How to overcome psychological addiction to food. Love addiction and ways to overcome it

In the continuation of the article, we try to deal with the question of how addiction can be overcome. First of all, understand that it is necessary to fight not with the consequence, but with the root cause. There are many psychotherapeutic methods that successfully cope with overcoming the causes of addiction. Overcoming addiction should not be tied to a specific date. Doctors advise focusing only on today and holding on for one day: today I don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t eat sweets, etc.

What other principles should be followed? Work on yourself, and do not hope and do not seek simple ways and short cuts. It is important to find meaning and interest in life, to understand from what in life you can get a drive.

Any addiction is an attempt to cover the complexes. Pathological attachment or hanging, sticking to something (business, action) or someone (a person, other living being), first of all, brings joy. And here it is important to note that this joy she makes up for an inferiority complex, some kind of psychotrauma, most often received in childhood. And this small dose, a small pill, a small joy, though not for long, but still brings happiness and satisfaction.

Why is everything so difficult?

In fact, everything is simple. Until a person finds his calling, his destiny will be subject to various manias, various addictions. In this situation, it is important for a person to find the meaning of his existence. If a person is realized, then he does not need to drink, smoke or use any other addiction to be happy. They get a buzz or drive from life from a sense of fulfillment, while dependent people dissolve their feelings of inferiority and non-realization in various forms of dependence.

It is not difficult for any independent person to stop in time, for example, when drinking alcohol, precisely because pleasure is conscious for him. It's like he's in control. Dependence constantly requires an increase in the dose. The sedative effect, as doctors say, decreases over time, and that is why the dose must constantly increase. The previous dose no longer brings the initial sensations, so the dose must be increased.

Who is more addicted: the rich or the poor?

What is the difference between the minds of the poor and the rich? The poor are quick gratification, that is, they need money in order to satisfy their material needs.

Rich people, on the other hand, use money to create passive, long-term income, generally invest money to create something, not spend it and forget it.

The main question for parents

For any mother, and father, no matter how their personal life develops, the most important thing is that the children are happy and not subject to addictions, which destroy life and turn a person into an incomprehensible creature. How to prevent children from becoming drug addicts? The answer is given by narcologists: do not overfeed children with sweets, it creates a strong addiction, which, under certain life circumstances, will develop into drug addiction in almost 90% of cases.

Love is a wonderful feeling, but there are situations when it transforms and no longer brings pleasure. In this case, they say that there is a love addiction, which can lead to disastrous consequences, so you need to fight it.

What is love addiction?

When a person cannot imagine his life without an object of adoration, then such a state is called love addiction. Experiencing great feelings, he is ready for any sacrifice for the sake of his soul mate. The paradox lies in the fact that in most cases people do not recognize the existence of a problem and take any advice with hostility. Dependence on love causes suffering in a person, and he can get upset even over trifles that are considered normal for normal people.

Love addiction in psychology

This problem is studied in detail by specialists, and they describe several forms of love addiction.

  1. The loss of one's own individuality and the desire to maintain affection due to the replacement of one's psychological territory with a partner. love addiction- this is the desire of a person to devote his whole life to another, so he refuses friends, goals, interests, and so on. This form is characterized by masochistic tendencies.
  2. Encroachment on personal boundaries, psychological territories and the individuality of a partner. There is over-control and an example is excessive jealousy.
  3. Destruction of the psychological territory of a person with the use of aggression. Such love addiction can manifest itself in sadistic tendencies. There is a destruction and complete suppression of the partner's individuality.

Causes of love addiction

According to statistics, women are more subject to addictions, since they are more emotional and can completely dissolve in a partner. Dependence love relationships can be caused by such reasons:

  1. Low self-esteem. A person who considers himself unworthy tries on the role of a victim, and he is ready to please his idol in everything.
  2. Psychological inferiority. This occurs in a couple where people become dependent on each other, because they find favorable moments for themselves in a partner. As a result, they connect like Siamese twins.
  3. Inexperience. Young people who fall in love for the first time succumb to a strong feeling, and in most cases it is false. By submitting to love addiction, they simply do not know that there is another kind of relationship.
  4. Difficult childhood. People who have not received enough attention from their parents, or have suffered mental trauma, are at risk of those who may become addicted.
  5. Fear of being alone. There are people who are ready to submit and give their lives as a sacrifice for the sake of another, just not to be left without a lover.

Love addiction - signs

In most cases, people in such relationships cannot determine the presence of a problem, but those around them will be able to identify the main symptoms without much effort.

  1. from love makes you change, and a person begins to copy the interests and habits of his beloved. In addition, he stops communicating with his friends and, as it were, is protected from the events taking place around him.
  2. The addict feels not from his love, as it should be, but begins to complain about life, reproaching the partner for insufficient attention. Discontent appears almost constantly.
  3. Gradually developing depression is considered a clear symptom, even when longing is well in life.
  4. The addict destroys relationships with family and friends by his actions and deeds, moving away from them.
  5. All conversations come down to one thing - the object of admiration, and all conversations have a positive color, that is, the beloved is put in the best light.

How is love different from addiction?

Many people often confuse these two concepts, so it is worth considering the main differences.

  1. When there is normal love, then lovers in separation feel normal, and when they are addicted, they suffer.
  2. When figuring out how to distinguish love from addiction, it is worth noting that in the first case, partners have inner freedom, and in the second, it is absent.
  3. True love inspires, gives positive emotions and helps to become happier and stronger, while addiction is destructive.
  4. When there are sincere feelings between people, then there is equality in a couple, since lovers give each other the opportunity to develop. When there is a love addiction, then one of the partners suppresses his desires.

How does love addiction end?

Relationships in which a person suppresses himself cannot lead to any good events, because they cause pain and suffering, and both partners. A strong love addiction leads to the fact that the individual does not feel complete without a soul mate, from losing his individuality and interest in life. Breaking up a relationship can end up being tragic, as there are many reports of people committing suicide for love.

How to get rid of love addiction?

When a person realizes that his relationship is not normal, it is necessary to put an end to it in time and free yourself from the shackles. There are several ways to overcome love addiction, so you can try several of them at once. It is believed that the problem is serious, so without psychological help it is almost impossible to get out of it.

There are numerous psychological methods, which provide assistance in such situations, for example, psychoanalysis, hypnotic separation and others. Experts give advice on how to overcome love addiction to a man:

  1. Good medicine, which is suitable for many, is a hobby. An occupation that will distract and give positive emotions, will make life more diverse and brighter.
  2. Work helps to cope with mental problems. Success in the workplace, career advancement, communication with different people, all this is good medicine for parting.
  3. Getting rid of love addiction can be carried out with the help of sports. Physical activity raises vitality and self-esteem, and also helps to improve your appearance. An excellent option is yoga, which has a positive effect on emotional condition person. To waste the accumulated energy, it is recommended to dance.
  4. Psychologists advise not to close in yourself and lead an active life, communicating with other people. Support in such a situation is very important.

Prayer for love addiction

Priests give advice to people with different types dependencies to resolve the issue faster. It is important to confess and take communion, go to services and regularly communicate with God, asking him for help. If you are interested in how to get out of love addiction with the help of faith, then it is recommended to read the prayer presented every morning and evening.

Conspiracies from love addiction

There is a powerful rite that helps to cool feelings, and it is necessary to carry it out during the waning moon, so that dependence also decreases along with the Earth's satellite. Women should use magic on women's days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The practice of getting rid of love addiction involves the use of natural properties water.

  1. Retire in a room to isolate yourself from external noise, that is, be sure to close the doors and windows.
  2. Prepare cold water and it is better if it is spring or well, but also liquid from the tap on extreme case fit.
  3. At the next stage of the technique of getting rid of love addiction, a conspiracy over a glass of water is meant, which should be repeated three times. After that, drink half of the liquid, and wash yourself with the second part and sprinkle yourself around with it.

Affirmations for love addiction

It is believed that a person can attract events into his life, so it is important to watch your words. If you are interested in how to get rid of love addiction, then you should use affirmations, that is, positive statements. Numerous repetitions act as self-hypnosis or self-hypnosis. It is believed that the more often affirmations are repeated, the easier it will be to get rid of love addiction. It is important to say them in a positive tone. Example of an affirmation: “I have ceased to depend on (name). I control and manage my life by protecting my heart.”

Mantra to get rid of love addiction

There are special verses that can affect a person's consciousness, and they also help spiritual perfection, and they are called mantras. They are repeated, listened to and meditated upon. For those who are interested in how to overcome love addiction, it is recommended not only to pronounce mantras, but also to use spiritual practices. It is better to repeat the presented text 108 times every day on the waning moon. It is important to chant the mantra as you exhale.

Movies about love addiction

There are many movies that use the theme of love obsession. The most popular films about love addiction can be distinguished:

  1. "Lolita". The movie is based on the famous novel and tells about the crazy love of a man for a young girl.
  2. "Fear". The story tells about a young girl who falls in love for the first time, unaware that her chosen one is a zealous and tough owner.
  3. "Fan". This film tells about the life of a guy in whose class a new girl appears who falls in love with him and after a while she becomes obsessed with him.

Books about love addiction

  1. "Gone with the Wind" M. Mitchell. A well-known classic that describes Scarlet's love for Ashley. She realizes too late that the habit of love has long supplanted the feeling itself.
  2. The Great Gatsby F. S. Fitzgerald. Love dependence on a person is also read in this work. Main character became a rich and powerful man, but fell in love with a girl who turned out to be a dummy. As a result, an inexplicable love addiction led him to death.
  3. "Letter from a Stranger" C. Stefan. This book describes the story of a woman in love who decided to write a letter to her object of adoration, and the text took up as many as 30 pages. She doesn't know if the feelings are mutual.

It is impossible to write briefly about addiction, but I will try to do it. You can find and read a lot about the definition of addiction as a disease on the Internet. Often people say: “Why bother? Just stop (drinking, using, indulging in destructive relationships)." Indeed, if you can stop, then just stop. Congratulations, you are now an independent person.

If you tried to stop and didn't succeed, it's an addiction. I will write about drugs because it is closest to me, but you can replace this word with alcohol, the Internet, gambling, or a destructive relationship with a person. The most effective thing you can do in an addiction situation is to realize that you are truly unhappy with and without drugs. People do not always reach this understanding, and you can spend a lot of effort and time trying to convince a person that he needs to be treated. Until he himself feels that the object of addiction destroys him and causes pain, he will not be able to get out of this.

If you feel bad and you realize that you would like to get rid of the addiction, this is already a good stage, but even so, it is often far from the real start of recovery. For example, I realized my addiction and the first desire to get rid of it, but it took me another 5-6 years to grab enough grief and really want to change my life. Someone is lucky, and the realization of the power of addiction comes when not too much has been lost yet. But some people are not stopped even by incurable diseases, prison or the loss of all property, which is why it is believed that addiction is an incurable deadly disease.

Alcohol and drugs are powerful addictions, but there are common ways to deal with them. For example, free program 12 steps, which is based on helping dependent people to each other. If you go through it yourself and for free, it will be difficult, it is better to choose a rehabilitation center. Why is that? There they will not sew capsules, put silver earrings and use other dubious methods. A person is taught to live with what led him to a destructive addiction - and this is not psychotherapy, but rather self-therapy, you delve into yourself on your own, and a group or mentor is needed so that someone shares the experience with you, and you can share in the answer, because in this way the horizons are expanded precisely in the aspect of dependence. The 12 steps are applied to work with various addictions - you can find information on the Internet. There are many communities for various addictions in the USA, in Russia Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous are well developed, there are Sexaholics, Gluttons Anonymous.

We must immediately accept that it will not work to completely get rid of addiction. On the other hand, the process of working with it is a very interesting journey, thanks to which many addicted people (who do not use, some for decades) become deep, interesting, sensitive. Even those who have not received an education have some special worldly wisdom. There are many such people in my environment, to be honest, I always prefer to communicate with them. They know how to work with feelings, they know how to see their side in conflicts. There was a time when I regretted that I was an addict, but a little later I realized how many pluses this has. And it certainly would not have changed its fate with an independent person. Sometimes I feel like working with my addiction has opened my eyes to who I really am.

Each person starts smoking for their own reasons: for company, to appear more mature, to look more stylish, etc. There are a lot of options, but people continue to inhale smoke for just one reason - because smoking quickly causes addiction, which, as they say , very difficult to get rid of. But the experts at the Allen Carr Center know that this is not the case. You just need to understand how nicotine addiction "works".

Smoking is supported by money addiction

Yes, there is no error here. Only this dependence is observed not in smokers, but in tobacco companies. How much do you think they earn on sales of legal drugs - nicotine? To imagine the scale of this business, suffice it to say that US$1 million is spent on advertising and marketing of tobacco products. Hourly!

This includes not only direct advertising of cigarettes, but also covert advertising, when cigarettes are used in films, on television, in computer games Oh. Moreover, the main goal of tobacco companies is not adults who already smoke; they are aimed at teenagers.

Think kids movies don't show cigarettes? Disney agreed to ban smoking only in 2015, and before that, it had quietly placed ads of this kind. And it works: young people want to be like tough heroes with a cigarette in their mouths, and girls want to be like their sexy girlfriends, languidly exhaling whitish smoke.

But there are still some who are addicted to tobacco money. This is the state. We have already said that cigarette manufacturers receive super profits, but at the same time they give up to 70% of the cost of each pack of cigarettes to the state. Do you feel the scale? No matter how much the state talks about the dangers of smoking, about strong physical and psychological dependence, it will not ban the trade in tobacco products, because it is a lot of money.

On the other hand, no one prevents you from coping with smoking addiction on your own and spending money on more important things for yourself. But for this you need, as they say, to know your enemy by sight.

How does the physical and psychological addiction to smoking work?

Like any other drug addiction, nicotine addiction has two aspects: physical and psychological. And most people believe that it is the physical aspect that creates problems. In fact, the main difficulty is created by the psychological factor, which people sometimes do not even suspect. And if they have heard, they do not understand what it is. In fact, everything is very simple: what people think about cigarettes, what they feel, in what situations they want to smoke, their opinion and their excuses - this is psychological addiction.

The reasons people keep smoking are the "benefits" that smokers believe:

  1. Some argue that cigarettes help focus, think more clearly, and find innovative solutions to problems.
  2. Others claim that nicotine relieves stress, calms nervous system, helps relax.
  3. Still others believe that by inhaling poisonous smoke, they control their weight.
  4. And there are people who even question the multiple medical studies that prove the harm of smoking.

A person does not invent all this, all these false ideas are formed for many years. In other words, the smoker suffers from the addiction that nicotine creates. But since smoking is considered by the people bad habit, no one considers their smoking a serious problem. Of course, it is much safer to think that drugs are heroin, cocaine or amphetamines. People are even afraid to imagine using heroin in the company of friends, but cigarettes - please. However, nicotine is also a drug, and smoking causes a real drug addiction, like heroin or alcohol, and so on. Let's take a closer look at how quickly and why cigarettes cause addiction to nicotine.

  • Physical nicotine addiction It is a violation of the natural functions and mechanisms of our body. A narcotic substance (not just nicotine, any) is built into physiological processes, creating a chemical need that a person is now forced to satisfy. As soon as the dose of the drug in the blood falls, the person experiences discomfort or even physical pain, if we are talking about heroin or amphetamine. As soon as the addict receives a dose, he temporarily experiences relief. After a while, the level of the drug in the blood drops and the person experiences discomfort again - the circle closes.

This is how smoking causes physical addiction. But there is one more thing - our body is designed in such a way that it tries to limit the effect of a potentially dangerous substance. For this reason, a person gradually becomes addictive. In other words, the usual dose of nicotine no longer works, it becomes small. To satisfy the need, the person needs more of the drug. It is for this reason that most drug addicts overdose. In smokers, addiction is manifested in the fact that they gradually switch to stronger cigarettes, begin to smoke more often, and inhale deeper.

  • Psychological addiction to smoking, unlike physical, has nothing to do with our biochemistry. It is at the level of emotions, feelings, thoughts and behavior. In other words, psychological dependence is something that a person believes in - for example, that a nicotine dose relieves stress. Its manifestations are clearly visible when a person runs out of cigarettes. He begins to get nervous, becomes irritable, and if the psychological dependence on smoking is strong, then he goes to the store, regardless of the time of day.

With dependences now everything is clear. But do they appear immediately? Maybe there is some kind of safe period? The answer to this question is next.

Four stages of tobacco addiction from cigarette smoking

It is hardly possible to draw a clear line between these stages. This classification, adopted at the Allen Carr Center, is rather arbitrary, but still reflects the real picture.

First stage. At this stage are those who are just starting or smoke once or twice a month. They inhale shallowly, do not know how to blow beautiful smoke rings, for them every cigarette is like the first. Since they rarely smoke, they do not have a physical dependence on smoking, as well as addiction. Such people are convinced that they have everything under control and they have no dependence on cigarettes.

Second stage. This includes people with an already formed addiction, but not yet aware of it. They have good health and strong character, they are sure that they will be able to give up cigarettes at any moment, but so far they do not see the need for it. The path from stage one to stage two is short, and getting shorter every year because tobacco companies are constantly developing new technologies to speed up addiction. This stage can last from several months to 20–30 years. At this time, they may not even think about how to get rid of smoking addiction.

Third stage. Long-term smokers who are already strongly addicted to smoking. They have already experienced the negative aspects of smoking. They constantly feel nicotine starvation, but they explain this to themselves and others as a habit.

Fourth stage. People who have received a smoking-related diagnosis. They have no illusions about the "harmlessness" of cigarettes, but even such an understanding does not guarantee that they will be able to overcome the psychological dependence on smoking.

Most people who have tried to quit without success say that smoking is highly addictive. They tell stories about the terrible torment that awaits a person who has tried to quit smoking. But it's not.

Surprisingly, for some reason, people who smoke do not think about a simple fact: each of them does not smoke for an average of 8 hours a day. That's right, during sleep and in the morning they experience only slight discomfort. The so-called nicotine starvation is tolerated by any organism quite easily, and in some cases it is generally imperceptible.

The main reason why people continue to smoke is that smoking is psychologically addictive. It is she who makes you come up with excuses and reasons for inhaling 7000 again chemical compounds. But the truth is that tobacco smoke is useless, it does not have any of the positive properties attributed to it. But if a person sincerely believes in a cigarette and pleasure, then the desire to get another dose of nicotine "makes" a person reach for a cigarette again, does not allow him to quit.

Signs of psychological addiction to smoking are most pronounced when a person tries to quit "by force". He feels left out, believes that he was forced to give up something very valuable and necessary, and suffers as a result. At first, when the motivation is strong, a person holds on, but over time, it becomes more and more difficult to resist the temptation, and then the majority breaks down.

And only the Allen Carr method helps to eliminate smoking addiction absolutely painlessly. But in this article we will not analyze the features of the world famous method. Instead, let's give some simple tips to help you quit smoking on your own.

  1. Deal with the reasons. The most commonly cited reasons for quitting smoking are health, setting a bad example for children, negative attitudes from others, spending money, etc. But understand that these are just reasons to quit, they will not help you quit cigarettes. You need to figure out the reasons why you still continue to smoke.
  2. Develop illusions. Any thoughts about the need for smoking are just illusions created by psychological addiction. Stop any conversations and discussions on the topic of quitting or not quitting. There is only one way: to understand the futility of smoking.
  3. no pills. Firstly, any medications have side effects and contraindications, and secondly, they are useless. Any dependence is eliminated exclusively at the level of psychology.
  4. Don't try to forget about smoking. Some, having quit, try to avoid everything that in one way or another would remind them of cigarettes. Creating such isolation is a waste of energy. In the early days of quitting smoking, you may experience some minor discomfort as your body "weans" the addiction. The same will happen with the brain, so the appearance of thoughts about cigarettes is quite normal. The main thing is to remember that these are just thoughts, and you no longer smoke.
  5. Don't read the forums. During the period of getting rid of addiction, you want to be among people in a similar situation, but this is not always right. On the Internet, everyone talks about their experience, and such words can both support and instill uncertainty. If you need support, it's best to get it from the experts.
  6. Don't overemphasize. It happens that a person after getting rid of addiction is trying to radically change his life. You don't have to do it on purpose. You need to change your life when you really want it.
  7. Don't run away from smokers. In the process of getting rid of addiction, some try not to meet with smokers, even break friendships. This is mistake. There is nothing wrong with the fact that your friends continue to smoke, but you do not. You may still have a lot in common.
  8. Don't impose your position. Think back to when someone told you to quit smoking. It wasn't pleasant to listen to. Talk about your experience only if you are asked to.
  9. Do not doubt . All, absolutely all smokers want to quit. And in the same way, absolutely everyone who quit is happy about it. Cast aside doubts - you have made the right decision!
  10. Just enjoy life without cigarettes.

Today I want to talk about addiction psychology, dear blog readers, because sometimes it happens that a person lives “on the machine”, automatically performing some actions, because “it’s necessary”. True, who needs it and who determined it, the person himself finds it difficult to explain. We get up at the alarm clock, wash, dress, have breakfast, rush to work - and we do all this mechanically, without thinking, i.e. without thinking. unconsciously. These are all developed habits that make our life easier to some extent. But the harmless tend to sometimes develop into addictions.

Psychology of addiction

Dependencies, or hooks, are very different. We can depend on food, establishing a cult of it and consuming uncontrolled amounts, which leads to obesity. Or depend on a particular person, blindly “loving” him and spending days and nights in suffering, at a time when life is in full swing around and thousands of the same men or women flash by. Recently, dependence on computer games has begun to spread, forcing a person to dissolve in the virtual world, in the world of illusions and unlimited possibilities. Too many people depend on the red flame of a lit cigarette, inhaling poisonous smoke sweetly and enjoying it. Much more dangerous than dependence on alcohol and drugs, but this is already a specific pathology, where without medical assistance and not to be missed.

Although the nature of the dependence in these examples is different, they have one common feature- an obsessive need for a certain type of activity, without which a person cannot imagine his existence. Most often this need is psychological. That is, certain chains of connections are created, the rupture of which seems to be a catastrophe for a person. His attention is concentrated at a certain point or range, completely turning off his horizons. Willpower is hidden under a thick layer of desires and satisfaction of needs.

Thus resigned to the state of things, a person indulges his whim, completely refusing to look around and see the other side.

All attempts by others to “wake up” the “sleeping” are completely futile. It is impossible to force him to give up imaginary comfort.

So how do you deal with addiction?

How to overcome addiction?

A person must cope with his problems himself, no one can do it for him. First of all, he must want it. If he realizes his dependence on something, an epiphany occurs in his mind. And this is the first stage. By the way, very important. Insight leads to awareness, i.e. understanding the situation and then - to its acceptance. It's useless to run away from yourself. You can run away from anything, but not from yourself. And to face the truth is painful, but, I repeat, it is very important.

And now, in no case should you let yourself slide into an accusation, neither of anyone, nor, especially, of yourself. And self-pity won't do you any good. For condemnation and pity are two sides of the same coin. It will be much more useful and effective to decide to change the situation. But not superficially, under the pressure of others, but in the depths of his soul. Sincerely and decisively.

It is very important to believe in yourself, in your strengths. It is unlikely that anyone managed to cope with the situation the first time, relapses usually occur. But do not be afraid of them, it is better to perceive the return back as a temporary phenomenon and only a momentary weakness. Again, keep moving forward towards your goal. And liberation from the slavery of addictions is a worthy goal. When a person is purposeful, he succeeds. Whether it's winning a sport, changing your appearance, or quitting smoking.

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