure at which the separation of isotopes on such grids will occur must be less than 1/50 of atmospheric pressure. In practice, we assume to work at a pressure of about 0.01 atmospheres, i.e. under good vacuum conditions. Calculations show that to obtain a product enriched to a concentration of 90% with a light isotope (this concentration is sufficient to obtain explosive), you need to connect about 2,000 such stages in a cascade. In the machine we are designing and partially manufacturing, it is expected to produce 75-100 g of uranium-235 per day. The installation will consist of approximately 80-100 “columns”, each of which will have 20-25 stages installed.”

Beria's report to Stalin on the preparation of the first atomic explosion. Below is a short information about the nuclear materials produced by the beginning of the summer of 1949.

And now imagine for yourself - 2000 hefty installations, for the sake of just 100 grams! Well, what to do with it, we need bombs. And they began to build factories, and not just factories, but entire cities. And okay, only the cities, these diffusion plants required so much electricity that they had to build separate power plants nearby.

In the photo: the world's first gas diffusion uranium enrichment plant K-25 in Oak Ridge (USA). Construction cost $500 million. The length of the U-shaped building is about half a mile.

In the USSR, the first stage D-1 of plant No. 813 was designed for a total output of 140 grams of 92-93% uranium-235 per day at 2 cascades of 3100 separation stages identical in power. An unfinished aircraft plant in the village of Verkh-Neyvinsk, 60 km from Sverdlovsk, was allocated for production. Later it turned into Sverdlovsk-44, and the 813th plant into the Ural Electrochemical Plant - the world's largest separation plant.

The Ural Electrochemical Plant is the world's largest separation plant.

And although the technology of diffusion separation, albeit with great technological difficulties, was debugged, the idea of ​​​​developing a more economical centrifuge process did not leave the agenda. After all, if we manage to create a centrifuge, then energy consumption will be reduced from 20 to 50 times!

How does a centrifuge work?

Its structure is more than elementary and looks like an old washing machine operating in the “spin/dry” mode. The rotating rotor is located in a sealed casing. Gas is supplied to this rotor (UF6). Due to the centrifugal force, hundreds of thousands of times greater than the Earth’s gravitational field, the gas begins to separate into “heavy” and “light” fractions. Light and heavy molecules begin to group in different zones of the rotor, but not in the center and along the perimeter, but at the top and bottom. This occurs due to convection currents - the rotor cover is heated and a counterflow of gas occurs. There are two small intake tubes installed at the top and bottom of the cylinder. A lean mixture enters the lower tube, and a mixture with a higher concentration of atoms enters the upper tube. 235U. This mixture goes into the next centrifuge, and so on, until the concentration 235th uranium will not reach the desired value. A chain of centrifuges is called a cascade.

How does a centrifuge work?

Technical features

Well, firstly, the rotation speed of the modern generation of centrifuges reaches 2000 rpm (I don’t even know what to compare it with... 10 times faster than a turbine in an aircraft engine)! And it has been working non-stop for THREE DECADES! Those. Now centrifuges, turned on under Brezhnev, are rotating in cascades! The USSR no longer exists, but they keep spinning and spinning. It is not difficult to calculate that during its working cycle the rotor makes 2,000,000,000,000 (two trillion) revolutions. And what bearing will withstand this? Yes, none! There are no bearings there. The rotor itself is an ordinary top, at the bottom it has a strong needle resting on a corundum bearing, and the upper end hangs in a vacuum, being held electromagnetic field. The needle is also not simple, made from ordinary wire for piano strings, it is tempered in a very cunning way (like GT). It is not difficult to imagine that with such a frantic rotation speed, the centrifuge itself must be not just durable, but extremely durable.

Academician Joseph Friedlander recalls:“They could have shot me three times. Once, when we had already received the Lenin Prize, there was a major accident, the lid of the centrifuge flew off. The pieces scattered and destroyed other centrifuges. A radioactive cloud rose. We had to stop the entire line - a kilometer of installations! At Sredmash, General Zverev commanded the centrifuges; before the atomic project, he worked in Beria’s department. The general at the meeting said: “The situation is critical. The country’s defense is under threat. If we don’t quickly rectify the situation, the year 1937 will repeat for you.” And immediately closed the meeting. Then we completely came up with new technology with a completely isotropic uniform cover structure, but very complex installations were required. Since then, these types of lids have been produced. There were no more troubles. There are 3 enrichment plants in Russia and many hundreds of thousands of centrifuges.”

In the photo: tests of the first generation of centrifuges.

The rotor housings were also initially made of metal, until they were replaced by... carbon fiber. Lightweight and extremely tensile, it is an ideal material for a rotating cylinder.

UEIP General Director (2009-2012) Alexander Kurkin recalls:“It was getting ridiculous. When they were testing and checking a new, more “resourceful” generation of centrifuges, one of the employees did not wait for the rotor to stop completely, disconnected it from the cascade and decided to carry it by hand to the stand. But instead of moving forward, no matter how hard he resisted, he, hugging this cylinder, began to move backward. So we saw with our own eyes that the earth rotates, and the gyroscope is a great force.”

Who invented it?

Oh, it's a mystery, wrapped in mystery and shrouded in suspense. Here you will find captured German physicists, the CIA, SMERSH officers and even the downed spy pilot Powers. In general, the principle of a gas centrifuge was described at the end of the 19th century.
Even at the dawn of the Atomic Project, Viktor Sergeev, an engineer at the Special Design Bureau of the Kirov Plant, proposed a centrifuge separation method, but at first his colleagues did not approve of his idea. In parallel, scientists from defeated Germany struggled to create a separation centrifuge at a special research institute-5 in Sukhumi: Dr. Max Steenbeck, who worked as a leading engineer at Siemens under Hitler, and former Luftwaffe mechanic, graduate of the University of Vienna, Gernot Zippe. In total, the group included about 300 “exported” physicists.

Alexey Kaliteevsky, General Director of Centrotech-SPb CJSC, Rosatom State Corporation, recalls:“Our experts came to the conclusion that the German centrifuge is absolutely unsuitable for industrial production. Steenbeck's apparatus did not have a system for transferring the partially enriched product to the next stage. It was proposed to cool the ends of the lid and freeze the gas, and then defrost it, collect it and put it into the next centrifuge. That is, the scheme is inoperative. However, the project had several very interesting and unusual technical solutions. These “interesting and unusual solutions” were combined with the results obtained by Soviet scientists, in particular with the proposals of Viktor Sergeev. Relatively speaking, our compact centrifuge is one-third the fruit of German thought, and two-thirds Soviet.” By the way, when Sergeev came to Abkhazia and expressed his thoughts about the selection of uranium to the same Steenbeck and Zippe, Steenbeck and Zippe dismissed them as unrealizable.

So, what did Sergeev come up with?

And Sergeev’s proposal was to create gas selectors in the form of pitot tubes. But Dr. Steenbeck, who, as he believed, had eaten his teeth on this topic, was categorical: “They will slow down the flow, cause turbulence, and there will be no separation!” Years later, while working on his memoirs, he would regret it: “An idea worthy of coming from us! But it never occurred to me...”
Later, once outside the USSR, Steenbeck no longer worked with centrifuges. But before leaving for Germany, Geront Zippe had the opportunity to get acquainted with a prototype of Sergeev’s centrifuge and the ingeniously simple principle of its operation. Once in the West, “the cunning Zippe,” as he was often called, patented the centrifuge design under his own name (patent No. 1071597 of 1957, declared in 13 countries). In 1957, having moved to the USA, Zippe built a working installation there, reproducing Sergeev’s prototype from memory. And he called it, let’s pay tribute, “Russian centrifuge.”

By the way, Russian engineering has shown itself in many other cases. An example is a simple emergency shut-off valve. There are no sensors, detectors or electronic circuits. There is only a samovar faucet, which touches the cascade frame with its petal. If something goes wrong and the centrifuge changes its position in space, it simply turns and closes the inlet line. It's like the joke about an American pen and a Russian pencil in space.

Having moved to the USA, Zippe built a working installation there, reproducing Sergeev’s prototype from memory. And he called it “Russian centrifuge”.

Our days

This week the author of these lines attended significant event- closure of the Russian office of US Department of Energy observers under contract HEU-LEU. This deal (highly enriched uranium - low enriched uranium) was, and remains, the largest nuclear energy agreement between Russia and America. Under the terms of the contract, Russian nuclear scientists processed 500 tons of our weapons-grade (90%) uranium into fuel (4%) HFCs for American nuclear power plants. Revenues for 1993-2009 amounted to 8.8 billion US dollars. This was the logical outcome of the technological breakthrough of our nuclear scientists in the field of isotope separation, made in post-war years.

Thanks to centrifuges, we have obtained thousands of tons of relatively cheap, both military and commercial product. The nuclear industry, one of the few remaining ( military aviation, space), where Russia holds undisputed primacy. Foreign orders alone for ten years in advance (from 2013 to 2022), Rosatom’s portfolio excluding the contract HEU-LEU is 69.3 billion dollars. In 2011 it exceeded 50 billion.

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Atomic energy for military purposes Smith Henry Dewolf

Chapter X. Separation of uranium isotopes by diffusion


10.1. In February 1940, small amounts of concentrated fractions of three isotopes of uranium with mass numbers 234, 235 and 238 were obtained by A. O. Nir using a mass spectrometer and transferred to E. T. Booth, A. von Grosse and J. R. Dunning for study using the Columbia University cyclotron. These scientists soon showed that it was the U-235 isotope that was capable of fission under the influence of thermal neutrons. Naturally, therefore, this group, led by Dunning, began to work more than ever on the separation of uranium isotopes on a large scale.

10.2. The diffusion method appears to have been first seriously considered by Dunning in a note to J.B. Pegram, which was forwarded to L.J. Briggs in the fall of 1940. This note summarized the preliminary research that had been carried out by E. T. Booth, A. von Grosse and J. R. Duning. The work was accelerated in 1941 by financial assistance stipulated by the contract, which G. K. Jury received from Navy to study isotope separation, mainly by centrifugation. During this period, F.J. Slack (Vanderbilt University) and W. F. Liby ( University of California) joined the group.

The OSRD contract (OEMsr-106), which was previously concluded specifically for the study of diffusion, came into force on July 1, 1941 for a period of 1 year. Work continued on an ever-increasing scale under a series of OSRD and Army contracts until the late spring of 1945. Dunning was directly responsible for this work until May 1943. Yuri was in charge statistical methods isotope separation in general. From this time until February 1945, Urey was the direct leader of that part of the work on diffusion that was carried out at Columbia University; Dunning remained in charge of one of the main sections of this work.

On March 1, 1945, the laboratory was taken over from Columbia University by the Carbide and Carbon Chemical Corporation. In early 1942, at the suggestion of E.W. Murphree, M.W. Kellog Co. To complete the entire enterprise, a new subsidiary was formed called Kellex Corporation. In January 1943, responsibility for the plant's operations was transferred to the Carbide and Carbon Chemical Corporation.

10.3. As noted in Chapter IV, at the end of 1941 it was proven, in principle, that it was possible to separate uranium hexafluoride using a single-stage diffusion installation with a porous partition (for example, a filter made by etching thin zinc-silver alloy foil with hydrochloric acid). Much work has been done on baffles and pumps, but no answer has been found that is entirely satisfactory for operation on a production scale. Along with this, K. Cohen began a series of theoretical studies, to which we have already referred, regarding which way of using the diffusion process is the best, i.e., how many stages may be required, what is the total required area of ​​​​the partitions, what volume of gas should circulate etc. Theoretical studies and development of the process diagram by M. Benedict greatly increased our knowledge in this field and served as the basis for the design of a large plant.

10.4. Information received from England and the visit of an English group in the winter of 1941–1942 illuminated a number of points. At this time, the British themselves were designing a diffusion separation plant, so the discussion with F. Simon, R. Peierls and others was especially valuable.

From the book Prometheus Unchained author Snegov Sergey Alexandrovich

From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 3 [Physics, chemistry and technology. History and archaeology. Miscellaneous] author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

From the book Five Unsolved Problems of Science by Wiggins Arthur

Particle Fragments, or Difficult Separation Scientists desperately needed equipment to study these new particles, but cosmic rays were too unreliable due to such wide differences in their energy, and there was no way of knowing where to expect them from. In the early 1930s

From the book Nuclear Energy for Military Purposes author Smith Henry Dewolf

ISOTOPES SEPARATION SMALL SCALE SEPARATION USING MASS SPECTROGRAPH4.29. In Chapter I it was stated that as a result of the partial separation of small quantities of uranium isotopes in the mass spectrograph A.O. Nir and studying the nuclear properties of the samples, it was found that

From the book Course in the History of Physics author Stepanovich Kudryavtsev Pavel

Chapter IX. General consideration of the issue of isotope separation 9.1. Possibility of production atomic bomb from U-235 was installed before. how plutonium was discovered. Since it had long been clear that the separation of uranium isotopes would be the direct and main step in the production of such a bomb,

From the book Prince from the Land of Clouds author Galfar Christophe

FACTORS AFFECTING ISOTOPE SEPARATION 9.2. By definition, isotopes of an element differ in their masses, but not chemical properties. More precisely, although the masses of the nuclei of isotopes and their structure are different, the charges of the nuclei are the same, and therefore the outer electron shells

From the book 50 years of Soviet physics author Leshkovtsev Vladimir Alekseevich

OTHER METHODS OF ISOTOPE SEPARATION 9.31. In addition to the isotope separation methods described above, several others have also been tested. The ion mobility method, as the name indicates, is based on the following fact. In an electrolyte solution, two ions, chemically identical,

From the author's book

ISOTOPE SEPARATION AND PLUTONIUM PRODUCTION 9.44. Most important methods The isotope separations that have been described were known in principle and used in practice before the task of separating uranium isotopes became of paramount importance. These methods are not

From the author's book

THE PROBLEM OF ISOTOPE SEPARATION ON AN INDUSTRIAL SCALE INTRODUCTION10.9. By the time the Atomic Bomb Project was reorganized in December 1941, the theory of isotope separation by gaseous diffusion was well developed. Therefore, it was possible to formulate technical problems, with

From the author's book

Chapter XI. Electromagnetic separation of uranium isotopes INTRODUCTION 11.1. In Chapter IV we said that the possibility of separating uranium isotopes on a large scale by electromagnetic methods was predicted in late 1941 by E. A. Lawrence (University of California) and G. D. Smith

From the author's book

Appendix 3. Delayed neutrons during the fission of uranium As noted in Chapter VI, control of the boiler is greatly facilitated due to the fact that part of the neutrons released during the fission of uranium is emitted only after more than one second has passed from the moment of fission. Important

From the author's book

The beginning of nuclear energy. Discovery of isotopes In the post-war years, research in nuclear physics, interrupted by the war, was resumed. In Cambridge, D. D. Thomson continued his research on positive rays, which had begun before the war. D. Thomson worked with a discharge tube, in

From the author's book

Fission of uranium Let us dwell on the history of this discovery. It was the end of a whole series of searches and errors. Soon after Fermi's report on transuranium elements, the German chemist Ida Noddack published an article in a chemical journal in which she indicated that under

From the author's book

Chapter 8 Thick smoke pouring out of the chimneys mixed with the cool and damp dawn air. Snowmen were stationed at all intersections in the center of the White Capital. They looked less like law enforcement officers and more like occupation troops. Tristam and Tom in

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Chapter 15 They walked for a long time, maybe several hours. Tristam walked silently behind Waking and Myrtil, catching snippets of their conversation. So, he heard that most of the pilots from the White Capital, in the lieutenant’s opinion, should have been saved and not even suffered too much: they were all

From the author's book

SPONTANEOUS FISSION OF URANIUM NUCLEI AND THE POSSIBILITY OF A CHAIN ​​PROCESS In 1934, Italian physicist Enrico Fermi first irradiated uranium with newly discovered neutrons in the hope of increasing the mass of the original nuclei and obtaining elements with a higher atomic weight than uranium. Results

Is it true, you say, that no one needs natural uranium? Let's look at consumption.

Currently, the following types of enriched uranium are in demand in the world:

  • 1. Natural uranium (0.712%). Heavy water reactors (PHWRs) such as CANDU
  • 2. Weakly enriched uranium (2-3%, 4-5%). Water-graphite-zirconium, water-water-zirconium reactors, VVER, PWR, RBMK reactors
  • 3. Medium enriched uranium (15-25%), Fast reactors, transport reactors (icebreakers, floating nuclear power plants) nuclear power plants
  • 4. Highly enriched uranium (>50%), nuclear power plants (submarines), research reactors.
Natural uranium passes only the first point. If we assume that the only consumers of uranium in the world are commercial reactors, then PHWRs account for less than 10%. And if we take into account everything else (transport, research) then... in short, natural uranium is neither in villages nor in cities. This means that almost any consumer requires an increase in the percentage of light isotope in the mixture 235-238. Moreover, uranium is used not only in nuclear energy, but also in the production of armor, ammunition, and something else. And there it is better to have depleted uranium, which in principle requires the same processes, only in reverse.

There will be an article about enrichment methods.

The raw material for enrichment is not pure metallic uranium, but uranium hexafluoride UF 6, which, due to its combination of properties, is the most suitable chemical compound for isotope enrichment. For chemists, we note that uranium fluorination occurs in a vertical plasma reactor.
Despite the abundance of enrichment methods, today only two of them are used on an industrial scale - gaseous diffusion and centrifuges. In both cases, the gas used is UF 6.

Closer to the matter of isotope separation. For any method, the efficiency of isotope separation is characterized by the separation coefficient α - the ratio of the share of the “light” isotope in the “product” to its share in the primary mixture.

For most methods, α is only slightly greater than unity, so to obtain a high isotope concentration, a single isotope separation operation must be repeated many times (cascades). For example, for the gas diffusion method α = 1.00429, for centrifuges the value strongly depends on the peripheral speed - at 250 m/s α = 1.026, at 600 m/s α = 1.233. Only with electromagnetic separation α is 10-1000 per 1 separation cycle. Comparison table according to several parameters it will be in the end.

The entire cascade of enrichment machines is always divided into stages. In the first stage of the separation cascade, the stream of the initial mixture is divided into two streams: lean (removed from the cascade) and enriched. The enriched one is fed to the 2nd stage. At the 2nd stage, the once enriched stream is subjected to separation for the second time:
the enriched flow of the 2nd stage enters the 3rd, and its depleted flow returns to the previous (1st), etc. From the last stage of the cascade, the finished product with the required concentration of a given isotope is selected.

I will briefly tell you about the main separation methods that have ever been used in the world.

Electromagnetic separation

Using this method, it is possible to separate the components of a mixture in a magnetic field, and with high purity. Electromagnetic separation is historically the first method mastered for the separation of uranium isotopes.

Since the separation can be performed with uranium ions, the conversion of uranium to UF 6 is, in principle, not necessary. This method gives high purity, but low yield at high energy consumption. The substance whose isotopes need to be separated is placed in the crucible of the ion source, evaporated and ionized. Ions are drawn out of the ionization chamber by a strong electric field. The ion beam enters the vacuum separation chamber in a magnetic field H directed perpendicular to the movement of the ions. As a result, the ions move along their circles with different (depending on mass) radii of curvature. Just look at the picture and remember school lessons, where we all calculated the radius along which an electron or proton would fly in a magnetic field.

Diagram demonstrating the principle of electromagnetic separation.

The advantage of this method is the use of relatively simple technology (calutrons: CAL ifornia U university).
It was used for uranium enrichment at the Y-12 plant (USA), had 5184 separation chambers - “calutrons”, and for the first time made it possible to obtain kilogram quantities of highly enriched 235U - 80% or higher.

In the Manhattan Project, calutons were used after thermal diffusion - 7% raw material was supplied to alpha calutrons (Y-12 plant) and enriched to 15%. Weapons-grade uranium (up to 90%) was produced using beta calutrons at the Y-12 plant. Alpha and beta calutrons have nothing to do with alpha and beta particles, they are simply two “lines” of calutrons, one for preliminary enrichment, the second for final enrichment.

The method makes it possible to separate any combination of isotopes and has a very high degree divisions. Two passes are sufficient to enrich above 80% from a lean material with an initial content of less than 1%. Productivity is determined by the value of the ion current and the efficiency of ion capture - up to several grams of isotopes per day (total for all isotopes).

One of the electromagnetic separation workshops in Oak Ridge (USA)

Giant alpha calutron from the same plant

Diffusion methods

Diffusion methods were used for initial enrichment. Along with the electromagnetic method, it is historically one of the first. The diffusion method usually refers to gas diffusion - when uranium hexafluoride is heated to a certain temperature and passed through a “sieve” - a specially designed filter with holes of a certain size.
If you pass a gas consisting of two types of molecules (in our case, two isotopes) through a small hole or through a mesh consisting of a large number of small holes, it turns out that lighter gas molecules pass through in greater quantities than heavy ones. It is important to note that this phenomenon occurs only when the molecules pass through the hole without colliding in it... i.e., when the mean free path of the molecule is greater than the diameter of the hole. Accordingly, the gas passing by the grids turns out to be depleted in light molecules. Almost always there is a reverse leakage of gas through the mesh, as a result of which in reality the increase in the concentration of the light isotope (enrichment) turns out to be somewhat less.

The key point here is the phrase about the size of the holes. Initially, the meshes were made mechanically, no one knows how they are now. Moreover, the material must work at elevated temperatures, and the holes themselves must not be clogged, their size must not change under the influence of corrosion, etc. The technologies for manufacturing diffusion barriers are still classified - the same know-how as with centrifuges.

More details under the spoiler, from the same report.

“On the state of scientific research and practical work Laboratory No. 2 for the production of uranium-235 by the diffusion method"

The greater the pressure drop across the grid, the greater the enrichment. The pressure difference is usually created by a compressor (pump) that moves gas between the grids. Such a system, consisting of grids and a compressor moving the gas, is the separation stage

We use uranium hexafluoride as gas. This is a salt that has a fairly high vapor pressure at room temperature. As for the grids, they are required that their opening diameter be less than the free path of uranium hexafluoride molecules. The latter, as is well known, is inversely proportional to gas pressure. At atmospheric pressure, the free path of molecules is approximately 1/10000 mm. Therefore, if we could make a fine mesh with holes smaller than 1/10,000 mm, we could work with gas at atmospheric pressure.

Currently, we have learned to make meshes with holes of about 5/1000 mm, i.e. 50 times greater than the free path of molecules at atmospheric pressure. Consequently, the gas pressure at which the separation of isotopes on such grids will occur must be less than 1/50 of atmospheric pressure. In practice, we assume to work at a pressure of about 0.01 atmospheres, i.e. under good vacuum conditions. Multiple gas enrichment during a continuous process can be carried out using a cascade installation consisting of a large number of stages connected in series. Calculations show that to obtain a product enriched to a concentration of 90% with a light isotope (this concentration is sufficient to produce an explosive), it is necessary to combine about 2000 such stages in a cascade. In the machine we are designing and partially manufacturing, it is expected to produce 75-100 g of uranium-235 per day. The installation will consist of approximately 80-100 “columns”, each of which will have 20-25 stages installed. The total area of ​​the grids (the area of ​​the grids determines the productivity of the entire installation) will be about 8000 m2. The total power consumed by the compressors will be 20,000 kW.

In addition, a good vacuum, which requires a fairly large power of compressor equipment, and the presence of a large amount of leak-tightness monitoring equipment (which, in principle, modern world not a problem, but the article talked about the post-war period where everything was needed, immediately and quickly).

It was used as one of the first stages of enrichment. In the Manhattan Project, the K-25 plant enriched uranium from 0.86% to 7%, then the raw material was used for calutrons. In the USSR - the long-suffering D-1 plant, as well as the D-2 and D-3 plants that followed it, and so on.

Also, the “diffusion” separation method is sometimes understood as liquid diffusion - also, only in the liquid phase. The physical principle is that lighter molecules gather in a hotter area. Typically, a separation column consists of two coaxially located pipes in which different temperatures are maintained. The mixture to be separated is introduced between them. The temperature difference ΔT leads to the emergence of convective vertical flows, and a diffusion flow of isotopes is created between the surfaces of the pipes, which leads to the appearance of a difference in isotope concentrations in the cross section of the column. As a result, lighter isotopes accumulate at the hot surface of the inner tube and move upward. The thermal diffusion method allows the separation of isotopes in both gaseous and liquid phases.

In the Manhattan Project, this is the S-50 plant - it enriched natural uranium to 0.86%, i.e. increased enrichment for fifth uranium by only 1.2 times. In the USSR, work on liquid diffusion was carried out by the Radium Institute in the post-war period, but this direction did not receive any development.

Cascade of gas diffusion isotope separation machines.
Signatures on the patent - F. Simon, K. Fuchs, R. Peierls.

Aerodynamic separation

Aerodynamic separation is a kind of centrifugation option, but instead of swirling the gas, it swirls in a special nozzle. Instead of a thousand words - see the picture, the so-called. “Becker nozzle” for aerodynamic separation of uranium isotopes (a mixture of hydrogen and uranium hexafluoride) at reduced pressure. Uranium hexafluoride is a very heavy gas and leads to wear of small parts of injectors (see scale), and can become solid state in areas of high pressure (for example, at the inlet to the nozzle), so the hexafluoride is diluted with hydrogen. It is clear that with a 4% raw material content in the gas, and even at low pressure, the effectiveness of this method is not great. This method was developed in South Africa and Germany.

Everything you need to know about aerodynamic separation is in this picture

Injector options

Gas centrifugation

Probably every person (and even more so a geek!) who has heard at least once nuclear energy, bombs and enrichment, in general outline knows what a centrifuge is, how it works and that there are many difficulties, secrets and know-how in the design of such devices. Therefore, I will say just a few words about gas centrifugation. However, to be honest, gas centrifuges have a very rich history of development and deserve a separate article.

The principle of operation is separation due to centrifugal forces depending on the absolute difference in mass. During rotation (up to 1000 rps, peripheral speed - 100 - 600 m/s), heavier molecules go to the periphery, lighter ones - in the center (at the rotor). This method is currently the most productive and cheapest (based on $/EPP price).

Google is replete with schematic pictures of the centrifuge device, I’ll just give a couple of photos of what the assembled cascade looks like. In such a room, by the way, it is quite hot - the uranium hexaphosphoride there is far from being at room temperature, and the entire cascade must also be cooled.

Cascade of centrifuges from URENCO. Large, about 3 meters in height.

There are also smaller ones, about half a meter. Our domestic ones.

To understand the scale, or what a “shop from horizon to horizon” is.

Laser enrichment

The physical principle of laser enrichment is that the atomic energy levels of different isotopes differ slightly.
This effect can be used to separate U-235 from U-238, both in atomic - AVLIS and molecular form- MLIS.

The method uses uranium vapor and lasers that are precisely tuned to a specific wavelength, exciting atoms of precisely the 235th uranium. Next, ionized atoms are removed from the mixture by an electric or magnetic field.

The technology is very simple, and, generally speaking, does not require any super-complex mechanical devices such as diffusion grids or centrifuges, there is one problem.
In September 2012, Global Laser Enrichment LLC (GLE), a consortium of General Electric, Hitachi and Cameco, received a license from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to build a laser separation plant with a capacity of up to 6 million SWU at the site of the existing joint venture of GE, Toshiba and Hitachi fuel fabricator in Wilmington, North Carolina. The planned enrichment is up to 8%. However, licensing was suspended due to problems with the spread of technology. Modern technologies enrichment (diffusion and centrifugation) require special equipment, so special that, generally speaking, if desired, through monitoring international contracts one can indirectly assume who is going to “quietly” (without the knowledge of the IAEA) enrich uranium or conduct work in this direction. And such monitoring is actually being carried out. If the laser enrichment method proves its simplicity and effectiveness, work on weapons-grade uranium may begin to be carried out where it is not really needed. Therefore, for now the laser method is being crushed.

Laser methods also include the molecular method, based on the fact that at infrared or ultraviolet frequencies, selective absorption of the infrared spectrum by gas 235 UF 6 occurs, which subsequently allows the use of the method of dissociation of excited molecules or chemical separation.
The relative content of U-235 can be increased by an order of magnitude already in the first stage. Thus, one pass is enough to provide sufficient uranium enrichment for nuclear reactors.

Explanation of the “molecular” method with chemical separation.

Advantages of laser enrichment:

  • Electricity consumption: 20 times less than for diffusion.
  • Cascading: the number of cascades (from 0.7% to 3-5% for U-235) is less than 100, compared to 150,000 centrifuges.
  • The cost of the plant is significantly less.
  • Environmentally friendly: less dangerous uranium metal is used instead of uranium hexafluoride.
  • The need for natural uranium is 30% less.
  • 30% less tailings storage (dump storage).

Comparison of performance of different methods

Uranium enrichment in Russia

There are currently four processing plants operating in Russia:
  • JSC "Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical Plant" (Angarsk, Irkutsk region),
  • JSC "PO "Electrochemical Plant" (Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory),
  • JSC "Ural Electrochemical Plant" (Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk region),
  • JSC "Siberian Chemical Plant" (Seversk, Tomsk region).
Russia has a powerful isotope separation industry, ~40% of the world market, based on the most economical (today) centrifuge method.

For 2000 Enrichment capacity in Russia is distributed as follows: 40% for internal needs, 13% for processing waste dumps of foreign users, 30% for processing HEU and LEU, and 17% for external orders. All this is a peaceful atom. The production of enriched uranium for military purposes has been discontinued since 1989. By 2004 170 t (out of ~500 t) of HEU (highly enriched uranium) were processed under the HEU-LEU agreement.

That's all. Thank you for your attention.

Isotopic separationprocess, in which individual isotopes of that element are isolated from a material consisting of a mixture of different isotopes of one chemical element. The separation of isotopes is always associated with significant difficulties, since isotopes, which are variations of one element that differ little in mass, chemically behave almost identically. But - the speed of some reactions differs depending on the isotope of the element, in addition, you can use the difference in their physical properties- for example, in mass. The differences in the behavior of isotopes are so small that during one stage of separation, the substance is enriched by hundredths of a percent and the separation process has to be repeated again and again - a huge number of times. The performance of such a cascade system is influenced by two factors: the degree of enrichment at each stage and the loss of the desired isotope in the waste stream.

Basic methods of isotope separation

Electromagnetic separation

Electromagnetic separation method is based on different action magnetic field into equally electrically charged particles of different masses. The machines, called calutrons, are huge mass spectrometers. Ions of the substances being separated, moving in a strong magnetic field, are twisted with radii proportional to their masses and fall into receivers, where they accumulate.

This method allows the separation of any combination of isotopes and has a very high degree of separation. Usually two passes are sufficient to obtain an enrichment degree greater than 80% from a lean substance (with an initial content of the desired isotope of less than 1%). However, electromagnetic separation is poorly suited for industrial production: most of the substances are deposited inside the calutron, so it must be periodically stopped for maintenance. Other disadvantages are high energy consumption, complexity and high cost. maintenance, low performance. The main area of ​​application of the method is the production of small quantities of pure isotopes for laboratory use.

Gas diffusion

This method uses the difference in the speed of movement of gas molecules of different masses. It is clear that it will only be suitable for substances in gaseous state. At different speeds of movement of molecules, if you force them to move through a thin tube, the faster and lighter ones will overtake the heavier ones. To do this, the tube must be so thin that the molecules move along it one by one. Thus, the key here is to produce porous membranes for separation. They must prevent leaks and withstand excess pressure.

For some light elements the degree of separation can be quite high, but for uranium it is only 1.00429 (the output stream of each stage is enriched by a factor of 1.00429). Therefore, gas diffusion enrichment enterprises are cyclopean in size, consisting of thousands of enrichment stages.

Gas centrifugation

This technology was first developed in Germany during World War II, but was not used industrially anywhere until the early 50s. If a gaseous mixture of isotopes is passed through high-speed centrifuges, the centrifugal force will separate the lighter or heavier particles into layers where they can be collected. The great advantage of centrifugation is that the separation coefficient depends on the absolute difference in mass rather than on the mass ratio. The centrifuge works equally well with both light and heavy elements. The degree of separation is proportional to the square of the ratio of the rotation speed to the speed of the molecules in the gas. Hence, it is very advisable to spin the centrifuge as quickly as possible. Typical linear speeds of rotating rotors are 250-350 m/s, and more than 600 m/s in advanced centrifuges.

Typical separation coefficient is 1.01 - 1.1. Compared to gas diffusion installations, this method has reduced energy consumption and greater ease of increasing power. Currently, gas centrifugation is the main industrial method of isotope separation in Russia.

Manufacturers of stable isotopes: The Rosatom State Corporation includes enterprises engaged in the industrial production of isotopes of medium and heavy masses, as well as isotopes of noble gases. Electromagnetic and gas centrifuge technologies are used for industrial isotope separation. These technologies make it possible to separate isotopes of almost all elements of the periodic table. The number of Rosatom State Corporation enterprises using these methods of isotope separation includes the following:

  1. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Electrokhimpribor" Plant - 209 items (electromagnetic method).
  2. OJSC Production Association Electrochemical Plant produces 95 types of isotopes (gas centrifuge method).
  3. OJSC "Siberian Chemical Plant" - 91 names of isotopes (gas centrifuge method).
  4. FSUE "RFNC-VNIIEF" - 24 items (gas centrifuge method)

Isotopic separation- a technological process of changing the isotopic composition of a substance consisting of a mixture of different isotopes of one chemical element. From one mixture of isotopes, two mixtures are obtained at the output of the process: one with increased content the required isotope (enriched mixture), the other with a reduced one (lean mixture).

The main application of the isotope separation process is the enrichment of uranium with the isotope 235 U for the production of nuclear fuel, weapons-grade radioactive materials and other applications involving the use of radioactive substances.

Industrial work to separate isotopes is measured in separation work units (SWUs). For a certain change in the isotopic composition of a certain initial mixture, the same amount of SWU is required, regardless of the isotope separation technology.

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General principles

The separation of isotopes (for example, the extraction of 6 Li, 235 U,) is always associated with significant difficulties, because isotopes, which are variations of one element that differ little in mass, chemically behave almost identically. But - the speed of some reactions differs depending on the isotope of the element, in addition, you can use the difference in their physical properties - for example, in mass.

Be that as it may, the differences in the behavior of isotopes are so small that during one stage of separation, the substance is enriched by hundredths of a percent and the separation process has to be repeated again and again - a huge number of times. Technologically, this is carried out by sequentially passing the separated volume of isotopes through cells of the same type that perform the separation - cascades. To obtain the necessary separation, there can be several thousand cascades in series, and to obtain the required volume, tens and hundreds of thousands of such consecutive groups of cascades connected in parallel.

The performance of such a cascade system is influenced by two factors: the degree of enrichment at each stage and the loss of the desired isotope in the waste stream.

Let us explain the second factor. At each enrichment stage, the flow is divided into two parts - enriched and depleted in the desired isotope. Since the degree of enrichment is extremely low, the total mass of the isotope in the waste rock can easily exceed its mass in the enriched part. To avoid such loss of valuable raw materials, the depleted flow of each subsequent stage returns to the input of the previous one.

The starting material does not enter the first stage of the cascade. It is introduced into the system immediately for a certain nth stage. Thanks to this, from the first stage, material that is highly depleted in the main isotope is removed to waste.

Main isotope separation methods used

  • Electromagnetic separation
  • Gas diffusion
  • Gas or liquid thermal diffusion
  • Aerodynamic separation
  • Laser isotope separation
  • Chemical enrichment
  • Photochemical separation

In any case, the amount of enriched material produced depends on the desired degree of enrichment and depletion of the output streams. If the source substance is available in large quantities and is cheap, then the productivity of the cascade can be increased by discarding along with the waste a large amount of unextracted useful element (for example, the production of deuterium from ordinary water). If necessary, a greater degree of isotope extraction from the raw material is achieved (for example, when enriching uranium).

Electromagnetic separation

The electromagnetic separation method is based on the equal strength of interaction between a magnetic field and equally electrically charged particles. However, with the same force, particles of different masses will behave differently. For example, the trajectory of equally charged ions moving in a magnetic field will depend on their mass. By placing traps in appropriate installation locations, the appropriate isotopes can be collected. In fact, such installations, called calutrons, are huge mass spectrometers. In them, ions of the separated substances, moving in a strong magnetic field, are twisted with radii proportional to their masses and fall into receivers, where they accumulate.

This method allows the separation of any combination of isotopes and has a very high degree of separation. Usually two passes are sufficient to obtain an enrichment degree greater than 80% from a lean substance (with an initial content of the desired isotope of less than 1%). However, electromagnetic separation is poorly suited for industrial production: most of the substances are deposited inside the calutron, so it must be periodically stopped for maintenance. Other disadvantages are high energy consumption, complexity and high cost of maintenance, and low performance. The main area of ​​application of the method is the production of small quantities of pure isotopes for laboratory use. However, during the Second World War, the Y-12 plant was built, reaching a capacity of 204 grams of 80% U-235 per day in January 1945.

Efficiency. A plant producing 50 kg of highly enriched uranium per year through electromagnetic separation ( calutron), is estimated to consume over 50 MW of electricity.

Gas diffusion

This method uses the difference in the speed of movement of gas molecules of different masses. It is clear that it will only be suitable for substances in a gaseous state.

At different speeds of movement of molecules, if you force them to move through a thin tube, the faster and lighter ones will overtake the heavier ones. To do this, the tube must be so thin that the molecules move along it one by one. Thus, the key point here is the production of porous separation membranes with typical pore sizes of tens to hundreds of nanometers. They must be leak-free, withstand high overpressure and be resistant to fluorinated environments. There were several methods for producing porous membranes, for example:

  • Sintering of metal or polymer powders under such conditions that normalized gaps remain between the grains of the powder.
  • Etching one metal from an alloy of two metals under certain conditions provided a porous structure.
  • Electrolytic oxidation of aluminum forms a porous structure of aluminum oxide.

Membranes were usually made in the form of tubes up to several meters long. One separation cascade was assembled from several hundred tubes.

For some light elements the degree of separation can be quite high, but for uranium it is only 1.00429 (the output stream of each stage is enriched by a factor of 1.00429). To obtain high degrees of enrichment, several thousand separation cascades were sometimes connected in series. Considering that one typical industrial cascade occupied an area of ​​up to 100 m 2 or more, the gas diffusion enrichment enterprises were cyclopean in size. The relatively large pressure losses on the membranes and the size of the installations determined the enormous energy consumption of the compressors. In addition, the plant contained huge quantities of technological hexafluoride: sometimes several weeks passed from the startup of the plant to the receipt of the first product at the output, during which the hexafluoride sequentially filled the volumes of all cascades. This circumstance placed very serious demands on the reliability of the equipment, because the failure of even one cascade could cause the entire chain to stop. To minimize the damage from process stops, the cascades were equipped with automatic performance monitoring and bypass of the problematic cascade.

Thermal diffusion

In this case, again, the difference in the speed of movement of molecules is used. The lighter ones, when there is a temperature difference, tend to end up in a more heated area. The separation coefficient depends on the ratio of the difference in mass of isotopes to the total mass and is larger for light elements. Despite its simplicity, this method requires a lot of energy to create and maintain heat. At the dawn of the nuclear era, there were industrial installations based on thermal diffusion. Currently not widely used on its own, however, the idea of ​​thermal diffusion is used to increase the efficiency of gas centrifuges.

Gas centrifugation

The idea of ​​centrifugal separation began to be actively developed during the Second World War. However, difficulties in optimizing the technology delayed its development, and in Western countries a verdict was even reached about the economic futility of the method. In the USSR, the industrial introduction of centrifuge technology also began only after the industrial development of gaseous diffusion.

If a gaseous mixture of isotopes is passed through high-speed gas centrifuges, the centrifugal force will separate the lighter or heavier particles into layers where they can be collected. The great advantage of centrifugation is that the separation coefficient depends on the absolute difference in mass rather than on the mass ratio. The centrifuge works equally well with both light and heavy elements. The degree of separation is proportional to the square of the ratio of the rotation speed to the speed of the molecules in the gas. Hence, it is very advisable to spin the centrifuge as quickly as possible. Typical linear speeds of rotating rotors are 250-350 m/s, and more than 600 m/s in advanced centrifuges. The pressure difference at the centrifuge axis and at the outer wall can reach tens of thousands of times, so centrifuge cascades operate at low pressures to avoid hexafluoride condensation. To improve separation by thermal diffusion, a temperature gradient of several tens of degrees is created in centrifuges along the axis of the centrifuge.

Typical separation coefficient is 1.01 - 1.1. Compared to gas diffusion installations, this method has reduced energy consumption and greater ease of increasing power. Currently, gas centrifugation is the main industrial method for separating isotopes in Russia.

Aerodynamic separation

This method can be considered a variant of centrifugation, but instead of swirling the gas in a centrifuge, it swirls as it exits a special nozzle, where it is supplied under pressure. This technology, based on the vortex effect, has been used by South Africa and Germany.

The problems with the technology were that the radius of the nozzle was about 100 microns, while the total length of the nozzle at each industrial separation cascade amounted to hundreds and thousands of meters. This length was gained in pieces of several tens to hundreds of centimeters. In addition to the difficulties of manufacturing nozzles, there was the problem of diluent gas, such as helium. The diluent made it possible to keep uranium hexafluoride in the gaseous phase at high pressures at the inlet to the nozzles, necessary to create a high-speed flow in the nozzle. At the production output, the diluent and hexafluoride had to be separated. High pressures determined significant energy consumption.

Laser isotope separation (LSI)

Laser separation is not an independent method, but is used to improve the characteristics of electromagnetic or chemical methods divisions. The method is based on the selective ionization of one of the isotopes electromagnetic radiation(for example, laser light). The selectivity of ionization is based on the resonant (narrow-band) absorption of light by atoms; different isotopes have different radiation absorption spectra. This means that it is possible to select irradiation parameters at which atoms of a given isotope are predominantly ionized. Further ionized atoms can be separated, for example, in a magnetic field (AVLIS (English) Russian). In addition, the ionization of atoms can change the rate chemical reactions, for example, facilitating the decay of some chemical compounds(MLIS (English) Russian).

Laser separation technology has been developed since the 1970s by many countries and is considered promising, but has not yet gone beyond research work. In the 90s of the last century in the USA there was a research program for laser enrichment with electromagnetic separation at an experimental facility, but it was closed. Currently, a research program is underway in the United States at a demonstration facility of one of the options for laser enrichment with chemical separation called SILEX (English) Russian. The technology was developed in 1992 by the Australian company Silex. Since 2006, work on Silex technology has been carried out by Global Laser Enrichment LLC. A license was obtained to build a plant in Wilmington, North Carolina.

Chemical enrichment

Chemical enrichment takes advantage of differences in the rates of chemical reactions with different isotopes. It works best when separating light elements, where the difference is significant. In industrial production, reactions are used that involve two reagents in different phases (gas/liquid, liquid/solid, immiscible liquids). This makes it easy to separate rich and lean streams. Using additionally the temperature difference between the phases, it is achieved additional growth separation coefficient. Today, chemical separation is the most energy-saving technology for producing heavy water. In addition to the production of deuterium, it is used to extract 6 Li. In France and Japan, methods of chemical enrichment of uranium were developed, but they never reached industrial development.


Distillation (distillation) uses the difference in boiling points of isotopes of different masses. Typically, the lower the mass of an atom, the lower the boiling point of this isotope. Again, this works best on light elements. Distillation is successfully used as the final stage in the production of heavy water.

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