Courses at the Physics and Technology Lyceum. Physics and Technology Lyceum named after P

Reference materials History of Dolgoprudny lands Memories of city residents Enterprises and organizations of the city Airships, airship construction, aeronautics People of our city Honorary citizens of the city of Dolgoprudny Their names are immortalized in the names of streets, parks, schools History of the development of public education Emergency incidents in the city "My city is Dolgoprudny" - historical essay"History of schools in the city of Dolgoprudny" - book "Vicinities of the city of Dolgoprudny" - book "Big history of a small village" - book "Give the ship up in the air!" - book "History of the DNPP. From airships to rockets" - book "JSC DNPP. Memoirs of Veterans" - book "The Village of Vinogradovo" - book "My Five Years with Soviet Airships" - book by U. Nobile "Far and Near" - book Poems and prose about Dolgoprudny This is interesting

http://site/doc/index.php General information on the history of public education in Dolgoprudny Kindergartens School No. 1 School No. 2 ("Island") School No. 3 (Khlebnikovo) School No. 4 (Sheremetyevsky) School No. 5 "Physics and Mathematics Lyceum" School No. 6 School No. 7 "Development" School No. 8 "Ekos" (Paveltsevo) School No. 9 School No. 10 Lyceum No. 11 "Phystech" Gymnasium No. 12 Gymnasium No. 13 School No. 14 Municipal Education Center (MCE, UPC) GPU-21 (RU-45, SPTU-21, SGPTU -21, GPU-21) GPU-94 (HRU-60, SPTU-4, SPTU-94, GPU-94) Aviation College (DMZ Training Center) Additional training institutions

Lyceum No. 11 "Phystech"

In 1991, with the participation of the Institute of Physics and Technology, the executive committee of the Dolgoprudnensky City Council opened Lyceum N11 “Phystech” - a secondary general educational non-core institution operating in an innovative mode.

Mashkova M.G. was appointed director of a small lyceum consisting of three classes. The lyceum did not have its own building, for some time it was located in the house of pioneers, then in the aviation technical school, in the building of kindergarten No. 2, and only in November 1994 they settled in the current building on the street. Pervomaiskaya.

The director and teaching staff had to put in a lot of effort so that, with the support of the city Administration and appropriate funding, the building of d/s N117 was well renovated. There were certain difficulties with forming a team and defining the concept of the lyceum.

Since the formation of the lyceum, the teaching staff has been continuously expanding and diversifying innovative activities, the main focus of which is: program development in-depth study individual items and drawing up individual curricula, introduction to curriculum disciplines that are not included in the basic set, but are necessary to complete the tasks facing the lyceum; organization of research activities of lyceum students; introduction of specialized training; organization of the environmental studio “Noosferium”, provision of educational services to the population.

Teaching is conducted at a high professional level, teachers from the Institute of Physics and Technology are involved.

Efforts teaching staff bear fruit: every year 100% of graduates enter leading universities, the vast majority of students take part in various Olympiads and competitions, many of which become winners, including regional Olympiads and competitions. For three years they have been participating in Sakharov readings in St. Petersburg.

Efforts ped. The team is aimed at solving the following problems: the harmonious development of students, the education of an intelligent person who is able to think independently and take responsibility for their actions. An important part of this work is the formation and strengthening of lyceum traditions, the organization of multidisciplinary, extracurricular and extracurricular work.

Teachers are veterans working at Lyceum N11 “Phystech”: Baranova F.B. - Honored Teacher of the RSFSR, Sergeeva O.P., Korshunova A.A., Vodovozova B.M., Belkova L.O., Glushenko A.I., Sagiyan L.P., Chernova N.V.

Teachers from MIPT: Yakovleva T.Kh., Krylova V.V., Rastrenin V.A., Kuzmichev S.D.

Chief Specialist of the Education Department,

Veteran of teaching work

V.Ya.Marinina, 2001

1991, collapse of the USSR. And in Dolgoprudny - the opening of the Phystech Lyceum. Then it was an unusual experiment, a new type of school. The founders were MIPT and the Administration of Dolgoprudny. Fedko O.S., Skorovarova L.P., Guz S.A., Alyabyeva T.A., Soboleva N.N. made a great contribution to the creation of the lyceum.

First 1991-1992 academic year The 7th grade was spent within the walls of the MIPT Auditorium, where they were allocated the largest and brightest auditorium. During breaks, lyceum students ran along the corridors of the institute building and angered the dean's office workers, who were accustomed to law-abiding students.

The next school year 1992-1993, grades 7 and 8 huddled in the building of the Dolgoprudnensky technical school, and two junior class the first two years we studied in the building of the Pioneer House, where music was constantly playing, and our kids learned the basics of knowledge to the incessant accompaniment of violins and pianos.

The reunion of all classes of the lyceum took place in September 1993 in the building kindergarten"Kolobok" The building was old; in extreme cold, junior lyceum students had their classes canceled because the verandas where their classes were were frozen through. But the lyceum students did not lose heart and lived full lives.

In November 1994, the lyceum moved to the building where it is now located at 50/4 Pervomaiskaya Street. Now all grades from the first to the eleventh (196 people) study at the lyceum. On June 4, 1996, the lyceum received a license and became official educational institution Dolgoprudny.

Status Dolgoprudnensky city "Phystech-lyceum" will be upgraded to regional and on its basis a boarding school will be created for gifted children with a natural and mathematical orientation, which will open its doors for talented children in the new building on September 1, 2014. This was reported at the annual scientific and practical conference "Start in Innovation", held on February 1, 2014 at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).

“The general education lyceum No. 11 “Phystech” of Dolgoprudny will become the core of the regional school of science and mathematics at MIPT,” said Veronica Zapalatskaya, First Deputy Minister of Education of the Moscow Region. — This is a big project of the Moscow region, and we are now carrying out a very large preparatory work so that lyceum students, and subsequently gifted children from all over the country, will celebrate the new school year in the new school.”

Target new boarding school - creation of a system of education and socialization of children with academic giftedness, including not only a school of fundamental knowledge, but also the development creativity based on modern pedagogical and information technology. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and pre-university training MIPT Artem Voronov emphasized the need for the harmonious development of a schoolchild, which includes both the development of his potential in the natural sciences, as well as the formation of interest in the humanities and the development of skills for successful professional socialization.

Such a system of education and upbringing, when, along with a deep academic education, an environment is created for the disclosure of the abilities and creative realization of each student, was laid as the basis educational system"physics and technology", created by outstanding Russian scientists led by Nobel laureate Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, is being successfully implemented at the Physics and Technology Lyceum. This system, which has been educating in higher school best Russian scientists, has proven its exceptional effectiveness for school education. All Lyceum graduates enter leading universities, where they invariably find themselves among best students, and after graduation they succeed in career growth.

Project to create a boarding school at MIPT, initiated as part of the creation of a scientific and educational cluster "PHYSTECH XXI", was implemented thanks to the active support of the current leadership of the region and personally its governor Andrei Vorobyov. In 2013, an order was received from the Government of the Moscow Region to create a boarding school for gifted children on the site of the former vocational school No. 21 in Dolgoprudny, the buildings of which were transformed beyond recognition in just six months and now represent a model modern school world level.

“It is a great honor and responsibility for the entire staff of the Physics and Technology Lyceum, its students and parents to become the core of such a project,” said a member of the MIPT supervisory board and one of the founders of the Physics and Technology Lyceum Development Fund Andrey Ivashchenko. “I am confident that the unique culture of hard work and creativity created in this school over 20 years will serve as a good foundation and a guarantee of success.”

This year another parallel will be formed, and it is planned that on September 1, more than 400 lyceum students will cross the threshold of the new school buildings, and in a few years, when a boarding house for 300 people is built, more than 700 people will study at the school.

Phystech-Lyceum Development Fund The goals of the Fund are the development of the secondary education system created at the Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum No. 11 "Phystech" in the city of Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, as an example of the practical implementation of an innovative model of school education, which has proven its effectiveness by the highest level of admission to the country's leading universities and the results of the Unified State Exam. AOU Lyceum No. 11 "Phystech" Municipal educational institution Lyceum No. 11 “Phystech” was established in 1991 on the initiative of teachers and staff of MIPT and the support of the administration of the city of Dolgoprudny. “We planned to create a school where it would be difficult to work and study, but where it would be interesting, where the spirit of Physics and Technology would reign. And “Phystech” means thinking creatively…. “Phystech” means the eternal pursuit of perfection in everything” (N.V. Karlov, rector of MIPT 1987-1997 from the book “I am Phystech”). The Lyceum today is a stable structure with established programs in various subjects, but flexible enough to quickly respond to all interesting changes and innovations. Lyceum is interesting lessons and numerous victories of students at city and regional Olympiads, trips and an extensive program of extracurricular activities.

Mathematics testing can be taken at:

Moscow, metro station Novokuznetskaya/Tretyakovskaya, Klimentovsky lane 1, building 1, room. 105 on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,


    1st class

    1.Acquaintance with the symbols of mathematical language: numbers, letters, comparison signs, addition
    and subtraction, their use for
    constructing statements. Determining the truth and falsity of statements.
    2.Recognition and naming geometric shapes in the surrounding world: circle, square, triangle,
    rectangle, cube, ball,
    parallelepiped, pyramid, cylinder, cone.
    3.Names, sequence and designation of numbers from 1 to 9. Reading, writing and comparing numbers
    using the signs =, ≠, >,<.>4. Addition and subtraction of numbers. Addition and subtraction signs. Name of addition components
    and subtraction.
    5.Number and digit 0. Comparison, addition and subtraction with the number 0.
    6.Counting in tens and ones.
    7. Composite problems for addition, subtraction and difference comparison in 2 – 4 steps.
    8. Part and whole.
    9. Problem inverse to this one.
    10. The concept of magnitude. Measuring length, mass.
    11. Tree of possibilities.

    2nd grade(2 hours per week, total 68 hours)

    Numbers and arithmetic operations with them (30 hours).
    Adding and subtracting two-digit numbers.
    Parentheses. Order of operations in expressions containing addition and subtraction
    multiplication and division (with and without parentheses). Multiplication and division of natural numbers.
    Multiplication table. Table multiplication and division
    numbers. Division with remainder.
    Working with word problems (19 hours).
    Simple problems on the meaning of multiplication and division. Multiple comparison problems. Mutually
    inverse problems. Compound problems in 2-4 steps for all arithmetic operations within 1000.
    Problems with letter data. Problems on calculating the length of a broken line; area and perimeter
    rectangle and square. Addition and subtraction of learned quantities when solving problems.

    Rectangle. Square. Properties of sides and angles of rectangles and squares. Construction
    rectangle and square. Rectangular parallelepiped, cube. Circle and circumference, their center,
    radius, diameter.
    Area of ​​a geometric figure. Direct comparison of figures by area. Measurement
    area. Conversion, comparison, addition and subtraction of homogeneous geometric quantities.

    3rd grade(2 hours per week, total 68 hours)

    Numbers and arithmetic operations with them (19 hours).
    Multiplying a multi-digit number by a single-digit number. Writing multiplication in a column.
    Dividing a multi-digit number by a single-digit number. Recording division by angle.
    Multiplication by two-digit and three-digit numbers.

    Composite problems in 2-4 actions with natural numbers on the meaning of the operations of addition, subtraction,
    multiplication and division, difference and multiple comparison of numbers.
    Problems containing dependencies between quantities.
    Problems involving calculating the areas of figures made up of rectangles and squares.
    Geometric figures and quantities (9 hours).
    Units of length: millimeter, centimeter, decimeter, meter, kilometer, relationships between them.
    Circle and circle. Shares. Pie charts.
    Angles, triangles, quadrilaterals.
    Mathematical language and elements of logic (9 hours).
    Plenty. Element of a set. Signs ∈ and ∉. Specifying a set by listing its elements
    and property. Empty set. Equal sets. Euler - Venn diagram. Subset.
    Signs ⊂ and ⊄.
    Intersection of sets. Sign ∩. Properties of intersection of sets.
    Union of sets. Sign ∪. Properties of the union of sets.

    4th grade(2 hours per week, total 68 hours)

    Numbers and arithmetic operations with them (19h).
    Fractions. Visual representation of fractions using geometric shapes and on the number line.
    Comparing fractions with like denominators and fractions with like numerators.
    Division and fractions. Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators.
    Proper and improper fractions. Mixed numbers. Selecting a whole part
    from an improper fraction.
    Representing a mixed number as an improper fraction.
    Addition and subtraction mixed numbers(with identical denominators of the fractional part).
    Working with word problems (30 hours).
    Composite problems in 2-5 operations with natural numbers for all arithmetic operations,
    difference and multiple comparison. Addition, subtraction and difference problems
    comparison of fractions and mixed numbers.
    Simultaneous tasks uniform motion two objects towards each other, in
    in opposite directions, in pursuit, with a lag.

    Geometric figures and quantities (19 hours).
    Angles. Unfolded corner. Related and vertical angles. Central angle and angle
    inscribed in a circle.
    Measuring angles. Constructing angles using a protractor.

    5th grade(2 hours per week, total 68 hours)

    Numbers and arithmetic operations with them 17h
    Addition and subtraction of natural numbers, properties of addition.
    Solving word problems. Numeric expression. A literal expression and its numerical value.
    Solving linear equations.
    Multiplication and division of natural numbers, properties of multiplication. Square and cube numbers.
    Solving word problems.
    Geometric shapes and quantities 17h
    Calculations using formulas. Rectangles are their area. Area units.
    Rectangular parallelepiped. Allotment rectangular parallelepiped.
    Volume of a rectangular parallelepiped.
    Common fractions and arithmetic operations with them 17h
    Circle and circle. Ordinary fraction. Basic fraction problems.
    Comparison ordinary fractions. Addition and subtraction of ordinary fractions,
    mixed numbers, multiplication and division of ordinary fractions by natural numbers.
    Decimal fractions and arithmetic operations with them 17h
    Decimal. Comparison, rounding, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division
    decimal fractions. Arithmetic mean. Solving word problems.
    An introduction to calculator calculations. Interest. Basic problems on percentages.
    Examples of tables and charts.
    6th grade
    1. Elements of logic.
    2. The concept of denial.
    3. Variable. Expressions with variables.
    4. Number line. Negative numbers. The concept of a negative number and operations with it. Number module.
    5. Rational numbers and decimal fraction.
    6. Fractions. Actions and expressions with fractions.
    7. Movement tasks.
    8. The concept of averages. Arithmetic mean.
    9. The concept of attitude. Scale. The concept of proportion and the basic property of proportion. Actions with proportions and their transformation.
    10. Dependencies between quantities. Direct and inverse proportionality and their graphs. Solving problems using proportions.
    11. The concept of interest. Percentage growth. Problems involving percentages.
    12. Coefficient. Similar terms. Expression transformations.
    13. Linear equations. Graphs of dependence of quantities.
    14. Solving problems with applied content using the method of equations.
    15. Logical consequence and equivalence. Negation of following. Converse statements.
    16. Images and definitions of geometric concepts.
    17. Properties of geometric shapes.
    18. Measurement of geometric quantities. Length, area, volume.
    7th grade
    1. Fractions. Operations with fractions 2. Number modulus. Geometric meaning of the module.
    3. Plenty. Elements of a set. Subset.
    4. Determination of degree with a natural indicator. Multiplication and division of powers.
    5. Monomial. Actions with monomials. Identities.
    6. Polynomial. Calculation of polynomial values ​​and its standard form. Actions with polynomials.
    7. Equations. Roots of linear equations with one variable. Solving problems using equations.
    8. Factorization. Proof of identities. Solving equations.
    9. Function. Formula. Calculation of function values ​​using the formula. Function graph. Mutual arrangement function graphs.
    10. Linear equations with two variables and their graphs.
    11. Systems of equations. Methods for solving systems of equations. Graphic method. Solving problems using systems of equations.
    12. Basic geometric concepts. Straight line, point, ray, segment. Angles. Measuring angles.
    13. Signs of parallelism of two lines. Axiom of parallel lines. 14. Vector. Types and equality of vectors. Actions with vectors. Projection of a vector onto the coordinate axis.
    15. Triangles. Signs of equality of triangles.
    16. Relationships between the sides and angles of a triangle. Right triangle.
    17. Circle. Length and area of ​​a circle. Ball.
    18. Elements of combinatorics. Counting the number of options. Combinations with repetitions. Statistical characteristics.
    19. Probability of events occurring. Classic scheme for determining probability.
    8th grade
    1. Monomials. Polynomials. Actions with polynomials. Abbreviated multiplication formulas. Expression transformations.
    Degree with a natural indicator.
    2. Function. Formula. Calculation of function values ​​using the formula. Function graph.
    3. Square roots. Approximate arithmetic extraction square roots. Exact and approximate values.
    Function y = x1/2 and its graph.
    4. Transformations of expressions containing a root.
    5. Function y = 1/x and its graph. Quadratic function and its graph.
    6. Quadratic equations. Method for selecting a complete square.
    7. Number modulus.
    8. Linear function. Schedule linear function. Graph of the modulus of a linear function. 9. Parameters in equations.
    Logical search in problems with a parameter.
    10. Elements of number theory.
    11. Divisibility. Signs of divisibility. Prime and composite numbers. Fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
    12. Factorization into prime factors. Largest common divisor(NOD). Least common multiple (LCM).
    14. Triangles. The problem of dividing a segment.
    15. Figures on a plane. Area considerations...

9th grade
1. Rational equations. Root selection. Acceptable value range (APV). Equivalent transitions. Quadratic equations.
Biquadratic equations. Cubic equations.
2. Parameters in rational equations. Logical search in problems with a parameter. Parameters in quadratic equations.
3. Right triangle. Medians, bisectors and altitudes in a triangle. Formulas for the area of ​​a triangle.
4. Rational inequalities. Interval method.
5. Parameters in rational equations and inequalities.
6. Trapezoid.
7. Systems of nonlinear equations.
8. Solving problems using systems of equations.
9. Irrational equations. ODZ in irrational equations. Equivalent transitions.
10. Equations with modulus.
11. Irrational inequalities. Inequalities with modulus.
11. Quadrilaterals.
12. Parameters in irrational equations and inequalities.
13. Problems about dividing a segment
14. Sets. Statements. Theorems.
15. Sets on the plane.
16. Area considerations when solving planimetric problems.
17. Number sequence. Arithmetic and geometric progressions.
18. Circles.
19. Various tasks in planimetry.

10th grade
1. Decomposition of a polynomial into sets. Cubic equations. Rational equations. Rational inequalities.
Interval method. Irrational equations. Equations with modulus.
2. Rationalization method for irrational inequalities and inequalities with modulus.
3. Cube. Prism. Parallelepiped. Pyramid. Sections in stereometry.
4. Geometric ideas in solving problems with parameters.
5. Functions and their properties. Inverse function. Parity, periodicity.
6. Perpendicularity of lines and planes. Theorem of three perpendiculars.
7. Trigonometric functions. Trigonometric circle. Basic trigonometric formulas.
8. Trigonometric equations.
9. Selection of roots in trigonometric equations.
10. Planimetry. Theorems of sines and cosines.
11. Various stereometric problems on the topics: sections, perpendicularity of lines and planes.
12. Systems of trigonometric equations.
13. Trigonometric inequalities.
14. Inverse trigonometric functions.
15. Area considerations when solving geometric problems on the plane.
16. Angle between intersecting lines. The angle between a straight line and a plane.
17. Number sequence. Consistency limit.
18. Derivative.
19. Vectors.

11th grade
1. Exponential functions. Exponential equations.
2. Logarithms. Logarithmic equations.
3. Angle between intersecting lines. The angle between a straight line and a plane.
The distance between intersecting lines.
4. Solving cubic rational equations. Rational inequalities. Interval method.
Method of rationalization in inequalities with modulus, with root, as well as in exponential and logarithmic inequalities.
6. Vectors and coordinates in space. Solving stereometric problems using the coordinate method.
A vector method for solving stereometric problems.
7. Sphere. Ball. Cylinder. Cone.
9. Inscribed and described spheres.
10. Systems of equations; rational and irrational inequalities(including tasks with a parameter).
11. Sections, perpendicularity of lines and planes.
12. Repetition: trigonometric equations and inequalities, exponential and logarithmic equations and inequalities
(including tasks with a parameter).
13. Solving planimetric problems using algebraic and trigonometric methods.
14. Elements of number theory. Divisibility. Signs of divisibility. Prime and composite numbers. Fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
Prime factorization.
15. Elements of financial mathematics.

Olympiad mathematics

    2nd grade(2 hours per week, total 68 hours)

    Numbers and arithmetic operations with them (15 hours).
    Techniques for oral addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers.
    Adding and subtracting two-digit numbers.
    Parentheses. Order of operations in expressions containing addition
    and subtraction, multiplication and division (with and without parentheses).
    Combinative property of addition. Subtracting a sum from a number. Subtracting a number from a sum.
    Use the properties of addition and subtraction to streamline calculations.
    Multiplication and division of natural numbers. Commutative property of multiplication.
    Combinative property of multiplication. Distributive property of multiplication. Division with remainder
    using models. Components of division with a remainder, the relationship between them. Division algorithm
    with the remainder. Checking division with remainder.
    Working with word problems (25 hours).
    Analysis of the problem, construction of graphical models, planning and implementation of the solution.
    Problems to find the intended number.
    Problems with letter data. Problems on calculating the length of a broken line; triangle perimeter
    and a quadrangle; area and perimeter of rectangles and squares.
    Olympic tasks.

    Straight line, ray, segment. Parallel and intersecting lines.
    Broken line, broken line length. Perimeter of a polygon.
    Plane. Corner. Straight, sharp and obtuse angles. Perpendicular lines.
    Rectangular parallelepiped, cube. Circle and circumference, their center, radius, diameter.
    Compass. Drawing patterns from circles using a compass.
    Composing figures from parts and breaking figures into parts. Intersection of geometric shapes.
    Area of ​​a geometric figure. Areas of figures made up of rectangles and squares.
    Volume of a geometric figure. Units of volume and relationships between them. Volume of a rectangular
    parallelepiped, volume of a cube.

    Reading and writing numeric and alphabetic expressions containing addition, subtraction,
    multiplication and division (with and without parentheses). Calculating the meaning of simple literal expressions
    for given letter values.
    A generalized recording of the properties of arithmetic operations using literal formulas.
    Determining the truth and falsity of statements. Construction of simple statements of the form
    “it is true/false that ...”, “not”, “if ... then ...”.
    Construction of methods for solving word problems. Introduction to logic problems
    nature and ways to solve them.
    Working with information and analyzing data (6 hours).
    Operation. The object and result of the operation.
    Operations on objects, figures, numbers. Direct and reverse operations.
    Finding unknowns: the object of the operation, the operation being performed, the result of the operation.
    Reading and filling out the table. Analysis of table data.
    Ordered selection of options. Networks of lines. Ways. Tree of possibilities.

    3rd grade(2 hours per week, total 68 hours)

    Numbers and arithmetic operations with them (25 hours).
    Multiplication and division by two-digit and three-digit numbers. General case of multiplication
    multi-digit numbers.
    Verbal addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of multi-digit numbers in cases
    reducible to actions within 100.
    Simplification of calculations with multi-digit numbers based on the properties of arithmetic operations.
    Construction and use of algorithms for studied cases of oral and written actions
    with multi-digit numbers.
    Working with word problems (25 hours).
    Analysis of the problem, construction of graphical models and tables, planning and implementation of the solution.
    Search different ways solutions.
    Classification simple tasks studied types. A general way to analyze and solve a compound problem.
    Problems on finding numbers by their sum and difference.
    Geometric figures and quantities (6 hours).
    Transformation of figures on a plane. Symmetry of figures relative to a straight line. Figures having
    axis of symmetry. Constructing symmetrical figures on checkered paper.
    Rectangular parallelepiped, cube, their vertices, edges and faces. Constructing a sweep
    and models of a cube and a rectangular parallelepiped.
    Algebraic representations (6 hours).
    Equation. Root of the equation. Many roots of an equation.
    Composite equations reduced to a chain of simple ones.
    Mathematical language and elements of logic (6 hours).
    Statement. True and false statements. Determining the truth and falsity of statements.
    Constructing simple statements using logical connectives and words “true/false,
    that...”, “not”, “if..., then...”, “everyone”, “everyone”, “there is”, “always”, “sometimes”.

    4th grade(2 hours per week, total 68 hours)

    Numbers and arithmetic operations with them (20 hours).
    Shares. Comparison of shares. Finding the fraction of a number and a number by fraction. Percent. Finding part of a number
    a number by its part and the part which one number makes of another. Finding the percentage of a number
    and numbers according to his percentage.
    Fractions. All types of operations with fractions with different denominators.
    Construction and use of algorithms for studied cases of operations with fractions
    and mixed numbers.
    Working with word problems (20 hours).
    Independent analysis of the problem, construction of models, planning and implementation of the solution.
    Searching for different solutions. Correlation of the obtained result with the problem conditions,
    assessing its credibility. Checking the task.
    Problems on finding a part of a whole and a whole from its share.
    fraction problems: finding a part of a number, a number by its part and a fraction,
    which one number makes from another.
    Problems on finding the percentage of a number and a number from its percentage.
    Olympic tasks.
    Problems on calculating the area of ​​a right triangle and the areas of figures.
    Geometric figures and quantities (10 hours).
    Right triangle, its angles, sides (legs and hypotenuse), area, connection
    with a rectangle.
    Studying the properties of geometric shapes using measurements.
    Algebraic representations (8 hours).
    Inequality. Many solutions to inequalities. Strict and non-strict inequality. Signs ≥, ≤ .
    Double inequality.
    Solving simple inequalities on the set of non-negative integers
    using the number beam.
    Using letter symbols to generalize and systematize knowledge.
    Mathematical language and elements of logic (6 hours).
    Familiarity with the symbolic designation of shares, fractions, percentages, writing inequalities,
    with the designation of coordinates on a straight line and on a plane, with the language of diagrams and graphs.
    Determining the truth of statements. Constructing statements using logical connectives
    and the words “it is true/false that...”, “not”, “if..., then...”, “everyone”, “everyone”, “there will be”,
    “always”, “sometimes”, “and/or”.
    Working with information and analyzing data (4 hours).
    Pie, bar and line charts, motion graphs: reading, interpreting data,
    Working with text: checking understanding; allocation main idea, significant comments
    and examples illustrating them; note-taking.

    5th grade(2 hours per week, total 68 hours)

    Numbers and arithmetic operations with them (17 hours).
    Decimal system for writing natural numbers. Roman numbering. Comparison of natural numbers.
    Addition and subtraction of natural numbers, properties of addition: commutative and
    combinational laws. Numerical and letter expressions, equation concept. Text solution
    problems in an arithmetic way.
    Multiplication and division of natural numbers. Multiplication laws: commutative,
    combinative and distributive. The order of actions. Square and cube numbers.
    Division with remainder. Solving word problems using an arithmetic method.
    Geometric figures and quantities (17 hours).
    Formulas for the area of ​​a rectangle and the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped. Units of measurement
    area and volume.
    Geometric figures: segment, straight line, ray, triangle. Measuring and constructing segments.
    Units of length measurement. Coordinate beam.
    Corner. Unfolded corner. Comparison of angles by overlay. Measuring angles. Angle bisector.
    Triangle. Properties of triangle angles. The distance between two points. Scale.
    Distance from a point to a line. Perpendicular lines. Perpendicular bisector.
    Properties of an angle bisector
    Decimal fractions. Adding and subtracting decimals. Multiplication and division
    decimals (20 hours). Reviewing common fractions.
    Decimal. Comparing, adding and subtracting decimals. Rounding numbers.
    Solving word problems in various ways.
    Multiplying and dividing decimals. Solving word problems in various ways.
    The arithmetic mean of several numbers.
    Tools for calculations and measurements (10 hours).
    Basic information about calculator calculations. Interest. Basic tasks for percentages:
    finding a percentage of a quantity, a quantity by its percentage. Expressing attitude in
    percentage in the simplest cases. Pie charts. Angles, measuring angles.
    Introduction to Probability (4 hours)
    Reliable, impossible and random events. Combinatorial problems.

All sections will begin to function from the moment the sports complex opens.


Registration for courses

To enroll in Preparatory courses of all forms of training, you must register.

The agreement is concluded with the parent (representative) of the student or with the student himself who has reached 18 years of age.
Bring with you: a passport and a photograph of the student measuring 3x4 cm.

State Budgetary Institution “Phystech-Lyceum” named after. P.L. Kapitsa
Address: Russian Federation, 141700, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny city, Letnaya street, building 7 (entrance from Rocket Builders Avenue)

In the city of Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, there is a Physics and Technology Lyceum named after P. L. Kapitsa. This is a fairly strong natural science school, where physics, mathematics, programming, chemistry and biology are taught at a high level. Increased admission requirements, high study load, good rating.

Some time ago, the lyceum moved to a building that was overhauled at state expense (at the same time there was also a change in legal status); over the past few years, several new buildings have been built on the territory (also at state expense), including dormitories for boarding school students. Next year it is planned to begin construction of additional laboratory buildings of the technology park worth more than a billion rubles.

On November 21, at a meeting of representatives of parent committees, the school administration represented by director M. G. Mashkova and the representative of the supervisory board from MIPT Yu. O. Alasheyev announced that in 2019 the school will receive the status of ANOO (autonomous non-profit educational organization). In the state public education institution status, the school will continue to exist only until the summer of 2019, so parents will be asked to write applications for the transfer of children to a school with a new status and enter into agreements for payment of educational services in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. per month per child. At the meeting, it was strongly recommended to conclude agreements from the beginning of the year, since in this case the child will be transferred to a school with a new status “automatically”, the rest will be invited to enroll “at general principles».

Also mentioned was the “successful” example of the gymnasium named after. Primakov, who recently switched to a similar financing scheme. I note that the cost of training at the gymnasium named after. Primakov's income is currently about 50 thousand rubles. per month per child, plus large additional annual fees. M. G. Mashkova assured parents that this will not happen in our school, and especially talented children will be provided with the opportunity to continue studying through targeted grants and scholarships. At the moment, there is no definite information about the criteria according to which the child’s abilities will be determined, as well as about the amount of funds that are expected to be allocated for such targeted tuition fees.

It should be noted that parents' opinions were divided. Some advocated maintaining state guarantees of the right to free education. Others expressed unconditional support for the school administration: in their opinion, the transition to a paid form of education is logical. But a fairly large part of parents are still taking a wait-and-see approach.

Those parents who consider it necessary to preserve free education at the lyceum initiated the collection of signatures against changing the status of the Physics and Technology Lyceum and sent appeals to various authorities asking them to sort out the situation. Most of the answers currently look like unsubscribes, they say that the final decision on this issue not accepted. The director made a statement that at the moment she does not have any official documents on this issue.

Unfortunately, what is happening with the Physics and Technology Lyceum is not a special case, but a trend. Education in our country is becoming paid. In schools, as in the rest of society, stratification occurs. We are (partly rightly) reproached that, they say, “it serves you right,” because the Physics and Technology Lyceum has long had a significant bias towards “elite” education. Allegedly, we are fighting not for universal justice, but for our own, separate, inside the fence of the Physics and Technology Lyceum.

A fairly informative discussion on this topic took place in the comment thread for the video “ The state will not survive without mathematicians and physicists"on the YouTube channel of journalist Konstantin Semin. Here is a fragment of it.

BB : This lyceum has always been available only to children of solvent parents and is considered the local “elite”. Children were taken only after a paid preparatory department.<…>There is a simple school within walking distance from the lyceum; 1,200 schoolchildren are accommodated in a building for 500 people; even rooms without windows are adapted for learning, since there is simply nowhere to conduct classes, there are not enough teachers, elementary school teachers teach two classes in two shifts.

The situation is the same in most schools in the city. That is, the children of the city have long been divided into those who do not need to be taught, and those who are taught. But in ordinary schools the children studying are exactly the same as most of the children in the lyceum. Parents of the city are fighting for improvement of education in all schools of the city, and parents from the lyceum - only for their children to be taught well. That's the whole difference.

DM : Yes, indeed, the Physics and Technology Lyceum has never been an ordinary school. Yes, there was a selection. Preparatory courses - paid. My eldest son entered on a regular basis from another school. For free. The younger ones, yes, upon admission they went to preparatory courses. So now there are many places. But until now, children of parents with very different incomes studied here; the admission criterion was primarily considered to be the abilities, and not the solvency of the parents. Now it will be different.

BB : Perhaps you yourself, as a graduate of a technical university, were able to prepare your child. Many cannot because they do not have the appropriate education. Let's fight together so that the Physics and Technology Lyceum becomes the property of the entire city, so that it becomes a free educational center for all children of the city with Physics and Mathematics. mugs and other benefits.

DM : Agree. Not even the entire city, but wider. Dormitories were also built there to give children from far away the opportunity to study here.

BB : Dorms - for high school students. Do you want only children after the 9th grade to study at the lyceum? So that they are recruited based on the results of the OGE? No. Do you want your children to study both at the beginning and at high school in a lyceum, and not in an ordinary overcrowded city school? So why should the state educate your children separately from other children in the city? Let's say that until the 10th grade it will be an accessible, free educational center for all children who want it, where they will be admitted without entrance testing. And then we'll see...

DM : Actually, the presence of specialized schools - This is also in the interests of the state, oddly enough. If you are talking about the fact that the Physics and Technology Lyceum should be more open and accessible, then yes, I agree with you. If you suggest “let’s kick out all the lyceum students and show Professor Nicolas’ show at the lyceum,” then I cannot agree with you. “Accept without entrance testing” - why no testing? Let there be testing, but it must be transparent and understandable.

Education - for whom at all? For each individual, in order to get a better life later? Or for everyone, for society, for the state? By the way, the academic workload is really serious, I don’t know when anyone else has time to go to tutors, as you say. My children - only in English. It's like a big sport: select the most capable and take them to the record. And it's not as easy as it seems. At the same time, we should not forget about mass public sports. Who's against it? <…>

BB : <…>You consider the fact of entering the first grade of the lyceum to be a measure of a child’s abilities. It's funny, and sad at the same time.<…>What is needed is a serious educational center, with serious preparation, not a show. You yourself say that if a student has problems with mathematics, he will not go there, but who is interested or who has success? - there will be. What confuses you? Are you afraid of competition? That not only your children will have access to quality education? What's not enough for everyone? Do you want it to be enough just for you??

DM : You are right in some ways, of course. I don’t even know what kind of educational psychologists can determine when entering first grade who is more capable and who is less. “You consider the fact of entering the first grade of the lyceum as a measure of a child’s abilities” - no, I don't think so. By the way, at the Lyceum last year or two there is no elementary school, some first class was recruited entirely on a paid basis, but they study somewhere separately, not in the lyceum building on Rocket Stroiteley Street. This process of commercialization of the lyceum - it apparently didn’t start today.

And yes, you are right, until this affected me personally, I somehow didn’t think about it. Everyone has their own life. Competition? No, we're not afraid. I came from a small town and entered the Physics and Technology Faculty of RT. I graduated and am working in my specialty, oddly enough. That education is not enough for everyone - We're not afraid either. Now there are many different ways to get an education. Internet resources, books, etc. have not yet been banned, it seems. Here we are talking rather about the fact that the state, represented by education officials, is doing something very strange. Or no, not strange. It depends on what goal you set.

I can add the following to the above dialogue. Despite all the negative trends, the Physics and Technology Lyceum has until now remained a fairly strong physical and mathematical school. a school where, first of all, the child’s abilities were assessed, and then the income of his parents. Children from families with different income levels continue to study here. I am afraid that the introduction of even a minimum property qualification will radically change this situation and affect the social climate and the values ​​accepted in the team.

Apparently, the time has come for everyone to make a difficult moral choice. I personally made my choice. If in the end we don’t turn the situation around and the Physics and Technology Lyceum becomes a “school for the rich” with the status of an independent educational institution, then my children have nothing to do there.

Dmitry Maslov,
MIPT graduate in 2004, father of four children,
three of whom are studying at the Physics and Technology Lyceum

General secondary education institution
GOU, founded in 1991
Persons No. A 189618 dated 12/29/2005 Accr. No. AA 136497 dated 04.06.2004

The municipal educational institution Lyceum 11 "Phystech" was founded in 1991 by a group of enthusiasts who decided that new times require new forms of education. The lyceum is licensed and state accredited.

Since the formation of the lyceum, the teaching staff has been continuously expanding and diversifying its innovative activities. Education here is conducted at a high professional level with the participation of teachers from Physics and Technology and other universities in Moscow. Lyceum programs in physics, mathematics, chemistry, and foreign languages ​​are developed with a focus on university requirements; for high school students, a course in the physical foundations of nanotechnology has been introduced on the basis of MIPT.

The efforts of the teaching staff are aimed at the harmonious development of students, raising an intelligent person who is able to think independently and take responsibility for their actions. Here, close attention is paid to the formation and strengthening of lyceum traditions, the organization of multidisciplinary, extracurricular and extracurricular work. Every year on September 1, a ceremonial acceptance ceremony for first-grade lyceum students is held, and “Science Days” are held annually, “ Boldino autumns", mini-performances based on the works of English classics in English. Lyceum students even showed performances based on the works of English classics in the Oval Hall of the capital's library foreign languages. Lyceum evenings, “Literary Lounges”, and “Self-Government Day” are popular.

The Lyceum has developed a unique system of teaching a foreign language, which combines traditional and modern methods. English language Lyceum students study from the 2nd grade, from the 6th - a second language of their choice is added. High level Teaching foreign languages ​​allows children to successfully enter and study at MGIMO and the Linguistic University.

Training is paid.

The lyceum has its own kitchen, laboratories, gym, camp

Foreign languages: English, German, French
Computer: informatics

Non-standard items: in accordance with the profile of study: natural and mathematical; special courses, science studios, library

Electives: by subject

Mugs: press center, theater studio, choreography, guitar class

Sports sections: basketball, volleyball, athletics


Worked at the Lyceum for many years preparatory department.

The purpose of its creation is to prepare children for school, and the department’s program also includes the psychological adaptation of preschoolers. Not only teachers, but also psychologists work with children.

Classes are held 2 times a week for 4 lessons. Literacy (writing), literacy (reading), mathematics, psychology, art. Lesson duration 30 minutes. Classes are taught by teachers of the highest category.

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