Do abortion? Soul leak. About the path of the Christian in the modern world

This book is the fruit of several years of practical work of a group of specialists and volunteers with thousands of potential suicides on the project "". It raises the most pressing issues that exciting such people who are given deep, accurate and interesting answers, helping the addressees to understand genuine sources of their problems, change their worldview and start a new life.
Previously, the book was published called "Suicide: Error or Exit?"

This is a very simple book. You can even say, primitive. It consists of real life stories. These stories readers sent us to the site
Stories about fortune telling and love spells. Stories sincere, sometimes scary. Forcing to think ...
The book should be used. You read these stories. If you like the consequences of gadas and love spells - you are guessing and brought. If you do not like - you do not guess and do not bring ...

Repent - it means to change sinful thoughts and feelings, correct, become another. It is good to realize your sins, feel the severity of the fall. But instead of the dedicated life, who is heighted by the Lord, Jesus Christ in repentance, you need to start creating a new life, life in spirit of Christ.

The publication contains quotes on the themes of the challenge, minority and faith in God. Quotes from the Bible are mainly taken from the compositions of the holy fathers, where they are given in the appropriate value. All biblical texts are given in modern translation, with the exception of Psaltiri and some quotes of Scriptures in the composition of the deception, which in the Slavic translation more consolidate the meaning in which their authors of the checkout.

The book tells about the most important domestic aspects of church life, such as baptism, godfather, reverence of saints, worship, confession, communion, spiritual leadership, post, holidays. The book is built in the form of brief and extremely expressive answers to typical questions. Most of the answers are given by the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church.

The vision of their sins and sincere, bringing from the bottom of his heart, the reasanced prayer to God is the rightful way to salvation, to which the faithful chad of the Church of the Holy Fathers, devotees of piety and modern shepherds. Their instructions and teachings about it entering the book will help the reader understand the difficult issues of spiritual life.

In the publication "Mental Leak." The reader will find answers to his questions about grief and despondency, illness and death, advice on how to experience heavy life moments, data from the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church.
Quotes from the Bible are mainly taken from the compositions of the holy fathers, where they are given in the appropriate value.

This small book contains questions that are not the essence of spiritual life, but, nevertheless, usually arise in the real life of the modern Orthodox person. Questions are divided into such topics as "money, property", "society", "boss", "creativity", "path, fate." This book will help to navigate in the turbulent events of today and the peripetias of their own personal life.

The book is a brief, but fundamental directory. It is built in the form of answers to common questions on such topics as sexual relationship, wedding, relationship between spouses in marriage, relationships with parents, raising children. The purpose of this book is to help readers in creating a real family and to preserve and explode love in marriage, as well as raise children with happy, successful and able to love. Answers to questions give the holy fathers of the Orthodox Church, as well as priests.

The book contains the quintessence of the right approach to relationships with people. It represents the answers to dozens of questions on the themes "People, Communication", "judgments and condemnation", "Ukoles and instructions", "conflicts", "good deeds". For each of these topics, the book in very brief and clear form gives fundamental knowledge to help you act much more successfully in any situation of communication. At the heart of the book - quotes from the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich , Hasminsky Mikhail Igorevich 2017

    There is always a way out: how not to make an irreparable


    This book is the fruit of several years of practical work of a group of specialists and volunteers with thousands of potential suicides on the project "Won.Ru". It raises the most pressing issues that exciting such people who are given deep, accurate and interesting answers, helping the addressees to understand genuine sources of their problems, change their worldview and start a new life.



    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2016

    How to survive parting with your loved one


    Once journalists came to visit the old woman, which was fulfilled a hundred years. It was in Ukraine. A tiny old woman, who has the rightmarks, which survived the war, hunger and all the consequences of the collapse of the USSR. Journalists asked that she was remembered most over these hundred years, saturated with events. The old woman burst into tears and replied: "Kolya Vіd mee pіshov Cholovіk. Know, I feel it ... ". ("When a husband left me. You know what kind of pain!") But the husband threw it with children 60 years ago!


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2016

    Love spell and its consequences

    Esoterics. Parapsychology. Secrets , Psychology

    This little book is the fruit of one and a half years working with people who are experiencing parting, as well as in a state of love or passionate dependence on another person, which is carried out by us at the charitable site "Survive. RU" (). In the course of work, we faced a large number of cases of magical interference in relations in two. Interventions that have always resulted in fairly sad consequences.




    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2016

    Cross of Christ


    ... Jews, if you believe Talmuda, there was usually that a criminal convicted to death was executed immediately after condemnation. Heralds several times alrightly announced his name, guilt, witnesses of the crime and the genus of execution, assigned to him, causing anyone who can go to court and defend the unfortunate. And the Romans had a law published by Tiberia, according to which the death penalty was accomplished no earlier than 10 days after the sentence. But for Jesus Christ, although he was tried in Roman, and the Jewish laws, nor the one nor another custom was observed. The postponement of execution extended only on ordinary criminals, and the perturbers of public peace, the enemies of Moses and Caesar, which slander introduced Jesus, did not have the right to this mercy: their execution was more and more powerful. So, Jesus Christ immediately after condemnation was devoted to the soldiers, which the Romans committed all executions. The first thing they were to remove the crimson from him and put on his own clothes: it demanded a custom and maybe pity. The silence of evangelists does not allow you to say decisively: it was removed and the crown of the Lord was removed on the head to the very removal of him from the cross. However, the oldest wont, portraying Jesus Christ on the cross in a tern crown, has a form of historical legend. In confirmation, it can be said that the crypts had enough reasons to leave the crown at the head of the Lord, since, according to their submission of him, he was quite by the way, confirming what the inscription said.



    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2016

    Fill life love


    "This book will help you interrupt the relay of misfortune. In itself, familiarity with the book will not make you a truly loving and beloved person. But if you go further in the direction that you choose for myself after reading it, - for you the deficit of love can end. And you can create a full-fledged family and make your future children much happier ... "


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2016

    Violence will not break us!


    "This book is intended for a mass reader. Nowadays, almost every person either had a victim of violence, or he can become her, or from violence, someone from our loved ones suffered from violence. We are talking about both family violence and sexual, and about street violence, about terrorist acts, in general, about all types of violence, where a person is caused by a serious injury ... "



    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2016

    True love. Secrets of love before marriage and married


    "Everyone agrees that love is the highest value of our life. And for understanding people, this is also the highest goal of being. Therefore, it is very important to relate to the love of an adult. Understand how much depends on us in preparing yourself for love, learn it when comes, and maintain from all the dangers.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2016

    Happy experience


    "The reason is that now there are so few happy people, just that we do very little for our happiness. Most live in inertia, as they liked, as the parents wanted or where the surroundings behaved behind them. How many people thought about what happiness, how personally, to achieve him - and began to fight hard, contrary to the way closest?


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2016

    Difficulties of love. Family crisis


    "This book is valuable in that it is not the views of some separate author on how to live in the family. She considers many specific fates, situations of various real family couples. History from family life, told with marginal frankness, and tips, data from these couples will help you to look at your situation from the part, to see the solution of our problems, and many of them are easy to avoid.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2016

    Difficulties of love. Dilufacture relations


    "This book is a very visual theoretical benefit, since in addition to interesting and accessible to understanding, the conversations of specialists contain a lot of examples. Examples are the brightest, interesting and intelligent part of the theory. Having learned about the difficulties in the relationship of love that other people experience, having understood the reasons for these difficulties, having considered the way out, you would understand much. Many mistakes you, if you wish, you can avoid. Once in a difficult position, you will quickly find the exit, remembering similar situations experienced by others ... "


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2016

    Difficulties of love. Fatal errors


    "This book is a continuation of the series of books" Difficulties of Love. " If the first two books are "the complexity of love: a trunk relationship" and "the complexity of love: the family crisis" - we were divided by the stages of relations, then in this book there are various common problems related to both trunk and family relationships.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2016

    Move threshold. Frankly - about the sacraments of the first confession


    How hard it is a person who makes the first steps in the temple, decide on the first confession! Fears to open the soul, uncertainty, fear something to do "not so", concerns to be not understood by the priest, the inability to immediately part with the "favorite" sins ... not always relatives and relatives can competently help such a person looking for their way to God. This book is interesting in that it presents confidence conversations on the Internet forum "Overcoming dislike." The book also can also find a selection of holy fathers about repentance and confession.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2014

    Understand themselves. How to cope with spiritual problems

    Self improvement , Religion , Orthodoxy

    "... in psychology there is such a concept as" adoption ". Simply put it means that a person takes something without negative, without experiencing bad feelings. Our rejection of other people is very similar to condemnation of them. We are not accepted by our internal reasons for our internal reasons, and non-acceptance requires some substantiation, and it turns out to be easier to explain our anger with our internal reasons, but something bad. That is what we see in another person, and that demons willingly help us see. Therefore, overcoming rejection in many, and maybe, in all cases, it will mean overcoming condemnation ... "


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2012

    Soul leak. About the path of the Christian in the modern world

    Aphorisms and quotes , Religion

    This small book contains questions that are not the essence of spiritual life, but, nevertheless, usually arise in the real life of the modern Orthodox person. Questions are divided into such topics as "money, property", "society", "boss", "creativity", "path, fate." This book will help to navigate in the turbulent events of today and the peripetias of their own personal life. It does not contain answers to all questions, but those answers that it contains are bright, reliable and solid, as belongs to Peru of the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church and authoritative modern priests.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2011

    Soul leak. About life in church

    Aphorisms and quotes , Religion

    The book tells about the most important domestic aspects of church life, such as baptism, godfather, reverence of saints, worship, confession, communion, spiritual leadership, post, holidays. The book is built in the form of brief and extremely expressive answers to typical questions. Most of the answers are given by the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2011

    Soul leak. About faith and small

    Aphorisms and quotes , Religion

    The publication contains quotes on the themes of the challenge, minority and faith in God. Quotes from the Bible are mainly taken from the compositions of the holy fathers, where they are given in the appropriate value. All biblical texts are given in modern translation, with the exception of Psaltiri and some quotes of Scriptures in the composition of the deception, which in the Slavic translation more consolidate the meaning in which their authors of the checkout. Since the sources were books both in modern and in an ancient editorial office, for uniformity, outdated grammatical forms were changed in accordance with the norms of the modern language.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2011

    Soul leak. On the transfer of sorrow

    Religion , Aphorisms and quotes

    In the publication "Mental Leak. On the transfer of mourn "The reader will find answers to his questions about grief and despondency, illness and death, advice on how to experience heavy life moments, data from the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church.

    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2010

    Free yourself. How to overcome violence and its consequences


    Violence and its consequences are one of the most difficult problems to solve. Here, it is often necessary to participate psychotherapist. But you can easily get out of this crisis. The book features certain knowledge and techniques that are desirable to master each victim of violence to diagnose their state and facilitate it to reduce the likelihood of repeating a hard event.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2010

    Soul leak. About fighting passions

    Aphorisms and quotes , Religion

    Repent - it means to change sinful thoughts and feelings, correct, become another. It is good to realize your sins, feel the severity of the fall. But instead of the dedicated life, who is heighted by the Lord, Jesus Christ in repentance, you need to start creating a new life, life in spirit of Christ.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2010

    How to be if you don't want to live

    Self improvement , Psychology

    Any death is associated with certain emotional experiences: loneliness, cardiac pain ... In the case of suicide, these emotions reach an incredible force and become unbearable. People with suicidal intentions are in a state of emergency mental tension, which they cannot solve themselves. Then scientific psychology, psychiatry and religion come to the rescue. It is when they go hand in hand, such cooperation gives excellent results.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2009

    Overcoming divorce


    What to do, when for one reason or another, family life collapses and it seems that the divorce is inevitable? Is it possible to keep the marriage and, if not, how with the least psychological losses to survive the separation of two ever close people? We hope that the answers to these and other often painful questions can be found in this book. She is for those who or survived the divorce, or is going to divorce, or witnessed the dramatic decay of the families of their friends and loved ones, not knowing how to help them. Unadial stories from life comment on psychologists, following the advice of which you may not make mistakes and save the marriage. And if the family still broke out, you will find ways to overcome the effects of divorce.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2008

    Soul leak. Holy Fathers - Mirians

    Religion , Aphorisms and quotes

    This book is indispensable for a modern Christian living in difficult conditions, when his faith is subjected to attacks from unbelievers and acquaintances. Yes, and in his own soul is often born doubts and all kinds of questions. He wonders how to solve a contradiction between temptations, in a variety of contemporary peace, and the Orthodox faith, which is permissible to apply Christians from achieving progress, and from what we must refuse to not betray their faith. In all this, and is designed to help figure this book, collected from the opinions of the Holy Fathers on various issues. She will help with an unchurched person to find out what Orthodoxy is and solve many of the painful questions.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2008

    Soul leak. About prayer and repentance

    Religion , Aphorisms and quotes

    The vision of their sins and sincere, bringing from the bottom of his heart, the reasanced prayer to God is the rightful way to salvation, to which the faithful chad of the Church of the Holy Fathers, devotees of piety and modern shepherds. Their instructions and teachings about it entering the book will help the reader understand the difficult issues of spiritual life.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich 2008

    Soul leak. About family life

    Religion , Aphorisms and quotes

    The book is a brief, but fundamental directory. It is built in the form of answers to common questions on such topics as sexual relationship, wedding, relationship between spouses in marriage, relationships with parents, raising children. The purpose of this book is to help readers in creating a real family and to preserve and explode love in marriage, as well as raise children with happy, successful and able to love. Answers to questions give the holy fathers of the Orthodox Church, as well as priests.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich

    Soul leak. About relationships with neighbors

    Aphorisms and quotes , Religion

    The book contains the quintessence of the right approach to relationships with people. It is the answers to dozens of questions on the themes "People, Communication", "judgments and condemnation", "Ukoles and instructions", "conflicts", "good deeds". For each of these topics, the book in very brief and clear form gives fundamental knowledge to help you act much more successfully in any situation of communication. At the heart of the book - quotes from the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich

    Do abortion?


    Give birth or make an abortion? This terrible question is asked for millions of women. Very often in resolving this issue they have no understanding, a wise friend who could support or at least explain what an abortion will cost. This small brochure is designed to play the role of such a friend. Despite the small volume, it gives a lot of information on the most significant consequences of an abortion, first of all - mentally psychological. After all, the abortion does not always have a catastrophic effect on human physical health, but on spiritual well-being is always reflected. Book and give this book to those for whom you do not find your own words, arguments.

    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich

    Understand themselves. Psychological problems as obstacles on the path of spiritual life and their overcoming


    From spiritual, psychological problems, no one is insured - neither people distant from the church, nor Orthodox Christians. We are trying to pray for a person, but often simultaneously condemning him, we want to love, but fall into the so-called loving dependence. It is especially difficult to find a decent Christian way out when we fall into critical situations, such as, for example, a heavy illness, the death of loved ones, family grief, trouble with children. In this small book, the acute problems with which the Orthodox psychologists of the Internet portal "", which unites the group of sites, where real support is provided to those who are experiencing crisis situations or simply experience serious everyday difficulties. More than 50,000 people per day turn to these sites that became a truly living laboratory, where they try to intensify the movement of a person along the path of spiritual life thanks to a more sober awareness of the causes of their mental state. Among the people who have passed through these sites, tens of thousands have kept their families, refused suicide, repented, harvested. This book can help each person deeper to realize his spiritual and spiritual problems and see ways to solve them.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich

    Become a real man


    What are the qualities of this man - nature or convention of the era? Why is a man in harmony with him and the world around us only when it behaves truly on male? How to become a real man? The authors of our brochure are responsible for these questions - Orthodox psychologists and simply real men. Our conversation is purely practical. Yes, if we did not receive a decent male, fatherly education in childhood, we will have to work well to educate men's traits. But this work will be grateful, freeing us from fears and insecurity, helping us to love and fulfill the purpose of your life. This brochure is addressed to those who seek the best incarnation of the norm. Because only a real man can create a family with a real woman and be happy in this marriage. The book is recommended for publication by the ROC Publishing Council.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich

    True love. Work on bugs

    Psychology , Love and erotica

    This book is an addition to the book "True Love". This book contains questions addressed to its author, founder and chief editor of the Survival Web Sites Group, Dmitry Semen. Questions sometimes go into dialogs. Questions are the most characteristic and instructive. It is very possible that, having acquainted with these dialogues, you will find a story similar to yours. And certainly in the mirror of many given situations learn a lot about their situation and about themselves. The book is recommended for publication by the ROC Publishing Council ... one of the most positive moments in the life of a person - the moment when he has a desire to look at his personal or family life and find out what can be improved in it. From this point on, significant progress may begin in his heartfers. Why? Because, in? First, we all look at our situation one-sided. We had our own vision of what is happening, your view of yourself and your loved one. And the most beloved person also has a look, as a rule, differing from ours. Each person sees well the mistakes of another and bad - their own. Due to the difference in views on the same situation, misunderstanding, conflicts arise, and not all healthy needs of each of two are satisfied. If a person wanted to overcome the limitations of his usual look, wanted to expand him, to make multidimensional - this is the step towards the truth. Even better, if a person is ready to know what he is wrong in relation to his beloved person, which makes mistakes make, and maybe it does not quite rightly look at how to behave in a relationship, in the family. The more readiness for the discovery of a person, the more he will open and the more significant changes for the better. Unfortunately, changes are not available to any person. One simply is lazy to change, the other is very afraid of learn about himself what? That's bad (what already knows at the subconscious level), who? Then embarrassed offends on a partner - and in all these cases a person blocks for itself the opportunity to learn something new About him either takes this new selectively, filters: learning bad about his partner - takes, hearing bad things about himself - rejects, compromising for itself the source of negative information. Such people are quite difficult to help, since the only way to improve the situation in the family is to improve himself. Without it, it will not work. Explain another thing that he does wrong, and wait for changes - it does not work. If it even seems to us that the other more mistakes, are we all? Taki must correct their own mistakes - and then another may have dyed for us. No other way! But the very first, most valuable, and not easy - know yourself, it is better to understand your position ... There are many ways to recognize and understand. First, it is reading good, deep books on the topic of love and family life. Secondly, it is a trustworthy conversation with your partner himself. (We do not like the word "partner", but we use it because it has the necessary versatility, combining the entire spectrum of possible statuses - from just a good friend to the spouse.) Thirdly, this is a advice with loved ones. But not with everyone. Take into account the life experience of a person, his wisdom, his benevolence towards you both and knowledge of your situation (better if it is in good contact with you both). Fourth, this is a council with specialists. First of all, it can be a family psychologist or priest. Best (for a church man) and a psychologist, and a priest (the confessor of both spouses). The compromise option is the consultation of the Orthodox psychologist, which has knowledge of both areas - and psychological, and spiritual. Why should not be limited to one of these two regions? In the view of the author of this book, the quality of our family life depends on many factors. The main components of the three are: -? Human spiritual values \u200b\u200b(worldview and the relevant practice); -? psychological preservation of man; -? Knowledge of family construction. The spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the person are decisive because, without having a faithful goal of all life, a person cannot have a faithful goal of family life. And without having a faithful goal of family life, a person not only cannot succeed in it - he cannot even choose a suitable satellite. After all, the satellites are selected in accordance with the goal: for a hike to dancing - one, and for a hike in the mountains - completely different. Psychological preservation is important because some negative experiences are due not to passions, but by his psychological problems. Understanding the essence of these problems, they are easier to resolve (cumulatively spiritual and psychological means). For example, an idea of \u200b\u200blove dependence, its origin and ways to get rid of it is a huge help in overcoming very many personal problems. Well, the knowledge of family construction in the construction of relations is just as important as knowledge about the construction of houses when building a house. Hardly anyone? It would like to live in the house built incurred. And in families built incurred, why? We live - and surprise that they rushes. This book contains conversations from the Internet Forum, which is included in the group of sites. This site group helps people in resolving the most difficult crisis situations - from problems in personal relationship to thoughts about suicide. A unique feature of our group is that all three components are combined here: spiritual, psychological and informative. The combination of components on each site is determined by the essence of the problem: for example, the experience of the death of a loved one for obvious reasons requires special attention to the spiritual topic, but the experience of violence, on the contrary, implies mainly the use of psychology approaches. But, of course, the central theme of our group of sites is love and personal relationships. Ultimately, harmonious relationships with them and other people (primarily close) is exactly what a prosperous family is not only built, but they are overcome any losses, joy remains. Tens of thousands of people (out of millions of those who applied) wrote our stories to us to get advice and support in difficult situations. Who? I wrote them in the section of the priest, who? Then in the section of the psychologist, who? It was interested in supporting comrades in misfortune. Of course, Internet communication can not replace the full-time consultation of the specialist, but thanks to him many people have benefited. This book contains questions addressed to its author, founder and chief editor of the site group (on the forum of the pseudonym "Brother"). Questions sometimes go into dialogs. Questions are the most characteristic and instructive. It is very possible that, having acquainted with these dialogues, you will find a story similar to yours. And certainly in the mirror of many given situations learn a lot about their situation and about themselves. The view of each person, even if it comes to a specialist, differs from the look of another person on the same situation. My view on the history of those who applied is also not the only true. My chat is quite simple and straightforward: I try in the situation described often on the bitches and indirect signs to understand errors, problems (on all three plans - the spiritual, psychological, informational) of the person who appealed to me, and indicate him on them as well (if a person is ready to accept) Note the permission of these problems. But it is this simplicity that makes these dialogs more cognitive for third-party reader. I give such conversations in which the contact failed - when a person did not want to hear from me an unpleasant truth or did not want to change. (Or maybe I was mistaken, believing that it is true - this cannot be excluded, given the limitations of available information about the person and its situation.) Some of these dialogues are also instructive: they can be seen as we are afraid of critics, how do you suffer and blind passion us. This book may allow you to better know yourself and at the same time do not disclose, not to tell publicly your story. Sometimes in this form it is easier to learn and take about yourself what? Nonalceptor. Maybe the other ... Others will follow this step towards improving his personal life ...

    1. Fill life with love (Dmitry Semenik). The book of a famous psychologist, founder and chief editor of the Web Survival Website Group will help to figure out the most important psychological and spiritual moments that prevent us from being happy and loved. According to reviews on previous publications, the book literally turned over, changed the life of many people for the better. 2. True love: a trunk relationship (compiler Dmitry Semenik). True love is what all people want. To truly love and truly be loved. But "lucky" in love is not the one who only dreams and is waiting, but those who study and preparing. For such people, this book is intended - for those who are ready to go on the passive expectation. It will help to prepare for the construction of conventional relations of love, which can later grow into marriage. 3. True Love: Family Construction (compiler Dmitry Semenik). True love is what all people want. To truly love and truly be loved. And seek this primarily in the family. But "lucky" in love and family life is not one who just hopes that he will seem to be lucky with a couple (or it is sad that he was not lucky), but those who study and work on relationships. For such people, this book is intended. It will help to avoid fatal mistakes or correct those errors that are already married. 4. How to become a real man (Dmitry Semenik). What are the qualities of this man - nature or convention of the era? Why is a man in harmony with him and the world around us only when it behaves truly on male? How to become a real man? The authors of our brochure are responsible for these questions - Orthodox psychologists and simply real men. Our conversation is purely practical. Yes, if we did not receive a decent male, fatherly education in childhood, we will have to work well to educate men's traits. But this work will be grateful, freeing us from fears and insecurity, helping us to love and fulfill the purpose of your life. This brochure is addressed to those who seek the best incarnation of the norm. Because only a real man can create a family with a real woman and be happy in this marriage. 5. How to survive parting with your loved one (Dmitry Semenik). This book is addressed to everyone who is experiencing a divorce or parting with a loved one. Parting with a loved one is one of the most difficult situations in our lives. They suffer from her and young, and old, and women, and men, although the last less often speaks about it. This pain is stronger than physical. To help a person overcome the crisis of parting, we appeal to the knowledge of two areas - psychology and Orthodox Christianity. Christian science about the soul (one can call her Christian psychology) owns knowledge of the laws of life of the soul. She knows what the person is happy and what is suffering from what the love is increasing and from what is fading. She explains the reasons for external events that are the lessons for the soul. Therefore, in our book on the most important issues relating to the collapse of love relationships, they are responsible both priests and psychologists. Our psychologists are Orthodox people. And among the priests, which we invited to participate, some have psychological education or a certain erudition in this psychological sphere. 6. How to improve relationships with parents (Dmitry Semenik). Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of people are not satisfied with their relationship with their parents. And not because they do not appreciate the efforts that parents have invested in their upbringing. For this discontent there are objective reasons. There is a problem that destroys our personality and our lives. It really is not easy - improve relationships with your parents. Indeed, our dependence on parents is very large. The task is very difficult. Here, only the connection of the experience of the best psychologists and spiritual practice of Orthodoxy will truly help. After all, in Orthodoxy, the reverence of parents is one of the main commandments, and there is knowledge of how to carry out this honor, how to conquer evil good, dislike - love. Materials of this book are prepared by Orthodox psychologist Dmitry Semenik for the "Realistic" site, which is devoted to the basic issues of human life. 7. How to win love (Dmitry Semenik). Marriage is a union blessed by God and that this union be harmonious to be in it as few conflict as possible and as much joy as possible for both spouses, we should learn not only to love, but also be loved. For many people, the second is even harder. But both of these tasks should be solved, as true love is mutual love! A person's willingness to marry without mutual love, only at one-sided attitude, he says at least about his illiteracy in the form of building a family, and often about certain psychological problems. Do not strive to ensure that all or many love us. But if no one loves us, as a rule, it speaks of our vices and mistakes in behavior. The correction of these vices and errors will make us more harmonious people and will help create a harmonious, strong family, if we strive for it. This brochure does not solve all these tasks, but will help to understand a lot and make a big step forward in the right direction. 8. Overcoming the divorce: how to prevent or survive a divorce (compiler Dmitry Semenik). The consequences of such crises as a divorce do not pass by themselves. Any crisis, including this, is given to us so that we learn something new about yourself and about life, have become better and ultimately improved their lives. But many of those who behave after the divorce passively, just go to the bottom and lie there for many years, thinking that it is necessary. This small book based on the colossal experience of successful work with the divorces of the site will help you to leave the divorce not with losses, in particular spiritual health, but with acquisitions and new forces. 9. Real Love: Error work (compiler Dmitry Semenik). This book is an addition to the book "True Love". This book contains issues addressed to its author, founder and chief editor of the SERVI.RU website. Dmitry seven. Questions sometimes go into dialogs. Questions are the most characteristic and instructive. It is very possible that, having acquainted with these dialogues, you will find a story similar to yours. And certainly in the mirror of many given situations learn a lot about their situation and about themselves.


    Semenik Dmitry Gennadyevich

    True love. Drappiness. Family construction. Full version


    True love is what all people want. Truly love and be truly loved. But "lucky" in love is not the one who only dreams and is waiting, but those who study and preparing. For such people and is intended the first part of this book - for those who are ready to go on passive expectation. It will help to prepare for the construction of conventional relations of love, which can later grow into marriage. Love is looking primarily in the family. But "lucky" in love and family life is not one who just hopes that he will seem to be lucky with a couple (or it is sad that he was not lucky), but those who study and work on relationships. For such people, the second part is intended. It will help to avoid fatal mistakes or correct those errors that are already married. The book was compiled by an Orthodox psychologist Dmitry Semen based on great practical work on the Internet. The book is recommended for publication by the ROC Publishing Council.

Dmitry Semenik

The misfortune of modern man is that most of their strength, attention, he is not at all what could make him happier, to help him realize in fact. Most of us are like warriors who are diligently fighting ghosts while a real, alive and strong enemy wures us in the back.

True, I do not know how much this is the situation. Vladimir Dal has recorded the proverb: "That the world teaches, then people are tormented." Nowadays, compared to the XIX century, it was just greatly aggravated. The reason for this behavior is that we listen to little to ourselves, looking a lot of TV, rarely read or do not read good books at all.

And the fruits of this inattention to the main thing - the emptiness and death of the soul, the despondency hidden from themselves the race for entertainment and pleasures, often reaching depression, the lack of real love (with the possible presence of lovers and even spouses), loss of life landmarks, destroyed families and unhappy Children who will carry the destruction relay on, with even greater force. The death of our country, which we all see, imagining themselves by third-party observers, is also from here, since the family is the basis of the state.

In his book for the point of reference, I take love and joy. Because it is impossible to have long joy and true love, if you do not allow your basic mental problems. These states are joy, love is not only the purpose of our life, what we want most (even if we do not think about it), but also reliable measurement of the correctness and success of our everyday being. When targets are defined, then you can further develop methods for achieving these goals.

In the sea of \u200b\u200bmodern psychological literature, it is not easy to navigate. There are many promoted authors who talentedly teach how to become sick and unhappy. Just because these books are incorrectly defined objectives of working on themselves. It is very dangerous to get involved in books in which secondary or dubious purposes are put: "to achieve personal development", "become a fragon", "influence people", "become rich", etc.

There is idle logic: our priorities fully determine our lives. Based on the priority, we choose the behavior model, the behavior model defines our internal state. What happens. A person sets a goal in front of him - let's say "to become a bitch." And working on itself in this direction. But, in view of some perplexity of his mind (which, of course, is present, once a person chose such a goal), he still expects for some reason that it will be happy, loving and loved. And after some time, a person begins to wonder: "How so! After all, I tried so hard to become a bitch (rich, influential, well-known, developed, etc.). Why is still unhappy, and love is so little in my life? "

Funny, isn't it? But this is exactly what most of us come.

Therefore, if you want to be happy and have love, it is such a goal in front of yourself and put it particularly such books. Striving fortunately as such (that is, to joy), and not to his surrogates - wealth, glory and success. And to love as such (and not to bitch, stunning attractiveness, etc.). This does not mean that all the rest (money, success) you will not have. Will, "Everything else will apply"! In sufficient size for you. But at the same time you do not throw a child with water, you will not exchange the main thing for the secondary.

This book is one of the books about the main thing. It does not comply with the principles of Western book marketing, according to which it should be written about some kind of narrow problem, then make a book on a close narrow problem with a similar name, and so on. Since a person is a holistic being, it will not be possible to make a joyful and happy some narrow layer, then the next one, and finally, on the 25th Tome, it is already achieving complete happiness and love. No, joy and love is the vertex of the path, on which a person needs to do a lot with him, and it is useless to say "b" without saying "a". Therefore, although a book and a small volume, I tried to affect the most important moments in it, ultimately defining our state.

Work that underlies this book is carried out on the Internet since 2006. There is a group of sites, each of which helps people in a certain problem. One site is dedicated to the topics of love and family life (REALOVE.RU), the other - the topic of parting with his beloved person (, the third - the problem of depression and suicide (, the fourth - experience of the effects of violence (, Fifth - the consequences of fortunes and magic (, the sixth - ideological issues (, the seventh - the problem of the experience of the death of a loved one (Memoriam.Ru), the eighth - the problem of severe illness (, information on all this Themes in a more convenient form is given in the correspondence school of love (

This online project is non-commercial. He combines a large group of enthusiasts, including psychologists, psychiatrists, priests. Our goal is to help people in such severe and so common situations as described above. And not just - avoid suicide, mental illness, prevent divorce or survive it, get out of despondency. Our goal is to help a person rise to a qualitatively new level of his life, the level of happiness and love. After all, it is for this purpose - for a high-quality roar, we are given all the vital crises, and you need to use them for their intended purpose.

The approach used on these sites is unique. The main feature of our technique is in the fundamentalities of those laws, on whose knowledge it is based. We do not use lung strokes for the treatment of chronic disease. We do not invite you to become the object of testing the correctness of the psychological concept of the next Guru. We appeal to the fact that there is love, and help a person learn to love this particular love. And the real love makes a man spiritually healthy and happy.

This approach was a very popular audience. Each of our sites today is the most popular Russian-speaking resource in its field. They are visited (in 2016) more than fifty thousand people per day, without any advertising. People turn to us precisely because very many have already been able to solve their problems here. Thousands of stories posted on sites, thousands of grateful responses, show how successfully the technique works.

The book suggests you to revise some of the commodity stamps that are in the consciousness of a modern person who deprived His love and make it unhappy and sick. You can not create a family if you do not know how to love. Therefore, our book is not only about love and family. It affects the themes of good and evil, depression, egoism, relationships with parents, freedom, happiness and success.

Love is what everyone needs every person most. More than money, fame, pleasure. And at the same time, love is the biggest shortage in the modern world. Therefore, people suffer. At first, the parent family is ill, parents cease to love each other and in many cases break up, then the admiralty child goes to the world who is unfavorable in the world, trying to compensate the disappeared by various means, but nothing comes out, and he creates another inaccessible, condemning the next generation of children on Multi ...

This book will help you interrupt this relay of misfortune. In itself, familiarity with the book will not make you a truly loving and beloved person. But if you go further in the direction that you choose for myself after reading it, - for you the deficit of love can end. And you can create a full-fledged family and make your future children much happier.

The book includes a number of articles posted on our sites, but most of the chapters are written specifically for this book as a quintessence of the principal moments of the content of sites. Stories from life included in the book are also borrowed from our sites.

In order to save your time, I made this book with a concise and tank. Therefore, if you read it, then - carefully. Each paragraph matters, can open you something important.

There are no exercises in this book. Actually, her reading itself will be training, since many of the statements contained in this book will be difficult for you to take no doubt. You will be surprised and resent. We'll have to think. The book invites you to serious analysis, to the work on the transformation of your life.

* * *

This is what I wrote about the need for such books one of her first readers.

"This book is imperfect, but there is something very important in it: the way, the direction of movement for a person who suffocates, is moving, suffering, and does not understand why.

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