Reading Day events in the library. Reading day methodological development on the topic

World Read Aloud Day is celebrated on the first Wednesday of March every year. This action has been taking place throughout the country since 2010 on the initiative of the non-profit organization LitWorld. To date, this campaign is supported and successfully carried out by libraries, schools and universities in more than 65 countries around the world. This year, the libraries of the Tobolsk region chose the works of the Tyumen writer K. Ya. Lagunov for reading aloud in...

Cat Day at the Irtysh Library

02.03.2017 News

On March 1, Russia celebrates Cat Day, which this year coincided with World Read Aloud Day. 2nd grade students along with their teachers came to celebrate this event at the Priirtysh rural library. At the event, the children were able to learn more about the domestic cat, about its wild relatives and take part in the quiz “Soft paws, but there are scratches in the paws.” During the event, they got acquainted with the exhibition “My affectionate...

World Read Aloud Day

02.03.2017 News

Every year, thousands of people around the world dedicate every first Wednesday in March to reading aloud. This year, World Read Aloud Day fell on March 1st. The slogan of this day is “Reading is moving forward!” The main goal of this day is to show reading as a way of interacting with the world around us and as an opportunity to convey one’s emotions to another person along with the spoken word. 2017...

“Reading out loud!”

02.03.2017 News

On March 1, at the school, the librarian of the Degtyarevsky rural branch held the “Read Aloud!” event. Due to the fact that 2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology for Children primary classes Stories by V. Bianki, K. Paustovsky, G. Skrebitsky, K. Ushinsky, M. Prishvin were read. Their works continue to instill in children a love for nature and the world around them, teach them to be kind, help the weak and defenseless, and take care of them. ...

Reading island

02.03.2017 News

The library is a haven for the curious. Users of the Abalak settlement visit it every day. It has become a good tradition in the library to hold quiet and loud reading hours on Wednesdays. March 1 was no exception, students rushed to a meeting at the library, where the next “Read Aloud Day” event was taking place. In the cozy hall of the library, a book exhibition “Let books come into homes as friends” was waiting for them, at which...

World Read Aloud Day at the Tobolturin Library

02.03.2017 News

On World Read Aloud Day, readers of the Tobolturin Rural Library took an active part in the “Read Together, Read Aloud!” campaign. As part of this event, a literary hour “In the service of his people, or the good shoots of Yakub Zankiev” was held. On April 6, 2017, our legendary fellow countryman would have turned 100 years old. The librarian introduced those present to certain aspects of the writer’s biography. The first novelist from Siberian Tatars, ...

Read Aloud Day

02.03.2017 News

On March 1, 2017, the Sannikovsky rural branch hosted the “Read Aloud Day!” event. On this day, a group of preschool children visited the library with their parents and teacher G.Kh. Kulmametova, where the children were read stories about savannah animals. At the “How to be able to read well” group, we read the Russian folk tale “At the Command of the Pike.” In the evening, adult readers and their children gathered in the library, where they read the stories of Isaiah...

02.03.2017 News

On March 1, the Nadtsyn Rural Library took an active part in the “World Read Aloud Day” event. Young readers were in for a real reading holiday, where harmony reigned: the book, the reader, the word, and the listener became one. IN rural library from early morning for kids from kindergarten"Herringbone" was read loudly. - “Which books do you like to read more: with or without pictures?” From this...

Yarkovsky rural library

On March 2, on World Read Aloud Day, rural librarian Tatyana Gennadievna Shcherbanyuk visited second grade students (class teacher Tamara Vladimirovna Kushnir) and offered to read aloud the kind and touching stories of Valentina Oseeva " Magic word", "Three Comrades" and the unusually original fairy tale by Evgeniy Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time".

These stories, different in their mood and meaning - funny, sad, instructive, set children up to think about the actions of book characters, to memories from their small, but sometimes very eventful lives. The children listened attentively and sometimes recognized themselves in these stories. They noted that in real life, unfortunately, there are situations when evil is stronger than good, but they came to the conclusion that in order for our life to be bright and joyful, we need to do good deeds, be kind people. And at the end of the event, Tatyana Gennadievna reminded everyone of V.A.’s advice. Oseyeva “Read and think.” The reading was accompanied by a multimedia presentation “Towards Good Through a Book!” 24 people took part in the loud reading.

Maryinsk Rural Library

At the beginning of March, Read Aloud Day is celebrated around the world. This is a wonderful holiday when people take books and read them to their loved ones, acquaintances, and friends.

In order to popularize reading, the librarian of the Maryinsky rural library, Fatime Muhammedovna Aliyeva, conducted a series of Loud Readings under the motto “Reading is the best learning” for preschoolers and students in grades 1-4.

Attention guys junior group kindergarten, the work was presented - the hero of the day 2016 “Confusion” by Korney Chukovsky, and for children senior group kindergarten librarian read “ Muhu-Tsokotuhu» Korney Chukovsky. Pupils in grades 1-4 were read the work of the famous German writer Erich Raspe “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”, and the children had the opportunity to travel with the main character through the snowy forests of Russia, across the seas and oceans, getting into various troubles, but successfully emerging from them as winners .

46 people took part in the events.

Mirnov Rural Library

Mirnovsky librarian Natalya Nikolaevna Kosenkova conducted a loud reading for third-grade students “The Fairy Tale is Rich in Wisdom” dedicated to the International Read Aloud Day. Natalya Nikolaevna spoke about the history of this holiday and read to the children several fairy tales of 2016 anniversary writers such as A.N. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Buratino”, Nosov “The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin”.

After reading the fairy tales, the librarian spoke about the significant role of reading in the life and upbringing of children, in turn, the students concluded that the fairy tale fosters a sense of kindness, wisdom, empathy and respect for elders.

For third grade students, a review was conducted at the book exhibition “In the World of Russian Fairy Tales”, with which the children became acquainted and took books for home reading.

Present: 20 people

Novokrymsk Rural Library

On March 2, for World Read Aloud Day, the head of the Novokrymsk Rural Library Nimchuk E.G. visited the senior group of the “Romashka” kindergarten (teacher Aishe Kazimovna Ablyalimova). The meeting in the kindergarten was held under the title “Spring. In the spring." About spring." Elena Grigorievna read the children poems by poets about spring, about mother, stories by G. Skrebitsky, I. Sokolov-Mikitov, B. Belash, and then they organized a reading aloud by syllables, Esma Absilyamov recited the poem “The Birds Have Arrived.” A mini-exhibition of books from the “Read Ourselves” series was presented to the children’s attention.

Inspired by reading, the children wanted to get to know the library. On the same day we visited the library middle group kindergarten (teacher Kristina Viktorovna Zorinova) and 2nd grade students (teacher Galina Petrovna Lesavina). The head of the library, Nimchuk Elena Grigorievna, read the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Golden Cockerel” to the children. For 2nd grade students, a literary assortment was held dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of film director and storyteller A.A. Rowe "Reviving Fairy Tales". Elena Grigorievna introduced the children to interesting facts biography of the writer. During the event, the most interesting excerpts from fairy tales were read and a video was watched.

Pavlovsk rural library

A real children's holiday took place in the Pavlovsk rural library on World Reading Day, held under the motto “We read together, we read ourselves!” On this day in the library, the children not only read Korney Chukovsky’s fairy tales “Telephone” and “Fedorino’s Mountain”, but also with great enthusiasm staged the funny and instructive fairy tale “Aibolit”. 12 people took part in the event.

Pobednenskaya rural library

As part of World Reading Aloud Day, the head of the Pobednensky library, Tatyana Borisovna Kareeva, visited the Pobednensky kindergarten. As V. Sukhomlinsky said, “Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development" And we need to deal with the development of children with early age. How to introduce young children to reading, how to instill a love for books? Only by reading aloud. “A Tale Out Loud” is the name of this event. Pupils of the senior group were offered the book “Tales of Princes”. After all, in the fairy tales collected in this book, there is a whole magical kingdom. It contains not only miraculous powers and magic, but most importantly, the victory of good over evil, the triumph of love, beauty and justice. The guys listened to fairy tales " Sea king and Vasilisa the Wise" and "Finist clear falcon" Then they looked at the illustrations with interest and answered questions. By listening or reading fairy tales, kids understand that they can learn to overcome various obstacles: defeat evil and insidious opponents, help those in need, love their relatives and their home.

Svetlovsk Rural Library

On March 2, on Reading Aloud Day, in the Svetlovsk library for pupils of the kindergarten “Solnyshko” they read aloud with improvisation, listened, watched, empathized, and discussed the works of S.Ya. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”, “ Mustached - Striped" and others performed by the head of the library, Oksana Ivanovna Koshman, and the teacher, Tamara Frantsevna Cheraneva. S. Marshak's poems are read with great interest by children and re-read by adults. Until now, Samuil Yakovlevich’s books are published in large editions and do not sit on the shelves of stores and libraries. The preschool children got acquainted with a literary portrait of the writer, listened to poetry, and at the end of the event they watched the cartoon of the same name “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse.” Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the conversation!

Komsomolsk Rural Library

On March 2, on the eve of the 19th century writers, poets and anniversaries, librarian Elzara Mallalieva held a literary hour “The vast and great world of magical miracle books” for the 4th grade students of the Maslovskaya school, teacher Gulshen Shefketovna.

The motto of the literary hour was:

The book is faithful,

Book one

Book - best friend Guys

We can't live without a book,

We can’t live without a book! - All the guys say.

This meeting took place within the framework of the library creative project “Contemporaries of M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrina, A.S. Pushkin, A.A. Barto, N.A. Nekrasov and others.” After carefully listening to the story about the poets, about their history creative life, all the guys read their poems with pleasure and also remembered A. A. Barto’s nursery rhymes “Ball”, “Horse”, “Rattle”. The children prepared and brought books to class that they treasure and love to read in their free time. During the literary hour, children actively responded, listened, and shared their impressions with each other. Students are looking forward to more such interesting and entertaining lessons from the organizers.

Information collection “LIBRARY LIFE - 2016”, No. 3

World Read Aloud Day in Yelets municipal libraries


Since 2010, on the first Wednesday in March, at the initiative of LitWorld, World Read Aloud Day has been held as part of the literacy movement. His slogan is “Reading is moving forward!”, and the goal is to show reading as a way of interacting with the world around us and as an opportunity to convey one’s emotions to another person along with the spoken word. In 2016, World Read Aloud Day fell on March 2.

Thousands of children and adults in dozens of countries around the world joined World Read Aloud Day. On the initiative of the methodological and bibliographic department of the Central City Hospital named after. This year, for the first time, all municipal libraries of the city of Yelets took part in it.

Active learning in the general library stock accepted more 450 our readers aged from 6 to 76 years. Most of them are children. The works of classics and modern authors (excerpts of the work) were read by children and adults, librarians and readers. The works of Leo Tolstoy, M.E. were chosen for reading aloud and discussion. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N. Leskov, A. Platonov, Leonid Panteleev, Viktor Dragunsky, Alexei Tolstoy, Boris Zhitkov and other authors. In total, 15 events were held (literary perspective, literary and literary-theater hours, literary gatherings, reflection lesson, etc.), including 3 events each (with different audiences) held by teams from library branches No. 2 and No. 9.

Information and photo reports (at the end of the post) from participating libraries will tell you how World Read Aloud Day went in each of the libraries.

Literary hour “I tried to write the history of the people”

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is the greatest Russian writer, writer, one of the world's greatest writers, thinker, educator, publicist, corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Thanks to the writer, not only works appeared that are included in the treasury of world literature, but also an entire religious and moral movement - Tolstoyism.

Novel "War and Peace" - largest work Tolstoy, the pinnacle of his artistic creativity. Tolstoy devoted seven years of hard work (1863 – 1869) to the creation of this epic novel, which reflected a fifteen-year period in the country’s history. According to the author, he “loved the folk thought” in this work. It was the result of many years research work author over historical sources and at the same time it represented a response to the events and problems of our time.

As part of the “Read Together, Read Aloud” campaign was held literary hour “I tried to write the history of my homeland”. The participants of the event were 10th grade students of the Orthodox Gymnasium. Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk.

The presenter introduced the students to certain aspects of the biography of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Next, excerpts from the novel “War and Peace” were read, followed by their discussion. We talked about Pierre Bezukhov, Maria Volkonskaya, Helen Bezukhova, Napoleon, Fyodor Dolokhov. Students expressed their point of view about these characters. The presenter read the excerpt “Moonlit Night in Otradnoye.” The students discussed this episode. Using a clear example, the guys saw how kind and gentle inner world Natasha, how down-to-earth Sonya is and that the author does not divide the heroes into good and evil, but once again emphasizes, using the example of Prince Andrei, that they are changeable.

Active participants in the literary hour were Nikolai Frolov, Valeria Boyko, Anastasia Daraeva, Anastasia Strukova, Pavel Merkulov.

A slide presentation was used during the event. The literary hour turned out to be interesting and memorable.

Literary gatherings “M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is our everything"(as part of the “Read together, read aloud!” campaign) held in the library with members of the “Together” club and readers.

Librarians organized literary gatherings “M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is our everything” is not accidental, because in 2016, January 27 marked the 190th anniversary of the birth of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and 65 years since the library bears the name of this wonderful satirist writer.

Those present in the “subscription” service department were introduced to the life and work of the writer, as well as to the book exhibition “Russian Swift”, dedicated to his anniversary, and the information booklet “The Great Satirist”, developed and published by library staff.

Then those present were invited to reading room, where a table with a samovar was set for visitors, next to it there was an installation (an old candlestick, pen, ink, books) all this helped to plunge into the times when M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin created his legendary works. Everyone was pinned with “badges” with the image of the writer and the name of the event.

Then you were asked to determine your choice literary reading by means of notes rolled into a tube with names written on them famous works writer (“The Sane Hare”, “The Patron Eagle”, “The Selfless Hare”, “The Wise Minnow”, “The Lost Conscience”, “Kisel”, “The Watchful Eye”, “The Fool”). This process created excitement and curiosity.

After reading excerpts from the listed works, the event participants eagerly discussed them. All those present expressed the opinion that the works of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin are relevant and topical today, many discovered the writer for themselves in a new way. This inspired them to create their own, and they eagerly read poems that they had composed themselves. Being impressed by the works

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, issues of modern politics and art were discussed, which confirms the significance of the works. All those present received small prizes from the library.

Library branch No. 2

On March 2, library branch No. 2 for the first time became a participant in World Read Aloud Day. It is held in order to help children and teenagers appreciate the power of words and create a society of readers, which gives every child the opportunity to become educated with the help of books.

The branch librarians decided to hold this real holiday of reading in MBOUOOSH No. 15 in grades 2a, 2b, 3a. The desire of teachers and students to participate in the action was enormous. All event participants were looking forward to meeting the librarians and, of course, seeing their favorite works.

In the third grade (25 people, teacher Komova L. E.) MBOU secondary school No. 15 was held lesson-reflection on the story by V. Dragunsky “He is alive and glowing”. It was conducted by librarian O.E. Arkhipova. In opening remarks She introduced to the students, through a media presentation, the author of this story - a writer, a real friend of the children, V. Dragunsky. Olesya Evgenievna introduced him to the exhibition of books and showed which of his books are in the library. Then they read the story “He is alive and glowing,” after which those present began to discuss it. The guys, like real literary scholars, worked with the text, actively answered the presenter’s questions, titled parts of the story, with the help explanatory dictionary got acquainted with unknown words that appeared in the text, read by roles. The lesson was full of different interesting tasks. The children solved a crossword puzzle compiled by a librarian, enthusiastically participated in physical education, and showed an impromptu scene from a story. At the end of the event, they willingly shared their thoughts about the story, where the writer created a bright and unique world of childhood, where there is no place for despondency and boredom.

We will be glad that our young readers will pick up the wonderful books of V. Dragunsky more than once.

Leonid Panteleev knew how to write about children and for children. More than one generation of children reads it with pleasure. He never writes boringly, his books are full of events and action. Life, the way of life of our time, its living voices sound and are heard from the pages of these small, laconic books, which makes Leonid Panteleev’s novels and stories real works of literary art.

The librarians of branch library No. 2 dedicated the work of this writer literary perspective “Through the pages of Leonid Panteleev’s fairy tales”, which took place as part of World Read Aloud Day. Its participants were students of 2 “A” (teacher Yu. O. Savkova) and 2 “B” (teacher L. V. Sotnikova) classes of MBOUOOSH No. 15. A total of 57 people.

Librarian N.V. Deryugina began the event by reading a riddle poem, which was supposed to identify the heroes of the work for reading aloud. The children easily completed the task, learned what kind of frogs there are, the features of their life activity and habitat.

This unusual start allowed the children to show interest and get ready for work. Next, the children learned that these creatures are heroes not only of folk tales, but also of author’s ones. This is fairy tale by Leonid Panteleev “Two Frogs”. The librarian's story was accompanied by a slide show, during which the children got acquainted with the life and work of the writer (real name Alexey Ivanovich Eremeev).

Then the event continued with a commented reading of the fairy tale aloud, after which the children answered questions about the text, described the characters, posed a problem and looked for ways to solve it. The fairy tale made all the participants of the event think, because literary works, and even more so fairy tales, are created in order to evaluate the actions of heroes and learn from their mistakes.

Completing the discussion, the guys came to the conclusion that this fairy tale is not outdated in our time and here the author remains true to his goal and leads to the idea: be active and persistent, fight to the end, be cheerful and purposeful, hardworking and persistent, and you will definitely win.

And this unusual form of getting to know a work - reading aloud - helps to improve the skills of expressive and conscious reading, the ability to listen and analyze what is read.

Library branch No. 4

Literary and theatrical hour “Reading the classics”

On March 2, library staff took part in the “Read Together, Read Aloud!” event, which took place as part of World Read Aloud Day. The book chosen for this event was “Lefty”. This year marks the 135th anniversary of the publication of this work and the 185th anniversary of the birth of its author, N.S. Leskova. The literary and theatrical hour was dedicated to these two anniversaries. The event was attended by 7th grade students from school No. 17.

The event opened with the presentation “The Wizard of the Word,” which was dedicated to the life and work of N.S. Leskova. Next, the guys took part in a loud reading, reading “The Tale of the Tula Lesha and the Steel Flea.” Children from the children's theater studio “Vykrutasy” took part in the reading.

At the end of the event, there was a discussion of what was read. The guys told which excerpts from the work they liked the most, what qualities it has main character works, and found out what the most important idea of ​​the tale is.

In conclusion, the librarians drew the listeners’ attention to the fact that this work by Leskov was filmed in 1986, and talked a little about the creation of the film.

Library branch No. 5

Thousands of libraries around the world have joined World Read Aloud Day. This date was not ignored in library branch No. 5.

On this day, library users were able to listen and touch the magical strings of poetry. On the eve of International Women's Day, library staff chose the theme of spring in Russian poetry as the theme for World Read Aloud Day. On this day, the magical lines of Alexander Pushkin, Apollon Maikov, Alexey Pleshcheev, Ivan Nikitin, Alexei Tolstoy, Ivan Bunin, Fyodor Tyutchev, Alexander Blok were heard. Poems from the “Poetry Box” by Olga Vysotskaya, Zoya Petrova, Olga Alexandrova about mother, performed by young readers of the library, were sung with special kindness and tenderness.

More than forty users on this day listened to the power of the poetic word within the walls of the library and beyond (librarians on this day took to the streets of Yelets and invited passers-by to take part in the action “Read together, read aloud!”). The oldest participant in the action is 76 years old, and the youngest is not yet 6 years old. But they were all united on this day by the magical power of poetry, the power of the spoken word.

Library-branch No. 6

As part of the campaign “Read together, read aloud!” at school No. 24 in grade 2 B (teacher T. A. Titova) by a team Library-branch No. 6 An event was held on the work of the wonderful children's writer Valentina Oseeva. Nadezhda Vladimirovna Levykina briefly told the children about the significance of the action, Anastasia Yuryevna accompanied her work with the class with a presentation on the author’s works. The reading and discussion of the stories “Which is easier?” was bright, expressive, and active. (How do you understand the ending of the story?); “Bad” (What bad did the boys do?”; “Who is the boss?” (Why did Vanya remain silent?); “Good” (Is it necessary to perform only heroic deeds for good deeds?); "Took revenge" (Why did Alyoshka cry?); “Sons” (Why did the old man see only one son?); “Gift” (What does this story teach us?); “Visited” (How should one visit a sick comrade?); “Greedy mother” (Is this really so? ); “Offenders” (Was Mom Right?); “Feather” (Were my classmates right to take Fedya’s side?)

The children, together with Nadezhda Vladimirovna, noted how subtly and unobtrusively the advice on how not to behave is heard in V. Oseeva’s stories, giving them the opportunity to draw their own conclusions: “what is good and what is bad.” At the end of the event, the children happily picked up books from the exhibition and were happy to learn familiar stories, for example, “The Magic Word”, “Blue Leaves”. Then the children took pictures with the books of their favorite writer.

Library-branch No. 7

On March 2, library branch No. 7 took part in the “Read together, read aloud!” event. The participants of the action were preschoolers (0th grade of secondary school No. 1, 23 people, teacher T.V. Vorotyntseva).

The librarians decided to dedicate the event to the upcoming International Women's Day, the holiday of all mothers, and invited the children to listen to stories about children and their attitude towards their mother. Head Dorokhova E.A. and librarian G.I. Grishina We read to the children the stories of A. Platonov “More Mom”, V. Golyavkin “How I Helped Mom Clean the Floor”, “Everyone is Going Somewhere”, L. Voronkova “What Mom Would Say”.

After listening carefully to the librarians, the children actively took part in the discussion of each story. The children told how they help their mothers at home, and what gift they would like to give their mother. We tried to describe our mother using adjectives (kind, affectionate, beautiful, etc.), and thought about why the word “mother” is the most important thing on earth. Then, in a chain, the children read N. Sakonskaya’s poem “Talk about Mom.” At the end of the event, the librarians wished all the children to learn to read well and presented books with poems and fairy tales from the “My First Book” series.

Library-branch No. 8

March 2 promotion "Let's read together, read out loud!" workers Library-branch No. 8 spent at MBOU secondary school No. 17 in 2nd grade. The story by Vitaly Bianchi “Who sings with what?” was read. The children were told that the author was very fond of nature, loved to observe it, make various discoveries, which he wrote down in his diary. And then he shared them with everyone - he wrote wonderful fairy tales and stories.

This story is interesting because it can be played out. They read it in two voices. At the same time, a presentation was shown (prepared by the head E.A. Karaseva) on this story with the image and voices of the main characters of the story (frog, stork, bittern, woodpecker, snipe). It turned out to be a small performance.

The originality of the plot kept the children's attention, because not even all adults know how bittern and snipe and some other birds make sounds. The children, of course, were interested not only in looking at these birds, but also in hearing the sounds they made.

After reading the story, the librarians talked with the students. Who are the characters in the story? How do they “speak” and why? Whom we know and heard right near the house (frogs, woodpeckers). Hedgehogs and squirrels, magpies and crows were immediately added to them. It turns out that how many birds and animals we see near our house, or on the way to school.

Then they were asked to find a correspondence between the names of the characters in the story and the way they sang (two columns of words were written on the board). The guys remembered that the snipe sings with the feathers of its tail, the stork clicks its beak, the beetle sings with its neck, and the bumblebee sings with its wings.

To find out how children know birds, librarians gave them riddles. At the same time, images of these birds from the wonderful book “Birds” were shown. The guys guessed some birds easily (crow, titmouse). Well, some riddles were more difficult, for example, the riddle about the sparrow: “The small bird has legs, but does not know how to walk. He wants to take a step, but it turns out to be a jump,” they didn’t guess right. She raised doubts among some guys. It was decided to immediately after school conduct research on this issue and report to the library staff whether this was true.

The next task: those who wished were given cards with the names of birds, the children had to find the corresponding card from those offered on the table, for example: a cuckoo - does not hatch its chicks, a seagull - flies over the sea, a penguin - does not fly at all, a magpie - they say it brings news,

swallows - build nests from clay and sculpt them under the balconies of houses.

And the meeting ended with the thought that nature should be loved and protected. After all, man is the elder brother of birds and animals. A wide variety of animals and birds live in Russia, a variety of beautiful trees, herbs, and flowers grow. And since we all love our Motherland, we will increase its beauty.

The children enjoyed watching the birds so much that the librarians’ proposal to create a circle of nature lovers in the future was accepted with great excitement and joy. Who else will study the animals and birds of Russia if not us, who live in it, and books from the library, of which they are friends, will help us in this. Everyone agreed.

The second graders decided that they would practice before creating a circle. They will read and then watch. How do rooks, crows, sparrows, magpies and other birds and animals living around us (squirrels, hedgehogs) behave, how do they “speak”, walk? Especially interesting observations, just like V. Bianki, will write down in their “Diary of Observations”, and the most interesting love Valentinovna, a 2nd grade teacher, will read to all the children.

And, of course, in order to be able to observe, you will have to learn to behave quietly, calmly, and respectfully in nature.

The event took place against the background exhibition “Seven pages about animals and birds”, where beautiful new books about birds, about the birds of Russia, and some books by V. Bianchi with illustrations based on this particular story were presented.

This event helped to interest children in reading; many children wanted to read about animals and more.

Library branch No. 9

On March 2, library branch No. 9 became a participant stock "Let's read together, read out loud!", which took place as part of World Read Aloud Day. Loud readings were held throughout the day. Library staff conducted both individual readings and readings for groups of children. The librarians read emotionally, competently, and insightfully. The readers themselves willingly took part in the loud readings.

On this day, the best works of writers were heard in the library - from classics to modern times. Participants learned more about the life and work of writers and poets, discovered new literary names and simply received pleasure and energy from reading.

In gymnasium No. 11, loud readings were held in 4 “a” (teacher Irina Anatolyevna Anyukhina, 42 people) and 4 “b” (teacher Marianna Nikolaevna Zemtsova, 30 people) classes. The children were presented with story by Daria Dontsova “Curly Happiness”. For some time the class turned into a literary living room, the children listened with pleasure, discussed and shared their impressions of what they read. Then the library workers read excerpt from Valery Voskoboynikov’s story “Girl, Boy, Dog”. The book aroused keen interest and many wanted to pick it up and read it. And in conclusion, the children themselves read aloud funny stories by Viktor Golyavkin and analyzed the actions of the heroes. Young readers listened with interest and listened to the power of words, because it’s so nice when reading is enjoyable. The guys really liked it and asked to read it again and again.

Since the event took place on the eve of the wonderful spring holiday of March 8, the children from the “Fairy Tale” theater group (GDK) decided to read stories and poems about mothers, as well as poems by Agnia Barto. For children preparatory group librarians held loud readings of fairy tales, and then literary fairy tale quiz “Heroes of A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”« . The children were happy to answer questions and complete assignments.

On the day of the event, an exhibition was set up in the library, from which those who visited that day could take and read their favorite book. The choice of books was very diverse: Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”, Green “Scarlet Sails”, books from the “Warrior Cats” series, stories by Viktor Dragunsky, Nikolai Nosov, Grigory Oster, Eduard Uspensky, Korney Chukovsky, Krylov’s fables and others . We also read the classics: A.N. Ostrovsky, A.S. Pushkin, V. Shakespeare, A.P. Chekhova, M.Yu. Lermontova, N.V. Gogol. Tatyana’s letter to Onegin from the work of A.S. was heartfelt and sensual. Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin” performed by active library reader Natalya Daloyan. Young people chose works of modern authors for reading - L. Ulitskaya, Z. Prilepin, B. Akunin, Y. Vishnevsky, M. Levi and others.

Participated in loud readings 110 people, was issued 40 books.

On March 2, there was a real reading holiday in the library, where harmony reigned: the book, the reader, the word, and the listener became one. The emotional atmosphere that was present in the library that day cannot be expressed in words. You should have seen how the eyes of the listeners lit up with sparks of inspiration. Showed interest in reading. Reading Day showed that loud readings should be included in the work of libraries, as this is a very powerful tool for emotional perception and communication and, of course, one of the most effective tools in promoting books and reading.

The library expresses its deep gratitude to all participants for their active and close cooperation in carrying out the “Read Together, Read Aloud!” event.

Library-branch No. 10

Library-branch No. 10 supported the action “Read together, read aloud!”, in which children of 5-6 grades took part. (6 people) and adults (11 people). The guys read: Hunter’s “Warrior Cats”, L. Matveeva’s “Beauty Contest in 6-a”, L. Charskaya’s “Well-Deserved Happiness”, A. Tikhonov’s “Encyclopedia about Dogs and Cats”. Adults read: N. Nesterov “Love without words”, M. Metlitskaya “First Love”, Fisherman’s Handbook, O. Ganichkin “Encyclopedia of the Gardener and Gardener”.

In the year of Russian cinema and on the 75th anniversary (March 7) of the artist, readers were offered a book about Andrei Mironov. After which we discussed bright episodes life and work of A. Mironov, remembered films with his participation.

Pick up a book
Spread your wings to her
cold pages
Warm up quickly!

Straightening the folds with your finger
Opened sheets. IN
breathe life into the pages,
In the intricacy of lines.

Written by someone.
With the other hand, not here
They were waiting for you in silence
In the silence of libraries.

Warmed by the palm
They'll talk, they'll sing,
They will tell you about secrets
And they will invite you to a fairy tale.

If you get bored, close it.
The leaves will rustle...
Folding the covers-wings,
The shelves will be silent.

Pick up a book.
Spread your wings to her!
Cold pages
Warm up quickly!

T.A. Speranskaya

Children's library-branch No. 1 named after. A.S. Pushkin

Participants in the “Read Together, Read Aloud!” campaign as part of World Read Aloud Day in the children's library-branch No. 1 named after. A.S. Pushkin became students of grades 3-4 of the NOU Orthodox Gymnasium “St. Tikhon of Zadonsk."

Before the start of the event, the presenter asked the children a riddle about a miracle. This miracle turned out to be a book. Then the guys received a letter from an unknown person literary hero which will be discussed today. His children were able to guess the riddle - this is everyone’s favorite Pinocchio.

The children were introduced to the biography of A.N. Tolstoy is the author of the book “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio,” which has been read by more than one generation of children for 80 years in a row. The guys also learned that this book has been filmed more than once. The first film, “The Golden Key,” was created back in 1939. It was partly filmed as a live-action film and as a puppet cartoon. In particular, a number of scenes with the participation of puppet characters (primarily Pinocchio) were made using the technique of puppet animation, the rest were played by actors in “puppet” costumes (including in one frame with human characters, where the illusion of a difference in height was achieved by visual combination of distant and near-ground).

In 1959, directors Dmitry Babichenko and Ivan Ivanov-Vano made the cartoon “The Adventure of Pinocchio,” and in 1975, director Leonid Nechaev made the film “The Adventure of Pinocchio.”

In 2005, two public awards were established in Russia: the Order of Buratino (for adults) and the Medal of Buratino (for children).

Introducing the children to the biography of the author, the librarians took turns reading chapters from the book “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.” Also, during the conversation with the children, interesting competitions were held: “Blitz tournament for experts” about fairy tale heroes, games “Guess by the description of the hero”, and “Heap is small” (choose from a bunch of heroes from different works only those that appear in “Golden key"), "Papa Carlo's Workshop" (the guys had to remember what the suit for Pinocchio was made from).

At the end of the event, the children received the surprise promised at the beginning - Golden Key candies.

Children's library-branch No. 2

The book introduces the child to the most difficult thing in life - the world human feelings, joys and sufferings, relationships, motives, thoughts, actions, characters. The book teaches you to “peer” into a person, see and understand him, and cultivates humanity. The reader in a child begins before he learns to read. The ability to compose syllables and words is just a technique; real reading is a source of spiritual enrichment. And reading aloud can give a child a lot. It’s not for nothing that all mothers read fairy tales aloud to their children almost from birth.

On March 2, World Read Aloud Day was held at Children's Library Branch No. 2 as part of the literacy movement. 2nd grade students from gymnasium No. 97 (30 people, class teacher Uspenskaya N.V.) came to visit the library. Valentin Kataev’s work “The Seven-Flower Flower” was read aloud.

To find out how carefully the children listened to Valentin Petrovich Kataev’s fairy tale “The Seven-Flower Flower,” after reading, librarian E.Yu. Pashkova. invited young readers to answer quiz questions. The guys actively answered questions, found answers from riddle pictures, and participated in the discussion:

— What feelings did you experience when listening to the fairy tale? (Children's answers).
- Why do you think the girl, after spending six petals, was not happy?
- Why did she want to spend the last petal on Vitya’s recovery?
— Did Zhenya regret wasting the last petal?
— How do you evaluate Zhenya’s action?
— Do you think it is difficult or easy to understand the feelings of another?
— What wise thought did V.P. want to convey to the reader? Kataev? What should we learn?

After reading the saying “Hurry to do good,” the children and the librarian came to the conclusion that we all need to be attentive to people. We must learn to see how others live, have feelings of compassion and, if possible, try to help them, as Zhenya did.

Library visitors were invited to mini-exhibition “My family and I read.”

Children's library-branch No. 3

March is a magnificent month in which spring begins its interesting journey, delighting with its spring, significant holidays. This is the long-awaited onset of spring, and Cat Day, and March 8th. A special place in this kaleidoscope of holidays is occupied by World Read Aloud Day. Thousands of children and adults in dozens of countries around the world joined World Read Aloud Day. This year Yelets also took part in it. On the initiative of the Municipal Budgetary Institution “CBS of Yelets”, a campaign “Read together, read aloud!”, in which she took an active part and Children's library - branch No. 3.

On this day, students and teachers of the National Educational Institution Gymnasium “Alternative” came to visit the library. (4th grade, 17 people), to whom the library staff offered to celebrate two holidays at once - Cat Day and World Read Aloud Day!

In a warm atmosphere that united animal lovers, the children were able to learn more about the history of the domestic cat and its wild relatives, take part in the “Murr Quiz”, take part in the “Pat in a Poke” competition, get acquainted with the exhibition “Soft Paws, and in Paws – scratches!”, and also try your hand at acting and play in the sketches “Cat” and “Stray Cat”.

And then came the magical time of real live reading. Children and adults (librarians and teachers) read with great pleasure story by B. Zhitkov “The Stray Cat”.

After reading of this work The children answered questions about the text and also talked about what this story teaches. Reading books aloud, creative tasks in the first part of the holiday and a dynamic pause to the song “Mongrel Cat” charged children and adults with a good mood. The book brought us all together!


Central city ​​library them. M. Gorky

Library-branch No. 1 named after. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin

Library branch No. 2

Library branch No. 4

Library branch No. 5

Library-branch No. 6

Library-branch No. 7

Library-branch No. 8

Library branch No. 9

Every year, thousands of people around the world dedicate every first Wednesday in March to reading aloud. This year, World Read Aloud Day fell on March 2nd. The slogan of this day is “Reading is moving forward!” The main goal of this day is to show reading as a way of interacting with the world around us and as an opportunity to convey one’s emotions to another person along with the spoken word. Libraries of the Simferopol region held the following events:

Employees central library MBUK SR "RCBS" organized the campaign "A Book is Looking for a Reader" for library users. All readers were asked to read works by different authors: A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu, Lermontov, S. Yesenina, A.N. Kuprin and many others. Readers really liked this event, and they expressed a desire to continue to take part in such events in the future.

On this day, the Simferopol regional children's library joined this action. The youngest pupils of the Center for Assistance to Families, Children and Youth in the village of Gvardeyskoye were invited to visit the library. Loud readings of “The Master’s Work is Afraid” were held with the kids, dedicated to professions. First, the children watched a puppet show of the same name and played games. They built houses from blocks, helped the cook set the table, like real doctors did a bandage. Then the librarian read poems about professions to the children, and those who could read were asked to take a book and read it aloud as well.

A specialist at Denisovo Rural Library Branch No. 57 organized a literary lounge “Fairy Tales Beloved from Childhood” for the library’s young readers. Participants in the event read aloud excerpts from their favorite fairy tales. At the end of the event, a quiz game “Ears on the Top of the Head” was held.

This date was not ignored by the Dobrovskaya rural library-branch No. 2. On this day, a big break was held for students of the 1st grade of the Dobrovskaya gymnasium school “ School stories", where the children listened to librarian N.Yu. Khalilova. and the class teacher E.E. Veliyev, and then they themselves took turns reading the stories of Viktor Golyavkin. Short stories, in which the funny and the sad coexist, left no one indifferent. The guys laughed merrily at incidents from the lives of Golyavkin’s heroes, and then thought and looked for answers to complex life questions, because there are no trifles in a child’s life. Everything in it is serious, everything is important and significant.

In the Ivanovo rural library branch No. 24, loud readings “Adventures await you on the island of reading” were held for students in grades 1-5. Students took an active part in conducting loud readings on the works of Pushkin, Barto, Zhidkov and other writers. At the end, a quiz “Reading with passion” was held. The children received a lot of positive impressions from the event.

The librarian of the Kizilovskaya rural library-branch No. 54 held World Read Aloud Day with students of grades 3-4 of Kizilovskaya primary school“This happens in childhood – fairy tales come to life.” The children read their favorite Russian folk tales “Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”, “Morozko”, “Geese-Swans”.

An employee of the Konstantinovskaya rural library-branch No. 28 held with 3rd grade students of Konstantinovskaya high school World Read Aloud Day “Wonderful, wise and interesting fairy tale”, dedicated to the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”, this tale turned 185 years old this year. All the children took turns reading a fairy tale.

The librarian of the Krasnozorkinsky rural library branch held a literary carpet “Time to Read” at the elementary school. For the children, the librarian prepared their favorite works and for the first time introduced them to the work of Pyotr Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” The children listened to the fairy tale with interest and retold it with great pleasure, then each of them talked about their favorite fairy tale or book.

For the day of reading aloud, a specialist from the Krasnolesskaya rural library branch No. 31 held a flash mob “Book Run” at the Krasnolesskaya school. At exactly 12 o'clock, students left the classrooms and read their favorite poems. They were joined by school teachers.

Within the walls of the Mazan Rural Library Branch No. 5, loud readings of the works of A.S. were held for library users on World Read Aloud Day. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, V. Kalashnikov “Wonders of Nature. Fauna".

World Read Aloud Day was held at Mirnov Library-branch No. 58. All readers who came to the library that day were informed that today was World Read Aloud Day, after which they were asked to choose a book of their choice and read a passage aloud. Children chose their favorite children's books, adults chose poetry and works of classical Russian and foreign literature. The attention of readers was drawn to the exhibition-viewing “Books of the Year 2016” and many works for reading were selected from there.

Novoselovskaya rural library branch No. 9 took part in World Day reading aloud. For 3rd grade students, a literary assortment “Crimean Writers for Children” was held. Students learned many interesting bibliographic facts about Vladimir Orlov, Lydia Ogurtsova, Tamara Obrinskaya, Gennady Glushnev, Evgeny Belousov, Nezeta Umerov. The librarian, teacher and students read poems by these children's writers in Russian, Ukrainian and Tatar. There were lines about the native land, about friendship, about mother and family. The librarian suggested reading aloud as much as possible, and that the motto of this day, “Reading is moving forward,” would become the motto of their entire lives. In addition, throughout the day, library readers could choose a book from the library and read it aloud.

World Reading Day “Read always, read everywhere, and you will find the path to your dream!” was held at the Partisan Rural Library Branch No. 35. The goal is to show reading as a way of interacting with the world around us and as an opportunity to convey one’s emotions to another person along with the spoken word. Reading aloud

– one of the best exercises for speech development. Why out loud and not to yourself? Because reading aloud is speech practice, while reading silently is silent absorption of information. In the same way, to learn to dance well, you need to dance, and not just watch others dance. It also allows you to learn to express thoughts easily and accurately, helps to increase vocabulary, improving diction, intonation, emotional coloring, brightness, correctness of speech and its other elements. Therefore, regular reading aloud allows you to learn to speak smoothly, as if from writing. The children, coming to the library, were able to listen and touch the magic strings of poetry, read their favorite books out loud. Everything was imbued with kindness and affection, because main theme became poems about mom from the “Poetry Box” - on the eve of International Women’s Day. Young readers listened with interest and listened to the power of words, because it’s so nice when reading is enjoyable.

For the international day of reading aloud, Perovskaya rural library branch No. 60 held a reading aloud “Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests...” (160 years of P.P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”). In her introductory speech, the librarian said that the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” was written by a nineteen-year-old student at St. Petersburg University P.P. Ershov. After the fairy tale was published, Ershov became famous throughout Russia. However, Ershov did not become a professional writer. After university, he returned to his homeland, Siberia. Where he continued to work as a gymnasium teacher and then as a director. Ershov also does not abandon his poetic creativity. But none of the subsequent works managed to even come close to the glory of “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” Then the children read excerpts from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” At the end, the guys answered quiz questions.

Pozharskaya rural library branch No. 11 was pleased to join the world reading aloud campaign, holding a benefit performance for students of grade 2-A of the Pozharskaya school “Orlov’s magic word will sound again and again,” dedicated to the work of the Crimean poet. The librarian briefly told the biography of the writer, as well as his creative path. Next, the children were invited to participate in loud readings of the poet’s poems.

Ravnopolye Rural Library Branch No. 53 on the playground in the village of Ravnopolye, the librarian held a small but exciting quiz “Fairytale Experts!” The children were asked to read excerpts from famous fairy tales aloud, and the rest were asked to guess what kind of fairy tale it was. The one who guessed it became the leader and read the next disguised book.

In the Rodnikovsky rural library-branch No. 12, loud readings aloud were held under the title “Our respect to books and reading.” The event was held for different categories of students. First for 8th grade students as part of the “Library Math Club” club, then for 2nd grade students. As part of the circle, students read the works of M.Yu. Lermontov, both out loud and by heart. And little readers (some even came with their grandmothers) read poems by A.L. Barto, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak. The guys recited Agnia Barto by heart. Between readings, we discussed the actions of the heroes of the works. Young readers listened and read with interest, everything was imbued with kindness.

The librarian of the Skvortsovskaya rural library branch No. 13 conducted loud readings and readings with commentary entitled “Book scattering” with children from preschool to adolescence. We spent time

individual readings of poetry and prose by Russian authors. We didn’t forget to pay attention to the magazine articles of the Crimean magazine “Treasure Peninsula”.

Within the walls of the Solnechnenskaya rural library-branch No. 59 loud readings “Reading aloud to children” were held, dedicated to International Day reading aloud. The event was attended by everyone who wanted to read aloud the works of different authors.

Teplov rural library branch No. 40 took part in World Read Aloud Day. Guests of the book extravaganza “Long live the reading man!” the children were not chosen by chance preschool age, since the library works on the target comprehensive program entitled “Preschooler. Book. Library". Where main goal is to attract children to reading and books. Children at this age do not mind listening when people read aloud to them. The librarian chose the book “Rules” for reading. traffic pedestrians." The children listened carefully, and then actively participated in the discussion, answered questions, which is quite important at their age - to learn to analyze and understand what they heard or read on their own. In conclusion, those who wished were invited to read the work of K. Chukovsky “Telephone” in roles. The more active preschool children agreed with pleasure and completed the task. When leaving, the children thanked us for the many impressions they had received. Also, for this holiday, a wall newspaper was created for all library visitors, promoting reading and books.

A specialist from the Trudovsk Rural Library Branch No. 56 organized the “Let’s Open the Pages Carefully” event for 3rd grade students of the Trudovskaya School. Together with the librarian, the children read poems by B. Zakhoder, the story by V. Dragunsky “Main Rivers” in roles, as well as poems about mothers, dedicating them to their mothers for International Women’s Day.

A specialist from the Ukromnovskaya rural library branch No. 14 conducted loud readings “Puzzle of Reading Hobbies” for students of the Ukromnovskaya school. Participants in the event read aloud their favorite works, passing the baton to someone else.

An employee of the Chistensky rural library branch No. 16 conducted loud readings “How to be able to read well - to understand the world through a book!” with the children of the choreographic club "Rosinka". First-graders enthusiastically read aloud the poems they liked, passing the baton to their grandmothers and mothers. On this day, children's voices of children happily reading books were heard in the library.

The librarian of the Verkhne-Kurganovsk rural library-branch No. 19 held a literary hour “I paid tribute with pictures and words” for visitors to the social day care center. The worker told the biography of the poet, about the life and work of Maximilian Voloshin. Participants in the event read aloud the author’s works with an enthusiast.

The Medicinal Rural Library Branch No. 32 hosted a reading aloud day under the motto “Read together, read aloud.” On this day, everything in the library was imbued with kindness and affection, because the main theme of the event was poems about mother. The children tried to read expressively, with warmth and love. I especially liked the poems: E. Blaginin “Let’s Sit in Silence” and “Mother’s Day”, A. Barto “Mother Sings”, I. Tokmakova “Read to Me by Mother”, S. Baruzdin “Mom is Studying”, N. Sakonskaya “Talk about Mother "

Literary gatherings “Reading Aloud” were held at the Shkolny village library-branch No. 18. In the library, works of favorite children's writers were read aloud, and Russian classics were played. Representatives of the settlement administration read excerpts from the works of Crimean writers. Pensioners of the village were invited and pleasantly surprised by reading poems by Anna Akhmatova, love lyrics and poems about Crimea.

24 people from among famous people city ​​and region, the events were attended by more than 550 listeners aged 7 or more years.

The point of the All-Russian reading lesson is for children and adults to seriously talk about the book, think about it, share their reading impressions, and ultimately pick up the book and start reading together, like a family. Russia was once the most reading country in the world! And the book was the most expensive gift, and now... Now, unfortunately, computers, mobile phones, television have powerfully stood between a person and a book, relegating the main source of knowledge - the book - to the background.

That is why on this day the word and the book became the center of attention for everyone. It turns out that adults and children, young people and the elderly (the event was held for residents of Turinsk and the Turinsky district of all ages) are not at all averse to listening when it is read aloud to them. Especially if funny poems, instructive fables, and excerpts from classical prose are read by poets, public figures, deputies, teachers, honored residents of the city and village. The librarians themselves handled the recitation very well - they read emotionally, competently, and insightfully. The readers themselves willingly took part in the loud readings.

So, more details. Already at 10 o'clock in the morning, our youngest readers - kindergarten pupils and primary school students - flocked to all city and rural libraries. Later, middle and high school students and students of a multidisciplinary technical school came to the libraries. For them, loud readings were carried out throughout the day. And some libraries conducted loud readings in stages for both students and adult readers over several days.

What did you read out loud? The selection of books was very varied. Guests of the events gave preference to their favorite works from childhood. It also happened that librarians, as leaders of reading, took responsibility and selected books for reading themselves. The large selection of works and the diversity of readers' interests explains the fact that not a single library has the same works for reading aloud. The most popular among the writers chosen for reading aloud were G. Zhzhenov, D. Granin, B. Akunin, V. Krapivin, L. Charskaya, A. Green and many others. Turin writers and poets, for example Yuri Ivanovich Klyushnikov, did not go unnoticed. The children really enjoyed listening to Eduard Uspensky, Korney Chukovsky, Viktor Dragunsky, and Viktor Chizhikov. The children not only took active part in reciting funny stories and poems, but also played fun games organized by the librarians.

In some libraries, Reading Day extended over several days. For example, in Central Regional Library named after. Pushchina Together with the readers, we read aloud for 4 days in a row - October 6, 7, 8, 9. Well-known and talented people cities. This is an honorary citizen of the Turin city district E. Ya. Keshishyan, a veteran of teaching work G.F. Shishkina and Chairman of the Turin Territorial Election Commission L.F. Nakaryakova. The invitees first spoke briefly about the writer and the chosen work, and then, together with the teenagers, read excerpts from these works aloud. G. Zhzhenov “From “Capercaillie” to “Firebird”, D. Granin “My Lieutenant”, B. Akunin “Quest” and a series of historical detective stories about Erast Fandorin - this is a choice worthy of attention! Results of the Reading Day at the Pushchin Central District Hospital - 178 people took part in the reading, 9 books were given out from book exhibitions.

In the children's library As part of Reading Day, five events were held for 130 children from different categories of readers.

For primary school students, the librarian of the reading room, Lyudmila Ivanovna Vogur, prepared a theatrical puppet show based on the work of the Turin poet, local historian, and journalist Yuri Ivanovich Klyushnikov, “Colorful Poems.” At the beginning of the event, the children got acquainted with the biography and work of the poet. The librarian read aloud several poems by the author about the nature of his native land and fairy tales in verse. During the reading process, the children noted the similarity of the author’s poetic fairy tales with Russian ones folk tales. Then Lyudmila Ivanovna revealed to the children the “secret” that Yuri Ivanovich wrote poems not only about Turinsk and the nature of the Turin region, but also about schoolchildren like them. Together with the children, the librarian gladly acted out impromptu poems about school life and the bad habits of children, who appeared before the audience in the form of Leni, Yabeda, Zavida and Spender.

The head of the Turin branch of the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, NADEZHDA DMITRIEVNA TETYUTSKIKH, came to tell the children in grades 6 and 7 about her favorite work. Nadezhda Dmitrievna, a former teacher of Russian language and literature (she spent 30 years in school), is today a keen local historian. “It was books that became the golden key that opened the world of knowledge for me,” she admitted to the guys. Nadezhda Dmitrievna introduced the children to the work of a talented writer and simply good man Vladislav Krapivin. A lively and interesting conversation about the heroes of books who always come to the aid of those in trouble found a response in the hearts of all those present. The world of adventure and romance inherent in the works of V.P. Krapivin prompted the children to become more closely acquainted with his book “The Crane and Lightning.” After a short conversation about the writer, Nadezhda Dmitrievna read out her favorite passage from the work, and then the guys took over the baton of loud reading from her. In order to interest listeners in the work of V. Krapivin and reveal the character of the main character - Yura Zhuravin - librarian Svetlana Viktorovna Podyanova pre-selected the brightest moments from the life of this hero. They were read aloud at this meeting.

All the meetings were interesting, the boys and girls enthusiastically listened to the stories of our guests about their children's literary preferences and read aloud expressively.

In the Lena Rural Library It was crowded on Reading Day. High school girls provided great assistance to the librarian. For students in grades 6–8, they spent an hour reading “Discovering Forgotten Names” based on the works of Lydia Charskaya. Together with the librarian, they told listeners about the life and work of the writer using an electronic presentation. And the invited guest, former school librarian Irina Vasilievna Khanova, shared her favorite work “Sibirochka” with the event participants. Everyone read excerpts from this work aloud. In the evening of the same day, a meeting of older generation readers - members of the Samovarniki club - took place. One of the most active readers of the Grigoryeva library, Raisa Mikhailovna, introduced everyone present to a new story by local writer Tatyana Novoselova, “Two After the War.”

In the Blagoveshchensk rural library Students from grades 1 to 7 took part in the event. For grades 1-2, an active library reader, Natalya Aleksandrovna Kovyazina, read Korney Chukovsky’s favorite fairy tales. After reading aloud, a quiz was held with the children, in which the children guessed riddles from Chukovsky’s works. Children from grades 3 to 7 were asked to choose any book from the library collection to read aloud. Adults also took part in the event. Nadezhda Alekseeva read aloud an excerpt from A. Green’s favorite work “Scarlet Sails”. A total of 41 people took part in the Action.

“Following the blue bird of fairy tales” under this name an event was held inGorodishche Rural Library on Reading Day. The guest of this event was the local poetess Devyatovskaya E.A., who presented her favorite childhood books - fairy tales. Children in grades 3 and 4 visited a fairy tale, read aloud excerpts from their favorite fairy tales and exchanged opinions about what they read. Answered interesting questions quizzes and also about fairy tales. The meeting took place in a warm, relaxed atmosphere and we hope everyonewill be remembered for a long time.

The event “Ray from Childhood”, as part of the regional “Reading Day” event, was held in Chukreevskaya rural library. The guest of the event was the deputy of the Duma of the Turin City District, Valery Valentinovich Kovkov, who presented his favorite novel by V.A. Kaverina "Two Captains". Valery Valentinovich briefly spoke about the content of the novel, shared his feelings and experiences that he had to endure together with the heroes of the novel. He pointed out the role of reading in his life, as well as the fact that he returned to all his favorite works much later, rereading them. And every time I discovered something new for myself. Saying goodbye to the guys, the Duma deputy asked to devote more time to reading. In memory of the meeting, a photo was left as a keepsake, and the librarian Vodneva Svetlana Mikhailovna and the children went on a journey to distant shores on the schooner "St. Mary". Having met short biography V. Kaverina, the guys read aloud the most interesting passages from this novel.

In the Useninovskaya rural library On Reading Day, several thematic events were prepared and held. For students junior classes excursions "Hello, Read - City!" and “The library is the house of books.” Librarian Natalya Andreevna Derevnina introduced the children to the library and told them what a “form”, “book exhibition”, and “reading room” are. Natalya Andreevna, in poetic form, introduced the children to the rules for using the library and encouraged the children to be careful with books. A book exhibition “Nature is the creator of all creators” was prepared for 3rd grade students. The children were already asking each other riddles on their own, reading from books presented at the exhibition. Students in grades 5-6 met with Anna Cherepanova, a participant in the Reading Leader 2014 competition. For three years in a row, Anya “wins” the title “Best Reader of the Year” in the rural library. Anya presented several books for the competition, and here she introduced the children to her favorite book by J. Darrell “The Talking Bundle” and, together with the presenters V. Davydova and N. A. Derevnina, invited the children on a fabulous journey through Mythland. First, the guys got acquainted with the biography of J. Darrell and his books. Then Anya presented J. Darrell’s book in such a way and spoke about it with such enthusiasm that the children listened to her story with their mouths open and with bated breath!

In the Leontief rural library a meeting was held between students of grades 5 and 6 with a labor veteran, a teacher of literature, Russian and German languages, an active reader Nadezhda Alekseevna Shelyapina, who introduced teenagers to creativity children's writer Vladislav Krapivin and his works. Together with the guys, Nadezhda Alekseevna took turns reading the story “Sticks for Vaska’s Drum.” After the event, the children took books from the book exhibition home to read.

October 9 was a real holiday of reading, where the book, the reader, the word, and the listener reigned. Reading Day provided an excellent opportunity to communicate and discuss topics of interest among young people among friends. This day became for many listeners the day of discovery of new literary names. I developed an interest in reading and the library. The meeting time flew by quickly and unnoticed, because the events were very lively and interesting. Each library of the Central Library had book exhibitions dedicated to the work of those writers whose books were read aloud. Such days are a powerful tool for emotional perception and communication and, of course, one of the most effective tools in promoting books and reading.

Thus, 24 people from among the famous people of the city and region took part in the Day of Loud Reading in the municipal libraries of the Turin city district; more than 550 listeners aged 7 years or more attended the events.

Thanks to everyone who took an active, rather than passive, part and once again touched the treasures of literature. October 9th became a real “Reading Holiday”.

Director of the children's library V.V. Evsyukova

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