Kindergarten practice report conclusion. Self-analysis about teaching practice during the summer health period

Most students, before receiving the status of “young specialist,” are required to undergo an internship at a specialized institution. For children who study at pedagogical universities, this practice involves working in a school, camp or kindergarten. And in each of these places, future masters of their craft gain knowledge and skills useful for their future career.

Kindergarten, or preschool for short, according to many children and teachers, is considered the most exciting and difficult to do internships. And all because in this place it is important to be able to interest and captivate young children who do not care about grades and generally accepted norms and rules of behavior.

For this reason, a report on a student’s practice in kindergarten is very difficult independent work. In many ways, it is this that determines the attitude of the future teacher or pedagogue to his chosen profession. That is why treating it carelessly is highly discouraged.

But how to do the task correctly? What should you write about in the report, what topics should you cover, and how should they be arranged in the test structure? The reader will learn the answers to these and many other important questions regarding the report on internship in kindergarten in the material below.

Types of student practice

The first point that you need to determine yourself or together with your supervisor - the head of the practice - is fundamental. And it concerns what form of report should be chosen. After all, before sending a student to try his hand at so-called real conditions, he is provided with a certain amount of knowledge for a long time. So that a novice specialist can learn the rules of behavior, teaching methods and other important details from existing teachers and educators, and only then rush into battle.

That is why practice (respectively, both the report and self-analysis of practice in kindergarten) will be different. Let's consider each type in order.

  1. Educational practice involves an introductory stage of practical activity. During it, the student feels as if he is getting used to being in a kindergarten; first he studies how the teacher works with children. And as a result, he conducts several classes and educational activities under the control or supervision of his supervisor. Thus, main goal educational practice is to form the student’s initial experience of working in a preschool educational institution. And in the report on educational practice in kindergarten, the children must describe what they learned, what conclusions they made, and so on. We will describe the structure and content of the report in more detail a little later.
  2. Industrial practice implies a more in-depth study of the work activity of the teacher. And on it the student must begin independent work with pupils, conduct several face-to-face sessions with children. Therefore, the primary task of practical training is to ensure the maximum level of student involvement in teaching and educational activities, and thereby prepare a new teacher by developing professional competencies in a “real” environment. In a report on the practical experience of a kindergarten teacher, it is important for the student to present the plan for each lesson, tasks, results, children’s reactions, evaluate the success of their education, etc.
  3. Pre-diploma practice and a report on it - the final work of the student, showing his level pedagogical excellence, where future specialists form final competencies, accumulating the basis for writing a diploma.

Preparation of a practice report

Before you start writing a student’s report on practice in kindergarten, you should understand the following important points:

  1. Work structure. Most written works must have a title page, a table of contents and three main parts - introductory remarks, the main part of the practical work and conclusion, list of references. The practice report is also no exception. But, besides this, it is important to highlight other points in it: the passage plan (curator), annotation and appendices. The latter should provide the necessary materials for classes. For example, cards for educational games, etc.
  2. Text formatting. The report on psychological and pedagogical practice in kindergarten must be typed on a computer in a special program, and then printed on a printer using A4 sheets. It is important that all work is printed on identical sheets using the same printer. Otherwise, this will negatively affect its quality and can significantly reduce the rating. Each page must be numbered. The report should start with the title page, but do not put a number on it. The font is only Times New Roman. The color is only black. The size or point size for the main text is 14, for headings - 16. The line spacing must be set to one and a half. It is also very important not to forget to edit the indents: on the left - 25 mm, on the right, bottom and top - 20 mm.
  3. Title page design. The report on the student's practice in kindergarten begins with the title page. And the degree of “pickyness” of the selection committee, and therefore the final grade, depends on how correctly it is formatted and whether it meets the requirements of GOST. After all, the title page, introduction and conclusion are those parts of any work to which teachers pay the most attention. If they are done poorly, teachers will be wary. As a result, all work will be viewed with special attention and evaluated quite strictly. In addition, it is important to consider that many universities have their own requirements and recommendations regarding the design of the title page. It is for this reason that the student should clarify the key points with the practice manager in advance, and not look for examples of a report on practice in a kindergarten in all sorts of sources.
  4. Registration This paragraph begins with a listing of legislative acts or regulatory documents, arranged in alphabetical order. Then come books, textbooks, magazines and other printed literature. After that is a list of Internet resources. At the end - foreign resources and literature. Each type of source should also be located in alphabetical order. All printed sources have the following structure: Full name of the author, title, type of source (manual, textbook, etc.), city, publisher, year, page number. Internet resources are formatted slightly differently: name of the source, type - electronic resource, whether authorization is needed (if not, then nothing is written), access mode (resource address), date of access (it should not exceed ten days before the submission of the work).

However, in order for the report on the student’s practice in kindergarten to be accepted and appreciated, it is important to take care not only of its design, but also of the correct content. We will tell you how to “fill out” such a report in the next paragraph.

Features of the content of the report on educational, industrial and pre-graduate internships

Above we found out what types of practice exist. Now let’s figure out what are the similarities and differences between the reports for each of them. Let's start with the fact that the report on the student's practice in kindergarten is an independent analysis by the student of the ability to apply the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired during training in real conditions. But, unfortunately, not every university provides its graduates with complete knowledge. And students themselves often do not strive to receive them. However, everyone, without exception, has to fill out a report. And at this moment, young specialists have a lot of questions, failure to resolve which leads to failure of the task.

That is why it is important to clearly understand what should be written in the report. So:

  1. Regardless of what kind of practice - educational, industrial or pre-diploma, a student’s report on practice in kindergarten is unthinkable without providing characteristics of the institution where the student was. It should indicate: the name and address of the preschool educational institution, types of groups and their age category, the mission and priorities of the kindergarten, the equipment of the building (psychologist’s office, speech therapist, etc.), the principle of operation of the preschool educational institution. You can also place the statutory documents of the kindergarten, job description of the teacher, etc. in the application.
  2. In addition, a report on any type of practice must be accompanied by a practice diary, which must necessarily coincide with the content of the report, and a description written by the head of the preschool educational institution about the work and professional qualities student. Both documents must bear the seal of the specific kindergarten and the signature of the practice manager.
  3. As we have already found out earlier, educational practice does not imply that the student obtains professional skills. She only introduces him to the specifics of the profession. That is why a report on educational practice in kindergarten can be formal. That is, designed in the form of an abstract and occupy no more than five pages.
  4. Production practice is more serious and responsible, so it cannot be analyzed briefly. After all, the student did not just observe the activities of an experienced teacher, he acquired initial professional skills: he himself prepared a lesson plan, selected materials for conducting educational games and other teaching methods. In other words, he tried on the role of an educator. That is why, based on the results of industrial practice, it is necessary to write a full report of up to twenty pages. It is important to focus on your own achievements. Describe the plan of each lesson, its tasks and goals, the reaction of the children, the results achieved, possible comments, shortcomings or amendments.
  5. Pre-diploma practice is the final one, students go to it before defending their diploma. Its purpose is to collect the necessary material for writing the final work. For this reason, a report on an internship in a kindergarten may contain from 30 to 40-45 pages, on which it is important to reflect the independently developed curriculum of the group’s work for one shift, determine its goals and objectives, describe the progress, results, shortcomings, and draw conclusions .

How to avoid difficulties in writing a report

Very often students do not take their assignment seriously. They strive to quickly complete the internship, submit the report and forget about everything. But such negligence often leads to the fact that the student does not have enough material to write a self-analysis of his own activities. As a result, the report on the practice of a kindergarten teacher turns out to be chaotic, confused and implausible. Of course, you can’t count on a decent grade with him.

According to this reason, in order to write a quality report, you should prepare well.

  1. First, familiarize yourself with the internship location. Study its location, equipment, activities, group structure, subject environment, regulatory documents, job description - responsibilities of the teacher, get to know the employees, the manager.
  2. Then, based on the information received, prepare a business card or DOW passport. Write in it the name, address, phone number of the specific kindergarten, full name of its head, full name of the methodologist, full name of the teachers, name of the group in which the internship is being conducted, daily routine and full name. I.O. pupils and other important information regarding the place of internship.
  3. Afterwards get to know the children and their activities; find out why methodological materials they are learning; through observations, conversations, creative tasks and other things, determine the level of their development; formulate conclusions.
  4. Next, draw up a plan for the teacher’s work activity. That is, describe his responsibilities, starting from the moment he arrives at work and ending with leaving it. Draw conclusions.
  5. Then draw up a plan for the activities of the teacher and children, think through teaching methods and techniques, taking into account that the main tasks of the teacher are to introduce pupils to the world around them, adapt to it and help them interact with people around them.
  6. And finally, as a result of the report on the practice of a kindergarten teacher, the student must competently prepare, conduct and be sure to take notes on the final creative lesson. Indicate its purpose, objectives, stages, results, shortcomings. Formulate conclusions.
  7. When writing a report, and accordingly when preparing for practice, you should clearly understand that it is important for the teacher to be able to: organize not one, but several types of activities; establish a friendly atmosphere in the team; develop children's communication skills; promote personal development; Be sure to give students time to rest. And the teacher must remain an example, that is, through his behavior he must show children kindness, caring attitude towards people, politeness and other necessary skills.

Structure and example of a report on educational practice

The report on introductory practice in kindergarten consists of the following parts:

  • title page;
  • table of contents (if required by university rules);
  • introduction (goals and objectives of practice, preschool educational institution passport, brief description of the group);
  • main part (practice diary, student characteristics, teacher’s work plan, features of his activities, teaching principles, etc.);
  • conclusions (summarizing, analysis of achieving goals and completing tasks).

It has already been said earlier that the title page, introduction and conclusion are the three main factors that largely determine the success of the work. That is why it is important to pay special attention to them. For this reason, in the example of a report on educational practice presented below, we will focus on them. We presented general recommendations regarding the design of the title page above. But still, the student needs to check with his university about possible nuances. Now let’s look at the introductory and final parts of the report based on the results of practice in kindergarten.


  1. It’s better to start with the words: “I did an internship.” And then submit your preschool educational institution passport and brief description group in which the internship was completed. And also indicate the duration of the practice.
  2. Then indicate the goal: acquaintance with the work activities of the teacher; acquisition of initial teaching experience; the formation of practical professional skills, etc. And the tasks are to analyze the methodology and style of the teacher’s work; find out the characteristics of children of different age groups; learn to build communication with students, etc.
  3. Next, in the introductory part of the report on practice in kindergarten, you should briefly describe the key stages of your activities. For example: drawing up an individual work plan; familiarization with the principles of work of a teacher; conducting a comparative analysis of the activities and achievements of the internship site and other kindergartens, etc.


  1. You should start with these words: “During practice, I made the following conclusions.”
  2. Then you should conduct a comparative analysis of your most important situations or actions and their results. For example: “During observation of the teacher, I noted that the teacher included outdoor games in the children’s activities during walks. As a result, some of the students began to sweat.”

It is permissible to insert only a practice diary into the main part of the report on teaching practice in kindergarten. And it is important not to forget to attach to the work itself the reference issued by the head of the preschool educational institution based on the results of the student’s internship.

Structure and example of a production practice report

This report includes the following parts:

  • internship plan;
  • characteristics from the manager;
  • table of contents;
  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion;
  • list of sources used;
  • applications.

The design of the title page and the need for characteristics were mentioned several times. In the internship plan, it is necessary to describe all the activities that the student is going to conduct with the students. It is better to present it in the form of a table: name, purpose, materials, time. The table of contents should list all sections of the work, indicating pages. In the list of sources, indicate where the games, conversation materials, etc. were taken from. In the appendix, describe in detail the methodology - the essence of each event, add required material(for example, cards with questions), etc.

In principle, the report on practical training in kindergarten is not too different from the previous one. However, the goals and objectives of this practice will be somewhat different:

  1. Goals: familiarization with all types of teacher activities; studying the responsibilities of a teacher; adaptation to the conditions of the pedagogical process; formation of professional competence; training in the use of theoretical knowledge acquired during studies in real conditions.
  2. Objectives: to consolidate theory into practice; learn to navigate modern educational environment; study children in order to use the acquired knowledge in the future professional activity; start developing individual style work.

And in the main part of the report on methodological practice in kindergarten, the student will have to describe not observations, but his actions in the role of a teacher.

Structure and example of a report on pre-graduate practice

This report is considered the most serious and complex. After all, it sort of summarizes the student’s entire educational activity, shows what level he has reached, how he showed himself, and in general, whether pedagogy is his calling or not. In addition, pre-graduation practice and a report on it are an excellent opportunity for a young specialist to show his professionalism to a potential employer. And, it should be noted, many companies, when hiring a “green” employee - a yesterday’s graduate, require a diploma work to discover its potential.

So, the teacher’s report on pre-diploma practice in kindergarten consists of the following parts:

  • title page;
  • internship plan;
  • characteristics from the manager;
  • annotations - a section in which it is necessary to highlight the relevance of the work and briefly describe the content;
  • table of contents;
  • introduction - introductory part;
  • the main part - the main component of the report, it is necessary to describe in detail the final event: its plan, preparation, course, advantages and disadvantages, results, conclusions;
  • conclusions;
  • list of sources;
  • applications.

This report will also have slightly different goals and objectives:

  1. Goal: mastering initial professional experience; checking the readiness of a young specialist for independent teaching activities; use of psychological and pedagogical knowledge acquired at the university when interacting with the team; collecting material and preparing for writing thesis etc.
  2. Objectives: improving the ability to select the right techniques, forms and methods of educational work; development of a creative event aimed at training students in game form etc.

It is quite difficult to prepare such work. But if you approach its implementation with special care, you will be able to significantly simplify the process of writing a diploma. After all, you can take an analytical report on practice in kindergarten as a basis and supplement it with detailed comments, support your words and hypotheses with pedagogical literature, manuals, manuals or quotes from great teachers: Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, Alexander Ivanovich Herzen, Anton Semenovich Makarenko and others.

Specialization of the teacher as a fundamental factor in the formation of a report on practice

It has already been said that students of pedagogical universities are sent to practice in kindergartens, camps, schools, colleges, etc. However, their specialty or educational profile may be different. After all, teachers are:

  • school - teachers of subjects such as Russian, literature, mathematics, social studies, history, chemistry, physics, etc.;
  • institutes and universities - teachers of “university” disciplines - fundamentals of computer science and computer technology, religious studies, political science, speech culture, etc.;
  • “kindergarten” - main teacher, music director, physical education teacher, swimming instructor, educational psychologist, speech therapist, etc.;
  • additional education - teachers of music, drawing, dancing, etc.

That is why each student will have his own report on psychological and pedagogical practice in kindergarten, different from others. For example, for an educational psychologist, the main subject of study is a person’s personality, his behavior pattern, character, etc. Therefore, he will need to prepare various games that will help him get to know the students better, formulate topics for unobtrusive conversations, and perhaps choose a cartoon or fairy tale aimed at putting children in the right mood. A speech therapist does not need such a technique, because it is more important for him to study the diction of children. To do this, he will need to conduct a lesson on the topic of tongue twisters or learn and stage a small skit with the students, for example, one of the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky.

Thus, the content of the report on speech therapy practice in kindergarten will differ significantly from the report on psychological and pedagogical practice. This should be remembered so that the work does not have to be redone.

How to prepare for practice in kindergarten?

The question posed in the title is faced by students who study in any profile, except for those who study in the direction of “preschool teacher”. After all, they are preparing to teach adult children in a school setting. But in practice, in kindergarten, they will have to try themselves in a completely different role and, accordingly, conditions. To prepare for such practice, it is important to first understand what work in a preschool educational institution is like. After all, this will help prepare the correct methods, techniques and methods of educational activities. Then the future teacher, psychologist or speech therapist will not have to fantasize and “tailor” the work to the events described in the practice diary in the report on practice in kindergarten. In addition, it will be possible to obtain a positive characteristic, which will have a significant impact on the assessment.

So, the main person in the preschool educational institution is the head. And it is from getting to know her that you should begin exploring the place of future practice. Also, in each kindergarten there is a senior teacher who is involved in methodological work. He will provide all the information necessary to draw up an institution’s passport about its activities and other important points. Each group has a teacher. Basically, there are even two of them. They work together and not only supervise the pupils, but also plan events, walks, feeding and other educational activities.

Many universities allow students to choose their own internship location. Therefore, he has the opportunity to determine not only a suitable preschool educational institution, but also the age of the group. And this will greatly facilitate preparation for practice and writing a report on it. The student can also ask the head to familiarize himself with it and later include a psychologist, speech therapist or primary educator in the report on pre-diploma practice in kindergarten.

What are the responsibilities of a teacher

His working day depends on what educational profile the teacher has. For example, the responsibilities of the primary caregiver include:

  • meeting of pupils;
  • feeding children;
  • conducting developmental classes;
  • dressing children, accompanying and supervising them during walks;
  • undressing and going to nap;
  • raising pupils;
  • accompanying children to extracurricular activities;
  • return of pupils to parents.

The teacher-psychologist has only a few hours occupied, during which he evaluates the personal characteristics of children using various methods appropriate to the age of the group. It’s the same with a speech therapist. Only he is involved in the development of coherent speech of pupils, correction of sound pronunciation, enrichment vocabulary babies, etc.

Uglich Industrial Pedagogical College


on educational practice

“The practice of observing an organization

educational process in preschool educational institutions"

Specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education

Female students________________



Head of Practice ________________


Uglich, 2015

The educational practice diary was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education in the specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education, the educational practice program for observing the organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

Developers: , head. industrial practice

Deputy Director of Academic Affairs

Practice diary structure

1. Introduction (goal and objectives of the practice, content of the practice).

2. Memo to the student (requirements for compliance with safety rules in practice, compliance with labor discipline rules. Instruction).

3. Information about the practice base.

4. Individual plan for the student’s daily work.

5. Practice assignments.

6. Student report card.

7. Student report.

8. Characteristics.

Terms of practical training from 04/25/2016 to 04/30/2016

The purpose of mastering educational practice– receiving practical experience monitoring the organization educational process in a preschool educational institution.

Objectives of educational practice:

· introduce students to the system of organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions;

· organize a study of the work planning system in preschool educational institutions;

· analyze the goals and objectives of the teacher’s work with children;

· gain practical experience in observing the interaction of a teacher with the administration of an educational institution, teachers, music worker, director physical education, medical worker, speech therapist, psychologist and other employees;

· gain practical experience in observing a teacher’s management of the work of an assistant teacher.

During the period of educational practice observing the organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to perform the following types of work:

Visiting the methodological room of a preschool educational institution to complete a practical task;

Observation of the teacher’s activities in organizing interaction with preschool children (visiting and analyzing classes, routine moments in the first and second half of the day);

Monitoring the activities of the teacher in organizing interaction with preschool employees.

During the internship period, the student must:

1. Study the system of planning the work of a teacher in a preschool educational institution in different age groups.

2. To study the teacher’s work experience in organizing and conducting classes in different age groups in a preschool educational institution.

3. Observe and analyze the interaction of the teacher with the administration of the educational institution, teachers, music worker, head of physical education, medical worker, speech therapist, psychologist and other employees of the preschool educational institution;

4. Observe and analyze the teacher’s management of the work of the assistant teacher.

5. Observe the teacher’s organization of routine moments with children in the first and second half of the day.

Memo to students

Compliance with labor discipline rules

During the period of practice in a preschool educational institution, the student is obliged to obey the internal rules, orders of the head of the preschool educational institution, senior teacher, and practice leaders.

The student is responsible for the work he performs and its results on an equal basis with the employees of the institution.

The student is obliged to observe labor discipline; Completely complete the tasks provided for in the educational practice program; carefully prepare for their implementation; analyze the results of the work.

The student is required to spend at least 6 hours a day on all types of activities (observation, visiting the teaching room, interacting with employees, analyzing results, working with documentation, etc.) every day.

Based on the results of the practice, the student receives a credit. To receive credit, you must fully complete the internship program and submit reporting documentation on time. The credit is issued for the defense of the practice results after the documentation has been checked by the practice manager.

Safety briefing

Educational practice

Speciality Preschool education

Student ___________________________________________ group______________

Practice base__________________________________________________________________________

Full name student


Permission to work

Signature of the person being instructed

Full name position of instructing ________________________________________________

(signature) (signature decryption)

M.P. organizations

Information about the practice base

preschool educational institution __

Address: _________________________________________________________________________


Senior teacher:______________________________________________________________

Group teachers:______________________________________________________________










Individual student daily work plan

Practice assignments

Task No. 1

Studying the system of planning the work of a teacher in a preschool educational institution in different age groups

Target: to introduce students to the system for constructing interaction between the teacher and children in order to achieve the full development of each child and involve students directly in the educational process.

Questions for analysis:

1. What types of planning documentation are maintained in the preschool educational institution?

2. What is the form of planning documentation: sections, title page? Provide fragments of plans.

3. What are the principles for constructing planning documentation for this area of ​​work in preschool educational institutions at the present stage?

Document in portfolio: Analysis of the planning system in preschool educational institutions.

Task No. 2

Studying the work experience of a teacher on organizing and conducting classes in different age groups in preschool educational institutions

Target: students gain an understanding of the specifics of a teacher’s work in organizing and conducting classes in groups and in an educational institution.

Questions for a conversation with a preschool teacher:

1. What are the motives that drive you in your work on raising a child?

2. What technologies, methods, techniques do you use in organizing and conducting classes in a group and in an educational institution?

3. Do you use the achievements of other teachers in your activities or do you have your own original program?

4. What forms of work with children do you use?

5. How do you implement individual and differentiated approaches to raising children?

6. Tell us about the most successful, in your opinion, practice of using one or another form(s) of working with children from the point of view of efficiency and optimality.

7. What qualities are needed for a teacher today to involve children in the educational process?

Document in portfolio: Protocol of a conversation with a teacher to study the experience of organizing and conducting classes in different age groups in a preschool educational institution.

Task No. 3

Observation of the interaction of the teacher with preschool employees

Target: students obtaining ideas about the mechanism of interaction between the teacher and the administration of the educational institution, teachers, music worker, head of physical education, medical worker, speech therapist, psychologist and other employees of the preschool educational institution.

Questions for analysis:

1. At what time of the day and in what place was the interaction between the teacher and preschool employees working with the group carried out?

3. What methods (techniques) allowed the teacher to organize this interaction?

4. What difficulties did the teacher encounter when interacting with preschool employees, and how did he overcome them?

5. What is the need for interaction between the teacher and different employees of the preschool educational institution?

6. How does a teacher solve the problem of involving preschool employees in interaction on group problems?

Document in portfolio: Scheme of interaction between preschool educational institution employees working with the group.

Task No. 7

Target: students gain practical experience in observing a teacher supervise the work of an assistant teacher

Questions for analysis:

1. How does the teacher supervise the work of the assistant teacher during the day? At what time of the day and in what place was the interaction between the teacher and the assistant working in this group carried out?

2. What is the direction (nature of the issues being resolved, content) of this interaction?

3. What methods (techniques) allowed the teacher to supervise the work of the assistant?

4. What difficulties did the teacher encounter when interacting with the assistant, and how did he overcome them?

5. What is the need for interaction between the teacher and the assistant teacher?

Document in portfolio: Protocol of observation of the teacher’s management of the work of the assistant teacher.

STUDENT'S ACHIEVEMENT TABLE _______________________________________________(full name)

on educational practice “Observation of the interaction of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions”

Scroll test assignments


1. Analysis of the planning system in preschool educational institutions

Observation of events:

1. Protocol of a conversation with a teacher to study work experience in organizing and conducting classes in different age groups in a preschool educational institution

2. Protocols for observing the teacher’s work in interacting with children in the first and second half of the day

3. Protocol of observation of the teacher’s management of the work of the assistant teacher

Event analysis:

1. Scheme of interaction between preschool educational institution employees working with the group

2. Analysis of the results of the teacher’s work:

Activities with children

Regime moments

Reporting documentation:

Lesson notes

Employee interaction diagram (1)

· Attestation sheet

· Characteristics

· Report card

· Report on the results of practice

Final assessment______________________ Subgroup leader __________________/__________________________

State professional educational institution of the Yaroslavl region Uglich Industrial Pedagogical College


based on the results of educational practice

observations of the interaction of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions

Name of specialty 44.02.01

Preschool education

students 21 BEFORE groups


Last name, first name, patronymic

Practice base _____________________________________

name of institution

Practice Manager _____________________________________

Last name, initials

Report layout(in print, font -14 TNR)

1. Type of internship, timing, internship supervisor.

2. Name of the base; legal address; Full name of the head of the educational institution, senior educator (methodologist).

3. Group, full name of the teacher. Work experience, level of education, qualifications.

4. Characteristics of the group (number, age, gender).

5. What tasks were completed during teaching practice (number of observed classes, topics, etc.).

6. Which of the completed tasks were more successful, in your opinion? What do you think is the reason for success? What teaching tasks brought you a feeling of satisfaction?

8. What tasks did you find difficult to complete? Explain the reasons for possible difficulties. How did you get out of this situation?

9. What did the educational (introductory) practice give for professional development? In what direction should you improve your professional competencies?

13. Your conclusions and suggestions for improving the organization of educational (introductory) practice.


Student ____________________________________________________________

Full name ____________________group


completed an internship_________________________________________________________

from “___”_________________2016 to “___”_____________________2016


practice base ( educational organization, group)

under the direction of __________________________________________________________ Full name of the practice manager

During the internship, the student demonstrated:

1. Attitude to professional responsibilities______________________________








5. Methodological readiness for professional activities __________________



6. To solve what professional problems did the student show insufficient readiness_________________________________________________________





Head of practice ____________________ /__________________/


Appendix 1.

Protocol of a conversation with a teacher to study work experience in organizing and conducting classes in the ______________ age group at a preschool educational institution

Target: study the work experience of the teacher_______________________________________________

Full name of the teacher

On organizing and conducting classes in groups and in preschool educational institutions

Questions for the teacher:

Teacher's answers:

What are the motives that drive you in your work on issues of interaction with children in the process of raising a child?

What technologies, methods, techniques do you use in organizing and conducting group classes?

Do you use the achievements of other teachers in your activities or do you have your own original program?

What forms of work with children do you use?

How do you implement individual and differentiated approaches when working with children?

Tell us about the most successful, in your opinion, practice of using one or another form(s) of working with children from the point of view of efficiency and optimality.

How much time do you devote to preparing for work in this area?

What qualities do educators need today to involve children in the educational process?


Appendix 2.

Observation of the teacher's management of the work of the assistant teacher

Protocol form. Sample

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education



Name of practice – educational (game)

Duration of internship: from June 21 to June 27, 2016

Female students

Groups 1311

Direction of training 050400 “Psychological and pedagogical education”,

Profile – “Psychology and social pedagogy»

Faculty head of practice:

***, Ph.D. ped. sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy ***

(first name, patronymic, last name)

Faculty of Legal and Social Pedagogical Education

1st year, group Zs1234.

studying psychology and social pedagogy

underwent educational (game) practice

(type of practice)

from 21.06. until 27.06. 2016

at the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 10 “Cheburashka”

city ​​***, st. Herzen 62a

(organization/enterprise, address)

Head of practice from the institution (specialist) Nadezhda Nikolaevna Kopytova, senior teacher, psychologist

(position, title (if any), last name, first name, patronymic)

Purpose of practice:

building organizational skills play activity children and adolescents in urban day camps.

Practice objectives

master the basics of gaming technology;

Develop skills in organizing and conducting games and game exercises of various types.

Characteristics of the institution (base of practice)

The municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 10 "Cheburashka" is a preschool educational institution of a general developmental type.

The institution accepts children aged 1 year 6 months to 7 years living in the city of Kudymkar.

Duration of stay of pupils in the Institution upon reaching the age of 7 years.

Form of study at the Institution - full-time

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 10" has the following certificates:

a) License to carry out educational activities ***

b) Certificate of state accreditation of the Ministry of Education ***

There are 8 groups in the kindergarten:

List of personnel: 218 children.

The preschool is 100% staffed with children.

Training and education at the Institution are conducted in Russian.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 10 "Cheburashka"

The kindergarten building is bright, has central heating, water, sewerage, plumbing and electrical equipment in satisfactory condition. The groups are large and bright. In four groups, sleeping rooms are separated from group rooms. In total, the kindergarten has 8 group rooms, and there are also additional rooms for educational work:

2 methodological rooms, an office of a music director and physical education instructor, an office of a teacher-psychologist and speech therapist, a music and sports hall, a medical office, an isolation ward, a laundry room, a catering unit with utility rooms, an accountant’s office, and a manager’s office.

All rooms are colorfully and aesthetically decorated. When creating a subject-development environment, the age and individual characteristics of children are taken into account.

The kindergarten has a modern information and technical base: 10 computers, 6 printers, 3 scanners, 3 copiers, Internet access, a modern digital camera, a document camera, multimedia equipment (2 sets). The email used is mailbox address:*** The kindergarten website is fully operational: ***.RU. A group has been created and is working in social network VKontakte.

Assignment for the training profile:

  1. Development of a plan for conducting game sessions for each day of practice (Appendix 1);
  2. Development of a summary of the test event (Appendix 2);
  3. Practical activities, namely:
  • conducting adaptation games;
  • conducting communicative games;
  • conducting intellectual and educational games;
  • conducting games to develop mental processes: attention, memory, imagination, creativity;
  • conducting games with moral and ethical content.

Progress of practice

1st day of practice: ___26.06_______________

Day plan:

Today I played the following games:“Ball in a circle” and “Say the name on the right (left).” She also participated in children’s independent games (Hide and Seek, “Cossack Robbers”).

Today I managed to: Get to know a group of children, remember most of them by name (thanks to the game “Say the Name”), earn the initial trust and friendship of some children in particular.

Today I was upset: slight embarrassment for children caused by the appearance of a new adult in society. By the end of the day, we managed to minimize this aspect, establishing ourselves as a friendly and tactfully active teacher.

Students' reaction: the children enjoyed learning about the new games for introductions, such as: “Ball in a circle” and “Say the name on the right.” Elements of the game “Magic Handshake” were used when children met the intern.

General impressions of the day: positive, received a lot of new impressions. An interesting, promising vector in work has emerged: smoothing internal conflicts in a group and creating a friendly, creative atmosphere.

2nd day of practice: ____27.06_____________

Day plan:

Today I played the following games: from those previously shown to children - “Ball in a circle” and “Say the name on the left (right)”. Showcasing new games - “Come on!” and “Merry monkeys.”

Today I managed to: establish your status as a friendly and cheerful companion for children, prevent a quarrel among children during a walk, showing an example of playful reconciliation “Make up, make up and don’t fight anymore.”

Today I was upset: the presence of some aggressive kids who try to take the lead in team games and create unequal conditions.

Students' reaction: showed trust and even passed the initiative in some group fun. Consolidating a positive image of a practicing student.

General impressions of the day: better than yesterday. The children got used to it and allowed more time to play with them. The gradual entry into the group’s comfort zone began to be reflected directly in practice: today it was possible to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge more widely and to a greater extent.

3rd day of practice: ____28.06_____________

Day plan:

Time Contents of the work
08:30-08:50 The already familiar greeting of children at the entrance, gathering in the common room for morning exercises. Elements of the game “Conductor” are used.
10:00-10:30 Learning new games. An attempt to instill a love for more complex intellectual entertainment: games “ Geometric shapes” and “Visiting Animals” for the development of memory, the game “Intellectual Shooting Range” for the development of cognitive abilities.
11:20-12:40 Walk. Carrying out interactive games“Spider” and “Machine”.
12:50-13:20 Dinner. Communication with the teacher, discussion of the experience gained.
16:20-16:50 Midday rest. The ability for children to calmly assimilate new information. Passive participation in their play and communication activities.

Today I played the following games: We managed to introduce children to many new games: the “Conductor” game as exercise, several games for developing memory, analytical and associative thinking - “Geometric Figures”, “Visiting Animals”, “Intellectual Shooting Range”.

Today I managed to: to finally establish himself as a reliable friend and organizer of children’s everyday life, for the first time to introduce more than two new games into practice at once, simultaneously resolving conflicts that arise between the children.

Today I was upset: Today there were no disappointments. The positive dynamics of working with the group become noticeable to the naked eye: children are happy to make contact, have become much friendlier and have acquired new close connections among themselves.

Students' reaction: calm, friendly. The children are completely accustomed to the trainee and try to include him in all areas of group activity, perceive the conditions of new games with interest and take part in them with pleasure.

General impressions of the day: positive. I make sure that the chosen tactics are correct, note positive trends and observe changes in the team.

4th day of practice: _____29.06____________

Day plan:

Time Contents of the work
08:30-08:50 Meeting children at the entrance. Unscheduled conversation with parents about the intermediate results of student practice.
10:00-10:30 Repetition of successfully mastered games, consolidation of recently introduced ones: “Ball in a circle”, “Come on!”, “Visiting the animals”, “Intellectual shooting gallery”.
11:20-12:40 Walk in the fresh air. Repetition of the game “Machine”. Learning a new game especially suitable for outdoor conditions - Bingo.
12:50-13:20 Lunch in the dining room. A relaxed survey of children about their mood and impressions of the day. Establishing verbal contact.
16:20-16:50 Introduction of a new kind of games - of a moral and ethical nature. Mastering the games “Sorceresses” and “Open Chair”.
17:20-18:30 Filling out the diary, saying goodbye to the group.

Today I played the following games:“Ball in a circle”, “Come on!”, “Visiting the animals”, “Intellectual shooting gallery”, “Machine”, “Bingo”, “Sorceresses”, “Open pulpit”.

Today I managed to:

Today I was upset: approaching the end of practical work, imminent separation from children.

Students' reaction: a calm, adequate attitude towards each other, stable interest and passion for games organized by a practicing student and gradually becoming a habit.

General impressions of the day: good. There were no problems that day, the work process went smoothly and unnoticed. The children actively supported the trainee’s endeavors and empathized with what was happening.

5th day of practice: _____30.06______________

Day plan:

Today I played the following games:“Ha ha ha”, “My best friend”, “Conductor”, “Bingo”, “Open pulpit”.

Today I managed to: successfully cope with emerging difficulties and saturate the children’s stay in kindergarten with various games and entertainment.

Today I was upset: There were no disappointments. The practice is successful and interesting.

Students' reaction: trusting, calm. The children are happy with their time.

General impressions of the day: good. I am pleased with the significant amount of experience gained.

For students 1311 (p)

6th day of practice: ____01.07______________

Day plan:

Time Contents of the work
08:30-08:50 The already familiar greeting of children at the entrance, gathering in the common room for morning exercises.
10:00-10:30 Repetition of old games: “Geometric Shapes”, “Visiting Animals”, “Intellectual Shooting Range”. Learning the new game “Applause” (for team building)..
11:20-12:40 Walk in the fresh air. Games used: “Spider”, “Car”, “Bingo”.
12:50-13:20 Dinner. Communication with the teacher, discussion of the experience gained
16:20-16:50 Learning new games: “Tower” and “Bridge” using the same material (paper, paper clips, tape).
17:20-18:30 Saying goodbye to the children, filling out the necessary reports.

Today I played the following games:“Geometric Shapes”, “Visiting Animals”, “Intellectual Shooting Range”, “Applause”, “Spider”, “Machine”, “Bingo”, “Tower”, “Bridge”.

Today I managed to: prove yourself as a responsible and competent teacher, support children’s play endeavors and not allow children’s occasional dissatisfaction with each other’s behavior to develop, peacefully resolve conflict situations kids.

Today I was upset: aggression on the part of some boys towards others, children quarreling on the playground over participation in a group game.

Students' reaction: calm but uneven. Some children sometimes prefer to stay away from general entertainment, but not for long.

General impressions of the day: satisfaction with one’s work, confidence in the correct approach to mastering the teaching profession.

For students 1311 (p)

7th day of practice: ___02.07_______________

Day plan:

Today I played the following games:“Ha ha ha”, “My best friend” and “Applause”, “Take your place”, “Clap in a circle”, “Tower”, “Bridge”.

Today I managed to: to easily and freely fulfill one’s own obligations, to be convinced of the effectiveness of the maintained atmosphere, which ensures friendly relations between children among themselves and with teachers.

Today I was upset: the end of educational practice, the need to say goodbye to some children.

Students' reaction: a calm, adequate attitude towards each other, stable interest and passion for games organized by a practicing student, which have become familiar and favorite pastimes for the children.

General impressions of the day: good, positive.

Appendix 1

Game lesson plan for each day of practice

First day (26.06) “Ball in a circle” and “Say the name on the right (left)”
Second day (27.06) “Ball in a circle”, “Say the name on the left (right)”, “Come on!”, “Funny monkeys.”
Third day (28.06) “Conductor”, “Geometric Figures”, “Visiting Animals”, “Intellectual Shooting Range”.
Fourth day (29.06) “Ball in a circle”, “Come on!”, “Visiting the animals”, “Intellectual shooting gallery”, “Machine”, “Bingo”, “Sorceresses”, “Open pulpit”.
Fifth day (30.06) “Ha-ha-ha”, “My best friend”, “Conductor”, “Bingo”, “Open pulpit”.
Sixth day (01.07) “Geometric Shapes”, “Visiting Animals”, “Intellectual Shooting Range”, “Applause”, “Spider”, “Machine”, “Bingo”, “Tower”, “Bridge”.
Seventh day (02.07) “Ha ha ha”, “My best friend” and “Applause”, “Take your place”, “Clap in a circle”, “Tower”, “Bridge”.

Appendix 2

Summary of the test event

Pedagogical Institute named after

Department of Applied Psychology


Penza 2014


for students undergoing internship at preschool educational institutions

1. Practice is an organic part educational process and serves the purpose of consolidating and deepening theoretical knowledge, acquiring work skills in state, public and private organizations.

2. Students who have fully completed the theoretical training curriculum are admitted to practice.

3. Before starting the internship, the student must receive:

· referral to practice;

· rules for filling out a diary report;

· individual assignment.

In addition, the student must familiarize himself with the internship program, the content of the upcoming work, and receive the necessary explanations on the organization, conduct of work and reporting on the internship from the internship supervisor.

4. During the internship, the student is obliged to:

Obtaining the most important practical skills in various types of psychological and pedagogical work with a child;

Strengthening skills in working with children with developmental problems;

Orientation of students towards professional and personal development in order to resolve their own internal problems and activate their personal resources, forming a professional position;

Creation of a motivational and value-based attitude towards the upcoming psychological and pedagogical activities;

Forming an awareness of the need for self-education and self-preparation for practical work.

1. Educational activity, which involves familiarizing the student with the psychologist’s office and documentation, observing the diagnostic, advisory, educational work of the psychologist, attending correctional and developmental classes, attending classes (lessons) in a group.

2. Psychodiagnostic activity, which involves mastering methods of psychological study of the personality of a child and a group of children (observation, conversation, questioning, testing, studying the products of activity, etc.), processing the data obtained, interpreting them and drawing up a psychological conclusion.

3. Psychological education, the meaning of which is to:

· introduce educators, teachers and parents to the main
patterns and conditions of favorable mental development

· popularize and explain the results of the latest psychological

· to form the need for psychological knowledge, desire
use them in working with a child or in the interests of developing one’s own

· reach an understanding of the need practical psychology and work
psychologist in a children's institution.

Forms of psychological education can be very different: lectures, conversations, seminars, exhibitions, selection of literature, etc.

The effectiveness of psychological education increases if psychological knowledge is given as a means of solving life problems.

During the period of psychological practice, we limit ourselves to psychological education of educators, methodologists, teachers, parents (and students).

Psychological education of parents is aimed at introducing them to the current problems of children and promoting adults’ understanding of the dynamics of child development.

The psychologist reveals to parents the significant, pressing issues being resolved by their children at a given age level, and offers suitable forms of parent-child communication for this moment. To do this, you can use short psychological conversations at parent meetings.


Analysis of a child’s cognitive development involves identifying the general level of development of perception, imaginative thinking, memory, speech and imagination. It is necessary to determine whether the listed processes are developed evenly or unevenly relative to each other. Cases of uniform development are quite simple; difficulties in analysis are presented by variants of uneven cognitive development, which is expressed not only in differences in the levels of perception, thinking, imagination, etc., but also in symptomatic differences within each individual cognitive process.

The analysis of the results must be carried out comprehensively; individual manifestations should be interpreted only in connection with others: an individual symptom itself is always ambiguous, its true meaning follows from comparison with other symptoms. To an even greater extent comprehensive analysis important for understanding the child’s personality, manifested in behavioral characteristics, performance of projective, cognitive and so-called “personal” tasks.

When analyzing the results of the examination, a correct understanding of the characteristics of the child’s interaction with other people acquires special significance. A significant role here is played by the nature of upbringing in the family, the level of demands placed on the child, the degree of conflict in the family, etc. No less important are the qualities of the child himself, which determine his behavior outside the family (with children, teachers, other adults), in particular , initiative, conflict, organization of the child.

When analyzing examination data, a psychologist should strive not to assess the quantitative level of development of a particular function, but to create a holistic psychological portrait of the child, identifying general type child's behavior.

A psychological report necessarily includes writing recommendations. Recommendations are made based on analysis specific situation child development. They may concern the correction of cognitive development, the characteristics of its emotional sphere, child-parent relationships, and the child’s relationships with adults and children.

A special problem is the acceptance of these recommendations by educators (parents) - only in this case they become effective (see an example of a fragment of a psychological report in Appendix 5).

Psychological characteristics - this is a more detailed psychological conclusion about the characteristics of a child’s development, which includes:

1. General data (full name of the child, age, gender, what educational or other institution he attends, family composition, its social and psychological status (financial situation, where and by whom the parents work, the degree of well-being or disadvantage of the situation in the family, etc.), physical development of the child (state of gross motor skills, presence of chronic diseases, general health, etc.), conclusion of the PMPK (if any), etc.)

2. The relationship of the child in the family and the preschool educational institution.

· The child’s relationship with his parents, the absence or presence of distortions in family upbringing, the type of parental attitude towards the child, intrafamily relationships.

· The child’s relationships in a preschool institution with teachers and peers, the child’s social status in the peer group (accepted, rejected, isolated, etc.). The child’s attitude towards peers: loves, is indifferent, has a negative attitude, enters into conflicts, shows aggression, hostility, etc. The child’s relationship with teachers: is there contact, does he love, respect, etc.

· Features of attention: the degree of development of involuntary and voluntary attention, concentration, stability, ability to distribute (for schoolchildren).

· Features of memory: level and nature of involuntary and voluntary memorization, mechanical and semantic memorization, strength of memorization, its volume, ease of reproduction, etc.

· Features of thinking: the ability to distinguish between essential and secondary characteristics of objects and phenomena, the level of mastery of concepts, the ability to compare and generalize, the ability to draw conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships, solve mental problems, etc.

· Speech development: volume and content of active and passive vocabulary, level of speech understanding, features of sound pronunciation, level of formation of phrasal speech, coherent speech, level of development of dialogical and monologue speech, intonation characteristics of speech, state writing(writing and reading for schoolchildren).

· Outlook: stock of ideas about objects and phenomena surrounding life, its completeness-limitedness, etc.

4. Features of the child’s personality and emotional-volitional sphere. Child's special abilities

· Features of self-awareness. Type of self-esteem - adequate, inadequate (overestimated, underestimated), level of aspirations (high, low, average), leading motive - avoiding troubles, achieving success. Presence-absence of subordination of motives.

· Features of emotional development. The presence of emotional disturbances - pronounced fears, anxiety, aggressiveness, depression, etc. Predominant mood: sad, cheerful, depressed, its stability.

· Characteristics and volitional qualities of the individual: the ability to exert volition, the formation of volitional qualities: discipline, organization, obedience, accuracy, easy suggestibility, the ratio of positive and negative character qualities, etc.

5. Peculiarities of behavior: behaves calmly, restrainedly or shows excessive mobility, restlessness, follows the regime, etc.

· Formation of self-care skills and work skills: has the skills of washing, dressing and other self-care skills, does he have work skills, does he help adults, does this on his own initiative, request or coercion, are there permanent responsibilities in the family, educational institution, attitude to these duties, etc.

· Interests of the child: what the child is interested in (drawing, designing, music, etc.), stability of interests.

1. The main advantages and disadvantages of the emerging personality, the causes of existing problems.

2. Determination of the most important psychological and pedagogical tasks facing teachers and other support specialists, main measures to overcome deficiencies, ways of correction, conditions that need to be created for the rehabilitation of the child, etc.

Scheme for describing the conversation (for task 3)

1. The topic of the conversation, what category of listeners it is intended for.

2. The purpose and objectives of the conversation.

3. Conversation plan.

5. The nature of the conversation (group atmosphere, interest or
indifference of parents (teachers), difficulty in presenting the material of the conversation and
other features of the event).

6. Source of the conversation topic (the conversation topic is determined by the child’s request
psychologist or educator, initiative or scientific work of a trainee).

7. Literature used when preparing the conversation.

8. Additional information (techniques and means used,
involved in organizing conversations, connection with the student’s scientific activities,
subjective assessment of the conversation).

Sample topics for conversations with teachers and parents

1. Gender identification in preschool age (or psychosexual
development in preschool age).

2. The child’s readiness for school (psychological, intellectual,
motivational) (or how to prepare a child for school).

3. “Shustriki” and “myamliki”, features of the organization of their lives and

4. Children's fears: causes, prevention and possibilities

5. The most common mistakes in family education and their impact
on the mental development of children (2-3 problems to choose from).

6. Developmental crises in preschool age and how to “deal with” them.

7. Stubbornness in childhood, its origins.

8. Features of the development of mental processes in preschool age
(attention, memory, thinking, imagination, perception) (to choose from).

9. Emotional well-being (ill-being), its impact on
child's mental health.

10. Intrapersonal conflicts in preschoolers, teaching methods of conflict-free behavior.

The way to report on practice at a preschool educational institution is to write a diary - a report that is filled out by the student and kept regularly throughout the practice. Diary - report includes the following sections:

Title page (see Appendix 1),

First section " General information"(see Appendix 2),

The second section “Stages of completing a practice task” (see Appendix 3),

The third section “Protocols for carrying out diagnostic techniques” (see Appendix 4),

The fourth section “Psychological conclusion” (see Appendix 5),

Fifth section “Psychological characteristics” (see Appendix 6)

The sixth section “Reflection Diary” (see Appendix 7) is filled out in free form.

These sections must be signed by the persons indicated in the report diary, and the DOW seal must be affixed in the appropriate places.

2. Entries in the sixth section are made daily. They give brief information about the work done. At the end of the internship, the student writes a conclusion and description of the child (sections four and five), which is signed by the head of the practice from the preschool educational institution.

3. The head of the practice from the preschool educational institution writes a description of the student in the diary report (section seven, see Appendix 8).

4. In the report diary, an assessment of the practice and a brief characteristic-feedback are recorded - written down by the head of the practice from the department (section seven, see Appendix 9).

5. Section eight is reserved for notes and additional notes, including the educational part.

6. The report diary is kept at the department until the student completes his studies.

Appendix 1.

Penza State University

Pedagogical Institute named after

Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Sciences

Department of Applied Psychology



Student ________________________________________

(student's full name)

Penza, 2013

Appendix 2.


First name, patronymic

PSU Pedagogical Institute named after.

Specialty: Bachelor, direction “psychological and pedagogical education”

Name of internship organization

Internship address

Head of practice from the department:

Head of practice from preschool educational institution:

Practice dates according to the curriculum:

Stamp and signature of the head of the internship organization:

Appendix 3.


Stage name

Completion deadlines

Preparatory stage:

Psychodiagnostic stage:

Conducting educational activities:

Preparation of a practice report:

Signature of the preschool educational institution methodologist __________________________________________________________

Appendix 4


Protocol No....

Date: date, month, year.

Time of conduct: beginning and end of the study

Experimenter: Full name

Subject: Full name (encoded).

Age of the subject: (indicate how many years, months).

Preschool educational institution No. ..., group... .

Subject of research: (what is being researched).

Purpose of the study:

Research methodology:


The research procedure can be filled out in the following form:

Speech and actions of the experimenter

Speech and actions of the subject

Processing (quantitative and qualitative) of the obtained data (summary tables of research results are possible)

Interpretation of research results.

Appendix 5



according to psychological examination

The purpose of the survey is to determine the level of development cognitive processes(memory, thinking, perception, imagination, attention).

Due to Sergei’s individual psychological characteristics, the examination was designed in two stages.

Sergey, in a conversation held before the start of the examination, willingly answers questions about himself, friends, and games. There is an unclear pronunciation of words (cannot pronounce the sound “r”). The purpose of the study is not understood. Sergei was warned that such conversations would be held with other guys in the group.

Readily gets to work. In a number of cases, he begins to complete tasks without listening to the instructions to the end.

He understands instructions for tasks with great difficulty, some of them are not at all understandable to a child.... There is a decrease in Sergei’s criticality, both to his condition and to the results of the study as a whole (having completed one or another task, he believes that he did it right , the task was not difficult, etc.).

When studying memory (methods “10 words”, “10 objects”), slow memorization is observed (number of words reproduced after the first six repetitions: 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5). The volume of short-term memory is below the norm of one). When playing, he says the same words over and over again...

10 minutes after the start of the examination, elements of fatigue (fatigue) are observed in the form of distractions, yawning, etc.

When performing experimental tasks, there are periods when Sergei seems to stop listening, “disconnects from work,” and the intervention of the experimenter is required to remind him to be attentive and not be distracted.

The level of development of figurative thinking (according to the “Cut Pictures” method), verbal and logical thinking (according to the “Fourth Odd One”, “Classification”, “Analogies” methods) is very low. Sergei's answers are often given at random; he cannot justify his choice or answer.

Thus, as a result of a psychological examination, a strongly pronounced deviation in mental development, rapid decline in performance, depletion of attention, uncriticality of one’s judgments and actions.

Making a diagnosis and determining the type of kindergarten and the group in which he should study should be made on the basis of a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination.

1. Contact the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

2. Conduct individual correctional and developmental work,
aimed at developing the child’s cognitive sphere

3. Conduct psychological counseling for family members.

Appendix 6



Psychological and pedagogical characteristics for (6 years 1 month)

1. Anamnestic data. A child from the second pregnancy (the first pregnancy ended in miscarriage) with a threat of miscarriage. Toxicosis of the 2nd half of pregnancy. Prematurity (36 weeks). Childbirth: rapid, with asphyxia. Speech development: humming - 3 months, babbling - at 10 months, first words - at 1.5 years, first phrases - at 2 years. Speech development was not interrupted. Sleep disturbance (restlessness) was noted.
Conclusion of a psychoneurologist: mental retardation of cerebral-organic origin, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

2. Appearance . The physique is normal and proportional. The skin is pale. Expressive face. Involuntary twitching of the face, neck, and shoulders are noted.

3. Emotional reactions and the nature of communication with adults in the process examinations.
Masha makes contact easily. Knows last name, first name, gender and age. She is easily distracted, does not listen to the task fully, rarely copes on her own, as she cannot organize herself, and accepts any help. She behaves appropriately to the situation and is friendly, but throughout the entire examination she is constantly fiddling with something in her hands and manipulating objects. She believes that her behavior is always good and evaluates the results of her activities highly.

4. State of the emotional-volitional sphere. Active, sociable girl. It can keep you busy, but only for a short time. If she doesn’t like something, she can be stubborn, cry, scream, but she quickly calms down if her attention is switched to another object or activity. Masha is demonstrative. The girl has a violation of the communication distance, primarily with adults. She loves it when teachers and educators work with her and asks to take classes. Sometimes she interferes with studying with other children, demanding attention only to herself; in this case, the adult is forced to remove her from the group in order to be able to continue the lesson.

5. Motor skills. The girl is physically developed. Height is appropriate for age. Violations of posture, general and fine motor skills are noted. When examining the main types of movements, the following features are revealed: unsteady gait, difficulties in maintaining balance, poor coordination of movements. When examining fine motor skills, he performs movements based on imitation and verbal instructions; difficulties are observed in switching from one movement to another, in simultaneous action with both hands. Coordination of finger movements is impaired. The leading hand is the right. Articulatory motor skills are developed in accordance with the age norm.

6. Cognitive development

A. Attention: Involuntary attention: formed, but the volume of visual and auditory attention is reduced. The volume of voluntary attention is also significant in women; there is a violation of the distribution and switchability of attention. Stability is insufficiently developed, and attention is quickly exhausted.

B. Perception: Color: the child clearly recognizes and names all presented colors and shades (black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, blue, purple, brown). Gray recognizes, but does not name. Finds a given color in the surrounding space. Planar shapes: compares all planar shapes
(circle, oval, square, rectangle, rhombus, polygon). When identifying, he confuses a rhombus and a polygon. When naming, he reproduces all presented shapes (including rhombus and rectangle), except polygon. Independently finds objects in the surrounding reality in accordance with a given planar shape (circle, square, rectangle). Volumetric figures: compares the entire set of presented volumetric shapes (ball, cube, cylinder, block, brick). When identifying, he confuses a block and a brick. When named independently, it denotes only the most elementary forms (ball, cube).

Perception of space:

macrospace - can independently (without the help of a teacher) reach the dining room. Can easily navigate the gym, rhythm room, and assembly hall. Independently shows and displays basic spatial orientations in speech. Problems arise when marking the right and left sides, but then the girl corrects herself;

microspace - correctly compares, identifies and names all sides and parts of the sheet, highlights the center.

Perception of the diagram of the body, its parts and sides: - orientation to oneself - shows and correctly names the following parts of the body: head, nose, mouth, forehead, hair, left and right symmetrical parts of the body (ears, “eyelashes”, knees, heels). Designate the chin as a “beard”; cannot name the eyebrows, referring to the neck as “throat.” Differentiates the right and left sides; - Focus on another person - when naming left-sided and right-sided, he makes mistakes associated with the mirroring of these relationships.

Perception of the sequence of parts of the day. The idea of ​​the sequence of parts of the day has been formed. Reproduces based on pictures.

Sequence of seasons. There are no contrasts between autumn and spring. Confuses adjacent seasons (spring - summer - autumn, autumn - winter, winter - spring). The girl does not differentiate their signs, forgets the verbal name
some seasons (“spring”).

The sequence of months and the seasons they fill. Independently names only the following months: June, October, September, December. Thus, the child has not formed an idea of ​​the sequence of months one after another and the filling of months with seasons.

Days of the week. Independently names only Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Does not differentiate between weekends and weekdays. Thus, these ideas are formed fragmentarily and are unstable. Moreover, the idea of ​​​​the order of the days of the week following each other has not been formed.

B. Memory: Semantic memory prevails over the mechanical one. The volume of mechanical memory is significantly limited. Increasing the number of presentations (words, pictures, objects) increases the number of correctly reproduced options. The ability to memorize poems is reduced (up to 6 repetitions of a quatrain are required). Makes mistakes in the form of rearrangements and omissions of words, replaces them.

D. Thinking.

Visually effective thinking has been formed. Visual-figurative thinking - noted enough high level formation of this type of thinking. Collects quickly cut pictures from 5-6 parts. Constructs from 7 sticks according to the pattern.
Elements of verbal-logical thinking. Carry out classifications only of “trees”, “vegetables”, “fruits” and other general concepts worked out with a speech pathologist in the fall. “Shoes”, “clothing”, “furniture”, “wild” and “domestic animals” cause difficulties when generalizing and comparing. It is difficult to work with a series of plot pictures: the pictures are not combined into a plot, there is no understanding of the beginning of the action and its completion, even if the series consists of 3 pictures. Ideas about quantity have been formed. There are concepts of “one - many”, “more - less”. The direct count is up to 15, the reverse count is not formed. Counting operations within 5 on a visual basis.

D. Speech development. Can vary the tempo and intonation expressiveness of speech: pronounce words loudly and quietly, speak quickly and slowly.
The phonetic aspect of speech is within the age norm. With the help of the teacher, he copes with tasks aimed at identifying sounds in a word, for example, choosing toys whose names contain the sound “k”. The grammatical structure of speech. Uses plural words correctly. Almost always correctly agrees nouns with adjectives and nouns and verbs in tense, sometimes she corrects her mistakes. The girl understands the purpose of prepositions and uses them correctly in speech, but finds it difficult to use complex prepositions (from under, due to).

Lexical side of speech. The girl identifies the subject and object of the action, their characteristics, part-whole. An elementary generalization is available; it unites objects into generic categories, but it is difficult to differentiate the similarities and differences between them. At the same time, Masha has certain difficulties in mastering abstract concepts (words - actions, objects, signs, etc.)

Coherent speech. Conveys in his own words impressions from personal experience, loves to talk about what happened to her during the day.

Masha can retell a fairy tale read to her or short story, but there are violations of the functional and semantic unity of the text. When retelling, he jumps from one thought to another and does not complete sentences. Highlights the main ideas in the story with the help of leading questions. Descriptive story composes only with the help of a teacher or based on a diagram.

E. Imagination: The reproductive and creative imagination is not marked by great originality and variety. There is a tendency towards a simplified, schematic representation of objects, low originality creative works, there are many stereotypical, template compositions, the formation of new images is difficult.

7. Formation of leading activities

A. Communication: Masha is a sociable girl, she likes to talk with adults. She loves to help the teacher organize the children. Masha really likes it when adults give her some instructions - she carries them out with pleasure. The girl is in contact with all the children of both her and the neighboring group.
Masha shows a feeling of sympathy towards all the children in the group. At the same time, if one of the children in the group begins to play around, scream loudly or run, then the girl begins to do the same.

B. Formation of elementary labor activity and self-service skills
The girl knows how to dress and undress independently, but still needs supervision from a teacher, because she cannot fasten all the buttons, does not know how to tie her shoelaces, and does not always fold her things neatly.

In Play activities. The duration of stay in the role is short (no more than 7 minutes), he uses substitute objects. For role transformation uses appropriate attributes. Thus, the level of development of gaming activity can be characterized as a procedural game with elements of plot-role behavior.

G Visual activity. Masha had a negative attitude towards visual activity (the girl was not interested in the process of drawing and did not verbally comment on it either while drawing with felt-tip pens, pencils, or paints). There is a plot in the drawing (characters interact with each other), although it is depicted quite schematically. In the depiction of the body diagram, important details of the face (eyebrows, eyelashes) are missing. The drawing uses only 3 colors.

The prognosis for the child's further development is generally favorable. Basic mental processes are within the age norm. Developing mental processes ( verbal-logical thinking, modeling activities,
creative imagination) lag behind age-specific development standards. Violation of voluntary attention leads to disorganization of the child’s activities. Neurotic reactions are noted.

· form spatial-temporal representations and
improve coordination of movements. In the process of conducting such classes, include exercises to develop voluntary attention;

· contribute to the formation and development of role-playing games, and in it - the ability to culturally communicate with others and the basics of life safety in kindergarten and on the street. In the process of play therapy - work to relieve neurotic reactions;

· continue to work on mental processes developing in preschool age, paying special attention to the development of verbal and logical thinking, speech and imagination.

· organize work aimed at the formation of abstract, generalizing concepts;

· create motivation for educational activities and continue to work on the formation of arbitrariness of behavior.

Appendix 7


Analysis of your professional activities (what happened, what difficulties arose during the research), etc.

Appendix 8


Characteristics of a group student...

FPPiSN, who underwent internship in the period from …….. to………..

During the internship, the student (full name) showed such personal qualities as …………………………………………………………

In addition, he learned ……………….. During the internship, the student was required to demonstrate such professional skills as …………………, knowledge in the field of……………….. As a result of the internship, the student developed skills on………………………………………………………

Head of preschool educational institution __________________ Full name

place of printing

Appendix 9


Head of practice from the Department of Applied Psychology_____________________


Branch in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region

Humanities Institute


Full name: ___ Pozdnyakova Irina Borisovna

Well 5 Direction __________ Profile ______________

Practice “Industrial pedagogy as a methodologist at a preschool educational institution”

Deadlines for completion _ 31.03.14 – 12.04.14 ____________________

Place of internship_

Faculty / Course Leader _ associate professor ___N.L. Dyachkova

Teacher (group leader) _________ Psychologist ______

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

federal state autonomous educational institution

higher vocational education



Branch in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. Humanities Institute


Student intern

Full name: Pozdnyakova Irina Borisovna

Well V speciality 050703 Preschool pedagogy and psychology

Practice Industrial pedagogy as a methodologist at a preschool educational institution

Duration of internship 31.03.14 – 12.04.14

Location MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 57 "Lukomorye" combined type"

Course leader __Dyachkova N.L.__________ Group_ ____________________________

Head of practice at the base senior teacher Berezkina Anastasia Vasilievna



I did an internship in a kindergarten where I myself work as a teacher, “Kindergarten No. 57 “Lukomorye” of a combined type.” I am familiar with the rules of behavior in a preschool institution, with instructions for organizing the protection of the life and health of children in a kindergarten.

Senior teacher: Berezkina Anastasia Vasilievna, first qualification category.

The purpose of the practice was to develop the professional and pedagogical skills of a senior preschool teacher.

Main objectives: Consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge acquired in the process of studying the course “Management of preschool education”.

Clarifying knowledge about the work of a senior preschool teacher.

formation of professional and pedagogical skills: planning, organizing, analyzing and monitoring the educational process.

Development of pedagogical reflection.

Nurturing professionally significant personality traits: responsibility, initiative, organization, independence, interest in the work of a methodologist.

The practice took place over 2 weeks from 03/31/14 to 04/12/14.

During the internship, I became familiar with the main areas of work, the methodological room and the work of the senior teacher. I studied the documentation of the senior teacher. I looked at the annual plan. analyzed the plan methodological work and the calendar plan of the senior teacher. I drew up an individual work plan for 2 weeks of practice, in which I distributed the volume and content of the work.

With the help of Anastasia Vasilievna Berezkina, she determined the types of control, methodological activities carried out in practice, and drew up a work schedule in the methodological office to perform the functions of a senior educator.

During practice and within the framework of a thematic test on the topic: “Implementation of conditions that ensure the protection of children’s health, preserving the child’s individuality and introducing the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle”: planned work as a methodologist for 1 day; organized work as a methodologist during the day; spent methodical hour for preschool teachers on the topic “Non-traditional physical education equipment in kindergarten”, prepared and conducted a survey; carried out observation and analysis of household activities (nutrition) - dinner II junior group, GCD (health lesson) senior group, hardening middle group, regime moment (walk) I junior group. I compiled a certificate based on the results of a thematic audit on the topic: “Implementation of conditions that ensure the protection of children’s health, preserving the child’s individuality and introducing them to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.”



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