All about telepathy. Telepathy? An amazingly simple way to discover this gift within yourself! Requirements for practical training

Telepathy is the transmission of thoughts over a distance. Many materialists, confident in the need to explain any phenomena from a point of view that does not contradict generally accepted scientific theories, deny the existence of telepathy. At the same time, there is a lot of evidence indicating that telepathy is real. So does telepathy really exist? We will try to figure this out in this post.

Cases that can be considered as the transmission of thoughts at a distance have been known since ancient times. Often such cases occurred with the most ordinary people, while some thoughts or visions came on their own. This phenomenon is called “spontaneous telepathy.” Often cases of spontaneous telepathy concerned loved ones who found themselves in a dangerous or deadly situation. For example, there is a well-known case that happened to the great Russian scientist Lomonosov, who once saw in a dream his father, who ended up in a shipwreck on an uninhabited island in the White Sea. At the insistence of Lomonosov, his brother, along with the fishermen, went on a search, and they, indeed, found the body of his father in the indicated place.

The origin of the word “telepathy” dates back to 1882. This year the Society for psychic research”, which set as its goal the study of unusual mental phenomena from a scientific point of view. It was its members who coined the term “telepathy”. One of the first who decided to thoroughly study telepathy and gave the first scientific report on this topic was the English physicist William Barrett.

Soon other scientists began researching. In addition to the fact that they collected and recorded cases of “spontaneous telepathy” (for example, the famous astronomer Flammarion collected about 1000 cases), special experiments were also carried out. The results of the experiments were analyzed using probability theory to distinguish them from random guessing. The experiments involved an “inducer” - a person who transmitted mental images, and a “recipient” - the one who received them. It soon became clear that some people are much more prone to telepathy than others, and also that telepathic abilities are greatly enhanced if the recipient is put into a state of hypnosis. Pictures or playing cards were usually used as transmitted images; later, psychologist Karl Zener proposed using special cards with abstract symbols in tests, which, from his point of view, would help avoid ambiguity.

Zener cards

Usually the percentage of cards guessed turned out to be higher than what it should be according to probability theory; sometimes the entire series was guessed - 25 cards in a row, which inclined researchers to the idea that telepathy is a real phenomenon, although it cannot be used for reliable transmission of information.

Skeptics tried to explain telepathy by random coincidences and quackery, but, nevertheless, there were soon many supporters in the camp of its supporters. famous people. Even in the USSR, where materialist ideology dominated, telepathy had many adherents. In 1921 academician V.M. Bekhterev and V.L. Durov (a famous trainer) began experiments on the telepathic transmission of commands from people to dogs. Most of the experiments (out of more than a thousand) turned out to be successful; the researchers concluded that “... the dog’s responses were not a matter of chance, but depended on the influence of the experimenter on it.” Bekhterev then described these experiments:

The third experiment was as follows: the dog had to jump onto the piano round chair and hit the right side of the piano keyboard with its paw. And here is the dog Pikki in front of Durov. He looks intently into her eyes and covers her muzzle with his palms for a while. Several seconds pass, during which Pikki remains motionless, but being released, he quickly rushes to the piano, jumps up on a round chair, and from the blow of his paw on the right side of the keyboard, several treble notes are heard.

In the fourth experiment, the dog had, after a well-known procedure of suggestion, to jump onto one of the chairs that stood against the wall of the room, and then, climbing onto the round table standing next to it, scratch with its paw a large portrait hanging on the wall above the table. It would seem that this complex action is not so easy for a dog to perform. But Pikki exceeded all our expectations. After the usual procedure (Durov looked intently into the dog’s eyes for several seconds), Pikki jumped from his chair, ran up to the chair standing against the wall, then with the same ease jumped onto the round table, and, rising on his hind legs, reached for the portrait with his right forelimb and began to scratch him with his claws.

However, Durov could also influence people. One day Bernard Kazhinsky asked him to demonstrate this.

— Vladimir Leonidovich, you are good at conveying mental suggestion. Make me mentally make this or that movement. I wonder what I will be aware of or feel at the same time. However, will this succeed?
- No big deal, just sit still! - Durov answered decisively, and we got down to business.
I remained motionless for no more than two minutes and saw how my famous interlocutor, without looking at me, took a piece of paper and hastily wrote something on it with a pencil, which he took from the pocket of his favorite black velvet blouse. He placed the note on the table, face down, covering it with his palm, and put the pencil in place. Then Durov began to look at me. I didn’t feel anything special, I just suddenly mechanically touched it with my finger right hand to your scalp behind your ear. Before I had time to lower my hand, V.L. Durov handed me a piece of paper, on which I read with amazement: “Scratch behind your right ear.” Amazed by what had happened, I asked:
- How did you do this?!
“Imagine that I have severe skin irritation behind my right ear and that I need to raise my hand and scratch this place. I tried to imagine the feeling of itching behind the ear as vividly as possible. That's it. How did you feel?
- Of course, I didn’t feel any transmission. I just wanted to scratch behind my ear.

Books were published in the USSR, the authors of which did not doubt the existence of telepathy, although they tried to provide a materialistic basis for it. The most famous were “Biological Radio Communication” by B. Kazhinsky, “Mysterious Phenomena of the Human Psyche” by L. L. Vasiliev, “About Myself” by Wolf Messing. There have been different versions of what is the carrier of telepathic information. Some believed that it was electromagnetic waves, others believed that this was some other material field that had not yet been discovered by physicists.

Wolf Messing, who fled to the USSR after Germany occupied Poland, not only wrote about telepathy, but also demonstrated his mind-reading abilities in numerous public appearances. Usually one of the spectators gave him mental tasks, and Messing carried them out. One of the spectators recalled:

I remember Messing’s performance at the Youth Theater very well. The hall was packed! He did all sorts of things, but I still remember his trick connected with me. Messing asked the audience to hide the pen. She walked through the aisles, everyone snatched her, but I said, well, pockets and boots are not interesting, give it to me! She hid the pen in her hairstyle, a fashionable babette at that time. Messing went out into the hall... You could see how he was shaking from tension, he kept repeating either “oh, mommies” or “gods”. Walking through the rows, he clapped the hands of those who had a fountain pen, and quickly reached me, hitting my hand hard, shouting: “It’s here!” And he took out a pen!

Wolf Messing

Skeptics often came to the performances, trying to “expose” Messing. Those who did not believe in telepathy tried to explain telepathy by Messing’s ability to read “ideomotor acts,” that is, his ability to determine a person’s thoughts and intentions by the smallest involuntary muscle movements.

Messing's speech (newsreel):

A lot of information has been preserved about attempts to use telepathy for military purposes. Such experiments were carried out both in the USSR and in the USA. So, in the 70s the CIA and American intelligence launched the secret Stargate project, within which it was planned to use clairvoyants and telepaths to obtain intelligence information and transmit it over long distances. In particular, the experiments involved an attempt to transmit images that the recipient had to reproduce. As a result, the military came to the conclusion that telepathy exists, but is of little use for practical use. In the 90s, the Stargate project was closed.

Drawings from Stargate telepathy experiments. On the left is what was transmitted, on the right is what the recipient drew.

What conclusion can be drawn in the end? Numerous cases of “spontaneous telepathy,” as well as clear examples of the transfer of thoughts in experiments, speak in favor of the fact that telepathy actually exists. The problem, however, is that this phenomenon cannot be reproduced with the participation of arbitrary people and under arbitrary conditions, and the accuracy of information transfer remains quite low. All this still gives skeptics reason to doubt the reality of telepathy and declare recorded cases to be “coincidences” and “quackery.” However, people with a skeptical approach take a similar position in relation to any non-standard phenomenon or new theory.

It would seem What could be more attractive than learning to read other people's thoughts?. Self Greek word"telepathy" means "sensing at a distance." For many years to Not only venerable scientists, but also classics of literature showed interest in this phenomenon: what are “Olesya” by Alexander Kuprin, “Jean-Christophe” by Romain Rolland worth? What is this, a form of cheating, or what? a special gift available to few?

Today under telepathy implied transmission of thoughts and sensations at a distance without the mediation of the senses. Moreover, neither great distance nor ignorance foreign language cannot serve as a barrier to this kind of communication. There are many phenomena of spontaneous telepathy in the world. A mother who knows what the child in the next room is doing, a lover who feels all the nuances of her beloved’s mood There are a lot of examples of this kind of telepathy, and, probably, almost any of us has ever practiced it. By the way, it has been scientifically proven that In spouses who have lived together for a long time, telepathy manifests itself best.

How does this work?

Today telepathy is considered highly developed mode of paranormal perception. It is known that it was not difficult for the sages of Egypt, India and the East to “switch” to this mode to read the thoughts of people in the crowd. However, centuries later, sacred knowledge about telepathy turned out to be lost: for skeptics today, telepathy is considered a fairy tale, a stupid invention for children.

Today it is believed that telepathy as such is divided into sensory and mental. Sensory telepathy, which occurs spontaneously and without any control by consciousness, is a kind of vibration of our emotions. And if Sensual telepathy is associated with emotional contagion, That conceivable telepathy is based on direct volitional rational awareness sensations similar to those of another person.

Many of us intuitively possess sensory telepathy at a primitive level. However, Scientists claim that with a strong desire, both types of telepathy can be developed. The main thing is to be physically and mentally healthy, and to be able to accumulate a sufficiently large supply of mental energy.

Voice of Science

There is a point of view that the phenomenon of telepathy can be explained high frequency radiation emitted by human brain cells. However, scientists have recently proven that every thought is material. The thought process is organized in such a way that the neurons in our brain constantly emit positive or negative charges. Respectively, any stream of thoughts turns into a kind of signal transmission - all that remains is to decipher it.

And our eastern colleagues recently found organ responsible for telepathy and clairvoyance. It turned out to be… pineal gland. It is he who is depicted as the “third eye” in paintings and paintings of temples. It is not surprising that Buddhists spend so much time in meditation and intense spiritual work. If the result is acquiring extrasensory abilities, why not meditate an extra six hours a day?

Invisible threads

Telepathic effects can also occur in our four-legged friends. One American moved from Ohio to Pennsylvania, leaving his beloved cat Muddy at home. Three years later, looking out the window, he saw a fairly emaciated cat scratching against the door with a plaintive meow. The animal traveled 157 kilometers to be reunited with its owner. How did the cat navigate his long journey? It is quite possible that he was able to run such a distance thanks to the telepathic connection established with its owner. It was telepathy that served as that fateful beacon that helped Muddy find his new home.

Despite the fact that today many are skeptical about such a phenomenon as telepathy, one cannot deny the obvious facts of telepathic phenomena taking place. As Kuprin wrote: " Without a doubt, there are some secret invisible threads through which the thoughts of one person can instantly communicate with the thoughts of another, even if they have just met on the street.".

It is customary to separate conscious telepathy (the so-called “transmission of thoughts at a distance”) from the unconscious (actually “telepathy”). According to the Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, initially the term “was not considered in itself to explain the essence of the phenomenon, but very soon this very function began to be attributed to it.” Thus (according to N. Fodor), on the basis of facts that experimentally demonstrated the possibility of transmitting thoughts at a distance, a “giant logical leap was made” to the statement that it (telepathy) can serve as a means of communication even when there are no such attempts at the conscious level is being undertaken. It was this “leap” that later became a stumbling block in disputes between spiritualists and those researchers of paranormal phenomena who tried to classify as the result of telepathic communication everything that was attributed to “otherworldly” forces.

The Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology formulates the fundamental difference between telepathy and the transmission of thoughts at a distance:

With telepathic<общении>the transmitting party may not be aware that it is acting as an agent and the receiving party may not consciously prepare itself to receive the thought. Telepathy cannot be the object of experiment, while thought transmission at a distance can. The transmission of thought is a rudimentary property. Telepathy is a highly developed mode of paranormal perception and usually<её механизм>driven by strong feelings.

Original text(English)

In telepathy the transmitter is often unaware that he acts as an agent and the receiver does not consciously prepare himself for the reception. Telepathy cannot be made a subject of experiments while thought transference can. Thought-transference is a rudimentary faculty. Telepathy is a well-developed mode of supernormal perception and is usually brought into play by the influence of very strong emotions.

The need for such a division was also recognized by “old school” researchers. Frank Podmore, who was one of the skeptics, said: “While the attempt to correlate the two types of phenomena is quite legitimate, it is unlikely that a spontaneous phenomenon of this kind should be attempted as the basis of a theory of telepathy.” Myers, who opposed Podomor, believed that “...telepathy as a property of the mind must undoubtedly exist in the Universe, if disembodied mind is present in the Universe at all.”

In parapsychology, several types of telepathy are considered, in particular, latent (“delayed”) and emotive (eng. emotive telepathy), as well as retrocognitive, precognitive and intuitive telepathy (depending on whether the information transmitted concerns the past, future or present).

There is also a division into physical, sensory and mental forms of telepathy.

History of the phenomenon

The belief in the existence of telepathy goes back to ancient times. According to N. Fodor, “prayer itself can be considered as an attempt at telepathic communication with a higher being.” It has been suggested that telepathy underlies intuition, in particular, intuitive likes and dislikes. It was believed that the “sensation of someone's gaze” or someone's approach was also the result of the brain receiving and processing telepathic signals.

Many paranormal researchers consider telepathy and suggestion to be related phenomena, especially when hypnosis is carried out at a distance. Myers called this phenomenon “telepathic hypnotism.” telepathic hypnotism).

Reports of manifestations of telepathy

Among the most famous examples of telepathic messages is the case of Major General R., described in the “Protocols of the OPI,” vol. I, p. 6. . On September 9, 1848, having been seriously wounded during the siege of Multan (then still in the position of regimental adjutant) and deciding that the end was near, he asked to have the ring removed from his finger and given to his wife, who was 150 miles from the scene of hostilities. The latter claimed that she was half asleep when she clearly saw her husband being carried away from the battlefield and heard his voice: “Take this ring off my finger and send it to my wife.” Subsequently, as stated in the OPI documents, the authenticity of what happened on both sides was convincingly confirmed.

The woman’s determination not to tell anyone about this unpleasant incident (as N. Fodor notes) seems to indicate that a telepathic message can not only be unconscious, but also directly contradict the intentions of consciousness.

Telepathy and animals

It has been suggested that the phenomenon of telepathy exists not only in the human community. Perhaps the most striking example of a telepathic connection between an animal and a person was described by Rider Haggard in Journal of the S.P.R. in October 1904. On the night of July 7, 1904, Mrs. Haggard heard her husband making strange sounds in his sleep, reminiscent of the groans of a wounded animal. When he woke up, the writer told her that in his dream he experienced a “painful feeling of constriction,” as if from suffocation. At the same time, he realized that he saw the world through the eyes of his dog:

I saw old Bob lying on his side in the bushes near the water. My own personality seemed to mysteriously transfer to the dog, whose muzzle rose upward at some unnatural angle. Bob seemed to be trying to speak to me and, being unable to convey meaning through sounds, conveyed in his mind a very clear idea that he was dying.

The Haggards' dog, Bob, was indeed found dead four days later in the water with a crushed skull and broken paws. He was hit by a train on a bridge and thrown into the water. The bloody collar was found on the bridge the morning after the night its owner had a prophetic dream.

Telepathy and mediumship

The phenomenon of telepathy and the supposed possibility of transmitting thoughts and images at a distance (sometimes to several recipients simultaneously) was a stumbling block in disputes between spiritualists and supporters of theories related to telepathy. Recent suggestions have been made that messages received on seances mediums are merely telepathically “caught” from information field created by those present.

An attempt was made to classify visions as a type of telepathic hallucination. The main supporter and propagandist of this theory was one of the leaders of the British Society for Psychical Research, Frank Podmore. It was this problem that was devoted to his most famous book, Visions and Transmission of Thought. Apparitions and Thought Transference , 1894).

F. W. Myers believed that telepathy alone could not explain the nature of visions. He put forward the theory of “psychic invasion”, as a result of which a certain phantasmogenetic center arises. phantasmogenetic center) in the environment surrounding the recipient.

However, parapsychologists who are skeptical about the spiritualistic phenomenon believe that it is the theory of telepathic communication that can plausibly explain the results of the so-called “cross correspondence” carried out at the beginning of the twentieth century with the participation of several mediums who were in different countries and even on different continents.

Attempts to explain the phenomenon

Although there is no conclusive evidence for the existence of telepathy, since the 19th century several theories of varying degrees of science have been developed that try to explain this phenomenon. One of the most popular theories that seemed to explain the phenomenon of telepathy was the so-called "wave theory." One of its supporters was William Crookes, who assumed the existence of certain “ethereal” waves of low amplitude and higher frequency than gamma radiation, which, “piercing” the human brain, are capable of causing an image in the recipient’s brain similar to the original one.

Opponents of the theory noted that the intensity of the wave radiation weakens in proportion to the square of the distance, and the telepathic image, according to reports, can remain bright even at a great distance, moreover, it often takes on symbolic or modified forms. There have been cases when a dying person appeared before the recipient’s mind’s eye in the prime of his strength and did not in any way express suffering through his appearance. “Mr. L. Dies of heart disease while in bed. Around the same time, Mr. N.J.S. sees Mr. L. standing not far from him with a cheerful expression on his face, dressed as if for a walk and with a cane in his hand. It is impossible to understand how any system of physical vibrations could transform physical facts in this way,” Myers wrote.

Telepathy and psychoanalysis

The Dictionary of Psychoanalysis (article by Sofia de Mijolla-Mellor) interprets telepathy as a process that occurs “... when a physical act performed by one person results in the performance of the same physical act by another person.”

Freud's attitude towards telepathy was ambivalent. On the one hand, he viewed it as a direct path leading to the depths of the subconscious, on the other, he treated the phenomenon with caution, fearing that psychoanalysts experimenting with it risked being placed on the same level as occultists.

Scientific research and testability

In the mid-twentieth century, when the topic of "paranormal phenomena" was widely covered in the popular press, as a method for testing telepathic abilities the most widely used were Zener cards. Many representatives of the scientific community often argue that in not a single serious study has the effect of telepathy given results better than the average results of simple guessing.

In Nazi Germany there was a service "SS Ahnenerbe", which was engaged not only in the occult, but in the study of telepathy and the search for knowledge using telepathy. Telepathy research was also carried out by significant scientists - in particular, academician Vladimir Bekhterev. Numerous laboratory studies were carried out on people who called themselves psychics, for example, Ninel Kulagina and Wolf Messing. Despite a significant number of tests and resources spent, experiments with telepathy have not been able to definitively reveal its existence.


...the number of people who have seen, heard or experienced "telepathic phenomena", whatever they may be, is close to zero compared to the number of "experiments" that natural evolution has conducted over the course of the existence of the species, over billions of years. And if evolution failed to “accumulate” telepathic signs, then this means that there was nothing to accumulate, sift out and condense.

Transmission of thoughts using implantation of chips

According to some researchers (in particular, those who consider themselves transhumanists), although telepathy does not exist, in the future it is possible to create new ways of transmitting thoughts using high technology. One of the ideologists of this direction is Kevin Warwick, a participant in the development of a safe technology that can be implemented in practice for combining the nervous systems of several organisms with each other and a computer. He believes that the realized scientific means"telepathy" in the future may become important form communication. According to Warwick, this technology will gain widespread popularity due to natural selection, for the reason that many will have a need for "telepathy" for economic and social reasons. Similar ideas were expressed by leading Russian neuroscientist Konstantin Anokhin

Theme of telepathy in art

In literature

Telepathy is a theme in many works of science fiction literature.

  • In the writings of J. R. R. Tolkien - telepathy (" osanwe" in Quenya) are owned by the elves and, of course, the more powerful "demigods" - Maiar. Of particular note is the separate essay written by Tolkien on the topic of telepathy, “Osanwe Quenta,” where he seems to summarize the book “Lammas” by the elven scientist Pengolod, who, among other things, studied the phenomenon of thought transmission.
  • In the series “Foundation” by Isaac Asimov, one of the characters, the mutant Mule, from birth could read and impose emotions on people, even those outside of sight. People from the Second Foundation possessed the same abilities, but with advanced training. In people whose emotions were changed, these changes could be seen on the encephalogram.
  • In Robert Sheckley's classic story The smell of thoughts the entire fauna of the planet on which the earthly astronaut crashed hunts for him and each other using telepathy, without having eyes at all. In the story Hare a girl on Earth uses telepathy to eavesdrop on the conversation of her “hare” brother on Mars.
  • In the story by James Gunn Wherever you are A girl from the American countryside shows telepathic, telekinetic and teleportation abilities in relation to the professor with whom she has fallen in love.
  • In the Hain cycle by Ursula le Guin, specifically the stories “Planet of Rocannon”, “Planet of Exile” and “City of Illusions”, two telepathic races live on the planet Rocannon - similar to the small elves of Fia and the gnomes of Gdem, who cannot mentally lie. From them, the people of the Galaxy gradually learned to communicate mentally.
  • Roger Zelazny, Fred Saberhagen. “Vitki” - a computer genius in modern America takes control of networks, individual computers and mechanisms using telepathy.
  • Found in Stephen King's novels (for example, in the series "The Dark Tower", "The Shining", "Storm of the Century", "Dream Catcher", "").
  • In JK Rowling's Harry Potter works, there are concepts related to telepathy: "occlumency" and "legilemency".
  • In the series of novels “Legacy” by Christopher Paolini, creatures with magical skills (dragons, horsemen, elves, werewolves) have the ability to transmit and receive thoughts. Such telepathy is limited only by the distance between magicians, which in turn depends on the experience and strength of the telepath. Between a rider and his dragon, telepathy is usually more stable.
  • In the works of the Martian cycle by Edgar Burroughs, Martians are all telepaths, and can read the thoughts of not only people, but also animals.
  • In Scott Westerfeld's work "Night Owls", Melissa, born at exactly midnight, knew how to read thoughts, emotions, and all of this had a certain taste for her.
  • In the books by Robin Hobb (“Saga of the Seers” and others), the heroes master such types of magic as Skill and Wit, which can also essentially be attributed to telepathy.
  • In the novel Dying Inside by Robert Silverberg main character- a telepath who loses his ability.
  • In the series of novels about the planet Pern by Anne McCaffrey, where a significant part of the plot is built on a strong telepathic connection between people and intelligent dragons bred through genetic experiments.
  • Howard Lovecraft's story “The Call of Cthulhu” describes the monster Cthulhu sleeping at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, capable of telepathically influencing the human mind.
  • In the series of novels by Artyom Kamenisty (Artur Sergeevich Smirnov) “The Trainee”, the Order of the Crusaders of the World is described - an organization whose employees are all psychics (“senses”), using their abilities to protect the Earth from alien invaders. The word “sense” refers not only to telepaths, but also to all people with extrasensory abilities.
  • In Kay Hooper's series of novels about the FBI's special unit led by Noah Bishop - a department dedicated to solving Major Crimes (VCRs) - most of the agents have the gift of telepathy. There are 12 novels in the series.
  • Alfred Bester's "The Man Without a Face" (the first winner of the newly founded Hugo Award.) The novel takes place in a future world where professional communities of telepaths exist. Industrialist Ben Rich is planning a murder that telepathic investigators (called espers in the book) will not be able to solve. Having committed this crime and being investigated, he eventually realizes the price of the crime and punishment - this is the price of the destruction of his own personality-universe.
  • In John Wyndham's novel The Chrysalids, innate telepathy appears in some people due to radiation exposure after nuclear war. In the fundamentalist Christian community where a group of telepaths were born and raised, they were threatened with persecution and destruction because they were not created in the “image and likeness of God.”
  • Alexander Belyaev - “Lord of the World”. The scientist Stirner conducts experiments on the transmission of thoughts at a distance and telepathic control over the minds of people, achieving world domination with the help of his inventions.
  • The Strugatsky brothers - in the story “Natural Science in the World of Spirits” (1962), part of the cycle “Noon, XXII Century”, physicists at the advanced laboratory of the Earth struggle with the problem of the existence of mysterious “communication fields”. Readers are involved in solving this problem - people who are able to read thoughts at a distance, and, possibly, who are able to capture these fields.
  • In the works of Kir Bulychev about Alice and Russia of the 21st century, telepathy is put on a scientific basis - with the help of a myelophone, scientists read the thoughts of others, including animals. There are only twenty devices in the world. The story is dedicated to the adventures around the stolen mielofon One hundred years ago() and the film based on it Guest from the future ().
  • Sergey Lukyanenko - “Autumn Visits”
  • Lev Belov - “That obnoxious Marigold.” Young Alik, having swallowed experimental stimulants, became a telepath and hypnotist, snuck into a space rocket and caused a stir on a distant planet.

In cinema

  • In the film The Lawnmower Man, the main character Job, who is rapidly unlocking the potential of his brain with the help of experimental technology, suddenly notices that he has telepathic abilities.
  • In the film "Scanners" () and its sequels there are people with telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Such people are called scanners.
  • In the film “Kin-dza-dza! " () - almost all the inhabitants of the planet Plyuk, on which the film takes place, have telepathic abilities (able to read the thoughts of their interlocutor), which, in particular, is the reason for the poverty of the Plyukan vocabulary (the film contains no more than a dozen known common words). Telepathic abilities allow the Plyukans not only to understand the Russian language of earthlings, which is completely unfamiliar to them, but also to communicate very freely in it.
  • In the film “Operation Y and Shurik’s other adventures: Obsession” () - it seems to Shurik that he has already been here (the word “déjà vu” practically did not exist in the Russian language at that time). Lida suggests that Shurik has the gift of foresight or telepathy, like Wolf Messing. She immediately comes up with a test. Shurik fails the test: instead of finding a teddy bear, he kisses Lida.
  • In the film “What Women Want” () - the main character (Mel Gibson) after a blow electric shock in the bath he gains the ability to read women's thoughts.
  • In the series “Heroes” (-) - Matt Parkman, a Los Angeles police officer who is able to read the thoughts of other people, and as the gift develops, he is able to influence the thoughts of others and create illusions in the mind.
  • In the series “The Mind Reader” () - Toby Logan (Craig Oleynik), a 28-year-old paramedic with the ability to read people’s thoughts; one day he decides to use his gift for the benefit of other people and help solve crimes.
  • In the series "Misfits" () - Kelly Bailey.
  • In the film "Source" (2002) - Zach Bainbridge after he and his friends were exposed to other paranormal abilities (telekinesis; suggestion by voice command; healing/pain - health effects) by a meteorite found in the forest.
  • Telepathy also plays a significant role in the popular science fiction television series Babylon 5, as well as many others.


  • "Scientifically: Telepathy" "Telepathy Investigated") is a popular science film produced by the National Geographic Society as part of the “From a Science Point of View” series. Naked Science) in 2007


  1. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Telepathy. (2008). Retrieved January 6, 2010.
  2. Philosophy dictionary Telepathy. Archived
  3. National Science Board Chapter 7: Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Understanding. Science and Engineering Indicators 2006. National Science Foundation (2006). Archived from the original on August 22, 2011. Retrieved September 3, 2010.“…[A]bout three-fourths of Americans hold at least one pseudoscientific belief; i.e., they believed in at least 1 of the 10 survey items..." "Those 10 items were extrasensory perception (ESP), that houses can be haunted, ghosts/that spirits of dead people can come back in certain places/situations, telepathy/communication between minds without using traditional senses, clairvoyance/the power of the mind to know the past and predict the future, astrology/that the position of the stars and planets can affect people's lives, that people can communicate mentally with someone who has died , witches, reincarnation/the rebirth of the soul in a new body after death, and channeling/allowing a “spirit-being” to temporarily assume control of a body.”
  4. Occultism & Parapsychology Encyclopedia Telepathy. Archived from the original on June 2, 2012. Retrieved January 6, 2010.
  5. The Newer Spiritualism, p. 26.
  6. Rennie, John (1845), "Test for Telepathy", Scientific American, V3#1 (1847-09-25)
  7. Glossary of Parapsychological terms - Telepathy - Parapsychological Association, Retrieved December 19, 2006
  8. Plaza, Dr. Joseph R., (2002) "Psychic Seduction." pp.112-114 ISBN 0-9785922-3-9
  9. Learn telepathy. Archived from the original on June 2, 2012. Retrieved January 6, 2010.
  10. SPR Proceedings, vol. 1, p. 6
  11. Sir William Crookes addresses the British Association. Archived from the original on June 2, 2012. Retrieved January 6, 2010.
  12. Oliver Lodge. Retrieved January 6, 2010.
  13. SOPHIE DE MIJOLLA-MELLOR Telepathy. Psychoanalysis Dictionary. Archived from the original on June 2, 2012. Retrieved January 15, 2010. The process of telepathy is said to occur when a psychic act by one person results in the same psychic act in another person. - S. Freud
  14. V. M. Bekhterev.

Telepathy is a natural human ability. And waking her up is not at all difficult! Find out an amazingly simple way to learn to read other people's minds!

What is telepathy?

Telepathy¹ is the ability of the human brain to transmit thoughts and feelings from one person to another regardless of distance.

Do you want to be able to “get into someone else’s head” and know what their thoughts and real motives are? Surely such a desire has come to you at least once in your life.

Many books have been written about this and many films have been made. Suffice it to recall one of the most famous: “What do women want?”

A gift that everyone has!

The most interesting thing is that all people want this!

Children in their dreams imagine how they have the opportunity to communicate mentally with their friends. Older people admit this possibility, although telepathy is considered something mysterious and impossible.

Maybe dreams of telepathy are a memory of a superpower inherent in everyone?

In fact, every person has this gift, he just “sleeps”.

How to “awaken” telepathic abilities?

There is an easy way to develop the ability to transmit and read thoughts.

You can do a simple exercise to find out how developed your gift of telepathy is, so that you can then develop it.

The technique described below will allow you to improve over time your ability to hear other people's thoughts and convey your own (). You will learn to send and receive signals (thoughts and feelings) from another person, like a radio station.

The possibilities that open up with developed telepathy are simply indescribable and excite the imagination!

Requirements for practical training

To engage in this practice, two conditions must be met:

  • having a partner (for starters, a person you trust will do, then it will be useful to practice with people of different genders, ages, professions and religions);
  • a quiet place (where no one will distract or disrupt concentration).

The results of this practice will convince you that you truly have the ability to telepathy!

How to carry out the technique?

1. You need to sit opposite each other - the practitioner sits opposite your partner.

2. Everyone will need a piece of paper and a pen.

It is necessary to distribute roles: first, one will broadcast the signal, and the other will receive it.

3. Participants need to relax, concentrate and let go of all thoughts.

Simply observing your breathing works well for this. For several minutes you need to concentrate on this process: take a deep breath and exhale. Soon a relaxed, almost meditative, state will come.

4. The practitioner is the first to send a signal to his partner.


Your partner should not see what is shown on the paper!

5. The practitioner memorizes the image and imagines it “rising” from the page into the air.

6. You need to fully concentrate on this image, imagine how it hangs in the air between the practitioner and your partner.

7. Next you need to add volume and color to the image. It is enough to concentrate on it for about 30 seconds, make an imaginary figure three-dimensional, “draw” the details, fill it with color, without losing attention to the overall picture as a whole.

8. Now you can let go of the full-fledged figure: imagine that your partner also saw it, imagine how the image enters his head, into his brain.

9. Afterwards, you need to ask your partner to sketch out the first thing that came to his mind (whatever it is). He must depict the thought, the image in his head that appeared at that moment.

A partner can depict an airplane instead of a bird, or a dandelion instead of a tree with a lush crown. But schematically, the drawings will look similar: the same direction, similar curves, proportions and details.

Ideally, your partner should see the image in three-dimensional perspective and say what color it is.

Then you need to change roles with your partner, acting as the person receiving the signal, and repeat the practice.


Don't expect instant results! It may not work out the first time. The ability needs to be developed, and this can only be done through regular practice.

The ability to communicate mentally is inherent in each of us - this must always be remembered!

Training must be continued until a clear result appears, and then continue to improve this gift.

As a result, you will be able to connect to the general mental background of people or the thoughts of a specific person, as well as transmit your thoughts to others - telepathy will open up new opportunities and can radically change your life for the better!

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Telepathy is the ability of the brain to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and unconscious states to another brain or organism at a distance, or to receive them from it, without the use of any known means of communication or manipulation (

Many people dream of learning how to read other people's thoughts or transmit their own at a distance. This skill aroused great interest not only among scientists, but also among writers. However, what does the term “telepathy” actually mean? Is it just a scam or a special gift that is available to a select few?

The word "telepathy" translated from Greek language means “feeling at a distance.” This is a hypothetical, without experimental evidence, ability of the brain to transmit images, thoughts and feelings to another brain at a distance, or to receive them, without the use of means of communication. Telepathy is recognized as one of the pseudoscientific misconceptions common in America.

The term “telepathy” was first used in 1882. Its author is considered to be Frederick Myers, one of the founders of the Society for Psychical Research in Great Britain. And the term was coined after conducting experiments on transmitting thoughts over a distance. In general, it should be noted that experiments related to attempts to transmit thoughts over a distance were carried out not only in the USA, but also in Europe and the USSR. Despite the fact that preliminary positive results were obtained, all attempts to reproduce the experiments under more stringent experimental conditions were unsuccessful. Therefore, the reality of the phenomenon remains unproven to this day.

And since there are no biological prerequisites for the existence of telepathy, scientists for the most part consider this phenomenon impossible, and the research as pseudoscientific.

The belief that telepathy exists goes back to ancient times. Previously, it was generally accepted that telepathy underlies intuition, including subconscious sympathy and antipathy. In addition, the feeling of someone approaching or someone's gaze was also believed to be the result of receiving telepathic signals.

According to many researchers, telepathy and hypnosis are related concepts, especially when hypnosis is used at a distance. This phenomenon is called “telepathic hypnotism.”

Telepathy is divided into sensory and mental. Telepathy is called sensual, in which nervous system the sensations of another person are recreated. Highest degree This type of telepathy is the occurrence of sensory sensations similar to those of the source. This type of telepathy is very rarely conscious at the initial stage.

Mental telepathy is a type of telepathy in which the processes that lead to the formation of visual and sound sensations in the mind that are identical to the sensations of another person are recreated in the nervous system. Telepathy is the most common parapsychological phenomenon that has been experienced by every person, more than once. The most striking example of the use of telepathy is the connection between mother and child: any mother will sense danger for her child, even long distance. The connection between lovers who feel each other’s emotional experiences will be just as strong.

Among the most striking examples of telepathy is the incident that occurred with Major General R. In September 1848, being seriously wounded and feeling imminent death, he asked his comrades to take the ring off his finger and give it to his wife, who was more than 150 miles away. Later, the wife said that at the moment when all these events happened to her husband, she was half asleep, but clearly saw how her husband was carried out from the battlefield, and how he asked to give her the ring.

In addition to cases of telepathy between people, there were suggestions that telepathy also exists between humans and animals. The most striking example of telepathic communication between man and animal was described in October 1904 by Rider Haggard. One summer night, Mrs. Haggard heard that her husband was making very strange sounds in his sleep, which were very reminiscent of the groans of a wounded animal. When the man woke up, he said that he felt suffocated, but at the same time realized that he saw the world through the eyes of his dog. The man saw a dog lying on its side in the bushes. The dog seemed to be trying to speak, but since dogs are not given this, he mentally conveyed that he was dying.

Indeed, the family's dog was later found dead with broken paws and a crushed skull. The dog was hit by a train on the bridge where the collar was found.

The Englishman J. William, in his book “As Animals Speak,” described many cases of manifestations of telepathic abilities in the communication of animals, in particular, in wolf packs, where babies obey the inaudible signals of their mother wolf.

Despite the fact that there is no serious evidence that telepathy actually exists, several theories have arisen since the last century. All these theories have varying degrees of scientificity, but they have one thing in common - attempts to explain the phenomenon of telepathy. Among others, the most popular is the “wave theory”. Among its proponents was William Crookes, who proposed that there were certain waves of low amplitude and higher frequencies than gamma radiation that penetrated the human brain, causing it to produce an image identical to the original one.

This theory had many opponents who said that the intensity of wave radiation weakens with distance, while the telepathic image remains bright regardless of distance, and can even take on modified and symbolic forms.

Another adherent of the theory of the existence of telepathy, Sir Oliver Lodge, in 1903 said that there is no doubt that telepathy exists. However, five years later, he was no longer so categorical, arguing that there was not enough experimental evidence to confirm the non-physical nature of telepathy.

Sigmund Freud also did not remain aloof from the problem of telepathy. He developed several theories regarding the possibility of transmitting thoughts from one person to another. In his opinion, telepathy is a kind of rudimentary means of communication. In general, it should be noted that Freud’s attitude towards telepathy was not unambiguous. He viewed this phenomenon as a path into the depths of the subconscious, but at the same time, he treated it very carefully, fearing accusations of occultism.

Interest in telepathy increased again in the middle of the last century, when so-called “paranormal phenomena” came into fashion. Then Zener cards were used as a method of testing telepathic abilities. According to many representatives scientific world, not a single serious one research The telepathy effect did not produce any more significant results than the simple average results of ordinary guessing.

Interested in telepathy and Nazi Germany. The Annenerbe group was created there, whose members were engaged in both occultism and research into the phenomenon of telepathy, as well as the search for knowledge using telepathy. In addition, prominent scientists, including Academician Vladimir Bekhterev, also studied this phenomenon. Research was also carried out by people who called themselves psychics, in particular, the study of telepathy was carried out by Wolf Messing.

In 1969, an international symposium was held at the University of California, the topic of which was the analysis modern views to supersensible perception. As part of the event, a report was presented that stated the successful conduct of an international experiment on telepathic transmission of information between Los Angeles, New York and Sussex. All obtained results were recorded by specifically selecting control images.

Two years later, the American press reported that 4 telepathic sessions were conducted between the Earth, spaceship Apollo 14 during its lunar mission. Astronaut Mitchell made a telepathic connection during the launch of the spacecraft from Earth orbit on the Moon. And when he returned beyond the Earth, he learned that out of two hundred cards from the Zener deck, the images of which he mentally sent, 51 cards coincided.

Other telepathy experiments have been conducted. However, despite the large number of experiments carried out and funds spent, not a single experiment could definitely reveal the existence of telepathy in real life.

Therefore, there are many people who are quite critical of this phenomenon. So, according to the illusionist James Randi and many scientists, at present there is not a single proof of the existence of telepathy that has been confirmed scientifically. Even though some parapsychologists believe that some cases of thought transmission at a distance are real, critics are confident that all these cases can be explained by self-hypnosis, self-deception, or simple fraud.

However, despite the confidence of scientists that telepathy does not exist, some researchers still believe that in the future it will be possible to transmit thoughts at a distance using high technology. One of the ideologists of this hypothesis, Kevin Warwick, is one of the participants in the development of safe technology with the goal of uniting several living organisms with each other and a computer. According to Warwick, telepathy, realized by scientific means, could very well become an important form of communication in the future. He is confident that this technology will become popular for the simple reason that it will be accessible to many for social and economic reasons.

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