The black line will pass. Black streak in life, what to do? Step-by-step instructions to get rid of the black bar in life

Hello! In this article we will talk about the black streak in life - what to do and how to get rid of it. Our life itself is heterogeneous and impermanent. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a person on planet Earth who has never faced failure, grief or misfortune. A series of easy happy days are replaced by trials given to us for our own good, development and growth. Many call hard times a black streak. Let's figure out what to do with the black stripe in life and what it is.

How to understand that a black streak has come

The black bar is a series of unpleasant events, problems and troubles that replace each other or fall on a person at once. It is important not to confuse this concept with the usual routine problems that exist in the life of every person. Many people like to overdramatize and even torn tights or a damaged manicure are a sign of an endless streak of misfortunes for them.

To make sure that your life is really a black streak, look around and objectively assess the situation. Ask yourself the question: “In what areas of my life do I have problems?”. Make a rough list of areas:

  • Career
  • Health
  • Personal life
  • Self-realization, etc.

Include items that are important to you. If you suddenly realize that the problems are concentrated in one area, you can be congratulated: there is no black line, there are problems that you, like all mortals, must solve. If you have marked at least three areas, this is an occasion to reflect and realize that now is really not the best time in your life.

Do not despair, the black bar ends sooner or later and you can directly influence its duration!

Why the black bar has come: reasons

Only you can answer this question. However, there are several reasons for failure:

  1. You yourself. Unfortunately, in some cases, we ourselves are the culprits of the so-called black streak, and it is at least strange to shift our blame to others. Everything in the world strives for balance, and if you do not try to achieve harmony, sooner or later you will lose something. For example, you spend all day at work, forget about your family, and even on weekends you manage to think only about your career. Is there anything surprising in the fact that you will lose family, friends or loved one putting work at the center of your life? In the same way, it can happen in the opposite case, when the desire to please loved ones will shift your personal implementation and development in the list of priorities. Try to find a middle ground and develop all areas of life in more or less equal proportions.
  2. . Often it is this point that slows down development and makes a person give up interesting prospects or an attractive position, not to mention communication with the opposite sex.
  3. Negative thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. It is our thoughts that sometimes attract various troubles and failures. We do not allow ourselves to be happy on a subconscious level. Try to control your thoughts as much as possible, remember what attitudes were instilled in you as a child. Maybe you are giving up opportunities just because you don't believe in success and that you are worthy of happiness and love, like all people on this Earth? We are all born to feel and be happy. The only question is whether we allow ourselves to do so. Smile to the new day and believe only in the good.
  4. Global and personal catastrophes. There are not always things that we can influence: natural disasters, floods, earthquakes, loss of personal property, whether it be a car theft or a house fire. Everyone can be in distress and all you can do in such a situation is to help others. Yes, yes, unite with people who also need your help and support. Good deeds are the best way to help overcome the black stripes of life and improve your karma, if you believe in it, of course.
  5. Enemies and detractors. Sometimes troubles arise from the light hand of our enemies, envious people and ill-wishers. If this is exactly your case, you have three options for solving the problem: fight the enemy, retreat, or make peace. Each person is free to choose and decide independently. Therefore, whatever you do, you are right in any case.
  6. Lack of life purpose. When we don't know what we want and where we're going, it's very easy to get thrown off course. Any incident will be perceived as a bad fate, depriving us of true happiness. ! Maybe then everything will fall into place.

When will the black bar end

How quickly the black streak ends depends, first of all, on the person himself, his character and attitude to life's difficulties. Some people tend to exaggerate any troubles and failures, and they perceive even a small test of fate as a big tragedy. Obviously, such people experience a black streak very hard, often invent it themselves and find inner satisfaction in being eternal victims and suffering. The black stripe will never leave them.

But if a person sincerely knows how to enjoy the little things, not to notice minor failures and is able to see something good in everything, there will be very few black stripes in his life and he is unlikely to notice them, enjoying the moment.

By the way, black bars often disappear, one has only to think about true position things and change the attitude to what is happening.

What does fate really have in store for us?

The obstacles that we encounter during the period of the black stripe can be conditionally divided into three types:

  1. Tests;
  2. Punishments;
  3. Signs.

Trials often come to us to confirm our intentions, to test ambition, purpose, and to test whether we really want something badly and are ready to act for it. Yes, fate tests us for strength, but after passing the test with dignity, it rewards the patient and purposeful.

Punishments are given by fate for wrong deeds, sins, missed opportunities. Many consider this to be karma or the will of God. But even if you are an atheist, no one has canceled the laws of balance, and everything that has been done will sooner or later return to you like a boomerang.

Signs come to us when we sit too long in the comfort zone, stop developing, growing and learning. Then fate decides to throw us out of the nest, makes us look around and start acting differently. It is very important how a person relates to such signs. Maybe the fact that you were fired from your job is not a reason to be sad and angry with God, but a reason to find a more interesting and promising work Or even take up the business of life and start your own business? Maybe you should not kill yourself because of parting with your loved one, but take care of yourself, and then a partner will come into your life with whom you will be able to build even more holistic and harmonious relationships?

How to get rid of the black bar

So, you realized that only you are the creator of your destiny, you are convinced that there is really a black streak in your life and you want to act. How to adequately survive and cope with the trials of fate?

  1. Let the emotions come out. Believe me, to cheer up and prove to everyone, including yourself, that everything is fine, while experiencing a storm of emotions inside is not the best solution. So you will only provide yourself with health problems and aggravate the situation. Let the emotions come out: cry, if necessary, shout. Just do not delay this period and "suffer" for too long.
  2. Look around and assess the situation. Analyze what is the true reason for the occurrence of a losing streak, what mistakes you made. If there is an opportunity to fix something, make a plan and take action.
  3. Change the scenery. Leave the city, having gone to the village or to the country house with friends. If there is an opportunity to go on a longer trip, do it. When if not now? Even short trips help clear your mind, take a fresh look at the situation and return to your usual life as a completely different person with different attitudes.
  4. Estimate your losses. Perhaps you have lost something, but surely something has remained with you? Thank fate for this and appreciate what you have.
  5. Accept the problem if there is one.. Recognize it and in no case deny it, so you will only exacerbate the situation.
  6. Help others. Nothing heals faster than the feeling of being needed, kindness and sincerity. Find people who need your help even more than you and do something nice for them. Spiritual uplift is guaranteed.
  7. Keep calm. Tantrums and panic are not the best companions. If you have already found yourself in a raging sea, a strong chaotic floundering will drag you even deeper. Pull yourself together and collect your thoughts.
  8. Look for support within yourself. Faith in God will help you higher power, the laws of the world and, of course, faith in yourself!
  9. Surround yourself with loved ones and dear people: friends, relatives. The ones you love and who love you. Try to communicate with positive people, avoid pessimists and whiners.
  10. If for some reason, you are deprived of the opportunity to surround yourself with loved ones, go out into nature more often and spend time in solitude.
  11. Accept help and don't refuse it.
  12. Enjoy. Perhaps the black bar is just a myth, and your adversity is associated with the lack of endorphins in the body. Delicious food, sex, shopping, beauty salons and other joys will help to cheer you up. Just remember that everything is good in moderation: do not overeat and make love only with your loved one.
  • Practice to Identify Problems

Take a piece of paper and make an impromptu table. In the first column, write all your problems, and in the second, the solution. So you can clearly see how many significant problems you have and identify those that require immediate work.


It is possible that the real problems will turn out to be much less than you expected, or the problems that you found will be insignificant. Or maybe you suddenly find the root of all problems or identify in time a situation that prevents you from living and breathing to the fullest?

  • Daily Measures

In addition to the general principles, there are things that are worth doing daily to maintain good spirits:

  1. Start each morning with a smile and gratitude for the new day, this is how you change the karma of the day. And in the evening, ask the Universe and yourself for forgiveness for all situations where you could not think positively or acted unworthily - this tool helps to change the karma of life.
  2. Go to the mirror during the day and smile at yourself. Do this, even if it is difficult and you have to smile through force. A forced smile will soon turn into sincere joy.
  3. Every evening praise yourself for your successes, even if they seem very small to you. Keep a diary of victories and write every day: "I can ...", "I could (la) ...". Nothing raises our self-esteem better than awareness of our own strength and capabilities.
  4. Learn something new every day: read books, go to courses, watch educational films, listen to lectures, go on excursions, etc.
  5. Avoid noisy gatherings, but do not forget to communicate with friends: go to visit, walk a lot, visit museums, exhibitions, cinemas and other events.
  6. Train your positive thinking: believe in the best and try to find a positive at any moment, like the main character of the film "Polyanna".
  • What should not be done?

Under no circumstances should you:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • eat a lot and excessively;
  • feel sorry for yourself;
  • lose heart;
  • avoid communication;
  • stay at home and don't go anywhere.

Whether there is a black bar or whether it is just a problem of our perception of the world is up to you. One way or another, everything passes. The black stripe will also pass!

Loser syndrome: how to get out of the black stripe

Joyful feelings are replaced by anxious ones, happiness alternates with unhappiness. A person knows that the black streak in life will someday end, and in the future, pleasant moments and bright events await him again. But what if troubles, problems and trials accompany a person for quite a long time? What to do when plans are constantly falling apart?

Causes of Protracted Bad Luck

Don't be patient with adversity. It's time to stop complaining and listen to your feelings. Often fate presents people with certain opportunities, but a person does not notice them, does not respond to the prompts of fate. In order to get rid of black stripe and get out of the negative it is necessary to eliminate the main causes of failures:

  1. Laziness. Thirst for knowledge, spiritual impulses are considered success stimulants. Therefore, a lazy subject will not achieve a result if he remains on the sidelines.
  2. Aggression towards others. Disappointed in everything, a person holds back emotions. Negative energy accumulates in him, which he splashes out on others (attacks, nagging, etc.), so the rest simply turn away from such an attitude. As a result, all the negativity returns back to the irritated person.
  3. An insult to the whole world. People with chronic bad luck blame everyone, because it is much easier to console yourself, blame outsiders and refer to evil fate.
  4. Inability to see beauty. Lucky people know how to enjoy every little thing. They treat success not only as the acquisition of life's goods (money, an apartment, etc.). People try to live in harmony with themselves and others, appreciate good weather, pleasant conversation, a cup of coffee, etc.
  5. Angel complex. Bad luck is the result of excessive shyness, indecision. If a person is afraid to ask a question once again, he will automatically deprive himself of the right to vote in making any decision.
  6. Life on the principle of "draft" (carbon copy). Attempts to copy someone else's life will not help to find the answer to the question of when the black streak in my life will end. Often there are people who copy the behavior of the stars. But they forget that society does not need two identical individuals. Such a fake society will simply ignore.

The human body is not a garbage container. Much in life depends on physical and psychological health. If you do not reconsider your views, then it will be difficult to cope with even the simplest stresses, which means that it will become impossible to stop the emergence of new problems.

Methods for dealing with a losing streak

What if the problems don't go away common man difficult to understand. Psychologists recommend creating a daily routine, distributing important things. You should not deny yourself walking, going to the cinema. The main thing is to stick to the developed scheme.

Unresolved issues need to be brought to the fore. Stop complaining about evil rock take control of yourself and get on with your life. Narrow the circle of contacts, refuse to meet with pessimists. On paper, describe the goals as clearly as possible and soberly assess the chances of success. Available real opportunity solve the problem quickly? You should immediately draw up a plan for further actions (steps) for its implementation. After a couple of days, a person will notice that another streak has begun in his life - white.

Folk ways

You can throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder. The method will help to interrupt the appearance of negative events in a person's life. Astrologers and numerologists offer on the 29th day of the lunar month, perform the rites:

  • smoke incense;
  • read the conspiracy.

After that, you should stand in the center of the room with your eyes closed. Feel how every cell in your body relaxes. Imagine that multi-colored rays are flying towards you from 8 sides. For example, from the north - a blue ray of good luck, from the southeast - a red ray of love, etc. All the rays connect in the place where the person stands.

You need to enjoy this moment. The described visualization is required to be carried out several times a month so that luck always remains with a person.

To get rid of the black streak in life and remove troubles, you can contact a priest. He will recommend fasting and reading prayers in the morning and evening for 7 days. After that, you need to come to the temple for the evening service and give alms to those in need. During the service, one should confess and take a blessing for communion. Do not have dinner on this day.

The next morning, come to the morning service and take the sacrament.

Main conditions for positive change:

  • take communion once a month;
  • follow the advice of the father.

Trials and bad luck contribute personal development make a person stronger and more resilient. It must be remembered that faith in oneself and one's strengths, goodwill and optimism are considered the main "recipes" for changing life for the better.

A person cannot be happy and successful always. A calm, carefree life at any moment can be overshadowed by unpleasant, and even tragic events. Dealing with them is not easy, especially if failures follow one after another. You involuntarily ask yourself the questions “why is this happening to me”, “whether the black streak in life will end”, “how to get rid of the problems that have piled up”. In fact, everyone can break the vicious circle of bad luck.

Who is guilty?

“While we are lucky, we attribute it to our dexterity, we blame the gods for our failures” G. Shaw

It often seems to us that misfortunes come from nowhere. Some blame fate or karma. But more often than not, the person himself is to some extent to blame for his troubles. Let's look at a list of the most common problems:

What to do?

“Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm” W. Churchill

From the point of view of psychology, with any shock, a person needs emotional release. give way out negative emotions, scream, cry, write your experiences on a piece of paper, and then burn it. Take it easy. Now you are ready to fight the black streak in life.

In a healthy body healthy mind

In a period of despondency, depression, taking care of your health is especially important. Vitamin deficiencies, irregular sleep, and poor nutrition impair a person's ability to withstand setbacks.

What to do:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. In winter, you can drink a course of vitamins and minerals.
  • Normalize sleep and rest. Don't get caught up in work or household chores. A person should sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Start the day actively. It is advisable to do exercises in the morning. You can sign up for a gym or any group classes. By evening, the body should calm down, tune in to sleep.
  • Limit the use of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol clouds the mind, creates the illusion of security, reduces the ability to reason logically. In addition, looking for a solution to your problems at the bottom of the glass, you can quickly become an alcoholic, which will further aggravate the current situation.
  • Keep the body clean. Always follow the rules of personal hygiene. This will prevent many diseases. Also, taking a shower before bed is good. psychological method to relieve stress. Imagine that all your failures are washed away with water.

It is important to understand that breaking the series of negative events at one moment will not work. In order not to lay down your hands, not to give up, not to become discouraged, follow the following rules:

The black streak in life is sure to end. One fine day you will just forget about it. Bright, joyful events will replace gloomy, difficult failures. And finally, I would like to add advice from myself. Don't wait for someone to pull you out of trouble unexpectedly or for it to disappear on its own. Take life into your own hands, act, and luck will certainly look into your house.

Irina, Moscow

What to do if a black streak has come in life?

All misfortunes are actually given to us so that our souls become stronger. (John Gray)

We live in an age of adversity; but life at all times presented people with ups and downs, good luck and trouble. Problems are part of the overall process of life. Even the most happy people, whom everyone considers lucky and minions of fate, from time to time they face misfortunes, and a black streak in life comes to them too.

But why does it seem to us that troubles never overtake such people?

It's all about how they behave during such periods of their lives. Positive in nature, these people are able to overcome difficulties without bitterness and regret. They are not afraid to ask for help and support when they need it. lucky people learn from situations in which others simply give up, and try to see something good even in the worst. They control their own destiny and create their own lives. Such people, it seems to us, never live in a world of suffering; however, this does not detract from the feeling of unhappiness, which even in them can be very deep, and sometimes even destructive. They just "work out" these feelings, which cannot disappear overnight, while the rest simply sink to the very bottom of despair.
Why don't we take a cue from the best?

First of all, admit to yourself that the trouble really happened to you. Admitting to ourselves that a black streak has come in our life, we, no matter how strange it may seem, thereby reduce the emotional shock from the hardships that have fallen on us.
Now try to understand that all misfortunes are temporary and rarely affect not individual stages of life, but the whole fate of a person. You can lose your job, money, housing; but your family still loves you, your friends are ready to lend a shoulder, you yourself are alive and well. You have kept the most important values, and everything else can be earned.
Awaken your gratitude. Be grateful for what you have instead of complaining about what you have lost.
Realize that you have the ability to control your response to life's challenges. As soon as you begin to experience pain, immediately change your focus - look at things with a different look. In any case, there is a positive side to every event, even the most unpleasant one - it all depends on how you look at it.
Achieve a higher state of consciousness, learn to control your thoughts, feelings and reactions. This will allow you to see things more clearly at the cost of less emotional involvement.
Decide what practical steps you can take today to help yourself. As small as these steps are, each one is important because it brings you closer to solving the problem. And in the end, you will get to a place where you really feel that you have the strength to cope with the situation.

Several ways to deal with adversity

Life is really unpredictable, and sometimes troubles take us by surprise. And then it is very important to know what to do if in life a black streak has changed the streak of luck. At a time when we are going through a difficult period, having a specific plan of action can help us. Only action can clear a path through the jungle of adversity to give us room to move forward! The points of this plan may vary, it all depends on the individual and on the difficult situation in which he got. But the basic steps are still the same for any case:

One of the first stages of grief and other forms of unhappiness is usually a refusal

We refuse to admit that something bad has happened to us. And we try to hide from everyone what happened to us. This can only make the situation worse, because we do not give ourselves the opportunity to cope with the reality of the situation and rationally perceive the consequences of the trouble. The sooner we accept reality, the better our chances of moving forward. Remember what successful people shared with us in the article - after all, they, too, first of all recognize the fact of the onset of a streak of bad luck.

Mobilize all your internal forces try not to let despair take over you

Don't panic by any means. Do you know what can happen to a non-swimmer who unexpectedly falls into the water? There are two options: in the first case, he will start to panic, flounder randomly, and eventually swallow water and drown if help does not arrive in time. And in the second case, this person will try to calm down, and the water itself will push him to the surface. By staying calm and relaxing his muscles, he will be able to control his body position and keep his head above the water. So in life - if you remain calm, you have a much better chance of resolving the situation.

Break down a difficult situation into smaller, more manageable and manageable tasks

You can even eat an elephant, biting off a small piece of it over and over again! By using this simple strategy of breaking down a complex problem into several simpler ones, you will be able to quickly see the solutions to the problem. You will dispel anxiety, restore organized, rational thinking and direct your thoughts in the right direction to see the next right move.

Be proactive, don't let despair discourage you from taking action.

You can always find a way out! By taking away some of our opportunities, deprivation gives us the chance to take advantage of others. Imagine a person who has lost arms or legs. This is terrible for him and for everyone who loves him. And, of course, no one would dare to condemn the unfortunate if he fell into depression and lost the will to live. But we have all seen (both in real life and through television and the Internet) many examples of people who have experienced such a loss and directed their efforts to what they can do, and not to what has become inaccessible to them. An armless musician who plays beautiful melodies on the piano with his feet, an artist who paints pictures holding brushes with his teeth, a ballet dancer without one leg who dared to go on stage and dance with the same crippled ballerina - yes, they dance so much that you don’t notice a crutch at all guy, nor the absence of a girl's hand! These strong-willed people set goals for themselves when they lose the ability to do something in the usual way, and work on their solution. They are not just reacting to a tragic accident in their lives, but purposefully looking for ways to continue an active life. We need to learn from them not to fall into despair and at any cost to look for a way out of the streak of bad luck and failure.

Seek support and do not refuse the offered help

There is absolutely no need to fight troubles and troubles alone. Interesting fact: scientists conducted all sorts of studies, trying to unravel the phenomenon of centenarians. You can come up with all sorts of theories, starting from the characteristics of nutrition, environment and other factors that could cause such longevity in respectable elders. But one common factor unites these people, who have managed to survive more than one adversity in their long life - this is their connection with other people, the ability to accept help and provide support to everyone who needs it.

Very often, victims of failures and misfortunes remain captive to their past.

They retain the feeling that they have been let down or betrayed by circumstances, people, or even life itself. Their souls are wounded and bleeding, the joy of life is lost. Remaining thoughts in their past, which brought them misfortune, they kind of agree that unpleasant events can happen again. It is necessary to take responsibility for your life, for your physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being, and not allow all the circumstances and situations that you face to manipulate you like a puppet.

Stay strong in the face of danger

Resilience allows you to cope with adversity, overcome stress and be able to recover from grief, gaining valuable experience. Each of us has the potential to recover from setbacks and return to normal life. If we do not use this potential, then over time we lose it. But we can increase our ability to overcome adversity and achieve amazing results even in the most challenging environments. It is the desire to learn how to successfully cope with failures and adversity that can make us successful and happy - both now and in the future. And they will also say about us that we are lucky and lucky.

What else can you do to get these useful skills faster?

Re-read the list of everything that would be useful to pay attention to, and choose the most relevant items for yourself. You can expand this list by adding what would help you the most to weather life's storms.

Enjoy life, every ordinary day;
Smile at your reflection in the mirror every morning;
Relax calmly in the evening, knowing that during the day you have done everything that was required of you;
Rely on your curiosity to learn something new every day, expanding the boundaries of your world;
Exercise your sense of humor, laugh as much as possible;
See contact with people who have experienced mental trauma as an opportunity to study at the university of life;
Watch, read, listen to the stories of people who found the strength to endure misfortune and return to ordinary life. It is inspiring to become more resilient in the face of your own adversity;
Write down or draw your emotions. Try to talk more often about what is good in every event that is not entirely pleasant for you;
Try to be in such an environment more often that makes you revitalize and lift your emotions;
Get yourself a pet - this will help you immerse yourself in joyful experiences even more;
Come up with a new hobby;
Read the sayings of wise people, quotes about fortitude and overcoming difficulties - this “clears” the brains very well!
Exercise not only the mind, but also the body. Previously, it was not in vain that they said that "in healthy body– a healthy mind”;
Periodically spend time alone or with the closest person in the bosom of nature. It relieves stress and tension very well;
Volunteer at least occasionally at hospitals and hospices. You will not only feel the satisfaction of being able to help someone, but you will also be able to make sure that your troubles are nothing compared to the misfortune of some people.

There is one very good exercise. Imagine that you are in a boat on the river of life. Sometimes the river is calm, the sun is shining and there is a beautiful landscape around. But around the corner, the river begins to boil, it starts to rain, a thunderstorm rumbles. And you are still in the boat and remain calm. You know the rain will end soon. You cannot control the rain, but you can control the boat to move forward, to where the river flows again smoothly and calmly.

It's the same in life. Do not try to control circumstances, command only yourself. Just be the captain of your life.
Overcoming adversity can be difficult, but it is always possible to overcome them.

Overcoming adversity can be difficult in times of despair, when a black streak of failures and misfortunes begins. It is not surprising that we may feel pain at first, but the acquired skills and nurtured resilience will help us overcome any changes in life. Our life can be like a rollercoaster - with many ups, downs and turns. You must follow your thorny path without stopping or turning back. It may even be scary at first, but don't give up! Life can be harsh and tough on us; but just like a rollercoaster ride, the hard times will come to an end and the disaster will be in the past.

Trouble means change - our life is changing, we ourselves are changing. But it depends only on us whether we will find the strength and opportunity in ourselves to eventually return to ordinary life and move on with it.

“Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight” - these words of Vladimir Korolenko reflect the desire of every person, and of all mankind, to be loved, successful, happy. But it happens that, despite all the efforts and diligence, nothing happens. Failures simply haunt, and happiness bypasses. And then we say: There is nothing to be done - a black streak has come.

What to do if there is a black bar in life, is it possible to get rid of it? Let's try to find answers together.

Why did this happen to me?

We often hear the phrase that a person's life is like a zebra and black and white stripes alternate in it. Yes, this is true, life cannot consist only of happiness and pleasures, there are sorrows and hardships in it. Only some endure them steadfastly and courageously, while others experience a long, endless black streak.

What is this black streak in life?

Usually, a series of unsuccessful and tragic events is called a black stripe. These can be illnesses and material problems, quarrels with loved ones and relatives, career failures.

It should be noted that the black bars are different for everyone. And they depend, first of all, on the character and outlook on the life of each person.

For some, unhappy love and parting with a loved one becomes a black stripe, while others curse fate because of a broken nail.

But still, it happens that failures come in succession and, despite all efforts, it is not possible to correct the situation. Analyze the causes of what is happening and answer the questions: Why did a black streak come in my life? Why did this happen to me? Don't lie to yourself and answer honestly. Having received truthful and frank answers to this question, you will understand how to proceed further.

The reasons for persistent failures can be:

A black streak has come in my life. When will it end?

The black streak in life will definitely end and the white one will come. Joyful and happy. When this happens is up to you. After analyzing the reasons for failures, immediately begin to act.

Some psychologists advise on the question of how to get rid of the black streak in life, give vent to emotions and cry. Follow this advice. Just don't shed tears for too long. Remember the beautiful Russian proverb: you can't help grief with tears.

When you get emotional relief, calm down and act.

In order to survive the black streak in life, follow these tips:

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