“... we live in space, and space lives in us. Project "Mysterious Space Project on the topic we live in space

Technological map of extracurricular activities of the know-it-all circle (project activity) Teacher: Voronina Tatyana Gennadievna. Topic of the lesson: Protection of the project “We live in space” (course “The world around us”) Grade 2 EMC “Planet of Knowledge” Objectives: to expand students' first ideas about space; education of patriotism and civic consciousness on the basis of educational and additional material. Development of creative and communicative abilities of students. Tasks:       expand horizons; learn to find sources of information; learn to extract information related to the topic; learn to plan work on a project; learn to cooperate with each other in the implementation of the project; learn to finish what you start. Methods used, teaching technologies - observation, research, verbal, visual methods, design method, problem-based learning, collaborative learning technology, ICT. Forms of organization used cognitive activity students - frontal, group, pair, individual. Equipment - the textbook "The world around" GG. Ivchenkova, I.V. Potapov, workbook on the world around G.G. Ivchenkova, I.V. Potapov, electronic presentation, multimedia application for the lessons of the world around, cards with words, projector. Predicted result Personal UUD:

 positive attitude to learning as intellectual work; SUBJECT  read aloud by heart meaningfully, conveying the desired intonation;    name the planets of the solar system; to distinguish a planet from a star; talk about the impact of human activities on the study of space; META-SUBJECT Regulatory ECM:    plan your own participation in project activities(based on the template in the workbook). understand the purpose of the actions performed, set learning task under the guidance of a teacher; outline a plan for completing tasks under the guidance of a teacher; evaluate the performance of the task according to the following parameters: completed in full or in part, which manifested the complexity of the implementation. Cognitive UUD: * understand the meaning of reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias; * use reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias to search for information when preparing a project Communicative UUD:  observe in everyday life the basic norms of speech etiquette and the rules of oral communication  cooperate with classmates when performing project activities;   understand and convey the content of the texts read; listen and understand others, express your point of view,

 Collaborate with peers and adults to implement project activities. №п/п The main stages The activity of the teacher The activity of the students of the lesson 1. Self-determination for activity. I express good wishes to the students, I propose to wish each other good luck. What do you need to be successful in class? Welcome teachers. Getting ready for work. Wish each other good luck. Attention, composure, mutual assistance, etc. 1 student. Space is so cool! Stars and planets In black weightlessness Slowly float! 2 student. Space is so cool! Sharp missiles At great speed Rushing here and there! 3 student. Rockets are rushing to distant worlds, The heart is torn to exploits ... Whoever believes in winged dreams, like a song, He will achieve his goal! 2. Actualization What topic are we studying on (“We live on planet Earth”) Formed UUD observance in everyday life of the basic norms of speech etiquette and rules of oral communication; positive attitude to learning as intellectual work; Read by heart meaningfully, conveying the desired intonation

(learn interesting facts about space) knowledge. environmental lessons? During the study of this topic, we were preparing to defend the project “We live in space”. What was our goal with this project? To achieve this goal, we have identified the topics that you are most interested in (writing on the board): 1. This mysterious space(Information block). 2. Which of the people first flew into space? (Information block). 3. A handwritten book of riddles about space. (Creative) 4. Models of spaceships. (Creative) 5.Cosmonaut girl costume. (Creative) 6. Exhibition of drawings "We live in space." (Creative) 3. Protection of the project. The view of the starry sky is to understand the purpose of the actions performed, to set a learning task under the guidance of a teacher; to outline a plan for completing tasks under the guidance of a teacher; plan your own participation in project activities (based on the template in the workbook).

mystery and beauty. Slide 3. Previously, long ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants, standing importantly on the shell of a huge turtle. This miracle turtle swims in the ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars. Slide 4. Several thousand years have passed since then. Many generations of kind and intelligent people have grown up on our Earth. They built ships and, having traveled around the world, they learned that the Earth is a sphere. And astronomers have proven that the Earth flies in space, revolving around the Sun, making one revolution around its axis per year. 2 student: Multimedia application (disk). (The student works with an interactive whiteboard) There are 9 planets in the solar system. They are all different sizes. The largest of them is Jupiter, and the smallest is Mercury. Look! This big blue ball is our home planet Earth. It has seas, oceans, mountains, valleys. This is the only planet in the entire solar system on which people live, you and I. We found a poem on the Internet that will help you easily remember the location of the planets. In order, all the planets Will name any of us: activities (under the guidance of an adult). planning their actions in accordance with the goal to retell what they read briefly, selectively, using the appropriate vocabulary; name the planets of the solar system;

There are so many stars in the sky that they are grouped into constellations. Slide 5. 4 student: The most bright stars in the sky they have their own name, for example, Altair, Vega, Sirius, etc. All stars visible from the Earth belong to one constellation or another. (show). A group of stars united by an imaginary line is called a constellation. In clusters of stars, our ancestors guessed the figures of various animals, objects, people, mythological heroes. In an imaginary sky, images of some of the most famous constellations that we can observe in our part of the world have been recreated. In fact, there are a lot of constellations 88 and each has its own name. The history of constellation names is interesting. Slide 6. 5 student: I want to introduce you to an interesting fact of the name and formation of the constellation Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. The brightest, clearly visible to the naked eye, the stars of both Bears form figures in the sky that resemble buckets in outline. They consist of 7 stars. "Ladle" Ursa Major spread wide across the sky. A little to the right, as if inverted relative to it, the less bright bucket of Ursa Minor shines. At the tip of the "tail" of Ursa Minor (the end of the handle of the tail) is now the most famous star Polaris. She points encyclopedias to search for information in preparing a project to distinguish a planet from a star; write multi-digit numbers building speech

travelers by land and sea direction north. An amazing legend is associated with this constellation. 6 student: Slide 7. That was a long time ago. Among the hills is an ordinary village. Lived in the village ordinary people. In one family there was a daughter, her name was Aina. The girl was the kindest in the village. One day at dawn, a strange black wagon pulled by black horses appeared on the outskirts of the village. The carriage was driven by a man dressed all in black, he was laughing out loud. On the wagon there was a cage in which a white bear cub was sitting, sucking its paw, and tears flowed from its eyes. The villagers were indignant, but no one dared to say a word to the black man. Only Aina asked to let the polar bear cub go. To which the stranger laughed and replied: "I will release the bear cub in the event that someone gives his eyes for him." Everyone was silent, but Aina agreed. Then the man released the bear cub, and Aina lost her sight. The stranger disappeared, Aina was crying. The bear cub tied Aina by a rope and led her around the village. People saw how the white bear cub led the girl along the moonlit path into the sky. Since then, they are always visible so that people remember good and evil. The leader of the group represents the guys working on this topic. oral statements use reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias to search for information when preparing a project construction of speech statements in oral form

Analyze their work. Tell us what new things did you learn while working on this topic? What have you learned? The truly mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times. But it became closer and more accessible only with the penetration of man into outer space. listen and understand others, express their point of view. evaluate the performance of the task according to the following parameters: completed in full or in part, which manifested the complexity of the implementation. The 2nd group of students comes out, working on the topic “Which of the people was the first to fly into space?” 1 student: We were interested to know which of the people was the first to fly into space? We want to tell you about the pioneers of space, about why people began to explore outer space. Four hundred years ago, Russian peasant Nikita made himself wooden wings and jumped off the bell tower of Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda near Moscow. The wings kept the daredevil, and he planned to use reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias to search for information when preparing a project to build verbal statements in oral form

listen and understand others, express your point of view, land. That was incredible! Then people built planes and began to fly. But humanity did not stop there, they were attracted by space. Slide 8. 2 student: October 4, 1957 is considered the beginning of the space age. On this day, the world's first artificial satellite was launched. And since that time, space technology has gone forward with giant strides. Slide 9. Attention! Attention! Moscow speaking! All radio stations of the Soviet Union are working! Moscow time 10 hours 2 minutes. We send TASS messages. April 12, 1961 in the Soviet Union put into orbit around the Earth the world's first spacecraft "Vostok" with a man on board. This is a citizen of the Soviet Union, pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. It circled the Earth in 108 minutes. We live on our planet In such a wonderful century. And the first of the first in the rocket, the Soviet man flies. Yes, he became a legend throughout the Earth. So the word astronaut appeared. The leader of the group represents the guys working on this topic. Tell me, what new things did you learn about space explorers while working on this topic? What have you learned?

What else would you like to know? evaluate the performance of the task according to the following parameters: completed in full or in part, in which the complexity of the implementation manifested itself. We penetrate the secrets of space, and they help us in medicine, in education, in heavy industry, in the development of science and technology. But people do not stop there, they are attracted by the mysterious cosmos. The 3rd group of students comes out, who created a handwritten book of riddles about space at the “Country of Chitalia” circle. They present their book, make riddles. Guesses designed in different ways (application, drawing, working with cereals, etc.) are shown to children. The leader of the group introduces the guys working on the book. use reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias to search for information when preparing the Slide 10 project. In 1955, it was decided to build a launch pad for space rockets. It was in Kazakhstan, far from large settlements. Location of the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The 4th group of students who worked on the topic "Models of spaceships" went to Baikonur. We want to present you models of a spaceship. Each member of this group talks about their model. Be sure to say with whom he did this layout. The leader of the group represents the guys who are working on the construction of speech statements in oral and written form, listen and understand others, express their point of view,

flight real spaceships, and the guys in our class decided to design their own rockets. Slide 11. Everything is different in space than on Earth. After all, there is no air there, people and objects have no weight, everything that is not fixed - flies. This state is called weightlessness (card) Without special equipment, a person in space cannot survive. Special clothing has been created for astronauts. And what is the name of this special costume, our girls found out. They decided to create a costume for the astronaut girl. slide 12. Girls, tell me, what is the name of the astronaut's clothes? Space suit (card) Slide 13. Teacher: over this topic. all types of UUD are formed. The 5th group of students and the mother of one of the girls come out. She says that the girls found the ordinary spacesuit too boring, and they decided to decorate it. Performance (dance and funny song), protection of the costume. all types of UUD are formed to use reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias to search for information when preparing a project

Progress is growing. Scientists are impatient. Space exploration is taking giant strides. Larger stations are being created, which will install telescopes for astronomical research. Automatic satellites will illuminate the earth's surface at night with sunlight reflected by mirrors. Already today we can say that the cosmos binds people into a single huge family of earthlings. On Earth, a person simply will not have enough space, materials, or energy sources. Therefore, our immediate goal is to thoroughly study other planets and move there for permanent residence. But research in space should not harm nature and people. Space must be peaceful. All research conducted by cosmonauts from different countries on

3. Reflection of activity. aboard ships, all work is carried out in the name of ensuring that people on Earth live better, that there is peace. Now let's get back to the purpose of our project. Why did we work on it? What did each of you want to know? Open workbook and see if you learned what you wanted to know about space? Now you can fill in the last lines on the page. Work in a notebook on the page "Work on the project" Compare the tasks assigned to them with what they managed to learn. Thanks guys for a great job. Many thanks to the parents who helped their children learn new and interesting things. Guys, I want to remind you of an interesting task, which is 4. Homework to listen and understand others, express your point of view, evaluate the performance of the task; positive attitude towards learning as intellectual work; understand your progress in mastering the content of the course 2 class Ability to listen and hear the teacher.

offered you Sasha. If you are interested in information about Pluto, try to find something interesting in it. extracting the necessary information and its use. use reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias to search for information

Larisa Ivanova

How tempting

Become an astronomer

Closely familiar with the Universe!

It wouldn't be at all bad:

Watch the orbit of Saturn

Admire the constellation Lyra

Detect black holes

And be sure to compose a treatise -

"Study the depths of the universe

View project: group.

Term project: short term

A type project: Cognitive, research, game.

Location: Group room.

Members project: Educators - Ivanova Larisa Borisovna, Barakova Anastasia Ivanovna, children preparatory group "Gnomes", parents of pupils.

Relevance: From birth, the child is a researcher of the world that surrounds him. Space attracts and interests children as something magical, inaccessible, mysterious, which they usually learn about from cartoons and do not have an accurate and clear idea. Therefore, it is important for teachers to competently build work on the formation in children of the correct idea of outer space.

Target project:

Expanding children's understanding of the world space, planets of the solar system, development space.


To form children's ideas about diversity space.

Expand children's understanding of the flight of the first astronaut in space.

Develop creativity, attention, memory, speech, imagination.

Cultivate respect for the profession astronaut, sense of patriotism.

Involve parents in joint activities.

Implementation stages project

1. Revealing the initial knowledge of children about outer space.

2. Information of parents about upcoming activities.

3. Selection of literature about outer space, presentations, photographs, posters.

4. Making planets from papier-mâché.

1. Spending a week space in a group.

2. Work with parents on a given topic.

3. Organization of plot-role-playing, didactic and outdoor games, individual and group work.

1. Organization of an exhibition of crafts and drawings about outer space(joint work of children and parents)

2. Teamwork "We flew to space»

3. Carrying out GCD on the topic "This mysterious space» for the preparatory group "Teremok"

preliminary work:

1. Prepare presentations about outer space, solar system, astronauts.

2. Create theme albums « Space» .

3. Prepare coloring pages according to age.

Activities within project« mysterious space»

Conversations with children using presentations:

- "What's happened space» , "We live on the Earth", "Planets of the Solar System" ,"Development space» .

Reading with children about outer space:

Y. Nagibin "Stories about Gagarin"

E. P. Levitan "Your Universe"

O. A. Skorolupova "Conquest space»

K. A. Portsevsky “My first book about Space”

N. Nosov "Dunno on the Moon"

poetry reading mysteries about space about the solar system.


Making planets from papier-mâché.

Mosaic making of constellations.

Globe is a model of the earth.


Experience "Why can't you see the stars during the day"

Experience "Balls on strings"

Experience How does the change of day and night happen?

Experience with a beam of light

creative workshop:

-"Rocket"- origami.

-"Aliens"- kinder surprise and plasticine.

Teamwork "We flew to space»

- "Flying saucers"- disposable plates, foil.

- "Here's what space» - modeling

- "I met an alien"- application

Didactic games:

- "Add a Word", "Flies, swims, rides", "Restore the Order of the Planets", Where are the rockets going?, "Find the Missing Rocket", "Collect a picture", « Space puzzles» "Choose clothes for astronaut»


- « space city» from constructor Lego

From a wooden constructor « spaceport»

Planets of the solar system from snow on a walk (lumps of snow, in the center the largest lump is the Sun, around it there are small snowballs - other planets).

Role-playing games:

« astronauts» , "Journey to the Moon", "Polyclinic for astronauts»

Musical development and escort:

- "On the dusty paths of distant planets." (performed by Sergey Troshin)

-"We are in space fly to work. "

colorful planet" (music by N. Lukonina, lyrics by L. Chadova)

Alexander Zatsepin - The Secret of the Third Planet

-"March astronauts» (music by A. Rybnikov)

Earthlings - Grass near the house

Mobile games, physics. minutes, exercises and relay races:

"One-two, stop rocket,", "We walk the globe","Astrologer" « space blind man's buff» , "Fast rockets are waiting for us", "Weightlessness" "Ponytails", "Rocket launcher" "Rocket Flight".

Final result.

1. Increasing the level of motivation for classes, the competence of children on the topic « Space»

2. Teamwork "We flew to space» .

3. Exhibition of works "This mysterious space» - parents and children.

4. Generalization and dissemination of experience

Since ancient times, people have wanted to learn more about space. The first step in space exploration was the launch of the first artificial satellite in our country. Earth-first in the world of a celestial body created by human hands. This happened in October 1957. It was a silvery aluminum ball with four "whiskers" - antennas.

The first space traveler was a dog named Laika. The fact is that in those days they still did not know how to build ships that provided for the return of the crew back to Earth. Therefore, from the very beginning it was clear that Laika was a kamikaze astronaut. Nevertheless, everyone thought that Laika would simply die quietly after the air ran out in the cockpit (for some reason, such a death did not seem terrible to domestic scientists). In fact, everything turned out differently.

Laika successfully withstood all the overloads that arose during the takeoff of the rocket, and felt absolutely normal during 4 orbits of the satellite around the Earth. But the unwitting hero proved the main thing that humanity needed to know, which came close to realizing its age-old dream: a living being can survive the launch into orbit and exist in a state of weightlessness, which means that it can reach not only the Sun itself, but also to the unknown expanses of the boundless world. universe.

Today, the International Space Station (ISS) operates in Earth orbit. ISS An artificial Earth satellite (AES) is a spacecraft revolving around the Earth in a geocentric orbit. The launch of the satellite made it possible to receive for a long time radio signals previously inaccessible for long-term observations.

THEN. Scribe,
editor-in-chief of the publishing department

International Center-Museum named after N.K. Roerich (Moscow)


Cosmic outlook
in the epistolary heritage of E.I. Roerich

The manifestation of responsibility to the Cosmos
must be established in the mind of man.
World of Fire. Part III, 90

Throughout the millennia of history, humanity has repeatedly asked the question of its involvement in the universe. And although the idea of ​​the interconnection and interdependence of man and the Cosmos developed in different eras, finding its embodiment in ancient Indian philosophy, in the works of Plato and Ptolemy, Galileo and Copernicus, as well as in numerous myths and religious ideas of various peoples who intuitively felt their inseparable unity with the Universe, it was the Russian thinkers of the 19th-20th centuries who comprehended it on a completely different, qualitatively new level, from the standpoint of global planetary thinking. Among them is the outstanding Russian philosopher and writer Helena Ivanovna Roerich (1879-1955), whose creative heritage became available for wide acquaintance and study relatively recently. But even now we can say with confidence that what was created and written by this extraordinary woman is a very special phenomenon in Russian scientific and philosophical thought, which only future unprejudiced minds can fully appreciate.

Among the main works of Helena Roerich, of course, are the books of the teaching of the Living Ethics, created by her in collaboration with the Thinkers of the East in 1920-1937. and diversifying the questions of the cosmic evolution of mankind and the peculiarities of its coming turn. Their appearance was directly related to the processes that took place in science, culture and spiritual life of the first half of the 20th century, including the so-called “scientific explosion”, which laid the foundations for a new, holistic approach to the study of the reality around us. Many outstanding minds of that time - advanced Russian scientists V.I. Vernadsky, A.L. Chizhevsky, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, as well as cosmist philosophers I.A. Ilyin, P.A. Florensky and N.A. Berdyaev - already anticipated the coming changes in the history of mankind and the possibility of its breakthrough to a new evolutionary stage. The fate of mankind, they argued, is inseparable from the fate of the Cosmos and the exit into the Cosmos - the exploration of other worlds - is inevitable for him. Their works had a huge impact on the formation of a new planetary thinking, so the Teaching of Living Ethics, which brings to humanity new knowledge about the New Age that is coming to our planet, has come to prepared soil.

Based on the most ancient knowledge of the East and the achievements of modern Western science, the Living Ethics was a harmonious philosophical system that carried a fundamentally new type of worldview, which Nicholas Roerich defined as energy. According to this worldview, the Universe was a grandiose spiritualized energy system, developing according to the Great Laws of the Cosmos, in which a person was only one of many structures, closely connected and interacting with the others. Energy exchange, which is the main driving force of evolution and going in several directions (with similar objects on the surface of the planet; with celestial bodies; with worlds of other dimensions and other states of matter), allowed a person to increase his energy potential and get the opportunity for further evolutionary progress. Moreover, man was the main instrument of evolution, without which the main task of the evolutionary process - the spiritualization of matter, the increase in its energy and the transition to a qualitatively different, higher state - would be impossible 1 .

Man, it was stated in the books of Living Ethics, is not just a biological object - the highest stage of life on Earth, but a collaborator and the most powerful implementer of cosmic forces. Being the bearer of the immortal Spark of the Spirit, he is able to take a conscious part in the most complex evolutionary processes. His life is by no means a meaningless fleeting existence: we come to Earth in order to gain experience, improve ourselves internally and thereby spiritualize the world. In addition to our dense physical world, Living Ethics considered the worlds of a different state of matter - the Subtle World and the Fiery World (the world of spirit-creation), which are in continuous energy interaction with each other and with the dense world of the Earth. Every person, whether he realizes it or not, is constantly in contact with these worlds, and the nature of this interaction is determined by the quality of his inner life - spiritual culture, level of thinking and consciousness, interests and aspirations. That is why the Teaching placed such a great emphasis on the ethical categories of high moral guidelines, love, humanity, and a sense of duty. One of the conditions for our further evolutionary progress is the conscious acceptance of the connection between the worlds, which allows us to significantly raise the energy of humanity. According to the creators of the Living Ethics, the decisive word in this matter remains with science, which, with its impartial approach, knowledge and experience, is able to shed light on many issues of the universe in a new way, turning to the study of subtle energies and other states of matter. But this science must be, first of all, moral, spiritualized, otherwise many wonderful discoveries that could enrich our lives will serve to destroy and lead to the death of mankind and the planet.

The main provisions of the Living Ethics teaching, which asserted that "man is a part of cosmic energy, a part of the elements, a part of the Cosmic Mind, a part of the consciousness of higher matter" 2, were unusually consonant with the views of Russian cosmists, who were distinguished by a holistic understanding of man - a biological, social, planetary, and then the universal one, which bears moral responsibility before life on Earth and before the entire cosmic evolution, which has made a "bet" on it. “Man must realize his responsibility to the universe,” the creators of the Living Ethics wrote. - A person has risen in thought - and thus has rendered someone a significant beneficence. The man lost heart - and thus, perhaps, killed someone” 3 . “The concept of responsibility must be developed to infinity. The human spirit, as the creator, is responsible for everything he has done. Let us not be afraid to realize the manifestation of responsibility. We are responsible not only to ourselves, but also to the Cosmos. And one more thing: “... Teach the little ones first to think about Infinity, remembering, moreover, that no one should consider himself an insignificant grain of sand, as a hypocrite usually does. Our size is secured by a huge responsibility” 5 .

Helena Roerich also left us a huge epistolary heritage, in which letters to students of Living Ethics occupy a special place. And although those 19 letters that the reader will be able to get acquainted with on the pages of this issue are only a small drop in the ocean of her epistolary creativity, even this “drop” fully reflects the cosmic worldview and worldview of their author. “We must realize that we live in the Cosmos, and the Cosmos lives in us!” 6 - this is the key idea of ​​all these epistles, created in different years and addressed to different people. Reading the letters of Helena Roerich, one is amazed not only by her excellent knowledge of ancient philosophical systems, the works of Eastern and European thinkers, but also by her own broad, clear understanding of the foundations of Genesis, which the best scientists could envy. Before us is a deep, mature philosopher who considers global, cosmic processes and various aspects of human activity in their inseparable unity. “The trouble is that the human mind has become disconnected from its source, the Mind of the Cosmos,” Elena Ivanovna writes to her American students and colleagues. - Being a part of the Cosmos, a person does not see his solidarity, his unity with the Cosmos. And observations of natural phenomena do not give rise to analogies in him. Meanwhile, it is only in these observations and comparisons with human essence that one must look for the keys to all the Mysteries of Being, and, consequently, the solution to many problems of life” 7 . “The main mistake of people is that they consider themselves outside of existence,” says Teaching 8. But, having admitted the idea that they not only perceive cosmic forces, but also transform them into beneficial or harmful influences, people will understand their responsibility both for natural disasters and epidemics that devastate the planet, and for political events. Human thought is material and is a powerful magnet that attracts identical energies from space, therefore each person is able to purify and elevate life in the broadest sense. This understanding will make a person a collaborator of the Cosmos, but isn't cooperation with the Cosmos our purpose?

Doesn't it give that great freedom of the spirit to which humanity has been striving for centuries?

For Helena Roerich, a person was not just a thinking being, endowed with free will and actively interacting with society and nature, but, first of all, a bearer of a spark of the spirit, the owner of a rich and complex inner world associated with higher spiritual "instances". Its main task is the expansion of consciousness and the creation of oneself as a holistic, creative and harmonious personality - not only incorporating the richest cognitive and spiritual experience accumulated by mankind throughout its history, but also constantly open to the perception of new knowledge about the world and about oneself. A person who realizes the unity of Life and his great responsibility for every thought, word and action. “... We are all to blame for ourselves and for everyone, and we cannot separate ourselves from all mankind and from the Cosmos,” she writes to her cousin I.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov. - Verily, the Cosmos is in us and we are in it. But only the awareness of this unity gives us the opportunity to partake in the fullness of such existence. The main questions of the meaning of our existence have long been resolved, but people do not want to accept them, because no one wants to bear RESPONSIBILITY for their every thought, for every word and deed. So we come here, to the Earth, until we fulfill the responsibility we have assumed - by improving ourselves, to improve both the Earth and all the spheres surrounding it. Having completed our earthly perfection, let us move on to the distant worlds, to the next step of advancing along the ladder of boundless perfection, in the diamond radiance of multifaceted Beauty” 9 .

It is quite obvious that the question: “Are we alone in the Universe?”, which from time to time each of us asks himself, fixing his eyes on the clear night sky, is a rhetorical question for Helena Roerich. On the pages of her letters, the reader will often come across statements about the habitability of numerous worlds, the inhabitants of which have organisms corresponding to the properties and structure of their planets. “How to explain the beginning and development of our world or a planet with all life on it, if the evolution of the entire Universe is not recognized? she turns to her Latvian correspondent. - After all, multitudes do not yet allow the population of other worlds. Christ's words that "there are many mansions in my Father's house" are not taken as indicating the inhabitation of other worlds than our tiny Earth. All those who deny this great truth should visit one of the newest observatories with its giant telescope, or at least leaf through the star atlas and study [star] photographs different parts sky. The greatness of the Immensity and the fullness of the space that will open before them will make them ashamed of their conceit, arrogance and ignorance. But the time is approaching when not only individual scientists, but also more or less educated people will know about the process of the birth of worlds and life on planets, confirmed by scientific data. Therefore, it is time to begin to admit the idea of ​​the population and fullness of Space” 10 . The acceptance of such a thought, Elena Ivanovna tirelessly repeats, is only the first step, the next step will be the conscious communication of a person with the distant worlds, which can inexpressibly enrich our own evolution. “Why limit the Cosmos to one Earth and think that the Cosmos has given one refuge to man? - it is said in the Living Ethics. - Let's go on an ascending arc, cooperating with the distant worlds. The spirit knows that it is necessary to deepen the creativity and the consequences of the next stage” 11 . According to the evolutionary views of Helena Roerich, a person (it should be noted that by a person she understands not only a representative of the Homo sapiens species inhabiting the third planet from the Sun, but an intelligent inhabitant of any planet standing at a higher stage of development than representatives of the animal world) evolves from the incarnation into incarnation, developing his physical, mental and spiritual qualities, and when the possibilities for further improvement in these three areas on any planet are completely exhausted, he moves to another, to completely new conditions and at a qualitatively new level. Thus, the Earth, like any other planet in the infinite Universe on which life exists (Elena Ivanovna calls such planets “suitable houses”), is not “some kind of isolated world, but only one of the stops on the great path to Infinity” 12 .

According to Helena Roerich, it is precisely the scientific explanation of the moral and ethical laws that govern the Universe, and, first of all, the study of the energy of thought, that can cause a real revolution in the consciousness of mankind. But in order for this revolution to be possible, first there must be a transformation of scientific thinking (implying openness to the perception of information of a fundamentally different type - intuitive-spiritual), which will radically change science itself, which is currently working with equal success both for creation and and for destruction. “The goal of a true scientist,” we read in her letter addressed to I.E. Muromtsev, - there should be a manifestation of the good side of each new discovery made by him, but not issuing it to the death of mankind. Without awakening the spirit, without understanding our closest connection, interchange and relationship with everything that exists, with all processes in the Cosmos, without raising the moral level and true enlightenment of the masses, humanity will condemn itself to death” 13 . Unfortunately, the experience of two world wars of the last century clearly demonstrated that the "crown of creation" is capable of villainy on a truly planetary scale, and the intellectual elite of our days, not burdened with moral criteria, has become obedient tools in the hands of dark forces, releasing more and more new ones from the bottles. genies. "Wide range" nuclear weapons monstrous pollution environment production waste, cloning of their own kind, test-tube babies - this is not a complete list of those "great scientific miracles" that the past century has generously endowed us with. World civilization has long been developing along the path of technocracy, the anti-evolutionary path, but, of course, it is not the technology itself that is dangerous, but the belief that a person’s strength lies not in his internal resources, but in external mechanical devices. “Technocracy must be accepted as a ploy of the dark ones,” the Living Ethics books say. - Many times the dark ones rushed to mechanical solutions. They had the hope of occupying human attention, if only to divert from spiritual growth. Meanwhile, the problem of life can be solved only by expanding consciousness. One can see how mechanical hypotheses easily take hold of people's hopes. Of course, Helena Roerich understands that it is impossible to "collapse" technical civilization, but her knowledge and foresight suggest that a way out of the current confrontation between the spiritual and mechanical worldview will be found only when "technology will be subordinated to the spirit, which will result in the knowledge of higher laws, and hence the knowledge of higher goals, which will lead to the transformation of the entire material nature” 15 .

The theme of the coming changes that will take place in the minds of people when the new science establishes a mutual connection between man and the Cosmos is touched upon in many of her letters and essays created in last years life. “The time will come,” she writes to E.P. Inge, - and the science of the distant worlds, so little now tangible, will be excitingly interesting and close to our consciousness, will become tangible. We will understand all our mutual dependence on these distant and near worlds. The unity of the Cosmos with humanity will become an indisputable truth, and such awareness will transform the life of a thinking person. And the laboratories of new scientists-seekers, who are courageous and who have found within themselves a treasure of psychic energy, will bring us closer to such progress. Some areas of the New Science, Helena Roerich believes, will develop only in the future, while others will become, as it were, an addition to existing disciplines - geology, biology, psychology, medicine, astronomy, which, in turn, will undergo significant changes, radically revising the old ones. concepts. It should be noted that E.I. Roerich constantly speaks of the synthesis of all sciences, both natural and humanitarian, united into one grandiose science of the structure of the Cosmos. The new science of the Cosmos will be inextricably linked with the science of man, who, according to the Living Ethics, is the most powerful implementer of cosmic forces. “Without the manifestation of the Institute for the Study of the hidden forces and properties of man and the interaction and interconnection of the microcosm from the macrocosm,” says Elena Ivanovna, “the New Era will not be realized. The new science of the forces and properties of man must enter into life” 17 .

Of course, such changes cannot happen overnight - it will take many years. However, already the last decades of the past century were marked by the rapid development of a number of areas of science, which, to one degree or another, turned out to be connected with the disclosure of the Human phenomenon in all its complexity (biophysics, biocosmology, neurophysiology, magnetobiology, biorhythmology, psychophysiology, etc.). Many of them deal with information about Man, which was previously exclusively under the jurisdiction of the so-called "pseudosciences" - astrology, parapsychology, alternative medicine, various esoteric teachings. Russian scientists and foreign countries pay the most serious attention to the study of human radiation and the biofield (Kirlionics, bioholography, etc.), the phenomena of hypnosis, thought transmission over a distance, and other "paranormal" manifestations. These and many other changes give reason to believe that in the very near future we will witness extraordinary discoveries that will bring to humanity a new understanding of its destiny in the Universe.

Elena Ivanovna perfectly understood that the new worldview, reflected in the teaching of the Living Ethics, would meet many difficulties along its way, condemnation and open opposition from the bearers of the old consciousness, and a lot of time would pass before this Teaching entered into scientific circulation and “formed the basis of education and the emergence of a new humanity. That is why most of her works, created in the 1940s and 1950s in close collaboration with her Mentor and bearing unusual titles - "New Cosmogony", "New Cosmology", etc., have publication deadlines strictly set by the author himself. Unique diaries and philosophical works - all this is waiting in the wings and will play a significant role in the awakening and development of the first sprouts of the New World. But whether these sprouts are destined to break through depends entirely on us today, on the fundamental choice that every person faces: either accepting his high purpose, or finally plunging into the chaos of lack of spirituality and mutual destruction. Can we make this choice without trying to answer the “eternal philosophical questions”: “Who are we in this world?”, “What are our opportunities in it?”, “Why do we live on Earth and what is the meaning of our activity?” , and can we answer them as objectively as possible, considering ourselves apart from our fellows and the world around us? Today, when the life of all mankind and life on the planet as a whole is at stake, the spiritual and philosophical heritage of our outstanding compatriot Helena Ivanovna Roerich acquires special significance, because it not only opens up before its researchers the boundless depths of the Universe-Macrocosm and the inner world of man-microcosm, but also instills in our hearts hope for a better future prepared for humanity, if it finds the strength and courage to take one more step on the endless path of knowing itself and the Universe.

E.I. Roerich - American employees 18

<...>Cosmos, showing the unity of law, is unique in its diversity. Why is it that only mankind strives for uniformity in everything, but at the same time violating the basic unity of the law? The monotony of appearance, the monotony of life, and the monotony of thought is guarded most of all. Forgetting that the uniformity of manifestations leads to stagnation and death. Its life and power are contained in the eternal change of forms. This life-giving principle must be applied to all aspects of our lives.

<...>The trouble is that the human mind has become disconnected from its source, the Mind of the Cosmos. Being a part of the Cosmos, man does not see his solidarity, his unity with the Cosmos. And observations of natural phenomena do not give rise to analogies in him. Meanwhile, it is only in these observations and comparisons with the human essence that one must look for the keys to all the Secrets of Being, and, consequently, the solution to many problems of life. People, like parrots, repeat their favorite ancient formula - the macrocosm is the microcosm! How much is said, how much is repeated without attention to the meaning of what was said! The imposed dogmas, human laws, the standard of life have weaned mankind from the process of thinking and made of it, with rare exceptions, an automaton that repeats learned, accepted formulas. When will it be possible to liberate human thought? Everyone talks about different freedoms, but the most opposite camps are afraid of the same beast - freedom of thought!

E.I. Roerich - to American employees

<...>It was enough to point out the close connection of everything that happens with man. Thus, it is said that "a man can be a detonator of the planet." Is it possible to point more strongly to this fundamental dependence and the terrible responsibility of man before all construction in Cosmos? So there can be no involuntary participation in human and planetary destinies. We are all responsible for every thought, for every word and action before the entire Cosmos. The Law of Karma is immutable. It is precisely this responsibility that faint-hearted consciousnesses do not want to recognize.

E.I. Roerich - M.E. Tarasov 19

<..,>The space is filled with basic cosmic matter or cosmic spirit-matter substance or Purusha-Prakriti substance. Take the definition that is closer to you, they are all synonyms, and this matter or substance is the basis of our Universe, in its visibility and invisibility. As the basis, as the potential of all that exists, this substance is one everywhere, but its differentiations are boundless. Thus, each body, each luminary, each solar system has its own atmosphere with all the properties that belong only to it, and the tension of this atmosphere and the degree of its development and refinement, or improvement, will differ from the atmospheres that envelop other bodies or systems, but the cosmic the substratum of these differentiations will be one throughout the boundless space. Likewise, the monad, whether it be contained in a mineral, a plant, an animal, or a man, is one in its essence. One should think very carefully about the concept of the basic Unity of the Cosmos.

Each divine spark-monad in its fiery nature is one with all other monads, but those combinations of energies with which it comes into contact reveal its potential, coloring it according to the combination, so all varieties are created. In Agni Yoga, § 275, an excellent explanation is given - “The Spirit remains inviolable. The fiery seed of the spirit remains in elemental integrity, for the meaning of the elements is unchangeable, but the emanation of the seed changes with the growth of consciousness. Thus, one can understand that the grain of the spirit is a particle of elemental fire, and the energy accumulated around it is consciousness.<...>You can add any chemical composition to the flame and thereby replace its color and size, but the elemental essence of fire will remain unchanged.

Also do not forget that the state of nirvana is the state of reaching the highest manifested perfection in accordance with the given cycle of evolution for each kingdom and species. So also the consciousness-instinct of plants and animals during Pralaya can have its corresponding nirvana. There are as many degrees of nirvana as there are cycles of perfection in Infinity.

But it will always be an expression of achieving the maximum of perfection in accordance with a certain stage of evolution. But about the Cosmic Base or Substance, we can only say that it is in the states of potential Paranirvama. Cosmic Substance, Spirit-Matter, stretching in Infinity, is the Divine Foundation or Potential of all Existing, and in its endless manifestations, differentiations and changes of forms, it strives for boundless perfection and self-consciousness in them, in these forms. Whether this will answer your request, I do not know, but I could not understand it otherwise.

E.I. Roerich - E.A. Silbersdorf 20

<...>One should think deeper into the concept of the ABSOLUTE and its synonyms - Infinity, Absolute Wisdom, Absolute Consciousness and Absolute Beingness and then ask oneself the question - is it possible to achieve them? Therefore, when one speaks of a cosmic fusion, this must be understood in all relativity, for otherwise what will become of Infinity? The spark of God or God in us, under the influence of heart striving, can ignite so much that, having united with the highest fire of space, it will illuminate with its light and reveal to us all the spiritual treasures or higher energies accumulated by us in the majestic SENSITIVITY. But this insight occurs in full accordance with the accumulations of our "chalice". Therefore, with each of our new improvements, with each higher evolution of humanity, with each subsequent circle of our planet, these illuminations will be higher and more beautiful, and so on into infinity.<...>

It is impossible to call "primary Matter inanimate". After all, primary Matter is the primary stage of the manifestation of the spirit, therefore, the highest. Spirit without matter is nothing. We call matter devoid of spirit that state of matter on the lower planes, when the higher energies have left it, and it retains only animal life; namely, when it is the waste entering into cosmic processing.

It is also incorrect to call the state of Pralaya death, because there is no such purely human concept as death in Cosmos at all, there is only an endless change of forms. Also, matter, during the Great Pralaya, is in its highest state and therefore cannot be devoid of spirit, for the Great Breath does not stop even during the Maha-Pralaya. Lesser Pralaya leaves all worlds in the status quo.

Of course, there are many imperfections in the manifested Cosmos. Otherwise, there would be no manifestations, for the life of the Cosmos is in its eternal movement, from which all evolution, all perfection flows. Although it is true that many calamities often result not in horrors, but in blessings, yet it must be added that these horrors correspond to the state of consciousness of mankind; and therefore, when the consciousness of mankind is perfected, then not only worldly calamities, but also cosmic cataclysms will change their character of horror, for the consciousness of man will be better adapted to withstand both one and the other. Precisely, in Cosmos the great law of EXPECTABILITY reigns.

And only man himself, humiliating and betraying the divine gift of free will, constantly violates this law and thus plunges himself and his planet into unspeakable disasters. Great is the influence of man on everything around him, on all cosmic conditions and vice versa. Indeed, one should begin to study this great interaction of cosmic and human forces with all attentiveness, care and haste. Man's life would be so expanded, so beautified and lightened!

E.I. Roerich - M.E. Tarasov

Your letter contains many vague notions. Of course, they arose from the fact that, having not mastered the first volume of The Secret Doctrine, you apparently focused on the third, which contains many reticences. I will try to briefly clarify some of the misunderstandings, following as far as possible the order of your questions and statements.

1. The Absolute is the Parabrahman of the Hindus. Also, Mulaprakriti must be considered as the Absolute, for it is an abstract Divine Feminine Principle. In the highest representation, Spirit and Matter are one, the two principles are merged and constitute the Single Element. Therefore, we can consider everything from the point of view of only spirit or only matter, but, of course, in all the infinity of their states of manifestation or gradations. And if we can say that spirit without matter is nihil 21 , then we can also say exactly that there is no matter, but only energy.

Parabrahman is synonymous with Brahman, while Brahma is already the Divine, periodically appearing and disappearing. This Brahma, as a manifested Deity, has two aspects: the masculine and feminine principles, or two polarities, or the eternal manifestation of the Cosmic Thought Foundation in visible Nature.

2. Atman and Atma are also often referred to as synonyms, exoterically showing the seventh principle, which is the eternal life force poured throughout the Cosmos. But esoterically Atma is often called the World Soul.

3. We call the planetary chain all those spheres of the Subtle and Fiery World that surround our planet, and they correspond to the principles in the human structure or organism. Of course, Mars and Mercury are included in the chain of planets belonging to our solar system, as well as others unknown to our astronomers. The distortion in theosophical literature was made unintentionally, but out of thoughtlessness and, perhaps, due to the exact terminology that was not yet established at that time.

4. It is impossible to say that "our Earth or even the manifested World is the opposite of the Absolute"; otherwise one would have to assume that there is something outside the Absolute, or two Absolutes, which is absurdity. It is the Absolute that contains everything, finite and infinite, everything manifested and unmanifested, everything visible and invisible, etc. And since it is everything, it means that it is not only the root cause, but also the effect. And beyond this all-encompassing concept, the human mind cannot rise. If we begin to limit the Absolute to our representation, then it will cease to be the Absolute and become the ultimate, because the Absolute is incomprehensible. Therefore, we can only comprehend the various aspects and manifestations of this Absolute. And since we are particles of this Absolute, and each particle of the One Whole contains the potential of all the properties of this Whole, we can gradually reveal this potential in ourselves over countless incarnations and millennia, going into INFINITY.

5. It is also wrong to say that matter is a passive principle, because matter does not exist without spirit. Just as there is, strictly speaking, a passive principle, because in the manifested world everything is passive and active at the same time. Don't lose sight of the law of relativity! Also remember that the stages or degrees of manifestation of spirit-matter are unlimited! In the second volume of the Teaching it is said - "Matter is the state of the spirit."

Therefore, reconsider and think more deeply about your statement that "Earth is in relation to everything that exists only matter, a passive beginning and for nothing is a spirit, an active beginning." But we know that since not a single atom in the entire Cosmos is devoid of life and consciousness, that is, spirit, then how much should be filled, both with one and the other, with its powerful celestial bodies, including our planet. Although it is difficult for people to comprehend this, for they can hardly admit the existence of consciousness even in the forms of life closest to us. Often in philosophical and ancient writings one can find a comparison of the Earth with a large animal that has its own special life, and therefore its own consciousness or manifestation of the spirit. There is no passive principle in Cosmos. Remember also that the Cosmos exists only through the interpenetration and interaction of spatial energies emanating from innumerable billions of foci or centers that fill it and are constantly formed in it!

6. The Monad, being a particle of the Divine Monad or the Absolute, clothed with energies for its manifestation on one or another sphere of the planet, always remains a divine particle of the Absolute or a sublimated spirit-matter. Thus, in the Manifested World one can speak only about one or another stage of the manifestation of spirit-matter. Spirit is energy, and we know that no energy can manifest itself outside of matter. It is on all planes, in all actions and thoughts, that we cannot separate from matter. We turn to the highest or grossest forms of all the same matter. Spirit, a subjective element or energy, is in a potential state in the bowels of Cosmic Nature. Of course, during differentiation, due to which endless stages or degrees of manifestation of spirit-matter arose, the concepts of relativity and opposition were established. But it is precisely this relativity and opposition that are the foundations of our cognition.

Now, regarding your statement “about merging with the Atman in the understanding of the Absolute,” I bring you the lines that I wrote on this occasion to one of my correspondents.

7. One should think deeper into the concept of the Absolute and its synonyms - Infinity, Absolute Mind or Wisdom, Absolute Consciousness and Absolute Beingness and then ask oneself the question, is it possible to achieve them? Therefore, when one speaks of a merger with the Absolute or a Cosmic merger, then this must be understood in all relativity, for otherwise what will become of Infinity? The spark of God or God in us (the Monad), under the influence of the striving of the heart, can ignite so much that, having united with the fire of space, it will illuminate with its light and reveal to us all the spiritual treasures or higher energies accumulated by us in the majestic SENSITIVITY. But this insight occurs in full accordance with the accumulations in our "chalice". Therefore, with each of our new improvements, with each higher step in the evolution of mankind, with each subsequent circle of our planet and illumination, these will be higher and more beautiful, and so on into INFINITY.<...>

E.I. Roerich - E.A. Silbersdorf

<...>In Cosmos, births and destructions of worlds are constantly taking place. And often collapsing worlds are far from finished their evolution. There are many reasons for this destruction. One of the most regrettable is the mortification of the spirit in humanity inhabiting the planet. So our Earth is threatened with the fate of perishing before the end of its evolution. The crimes of people, the mortification of the spirit have created such emanations around our planet that the saving rays cannot reach it. Our planet may end its existence with a gigantic explosion. The decisive hour of the Day of Judgment is not far off, and many children will live to see that DAY. That is why the Teaching of Life is given so hastily and so many unusual signs are shed on the Earth, but people are deaf and blind!

It is necessary to awaken the human spirit! Truly, the fate of the planet is in the hands of humanity itself! If the resurrection of the spirit takes place during the coming small decades, then the inevitable catastrophe may become partial, as in the times of Lemuria and Atlantis, otherwise we will have to move to another planet. But, according to the law of correspondence and commensurability, the majority of humanity will not be admitted to the higher, already inhabited, planets. They will have to adapt to the new world, not yet inhabited, and how many millennia, or rather, millions of years, will pass until the shells and forms corresponding to the new world are developed. Only rare groups of terrestrial humanity will be able to arrive on the higher planets and continue their evolution in new wonderful conditions.

The Great Brotherhood is taking extraordinary measures to save our planet from premature destruction. But the underground fire is very active, and the number of dischargers of accumulated dangerous energy is negligible! Thus, absurd destruction in the Cosmos, of course, does not happen, there are deep reasons for everything. Great FUNCTIONALITY reigns in Cosmos, everything that cannot go with evolution enters processing as cosmic waste. Thus, a person freely chooses one or another application for himself. So far, he is diligently stacking heaps of rubbish, which will swallow him up if the resurrection of the spirit does not occur in time.

It is useful to give hints for new program schools. Indeed, it is necessary from childhood to accustom the consciousness to the unity of life, to the unity of Cosmos.

Let our planet not be some isolated world, but only one of the stops on the great path to Infinity. It is necessary to realize as early as possible one's place in Infinity and one's dependence on the totality of the life of the Cosmos. Remember, the Teaching says: "The fall of a feather from the wing of a bird produces thunder on the far-off worlds." It is necessary to delve as deeply as possible into this terrible dependence of ours and into the relationships of all things. From this must be born a sense of great responsibility for every thought, word, and action. Cause and effect operate incessantly and in infinity.

Someday the consciousness of mankind will grow to the understanding that it is located in the giant Laboratory of the Universe and is itself a reflection of it. Precisely, unity must be understood on a cosmic scale.

It is also useful to direct thinking into the future. This alone will already give a big shift to the consciousness and free from the rubbish of yesterday.

<...>I would very much like you to emphasize labor even more strongly as the main factor in the education of the spirit, and would point out, mainly, the importance of its quality. Also on the absolute necessity of mental labor, for if the sweat of physical labor nourishes the earth, then the sweat of mental labor is transformed by the rays of the sun into prana and gives life to all things. With the realization of this significance of mental labor, due respect for thinkers, scientists and other creators will also appear.

Only mental labor gives us an expansion of consciousness and thereby introduces us to the distant worlds, to the entire Cosmos and directs us to the joy of boundless perfection. Precisely, one must cultivate in oneself the joy of boundless perfection.

<...>We are witnessing a great world reorganization. The new laws are already inscribed in the tablets of Eternity, but the great Revelation has not yet been accepted. Woe to those who have rejected the spirit and vegetate in ignorance, in weakness and moral filth. New world is coming in the realization of human dignity, in the stern understanding of the duty and responsibility of each to humanity and the entire Cosmos. Cooperation always and in everything will be the decree of the Day.

E.I. Roerich - I.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov 22

<...>Of course, God is love, and the entire existence of the universe is due to love and nothing else. But how ugly and blasphemously this love is understood! It is the concept of love that is now furthest away from our humanity. It has invested all its cannibalistic or Samoyedic concepts into this higher cosmic concept. Therefore, it is somehow difficult and ashamed to pronounce the word “love”. It has become the greatest profanity in the mouths of many bipeds.

I do not agree with you that no one is to blame for anything. No, everyone is to blame for everything.

Since the whole Universe is an endless chain of causes and effects, how can we, particles of this Universe, be excluded from this cosmic law? Predestination, about which you write, exists and is carried out because it is the effect of causes. Therefore, I also do not agree with the statement that during the transition to the supermundane world, everyone should immediately find satisfaction and happiness, and the meaning of everything that they were looking for on Earth, because this would contradict the above-mentioned basic cosmic law. Undoubtedly, those who sincerely searched for meaning on Earth and aspired to higher ideals will find them there, but in full accordance with their aspiration and idea. There are no more accurate scales than those that a person himself carries with him, it is his aura, woven from energies, impulses and thoughts, that is such a measure. Precisely, these energies carry the spirit to the height built by it.

The subtle, or astral, world is a world of consequences, and therefore those thoughts and aspirations that could not be applied on Earth will find application there, for there lives and acts inner man, with all his feelings and aspirations. But is it possible to expect that a person who is mired in crimes and animal thinking could find happiness and satisfaction there? Since the effect is the exact development of the cause, then how can an evil murderer, corrupter or cretin find himself in conditions of well-being in the higher spheres, which are unbearable for him, due to his subtle vibrations! And not only unbearable, but even the mere approach of a being from the higher spheres causes him terrible torment, and he decays alive from the touch of the higher energies. A great FUNCTIONALITY and precision of affinity or vibrations reigns throughout the entire Universe. After all, we live in a Giant Laboratory and we ourselves are such centers, therefore one can imagine how much the energies or chemical ingredients entering our aura act on the environment around us and, in turn, absorb or repel the energies of those around us. Interaction everywhere and in everything. The world is held together by the principle of balance, and this law runs like a red thread in all the Teachings of Antiquity. By achieving balance, a person achieves liberation from the attraction of the Earth and can consciously and simultaneously act on three planes - earthly, subtle and spiritual, or mental. With such an expanded existence, with such an enlightened consciousness, life becomes full of meaning, beauty and special wise joy. An expanded consciousness shows us the paths of evolution, the paths of the future, and our mind bows in great humility of gratitude before the greatness and wisdom of the One Law of Love, which is expressed here on Earth in the form of the law of Karma (many will rebel against such a definition of Karma). Therefore, of course, any violence is contrary to the laws of the Universe and, inevitably, must cause explosions and destruction.

Looking back, one can find the deep causes that prepared the fall of the old world. After all, the strangulation of thought and spirit, which was carried out in some countries, gave rise to all subsequent madness. The long-held dam broke and swept away everything in its path. So no one and nothing can stop the thought, this fiery energy and the crown of the Universe. Yes, a great shift has taken place in the consciousness of the masses of all countries, but many still cannot, or rather do not want to come to terms with this and still hope to return to their former irresponsible life. Precisely, irresponsible, and this devastating malady was almost universal. Do not think, my dear, that I justify everything that has happened, all the destruction that has been created, or that I sympathize with the equation out of ignorance. No, nothing is more disgusting to me than an all-leveling principle. After all, the principle of uniformity is, first of all, unnatural, because it is contrary to all cosmic laws. Being itself is based on infinite differentiation. All nature lives in diversity and in struggle, and in this it acquires all power and beauty. Therefore, we can say: monotony is death, and diversity is life. Likewise, the law of Hierarchy reigns in the entire Cosmos. It is in Cosmos that the subordination of the lower to the higher exists. What can exist without the concept of the Leader? What is evolution based on? Thus, the diversity of forms and manifestations with the unity of the fiery essence, the struggle for the sake of harmony or the achievement of perfection, and the Hierarchical guiding principle are the foundations of existence. Nature is our only and greatest Teacher and Lawgiver.

Now about predestination. You cannot separate the eternal from the temporal. Eternity is the basis on which the entire phantasmagoria of the manifested and transient world is woven. From this transient and, at the same time, unceasing movement, the concept of eternity is formed in our consciousness.

Therefore, predestination exists both for the eternal and for the transient. But for the eternal predestination, this is exactly what is expressed in the eternity of its movement, while for the transient it is in its ever-changing phases, constantly caused or generated by new causes and effects, which, in turn, become causes and so ad infinitum 23. In other words, predestination is the effect of a given cause.

Our higher fiery essence is eternal and unchanging, but the consciousness [or soul], gathering from the energies accumulated around the main fiery grain, grows and changes. Thus, our fiery seed of the spirit is the eternal bearer of constantly changing forms and expressions, generating, in its passage through different spheres and worlds, unceasing causes and effects, forming a certain form of predestination or fate.<...>

In the meantime, prophetic dreams are the best way to notify humanity about the future. So, the map of the world has long been so determined that it can be seen precisely in prophetic dreams. I remember how, at the very beginning of the war, I saw the map of Europe and Asia as it is now. But a new predestination has already been prepared by the creatures of the old world. Let's not worry about our homeland. Of course, it will not be the parties that will save her, but, precisely, Ivan the 100,000th. And this Ivan of the 100,000th will demand new light, new spiritual food and dogmas justified by reason and logic. Therefore, the robes of his new spiritual mentors should indeed become snow-white, and they will have to walk as pillars of the true Ascetics of the Spirit, but not display the Great Images in the distorted mirror of ignorance and money-grubbing. With great spiritual satisfaction I read the books of the Philokalia and the works of Origen 24 On the Beginnings. And, despite the numerous corrections to them made by later zealots, one marvels at how our churchmen have departed from the first pure testaments of Christianity! And just think that only in the sixth century according to R. Chr. at the Second Council of Constantinople, the dogma of reincarnation was abolished! Thus, the tricks of greedy and small minds were layered, which became dogmas for subsequent generations, who no longer dared to think independently, for time, this magician and wizard, transformed the judgments of transient and limited minds into unshakable foundations and almost into Divine Revelations.

And how many statements about reincarnation are in the Gospels: precisely, in the words of Christ Himself. The Fathers of the Church took upon themselves a great sin for removing this law of Supreme Justice from the consciousness of the flock entrusted to them. But we are no less sinful in our passive connivance, in non-resistance to evil.

So we are all to blame for ourselves and for everyone, and we cannot separate ourselves from all mankind and from the Cosmos. Verily, the Cosmos is in us and we are in it. But only the awareness of this unity gives us the opportunity to partake in the fullness of such existence. The main questions of the meaning of our existence have long been resolved, but people do not want to accept them, because no one wants to bear RESPONSIBILITY for their every thought, for every word and deed. So we come here, to the Earth, until we fulfill the responsibility we have assumed - by improving ourselves, to improve both the Earth and all the spheres surrounding it. Having completed our earthly perfection, let us move on to the distant worlds, to the next step of advancing on the ladder of boundless perfection, in the diamond radiance of multifaceted Beauty.

You write correctly - "what is our justice until we have love?" Truly, justice without higher knowledge, which is given when divine love is revealed in a person, is only its grimace. That's right, the closer to God, the less condemnation. But at the same time, we must not fall into the other extreme, namely, into non-resistance to evil. And this non-resistance to evil brings even more harm than an injustice committed out of ignorance, but in the zeal of the spirit, for the one who suffers from it will find retribution, if not in this life in the earthly world, then in the supermundane, where the harvest takes place. But who can take into account the spheres of the spread of evil due to non-resistance or cowardly and short-sighted connivance? The forces of evil are active and solidary in all their undertakings and ardent in their actions, but fireflies or “warm” ones cannot unite in any way, because they are busy self-eating. This is how the end of our fifth race is accomplished and the cycle of the sixth race with a renewed consciousness is born.

E.I. Roerich - E. A. Silbersdorf

<...>I agree that for some ordinary people the concept of cosmic consciousness must be a terrible bogeyman. Where can they think about the cosmic consciousness when they do not yet fully comprehend the human consciousness. Indeed, even many “wise men” do not imagine that there is a cosmic consciousness, and believe that by ignoring it they can protect themselves and, most importantly, protect themselves from something. In addition, they probably link this cosmicity to a specific internationalism. After all, you never know how something will be refracted in ignorant minds.

This is what they say about the need to develop national consciousness, and it is absolutely correct, because love for the motherland is a sacred feeling. It is the national consciousness that is the expression of the character of the nation, and the character of the quality is the greatest value in every manifestation. People and countries must protect the basis of their character, their individuality, developing and enriching it with all the flowers that grow in their meadow, with all the opportunities available to them. Namely, the task of the national genius is to translate and pass through the prism of his consciousness the achievements of all peoples and ages and give his unrepeated synthesis of this conglomerate of creative manifestations. But in a small view, national consciousness is isolation and, consequently, limitation. Any isolation is unnatural and pernicious, for it is against the law of the unity of Being. And since the laws are the same in everything, everything that separates and shrinks leads to shrinkage and death. The Law of Genesis points to constant expansion and boundless unfoldment. Only in this revelation, only in the unceasing accommodating of all possibilities, does eternal life consist. Cut off this awareness, and the life of such a person remains tied to the fleeting consciousness of one person. Eternal life is conquered precisely by cosmic consciousness, or awareness of one's cosmic nature.

In our century it has already been learned that if humanity wants to develop, it must allow some international cooperation. Although at the present stage this cooperation manifests itself much more powerfully in the field of mechanical and material achievements than in spiritual unification. But science is making such gigantic strides forward that the next step will soon be realized, namely, the step of cooperation with the Cosmos, and then the cosmic consciousness will cease to frighten even the most unscientific, but will become an ordinary phenomenon, and no person who has realized his place in the Cosmos will be able to remain in your nesting box. Then spiritual union will come.

E.I. Roerich - A.I. Klizovsky 25

<...>You remarked very well that improvement in the position of the people does not come from a change in the norms of government, but from a change (I would say, improvement) of human thinking. Many old concepts are unacceptable to the new popular consciousness and cannot be included in the vocabulary of the future. The New World requires new concepts, new forms and definitions. Everything that happens clearly indicates where evolution is heading. An epoch of common cooperation, common cause and collective solidarity of all working people, beyond all classes, is being created. And the most urgent task now facing mankind is precisely the synthesis of the spiritual with the material, the individual with the universal, and the particular with the public. Only when the one-sidedness of narrow-material earthly experiences is realized, will the next step of striving to unite the dense world with the subtle world come. And new achievements in science, new investigations and the discovery of the laws of psychic energy will require not the renunciation of "heavens", but a new discovery and understanding of them.

It is precisely the discovery of the laws of psychic energy that will help to establish a new striving for life; the connection of the worlds will become obvious. Truly the World to come, the Higher World is coming in the armor of laboratory rays. Namely, the laboratories will point out the advantages of the higher energy and will not only establish the superiority of human radiations over all hitherto known rays, but at the same time the difference in the quality of such radiations will be clearly revealed, and, thus, the significance of spirituality will be established in full measure. Technique will be subordinated to the spirit, the result of which will be the knowledge of higher laws, and hence the knowledge of higher goals, which will lead to the transformation of the entire material nature. The transformed nature, the transformed spirit of the people will prompt new best forms dispensation of life.

E.I. Roerich - to unidentified correspondents

<...>Until humanity realizes its place and purpose in the Cosmos, until the law of reincarnation, the law of karma, is accepted, and the mutual dependence of all that exists and the corresponding great responsibility of man are assimilated; until the supermundane worlds are realized and the Hierarchy of Light is perceived; until thought is recognized as the main engine, and spiritual synthesis does not take precedence in the life of the state, until peace, freedom and happiness of man are realized, and the great service to the common good remains within the limits of abstraction. But the spirit of man will not cry out and will not look to the Highest Guidance without going through all the horrors of disasters and cataclysms caused by his own madness. Precisely, in this madness of terrible separation and intolerance, and refusal to accept new higher energies that direct the whole world to further stages of evolution, one should seek the cosmic cause and meaning of all the upheavals that periodically visit our ill-fated planet.

Let us hope that the coming epoch, with its special combinations of cosmic rays, will bring a new awakening of consciousness, and the new generation will become aware of all the criminality of the instigators of self-destruction, and not only through guns and gases, but mainly through separation and unacceptable malicious and murderous mental sendings. After all, there are much more murders from malicious parcels than from guns. But this truth is still inaccessible to mankind.

E.I. Roerich - to the employees of the Latvian Roerich Society

<...>You are also right that it is especially difficult to explain the basic questions of being, such as the creation of the world and man, to people whose consciousness was brought up on certain dogmas. But the rising generation can realize more closely the great law of evolution and its distribution to the entire Universe, because the school curriculum has already expanded significantly, the natural sciences, biology and the so-called cosmography are already an integral part of the average educational institution in many countries.

Indeed, how to explain the beginning and development of our world or a planet with all life on it, if the evolution of the entire Universe is not recognized? For multitudes do not yet allow the population of other worlds. Christ's words that "there are many mansions in my Father's house" are not taken as indicating the habitation of worlds other than our tiny Earth. All those who deny this great truth should visit one of the newest observatories with its gigantic telescope, or at least leaf through the star atlas and study the [star] photographs of different parts of the sky. The greatness of the Immensity and the fullness of the space that will open before them will make them ashamed of their conceit, arrogance and ignorance. But the time is approaching when not only individual scientists, but also more or less educated people will know about the process of the birth of worlds and life on planets, confirmed by scientific data. Therefore, it is time to begin to admit the idea of ​​the population and fullness of the Space. Life is transported from one planet to another not only by meteors, according to the assumption of some scientists, but also in other ways, because space is filled with microorganisms that are inaccessible to our ordinary sight and touch, and from them a thread can be stretched to the macrocosm. But don't we already have the most powerful microscopes at our disposal, which reveal to us the wonders of the world around us? The difficulty is that now only the smallest part of the world's population has access to microscopes and telescopes. It also does not occur to people that the reality contained by the Universe infinitely exceeds the sum of the imagination of collective humanity. They will regard everything written in Blavatsky's The Secret D[octrine]26 as fantasy, but we can understand that this description is only a small part of the whole grandiose process that took place on our planet.

E.I. Roerich - Z.G. Fosdick 27

<...>The atmosphere around the Earth is so heavy that rarefaction and already cosmic purification is necessary, perhaps it will manifest itself in the rays of approaching new spatial bodies? Many bodies are invisible even through the most powerful telescopes, but their rays can affect the atmosphere and the bowels of our Earth as well as its inhabitants. After all, spatial currents are the most powerful levers of all kinds of influences and transformations, first of all, human moods. It is to these currents that so little attention has been paid, and only recently have they begun to study the cosmic ray, but from the physical side, while it should be studied primarily from the psychic side. The mental world leads the physical world, and not vice versa. When science embarks on the broad path of unprejudiced and unlimited knowledge, then many cosmic truths and dangers will become apparent. People will hasten to follow the new regulations and remember the forgotten Fundamentals of Existence in order to avoid a terrible end.

After all, our Moon and even our Earth have already witnessed the death of a beautiful, inhabited planet, and in its place and now rush in a multitude of its fragments in the form of aerolites. Some inhabitants of the Earth once lived on this lost planet. If at the death of a planet there are high spirits on it, then usually they leave before the catastrophe to the higher planet, but the rest of the mass, according to the law of attraction and affinity of vibrations, rushes after the catastrophe to the corresponding planets; and it is hardly so tempting to find yourself on Saturn, full of the most poisonous fluids.

Let's hope that the Earth will avoid such a sad fate and people will be resurrected in spirit and will start new construction based on the understanding of the brotherhood of all peoples. A broad cooperative principle, established throughout the planet, will also reveal the well-being of peoples. Man will finally understand that he must appear not only as a planetary citizen, but also as a Universal collaborator!

Life as such keeps so much beauty, so much happiness and indescribable delight of Knowledge and Beauty! But, of course, such a reality will become apparent only to those who join the Hierarchy of Light, who know communion with Its Light, and who love the Great Service for the benefit of humanity.

E.I. Roerich - I.E. Muromtsev 28

<...>Everyone and everywhere is talking about the reorganization of the world, they are talking in every way, they are going over all the possibilities, but they have forgotten about one, they have forgotten about the possibility of cosmic reorganization. The increase and tension of sunspots, seismic and astrological observations, would add very significant data for some explanation of the coming reorganization. But who will listen to astrological forecasts? This great science is still under scientific taboo, despite the latest discoveries in the field of new rays and even the assumption of spatial, magnetic currents acting on all organic life. Astrochemistry and Astrophysiology - these branches of Biology remain outside serious study, but all organic life on our planet depends on them.

<...>Of course, it is too early to talk about universal peace, but, undoubtedly, we are nearing the end of wars. The fiery forties are coming to an end. Great construction can take place even during times of war, and we are already seeing this. Therefore, I am full of optimism and believe in a better near future. Do not be sad either, build this better future with the broadest thoughts.

E.I. Roerich - I.E. Muromtsev

<...>The local newspapers are full of articles about atomic bombs and atomic energy. It is hard to realize that such a great discovery was primarily used for murder and destruction. There is no need to worry about giving or not giving the secret of the atomic bomb. All such discoveries cannot remain the property of any one country, for the energies of space belong to the whole world, and inevitably new, continued research in this direction will lead to finding a simpler and easier mastery of this power and its wide application. But the goal of a true scientist should be to reveal the good side of each new discovery made by him, but not to hand it over to the destruction of mankind. Without the awakening of the spirit, without understanding of our closest connection, interchange and relationship with everything that exists, with all processes in the Cosmos, without raising the moral level and true enlightenment of the masses, humanity will condemn itself to death. It has long been said that "World energy will save the world." Who knows, maybe the appearance of the atomic bomb makes war impossible, because that would mean the death of the entire planet.

You are right that today's youth does not like history. In this they find support and encouragement among the leaders of modern materialistic and utilitarian ideology. But such limited thinking leads to dullness and makes it impossible to fly to those areas from which all discoveries and discoveries come. Introduction to the History of Civilization and Culture and acquaintance with the development of knowledge in all fields of science is absolutely necessary for the expansion of consciousness, for the establishment of an enlightened outlook. The history of a particular branch of science provides the basis and direction of thought and indicates the milestones that the seekers passed, and thereby facilitates further discoveries. Often a milestone set aside, due to insufficient attention or knowledge, may appear to the future better equipped researcher as the basis for a new achievement. In the East, the worship of the Guru is especially developed, precisely because the Guru is a living history, he is the foundation, the direction, and the milestone towards the intended goal. In our Universe, which is manifested on the law of the chain of causes and effects, everything is held together precisely by continuity, and this continuity shows us a great story in the Book of Life. A teacher who does not recognize continuity is called in the East a dry tree, devoid of roots. If the people of the West knew the history of the development of ancient thought, then all their modern discoveries would have appeared much earlier. All ancient philosophy and occult science affirmed the infinite divisibility of the atom and the illusory nature of matter. But due to lack of attention, due to ignorance, it took thousands of years for this truth to enter the consciousness of modern scientists. The Sankhya system of philosophy and the Buddha have already spoken about the atomic structure of the universe. The Buddha argued that "dharmas" (atoms, energies) and their combinations and combinations are the cause of all manifestations and the main driving force of the Universe. So, it is necessary to understand the true great significance of history and to pay the greatest attention to the records of the past and to the inscription of the records of the future. All Nature is a Book great history of the universe, and man appears to her main page, or rather, the Alpha and Omega of all creation. When it will be possible to transfer the consciousness of a person into his past existences, what valuable data will be revealed to mankind! His atomic energy, transmuted into psychic energy, will truly provide him with innumerable possibilities and open the way to the far-off worlds.

E.I. Roerich - V.L. Dudko 29

<...>Longing for the darkness of ignorance, in which the majority of humanity finds itself, is replaced by winged thoughts about the evolution taking place before our eyes. The Age of Aquarius will bring extraordinary discoveries and unheard-of acceleration in all fields of science, in all life, and will illuminate humanity with an entirely new light of Higher Life. An atomic bomb is from darkness, but the application of atomic energy to engines is from Light.

<...>Cosmic forces act in commensurability and expediency. How can one stop the flow of hatred, constantly fed by the ghosts of mad minds? What kind poisonous gases envelop our unfortunate Earth and do not give it the opportunity to perceive the salutary influences of the higher worlds? Where are those rays that can pierce the poisonous curtain and bring salvation? Will they be too powerful for a sick planet? - These are the thoughts that the best representatives of mankind should have attended, although occasionally. But people have forgotten about their passionate mutual dependence both on distant currents and rays, and on their sendings, full of the most destructive poisons of decomposition. Only a small shift of consciousness towards understanding our mutual spatial dependence could already save our planet.

<...>Knowledge does not deprive us of joys, on the contrary, it inspires and helps to cross the abyss on the wings of Knowledge and Help sent. Also, the karma of past mistakes is inevitable, but with knowledge, with the highest Help, its meaning is transformed and it loses the sharpness of its sting. People do not want to realize that all meaning, all joy, all power comes with the expansion of consciousness, with the achievement of inner knowledge, to which the records of the future become available and the greatest library of knowledge, past, present and future, is opened. All this is not a fairy tale, but a beautiful Truth. Therefore, let us courageously repeat about the need to achieve inner true knowledge. When the subtlest human organism is better understood and studied, when the ancient saying - "macrocosm and microcosm are one" becomes not a truism, but a vital understanding, then the Karma of the World will be transformed. And it will come!

E.I. Roerich - I.E. Muromtsev

<...>There will be no world war. The forces of light will not allow it, it would be the death of our Planet, which is much worse than the next reorganization of the world, which our humanity has experienced more than once. The death of the planet for a long time deprives its humanity of the possibility of further evolution. It is difficult to find a new house that would match our condition, in order to be able to continue evolution without delay. People are so frivolous about the most pressing issue of their cosmic existence for them. They also do not think about the terrible dependence on their planet and on cosmic forces with their beneficial or harmful influences on them. It would seem that it is time to begin a systematic study of such interactions and such interdependence of cosmic forces with human forces. Such observations and studies would greatly enrich our lives with new, most interesting sciences. And all the subtlest energies would receive a new, due attention to them and, most importantly, an understanding of their cosmic significance. People would begin to show exceptional care towards them, and all sorts of bombs would be expelled and consigned to complete oblivion.

<…>These are the most difficult times, all cultural undertakings are dying down, primarily because of the lack of interest in them, and therefore, of course, there is no influx of funds, and this situation is observed all over the world. People are depriving themselves of that which only holds the human world together. After all, only interest in true culture turns us from bipeds to humans. Truly, we must become more humane for the benefit of the whole world, if I say - the Cosmos, then this will not be accepted yet.

E.I. Roerich - E.P. Inge 30

<...>The best country is our Motherland; soon, very soon, many will have to admit it. The evil mirage that has been woven in the minds of our neighbors for more than one century is beginning to thin out. The hour will come for the unification of peoples and the realization of new construction on the basis of free "dialectical" thinking, free from any prejudices. Such a liberation is hard to come by, which, truly, crowns the evolution of a human thinker, because we still belong to the species that was defined by the great Buddha as the species of "two-legged."

It hurts to see how consciousness is slowly getting out of the old potholes. And so I want to look in a new way, simply and joyfully into the expanse of the opening expanse of thought and visibility, the boundless stretch of beautiful worlds that surrounds us! But the time will come, and the science of the distant worlds, so little perceptible now, will be excitingly interesting and close to our consciousness, will become tangible. We will understand all our mutual dependence on these distant and near worlds. The unity of the Cosmos with humanity will become an indisputable truth, and such awareness will transform the life of a thinking person. And the laboratories of new scientists-seekers, who are courageous and who have found within themselves a treasure of psychic energy, will bring us closer to such progress.

I rejoice, my dear, in your desire to become a teacher of the little ones and to put love into the small consciousness for the wonderful expansion of consciousness and gradually develop a HUMAN in each of them. This is what is urgently needed now - precisely by developing a HUMAN in him.

E.I. Roerich - Z.G. Fosdick

<...>"Infinity" was given before many other books, immediately after "Agni Yoga". For it was necessary to introduce the consciousness into the sensation of Infinity before the revelation of the Higher Worlds, the Fiery Worlds! A big gap is obtained in consciousness without understanding our connection with the entire Universe, with the entire process of evolution. It is necessary to penetrate with consciousness into the inseparability of the Cosmic Existence, into the terrible responsibility of humanity for the evolution of the entire Cosmos. We must realize - we live in the Cosmos, and the Cosmos lives in us!

E.I. Roerich - V.L. Dudko

<...>The fate of the planet is in the hands of its inhabitants. We will be sensitive, we will listen to all the signs sent. Wouldn't it hurt scientists, astronomers, and enlightened laymen to think, and think hard, is there any connection between spatial phenomena in our spheres, visits to strange fiery formations and explosions of atomic bombs and subtle energies? There is a connection, and quite concrete.

But, probably, they will soon grope for it and regret their frivolous imbalance in the spheres surrounding our Earth. Many conclusions can be drawn if we think about it without any prejudices binding us, but boldly looking reality in the eye.


1 See: Shaposhnikova L.V. Philosophy of cosmic reality // Leaves of Morya's Garden. Call. M., 2003.

2 Infinity, 155.

3 Agni Yoga, 168.

4 Infinity, 48.

5 Hierarchy, 52.

8 Hierarchy, 99.

11 Infinity, 62.

14 Fiery World, 349.

17 Roerich EI. At the threshold of the New World. M., 2000. S. 283.

18 In 1930, a group of American employees and students of E.I. Roerich included Francis Grant, Zinaida, Maurice and Esther Lichtman, Louis and Nettie Horch, Sophia Shafran.

19 Miron Emelyanovich Tarasov, employee of the bookstore at the newspaper "Vozrozhdenie" (Paris).

20 Evgeny Alexandrovich Silbersdorf(c. 1880-1957), engineer, member of the Latvian Roerich Society, author of the books Education of the Spirit and In Search of Truth.

21 Nothing ( lat.).

22 Ivan Ivanovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov, cousin of E.I. Roerich.

23 To infinity ( lat.).

24 Origen(c. 185-253/254) - Christian philosopher.

25 Alexander Ivanovich Klizovsky(1872-1942), writer, member of the Latvian Roerich Society.

26 Elena Petrovna Blavatsky(1831-1891), Russian philosopher and writer, founder of the Theosophical Society (1875), one of the main goals of which was to familiarize the West with the foundations of the esoteric philosophy of the East. Major works: Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine (1888), The Key to Theosophy (1889), The Voice of the Silence (1889), as well as historical and literary essays on India.

27 Zinaida Grigorievna Fosdick(ur. Shafran) (1889-1983), the closest collaborator of E.I. Roerich, member of the Board of the Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York, since 1949 - its executive director.

28 Ilya Emmanuilovich Muromtsev(d. 1952), husband of cousin E.I. Roerich K.N. Muromtseva, an employee of cultural and educational institutions created by E.I. and N.K. Roerichs in the USA.

29 Valentina Leonidovna Dudko(born c. 1909), ballerina, translator of Helena Roerich's Letters into English.

30 Ekaterina Petrovna Inge, teacher, member of the Harbin Living Ethics Study Group. She translated the book "Temple Teaching" into Russian.

Published in: Culture and Time, 2003, No. 3/4

The Cosmos project is carried out by students in grades 2, 3, 4 and even 5. Children expand their knowledge about space, about its mysteries, about astronauts, rockets. They teach poems about space, write essays. A project about space can be designed in different ways. It can be a newspaper, an oral magazine, a presentation.

Project about space - newspaper.

1 Name selection

3 Design

4 Project protection

The children choose the name of the newspaper themselves. The newspaper can be called: I and the cosmos, Our cosmos, Star House, etc.

Depending on the title, the headings of the newspaper are selected: it is interesting, a poetic page, significant dates.

The newspaper should be colorful and neat, but at the same time it should be informative. We give samples of newspapers about space made by children in grade 3.

Protecting their project (newspaper), children learn poems about space, write essays, space essays. Below are essays about the space of children in grade 4.

Essay about space

Space is practically unknown to us. What is in a black hole, what other planets exist, is there life on them? These questions are asked not only by children, but also by adults, scientists, and by trying to answer them, we discover space for ourselves. We already know that the earth is round, we know the number of planets in the solar system. Astronauts not only fly between the stars, but also go out into outer space.

Space is beautiful and dangerous. I really want to look out the window of the rocket, maybe someday I will fly into space.

There is a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics Day. It is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in other countries. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin was the first person in the world to circle the entire planet Earth. I am very proud that this man lived in my country. His feat is famous all over the world.

Space is a mystery. A huge number of stars, planets, there are even black holes.

People have been studying space for many years, but they cannot fully understand how it works. We know that we live in the solar system, there are 8 planets, the Moon satellite, a huge star the Sun, but there is still a lot of unknown and incomprehensible. Space exploration began a long time ago, even animals flew into space. The dogs Belka and Strelka made a successful flight, and the first man to fly into space was Yuri Gagarin. On the ship Vostok, he flew around the Earth in 108 minutes, and then landed successfully.

I am interested in space, it calls me and beckons, maybe someday I will fly to Mars and to another galaxy.

Poems about space

In a space rocket
Named "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Singing songs about it
Spring drops:
Forever will be together
Gagarin and April.

Flying, flying rocket
Around the earthly world
And Gagarin is sitting in it -
Simple Soviet guy!

May the stars lead you to success
Comets of laughter await in flight!
On Cosmonautics Day to you
I want to get closer to my dream!

star house

Ships launch into space
Following a bold dream!
It's great that we could
Break out into the vastness of the universe!

It's nice to know though
Themselves as tenants in the Star House,
In the Worlds as in the rooms to walk -
Through the threshold at the spaceport.

V. Asterov

Space is so cool!

Space is so cool!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Swimming slowly!

Space is so cool!
sharp rockets
At great speed
Rushing here and there!

So wonderful in space!
So magical in space!
In real space
Visited once!

In real space!
In the one that saw through
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope!

O. Akhmetova


Flying in space
steel ship
Around the Earth.
And though its windows are small,
Everything is visible in them.
As in the palm of your hand:
steppe expanse,
Tidal bore,
and us with you!


The blue sky has opened
Yellow-orange eye.
The sun is a daylight
Kindly looks at us.

The planet spins smoothly
In the flickering flicker of lights.
Comet somewhere in space
Follows after her.

Mercury breaks out of orbit
Wants to hug Venus.
By these magnetic storms
Can Mercury lift.

Distant stars twinkle
Something signaling the Earth.
Black holes are gaping
An eternal mystery in the mist.

Brothers in mind. Where are you?
Where are you waiting for us?
Maybe in the constellation Virgo,
Maybe in the constellation Pegasus?

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