Body support. Skeleton - body support

Body support and movement

Skeleton and muscles form motor system reference.

The body supports bone "frame", skeleton. It protects the internal organs and serves as an attachment for the muscles. For example, the head bones protect the brain, and the bones of the spine - the spinal cord, which is inside the spine. In the skeleton of man more than 200 bones.
Give the shape of the body and allow us to move. There are about 650 muscles in the body, 200 of them are used when walking, 43 - to molded forehead, 17 - to smile. Muscles join the bones and work at the expense of reduction, that is, shortening. When the muscle is reduced, it leads to the dice to which it is attached. Any movement - from running to chewing - depends on the muscles.
Muscles are located throughout the body and differ in form and sizes. The longest are in the hips, the largest - buttocks, they are needed to run and climb; The smallest are in the ear.
Muscles are approximately half the weight of the human body.

What forms the reference - motor system? Fill out the scheme.

Consider drawings. Float the circle near the figure, which shows the correct posture at the desk.

Write what a person looks like with the right posture.
A person with a good, right posture is a straight back, scattered shoulders raised by the head. Such a person looks slim, beautiful.

Consider drawings. Think what the behavior of children can lead to.

In drawings, come up with and write down the rules on how you can not behave.
It is impossible to beat the head, climb the limbs. It is impossible to push and put the steps, especially, to do it dangerous on the stairs. All this can lead to serious injury.

Tasks lesson:

  • introduce students with the structure of the skeleton and the properties of human bones;
  • develop the ability to extract information from various sources;
  • rise the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  • promote the formation of a Wood:
  • cognitive UDD (general educational: learn to allocate and formulate an informative goal, to learn the search and analysis of the necessary information);
  • regulatory Wood (learn goaling, planning, self-esteem);
  • personal (awareness and adoption of rules),
  • communicative Woods (organization and implementation of training cooperation).

Equipment. Computer, Multimedia Projector, Screen, PowerPoint Presentation to Lesson, Tutorial O.T. Podgoz and V.D. Shilin " The world", O.T. Pozpogas" Workbook on the world around the world "Part 2, a mock of a skeleton of a man, posters on the board.

During the classes

1. Motivational and estimated stage.

1) Individual work on cards. (Appendix No. 1)

Disseasing 1 tasks to identify the subject of the lesson.

- Using the syllables of this table, make answers to my questions (slide number 1)

  1. Science, the emblem of which is the image of a snake, which explores the causes of diseases and methods of their treatment (medicine)
  2. Science, studying the structure of the human body (anatomy)
  3. Science, studying the work of the human body (physiology)
  4. Science of preservation and health promotion (hygiene)

Success map. Self-assessment: - Mark on a success map: who completed all tasks without errors - a column of a green mug, 1-2 errors - yellow, 3 or more errors - red. Summing up in the class of class success. (Appendix No. 2, 2a)

- From unused cells, determine the subject of the lesson.

Theme of our lesson: Skeleton. Reliable support and protection. (Slide number 2)

- What educational tasks will put on the lesson, based on the sciences, which are studied by the human body.

- for what a skeleton need; (These questions set us science: Anatomy and physiology and hygiene)

- How to grow high and slender? (Slide number 3)

2. Search step.

- The answer to the first question will be sophisticated in the textbook (* Tutorial O.T. Poshgomov and V.D. Shilin "Surrounding Mir", M., 2011)

1) Working with a textbook. Open the tutorial on page 11, consider the skeleton scheme, read the material.

2) Front work. Answer the questions:

  1. What is the skeleton need? (It serves as a human body support and protects internal organs)
  2. How many bones in the skeleton of man? (200)
  3. What is an important part of the skeleton? (spine)
  4. How many vertebrals in it? (33) There are interlayers of elastic cartilage tissue between them, which provide flexibility to the spine.
  5. What domestic organ protects the spine? (spinal cord)
  6. How many pairs of Ryubers in the chest? (12) 12 pairs of Ryubers are attached to breast vertebrae. They are together with a strip bone - sternum - form a chest. It can slightly rise and expand slightly, which is important when breathing.
  7. What bodies protect the chest? (heart and light) pair of curved clavicle and a pair of flat blades form a shoulder belt.
  8. What bones make up the upper limb? (Shoulder, forearm, handbrush) to powerful pelvic bones attached bones of lower extremities.
  9. What bones make up the lower limb? (thigh, shin, stop)

The main departments of a human skeleton. (Slide number 4)

  • Head Department.
  • The body of the body.
  • Department of the Upper Limbs.
  • Department of the lower limbs.
  1. With what is connected among themselves most bones? (moving joints).

Success map. Self-assessment: - Who believes that he answered questions without mistakes, notes in the column of a green mug, 1-3 errors - yellow, 4 or more - red. (Appendix No. 3)

Fisminet "Royal posture"

Stand straight, legs together,

Lower your hands down.

Straighten your shoulders wider -

This, children, not capricious!

Once - forward, then - back.

Repeat 5 times in a row. (Shoulders)

One, two, three, four, five.

The back is smooth again.

And now there is a hand (hands on top and bottom behind his back, towards each other)

Stretch not for boredom.

Let the palms will meet -

The back is better kept.

All simple exercise

You will be helped without a doubt.

The prize is not a bagel, not a ram.

3. Practical stage.

- To better remember the structure of the skeleton, work in pairs. Dan text for each pair, insert words from the frame.

1) work in pairs. In the text insert the missed words, from the frame. Text is divided between pairs. (Slide number 5) (Appendix No. 4)

Rules for work in pairs:

  • i think myself;
  • i express my opinion;
  • i listen to the neighbor;
  • we conclude to the general opinion.

More than 200 bones is _______________ person. It supports _________ Body, ________________ Authorities from damage, allows a person to move.

The spine consists of 33 __________________. Inside the spine is __________________________________.

The chest consists of vertebrae, sternum and ________ Couple Ryuber. It protects ___________ and ___________.

Shoulder, forearm and ____________________ are upper ____________________.

Hip, _________________ and stop - composite parts ___________________ limbs. Most bones are connected moving using _________________.

Success map. Self-esteem: - Guys in a pair who performed without errors, will be celebrated in the column of the green mug, 1 error - yellow, 2 errors - red.

2) solve the second educational task Lesson: - What properties do you have bones to be supporting and protection?

I will give you examples and I will ask questions, and you can call the properties of bones.

1. The bones are stronger than reinforced concrete, for example, a large bone of the lower leg can withstand up to 1500 kg. (strength)

2. Press the bone. Does she change his shape?

- What is the name of the material property? (elasticity)

3. Decide the task: the mass of the body of an adult is 80 kg, and the mass of its skeleton is about 8 kg. What is easier and how many times?

- What property of the skeleton goes on?

Properties of bones (Slide number 7)

  • strength;
  • elasticity;

Fizminutka. Exercise for the eyes.

  • The movements of pupils left - right, up - down, circular movements with pupils. Snoop the eyes of the nasty. Loosen muscles, open eyes.
  • on the tip of the nose - ahead and, without passing the view, on the parties, on the bridge - forward and on the parties, to the point between the eyebrows, and then again ahead and, without translating the view, on the parties.

I decide the third learning task: - How to grow high and slender? Allow the dispute of two boys.

Problem situation. One of them claims: "To be healthy, you need to lie more, then the load on the skeleton will be less." Another objects: "To be healthy, you need to move more, do physical work, sports." Who is right?

Answers and reasoning students. (Slide number 8)

- To be healthy, you need to eat right, move more, do physical work, sports.

For the landmark of watching

Your bones take care.

Hold the posture Rivne

Spin will be healthy.

- What important word sounded in the poem? (posture)

- What is posture? (The usual position of the body during standing, seating, or walking)

We continue to solve the 3rd learning task: - How to grow high and slender?

Work in groups:

1) draw up the rules, you can use the textbook on page 15-16;

2) Show clearly for 1 and 2 groups, 3 group shows exercises to prevent flatfoot.

1. Task 1 group. How to sit right? Show how to sit right and how the guys violate the rules. (Slide number 9)

Sydi correctly (slide number 10)

  • Sit straight, slightly tilting the head forward.
  • Do not bother about the edge of the table.
  • Legs at right angles rest on the floor with the whole stop.

2. Task 2 groups. How to walk? Show how to walk right and how the guys violate the rules. (Slide number 11)

Go correctly (slide number 12)

- Raised head.

  • To keep the severity at the same time in two hands or after certain intervals, it is shifted from one hand to another.
  • It is better to go to school with a grandfather behind your back.
  • Sitting and standing with the most straightened back.

3. Task 3 groups. How to avoid flatfoot? (Slide number 13)

Success map. Commentary teachers about the work of groups.

Criteria for assessing the work of groups: (Slide No. 15)

  • worked together;
  • worked all the guys of the group;
  • received a general result.

4. Reflective-valued stage.

- Let's check that we learned in the lesson. The success map has a line for 4 tasks. If the statement is correct, put +, if not -.

  1. Human skeleton protects internal organs from damage (+)
  2. Human bones durable, heavy and elastic (-)
  3. In order to keep a human skeleton healthy need to lie a lot (-)
  4. With the right post, the heart works well, the breath is smooth, the blood is freely moving in the body (+)
  5. Girls to avoid flatfoot, we must wear high-heeled shoes (-)

Success map. Self-esteem: - If there is no mistakes to note in the column of the green mug, if 1 error is yellow, 2 or more - red. (Slide number 16)

Lesson results: (Slide number 17)

What learning task decided today in the lesson?

- for what a skeleton need;

- What properties are bones;

- How to grow high and slender?

- What was interesting?

- What can come in handy in life?

Class Success Card. Summing up on the map, the conclusions of the teacher, the marks of the teacher for the lesson. (Slide number 18)

5. Homework (Slide number 19)

Page.11-16, Notebook page 2-3, make a skeleton scheme from a notebook.

  • 1 group. Rachiocampsis.
  • 2 group. Types of herbs and fractures.
  • 3 group. First aid for injuries and fractures.

Use additionally encyclopedia "I want to know everything."

Presentation to the lesson on the environment (Grade 3) on the topic:

Human organism: "Reliable protection and support", 3 class UMK "Harmony"

The presentation was created to the classroom of the weapon world in the 3rd grade Harmony (Putlazov) on the topic "Human organism: reliable protection and support".



Signatures for slides:

Reliable protection and support surrounding the world, Grade 3 CMSC "Harmony" Marchenko E.V.

Musculoskeletal system Skeleton man Support protection The skeleton of a person consists of about 206 bones.

Spine Stop Skin Hoor Peluce Tase Upper Limit Skull Shoulder Limit Breast Low Frequency Breast Cell

Skeleton Human Skull Cheese Rib Spine Tase Big Berbsovaya Bone Small Berbsova Bone High Bone Elbow Bone Rady Bone Shoulder Clavicle

The spine consists of 33 vertebrae

Skull skull consists of 26 separate bones and reliably covers the brain lattice bone nasal bone Skulent bone Upper jaw lower jaw

The skull bones are connected together and form a solid sphere. When Udodor, the brain may slow down slightly. Because of the strike head, the head can ache or begin to darmest in the eyes.

Most skeleton bones are interconnected by moving joints. They fasten the bones with durable ligaments. Elbow joint knee joint

Small Berbsovaya Bone Big Berbsovaya Bone Padelnik Thigh Bone Bundles

What properties do bones?

The mass of the bones of the skeleton of an adult is about 8 kg. Bone Properties: Strength Elasticity Eases The high bone of the lower leg may be loaded up to 1500 kg.

The human bones are growing. Up to 12 years of bones consist mainly of cartilage and harden only by 25 years.

1. Compact substance 2. Spongeous substance periosteum compact substance KosovoProg substance 2 1

How to grow high and slim? For the growth of bones, "Building Material" is needed - mineral salts. Therefore, useful food with dairy products, fish, eggs. Important for bones and piglery physical exertion.

Liliput Robert Ladlow 2m 72 cm iron hypophysis produced hormone growth pituitary

How to sit and walk? Posture - the usual position of the body during standing, seating or walking. The greatest load is tested by the spine and bones of the legs. Normal Stop Flatteopic Exercises for Prevention Flattead

In order for the posture to be proper and beautiful, it is necessary to periodically change the position of the body and remove the load from the spine. In Japan, workers perform a small complex of physical exercise students of grade 2 MOU SOSH No. 3 during a common physical education pause

Basic injuries of bones and joints: Tensile bonds dislocation of the joint bone fracture

What to do with bone injuries?

Study of the victim in the hospital.

With numerous bones fractures fasten with screws using metal plates

With a fracture of the clavicle, it is followed to immobilize the hand, putting it along the body and secure the bandage. So that the hand lay exactly needed between the torso and hand to put a piece of fabric.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Lesson for improving and securing skills. Work occurs in groups. All tasks are selected for the development of logical and economic thinking; The ability to draw conclusions, summarize.

Methodical development of the lesson of the surrounding world Grade 3 on the topic: "Reliable protection and support".

Presentation to the lesson "Reliable protection and support".

The work contains an abstract of a lesson and a presentation to the lesson of the surrounding world in grade 3 "Reliable protection and support".

Control work on mathematics under the program of developing learning L. V. Zankova (the authors of the textbook and the Arginian, E I. Ivanovskaya. And Dr.) 3 class. Analyst selection contains 10.

Support and body protection .. Why does your body disappear into the cake, like the jellyfish thrown on the coast? - Presentation

Presentation on the topic: »Support and body protection .. Why does your body disappear into the cake like the jellyfish thrown on the beach?" - Transcript:

1 Support and body protection.

2 Why does your body disappear into a cake like a jellyfish thrown on the beach?

3 Skeleton is a frame that gives the body size, shape, protects, maintains internal organs in a certain position. The skeleton serves as a muscle support.

5 bones lead in motion muscles. They, as if ropes, consist of thin fibers. With their ends of the muscles are attached to the bones. When the muscle is shrinking, the bones are like being pulled up to each other.

6 in the body of an adult is about 200 separate bones.

7 bones of spongy (do not have cavities) tubular (have cavity)

8 bone is an organ consisting of bone tissue, cartilage tissue, blood vessels and nerves and performing support function.

9 bones composition Organic substances - give flexibility and elasticity of the bones. Organic substances - give flexibility and elasticity of the bones. Minerals - provide bones hardness. Minerals - provide bones hardness. Decalcinated bone

10 bone tissue cells

11 bone compounds stationary semi-motionable movable

12 Fixed connection due to seams due to seams due to the fire of bones due to the fire of bones

13 semi-propelled joint due to cartilage

14 Mobile connection due to joints Bundles articular cartilages articular heads articular cotton brass liquid

15 The composition of the skeleton bones depends on the age of a person and from the quality of food. If there are many minerals in the bones, they become fragile and easily break. If there are many organic substances in the bones, they become soft and flexible and easily curved.

17 for the growth of bones is necessary " construction material»- Mineral salts.

18 The rules of first aid during injury of the arm or legs to ensure peace and immobility of the injured hand or legs to ensure peace and immobility of the injured arm or legs on the broken bone apply a tire of the skull, and in the hospital fix its position to the solidifying layer of plaster. Gypsum is removed after the blows of the bone. The broken bone is applied to the tire of associates, and in the hospital, its position fixes the solidifying layer of plaster. Gypsum is removed after the blows of the bone. When injected, an ice bubble should be applied or a cloth moistened in cold water. When injected, an ice bubble should be applied or a cloth moistened in cold water.

20 properties of the skeleton bones Properties of the skeleton bones provide support body supports support body shape support durable body shape, elastic, lungs (bone strength give mineral substances in them) durable, elastic, light (bone strength give mineral substances contained in them) An adult skeleton bones of about 8 kilograms. The bones of man are growing to 18 - 25 years old.

22 Spine Copchik - the tail, which remained from an ancient ancestor.

23 Differences in the growth of man in the morning and in the evening it is explained by the fact that the discs between the vertebrae are drilled by water and nutrients and become thicker. During the day they lose water and become thinner - growth decreases.

24 spine of an elderly person.

27 brain is a very important and tender part of the body. Nature took care of him, damaging in a durable bone shell.

28 skull bones longer than all bones are stored in the ground. According to them, archaeologists managed to restore the appearance of an ancient person, trace how gradually the man cleared, his brain increased.

29 chest blade shovel yard ribs spine

30 What bodies protect the chest? Light Heart

31 Due to the mixing compound of ribs with vertebrae, the amount of the chest may increase and decrease. breathing breath

32 live levers. Compare the structure of the arms and legs.

33 shoulder forearm brush

34 How many bones consists of each finger?

35 thigh shin stop

37 human monkey skeleton

38 Giant and Liliputa most a tall man The planets had a height of 2 m 85 m. The smallest Liliput is 48 cm.

39 in China is considered fashionable if the woman has a small leg.

41 muscles and movement.

42 muscles are attached to the skeleton and make it move on the brain team. Without muscles, all the bones would be still. We join, turn over, waving your hands, turn your head, move your fingers, pushed and sing. And all this is the work of the muscles.

43 Basic Muscle Muscle Muscle Groups: Head Muscles: Dog Music Muscles: Torch Muscles: Breasts Breasts - Wigsa Wigs of Belly-Fire Muscles: Muscles of Limbs:

44 One of the most powerful muscles is the calf.

45 Short, wide muscles are between the ribs and ensure the movement of the chest.

46 There are muscles in the walls of the stomach, intestines.

47 Heart is also a muscle, only special. This muscle has to work rhythmically all life.

48 Muscles are divided into: Muscles - Muscle Flexors - Extension

49 biceps (muscle - flexor) triceps (muscle spinner)

54 What causes human body? Why do people engaged in sports, wide shoulders, powerful breasts, strong neck, strong arms and legs?

55 How many muscles have? How are they attached? What muscles do you know?

56 What muscles are called mimic? Why did a person who have not yet knew the fire, were the chewing muscles and the facial part of the skull?

58 We summarize Knowledge: Take out: What is the importance of muscles? Take a conclusion: What is the importance of muscles?


Skeleton - body support

The skull bones are connected motionless. The protrusions of one bone are included in the deepening of the other; It reminds connecting boards with spikes.

The skeleton serves as a body support, and in this its main meaning. The skeleton of man consists of more than two hundred bones. Some of them, such as the frontal, two dark, occipital into other skull bones, are connected to each other still and very firmly, because they have numerous protrusions of one bone entering the appropriate recesses of the other. Approximately so connect the boards with spikes. Bone spikes are very diverse and fancy. In ancient times in India, they took them for mysterious signs and thought that his fate was written on these signs on the human skull.

The skeleton is not only body support. At the same time, it protects some of the bodies from shocks and damage. So, the brain is reliably protected by a cranial box; The spinal cord is in the spinal canal, which is formed from individual bone vertebrae rings; Light, heart, liver, spleen covered with ribs that are connected from behind with a spine, and in front with sternum.

Support mobile

Atmospheric pressure prevents the joint stretching.

If all the bones were connected to each other motionless, the man would look like a stone sculpture: he could not make any movement. But many bones are unable to be connected, and this makes it possible to move and take different positions. Such movable bones are called joints. In the joint, the sections of neighboring bones are covered with smooth, slippery cartilage and, as it were, are fit to each other. If the surface of one bone convex, the surface of the other has a corresponding recess.

Bone movements in various joints of unequal. For example, the leg in the knee is only bent and extensible, and other movements are almost impossible for it. We not only bend and exaggerate, but we move to the side. In some joints, the bone can also rotate.

Features of movements in each joint depends on the shape of the articular surfaces of the bones. The most diverse movements of the bones where the surface of the joints of the spherical shape, for example in the shoulder joint, is the most diverse.

In each joint around the contacting parts of the other bone there is a dense, impermeable even for air shell. Its edges are fascinated with the surrounding sections of the bones. This shell is called the articular bag. Her durability increases special ligaments with bones.

From physics, it is known that if you apply two hollow hemispheres to each other, the edges of which in all their points are tightly in contact, and to dig air from them, then for separation they need to be attached to a huge force that would overcome the pressure of atmospheric air to the outer surface of the hemispheres.

The same can be said about the joints. There is no air inside the joints. Stretch the joint, i.e., push the contacting bones is very difficult, because this will prevent the atmospheric pressure of the outer air, which presses the bones to each other. It has been established that the strength of the joint decreases sharply if it is punctured by a pin. Move the movement in the joint is very easy. You can raise your hand, pull it forward or take to the side. With each movement, the bone continues to touch with each other, but their mutual position changes.

It would seem that the movable bone joints must prevent the skeleton support function. In fact, try conventional table legs to replace such that, like human legs, would consist of several moving connected links. It is unlikely that anyone will agree to lunch or work at this table. However, in reality, the rolling connection of most skeleton bones not only does not disturb its reference function, but, on the contrary, makes it more perfect.

At the same table you will not have lunch. (left). Another thing is the same table, but with fixed links of the legs. (on right)

And yet the support is stable

The skeleton serves as a support of the entire body and its individual parts under any conditions: And when a person lies or stands, and when it goes or works. This is due to the fact that each joint can be temporarily consolidated in one or another position and becomes motionless. When a person stands, its knee joint is firmly fixed in a dispere position. It is worth squatting how the same joint will be fixed in the bent position.

Temporary consolidation of the joint, as well as the change in its position is carried out by skeletal muscles. Almost all the muscles are connected to their ends with two bones, most often adjacent.

Each muscle from the dorsal and brain is suitable nerve. On it, one after the other is racing the waves of excitement. Reaching the muscles, they force her to work. And the work of the muscle is that it is reduced, in other words, shortening. Reducing, the muscles pull the bones, and this leads to the movement of the body or its individual parts. Consequently, with the movements of the muscles play an active role, and the bones - passive; They continue to perform their main feature, namely, to serve as a support of each part of the body. The bones together with the muscles attached to them are customary to call the organs of movement or, more correctly, the musculoskeletal system.

Levers of our body

Experience with the lever of the second kind. Miscellaneous location of the strength of the current and strength opposing.

What happens to the bones, to which the ends of the cutting muscle are attached?

Suppose a person bends his hand in the elbow with a fixed position of the shoulder bone. Then the forearm together with the brush can be viewed as a lever, which is driven by the shoulder muscle and a double-headed, or biceps: the elbow joint is a point of support; the center of gravity of the forearm and brushes - the point of the application of the force that pulls the lever down; The place of attaching both muscles is the point of the application of the force raising the lever.

This is a second-kind lever. In it, the application points of the active and counteractive forces are one side from the point of the support. We often use a similar lever in life. Such, for example, tongs for nuts or vaga - pole, which is used to move or turn a thick log, large stone or other heavy item. In the levers of the second kind, the application point of the active force is usually at a greater distance from the point of the support, than the point of application of the opposing force. This makes it possible to overcome a very significant opposition with a relatively small effort.

Let's try to figure out what is the case. Take the lever of the second kind of 50 cm long. At its middle I will attach two cords with the same gyms, weighing for 20 g. One cord is thrown through the block and pulls the lever upwards, and the other pulls it down. Giri definitely balance each other, and the lever does not rise and does not go down.

Now move the points of attachment cords. Cord, peroxided through the block, strengthen at the very end of the lever, and leave the other cord on the old place. At the same time, the first cord, which pulls the lever upwards, will be attached to the lever at a distance, twice the support point than the second cord. Will there be an equilibrium? Of course not: the lever will immediately rise. To restore equilibrium, it is necessary either doubled to reduce the load of the far cord, or twice the cargo of the near cord.

We will do more complex experience. Cord, which pulls the lever down, moves to the point of the support so that it is at a distance of 5 cm from it. The weight of the cargo is still 20 g. Another cord will gradually move along the lever. First, it will strengthen it at a distance of 10 cm from the point of the support. Then, for balancing on this cord, it is necessary to suspend not 20, but only 10 g. I will move the cord even further so that it is 25 cm from the point of the support. Now to achieve equilibrium enough 4 g.

The more removed from the point of the support, the point of attachment of the cord pulling the lever upwards, the less cargo you can balance the lever. If you attach this cord at a distance of 50 cm from the point of the support, i.e. at the very end of the lever, then it is enough 2 g to balance the cargo in 20 g, attached to the lever at a distance of 5 cm from the support point.

To keep the cargo, weighing only 1 kg, the muscle should be reduced with the power required to raise the cargo weighing 10 kg.

It is easy to notice that the force required to move the lever should be the less than the distance from the location of the application to the support point. Putting a nut into the deepening of the forceps, located very close to the point of the lever support, we are easily split it. The force produced for this is much smaller that it is necessary to split the nut, and applied to it without the use of the lever.

In the levers of our body, almost always the points of the application effort and opposition are different: closer to the point of the support is the place of attachment of the muscle, i.e. the current force. Therefore, to overcome the opposition, the muscles must develop very greater force. However, it turns out a significant gain in motion.

Suppose a person keeps the object in a bent hand, weighing 1 kg. The opposition point, i.e., the center of gravity of the forearm along with a loaded brush is 8-10 times further from the point of the support than the point of the application of the force, that is, the place of attachment of the muscle. Therefore, to keep the cargo, weighing only 1 kg, the muscle should be reduced with the power required to raise the cargo weighing about 10 kg.

Partly joints are fixed even when driving

When a person stands, the support function of the skeleton can be carried out only if each movable connection of the bones of the legs, the body, neck and head is fixedly fixed in a certain position. Work on strengthening rolling bones compounds are performed by our muscles. Their consistent work ensures equilibrium preservation. The reduction force of individual muscles is continuously changing in full compliance with the equilibrium conservation conditions created at any current. If the bones were connected to each other motionless, the skeleton could not carry out its reference function with such perfection.

Of particular interest is the support function of the skeleton during the movement. When it is necessary to stretch your hand forward, the shoulder joint should be fixed so that in the right direction the movement is easy, but so that the rotation of the hand and the movement of it is impossible. In other words, a partial consolidation of the joint occurs, allowing only one certain movement.

During operation, the direction of movement in the joints is continuously changing, which means that in each given moment, the partial consolidation of the joints occurs in different ways.

The most perfect lubricant

The stronger the two subjects rub each other, the more their rubbing surfaces are heated. From the resulting heat can flare and light up easily flammable items. Already primitive people knew how to mine fire with friction. And until now, for the mining of fire, we usually use friction: you chose a match about the box.

However, it is much more likely to think about how to use friction, but how to deal with him. Friction - interference movement. It's not just that in the machines, the rubbing surfaces are heated. Friction is delayed, slows down movement. Roaming parts are usually gradually erased, collapsed, and therefore, the machine needs to be repaired.

With any movement, the articular surfaces of the bones will rub each other. To reduce and prevent the harmful effects of friction, a grease is needed. And in fact, in each joint there is a lubricant, it is released on the inner surface of the articular bag. In addition, the lubricant form the rubber pads themselves.

Crying is not a dead substance. That of his part that grows with the bone, grows all the time, coming to replace the driving, destroying surface of the cartilage. The more movements are performed in the joint, the stronger the surface of its cartilaginous mess is erased, the faster the cartilage is growing. In this way, there is a constant current repair of rubbing parts of our body.

Draising, the surface layer of cartilage pads turns into lubricant for the joint. The rubbing surfaces are lubricated themselves, constantly maintaining a uniform thin layer of lubricant. That is why the articular surfaces of the bones are always wet and slippery.

There is not a single car in the world, which, like the human joint, rubbing the surface, partially destroyed, would turn into lubricant, and at the same time herself was restored.

Each car must be cleaned from time to time, it is necessary to remove the spent lubricants. And the human joint does not need cleaning. The exhaust lubrication through the wall of the articular bag is absorbed into the blood, just as in the intestinal wall is absorbed into the blood necessary for the body nutrients. As a result, excessive and unfit lubrication is constantly removed from the joint.

Sustains serve themselves. And this self-service is so completely that during the whole of human life they can work carelessly. Only in certain diseases - with articular rheumatism, gout - the normal operation of the joints is disturbed, and then the movements become difficult and painful.

Objectives lesson:

  • Educational: introduce students with the functions of a skeleton, its types and features of the structure different species animals;
  • Developing:develop cognitive interest in the subject, skills to work with a textbook, partially search activity, the ability to answer a problematic question, allocate the main thing, analyze, summarize;
    develop thinking, attention and speech of students;
  • Educational: Educating love for nature, independence, accuracy.

Leading method: Explanatory-illustrative, partially search.

Type of lesson: Lesson studying a new material.

Equipment: Collection of "River Cancer", "Beetle", Slices of mollusks, Skeletons of vertebrates (fish, lizards, birds), tube tube, chalk, multimedia projector, Microsoft PowerPoint presentation "Skeleton - Support Organisms" (Attachment 1), Support schemes (Appendix 2).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Scene "Skeleton".

Acting persons: Aunt Masha, (Technical), Zinka, Dunno.

Turn. An unknown boy runs into class, turns around, inserts a skeleton self-made twin-twisted skeleton and runs away. Includes aunt Masha. Sweep the floor, singing a song "Download more and more for some reason." Remarks at a skeleton cigarette.

Aunt Masha: Oh, the puzzled, again clarity spoil ( takes out a cigarette). Here I am Alla Viktorovna, our biologist, I'll tell you everything.

Included Dunno and Znayka.

Dunno: Here he is a skeleton damned! Again, I did not pass on the topic. And all because of it!

Knowledge: It was necessary to learn. The skeleton here is not what!

Aunt Masha: But I caught you and caught you, how did you think of the Kurvie skeleton treat, he and so we have a dead.

Knowledge: T.Masha, it's not us! Nobody smokes in the classroom! We are for a healthy lifestyle. We are charged every morning.

Dunno: I just can't pass on the topic "Skeleton". Well, O-Chen complicated topic.

Aunt Masha: Well, lovely mine, you are lucky. I am in school, read, I work for twenty years, I know everything about everyone. Listen carefully and, that's, well, and ... CONSTECTION!

- Skelett is the same person, only without meat and skin. And if it were not for him, then the skin would always slide down. So without him anywhere - it is impossible to play nor on a disco or football. The main part, I think this is a call, since everything else is screwed to it, screws. Only recently, he began to sing from me - the doctor says "Radikulit". Here, to the ringtone fasten the motorcycles, upper motels - the sang, the bottom legs ( shows). Hands are needed to work, consider money, well, drink tea. And without legs, you will not fall. In the central part, the grille is special, that is, Lyuba. All internal organs are attached to them - spleen, well, and all Liver. From above, he has a bowler, head in our place. If the cauldraws are well boiled, well, they think that you will immediately put the offset. That's it. Shootped? Now offset in your pocket. I have time to call a call to the lesson (goes out).

Dunno (Following): Thank you, T.Masha.

Knowledge: Well, Dunno, everything is clear to you?

Dunno: Well…

Knowledge: And Von A.V. Going maybe she will help us?

Teacher:Well, guys, help the skill and do not give a test?

II. Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: Today we will get to know the theme "Skeleton - the body's support" (Slide 2).

III. Studying a new material.

Teacher:The huge majority of organisms have different kinds of supporting structures. Even with single-callers - no protected creatures. It is not surprising that some of them build a shell around their bodies. Some build it from tiny grains. Others make it out of salts dissolved in the water of the seas and oceans. Usually such shells consist of several sections, just as the apartment consists of several rooms. As the inhabitant grows, the number of camera sections is increasing! There are sinks that can already be seen with the naked eye.

Dunno: Why do we need sinks for unicellular? (Slide 3)

Teacher: Guys, help do not answer this question?

Children: Protection from enemies.

Teacher: This function performs the support structure of the Foraminiferator. And in radolarium it serves for a waters (movement) in the thickness of water.

- Throughout millions of years after the death of those who created their inhabitants, she went on the seabed of their inhabitants, where they gradually have been harvested, forming a sedimentary breed - limestone. In some places, the bottom of the sea gradually rises, and then the naked limestone can be used for buildings. (Slide 4).

Knowledge:And I know!

Teacher:What do you know, know!

Znayka: In Egypt, limestone quarries are located near the pyramid of Heops. It was from there that the ancient Egyptians cut down during its construction more than two million stone blocks. It turns out that the greatest pyramid of the world consists of residual shells of single-cell organisms! The ancient temples of the city of Vladimir are also folded from limestone slabs formed by single-cell shells. (Slide 5-6)

Dunno: And I know!

Teacher:And even you, Dunno? What do you know?

Dunno:From the remains of tiny sinks consist of the usual school chalk! Only they are so small as the microscope is difficult to see them. A piece of chalk size with nail contains tens of billions of such "shell"! And I know that the chalk is useful! It has a lot of calcium. I tried! ( Blinking a piece of chalk.)

Teacher: Well Znayka and Dunno, what do you know about it! And we guys got acquainted with the originality of the supporting structures of unicellular animals. Otherwise, the situation is in multicellular.

Guys, what do you think, do everyone else have a skeleton? Justify the answer, give examples.

Children:fish, frog ....

Teacher: You listed all vertebrates. However, this is not entirely true: skeletal formations have not only vertebrates, but also invertebrate animals. (Slide 7)

- Do you know, know and Dunno, what distinguishes 2 types of skeleton?

Dunno: No, what?

Teacher: Guys, help the skid and minor! To do this, we will conduct an experiment. One group gets natural objects of invertebrate animals: cancer, beetle, starfish, mollusc shells. Other - objects of vertebrates: skeleton fish, lizards, birds, man. Your task is to determine what is the feature of the skeletons of this group of organisms (where is the skeleton in animals?). What are their reference systems? What do they matter?

- As a result of this experiment, we will start complementing the OK scheme, which is available from each of you. Distinguish two main types of skeleton - ... and .... (Slide 8)

Teacher:Well, Zakina and Dunno, helped you guys answer this question?

Knowledge: Yes, thank you, guys!

Dunno (takes cancer in hand): Wow! What a heavy! Looks like a knight in lats. And his "armor" does not interfere with him to move?

Knowledge:No, Dunno, does not interfere! The main feature of arthropods, which also applies to cancer, is hard, but at the same time a movable external skeleton. In segmental body is covered with chitin - light and durable substance resembling plastic. The chitine shell is not solid, it consists of separate plates, between which the chitinova film is so thin that is easily beaten. In the chitin cover, the cancer is reminded of a medieval knight in the lats. His body is covered with armor, but it allows him to move quickly. (Slide 9)

Teacher: Thank you, I know! And we continue to fill out the scheme. The second part of our ok "features of the skeleton of invertebrates." Recall that I said to know about arthropods? What is the skeleton of cancer? What are its properties? What way of life is cancer? (How is it moving?)

Features of the skeleton of invertebrates. (Slide 10)

Teacher:So, we revealed the features of the skeleton of arthropods. And what is the difference between the skeleton of mollusks? Try to answer this question yourself, working with a textbook on S.92 the third paragraph below. Receive the information to the scheme.

Teacher: Guys, read what you got. So, we got acquainted with the peculiarities of the skeleton of invertebrates. Why do you need a skeleton with this animal?

Teacher:The improvement and complication of the organization of animals during the historical development of the living affected and on the structure of the reference system. So, the vertebrate inner skeleton consists of 3 departments. Dunno and you guys look at our skeleton and try to determine from what 3 departments? (Slide 11-12)

Children: The skeleton of the head, the skeleton of the body and the skeleton of the limbs.

Teacher:Add to the circuit. What are the functions of the vertebrate skeleton? More details with the features of the skeleton of vertebrate animals you will get acquainted in the next lesson.

Teacher:A solid core performs different functions, the main of which is supported: it holds all the organs in a certain position, assumes all the severity of the body. And together with a flexible core gives us the ability to move. In addition, bones, muscles, ligaments serve as a reliable shell for hidden in the body of internal organs and tissues.

IV. Fastening the material studied.

Teacher: Let's go back to the first section of our scheme. On the left lines, distribute animals offered to you to groups depending on the type of their skeleton: sit, cat, bee, man, crow, rainworm, cancer, perch, beetle, leech.Be careful: all animals need to be distributed. (Slide 13)

Knowledge:The rainworm and leech do not belong to either the first or to the second group of support systems. For soft animals, another type of support is characteristic - hydraulic. They have a liquid concluded inside the muscular walls of the body. This fluid has pressure on the muscles, and those, in turn, are able to shrink, overcoming this pressure. On what property of the fluid is the principle of operation of the hydraulic oil?

Dunno: I know on what: liquid is well compressed. Here you yourself try.

Knowledge:But I have a model of a unique being, which simultaneously has two skeletons: and outdoor, like invertebrates, and inner, like vertebrates. Guess what kind of animal?

Her wisdom will not forget:
"You walk quieter, you will continue."
"Kosyna" her shirt
Crawling without fear ...

Children:Turtle. (Slide 14)

V. The result of the lesson.

Teacher:So guys, let's summarize our lesson: (Slide 15)

  1. How did you understand what a skeleton is? (Skeleton is a solid core core).
  2. What functions does the skeleton perform? (Skeleton performs ..., ... and ... functions.).

Dunno: Correctly t. Masha said that without a skeleton, not in the cinema, nor on a disco or football to play.

Teacher:Well, knowing and dunning, do you now know about the skeleton, can you pass the offset?

Dunno: Yes, thank you very much guys!

Vi. Homework.

- Tutorial - with. 92-93, material OK.

Knowledge: During summer holidays Collect the collection of river sinks or marine mollusks . (Slide 16)


  1. Vysotskaya M.V.. Biology. Living organism. Grade 6: Pounding plans for the textbook N.I. Sonina - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005.
  2. Children's encyclopedia Cyril and Methodius 2007.
  3. Igoshin G.P. Biology lessons in the 6th grade. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2002.

Test on biology skeleton - body support for grade 6 students with answers. The test consists of 2 options in each of 8 tasks.

1 option

1. Skeleton frogs is part of the system

1) nervous
2) selection
3) reference
4) respiratory

2. The shells of the simplest animals perform a function

1) nutrition
2) breeding
3) Support
4) breathing

3. Throughout the life of the cartilage skeleton persists

1) Pigeon
2) Toha
3) Gadyuki.
4) sharks

4. Wood plants support the stem

1) Core
2) Cambier
3) Mechanical Fabric
4) educational fabric

5. Bones skeleton birds are formed by cloth

1) nervous
2) connective
3) Epithelial
4) Muscular


A. Skeleton, as an organ of support, have only vertebrate animals.
B. Parts of the skeleton of vertebrate animals are driven by muscles.

1) is true only
2) true only b
3) Both judgments are true
4) Nevertheless both judgments


Support systems provide the body

1) Food
2) damage protection
3) Saving body shape
4) digestion
5) compression resistance
6) irritability



1. Cancer
2. Tiger
3. Snail
4. Herring
5. Zhuk.

Type of skeleton

A. Outdoor
B. Internal

Option 2

1. Mollusc shells play a role

1) Skeleton
2) kidneys
3) breathing organ
4) intestinal cavity

2. The outer layer of arthropod animals consists of

1) Lime
2) skin
3) Bones
4) chitin

3. Function support performs an internal skeleton in the body

1) Perch
2) Zhuka
3) Snails
4) Cancer

4. In the trunks of the trees, the role of support plays

1) Cambier
2) Loub.
3) Leather
4) Wood

5. The bones of the skull of vertebrate animals are connected by

1) Shvov
2) cartilage
3) muscles
4) Joints

6. Are the following statements are true?

A. Animal Organisms have an outdoor or inner skeleton.
B. In mollusks and cancers, the skeleton function performs the sink.

1) is true only
2) true only b
3) Both judgments are true
4) Nevertheless both judgments

7. Choose three correct allegations.

The role of the outer skeleton in invertebrate animals play

1) Hitin
2) Skeleton
3) a binder
4) Sink
5) Musculature
6) dense bodies of the body

8. Install the correspondence between the animal and the type of its skeleton.


1. Lizard
2. Korshun.
3. Crab
4. Lynx
5. Oyster

Type of skeleton

A. Outdoor
B. Internal

Reply to Test on Biology Skeleton - body support
1 option
Option 2

Biology lesson 6class

Skeleton - body support

Biology teacher R.L. Fosenko

Skeleton - organism

Musculoskeletal system

  • What unites them?

Skeleton body support.

On the frame It holds everything building . Same strong frame There are in our body, it is called - skeleton

  • Musculoskeletal system (Synonyms: Musculoskeletal system, bone-muscular system, locomotor system, skeletal-muscular system) - a complex of structures forming a frame that gives the shape of the body that gives him a support that protects the internal organs and the possibility of movement in space.

The value of the body support system.

  • Forms a frame.
  • Gives the shape of the body.
  • Provides protection

internal organs.

  • Gives the opportunity to move

in space.

  • reference - fixation of muscles and internal organs;
  • protective - Protection of Vital Organs ( brain and spinal cord , a heart and etc.);
  • motor - provision of simple movements, motor Action ( posture , locomotion , manipulations) I. motor activities ;
  • spring - softening of impetus and concussions;
  • Function of vouchers

Skeleton simplest

A distinctive feature of the foraminiferis is the presence of a shell - a protective education that surrounds the body of an animal outside. This is an external skeleton, its structure is difficult, and the form is diverse from different species. The sink most of the forainiferms is lime, sometimes chitinoid, less often consists of grain grains sticking to mucus covering the body of the animal.

  • Radiolaria , or rayeviki (lat. Radiolaria.) - unicellic Planktonic organisms living predominantly in warm ocean waters. Skeleton consists of chitin and dioxide silicon or sulkish strontium (cellina). Living radolation skeleton is inside cells . Rays serve to strengthen the pseudoenia. Rayeviki is a national team that contains different for the origin of the form of the simplest.

Severe two types of skeleton:

  • Outdoor skeleton internal skeleton

consists of three departments:

skeleton heads

skeleton of the body, the skeleton of the limbs

Some simplest



Some simplest


(snails, pondoviki, mussels, oysters)

Changogo mollusks


(crabs, crabs, insects)


(Octopus, Caracatia)

(fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals)

Types of skeleton

Outdoor skeleton


Inner skeleton

  • beetle, Cancer, Fish, Snakes, Frog, Snail, Birds, Simplest; Foraminifera, Radiolaries, Chattonifications Mollusks .

Features of the outer skeleton.

consists of a chitin-substance released by skin cells, soaked with mineral salts and becomes stronger

Light, but durable chitinos

consists of lime and rod-like substance

mollusks (sink) Cancer (shell) Beetle

Features of the inner skeleton.

Axial skeleton

Peripheral skeleton

Skeleton torso

Skeleton head (skull)

Skeleton limbs

  • Interior skeleton - This is the support base of the body of the vertebral animal. The skeleton participates in the movement of the body, protects the internal organs. Musculatory is attached to the skeleton. In the bones of the skeleton there are blood-forming fabrics - in particular, a red bone marrow. Also, the skeleton serves as a depot of substances - in it are stored in calcium reserves and other substances.

Internal vertebrate skeleton.


1. The call of fish, consists of two departments - torso and tail. 2. The serpent elongated, without limbs. Body length from 10 cm to 14.4 m. Snakes are characterized by plenty of vertebrae (from 200 to 450) Breasts like I. chest No, when swallowing food ribs are moving away. Shoulder girdle absent. Rudiment pelvic belt Some primitive families are stored. 3. The skeleton of birds is clearly pronounced features associated with the device to the flight. Flat bones are usually very thin, spongy. In large tubular bones, the cavity filled with or bone and air is well developed, or air. All this ensures the increased strength of the skeleton and significantly facilitates it. 4. The alternate is divided into head, torso, tail (tailed) and five-plated limbs. The head is movably connected to the torso. . In adversible bones of the forearm and the tibia merge. All bones of the back limb are very elongated, forming powerful levers to move with jumps. 5. Mammals have inner skeleton (U. battleship There is I. external skeleton In the form of a shell - as an addition to internal). Skeleton includes skull , spine , chest , belt upper and lower extremities and for yourself limb

  • 1Backs
  • 2.Suhrilius
  • 3.Cees

  • In plants, a mechanical fabric serves the main support. In combination with other tissues, it forms a skeleton of plants.

  • Hydrostatic skeleton (or gidroskeleton) - The system of maintaining the shape of the body (sometimes also movements) of some animals, based on the compression of a strip fluid by reducing muscle fibers.
  • The presence of a hydraulic cooler is characteristic of soft animals (worms, actinium, jellyfish).
  • Concentrated inside the muscular walls, the strip fluid has pressure on the muscles. The pressure of the stripe fluid and the muscle contraction caused by them, in turn, contribute to maintaining the body shape of the animal

  • Why most mollusks behave a fixed lifestyle?
  • Why most insects fly well?
  • The chitinous cover of the crayfish is very durable, how then grow raks?

1. Describe the body skeleton (skeletal type, skeletal function.)

Describe the skeleton of the body (skeletal type, skeletal functions.)

Describe the skeleton of the body (skeletal type, skeletal functions.)

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