Influence of human activities on plants

Before a person intervened in the atmosphere. Man constantly interferes with the life of nature. Environmental pollution has a detrimental effect on the flora, ultimately threatening human health and even life. About 10,000 years ago, man began to domesticate plants and animals.

Anthropogenic factors - factors that are associated with human activities in origin. So man passed from hunting and gathering to agriculture and cattle breeding. But in the middle of the 20th century, human economic activity led to very serious consequences.

Medicinal herbs and plants. List:

And many plants can disappear altogether. The disappearance of plants will have a detrimental effect on humans. The reserve is a territory where any economic activity is completely prohibited.

Economic activities that do not affect this part of the complex may be permitted here. On a limited scale, economic activities are permitted. The Red Book is a list of rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi. The most resistant plants should be used for landscaping and creating shelterbelts.

The flora and fauna of antiquity was very different from the modern one. Many groups of plants have become completely extinct. A person seeks to make his life better, more comfortable, therefore, he takes away more and more resources from nature. Industrial emissions and exhaust fumes have a detrimental effect on plants.

Recently, rainforests, which are the main suppliers of oxygen to the surrounding atmosphere, began to suffer from industrial facilities. It should be noted that the degree of man's detrimental influence on the flora also depends on the number of population.

2. Preliminary preparation for the lesson

Under the influence of human activity (direct or indirect), many plant species are brought to the brink of destruction. Currently, about 30 thousand species of plants are known to be under complete threat of extinction. Man makes little use of this group of plants. A person also does not use them actively. Land plants growing on the surface of the earth are most actively used by humans. As a result of their activities, huge areas of wild plants have been replaced by agricultural crops, since man is constantly transforming the surrounding nature in his own interests.

Protection of plants and plant communities

The unorganized collection of medicinal plants, flowers and the activities of tourists, leaving behind mountains of garbage, also have a very detrimental effect on the flora.

The influence of harmful factors on plants. The flora is extremely diverse. But plants, like other living organisms on the Earth, are exposed to various harmful factors, especially in cities and their environs.

Many plants are capable of absorbing and processing substances harmful to humans. Many plants containing or secreting substances harmful to other organisms can be used instead of pesticides in the fight against pests in the garden and vegetable garden. Onions and garlic can be planted near plants that suffer from weevils, ticks, and wireworms.

Any economic activity of a person is prohibited here, including haymaking, collecting plants, grazing livestock. Scientists studying the life of nature work in the reserves

Also, the disappearance of vegetation leads to: the collection of fruits and flowers, trampling, broken branches, the absence of birds, frightened by the presence of man. Endangered plant species are included in the Red Data Books of Russia or region, district. Most of the national parks, unlike nature reserves, are open to people. They carry out work to preserve rare species of plants and animals.

Plants and plant communities have a major impact on the environment, supplying it with oxygen, providing food and shelter for other living organisms

Of great importance is the observation of plants that are indicators of environmental pollution, planting in settlements and caring for plants that cleanse the air from pollution. At the right time, they are so necessary for them. The influence of man on nature has always interested me. Homo sapiens appeared on Earth after all other living beings.

Probably not. But after all, with the advent of man, it is he himself who begins to influence the fate of nature and many living beings on Earth. And this influence can be not only positive. The domestication of wild animals and the development of agriculture have expanded the area of ​​manifestation of the consequences of human activity. Learn the methods and causes of human impact on nature, understand how you can protect and preserve nature. Recommendations for the elimination of sources of pollution and the consequences of the influence of human life.

My research on human influence on nature will consist of water, air and soil pollution, human influence on living organisms. The circulation of the atmosphere affects the local climatic conditions, and through them - on the regime of rivers, soil and vegetation cover. The destruction of the ozone layer, which has been observed in recent years, is especially dangerous. Most scientists associate this with human activities. This is due to the growth of the population and the improvement of the sanitary and hygienic conditions of human life, the development of industry and irrigated agriculture.

As a result, this human influence on plants results in the return of toxic production wastes to him, which are difficult to dispose of. National Natural Park - an area where human activities are limited in order to protect the environment. Zakazniks are small areas of a temporarily protected area with limited economic activities and human visits. In the reserves, certain species of plants or animals are preserved.

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