Crying for no reason. Often began to cry, for no reason

Everyone has at least once come across the fact that there seems to be no reason for shedding bitter tears, but you feel like Tsarevna Nesmeyana from an old Russian fairy tale. She always wanted to laugh or cry, though for the most part the last. There is an explanation for this fact, moreover, it is very prosaic. Cancer treatment in Israel sign up for

Why do you suddenly want to cry? Consider the main reasons

So, if a woman is pregnant, at first nothing outwardly changes in her, which cannot be said about the internal routine. A kind of hormonal storm occurs, a surge that continues until the end of the first trimester. Among his characteristic features and side effects, there are precisely such mood swings, when a woman was literally just ready to embrace the whole world and just shone with happiness, at another moment she simply hid herself in a corner and cried quietly, regretting everything. This is normal and you should not worry about this, you just need to survive and wait.

It happens that a person who is used to keeping everything in himself and always suppresses emotions and desires in himself so much that they remain only at the subconscious level, in which case the dark nooks of the subconscious just make jokes with consciousness, trying at least thus relieve emotional stress. The fact is that no matter how deeply we push our feelings, they do not go anywhere, and our own emotions must be given a way out, otherwise they turn into a means of destroying peace of mind. In other words, it will only seem to a person that he wants to cry for no reason; in fact, this very reason may not be in his mind or among guesses.

Another reason when you want to cry, it would seem, for no apparent reason - this is overwork, especially emotional. Perhaps the person was experiencing severe stress and now the situation has resolved, or a very important, difficult, demanding period has ended, now you can finally relax, but this is exactly what is associated with this kind of discharge.

Sometimes a person can cry for no reason while sitting at home, so there is a latent fear of loneliness, which to one degree or another is inherent in everyone, because a person is a social being.

If the desire to shed tears overcomes quite often, and the person does not see the reasons, this may well be a symptom of a depressive syndrome or depression. In this case, the need for the help of a qualified psychologist or even a psychotherapist should not be ruled out.

Why do you want to cry for no reason, why would it? This often happens in women, cry for no reason, completely exhausted, not understanding what is happening to them.

Most likely, the inspiration has left you, and perhaps the hopes for the best have collapsed - in a word, awareness has come, and only such a reaction has come to you.

There is a reluctance to move, work, absolute apathy overcomes. Crying is a woman’s desire; a man will never understand this.

Remember - all women in the world sometimes roar for no reason.

God gave the weak sex love, a strong heart, the most beautiful soul in the world. She supports her family and husband, despite all their shortcomings. She carries a heavy burden in life - crying, this is her fatigue. She is a lady and very tired.

She will cry and bear her burden again to the very end, even if she loses faith - this is a woman!

There are still situations in which it is worth figuring out why you suddenly wanted to roar.

It is proved that women have four times more eyes than men in wet places. The weather changes outside the window - weeping, good news from the children too, grief happens - again weeping.

Woman! That is the reason for our tears - our emotional background.

Diseases in which you want to cry for no reason:

  • Photophobia - this is how our eyes react to a very bright stream of light.
  • Usually tears run involuntarily when you suddenly come out of a dark place to a light.
  • Either eyes cry with an infection or an allergy to something.
  • With damaged cornea.


  • With this disease, the mucous membrane of the eye - the conjunctiva, becomes inflamed.
  • Redness of the eyes, pain, swelling, tears torment.
  • The cause of conjunctivitis may be inflammation of the sinuses.
  • Helminthic infestations.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).
  • Prescribe antibacterial therapy, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

  • Women undergo these changes monthly (monthly).
  • Perhaps the time is right (also hormone failure).
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.
  • This is all the physiology of the female body, you can’t get anywhere from it.
  • Pathological conditions: thyrotoxicosis in thyroid disease. The autonomic nervous system of a woman suffers.
  • With tears, a woman clears stress hormones. This is the simplest thing she can do.
  • They can help. Leaving this state of the body is not necessary, it is better to calm down.

Why do you want to cry for no reason, psychology:

  • In any conversation, you begin to drop tears, constant sputum under the eyes.
  • In this case, pay attention to what you eat. If, such a state is not surprising.
  • Fast carbohydrates (sweet) dramatically raise insulin - your mood improves, you're cheerful.
  • It also falls sharply, and here you will want to cry. There will be no forces at all.
  • You will again want sweets and again good - such a swing will be endless, until you give up sweets in favor of complex carbohydrates (cereals).


  • Vulnerability in a woman is not uncommon. Close accept and strongly react to offensive words, here they are tears and flowed.
  • Everything seems to be unfair, and you love her. She is not in the world, unfortunately. Everyone has their own justice.
  • A little bit wrong, we cry like little children.
  • You need to get rid of such a perception of the world, this often leads to oncology, fibroids, cysts.
  • In this state, people often go into binge, take drugs.
  • Afobazole, Novopassit and other sedative drugs will not relax you, problems will remain. It’s just that they can be temporarily masked.
  • But, mental problems will remain: the reaction of the intestines to them, severe sweating, insomnia.
  • Self-analysis, yoga classes, increasing self-esteem, the ability to distinguish the real world from the imagined one helps a lot.

I think now you will calm down and the question - why do you want to cry for no reason will not bother you anymore.

Peace of mind and fewer tears.

I am always glad to see you on my site.

When we cry in the final of the movie “Hachiko” or over a chopping board with onions, it seems quite logical. But sometimes tears fall by themselves, for no particular reason. What to do if you can’t hold back your emotions and gradually turn into a crybaby, says psychologist Anna Khnykina.

Natalya Kozhina, Are there tears for no reason, or is there always a reason?

Anna Khnykina: In physiological reactions, and tears relate to them, nothing happens just like that. A person has such a form of mental defense as rationalization, this is when we explain everything to ourselves. He protects us from feelings and pain. The body does not have such a mechanism, it does not explain anything and lives a separate life from our rationalization, does not obey it. And, since any physiological reaction has its own internal stimulus, tears just do not appear. There is always a reason that provokes them, but we sometimes do not read it.

“Why don't we read it?”

- Here our unconscious is triggered, which puts a kind of block. Tears, in most cases, are a reaction to self-pity, and since it hurts, the brain is on guard and guards against it, he tries to convince us that everything is normal.

- How to understand what exactly provokes tears?

- There is one very good question that you need to ask yourself more often: what do I feel now? Oddly enough, finding the answer to it is quite difficult. Often, in order to get to the reason why you are crying, you need to remove several layers of your own defenses: avoidance, rationalization, denial, etc. In most cases, shame can also get to the bottom of the matter.

- Is it embarrassing for a person to admit to himself a problem?

- Yes. A problem that causes self-pity, and followed by tears, can be covered in mystery, fear, prohibition, etc. Only if you are honest with yourself and not afraid of yourself, you can get to the bottom of it.

Actually, what we are talking about relates to a problem called “keep face”. Many of us try not to show our true feelings, suppress emotions, we hide the true ourselves.

- Sometimes you need to suppress emotions, isn’t it?

“Of course, but we should not get carried away with it so much as to hide ourselves from ourselves.” When we go to work and there we “wear uniform” is one thing. Masks are also sometimes needed so as not to let the team down, to complete some task. The main thing is not to overdo it. You must not lose your sense of reality and be yourself. We must be able to exit the role in time.

“There are people who have succeeded so much in suppressing emotions that they never cry.” This is normal?

- There is nothing to be proud of. In general, this is an inadequate response. Yes, you can restrain yourself at a certain moment when you want to impress or not scare the children with your tears, but you shouldn’t do it all the time. We are all living people. Isn't anyone ashamed when blood flows when cut? Why do you need to be ashamed of tears?

Even if at some point you restrained yourself, in a healthy situation a person will then cry or be sad when there is a suitable moment for this. I assure you that each "strangled" tear is going in a big lump. And if it lasts for years, then it turns into a tantrum with seizures. The longer you restrain yourself and do not give vent to emotions and tears, the stronger this seizure will be.

- There is a reverse situation when people constantly cry. Is there any kind of norm by which it can be understood that you cry too often?

- This is the same as if there was a norm for laughter: how many times a day laugh normally? No one will answer this question. There is no such norm.

A mature person is one who, being in contact with reality, adequately responds to it. As we grow older, we learn to manage our feelings, we understand where we need to restrain ourselves, and where we can give free rein to emotions, i.e. behave appropriately to the situation. Of course, crying about every occasion in public is not quite a mature story. This is normal at three years old. You know, when mom says to his son: "You can eat candy only after lunch." And he sobs in response and cannot accept this situation. For an adult, such a reaction is abnormal. Non-stop tears can be considered an adequate reaction only when it comes to deep mental trauma, for example, if a person has lost something. Normally, we can cry every time this is an adequate response to the situation.

“You were pushed into the subway, and you cried.” Is this an adequate response?

- Most of us are unlikely to cry over such a situation. But for someone, what is happening may be the so-called "last straw." We do not know what is hidden inside each of us, what happened in life at the moment. Yes, for someone, a seemingly insignificant irritant can cause a storm inside, but if we find the origins of this storm, then everything will fall into place.

Once again, I note that the problem itself arises for a person at a time when he does not want to cry, and the tears themselves flow. Young children on this occasion usually say: "I do not want, but they themselves." If in your life there is nothing like this, then everything is in order.

  - What can provoke tears after all - only self-pity? But what about stress, dissatisfaction with life, etc.?

- Look, strong self-pity arises as a result of fear of the threat of existence. A person is afraid that he will not be or will not be accepted as he is. This fear itself can arise from shame. Shame is a reaction to the message "you are not needed, you are not suitable." As a result, whether we are talking about stress or dissatisfaction with life, their roots lie in the fact that you are chronically unable to cope with something, worry because of your helplessness or failure. And this is the shame I spoke of.

Another important point: sometimes tearfulness provokes hormonal disruptions, which increase the feeling of helplessness. In this situation, of course, you need the advice of an endocrinologist.

- Is it possible to independently cope with the desire to constantly cry?

- Naturally, if you find the true reasons for your tears and try to solve the problems that concern you. But, in a situation where you understand that you are not able to conduct such an honest analysis and you need help, you need to ask her from the same psychologist.

Hello friends!
  Agree, the human body is still an amazing thing. Unconditional reactions that occur instantly, and not even realized by us: pull your hand away from the hot, close your eyes from the snowball flying in the face, and so on ...

Or cry if it is insulting or sad.

Recently, I wondered why people cry. Why do you really want to cry? What is the use of tears?

You often hear: "cry - it will become easier." It would seem, how is the salty fluid flowing from the eyes and the feeling of relief connected? What can change a couple of minutes spent crying? Can they solve the problem that caused the tears themselves?

In order to answer these questions, you need to understand the very mechanism of tears and understand how this process works, and also answer the question why it is useful to cry.

Why do people cry?

Liquid is the main element that makes up the human body. Removing fluid from the body and entering a new one is an ongoing process that occurs in various ways, in various ways, and tears are one of them.

Therefore, I must immediately say that tears are a completely natural phenomenon inherent in each of the people (I hear someone says: real men don’t cry! - and this statement, my friends, is worthy of separate attention. I will definitely analyze this moment a little lower).

There can be many reasons for tears: both external stimuli (mote, wind, blinding sun), and internal emotions. And if everything is clear with the first paragraph: irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye drains the eyeball - there is a feeling of discomfort - the lacrimal gland receives a signal from the brain about the need to develop a secret, a tear. The eye is hydrated - everything is normal again.

The second point is getting harder: why do people want to cry?

In the first case, crying becomes a vital, one might say, a necessity. And in case of resentment or frustration, are tears also a necessity? Imagine - yes. During stress caused by ANY strong emotions (I emphasized the word “any,” since such emotions can be either sadness or joy. Both resentment and admiration for beauty. Both frustration and relief from the long-awaited solution to problems), toxins are produced in the human body. And toxins need to be removed. Tears, therefore, become a quick way of removing substances unnecessary to the body.

And besides this, crying for a sad reason and the accompanying sounds and actions (sobbing, sobbing, lowered head) become a signal for others: SOS! I'm in trouble!

So a person subconsciously tries to attract attention so as not to be left alone in a critical situation.

Here is the answer to the question of why it is useful to cry - because we do not allow stress toxins to accumulate in our body!

Why do people cry with happiness?

Yes, this is also a way of emotional discharge. Happiness, like grief, is also a very strong emotion, and we deal with emotions in different ways. Someone smiles, someone laughs, and someone cries with happiness.

In this case, tears help to recover and help restore peace of mind.

And now I return to the gender issue, namely, why tears have historically been considered the privilege of the weaker sex. Men are given the role of the “lumberjack”, who are not aware of the weaknesses unworthy of them.

To begin with, men, like women, are equipped with lacrimal gland. This means that tearing is a biologically natural process for both sexes. This is not a sexual sign!

The habit of holding back tears and experiencing one’s emotions within oneself has been raised in a boy since childhood. “Well, wipe away the tears, you are a man!” - father will sternly say to his son, who came running from the playground in tears. Yes, because he was brought up the same way.

The installation is passed from generation to generation: men do not cry.

But what can you say about such harsh statistics: men are 2 times more likely than women to suffer from cardiovascular diseases and mortality for the same reason!

There are many risk factors: malnutrition, bad habits, hormones, but stress is also in the last place! And doctors unanimously acknowledge that the inability to properly relieve stress becomes the cause of nervous disorders and, in the chain, heart diseases.

Therefore, mothers of boys, let your little men cry sometimes, if there is a reason for this. And tell your “adult boy” about the benefits of tears and help you learn how to relieve emotions in a positive way: sports, joint hobbies, family vacations.

Why is it easier after tears?

Is this word appropriate - right - in relation to such a natural process as tears? Perhaps, yes, and I want to dwell on some points regarding the relevance of crying and situations where it is better to restrain emotions and leave tears for later.

Tears are not a sneeze that you can’t hold back in any way, so try to resist crying in the following decorations:

  1. Emergency

God forbid, an accident, an accident, a robbery, or just an incident in which you need a call for support, require us to mobilize all our strength and extreme concentration. Providing assistance to victims, calling special services, a cold mind in the first place - and then tears.

  1. In a working environment

In the majority of work collectives, even the most united, the reaction to tears at work will be "well, off and on." Try not to show your weakness to colleagues and not to undermine the collective morale with excessive emotionality.

  1. When parting for a long time

You leave yourself, or you accompany your dear guests home - be that as it may, the situation itself is sad, and for sure all the people involved can hardly hold back their tears. Do not overshadow the situation, do not add sadness to family people.

  1. At a public speaking

If you are giving a mourning speech, or reading soulful verses, or performing an emotional romance, remember: tears are not your privilege, but your audience’s privilege. The hall should see your professionalism and feelings, and not the paths from pearls running along the cheeks.

  1. How to manipulate a relationship with a man

I remember that I spoke once with a friend, and it was just about women's tears. He admitted that like all men, he cannot stand female tears and every time he feels completely at a loss when his beloved is crying.

“But we must give her credit, she cries only in extreme cases,” he added. “If she is crying, I understand that something serious has happened. And then I devote all my attention this evening to her, trying to help solve the problem. ”

A wise woman, I thought. How many girls, unfortunately, are sure that with the help of tears you can make a man do anything! As a result, a loved one may simply not react to the 300th hysteria in a row: the effect of addiction. Do not use crying as a manipulation tool!


See how many words I have found for such an ordinary and familiar phenomenon as crying. Now you know why people cry and why it is good to cry. Allow yourself sometimes this little weakness!

What are tears?

Everyone knows that people can cry. Just what are tears? Someone considers them to be a protective mechanism: a speck hit the eye - and tears flowed. For others, tears are, first of all, a manifestation of strong emotions. Joy or sadness, worries or pangs of love - all these conditions can cause tears in a person.

We can say that there are reflex tears necessary for moisturizing and cleansing the eyes. And there are emotional tears, companions of human feelings. We’ll talk about these tears.

I love to cry ...

The topic of tears is not interesting to everyone. However, they are very concerned about those people who always have “eyes in a wet place”. This is what they themselves say about tears.

- And it happened to me sometimes, when I get very tired or worry for a very long time. It’s enough that they say at least one word when it’s already the limit, and the tears will pour in by the stream themselves, and stopping them is already not easy. You just have to cry.

- When I found out that my beloved actor died, I could not believe it and cried, cried ... But why? I didn’t even personally know my idol, but I’m crying for him ...

- If a person is crying, then he has a soul!

“I'm crying just like that, for no reason.” Why so, it is not clear. I can cry at any moment, just think about something - for example, about the death of Snape from Harry Potter. I'm probably crazy?

- Yes, tears really soothe. You’ll cry, and if the stone has fallen from your soul, you forget about the problems for a while, or the problems cease to be problems at all.

Who cries all the time? What does all this mean?

Someone is crying openly, but someone is shy of their tears and hides them. After all, sometimes tears in people are met with misunderstanding from others. Many people consider emotional manifestations in the form of tears a sign of weakness ... Therefore, the question on the agenda is: “Why am I crying and can not do anything about it, while others don’t cry at all?”

The systemic-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan clarifies this issue. Emotional manifestations in the form of tears are most characteristic for owners of the visual vector. A vector is a set of desires and properties of the human psyche, there are eight vectors in total.

For owners of the visual vector, and such people are only five percent, the highest degree of emotionality is characteristic, which can manifest itself in a wide range. Their need for changing emotional states is very strong, but unconscious - it is in the range of these changes that the visual senses life. Emotions can succeed instantly. It happens that a person is sad and lonely, and the next moment he already experiences enthusiastic feelings and surging love for everything around him. At the peak of feelings, tears as if pouring themselves from large beautiful eyes. Accompany the viewer in sadness and joy.

Since we see the world through ourselves, people without the same mental properties seem to the viewer callous, pachyderms, heartless. The emotional spectator even ascribes manifestations of emotions to animals: “ As a child, I saw a cow crying, which was loaded into a truck to be taken to slaughter ... Not only a man is crying from pain ... "  They attribute the ability to feel to plants, and small spectators to toys.

According to the systemic vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, such properties as emotionality and frequent tears are not our choice, but a natural given. All our desires, needs and properties are determined by the presence of one or another vector. The need to cry is an inborn mental property of the owner of the visual vector. Therefore, tears, as an opportunity to relieve internal emotional stress, are necessary for spectators - children and adults, men and women.

However, if a child, girl or woman cries, it is perceived normally. What happens if a man cries? In our society, male tears cause bewilderment, sometimes rejection (especially from men with an anal vector: “Are you a man or who?”). But if a man with a visual vector has such a need, then you can do this, not only in public, but in a private setting.

So different tears

Usually tears are accompanied by strong emotional experiences, however here the cause of tears may vary. The systemic vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains what this difference consists in. We have already mentioned that the amplitude of emotional experiences in a person with a visual vector varies in a very wide range: from fear for oneself to love for all people.

What determines exactly what emotions the visual senses and what feelings they live on? It depends on the degree of development of its innate properties in childhood and on their implementation in adulthood. If the properties of the visual vector are not sufficiently developed and implemented, then a person does not know how to create emotional connections with others. Typically, the tears of such a person are associated with self-pity. And the feelings and sufferings of other people do not find a response in his soul.

If the potential of visual properties, namely the ability to empathize and sympathize with other people, is developed and realized, a person is able to worry about the other more than for himself, to feel his feelings as his own. Consider the differences.

What kind of cry? What a roar?

A harmful physicist put you, an excellent pupil, instead of five - four - and you are not able to contain loud sobs. You were pushed on the bus - and your eyes were immediately filled with tears, you stand, barely restrain yourself so as not to sob loudly and bitterly. The boss at work arranged a check and reprimanded - again you sit crying. I don’t get along with relationships, but I want to fly with love - and again in tears. And how sweet it is to cry before bedtime in the pillow! How bad I am ... I'm so unhappy ...

Many people remember from childhood a poem by Agnia Barto, “The Little Girl,” which “Cries, Fills, Wipes with a Dress ...” Which of us has never met such girls in our lives - both young and quite grown-ups?

These are they, “tears in themselves,” when we cry with self-pity: “Nobody loves me.” "Nobody needs me." “Why did I suffer so much suffering?” “I am so tired of being alone” ... Such tears are bitter, burning ... They only temporarily relieve tension.

In this case, we don’t think that someone else at the same moment can be a thousand times worse and worse, because my finger hurts me - it hurts ME. And the fact that another soul is bursting with pain does not concern me. There is even a popular saying about this: “Another's tear is water” ... I feel sorry for MYSELF, I want to be loved and spared ME.

And sometimes the tears of such a spectator generally turn into an instrument of manipulation by other people, a way of attracting attention to oneself. This usually happens unknowingly.

Tears of compassion

There are other tears. You are in the cinema - you are watching the tragic story of the main character of the film: she is losing her sight, is about to go blind, she has to work hard for her son, but her plans and life itself are crumbling before our eyes. And so you sit in a dark room and squish with your nose, and as the plot escalates the tragedy, you can hardly hold back sobs. Only darkness hides your plentiful tears. You look around: everyone is calm, people are sitting, just watching a movie ...

Got on a TV story about orphans. The stories of babies abandoned by their parents are also not indifferent. You sincerely wonder how you can do this with a child, how a mother can live in peace without being interested in her own blood. How does the baby survive, care and love? And again the eyes are full of tears ...

But tears overtake you, not only in the tragic stories of human lives, but also in joy. Whenever you hear a story about the greatness of human genius, about people and collectives who have made breakthroughs for the benefit of all mankind, when you see the fundamental results of human labor and creativity - beautiful buildings, temples, objects of art, you are filled with an extraordinary sense of awareness of the greatness of Man and involvement in all of humanity. And again, tears flow from my eyes, and such inspiration is inside, so I also want to do something big, important for all people!

The article was written using the materials of online trainings in systemic vector psychology of Yuri Burlan

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