Why do you need a uniform school uniform. Is school uniform required to attend school? Why school uniform is not needed

  • to acquaint students with the position of the school on the school uniform and appearance of students;
  • to acquaint students with the history of school uniforms in Russia
  • present the school uniform of various countries;
  • to form the ability to dress beautifully and correctly, according to certain life situations;
  • develop a culture of behavior and a culture of appearance.
Visual aids and materials: multimedia installation, class hour presentation, paper, pens.

Methods: story, conversation, debate, sociological survey.


Part 1. Why school uniforms are introduced at school.

Everything should be fine in a person:
and face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts.
A.P. Chekhov

Introductory speech by the class teacher. In our gymnasium, a single student school uniform has been introduced for several years. This process is quite painful for us, the group of middle and senior students hardly accept innovations, resist dressing according to the accepted regulation on the school uniform and the appearance of our gymnasium.
Today, at the classroom hour, we will try to find out why a school uniform is needed, is it good or bad, how do students from other schools in our country, as well as abroad, get acquainted with the history of school uniforms in Russia.

First, we will conduct a survey, where I propose the following questions on the topic: "Your attitude to school uniform."

  1. Continue the offer. "If I were a school principal, I would allow students to wear..."
  2. Do you like the look of the students?
  3. Are jewelry compatible with business attire?
  4. Is a school uniform required?
Answered, put your leaflets aside, we will turn to them at the end of our class hour and see if your opinion has changed or not on this topic.

Part 2. Why the decision was made to introduce a school uniform.

School uniform- obligatory daily dress code for students during their stay at the gymnasium and at official gymnasium events outside the gymnasium.

Why is school uniform introduced?

School uniform

  • School uniform is a kind of indicator of the level of the school.
  • The school uniform helps the student to feel the difference between the yard where he walks and a serious educational institution.
  • The form disciplines, makes more organized.
  • Clothing determines the type of behavior, creates the aesthetics of the workplace.
  • The school uniform allows you to avoid competition between children in clothes.
  • She saves time spent in front of the closet, in exhausting doubts: “What to wear to school today?”
Regulations on school clothes and appearance of students MBOU gymnasium No. 20 named after. S.S. Stanchev - tell us - a student of our class Sorokin and let's see if he performs himself, what will he say, he is a diligent student of our gymnasium.

Part 3. The history of school uniforms in Russia.

School uniform in the Russian Empire.

Many people ask the question: “Who even came up with this form?” Really, who? Peter I. Peter the Great was a very versatile person, and, probably, there was no area in which he would not carry out reforms.

  • 1834 - a law was passed that approved common system all civilian uniforms in the empire. This system included gymnasium and student uniforms.
  • 1896 - the regulation on the gymnasium uniform for girls was approved.
  • 1949 - it was decided to return to the former image: the boys were dressed in military tunics with a stand-up collar, the girls - in brown woolen dresses with a black apron, which almost completely copied the uniform of the Russian pre-revolutionary women's gymnasium.
  • 1973 - introduced new form for boys. Blue suit in wool blend fabric, embellished with an emblem and aluminum buttons. The cut of the jackets resembled classic denim jackets (the so-called denim fashion was gaining momentum in the world) with epaulettes on the shoulders and chest pockets with brace-shaped flaps. For high school boys, the jacket was replaced with a jacket.
  • 1988 - Some schools were allowed to waive compulsory school uniforms as an experiment.
  • 1992 - the abolition of school uniforms in schools in the Russian Federation.
So, you got to know how schoolchildren in our country dressed.

Have you ever wondered why the vast majority of graduates dress in uniform brown dresses with white aprons on the Last Bell holiday at school, and young people in formal suits. This was logical 10-12 years ago, when graduates still found the period of the same school uniform for everyone, and, at the same time, had already managed to wean themselves from it in high school. Therefore, such outfits were a manifestation of nostalgia for the passing childhood. Today's schoolchildren have no idea how it is: being the same without exception, to be able to show their individuality. Nevertheless, they continue to follow the traditions and, saying goodbye to school, put on the Soviet school uniform. May 25 every year for the holiday " Last call” Graduate girls come to the holiday in old-fashioned school uniforms and white aprons. Someone borrowed the form, from someone it was preserved in "chests". It turns out very elegant and solemn.

school uniform in different countries.

  • In Japan, the school uniform has suddenly become the standard of teenage fashion. Now girls outside the school wear what resembles the usual form of Japanese schoolgirls: "sailor fuku", in our opinion - sailor suits, dark blue pleated mini-skirts, knee-high knee-high knee socks and light leather shoes in harmony with them. Boys wear "gakuran": trousers and a dark jacket with a stand-up collar.
  • In America, school uniforms are worn by students of prestigious private schools for children of wealthy parents.
  • In Africa, schoolgirls are banned from wearing miniskirts.
  • Modern students of conservative England still love the school uniform, which is part of the history of their school. For example, in one of the old English schools for boys, students from the 17th century to this day wear uniform ties and vests and, by the way, are proud that the clothes emphasize their corporate affiliation.
  • Each prestigious school or gymnasium has its own logo reproduced on the students' ties. So shirts and ties, blazers and hats are the standard set for young Brits. For a long time, the classic uniform for schoolchildren here included outerwear, shoes and even socks...
  • The largest European country in which there is a school uniform is Great Britain. In many of her former colonies the form was not abolished after independence, for example in India, Ireland, Australia, Singapore and South Africa.
  • In France, a single school uniform existed in 1927-1968. In Poland - until 1988.
  • There is no uniform school uniform in Germany, although there is debate about its introduction. Some schools have introduced uniform school clothing that is not a uniform, as students can participate in its development.
  • This is interesting. In Japan, they released jackets for students equipped with a built-in GPS satellite navigation system. It allows parents to track the location of their children through their personal computers. The system has an important addition: if a child is threatened by someone or something, he can send an alarm to the security service by simply pressing a button.
  • In the US and Canada, there are school uniforms in many private schools. Its main purpose is to serve as a symbol and identification mark that distinguishes students from one educational institution from the pupils of another. There is no uniform uniform in public schools, although some schools have introduced rules for wearing clothes (dress code). Too open tops, low-cut trousers are prohibited.
  • In Cuba, uniforms are compulsory for all students in schools and institutions of higher education.
  • In Australia, younger children wear jeans and sweatshirts to class. But if a young Australian has decided on a specialty, he will only wear a formal suit.

Modern Russia.

In modern Russia there is no single school uniform, as it was in the USSR, but many lyceums and gymnasiums, especially the most prestigious ones, as well as some schools, have their own uniform, emphasizing the students' belonging to one or another educational institution. In addition, in educational institutions that do not have a school uniform, there are rules for wearing clothes.

Regulations on school clothes and appearance of students MBOU gymnasium No. 20 named after. S.S. Stanchev - tell us - a student of our class Sorokin and let's see if he performs himself, what will he say, he is a diligent student of our gymnasium.

Schooly and trendy.

School uniform- this is not bad at all: as a sign of belonging to a certain community of people.

Form- an identification mark, part of the symbolism that distinguishes people of one profession, beliefs, from others. Most of the world's population living in school age, wore, wears and will wear a student uniform.

"Dress code"- the word is relatively new, but has already become fashionable, at least for those who work in the office. Literally means "clothing code", that is, a system of identification marks, color combinations and forms that indicate a person's belonging to a particular corporation. An employer can set his own rules: for example, women cannot come to work in trousers, or - only in business suits, or skirts should be knee-length - neither shorter nor longer, free form on Fridays, etc. etc. Many adult Russians have already joined the corporate spirit, but their children still go to school “in whatever” .

Variants of modern school uniforms in Russia.

  • Bright and juicy tones please the eye only at first.And then they cause fatigue and lead to hidden aggression.
  • Shirts and blouses should be in light pastel colors. Blue, pink, light green and beige.
  • The classic combination - "light top" and "dark bottom" in everyday wear should be avoided.It is tiring for the eyes, causes a headache.
  • It is necessary to choose school clothes without details distracting from study.
  • A school jacket should be functional and have pockets.
  • School clothes in all shades of gray are universal!
There is an opinion that the school uniform suppresses the individuality of the student. However, the self-affirmation of the student in school should mainly occur through his creative and intellectual success.

Part 9. Summing up

School uniform. (pros)

  • A strict style of dress creates a businesslike atmosphere in the school, which is necessary for classes.
  • The form disciplines the person.
  • A student in a school uniform thinks about studying, not about clothes.
  • There is no problem "What to wear to school."
  • The school uniform helps the child feel like a student and a member of a certain team, makes it possible to feel his involvement in this particular school.
  • If the child likes the clothes, he will be proud of his appearance.
  • School uniforms save parents money.
School uniform. (minuses)
  • The unwillingness of children to wear it.
  • "Loss of individuality".
  • Increasing financial costs for the education of the child.
  • Expenses of time and effort of parents in connection with the acquisition of the form.
  • Poor quality of materials and tailoring of the school uniform.
Now back to our questions at the beginning of the classroom and tell me your opinion has changed to the school uniform and you realized that everyone wears a school uniform and this is prestigious, relevant, necessary in our interesting modern world in the 21st century.

Conclusions: Drawing conclusions from the foregoing, we note that a modern school uniform is a set of clothes and accessories for it that can be freely combined, while remaining a school uniform. The school uniform accustoms to a certain order, discipline, smooths out social inequality, makes it possible to realize one's belonging to a certain team. It should be stylish, beautiful, not destroy individuality. If a person is a person, then it is impossible to destroy his individuality. Pushkin, being a lyceum student, also wore a uniform.

And for all this, we must tell our director that we are keeping up with the times.

Russian light industry enterprises proposed to introduce a single uniform for students lower grades countrywide. Representatives of the industry consider it necessary to make school uniforms a separate segment of clothing and fix the standards for its production at the legislative level.

"Letidor" recalls when and where the school uniform first appeared, and considers the main milestones in world history.

Since ancient times, school uniforms have been a hallmark of high society, because not everyone could give their children an education. It's not just an attribute. educational system, but also an ancient tradition that has changed along with the development of society.

When did the school uniform appear?

It is almost impossible to determine the "birthday" of the form, since the first schools appeared long before our era. Already by the 3rd millennium BC, in many cities of Mesopotamia there were schools attached to temples. The schoolchildren did not have a special uniform, they had to dress like future clerks: in a short chiton (like a shirt), leather armor with elegant chlamys (dense fabric) trim. In the East, young men trained in the sciences wore this uniform for thousands of years (girls, as you know, did not take part in the learning process for a long time). But even then there were special insignia. For example, in ancient greece Aristotle's disciples tied their ties with a special oriental knot and wore white togas thrown over their left shoulder.

The ancient Indians studied in the so-called "family schools". The disciples lived in the house of their father-teacher and obeyed him in everything. They were supposed to come to academic classes in a dhoti kurta - this was the name of a suit of two elements. Legs and hips were wrapped with a strip of cloth, a shirt was put on top, which differed in color, tailoring and ornament for different castes. With the development of Buddhism in the 1st-6th centuries, the dhoti kurta was replaced by a kurta and pajami - a long shirt and wide trousers. Yes, yes, the word "pajamas" came to us from Hindi and literally means "clothing for the legs."

What happened to the form in the Middle Ages

In medieval Europe, with the decline of ancient culture, "dark" times began for education. Institutes and schools were practically destroyed. Only church schools at monasteries escaped this fate. The uniform in those days was the usual monastic clothing. After hard times, school uniforms were introduced for the first time in England.

Since 1552, Christ's Hospital appeared - schools for orphans and children from poor families. A special costume was sewn for the students, consisting of a dark blue jacket with ankle-length tails, a waistcoat, a leather belt and trousers just below the knee. This uniform exists to this day, only now it is not worn by orphans, but by the future elite of Great Britain. The form was approved at the state level. At the same time, children from different elite schools came up with special symbols by which students understood each other's place. How many buttons are fastened on a blazer, how the laces are tied, at what angle the hat is worn, how a child holds a school bag (by one handle or two) - these were all social markers invisible to the uninitiated.

What about the school uniform in Russia

In Russia, the form appeared in 1834 with the adoption of a law that approved a separate type of civilian uniforms - student and gymnasium. The uniform was of military style: caps, tunics and overcoats, which differed in color, piping, buttons and emblems. Needless to say, the boys proudly wore such clothes not only at school, but also in everyday life.

The girls wore a very strict and modest outfit - brown dresses and aprons. One color scheme for each institution, and the style changed depending on the fashion. After the revolution, the school uniform was abolished as an element of the bourgeoisie. The time of "shapelessness" lasted until 1949. Further, the tunics changed suits with four buttons, a cap and a belt with a badge. At the same time, the student’s hairstyle certainly had to be “under the typewriter”, as in the army.

In 1992, under the influence of democratic ideas, school uniforms were officially abolished by a decree on the rights of the child. It was argued that every child has the right to express their individuality as they see fit. In 2012, a law was again passed that returned legal status to school uniforms.

The editors of Montessori.Children were asked:

Hello! How important is school uniform in a Montessori environment? We live in Toronto and my daughter attends a Montessori garden. It has a dress code in color: a dark blue bottom, shoes, jumpers and jackets; white or gray top. This is so that the children are not distracted by the appearance of each other. The exception is Friday, when a free form of clothing is possible. For some reason, I don’t see any mention of a dress code on Russian-language resources at all. Is this just a Canadian feature or did Maria Montessori also have her own opinion about school uniforms? After summer, winter holidays and weekends, it is quite difficult to persuade your daughter to dress in uniform. My daughter is 4 years old, I always give clothes to choose from. But she wants to wear something more "fun" than dark jeans and a light blouse.

At our International Montessori Center, we have given up school uniforms. But there is another point of view, which, perhaps, is held in the school of the author of the question. Psychologist and Montessori teacher Anna Fedosova talks about her:

But in the preparation of modern Montessori teachers, the issue of school clothes is discussed.

Arguments for school uniform

Discreet, familiar to the eye clothing helps to maintain a working mood.

The form is part of the classroom environment, which should be as simple and neutral as possible. Preschoolers are affected by every element of classroom appearance. Therefore, it is important that it is easy for children to focus on the material.

The uniform is the student's work clothes and must be practical.

For babies, it is important that the clothes do not restrict movement, are not too spacious, and are easy to take off and put on. Compliance with the rules in the form removes the question of whether a particular set is good as clothing for work in the classroom. Neither the child, nor the parent, nor the guide will have to argue about tastes.

There is a practice when children change clothes in the morning in the classroom. Clothes are permanently stored and washed at the school, and parents only pay for the purchase of a set at the beginning of the year. Schoolchildren, on the other hand, prefer to come immediately in their clothes for study. But if someone really wants to wear a favorite item, he is free to put it on, but be sure to change into a uniform for classes.

Freedom and need to wear a school uniform

Freedom is a conscious necessity and a question school dress code invites the child to responsible behavior. Maintaining a businesslike atmosphere in the classroom and caring for the comfort of others is expressed in not creating excessive noise in the work area - audible or visual.

Show your daughter how to follow the rules with dignity and a minimum of self-restraint, help her see that they contain the meaning of caring for fellow practitioners. There are several options to do this.

For children younger age the classroom provides materials that develop household independence in dressing. Tell the teacher about the difficulties of your daughter and he will find a way to pay attention to this topic as he shows interest in thematic presentations. For example, laundry.

Perhaps more bright colors can be allowed on a walk. Ask the teacher at what moments the child can put on something more “fun”.

Arrive to class in off-school attire to change on the spot.

Share with your daughter your vision of the situation. Surely you would prefer her to work with paints or in the garden in special student clothes, and not in a blouse dear to the heart. Although the apron protects, it does not give 100% protection, but in the form nothing threatens your favorite things.

Prepare the desired outfit for Friday in advance, hang it in a specially designated place. This symbolically satisfies the desire to put on the kit right now.

Illustration: en.pngtree.com

During the first week of school, many mothers are already quite tired of washing and ironing school uniforms for boys and girls, primary school students and teenagers. Does your child also have a uniform at school? And how do you feel about it? Arguments "for" and "against" school uniforms are expressed by psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya.

School uniform, who is in favor?

There are usually three arguments "for" school uniforms.

1. Uniform creates equality, levels the difference in the wealth of families. Very funny.

First, the difference in the prosperity of families has long existed not so much between children in the same class, but between different schools. The probability that the son of a cleaner and the son of a deputy/prosecutor/businessman/showman will be next to each other is close to zero. It's too late to drink Borjomi here. And in those schools where abilities are important, where there is no corruption in admission and such a neighborhood is quite possible, they usually don’t bother with the form, and children, like teachers, are purple, whose parents are richer.

Secondly, the difference in prosperity will still be visible. In addition to uniforms, there are shoes, sneakers and a suit for physical education, outerwear, watches, a phone, a way to spend holidays and a whole lot more. Shall we equalize everything?

On the other hand, the difference between expensive and cheap clothes is now very small in appearance. This is not the difference between velvet with pearls and rags with bast shoes, but only nonsense like brands and "latest collections". Jeans that my daughter bought in the summer on sale at some chain store like the New Yorker for 10 euros do not differ in appearance from jeans for 1000 euros just at all (and are cheaper than half the lousy synthetic shiny and hanging school uniform trousers, and not lousy - five times). What such a huge difference in appearance are we talking about?

Thirdly, who ever said that solving the problem by sweeping garbage under the carpet - The best way? Social inequality exists. The task of parents and teachers is to teach children to adequately cope with this circumstance, without equalizing the value of a person with the value of his rags.

2. The second argument also delights with its hypocrisy. The uniform, they say, supports the feeling of belonging to the school, corporate pride, it is not in vain that the best private schools in Europe have it. Wonderful. That is, our schools are anyhow, there is absolutely nothing to be proud of, children do not like them and, to put it mildly, do not value belonging to them - but the uniform will DESIGN what we have like in Europe.

It would be interesting to make a correlation - how the quality of the school, including the love of students for it, and the degree of zeal in demanding uniforms from its administration correlate. Something tells me that the dependence will be very telling. Not to mention that in those same " best schools Europe" the autonomy of the school operates, and if there is a form, this is the decision of the school itself, its personal tradition, and not the result of something said and imposed from above.

3. Well, about the fact that school teaches you to wear a suit. This is without comment at all. And why did someone get the idea that a child will certainly need an office suit in his future? I now live without it and do not complain. And my daughter, I hope, will manage. And the son wears it with pleasure on occasion, although he went to school in jeans. Can my children not be programmed in advance on how to dress and how to live?

That's where the "for" arguments ended. At least I haven't heard from others.

Arguments against school uniforms

Now let's see what we have to say against the school uniform.

1. Form comes first bullying mothers. Because a normal second-grader boy (and many girls) wears an average of three sets of clothes per school week. And either mom has to wash, dry and iron the arrows at night, or invest in three sets to wash and dry all weekend.

The fabrics and styles of a school uniform are usually impractical: either it is wrinkled, and there are all these folds, tucks, buttons, you are tormented by ironing, or it is with a large percentage of synthetics, and these are puffs, spools and a very short service life. All over the place the label states that washing in the machine is prohibited. How is that in general? Hire a maid for the sake of external social equality?

2. Form is expensive. For example, I often have work on weekends, and even business trips. So I always buy my daughter a lot of clothes, with a spare for when I can’t help her with her weekend school fees. Buying four jeans and a dozen blouses, t-shirts, sweaters is an order of magnitude cheaper than four uniform sets. And besides, the same jeans and T-shirts are suitable to go to visit, to the section, to go for a walk, to go on vacation.

3. The form is a discrimination of children with a non-standard figure. The difference in physique, which jeans and knitwear hide, uniforms emphasize. It is in advertising photos that we always see slender girls who wear pleated skirts, ruffles on blouses and waist-length sarafans. And the suffering of girls who are not so slender or, on the contrary, very thin, forced to fit themselves in sarafans or walk in something like a bag with buttons, the discomfort of tall and short children, or adolescents whose width is still childish, in length - quite adult and everything sticks out from everywhere, they are not taken into account.

4. The form is inconvenient. Shirts tucked into trousers, hard-shouldered jackets, skirts that go up or stick to tights, buttons that come off easily. It presses, cuts and presses, it must be constantly corrected and pulled, and for a child with sensitive skin, typical uniforms are just torture. What kind of education is this?

5. Form provokes conflicts. Where there is arbitrariness, there will be protest. Teenagers will fight for their right to walk without a uniform, violating the requirements without prior notice. They will be scolded for it at school and at home. They respond by snarling. Parents will bully their children or make trouble with the school. And for the sake of what, you can find out, to create a deliberate point of tension? Little stress in life?

6. Sometimes parents say: but you don’t have to think about what to put on him (her), otherwise he will start sorting out all morning. There is such a thing, some start. But is not one of the tasks of childhood - learn to manage your appearance including? Learn to dress appropriately and comfortably, and to please yourself? Why not set requirements that help you learn how to think and decide what to wear?

For example, the requirement of modesty and rigor of clothing is of high quality, reasonable and developing. There is an opportunity to think and evaluate: jeans with holes and rhinestones - is this suitable? And the inscription on the T-shirt - can it be any? And again, there may be different traditions in different schools. OWN traditions, and somewhere it’s normal to come in a T-shirt with the inscription: “I’m some kind of strange today,” but somewhere it’s not worth it, and you need to navigate this. No, of course, if the goal is to talk less with children in general, but only give instructions, then, of course, the form is better.

7. At this point, psychologists usually talk about the harm of equalization and leveling of individuality, that the form prepares for the role of "cog" or "office plankton" but I won't. It's not so easy to level individuality with clothes. The kids will kick back. Their eyes, smiles, characters cannot be leveled with sarafans.

It seems to me that the harm from violence is much stronger. The same clothes for everyone are generally characteristic of places created not for joy: the army, prison, hospital. If the form is not about love for your school and not about being proud that you study here, then it is about the fact that the state has you as it wants, and teachers and parents, instead of protecting you from it, help him with this . However, perhaps this is precisely the true deep message of innovation.

In short, the only school uniforms that I can consider reasonable are jeans (skirts) without frills with T-shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts in the color of the school or with the emblem-slogan of the school, which the children themselves want to wear and wear when the school board decides. And if someone for some reason does not wear it, then you can too.

First, do not exaggerate the possibility of school tyranny. No one has the right to restrict your child's access to education or bully him because of his uniform. Whatever the rulings and decisions, the law is stronger, and the law speaks of your child's right to an education. You, as a parent, are obliged to provide him with the conditions for this - clothes suitable for going to school. CLOTHES. Not a form.

The school can decide on a mandatory form - has the right. The parent committee of the school can appeal against this decision - it also has the right. If the parent committee bends or craves equalization itself, it is very easy to re-elect it at the next meeting.

If obvious nit-picking begins with the stripes-width of pants, if the child is expelled from school and class on the day when for some reason he is out of shape (did not have time to dry), do not run to buy other shirt-pants and do not start making excuses.

Say that you and your child respect the school's choice of uniforms and will follow it TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE. No, you will not smooth out the creases on your trousers, you have no time and you do not like it. And no, you won’t get up at 6 in the morning to have time to dry the only correct vest with a hair dryer. And if your child has sensitive skin, then he will not walk in a jacket with a chafing collar and cutting underarms, but you promise - when you can - buy a knitted jacket that matches the color.

Finally, you can always write a statement addressed to the principal that, due to financial circumstances, you cannot provide your child with the required school uniform and hope very much that this will not affect the attitude of teachers and administration towards him. Are we all for the sake of equality between the poor and the rich?

It doesn't matter what your circumstances really are. After all, you are in charge of the budget and you may think that it is better to spend money on a child's vacation in England or on his diving lessons than on uniforms. And you don't have one or the other. In some cases, this may sound mocking, but who was the first to start mocking? You submit an application for recording, and after the first case of brain removal for a child because of a form, write up a complaint about the fact that your child is being bullied because the family is not rich enough. Of course, this is an option for teenagers who themselves are so reluctant to wear a uniform that they are ready to withstand some pressure and are confident in the support of classmates.

It is not necessary to artificially put a child in the role of an outcast, then it is easier to change schools. Well, the clothes in which the child walks instead of the uniform should look decent - not defiant, not be very worn, dirty, obviously not in size. And then you will have problems with custody.

You can also write a statement about a child with sensitive skin. Just prepare the child himself what to answer if it "begins." The best option: "Marya Petrovna, I put on what my mother (father) orders. All questions are for my parents."

In short, I really sympathize with everyone who "hit", let it poison the life of you and your children less. Don't offend them.

To date, a single school uniform, mandatory for all students, has not been introduced in the country. But individual schools, according to their internal charter, can make it mandatory for their students if both the administration and the majority of parents agree. In this regard, disputes about the pros and cons of regulated school clothes do not stop, so we tried to understand the arguments of both sides.

Pledge of Equality

  • FOR: Teachers say that many children, especially in the younger and high school, still love to tease each other about clothes. If a child is dressed ugly by the standards of his classmates, his clothes were bought in a “nameless” store or in a clothing market, then he is very likely to become an outcast, or at least an object for cruel jokes. The school uniform allows children not to compete and not to judge each other at least “by clothes”. So, both schoolchildren from poor and wealthy families get the opportunity to dress in exactly the same way, regardless of their social status and financial position.
  • CONS: Others believe that it will not work to equalize the poor and the rich with one form. Today's children pay a lot of attention to clothes, but they pay even more attention to various gadgets and other fashionable things. Wouldn't a child in uniform with a brand new iPhone and a child in uniform with a seven-year-old Chinese smartphone not feel the difference between them? Cheap and expensive pencil cases, notebooks and bags also only increase the rivalry. And if the uniform is sewn not by the school, but by each parent according to the presented sample, then wealthy families will be able to order better clothes from good materials, and this will also be noticeable.

Saving money

  • FOR: According to supporters, school uniforms can be a help for poor families. After all, it gives them the opportunity to avoid buying a large number of clothes, limiting themselves to buying a few sets of uniforms. Parents do not need to think about how to dress their child, and the child will not spend hours spinning at the closet with a mirror, choosing what to wear today.

  • CONS: First, one set of school uniforms can cost more than a pair of regular jeans and shirts. And you need at least four such sets: two for the warm and cold seasons, and two replacement ones for them in case of force majeure, unscheduled washing or damage. Secondly, ordinary clothes can be combined endlessly, and if you alternate a couple of sets of uniforms with each other, they will quickly wear out and you will have to buy them again. The poorer the materials (and in poorly funded public schools usually do), the faster the clothing deteriorates. And if you consider that children are also constantly growing ... It is obvious that a good school uniform can fly a pretty penny to parents.

Improving academic performance and discipline

  • FOR: 20 years ago in the United States, where many public schools are now returning to school uniforms, a special Scientific research, which studies the correlation of form and school performance. It showed that students of educational institutions where school uniforms are introduced demonstrate top scores academically than students in loose-fitting schools. This is due to the fact that the school uniform has an educational function: it disciplines the child and clearly makes him understand the difference between behavior at school and behavior at home or in the yard.

  • CONS: But there are also those who want to argue with this advantage of the school uniform. Comparison of academic performance ratings of schools where school uniforms are introduced and where school uniforms are not is not representative, because good student grades depend on many different factors: the professionalism of teachers, the microclimate in the school and classroom, the family environment and the upbringing of each student, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally that it is the presence of a form that affects the difference in academic performance.

Aesthetics and cohesion

  • FOR: School uniforms for girls and boys are a great way to distinguish children in society: they look neat, beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, and not like a motley mass. From an early age, they accustom themselves to the corporate culture and dress code that awaits them in the future at work in big companies. In addition, children who wear the same clothes with their classmates feel more united and feel more sympathy for each other.

  • CONS: Children in the same uniform look beautiful and neat only according to those who maintain this uniform, which means that this argument is subjective and unconvincing. On the contrary, most children tend to show their exclusivity among their peers, dissimilarity to others, especially teenagers, and school uniforms simply depersonalize and unify them. Even school students with uniforms are trying hard to stand out from the crowd by shortening their skirts, rolling up their sleeves, changing their hairstyles and the colors of their socks. And you need to understand that every boy and every girl has their own type of figure, the school uniform will fit perfectly on someone, and it will completely ruin someone - it turns out unfairly.

More arguments in favor of school uniforms:

  • When a child wears a beautiful, strict uniform with an emblem patch, this not only makes him a worthy student in the eyes of others, but also puts the school itself in a good light: the educational institution seems more solid and organized.
  • Some parents dress their children simply disgustingly, tastelessly, and children's school uniforms can hide this from prying eyes.

But there are even more arguments "against":

What is the truth? Obviously, in the "golden mean". Absolutely the same school uniform of a single sample can hit the pockets of parents and limit the freedom of children, so it's better to compromise, as many schools do - to establish a moderately strict dress code. For example, to ban wearing open blouses and tops, mini-skirts, ripped jeans, sleeveless jackets, high heels and flip-flops to school, but not limiting children in comfortable jeans, T-shirts and hoodies, especially in cold weather; introduce a ban on bright makeup, but not completely ban cosmetics. Then the students will look decent, and parents will not spend more money than usual, and the guys themselves will still be able to express themselves in clothes, just in a more strict form.

Interesting facts about school uniforms in other countries of the world

  • Perhaps the most famous school uniform in the world is Japanese. There are several varieties of it, but the most popular school uniform for girls, which is called “seifuku”, is a shirt with a sailor collar, a pleated skirt above or below the knee, long stockings and low-speed leather shoes. The Japanese school uniform for boys is called "gakuran": straight-cut trousers and a dark-colored jacket with a stand-up collar. Clothing stylized as a uniform is worn not only by schoolchildren and schoolgirls, but also by other young Japanese, and fans of Japanese culture around the world are also happy to order "sailor suits" on the Internet.

  • The school uniform is an obligatory element of the old and prestigious schools in the UK, as it emphasizes belonging to a particular educational institution with its own history and list of merits. Children and teenagers in such schools are proud to be their students, so they are always happy to wear jackets and blazers with a distinctive emblem.

  • An indicator of belonging to an educational institution, first of all, is the form in American and Canadian private schools. In public schools, the uniform can be found very rarely, although its introduction is actively discussed by parents and teachers in many states, but sometimes there is a dress code - moderately strict clothes in soothing colors and without explicit elements.

  • In Germany, the classic school uniform is also rare, but some institutions, with the consent of parents and students, introduce uniform clothes for attending school, and the students themselves participate in its creation.

  • Junior students in South Korea do not wear uniforms, but starting from high school, regulated clothing becomes mandatory for all students.

  • But in Cuba, the uniform is an obligatory element of absolutely all schools and even universities.

An interesting video with a school uniform adopted in different countries of the world is waiting for you next:

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