We went to the forest to illuminate the autumn sun. Sometimes you come across a dacha surrounded by a painted wooden fence

Lesson objectives. grammatical material.

2) Educational: development communication skills.

3) Developing: the development of the creative activity of students.







Fragment of a French lesson for grades 6-7.

« Fun grammar»

Kolpinsky District Teachers' Training Studio

"Using a systemic - activity approach in teaching and upbringing of students"

Lesson objectives. 1) Educational: repetition of previously learnedgrammatical material. 2) Educational: developmentabilities of communicative activity. 3) Developing: development of creative activity of students.

French teacher

Pesnyak N.V. (School number 404)

St. Petersburg

La grammaire amusante (“Fun grammar” fun lesson)

Before showing the scene, two of its participants take the opening speech.

La langue française est très belle et précise. On peut exprimer n`importe quoi en français mais seulement non pas n`importe comment! (The French language is very beautiful and accurate, you can express anything in it, but not somehow, it requires a lot of respect.)

Tout une langue exige qu`on apprenne très bien sa grammaire pour que le langagesoit sans fautes, comprénsible et belle! (Any language requires from the one who studies it to be serious about himself, so that the speech is competent, understandable and beautiful,)

And today our miniature is offered to your attention, in which we tried to show in a comic form a fragment of a French lesson.

On the stage - a miniature classroom: tables, chairs, notebooks on the tables, textbooks, grammar tables ... Students and a teacher enter the “class” (on the stage). Two participants are guests in the form of the verbs “ETRE” and “AVOIR.” (all participants wearing matching suits) The bell rings.

The “students” sit down at the tables and begin to whisper, the strict “teacher” tries to put things in order: she looks angrily, then picks up the bell and rings the bell again. The girls stand up and greet the "teacher" and the entire audience. The lesson begins.

Script in poetic form.

P. (“Professeur de français)- Bonjour, Mademoiselles, bonjour, mes cheries! Asseyez-vous s`il vous plait! (the girls sat down and talk quietly again) Mesdemoiselles, ne bavardez plus! Silence!

Nous commençons! Aujourd`hui nous continuons la leçon de grammaire,

C`est notre discution d`hier. Rappelez-moi, s`il vous plaît, son sujet.

Mademoiselle, Cathie, je vous en prie!

1 . - Madame, peut-être, peut-être (pronounced with great doubt) ...

ce sont les adjectifs ou bien les propositions interrogatives ...?

P .- Comment ?! Les adjectifs !? Les propositions interrogatives !?

(outraged) Non, M-lle, non! Aux leçons il faut être beaucoup plus attentive! ……… .Les propositions interrogatives !!! (continues to resent)

2. - Madame! Madame! (one of the students pulls out her hand)

P. - S`il vous plaît, M-lle Olga.

2 .- C`est le système des articles, n`est-ce pas?

P. - Le système des articles ?! (indignant again) Oh, Mon Dieu, aide-moi!

Est-ce que ma question est très difficile?

2 .- Madame, alors je crois ... (uncertainly) que c`est le sujet du nom, n`est-ce pas?

P .- Oh, non! J`ai mal au cœur! (grabs his heart) Vous n`y êtes pas!

M-lle Claire, VOUS, VOUS devez le dire, bien sûr!

3 .- Bien sûr, M-me, bien sûr. Soyez en sûr! Hier nous avons parlé du sujet des verbes.

P .- Merci beaucoup, ma chérie. (Everyone sighs freely)

Chers amis!

La grammaire, c`est toujours difficile!
Mais il faut l`apprendre,
C`est très utile!

1. -D`accord! Pas de langue sans grammaire,
C`est vrai.Il faut l`apprendre
Pour bien parler!

2 . -Le sujet des verbes
N`est pas facile, il faut travailler
Pour réussir!

3. -Dans la langue française
Il y a beaucoup de temps:
Le future, le présent, le passé composé
Et le plus- que- parfait ... ... ...

4. -D`accord.Moi, je peux ajouter encore
Les temps immédiats: le passé et le futur
Et ce n`est pas tout,
Je vous assure!

5. -Oui, c`est ça! Je crois qu`il y en a plus que ça!

"Prof.de fr." -Mes amis!
Attention au passé composé!
Nous en avons beaucoup parlé!
Qui peut nous présenter
Sa formation et ses difficultés?
Olga, Claire, Marie ou peut- être Cathie?

3. -S`il vous plaît! Si vous voulez:
Le passé composé se forme facilement
Avec le verbe “ETRE” et le verbe “AVOIR”.
Ils sont auxiliers et je les connais bien,
Je les connais bien
Et j`en suis très fière!

2. -Le verbe auxilier, nous mettons au présent,
Et le conjugué prend la forme spéciale,
Cette forme s`appelle PARTICIPE PASSE,
Je pense que vous la connaissez.

"Prof.de fr." - Aujourd`hui, nous avons invité le verbe “ETRE” chez nous,
Si nous prenions son interview?

E ... -Bonjours mes amis!
Je suis “ETRE”, le verbe auxilier.

Il y a quinze verbes que je préfère.
6 ... -Pourquoi quinze (15) verbes, M-r, pourquoi?

E ... -Ils se conjuguent avec moi!

6 ... -Quand, M- r, quand? S`il vous plaît, dites- moi!

E. -Au passé composé et au plus- que- parfait.
Ils faut les connaître!

6. -Quel est le premier verbe?

E. -Le premier verbe c`est “NAITRE”!

6. - Et le deuxième? E ... -Le deuxième est “SORTIR”!
Le troisième est le verbe “ALLER”!

6. M- r, continuez!

E. -Ensuite “VENIR” et “ARRIVER”,
Puis viennent “RENTRER et REVENIR”.
Et le dernier - le verbe “MOURIR”.

6. -Vous préferez seulement quinze (15) verbes?

E. -Oui, M-lle.Voulez- vous répéter
Cette liste des verbes avec moi?

6 ... -Bien sûr, M-r, aidez- moi!
Le premier c`est “NAITRE”, le deuxième - “SORTIR”,
Le troisième - “ALLER”.
Ensuite - “VENIR et ARRIVER”,
Puis viennent “RENTRER et REVENIR”

E. - M-lle, où est le verbe “MOURIR”?

6 ... -Non, non, M-r! Ce verbe ne me plaît pas!

E. -Et tout de même, il se conjugue avec moi!
M- lle, je serais bien content: conjuguez “être”
S`il vous plaît au présent!

6. - Avec plaisir, “mon Sire”:
Je suis, tu es, il est, elle est,
Nous sommes, vous êtes,
Ils sont, elles sont.
Ces formes, nous les connaissons!

E. - M –lle, vous êtes Anasthacie?

6.-Oui, M-r, oui.

E ... - Vous êtes charmante et je vous remercie.

6 ... - Vous êtes aimable, votre compliment est très agréable
Puis je vous poser une question maintenant?

E. - Je vous écoute attentivement.

6. - Dites - moi, s`il vous plaît:
Contactez- vous avec le verbe “AVOIR”?
Je veux le savoir.

E. - Oh, M-lle, c`est mon vrai ami
Dans la grammaire et dans ma vie.
Aujourd`hui, il est venu de Paris.

A. -Bonjours, mes amis! Bien content de vous voir!
Je suis le verbe “AVOIR”
J`ai un grand pouvoir
Et j`ai beaucoup de devoirs.
La plupart des verbes français,
Au temps passé
Me demandent de l`aide,
Et je les aide, je les aide toujours,
Chaque minute, chaque heure et chaque jour:
Le lundi, le mardi, le mercredi, le jeudi,
Le vendredi et même le samedi ... ..- Et le dimanche ??? (tous ensemble)

A. - Et le dimanche aussi, mes amis, aussi!
Du matin au soir et dans la nuit
Sous la neige, sous la pluie, sous le soleil
Je travaille comme une abeille!
Je travaille, travaille
... “And I don’t play the fool!
I always help everyone! "

"Prof.de fr." - Notre conversation est venue à sa fin.
Je voudrais encore ajouter de moi- même:
Il faut apprendre la grammaire
Pour parler bien une langue étrangère!
Nous finissons notre discussion
Merci beaucoup pour votre attention!

FIN . (lesson participants bow and leave the stage)

The purpose of the lesson: To intensify the communicative and cognitive activity of students and contribute to the development of their creative abilities.

Main goals:

1. To activate the use of MF with verbs in the speech of students in the near future.

2. To generalize the material on education and use of the near future tense.

3. To develop thinking and speech activity and the independence of the ability to formulate thoughts by means of a foreign language. Develop skills in the creative use of LUs in new speech situations

4. To develop the skills of monologue speech on the topic (US "Our favorite animals"

During the classes

1.Start of the lesson:

Bonjour mes enfants! Nous allons travailler d "apr? S le plan suivants: d" abord nous allons rep? Ter le grammaire. Nous nous rappellons comment se forme et quand emploie-t-on le futur dans le pass ?. Puis, nous allons parler de nos animaux dom? Stiques.

2.Phonetic charging: (slides)

With "est la famille de Papillon: papa-papillon, maman-papillon et les enmfants-papillons. Papa-papillon aime le bouillon. Sa fille Camille est tr? S gentille. La famille de papillon va de Marseille? Dijon.

Monsieur Sagnol a un magn? Tophone espagnol. Il va au bois chercher les champignons. Ce champignon est bon. C "est le champion des champignons.

(Phrases in rhymes are written randomly. It is necessary to restore order and read the rhyme)

3. Work on grammar.

1) Listening and playing MF

Je vais dessiner Nous allons danser

Tu vas lire Vous allez travailler

Il va? Crire Ils vont se promener

Elle va chanter Elles vont jouer

2) Dites que vous allez faire la m? Me chose. (slides)

P.ex. Pierre va jouer a l "ordinateur. Et toi?

Moi aussi, je vais jouer? l "ordinateur.

Et moi non je ne vais pas jouer? l "ordinateur.

Pauline va lire un r? Cit. Et toi?

Nicolas et Michel vont jouer au tennis. Et toi?

Paul va faire ses devoirs. Et toi?

Marie va promener son chien. Et toi?

Michel va acheter des croissants. Et toi?

Anne et Lucie vont faire la vaisselle. Et toi?

4. Performing the exercise on the card.

Compl? Tez les phrases!

Maman ... pr? Parer le d? Jeuner.

Nous ... aider maman.

Michel et Nicolas ... r? Parer le tabouret.

Vous nettoyer la cage du perroquet.

Le grand-p? Re… promener le chien.

Tu ... acheter des croissants et du lait pour le petit d? Jeuner.

Et moi qu "est-ce que je ... faire?

Je… enlever la poussi? Re.

5. Generalization of the material on the education and use of Futur imm? Diat.


6. Relaxation pause.

Un, deux, trois

Un petit soldat

Quatre, cinq, six

Fait l "exercice.

Regardez en haut!

Regardez en bas!

Regardez? gauche!

Regardez? droite!

7.Conversation (US "Animals")

Aimez-vous les animaux? Quelle animal avez vous? la maison? Qui a un chien?

Qui a un chat? (une tortue, un lapin, un hamster, un perrroquet)? Il s "appelle comment? Il a quel? Ge? Qu" est-ce qu "il mange? Il est sympas? Etc

8. Student stories. (US Mon chien).

9.Work on the counting poem.


Introduction of LU

un chameau, une souris, un cochon, un ver, un corbeau. un dromadaire, un canard.

En France il y a les enfants qui aiment compl? Ter les comptines avec des noms des animaux. Veux-tu le faire, toi aussi? Compl? Tez les po? Sies!

Un jour? Paris

J "ai vu une… (une soris)

Qui depuis bordeaux

Suivait un… (chameau)

Elle m "a dit? Lyon

J "ai vu un… (cochon)

Qui depuis Nevers

Suivait un… (ver)

Tout les animaux

Ont dit au ... (corbeau)

Viens donc? Dinard

Avec le ... (canard)

Pour l "anniversaire

Du vieux…. (dromadaire)

Home assignment.

Reading the text on page _______

10. Lesson summary.

Fragment of a French lesson. Phonetic charging.

Phonetic exercise is a special training exercise. It includes the lexical and grammatical material of the lesson. The material of phonetic charging can be a sound, a word, a sentence or a small text (poems, rhymes, sayings)

Phonetic exercises should be at the beginning of the lesson (at the initial stage), before reading (at the middle stage), at the end of the lesson (at the senior stage)

For analysis, I took a textbook for the fifth grade of Beregovskaya E.M. The Bluebird Lecon 1 (page 10). Each lesson in this textbook provides for the development of phonetic skills in schoolchildren.

Fragment task:

1) Introducing a new sound. The nasal sound "o".

2) Training students in the perception and pronunciation of the sound "o" in familiar words.

3) Fixing the sound "o".

Lesson fragment progress:

The teacher explains the new phonetic sound to the students. In this case (page 10), this is the nasal sound "o", expressed by letter combinations –on, - om. The teacher draws the students' attention to words that sound similar in Russian. Further, the teacher offers to listen to the poem, the text of which is in the textbook (in front of the student's eyes). Children together with the teacher read a poem in chorus, then separately. Further, this poem is given to children at home (to learn by heart).

L'ourson est sur le balcon.

L'ourson est sur le wagon.

L'ourson est sur le gazon.

L'ourson tombe.

Son bonbon tombe.

Fragment of a French lesson. A game.

Play is a kind of human activity, one of the reflexes of human self-development. This reflex in the methodology provides for game exercises. The game has a teaching, developmental and educational impact on the student.

For analysis, I took a textbook for the fifth grade of Beregovskaya E.M. "Blue bird". In this tutorial, the author provides a whole section for each lesson called "Distractions", where exercises for students are presented in a playful way. Since this is the first year of study, the game is one of the best ways to master and form speech skills and abilities, not out of necessity, but at will.

Language games involve operations with language units and are designed to form pronunciation, lexical, grammatical, spelling and pronunciation skills at the pre-communicative level.

P. 165 Devinettes.

Speech games are designed for speech training in a foreign language. Prepare for various types of speech activity.

P. 121 “In Russian we say:“ An apple does not fall far from an apple tree ”. And how do the French say in such cases? If you figure out how to use the key on the left, you will easily decipher this French proverb. " (tel arbre, tel fruit)

Role-playing games are aimed at the formation, development of speech skills and abilities in conditions that are as close as possible to the conditions of real communication. The distribution of roles among students is provided.

P. 45 "Make the masks of the cat and the dog and act out the scene" Le chat va a la chasse "

Fragment of a French lesson. Grammar.

To answer this question, I used a textbook for the fifth grade of Beregovskaya E.M. Bluebird Unite 1. Each Unite in this tutorial has a grammar section. Unite 1 of this tutorial provides a grammar section. Unite 1 on page 50 provides such a section.

The practical purpose of the lesson is to develop the practical skill of conjugating the verb "avoir".

The teacher explains to the students the conjugation of the verb avoir in the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms. Further, the teacher proposes to make students a few exercises, shown in the textbook, to consolidate a new grammatical skill:

- No. 15, page 52. Assignment: Explain what Julie and Pierre have and don't have. (below are pictures)

-№ 16 page 52. Assignment: Replace the squares with a suitable form of the verb "avoir" (sentences are given for french(where students insert the correct forms of the avoir verb).

This textbook proposes an explicit approach to the formation of grammatical skills, namely the deductive method (teaching grammar from rule to practice).

Organization: MKOU Kalacheevskaya secondary school No. 6

Locality: Voronezh region, Kalach

Explanatory note

In grade 8-9, I consider language as means formation of socio-cultural competence of students. The study of this topic is based on the goal of developing intercultural communication of students by means of a foreign language. Pupils of the 8th grade possess a level of language and communicative competencies sufficient for communication, and the issues that are discussed within the framework of the study of the topic make the language a living real means of communication. The main sources of information are the materials of the textbook, publications of the newspaper "French language" "September 1" and the sites of the studied museums, festivals from the realities of French life. In the methodological development, 6 lessons of oral speech and recommendations for using a computer presentation in French lessons are presented.

Textbook: Kuligina A.S., Shchepilova A.V. "French language", a textbook for educational organizations with an application on electronic media, Moscow: Education, 2014.

Section 4 - Unité 4 "Les medias racontent" mass media"). Lecon 2 Aux ados qui aiment voyager dans le temps. ("Teenagers who love time travel").

The number of lessons according to the calendar - thematic plan, allocated for the study of the topic - 27 lessons.

Student goal: to learn about the types of youth press and the history of the birth of the press, to supplement your knowledge of the culture of France, the cultural heritage of France and Russia, to expand knowledge about the art of France and Russia and take virtual tours.

Teacher's goal: to contribute to the formation of socio-cultural competence of students by means of a foreign language, to form the ability of students to express their opinion on the topic "Teenagers who like to travel in time" in monologue and dialogical speech, in oral and written communication.

Tasks of the teacher: 1. Show students the importance of deepening their knowledge of the culture of the country of the target language and the need to compare French and Russian culture.

2. To orient students in the "world" of cultural monuments in France and Russia.

3. To form a dictionary of French words and expressions, sufficient for monologue and dialogical speech of eighth-graders on the topic "Teenagers who like to travel in time"

4. Develop students' skills to work with text as a source of information and use this information in speech.

5. Create conditions in the classroom for oral communication of students and expression of their attitude on the issues studied.

The means used by the teacher in the course of studying the topic:

  • problematic questions of the teacher, educational dialogue, polylogue;
  • textbook texts and publications of the French Language newspaper - an appendix to the First September newspaper;
  • teacher and student computer presentations;
  • site of Pew du Fou park, Versailles, Hermitage, Louvre;
  • photographs and pictorial images of museums, attractions, places of cultural entertainment, paintings by French and Russian artists;
  • Audio and video files with musical excerpts from French artists and the history of the declared attractions.

Leçon1 .

Lesson topic: « La culture de la France et de la Russie"(" Cultural heritage of France and Russia ").


Generalization and deepening of knowledge about the culture of the target language and their country.


  • Landmarks of Paris.
  • Cultural heritage of France: music, cuisine, architecture.

Lesson equipment:

  • map of France,
  • thematic paintings "Attractions of Paris",
  • reproductions of paintings by French artists,
  • portraits of French singers, recordings of French songs, the anthem of France
  • presentations about French cuisine, French music, French architecture, Versailles, Hermitage
  • brochures from museums Versailles, Louvre

During the classes.

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

Introductory speech of the teacher.

Video fragment 1: 130 - Cliché la France vue de l`etranger (stereotypes about France, France through the eyes of a foreigner)

The teachers greet, after watching the video they indicate the topic of the lesson.

Regardez le video repondez a ma question: “A quoi pensez-vous quand vous ecoutez le mot“ la France ”?”

Speaks about the unusualness of the lesson. Suggests during the lesson to compare the cultures of France and Russia. Aujourd'hui nous avons une leçon extraordinaire. Notre leçon est consacrée à la langue française, à la France, à son histoire, à sa culture: la peinture, la musique, l`architecture.

Make a plan for the lesson.

3. Discovery of new knowledge

Asks to answer the questions:

Quelles sont les couleurs du drapeau français?

Comment s'appelle le hymne de la France?

Le 14 juillet. Qu'est-ce que sinifie cette date pour les français?

Quels symbols de la République française connaissez-vous?

Prepared monologue / students make presentations on the topic. Pupils make presentations on France.

4.Dynamic pause

Teacher: Et encore un lieu celebre en France. Ecoutez et dites-moi, de quoi cette chanson est-elle? (the song “Champs-Elysees” sounds)

Au Champs-Elisees,

Au Champs-Elisees,

Au soleil, sous la pluie,

A midi ou a minuit

Il y a tout ce que vous voulez

Au Champs-Elisees.

5. Primary anchoring

Offers to work with audio fragments and guess the artists

Snippet 2- Tombe la neige, Charles Aznavour

Snippet 3 - Salut, Joe Dassin

(In a separate lesson and / or in a block of lessons on the topic "Music, composers" and / or at the lesson stage, it is possible to use methodological development "Technology of working with a song" Appendix No. 4)

Students give prepared presentations about French music. (Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour, Joe Dassin, Alize, Emily Simon)

Guess the pieces of music and performers

Offers in a playful way to present their presentations, acting as guides.

Students deliver prepared presentations on the topic Architecture: Notre Dame Cathedral, Sorbonne, Center Pompidou

7. Reflection

Offers reasoning answers to questions:

1. In the lesson I worked ... because ...

2.With my work in the lesson, I ...

3. The lesson seemed to me ...

4. For a lesson I ...

5. The lesson material was ...

6. My mood ...

Teachers answer questions, analyze their work in the lesson.

8. Summing up

Announces grades and comments on them. Sets homework: Make a presentation about a French or Russian writer, scientist, researcher or architect. Thanks for the work in the lesson.

Write down homework

Leçon2 .

Lesson topic: "Le parc Puy du Fou" ("Park" Puy du Fou ").

Goal: Introduce one of the spectacular parks of the historical reconstruction of Pew du Fou.


2. to offer students a minimum of vocabulary to describe the park and scenes of reconstructions of historical and cultural events;

During the classes.

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Motivation and introduction to the language situation

2. Actualization and formulation of the educational problem

Asks questions about the topic.

Answer the teacher's questions.

3. Discovery of new knowledge

Asks for an exercise in the tutorial.

Perform the task in the textbook, at the blackboard for the correct use of LU

4.Dynamic pause

Suggests repeating exercise.

Exercise with video clips.

5. Primary anchoring

Offers work with the text about the park p. 110-111, perform exercises for writing phrases.

They read the text, do the exercises.

6. Application of knowledge. Access to communication

Invites to discuss the question of who would like to visit the park and why.

Express opinions.

7. Reflection

Asking questions:

What have you learned?

What makes you happy?

What have you learned?

They analyze their work in the lesson, draw conclusions, answer the teacher's questions.

8. Summing up

They write down the task, listen to the explanation.

Leçon3 .

Lesson topic: "Versailles" ("Versailles").

Goal: To acquaint with one of the most beautiful palaces - museums in the world of Versailles.

Tasks: 1. introduce students to the topic, show them the importance of cultural discoveries; give a target setting for the study of the entire section;

2. to offer students a minimum of vocabulary to describe the museum complex;

3. to develop students 'skills to perceive information by ear based on visualization, to develop students' linguistic guess.

During the classes.

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Motivation and introduction to the language situation

Greets students, checks their readiness for the lesson.

The teachers greet, check the readiness for the lesson.

2. Actualization and formulation of the educational problem

Names lexical units by topic.

Repeat the vocabulary after the teacher

3. Discovery of new knowledge

Offers to listen to an audio fragment about Versailles

And to complete tasks correctly / incorrectly

Ecoutez le text et faites l`exercice vrai \\ faux p / 113 ( audio file about Versailles duration 1:11, tasks true / incorrect, printouts with the task on the table)

They listen to the text twice and perform tasks correctly / incorrectly

from 113-114 No. a), c)

4.Dynamic pause

5. Primary anchoring

Based on the material studied, he offers to translate from Russian into French p.123 No. 9

They translate the assignment and read out the answers.

6. Application of knowledge. Access to communication

Offers group work with. 117 complete the tasks on the cards and give answers.

They are divided into groups according to the task and perform the exercise.

Performs in groups.

7. Reflection

Answer questions and analyze their work

8. Summing up

Offers will give ratings to each other with comments. Homework

Comment on each other's assessments. Write down the task.

Leçon4 .

Lesson topic: "Ermitage" ("Hermitage").

Goal: To acquaint with the history of the creation of the Hermitage.


1. Repetition and generalization of topics:

Cultural heritage of Russia. Hermitage.

2. Formation of positive emotions of students, a sense of success and respect for the culture and people of the country whose language they are learning.

Lesson equipment: Hermitage presentations

During the classes.

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Motivation and introduction to the language situation

Greets students, checks their readiness for the lesson.

Names lexical units by topic.

The teachers greet, check the readiness for the lesson.

Repeat the vocabulary after the teacher

2. Actualization and formulation of the educational problem

During the initial reading, students guess the meaning of the highlighted words.

3. Discovery of new knowledge

Working with text No. 114, in which Le guide du Routard introduces students to the history of the creation of the Hermitage: 1764 - l'impératrice russe Catherine II a acheté 225 tableaux. C'était le commencement.

1825- pour la première fois sont ouvertes des salles présentant l "art russe du XVIIIe siècle

Pendant la première guerre mondiale une partie du palais d "Hiver a servi d" hôpital.

Après la Révolution le musée impérial était renommé en musée d "Etat et les bâtiments du palais d" Hiver étaient ouverts au public comme salles d "exposition.

La Seconde Guerre mondiale - l'Ermitage est une des cibles de l "armée allemande au cours du siège de Léningrad. Les bâtiments de l'Ermitage étaient sévèrement touchés.

Les collections avaient été mises à l "abri en partie dans les caves du musée.

Write out the selected words in a notebook and write their translation (work with a dictionary is possible)

Divide the text into three parts in accordance with the proposed plan, prepare reading aloud and retelling

They give reports on the history of the Hermitage:

En 1948 une grande partie de la collection du musée de Moscou dédié aux arts de l'Occident étaitt transférée à l "Ermitage.

Depuis 1996 l'Ermitage est même placé directement sous le patronage du président de la Russie.

4.Dynamic pause

Teacher: Et encore un lieu celebre en France. Ecoutez et dites-moi, de quoi cette chanson est-elle? (the song “Sur le pont d` Avignon ”sounds)

Students practice the chorus of the song, then listen again and sing along.)

L "on y danse, l" on y danse.
Sur le pont d "Avignon,
L "on y danse tous en rond.

5. Primary anchoring

Asks for a story outline

Based on the text, make up a story

On y trouve une collection d'icônes, une collection de bijoux de l'atelier de Fabergé et un grand nombre de costumes historiques.

La collection de peinture de la période classique. Les œuvres exposées les plus célèbres et les plus visitées sont deux peintures de Léonard de Vinci

Environ 500 peintures de 140 artistes de l'école flamande

Un grand nombre d'œuvres de Pierre Paul Rubens et de ses élèves Anthonis van Dyck et Frans Snyders.

22 toiles et 19 dessins de Rubens

6. Application of knowledge. Access to communication

Suggests to watch the video

Regardez le video et dites qu`est –ce que c`est et ou est ca? ( video clip about the Hermitage duration 1:16)

Work on video footage issues

L'Ermitage abrite un grand nombre de peinture de la période classique française.

7. Reflection

Offers to evaluate his work by choosing cards with emoticons.

Evaluate the results of their work by choosing cards with emoticons.

8. Summing up

Ratings with comments.

Homework: it is proposed to create a booklet about the Hermitage

They write down their homework, remember the rules for decorating the booklet

Leçon5 .

Lesson topic: "L'art de la France et de la Russie" ("Art of France and Russia").

Goals and objectives of the lesson:





5. Training to work with multimedia teaching aids, with electronic sources of information.

During the classes.

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Motivation and introduction to the language situation

Greets students. The teacher demonstrates Van Gogh's painting "Sunflowers", suggests guessing about the topic of the lesson.

Greet the teachers. Make guesses about the topic of the lesson

2. Actualization and formulation of the educational problem

The teacher demonstrates an album with paintings by great French artists, offers to answer questions on the topic.

Answer related questions.

3. Discovery of new knowledge

Offers to get acquainted with the biography of Picasso, to complete the tasks of Vrai / Faux- p. 130-131

Read the text, complete assignments

4.Dynamic pause

Offers to learn a passage from a verse in French - Aquarelle - Watercolor (Maurice Rollinat) Adorablement naturiste,

Ma mignonne peint dans les bois

Aux sons de harpe et de hautbois

Roucoulés par un ruisseau triste.

Learn the verse.

5. Primary anchoring

And what other museums do you know that you can tell about them. The teacher offers to look at the images of 3 museums, reads out 3 texts with descriptions of these museums without mentioning the name, asks to correlate 3 texts about museums with the desired image and enter the answers in the table (Appendix No. 1)

6. Application of knowledge. Access to communication

Sample answers in Appendix No. 2

7. Reflection

Offers the "Incomplete Proposal" trick for work analysis:

Today I found out ...

It was interesting…

It was difficult…

I performed tasks ...

Now I can…

I managed…

The lesson gave me for life ...

I wanted…

Answer questions and analyze their work.

8. Summing up

Gives homework - a description of the painting by a Russian and / or French artist .. Ratings with comments

Make a plan to describe the picture

Appendix # 1

C` est le plus grand musée de la France et l` un des plus grands musées du monde.

"Joconde" de Leonard de Vinci est un center d` attraction de tous les visiteurs de ce musée.

On y expose la plus grande collection de peintures des impressionnistes. Outre la peinture on peut y voir la sculpture, les objets d `architecture et de photographie. Ce musée occupe le batiment d` un ancienne gare.

C` est un center d` art contemporain. Il y a un musée d` art moderne, une grande bibliothèque, des expositions, du théatre, du cinema, de danse. Il est pareil à une raffinerie de petrole.

Enter into the table the letters of the texts (A, B, C) corresponding to the descriptions of the museums




Appendix No. 2

Description of the painting by Van Gogh "Vincent's room in Arles"

C`est la célèbre toile de Van Gogh “La chambre de Vincent en Arles” , peinte en octobre 1888 (mille huit cent quatre vinght huit). A cette époque Van Gogh vivait depuis un moi dans sa "maison jaune" en Arles. Pour lui c` etait la maison de l` espoir, du bonheur qu` il avait recherche pendant toute sa vie.

Le jeux de coulers est particulier. Les oreillers et le drap citron vert très pale, la couverture rouge sang, la table à toilette orange, la cuvette bleue, la fenêtre verte. Le peintre voulait exprimer le repos absolu par tous ces tons.

Description of the painting by Claude Monet "Blue dancers"

C` est la peinture de Claude Monet “Les Nympheas bleus”. Monet vivait entouré de fleurs, son jardin de Giverny attirait les visiteurs du monde entier. Ce jardin a servi de modèle pour toutes ses toiles sous le nom Nympheas. Monet appelait comme ça les nenuphars blancs. Ces fleurs sont ressemblent aux papillons qui sont venus poser leurs ailes sur l` eau. Ces tableaux ont quelque chose de magique. Plus on les regarde plus on les admire.

Description of the painting by Leonardo da Vinci "La Gioconda"

C `est la peinture de Léonard de Vinci "Joconde"

Le peintre écrivait le portrait de l` épouse de l "Italien Francesco Joconde depuis quelques années.

Au temps de travail il ecoutait toujours la musique, on lisait les vers pour la distraction du modèle pendant les séances. Leonard tellement aimait le portrait que n "a pas rendu au client, mais le portait toujours avec lui-meme.

Léonard de Vinci s "est installé à la fin de la vie en France, dans le château d" Amboiase à l "invitation de François I. C" est pourquoi Joconde se trouve au Louvre.

Leçon6 .

Lesson topic: "Louvre virtuel" ("Virtual visit to the Louvre").

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

6. The development of socio-cultural and educational and cognitive competencies.

7. Improving student reading skills (with the extraction of requested information)

8. Development of listening skills on the topic "Museums"

9. Development of speaking skills on the topic "Museums" (description of the picture, monologue speech)

10. Training to work with multimedia teaching aids, with electronic sources of information.

Lesson equipment:

  1. Slide show multimedia system.
  2. Textbook.
  3. Encyclopedic Dictionary.
  4. Plan - map of the Louvre in French
  5. Paris museums map.
  6. Map of museums in France.
  7. CD - player, speakers

During the classes

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Motivation and introduction to the language situation

Begins the lesson: Today in the lesson in regional studies I
I suggest you talk about museums in Paris. Why do you ask? I will allow myself to rephrase the well-known French proverb "Qui ne connait la lanque etrangere ne connait pas la sienne" does not know her own) The song of the Canadian singer of French origin Garou sounds, there is a video series about Paris, its many faces. Indeed, museums are the guardians of national and world cultures, and we will talk about them today.

Listen to the song and watch the video, jointly determine the topic of the lesson

2. Actualization and formulation of the educational problem

Task number 1

Lesson topic "Museums of Paris": Which of the following museums are located in Paris?

The teacher demonstrates an album with photographs of these museums.

Answer the question
Louvre. Versailles. Museum d'Orsay.

They work in pairs, answering the questions of the assignment.

Louvre- one of the most beautiful and largest museums in the world. The history of its creation is interesting. It contains a rich collection of antique art objects, paintings and sculptures dating back to the period up to the 19th century.
It is with this museum that I want to start.

The teacher shows maps of museums in Paris and France, and asks students to name the museums they know and where they are located.

3. Discovery of new knowledge

Task number 2

The teacher asks questions

1.A quel siècle on a construit le bâtiment du Louvre? (1. In what century was the Louvre built?)

2. Quels faits historiques sont liés à ce palais (2. What historical events are associated with this palace?)

3.A quelle période on exposait au Louvre les collections royales? (3. When were the royal collections exhibited at the Louvre?)

4. Quand le Louvre était ouvert comme le musée d "art? (4. When was the Louvre opened as an art museum?)

5. Qu`est-ce qui a était construit sur le territoire du musée en 1989? (5. What was built on the territory of the museum in 1989?)

Answers pupils:

1. Le Louvre est bâti à la place du château du roi Philipppe II à 12 siècle.

2. Jusqu "à 1682 le chateau est la résidence des rois français.

3. De 1682 à 1793 - le dépôt des collections royales.

5. En 1989 dans la cour on construit la pyramide en verre.

Task number 3

Teacher asks to read
informationabout the museum collection from the text of the textbook
from. 106
- Quelle collection abrite le musee du Louvre? ABOUT collection museum:
- Le Louvre abrite 6,000 peintres, 2,250 sculptures, 46,000 gravures, 90,000 dessins et plus de 150,000 pieces d'antiquites egyptiennes, grecques et romaines.

P. 106, students select the necessary information from the text by phrase along the chain. Check their answers on the slide.

4.Dynamic pause

The teacher about the Louvre pyramid.

View the It's Interesting Slide

5. Primary anchoring

Task number 4

The teacher asks questions about the plan - the Louvre map:
1 - Comment s’appellent les trois parties du Louvre?
2 - Ou se trouve l'entrée principale?
3 Quelles collections se trouvent a l'entresol?

4 Au rez - de - chaussee?

5 Au premier etage?

6 Au deuxieme etage?

Answering the teacher's questions:

1 Ce sont Richelieu, Sully, Denon.
-2 Il est sous la Piramide.

3 C'est l'art de l'Islam, l'antiquites, l'histoire du Louvre. -

4 C'est l'art d'Afrique, d'Asie,
d'Oceanie, des Ameriques.
5- C'est l'arts graphiques, peintures.
6 C'est peintures, dessins allemands, flamands et hollandais.

6. Application of knowledge. Access to communication

The teacher asks the question:
Which French artists canvases are included in the Louvre collection?

Les toiles de quels peintres francais entrent dans la collection du Louvre?

Van Gogh, A. Watteau, F. Clouet, J.L. David, N. Poussin, O. Renoir.

Van Gog, A. Vatto, F. Klouait, ZH. L. David, N. Pussen, O. Renoir.

Task number 5

The teacher gives the task to describe three pictures.

Students receive images of 3 paintings, divide into groups and prepare a description of one of the paintings,

Task number 6

And what other museums do you know that you can tell about them. The teacher offers to look at the images of 3 museums, reads out 3 texts with descriptions of these museums without mentioning the name, asks to correlate 3 texts about museums with the desired image

Students listen to the texts presented by the teacher at a natural pace, complete the assignment, enter the answers into the table, check themselves on the slide with the correct answers.

7. Reflection

Students are offered a test task to answer the proposed statements yes / no (or + \\ -).

Each student has an individual task and answer form

8. Summing up

The teacher explains the homework. Answer the quiz questions, agree or disagree with the proposed statements.

For strong students, using the Gides Gallimard brochure, as well as Internet materials, prepare a message about unusual museums in France.

List of references

1. Sample programs in academic subjects. Foreign language 5-9 grades, Moscow: Education, 2011, 4th edition revised

2. AS Kuligina, AV Schepilova French language, subject line of textbooks "your friend is French", work programs 55-9 grades, Moscow: Education, 2011

3. A.S. Kuligina, A.V.Schepilova "your friend is French", a textbook for educational organizations with an application on electronic media, Moscow: Education, 2014

4. A.S. Kuligina, A.V. Schepilova "Your friend is French", a book for a teacher of the 8th grade, a guide for teachers of educational institutions, Moscow: Education, 2010

5. Educational collection TeachPro "French for schoolchildren of grades 5-9". Digital guide for learning French

Fragment of a lesson in French

in3 class

on the topic “Holidays in France. Christmas"

Lesson type: combined

Technologies used: play activities, situational exercises, personality-oriented approach.

Goal: Listening training on French Holidays (Christmas)


Educational: Expand the horizons of students, raise the level of their general culture. Promote the formation of listening and speaking skills;

Developing: Develop the linguistic, intellectual, creative abilities of students. Create conditions for the development of linguistic guesswork, the ability to think logically, compare and contrast the knowledge gained, the ability to work in groups;

FROM sociocultural : create conditions for the formation of ideas about French holidays;

Educational: To form students' respect for the culture and people of the country of the target language, to foster a tolerant attitude towards a different system of values

Practical: Develop full information extraction listening skills, develop listening and writing skills

Lesson structure (stages):

  1. Organizational, creating motivation.
  2. Introduction of new lexical units
  3. Developing listening skills

3.1 Pre-text stage of work on the text for listening. (Removal of lexical difficulties)

3.2 Stage of listening to the text

(listening directly)

3.3 Post-text stage

(communicative intention)

  1. Physical education.
  2. The stage of complex application of knowledge. Development of writing skills
  3. The final stage.

During the classes

  1. 1. Organizational stage.Determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson together with the students.

M .: Bonjour, mes enfants! Je suis contente de vous voir.

M .: Vous êtes de bonne humeur et ça sera mieux, parce que le sujet de notre leçon est très interressant. Regardez le tableau et devinez, comment est le sujet aujourd'hui?

(children make an assumption about the topic of the lesson, based on pictures of flowers, a gift, a cake)

E1: Le sujet est la fête.

M .: Oui, c'est vrai. Dites - moi, s'il vous plait, les associations du mot “la fête”.

Cl: Un ballon, un gateau, une guirlande, des bonbons, ets ...

M .: Merci, mes enfants! Qu'est ce que nous faisons aujourd'hui?

n nous allons parler de la fete de Noel

n nous allons apprendre des mots nouveaux

n nous allons écouter le texte

n nous allons discuter

n nous allons faire des exercices

  1. 2. Introduction of new lexical units

Organization of a conversation about children's favorite holidays:

E1: J'aime le Nouvel An!

E2: J'aime l'anniversaire!

M .: Et les Francais preferent Le Noel? C est la fete de famille.

Before listening, removing difficulties - proper names (slide 5), associations with the holiday of Christmas (slide 6.7)

  • Matching words to pictures.

(The teacher introduces new lexical units, relying on visual aids. Students pronounce in chorus and individually new words.)

3. Formation of listening skills on the topic: "Christmas"

Children are invited to listen to the text (slide 8, audio recording)

Maman prepare une bûche de Noël.

Pour Noël, j ai des cubes.

Antoine a un grand ours.

Antoinette a une belle poupée.

Rodolphe aime les avions, les fusées et les voitures.

La pendule fait tic, tac.

Maman sort du buffet des friandises.

Melba prend deux sucettes.

On va decorer le sapin avec les boules et les guirlandes.

Task number 1: write words with sounds [u], [y] in two columns (removal of phonetic difficulties), children have a sheet with words

Une buche, des cubes, un ours, une poupee, les fusees, des jouets, le buffet, les boules, des sucettes

Task number 2 After listening, choose from the text the names of the toys that the children received as a gift, choose the names of treats, choose the names of toys to decorate the Christmas tree.

  • Physical education. Round dance to the French folk song "On the Pont Avignon" performed by Mireille Mathieu. (slide 10, audio recording)

M .: Merci. C’est formidable! Après la félicitation et le dîner on chante et on dance. Levez - vous, chantons "Sur le pont d'Avignon"

4 Development of writing skills.

After the second listening. Fill in gaps in printed text based on words in a frame.

Maman prepare ______________.

Pour Noel, j ai des _________.

Antoine a un grand ______.

Antoinette a une belle ________.

Rodolphe aime les __________, ______________, ______________

La ________ fait tic, tac.

Maman sort du buffet des _____________.

Melba prend deux __________.

Agathe dit: “A Noel, j ai beaucoup de jouets. "

On va decorer ________ avec _________ et ___________.

Une buche de Noel.

des cubes.

poupée .

les avions, les fusees et les voitures .

pendule ...

des friandises.


le sapin, les boules, les guirlandes.

Check yourself, the correct version is on the board.

5. Summing up the lesson.

Vous avez bien travaillez pendant toute la leçon.

Avez-vous aimez le leçon?

Avez-vous appris quelque chose de nouveau à cette leçon?

You remembered the rule of reading French letters and letter combinations;

You have learned new words in French on the topic “Holidays. Christmas"

You have learned to listen to the text in French and understand it;

You learned about some of the traditions of celebrating Christmas in France;

You met the French folk song "On the Avignon Bridge" performed by the famous French singer Mireille Mathieu

Homework: (for strong students)

In the proposed text fill in the blanks with words from the frame (task for "4" and "5")

C` estbientotNoel! C est super!

Papa va acheter un sapin.

Maman va faire__________.

Auguste et Juliette vont decorer_________avec_________

Moi, je vais prepare _____________.

Ecris-moi! Joyeux Noel!

Une buche de Noel,

le sapin,

des guirlandes, des boules,

des cadeaux.

Vocabulary comprehension task. Find words among the letters.

(task for "3")

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