Research work on ecology in elementary school. Research work on environmental education

Oksana Borodina
Research work on environmental education of fourth-grade students "Necessary from unnecessary"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 1 of Aldan".

Research work on the topic:

Performed: Kalizhnikova Anastasia,

student 4 "G" class.

Supervisor: Borodina O. N. - teacher of primary classes.

Scientists and ecologists constantly scratching their heads, where to put the garbage? But maybe it's worth trying to solve this problem from the other side. Isn't it easier to control what ends up in a landfill than what gets out of a landfill into the environment? Garbage can be imagined not as something unnecessary but as a mixture of various valuable substances and components. Most of the solid household waste can be used to create new original crafts and decor items. Humanity is unlikely to do without landfills for the foreseeable future, but it is in our power to reduce the amount of garbage thrown out. Is everything we throw away trash? Most people do not think at all about what they throw away ... ideal material for creativity. Do not rush to throw out household waste. Get creative and think of uses for them.


Problem research.

Target research.

Tasks research.


Stages research.

Description research.

Questionnaire classmates.

Exhibition of children's crafts unnecessary things.


Relevance of the topic: Everyone is worried today environmental ecology. Much of the blame is on the human. He does not think about what will happen to us in a few decades. Taking out the garbage from the apartment, few people think about what happens to it next. Nowadays it has become fashionable to talk about ecology and new ways to use waste. Meanwhile, every day we throw away all kinds of boxes, plastic bottles, jars (tubes) from under creams and shampoo, disposable tableware, old felt-tip pens, newspapers, etc. unnecessary. If you think a little bit, the old, already unnecessary you can not throw things away, but create amazing objects out of them, giving a second wind to obsolete products. Therein lies the problem.

Target: show what unnecessary things are real material for creating decor items.


Master the Elements research method;

Conduct a survey.

Show by example works how can you use unnecessary things in order to preserve the environment;

Contribute to the development of creative abilities.

An object research: household waste.

Methods research: research, reference and information, questionnaire survey, creative search.

Practical significance: given work will help to understand that part of the waste can be reused, turning the usual household waste into original decor items.

For research work, I developed an action plan.


1) Selection and study of material on this topic.

2) Collection of waste material.

3) Manufacturing works.

4) Writing work and preparation for presentation.

Practical significance work.

As a result of my work and my classmates crafts were created from waste material: toys and pictures from discs, crafts from plastic bottles, flowers from egg packaging, a bath mat from bags, stationery coasters from jars, dolls from pieces of cloth, etc.

Main part.

At the beginning of his research we are familiar with the concept unnecessary things.

Unnecessary things is an ambiguous concept. Many of us have houses that are useless, seemingly unnecessary things, but they can find a second life if they find a new original use and do not throw them away.

To expand on the topic research we used the method work with Internet resources, where they learned that interior items and souvenirs are made from many things. Also in books helped us in our research"Smart Hands", "Making with parents".

Working with encyclopedias, I learned that every year a huge amount of waste leads to the formation of landfills. There may be hazardous and harmful waste for the human body. Treasure can be found in the landfill! This includes wood, mountains of paper, metal, glass, etc. Many wastes can be used in industry.

The problem of where to put the garbage did not arise yesterday. In ancient cities, garbage was dealt with simply - they were thrown onto the pavement, where it calmly accumulated for itself until some significant event, for example, a military parade. The first known law forbidding this practice appeared in 320 BC. e. in Athens, after which a similar experience quickly spread throughout ancient Greece and the Greek colonial cities.

In ancient Rome, homeowners were required to clean the streets around their property. Garbage was dumped into open pits just outside the city walls. With the growth of the population, the city found itself in a ring of garbage heaps; then the first primitive horse-drawn garbage trucks appeared, transporting household waste away from the city. After the fall of Rome, the organized collection and disposal of household waste was forgotten in the world until 1714, when every English city became required to have a municipal garbage collector.

In America, organized waste collection began at the end of the 18th century.

in Boston, New York and Philadelphia. With garbage at that time especially not

stood on ceremony. In Philadelphia, for example, it was simply dumped into the Delaware River downstream of the city. In coastal cities, the dumping of garbage in the ocean and now occurs quite often. But such a method is fundamentally vicious and fraught with

poisoning of aquatic fauna and flora. And largely thanks to the efforts of scientists and environmental organizations such as Greenpeace, the practice has been denounced around the world.

I was interested to know if my classmates household waste. Therefore, I conducted a survey among classmates.

Conducting a survey among 22 students class, we found out that glass jars are left in their families in 14 families (for pickling vegetables and jam, glass bottles are thrown away because there is no glass container collection point in our city. Newspapers and magazines are left in 14 families (just in case, cardboard boxes are reused in 5 families, used plastic bags are left in 2 families, plastic bottles and boxes are left in 12 families (seedlings are planted in them).

Name of MSW Number of families Proposed actions

Glass jars 14 Leave. For conservation.

Glass bottles 22 Throw away. Since there is no glass container collection point.

Newspapers, magazines 14 Leave. Just in case.

Cardboard boxes 5 Leave.

Plastic bags 2 Leave.

Plastic bottles, boxes. 12 Leave. For planting seedlings.

Based on the data given in the table, one can imagine how much garbage is generated annually.

Therefore, we decided to make crafts from things in order to clearly show that many waste can be found in a new original use.


Having done this work, I can do conclusion: each family has accumulated a lot of old, but still quite good things - clothes, dishes, furniture and others unnecessary items.

But everything can be used. Many things can be upgraded, improved and returned to service, thus giving them a second life.

As a result research work, we came to the conclusion that every person can do a lot to save ecological environmental conditions. To do this, it is necessary to properly dispose of those things that become unnecessary.

Teenage project activity is an activity based on the activation of creative, cognitive and practical components, as a result of which the student produces a product that has a subjective (sometimes objective) novelty.

The change in the adolescent's social position, his desire to occupy a certain place in life, is reflected in a sharply increased need to evaluate himself as useful to society.

Any human activity consists of the following elements: need, motive, goal, tasks, actions, operations.

The activity of students can be considered in 2 stages: labor and educational. At the labor stage, the formation of activity takes place, and at the second stage, the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities act as a means of performing activities, and students here also receive new knowledge.

In the process of implementing creative projects, purposeful project activities have a direct and main result in changing the subject itself.

The current stage in the development of education in our country can be called a transitional one from traditional, authoritarian education to a personality-oriented approach that reflects the concept of humanistic pedagogy, a culturally appropriate type of education.

The main emphasis in the education system is placed on the intellectual and moral development of the individual, which implies the need for the formation of critical thinking in children, their ability to work with information.

The turn to a new approach to teaching is connected with the changed social and economic conditions and with new tasks in the education system. Modern conditions for the development of society require a reorientation of education from the assimilation of ready-made knowledge, skills and abilities to the development of the child's personality, his thinking, and a sense of responsibility. The student becomes the central figure, and his activity acquires an active, cognitive character.

The transition to another method in a modern school is conditioned by the need to use new technologies. Using the project allows you to expand the professional tools of a modern teacher with a productive teaching method. That is why I turned to an interactive methodology, within the framework of which one can also consider the method of projects, which is quite modern today.

For several years now, I have been using creative projects in extracurricular activities with environmental students. I take into account the well-known principles of environmental education: interdisciplinarity, integrativity, continuity, local history approach to the study and solution of environmental problems, the unity of the intellectual perception of the environment.

When conducting classes, I use various forms of environmental education:

  1. Problem solving - presenting real life situations to children for their subsequent resolution.
  2. Modeling is the introduction of the student into situations of real experience.
  3. Examination is the study of a part of the material, research.
  4. Monitoring is the observation of living objects.
  5. Work with popular scientific literature.
  6. Practical work - the use of knowledge, skills and abilities by students to develop their own project.

It is the work on projects that is the main form of organization of environmentally oriented activities of schoolchildren in extracurricular activities in ecology.

During the implementation of projects, the student himself learns to formulate a problem, put forward and justify the causes of its occurrence, develop and conduct an experiment, draw conclusions and proposals for solving a particular issue. My role as a teacher is based on the principles of cooperation and includes: advising students (groups) at all stages of projects; involvement of parents, public organizations (hospital, weather station, Severny LLC, village administration) in the project activities of children; participation in the organization of the presentation and public examination of the results of the project activities of children.

At the introductory classes of the circle, I introduce students to the concept of "project", with design technology, and discuss the design algorithm.

Creative design is carried out in the process of collective creative activity. Students, working in small groups, analyze the literature, identify problems, contradictions and propose solutions at the level of a hypothesis. The distribution of roles between members of a small group ensures well-coordinated work and a good end result, since, firstly, each student is responsible for a certain part and all of the work as a whole; secondly, the material in the discussion is considered from a different angle; thirdly, members of a small group learn business communication, interaction.

Students choose the topic of projects themselves, based on those problems, in their opinion, the most relevant, require an immediate solution. Here are some of the topics of the projects that the students themselves suggested for solution:

  1. "A village without landfills."
  2. "Human Health and the Environment".
  3. "Greening the Village"
  4. "We grow the harvest ourselves."

As an example, I will cite the project “A Village Without Landfills”, implemented by students in grades 6-8 who attend extra-curricular activities during one academic year.

The work begins with a discussion of the design algorithm.

Design algorithm:

- the relevance of the project, setting goals, objectives;
– analysis of the initial system, identification of problems, contradictions;
– creation of a new system, free from the problems of the original system;
– project evaluation (practical test);
- Consequence - elimination of shortcomings in the project, design.

Relevance, goal setting, tasks.

Relevance. On the territory of our village every year there are new dumps, heaps of garbage, consisting of household waste, which negatively affect the environment. Garbage is thrown out by local residents and forest streams flow into the forest closest to the village, where once there were beautiful berry and mushroom places. Such areas of the forest can no longer be called a natural ecosystem. Household waste negatively affects the state of soil, air, groundwater and surface water, climatic conditions change (temperature, humidity, which leads to an aggravation of the ecological situation), animals visit such areas of the forest less and less. Habitual resting places are turning into a dangerous zone for humans as well. Mankind in the process of life certainly affects various ecological systems. Examples of such, most often dangerous, impacts are the drainage of swamps, deforestation, the destruction of the ozone layer, the diversion of the flow of rivers, and the discharge of waste into the environment. In this way, a person destroys the existing ties in a stable system, which can lead to its destabilization, that is, to an ecological catastrophe. Below we will consider one of the problems of human impact on the environment - the problem of household waste.

Purpose: to study the impact of household waste on the environment and human life.

  1. Show the variety of household and construction waste found in rural landfills; its impact on the environment.
  2. Identify waste disposal problems;
  3. How to solve the problem of garbage dumps in our village
  4. Sociological study of the population;

Object: environmental pollution with household waste

Subject: garbage ("partisan") dumps in the village

Problem: An increase in the amount of garbage in the vicinity of the village of Mutny Mainland can lead to a deterioration in the health and life of the population and to a negative impact on the environment.

Our school is located on the outskirts of the village. Next to the school begins the forest, which we visit during excursions, go skiing, in the summer - for mushrooms and berries. And it is very sad to see "partisan" landfills appear here and there, although there is a rural sanctioned landfill, well-equipped roads to it make it possible to take out garbage by any means of transport.

At the first stage of our project, everyone was given the task to collect as much information as possible about garbage dumps, their harmful effects on the habitat of all living things. Everyone was active, there was a lot of material, everyone prepared a short speech. Here are some excerpts as an example:

« "The armies of the most terrible enemies" gather in complete silence, and no one watches over their dangerous power. These places are called dumps, the name of these enemies is waste. Waste. This is all that a person dumps on the planet as a result of his life activity. These are car exhaust gases, industrial and domestic sewage pouring into rivers; smoke and gases from pipes.

Since childhood, we have been accustomed to the fact that cleanliness is the key to health! And it is hard for us to imagine what our cities would have become if the garbage had not been taken out daily.

Every year, every person in a developed country throws out 10 kg of garbage.

Each inhabitant of a Russian city annually receives 100-400 kg of garbage.

Experts have calculated that if garbage is not destroyed, then in 10-15 years it will cover our planet with a layer 5 m thick. Only the area in Moscow = 40 hectares (annually) for landfills, the world's largest urban landfill is in New York City, around the clock 22 thousand tons of garbage daily.

Example: It takes 200 years to decompose a glass bottle, 2-3 years for paper, 2-3 years for textile products, several decades for wood products, more than 90 years for a tin can, more than 200 years for a plastic bag, and 500 years for plastic. years.

But there is a way out: the creation of waste processing plants. There are 3 in Moscow.

Near Hamburg - a plant (raw materials - garbage from the city) is a power plant - it provides energy and steam.

In France, among residential areas, an incinerator is used to save energy and fuel.

Thousands of living organisms are irrevocably dying, whose life in a complex interweaving and neighborhood with each other is connected with the life of forests. And along with their destruction, their inhabitants perish. Over the past 300 years, about 150 species of animals have become extinct due to human fault.

The statistics are as follows: at the beginning of the last century, one species of animals per year disappeared. Now one species disappears daily. In Europe, 2/3 of birds, 1/3 of butterflies, more than half of amphibians and reptiles are endangered. Similar situation with plants. The loss of the genetic fund of wildlife is a huge loss, a loss forever.

We have seen that the biosphere is seriously ill. She was struck by the intervention of a person - people! It is high time to understand that it is not nature that needs our protection. We need her patronage: clean air - to breathe, crystal water - to drink, all Nature - to live.

At the next stage, the students shared how they can solve this problem, what methods and approaches to use. To effectively study this problem, the project participants were divided into groups: hydrologists - will study the composition of water (according to ready-made analyzes from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Usinsk); sociologists will conduct a survey of the population and analyze the health status of our schoolchildren based on the results of annual medical examinations, “passportists” will take care of the certification of landfills and conduct practical work “Household waste from our family”.

In each group, the guys evenly distributed roles, each was responsible for his part of the work.

A group of "passportists" counted the number of small garbage dumps, 2-10 square meters in size. There are 10 of them in our village and on the outskirts. Behind the village, on an abandoned field, there is a large garbage dump, about 20 square meters in size. meters, where for many years the population took out the garbage. A stream flowed through this dump, flowing into the Pechora River, all the dirt fell into the river. Every year this landfill was cleaned, but irresponsible people dumped garbage near the road. . The water comes into contact with garbage, and then enters the river, in which they bathe, take water for household needs, including for drinking.

To determine the composition of the waste, the project participants visited 8 out of 10 landfills and filled out a "passport" for each ( Appendix 3)

Carrying out the certification of landfills made it possible to find out that most of the garbage is made of plastic items (70%), glass and tin items are in second place (25%), and wooden and paper items are in third place (5%).

The most effective way to deal with the growing amount of waste entering the environment is the recycling (reuse) of waste.

As a result of the discussion, the guys proposed the most effective way to deal with the growing amount of waste entering the environment - this is the recycling (reuse) of waste. We colorfully designed a poster-flyer for the school press center, where we announced the results of certification of landfills and how you can use garbage to good use - use part of the plastic waste for arranging a flower garden, create various crafts, bird feeders, etc .; glass containers, if possible, hand over to a collection point; clothes in good condition that are no longer worn, to give to those in need; books, magazines to hand over to the library; donate old toys to kindergarten.

Each project participant completed the practical work “Household waste of our family” ( Attachment 1), the results were as follows: each family accumulates approximately 5 to 10 kg of waste per week. Food waste came first, plastic second, and glass third.

Hydrologists compared analyzes of drinking water for 4 years and found out that the studied water samples do not comply with SanPIN. The oxidizability of water exceeds the norm by 2 times, nitrogen indicators also exceed the norm by 2 times (3.07 mg/l), iron exceeds by 5 times (1.56 mg/l). Poor quality water is an indicator of environmental troubles, landfills near pumps, wells, streams have a negative impact on the composition of water - this also affects the health of the population. The data of medical examinations of schoolchildren for 3 years confirms that there are more sick children. For example, children with skin diseases have doubled, those with gastrointestinal diseases have increased three times, patients with respiratory organs have increased by 6 people.

At the 3rd stage of the project, we jointly discussed all the conducted studies, supplemented them with conclusions and proposals. After discussions, we chose from a large number of proposals the most acceptable ones and put forward solutions:

Ways to solve the problems of garbage pollution:

  1. Selection of the optimal location for the landfill for the disposal of household waste (the general landfill should be located outside the village, not in the aquifer zone).
  2. Elimination of garbage at unauthorized dumps within the village and its environs (by youth and adolescents)
  3. Control by the Village Administration over the process of garbage disposal by the population to a designated place.
  4. Set penalties for violations.
  5. Install containers or trailers for garbage and regularly remove it.
  6. Hang posters with an environmental theme in the forest, in places where landfills may appear (by schoolchildren).

In order to promote environmental knowledge for students in grades 5-6, an environmental game "Ecodrom" was held ( Appendix 4).

At the 4th stage, the students finalized their results of project research in the form of a presentation, which they successfully made at the school practical conference. ( Appendix 5).


In the course of the project activities, the students experienced difficulties in evaluating the project, therefore we invite specialists from various fields to such discussions, for example, a health worker of the local hospital, a sanitary felcher, a forestry manager, etc., subject teachers, we ask them to advise on certain issues.

Nevertheless, the project form always arouses interest in children, because thanks to such activities they can show their independence and the need for self-realization. They will never remain indifferent to the problems of the people around them, nature.

Living conditions and civilized changes form the needs, attitudes, expectations and interests of modern adolescents. In the course of project activities, they gain certain experience and work skills that will be useful to them in real jobs.

I widely use the results of students' project activities in geography and biology lessons.

Certification of landfills

Promotion "Green Forest"

The second life of household waste (bird feeders)


  1. Bezrukova V.S.
. Projective Pedagogy. - Ekaterinburg.: Business book, 1996. - 344 p.
  • Zagvyazinsky V.I., Potashnik M.M.
  • . How the teacher prepares and conducts the experiment. - M .: Pedagogical community of Russia, 2004.
  • Dahin A.N
  • . The effectiveness of pedagogical modeling.
  • Jones J.K
  • . Design methods. / Ed. Second, additional. Per. from English. Burmistrova T.P., Fridenberga I.V. Edited by Dr. Psych. Sciences Vendy VF, Ph.D. psychol. Sciences Munipova V.M. / - M.: Mir, 1986. - 326 p.
  • Journals "Biology at school", No. 3, 5, 6. 2007.
  • "Rural School", "School Technologies" 2008-2010.
  • "People's Education" No. 2 2005, No. 4 2005.
  • Research project "Let's protect our native nature!"

    Mukhina Svetlana Nikolaevna
    Work description: I bring to your attention a project on environmental issues, pollution of the city with household waste.
    Topic:"Let's protect our native nature!"
    Target: To draw the attention of citizens to the problem of domestic pollution of the city and direct their actions to prevent this situation.
    Tasks: To study the opinion of citizens on the problem of household pollution.
    Collect and analyze information on the placement of bins and garbage cans in the city.
    Conduct conversations and mini-lectures with children and adolescents aged 5-17 to inform them about the problem of domestic pollution of the city.
    Carry out among teenagers the actions "Clean Coast", "Clean Forest", "Clean City".

    “It is the environmental component that should become the key leitmotif of human activity” Vladimir Putin.
    Relevance: global scale of domestic pollution.
    Causes of urban pollution:
    1.quantitative shortage of trash cans on the streets of the city;
    2. bad manners, irresponsibility of the townspeople.
    Hypothesis: the fight against household waste on the streets of the city will help preserve the cleanliness of the environment, physical and moral health of a person.
    -between the instillation of ecological culture in the younger generation and the immoral, irresponsible behavior of a number of adults;
    - between the growth in the production of high-tech materials and the lag in their processing.

    A survey was conducted: "My contribution to maintaining cleanliness and order in my hometown."
    100 people were interviewed.
    Poll results:
    1. Do you agree with the statement that the citizens of our city keep the streets clean and tidy? (Yes -42, No - 58)
    2. Do you always throw household waste in the designated places? (Yes - 84, No -16)
    3. Have you ever left household waste at the entrance of your house? (Yes -3, No - 97)
    4. Do you keep your entrance clean? (Yes -59, No -41)
    5. Do you always use street ballot boxes, or can you afford to throw a cigarette butt, a piece of paper on the ground? (Yes -74, No -26)
    6. Do you think you contribute to maintaining cleanliness and order on the streets of the city? (Yes -65, No -35)
    7. Are you satisfied with the aesthetic appearance of the streets of our city? (Yes -45, No -55)

    The main characteristics of household waste:
    Food waste;
    waste paper;
    Chlorine-free plastic products;
    Products made of chlorine-containing plastics;

    The time of rotting garbage in landfills.
    Transport ticket 1 month
    Banana peel up to 6 months
    Woolen sock 1 year
    Wooden stick 4 years
    Waxed glass 5 years
    Painted board 13 years
    Tin cans 100 years
    Aluminum jars up to 500 years
    Plastic bottles up to 500 years old
    Glass jars NEVER

    Together with teenagers studying associations, the campaigns "Clean Coast", "Clean City", "Clean Forest" were held, we created booklets about the dangers of household waste and distributed them among the residents of the city. We believe that the people who themselves took part in the improvement of the city will no longer litter themselves, and perhaps they will stop those who want to throw a candy wrapper or a bottle of lemonade on the ground.
    Love and take care of your city!

    Project on environmental education and upbringing of younger schoolchildren.

    "There is nothing more beautiful than flowers,

    Came to the palisades and dwellings.

    They came from the depths of time

    To make life more sublime and purer "

    primary school teachers: MOU Lyceum No. 9:

    Svetlichnaya N.L., Aleksina O.P., Vereina A.N., students 1- "B", 1- "E",

      "G" classes, parents of students.

    Volgograd, 2015

    Project information card.

      Full name of the project: “Indoor plants are our helpers. Improvement of the ecological environment in the school.


      View, project type: long-term.

      Purpose, direction of the project: increase the level of knowledge of elementary school students about indoor plants, understanding the usefulness of indoor plants for the environment, arouse interest in environmental issues and help children develop a responsible attitude towards the world around them as a whole.

      Dates: 02.10.2014 to 10.04.2015

      Location: MOU Lyceum No. 9.

      Conduct form: extracurricular (class hours, promotions, research, publication of wall newspapers, mini-projects, speeches by agitation teams, etc.)

      Expected results:

    The implementation of the project will allow in the future:

      create conditions for the effective formation of a culture of cognitive activity among students and their parents in mastering the experience of mankind in relation to nature as a source of values ​​and the basis of environmental conditions of life, a culture of spiritual communication with nature, a culture of work that is formed in the process of activity;

      achieve a positive result with the participation of children in various environmental activities;

      to intensify the system of work with parents and the public on the formation in children of a responsible and careful attitude to nature in general.

    Explanatory note.

    Relevance:one of the leading tasks of environmental education at present has become the formation of a responsible attitude towards the environment. To solve it, it is necessary to organize not only theoretical classes, but also practical activities, during which we learn to master the skills and abilities of correct behavior in nature, we learn to assess the state of the environment of the nearest natural environment - the yard, street, premises; make a practical contribution to the preservation and improvement of the wealth and beauty of nature. The most interesting aspect of activity in this direction is participation in the study and evaluation of the influence of indoor plants on the atmosphere in the premises of the elementary school building and classrooms. Where are the first grades taught? Few people think about the fact that plants purify the air in our homes. At present, about 100 highly toxic inorganic and organic compounds have been found that have come into our homes along with washing powders, washable wallpaper, household chemicals, etc. Sadly, almost 80% of the chemicals found in indoor air are “responsible” for building and finishing materials, plastic furniture, paints, solvents and other “benefits of civilization”.

    It is known that indoor air is 1.5-4 times more polluted than outdoor air. Therefore, it is important to ventilate the room more often. But this is not the only way out. You should turn to the "green doctors" and remember them "by sight". They will certainly help.

    And children of primary school age are characterized by a unique unity of knowledge and experiences that allowtalk about the possibility of forming in them a reliable foundation for a responsible attitude to nature. The earlier work on environmental education of students begins, the greater will be its pedagogical effectiveness.

    Problem: the low level of awareness of primary school children and their parents about environmental problems occurring in the world and the formation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge, value orientations, behavior and activities that ensure a responsible attitude towards the environment.

    Target: to increase the level of knowledge of elementary school students about the laws of wildlife, understanding the essence of the relationship of living organisms with the environment and to form in children a responsible and careful attitude towards the world around them as a whole.


      acquaint with the variety of indoor plants;

      learn how to properly care for indoor plants;

      contribute to the formation of the initial prerequisites for search activities;

      create conditions for the search activities of children;

      to cultivate a careful attitude to indoor plants, as a source of environmental improvement in the external environment;

      involve parents and children in a variety of activities during the implementation of the project;

      replenish the composition of indoor plants of the lyceum.

      Supervise the implementation of this project.

      Summarize the results of the implementation of the project.


    questioning, observation, experimentation, mini-projects, game workshops, conversations, lectures, communication trainings, etc.


    individual, group and mass.

    Individualthe work is closely related to the involvement of younger students in reading and discussing books and articles in magazines about the benefits of indoor plants, the rules of care. The individual form also involves the activities of students in the preparation of reports, conversations, lectures, observations and care for indoor plants, making crafts, photographing, drawing, modeling.

    groupextracurricular work is most successful during extracurricular time and in the lessons of the world around. Mass extra-curricular activities play a huge role in shaping the ecological culture of junior schoolchildren: holidays, matinees, role-playing games on environmental topics, the work of students on the improvement and landscaping of the school premises and territory, mass environmental campaigns, conferences, environmental festivals.

    Project stages:

    Stage 1 - preparatory:

    setting goals and objectives, determining the range of problems (questionnaires), preliminary work with children and their parents, selection of equipment and materials.

    Stage 2 - forming:

    practical activities to form a high level of awareness of elementary school students about indoor plants. Collection of information about available plants in the lyceum: the history of the origin of flowers, proper care of plants, benefits for the environment and human life. Understanding the essence of the relationship of living organisms with the environment, responsible and careful attitude to indoor plants.

    Stage 3 - generalizing:

    Summing up the general results, analysis of the results, their discussion with the involvement of the public.

    Final product.

    1.Information booklets about indoor plants of the lyceum.

    2. The book "Passport of indoor plants MOU Lyceum No. 9".

    3. A student who will know:

      features of indoor plants, their benefits;

      the importance of indoor plants for humans;

      useful and dangerous indoor plants;

      about the variety of indoor plants; about the inseparable connection between man and nature;

      initial skills of environmentally competent and safe behavior in the environment;

      positive and negative impact of human activities on the conditions of his life.

    be able to:

      follow environmentally friendly rules of behavior in nature;

      take care of the improvement of the environment in the premises, the improvement of the environmental situation in the classroom;

      evaluate the behavior and activities of people in terms of their environmental acceptability;

      apply theoretical knowledge when communicating with living organisms in practical activities to preserve the natural environment and one's health;

      explore and compare, make logical conclusions;

      perform tasks of a creative nature;

      set up simple experiments;

      express their attitude to nature and people in the game and in practical activities in the form of drawings, fairy tales, essays, crafts.

    Project Implementation Plan.

      stage. Preparatory.

    1. Definition of the range of problems

    For the correct and more effective organization of work on environmental education and education of younger schoolchildren, it was necessary to determine the range of problems related to the level of formation of an ecological culture of knowledge about indoor plants that surround us. To do this, a survey was conducted with primary school students, parents and teachers.

    Questionnaire for teachers.

    1. Do you know the names of the houseplants in your office?

      1. Not

        Not all titles

      1. Not

        Some rules

      1. Not

        Some properties

    Questionnaire for students.

      Do you know the names of the houseplants in your office?

      1. Not

        Not all titles

      Do you know how to take care of these plants?

      1. Not

        Some rules

    3. Do you know about the beneficial properties of these plants?

      1. Not

        Some properties

    Questionnaire for parents.

      Do you know the names of indoor plants in the classroom where your child is studying?

      1. Not

        Not all titles

      Do you know how to take care of these plants?

      1. Not

        Some rules

      Do you know about the beneficial properties of these plants?

      1. Not

        Some properties

    The test results were summed up and reflected in the histogram:

    These data show that students, parents and teachers do not know enough about which indoor plants are grown, what specific benefits certain flowers bring, the history of the origin of flowers, and the rules for caring for a particular indoor plant. There is insufficient awareness of the detrimental influence of man on nature. Not all students know what they can do to protect nature. In general, the following picture has emerged: children have insufficient knowledge about the environment, about ecology in general. The data obtained during the survey of students, parents and school employees indicate the need for targeted pedagogical influence on the process of environmental education and upbringing of younger schoolchildren.

    Stage 2. Formative.


    The form



    For holding



    students selectively 1,2,3,4 classes.



    Questioning parents of students


    1,2,3,4 classes.

    Finding out the degree of familiarization about the care and benefits of indoor plants.


    Vereina A. N., Aleksina O. P., Svetlichnaya N. L.


    Questionnaire for elementary school teachers.

    Finding out the degree of familiarization about the care and benefits of indoor plants.


    Vereina A. N., Aleksina O. P., Svetlichnaya N. L.


    Class hour "Do you know how we breathe indoors?"

    Formation of students' motivation for environmental problems, the environment and taking care of their health.



    Class hour "Indoor plants - our helpers."

    The formation of students' understanding of the essence of the relationship


    Aleksina O.P., Vereina A.N., Svetlichnaya N.L.


    Implementation of mini-projects by students and the researcher

    works on the topic: “Indoor plants are our helpers”, “The benefits of indoor plants”,

    "Care for indoor plants", "Caution! Dangerous indoor plants.



    Parents studying.


    Release, distribution


    "Green Pharmacy of Indoor Plants".

    of living organisms with the environment, responsible attitude to indoor plants.



    Certification of plants in classrooms and corridors of the lyceum.

    The formation of students' understanding of the essence of the relationship

    of living organisms with the environment, responsible attitude to indoor plants.


    Parents, students, primary school teachers.


    Preparation and release of the handwritten book "Passport of indoor plants of the Lyceum No. 9, primary building".

    The formation of students' understanding of the essence of the relationship

    of living organisms with the environment, responsible attitude to indoor plants.


    Parents, students, primary school teachers.




    with interesting people

    "Profession - florist",

    The formation of students' understanding of the essence of the relationship

    of living organisms with the environment, responsible attitude to indoor plants.


    Vereina A. N.




    Carrying out the competition "The best green corner in the class."

    The formation of students' understanding of the essence of the relationship

    of living organisms with the environment, responsible attitude to indoor plants.


    Parents, primary school teachers, students.



    Issue of a wall newspaper

    "Indoor plants are our helpers."

    The formation of students' understanding of the essence of the relationship

    of living organisms with the environment, responsible attitude to indoor plants.


    Parents, primary school teachers, students



    Holding a conference

    “Results of the project implementation”, with the involvement of parents.


    Aleksina O.P., Vereina A.N., Svetlichnaya N.L.


    Stage 3. Final.

    A report on the work done is presented in the photo report.

    Campaign "Recognize the flowers next to you"

    Acquaintance with the profession "florist".

    Caring for plants in the lobby of the Lyceum.

    Collection of information, generalization of information about indoor plants.

    Caring for indoor plants in the classroom.

    Class hour "Indoor flowers are our helpers."

    Certification of plants.

    Individual mini-projects.

    Booklets "Green Pharmacy of Indoor Plants".

    Class hour "Do you know what we breathe?"

    The book "Plant Passport of the Lyceum No. 9".

    Results of the project implementation:

    Within the framework of this project, all planned activities were carried out. environment The project made it possible to create conditions for the effective formation of a culture of cognitive activity in the field of ecology among students and their parents, to activate the system of work with parents and the public to form a responsible attitude towards nature in children, to achieve high results with the participation of children and teachers in various environmental events and competitions. direction, which allowed everyone to replenish their portfolio of achievements. From all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: the goals set in our work have been achieved, the tasks have been solved. Children got acquainted with the varieties of indoor plants, their features; Learned how to take care of themfound out the effect of indoor plants on the state of indoor air. Now they can easily care for some types of indoor plants. This means that this will contribute to the creation of a cozy, favorable environment in classrooms and in the lyceum, i.e. ecological comfort.


    1. Aikina G.A.

    3. Arzhanovskaya N.V. Water in the life of plants, animals and humans: [lesson script] / / Primary school. –2005.–No. 4.–P.54–56.

    4. Artemikhina T.V. Lesson topic: "Environmental safety": Grade 3//Master class. -2006. – No. 2. – P. 26–30. - (Supplement to the magazine "Methodist").

    5. Beketova T.I. Environmental education of students in the classroom and extracurricular activities / / Primary school. –2004

    7. Bobyleva L.D. Ecological education of younger schoolchildren: Circle work / / Primary school. -2003. – No. 5. – P. 64–75. -Approximate plan of the circle "Young friend of nature" (grade 2).

    8. Burenina T.P. Implementation of student-centered education in the formation of ecological culture of junior schoolchildren//Science and school. –2006.–No. 3. P.8–11.

    9. Burova L.I.

    10. Veselova T.M.

    11. Grineva E.A. . Selection of measurements for diagnosing the ecological upbringing of a younger student//Pedagogical workshop. –2009. - No. 3. -S.2-5. - Test requirements.

    12. Dagbaeva N.Zh. Systematic approach to environmental education of junior schoolchildren//Primary school. –2003

    13. Fundamentals of ecology - for younger students: A practical guide. – M.: ARKTI, 2006. –88 p.– (Development and upbringing).

    14. Mironov A.V.

    15. Markin V. A . I know the world. - M: 2000

    16. Stepanovskikh A.S.

    17 . Suravegina I.T ., Senkevich V.M.


    1. Aikina G.A. How to make environmental education effective: [ecology in the classroom; forms and methods of educational work]//Primary school. -2008.- No. 8.-S.54-57.

    3. Arzhanovskaya N.V. Water in the life of plants, animals and humans: [lesson script]//Primary school.–2005.–No. 4.–P.54–56.

    4. Artemikhina T.V. Lesson topic: "Environmental safety": Grade 3//Master class.–2006.–No. 2.–P.26–30.–(Appendix to the magazine "Methodist").

    5. Beketova T.I. Ecological education of students in the classroom and extracurricular activities // Primary school.–2004

    7. Bobyleva L.D. Ecological education of younger schoolchildren: Circle work//Primary school.–2003.–No. 5.–P.64–75.–Approximate plan of the circle "Young friend of nature" (grade 2).

    8. Burenina T.P. Implementation of student-centered education in the formation of ecological culture of junior schoolchildren//Science and School.–2006.–No. 3. P.8–11.

    9. Burova L.I. Ecological practice of elementary school students: A guide for teachers / L.I. Burova, G.P. Senichev, A.V. Sorokina. - Vologda, 2004. -72 p. - (VIRO).

    10. Veselova T.M. Formation of ecological culture of junior schoolchildren on the basis of local history material: [experience of a teacher at the beginning. class Secondary school No. 3 Kosterovo]//Primary school. -2003. - No. 2. - P.110-113.

    11. Grineva E.A. . Selection of measurements for diagnosing the ecological upbringing of a younger student//Pedagogical workshop.–2009.– No. 3.–C.2–5.– Requirements for test tasks.

    12. Dagbaeva N.Zh. Systematic approach to environmental education of junior schoolchildren//Primary school.–2003

    13. Fundamentals of ecology - for younger students: A practical guide. - M.: ARKTI, 2006. - 88 p. - (Development and education).

    14. Mironov A.V. . Teaching ecology at school. - M: ed. "Vlados" 2004

    15. Markin V. A . I know the world. - M: 2000

    16. Stepanovskikh A.S. .General ecology. M: ed. UNITY-DANA 2000

    17 . Suravegina I.T ., Senkevich V.M. . Ecology and peace. Methodological guide for the teacher. - M: ed. "New School" 1994

    Ecology occupies a special place among the global problems of the modern world, which have a transnational and interstate character.

    The question of the relationship between people and nature has always been acute, but with the advent of the third millennium, the contradictions in the chain "individual - society - surrounding nature" reached their maximum.

    In the past few decades, against the backdrop of the relationship between humanity and nature, the most heated discussions of scientists, the public, world organizations and governments of different countries have been held.

    The topics of research papers on ecology are related to the problems that exist in modern reality, everything is included here.

    Pollution of the world's oceans

    Nowadays, a lot of harmful substances enter the ocean: plastics, oil, pesticides, chemical and industrial waste, which negatively affects the existence of marine fauna. From this it is clear that it is directly related to human activity, i.e. anthropogenic.

    Significant damage to the ocean is caused by:

    • Washing the holds of tankers, as a result of which from 8 to 20 barrels of oil are dumped into its waters annually. This figure is named without taking into account accidents that occur during the transportation of oil by sea. The resulting oil film blocks the access of oxygen to the water, causing the extinction of plankton and fish.
    • Heavy metals entering the water. The most harmful of these are chromium, lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium and copper. According to statistics, about 50,000 of these metals are dumped into the waters of the North Sea every year.
      ingress of wastewater with a high content of pesticides - aldrin, dieldrin and endrin, which can be deposited in the tissues of living organisms.
    • Tributyltin chloride (TBT), which is widely used for painting ship keels, has a detrimental effect on marine life - as a protection against surface fouling with algae and shells. Scientists have proven that this substance prevents the reproduction of one of the crustaceans - the trumpeter.
    • In recent years, the waters of the ocean have been increasingly used for the placement of nuclear missiles and for the disposal of radioactive substances, which also leads to negative consequences.

    Today, the protection of ocean waters is one of the most urgent problems of all mankind. In 1982, during the UN Conference, the participants adopted the Convention on the Law of the Sea, which introduced a number of restrictions on the use of the waters of the oceans.

    Thus, the protection of its resources and the fight against pollution have become of particular importance.

    The United States, Canada, Japan, India, Europe and other countries annually launch satellites to collect remote sensing data.

    The accuracy of the resolution capabilities of such instruments is constantly growing; in addition, the set of parameters that characterize the state of the external environment, measured from space, is expanding. America and the European Space Agency are opening more and more access to satellite data; the number of specialists involved in the development and implementation of new international projects is constantly growing.

    Global warming in the Arctic

    The problem of global warming in the Arctic is advancing at a catastrophic pace. The consequences could be the disappearance of summer habitats for polar bears and a critical rise in sea levels on the planet.

    This assessment of global climate change was made by members of the international group of climatologists. The scientists' warning could influence the US and a number of other industrialized countries to reduce emissions from burning fossil fuels.

    The report of a study aimed at studying the consequences of global warming in the Arctic states:

    • The melting of glaciers, which contain a huge amount of fresh water, can provoke a rise in sea level by 7 meters in a few hundred years. In accordance with the calculations of specialists, in our century, due to the excess of the threshold temperature in the Arctic, a long-term melting of the ice sheet may occur.
    • Arctic temperatures are rising twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Over the past 50 years, average winter temperatures in Chukotka, western Canada and Alaska have increased by 3.5 ºС. In the next century, this figure may reach 6.5 ºС.
    • The area of ​​pack ice located in the Arctic Ocean is sharply decreasing. Over the past 30 years, their area has decreased by 20%; by the end of this century, their area may be reduced by another 10-50%. There is an opinion that by 2040 the Arctic pack ice may disappear completely.

    Each of the above changes can contribute to acceleration. The influx of fresh water into the Atlantic Ocean can lead to a change in planetary ocean currents, which, in turn, will disrupt climatic conditions, meteorological phenomena and the concentration of resources of fish and other marine life.

    This study was conducted over a period of 4.5 years; the customer was the Arctic Council and the International Arctic Committee for Science. Council members are senior officials from the United States, Canada, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Russia, and leaders of indigenous organizations in the Arctic region. 300 scientists from polar research centers from different countries of the world take part in the work.

    Changes are now being observed and predicted in all aspects of life in the Arctic - agriculture, transportation patterns and lifestyles, as well as local fauna - for example, many rare species of migratory birds may lose their breeding sites.

    The problem of food waste disposal

    In the last ten years, the problem of waste minimization and recycling has attracted the attention of many economic sectors. However, among other wastes, it is food that receives less attention than others. For many decades, huge amounts of crops harvested in a number of developing countries have not become useful food.
    The situation is becoming more and more serious due to the fact that these countries provide minimal assistance to solve the problem.

    According to a study by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), over 50% of all food produced today is lost, wasted or wasted due to inefficient food chain design in restaurants and grocery stores.

    This fact was confirmed by another study commissioned by the NRA (National Restaurant Association) - as it turned out, in restaurants in Britain, 65% of food waste is thrown away during cooking and only about 30% remains on the plates.

    Groups of industry experts will be founded in 74 countries around the world under the name "Together Against Waste", the members of which will work together to solve the problem of reducing food losses. By bringing together consumers and partners in a quest to minimize waste, the movement intends to develop effective ways to reduce the loss and recycling of food waste around the world.

    Importance of conducting international research in the field of ecology

    The tasks of monitoring the state of nature on a planetary scale contain many criteria. One of the main issues can be called the definition of the maximum allowable influence of the population on the Earth, in particular, on it.

    An example of a modern global monitoring project is the EOS system in the United States. This is a long-term program for 15 years and has a scientific character. The work is carried out on the basis of data received from three satellites, which are serviced by the orbital system, in order to study in detail the state of the planet's ecology.

    School research

    In our country, research work on ecology begins to be carried out at school, thus introducing children to world problems. Starting from the elementary grades for students, educational and research work is included in the school curriculum.

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