How to take academic leave (sample application, reasons)? Providing academic leave to students. Recovery after academic leave on the budget.

When studying at a higher educational institution, in exceptional cases, a student can take out an academic leave (AO). There are certain rules for its provision. They are regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation No. 2782 dated November 5, 1998. It provides not only the definition of the very concept of joint-stock company, but also the grounds and procedure for obtaining it.

Grounds for obtaining JSC

The reasons why a student wants to get an AO must be quite compelling. The rector makes the decision educational institution, therefore, there must be compelling justifications that are designed to convince management of the need for temporary suspension from school.

The grounds for the request are:

  • medical indications (including pregnancy);
  • other exceptional cases.

The latter reasons include:

  • family circumstances;
  • trip abroad for educational purposes;
  • natural disasters (floods, hurricanes, war, etc.);
  • undergoing an internship that is not provided curriculum University.

Family circumstances

Family circumstances include the following situations:

  • (provided for care of a child whose age is not more than three years). It is worth considering that if both parents, father and mother, are students, then both of them can apply to take AO.
  • Caring for sick relatives in a situation where there are no other family members nearby.
  • Unforeseen financial difficulties.

It is also worth noting the deferment from the army. If it is the first time taken at the university, the student has the right to receive a temporary suspension from studies.

Documents for applying for academic leave for family reasons

Providing academic leave students are unable to do so without submitting the appropriate documents indicating the reason. The latter must be indicated in the application submitted to the dean's office by students for consideration by the rector. In this case, it is necessary to attach documents confirming the difficult situation.

If an academic leave from the university is taken, the student must submit a copy of his birth certificate. If constant supervision is required for any close relative, then a certificate from the appropriate one should be shown. It should indicate not only the diagnosis of the patient, but also the need for daily care. Here it is recommended to attach a certificate of family composition, according to which it will be clear that the student is the only person capable of looking after a relative.

Documents for registration of academic leave for other reasons

If you take an academic leave from the university, the reasons for it are a deterioration in your financial situation and the inability to pay for tuition, then the corresponding document must be submitted. If the family’s income has sharply decreased (for example, due to job cuts), then you need to show a certificate of family income.

If a student takes academic leave from the university for long-term treatment of any illness, then this reason should be confirmed by a medical certificate from a clinical expert commission.

Receiving education abroad must also be confirmed by relevant documents, thanks to which a temporary interruption of studies is carried out.

If you decide to get a joint stock company, you should carefully prepare all the documents. They must be formatted correctly and correctly state the essence of the issue. This is the main aspect of considering a request with a positive decision.

Nuances of academic leave

Both full-time and part-time students can take the AO. After receiving a positive decision on a temporary interruption of studies, a certificate is issued with information about courses attended, lectures, seminars completed, grades for exams and tests. Having this document in hand, the student can be reinstated in another university for a similar specialty.

It is impossible to issue an academic leave to a student if he has any debts on passing exams and tests. During an interruption in studies, hostel accommodation is not provided and no scholarship is awarded.

If a student is studying in a paid department, then no money is charged for academic leave. If a large amount was previously deposited, it is transferred to the next course.

Academic leave usually lasts 12 months, but can be extended if necessary. During the entire period of study, AO is provided to the student once.

Thus, it is possible for a student to take an academic leave from the university, but for this it is necessary to correctly justify the reason for interrupting his studies. You should also prepare the relevant documents.

The learning process at an educational institution consists not only of mastering the necessary skills and knowledge, but also of regularly attending classes.

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Sometimes, due to life circumstances, a student cannot attend a university for a long period. In such situations, he can exercise the right to receive academic leave.

Main aspects

Every student in a secondary or higher educational institution, regardless of the form of study, has the legal right to take an academic leave.

Reasons for registration

Academic leave is granted to students of higher and secondary educational institutions due to the following reasons:

  • by decree;
  • treatment and rehabilitation course;
  • military service;
  • loss of parents;
  • emergency situations;
  • deterioration of financial situation;
  • caring for a seriously ill relative or newborn;
  • participation in international competitions;
  • internship abroad.

For family reasons

Students have the right to take academic leave for family reasons. The range of reasons that fall into this category is quite wide, but the main requirement is official confirmation.

You can get academic leave in the following situations:

  • if the student is caring for a child, upon providing the child’s birth certificate;
  • if the student is caring for a sick close relative, he must provide a certificate with a medical report and that the treatment will be long-term and the patient needs constant care;
  • in case of deterioration in the financial condition of the family. In this case, the student must confirm this fact a certificate of low-income status, a document stating that the parents are not employed or that the parents have a low salary;

There may be additional grounds and documents that are specified in the Charter of the educational institution.

Medical indicators

If any diseases arise that require long-term treatment or rehabilitation, this is the basis for applying for academic leave.

Each citizen, when any illness occurs in the clinic, is issued a certificate of incapacity for work, which serves as the basis for release from work or study until full recovery.

Students receive a certificate in form No. 095u, which exempts them from the educational process for a period of ten days to a month of days.

If the disease is serious and treatment will take more time, then the certificate is issued in form No. 027, which is a referral to undergo a special medical examination, which will give its conclusion.

These documents not only serve as an indication for exemption from the educational process, but also determine the period of treatment and rehabilitation.


In a situation where a student, while studying at an institute or technical school, expresses a desire to interrupt the educational process for a while and go for military service in the army, then he is entitled to academic leave.

The official documents that must be submitted to the dean's office are the summons, which must indicate the place of call and the deadline for appearance.

The period for granting exemption from study is one year. If a student is on academic leave, then he should not have problems with the military registration and enlistment office, since he is officially registered at the educational institution.

The only caveat is that the academic leave should be no more than one year, otherwise the student may be drafted into the army and then continue education will be possible only after conscription.

Procedure for drawing up the document

Algorithm for applying for academic leave:

  • collection of necessary certificates officially confirming the grounds for its receipt;
  • drawing up an application;
  • the dean makes a decision on the received application;
  • issuing an order on granting academic leave.

The law does not establish a specific form of application for academic leave. It is drawn up in any form, but certain requirements must be met.

The application must indicate:

  • name of educational institution;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the dean or rector;
  • information about the applicant, last name, first name, patronymic, what group and course.

In the main part of the application, it is necessary to clarify what grounds force the student to take an academic leave and a link to documents confirming good reasons for receiving it.

Receipt time

Academic leave is issued for a period of no more than two years. The only exception is maternity leave. Leave to care for a newborn baby can be three years.

Leave related to pregnancy and childbirth is equal to:

What to pay attention to for international students

If you want to take academic leave foreign student, then he needs to pay attention to the following features:

  • the basis for receiving academic leave is only health status;
  • The student must spend his academic leave in his home country;
  • the scholarship is not paid during academic leave;
  • the student must begin educational process within the specified period, otherwise he will be expelled.

The law establishes the main factors and conditions under which a student receives the right to take an academic leave.

To get academic leave at the university, reasons for this purpose they must be sufficiently weighty. There may be several such reasons. More often people go on academic leave due to pregnancy, to care for a small child, or for health reasons.

Academic leave is granted to a student on the following grounds:

In the case of an application for medical reasons - on the basis of the student’s personal application, as well as the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the state, municipal medical and preventive health care institution at the location constant monitoring student. The conclusion must be written or certified by the university medical center. Moreover, without the consent of the student himself, the diagnosis is not indicated in the conclusion.

In the case of an application for other reasons - on the basis of the student’s personal statement, as well as the relevant document that confirms the basis for receiving academic leave indicating the reason.

A student applying for academic leave must not have any outstanding debts in any subjects. Otherwise, the request may simply be refused.

To obtain academic leave for health reasons, you must obtain a special certificate in form 095/U. The same certificate is required when applying for academic leave due to pregnancy. A student who fails to complete such a document on time may be expelled for academic failure.

Another reason why a student may apply for a leave of absence is because it is difficult financial situation family. A student can receive an extra year of deferment from study by obtaining appropriate confirmation of financial status from the social security authorities. You can also get an academic degree due to the need to care for a sick relative.

Most often, academic leave is given for six months or a year. However, the mother of a young child has the right to receive a deferment from education for a period of up to six years. True, if possible, you should try to finish your studies at the university as early as possible. During the entire period of study at the university, a student can take no more than two academic leaves.

Many students want to go on academic leave due to serious debts in their subjects. But almost no one manages to do this. Even if a student has a good reason for taking an academic course, he may simply be expelled for poor academic performance.

An application for academic leave must be submitted to the rector, who can reject or approve it. To confirm valid reasons, the student may be required to provide various documents and certificates. Based on decision taken The rector's order is issued.

If a student has not started studying at the end of the academic leave within a month, he is expelled from the university.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1206 of November 3, 1994, students on academic leave for medical reasons receive monthly compensation payments. The university can also pay students who are on academic leave benefits from its own funds.

Students staying at the academy have the right to live in a dormitory. The procedure for paying tuition when granting academic leave to students who study with full reimbursement of tuition costs is determined by the terms of the contract.

A student cannot take academic leave from the university due to incapacity for work. During the period of incapacity for work due to pregnancy and childbirth, in accordance with Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, students are granted leave with the wording “maternity” with the payment of benefits established by this law. For full-time and part-time students correspondence forms training in these cases, leave is granted with the wording “for family reasons”.

So, in order to receive academic leave, a student must submit to the dean of the faculty a personal application completed in the prescribed form, as well as one of the following documents:

The conclusion of the clinical expert commission, certified by the medical health center of the university, or the conclusion of the medical health center of the university;

A document confirming the grounds for receiving academic leave, indicating the reason why the student wishes to take academic leave from the university.

The dean of the faculty endorses the application and then submits it for consideration to the vice-rector for academic affairs. In case of a positive decision, an application with the resolution of the vice-rector is sent to the personnel management department and social work to prepare an order. After the order is issued, the general department of the university transmits an extract from the order to the faculty.

Studying at a university involves not only acquiring new knowledge, but also complying with the rules of visiting the university, extracurricular activities and preparation for taking final tests.

That is, throughout the entire course of study, the student is usually busy almost every day, from morning to evening. But life circumstances that require students to be present in another place and for a long period of time also arise, therefore, at the legislative level, they are given the right to receive academic leave.

Legislative framework

Academic leave is a period of time during which a student is released from studies on the basis of an order from the university in connection with certain life circumstances, for example, the birth of a child, confirmed by documents and with an application.

In this case, the student is not expelled from the university and his place is retained, as well as the previous conditions for obtaining an education, namely at the expense of budget funds or on a contract basis.

The right to receive academic leave is regulated by the norms of the Federal Law “On Education”, namely clause 12, part 1, article 34, according to which, each student can receive an exemption from classes for a certain period, but only on grounds approved regulations and the University Charter. In particular, the list of grounds, conditions for granting, as well as the procedure for obtaining this type of leave are stipulated in Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 455, but additional conditions related to the specifics of obtaining academic leave are already established by the Charter of the educational institution.

To whom and where can this type of leave be granted?

In accordance with clause 1 of Order No. 455, academic leave can be granted to students studying in educational institutions for the following educational programs:

That is, academic leave is granted in all educational institutions that provide secondary and higher education, and also train highly qualified personnel on the basis of Article 10 of Federal Law No. 273.

Also, as follows from the meaning of paragraph 1 of Order No. 455, academic leave is granted to all persons who study at the above institutions, regardless of the form of education, that is, students who receive an education have the right to this leave according to the following forms:

  • full-time;
  • part-time;
  • correspondence

That is, regardless of whether a student is a part-time student or is receiving a full-time education, if certain circumstances arise, he has the right to academic leave in the manner prescribed by law.

Reasons and circumstances

In essence, academic leave is a measure aimed at preserving the student’s right and opportunity to continue receiving education after the termination of the reasons that were the basis for exemption from studies, but subject to the following conditions:

In particular, grounds for the provision of this type of leave are established in Part 2 of Order No. 455 and they are:

  • medical indications;
  • family circumstances;
  • exceptional circumstances.


As a rule, when a disease occurs and a citizen goes to a medical institution, he is issued a certificate or, on the basis of which he is released from work or classes until full recovery. In the event of an illness occurring in a citizen who is studying at an educational institution, a certificate is issued in accordance with the established procedure. form No. 095у, which provides exemption from classes from 10 to 30 days.

If a student, due to the complexity of the disease, cannot recover completely within the agreed period, a certificate is issued according to form No. 027, which, in essence, is an extract for continuing education or a referral to a medical commission for examination, based on the results of which a medical report is issued.

That is, to receive academic leave for medical reasons you need provide three documents:

  • certificate No. 095у;
  • certificate No. 027u;
  • medical report.

The agreed documents will confirm not only the grounds for release, that is, injury or serious illness, but also the period required to restore health, especially if there is a long period of rehabilitation ahead, for example, six months or more.

Family circumstances

Family circumstances and problems are, of course, different, but in order to receive academic leave they also need to be documented.

For example, this type of vacation can be provided:

Also, the Charter of an educational institution may contain a list of additional grounds and documents confirming them. For example, admission to another university and the impossibility of continuing education due to the deadline for passing exams at two institutions simultaneously.


Of course, no one is immune from the occurrence of family problems and deterioration in health, but circumstances may also arise that do not depend on the will of the parties and require a long absence. In particular, a student may be drafted into the army for military service, and the basis for granting academic leave will be a summons indicating the place of conscription and the deadline for reporting to the place of duty.

Procedure and deadline for provision

According to the norms of the law, namely Federal Law No. 273, the educational institution, as well as teachers, are responsible for the life and health of students, in turn, the student is obliged to fulfill syllabus, accordingly, any absence of a student from classes must be documented in writing in the manner prescribed by law, because no one is interested in being held accountable for the injuries a citizen receives or for lack of knowledge.

That is why, at the legislative level, a procedure for granting academic leave has been developed, which is enshrined in Order No. 455. In turn, the specified act serves as the basis for developing a procedure for granting this type of leave at the place of use, that is, in each educational institution in the Charter.

Where to go

The main department in an educational institution, which, in essence, serves as a center for interaction between the parties, is dean's office and it is to this body that you need to contact to obtain academic leave. Of course, it is advisable to first approach the methodologist or group supervisor and clarify some of the conditions for obtaining this type of leave, as well as the list of documents that need to be provided. Well, then, collect information and write an application.

I would like to note one feature. Academic leave is provided only for good reasons, documented, and not for poor academic performance. And a student who will be absent for a long time due to vacation will continue his studies exactly from where he graduated, on the basis of a certificate that he will be given indicating the grades received and the hours of lectures.

Design rules

As a rule, myself registration procedure academic leave looks like this:

  • collection of documents confirming a valid reason for taking leave;
  • writing an application requesting leave;
  • imposition of a resolution by the dean on the application;
  • issuance of an order for the university on leave.

Drawing up an application

Despite the fact that a uniform procedure for applying for academic leave has been established at the legislative level, the application form for receiving it has not been approved, so in such a situation it is used free form in compliance with mandatory rules. In particular, indicating the name of the university and the official being addressed, full name, student, group number, course.

In the main part of the application, the student asks to be granted academic leave for family reasons, for example, caring for a sick relative, with reference to the application, namely a medical report or other document confirming a good reason for receiving academic leave.

List of documentation

Considering that the provisions of the law, namely in paragraph 2 of Order No. 455, there is a direct indication of confirmation of the grounds only in writing, when applying for academic leave, the student should provide a certain package of documents, which actually confirms the reason for going on leave.

In particular, if pregnant, the student will need to present a certificate from the antenatal clinic about her condition and the timing of the expected birth. If the student drafted into the army, then a subpoena will be needed, and if got sick or injured, then a medical report.

One more feature should be noted. As a rule, in order to apply for an academic leave, a student must appear at the dean's office in person, but he may receive a serious injury, as a result of which his movement will be limited. In such a situation, it is possible to apply for academic leave by power of attorney, which will be drawn up in accordance with the law and presented when submitting an application for leave.


After the application along with the documents is submitted to the dean’s office and a resolution is imposed on the agreed document, an order to grant leave is issued within 10 days from the date of receipt of the application, the form of which is approved by the Charter of the educational institution. The order specifies the grounds for granting leave, the period, as well as other conditions, for example, maintaining a place in a dormitory or providing monthly payments, provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1206 in the presence of a medical certificate.

Some features

Of course, leave is not always granted for exactly the period that the student requires, because in some cases, the student himself does not know the cut-off date for the termination of the circumstances that served as the basis for receiving academic leave. In addition, it is worth considering the fact that there is an educational program with its own characteristics and other circumstances that affect the procedure for granting the agreed leave. That is why, at the legislative level, certain rules for obtaining vacations are provided, in particular the timing and quantity of their receipt.

For what period is it provided?

Thus, paragraph 2 of Order No. 455 states that academic leave can be granted for no more than 2 years, due to the fact that, after the specified period, the student will simply forget the acquired knowledge without practical classes and he will have to start all over again or update his knowledge by retaking some disciplines.


In accordance with clause 3 of Order No. 455, academic leave may be granted unlimited number of times, regardless of the reasons that served as the basis for taking an academic leave.

After all, a student can get sick, become pregnant, or lose income within two years, given that life is unpredictable, so there are no restrictions.

Payment of scholarship

As a rule, the right to receive, as well as its amount and conditions are determined by the Charter of the educational institution. For example, in many universities, the size of the scholarship depends on the performance of students, as well as on the form of study.

That is, if a student studies on a budget scholarship, he is paid by the state, but if on a contract basis, then by the future employer, who pays for the education.

And since, on the basis of clause 6 of Order No. 455, tuition fees are not charged during the period of academic leave, then the scholarship is not paid accordingly. The same rule applies to students studying at the expense of the state, because they do not study, grades on the basis of which there is no grade, and accordingly there are no grounds for awarding a scholarship.

Various situations

In every Educational institution there is not only an educational program approved by the Ministry of Education, but also a curriculum, that is school period and vacation, which is basically the same for all universities. But life circumstances or illnesses do not choose a convenient time for a student’s absence from a university and happen at the most inopportune moment, which raises questions about how academic leave is processed in emergency or non-standard situations.

Freshman year

For example, a student may get sick not only in the first year, but also during the first semester, get injured or be drafted into the army, which implies the need for an academic leave.

In such a situation, this type of leave, at the request of the student, will be granted to him, because this rule is enshrined in law, however, given that the studies were interrupted at the very beginning, at the end of the leave the student will begin his studies all over again, that is, from the beginning of the semester, and not from the middle.

During pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy may also occur suddenly, regardless of the curriculum and passing final exams, while the student may feel unwell and not be able to attend classes not only for several weeks, but also for months, therefore, at her request and on the basis of a certificate of special condition, academic leave can be obtained at any time.

But again, you should remember that if the semester is not closed, that is, the final tests are not passed, at the end of the vacation you will have to start all over again, that is, from the moment of the last session.

Early termination

One more feature should be noted. Based on the law, every student is given the right to academic leave, but at the same time he also the right to interrupt is secured it ahead of schedule if the reasons for taking leave have exhausted themselves or have ceased to interfere with obtaining an education. Thus, paragraph 7 of Order No. 455 states that upon application of the student and on the basis of the order, the student may be admitted to classes, but under the conditions determined by the Charter of the educational institution.

That is, if a student took a leave of absence for a year and was released after two months, he can be reinstated upon passing academic debt in a number of subjects. If a student is released after six months, he can take an accelerated course of study according to the program of the missed course, if such a condition is enshrined in the Charter.

How to get this leave is described in the following video:

1. These procedures and grounds establish general requirements for the procedure for granting academic leave to persons studying in educational programs of secondary vocational or higher education(students (cadets), graduate students (adjuncts), residents and assistant trainees) (hereinafter referred to as students), as well as the grounds for granting these leaves to students.

2. Academic leave is granted to the student due to the inability to master educational program secondary vocational or higher education (hereinafter referred to as the educational program) in an organization that carries out educational activities(hereinafter referred to as the organization), for medical reasons, family and other circumstances for a period of time not exceeding two years.

3. Academic leave is granted to a student an unlimited number of times.

4. The basis for making a decision to grant a student academic leave is the student’s personal statement (hereinafter referred to as the application), as well as the conclusion of the medical commission medical organization(for granting academic leave for medical reasons), a summons from the military commissariat containing the time and place of departure to the place of military service (for granting academic leave in case of conscription military service), documents confirming the basis for granting academic leave (if available).

5. The decision to grant academic leave is made by the head of the organization or his authorized official within ten days from the date of receipt of the student’s application and the documents attached to it (if any) and is formalized by order of the head of the organization or his authorized official.

6. While on academic leave, a student is relieved of responsibilities related to his completion of an educational program in an organization and is not allowed to educational process until the end of the academic leave. If a student is studying in an organization under an education agreement at the expense of an individual and (or) legal entity, no tuition fee is charged during academic leave.

7. Academic leave ends at the end of the period of time for which it was granted, or before the end of the specified period based on the student’s application. The student is allowed to study upon completion of academic leave on the basis of an order from the head of the organization or an official authorized by him.

8. Students on academic leave for medical reasons are assigned and paid monthly compensation payments in accordance with

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