What do they do on the 1st lunar day? lunar day for conception

The beginning of the lunar month is a particularly important, decisive period. According to the lunar calendar, on the first lunar day, any undertaking is extremely responsible. The lunar monthly cycle begins, and how you spend your 1st lunar day, what you tune in to and what you plan will accompany you for the next 29 days.

The symbol of the day is a lamp, candle or lantern. This is an active, bright and strong day, which under no circumstances should be spent in passivity and rest! It is very important for serious planning and organization of endeavors, for building the future. Dreams become plans at this time and will certainly come true. This is the characteristic of this time.

  • Its color is red, scarlet and other shades, plus black.
  • The lucky talisman stone is a diamond, also a transparent rock crystal.
  • Element – ​​water.
  • Energy is active and effective.
  • The lucky number for this day is one.
  • The lucky day of the period is Monday.
  • Meditation of the day - on a candle (trataka).
  • The cardinal direction is north.
  • Shapes – waves, curved smooth lines, predominance of asymmetry.

Spend your time right

On the first lunar day, you can lay a successful foundation for the whole month, if you spend this day in the right way. What should you do, how should you behave, and what should you avoid?

1. Dream and plan! Build the future in your imagination, draw it in every detail. The energy of this day will help to realize any plans, and dreams will not remain dreams, but will gradually turn into reality.

2. Take your time. During this day, you should engage in calm and measured planning, but do not rush headlong into implementing something. Be patient, let ideas and plans be seeds, let them germinate. The energy of this day is very active, but it should not be confused with haste and fussiness.

3. It is very important to adopt the correct state of mind on the first lunar day. This is calm, regularity and a state of acceptance. Understand that everything that happens around you has a need and is needed for something. Perceive everything without conflict and resistance, accept the world as whole and harmonious, with all its components. Learn wisdom and patience.

4. It is very important to be in a positive and peaceful mood. Open up to the world, notice only the beautiful and good, pay attention to everything positive and positive. This is practically necessary for everyone on the first lunar day - to see only the pleasant and good.

5. Sincerely think about the brightest, best things, believe in yourself. On this unusual day of the lunar calendar, all your thoughts are a program, like a message to the universe. Everything you think about will grow in reality. Your thoughts and attitude are the foundation for the whole month! If they are negative and hostile, if you do not believe in luck, then the month will pass unpleasantly. Believe in the best, set yourself up for success!

6. Ideally, spend this day at home, in a calm and safe atmosphere. Noise, big companies, vigorous activity is not a particularly suitable conduct of the first lunar day. If possible, stay at home.

7. It’s great if you can be in nature or walk barefoot on the grass. Vegetable and yard work is also ideal for the first day.

What to Avoid

There are recommendations that relate not only to how one should behave, but also what not to do, so that the month passes favorably and brings good luck.

1. If a quarrel or conflict occurs during this day, it will not be possible to resolve it for a long time, until the end of the month (at least). Relationships will become tense, and it will not be possible to forgive and make amends. So communicate very carefully with others, especially with those who are dear to you - in no case provoke a conflict! And if another person provokes him, be wiser, do not fall for provocations.

2. On the first lunar day you need to make plans. But not the evil ones! Thoughts of revenge or a plan on how to get something that belongs to someone else, how to harm someone, this is not at all something worth planning. Believe me, these plans will not bring you luck and success, they will harm you! Throughout the month, circumstances will be stacked against you; obstacles and obstacles will constantly appear. In a word, the Universe will simply turn your bad intentions against you!

3. You cannot have an active social life during the day. It is better to be either alone or in a close circle. Active social activities, negotiations and communication will take all your energy, and it will be difficult for you to achieve anything worthwhile throughout the month of the Moon.

4. Don’t start new projects right away! Just plan and calculate, schedule and draw up a plan in detail. But no action!

When leafing through the dream book, remember that the period of the Moon also has its own significance. As a rule, dreams on this day are advice and direction. Very often, through dreams, the Higher Powers tell us which direction to move, what to choose and where to look, which path will be the best. Analyze your dream to understand what the Universe recommends to you.

In general, to see any dreams and dreams during this special period is already a great success. Not everyone dreams of them, and if it so happens that there were visions, they already portend happiness throughout the whole long month. And in order to understand in what area you should expect good luck, you need to look at what zodiac sign the moon is in now and what area of ​​life this sign is responsible for.

Ignoring dreams that you had on the first lunar day is a big mistake. They even happen! But you need to interpret such dreams correctly, reading the dream book very carefully, and also listening to your own intuition. In any case, these dreams are important, and their meaning will certainly come true during the lunar month.

But we pay attention not only to dreams on the first day of the lunar month. What should be done and what should be put off for another day? The lunar calendar will tell us.

  • The day is bad for travel or trade relations, for vigorous activity. It’s better to be at home, and ideally, go out into nature.
  • For creative people– a favorable and successful period. Inspiration will come. All creative projects that will be invented on this day will bring huge success!
  • As for health, you should take care of your head. You can’t get tired, cold, drink alcohol or eat spicy food. Old illnesses may worsen. If you get sick on this day, it will be very difficult to heal.
  • At work, you should avoid partnerships, competition, and any contacts. But it’s worth filing petitions and applications; they will be successful.
  • A wonderful time to conceive! The child will have reliable protection from higher powers and will be born special. Those conceived on this day are heroes, they achieve a lot, their lives are long and eventful.
  • You shouldn't get married, but you can plan it and calculate everything. Seating the guests, choosing a restaurant and dress, any little details - leave them for today. It is better to hold the ceremony itself on another day.

People born on the first day of the moon are heroes and dreamers. They can become great and achieve what no one else can achieve, or they can remain in poverty, living in a world of dreams and fantasies. Those born during this lunar period are very extraordinary; they always expect something special, great, incredible from the Universe.

Sometimes they are drawn to exploits, they must certainly rush into adventure. People born on the first lunar day should be able to believe in themselves and not only dream, but also follow their dreams and great goals.

This is undoubtedly an important period. Everything begins, the foundation is laid! If you show up correctly, you can literally start new life, fix old mistakes. Take advantage of the influence of the first lunar day to make your life happier! Author: Vasilina Serova

Symbol - lamp, lamp, light, beam, lamp, Ashvini, the birth of Pallas Athena. Anatomical correspondence: face, forehead. Action: thought. Symbolically associated with the first 12 degrees of Aries. Stones: diamonds and rock crystal, but diamonds are not for everyone (see mineralogy). Meditations- candle.

1st lunar day has three levels of manifestation. The process that takes place on this day is the cleansing of the soul by fire. The dirt of the soul burns in the rays of the Sun. Therefore, it is useful to sit in front of a candle, by the fire, or fireplace.

On this day we bring to the level of consciousness what oppresses us. Recommended practices: breathing exercises for mental cleansing; concentrating on fire, especially if the Moon has entered an air sign, all fears and obsessions are burned away. Everything needs to be considered negative situations and grievances in terms of lessons learned. If a person cannot remember anything negative about 1st lunar day, then it means there is nothing crazy in the soul.

If we regularly engage in such practices, the soul will be cleansed, we will not react to life from the perspective of past grievances, and we will not suspect others of wanting to offend us. Life will become much more joyful, your reaction to negative situations will improve.

This is a day of creative ideas. Special practice that must be performed in first lunar day- this is the construction of mental models. After we have cleared our mentality of interfering memories, we can build mental models. We are given the opportunity on this day to build a phantom of what we desire, and then this phantom will live on its own. Events themselves will attract, contributing to the realization of our desires.

You can’t start any business on this day, it’s better to just plan it. What we planned on this day can subsequently be successfully implemented, even without our intervention. This, in a sense, is a magical day when we can create mental images, mental forms in our consciousness, which will then be embodied. Thinking about “the wrong things” on the first day of the Moon is very imprudent: we can create realities that can later bring misfortune. It's a very clean day.

Household influence: neutral, bad for travel, trade.

Mystical influence: The images and thought forms created on this lunar day are very persistent and create a sense of purpose with unrelenting action. Day of creative ideas and plans.

Social influence: weakly negative, do not participate in partnerships, do not strive for contacts or communication. Don’t start important things; it’s better to postpone current ones.

On this day, a person needs to be aware of the origins, draw information from early childhood, concentrate, purify thoughts, i.e. act according to the method of Raja Yoga (Patanjali’s aphorisms are clearly arranged according to the days of the Moon; the days of the Moon were equivalent to rosaries: each day of the Moon - one pebble of rosaries).

On this day, the following are recommended: sacrifice, getting rid of fears, correction of the subconscious, development of the will, creative ideas, projects for the future. This day is very bad for emotional contacts and group work. Getting drunk on this day is not recommended - toxins are immediately deposited and, most importantly, thoughts become dirty and a person loses the ability to self-awareness for another month.

Health effects

Associated with this day third eye chakra. It should not be confused with Ajna, which is located in the center of the forehead. And the Third Eye chakra is located in the center between the eyebrows, almost on the bridge of the nose. WITH 1st lunar day the bridge of the nose, eyes, brain and entire face are connected. And if a person has 1st lunar day something “jumped out” on your face, or you hurt your head - this is a bad sign: you violated the requirements of the 1st day.

IN 1st lunar day you can't get carried away mass practices and contacts. On this day you should not overwork, drink alcohol, or eat spicy or very hot food. You should not overstrain your nervous system, take care of your eyes and sense organs in general (for example, do not smell anything sharp or irritating).

A physiologically difficult day, it tightens the internal organs. If you violate the recommendations, energy will be released to the internal organs, which can lead to the formation of stones. While there is no disease, you cannot allow it to arise and develop.

It is bad to do operations at this time, because there is intense bleeding and slow healing of wounds. Acupuncture, massages, soothing wellness treatments, baths, water, and gymnastics are highly recommended.

Born on the 1st lunar day

In people born on the 1st lunar day, we are working with the mentality at the subconscious level. As a rule, conceived in 1st lunar day it comes true for them, if, of course, this desire is pure enough. Such people need to be very careful about their emotions and monitor their thoughts very carefully. Their thoughts are realized and act stronger than those of other people.

People, born on the first day of the moon, always waiting for something great; they can live like this all their lives and not wait for their finest hour. Sometimes inspiration dawns on them, and they accomplish a feat: they must join in the activity unexpectedly and brightly.

There is an expression: “If you wish with confidence, your wish will come true.” This expression is applicable to all people, because the meaning of magic is Faith, Will, Imagination. But a person can only imagine what he knows and has an idea about.

1st lunar day for business

IN first lunar day you need to refrain from any active actions related to business, therefore it is strongly recommended to postpone all matters, cancel meetings with partners, signing agreements and contracts. As in any other area of ​​human life, first lunar day is intended solely for planning, and planning only.

It is best to devote this time to developing a business plan for the next month, thinking about the overall strategy of action, carefully analyzing your real situation and finding new ways to implement your business-related ideas. After all, as you know, it is not the one who always goes ahead who reaches the goal faster, but the one who first chooses the optimal path and only then moves along it.

Efficiency does not always depend solely on spontaneity, but to a greater extent on wise and fruitful planning. It is not for nothing that among creative people there is a saying: “Improvisation is only good if it has been prepared.” And business is successful only when it is approached creatively.

Naturally, you should not buy or sell anything on this day. Any active actions during this period are fraught with instability, and in the worst case, the emergence of emergency situations, which often ultimately lead to collapse.

Haircut on the 1st lunar day

Which favorable days for haircuts this month, you can look at our page

Name- “Lamp”, “Lamp”, “Light”. But it may also be the “Altar of Hecate” (for each person this new moon day manifests itself in its own way). It is also called the “Third Eye”, since its manifestations are important for all three levels of human life: material (bodily), energetic, spiritual. In the Greek tradition, it is called the day of “Pallas Athena,” emerging in full armor from the head of Zeus. The day is associated with the first 12 degrees of Aries.

The first lunar day of the month is intended to cleanse the human soul (it is best to consciously do this in the light or rays of the Sun), to work with mental energies (the power of the mind) and mental images (you need to cleanse the mind of bad thoughts, memories and grievances, forgiving and learning from them lesson). You should remember your childhood, past, think about your actions and the path you have traveled. It’s good on this day to return to the origins of your people, read books about the heritage of your Ancestors. You need to learn to forgive (and to your enemies, first of all), this helps you to liberate yourself. It is advisable to sit by the fire, fireplace, or at least by a candle. When concentrating on fire (especially if the Moon has entered an air sign), all fears burn away, illnesses recede and obsessions go away. It's a very clean day. It is intended for creative ideas and undertakings (but it is better to keep thoughts to yourself), which can be fulfilled during this lunar month, including without our intervention (you need to think through and imagine everything as brightly as possible). Success will accompany pure thoughts; if what you plan meets your true needs, it will definitely come true! The first half of the day is especially favorable for communication with superiors, for requests, for any social endeavors.

Vanity, thoughts “about the wrong things” or broken obligations in the afternoon can cross out (as if “erase”) all good undertakings and aspirations for improvement. Some cases may be difficult to resolve. Solitude is advised (the day is unsuitable for general activities). It is very imprudent to think about bad things on the first day of the Moon - you can attract trouble to yourself; You can’t “dig a hole for someone else.” As a rule, you can’t start any new things at this time; it’s better to just think about them.

Health- in medical terms, the first day of the Moon is associated with the brain and the facial part of the head, the bridge of the nose. You should not be overtired on this day. A physically and energetically difficult day hardens the internal organs. If you violate the advice and lead an incorrect lifestyle, energy will be released into the internal organs, and this can lead to the formation of stones (for example, in the kidneys or gall bladder) and disease. The sick person recovers on this day, but may be sick for a long time. If you hurt your head or something “jumped out” on your face, this is a sign that some requirements of the first lunar day have been violated.

Nutrition- it’s bad to drink alcohol on this day (it’s bad to drink it on any day - Vedana’s note), eat spicy and very hot food. This unbalances and “pollutes” thoughts, directing a person’s life force and the energy of the cosmos to the side. It is beneficial to consume food with qualities of goodness - this contributes to the spiritual development of a person. You can spend a fasting day in nutrition.

Conception- a child conceived on this day is usually kept and protected by Heaven. He may have a long and interesting life, great strength of spirit. He can become a clergyman. For this day of conception, spouses should prepare for a long period of fasting - spiritual and physical. If future parents neglect this and do not engage in self-improvement, or their thoughts and bodies are not so pure on this day, they can attract a weak soul. They will incarnate a person who lives only by worldly interests, who is at the very beginning of his spiritual development (smerd or vesya).

Birth- a child born on this day will live long if there is no influence of malefic planets in his horoscope. People born on the first day of the Moon always expect something great: they can live their whole lives like this and not wait for their finest hour if their will, determination and hard work are poorly nurtured from early childhood. Sometimes inspiration suddenly dawns on them, and they accomplish a feat. People of the 1st ld. can be involved in activities unexpectedly and brightly. They need to be very careful about their thoughts, as they affect the world around us and people are much stronger (even if this happens unconsciously) than others. Parents are obliged to teach their child a culture of thought, words, feelings, and to instill responsibility in him. They must teach the child a creative direction of activity, instill in him a sense of joy from creativity.

Dreams light and transparent, they need to be creatively rethought, they can be happy. Pleasant dreams on this day are a sign of joy. May be associated with the events of the beginning of the lunar month. Let everything pleasant come true, just give up everything bad, and it will go away.

Stones- rock crystal, lapis lazuli (which includes the energies of Uranus, Jupiter, Venus). You can also wear a diamond (cut diamond; Aries), but be careful - it is not suitable for everyone.

On the 1st lunar day, it is good to think about what you would like to do, how you would like to live, what to accomplish in the next month. Dreams will come true, dream. This is a day of creative ideas. It's good to dream with the whole family. No big deal. Maintain peace and goodwill at all costs. Realize your true desires. The beginning of a new cycle gives us hope for something better, new and happy in love. Plan, dream, make plans, but don’t start anything new.

2nd lunar day

Name- “Cornucopia”, “Mouth”, in ancient Indian scriptures - “Grabbing mouth”. Sometimes in the mythological tradition he is called “Charybdis”, “Leviathan”, “Yun”. Begins with the first moonrise after the new moon.

The day is favorable for the beginning of a large information cycle (for example, starting school or scientific research), or exercises for the body. Information received on this day will be important for the entire lunar month that has begun. The second half of the day is especially favorable: the ability to work increases, both scientific and mental activity increases, and favorable communication arises. It is worth paying attention to any suggestions, because they can be beneficial. The day is favorable for starting trips, construction projects, and plantings. On this day, you should develop and encourage generosity in yourself in every possible way. Give gifts, including to yourself. However, on this day it is advised to get rid of unnecessary things or you should cleanse things that carry negative energies (traces) of the events of the past lunar month (for example, illness), if this has not been done before.

The first half of the day can bring grief - nervousness, anger, hostility, vanity and other manifestations of selfishness (egoism) can cause quarrels between parents and children, spouses, and friends. A person must cope with these negative manifestations, or they will cause a bad mood for a long time. Those who steal on this day will soon be punished. It’s too early to start big things in the first half of the day.

Health- you definitely need to do physical exercises and exercises on this day (it’s useful to start a new course in the near future). If you are too lazy to do this, the fleshy (physical) body may harden: salt deposition, the formation of stones in the internal organs, periodontal disease, and with bad Saturn - lichen. On this day, both cleansing and saturation of the Flesh body occurs. This is facilitated by a bath, dry fasting, and light nutrition (for example, a “mono-diet”). You can cleanse any organ that bothers you, but it is better to choose the one that corresponds to the sign of the Moon. On this day you should pay attention to your mouth, teeth, and upper palate. Favorable dental treatment. The illnesses that appear may be short-lived.

Nutrition- on the second day of the moon, fasting has a beneficial effect. It is advised to rinse your stomach before sunrise (drink a liter of salted water with lemon); for those who are used to it, do “prakshalana”. You can take the Raven pose, sit quietly and carry out this practice: mentally remember the foods that a person uses in his diet. If you feel nauseous or have bad feelings when you remember something edible, the product is harmful to your health (at least for the time being). In the same way, you can remember your acquaintances and friends: since when people communicate, there is an exchange of energies, positive or negative sensations will help you correctly distribute your strength, maintaining your health. For this day's nutrition, cereals cooked without salt and oil, or taking only one product during meals (“mono-diet”, which is typical for children), are useful. Avoid being greedy, curb your appetite.

Conception- the day is favorable both for conceiving a boy (procreation) and for conceiving a girl. Children can expect success in life and good protection, material well-being and fulfillment of desires. But patronage, well-being and desires can be both light and dark. Much depends on the level of development of the parents. Although the initial days of the lunar month are usually favorable for the conception of spiritualized children.

Birth- children born on this day grow quickly and safely. General feature for people born in the 2nd ld. - the desire to absorb everything into oneself. In spiritually developed people, this trait manifests itself in a thirst for knowledge and communication, in many trips and undertakings. If they do something, they do it and produce it a lot, in abundance. In people low level development, this feature manifests itself differently: greed, aggressiveness, attachment to things, the desire to crush others (for example, the opinion of another person) - will become the reason for their actions. People of this day can eat everything indiscriminately without gaining weight, since their body cleansing system works well. Parents are obliged to teach the child to use this feature for the benefit of his spiritual development (by extracting prana from foods), to introduce him to the basics of healthy nutrition and food culture, otherwise he will follow the lead of the material world, wasting his strength (energy) on more and more pleasures from food and for entertainment.

Dreams- on this day there are often frivolous dreams. They usually mean nothing and are not implemented. However, vivid and memorable dreams should be treated carefully.There may be dreams of obstacles to the implementation of plans. Believe that you will overcome them and Day 2 will give you the strength to do so.

Stones- jadeite (Virgo), chalcedony (Sagittarius), iridescent agate (Taurus, Gemini. Here the ruling planet depends on the variety, color and properties of the mineral).

3rd lunar day

Name- “Leopard (or “Leopard”) preparing to jump”, “Day of the astral warrior clad in armor.” The days of Hecate are ending, the new moon begins. A crescent moon appears in the sky. They say that if the 1st and 2nd lunar days are favorable for cleansing the soul and body, then the 3rd lunar day is favorable for cleansing the astral plane (Nav body, feelings) of a person.

Day of decisive action, pressure and struggle, best time for practicing martial arts. Day of interaction with metals (for example, sharpening knives, forging and casting metal products). It was on this day in ancient times that craftsmen cast silver items. The day is favorable for trading activities; new successful opportunities may appear for the fulfillment of plans in the future. The first half of the day is especially favorable for communication, as it brings peace of mind. It's good to give yourself a lot of physical exercise. All people should concentrate on this day and accumulate their astral power (energy) in order to use it for self-defense. The day of starting new things. All accumulated vitality should be directed to good, constructive (peaceful) and creative deeds.

All weak-willed (passive) people are vulnerable on the third day of the Moon; astral attacks are often made on them (this is the “day of provocations”). A person, if he is not a fighter, simply “ferments” his energy, becomes suspicious, suspicious and even insidious. It is better for such people not to undertake anything new, it is better to go about their daily affairs. They are contraindicated for working with metals on this day. Planting and sowing on this day should be done carefully. Secondhalf of the day is less favorable; only through politeness and good nature can you avoid quarrels, troubles and the machinations of rivals. You cannot give free rein and show hostility towards anyone. You need to get rid of negative thoughts and feelings. A bad omen on this day is spilled oil (this means that someone slipped on it or went off the right path).

Conception- the day is good for conceiving a warrior, a fighter. Passion and desire for action will possess the person conceived on this day. But his life values will determine where he will direct his vital forces - to good deeds or selfish tricks. In the worst case, he can become a hooligan, a bandit.

Birth- a person of this lunar day usually has the ability to astrally influence people. If he is spiritually developed enough, he can become a witch doctor or healer, a good warrior or a fighter for justice. He must learn to treat his abilities and vitality consciously and responsibly. But if he uses them for selfish purposes, he will be able to cast evil eyes and damage, thereby aggravating his 7-9

The first lunar day is like the morning of our life. A time of dreams, daydreams, nostalgia and good memories. The day is considered quite favorable, but astrologers advise us to refrain from active actions and sudden movements.

  • Element of 1st lunar day – water, which, as we know, is the soul of this world, and is entirely connected with feelings. The magic of water is considered the most powerful and effective (in fact, water subjugates the other elements). Therefore, it is important to spend the day in harmony with yourself, without getting irritated or nervous over trifles.
  • The symbols of the 1st lunar day are: Candle, Lantern, Lamp, which carry the energy of the sun, and help us decide on the main life choice. Also included in the symbolism are the Altar of Hecate and Pallas Athena.
  • Happy flowers for this day red (wisdom and power), scarlet (strength and will), black (secret and danger) are considered. But on the first lunar day, it is advisable to adhere to moderation in everything, and the same advice applies to the choice of color.
  • The lucky number of the 1st lunar day is one. The number one is influenced by the sun, and symbolizes the joy of life and creative energy.
  • The talismans of this day are rock crystal and diamonds. Since ancient times, crystal has been attributed magical properties, and this stone had special significance for fortune telling. Crystal is associated with clairvoyance and is called the skin of our planet, which senses space and the astral world. Much is known about the properties of a diamond (diamond), but the main quality of this stone is that it endows its owner with magical and witchcraft abilities, and helps to cope with temptations.
  • The lucky direction of the first lunar day is North. It is not necessary to run to the store for a compass and walk only in a northerly direction all day. If, for example, your path leads to the east, you can neutralize the harmful influence of eastern energy and use a personal talisman. You need to think about what the North is associated with for you, give free rein to your imagination, and make a small amulet. Carved snowflake figurine polar bear, a drawn iceberg - anything, because when you believe in something, it always works.
  • The guardian angel of the 1st lunar day is named Vadal. He is the prince of the dark sky, the messenger of good luck and victory. The angel resists evil and helps us cope with temptations and temptations.

Characteristics of 1 lunar day

It is advisable to perceive this day as a kind of foundation, as preparation for the lunar month. The day does not bring dangers, but it is very important to monitor your thoughts, which, as you know, can be material. It is also advisable to be careful with your statements so as not to accidentally offend your interlocutor. The stars recommend dreaming about the future and planning your life. But the images must be clear and bright - the universe accepts our messages on this day, and their implementation will depend on how correctly we formulate our desires. The energy of the day is quite positive, and it is advisable to get rid of sadness without hesitation.

The energy of the first lunar day is active, but this is not a reason to rush and rush about business at breakneck speed. On the contrary, the stars advise spending the day in a calm and quiet environment - to paraphrase the proverb: the slower you drive, the faster you will get to your destination. That is, no fuss and running around, only a thoughtful and systematic approach to all matters. It is advisable to perceive all the events of the first lunar day philosophically. Mental balance is very important, because our mood during the next lunar day will depend on how we feel on this day. It is not necessary to smile all the time and shake hands with enemies and those who are unpleasant to us - it is better to ignore these people (and not only on the first lunar day, but on all the others).

On the first lunar day, meditation on a candle is welcomed. To choose the right candle, it is advisable to know the color corresponding to your zodiac sign. But it is advisable to refrain from serious magical rituals on this day, since the first lunar day itself carries a rather powerful charge of energy (it is better to postpone fortune-telling and conspiracies to a more suitable day).

The day is not very favorable for team work. If your activity is inextricably linked with communication, and you need to maintain relationships with a large number of people, the stars recommend doing the following. It is advisable not to share your plans and thoughts with others, and maintain conversations only when necessary (the weather and politics are quite suitable topics for discussion). It is better to keep all the secrets of your personal life to yourself, and avoid curious and annoying interlocutors.

On the 1st lunar day it is useful to be in nature as much as possible. Ideally, it is better to go to the country and spend several hours there, walking through the forest or meadow, in the company of pleasant people, or alone. It's a good idea to work in the garden, interact with plants and animals, and gain from them positive emotions. If work or the time of year does not allow you to get out into the fresh air, you can find other ways to spend this day usefully. Take care of your house plants, visit exhibitions, museums, or theaters. Reading is also encouraged, the main thing is to choose literature for the soul (good children's fairy tales are quite suitable).

This day is ideal for dealing with our grievances and forgiving everyone who hurt us and accidentally (or intentionally) caused our problems. Letting go of unpleasant thoughts is difficult, but possible, and not everyone succeeds in forgiving the offender and wishing him well. Try to take advantage of the chances of this day and make peace with friends, relatives and colleagues (neighbors are also included in this list). It’s not a bad idea to ask for forgiveness yourself, but the main thing here is to act sincerely, and in no case deceive yourself - if it doesn’t work out, you can do it in a month.

The first lunar day can be compared to the old Estonian fairy tale “Everyone Got His Own,” in which the heroes spent the entire day doing what they started in the morning. So we will spend this day with benefit for soul and body, and a successful and fruitful month awaits us.

Haircut on 1 lunar day

According to popular beliefs, on this day it is strictly forbidden to cut your hair, since it is believed that we can shorten our age (the number of hairs we cut, the number of years we will lose from our life). If you do not delve into the mystical subtleties and folk signs, then a haircut is not recommended because hair cut on the first lunar day will take a long time to grow, and moreover, it will become much thinner than it was before this procedure. A haircut on this day can lead to both hair loss and split ends (alopecia, fortunately, is not included in this list). In general, it’s better not to take risks and “renew” your head in some other, safer way (after all, in any case, the hairdresser will be to blame, who does not read the advice of astrologers and cuts everyone’s hair, not paying attention to the lunar day).

Hair coloring on the first lunar day is welcome, the main thing is not to get carried away and use only natural and proven dyes. It’s better to avoid bright hair colors – we definitely don’t need poisonous red, green, blue and orange. It is advisable to treat bleaching your hair with caution (by the way, stars are generally not supporters of this procedure, and they advise you to avoid using hydrogen peroxide to lighten your hair forever). A properly changed hair color will improve your mood, and on the first lunar day it will lead to improved relationships with people around you, especially with colleagues or business partners.

If we've managed to resist cutting our hair and saved money by choosing not to dye our hair, we might consider a new hairstyle without scissors or dyes. The main thing is not to build something grandiose on your head, so that the reflection in the mirror does not remind us of hairstyles from the century before last, where ladies walked with unimaginable curls and were afraid to bow their heads again, or to sneeze, so as not to fall and ruin such beauty.

An ordinary braid will protect us from negative influences environment. Our energy will remain untouched, besides, a braided braid will help us tune into space - fly away, we won’t fly away, but useful information we can get it. African braids (and twenty-five braids, like the Uzbek woman from Agnia Barto’s poem) are not appropriate today - it will attract attention, and among the admirers of your beauty there may well be envious people (their energy is not very good).

Ponytails are also a suitable hairstyle option for the first lunar day - here you can use your imagination and decorate your hair with multi-colored bright elastic bands, bows and hairpins. True, you should be careful with metal products and not overload your head with hairpins and bobby pins.

It is not advisable to curl your hair; on this day it is better to put the curling iron away in the closet, where the hair dryer, straightener and straightener are already located. But if the situation is “hopeless,” then you can curl your curls using good old curlers or use an even more ancient method, and stick rags with papers on your curls - they definitely won’t do any harm on the first lunar day.

Loose hair is always beautiful, but on the first lunar day, flowing curls are good only in an informal setting. If there are a lot of people around you, then it is better to tie your hair into a bun to protect yourself from unnecessary glances and not allow negativity to settle on your hair. But in nature, you can relax and give your hair a rest (but beauties and fashionistas should pay attention to weather conditions, and the time of year - in thirty-degree frost and with a squally wind, it is better to hide your hair securely under a warm hat or scarf).

Also read: Lunar haircut calendar

Beauty on 1 lunar day

As we have already found out, it is advisable not to engage in serious matters on the first lunar day. The body is weakened and does not dream of any grandiose cosmetic procedures. But this does not mean that we will sit at home and cover the mirrors so as not to accidentally get scared when we see our unkempt face.

The golden mean is called golden because it implies moderation, including in beauty. We have already figured out the hair, but what about the face, which needs care every day.

Let's start with the eyes. On the first lunar day, the eyes dream of relaxation, and they do not need a meeting with super creams at all. We can allow ourselves a little and apply raw potatoes or discs dipped in tea to our eyelids. Plucking eyebrows today is also not advisable, but if we pull out a couple of hairs that spoil our ideal face, a universal tragedy will not happen.

On the first lunar day, it is not recommended to experiment with face masks; it is better to save all new and unfamiliar products for another day. Light compresses and proven masks won’t do any harm, but you can’t expect much benefit from them that day. It is better to please your face with the usual cream that we use every day, and it is advisable not to overdo it with makeup (naturalness is what we need).

Let’s make a temporary truce with pimples and wrinkles, and give them a chance to get rid of themselves (if they don’t understand, there are still many successful days ahead to combat these unpleasant phenomena).

The neck and décolleté area will thank you on the first lunar day if we limit ourselves to a massage (chamomile ice cubes will do for this purpose). But even here it is important to act without fanaticism - a couple of minutes in the morning will be enough.

Now let’s decide what to do if we have already made an appointment with a manicurist. Of course, it is important to listen to the opinion of a specialist and trust his skill. But masters in salons usually do not have time to read stellar advice and plan work in accordance with the lunar calendar. Therefore, today it is advisable for us to get by with a minimum of procedures - a little grinding, polishing, and varnishing (by the way, it is better to choose a neutral varnish color (transparent, beige, cream) without artistic delights and other newfangled things).

The same applies to the issue of pedicure. For the first lunar day, a dry pedicure is ideal, and the skin of your legs will be happy, and the stellar rules will not be violated. It is not recommended to paint toenails on this day. as a last resort, you can use colorless varnish.
But still, the stars recommend that we do without going to the salon and carry out the procedures at home. You can deal with your nails yourself (you don’t need to cut them today, but if you spent a month in the taiga without scissors and a file, and today you were invited to a ball, then it’s a different matter). Hands and feet will rejoice if you use a special rich cream, you can pamper your nails with a bath with chamomile infusion and a small amount of soap.

For those who decide to get their ears pierced on the first lunar day, the stars advise urgently calling the salon and canceling the procedure. The earlobes will become very sensitive, and they will not need any external influence at all. Moreover, inflammatory processes, swelling of the earlobes, and other unpleasant phenomena are also possible. It is much easier to postpone a trip to the specialist for another day, so that the new earrings will please you for a long time and will not bring unpleasant and painful sensations.

On the first lunar day it is useful to take tonic baths. You should be careful with salt, and it is not at all necessary to pour half a packet into the water as usual (a couple of tablespoons is quite enough). You don’t have to skimp on foam - pour as much as you like, as long as it’s nice to lie in the warm water and dream about something beautiful. To complete the experience, pour boiling water over grapefruit and lemon, and pour the resulting strained broth into the bath. In 20 minutes you can gain enough energy for the entire lunar month.

Wedding on 1 lunar day

For great love, of course, there are no barriers, obstacles or distances, but the stars do not recommend organizing a wedding celebration on the first lunar day. According to popular signs and beliefs, marriages concluded on this day often lead to divorce, or the spouses cannot achieve mutual understanding. Many couples who start a family on the first lunar day quickly lose interest in each other and begin to look for love on the side. But the stars advise not to despair: all this is individual, and if two halves meet, it does not matter to them at all on what lunar day they will get the coveted stamp in their passport.

Of course, if the solemn date has already been set, the guests have been invited, and the parents have taken out a substantial loan, and the newlyweds quite by chance find out that the happiest day in their lives falls on the first lunar day, there is no need to run to the registry office, cancel the holiday and call everyone you know and complain to the treachery of the planets and the injustice of fate. In this case, the guy and girl should hold hands and, of course, tell each other about their unearthly feelings (the moon patronizes all lovers, and will make an exception for the young). But it is better to have a modest wedding, without pathos and special frills. You can also have a blast on your honeymoon.

On this day, young people can begin to think about living together and look for options. It is better to refrain from moving on the first lunar day, but if you can’t wait, lovers can settle a cat in the future nest (she will be able to come to an agreement with both the moon and the stars).

If the newlyweds have submitted an application, and the couple in love still has time to think, then the first lunar day is just the right time to dream about the future, meet relatives, and plan the upcoming celebration. At the same time, the bride and groom get to know each other better, and have plenty of fun under the moon, not paying attention to dates, cycles and other stellar intricacies. On this day, young people can choose outfits, order rings, and discuss the menu for the future holiday.

It is advisable to refrain from getting married on the first lunar day. Church people are not superstitious, but if the newlyweds come to an agreement with the priest, then he, of course, will set a date taking into account the wishes of the bride and groom. Church holidays have nothing to do with lunar days, and if lovers have decided to take such a serious and responsible step as getting married in a church and are about to swear an oath before God, they are unlikely to read this article and take into account the stellar recommendations.

Birthday on the 1st lunar day

People who were born on the first lunar day may seem timid, modest and indecisive. In fact, it's like they're taking a closer look at it. complex world, look closely at their surroundings and decide how best to adapt to the circumstances and which path to take to reach their goal.

If a child was born on the first lunar day, parents can rejoice that their baby will lie calmly in the crib, and cry only “in essence” when he wants to eat, or his tummy hurts. It should be noted that such a child is much smarter than his peers - he will start talking earlier, walking too, and by the time the child goes to school, he will be known as a genius.

Such children should be raised carefully. In principle, these children know much more than their parents, as if the moon itself had endowed them with many talents, and they absorbed information with moonlight. Children born on the first lunar day easily absorb any influences, so adults should know with whom their children communicate and make friends. It is important to protect such children from grief; ideally, it is better to refrain from punishment altogether - children can remember an ordinary spanking, and thirty years later they will write about this “terrible” incident in their autobiography.

People born on the first lunar day grow up quickly, try to figure out a difficult life on their own, and very rarely ask for support. They are smart, independent and freedom-loving; sometimes these guys are cold-blooded and silent. But they need a push, and then they will show so much talent that those around them will simply gasp.

These guys usually don’t stand out at work, but one fine evening the boss may see in his chair a man born on the first lunar day, who will sit with an imperturbable look and hand the boss a contract for signature. They are not careerists, but they sense good chances a mile away, so competing with such guys is not advisable, and even dangerous. The intuition of these creatures is literally off the charts, and if they notice their extrasensory abilities in time, we can consider that life is good.

I would like to note that people born on the first lunar day are usually beautiful and attractive, and easily achieve what they want, precisely with the help of their charm. But they are amorous, often have wishful thinking, idealize their partner and do not immediately notice their mistake. But these guys know how to find a compromise, so family life they are lucky much more often than others.

Those born on the first lunar day usually do not like to be in the spotlight, and it doesn’t even matter under what constellation or in what year they were born. They are patient and hardworking, persistent and persistent, but sometimes these people turn off the path when there is only one step left to the goal. It's all about being overly modest, and it's important to have someone next to them they can rely on. They themselves are loyal, honest and devoted, although some are frivolous and frivolous, as if the moon, for a change, decided to endow them with such qualities.

These people should avoid risky adventures, because fate will test their strength and endlessly throw up temptations and temptations. Among people born on the first lunar day there are gamblers and even cheaters, but they know how to control themselves and can always stop. If you are lucky, and these guys find themselves in creativity, then they can safely make plans and not be afraid of crises and bankruptcy - talent is always in demand, and they will definitely earn their bread and butter.

The lives of people born on the first lunar day are usually long and eventful. True, they should take care of their health from their youth in order to meet old age not as weak and decrepit creatures, but as positive, cheerful ones.

Dreams on the 1st lunar day

Our dreams are thin, delicate and fragile matter, and there is so much unknown and mysterious in it. Some people believe that dreams are just games of the subconscious, or an imprint of a life already lived. But many are sure that in dreams one can see both past events and the future life.

Dreams seen on the first lunar day can be called prophetic and prophetic (in common parlance: “in the hand”). However, you should not open the first dream book you come across on the Internet and draw hasty conclusions. The Moon Witch loves to joke, play, and often gives us charades and puzzles. The dreams that come to us this night often suggest what to do in a given situation, but are not at all a guide to action.

If you had an alarming or scary dream, this does not mean that nightmares will begin to haunt you throughout the month. It is advisable to remember the main points of the dream, and discern in a series of pictures the main thing that our subconscious or higher powers are hinting at (this is a controversial issue, and everyone has their own opinion on this matter). It is possible that our childhood fears or doubts were embodied in a terrible dream, and we just need to wake up and wash ourselves cold water, and wash away this dream, leaving only good moments from it.
A cheerful and interesting dream can promise a sweet life for a whole month, but on the other hand, this vision can be characterized as a kind of warning that, on the contrary, you should not relax, and in order to live in luxury and prosperity, you should work a little.

A black and white dream seen on the first lunar day will help you sort things out and make plans for the future. But here it is important to act without fanaticism and not to perceive night pictures as a cheat sheet or a clear diagram of the future.

A colored dream, first of all, means that you are having a good time and remain a child at heart, even if you will soon have to celebrate your eightieth birthday. This dream also promises many interesting and unusual events, which will definitely happen if you are not lazy and act as intended.

Dreams in which we can’t get out of a labyrinth, or are lost in a deep forest and don’t see a way out, do not mean that we are confused in life and are doing something wrong. If we saw such a dream on the first lunar day, then we can be calm - everything is going according to plan, and these pictures are just games of our brain, which does not want us to relax.

On the first lunar day, the most successful dreams are those in which we fly. The stars do not call for controlling dreams, but it is better if you fly in a horizontal position and do not see any obstacles in front of you. If we had to fly down, and even screaming, most likely we overworked ourselves, and it’s time to rest - the first lunar day will come, and we will spend it for our own pleasure, dreaming of a wonderful future and forgetting the sad past.

On the first lunar day, dreams in which we communicate with animals are successful. But here, too, some points should be taken into account. Cats and dogs are for success, but rats and snakes are for enemies and competitors. Again, you need to take into account your feelings - if you woke up without any anxiety, then the dream was just a cartoon that the moon came up with so that you wouldn’t get bored.

A dream in which we see beautiful and unusual flowers is a kind of warning. You may be surrounded by a flattering and unkind person, and it is very important to recognize the scammer in time and stop communicating with him. We must not forget that this article gives general recommendations, and each dream can be interpreted differently. The stars wish everyone good night and sweet dreams (without any ghosts).

Business sphere of the first lunar day

One cannot expect unprecedented generosity from monetary luck on the first lunar day. You should share your plans very carefully, and, if possible, cancel all important meetings and reschedule business negotiations. On this day, it is better to refuse serious transactions and signing contracts - the most useful thing we can do is to start writing a business plan. It is also undesirable to take unjustified risks, since fortune may turn away on the first lunar day.

Of course, not everything is so sad, because this day can be devoted to working on mistakes, sorting out papers, talking with colleagues on neutral topics (and relationships will improve, and new ideas will appear during the conversation).

It is advisable not to take out loans on the first lunar day - it will be very, very difficult to repay money. If you decide to pay off your debts, then try to postpone the return of the money until another, more suitable day (however, if you have unimaginable interest, then that’s a different matter; here the stars advise not to delay).

As for starting a new business, the first lunar day is not the best time for such drastic life changes. In any business, of course, risk and pressure are welcomed, but common sense and logical reasoning are needed here. If you decide to move to another job, you don’t have to run to your future manager right today and sign an agreement. Get to know the team, take a closer look at the boss - “your” position will not run away from you. Perhaps after the influence of the first lunar day ends, you will change your mind about changing your field of activity altogether, and you will wonder how such thoughts could come to mind.

But if the stars do not recommend doing important things, this does not mean that we can stay at home and take a day off, citing the influence of the first lunar day. Laziness on this day is also not welcome, you just need to do everything thoughtfully and carefully. Money rituals on the first lunar day will not do much harm, but one cannot expect any benefit from them. You can read the relevant literature, prepare the necessary attributes for your magical actions, and wait for the right lunar day.

If, out of ignorance, you have scheduled meetings with partners on the first lunar day, and businessmen have already prepared their pens for signing a contract, do not panic and tell business people about negative influence moon for today's deals. Review the papers, find any inaccuracies - your business partners will not only not be disappointed in you, but will also understand that they can do business with such reliable and honest guys. And please the moon, and do not offend your friends.

Intuition works with malfunctions on the first lunar day, and if you are used to trusting it unconditionally, today it is better not to rush into making decisions. Inner voice can also be wrong, so write down all the ideas that arise on the first lunar day - you will deal with them later when the favorable time comes.

For those who take the exam on the first lunar day, the stars recommend having patience and courage. It is better not to enter into discussions with teachers, and agree with everything that these wise people say - the required grade will appear in your record book, the main thing is to pass another exam (for fortitude). Just in case, students can take a small amulet with them - here the familiar and irreplaceable patch in the shoe will suit everyone.

Most important advice, concerning the financial sphere, sounds like this: on the first lunar day (and on all other lunar days), treat your money with care, and it will definitely reciprocate your feelings. Banknotes like to lie neatly, and the wallet should be decent - money does not linger in a shabby wallet. This recommendation will help, if not get rich, then at least keep your capital safe and sound.

Health on 1 lunar day

We are all “lunar children” and on the first lunar day you cannot argue with this statement. In the first phase, when the moon is a growing crescent, our strength also grows. But on the first lunar day, as a rule, we are inactive, lethargic, and the mood of most people, to put it mildly, is gloomy.

The body's defense mechanisms are weakened on this day, and complications of chronic diseases are possible. But you shouldn’t go to bed and demand tea with honey - it’s time to start preventing diseases, and it won’t hurt to cheer up your body.
But again - no sudden movements. Those who finally decided to start healthy image life, they can postpone this wonderful task for another day - the first lunar day is absolutely not suitable for this. While jogging, we will begin to fall, when doing push-ups, our backs will seize, and when we squat, our legs will begin to crack. But athletes and those who regularly engage in physical education and gymnastics do not need this advice - behave as before and set records to your heart’s content.

For those who decide to go on a diet, it is better to do without fanaticism and not give up all your favorite dishes on the first lunar day. Such a diet will not lead to weight loss, but the body will be dissatisfied. You can make a plan or seek advice from a nutritionist - write down all the smart recommendations. Today it is better to limit ourselves to this innovation - the menu should be familiar, and there is absolutely no need for a “shake-up” to the stomach.

It's never too late to quit smoking, but you don't have to plan to quit important event on the first lunar day. It’s great if an experienced smoker holds out until the evening; usually everyone quits at lunchtime. But if you deceived your body and went without cigarettes for a lunar day, you cannot outwit the moon - the very next day the craving for tobacco will be great, and all your efforts will be in vain. Conclusion - you can break up with a bad habit another day, but today it’s better to leave everything as it was.

On the first lunar day, there is a high risk of catching a cold or catching some kind of infection. The recommendations for this day are simple: dress according to the weather, and try to avoid large crowds of people. It’s also better to protect yourself from stress today, and try not to get involved in conflicts - nervous system is under threat, and on the first lunar day you need to spare it and treat yourself to soothing teas or mixtures. Remember that for every one bad emotion there should be five happy ones. You should be careful when choosing medications, and take pills strictly as recommended by your doctor.

You need to be careful both at work and at home - the day is quite dangerous and it is advisable to follow safety precautions. Ideally, on the first lunar day, you need to go to the country house, or to the forest, and spend time in the fresh air - there will be no excess cosmic energy, and there will be no room left for sad thoughts and depression.

On the first lunar day, many of us may experience insomnia; female representatives will especially suffer from this scourge. The advice of traditional medicine should be taken with caution, but there is no need to rely on medications.

It is also better to refrain from visiting the dentist today. If everything goes more or less smoothly with the treatment and removal of teeth, then serious procedures may not bring the desired result. If we postpone communication with the dentist, nothing bad will happen to our gums and teeth, and our nerves, again, will remain intact.
If some kind of special event falls on the first lunar day, and you can’t do without alcohol, it is advisable not to indulge in strong drinks, and limit yourself to a couple of glasses of dry wine. As they say, the moon protects those who are careful.

Bottom line

And in conclusion, I would like to note that the influence of the moon on people is, of course, enormous, but much depends on ourselves. On the first lunar day, it is important to remain calm in any situation, not to get involved in adventures or risky undertakings, and, if possible, not to start new things.

It is not advisable to create problems from scratch, and in case conflict situations It’s important to save face - all troubles will go away, and you don’t need to pay attention to them. Today it is better to limit communication, but you can maintain relationships at a distance - telephone communication will be fine (the influence of the moon does not extend to this area).
The first lunar day will give us the opportunity to understand our desires; we can not only dream about future achievements, but also make concrete creative plans, the main thing is not to rush into their implementation and always remember the golden mean and a sense of proportion.

I would like to once again draw attention to our thoughts today. It is better to destroy negativity and anger at the root, and we need to let go of all grievances and forgive all those who have ever caused us trouble. There is also no need to get angry and quarrel on the first lunar day, since even minor conflicts and minor disagreements can last for a whole month and cause us many unnecessary problems. Try not to wish bad things on the people around you, because the boomerang law works much more effectively on the first lunar day than on other days.

If it is not possible to meditate with candles, you can turn to any other light source for help. Of course, it is not recommended to look at the stars at the sun (unless you wear black glasses), but you can imagine a fire, or paint a bright and cheerful picture.

A positive attitude, a friendly attitude towards others, a thoughtful approach to business - and now the first lunar day is coming to an end, and we are ready for any achievements. And a properly started lunar month will pass with a plus sign, and will give us only pleasant, kind and wonderful moments.

The meaning of the first lunar day is often interpreted as newness, a beginning. The very first hours of the new month are a great opportunity to start living with a clean slate. 1 lunar day largely determines the outcome of the remaining days in the month. This is a “support” that plays an important role in making plans and developing future events.

Features of 1st lunar day:

  • To attract good luck, it is recommended to wear red clothes
  • Brain cells are activated, new information is more easily absorbed
  • Meditation with visualization of a candle flame is effective
  • Prince Vadal, the lord of luck and darkness, is considered the guardian of the lunar day.
  • The element of Water has a special influence.
  • Symbols of the day: lit lamp, candle, Ajna chakra

The first lunar day is associated with a chain reaction: the more successful the day is, the more successful the end of the month will be. This also applies to effective mental activity, and to physical activity, and to relationships in society. No area of ​​life will be left unattended.

The Moon and New Beginnings

This is the right moment for daydreaming. But you shouldn’t build something abstract in your head and neglect the important constituent details. Self-confidence and specificity will help you plan the coming month correctly. There should be a complete image in your head, thought out to the smallest detail.

Although the first lunar day is suitable for thinking over plans and analyzing your actions, it is still not worth starting some serious business. It’s better not to rush and think through every detail thoroughly. Otherwise, you may face a big failure.

In astrology, 1 lunar day is associated with spring sowing in the fields. The grain ends up in the ground and gradually takes root in it. In case of a measured course of events, the seed of the lunar month will gain strength and give a good harvest.

On the 1st lunar day, mood plays an important role. It is recommended to protect yourself from bad thoughts and frustrations. Restraint, peace of mind and common sense will contribute to a successful outcome of events. Also, a bad mood can be a logical explanation for the confusion that has arisen in business. Things that have been started will stagnate, as if they are mired in a swamp.

If the 1st day of the lunar cycle began with a quarrel or swearing with a certain person, then the rest of the month will be filled with annoying moments. Most likely, they will not retreat until the end of the current period. Additional details of the controversial issue, new claims and grievances will be revealed. Any attempts to improve the situation will be in vain.

Thoughts in your head and real actions will set your life program for the coming month. It will be very difficult to change anything.

If the desire to create something new still takes its toll, then nothing good will come of this venture in any case. The path will be thorny with many obstacles that will appear at an unexpected moment.

Things that once seemed simple and ordinary will become complex. If you manage to take a step forward towards your goal, you will soon take a huge leap in the opposite direction.

Therefore, it is better not to take unnecessary risks. Show endurance, and the forces of nature will once again become your support at turning points.

The motto of the 1st lunar day is: “Pause to start something new”!

The moon and communication with loved ones

On the first lunar day, it is better to envelop yourself in an atmosphere of home comfort. Relatives and friends will ensure that your thoughts will be in the right direction. It is the absence of unforeseen situations and bright events that will help maintain self-control and clarity of mind. Any negativity can instantly ruin the rest of the lunar month.

A great activity to do is reminisce about warm moments. These can be any bright pictures from childhood, school and student years, as well as love emotions and sensations. Joyful moments will help you get rid of the accumulated negativity inside.

With a big smile on your face and a feeling of mental freedom, start making plans for the coming month. The list of goals can include anything you want: work issues, family leisure and meetings with friends. Try to forget about the feeling of envy and... Under no circumstances plan how you will plot against other people. Learn to forgive and work on developing self-esteem. This will have a beneficial effect on your spiritual state and emotional maturity.

On this day there is no need to burden yourself with social issues. Do not rush to take part in meetings dedicated to solving everyday problems.

You should not arrange gatherings with guests in your home, or pay a visit to them. Communication will take up a lot of your time. internal forces, which will be useful to you to realize your goals. Cut off unnecessary and painful contacts; this is easy to do on the 1st lunar day.

The best atmosphere for this day is peace and quiet. So that the city rhythm of life does not disturb your privacy, you can spend this day. Exchange of energy with the earth will have a beneficial effect on your well-being.

The moon and prophetic dreams

Dreams that you can see on the 1st lunar day may, to some extent, turn out to be prophetic. The vague images that will remain in your memory after waking up are related to the current month. However, they cannot be taken literally, since the dream world is more of a puzzle or a charade than a precise answer.

Night visions that you can observe on the first lunar day can become a warning or a hint Higher Powers allowing you to make the right decision.

This day is best suited for good deeds. If you meet a person on your way who needs support, then do not consider it difficult to lend him a helping hand. Showing mercy is not only positive, but will also return in the future.

Also, the first day of the lunar cycle is suitable for starting a diet or fasting. Now it will be easy for you to abstain from food or, at a minimum, give up unhealthy delicacies.

Today you can practice candle meditation. Light a candle and try to banish extraneous thoughts from your head. Close your eyes halfway and look at the candle flame through narrowed eyelids. Now imagine your immediate goal (enroll in a university, get a job, buy a car, etc.). Try to visualize what you want as clearly as possible, so that its image becomes fixed in your mind and becomes a factor inducing action.

Beauty, fitness, care

On the first day of the moon, peeling and other procedures that can lead to skin injury are contraindicated. Now you need to take care and prevent the formation of abrasions and cuts, since such microtraumas can become inflamed and cause you discomfort. But it won’t hurt to think about a new hairstyle or buy skincare products.

Health on 1 lunar day

On this day, many people's immunity is significantly weakened, and mental reactions become more acute. Try to avoid scandals and quarrels. Take care of yourself, avoid emotional and physical stress. Drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as spicy or smoked foods can negatively affect your health.

Listen, watch your favorite movie, read good book- now it is very important for you to feel complete peace and spiritual comfort. Esotericists believe that any illness that occurs during the first lunar day is of a spiritual nature. This is another reason to think about what you should change in your life.

Nutritionists recommend devoting the day following the new moon to light deloading. This will help you get rid of accumulated toxins and waste, and also speed up the metabolic processes occurring in the body. On this day you should limit yourself to food, but drink as much liquid as possible - teas and herbal decoctions, natural juices, dairy products. In the evening, you can take a warm bath or a cool shower - in accordance with the climatic conditions and the time of year.

Moon and work

Both businessmen and employees should devote 1 lunar day to planning. If possible, all important events (such as negotiations with key clients or concluding major transactions) should be rescheduled to a more appropriate time. Don’t forget that the key to a successful result is often a well-planned strategy.

Hired workers should not, on the first lunar day, at will take on new responsibilities. If you put a bunch of things on your shoulders on this day, then within a month you are guaranteed to work hard, fatigue and headaches. So don't rush to take the initiative! It is better to spend time summing up and developing new plans.

It is believed that on the first lunar day, good luck comes to people who do not hesitate to ask. We are talking about various applications (for vacation, for financial assistance), about attempts to establish cooperation, and so on. On this day there is a chance of receiving an approving response.

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