Ostrogozh Central Library. Presidential Library about the Battle of Borodino - through the eyes of “modest private actors Information about changes

2012 marked the 200th anniversary of one of the most significant events in Russian history - the Patriotic War of 1812. “The Thunderstorm of the Twelfth Year” left a deep mark on the minds of contemporaries and descendants, in all spheres of life in our country. According to the apt expression of A. I. Herzen, “only 1812 reveals the true history of Russia; everything that came before is just a preface. " The collection dedicated to this event includes numerous materials reflecting the history of the Patriotic War of 1812 in all the variety of its manifestations.

Deep Russian-French contradictions, including Russia's refusal to support the continental blockade of England, became the main causes of the war. On June 10 (22), the French ambassador delivered a note on the severance of diplomatic relations between the countries and the start of the war. On June 12 (24), the invasion of the Napoleonic army into Russia began.

At the first stage of the war, which lasted from June to September 1812, the Russian army was forced to retreat with battles deep into the territory of Russia. The key event of this period was the Battle of Borodino on August 26 (September 7).

The Patriotic War took on a truly nationwide character. The heroism of the Russian army, partisan detachments and the militia, the general talent of the Russian command made it possible to turn the tide of the war and became the guarantee of future victory. At the second stage, in October-December 1812, the French troops were defeated by the Russian army and expelled from Russia, and military operations were transferred to the territory of European states.

Research, official and archival documents, cartographic, visual and multimedia materials from the electronic fund of the Presidential Library were used as the main materials for presentation in the collection. Special attention is paid to memoirs and official documents reflecting the participation of the people in the defense of the Fatherland. The digital copies of the portraits of the heroes of the war of 1812 provided by the State Hermitage are included in the PB electronic fund especially for the collection.

More than 800 items of the collection are placed in thematic sections with short annotations. Access to the entire array is carried out in the electronic reading room, some of the documents are available in the public domain on the library's portal.

To prepare this collection, numerous materials were used from the funds of the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Library of Congress of the United States, the Library of Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Vladimir Regional Scientific Library named after V.I. M. Gorky, Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific Library. M. Gorky, the State Historical and Literary Museum-Reserve of A.S. Pushkin, the State Hermitage, the State Public Historical Library, the National Film Center, the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region, the Moscow Regional State Scientific Library. NK Krupskaya, the Kremlin Scientific Library, Omsk State Regional Scientific Library named after A.S. Pushkin, the Russian State Library, the Russian National Library, the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents, the Russian State Historical Archive, the Russian State Pedagogical University. AI Herzen, Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A.I. M. Gorky, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State Theater Library, Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Authorities, Federal Security Service of Russia.

Classification of information products

Chapter 2. Classification of information products

Article 6. Implementation of the classification of information products

Information about changes:

3. Classification of information products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law for the following categories of information products:

1) information products for children under the age of six;

2) information products for children who have reached the age of six;

3) information products for children who have reached the age of twelve;

4) information products for children who have reached the age of sixteen;

5) information products prohibited for children (information products containing information provided for by Part 2 of Article 5 of this Federal Law).


For the definition of the age qualification for the main television program, taking into account the content of the creeping line messages, see Roskomnadzor information of January 22, 2013

Information about changes:

4. The classification of information products intended and (or) used for teaching and upbringing of children in organizations carrying out educational activities for the implementation of basic general education programs, educational programs of secondary vocational education, additional general education programs is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law and the legislation on education ...

Information about changes:

5. The classification of films is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law and the legislation of the Russian Federation on state support of cinematography.

Information about changes:

6. Information obtained as a result of the classification of information products is indicated by its manufacturer or distributor in the accompanying documents for information products and is the basis for placing the information product mark on it and for its circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 7. Information products for children under the age of six

Information products for children under the age of six may include information products containing information that does not harm the health and (or) development of children (including information products containing episodic non-naturalistic images justified by its genre and (or) plot or a description of physical and (or) mental violence (with the exception of sexual violence), provided that good triumphs over evil and expresses compassion for the victim of violence and (or) condemnation of violence).

Article 8. Information products for children who have reached the age of six

Information products for children who have reached the age of six years old can be classified as information products provided for in Article 7

1) short-term and non-naturalistic depiction or description of human diseases (with the exception of serious diseases) and (or) their consequences in a form that does not demean human dignity;

2) non-naturalistic depiction or description of an accident, accident, catastrophe or non-violent death without demonstrating their consequences, which may cause fear, horror or panic in children;

3) episodic images or descriptions of these actions and (or) crimes that do not encourage the commission of antisocial actions and (or) crimes, provided that their admissibility is not substantiated and justified and a negative, condemning attitude towards the persons committing them is expressed.

Article 9. Information products for children who have reached the age of twelve

Information products for children who have reached the age of twelve years old can be classified as information products provided for in Article 8 of this Federal Law, as well as information products containing justified by its genre and (or) plot:

1) episodic depictions or descriptions of cruelty and (or) violence (with the exception of sexual violence) without a naturalistic depiction of the process of deprivation of life or injury, provided that compassion for the victim and (or) negative, condemning attitude towards cruelty, violence (except violence used in cases of protecting the rights of citizens and the interests of society or the state protected by law);

2) an image or description that does not encourage the commission of antisocial actions (including the consumption of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, beer and drinks made on its basis, participation in gambling, vagrancy or begging), occasional mention (without demonstration) of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and (or) intoxicating substances, tobacco products, provided that the admissibility of antisocial actions is not justified and not justified, a negative, condemning attitude towards them is expressed and an indication of the danger of consuming these products, means, substances, products is contained;

3) not exploiting interest in sex and not having an exciting or offensive character, episodic non-naturalistic depictions or descriptions of sexual relations between a man and a woman, with the exception of depicting or describing actions of a sexual nature.

Article 10. Information products for children who have reached the age of sixteen

Information products for children who have reached the age of sixteen years old can be classified as information products provided for in Article 9 of this Federal Law, as well as information products that contain justified by their genre and (or) plot:

1) an image or description of an accident, accident, catastrophe, illness, death without a naturalistic demonstration of their consequences, which can cause fear, horror or panic in children;

2) an image or description of cruelty and (or) violence (with the exception of sexual violence) without a naturalistic depiction of the process of deprivation of life or injury, provided that compassion for the victim and (or) negative, condemning attitude towards cruelty, violence (except for violence) is expressed applied in cases of protection of the rights of citizens and the interests of society or the state protected by law);

3) information about narcotic drugs or about psychotropic and (or) intoxicating substances (without their demonstration), about the dangerous consequences of their consumption with the demonstration of such cases, provided that a negative or condemning attitude towards the consumption of such drugs or substances is expressed and an indication of the danger of their consumption;

4) certain swear words and (or) expressions that are not related to obscene language;

5) not exploiting interest in sex and not having an offensive depiction or description of sexual relations between a man and a woman, with the exception of depicting or describing actions of a sexual nature.

Have rock of citizenship "Our coat of arms and flag, covered with glory" timed to coincide with the Day of the State Flag of Russia was held in the Kendzhe-Kulak s / library. Listeners - teenagers not only studied the history and meaning of the symbols of their country, but also recalled proverbs and sayings, poems and songs on the theme of the Motherland. Competitive tasks were completed. The event was very lively, fun and informative.

For young people, the employees of the Kucherlinsky library held educational quiz "On the signs of sovereign greatness." Like any other nation, Russians respect both modern and historical signs of their Fatherland. Leafing through the pages of national history, the readers got acquainted with how our state symbols were modified, recalled proverbs and sayings, poems on the theme of the Motherland. Also held literary hour "Women on the Throne" dedicated to the great rulers of Russia from the Romanov dynasty. Excerpts from works were read, portraits of prominent women in Russia were viewed.

The Novokucherlinskaya s / library traditionally uses such a form as radio magazines. To the Day of Russia were held radio magazines:"Russia is my homeland», « The flag of Russia flies above us "... The history, greatness and honor of our state are embodied primarily in its symbols: "State symbols. Past and present"- this was the title of the hour of history, at which the librarian introduced the readers to the history of the emergence and development of Russian state symbols. Russia is my Motherland ”. This was the name of the hour of history in the Krasnomanychskaya s / library with the presentation of the "Day of Russia" presentation. It was interesting here history lesson "Minin and Pozharsky"... Questions were raised about what this holiday means, why they began to celebrate it in Russia. The guys heard about the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow. The librarian recommended that the children read V. Solovyov's books "Minin and Pozharsky" and "My First Russian History", in which all these and other events are described in detail.

For youth in the reading room of the Vladimirovskaya s / library was held an hour of reflection for youth "Russia is you and me."A book exhibition with the same title was prepared. In the lesson, the guys tried to correctly formulate their thoughts about what this word means to each of us, whether there is a difference between states and the Motherland, including a small homeland. What is patriotism, and why is it not fashionable today to be proud of such concepts as honest work, decency, etc. The conclusion of this hour of reflection is made collectively: a lot in the country and the place where we live depends on each of us and all together. And you, and I, and everyone living nearby - this is many-sided Russia.

Formation of legal culture

Libraries of the Turkmen region are constantly working to improve the legal culture of rural residents, organizing interesting events for them, exhibitions of legal literature. 2012 was the year of elections for the President of the Russian Federation, heads and deputies of municipalities of the Turkmen region. Libraries have done a lot in support of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. Exhibitions and stands were organized: “You are the future voter” (ICB), “Towards your future” (Kambulat), “Law and law” (M. Yagury), “I love my Fatherland” (Vegetables), “Everything is in your hands "(K-Kopani)," The future that we choose. Elections 2012. ”(Vladimirovka).

As part of the work to improve the legal literacy of the population, to form an active civil position and a responsible attitude to the participation of villagers in the election campaigns of the year, the librarians of the MKUK ICL TSR SK held Information Day for the teenage reading category. The purpose of the event was to familiarize the future voter with all the intricacies of electoral law and the election process. During the events, high school students mastered the alphabet of the voter, reviewed the main stages and stages of the electoral process, studied the structure of election commissions. The presenters informed the meeting participants about the upcoming presidential elections in the Russian Federation. Using slide presentation "I am a future voter", prepared by the organizational and methodological department, high school students got acquainted with the history of elections from the ancient world to the present day and once again consolidated their knowledge of electoral law. During the event, a meeting was held with the chairman of the precinct election commission No. 000, during which students were able to ask questions of interest to them, took an active part in their discussion. At the end of the event, readers took part in a quiz " The rights of literary heroes! " The participants of the meeting were given reminders "You are the future voter." Within the framework of the program “Politics. Right. Elections "book exhibitions were designed in the library:" Elections and Power », "Towards your future." Spent Information Days : "The right to choose", "Knowledge of laws is the solution to your problems" Also passed: a lesson in law "Elections of the President" and a competition for experts in law "Law. Society. I AM".

2012 marked the 120th anniversary of the publication of the book by A. Conan Doyle "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes". By this date, a quiz was held in the Kulikovo-Kopan s / library "Great detective Sherlock Holmes ".Librarians talked about the work of Conan Doyle, held a quiz on his work.

A good example is the legal game for youth “ You may not be a lawyer, but you must know the laws ”.The event was held in the Novokucherlinskaya s / library. The goal of the game is to form a system of legal knowledge; to educate the legal culture of youth. A memo was prepared for the event “ Important rules ”.In the hall were hung statements: "The law is the highest manifestation of human wisdom, using the experience of people for the good of society" - S. Johnson, "We must be slaves to the laws to be free" - Cicero. At the event, they talked about human rights, his duties and the protection of the state. During the event, a game program was held, which consolidated all of the above.

ICB held a seminar " Library and youth in the information space of an elected company”, Where librarians exchanged their experience of work on improving the civil-legal culture of young voters. Library specialists were offered questionnaires: for conducting surveys among young voters and youth: “What do I know about the upcoming elections”, “Youth and time: the formula of responsibility”; scenario of the business game "Young Voter", memo "Your voice is your wealth".

Vladimirovskaya s / library used such an effective information form as conducting promotions under the general title " Our country, our choice, our the president!". Number of photocopied calls 100 copies were distributed to residents, both in personal meetings and at various events. This was always perceived positively, there was no campaigning for one of the candidates, the emphasis was only on the need to come and vote, because each vote is very important for the further development of the village, region and country. All work was based on interaction with the village administration and the election commission. Club members "Harmony" under the guidance of a librarian hour of business conversation “Law and elections. You choose your future. " Event motto - "Today is a student - tomorrow is a voter." The purpose of this meeting is to get as much information as possible about the electoral process and give students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge in a relaxed atmosphere, express their opinion about the election campaign, and get answers to their questions. She added positive emotions to the event participants

electronic presentation “For the future of Russia. Behindthe future of the village! " With this presentation material, the librarian tried to convey to the young people present the need for active participation in the elections. Unwillingness to go to elections is a passive form of protest and it does not in any way advance our civil society towards further development. The participants showed positive emotions, seeing on the screen acquaintances and even their parents urging them to fulfill their civic duty. Together with the history teacher Olga Fyodorovna Solomonova the guys remembered how democracy was born in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. We saw parallels with today's elections. The schoolchildren surprised by their erudition and knowledge of the emerging democracy in Ancient Russia, in particular, they spoke in detail and complemented each other about the Novgorod Veche. Have shown great interest in the electoral system of today. Attention was focused on the fact that for the first time in the world, everyone can watch the electoral processes online.

During the election campaign, successfully operated book exhibition "Russia before a choice" in the Poperechnenskaya s / library; attracted the attention of library users library poster "For you, voters".

Currently, the growth of juvenile delinquency worries many: parents, teachers, lawyers, the public. That is why the prevention of this phenomenon takes a leading place in the activities of state and municipal institutions, including libraries. Realizing the need to popularize legal knowledge from childhood, we strive to form civic consciousness among adolescents and young people. For this we use various forms and methods of our work. These tasks are successfully carried out by the Methodological Center (MC) for the prevention of homelessness, neglect, the prevention of juvenile delinquency, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents and young people at the ICB.

Military-patriotic education

Military-patriotic education is one of the main areas of work of libraries. Librarians used a variety of forms and methods of work, modern information technologies, which contribute to the formation of readers' interest in national ideals and traditions, in the glorious history of the Fatherland, strengthening respect and love for the Motherland.

2012 has been declared the Year of Russian History. Russia has marked the date - the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812. In this regard, interest in the events of this heroic date has noticeably increased. Librarians, working in this direction, held many interesting and informative events. And, undoubtedly, the main library event was regional historical evening - almanac "No wonder all of Russia remembers ..."organized by the ICB with the financial support of the TSR administration. 11 settlement libraries took part in it. During the month, the ICB conducted actions: "A heroic page in the history of Russia - 1812", "Be worthy of the glory of your ancestors." There were permanent book exhibitions: “The Patriotic War of 1812 in the Mirror of Literature, Music, Painting”, “Gallery of Heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812”. The event turned out to be interesting and will be remembered for a long time by the residents of the regional center. The first page of the almanac was historical prologue "To the Fatherland - the last breath ...". The library workers, together with the RDK employees, returned the participants and guests of the evening to the distant heroic years. The prologue was held solemnly, with elements of theatricality. Then the participants - library readers, members of interest clubs, took part in theatrical sketches and musical pictures on the theme “The Patriotic War of 1812”, and the readers recited verses in the poetry page “To the feat of valor - memory and honor”.

At the end of November, the Intersettlement Central Library held a series of events for high school students dedicated to this significant date in the history of Russia - the 200th anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. Literary and musical evening "And louder than trumpets on the field of honor, love calls to the Fatherland" was accompanied by a presentation of the same name. For the event were issued memo: "Heroes of 1812", "No wonder all of Russia remembers." Historical lesson "Thunder of victory" was visually complemented by a beautifully designed book exhibition "The Patriotic War of 1812 in the Mirror of Literature, Music, Painting". Poetic masterpieces describing the terrible events of those years are strong in their documentary authenticity. Patriotic poetry of great poets: F. Glinka, A. Maikov, M. Lermontov, Y. Polonsky sounded on poetic hour "... Yes, there were people in our time." The events held by the library aroused genuine interest among high school students in the glorious page in the history of the Fatherland - the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812.

On a high civil-patriotic note, the Maloyagurskaya s / library held historical-poetic evening for youth "With a sword and a lyre", dedicated to the life and creative feat of the participant of the Patriotic War of 1812 Denis Davydov. The librarian spoke in an interesting and colorful way about the personality of this hero, about his contribution to the victory over the French in 1812, about his poetry. During the entire historical and poetry evening, poems by D. Davydov, songs and romances based on his poems sounded. Thanks to this evening, young men and women were able to recognize in Davydov behind the guise of a brave hussar, revelers and revelers, an integral personality, a patriot of their Fatherland, the famous founder of the partisan movement in Russia, a magnificent poet. The evening drew attention to the events of 1812, which were very distant for young people, made those present take a different look at the historical past of the country, to feel like citizens of a great power. For students in grades 10-11, librarians of the Kambulat s / library held oral journal « Pages of the military past », dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Victory in the war of 1812 and Information Day: “The Great Commanders of 1812”.

The Great Patriotic War always remains in the center of attention of the region's libraries. Most of those living today know about the Great Patriotic War thanks to books that convey to us not only concrete facts and testimonies of (historical) eyewitnesses, but also the spirit of the times. Raising patriotism and respect for the history of our people among the younger generation is one of the leading directions in the work of libraries. Months and decades of patriotic education, cycles of events are traditionally held in libraries throughout the year. Many events are timed to coincide with the Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, Day of Memory and Mourning.

The slide tour was held in the ICB very solemnly and brightly "Their lives are plots for novels",addressed to high school students. In our time, many heroes of the Great Patriotic War are no longer known, many have not yet been known. What if the memory of the war, one of the most cruel and difficult pages of our history, is gradually fading away? We must not allow time to erase the past of our homeland, which is why the slide tour helped the younger generation get to know their protector ancestors. The librarian of the service department prepared a biographical dossier-story about each veteran whose photo was shown on the projector screen, thanks to which the students got acquainted with the veterans of the Great Patriotic War in absentia. In the reading room, the ICB enjoyed success book opening day "Books are warriors, books are soldiers". During the year, the attention of library users attracted the attention of the library users: the exhibition - the alarm "Light of heroism", the exhibition - the requiem "Through the eyes of those who were in battle", the exhibition - the memory of "Victory is immortal, its soldiers are immortal." June 20, among the members of the club "Inspiration" in the ICB was evening - memory "And the saved world remembers ...",dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. The hosts of the evening emphasized the significance of this date in the hearts of our time. We must not forget at what cost we won our right to live under a peaceful sky. The participants in the evening, children of war and war veterans, shared their memories of those terrible and difficult days for all our people. So she spoke about the difficult fate of women - workers of the rear, and shared her childhood memories of the war, which did not leave indifferent anyone present. During the event, electronic presentation of slides "My village your sons are included in the lists of eternity", where were posted photos of fellow countrymen - war veterans. Many of the event participants in the pictures shown recognized their fellow villagers, relatives and friends who had gone to the front of the Great Patriotic War. Of course, such events are not complete without touching songs. The recording of the song "Children of War" performed by T. Gwardtseteli, which sounded to the accompaniment of the monument to the children who died in the Second World War, touched particles of the soul of everyone present. In the performance of a member of the club "Inspiration" sounded "Pre-war waltz", and the youngest participant in the event Semenov Maxim performed several songs of military theme. The event ended with a tea party and the traditional presentation of gifts to summer birthday people - members of the "Inspiration" club. The regional Council of Veterans provides constant material assistance in all the events of the "Inspiration" club. AND.

"Thank you soldier"- this was the name of the Memorial Day in the Kulikovo-Kopan s / library . During the Day, events dedicated to Victory Day were held, book exhibition “Words that came from battle”.

Kazgulak s / library held evening - meeting "War - through the eyes of young»Children of the war with high school students. Eyewitness accounts of that terrible war touched the souls of teenagers and made an indelible impression on them. The heroes of the event very colorfully told about their war and post-war childhood, about the occupation of the village, about life under the Germans, about hunger and poverty that accompanied the war years. They met the war as teenagers, they had to work from an early age, rebuild the destroyed collective farm. Librarians were convinced once again that such events should be carried out among children and youth.

The day of bibliography "About what is dear and sacred" was held in the Novokucherlinsk s / library. The librarian set the goal of this event: to promote the propaganda of literature about the Great Patriotic War, instill in the younger generation a sense of patriotism for the Motherland, try to more fully reveal the section of the library fund 63.3 History of Russia, attract young readers to read books about the heroes and exploits of the Great Patriotic War. The children learned that bibliography is a reliable assistant in choosing books, they got acquainted with the reference apparatus of the library. Lessons of Courage "Forged by War" and "Keeping the Memory of the Past" were held in the Krasnomanychskaya s / library. The events were held with a slide show about the work of the home front during the war of fellow villagers. At these events, the guys shared stories about the war they heard from their relatives.

The heroic and tragic years of the Great Patriotic War are drifting further and further away from us. But we need to know about what sacrifices the war cost us, what destruction it brought, leaving wounds both in the souls of people and on the body of the earth. Let us return for a short while to that time and listen to the voices of war that have come down to us after many years ... "As long as we remember, we are alive" -such literary and poetic hour about poets and writers who volunteered for the front and told us the truth about the terrible war in their works took place in the Kucherlinskaya s / library. The poems of the poets of the war years were read, they remembered the songs of the war years and the idea of \u200b\u200btheir origin, excerpts from letters to the front were read. For the event, exhibition "About forever living".

By February 23rd was prepared and conducted by the youth club "Harmony" in Vladimirovskaya s / library a lesson in courage "Don't forget the unforgettable."The event was dedicated to the Year of Russian History, which was announced in order to draw public attention to Russian history and the role of Russia in the world historical process. The script was constructed in such a way that it affected the participation of the Stavropolites during the Patriotic War of 1812. Leaders, club members, Kulikova Annaand Anastasia Kukhareva told about the heroes revered in our area: Bagration, Ermolov, Petrov, Emanuele, Durova. They also remembered about their fellow countrymen - participants of the Great Patriotic War. Artem Nanayan prepared a presentation about his uncle Nanayane Henryk Meruzhanovich - an Afghan warrior who risked his life in the late 80s. Invited to a lesson in courage brought a photographic portrait of her older brother Ogerova Victor Emelyanovich and his letters from the front. It was touching to watch how high school students carefully passed the time-worn historical triangles to each other. It is difficult and exciting to conduct such lessons, but at the same time you see and realize that our young people need such meetings, and they leave a good mark on the souls, awaken a feeling of compassion for others.

In the Saban-Antustinskaya s / library for youth, history lesson "Innovative Leader", dedicated to life. On the colorfully decorated posters, they wrote the sayings of the great commander: "It's hard in training, easy in battle", "Shoot rarely, but accurately", "A soldier is not a robber." The presenters and readers told that he went down in the history of military art as an innovative commander who made an enormous contribution to both the strategy and tactics of military affairs. raised a whole generation of generals who glorified their Fatherland on the battlefield. The event aroused positive emotions in the young men and a sense of pride in their country. Here was held literary-musical evening "How good it is without war." Songs of famous composers and poems of Russian poets were performed at the evening.

In the Sharakhalsun s / library passed a lesson in courage « These boys are like brothers to me ... ", dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the soldiers-internationalists of Russia. Afghanistan, the hearts of those who fought there still ache with an unhealed wound; those whose sons did not return from that unknown war. High school students got acquainted with the fate of children, participants in hostilities in Afghanistan, Chechnya and other "hot spots" (in the library there is a folder "Heroes of the Chechen War", which contains materials about fellow countrymen - residents of the Sharakhalsun aul who served in Chechnya). During the event, poems were used: M. Gavryukhin, V. Kochetkov, V. Verstakov, Y. Molchanov, V. Kutsenko. The same topic was devoted to premiere of the "Book of Memory" of those killed in the performance of their international duty in Afghanistan and Chechnya, conducted by the librarian of the Churskaya s / library.

Environmental education of the population, human ecology

Libraries of the Turkmen region use various forms of work in their practical activities to foster ecological culture. The emphasis is on active, interactive forms of environmental education, filled with modern content. Librarians conducted cycles of conversations, literature reviews, environmental and literary lessons, disputes, dialogues, express information, literary and educational games, and competitions. I would like to pay special attention to eco lesson Alarm Bells which took place at the ICB among high school students. We all come from nature, we breathe it, we grow and live thanks to nature. But few of us thought about the fact that we are destroying ourselves. This lesson was addressed to the younger generation, since this particular category of users is our future, on which great hopes are pinned in protecting our nature. The librarian of the service department held a conversation about the state of the ecological world of the region, the region, where each of the students got acquainted with the problems of pollution and the deterioration of the ecology of their native land. In dialogue with students, it was said about methods and solutions aimed at improving and respecting nature. The digest "Flora and fauna of the Turkmen region", which lists the types of medicinal plants and wild animals inhabiting the territory of the Turkmen region, listed in the Red Book, did not go unnoticed.

The users of Maloyagurskaya s / library learned about the state of ecological health of their small homeland in the process presentation of the book "On the state of the environment and nature management in the Stavropol Territory in 2009". The librarian introduced the participants of the event not only to the content of the sections of this publication, but also made young men and women think about the imminent future of their native land, if environmental problems are not resolved in a timely manner. Especially for this event in the reading room was deployed book exhibition "Let's save our native Stavropol!", where were presented books covering the environmental problems of the Stavropol region. A brief review of this literature was carried out. At the end of the event, the users themselves performed the poems of Stavropol poets about the beauty of the nature of their native land. Ecological hour « Earth is a tear on the cheek of the universe» took place in the Kambulat s / library. The event discussed the problem of nature protection. It was interesting here poetry hour « Is in the autumn of the initial » . Was framed exhibition of books and reproductions under the title “Ah, Autumn! It's a sad time! " Poems by F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, A. Maikov, I. Bunin sounded, and romances were performed by a KFOR employee « Chrysanthemums have faded long ago in the garden ”,“ Autumn Dream ”. This poetic hour ended with a tea party.

Literary evening "Ecology is an alarm zone”Held in the Ovoschinskaya s / library. We designed a book exhibition for this event " Ecology: Anxiety and Hope". At the evening, they talked about the works of great masters describing nature. Introduced to the works of writers who write about the emerging discord between nature and man: V. Astafiev, Ch. Aitmatov, M. Prishvin, V. Soloukhin, L. Leonov. Information Day for readers of different ages "This land is yours and mine" took place in the Krasnomanychskaya s / library.

With a group of readers who are fond of flowers, the librarian of the Poperechnenskaya s / library held an event - kaleidoscope of interesting facts "Astrology of home colors"... The participants of the event learned a lot of new and interesting things about flowers, how they affect a person.

Exhibition activities are distinguished by a variety of modern information exhibitions, which are held with the aim of informing readers, more fully disclosing the book fund of libraries: exhibition-panorama "Green Miracle - Earth" (MCB), exhibition-adviser "One hundred tips for health" (MCB), "We are earthlings!" (M. Yagury), exhibition - appeal « Don't even try - it's dangerous! " and etc.

Having at their disposal modern technology, librarians prepare bibliographic materials of an analytical, survey nature: digests, calendars, reference books.

In the libraries of the Turkmen region, one of the priority areas is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the prevention of negative social phenomena, the prevention of drug addiction. The intersettlement central library and rural libraries of the district cooperate with hospital workers, with employees of the ROVD, with whose participation health hours, warning lessons among young people and other events are held.

The event at the ICB was very interesting - crossroads of opinions with students in grade 10 "Gambling addiction is the disease of the century", where the leading librarian gave a clear definition of the word "gambling". The students learned that the new economic path led our country not only to a change in living conditions, but also to the emergence of new psychological addictions. During this event, the causes of gambling were identified and, together with those present, the stages of gambling addiction were identified, as well as the symptoms accompanying gambling. The crossroads of opinions helped bring the leaders of the event closer to the students, a kind of psychological dialogue on this topic took place. At the end of the event, it was revealed that in addition to gambling, computer games can also lead to gambling addiction, which are available in a huge number to people of all ages, including children. There are no age restrictions for the disease of gambling addiction, since any person can be exposed to it, depending on the prerequisites for the onset of this disease. The event has ended the call "We are for health", which will allow us to grow a healthy and strong future for humanity. Among 10th grade students warning game "Gone with Heroin",which allowed the younger generation to help instill healthy lifestyle habits. At this event, students took an active part in quiz "Give yourself health”, Which helped the students to determine their health status and the presence of bad habits.

Along with the problems of drug addiction, the district libraries pay attention to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle: health-improving systems, the benefits of sports and physical education, information work is underway to explain the harm of smoking and alcoholism.

The goal of all events held on this topic in libraries is to familiarize with reading modern and high-quality scientific, journalistic and fictional literature, to form a negative attitude towards alcohol, tobacco and drugs, and to promote a healthy lifestyle. One of the activities for the prevention of tobacco smoking among adolescents and young people was carried out in the Novokucherlinskaya s / library. Discussion« Datura - grass or deceived destinies". The purpose of the event: the formation of young people motivation for a healthy lifestyle and a persistent negative attitude to tobacco smoking; increasing knowledge about the negative effects of smoking; drawing the attention of adolescents to reading popular literature on a given topic. At the event, the guys learned what tobacco is, who brought tobacco to Europe, under which king tobacco was most widespread in Russia. Penalties were discussed when the narcotic and addictive effects of tobacco were discovered and other information from the history of tobacco.

Kucherlinskaya library held for youth hour of useful tips "Is it modern to be healthy?" The event turned out to be kind and positive, giving a mood for health; talked about the effects of charging, remembered proverbs and sayings about health. The conversation was also about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs, about their effect on the body.

Environmental lesson for teenagers in the Vladimirovskaya s / library called "Medicinal plants Stavropol Territory and Turkmen District " interested everyone. Samples were used in the lesson 25 medicinal plants growing on the territory of the Vladimirovsky village council. Participants had the opportunity to touch and smell each specimen. Often we walk past different herbs and do not think about what benefits they accumulate for us, striving for the sun. Nettle, yarrow, St. John's wort, dog rose, horse sorrel, thyme, chamomile, tansy and many other herbs and fruits were used in the ecological lesson. Each sample was given a characteristic.

A game quiz was held for the youth audience "Drug is a sign of trouble».

Fragment of the exhibition "The world is beautiful without doping"

Throughout the game, the guys answered questions, argued, reflected. Everyone tried to bring points to their team. The event was held at a high emotional intensity, and the tasks made even the teachers think. Well, for example, the participants had to arrange according to the degree of importance (according to the cards issued in advance) the qualities that are necessary to defend their decision. Qualities such as purposefulness, self-confidence, self-esteem, independence, perseverance, resourcefulness, stubbornness, courage, independence, willpower. they have their own value for each person. Or the myth “drug addiction is curable”. It had to be either confirmed or debunked. The guys selflessly defended their innocence. The high school students liked the event very much.

Hour of health "Never be ill" took place in the Churskaya s / library. The event was held in a playful way to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Library and family

Libraries of the Turkmen region have intensified their work to promote the family, promote family reading, using such forms of events as family holidays, family evenings. The focus of such events is the elevation of family values: love, care for children, preservation of cultural traditions, education of citizenship, love for the Motherland. Libraries produce a variety of bibliographic products for family reading. Librarians use various forms of work in their work, including individual guidance on family reading (family forms). In this direction, librarians successfully cooperate with schools, parental committees.

"We are a family" -so called evening is a holiday dedicated to the International Family Day, which was held by the inter-settlement central library. Three young families who love books were invited to the holiday: Sleptsovs, Semyonovs and Nurovs. They were the main participants in the evening. All those present at the evening listened to the "business cards" of the participants, in which they told about themselves, answered questions about the history of the formation of their family. In the "How do you know literary heroes" tournament, the participants answered questions accurately. In the "House of My Dreams" competition, parents, guessing the content of their children's drawings, had to try hard, because the younger generation drew in such a way that the parents could not see it. The thinking contest amused everyone, in which there were questions for men and then for women, the answers sounded very different. The evening ended with a family dance and a merry tea party. Each family was presented with souvenirs. The family evening really enjoyed everyone present .


on the book-illustrative exhibition:

dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812

year 2012

The most popular form of visual activity in libraries is still the book-illustrative exhibition. The book exhibition is the hallmark of the library.

There have been many wars in the history of our Motherland - large and small, conquest and liberation, but only two of them are called Fatherland. It is characteristic that for Russia, which is prone to reassessing values, revising its history, overthrowing former idols, it is the Patriotic War of 1812 that is something sacred.

Researchers treat its history with surprising care and tact. War heroes, who possessed not only undoubted merits, but also natural human weaknesses, are still fanned in our minds with a romantic halo that puts them beyond the criticism of their descendants. They manage to cause admiration and admiration in us through the centuries.

2012 marks a glorious date - the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812.

The significance of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 is evidenced by the fact that this event is reflected in the Federal Law "On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia" No. 32 - FZ dated March 13, 1995, new edition: No. 98 - FZ dated July 21, 2005 , where the list of days of military glory of Russia includesSeptember 8 is the day of the Borodino battle.

In 2007, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was issued on December 27. 2007 No. 1755“On the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812”.

Gazimuro-Factory school library took an active part in events dedicated to the war of 1812. An action plan was drawn up for this significant date. At the end of September, a costume ball in the style of the beginning of the 19th century was held in all classes, each class prepared a performance and a presentation. At the beginning of September, the library organized an exhibition "The Terrible 1812". A number of events were held at the exhibition. This is a review of books that have found their place at the exhibition, and conversations about the events of those years, quizzes. Children prepared messages about the war of 1812.

On October 1, a competition was announced: "My favorite book about the Patriotic War of 1812". Primary and middle school students took an active part in this competition. Books about the war were found on shelves at home and in other libraries. Much material was published in the magazine “

Murzilka ”, the guys took advantage of it, learned a lot of interesting things about the war, about heroes, about field marshals. From 10 to 19 October, another exhibition about the Patriotic War of 1812 was opened in the assembly hall:"It is not for nothing that the whole of Russia remembers ..." It collected all the material: textbook, encyclopedic, artistic, illustrated, which could be found in our school library. Some books have already lived their "adult life": in 2012 they will turn 60 years old.

1 section of the exhibition "Sacred Pages of Wars"

“The twelfth year was great, because

awakened the dormant forces of Russia and forced

her to see in herself the forces and means that

she hitherto had no idea of \u200b\u200bherself "

(V.G Belinsky)

Contains general information: "A just national liberation war of the peoples of Russia led by the Russian people against the invading Napoleonic army. The defeat of the French troops in Russia in 1812 played a major role in the liberation of the peoples of Western Europe from the Napoleonic yoke. We read this in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 31, published in Moscow in 1955. The encyclopedia is provided with colorful illustrations and maps: "Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 and the retreat of the Russian army", "Counteroffensive of the Russian army", paintings by artists: P. Hess "Battle of Borodino", "Battle of Vyazma on October 22, 1812", "Transition of the French army through the Berezina "(The flight of the French army from Russia), Krasovsky" The battle of Platov's Cossacks "near the village of Mir" "The French moved like clouds", "And the battle broke out not for the sake of glory", "Borodino battle", "Their feat is remembered by the whole of Russia", "Not sparing". “From the first days of the war, having an almost triple superiority in manpower and artillery (610 thousand people and 1200 guns, 240 thousand from the Russians) Napoleon strove as soon as possible

smash the Russian army "we must end the campaign with one thunderous blow" - he said. However, the Russians dispelled this myth to smithereens. The Don Cossacks, led by their ataman M.I. Platov, played a huge role in the defeat of the French army. Once Napoleon himself almost ended up in captivity with Platov. The French emperor even said: "Give me only the Cossacks, and I will conquer all of Europe!"

Section 2 of the exhibition: "Life for the Glory and Honor of the Fatherland." The section was quoted in the poems of M. Tsvetaeva:

“All the peaks were small for you,

and the most stale bread is soft "

Oh young generals

Oh young generals

The past years ... "

The book by Evgeny Vladimirovich "Historical Portraits" contains the most interesting material about the heroes of the war of 1812: Bagration, Barclay de Tolly, Neverovsky, Raevsky, Kutuzov, and others. Description of the personality of Napoleon, his conquests, the invasion of Russia in 1812, the defeat of his army. The material is accompanied by colorful illustrations: "Panoramas of the Battle of Borodino", "Fire in Moscow on September 15, 1812". The activities of the outstanding diplomat of his time, Emperor Alexander I, can be traced in the book "Rulers of Russia" (M., Belfax 2001)“In conditions when the allies one by one betrayed Alexander I, he made a diplomatic move. On June 13-14, 1807, a meeting of the Russian emperor and Napoleon Bonaparte took place in Tilsit, where an act on the offensive and defensive alliance between Russia and France was signed. If you trace the course of events, 1806 was the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war, which lasted until May 1812. At the last stage, General Field Marshal M.I.Kutuzov stood at the head of the Russian army. 1808 the beginning of the war with Sweden, and on June 12, 1812, the huge army of Napoleon, which included the troops of most countries

Europe, which is why they dubbed the army of "twelve languages" crossed the borders of Russia and launched an offensive on Moscow. "

Section 3 of the exhibition: “There is a large field in Moscow”. Quote:

"Here in the fields of Borodin

Europe fought with Russia

And the honor of Russia is saved

In the waves of a bloody stream "


In 2001, in Moscow, the "scientific publishing house" published the "Great Russian Encyclopedia" volume 4, which found its place at the book exhibition. Opening the book on page 61 we read: “The Russian army, retreating from Smolensk after the Battle of Smolensk in 1812, on August 22, concentrated at Borodino, Moscow province, where Kutuzov decided to give battle in order to prevent the enemy from reaching Moscow. The battle of Borodino began in the early morning of August 26 with an artillery firefight. The battle was bloody, and with the onset of darkness, the French troops retreated to their original positions. The "Great Army" lost (according to French documents 28 thousand people, according to Russian documents 50-58 thousand people). Having lost half of the Russian army in the battle at Borodino, Kutuzov categorically decided to save the second half of the army and give Moscow without a fight. This did not prevent him from proclaiming that Borodino was a victory. The moral victory was indisputable. Since that time, the Borodino field has firmly entered the spiritual consciousness of the Russian people. It has become part of our national pride and glory. An indestructible component of our historical memory. This section includes visual material about the Battle of Borodino. 4 section of the exhibition: "1812 in Russian poetry and prose"

Let's remember, brothers, the glory of Ross

And let's go smash the enemies!

Defend your power:

Better death than to live in slavery.

We go forward guys

With God, faith and bayonet!

Faith to us and loyalty is sacred:

Win or Die!

Under the Smolensk walls

Here, Russia at the door,

Become and fight our enemies! ..

Let's not miss the evil beasts!

(F. Glinka)

On the bookshelf, children found poetry and prose in the following collections: Baratynsky Poems and Poems, "Bless the Poet", M. Tsvetaeva Poems., "Borodino Field", Russian songs and romances, Russian poetry 1801-1812, Russian prose of the 1st half 19th century, Tolstoy War and Peace - 4 volumes.

The competition "My favorite book about the Patriotic War of 18123" was announced, in which the children took an active part. Students in grades 2,3,4,5,6 read these books, shared what they read and what they liked.

The purpose of the viewing exhibition is to acquaint students with literature on a specific topic. A prerequisite for the exhibition is the creation of comfortable conditions for the reader to work with the book. The principles should be followed: accessibility, openness, comfort. "The choice of the form of a book exhibition is not an end in itself, but a way to effectively reveal the content of the topic. A well-prepared and organized exhibition is a work of library art, the fruit of scientific and creative research, the result of inspired work. It should contribute to the formation of a positive image of the library. All libraries are individual, but in any of them a special atmosphere reigns, the owners of which are rightfully the librarian and the book fund. Book exhibitions can be called a kind of visiting card of the library. "

(O.P. Zykov)

List of literature used to design the exhibition:

1.BSE v. 31 Moscow, state. Scientific publishing house 1955.

2. Glory to the military of Russia Chita. Search 2004

3.E. Tarle. Historical portraits. Digest 2007.

4.Rulers of Russia Moscow. Belfast. year 2001.

5.BRE Moscow. Scientific publishing house. 2006.

6. Fleet commanders and generals. Encyclopedia. Moscow. Rosmen. 2001

7. Baratynsky Poems and poems. Moscow. Fiction 1982.

8. Pushkin, Poems. Moscow worker. 1985 year.

9. Collection Bless the Poet. Moscow, Soviet Russia 1983.

10 Lunini Compositions. Irkutsk. East Siberian Publishing House 1988.

11. Tsvetaeva Poems. Moscow Children's literature, 1990

12.Collection. Borodino field. Moscow. Children's literature. 1987 year.

13.Russian songs and romances. Moscow, Fiction, 1989.

14. Russian poetry 1801-1812 YEAR, Moscow, fiction 1989.

15.Russian prose of the 1st half of the 19th century, Moscow, 2002

16.L.N. Tolstoy War and Peace in 4 volumes, Moscow Enlightenment 1981.

The issue of fostering patriotism and respect for the history of the Fatherland was one of the main issues in 2012, which was declared the Year of Russian History. 2012 saw the most important historical anniversaries: the 200th anniversary of Russia's victory in the Patriotic War, 1150 years of Russian statehood, 770 years of the Battle on the Ice. Civil-patriotic events in the libraries of the Central Library System were held under the sign of these dates.

Patriotic War of 1812

These events were reflected in the work of the libraries of the Bezhanitsy region: in all libraries there are book exhibitions and information: "Alexander Nikolaevich Chechensky - the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812", "The war of 1812 - in faces".

In the central regional library, meetings were held in the clubs "Our Wise Reader" (veterans) and "Literary Wednesday" (youth) under the name "Cavalier Guards, You Have Acquired Glory" - about the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.

A series of events has been prepared in the Gdovsk District Library:

  • Book exhibition - a review "To the feat of valor, memory and glory";
  • The lesson of patriotism "The people in the war of 1812", during which there was a conversation about the participants in those heroic events, the Heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.

One of the pages of the slide presentation prepared for the event was dedicated to Count P.P. Konovnitsyn, the hero of this war, who lived on the Gdov land and was buried in the Kyarovo estate. And the participants of the thematic hour "It is not for nothing that all of Russia remembers ..." learned about how the events of the Patriotic War of 1812 were reflected in literature and art.

The Dnovskaya District Library invited its readers to a fascinating journey into the history of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century, dedicated to the events of 200 years ago, namely, the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Battle of Borodino. An exhibition was presented to the attention of young people - a panorama "The state is strong by the army and generals." The exhibition featured materials about the family of the Borozdins , which for a number of years the district library has been collecting, organizing and preserving.

The oral journal "Glorious Year of the People's War" was conducted by the Ostrovskaya Central Regional Library. It consisted of four pages: "There is such a field near Moscow",

"The Russian Army of 1812", "Faithful to the Fatherland and Duty" (on the contribution to the victory of the Pskov Province and Pskov compatriots (M.I.Kutuzov, A. Figner, P.P. Konovnitsin, S.V. Nepeitsyn), as well as participants and the heroes of the war of 1812 associated with the island region).

To the 1150th anniversary of Russian statehood various events were held.

In the Velikolusky district, in the Pereslegin library, a presentation "The Pearl of the Pskov Region - Izborsk" was held, in the Gali Library - a conversation "From Russia to Russia".

"The heroic past of the land of Pskov": a week of historical books dedicated to 770th anniversary of the Battle of the Ice,took place in the libraries of the Pskov region.

This important event was presented to users at:

Thematic hours for children and youth in the Bystretsovskaya library, dedicated to Alexander Nevsky: "The bright sun of Russia" (readers got to know the personality of A. Nevsky, learned about his childhood, youth, first victories and service in Novgorod); “On the borders of the Russian land” (about the battle on Lake Peipsi - about the number and formation of troops, about the equipment of soldiers, etc.);

Literary, literary, musical and local history hours - "Prince, Citizen and Saint Alexander Nevsky" (Karamyshevskaya Library), "Defender of the Russian Land" (Logozovskaya Library), "Whoever comes to us with a sword will die from the sword" (Seryodkinskaya Library) ...

Also, hours of history dedicated to the 770th anniversary of the Battle on the Ice were held in the Kirshinsky library of the Pechora region.

Increasingly, libraries in events dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day represent the events of the military history of the twentieth century.

Patriotic actions "For the Glory of the Fatherland!" Dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, took place in the Pereslegin gymnasium, Bulyninsk school, Porechensky House of Culture. Several generations of defenders of the Motherland took part in the event. These are veterans of hostilities in the Republic of Afghanistan, participants in hostilities in the North Caucasus, future soldiers - students of educational institutions of the Velikie Luki region. During the presentation, which consisted of two parts, the participants of the event learned about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War who defended the area, as well as about the military personnel who took part in the hostilities in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Those present honored the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland with a minute of silence. Traditionally, flowers were laid at the monuments to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War.

An evening was held in the Palkinsky regional library for the Defender of the Fatherland Day - the parting words "To be a soldier - to serve the Motherland." Librarians told about the tragic pages of our history - the Great Patriotic War, the war in Afghanistan, the war in the Chechen Republic.

TO Day of warriors-internationalists it has become a tradition to hold meetings of Afghan warriors in the Gdov District Library. There was an evening meeting of soldiers - Afghans "The guys were leaving Afghanistan ...". At the end of the evening-meeting, all the Afghan soldiers were presented with memorable gifts - discs with recordings of the video version of the Book of Memory of the Pskovites who died in Afghanistan, "They Didn't Return from the Battle ..." and a video clip about the events of past years held in the library for Afghan soldiers.

Ostrovsky central district library was carried outa lesson of patriotism and courage "Memory and glory bequeathed to us", during which librarians told about the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia in February: February 15 - Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duty outside the Fatherland; February 21 - 12 years since the death of the intelligence officers - special forces; February 23 - Defenders of the Fatherland Day; March 1 - the day of the death of the paratroopers of the 6th company.

The cycle of lessons of courage and patriotism, held in the libraries of the Novosokolniki district, "No one goes into oblivion ..." feat of the legendary 6th company of the airborne regiment.

A lesson in memory of the heroes of the 6th company was held in the library department of the Usvyatskiy RCK.

In the Porechenskaya library of the Velikie Luki region, the Information Day "And courage, as they carried the banner", the thematic evening "Heavenly infantry of the air regiment" in the Pereslegin library were held.

A series of events dedicated to the exploits of our fellow countrymen: "The heart tells to remember" was held in the libraries of the Pskov region.

Young people were told about the feat of the soldiers - paratroopers of the 6th company at the lessons of courage "Step into immortality" in the Vaulinsky library; “We Remember” at the Karamyshevskaya Library; "Remember us, Russia" in the Stremutkino library.

The lesson of courage "A company that is gone for centuries" in the Solovyov library was dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the opening of the monument to soldiers - paratroopers of the 6th company.

Exhibition of local lore and photographic material about the participants of the "Hot spots" is framed in the Exhibition Library.

Information Day "Eternal Light of Feat" in the Logozov Library told its readers about our fellow countryman, the hero of Russia A.V. Lebedev.

An effective form of dissemination of local history knowledge is Local history conferences, readings.

First day Vl Chudskih readings in Gdov was dedicated To the great year of Russia - 1812 g . Second day Chudskih readingstook place in Samolvov Rural Model Library Branch and was dedicated to the 770th anniversary of the victory of A. Nevsky's squad in the Battle of the Ice.

Kronidov readings - this is a new tradition, which was born in the Iskrovskaya library on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the famous priest in the Dnovskaya land, Father Kronid. A round table was held in the Iskrovskaya library "Feat of Service" its participants were the rector of the Dnovsky Church of the Archangel Michael, Father Sergiy, the priest of the Gorista church, representatives of the Volost Administration, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Dnovets" M.A. Karpova, head of the library N.N. Sokolov and readers. The presentation of the booklet was presented "The Holy Mountains of Father Kronidas".

For the first time Krasnogorodskie historical and regional readings were held with the participation of Krasnogorodsk compatriots from the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Pskov, local historians of Pytalovsky and Krasnogorodsky districts. The readings were dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Krasnogorodsky region. There were reports of historians and local historians dedicated to the problems of the history of Russia and the study of individual pages of the history of the small homeland.

A regional patriotic conference “We have something to remember” was organized in Lokna.

A memorable event for the readers of the Pechora Central Regional Library was the holding of the historical conference "We are Rurikovich".

In MAUK "Central Banking System of Pskov" were carried out:

- XVIII Youth Kutuzov Readingswere , dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.

- Second Vasilevsky Readings,held as part of the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the Russian statehood.

- First Lyubyatovsky Local History Readings "The history of my neighborhood: yesterday, today, tomorrow."

Historical and local history readings dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the beginning of the Patriotic War and the victory over Napoleon “The Thunderstorm of the Twelfth Year” were held in the Pskov Regional Library.

The 6th interdistrict conference on local history was held in the Pustoshkinsky central regional library. It was held as part of the 1150th anniversary celebration russian statehood "Traces of the past", where a large number of speeches were dedicated to the events and heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.

7 interdepartmental scientific and practical conference of local lore "Our land in the history of Russia" organized in Strugi Krasnykh.

Gender studies.

For the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Kunyinsky district, an electronic presentation "Home family archives: living history" was created. A large volume of photographs was collected, which captured nature, buildings, collectives, significant events from the life of the region of previous years were reflected. The photographs were both from the personal archives of the Kun'in people and from the Kun'insky Museum of Local Lore, as well as provided by the library workers of the region (Usmynskaya, Sopkinskaya, Gruzdovskaya, Zhizhitskaya libraries). About one hundred photographs were used in the presentation, the rest were scanned and grouped into folders in electronic form. The oldest photograph was taken around 1915-16.

The Loknyanskiy district library hosted action "Find the name of the grandfather", which aroused great interest among the population. The library users were given the opportunity to use the "Memory Book" editions in order to find their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

Museums in libraries.

Reproduction of the cultural memory of the people, including everyday memory, is sometimes carried out in forms that seem to be far from the library realities. The arsenal of modern library study of local lore includes the search for unique items of folk life of the past centuries - peasant utensils, old products. This explains the appearance at libraries museums.

In the libraries of the Pechora region there are several mini - museumscreated by the librarians themselves in order to preserve and develop the traditions of the region, to form a positive image of the library. Here ethnographic and folklore material is collected, the chronicle of villages is written, the memory of the departing villages is preserved. Exposition "Forgotten old times" in the Miltsevsky branch has been around for two decades. Every year it is replenished with new exhibits. The museum recreates the decoration of a peasant hut; there is a red corner with an icon case and an old copper icon decorated with a hand-woven towel. There are also old handicrafts and household items. The villagers come to the library museum with pleasure for a meeting of the Pchelka family club, the priority of which is local history activities.

In Ivano-Bolotinskaya the library was decorated with an exhibition - an exposition of items of folk life "Living and still antiquity." This exposition aroused the genuine interest of local residents. They began to bring antiques and photographs to the library. Thus, a mini-museum was formed, in which local history events are held, directly related to this area. " There is a lot of hay making on the sharp scythe " - this was the name of the meeting of the Swan Club, dedicated to an important village instrument - the scythe. Old-timers held a master class on mowing grass with a sidelong - resistant, and young people used a modern trimmer. The event turned out to be fun and useful, the village took on a well-groomed look. And the museum has a new exhibit - an old scythe.

Collection of folklore and ethnographic material.

Samolukovskaya rural library of Loknyansky district in 2012 worked on the program "Love and Know Your Land"... Within the framework of this program, research work was carried out to collect and study local folklore. For this purpose, librarian Egorova G.P. met with local old-timers, recorded songs, ditties, folklore episodes from the life of villagers. It turned out that in almost every village there are many non-fictional stories that amused the soul of the common people, transformed into ditties and drama songs, for example: "Ledyakhinsky Kanoha" is a song about the unhappy love of a young guy for a girl. All material is systematized and collected in brochure "Living Russian Word"... The presentation of the brochure took place on the Village Day holiday. In the future, it is planned to create a dictionary of obsolete words of the Samolukovskaya volost "Slovnik".

The traditional direction was and remains literary study of local lore: identification and support of local authors, book premieres and presentations, meetings with writers and poets.

The presentation of the book by I.V. Buiko "Velikie Luktsy in the Service of the Empire". The book is dedicated to the Velikie Luki Infantry Regiment, its combat path and people. The author has done a truly enormous work, and his research will serve the Great Luke and all lovers of Russian history.

The Dedovichi Central Regional Library, together with the Alpha television studio, organized a creative competition "Voices of the Pskov Literary Region", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the dispatch of a partisan food convoy to besieged Leningrad. It was attended by amateur poets Z. Alekseeva, E. Petrova, L. Lyadin, V. Yakovleva, G. Zubkova, Y. Lyadin, N. Alexandrova, V. Loginov. Guests from St. Petersburg came to summarize the results: honored trainer of the Russian Federation, holder of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland L.A. Baranov and member of the Writers' Union V.I. Kudryavtsev.

Continued and building activitylibraries .

Bezhanitskaya Central Regional Library published two bibliographic indexes: "The Nature of Bezhanitsky District", which at the regional ecological competition "Your Footprint on the Earth" received a 2nd degree diploma in the nomination "The Most Informative Bibliographic Manual on Ecology" ...

The Pushkinogorsk Central Regional Library has published a "Calendar of significant and memorable dates: Pushkinogorsk from its origins to 1927".

Libraries occupy their niche in the work of preserving, studying and reviving interest in the historical and cultural heritage of the Pskov region.

Material prepared by: Kiseleva Elena Grigorievna, head of the department of local history literature.

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