When is Military Topographer Day approved? Military Topographer's Day: what kind of holiday is it and how the topographic service helped during the war

Durability and appearance oak trees made a great impression on people even in ancient times. Old trees were worshiped as temples of the deity by most peoples in Europe. The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that this mighty tree was the habitat of their supreme deities - Jupiter and Zeus. This is why the Roman Empire honored its distinguished citizens with wreaths of oak leaves. Mention of these trees is found even in the Old Testament.

Description and distribution of oak

This genus of plants, first identified in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus, has between 400 and 600 species. The distribution area includes most of the northern hemisphere, extending from temperate to tropical zones on different continents:

  • America.
  • Europe.
  • North Africa and Asia.

IN North America The largest number of species grows, with about 90 found in the United States and 160 in Mexico, of which 109 species are endemic. The second largest center of oak diversity is China, which is home to about 100 species.

In Europe, during ice age, oak populations were limited to only three areas located in Spain, Italy and the Balkans. They later re-colonized the European continent. Today, oaks are keystone species in a wide range of Mediterranean semi-desert and subtropical forest habitats. They are also important components of deciduous forests.

Oak leaves are traditionally an important part of the German army's regalia. The Nazi Party used as its coat of arms the traditional German eagle standing on top of a swastika in a wreath of oak leaves.

During the Third Reich Nazi Germany oak leaves were depicted on the cross of the Knights of the Iron Cross. They also symbolize rank in Armed Forces United States.

Every year in Russia it is celebrated Military Topographer Day. Officially, this professional holiday has been celebrated since 2004, since in 2003, by order of the Minister of Defense No. 395, the date of the holiday was set - February 8, which was not chosen by chance.

It was on February 8 () 1812 that the Regulations for military topographical affairs were approved. The structure created by the royal decree changed its status several times. Today it is the Military Topographical Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The history of topographic surveys itself has an even longer history. The journeys of explorers and sailors would be meaningless without the creation of cartographic materials. The first Russian atlas, “Drawing Map of Siberia,” was compiled by geographer Remezov in 1701 and presented it to Emperor Peter I. Ten years later, in 1711, a quartermaster unit was formed in the Russian army, whose responsibilities included supplying troops with maps. Also, under Peter I, the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences was organized in Moscow, where astronomers, surveyors and topographers were trained.

The military topographical service in the Russian army began with 40 officers - column leaders, surveyors and topographers. They entered the General Staff, which appeared in 1763. In 1797, the Map Depot was established, which was supposed to organize all cartographic materials created by that time. In 1812, the depot was renamed military topographical.

Interestingly, the world's first specialized military school topographers appeared in Russia. It opened in 1822 under the Corps of Military Topographers.

The topographical service has always been especially secret - after all, any battle began with a map, and getting maps of the enemy was a major task for warriors at all times. Sometimes the information obtained was decisive in the battle.

Thus, in 1943, Soviet intelligence learned that hundreds of thousands of sheets of maps of the Oryol, Belgorod and Kursk regions were being printed in Germany. This information formed the basis of the plan for a massive defense and subsequent offensive. Soviet army on Kursk Bulge. As for Soviet topographers, surveyors and cartographers, during the years of the Great Patriotic War more than 4 thousand of them were awarded high awards.

Nowadays, the work of a topographer remains honorable, although the specifics of the work of these specialists are constantly changing - with the development of modern technology. Satellites, laser and quartz devices come to the aid of topographers. However, no technology can replace human experience and knowledge. Today, military topographers accept words of gratitude for their responsible work.

The range of military professions is unimaginably wide. Armored vehicle driver, radio operator, flight engineer, sapper, reconnaissance officer - each of these specialties is important in its own way, regardless of whether it is directly related to actions on the battlefield or not. February 8 is another professional holiday of people performing their military duty to the state and its people. The essence of their specialty is not to go to the enemy with weapons in hand, troubleshoot combat vehicles, or drive vehicles to the intended target. The element of these people is maps of the area, which require competent compilation and indication of all the necessary objects on them. Military topographer is the profession that will be discussed in this article and their professional holiday “Military Topographer Day”, which is celebrated annually on February 8th.

History of the holiday February 8

The holiday on February 8, “Military Topographer’s Day,” is a professional day for people whose competence includes the practical application of knowledge in the field of geodesy and cartography, which dates back to 1812, when an important document was signed in Russia - the Regulations on Military Topographical Affairs. At the same time, the specified date is not the moment of the creation of the Military Topographical Service: its history started much earlier, and the prerequisites for the emergence of this structure relate to XVIII century. Back in 1701, Peter the Great, who ruled Russian Empire, received as a gift from the geographer Remezov the first atlas, “illustrating” the Siberian expanses.

This event gave impetus to the emergence of a specific unit called the “quartermaster unit” - only this happened 10 years later. The independent specialty of military topographer did not yet exist, but officers of the newly created structure had to be able to draw maps, among their other duties. Later, at the behest of the same Peter the Great, a educational institution, producing topographers and surveyors.

The year 1763 was marked by the creation of the General Staff, which included the best military specialists in the field of the above-mentioned sciences. 34 years later, a structure was established that is the direct ancestor of the modern Topographical Service of the Armed Forces Russian Federation– Card depot. After that, it changed its name several times, but the essence remained the same: representatives of this structure created and updated topographic maps over time, supplied them to military units and solved other important tasks.

First specialized educational institution for the training of military topographers arose in 1822 in the northern capital.

Currently, this is not the only educational institution of this kind, but it is the most prestigious, including in terms of the quality of knowledge received by officers.

Profession of military topographer

The maps that are the subject of the work of military and ordinary topographers are not just multi-colored pictures with symbols that are meaningless to most ordinary people. This is the result of painstaking work that requires a specialist to invest effort, time and health. In essence, a topographic map is a vivid illustration of the area in relation to which a detailed plan is drawn up.

Everything necessary to carry out this labor-intensive process is obtained from surveys taken not only on the ground, but also from a flying vehicle, and even from space, as well as measurements.

What is a map directly for a military topographer? The very name of the profession of a military topographer gives us the answer to this question: a reliable means of deploying, determining the coordinates of troops, and exercising command over them. Modern technologies simplified all these tasks as much as possible, but the use by topographers in their work of such qualities as speed of reaction, attentiveness, and perseverance has not been canceled. And for one reason or another, there may simply not be an opportunity to use a digital card. That’s when a paper topographic version and the skill of a qualified specialist will come to the rescue. But in the process of drawing up colorful plans of the area, new items technical progress irreplaceable: today's devices have the highest accuracy and maximum convenience.

The profession of a military topographer, as they say, is “both dangerous and difficult.” These specialists are called “the eyes of the army” because their work is not limited to paper transactions, but includes field trips, wartime- into enemy territory.

It is not difficult to guess how such “travels” may end... But there is also a big advantage for specialists in this field - this is the almost indefinite relevance of the profession. This means that military topographers will always be in demand.

“No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten...”

There were a great many heroes among officers in the past - the source of exploits does not dry up even now. It is impossible not to admit that for modern military men the names of sons loyal to the Motherland who have sunk into oblivion serve as an example first and foremost. In such a field as topography, there are also many distinguished masters of their craft who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of science as a whole and to the process of stimulating today's specialists.

Few ordinary residents of the Russian Federation know that the opening of the high point in the Tien Shan mountains - the merit of representatives of a useful topographical direction. This event led to the awarding of a state prize to the resourceful group. Why was it necessary to take such a crucial step?

The mountainous area is a difficult-to-reach area, but no one knows what its fate will be: maybe this area will become the target of an expedition or a field of military retreat in the future?..

60s of the last century turned out to be extremely fruitful in relation to the ice continent - Antarctica. Topographers found out that the “queen of icebergs” is the mainland, plus they compiled a map of the local relief hidden from view by the snow-white crust.

Each region of our vast country has a strong connection with one or another famous specialist who dedicated the goals of his work to the Fatherland. Thus, in the Asian part of the state they remember N. Przhevalsky, in the Arctic - S. Chelyuskin, in Primorye - V. Arsenyev. And topographer A. Pastukhov became famous for being the first among the Russian military to conquer Elbrus.

But the creators distinguished themselves most of all geographical maps, of course, in the context of armed clashes within the framework of the Great Patriotic War. According to historians, in just six months, topographers drew up a plan of the area on a mind-bogglingly large scale - 1:100,000.

And this in the most difficult atmosphere, when bullets are whistling overhead, and the possible victory of the state depends on the relief image!..

No matter how complex the profession of a military topographer may be, no matter how responsible the main task of a qualified specialist is, he cannot be lacking in passion. But it is known that the work turns out to be of especially high quality if you have an interest in performing your official duties.

Be sure to congratulate the specialists on the holiday of February 8 - Military Topographer's Day, and wish them successful everyday life, more enthusiasm and unearthly career heights!

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Date in 2019: .

Any battle begins with a map. It’s not for nothing that topographers are nicknamed “the eyes of the army.” Even the modern rearmament of the armed forces has not devalued the merits and importance of these fighters. And it is customary to congratulate them on their professional holiday in early February.

Anyone who has ever held a map in their hands understands the complexity of a topographer’s work. And military cartography is many times more complex and responsible.

Since it is on the shoulders of the people who draw up these documents that responsibility for the movement and direction of attacks during the battle falls, on which the outcome of the battle often depends. Therefore, their work has always been valued, and since 2003, the professional holiday Military Topographer Day has appeared.

History of Russian topography: who celebrates the holiday?

It is difficult to judge when the first people who knew how to reflect the features of the area appeared. Probably from the first battles, such improvised maps began to be used for orientation on the ground. Of course, they were primitive and inaccurate. But they were extremely helpful in long-distance campaigns and close battles.

Under Peter I, military affairs came under serious reforms. Topographical work was no exception. Before this, there was already a clear distinction between military and civilian cartography. But it was under the great reformer that the School of Navigational Sciences appeared. Topographers and surveyors were trained there. And to provide the army with cartographic materials, a quartermaster unit was established in 1711.

But officially the Topographical Service begins to operate only end of the XVIII century. In 1763, the General Staff appeared, which included 40 officers related to topography and geodesy. Since 1797, the Map Depot appeared, designed to organize cartographic materials. It was this Depot that would be renamed the Military Topographical Depot in 1812. It is this event that is considered fundamental in the development of military topography. And it took place on February 8th.

This is the day when the Russian military will raise their glasses in 2017 to congratulate colleagues involved in topographical, geodetic, cartographic, and location work.

History of the holiday

The need to approve an official holiday for army cartographers and surveyors has been discussed for a long time. But the official decree establishing Topographer Day was signed by the Minister of Defense only in 2003. The date of the holiday was historically tied to important event– establishment of a military topographic depot. The holiday was first celebrated on February 8 in 2004.

Profession of military topographer

Any battle begins with a map. It is on this basis that important calculations are made, on the basis of which strategic decisions are made. Therefore, military maps are always classified, even if they do not indicate the location of key positions.

After all, even information about forests, bridges, swamps, roads, populated areas is strategically important.

Today, digital maps have appeared - these are the eyes for the orientation of cruise missiles. In fact, such an image cannot be called a familiar map, since it is impossible to pick it up and indicate directions with a pencil. The information on such cards is encrypted and understandable only to specialists.

The location of strategically important objects remains a mystery. Often such objects are marked with a state secret mark.

Of course, the work of a modern topographer is difficult to compare with the work of his colleagues 20 years ago. Using semi-automatic modern devices, self-propelled stations, laser rangefinders and unique quartz chronometers, universal map accuracy is achieved.

Military units of topographers are provided with equipment and transport. All-terrain vehicles and helicopters, stations and radio communications help specialists in their work. But no technique can replace a good cartographer. This eternal traveler and land surveyor measures with his feet the places that need to be reflected in the document. And if you have to go to enemy territory to clarify the location of important objects, the topographer is ready to carry out this work as well.

Maps are constantly updated. For which both measurements on land and images from space are used. Satellite photographs help create graphic documents of hard-to-reach places.


You draw routes to victory and ways out of difficult situations. And it's not simple words. Today we honor topographers without revealing important secrets and mysteries. Let your roads be more often passable and your tasks interesting. Let there be no obstacles in life, but only exciting activities.

The military is following a path less traveled.

And they always keep the card in front of them.

This is him - a simple topographer

I made signs where to go.

And let the road lead you home.

And you will never go astray.

Larisa, January 16, 2017.

It is impossible to name the exact starting point of the history of the Russian topographical service. Mapping and any research in the field of topography has always been a matter of national importance. Before Peter I, there was no clear division of cartography into military and civil.

During his reign, a quartermaster unit appeared in the army, whose task was to provide the troops with new maps. The emergence of the Navigation School made it possible to train our own specialists in the field of topography and geodesy. In the mid-eighteenth century, forty topographical service officers joined the General Staff. This period is considered to be the time when military topographers began working.

Officially military topographical service begins to operate in 1812. On February 8 of this year, the Emperor signed a corresponding decree. The Depot was led by a director who was personally appointed by the Emperor.

The work of the military topography service has always had great value. The lives of fighters and the outcome of battles and wars depended on the correct and timely map of the battle and on the study of enemy maps. Since 1940, the service has been part of the General Staff in the form of the Military Topographical Directorate. Before the collapse of the Union, the service included about one hundred and forty people.

The range of tasks assigned to military topographers currently looks like this:

Working with topographic maps: creating new ones, updating existing ones, accumulating reserves. Carrying out similar work in geodesy. Bringing maps and catalogs to military headquarters;
creation and accumulation of digital maps of the area, directing such resources to automatic systems for command and control of troops and weapons;
preparation of gravimetric and geodetic bases for ICBM launches, long-range aviation flights, artillery operations and combat duty of radio engineering complexes;
creation of satellite maps of the area, photographic surveys;
release of combat graphic documents;
carrying out state tasks in the field of cartography and geodesy.

The work of military specialists has no statute of limitations. Satellite maps and photographs of the terrain in Syria taken during the Soviet era are helping our Aerospace Forces currently fight terrorists.

Russian specialists are actively working on creating geospatial models, using space units and ground support groups. In addition to the head center of space geodesy, navigation and cartography, the topographic service has created a geospatial information center, an expeditionary detachment, and military units of various subordination.

In their work, military specialists use modern technical means. Among them:

ARM-EK – automated complex of workstations;
"Volynets" - self-propelled topographic system;
"Violit" - hardware and software complex;
PNGK-1 – astronomical and geodetic complex;
"Geonika-T" is a navigation and geodetic system.
The latest technologies make it possible to deploy necessary equipment in the minimum amount of time and begin performing combat missions.

No technical means can replace the experience and knowledge of a specialist. I would like to wish the representatives of this most difficult profession to be at their best, to avoid losses, and to always be needed by the Motherland.

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