Slides on the theme of life is the highest value of a person. Life values \u200b\u200bpresentation for the lesson on the topic

"The social nature of man" - The terms "self-esteem", "self-realization". A stable system of socially significant properties. Human freedom. Write down the word missing in the outline. Natural instincts. Natural environment. Specific features. A number of terms. Identity judgments. Satisfaction of material needs. The text below.

"Morality test" - 4. Choose the correct answer. Morality is based on: Humanism Responsibility Morality. 3. The criteria of morality are determined by: The period of history By the people themselves The policy of the state. Social studies tests for grade 8. Humanity Humanism Morality Morality. Do so that the people around you feel good ”V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

“Human spirituality” - Heart - values, mind - knowledge, will - transforms worldview into behavior. The mentality of certain peoples. Three main aspects of spiritual life. Patriotism. About the spiritual world and spirituality. The spiritual world of the individual. Citizenship. About the spiritual world and spirituality. Basically, mentality is a personal phenomenon.

“Generations of People” - Teachers. Describe your generation. Determine how the 14-year-old generation differs from the 40-year-old generation. Lesson type. Research Plan: Adolescents. Age stages of human life. Where is more and where is less? What is the interpretation of the concept of “generation” given by IS Kon? Is the continuity of generations in different fields of activity the same?

"Human nature" - Approaches to understanding the meaning of life. Conviction. Biological principles. Man is a historical being. What will happen after me. Human nature. Cro-Magnon. Human sciences. Purpose and meaning of life. Theories of human origin. What is a person. Person.

"Human needs" - Labor as a need. 2. Social. Types of needs. Needs depend on the conditions in which people live and change over time. Introduction to Social Science. Needs and opportunities. Spiritual needs are aimed at human self-improvement. What does a person need? Needs must match opportunities!

There are 16 presentations in total

Psychological factors that reduce the value of life in human behavior: 1. Sensitivity and vulnerability; 2. Perseverance or inability to compromise; 3. Inflexibility in communication. Difficulty in social contacts (uniformity and straightforward behavior); 4. Inclination to impulsive, emotional, thoughtless actions; 5. Focus on the emotional content of the problem; 6. Pessimism; 7. Closure, limited social circle.

Expectation of success in the future (according to a survey of senior schoolchildren of OU Cherepanovskiy district in 2009, total -207) The study allows us to correlate the expectation of success in the life of boys and girls. Thus, according to the survey, the feeling of success in the future of girls exceeds youthful expectations of success by 7%.

1. Are you familiar with the problem of suicide? 2. Why can a person commit suicide? 3. Is this problem relevant today? 4. Why is suicide most common in adolescence? Our understanding of the problem of threats to life and health in adolescents: Yes, I am familiar with the problem of suicide, I watched a program on TV, they write a lot in newspapers, this is how my friend died, the boys from our school passed away, a friend tried to do it, wrote in "Cherepanovskiye Vesti", this is how my father died, I watched films The situation seems hopeless, and there is no loved one nearby who would understand and help, problems with parents, loved ones, love, depression, loneliness, debts, conflicts at school, ridicule, drugs Adolescents are emotional, impulsive, they lack life experience, do not value life, are cruel, experiment, no one takes the problems of adolescents seriously

Influence of TV, musical culture, fiction on adolescent behavior. Influence of TV, musical culture, fiction on adolescent behavior. Suicidal behavior can become imitative. Teenagers copy the patterns of behavior that they see around them, which are offered to them by TV, music culture, mass literature. Imitation is especially characteristic of immature, suggestible people.

Suicide is a deliberate act of eliminating oneself from life under the influence of acute traumatic situations, in which one's own life loses its meaning for a person. Any external or internal activity directed by the desire to take one's own life can be called suicidal.

Suicide out of protest, suicide-call for suicide avoidance Doctors distinguish five types of suicide, depending on the reasons that led a person to a tragic line: 1. suicide out of protest, desire to take revenge on someone, suicide as an argument in a dispute; 2. suicide-appeal, when a person, at the cost of his own life, wants to draw attention to himself or to a problem that worries him; 3. avoidance suicide (in this case, an insurmountable, in his opinion, obstacle rises on a person's life path, the fear of meeting with which prompts to commit suicide); 4. self-punishment, suicide-refusal; 4. self-punishment caused by feelings of guilt; 5.suicide-refusal, committed in the case when a person for no apparent external reasons loses the meaning of life and does not see the need to continue living in this regard.

Features of the manifestation of depression in children and adolescents: Decreased mood - from mild sadness to complete despair. There may be sadness, longing, apathy (indifference, decreased activity), a feeling of mental pain; Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling asleep, night or early awakening, light, intermittent sleep, or very deep); Increased fatigue; An increased level of anxiety, anxiety; An increase in aggressive reactions is possible - conflict, irritability, irascibility; Decreased immunity; Decreased memory, performance. Impaired attention; Immersion in sad experiences, low self-esteem, pessimistic perception of the future.

Ask questions What thoughts, feelings do you have when you find yourself in a difficult situation (conflict, disappointment, etc.)? What helps you get out of depression (melancholy, depression ...)? How do you relax, relax, tune in to a meeting with a person, to any business? What do you do when you are sad? Who (or what) can cheer you up? What are your personal strengths? What is the strength of your character? Why? Can you help another person in a difficult situation? How will you do it? How do you deal with failure?

1. 1. Do not push him away if he decides to share his problems with you, even if you are shocked by the situation. Remember that a person with suicidal tendencies rarely turns to a stranger for help.Trust your intuition if you feel suicidal in this individual. Don't ignore the warning signs. Don't offer anything you can't guarantee. For example, "Of course, your family will help you" Let him know that you want to help him, but you do not see the need to keep everything secret, if some information may affect his safety Keep calm and do not judge, regardless of what you say. What to do if a person (teenager), in your opinion, is prone to suicide or had such attempts in the past: suicide or had such attempts in the past:

1. 1. Be sincere. Try to determine how serious the threat is. Be aware that questions about suicidal thoughts do not lead to attempts to commit suicide. In fact, he / she may feel relief from the awareness of the problem. Try to find out if he / she has a plan of action. A concrete plan is a sign of real danger Convince him / her that there is certainly someone to whom you can turn for help Do not offer simplistic solutions like "All you need now is a good sleep, in the morning you will feel better" Show that you want to talk about feelings, that you do not judge him / her for these feelings. Help him / her understand how to manage a crisis situation and understand that severe stress prevents them from fully grasping the situation. Unobtrusively advise finding a solution Help him / her understand that the feeling of hopelessness present will not last forever. Your actions if a person (teenager), in your opinion, is prone to suicide or had such attempts in the past: suicide or had such attempts in the past: Purpose, meaning and value of human life: 1. (C) 1. (C) The goal should to be outside of this life. Otherwise, if you reach your goal, say earned, then your life will end. Although you will not understand it. And so there is a chance to look further ... 2. (Y) To make the world around us better ... 3. (Q) For me, it is to live with dignity, to boldly face my fears, not to be afraid to admit mistakes, to help people despite what ... () 4. (H) ... the meaning of life is in death. only when you really understand that you are not eternal, you begin to appreciate every second ...

Life is Beautiful! Fill your life with interesting things, caring for loved ones, new ideas, strengthen your health, look to your future with optimism…. Fill your life with interesting things, caring for loved ones, new ideas, strengthen your health, look to your future with optimism….

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Slide captions:

Life values

What are life values? What can a person appreciate? What is the value to you?

Listen to the parable and then answer the questions!

Did the father choose a good way? What kind of persuasion do your parents use? Why did the boy cry?

What do I value in life? How to live your life? What qualities of life are valued in a person?

Optimism is a cheerful, cheerful attitude, in which a person sees only bright sides in everything; believes in the future, in success, in the fact that the world is dominated by a positive principle, good.

Pessimism is a gloomy attitude, in which a person does not believe in the future and is inclined to see everything as dull and bad.

The world is multifaceted, many-colored, Sometimes kind, sometimes cruel, He is generous and stingy, rich and poor: Look at him - he is all for us! V. Alatyrtsev

Answer the questionnaire

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation for the lesson "Life values \u200b\u200bof the heroes of the story" White Poodle "by A. Kuprin

Presentation for a literature lesson in grade 6 according to the Merkin program. The presentation reflects the course of the lesson, the main tasks for the students ...

The values \u200b\u200bof a teenager

The life values \u200b\u200bof each of us are not formed from scratch: we are saturated with the atmosphere in which we have lived since childhood, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe values \u200b\u200bthat we were surrounded by. We must remember, h ...

EDUCATIONAL HOUR My values \u200b\u200bin life Educational. Introduce the concept of "life values", their classification, consolidate this concept. Developing. To activate and develop the skills of self-knowledge, self-presentation and self-expression. Educateban active stance towards life, contribute to the education of a responsible attitude towards one's life. Form of conducting : design-modeling PREPARED by the class teacher 7-A KUZNETSOVA S.S. WORKING WITH A DICTIONARY

VALUES - what a person especially appreciates in life, to which he gives a special, positive life meaning.

VALUES - what is important for us in the moral, aesthetic

and cognitive attitude.

The doctrine of values \u200b\u200bis called axiology

The life values \u200b\u200bof a person are the foundation on which his whole life is based. Life values \u200b\u200bdo not appear overnight. They are the result of our experience. Human life values \u200b\u200bare formed from childhood. KINDS OF VALUES 1. General human values \u200b\u200b2. Everyday values \u200b\u200b3. Health preserving value 4. Spiritual values \u200b\u200b5. Family values \u200b\u200b6. Moral values \u200b\u200b7. Cultural values \u200b\u200b8. Legal values \u200b\u200b9. Political values \u200b\u200bSAIDING OF THE SAGES OF THE EAST The Book of Proverbs is a book of moral instruction and ethics, affecting many aspects of human life. HOUSE OF MY VALUES I want to build a house where I will be happy, where I am surrounded by love, everyone will be everywhere, I will plant next to the house The Ancestral Tree, So that it feeds from the earth with living power. Life values \u200b\u200bare the foundation on which his whole life is based. A. Einstein General human values \u200b\u200bare a set of the most general requirements for the behavior of a person belonging to any culture. These values \u200b\u200binclude: -true, -freedom, -justice, -the beauty, -good, -love, -benefit, -saving human life, - emphatic condemnation of all forms of misanthropy, -environmental Protection, - assertion of non-violence as the basis of the life of human society. EVERYDAY VALUES Having laid the foundation, we build steps, each of them is a small goal. These steps lead to the values \u200b\u200bof everyday life.

1. Diligence

2. Punctuality.

3. Thrift.

4. Responsibility.

5. Love of order

6. Diligence

Before you climb up the stairs, you need to make sure that this staircase is against the exact wall. Make sure that the life goal is right.

Dmitry Nagiev

We will build the walls from blocks, while we will consider family values. We will build the walls from blocks, while we will consider family values. Family values \u200b\u200bare what is important for the family, the necessary "cement" that unites a group of people with a similar genetic code into a friendly community. Common family values: - communication, -respect, - a sense of importance for the family, -the ability to forgive, - flexibility, -traditions, -a responsibility, -generosity… Spiritual values \u200b\u200bSpiritual values \u200b\u200bare ideas that are approved or shared by the majority of people about what kindness, justice, patriotism, love, friendship, mercy, empathy, decency, sensitivity are ...

Cultural values \u200b\u200b- property values \u200b\u200bof a religious or secular nature that have historical, artistic, scientific or other cultural significance: works of art, books, manuscripts, incunabula, archival materials, components and fragments of architectural, historical, artistic monuments, as well as monuments of monumental art and other categories of items. THE PYRAMID OF VALUES THE GREATEST VALUE IN THE WORLD IS LIFE: ALIEN'S, OWN, LIFE OF ANIMAL WORLD AND PLANTS, LIFE OF CULTURE, LIFE IN ALL ITS EXTENSION, AND IN THE PAST, AND IN THE PRESENT, THERE IS NO LIFE, AND PRESENTLY. prices, we always act as if there is something even more valuable. Antoine de Saint-Exupery People do not want to preserve anything more, and meanwhile they do not preserve anything less than their own life. Jean de La Bruyere CHOOSE PAINTS FOR YOUR LIFE - SMILE, HEALTH, FAMILY AND FRIENDS! CREATIVITY, KNOWLEDGE AND DREAMS - YOUR LIFE IS WHAT YOU CHOOSE !!! Life is like a zebra sometimes: You will never know What the year is preparing for you - Joy or oppression of worries. You just have to believe everyone, That the burden of problems will disappear, Life will turn into another, Light, bright stripe. After all, success will come to the one who prepares for it. It is important not to give up, wait for the right occasion. Looking fate in the eye, Smile, tell yourself: Life is like a zebra sometimes: You never know, What the year is preparing for you - Joy or oppression of worries. You just have to believe everyone, That the burden of problems will disappear, Life will turn into another, Light, bright stripe. After all, success will come to the one who prepares for it. It is important not to give up, wait for the right opportunity. Looking fate in the eye, Smile, tell yourself: - I am successful and beautiful! I choose positive!

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