List of science cities in the field of chemistry and chemical physics. Science cities of Russia: the country's intellectual potential

Science cities of Russia - urban district or region big city, which has significant potential for scientific and technical development. The main city-forming factor of which is the scientific and production complex.

Goals and objectives

The main goal of creating science cities is to obtain a reference point for the development of areas of science that are priority. This territory is under special protection from the state. These cities receive stable financial support. Creation of new products scientific activity It is interesting not only for them, but also for the country as a whole.

In the specialty, two areas can be distinguished:

  • Solving problems in the field of science at the state level.
  • Creation of new scientifically oriented companies.

For the most part, the development of the scientific complex remains under the control of the state. The government designates areas of work for science cities that become priorities in a specific period of time, with the aim of economic and political development of the country.


The first semblances of science cities in Russia can be called cities of science, created in the middle of the last century. A distinctive feature of these settlements was the access system. They were almost completely closed off from the rest of the world. The term “science city” came into use only after the collapse of the Soviet Union, despite the fact that some of them had existed for several decades.

The declassification of closed settlements actively occurred in the 90s. Of course, among them there were not only cities with the goal of developing a scientific field, but also those belonging to the Ministry of Defense, performing defense functions.

The identification of cities to receive the official status of “Science City” in the future began in 1991. During the same period, state consideration of directions in scientific activity for these subjects was carried out. The Union for the Development of Science Cities was created.

In 1999, B. Yeltsin signed the 70th federal law, which allows the official appropriation of Russia. It allowed not only to secure the name, but also contained provisions to preserve the form of ownership of science city complexes.

NPK - a research and production complex - has become one of the city-forming factors. After which the issue of dividing such settlements into areas of focus began to be actively considered. Distribution into groups was made according to leading regions scientific research.

The city of Obninsk was the first to receive the official title of Science City of Russia in 2000 on May 6th.

Union for the Development of Science Cities of Russia

This was a new movement, the “Union for the Development of Science Cities” was launched in 1991.

1996. The Union was transformed. It has been reformed into a non-profit partnership. The name has undergone a change and is now in use as the “Union for the Development of Science Cities of Russia.”

The purpose of creating the organization is to help unite the efforts of management organizations of cities with high scientific potential (i.e. Russian science cities), enterprises and specialists in creating a platform for sustainable development. Formation of their role. Providing assistance to the growth of the Russian economy. In this case, the scientific and technical complex is considered as the basis.

Science cities of the Russian Federation

Let's consider what Science Cities of Russia exist today and their main specializations.

  • Space research, aircraft manufacturing, rocket science.
  • Radio engineering, electronics.
  • Mechanical engineering, instrument making, automation.
  • Creation of new types of materials.
  • Development of the nuclear complex.
  • Biotechnology, biology.
  • Development of the energy sector.

The honorary list of Russian science cities includes 73 settlements. They are located in a variety of territorial zones.

  • It is noteworthy that 31 such settlements are located in the Moscow region. One of the placement points was the city of Zelenograd (Moscow administrative complex).
  • 8 science cities are located in the central part of Russia, in the following regions: Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod,
    Tambovskaya, Tverskaya, Vladimirskaya, Yaroslavlskaya.
  • 9 are located in the Urals. They are deployed in two regions: Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk.
  • Western Siberia was also not left without points of scientific development. It became a place to accommodate 7
    science cities. This list includes four Academic Towns, the largest scientific research centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Siberia and Far East. They are areas of large cities (Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk).

The general list includes 55 settlements, these are cities, eight urban-type settlements and four rural ones.

Aircraft rocket engineering and space research

The majority of cities focused on this area are located in the Moscow region.

Zhukovsky is the largest center in Russia engaged in the design and testing of aircraft. It is the absolute leader within the domestic aircraft industry. Testing and research organizations located in this city are known throughout the world:

  • Central Institute for Aerohydrodynamics Research.
  • Flight Research Institute named after. MM. Gromova.

The Russian Space Corporation (RSC) Energia is located in the city of Korolev. The company is developing various types of space programs. It is a leading aerospace company in Russia. The Manned Flight Control Center, or MCC for short, is also located here.

Yubileiny is located not far from Korolev. Placed on its territory research institutes that mainly specialize in rocket science systems.

Another nearby settlement is “Star City”. In this village, astronauts undergo training for flights on devices for space research of any kind.

Krasnoznamensk is one of the closed cities. Located near Moscow. It houses the Central Communications Center. Now called the Main Center for Testing and Control of Space Flights. It is from here that communication is carried out with orbital systems of all types (scientific, military, etc.).

Znamensk and Mirny - these two science cities were created at the cosmodromes: Kapustin Yar (Astrakhan region) and Plesetsk (Arkhangelsk region). With their appearance, the Baikonur Cosmodrome lost its status as the main site for launching space systems.

Electronics and radio engineering

This focus is assigned to three cities of Russia: Khimki, Zelenograd, Pravdinsk.

Among them, Zelenograd is considered the clear leader. It houses 8 huge institutes with pilot plants. It has 11 research institutes, and two of them have federal significance.

Nuclear complex

Those Science Cities that can be classified as nuclear are engaged in research work and production activities in the fields of chemistry. Their list includes 10 settlements that were created on the basis of the nuclear project of the Soviet Union. The main function assigned to these Science Cities is servicing nuclear power plants located nearby.

It is noteworthy that they are all located far from large cities. Mainly deployed in forests, given the lack of nodes highways and railway tracks.

The first cities on the list were Sarov and Zarechny.

Sarov is located near the border Nizhny Novgorod region with Mordovia.

The science city “Zarechny” is located closer to the center of Russia.

The remaining eight are located in the Urals and Siberia.

Eight science cities from the general list of the nuclear complex have large research institutes that conduct research activities in the field of nuclear energy and nuclear physics.

Chemistry, chemical physics

The group of science cities involved in this area includes 12 settlements. Four of them are deployed in the Urals and Siberia. These cities process fuel made from uranium (processing is done chemically).

Automation, mechanical engineering and instrumentation

The vast majority of enterprises in this area are located in the Moscow region.

A total of 5 Science cities are located outside the Moscow region: Trekhgorny, Obninsk, Zarechny, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Raduzhny - 9.

Biology and biotechnology

The list of cities conducting research and work in this area includes only five settlements:

  • In the Yaroslavl region, the city of Borok has a scientific center studying the biology of inland waters.
  • Two are located near Moscow.
  • The village of Koltsovo is located in the Novosibirsk region. In this locality NPO "Vector" was located. The center deals with issues of biotechnology and virology.
  • Krasnoobsk - Academgorodok of Siberia. Places 10 research institutes in its field on its territory.

Features of science cities in Siberia

Siberia and the Urals have placed 8 nuclear cities on their territory. Among them, each has its own specialization, highlighted in the atomic research program.

The development of nuclear weapons is carried out in the following settlements: Zheleznogorsk, Lesnoy, Novouralsk, Zarechny, Trekhgorny. Among the developments, a special place is occupied by nuclear shells and the development of the use of weapons-grade plutonium.

Another science city in Siberia is Ozersk. “Mayak” is located in this locality. This production association is engaged in the processing and disposal of waste with radioactive properties.

Among the northern science cities, Snezhinsk and Sarov received federal significance. In addition to performing the production function, they own the largest physics research centers in the nuclear field in Russia.

IN Russian Federation 13 cities have the status of a science city, eight of them are located in the Moscow region. In the law “On the status of a science city of the Russian Federation,” a science city is defined as a municipal entity with the status of an urban district, which has high scientific and technical potential, in which scientific and technical products account for more than 50% of the total output of all economic entities of the municipality. Read about which science cities are located in the Moscow region and what they specialize in in the material on the portal website.


The status of a science city was assigned to Dubna by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2001 for a period until December 31, 2025. Main specialization scientific enterprises district - nuclear physics. Thus, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is a world-famous international center, and it is currently implementing a megaproject of global importance - the construction of the NICA scientific complex.

Also on the territory of Dubna there is a special economic zone “Dubna”, a space communications center, State University"Dubna", research and production complexes and machine-building plants.

Interesting fact: Dubna is the only Russian city, immortalized in the periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev. Dubnium, element 105, was discovered by scientists here.


Zhukovsky was awarded the status of a science city by a decree of the government of the Russian Federation in 2007. The priority areas for Zhukovsky are information and telecommunication systems, transport, aviation and space systems, advanced weapons, military and special equipment, energy and energy saving. Moreover, the city's aviation industry is most famous. It was in Zhukovsky that the United Aircraft Corporation was created and the Zhukovsky airport is located.

More than a thousand scientists work at the most important enterprises in the district, including the world's largest center for aviation science, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsAGI named after. prof. N. E. Zhukovsky", Flight Research Institute named after. M. M. Gromova, a number of defense industry enterprises.

Zhukovsky is known to many as a venue.


Korolev was awarded the status of a science city in 2001 by presidential decree. It is symbolic that the decree was signed on April 12, Cosmonautics Day, and Korolev is precisely the center of the rocket and space industry. On its territory are located: JSC Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after S.P. Korolev, FSUE Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering named after. A. M. Isaeva.

The main enterprises of the Russian space industry are located in Korolev, among which is the Flight Control Center, it is from here that the Russian segment of the International space station(ISS).


The city district of Protvino received the status of a science city by presidential decree in 2008 for a period of five years; in 2014, this status was retained for the next five years. The main specializations are biotechnology and energy. The State Scientific Center Institute of High Energy Physics, CJSC Protom, NPO DNA-Technology, NPO Turbotekhnika and others successfully operate in Protvina.

It is noteworthy that a complex of ion radiation therapy was developed in Protvina to treat cancer patients without damaging surrounding healthy tissue.


Pushchino has had the status of a science city since 2005. Now Pushchino is the largest center for scientific research in the field of biology. The city is home to nine academic institutes and an observatory. Russian Academy Sci.

There is a biotechnological innovation cluster on the territory of the district, which produces products in the following areas: biotechnology for medicine, pharmacology, biotechnology in agriculture, protection environment, industrial biotechnology.


Reutov has had the status of a science city since 2003 for a period until December 31, 2027. The main specializations are aviation and space, mechanical engineering, instrument engineering. Thus, JSC VPK "NPO Mashinostroeniya" is the city's main enterprise; it is here that the latest types of military equipment are created, as well as missile and rocket-space systems that have no analogues in the world.

Other scientific enterprises in the district include the Scientific and Technical Association "Plamya", the scientific company "Flamena" (dealing with pharmaceutical products), LLC "Nano Invest" (high-tech equipment).


Fryazino has had the status of a science city since 2003. The main specialization of research and production enterprises in Fryazin is electronics. The science city research and production complex includes 25 enterprises and organizations, including JSC NPP Istok named after. Shokin”, JSC “Research Institute “Platan”” with a plant at the research institute”, FSUE “Special Design Bureau of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences” and others.

On the basis of the Istok Research and Production Enterprise named after Shokin, it was created in 2015, where investment projects in the field of microwave electronics are being implemented.


In 2008, Chernogolovka was awarded the status of a science city; scientists mainly work here in the field of chemistry, chemical physics and the creation of new materials. The city-forming enterprises of the district are part of the complex of the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Chernogolovka, where more than 5 thousand people work.

The main areas of research in Chernogolovka are the chemical physics of combustion and explosion processes, the formation and modification of polymers, biological processes and systems.

It is now almost obvious that innovative development is, in fact, the only opportunity for Russia to take its rightful place in the global economic space of the 21st century and maintain (or restore) the status of a Great Power. Operated and exported natural resources(primarily oil and gas) and their primary processing products fundamentally cannot be the basis for this; moreover, they make Russia dependent on developed countries peace. It is necessary to move from a fuel and raw materials orientation of the economy to its innovative development, stimulating the use of scientific research results, intellectual activity in energy, transport, mechanical and instrument engineering, aerospace and other knowledge-intensive industries, as well as in education, medicine, information and biotechnologies. To do this, it is necessary to activate and stimulate powerful intellectual, scientific and technical potential, which is currently in demand to a very small extent, primarily due to the unprecedented drop in production that occurred in the 1990s, especially in knowledge-intensive sectors of industry.

Assessments of Russian intellectual, scientific and technical potential as outdated, cumbersome, superfluous, which took place in some analytical and senior management circles in Russia in these years, do not stand up to criticism. Use of “leakage” abroad in different ways Russian developments in combination with the “brain drain” from Russia and the “hunt” of foreign companies for Russian young scientists, graduate students and even students speaks precisely of its high level and relevance.

The difference between the concepts of “science city” and “technopark”

A science city is, firstly, a city, a natural formation, not an artificial one. Secondly, this is a full cycle from a scientific idea (not necessarily a project) to a product. Thirdly, it is a center for education and training. Fourthly, this is a place of residence, and not just a place of “application” of knowledge.

Construction models:

  1. Science cities should define themselves not as closed administrative territorial entities surrounded by a fence, but as functional territorial-industrial research and production sites, permeated with a network of modern information, transport, and energy communications.
  2. The model of a modern science city is a full cycle of production of high-tech products. This is the path from a scientific idea to a competitive product. This is a platform that organizationally combines scientific, design and production activities.
  3. Science City is a center for the generation, accumulation, and transfer of knowledge.
  4. Science cities should not be objects, but cities that have the full range of opportunities for a full-fledged human life.

Approaching the technology park. An industrial giant, such as a car company, which has its own research institutes, there is no time and, perhaps, no interest in following what is constantly being born in the heads of professors, graduate students, and students. Therefore, the need arose to create some intermediate links, where the emerging idea would be embodied in something material. Not immediately into a new plane or a completely new car, but into some part of the plane or into a software product that will already be of interest to a large corporation. The university is interested in the idea as an idea, but it does not have the money to bring the idea to a specific product. Yes, and there is no desire. A scientist is structured differently than a businessman. In short, the ideology of technology parks is as follows: the state does not give money for specific developments, it provides certain preferences to private businesses, which should give money for their own development. Business is ready to finance the idea, but is reluctant to invest in infrastructure.

Approaching complex science. But the university is characterized, first of all, by universality, universal coverage of all scientific disciplines and directions. This is the first feature of the university technology park. Second: inside educational institution There are potential personnel of different profiles, and their training and “distribution” can be carried out. Third: the university has a high human resources potential, so the level of its developments is quite high. And finally, the fourth feature: professional cooperation within the university is very possible and desirable, cooperation between different laboratories, departments, institutes and faculties working on similar topics. This gives a significant additional effect. For example, physicists, chemists, and mathematicians of various specialties work in the field of nanotechnology.

From the history of science cities

The cities of science themselves – the idea of ​​their creation – appeared before the Second World War in Germany. This was the city of Peenemünde, where “weapons of retaliation” were created - rockets "Fau".

This began to develop especially rapidly after the war, when it was necessary to create and nuclear weapons, and rocket technology as a delivery vehicle, and aviation, and electronics. Soviet Union set an example for everyone here. There were very few resources: the post-war impoverished country collected resources bit by bit. These installations appeared, qualified people appeared, and everything called high-quality infrastructure began to grow around them. Settlements appeared with a concentration indicator that is rare in world experience the most talented people, which gave phenomenal results.

  1. The Union for the Development of Science Cities of Russia was created.
  2. A document was prepared (and supported) entitled “Fundamentals of State Policy. Preservation and development of science cities.”
  3. Hearings were held on the issue of science cities. The preparation of materials and proposals on state policy regarding science cities was underway. A draft Presidential Decree “On measures for the preservation and development of science cities” has been prepared. By mid-1993, the project was sent to the President.
  4. The draft law “On the status of the science city of the Russian Federation” was born...
  5. It passed the first reading in the State Duma, but got bogged down in lengthy approvals.
  6. President B. Yeltsin signed the Decree “On measures for the development of science cities as cities of science and high technology.”
  7. The State Duma adopted the Law “On the status of the science city of the Russian Federation.”
  8. The law on the status of a science city was approved by the Federation Council. President Boris Yeltsin vetoed the law. Thanks to the intensive work of the “science city” people, the veto was eventually overcome, and the Law “On the Status of the Science City of the Russian Federation” finally came into force.
  9. The status of “science city of the Russian Federation” was assigned to the city of Obninsk, Kaluga region. Preparation of other projects.
  10. The city of Korolev in the Moscow region receives the official status of “science city of the Russian Federation.”

Classification of science cities

By character and profile scientific complexes science cities are divided into monoprofile, mono-oriented And complex.

  • An example of a single-industry science city is Obolensk, which socially and infrastructurally provides one state scientific center - the Research Institute of Applied Microbiology. Protvino with the State Scientific Center IHEP can be attributed to the same type, although here in recent years enterprises of various profiles appear.
  • Mono-oriented science cities have several city-forming enterprises in the same field of scientific and technical activity. This is, for example, Zhukovsky, which houses the largest aviation research and testing complexes; Chernogolovka is a scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences with research institutes and laboratories in the field of chemical physics.
  • The most typical example of a comprehensive science city is Dubna, where, in addition to the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, there are scientific, design and research and production centers for aerospace, instrument making, shipbuilding, international university.

Science cities in the Moscow region have a very wide range of specializations in both fundamental and applied science:

  • rocket and space technologies – Korolev, Khimki, Balashikha;
  • Center for Aviation Science – Zhukovsky;
  • basic research mainly concentrated in Dubna, Protvina, Pushchina, Troitsk, Chernogolovka;
  • testing and metrological complexes - in Beloozersky, Zhukovsky, Krasnoarmeysk;
  • centers of radio engineering and electronics - in Zelenograd and Fryazin;
  • centers of dual technologies – in Dzerzhinsky, Klimovsk;
  • microbiology and biotechnology - in Pushchin and Obolensk.

The value of the “science city” status

The main source of funding for the science city will not be budgetary. Budget money is needed only as start-up capital; this is no more than one tenth of all financial investments. The main funding for developments will come from attracting investors who will benefit from investing in the implementation of scientific developments. The status of a science city opens up broad development prospects for the university complex due to the deduction of interest from the implementation and sale of developments. And the developed and developing infrastructure of the technology park, the presence of a specialized scientific and technical community will additionally attract new investors.

Weak explanatory work about the goals and benefits of this project. So weak that even Professor N. N. Krasikov (from the city of Kovrov - see below) has no idea what he is talking about. Science cities are not allocated money to repair roads or provide public utilities. But enterprises in science cities have advantages when distributing government orders for the development or production of high-tech products. Science cities retain enormous potential, created during the Soviet period on orders from the military-industrial complex. Enterprises in science cities have advantages when entering global markets for competitive products. Enterprises in science cities have real tax benefits, and governing bodies of science cities have advantages when forming budgets at different levels. This is the only reason why science cities have the opportunity to develop production that is valuable to the country, as well as support the social and communal sphere.

Successful examples of science cities and their difficulties

Innovation brings constant growth to the entire economy. The USA has more than 90% of the increase in its gross product only due to the innovation economy. And we have crumbs in the full sense of the word: who says 6%, who says half a percent - it’s impossible to count.

Today, a tomograph is being developed in Obninsk, without which medicine today cannot provide effective treatment, and this tomograph will be ten times cheaper than what is sold on the market - this is a solution to people’s health problems, and not just a new development.

In 2003, Dubna, having received approximately 115 million rubles of budget money, attracted about 500 million non-state funds. And the result: for the first time, a non-state, private accelerator was built for the production of membranes for the extremely effective medical process of plasmaphoresis.

Obninsk as of 2004. During the period of operation of the program (science city), a significant economic effect was obtained. From 1999 to 2003, tax revenues increased fourfold: from 316 million rubles. up to 1291 million rubles. The average salary in the city increased from 1,440 rubles. per month up to 4501 rub. Another important outcome of the program is the creation of the Obninsk technological park and municipal industrial zone. Of the 22 announced investment projects, eight were selected for placement in it. This year, investors are starting to build their enterprises. The total volume of attracted investments is about 60 million dollars. It is expected that tax revenues will increase by 60-80 million rubles. The project for the further development of Obninsk as a science city was supported. According to the governor, special attention at the next stage of the program must be paid to achieving results on a federal scale - Obninsk should become the center for the development of the national innovation system.

Many have been going around in circles for three years now, from government to government. Nothing in the programs changes except dates. Sometimes they ask to change the plate in order to present the indicators differently. We ask why cities that are ready for this development should not be skipped? There is experience, there are results. They answer: there is no money in the budget. They planned 300 million rubles, but no more. Therefore, you can no longer give status to anyone. Well, increase the amount, God knows how much money is invested, and the effect is almost instantaneous: the city budget increases significantly. No, they say, money is given only for the actual number of science cities. There are no new cities with status, we cannot increase the amount... This circle of bureaucrats is simply another national crime. And why is also clear. Who sits in the government? Those who were sent by the raw materials oligarchs. Now they have bought the Volsky RSPP, go to the President, give their proposals, which are sent down to the government as an order from the President. And there the people sent by these raw material producers implement a similar policy.

So, despite this, as well as the statements of the President, the decisions of the State Council, the Security Council, which he signed, the declarations in the President’s Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, in which he proclaimed and repeatedly confirmed the course for the innovative development of the country, the Government prepared and defended with maniacal persistence of a bill (the notorious bill on “monetization of benefits”), in which Article 124 proposed making significant changes to the law “On the status of a science city of the Russian Federation.”

We are talking, first of all, about the abolition of development programs for science cities, that is, about the rejection of the basic principles of state policy regarding science cities:

  • program principle, providing for the specification of projects planned for implementation, establishing the mutual responsibility of the municipality and the state, guaranteeing transparency in the execution of budgets of science cities in terms of financing innovative projects and the creation (development) of infrastructure;
  • principle of concentration and the use of funds from all sources - federal, regional and local budgets, extra-budgetary funds for the implementation of science cities development programs.

Completely unfounded, a significant tightening of the criteria for assigning the status of a science city of the Russian Federation to municipalities was proposed (the cost of fixed assets of the research and production complex should be at least 50% of the cost of all fixed assets, and the volume of scientific and technical products of the complex in value terms should be at least 50% the total volume of production of all economic entities on the territory of a given municipality, as well as the number of employees in organizations of the scientific and production complex must be at least 15% of the number of all employees).

And, apparently, just to clarify who is in charge of innovation, it is proposed to assign the status by decision of the Government, and not by decree of the President.

Unfortunately, despite the efforts made, dozens of amendments prepared by the Union for the Development of Science Cities of Russia and introduced by deputies State Duma and members of the Federation Council, including the chairmen of the relevant committees of both chambers of the Federal Assembly, held “conciliation meetings” with representatives of the Ministry of Finance (authorized representative of the Government), despite appeals (including those supported by the governors of the Moscow, Novosibirsk, Tambov regions) to The leaders of the State Duma, ministries, etc., etc., managed to defend only the criteria (and then only partially: 50% of the value of funds or 50% of the volume of production, subject to 15% of the number of employees).

The modern “science city” situation

The other day (10/14/2005), chaired by the Minister of Education and Science of Russia Andrei Fursenko, at a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on Scientific and Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation (IMC), a decision was made to assign the status of a science city to Troitsk and Zhukovsky near Moscow, as well as Dimitrovgrad. A fourth candidate was also considered, but it was rejected - the documents of the city of Kovrov were sent for revision.

“At the same time, assigning the status of a science city of the Russian Federation is not a simple procedure. The decision of the International Commission for Internal Affairs means that a significant path has been passed, but it is still necessary to obtain the opinions of the interested ministries and departments, and only after that can we expect a government resolution,” notes Mr. Shalmanov. To date, only 8 municipalities on the territory of the Russian Federation have the official status of a science city of the Russian Federation: Obninsk (Kaluga region, May 2000), Dubna, Korolev (Moscow region, late 2000), Koltsovo (Novosibirsk region, February 2003), Reutov, Fryazino (Moscow region). region), Michurinsk (Tambov region, December 2003), Peterhof (July 2005). And now, after the positive decision of the International Commission for Internal Affairs, five cities are awaiting assignment of status: Biysk, Pushchino, Troitsk, Zhukovsky and Dimitrovgrad. No other applicants are expected in 2005, since the remaining cities that previously nominated their candidacies need to prepare their documents anew. Apparently, all of them will be considered only next year.

Prospects for the Vladimir region: the cities of Kovrov and Raduzhny


The Economic Policy Committee recommended the request of the Kovrov city administration for consideration by the Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir Region. It concerns the assignment of the status of a science city to the city. The final decision must be made by the Russian Government.

According to Anatoly Bobkov, deputy chairman of the Economic Policy Committee of the Legislative Assembly, this is the first case in the region. There were such plans for Raduzhny, but the package of documents has not yet been prepared. The leadership of the Vladimir region and the city of Kovrov will make every effort to ensure that the first science city appears in the region.

At the committee, deputies voted unanimously. They believe that Kovrov has every chance of receiving the status of a science city. Almost 100 years ago it became a city of gunsmiths, where the main city-forming enterprises are defense ones. It has a powerful scientific base and the ability to train personnel, including highly qualified ones. Kovrov deserves to become a platform on which experimental high-tech production will be tested.

Infrastructure– a city research and production complex of 10 well-known enterprises in Russia and abroad and scientific organizations, in particular:

  • JSC "Plant named after. V. A. Degtyareva" (ZiD)
  • OJSC "Kovrov Electro-Mechanical Plant" (KEMZ)
  • OJSC Kovrov Mechanical Plant (KMZ)
  • Special design bureau for instrumentation and automation
  • FSUE VNII "Signal"
  • Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Space Research and Production Center named after. M.V. Khrunichev"
  • Kovrov State Technological Academy (KSTA)

Event: filing an application for science city status in 2005 - documents are sent for revision.

Doubts: many are not sure that the city is ready for this (hints of profanity, support from the authorities - in Obninsk there were initially problems with the local authorities). For example, Kovrov’s internal strife can be observed on Internet forums:

All enterprises and institutions of the city whose activities have a scientific component are involved in the preparation of documents for assigning the status of “science city” to Kovrov. Until now, such large-scale work on generalization and inventory of intellectual resources has not been carried out in the city. Regardless of whether Kovrov receives or does not receive the status of “science city,” the work done is already useful, since it unites the efforts of representatives of different teams to solve a citywide problem. The contribution of Professor N. N. Krasikov to a common and useful cause for the city is little noticeable. But there is an Elephant, and you can bark at it.

Polyanin V. A., Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KSTA, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Oh, Moska, you know she’s strong!..(Response to Professor N. N. Krasikov)

Another thing is that Krasikov absolutely rightly does not believe in the possibility of creating in our city, at least in the coming years, any kind of large research and production center and speaks about this honestly and openly. You, Mr. Polyanin, judging by your “pathos” and “angry sarcasm,” continue to believe in the Kovrov-Naukograd project. So go for it! These same federal ministers, as far as we know, recognized the “academy” where you work as one of the worst universities in the country, placing KSTA in the ranking of the highest technological educational institutions for 2004 to the very, very bottom of the rating table. Is Professor Krasikov to blame for this too? “The unconstructiveness of his views and positions led to the fact that your “academy” has become one of the weakest in Russia and may lose government funding, or even close down altogether? But KSTA, as we understand, occupies almost the key, almost the main place in the project “Kovrov - Science City”, because it is a “forge of personnel” and all that stuff...

Gromov S. Monkey, seeing his image in the mirror...



  • FSUE GosNIILTS RF "Raduga"
  • Branch of Moscow Higher Technical University named after. Bauman
  • Branch of Vladimir State University (?)

At the city-forming enterprise FSUE State Laser Center "Raduga" named after. I. S. Kosminova" there are free production areas, the necessary energy resources and information support, but there are no venture funds and organizational structures that ensure the initial development of innovative projects.

Event: regional conference “Science cities are locomotives innovative development Russia"(02/26/2004). For now, the administration of the Vladimir region is only planning to submit an application.

Prospects The development of the Raduzhny Closed Administrative Unit as a science city is associated with the prospects of the city-forming enterprise, which in the integration process of the country's military-industrial complex, among the organizations and enterprises of the laser industry, is assigned the role of a national center-testing ground. In addition, organizational and technical measures are being carried out to create a branch of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after. Bauman. Another direction of development of ZATO Raduzhny is the creation of serial production of gas hot water heating boilers TGM on the production areas of the city-forming enterprise, financed within the framework of the socio-economic development program of ZATO Raduzhny.

Objectives of science cities from the point of view of the state

  1. Creation of “final” divisions of the scientific and production cycle at the city-forming objects of science cities, ensuring the production of finished high-tech products and their promotion to the market. It is necessary to master not only innovative, but also conventional marketing technologies, and profitably sell what is produced.
  2. Development of technologies aimed at meeting regional and local needs of the economy, including small and medium-sized innovative entrepreneurship. There is also the creation of all the necessary conditions for the commercialization of scientific and engineering projects.
  3. Development of the educational sphere. The personnel problem of science cities can be solved only if systems are created that integrate the learning process and scientific activity.

List of sources used

  1. Kuznetsov, M. I. Science cities: intellectual potential and innovative resource for the development of Russia // Sustainable development. Science and practice, No. 2/2004.
  2. Golubev E. Science City as an accelerator for science.
  3. Will the word “science city” become untranslatable, like “satellite”?// Obninsk, No. 25 from 02/10/1998.
  4. Shumilov A. Technopark, science city, technopolis.
  5. 10 years of the science city movement// Daily news - Moscow region, No. 180 from 12/11/2001 // Almanac "East". – C. 3.
  6. Shcherbinina G. Science City – City of the Sun?// Patriot, No. 31 dated 08/05/2003 // Almanac “East”. – P. 8-9.
  7. Kovrov News, No. 20 dated 05/17/2005.
  8. Policy and Strategies, 05/19/2004. Innovation Bureau "Expert": digest No. 22, 04/15-30/2005.
  9. Russia: three science cities may appear this year// News from 10/14/2005.
  10. Kovrov can become a science city// News from 08/11/2004.
  11. Science and innovation in the regions of Russia. Rainbow.
  12. Science cities are the locomotives of innovative development in Russia: Speeches by participants of the regional conference. – Scientific electronic library.

Obninsk near Moscow is the first science city in Russia to receive its status as a technological and scientific center of the country. It is distinguished by such characteristic features, not inherent in other science cities, as versatility: scientific institutes of chemical, physical, meteorological, medical, seismological and even agricultural profiles coexist here. But the main thing is that this science city of Russia still proudly bears the title “City of Peaceful Atoms”, and sees the main prospects for its development in connection with nuclear technologies and nuclear energy.

How did science survive?

The idea of ​​making a technopolis out of Obninsk, as the city plan of this type was originally designated, or a science city of Russia, was born in 1991, when the previous one finally collapsed government system. An international conference was held regarding the problems of the perestroika period of science and technology and the conditions for its transition to market economy. There were many reports outlining promising development paths latest technologies, technology and regional science in general. The problem of the existence of cities like Obninsk, the first science city in Russia, in market conditions was discussed for the first time at the highest level. It turned out that it is not so easy to effectively use this scientific potential if the city does not have the corresponding special status, secured at least at the federal level. After this conference, specific conceptual ideas for building the strategic development of the city began to arrive. This is how the Russian science city, Obninsk, first appeared.

In 1992, the Obninsk-Technopolis association was established, which formed the science city movement. A concept was developed, under which all technical and economic justifications were summed up, and a potential analysis was made. The scientific and production complex of the city turned out to be quite wealthy to bear this status - a science city of Russia. In 1993, the board of directors of Obninsk met, where this fateful decision was made. From now on, all enterprises and institutions are joining a united front in the struggle for special status. Since 1994, a new mayor has been working in Obninsk, and the systematic development of the city for the future begins. An expert council is assembled under the mayor, directly involved in the development and implementation of a long-term program. In March 1995, parliamentary hearings were held for the first time on the problems of science cities, where the first edition of the law “On the status of science cities of the Russian Federation” was discussed. Subsequently, in accordance with this law, many technopolises were formed, the science cities of Central Russia were especially numerous.


The city’s opportunities were destined to be realized only in November 1997, after the release of the corresponding Presidential Decree, which specifically indicated measures for the development of cities of high technology and science. However, not a single city could receive this status for another two years, since the law was adopted only in 1999, which provided all the definitions under which all science cities in Russia should fall. The list of them is quite long, the most remarkable ones will be discussed below, but for now the situation will be considered using the example of Obninsk. Almost everywhere there were the same problems, the same obstacles were overcome, the difficulties experienced by the entire country were overcome. The science cities of Central Russia were in slightly better conditions than, say, the Ural or Siberian ones. Transport accessibility alone is worth a lot. However, this problem was not at the forefront at that moment.

So, municipal formations, where the city-forming complex is the scientific and production complex, that is, a set of organizations that carry out innovative, scientific, scientific and technical activities, as well as experimental testing and development, personnel training in accordance with state priorities for the development of science and technology, are precisely such cities can claim the status of a technopolis. Many cities strived to become science cities in Russia, the list of them today is quite long, but Obninsk became the first science city in 2000. Together with the law on status, the entire regulatory framework was created through which support for cities was planned at the federal level.

Living conditions in a science city

The distinctive features of Obninsk are, first of all, its proximity to the capital and comfortable living. The latter includes developed infrastructure, favorable environmental conditions, and welfare in social and living terms. The fact that Moscow, the largest industrial and technological metropolis, is nearby is especially valuable. But the main thing distinctive feature Obninsk, as noted by the Union of Science Cities of Russia, is educational system, which can really be envied. There are a lot of educational institutions and research institutes, from which a constant influx and reproduction of engineering personnel, technical and scientific, is ensured. That is, there are the broadest opportunities for the development of high-tech industries, which is of fundamental importance. In addition, other science cities in Russia and their specialization are fundamentally different from Obninsk. There is far more than one specialization here.

The nuclear industry, naturally, dominates in this science city, although Obninsk cannot be called a purely “nuclear city”. This is how it started, but over time the range of scientific activities of the townspeople expanded significantly. It is not for nothing that Obninsk is the first science city in Russia. So far, the socio-economic development program developed here has no equal among other science cities. All the results speak about this: rating best cities Russia put little Obninsk in ninth place, the rest of the science cities are not even included in the top hundred. The rating considered the following indicators: average wages, the queue of those in need of housing, places in kindergartens, the number of educational institutions, sports infrastructure, the percentage of medium and small private businesses. Health care, by the way, was not at the proper level anywhere, in any city.

How to get a science city

First of all, we need nationally significant research institutes and industries, which are most often city-forming, which for Obninsk was the Physics and Energy Institute (PEI). This is the founder of the city, without him nothing would have happened. Why is this so? Yes, because such institutions radically influence the budget, and therefore the entire standard of living in a given area (they also have an extremely strong influence on the general cultural level of the population). The entire social sector - schools, kindergartens, theaters, museums, cinemas, stadiums and so on - appeared from within the IPPE, since there was no city budget as such. But considerable sums were always allocated for the institute, which helped build houses and roads, cultural centers and shopping centers. Many science cities in Russia developed according to the same principle.

Now the situation is a little different, but for the fact that it exists at all, we must thank the appearance of scientific institutes and enterprises in the city. Now the city does not collect one hundred percent of the tax from scientific institutions, as before. Only thirty-two. Where does the rest come from for the amazing prosperity of the city? As much as forty percent of the city’s income comes from small businesses, and the new economy, which has not yet found its feet, provides about fifteen percent. How does a small town have so many small businesses? The development of science cities in Russia shows that this figure is simply fantastic. For every ten thousand people in the city there are approximately eight hundred enterprises, with a meager amount of services and trade, mostly small high-tech enterprises. In Kaluga, which, compared to other cities in the country, occupies one of the first places in terms of prosperity, there are only four hundred enterprises for every ten thousand people. This means that Obninsk developed more powerfully than many megacities. Not all science cities in the Central region of Russia were able to reach this level. Or rather, not one could.

Science in the country today

No matter how many science cities appear in Russia, they still have one problem. After all, their successful operation and maintenance of status depends not only on the quantity and quality of city-forming enterprises. Everything, literally everything, depends on the state of science in the country. Not only Obninsk science has suffered in the last quarter of a century. The amount of funds that should have been received, but were not received, for scientific research was constantly decreasing; the number of employees at leading institutes was constantly decreasing. People - world-class professionals - were constantly leaving, there were huge waves of migration, and it was good if they went to Moscow or St. Petersburg. Most of them were received with great joy abroad.

And now there is still no due attention to our dying science, the state has no time for it. There is still underfunding and lack of support for young professionals. Even in Obninsk. It cannot be said that science cities and academic towns in Russian regions are dying. No, they don’t die, they live and work there smart people. However, there is no such blessed return in which the country flourishes (here we remember our space epic). It is unpleasant to realize that even Obninsk children do not connect their future with their hometown, as surveys showed. One hundred (!) percent of high school students are going to leave - some to the capital, some abroad. This is the indicator. This means that the idea of ​​a science city is not fully working, it has either lost its power or has ceased to be self-sufficient - after all, Obninsk is multi-economic compared to how, for example, science cities in the European north of Russia live. I would like to hope that the idea has not yet completely discredited itself. The potential of science cities is enormous, but due to the lack of government attention, it is simply sleeping.

How not to lose positions

There must be confidence in the future. This is where all the problems stem, because there is little funding for science; its inspiration must be constantly fueled. The state, by the way, is beginning to finance science better and better; hope for a better future should remain. However, during these dark years of post-perestroika, scientific personnel lost some of the most important qualities, such as vitality. Activity has almost disappeared life position, since there was no positivity for a long time, the ability to adapt to new circumstances appeared, but is this so good? After all, the main thing for a scientist is to always see the goal. Only then will he do everything wisely and until the very end, without being distracted by anything.

In the world scientific field The key focus now is technology platforms. The Union for the Development of Science Cities of Russia is working to ensure that Obninsk and other technopolises in the center of the country create such platforms or at least be present on others. Unfortunately, only Siberia remains active. Novosibirsk Academgorodok, as well as Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk, have become centers of technology platforms. And science cities, born under the wing of capitals, are still waiting for favors from governments. And if they didn’t give money! After all, they give. People just became different, lost faith and lost their desire for science. We must work primarily in this direction. It is always quick to destroy a country, but to put it back together and restore it is a huge work, and most of all, a spiritual one.


In Obninsk, by the way, absolutely all city research institutes managed to survive the crisis years. Of course, there were staff reductions everywhere; they fired not the best, but very worthy ones who were capable of bringing considerable benefit. There were no mass non-payments of wages anywhere in Obninsk. Now the institutes are increasing the speed of their work. At the schoolchildren level, progress is not yet so visible, but specialists are beginning to gradually return to their native teams. Perhaps in a few years everything will get better.

But at the time when Leiptunsky and Kurchatov created their scientific authority, the state subsidized almost unlimitedly. However, anyone would be shot if the funds were spent in the wrong direction. There was responsibility. Now such big names don’t appear, they don’t exist. Perhaps, precisely for the reason that fear is lost. It’s not even the fear of being shot, but the fear of not getting things done. And the money allocated for the development of the city, district, region is spent without a twinge of conscience on some toilet brushes for twenty-three thousand rubles each, as it thundered throughout the whole country from the Vladimir region.

Classical Science and Commerce

Again, using the example of Obninsk (although Novosibirsk would fit in well here too), we can consider the shares of traditional classical science and small innovative business, into which it is steadily transforming. Is it good that this process is so great or bad (remember the thirty-two percent income from the Obninsk Research Institute and more than forty percent from small businesses)? Previously, science was a donor - one hundred percent. In Obninsk the situation has changed. In many other science cities - no. There is no transformation or budget growth, the scientific potential is not eroded by immediate needs, but innovations based on scientific research appear there too. They simply give them away, or rather, hand them over to other hands, while they themselves continue to develop pure science. Who wins?

There are two methods that work with business - PUSH and PULL. The first is a super task, money for it, gun to the temple. And here it is - the impossible, ready. Previously, all Obninsk institutes were focused specifically on the ultimate task. But the second method, which is now being used to work with business, is pulling. There is no super task. There is an order from the market. If there is a request for development, it will be there. I didn’t get in, and no one will just delve into science. For example, the market needs pharmaceutical developments. If Obninsk doesn’t grab this luck by the tail now, it won’t have any money. Science is converted into currency. And this is exactly how you can lose your scientific potential forever. We can only hope that the state will soon need Obninsk to solve some super-task. But will he be ready?

Innovation resource

By 2004, there were already seven science cities in Russia: Obninsk, Dubna, Korolev, Michurinsk, Koltsovo, Fryazino, Reutov. In addition, six more cities received the go-ahead after undergoing approvals and examinations at the federal level. These are Biysk, Peterhof, Zhukovsky, Seversk, Pushchino, Troitsk. By January 2015, there were thirteen of them. Koltsovo from the Novosibirsk region, Michurinsk from the Tambov region, Protvino and Chernogolovka from the Moscow region were added. There are seven main specializations of science cities: space research, aircraft and rocket engineering; radio engineering and electronics; mechanical and instrument engineering, automation; chemical physics, chemistry and creation of materials; nuclear complex; biology biotechnology; energy.

In addition to official science cities, there are also unofficial ones in Russia. There are 65 of them. Half of these rural and urban settlements are located in the Moscow region (29, including Zelenograd, which is a metropolitan area). There are also many unofficial science cities in the center of Russia - eight more. They are looked after by Yaroslavl, Tver, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaluga, Vladimir region. The second most dense science cities are the Urals, most of them are in the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions. There are six science cities in Western Siberia - in Altai, Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions. With them, Russia will have to conquer the global economic space through innovative development, and not through the exploitation of the country’s fuel and raw materials reserves. It is high time to use the intellectual, scientific and creative potential, which has always been high in our country, for its intended purpose.

"Closed" cities

The distribution of scientific and technical potential in the country has always been uneven: approximately 70 percent of scientific research occurred in research centers, universities, laboratories located in Moscow and the region, in Leningrad, Novosibirsk and the Urals. Most of the science cities were created back in the thirties of the last century. Then, in the fifties and seventies, the authorities again issued special decrees on the creation of new strategic facilities, the tasks of which were to develop the military-industrial complex and support it with scientific and technical forces. The largest projects concerned aviation, then nuclear, rocket, space, and a little later - biological complexes, as well as the corresponding settlements to them. Many of these cities were not even on maps and were never mentioned in any reference book. Some did not even have names, being designated by special coded license plates. For example, Snezhinsk, Sarov, Zheleznogorsk, Seversk, Ozyorsk and many others. And today they are open only relatively, although they are written about in the press and spoken on television (but not shown!). These are the so-called Closed Administrative Territorial Entities (CLATEs) with a special status and many restrictions.

The secrecy of other science cities was relative: foreign guests were prohibited, and city-forming enterprises and organizations were not mentioned in the press. These are Obninsk, Protvino, Troitsk, Zhukovsky, Korolev, Khimki, Sosnovy Bor, Dzerzhinsky and many, many others. Now it is much easier to determine the nature of a science city. They are single-profile, complex and mono-oriented. Single-profile: Obninsk, Krasnoznamensk, Beloozersky, Koltsovo, Mendeleevo, Snezhinsk, Protvino and others. Mono-oriented technopolises may have several city-forming enterprises, but they are all in the same field of activity. For example, Zhukovsky is an aviation complex where aircraft are developed, tested and produced. There are seven research institutes and two research and production enterprises in Chernogolovka, all of them are engaged in chemical physics. Also mono-oriented science cities are Yubileiny, Trekhgorny, Pushchino, Krasnoobsk, Zelenograd. Complex ones include Dubna, where in addition to nuclear research, aerospace, instrument-making, shipbuilding research is carried out and an international university operates, as well as Kovrov, Klimovsk, Korolev, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Reutov and again Obninsk. Academic towns belong to the Russian Academy of Sciences, where scientific teams of different fields also collaborate.

State scientific and technical policy implies the active inclusion in innovation processes of a number of institutions that, to one degree or another, form the backbone of the national innovation system (NIS). However, when understanding science cities as a phenomenon and subjects of the NIS, a reasonable question arises: how promising are they for the future of our country? It is important to understand whether Russian science cities will be viable, and whether they will be able to cope with the historical challenge of a global scale in the growing global processes? What role is planned for cities of science by national strategists?

Brief historical background

ZATOs arose during the atomic project of the 40s and 50s. Scientists from Laboratory No. 2, who were working on nuclear research since 1943. They were joined by scientists and the best physicists brought from Germany from leading universities of the USSR. The result of the work at this site was the launch of the first nuclear power plant in 1954. The laboratory was transformed into the Institute of Physics and Energy, where it not only developed basic science, but also extensive applied research was actively carried out.

In the work on weapons of mass destruction in the country, the number of such sites - closed administrative-territorial formations (CATOs) - began to grow. The specialization was based on R&D in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, rocketry and aviation. The most complex projects were implemented. The settlement form of organization of such entities was suitable for solving the problems of scientific breakthroughs and better ensured the security regime.

Photo of the entrance to the Institute of Physics and Energy, Obninsk. Source:

Gradually, a special status emerged for residents of ZATO cities, for whom the level of provision and amenities was better. Subordination directly to Moscow and weak horizontal communications formed the specifics of the ZATO. The initially inherent conflict between the residents of such cities and their surroundings further contributed to the development of isolation. From the late 50s to the first half of the 70s, two grandiose projects were mainly implemented: the development atomic energy and the Soviet space program. This period can be considered the “golden fifteen years” in the history of scientific cities, towns and closed administrative towns.

The future of science cities seemed bright. But gradually and imperceptibly stagnation began to grow, the thaw gave way to stagnation. The first generation of scientists left, but there was no full rotation of scientific personnel. In the 80s, the CPSU was no longer able to generate such powerful tasks as in the middle of the century. No new grandiose projects emerged. Perestroika began, liberal ideas captured the minds, including those of progressive-minded representatives of the scientific community. However, sobering came soon.

With the introduction of the market, the leaders of the closed administrative towns became convinced that their cities were brought to the brink of survival. In the early 90s, two important events regarding cities of science in ZATO. Firstly, it became obvious to many that fundamental science, research sites, and the municipal economy of CATU simply would not survive without government assistance. Thus, in 1991, the idea of ​​science cities and their targeted financial support arose. The authors of this idea are considered to be S.P. Nikanorova and N.K. Nikitin (city of Zhukovsky). Secondly, in 1992, the Law on ZATO No. 3297-1 was issued, which introduced significant tax breaks, transforming these territorial entities into something like offshore zones, which lasted until 2004.

Differences between related concepts in legislation

Immersion in an innovative topic reveals many concepts that are very diverse, close in essence, but different in content. For example, science cities may have a period of activity in their history with the status of a closed city, or they may not. It is advisable to find out whether the innovation city is a science city (NG) or not. It is important to clarify how the concepts of an innovative business incubator, technology park, innovation platform, innovation city, NG, ZATO, etc. relate.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation No. 3297-1, a ZATO means an administrative-territorial entity for which special regimes are established for the protection of state secrets and the safe functioning of the city, research institutes and enterprises within the ZATO. Such regimes are a necessity, since in the CATF there are organizations associated with the creation, production, storage and disposal of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), radioactive and man-made materials. Both ZATOs and science cities of Russia have the status of urban districts, but the profile of cities of science is not limited only to defense issues.

According to Law No. 70-FZ dated 04/07/99, as amended in 2017, science cities, in addition to municipal status, must have high scientific and technical potential in combination with a city-forming scientific and production complex (RPC). Special security and safety regimes are becoming an optional feature of such cities. As amended by the law, specified by Law No. 100-FZ of April 20, 2015, the composition of the concepts defining NG is expanded and the composition of the criteria for assigning this status to a city is detailed. The period for granting status is 15 years.

Quantitative criteria for NG status. Source: archive of the TV channel “Russia 24” for September 27, 2017.

Among the criteria for assigning and maintaining NG status, the following stand out.

  1. Presence of a deployed research and development team on the territory of the city.
  2. A strategy for the socio-economic development of the city of science has been approved, agreed with the federal executive body responsible for regulating scientific and innovative activities.
  3. The substantive requirements for the city development strategy have been met.
  4. The quantitative parameters of the activities of the city's research and development complex, specified in Law 100-FZ, are observed (see the slide presented above).
  5. Monitoring the activities of the Plan for the implementation of the city development strategy confirms compliance with the criteria and achievement of the intended results over the past three years.

The concept of innovation city or Innopolis is not enshrined in legislation. Technology parks and business incubators were defined in the draft Federal Law “On Technology Parks in the Sphere of High Technologies” (presented below). Speaking about science cities, many authors equate NG with technocities, technopolises, innopolises and even technoparks, which in the latter case indicates the incorrectness of such a comparison.

Definitions of technology park and business incubator. Source: Draft Federal Law “On Technoparks in the Sphere of High Technologies”

In fact, such instruments of the innovative economy as an innovation platform, innovation incubators, technology parks, just like NG or the same innovation city, belong to the country’s NIS, but they occupy completely different structural niches in it. This fact does not at all exclude the possibility that a city of science may contain several innovation clusters, and the ideas of business incubators and innovation parks are being implemented in it.

Below is presented to your attention the structure of the NIS of the Russian Federation, in which NG are located in the research and development sector, while elements such as “innovation incubator”, “technopark”, “ innovation center"etc. provide the financial and infrastructure resource of the system. As we see, ZATOs do not belong to the innovation system in the modern sense, although many of these cities are still located cutting edge scientific developments and implementations.

(click to enlarge)

Composition of traditional NG in Russia

Science cities in Russia for the most part received their status in the process of transformation from ZATOs. When answering the question of how many science cities in Russia have the corresponding status, you should pay attention to their specialization, the number of cities, the volume of scientific and technological products produced, including those of an innovative level. What matters is the quality of the city’s socio-economic development strategy, and not just the fact of its existence and a large number of activities. Below you will find a geographical diagram and a summary table of the official 13 cities with NG status.

Geographical layout of NG. Source: archive of the TV channel “Russia 24” for September 27, 2017.

(click to enlarge)

Some of the most famous science cities should be characterized. There is the city of Obninsk - the first of the cities of science that emerged back in the 40s. The first balla was created in it nuclear power plant, there is an Institute of Nuclear Energy - a branch of MEPhI. However, the scientific sector occupies a relatively small share in the Obninsk municipality. A technology park of the same name has been created in the city; one of the elements of the innovation infrastructure is a business incubator that has been operating since 2004. However, the results of the innovative activities of the city of Obninsk can hardly be called impressive.

The city of Pushchino is currently the leading scientific center in Russia in the biological sector, has an excellent small university with high level training of biologists. The center is compact but well equipped with modern equipment. NG Pushchino is rightly called a biotechnological innovation cluster. The cluster specializes in the following areas:

  • innovations in the field of biotechnology for pharmacology and medicine;
  • innovations in food biotechnology in agriculture;
  • innovations for environmental protection;
  • innovations in industrial biotechnology and chemistry.

The city of Dubna was considered a very successful project for a long time. However, now this NG is gradually losing its position as a “brain cauldron” due to the growth of the city and the erosion of the unique (in the past) scientific environment. The city of Dubna has a university of the same name on its territory. Teachers come from abroad, from Moscow State University and other Moscow universities. Since 2005, the city has had a special economic zone in which a number of innovative facilities operate, including NPK Beta and NPK Alfa, which use the capabilities of the cyclotron complex for the purpose of commercializing innovative products.

There is a small town in Siberia - the working village of Koltsovo. It is actively developing one of the most powerful virology centers in the world. This NG, which got involved in market processes in time, successfully masters modern mechanisms management and serves innovative tasks. The number of innovative businesses in the city is growing. Municipality managers work competently to develop human capital, and a favorable environment for innovative business has been created. In Russian reality, Koltsovo has every chance of maintaining its leadership among NG in terms of maximum efficiency in the future. Below are the main statistical data on the socio-economic development of this municipality.

Main indicators of socio-economic development of NG Koltsovo for the period from 2003 to 2016. Author's assembly.
(click to enlarge)

Tax deductions from the territory of NG Koltsovo.

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