An article about your school. Happy anniversary, beloved school! How I participated in student production brigade rallies x

Hello, dear readers! Our first issue of the newspaper “School Truth” was published today.

School life is very interesting and varied, so we, 10th grade students, decided that we needed to create our own newspaper at our school. In it we want to write about what is happening in our school. After all, here we not only study, but also participate in various competitions, go to competitions, and spend holidays. School is our whole life.

We hope that you will like our first issue!

School news

Defender of the Fatherland Day

On February 20, an event dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day was held at the Bolshemaresyevskaya school. As a congratulation, the students prepared a concert. Poems and songs were sung. Counselor Danilova I.V. and organizer Kurakina O.A. prepared a competition program “Come on, boys!” Two teams took part in the competition: a team of dads and a team of boys. The dads named their team “Varyag”, and the guys called them “Aurora”. Well, what is a game without a fair jury? It included parents and teachers. During the break between competitions, students performed amateur performances. It was very interesting to watch the young artists! Everyone liked it!

Meanwhile, the teams competed in various competitions. Both teams tried to win. But the victory went to the strongest; the Aurora dad team won with a score of 9:11. All participants were awarded small gifts.

Baturina A.

School news

International Women's Day

On March 6, a concert dedicated to March 8 took place at the Bolshemaresyevskaya school at 13.00. The hosts of the concert were I.V. Danilova. and Kurakina O.A.. The first person to congratulate the mothers, grandmothers, and guests present was the head teacher of our school, Vlasova N.V.. Then the elementary school students went up to the stage. They congratulated grandmothers and mothers with poems and songs. Then competitions began, which alternated with musical numbers. The competitions were evaluated by a strict jury, which included: M.V. Saigina, G.Yu. Sorokina, T.D. Vorobyova, T.V. Mokretsova.

Two teams “Spring” and “Dream” took part in the competition program. The participants were girls from grades 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10. After the first competition, all the women present were congratulated by the 5th grade with their dance, ditties and poems. Then the 6th grade performed and delighted the audience with a song and a skit. The 7th grade performed a dance and the 8th grade sang a song. The 9th grade sang a song as a congratulation, and A. Turusova read a poem. M. Vlasova from 11th grade performed a song. The concert ended with the 10th grade song “We wish you happiness.”

While the guys delighted everyone with their performances, the jury summed up the results. Team “Dream” won with a margin of one point. Everyone received prizes for participating in the competitions. It was very fun and interesting. Everyone participated with great desire.

Everyone really enjoyed the holiday!

Tyamgaeva N., 10th grade

Our achievements


On February 21, “Zarnitsa” was held at the Bolshemaresyevskaya school. At the beginning there was a review of the formation and songs. All classes took turns performing. After this, the jury, which included the school director V.I. Bazhenova, physical education teacher T.V. Mokretsova, and organizer O.A. Kurakina. summed up the results. The first place was taken by the 7th and 10th grades. Then all participants were divided into teams “Alpha” and “Katyusha”. In "Alpha" A. Kurnaev was chosen as the team captain, and in "Katyusha" - D. Yashin. Each team was given cards with the names of the stages. The teams had to go through historical, geographical stages, shooting, medical training, etc. They took place on the street, then the game moved to the gym. Team members began to perform: pull-ups, push-ups, shuttle running, arm wrestling. At the end of Zarnitsa they pulled the rope, Alpha won, but after summing up the results it turned out that the Katyusha team took first place. Everyone was awarded certificates.

Everyone really liked “Zarnitsa”; it was very interesting and exciting. Everyone took an active part with great interest. We wish we had more sports festivals like this!

Tyamgaeva N.

Our teachers

On March 20, N. Shnyrova interviewed G.Yu. Sorokina, teacher foreign language, with 24 years of experience in the school.

N.Sh.: Why did you choose this particular profession?

G.Yu.: This has been my dream since childhood.

N.Sh.: Do you remember your feelings when you taught your first lesson? G.Yu.: Yes, I remember. Fear because the students were a year younger than me. 20 people boys.

N.Sh.: What do you feel when you have to put “2”? G.Yu.: I rarely give “2”.

N.Sh.: Do you remember any funny episode from your teaching practice? G.Yu.: Once, I had to teach a lesson dressed as Santa Claus.

N.Sh.: If you had not become a teacher, what profession would you have chosen? G.Yu.: I would choose a profession related to communicating with people, for example, a holiday organizer.

N.Sh.: What is your ideal teacher? G.Yu.: My foreign language teacher.

N.Sh.: Remember an aphorism, a catchphrase or a quote related to the teaching profession? G.Yu.: “Learning is light, not learning is darkness.”

N.Sh.: What is your favorite class at school? G.Yu.: My favorite classes are 5 and 10.

N.Sh.: What qualities do you value in a student? G.Yu.: Resourcefulness.

N.Sh.: Why do you love your profession? G.Yu.: I love my profession for the communication, for the opportunity to learn something new from children.

Prepared by: A. Borisova and N. Shnyrova.

I really like reading Tyutchev’s collection of poems. It contains the most interesting, beautiful and touching poems. The main themes of Fyodor Ivanovich are: philosophical lyrics (“December 14, 1825”), the theme of nature (“Wave and Thought”), the theme of the confrontation between chaos and space (“The Last Cataclysm”), the theme of human loneliness (“ Silentium !»), love lyrics(“Oh, how murderously we love!”). Each poem is filled with the thoughts and experiences of the author. All of his poems can be tied to a specific event in the poet’s life. For example, in 1870, while in Carlsbad, Tyutchev met Amalia Lerchenfeld . Thanks to his meeting with his beloved, Tyutchev wrote his famous poem " K.B. ", which is full of tenderness and affection. In 1837, Tyuchev broke up with Eleanor Roosevelt. He then wrote the poem "First of December 1837 ", in which he asked for forgiveness for insulting her feelings. After the death of his last love, Elena Alexandrovna Denisyeva, Tyutchev created the "Denisevsky cycle", which included the following poems: "Oh, how in our declining years", "All day she lay in oblivion ", "Today, friend, fifteen years have passed...", "Here I am wandering along the high road." Most of all I like the poem from the “Denisevsky cycle” “Oh, how murderously we love!” It is one of the most vivid, sensual and powerful works of the poet. Each line is full of the author’s experiences and thoughts. In it, he tries to convey the depth of feelings, the pain of responsibility for his romance with Denisyeva. I advise everyone to read this wonderful collection of poems.

Baturina A.

Aspiring poets...

Winter doesn't want to go away

And in no hurry to say goodbye

Wants to stay for a while

But we have to break up.

Spring has come to replace it.

And everything around woke up.

The birds began to sing at the window

And the sun smiled.

N. Zaitseva

Worked on the newspaper: Russian language teacher O.A. Kurakina. and 10th grade students

Municipal educational institution

"Adamovskaya secondary school No. 1"

In February 2009, the regional stage of the competition “Student of the Year 2009” was held, among the participants were students educational institutions from 11 territories of the Orenburg region. Among city and district schoolchildren, the Adamovsky district was defended by a student of the Adamovsky secondary school No. 1, Altaev Askhat. All contestants presented materials about themselves, which reflected their responsibility for learning, public citizenship, high level of self-realization, and various achievements.

By decision of the jury, Altaev Askhat became the laureate of the first degree. Students from Krasnogvardeisky, Ponomarevsky districts, Buguruslan and others lost to him.

From March 23 to March 27, 2009, the final stage of the competition for high school students of educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located on the territory of the Volga region was held in the city of Ulyanovsk federal district, "Student of the Year 2009". The Orenburg region was represented at this competition by Altaev Askhat. Students from grades 9-11 took part in the competition. secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums aged 14-17 years from the Republics of Chuvashia, Mordovia, Mari El, Tatarstan, Ulyanovsk and Orenburg regions. Participants were offered the following competitions: literary competition “Beautiful impulses of the soul, victory of Truth, Goodness and Beauty”, intellectual competition, competition “Creative improvisation”, competition family trees“My Pedigree”, “Cutting Card” competition with the participation of a support group. One of the difficult and at the same time interesting tests for the children was the literary competition. Askhat addressed the jury with an essay in which he presented his thoughts about himself, about his family, about his first teacher, about his first love, about his native land, touched upon the problems of peace and war, tried to answer questions for himself about what truth is, beauty. "I am seventeen years old. I'm the day before big changes in life. Final exams, farewell school ball, dawn on the banks of the native quiet river... and further... further... First of all - awareness of yourself as an individual. We must truly understand ourselves and determine our path to the Truth. Nature has created man for many millions of years, and the creative, constructive activity of nature must, I think, be respected, which means living with dignity, carrying in the soul the main moral values ​​- Goodness and Beauty . To do this, it is not at all necessary to become an artist, poet or actor. Creativity is all life. And the concept of this truth is at the origins of all that is good and beautiful, coming from Man in general. You can simply create a good atmosphere around yourself, as they say now, “an aura of goodness.” After all, each person brings his own atmosphere to society: one - arrogance and painful understatement; the other is light and joy.”

Askhat responded to the “My Pedigree” competition with trepidation and pride: “... each person brings his own atmosphere to society: one - arrogance and painful understatement; the other is light and joy. I have seen and felt such light in my home since childhood. It comes from my parents, father and mother. These are very simple, but, I think, highly moral people, caring parents. Their constant care unites the family, strengthens the memory of our ancestors and is entirely focused on the future. I think how easy it is for people close to me to show kindness not only to their children, but also to everything that is around.”

Askhat was born into a simple large family. “My family today is my father Mirgali Istaevich, my mother Gallia Tlegenovna, my younger sister Zhaniya, my older brother-friend and mentor - Merbulat and I. In my family it is customary to respect the elders, help the younger ones, strictly observe the traditions and customs of our people.

Translated from Arabic my name means “happy”, “successful”, and this is really true. I am happy because I was lucky to be born on Orenburg land. I am glad that I have family whom I love very much. I am very proud to be a student at Adamov Secondary School No. 1.

My grandfather once built the first house,

My grandson, I believe, will live in the village,

He, like me, will open up a whole world here

And he will be happy native land!!!»

(excerpt from the presentation “My Pedigree”)

Required condition competition was the presence of a student support group. The team of the Adamovskaya school included the best eleventh-graders: Gorislavets Ivan, Golovko Evgeniy, Starvoitova Elena, Turalin Nurlan - supported Askhat during the “Business Card” competition, which was held at main stage Ulyanovsk.

As a result of the competition, Altaev Askhat received a diploma as a participant in the finals (third result) and a cash prize. The organizers of the competition note the social activity and civic position of the contestant.

Askhat Altaev’s participation and victory in the all-Russian competition is not accidental.

Askhat entered the first grade of Adamovsky Secondary School No. 1 in 1998. Excellent student from grades 1-11. He was annually awarded a Certificate of Commendation for excellent academic achievements. Among peers and classmates I have always stood out high level general development. Askhat is erudite, intellectually developed, inquisitive, which was facilitated by his passion for reading, classes in various circles, and participation in various competitions.

Askhat is constantly engaged in self-education, and often uses the search and research method of acquiring and assimilating knowledge.

In addition to his studies, Askhat was actively involved in sports and tourism. At school he was a regular participant in district and regional tourist rallies, athletics and volleyball competitions. Askhat is the winner of the regional competition “Come on, guys!” in kettlebell lifting. In August 2008, Askhat, as part of the Adamovsky district team, took part in the All-Russian gathering of tourists, local historians, and ecologists, held in the city of Nerekhta, Kostroma region. As a result, he became a bronze medalist in Russia, as he and his team took third place in the technical distance.

Askhat has leadership qualities: able to lead others, to arouse their interest in the matter. How Askhat showed himself as a leader in the nursery public organization“ShkiD”, where he was the initiator and organizer of such collective and creative activities as the action promoting healthy lifestyle “Say NO”, fair, Republic Day, etc. From 2003 to 2005. was president and headed the cabinet of ministers of the ShkiD preschool educational institution. As a member of the preschool educational organization ShkiD, he participated in the regional competition “Leader of the 21st Century” (in the category “Leader of preschool educational organization”) and became its winner.

From 2007 to 2009 Askhat was a member of student self-government, and for two years he was the chairman of the Council of High School Students. And this is quite natural, since when organizing any business, he always strives to give his best to achieve its success. He is one of those guys in our school who actively and positively influences those around him, most fully understands the interests of the majority and can create a team. An example is the competition of propaganda teams “Our choice is a healthy lifestyle!”, in which the 11th grade won, and Askhat took on the main role of organizer and performer. The activities of the Council of High School Students, chaired by Askhat, are effective. Over the past two years, under his leadership, we have held the following events: Understudy Day, the “Come on, guys!” competition, a skit party for graduates, the “Family is Strength” campaign, the “Cleanliness Around Us” campaign, the “I – citizen of Russia”, etc. In addition, Askhat has always actively participated in organizing and conducting school sports events.

In December 2008, A. Altaev became a participant in the regional role-playing game for high school students “I Want to Be President.” During the game, he presented his election program, took part in debates, and was eventually recognized by the jury as the best candidate for the presidency.

Among personal qualities A. Altaev should be called his goodwill, friendliness towards everyone, correctness, politeness, tolerance, mobility, critical thinking, ability to express and defend his point of view. He is one of the most authoritative and respected students of the school, not only by teachers, but also by the children. While Askhat was in Ulyanovsk, all the school students were worried about him, and after his arrival they published an entire issue of the school newspaper. School Bulletin correspondents interviewed Askhat:

“Askhat, congratulations on your victory. Tell us about your impressions of the trip.

The best ones. I had a rest, met new people.

Please tell us how the competition went?

We arrived in Ulyanovsk at about 4 o'clock, later we had an evening tour of the city, the next day we went to the Yunost camp, where the first 5 competitions took place. I especially remember the “Creative Improvisation” competition. Its essence was that we were given historical figure, for example, I got the personality of Emelyan Pugachev. After some time, we were asked questions about the activities of this hero. On the fifth day, we went to the city of Ulyanovsk for the final concert at the DCMK. There was a “Business Card” competition. And in conclusion there was a concert with the participation of the KVN league.

Your rivals – who are they?

There were 6 participants in total. All very strong guys. But we were rivals only on stage.

What new things did you learn during this trip?

Lots of new things. For example, that in the city there is a monument to the letter E, and that a special mineral, simbirnet, is mined there.

What conclusions have you drawn for yourself?

There is only one conclusion: you shouldn’t stop there, you need to improve and achieve your goal.

Askhat, we know that you are a contender for gold medal. What did you do for this?

In your opinion, who is the real medalist?

A true medalist is a person who achieves his goal, no matter what.

You are a recognized leader, and not only in the classroom. What are your tips on how to become a leader?

Overcome laziness, do not be shy, be able to defend your point of view. And you probably need to be sociable.

Askhat, you are an excellent student, involved in sports and tourism. What else do you do with pleasure?

I love to eat delicious food.

What do you value most in life?

Your family."

In June 2009, Askhat Altaev graduated from school with a gold medal. Currently successfully studying at the South Ural state university in Chelyabinsk at the Faculty of Heat and Gas Supply.

Of course, Askhat is the pride of our school and one of its best students.

"Our Bright House"

School...How many students have trodden a path to your building! How many times has your “lesson bell” rung! How many students remember with gratitude their alma mater – secondary school No. 15!

“And the years fly by, our years fly by like birds...” The school is already 30 years old. The village has grown, a hydroelectric power station has been built, people come and go, but the school still hospitably welcomes its students.

How not to remember the first teachers of the school: Emelina Z.N., Kudobaeva D.Ch., Zhukova A.A., the first mentors: V.G. Kovtun, L.I. Shpindelya, E.A. Ryazanova, V.A. Belikov, Yu.N. Samoilov, E.M. Kosmachev, N.G. Peteychuk, N.R. Tsarakov, V.G. Rogovaya, V.N. Dyakonov, V.V. Mikhlyaev. And the first-born themselves: O. Nilov, V. Kirichenko, S. Egorov, S. Gunin, V. Chmeleva, O. Bulgach. And of course, the school director V.D. Belikov, who gave 28 years of impeccable service to the school and the children of the village Svetly.

Now the school has 315 students, 15 classes, 22 teachers work, many of whom have been sowing reasonable, kind, eternal things in our school for more than 25 years: Tsarakova N.R., Voronina N.I., Ort E.Ya., Pozhidaeva N. .V., Polyakova E.I., Volkova M.B., Vasinkova I.N.

The teachers of school 15 are a team of like-minded people, high-class professionals, creative, talented people who treat children with understanding and love.

“Walk through the quiet school floors. A lot has been lived and understood here...” These lines that are close to our hearts persistently invite us to take a tour of our native land.

The 3rd floor is a place whose classrooms are filled mainly by high school students. In room 16, during mathematics lessons, “the mind is put in order” by O.V. Endrzheevskaya. She is also the first graduate of our school. Discussions on historical topics, stories about ancient people are listened to with interest by students from L.V. Stepanova in room 17. And next to them the world of a foreign language opens up, where everyone speaks English. Otr E.Ya works here. Chemistry is an exact science. And in biology you can understand not only our origin, but also the philosophy of life. These different but interrelated sciences are studied with interest by N.V. Pozhidaeva’s students. We reached room 20 - the “men's kingdom”. Endrzheevsky A.Yu. and Belikov V.D. not only give an idea of ​​physics as a science, but also try at all costs to provide an opportunity to apply knowledge in practice. The last office on the third floor is a creative workshop, where Tsarakova N.R. teaches Russian language and literature, and with his theater studio “Zerkalo” puts on wonderful performances.

The excursion on the second floor should definitely start with the school museum. Here the entire history of the school, the village and the construction of the hydroelectric power station, even the mammoth tusk has been preserved. For many years, Ort E.Ya collected material, replenished and stored all these treasures. Next - three offices primary classes, where “writing different letters with a thin feather in a notebook” is taught by Voronina N.I., Vasinkova I.N., Ozhigova O.I. Also here you can get into the kingdom of books - the library, where T.V. Kalachevskaya will expertly select everything that interests you. And the new computer class not only pleases with its capabilities, but also the highly qualified teacher Alenicheva A.A. will always help resolve any issues. Belyakova T.A. captivates her students with non-traditional learning of the English language. There is never a dull moment in the geography classroom, where E.I. Polyakova rules: lessons are presented in presentations, and a large number of projects are being carried out. Our young specialists work nearby, in rooms 11 and 12: Sauer M.A. and Fedorova T.V. Although they have been working for the second year, they have already proven themselves at various competitions. Children in grades 5-11 are taught to love and know “... great , powerful, truthful and free Russian language" Shafranskaya N.K.., Volkolva M.B.

The first floor is a favorite place for schoolchildren. The two gyms are not idle. Sadykov A.Z, a physical education teacher, not only accepts the GTO standards, but also devotes a lot of time extracurricular activities and outdoor lessons. In the right wing, “about verbs, about dashes and about the rain in the yard,” three more elementary school classes are taught. And they are taught by Kalacheva L.V., Podrezova I.N., Belanova I.V. The technology room always arouses special interest among students, especially when there are cooking lessons. Fratsman Z.M. with their charges they cook according to the most exquisite recipes. And office No. 2 is unique in many ways. Music lessons from M.A. Kraskovskaya are held here, fine arts and drawing by Melentyeva I.E. In the evenings, this office turns into a rehearsal room for the Aqua-Plus studio, from where singing and stage miniatures can be heard.

Years go by, and now yesterday’s schoolchildren are bringing their children to study with us. One generation gives way to another, the wind of change rages, but the school invariably remains a second home for students, a cultural center for all residents of the village.

Director of MKOU "Secondary School No. 15"


Kalinin school is 25 years old

Is it a lot or a little? At first glance it’s not much - 25,

But how many joys and troubles have been experienced here,

Meetings, partings, victories over oneself,

And how many joyful and bitter tears were shed!

Moments of happiness and strange excitement,

And children's laughter, and the work of teachers -

It’s all like living it all over again,

Merged today in the word “JUBILEE”.

25 years for world history is a short moment, but for teachers, students of the Kalinin Secondary School and their parents it is a whole life. The school’s anniversary is not only a historical milestone, but also a milestone that makes it possible to remember with a kind word those who have made and are making a significant contribution to the common cause, who have become the pride of the school and an example for subsequent generations of students. This is also an opportunity to talk about good deeds and victories, about how students and teaching staff s, what still needs to be done to Kalininskaya high school has always been on the right flank. This will be discussed at the anniversary, to which veterans of teaching work, graduates and good friends of the school are invited, and we will remember

How it all began.

On September 1, 1989, the Kalinin junior high school accepted its first students; it was then headed by Vladimir Leonidovich Petrov. In the first academic year there were 45 students. Young energetic teachers and experienced teachers were invited to work.

The second director of the school was Irina Aleksandrovna Fedotova - wise, talented, creative person, an unusually efficient person who devoted her entire life to serving the most important profession on earth - the profession of a teacher, it was she who helped not only beginning teachers, but also school graduates to believe in themselves. Now she is on a well-deserved rest, but every time, remembering school, she says that for her the years of work were a fascinating journey into the world of Childhood, Knowledge and Wisdom. School became her destiny.

In 1996, the school was transformed into a secondary school. Today, children from settlements: village Kakhnovo, Shabany, Sopki, Ostrova. Today at the helm educational institution stands Inna Aleksandrovna Tikhonova. In a relatively short period of work, she has proven herself to be an energetic, proactive leader. She delves into everything and is always ready to help with advice and deeds. Together with the teachers, the director does everything to ensure that children receive high-quality, solid knowledge, so that every child is surrounded by attention and care. This makes the school a big family, where everyone rejoices at everyone’s victories and achievements, where they empathize and help in times of need.

The best years are yet to come

— I love the school world in which we have lived for 25 years, I love breathing the air of the birch trees in blossom near the school in the spring, I love the magical voice of our school bell“, which for a very long time will broadcast not only about the beginning of the lesson, but also about the fact that another milestone has been overcome, a high level that we had to climb and confidently move towards the next milestone, which our team is capable of,” said Inna Alexandrovna, when I asked her about school.

— So many events have happened in 25 years! Something was forgotten, but a lot remained in the memory, in photographs, and became history. We remember with warmth everyone who created this story. The hearts of teachers were and remain generous and responsive, containing both the joy and pain of their students. Unfortunately, not everyone remained in the workforce; Antonina Alekseevna Kononenko, Tamara Aleksandrovna Arshinova, Nina Ivanovna Trofimova, Valery Vladlenovich Gladky, Tatyana Petrovna Pisareva, Valentina Alekseevna Belyakova, Irina Aleksandrovna Fedotova, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Eremina, Viktor Ivanovich Dmitriev, are on well-deserved retirement. Ivanova Svetlana Viktorovna.

And today they know everything about the school, because the school remains their home for them.

Traditions - to live

I am glad that good traditions are still alive at school today. The current teachers, and there are 18 of them, give a piece of their mind and heart to the young, of whom there are 75 studying at the school, plus 10 in preschool group kindergarten. They introduce new programs, create, invent, participate in district, regional, All-Russian competitions and confidently lead their children, because every child at school is talented in their own way.

All teachers teacher education, many have the highest, first rank. Veterans of teaching work also work at the school: Braga Vera Aleksandrovna, Tikhonova Inna Aleksandrovna, Kostina Alla Petrovna, Vasilyeva Tatyana Vasilievna, Vasilyeva Elena Ivanovna, Ivanov Arkady Dmitrievich. Among them is Svetlana Petrovna Dmitrieva, who has been working at the school since its foundation. I would like to say kind words to young teachers, although they have been working for five years, and others for three years. These are Natalia Vladimirovna Kononenko, Svetlana Nikolaevna Semenova, Tatyana Alekseevna Samusenko and Angelina Nikolaevna Frolova.

The strong link in the school is the teaching staff of the primary classes: Svetlana Petrovna Dmitrieva, Alla Petrovna Kostina, Elena Ivanovna Yakovleva and Svetlana Grigorievna Andreeva. The class size ranges from 7 to 12 students, attention is paid to everyone, so it is no coincidence that not only children from nearby villages study with us, but also from the city.

Two years ago, the children wrote a monitoring report (teacher S.P. Dmitrieva), which was recognized as the best among the primary classes in the region. And then in practice, teachers confirmed that their students’ knowledge is high. Russian language monitoring in 2014 for these same students was also the best in the area (teacher S.N. Semenova). This is not the first year that students of our school have taken part in the regional scientific and training complex “Step into the Future” and won prizes under the leadership of Svetlana Nikolaevna Semenova.

Education on folk traditions

One of the important areas of activity of the teaching staff is the education of students in folk traditions. The children study the history of folk holidays, become interested in Russian folklore, read the folk calendar, and get acquainted with various folk crafts during labor lessons. For example, we recently mastered the Dymkovo toy. Having become acquainted with the history of its creation, the children made sketches during drawing lessons, and during labor lessons they tried to make it themselves.

In the school plot, under the leadership of Elena Ivanovna Vasilyeva, children learn to grow not only flowers, but also vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and others, which we use in the dining room to prepare lunches for students. Almost all autumn, the canteen uses vegetables from the school garden to prepare lunches, which reduces the cost of lunches.

The deputy provides great assistance in all matters to the school. general director LLC "Agrarnik" and director of the "Udarnik" department Natalya Ivanovna Ladygina, deputy general director of LLC "Agrarnik" and director of the "Country Defense" department Nikolai Ivanovich Ignatiev, head of the rural settlement "Berezhanskaya volost" Tatyana Anatolyevna Ivanova, specialist of the rural settlement "Berezhanskaya volost" Egorova Galina Alekseevna, They are frequent guests at special events at school.

Everything at school is wonderful, but I would like to improve the material and technical base, the school does not have enough interactive whiteboards, projectors, not every classroom has computers, so we still have work to do.

They teach you to win at school

Natalya Ivanovna Yakovleva, diploma winner of the competition “ The best teachers Russia - 2012”, laureate of the Pskov Region Administration, after graduating from the Opochetsky Pedagogical School she came to work at the Kalinin school in the direction. At first I worked in a group extended day, and a year later she began teaching physical education, after maternity leave she worked as a teacher-organizer, and yet returned again to teaching physical education. 23 years at school flew by for her like one year, and only the sports achievements of the children, the awards displayed at the stand, speak of how many sports festivals, Health Days, Lightning Days, and school competitions were held. Natalya Ivanovna’s students regularly take an active part in district and regional sports competitions, where the guys take prizes.

In this academic year On September 9, school athletes participated in competitions for the prizes of Olympic champion Mikhail Ivanov, dedicated to the countdown of days until the start of the Biathlon World Championships among youth and juniors in 2017, where teams of students in grades 6-7, 8-9 took two third places among rural schools Today, the teacher welcomes the return of standards for passing the GTO, which will help attract children to systematic classes physical culture. She is confident that they will have many victories ahead. Children enjoy playing sports, but one thing that upsets us is that the school does not have a good gym and sports ground, which everyone has been dreaming about for many years.

School students are no less active in creative competitions. These include crafts competitions and drawing competitions. Our children take part in almost all competitions held at DDT. Semenova Evgenia, Ilyin Evgeniy, Kornyleva Valeria, Panteleeva Anna, Petrova Kristina, Kurdyukov Daniil, Kim Nadezhda, Ivanchikova Ekaterina, Kolesnikova Ekaterina, Shabunins Katya and Vova, Zhiteneva Arina and many others are especially active. Children become winners and prize-winners of these competitions.

The smell of childhood

Cook Marina Alekseevna Voldemarova has been working at the school for 17 years. For her, it is important to feed the children deliciously, so that the dishes are varied and healthy. She lives in the village of Kakhnovo and is in a hurry to prepare delicious lunches, put out the dough and pamper her children-students with delicious aromatic pies, buns, and cheesecakes. Despite her experience, Marina Alekseevna also learns by looking through culinary magazines and books. If you happen to try something delicious somewhere, you will definitely take note of the recipe so that you can please your children later.

Light beacon

Svetlana Grigorievna Andreeva - primary school teacher, began her pedagogical activity V elementary school in the village of Pogorelka, then she worked a little at the Kakhnovskaya elementary school, and after its closure she came to work at the Kalininskaya school. For her, 23 years have not passed, but flown by. For many years the teacher has been leading the Melpomene theater group. The teaching staff appreciates Svetlana Grigorievna as a talented organizer for her initiative and creativity; almost all school-wide events were prepared by her and her circle members. Students study with great desire, take part in regional events, theater competitions, taking prizes. Kids dream of becoming participants in theatrical school-wide events.

She speaks about all the members of the circle with warmth and love: “The children are all talented, even after graduating from school, they are interested in our affairs, help prepare individual programs and themselves participate in productions. This is how it should be in a good creative team. I'm proud of them!

At a recent show of school theater groups, we took second place, but we were also winners. We really need a music center for rehearsals and costumes. If sponsors would respond, we would prepare a good New Year’s program for their children.”

Lights of hope

The pride of the school is its graduates. They are all very different, but there is a place for all of them in the huge heart of the school house. They always return to the Kalinin school because here they left a piece of their heart. The teaching staff is pleased and proud that many of them have found their way in life and continue to improve themselves and their talent. Many graduates receive a decent university education at pedagogical and polytechnic institutes, medical school, police school. These are their lights of hope. Over the past 10 years, school graduates have received 9 medals. Last academic year, two medalists graduated from the school: Evgeniy Vasiliev received a gold medal, now he is successfully studying at the Pskov Medical School, silver medal— Oksana Andreeva.

What I learned in the nest will also be learned in flight.

Children are the main component of any school. They themselves talk about how they live at school.

- Our average Kalininskaya school- this is our second home. In it we learn not only to study, but also to live. Teachers are like parents to us - they will always support, advise, and explain. Of course, there are difficulties. But we need to cope, appreciate and take care of our native school, glorify it with good deeds, so that it is known not only in the district.

Every morning, like tiny streams, merging into a single stream, children head here. Every student feels comfortable here and every teacher works with pleasure. School life cannot be imagined without the help and support of parents. For several years now, the permanent chairman of the school-wide parent committee has been Natalya Aleksandrovna Ivanova. Parents are comrades-in-arms, like-minded people who help everywhere and in everything.

Kalininskaya school, what is it like?

It has the best teaching staff - that means it’s wise, there are a lot of smiling faces - that means it’s happy, it’s happy for its graduates - that means it’s hospitable, it’s ready to help everyone - that means it’s kind, here former students bring their children - it means FAVORITE!!!

The school is open to everyone

Since the Kalinin school is located in rural areas, then it is the concentration of the cultural life of the village. It has become a tradition that people come to many school events local residents, despite the fact that their children and grandchildren have already grown up, the celebrations and celebrations are so interesting. They are welcome guests at New Year's performances, on September 1, on Last call, on Mother's Day and on May 9th. This holiday is special for everyone. There are no veterans or participants of the Great Patriotic War left alive in the area, but former juvenile prisoners always come to school for a special event, the children prepare a theatrical program for them, and the volost organizes a tea party. The guys, without being reminded, monitor the cleanliness and order at mass graves and take care of mass graves.

Great attention is paid to patriotic education at school. The life safety teacher-organizer Gennady Anatolyevich Khokhlov, together with children, is preparing presentations about the Great Patriotic War, about the history of our region during the war, meetings are held with young prisoners, and warrior-chiefs of military unit 12957 are invited.

On the school's anniversary, we wish the children an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, excellent grades and conquering high peaks, and the teachers more capable and grateful students, health and good luck!

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