Coaching "Talented and Gifted". Coaching «Talented and gifted children and working with them Coaching talented and gifted students

Almaty Turksib district KSU secondary school No. 49

Coaching for teachers

Mathematics teacher M.V. Stark/first advanced level/

Lesson Coaching for teachers Lesson date 08/24/15.

Lesson topic:

Talented and gifted children. Study the module to open up new opportunities for working with T&E students.

Promoting the development of students' T&E skills

Updating teachers’ ideas about working with gifted and talented children;

To familiarize students with the types of giftedness;

Consider the psychological foundations of teacher interaction with talented and gifted students;

Expected learning outcome:

The teacher must:

Be able to identify gifted and talented students in your class by observing student behavior during their learning process;

Understand the essence of the conditions that need to be created for talented and gifted students during training;

Be able to create educational tasks using Bloom's taxonomy (analysis, synthesis, evaluation for the development of high-level thinking.

Methodical manual for teachers-2012, handouts, presentation, video clips.

Progress of the lesson


Exercise “getting to know each other, wishing each other” - 3 minutes

into groups:

Formation of groups using stickers depicting leaves, butterflies, apples (Who likes what?) - 2 minutes Repetition of the rules for working in a group (the rules are posted in a visible place).

Progress of the lesson:

Immersion in the topic

Video - video "Gifted Children".

Task 1

Coaching participants receive handout to study:

First group studies his text. The participants make up the cluster “Image of a talented and gifted child. Characteristics of learning, thinking, motivation to learn.”

Second group studies his text. The participants make up the cluster “Image of a talented and gifted child. Characteristics of public leadership and independence.”

Third group studies his text. The participants make up the cluster “Image of a talented and gifted child. Types of giftedness."

When speaking when defending a cluster, students present their criteria for understanding.

Based on the results, the answers to the following questions are summarized:

Which children can be called gifted?

Which students at our school would you classify as talented?


Task 2.

View the presentation “Gifted child. Who is he?

After viewing the slides and defining a gifted child, formulate a definition for each type of giftedness.

1st group – define artistic and musical talent;

2nd group – define social and psychomotor giftedness;

Group 3 – define intellectual and academic giftedness.

Create an image of a student showing abilities in a certain area during the lesson (using the example of a student from a real class at our school)

Individual work

Task 3

"Definition psychological foundations interaction between teachers and capable and gifted students"

Read the description of the teaching situation and evaluate the organization of the learning process reflected in the situation.

Situation “Red horses on blue grass”/Appendix 1.

Discussion of the situation:

1. Comment on the teacher’s activities in accordance with the topic of the lesson.

2. Create an image of a student.

3. Offer your option for getting out of the current situation.

The results of the work are heard and the results are summed up.


Create assignments that exceed basic level thinking skills (according to Bloom's taxonomy) and including activities that require high-level thinking skills - analysis, synthesis


Video – clip “The most gifted people on earth”

/ very positive/

Reflection sheet/Appendix 4/:

Did the work benefit you personally or others?

Fill out the leaves with stickers “+”, “-”

Presentation, markers, posters, stickers

Printed handout from the Teacher's Guide, online.

Appendix 1

Read the description of the teaching situation and evaluate the organization of the learning process reflected in the situation.

Situation "Red horses on blue grass."

The grandson came home from school sad and thoughtful. “What happened?” I ask. He shrugged his shoulders. “Did you really get a bad grade?” He sighs, without looking at me, and says: “Grandfather, and grandfather.” What kind of horses are there? Well, what color? - What do horses have to do with it? - Well, what kind? - Bay, that means color... - What is color? - This is the color of the coat. The bay horse is reddish-brown. There is also a dun horse - light yellow in color. - Tell me, grandfather, are there red horses? The grass is blue. I saw it myself. In the village. White smoke was still floating above her. - Do you want to say - fog? - Let it be fog. You see, under such smoke the grass turns blue. So I painted red, red horses and blue, blue grass on which they grazed. And she...she... -Who is “she”? -Teacher. He says it doesn't happen like that. He says horses are red, gray, black. And the grass is green. But I saw, you know, I saw... I didn’t know how to react, because the teacher said, and her word should be authoritative. - Okay, okay... We’ll figure it out. And I couldn’t get it out of my head: “Red horses... red horses.” Like Petrov-Vodkin’s “Bathing the Red Horse.” Of course, the second-grader grandson doesn’t know this artist yet. But he saw his own and drew it as best he could, as he felt. And it’s good that the world is so colorful for him that the boy has his own perception of life. After all, this, in my opinion, is clear to everyone. But I still decided to go to school. No, not because of the deuce. Someday you should meet your grandson’s teacher and talk to her. In short, I went to school. Just started big change. I looked into the class. There were no students. Two young women, undoubtedly teachers, were trying on a sweater. They didn't pay attention to me. I coughed politely. No reaction. He went out and closed the door. Walked around a bit. He looked into the classroom again. “Who do you want, man?” – one of the women asked with annoyance and challenge. I introduced myself, said that I needed a teacher for Andreika’s grandson. “It’s me,” the teacher said without blinking and began frequently: “The boy is okay, capable, doing well.” True, there are a lot of flies in my head. -What? What flies? – I didn’t understand. “Ordinary ones,” the teacher said, taking off the sweater. “For example, I drew red horses for some reason.” Are there such things? Or blue grass!.. Some kind of nonsense. After all, the grass is always green. I gave him a deuce. -But, excuse me... Remember, “Bathing the Red Horse” by Petrov-Vodkin... -I don’t remember anything. Probably some kind of avant-garde artist... There are so many of them now! - But this is a great master. Besides, he died a long time ago. -Moreover, copying is not allowed. You need it yourself, as it is in life. The conversation became meaningless. The second teacher left long ago. Students began to look into the classroom. The bell rang. -Okay. So, the sun is yellow, the snow is white, the sky is blue... - How could it be otherwise? – The teacher looked at me with wide eyes and bewilderment. - How?.. I didn’t answer. Said goodbye. I felt sorry for her. But I feel more sorry for the second-graders she taught.

Appendix 2

Literature used:

Advanced training course program teaching staff Republic of Kazakhstan JSC "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", 2012
2. Guide for teachers, pp. 197-205, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools JSC, 2012

3. URL: “Gifted child. Who is he?

Appendix 3

Videos: “Gifted Children”, “The Most Gifted People on Earth”.

Appendix 4

Reflection sheet

1. Was the work beneficial to you personally or others? Which?





2. What was the main discovery for you?








3. What did you like most?






4. What does a coach need to consider for the future?




5. What topic do you propose to conduct the next coaching on?


The topic of the lesson is “How to identify and develop gifted and talented students in secondary school

General goals: to deepen knowledge about giftedness, classification of types of giftedness, characteristic features of gifted children;
to form the psychological and pedagogical readiness of the teacher to work with gifted and talented children.
Expected results: learn about various techniques of technology, critical learning, purposeful application of various technologies in the learning process.
Learning outcomes: Understanding the essence of the conditions that need to be created for talented and gifted students. Understand what changes need to be made to assignments that include intellectually stimulating tasks for talented and gifted students.
Identify various skills that can be used by teachers when working with children of different abilities when completing joint tasks.
Key Ideas: The needs of talented and gifted students can be met through the creation of a collaborative environment.
Collaborative group work can be used to critically assess the potential of talented and gifted students.
Tasks of high complexity and intensity can be used to critically assess the potential of talented and gifted students.

Collaborative approach Working in groups
Discuss in pairs approaches that better develop gifted and talented students
Materials and equipment Multimedia equipment, computer, interactive whiteboard, presentation; Whatman paper for groups, markers, glue, stickers ( different colors), leaflets for completing the task, camera, video.

Lesson stages Time
Actions of the coach and actions of the coaching participants
Psychological attitude
The coach suggests taking multi-colored flower stickers and writing down their wishes, what they would like to know, what they would like to receive from interaction in the group during the coaching session.
Having written down their opinion, colleagues attach it to the “Wish Basket”.
Greeting 2 min.
Exercise “Applause”.
The coach claps his hands and says, calling the name: “I welcome...”. The one who was named stands up and claps for the next one. The latter says: “I welcome everyone.” Everyone gives each other a standing ovation, then stands in a circle.
Division into groups
The coach passes rubber bands of different colors around in a circle.
Unite into groups.
Warm up.
(Establishing the emotional mood, getting to know each other)

The coach invites everyone in their groups to form a circle and say hello as follows:
Europeans – shake hands.
Americans - pat on the shoulder with a smile.
Japanese - cross your arms over your chest and bow your head
Africans – rub noses.
Kazakhs – hug and clap each other.
Challenge Watch the video “Gifted Children”.
After viewing, the coach asks the question: “Formulate your task or problem on this topic and write it down as a question.”
Food for thought.
Reflection of colleagues.
Formulating the topic of the lesson 1 min.
- How would you formulate the topic of our lesson? “How to identify and develop children’s giftedness in a secondary school?”
Formulate the topic of the lesson
The module we will look at today is “Gifted and Talented Children”.
Express diagnostics 2 min
SLIDE No. 8 Express diagnostics “Do you understand
in the problem of giftedness education"
Unfinished sentence 5 min.

Talent is...
- Capable and talented students in their studies...
- It’s easy to be gifted because...
- Students become geniuses if...
The group speaker answers the question.
Reflection 2 min.

From your words, we can formulate a conclusion in the words of Arthur Schopenhauer: “Every child is partly a genius, and every genius is partly a child.”
Work in groups 15 min.

Elements of Human Potential
G. Renzulli (small model)
Group 1 Reception “Tree of Predictions”.
Giftedness, types of giftedness, advantages and disadvantages of various criteria for determining giftedness
Each of the criteria is used to identify gifted students. As a group, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each criterion and record your thoughts in a table.
Group discussion and creation of a “tree” from key ideas assignments. Topic - tree trunk, branches - arguments, justification for the topic, leaves - forecast.

Group 2 Reception “Fishbone”
1. Problems of working with gifted children
3 group
Formulate the principles of teaching gifted children and what conditions have been created in our school for the development of giftedness

4 group
Exercise. Create a cluster " Characteristics gifted child"

5 group
Exercise. Create a model of a teacher working with gifted children
Protection of posters Protection by groups of posters.
Reflection Method “Two stars, one sentence” regarding the work of another group.

What did you think about while working on a new assignment?
- What conclusions did you come to?
- What is the role in the development of abilities...?
- To develop what skills would you use such tasks?

Describe your activities in class.
Participants exchange opinions on how the lesson went and what else they would like to know.
- What theory of the Cambridge approach to teaching and learning processes was our lesson based on? (hint: constructivist theory)
Understanding the questionnaire 3 min. Participants answer questionnaire questions and at the same time reflect on the topic.
Emotional reflection 5 min.

Express your opinion about the coaching session. After writing down your wishes and emotions on stickers, attach them to our flowers.
Emotional, psychological mood
V.A. Sukhomlinsky:
“There are invisible strings in the soul of every child. If you touch them with a skillful hand“They will sound beautiful.”
The coach ends the session with the words: “Thank you for coaching! Thank you…”, calls the name of the participant. The one who was named stands up, names the next one... Last participant: “Thank you everyone! Goodbye!". Everyone gives a standing ovation.

Education of talented and gifted children
-Ability to organize work with gifted children for their successful development- be able to identify a student’s giftedness and distinguish giftedness from talent;

Saving high self-esteem a gifted child, directly related to the development of curiosity and, in general, to the development of personality; - be able to identify truly naturally gifted children among students who show high achievements (sometimes thanks to forced “coaching” from parents, tutors, and teachers).

Warm up. Exercise "Butterflies" Instructions: Participants are divided into pairs, the first of the pair becomes an adult, the second becomes a child.B) We offer personal and business qualities that teachers meet in their students. Mark “+” those qualities that you like in students, and sign“- ” what you don’t like.
  • Disciplined.
  • Uneven achiever.
  • Organized.
  • Out of step with the general tempo.
  • Erudite.
  • Strange in behavior, incomprehensible.
  • Able to support a common cause.
  • Jumping out in class with ridiculous remarks.
  • Consistently successful.
  • Busy exclusively with his own affairs.
  • Fast, “on the fly” grasping.
  • Unable to communicate, conflict-ridden.
  • Easy to communicate with, pleasant to talk to.
  • Sometimes slow-witted, sometimes unable to understand the obvious.
  • Expresses his thoughts clearly and understandably for everyone.
  • Not always willing to obey the majority or the official leader.
Task 2. Video “Teacher” (parable) Gifted children Asked the artists Tokmakov: Sixth grades. Tokmakov In tenth grade Tokmakov But the guys really are, V. Berestov Task 3. Questionnaire “How to recognize giftedness.” Fill out a form for one of the students. Gifted children - children recognized educational system superior to the level of intellectual development of other children of their age. The abilities of such children relate to all areas of intellectual activity. Giftedness – level of development of abilities that determines the range activities in which a person can achieve great success. Gifted children - children who show general or special talent - for music, drawing, technology, etc., which is diagnosed by the pace of being ahead of their peers, all other things being equal. Gifting is the same as talent : 1) outstanding innate qualities, special natural data; 2) high level development of abilities, especially special abilities. Talent should be judged by the results of activities, which should be distinguished by fundamental novelty and originality of approach. Creation - activity that generates something qualitatively new and distinguished by uniqueness, originality and socio-historical uniqueness. Creativity (from Latin - from creativity) - the ability to generate unusual ideas, deviate from traditional patterns of thinking, and quickly solve problem situations.Questionnaire “How to recognize giftedness” L.G. Kuznetsova, L.P. Sverch Purpose of the questionnaire “How to recognize giftedness”: identify the area of ​​a child’s giftedness, the degree of expression of certain abilities in the is not known when he managed to learn deftly handle skates and skis, balls and clubs;better than many other peers physically developed and coordinated in movements, moves easily, plastically, gracefully; not shy expressing one's own opinion even about classical worksdoes not lose heart and does not give up on work for a short time if his invention or project is not supported or ridiculed. performs with great desire in front of the audience; flexible and open to everything; If the child...reasons well, thinks clearly and understands unsaid , captures the reasons for people’s actions;much better and wider informed than peers;
(Ks) = (B:U) * 100%, where B – score obtained for each ability scale separately;
Task 4. “Gingerbread” of learning disabilities Portrait of a gifted childand problems of a gifted child. (G group work)
Task 5. Subgroups are asked to solve problems by giftedness. 2. Can children from disadvantaged families be gifted? deviant behavior? (justify your answer) Task 6. Presentation. " Tips for teacher development creativity in gifted children."
Task 7. Reflection. Csikszentmihalyi Table + California sandwichThe outstanding Czech teacher J. Korczak defined 4type educational environments , based on 2 parameters: freedom and activity.
  • Dogmatic. Low levels of freedom and activity. It does not welcome initiative, everything is clearly regulated, strict discipline, focused on global values. (school)
  • Serene. Low activity, but a lot of freedom. The subject of special concern is the health and well-being of children. This environment is not focused on any achievements. (kindergarten)
  • Career. Activity is encouraged, but within clear limits. In this environment there is competition and the winners are celebrated. It is socially oriented, there is a lot of tension and struggle. (school)
  • Creative. Lots of activity and freedom. The spirit of innovation reigns, everything new is encouraged. Society is wary of such manifestations, but it is thanks to them that it exists. (school of the future)
So, if you look at the problem of gifted children in the context of educational environments, it is clear that in a dogmatic environment they simply will not be able to develop, it is death for them. In serene th- giftedness will not be developed. In career-l easy only for ambitious children. Thus, only a creative environment meets the requirements for the development of giftedness.For teachers working with gifted children, take into account that the factor depending on the teacher isis to ensure further development, create favorable conditions for the development of giftedness.The main educational goal declared in new educational standards are the creation of conditions for human realization. A lot of criticism can be expressed about the way the reforms are proceeding, but the strategic line does not raise doubts about its correctness and compliance with the spirit of the times. Therefore, the issue of interaction between a teacher and a gifted child must be considered in a broad context.Characteristics of gifted children (suggested K. Tekex). - O neither have the ability to perceive connections between phenomena and objects and draw conclusions; they like to create alternative systems in their imagination.- some gifted children have increased mathematical abilities in terms of calculations and logic, one hundred can affect their progress ss in reading. - gifted children often developnegative self-perception, difficulties arise in communicating with peers.- the vision of gifted children (under 8 years of age) is often unstable, they have difficulty changing focus at close range on far (from the desk to the board).Most often, smart, understanding, and quick-witted children are considered gifted children. And if, among the various signs of giftedness, you single out well-developed thinking as the most significant sign, your opinion coincides with the point of view of a number of scientists ( A.A.Lublinskaya, A.I.Makarova etc.). IN recent years Science has made significant progress in the study of children's giftedness. Researchers are increasingly convinced that identifying giftedness with a high level of development of thinking is incorrect. Intelligence does not exist on its own. And success and achievements often depend on the emotional mood, feelings, interests, needs, will, perseverance and much more that relates to a person’s personal characteristics. Many researchers believe that giftedness is a special personality type. 1. Dislike for school.This attitude often arises because curriculum boring and uninteresting for a gifted child. Behavioral disorders in gifted children may will appear because syllabus does not match their abilities. 2. Gaming interests.Gifted children like complex games and are not interested in those that their peers of average abilities enjoy. As a result, the gifted child finds himself isolated and withdraws into himself. 3. Conformity. Gifted children, rejecting standard requirements, are thus not inclined to conformism, especially if these standards run counter to their interests or seem meaningless.4. Dive into philosophical problems. It is common for gifted children to think about such phenomena as death, afterlife, religious beliefs and philosophical problems, to a much greater extent than for the average child. 5. Discrepancy between physical, intellectual and social development.Gifted children often prefer to socialize and play with older children. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult for them to become leaders, since they are inferior to the latter in physical development. 6. Striving for excellence ( perfectionism). Gifted children are characterized by an internal need for perfection. They do not rest until they reach the highest level. This property manifests itself very early.7. Feeling of dissatisfaction.This attitude towards themselves is associated with the characteristic of gifted children to achieve excellence in everything they do. They are critical of their own achievements, oftendissatisfied, hence the feeling of inadequacy and low self-esteem. 8. Unrealistic goals.Gifted children often set high goals for themselves. Not being able to achieve them, they begin to worry. On the other hand, the desire for excellence is the force that leads to high achievements. 9. Hypersensitivity.Because gifted children are more receptive to sensory stimuli and have a better understanding of relationships and connections, they tend to be critical not only of themselves, but also of those around them. Gifted child more vulnerable, he often perceives words or non-verbal signals as manifestations of rejection of himself by others.10. Need for adult attention.Due to their natural curiosity and desire for knowledge, gifted children often monopolize the attention of teachers, parents and other adults. This causes friction in relationships with other children who are irritated by the desire for such attention. 11. Intolerance. Gifted children often show insufficient tolerance towards children who are inferior to them in intellectual development. They may alienate others with remarks that convey contempt or impatience.Musical talent.WITH early age A musically gifted child has an increased curiosity about any sounding objects. By the age of two or three, such children can distinguish all the melodies they hear and intone them accurately. Some people start singing before they speak. At three to five years of age, the desire for independent actions to “extract” sounds sharply increases. Initially, it is an imitation of playing musical instruments. In the future, this will lead to the first attempts to come up with something of your own. The appearance of the first works marks a transition to a higher level of development of talent.Artistic talent.High selectivity in relation to visual images and ideas appears in early childhood in acute observation, strong impressionability, the ability to see everything around in colors, in color contrasts, to notice the unusual, beautiful and remember for a long time. Big role The child’s own activity and his desire for creative exploration play a role. Talent without creative search is unthinkable.Mathematical and chess talent.Appears early. At three or four years old, some children enthusiastically play with numbers: they look for them on house signs, pages of books and magazines, and later try to make different new combinations. Mastering simple arithmetic operations occursjoyfully and quickly. At four or five years old, gifted children easily demonstrate the ability to add and subtract two- and three-digit numbers in their minds, and at five or six years old they begin to show great interest in mathematics textbooks, and not only for elementary school.For other gifted children it is not difficult calculation in the mind of complex chess compositions. Having learned to play chess at the age of four or five, they then spend most of their time at the chessboard, achieving amazing results. The game of chess is a constant experimentation that requires attentiveness, concentration, and the ability to think quickly and logically. Exactly cognitive activity the child determines the discovery of his talent in this area.Literary talent.Revealed later. Depends on the experience and knowledge of the child. But in some cases, signs of literary abilities are also revealed at the stage of preschool childhood. The child is attuned to the music of words, he is fascinated by the sound of rhymes, and he rejoices at the emergence of new words and combinations. Compared to the works of their peers, the works of gifted children are more original and expressive.Social giftedness. It is impossible not to notice the leader in a group of children. A confident, proactive child will quickly attract attention. His speech is well developed, he is not afraid and does not hesitate to address another child, an adult. Such a child reveals his own businesslike approach to everything that happens. His distinctive feature– such a child cares about everything.Any child must be gifted in one of the areas human activity. Assess the correctness of the assumption about innate abilities child or help in this most important matter, a test questionnaire developed by specialists in the field of child psychology will help
2. Weinzweig P. Ten Commandments creative personality. – M., 1990. 4. Dyachenko O.M., Verax NOT. What doesn't happen in the world? – M., 1997.

Coaching session
No. Topic of classes: “Talented and gifted children and working with them”
1 General goals The teacher must be able to identify talented and gifted children using various criteria, and possess strategies for organizing effective work with gifted and talented students. be able to create the favorable learning conditions necessary for talented and gifted children. Understand the essence of the conditions that are necessary when teaching talented and gifted students.
2 Expected Outcome Teachers will consider research findings on talented and gifted students and reflect on the definition of talented and gifted students.
3 Materials and equipment Flipcharts, markers, stickers, handouts.
Progress of classes
Stages of classes Time Actions of the teacher and actions of the coaching participants Organizational moment
Creating a collaborative environment 5 min Greeting division into groups strategy “Candy”
Creating a psychological mood for coaching participants.
Talents are difficult to recognize, not everyone can believe in them. Talents must be nurtured, they must be developed, they must be believed in. Anyone who is understanding can recognize a simple truth: Talents can be nurtured by a Teacher if he himself is talented
Statement of the problem 10 min How do you understand the concept of “giftedness” -
“Talent” What are the similarities and what are the differences? (cluster drawing Venn diagram)
Conclusion – Which children can be called gifted? Which ones are talented?
Lecture 7 min Follow talent, if you have it, it’s not enough - you need to learn to lead it along the paths of perfection
Boris Andreev
How can you disagree with the words of B. Andreev, in fact: it is not enough to have talent, to follow it, you need to constantly improve it.
What does the concept of “talent” mean? Talent is certain abilities that are revealed with the acquisition of skill and experience. The word comes from the measure of weight “talent”. In the New Testament there is a parable about three slaves who were given a coin called “talent” by their master. One buried his talent in the ground, the second exchanged it, and the third multiplied it. Hence the three expressions: buried, exchanged and multiplied (developed) his talent. From the Bible, the word “talent” has spread in a figurative sense: as a gift of God, the ability to create, and create something new, without neglecting it.
All children are talented. Each person is gifted in their own way. Giftedness is a high level of development of a person’s abilities, allowing him to achieve special success in a particular field of activity. It is very difficult to guess the moment when the ability is ready to begin to develop, and to give the child everything necessary for development at this time. Sometimes this works.
Task 1 10 min Qualities of talented and gifted students according to teachers from 5 countries. Select the qualities in your opinion that are most important for talented and gifted students in our country. Which category best suits the students in our country?
Physical exercise 3 min Task 2 10 min Give 3 reasons in favor of individual work with talented and gifted students

3 Give 3 criteria for identifying talented and gifted children
Video Task 3 Summary 5 min What will work with gifted and talented children give us? They hang good things on the tree: a yellow leaf is “Against”, a green leaf is “For”
Reflection feedback 5min Hand-to-hand technique
Follow talent, if you have it, it’s not enough - you need to learn to lead it along the paths of perfection
Boris Andreev
Give 3 reasons for working individually with talented and gifted students
Give 3 reasons that prevent you from working with gifted and talented children
3 Give 3 criteria for identifying talented and gifted children

Title of the lesson: Date: General goals: Learning outcomes: Key ideas: Assignments: Coaching with a focus group of colleagues “Creative and proactive” “What should be the lesson for a gifted child in a public school?” Participants will be able to discuss the problems of organizing education for gifted children in the classroom; will create a project of an educational lesson environment for OA; will develop a mini-lesson for a gifted child. Participants know: the concept of giftedness; how the capabilities of gifted children manifest themselves in joint activities; Strategies for teaching gifted children. Able to: work in a group; use learning strategies for personal benefit. Create: a mini-lesson project for a gifted child. The module “Education of Talented and Gifted Children” is included in the Program of Level Courses. There are challenges when it comes to educating gifted and talented children; It is important to carefully think through, discuss and plan lessons to include these children. 1. Motivation “Reincarnation”. Now you have to play the role of gifted children. We put on the “gifted child’s jersey.” 2. Assignment: you are a gifted child, now you must write down the problems that you encounter in a public school. 3. Watch the video “The World Through the Eyes of Gifted Children.” As you can see, there are quite a lot of problems. We need to learn to deal with them. 4. Assignment: Let's return to our role, the role of the teacher. What is your goal today? 5. Discussion of the lesson plan Participants come up with a motto with which a gifted student can come to the lesson. They announce their mottos. Each participant must highlight the main problems of a gifted student. They compare them with “their” problems. They turn over the “shirt - emblem”, write down their goal for the lesson (what they want from the session). Participants think about the answer for 30 seconds. Discussion, discussion.

Who has the most learning problems? Why? Why can gifted students be said to be at social “risk” in the mainstream learning environment? What emotional characteristics can be given to gifted children? How do the emotional characteristics of gifted students influence educational activities? Think of one of your students for whom these characteristics are a barrier or a helper. 6. Questionnaire “Qualities of students.” Agree, a teacher does not feel very comfortable during a lesson in a class where there are gifted children. Why is this happening? Musical and dance break 7. Division into groups “Identical pictures”. 8. Designing an educational lesson environment that promotes the learning of gifted children. 9. Comparison of work results with resource No. 3. Evaluating your own work. 10. Work in pairs based on subject interests. Resources No. 4, 5. Designing a mini-lesson. Task: to create conditions for teaching gifted children (specific school students) Reflection “Beautiful Tulip” 11. Presentation of mini-lessons. Use resource No. 1 Name the students who learn from the majority, in order to then design a mini-lesson in a subject-specific manner. Participants mark + or – qualities of children that they like or dislike. Discussion. Participants receive a picture and form groups. Fill in the blanks in the table. Resource No. 2 Participants study resources No. 4, 5. Create a mini-lesson project using the proposed methods or their own developments. Summing up. Participants

And now I suggest you attach butterflies to a flower that symbolizes a gifted child, on which you write down what you can use from the lesson materials in your work. Place stickers in the form of butterflies on a flower located on the board. You can write down a wish or question on a sticky note.

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